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>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>Moogle Treasure Trove (Tuesday, October 15, 2024 at 1:00 a.m. (PDT) to 7.1 release!)

>Future Meetups:
• Oct 12th, 1PM EDT / 6PM BST | Zurvan, Materia | Yanxia, Plum Spring | Roleplaying Meetup >>496634258
• Oct 12th, 3PM EDT | Zurvan, Materia | Gold Saucer, Mahjong Lounge | Mahjong Open Tournament >>495487281
• Oct 12th, 5:30PM EDT / 10:30PM BST | EU + NA | Cerberus, Chaos | Lavender Beds W21 P27 + Seraph, Dynamis, Mist W9 P1 | Tokusatsu Watch Party: GARO ep 11 - 16 >>497313724
• Oct 13th, 4:30PM EST | Marilith | Slitherbough, The Rak'tika Greatwood | Shared FATE farming >>497557429
• Oct 13th, 7PM EDT | Ultros, Primal Mist W20 P34 | Mullholand Drive and Twin Peaks Season 2 ep 10 and 11 >>497515929
• Oct 19th, 7PM EDT | Costume Party Mixer | Goblin | Goblet W3 P58 >>496273537
• Oct 26th, 5PM PST / 8PM EST | Balmung, Crystal | LB W2 P10 | Halloween Musicals! ( also The Crow ) >>497715049
• Oct 27th, 8PM EDT | Balmung, Crystal | LB W19 P28 | Pre-Halloween Badlands Chugs Watch Party >495083393

>Previous Thread: >>497886495
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my sunnie? like this
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Lizards run this shit.
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new thread
new miera
is that lalafell on a fuckin leash
Wish femezen were flavor of the year
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Me and who?
I saw a cute thighlander in my roulettes, and I would like to share their adventurer plate with the thread.
Also thighlander thursday, please post thighlanders
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do these pants exist in a form that isnt locked to white mage
(Me) x (You) is just a great pairing, no matter what anyone says.
hey does anyone want a
Gyoza Fairy Cerberus.
Cuckhold schizo currently collecting logs on Jilkcord after getting kicked out of EU.
I wish they weren't. I'm gatekeeping them.
Jean (5’5) and his 6’3 malera friend
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have you seen my apprentice?
I love being American even more than I love roleplaying a Gridanian but it's kind of sad how all the nicest people I meet are EU.
Face it pal. BLAKCED? No, this is CONTRAST. Don’t you know we LIKE this? https://files.catbox.moe/78dhfg.jpg
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All thread moonies are hereby required to present themselves for inspection
The insecure trannies in the last thread shitting on miera was a bit retarded. They are you but better since they didn't transition into disgusting larpers.
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F+ for my femlala doko?
Greetings and salutations! Can you hear me? Do not be alarmed—I mean you no harm. I wish only to hear your words, share your feelings, and know your thoughts. May we please be friends?
Right here
insecure tranny (female race) x insecure repper miera
i secretly admire femlalas
need straight (or bi) meena for my fava
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do you like sunnies...
Too many soft rabbits. Post your alpha, rugged hunter gatherers.
you can tell jean wants to play a female character so bad same with that guyliner mierda

they just need a little push
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Post lalas
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noooooo poor lala :(
My favourite poster :3
Do you read it as Maleyra Or MALE ra
that’s reserved for the rava+
the ones i can FUCK
inb4 the dancing sluts webm steals all the (you)s again
Hihimi Chere
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What do you do in this situation?
Wife spotted, commencing wife post
Prepare to be annihilated(pet)
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Alright sorry for having fun with my silly bit
Enjoy your day
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remove her jaw
Where are the Mieras and sunnies :(
Sasaba. Although theres some I have yet to meet who seem interesting.
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do you like clingy obsessive sunnies?
md5 and walk away
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Enjoy my pizza now that the decoy toast has been taken.
When do we skip to the part where you're getting used like a fleshlight
This is unironically why vtubers are based. I love seeing some pudgy girl who's actually funny btfo brainless e-thots for once.
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What is wrong with people and rotten limbs?
Like, why would you give your character scarlet rot?
Serves them right. Fucking moron. Death to all pedos.
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>Finally reclear M4S
>Roll a 1 on weapon chest
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My femlala has been curious about trying an F+ scene or two...
I don't have an issue with the rotted limbs. I think scaling the ears larger is way worse
my moonie wonders what this inspection is about
I thought it was cool.
Whats even that dance?
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Any evil and sinister posters in the chat?
It really is just any retarded thing you can slap onto a character to make them feel unique huh
I don't think the person in that catbox would deflect with contrast
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The softest hair and ears in Eorzea
I'm so sorry bro...
forget the retarded zombie textures, what the fuck is up with that physique? literally looks like laz on HRT
Yotsuyu, my queen!!!
it's an inspection of moonie power..... please show power level..........
I love Yotsuyu so much its unreal
I hope they like Strawberry Jam cause thats what i had on my toast this morning.
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As long as you understand I'm a loose whore who will sleep around and isn't looking to be exclusive... Yes that sounds cute...
Right after you see me standing next to you obviously~
Wanna do it together sis...
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I just ran out of margarine so I'd be pretty sad a fellow femra betrayed me like that and took my last piece of buttered bread.
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soft and faggy?
ehehe :3c
why are femlalas like this
I've lost all will to do reclears as the fights are boring as fuck
I only need the wep and 2 twines for BiS but I cba
I'm here bro, what can I do for you?
Where is my middie who looks like Yotsuyu
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Impromptu EU Mahjong Meet happening now!
Phantom, Gold Saucer, Mahjong Tables
>For how long?
1 or 2 Games
Meet on Phantom at the.Mahjong tables and once we're all there we start playing. Need 1 more head!
In darkness blooms the spider lily
Happy Moonie! Thursday
Gender's got nothing to do with wife status, now say your prayers
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my moonie bets other moonies cant do this
what was it
Now that the new spam filters are in place, who have you noticed hasn't posted in xivg?
Thursdays are penis inspection day, remember?
Anti-spam requirement?
I've been a bad femlala...
My moonie thinks your moonie is very strong..
Name and place now
For what do you need one?
>Wanna do it together sis...
I just really think Miera are cool and stuff!!!
The more miera the better
Nobody would know because nobody blindly uses tranchell's spam filters.
Oh yeah? How bad?
what did they mean by this
I swear you can't have any fun in here.
"Scars are cool" taken to its retarded conclusion. It's why my malezen's scars only come up when described in RP, and they're not very dramatic.
but i'm a catboy, anon
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7:10 ET CC!
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EB a middie
any normalra?
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>middie who looks like Yotsuyu
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Jobbing in CC don't talk to me
Reminds me of those shitty "dances" nerds in college would do at parties.
Is it true? Is it true that famous /xivg/ ebins who post on Twitter take pictures with black penises with weird proportions?
Another failed creation..
*throws you into the femlala bioextractor to form a new femlala homunuclus*
You spilled yogurt all over yourself again?
I know you hate it but you HAVE to wear a bib when eating messy foods
That's my wife you're talking about
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Thanks, I'm sure you're pretty cool and stuff yourself Anon. /pet
enjoy your organic peanut butter toast, then
i have to keep my femra wife well-fed, obviously
youll be disappointed by what youll find im afraid...
>saw the pheonix riser suit in the store
Finally. The outfit I regret not having most next to Noctis.
Out of stock, we've just got goonra and troonra
Aww thanks!! /Pet
What was the bit? What happened?
this but with my femroe on the right
Your sunnie must be extremely cute then..!
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It’s true.
my favorite miera unironically
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dont hide it
you are a doomer aren't you?
Hex with Highlanders
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This is a good bun
i'm a very hungry femlala but i'm doing roulettes instead of feeding myself
I am unironically a bloomer and super optimistic about everything ^^
I don't hate the game. I hate (You)
very cool shot and very cute thighlander
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Okay so the animals or objects groups are memed with are
>Male middies=Bots/Ryan gosling
>Femalr middies=Rats
>Femroes=Easter island statues
>Au ra=Lizards
>Hrothgar=Big cats
Am I missing anything?
Same except sleepy
i am
a male moonie
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{Kill Order:} {white mage}
a maloonie
This is the female fantasy and why I hate video games
Can my moonie see your moonie?
We were still in a matccccch!
I keep trying to meet people I need someone for a pose but I am either too busy with work or too tired after it and my character ends up afked at the beds all day it needs to be the weekend already.
wanna do them together...
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I am hopeful that the game dying means we can finally enact some positive change.
Saying it says more about me than it does about you after I blacklist you actually has the opposite effect fyi, especially when you turn around and cry to people who like me more than you.
highlanders are very pretty when you can't see their face
>>Hrothgar=Big cats
You mean furries
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But I stole that first...
This is oddly specific. Spill the beans. Name and shame.
offer to dom a “””switch””” friend, you’ll make their week
i'm using the queues to catch up on some youtube videos, sorry sis...
Don't be so cranky jiji, if I'm on your team next round I'll follow your orders to a t
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Ehh? Well... I'll be in your care then...
im white
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Femlalas have needs sis...
Rafflesia, Adventurer's Guild
Come over sis...
Malelala x Femlala
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>His dreams and ambitions, his body and soul they are mine, do you hear me!! All mine!
Was she a yandere?
it sounds like you're wanting to get dommed, faggot
My moonie is too pure to be shared here
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im sorry
What kind of pose are you thinking about Anon?
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you discovered why i post cats during my cc calls, congratulations


it's just me, the jonkler
What do I do if my moonie only sometimes has a penis?
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Owari da
I won.
Nah, that's not really the yandere archetype. But she had the potential for sure
Nonsense moonie you can always post a pure moonie here
anyone wanna beat the shit out of my meena when I get off work later
No you didn't.
desperate pathetic cuckold
same as middie but talked about less, basically forgotten
bottom gay and trannies
gay furry
top gay
literal freak

There isn't a good choice for males in this game
no jean
shadowbringers will tell you this is daughter behavior
Lucia is too, she's just better at hiding it. Aymeric has absolutely no idea what's in store for him.
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I won
Ryun Away looks like this?
Elezen, which you forgot to list.
No, she was actually fucking him. And you were a threat to that.
is everyone there yet?
yeah I will
>he queued CC
You lost
I’m so glad the annoying ass rat fiddie posts stopped
Most forced shit of all time
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some people should have their posting rights revoked
malezen enjoyers we won
Sex with ryne.
>The breakfast made for me and me alone, stolen
CURSE YOU FEMRAAAAAA! I hereby vow, you will RUE THIS DAY! Behold, a giant fan and I, a true Gridanian! Your fears made flesh! Smug and scaly you might be, foul femra, but I will riddle with baps your rotten hide! With a hail of bops! With every last drop of my being!

shut the fuck up kyoppi
this but on a pasty white ginger male midlander with a goatee and zonked out eyes
Actually it was me who lost
That guy keeps beating me
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me... he's talking about me!
there was no bit
Just 2 people so far. (Myself included.)
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finish eating the toast while running away
See you in about 20, better bring your friend too so I can put both of you to good sue
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moonie eb for my sunnie...
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why not do you hate me
Yes please! Been looking for some fresh ears as of late
calm down magness
I'm in love with Macchi
Yeah, I like that.
My moonie is interested, but only if you're a sunnie-
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You forgot to hide your bulgarian feed in the previous thread
can my fiera kiss you?
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I'm gonna start it because of you
t. Fiddie
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Highlander men
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another great thursday, another hurricane dodged
Are you a moonie-?
Why they doing that?
is she cute
Everyone knows
>spent so long roleplaying as a girl that I am now afraid to fanta to male because i don't want people associating me with being a female anymore nor do I want people to think i was a freak tranny the entire time
You really should be able to delete yourself off of other people's friendlist. Name changing won't make a difference if they just deduce who I am right away.
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Say something nice about Nicoletta!
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Post female characters who like male characters.
nice tits
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Posting female character who likes male character.
I will now rat post
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my personal best so far...
I’ll dom your retarded bigger ass and make you clean between my femlalas toes with your tongue
Why are people lewdposting Ryne?!
Why am I getting skipped all the time in CC calls? -.-
My moonie really loves Miera ears and sunnie tails
I think she is and so do some other people
you’re right, it should be Alisaie. https://files.catbox.moe/lh560m.mp4
could be luck of the draw, the job you're playing, bad timing with your queue, or less anons are queuing than you realize
sucks, but it happens
>currently collecting logs on Jilkcord
Yes, just as God intended
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My maleroe
Bros it's kinda fucked we kill Livia Junius, only for her sister to be like,"them's the beans :) she sided with Giaus :)" and then later side with Gaius
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casual cc @ 2:00 et
I like your posts btw, please continue
Good, white bread is bad for health.
can't help but feel like everyone ignores the existence of teeth in these huge dick blowjob scenes
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what is happening here
Eb my fiddie
maybe i am a normalfag...
hey... dc?
it’s called hentai logic
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I need to be Alisaie.
It's a schizopost but he wriggled his way onto Jillcord and acts completely different to how he does on EU because he's essentially not allowed back in to any circles on Chaos or Light because he's a weird pedo and mass reporter
imagine a picture of a femra yelling SEXO at male middies that like femra (i would pose this but there is no megaphone item)
Chubby glubby.
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i have no idea what to do with myself today so i'm considering options while queued for leveling
What’s wrong, nonny? https://files.catbox.moe/ejr97f.mp4
all this sexo, and yet my dick remains unsucked
Malera fingers always feel weird to pose, realy long and thin digits. Hard to make them look good
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>maliddies gassing themselves up again
change the fucking channel
Depends on which fiddie.
While I doubt that, I didn't say I was interested in her that way
Hey but I meant like irl... sorry.
Yeah that's my erotic daughterwife.
sorry but nonny sounds like a pet name for a grandmother
damn that sucks haha
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>femra trying to act tough when she runs away with your toast lookin like THIS
do you think ryne first started touching herself to thancred
Westward lies bleed t'ward the east
Wayward daughter, step into the night
Restless eyes, blind to the beast
Barren waters yield unto the tide
For me its Gaia and her dick sucking lips.
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That is a cute thighlander
Glad you didn't get your shit blown away
I said HEY.
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Hey hmofa chads what do you think of the new update?
Nice armpit!
it would be hard to deny, but I'm not letting it stop me from trying to live and make things better for myself
god i love arenvald...
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those garbage games were the shit back in the day
Why can't I be buff without people assuming I'm gay?
My boy husband Kindly Miquella otl
You put me in a room with him alone I'll make his toes curl again, promise you that
it's called vibecheck, replaces /hum ; but you'd pretty much want something better, like:
my moonie is afraid of malezens because of what the wood wailers did to her mom...
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>Zoraal Ja confronting Sphene
Oh this will be cool-
>exposition dump on things I already assumed
is Jean into CBT and caging and crossdressing?
Oh no. The elpis blooms turned purple again...
I cannot in good conscious plap Gaia, Ryne, Alisaie, or any other younger character
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but he's paralysed from the waist down sis....
I was after they shut the servers down to make the game a WoW clone
then the game became something more than that and I snapped out of it
these days I can feel it creeping back, i'm just very disinterested in the game, the story, the people who play it, all of it
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I am a femlala ..
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yo this shit strong af homie smoke this kush cuh
Where are all the ebins?
Can you stop stalking and obsessing about me
Let me yearn post in peace...
That's a grown ass man with hairy balls and ass in his 30s
He's into abuse (receiving) and NTR
how long have you had that exact reaction picture stored for this exact moment?
my internet is out
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I am a femlala ..
You turned into Ninja, not bad.
Femlalas can and WILL make do...
I wanna snuff-fuck Sphene so she has to jump into a new body.
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>don't know what else to add to this
Was thinking of a one size fits all glam for DNC, casters, and healers without just using the full Thavnairian set.
yes and he's my wife, what of it?
Depressed Femlala eyes are on you..
Handholding the au ra way. She's holding onto the index finger with her thumb beneath it. Au ra can't really hold hands the traditional way. The male hand is just, massive. Guess what else is also massive tho hehehehehehehehehehehehe
What are electrope's uses? She said she'd show me but never did. She just shot me with a gun.
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Nooooo :(
I can fix him. that's the whole JOKE
can I be the girl being taken or do I have to take from him
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Even in vanilla roes have big asses
I hear that it can convert the very aether of your flesh
what did he do to hurt your ass so badly
We don't like this.
holy smokes, mirin'
You can get ... forgive my use of the slur.. bigger... with it.
Your new friend is a dirty, filthy AFKer! A living statue!! HAHHAHAHAHAHAH! BWAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHSHHAHAA
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what flour is that cake made from?
Once upon a time, there was a beautiful blue star...
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My meena looks and acts like this https://twitter.com/sneaky/status/1668709829479628807?s=46
>phys ranged and DoM
you are going to have to resort to some level 1 all-class generic glams in that case
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I feel like Im on the cusp of actually quitting this game. Im getting through my delusions that job design and philosophy will change and the fact that 7.1 is a big nothing burger if youre not super crazy about raiding is just pushing me closer to the realization that this game might not be for me anymore.

I love this game but I dont think it loves me.
Rejected him
If you understand anything about female psychology yes, absolutely. Also remember that the Japanese consider high school lesbianism a phase girls use to "practice" and stay pure for real relationships with men
>But muh rainbow crystal
Biblical reference, read the Book of Genesis.
he sexpests female characters about them being taken from him it’s the most fucked up shit
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I had to wait 15 minutes to make this post
>femlalas are the U.S. marines of XIV
this explains so much
we have fiddies except big
catgirls except big (and furry)
when do we get giant 'ra
I use it a lot on /v/ it gets a lot of traction there.
My moonie is obsessed with living up to unrealistic beauty standards and is developing depression because of it
If one needs wings, one need simply make them!
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Last CC call from me for this thread!

Don't remember making this post...
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hes just trying to get you to buy a pass
You should wait another 15 minutes to think about what you've done.
Is it even worth playing DT? EW was the perfect end for me.
cease your investigations
what does that have to do with what I asked?
You're moonie is probably great the way she is Anon.
Same boat. Don't raid so there just doesn't feel like there's anything engaging to do. I just log in, do a few FL matches, maybe make a shit pose, than log out.
Its really not. In a perfect world the entire story would have ened with EW
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Roe flavored
>Be an orphan sunnieboy
>Found on dead mother's arms who was never identified
>Grow up a little ne'er do well with disregard for tradition and authority
>However due to lack of known blood relatives treat anyone I bond with as my real family
>Hear one of my bros got caught up in a nasty scheme and try to bail him out, only to find he was already dead
>He left me a final message about some foreign noble's daughter
>I meet up with the femra and explain the danger she's in, disguise her and hide her
>End up entirely smitten by her book smart and culturally rich intellect, as well as unparalleled beauty.
>Win her over with my passionate but wild behavior, practical outlook, quick thinking, sleight of hand and my natural ability to dominate interactions with others to avoid her having to act.
Catbros win again.
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I can't take it anymore I need a femra wife
well the entire reason to play this game is to rape and cum with other people, raiding is just something we do to pass the time
Alright, what if I ditched the DNC part, and just stick with DoM?
man i hate roes
you're the girl being taken
if he sexpests you for a date find a bull and he'll get beaten up and you'll go get taken elsewhere by the bull and plapped there
if you look closely you’ll see I confirmed you can be the girl being taken
Damn. I had a feeling..... Glad I left it there then.
Job design is never going to change, I don't know what even made you assume that was a thing. Every class will be the same.
does your moonie have feet
I know who this is and appreciate you from a distance.
>skipped again
>I love this game but I dont think it loves me.
fuck bro why you got to hurt me like that
Mating press.
So now that WoW is supporting Kamala is it time for a Trump rally in XIV?
>he doesn’t get to watch
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Buy another one that femra looked hungry.
I made it to top 8, prepare yourself!
They should just add a glamour unlock system like wow has...
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>Sigmascape V4.0
>wipe because retards stacked the stack and aoe
>say "okay, dont do that"
>they do it again
i hate crystal sometimes bros, i really do
Sech and Mlemmers dodging Salted Earth in Seal Rock with me, colorized.
>I don't know what even made you assume that was a thing
I was hoping Yoshi P would pull his head out of his ass and take back the 4 years of feedback into consideration.
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Still the best MMO. Have you seen the sub numbers?
wait, jean really does that stuff? I thought it was a meme

he messages me all the time
>We have to compete with WoW and also be their polar opposite
No. I'm a freestyle boogie femlala doing the Sad Cat Dance
Programming impossible please understand 36 UI devs not enough to solve it
i will be using this again
What's the story behind this femezen? Why is she the way she is?
just came to ryne
>So now that WoW is supporting Kamala
wait what?
The thing is there could be plenty of engaging things to do but the trouble is trying to get in and do it, or even get a bunch of other people together to do it.
You kinda have to make your own fun
She does...
the writers have been in a kind of holding pattern since 6.1, without any kind of oversight or serious direction, just trying to keep things as mild and dull as possible.
i genuinely recommend skipping the story if you still want to play
Same. Raiders have ruined the game by bitching about there not being enough raids so now there's nothing to do except raids.
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Hello sir please tell me you like thavnairian femra. Sir please please sir. Like thavnairian femra.
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trans meltdown incoming
cum-addled gooner most likely
I'm with you. Feels like they want to coast doing the same thing over and over hoping new players will stick around for a couple of years giving them money, realize the same things, quit, and then smaller and smaller waves until the game shuts down.
A fiddie friend of mine who spends a lot of time at lb14 told me he asked her if she would want to roleplay that scene with him an he would even let her pick the Bull herself.
For obvious reasons she stopped going to LB14.
The races as food cuz im bored
Shepherds Pie
Foie Gras
Tuna sandwich
Carrot cake
>Au Ra
Buzz or rice balls depending on clan
Think I dropped it during 6.2. Was Zero a nothingburger character after all?
to those with female mains but played as a male alt before, do you ever feel any changes in how you think or feel while playing?
about to replay the story again as a miera
Do they actually have 36 ui devs? I can't think of a game with worse ui than ff14...
He doesn’t feel like he’s worthy to watch, low self esteem or something he told me
Yes, I love pretty much all female characters and if you can make me a good curry, all the better.
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that's a wife
hi! race?
>go a while without posting (like 15 minutes)
>a 60s cooldown
>now on /vg/ it's 15 minutes unless you put your email
I really hate the cooldown system for posting this year.
I don’t believe vagueposts.
Holy Moly is this that Tan femra who has been thirsting after male middies???
It's annoying but if it means no more autists spamming generals like the gorespammer we get here sometimes, I'm all for it.
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Its real
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I like it .....
That’s somehow even creepier than normal sexpesting
Not right now I hope, Yoshida said in an interview at a certain point they had 36 people working ON THE UI ALONE
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It's been like this since SB little bro. You wait 4months for slop that you can finish in 1weekend then you wait another 4months to repeat it. We just get the new raid alliance raid series next month that we can do in 1 weekend then wait another 4months for the next content drop.
passing this malelala around and draining him over and over
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flattering but I doubt you do
My moonie taking her sunnie out on a day trip around Il Mheg
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go back to twitter
Do we like gooning?
yeah, you've heard all she has to say.
i can't describe what happens without making it sound more interesting than it is.
hello *hexes your ears off*
Literally 1 braincell, why are moonies like this? Please never change.
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hi /xivg/ i spent $1200 on a vtuber model and i'm gonna try and become rich on twitch
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cute!! what do you like to do in-game?
Wanna know the fucked up part? It's because of this place. They implemented it because one of the "rape. Goon. Cum. We like this" guy that spams shit here was on other generals spamming too constantly ban evading.
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You all are just bigots. Dawntrail has TONS of critical acclaim on X, ResetEra, Kotaku and tons of other beloved social networks. Sure the story is more low-stakes, but it’s the start of a new arc. It’ll bet good in 8.0 so just look forward to it. And you still have all the gameplay content from previous expansions. Where’s your Necromancer? Your TOP clear? Your Big Fish? Exactly. You have nothing to complain about. I mean, have you seen the state of retail lately? LOL. FFXIV got this in the bag. Yoshi-P is never gonna give us up, he’s never gonna let us down, and he’s never gonna run around and hurt us.
Ranger, you make a good rival.

Keep your gunblade sharp.

when can 1v1 if you wanna if you need that fix
Actually I was thinking of the republican level 1 glams from PvP, but I realized those are also role-locked to casters and healers
I'm not sure.. maybe you can try on the migratory plume if you have it, it can bring some color variety though that's a reward for getting all jobs to level 90. Otherwise I don't have many suggestions for a headpiece other than a flower corsage
Well I don't regret coming back then. I cba with a rehashed ffix and shitty DT.
Piece of shit used guard on my MCH LB at the last second
I highly doubt that. Some generals have been unusable for months because of one guy spamming. I know /bag/ had one for a while.
Do they really call it "Captain Supermarket?"
We used to have things to do other than raiding to keep us busy though. The game used to have content and tasks you could grind for. Thats no longer the case anymore.
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I am so irritated that a tank and dps pretty much duo'd a level 60 normal trial boss from about 60%, thinking it would take forever, they did the shit in about 3-4minutes. WTF??? (Containment Bay P1T6)

i had done that trial so many times perfectly, something randomly dropped my HP to zero, and i did NOT have doom, nor did i fall off the platform.
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Malera here. Just took a huge shit at GNC, clogged the toilet, and dumped their entire gallon of bleach in the trash can to cover the smell.
my moonie lets herself get sexpested by miera
when are we having the Macchi Ato AMA?
I haven't seen you online in a few weeks. Hope you're doing okay.
Don't do that, it creates mustard gas...
Day three of hoping a mommy or daddy will pay my sub and play with my tomboy and femboy middie twins.
>play fantasy MMO game to get away from reality
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Edda at the Pearl Lane
I'll take the entire middle row thank you
What do the japs do to make their lalas so airbrushed looking? It's creepy
Ok stop fucking with me is the Jean NTR thing real or not
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Because Yoshi is fucking retarded and always puts all the good shit late into the expansion. Where is the cosmic exploration we were promised along side the new foray? WHY do we have to wait for it for so long. WHAT ABOUT NOW we literally have nothing to do for the next 8months.
weak to paizuri
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Raiding isn't even fun, because of how long it take for them to unlock the raid tiers. Not to mention once you realize
>Why am I raiding
>This gear becomes obsolete by next raid tiers crafting gear
>This gear is pointless outside of raids and chasing muh parses
Where's the front view
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Would you, rather come to Renda Rae?
Heavy image editing with Photoshop.
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>face 2 femra
that's a wife, yes
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may I simp?
I like maleroes
my lalaboy hasnt made a new gpose in awhile, so i shant respond
>mod the game
>to give yourself a lazy eye
I know exactly who is this
Always, friend.
I can't even begin to speculate on who this is
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ive been using this website longer than your shithole country has had high speed internet
im the smartest moonie around
this carboy will be PET by my femra then i will run away without saying anything
may I
>It's been like this since SB little bro

stormblood had more dungeons, raids and eureka.

shadowbringers had more dungeons, raids and bozja.
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Yeah. I have been trying to decide if I want to resub all day because as much as I absolutely adore this game, I really don't give a shit about raiding, gear treadmills, or even making gil. As a result I don't really have any desire to play PvE at all, and while I do enjoy PvP, Frontline is a shitshow and CC is only fun with friends. With randoms it's almost always a toss up.
Genuine question do you actually find dungeons fun?
The job I play isn't for dueling, just for +1ing and harassing people while listening to sad cat dance at 500% volume and using a mod that gives me 500% screenshake per ability used by anyone
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to be honest I let my sub lapse cause I wasn't finding anything fun lately but I want that to change..
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yeah but we are getting a new foray 2 years after the expansion dropped so its the same
My femlala would have had that Iraq business sorted out in under a month.
Yoshi wants you to erp. Yoshi wants you to edate. Yoshi wants you to buy a house. Yoshi wants you to mod. Yoshi wants you to make this game your second life. Yoshi wants you to use this game as a standin for your social life. Yoshi wants you to forever stay subbed. Yoshi wants you to have nothing outside of this game. This is why he does what he does. They all know he can get away with it because there's an underbelly of people who will almost never unsub for long if at all as they're addicted to this game. This game is their social life.
Shadowbringers notoriously had almost no content at launch just like DT people complained nonstop it was a huge meme
fid or femzen?
4.3-6.0.....those were the days
Sphene does not look or act like this.
And yet you're still a tourist, you monumental faggot
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i'm a boy with a boy voice and i'll never be a girl

you definitely don't
my rava doesnt appreciate veena monopolizing being soft and faggy...
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Do we have an ETA on when we’ll be reaping and sowing? A lot of you said this is the reaping and sowing expansion due to the voidlist and housing blacklist features. Did all the usuals get reaped like MA (x3), KG, KA, LL, FF, and RA?
At least Shadowbringers had to a way to make money like coffee biscuits, DT has nothing
Neither. Stop playing fotm races. Pick something different and I'll give you (you)s
But didn’t bozja/ eureka came out in x.3 or close to it?
My femlala could never be cute enough to be included in something like this and it MAKES ME SO SAD ITS UNREALnxcvfgbzcx bvzcxbcxv
We could do FATE runs while being total shitters in chat.
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>pay $12.99/mo for a game you don't play
>pay $1.60/mo for a site you shitpost on daily
sphene let her subjects run a train on her once a month and saw it as her duty of being a loving queen
>i'm a boy with a boy voice and i'll never be a girl
I respect the honesty. But if the model is cute that's all that matters. Whip it out sis
God, that lala with the facial hair is so creepy
im not mentally ill enough to care
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awww okay! hopefully that changes someday, I don't think I could love playing the game any more than I do right now, so I'd want someone who matches that energy because I don't want to drag them through doing stuff they don't want to do. good luck!!
I'm the dickhead who cried when I heard "close in the distance" for the first time
I literally can not fathom that, what has changed about the ui in like years. The menus are all terrible to use
My friend is a female lalafell and wondering are there any good mods?
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>while I do enjoy PvP
resub next week for mogtomes and come to primal for rival wings
would your femlala like to hold hands with mine?
this months fotm recommendations
female: moonie
male: veena

don’t let me catch you playing ANY OTHER race this month.
>not a crumb of foray
>raidtrannies crying it's fair
The truth is forays, specifically Bozja, doesn't require you to watch a 15m guide getting into the zone. You just go around, do some fates, get good XP doing so, and sometimes a CE pops up.
A CE that's fun since there's a lot of people, it's good difficulty that doesn't make you fall asleep, and even today some people still mess them up. It's fun and the right type of engaging.
Bozja was the best content FFXIV ever got.
You shouldn't resub ever.
I have your femlala included in my heart though.
Why can't they add new variant dungeons to keep us busy in the mean time? Why does all the actual content have to come into the expansion 1year late into the game?
I can’t fucking was it for rival wings to come back, I’m level up dancer/bard with it because I dislike the classes
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thanks i'm debuting in a week i want to be rich like all the other people!
Eri craft me a 4chan pass
your predictions are off
the middie fotm is coming
>Game has more subcribers than ever
>Content pipeline is firmly solidified
>Lessons have already been learned and there's a solid base to build on
>Devs take longer than ever between patches
>We get less content than ever before
>The content we do get can be casually consumed in 1-7 days
>All complaints are either parried, gaslit or they make empty promises (remember when Yoshi P said you could buy old CC battlepass rewards?)
Someone please explain to me how this is ok.
I can't.. I can only hold hands with the freestyle boogie...
my internet is back so you know what that means
what spam filters
What does that mean?
Yea thanks for nothing, meet me at the PvP arena you nerd
i vote for more 'zens
I copied my friend's character data to apply to my minion... so I can pretend we're adventuring together...
You guys weren't kidding about this AI text to speech

Just sitting around in Ul'dah and listening to shout chat is costing me a couple dollars
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seethe, retarded nigger
It's been a dual fiddie femezen fotm for two months. We need something new
Just get a pass lol, it’s not like you need bitcoins for it now
I'm a raidtranny and I'm begging and pleading every day that I wake up and the new foray is out...
middie fotm has long passed. the ones who went middie when it started have been staying middie
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People who make sunnies that aren't tan or brown should just delete their characters and try again
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>male: veena
We canceled this. Sorry but next fotm is our friends over here >>497910823
>remember when Yoshi P said you could buy old CC battlepass rewards?
Maybe they are designing a whole NPC around it because
cc doko?
Shadowbringers world was interesting and made you want to explore. DT is sloppah DEI trash
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share a link or name or something I'll drop by
why only /vg/
>4.5 month patch cycles
>job and content design completely ruined
>story also completely ruined
>yoshi makes statements suggesting that SE will focus less on XIV in the future
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>Run out of light for melting after being asked to stop spamming shota porn
>Gets lucky, Chaos and light hate eachother and don't communicate
>Chaos filled with people who are against lgbt-ideology
>has a tranny boyfriend (Circe Zilfrey @ Cerberushttps://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/character/25818779/ )
>Reports multiple people and gets them gaoled
>Kicked out of Chaos circles for this
>Luckily EU is insular so none of this hits the thread
>Fast Forward
>NA doesn't segregate like EU
>Is on his best behavior in Jilkcord since getting exposed would mean all of NA knows he's a schizo
my lalaboy fell down in the dirt
middie explicitly means female midlander
so does the new sticky mean thread spammers will get owned?
based if true
that better be all that's happening, though...
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>don’t let me catch you playing ANY OTHER race this month.
Sorry, but Corporate says I have a religious exemption due to me being a Devout Racist.
I'm pretty sure CC stuff is coming to the mogstation... I doubt they're going to pass up the idea of making 15$
Fucking loved the Shb zones
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It was trialed on /biz/ a few months ago because of pajeet coinscammers and worked wonders. /vg/ is one of the site's highest volume boards and also high density of schizophrenics, so it makes sense
Huh. Fascinating.
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average femra poster
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4chan is fucking dead.
EWWWW gross bicycle, literally sleeps with every lalaboy they come across.

You shall not be touching me you tramp!
my femlala pushed a lalaboy in the dirt
Those are fiddies.
Just stop ban evading and spamming and its not a problem.
Pay up goy
when are you linking up with >>497911119
I wasn't having fun cause I didn't have a femra wife to keep me company..
Black guy playing male lala here. Please call me a nigger so I can masturbate
>this one game is basically keeping our company afloat as we are drowning in failed ambitious projects
>lets cut the quality of this project to save money
genuis Idea Yoshida lmao

definitely do not invest more money into making sure XIV is a revenue generator, just take it for granted until it's too late and you have to dump millions into convincing players to return
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maybe i will another day!
blame kanchelle
My lalaboy watched a femlala push a lalaboy into the dirt.
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100% they are. They never rerun old ffxiv events unless it's a collab like the FF11 or FF15 event. All other event items get put into the mogslop store so you can paypiggy for them.
Is Circe actually a tranny? It would kinda explain a lot
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What’s your WoL’s plan for the evening?
She's really nice in jilkcord
i only play fino fanta because it lets me dress up like a cute girl and take pictures
it’s meena, you should be happy you’ll be having more brethren in your ranks
Hope they do it on /v/ soon
She ERP's with every lalaboy that she can find, dirty race mixing bigger
malera fotm
Maybe Elk will finally fuck off.
Gra'ha is my husband..... In my dreams...
My femlala watched the bystander effect in full swing when a lalaboy stood idle while he watched a femlala push a lalaboy into the dirt.
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If it were up to me, the cooldown period would be 24 hours. Fuck spammers and evaders.
So does this only impact ban evaders?
if it stops people spamming random shit on cd, i dont really care
femezen copers will say this isn't a good elf
Do you have a link of all the art you got of your catgirl?
catbox of your boobs?
No he's right. Or at least used to be.
Middie originally was a shortened version of midlander to differentiate them from male midlanders.
After a while male midlanders started using it more and more
It became a unisex thing
So people began calling female middies fiddies and male middies maliddies simply because it's funny sounding like miera sounding like mierda or malera like maleria
>he doesn't know
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They need to put it on /vt/ next since they are actually the highest concentration of schizophrenics and pageaters
you are UGLY

Gays already want to truncheon trannies. Shitting on one of their most favorite things ever is a quick way to make them even angrier.
Yes, but also if you wipe/reject cookies frequently which is a valid concern.
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LOL all the samefagging will stop for ebins.
In that case you're one of the good ones and I won't have to take you out the back door and gun down with my Walther.
Cutie <3
That little, uh... femra girl? looks fucking hilarious next to mister planet over there.
please help me find a mod that has a few teeth knocked out
"Hardcore raiders that don't have time to play the game more than once a week" is such a retarded demographic to design your MMO around.
What does this even prevent
t. seething NA femlala
Thanks bro, wagmi...
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It is my favorite day!!!!!!!
overrated trash as always
You can check the archives from before shadowbringers if you want proof. Middie was originally a term only meant to describe female midlanders. Male midlander edaters who chased the malera>miera>midlander pipeline to escape their reputation tried coopting it.
how will this stop samefagging at all?
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Static IPs win this time
lol, lmao even
I mean yeah of course he is, since he's trying to become some z-list reddit celebrity by posting regularly on there and twitter. He doesn't want to be unhinged and act like the massive fucking sperg he really is like he did on eu
It's pretty disgusting how extensive the store is. I guess the saddest thing is how so many people actively buy from it

The one that always makes me the maddest is for the anniverary event one year they released a chocobo carriage on the mogstation and in game I think we got a super low rez minion.
>kills phoneposting
So I get to provide the bull? Might be fun watching him get stomped by a territorial lalaboy…
you were supposed to tell me
ok ill queue
i don't have any
i never understood why /vt/ instantly bans irl topics about vtubers when vtuber fans don't even try to hide how obsessed they are over their virtual idols irl lives
sex NOW
Can someone make an amendment to this picture where the cat is the dog to represent the rest of the world?
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/vt/ is only 4th place.
>Then they came for me
>And there was no one left
>To speak out for me
It's a slippery slope. Today it's email verification against spammers, tomorrow it's "enter your government ID credentials to post on 4chan". You know it's coming.
No Jean you’re taking the beating thing too far
/vt/ should get the /mlp/ treatment. Any of you caught off-board should be banned.
have you tried not spamming
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Ok but never forget it's possible to go too far in the other direction too
That's wholesome anon
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Rival Wings is just Frontline but with a bad gimmick but yeah I'll probably resub later. We'll see.
Surviving the last hour of work then sneaking in a nap before raids tonight
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Two Moonies for the price of one inspection.
>this thing that is extremely influential and core part of the community is bad actually
I fucking hate content creators and rage baiters doing this every few weeks just to farm clicks and outrage
i dont know who that is
the thread hath deemed MEENA and MOONIE the barons and baronesses of this hallowed month
Either quit until 7.2 or until 8.0 and see what changes. Nothing has to be permanent.
moonie isn't a fotm, moonie is eternal
>tomorrow it's "enter your government ID credentials to post on 4chan".
Then I won't post here. Simple as. I don't need 4chan to survive. 4chan needs me (the people who use it)
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It's crazy how males get constantly branded e-dater and simps and whatnot while half of the catgirls are getting #horsed
Meena here:

Expect a sharp decline in stocks by the end of this month. Our constant posting has helped decrease our value and will lead to a low period for all miera. For 3-5 months meena will be worth less than Malera are currently.

If you're gonna buy, the time is in December/January. Come Easter the natural bump to all Viera stocks will lead to an equalization and potentially even larger profits in the new year.
Just wait until the true colors come out when someone turns down his offer of sex animations or when someone gposes with anyone on his schizo shitlist
I'd be mortified if they found out...
how does this kill phoneposting? I don't get it
FFXIV is a profit generator because they don’t spend any money on it. If they did, it wouldn’t be as much of an asset.
>femra girl
either you are blind, don't play the game, or this is the lala pysop that femra look more like kids then lalas that's been trying to be pushed by lalas. That is clearly a lala.
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And now testing.
Anon everytime a new mogslop item releases most people here buy it like the new mounts they always release or glam items. I remember during ARR Yoshi said he didn't like the idea of cash shop since we were already paying a monthly fee but look at it now corpa forced his hand. Maybe this would stop if faggots here and normies didn't buy whatever the new latest mogslop was.
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Same here bro...
without fail every time a change happens someone has to parrot that shit.
I do not care if they publicly execute spammers and ban evaders.
it is not out of the realm of possibility that this very thread had a big impact on this decision lmao
maybe they want to do more moderation and are laying a foundation beforehand
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literally also used to mean "literally" now it means "figuratively"
language evolves so now middie = male midlander and fiddie = female midlander
in terms of posting speed but they are deeply mentally ill
a big part is that Indonesia bans all sites with NSFW which means indonesians can't go on reddit, twitter, or red boards without a VPN and they congregate on blue boards and facebook

so all the crazy weirdos are all clumped together in /vt/ and in facebook groups instead of spread out in random areas
The fact that the game developer said hes completely overhauling all jobs with a focus on uniqueness in 8.0?
Those arms look way too long and slender for a lala.
nah, you just have to wait 15 minutes after cycling an IP
Il Mheg... Love that place, especially when it was light flooded
SHB's Art Director left after SHB to work on XVI, and the decline is obvious
>moonie fotm
this is wrong its always moonie mode
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Honestly I would rather 4chan get deleted entirely than cede it to the retards that spam porn and scat and all the other stuff that caused this filter to be put in the first place. All the relatively well adjusted people are the ones who can live without 4chan. It's the schizos and mentally destroyed NEETs who can't handle the inability to spam BLACKED or gore or whatever that seethe the most at measures like this.
>he actually believes that
Yoship has said shit like that for a few major expansions in a row now.
To a degree you can't really blame the people that buy. The mogstation mounts and glams are usually head and shoulders above the quality of stuff we receive in the game
>RP scene in which Jean gets lynched by a mob of angry lalaboys
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So by your logic we should stop asking questions and start axing them, since so many people say that.
calm down seto
I wont disagree about the mental illness. But purely from a volume standpoint, /vg/ makes sense. I wouldn't be surprised to see /v/ next from how autistically it gets spammed, and possibly /pol/ for obvious reasons.
can I buy Uchi?
cute highlander
I don't see the problem. If you think you're entitled to having such a disgusting portion of the content catered to you because you're "hardcore" then you better be willing to jump through some hoops.
Fucking sucks. Really don't regret leaving lol
Why do you think that is? That's my point.
People will complain and they won't do it because the majority of the people who play this game only do crystal tower at level 50 every day so that's where most of the input will come from
I just had a weird sense of deja vu about this topic and some replies to me. I think i'm closing this tab.
the three in this dance >>497903507
i guess we should thank uchiki and jean for driving the stocks into the ground
xivg threads live for 45 minutes
>now corpa forced his hand
The whole story of being "forced to add store items" and "being told to by the mogstore lady" is such classic yoshi-p manipulation and if anyone actually believes it then they are retarded.
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Wrong. Middie was always ambiguous. Males didn't need a special phrase because no one cares about male midlanders. Then all these newfriends came in and coined the term maliddie. That was retarded, so now it's natural for them to go back to middie.
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I should comm some Edda nsfw pics soon.
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Killing all of this femra's golems so she is forced to plap with real middies
/ffg/ has been unusable for close to a decade thanks to their Voldemort.
I am a femra that wants a femezen to love me
Were getting forays, V&C (aka dungeons), cosmic exploration and another DD. The problem is its all backloaded.
I'd almost certainly say this thread had a hand in it
Yoshi P just says shit dude, I don't know what to tell you. Remember when CC first came out they said "Yeah Don't worry every previous reward you will be able to get." what happened to that? It's been like 3 years.
the worst people online have consistently been seamonkeys

look at kong and glue licker they're both favela seamonkeys as an example
it should be a gigantic red flag that when people were doing interviews for 7.0 job design, he was already saying "just wait until 8.0 bro it'll be better then"
he's a liar
always has been
These moonies pass the inspection
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Hi my name is Jane Yakuza and I have long ebony black hair (that's how I got my name) with white streaks that reaches my mid-back and icy purple eyes like mysterious dusk over a wisteria garden and a lot of people tell me I look like Yugiri Mistwalker (AN: if u don't know who she is get da hell out of here!). I'm not related to Yugiri Mistwalker but I wish I was because she's a major fucking hottie. I'm a samurai but my teeth are straight and white. I have pale white skin. I'm also a doman, and I went to a doman school in Doma. I'm doman and goth (in case you couldn't tell) and I wear mostly black. I love Doman Topic and I buy all my clothes from there. For example today I was wearing a black doman kimono with a matching obi around it and a black leather jacket, black leather belts and black combat boots. I was wearing black lipstick, white foundation, black eyeliner and red eye shadow. I was walking outside Doma. It was snowing and raining so there was no sun, which I was very happy about. A lot of garleans stared at me. I put up my middle finger at them.
it's the same as how stuff is "impossible" until they need it or a modder adds it
remember how showing if you had obtained a drop before was "impossible"?
my moonie doesnt know what any of this means
Only alive in fighting death's amber embrace
(Our hearts beat loud unafraid)
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newfag detected don't talk to me you retard. Why do you think old arr-hw event items were tradable and you can sell them on the MB for millions now? Because corpa wasn't evolved yet.
I've missed you, my wife.
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we like this
Unmodded vanilla catgirl here. It's ugly as sin and doesn't match the game's aesthetics just like every other modbeast. Elezen are ugly too, especially the modded ones here. But that creature doesn't belong in xiv.
that looks like a femra dude
comm her getting plapped
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Kholusia was bretty good too
i hope yoshi p doesnt kill himself bros
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Yeah, and? You're not gonna die from missing a single thread
Literally all this means is you have to wait 15m to post. Its based on your IP. Normal people dont go around changing their IP everyday you lunatics. This does nothing to normal posting and only affects spammers and dodgers.
noooooo!!!!! i painstakingly crafted them!!!
Reminder that Yoship is a salesman. He is not your friend. He will say whatever he thinks will sell more copies and subs.
Brother Yoshi-P is litterally on the board of directors
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>it is not out of the realm of possibility that this very thread had a big impact
Maybe, but my bet is it was the Fire Emblem threads (scat poster), lolg (blacked spammer), and niche autist generals like Sonic and Undertale (too many things to list) that really caused this. Some of you have no idea how insane some of the other threads on this board are.
Thank you :D
>Were getting forays
in late 2025

>V&C (aka dungeons)
sometime in 2025

>cosmic exploration
march 2025

sometime in 2025
how do I find a bisexual fujo eb that loves pokemon and xiv
i tried reading that but all i seen was "CHING CHONG CHING CHONG CHING CHONG"
Mods are literally telling to just jerk off before you post
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Sure thing
Is Sphene half moonie? Cuz those pits are fucking insane
this but also add /pol/ to it
it's part of "board culture" and I hate it as much as anyone else, talking about someone's previous album or streaming career pre-corpo is verboten except when it's not arbitrarily
I'm so tired of getting temp banned for talking about an idol's previous album only to remember it was on her old identity and the mods say it's "doxxing" to talk about it now
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Snoozing while I play Smellden Ring
what the FUCK am i looking at here?
So this anti-spam measure is to cuck ban evaders, right?
>t. router resetter
Mating press preferably
Not even Uchiki, his posts are few and far between and mostly fine

Jean is truly pathetic though with his weird blacked fetish
>Unmodded vanilla catgirl
The only ebin I could possibly respect.
how do i hurt my character today
Its like the thrid time ive seen those tentacles this week, whats it from?
Middie is a unisex term. There needs to be a distinction between the sexes as every other race has it
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>that looks like a femra dude
choking the moonie on the left
using the moonie on the right as a pocket pussy
The ost in the Shb zones was peak too.
The zones are the only good thing about DT. except the fucking last one
give him the ol dick twist
you do not speak for male midlanders you fencesitting politically correct newfag
No he hasnt

Thats confirmed for 7.1. CC started in 6.1.
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Right sorry one second.
That better?
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can I get a qrd on you and why you're doing this
>cookie requirement
Wildstar... Home.
My counter-argument would be
I made so many friends getting attuned and it was fun having to interact with others to complete a common goal
when are you gonna post your comms
youve been teasing with her for the past few weeks
Yes, hopefully. I wish it was longer.15 minutes seems too short. Force newfags to lurk longer and kill phoneposting while we're at it too.
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>ShBabby taste
Ih Mheg fucking sucks.

You can tell this is true because DT is the first time since HW that I've been impressed with a zone's visuals.
>decide to go into a dungeon as dnc
>other dps is a dnc
>just close the game because dealing with the same job is a pain in the ass
By the way do viera have hats yet?
>bisexual fujo
Biofems are repulsed by trannies, straight or otherwise.
no genital stuff...
Never gonna happen. Specifically because I dislike you. Not the term or how it's used. I don't even play midlander. I just dislike you personally.
the next time you call me a middie i will
kill a random middie as retribution
this zone was such a fucking eyesore after Lakewood I wanted to quit the game, probably would have if I hadn’t been so interested in eulmore
Resist to urge to kill self for another evening.
and just like that their new anti spam filter failed us.
are you talking about music albums here or?
IIRC it's some guy who used to know that Edda player or whatever, then they stopped playing, but the schizo remained obsessed with the character and commissions porn without their permission
Kind of tired of this Edda Vincents poster
Buying Uchi and his brother as soon as the dip hits
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some leveling before the medicine dries up and my femra experiences a crash
malezen stay winning
no it's "impossible" but they are very hard at work (they have not started yet and femhroths can't wear half of the chest pieces now without clipping horribly)
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>Middie was always ambiguous.
thats simply not true
>I made so many friends getting attuned and it was fun having to interact with others to complete a common goal
I'm not denying that the journey can be great for those who do it, but when a company is aiming to make a profit, making significant portions of dev time go to something only a fraction of a fraction of the playerbase will ever see is not a good business decision. Hence why FF14 is so casual.
His interview 2 days ago said the first foray is actually coming in 7.2, unlike Eureka/Bozja that waited until .35. So they're at least trying to accelerate it.
My male midlander awakens
I mean /xivg/ is literally quadriple the speed of the 2nd place most active threads during content days and weekends, and slows down to about double during normal american hours.
Right now we're exceptionally slow, #1 only 39% faster than the Arknights thread at #2
middie explicitly means female midlander because female midlanders are played by men
Raiding and PF like usual unless I'm asked to help with something otherwise.
I only zone I liked in DT I don't even remember because DT was a huge pile of shit. It had blue trees.
ShB Zones OST won't be topped
Pure unfiltered kino
I just find this to be hilarious since they allow cat ears and au ra horns to clip through just about every helmet and somehow that's not an issue, but viera ears oh god no.

It's honestly such a joke consdering just a few days after their introduction there was already a mod for viera to wear hats that covered most of the catalogue
>mmorpg thread is the fastest thing on /vg/ and goes through 4 threads a day at least
doesn't this mean... you know... that there is no gameplay and that the game is dead?
that's what I heard but it seems too insane to be true
>Tee hee I don't NEED 4chan I'm normal I'm not like those freaks and weirdos I can totally just not use 4chan if it becomes too draconian tee hee

You're the reason this website is so shit now. Go literally anywhere else on the internet if you wanna be "normal". 4chan was the last fucking website in existence that adhered to the old wild west internet era. But noooo, you have to take that too. FUCK YOU.
bisexual just means you wanna fuck girls or dudes bro, stop letting trannies live rent free in your head
Like to see you try..
There you go!
Omg yes! This song is one of the best.
Will you make me curry? If so, then yes.
for the niggers with femlala EBs.
how often she lets you sleeve her?
weird, none of those were on expansion launch
Edda poster can you mega all your comms? I need them.
going to sexpest this amiga when she get off primal
If I ask, she obliges.
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No thanks queer
now i know...
>To a degree you can't really blame the people that buy
Yes I can.

Anyone who pays $20 for a single mount is a braindead consoomer who should be shot in the back of the head and pushed into a mass grave.
The issue is that none of the viera hairs have deform meshes for wearing hats. Considering it took until 6.5 for them to even add regular versions of unlockable hairstyles and they didnt bother doing the work then, I genuinely don't think they will do it any time soon.
>weird, none of those were on expansion launch
you're right, stormblood added its content 3 months after launch

shadowbringers added its content 3 months after launch

dawntrail isn't adding any new content for 9 months
are femra allowed to touch your ears
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No, fuck you. There's a reason all the 4chan spin offs die. Some moderation is always needed to prevent the most extreme posters holding the website hostage. If you want to let people spam off topic pictures of trannies and porn, then go make your own website.
Holy kek
Normally i'd agree but seeing as these threads explode on content patch days...
Now if we were to talk about the QUALITY of posting, that's a different story.
i'm the undisputed champ of pokemon showdown
it seems like almost every time i try to queue bard theres another in my group
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Tozer. . .
Can I watch again?
I bought the chocobo carriage while drunk cause i thought it'd be cute to have my friends all ride in it
it's fucking nothing btw
oh yeah?
what's your favorite eeveelution, let me read your soul
We femlalas do not like black people
I bet roes say nigger regularly
insane? it's rather tame for xivg
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we femlalas call them biggers
Its so funny they just keep postponing it over and over for almost half a decade now. A race not being able to use a huge amount of cosmetics in a game, MMO no less, for the entire duration of their existence, there literally is no excuse you can give for that but its just haha funny joke at this point. Its insane.
You took your time with showing up so us femlalas decided to have fun together instead... Maybe next time sis~
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my moonie did not clear m2s today
please don’t pretend to be me
It's throbbing again...
Espeon ever since Pokemon Colosseum
What are they even doing...

They need to split into two teams or something like Stellaris did. One team for new stuff and one team to work on old stuff and adding QoL
Bozja didn't exist until 5.35, 10 months after launch
Eureka didn't exist until 4.2, 6 months after launch.
Dawntrail is getting content in 1 month from now
so who did Jean plap for him to get schizos like this?
I hate it. There should be an option to prioritize non-duplicate jobs.
I'd wait longer on dps for that and especially on healer in 8 man content because fuck having double sage, double sch, or sage/sch
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At least FFXIV isn’t like gachas or WoW, am I right fella?
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>new spam filter up
>thread still getting spammed with off-topic low quality garbage
Mine is Umbreon... woa...
chen is still going tho
cute baby
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hewwooo...goo meowning....
/pet /pet there there moonie you'll get it next time
Jean's ears......
Which is fantastic. They started it badly at shadowbringers as there was covid and working on xvi. When they saw that yoshi could grow the games base without more money being funneled in and them working on other things, it went more and more from a coincidence to fully intentional. Content lulls became worse and worse with each expansion. Not the drought period, but content being breezed through due to less replayability. Shadowbringers especially is what properly kicked xiv into mainstream. Brought in most of the current avatarfags here, Parse trannies and future modbeasts as well. It ruined the game. It was the beginning of the end yet you all called me schizos
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>At least FFXIV isn’t like gachas or WoW, am I right fella?
Yes, unironically. If I liked those games better I would play them instead of FF14.
If you're gonna pretend like you care about moderation, go after the actual real problem posters on /vg/:

oh my goodness gracious
we still don’t have mods
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They will announce it on stage at a fanfest for 8.0 to rancorous applause, as if it's a good thing that they released a half finished race for that long.
The weird part is he’s too timid to even ask for that he logs off when I sexpest him
I am a femlala who was birthed by sleep..
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Those hips are fucking insane...
gachas have a faster patch cycle with more content btw
>kill phoneposting while we're at it too.

NEETs are retarded and have nothing interesting to say
Gachas at least have good story, lore and worldbuilding unlike dawntrail
stinky ice cream machine
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>politically correct
I hate illegal immigrants, believe strongly in the second amendment, and believe the liberals are trying to establish a new slave class to work to death.

Just say Male middie if you really need to make the distinction. There is no need for a dumb meme word.

In my experience, female middies were called pumplanders or some other salacious term (probably coined by Liora). Am I wrong?
/vg/ *is* the solution to avatarfags. Rather than try and constantly babysit threads they made a retard pit where all fags congregate together.
You are both disingenuous faggots
nice hips
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>People complaining about the change are the BRs
Ewwwwwww no
Pale only for me, also cover your forehead
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How would /xivg/ react if they added, ontop of spam prevention, post IDs? Do you think it'd kill some people's fun for the thread?
are you.. crystal?
Please smooch... this thread love is so blindingly cuuuute
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They'll announce it but it won't get implemented until 8.3.
I am SO sorry for being a lalaboy... I'm not doing it on purpose...
Can’t believe I’m agreeing with a frogposter but you’re right
Oh no...
Everyone will find out the freeuse femlala posts were posted by my pure femlala...
If they say please or at least let out a feral screech of ear-grabbling intent so I can brace myself, yes.
We should have some sort of point voting system to make posts we like more visible and posts we disagree with less visible too. If you lose too many points you get blocked from posting.
That would save /xivg/ for me. No more samefagging your buttbuddies' posts, no more schizoing.
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Gachas get more content in a single year than this game gets in 2 expansions
Oh for sure. I hope they do it too. Make people "hey..." post on main.
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Gif version for you
people have been begging for post ids for at least 15 years now

it'll never happen
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I got nothing to hide.
Nah shouldn’t have IDs for generals that’s dumb, but for /v/? Yea we should
I just threw up a little
No cause i pretty much always post my middie.
Out of pure spite for you in specific I will start to use maliddie. Why? Because you ignored my femra when I sent you a /tell.

to answer your other comment it was a specific type of middie called pumps and pumplander. Middie was for female middies. Pumplanders were for slutty ones/liora clones.
BEGONE spawn of shadow
is the anti-spam helping
They'll announce it, do like 30 headgear no one cares about and show if off, and then never tlak about it ever again and pretend that's one and done.
Is that veil a mod or a vanilla item?
It's just a prop

Up to you how far you want to take your degeneracy
>I hate illegal immigrants
Fuck you. Has DT taught you nothing!?!?!? Bigot.
When I get to 100, I'm at 68 now.
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Yeah but I'm a dude
>if they added post IDs
Everyone would move to 4chen
I'd love vg post ids
It would save this board once and for all
Stop being vague. What "content" are you specifically referring to?
how am I supposed to bitch about pvp if everyone will know it's me
do it do it do it
cute highlanders
how'd the test go
I'll get you all and fill you guys up, next time. Work got me busier than I thought.
I would stop making anonymous hornyposts but that's all
you aren't a bisexual fujo then.. it's over..
shut the fuck up GR
I knew a guy who got banned from XIV for holding an ingame Trump rally (he'd also been openly making fun of progressives for being pedos in Ul'dah shout because this was right around the time all the lefty news outlets were running pieces defending pedophilia). Remember never to play fair with commies, they won't play fair with you, and when it comes to force they're very weak.
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yes it would kill my fun
most of my posts are done without my avatar attached so it means everyone would know who I am regardless
That's quite literally what they already did.
>announce viera/hrothgar won't have headgear at launch but they will be made available over time
>devs implement some headgear in their free time
>yoship never mentions the issue ever again
It would be easier to learn that my character has a cock
chen is ded
Could your WoL survive the Keyblade Wars in the collab that WILL come to XIV?
Add in upvotes too
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I was just seeing if i would get the 15 mins cd, i did not!
no because you freaks always call me out even when I don’t attach my rabbit
*wipes the spit up off the baby's face*
aww are you okay? :(
Describing anything Hiroi writes makes it sound more interesting than it is. He'll come up with these grand concepts and then completely phone in the details and execution.
Post a picture of lb14
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so fucken over bros...
fuck off jean
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Just spent 10m buying modified submarine parts, after rank 90, how long does it take for me to get my investment? 1 week? 2 weeks? how much gil do u get per week after rank 90?
People will know that I am the hyper lewd femlala...
it's cool you have good taste in pokemon
I only know how to bonk with a book, so that's a no.
My malera? Dangerously cheesy.
>modified submarine parts
oh no... you fell for the meme...
Easily. My friend and I make jokes all the time about how we would be secret Organization XIII members called Null and Void. But they would have to call it Organization XIV on here.
I would stop fetishposting in the same thread that I post my character but my thirstposting will continue unabated
If you have 4 Subs you get like 3-400k every single day on average.
That's called fudanshi
or fudan
i will still be yelling sexo
Then I'd really have no reason to not slap an avatar on every post I make. I don't see why people who want this don't just go to discord or twitter or literally every other corner of the Internet that isn't anonymous. This is the single used place that still has this and everyone is so gleeful to take it away. Makes me sad.
>modified parts
bro....... if you are just running subs to get the shit to sell then the modified parts will cut down your profits by a decent amounts by the sheer cost of repair maintenance
Saw this lala's underwear
Qrd on jean?
I need...gf
everyone would know that its my moonie that keeps posting about being a slut for +...
It's fine I'll still ship you two...
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people would figure out who I am tho
I have unmodified WSUC and I get like an average of 500k a day. So your investments would pay off within a month realistically.
I'm replying to him
Will light embrace..or darkness consume?
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I would find it hilarious if they did and it would change nothing of how I post.
>acts like a rightoid
>can't say newfag
sure thing, how's the weather in malaysia btw
beast tribes are more civilized than any third world country.
oh no people would see my anti bigger posts and know who i am... the horror
Boring art hoe < actual dorky nerd
Fix yourself, inferior meganeko.
It's to compensate the strict no modding culture on their datacenters.
it looks like it's just 15 minutes from when it sees a new ip, if i interpreted it right
cute highlander though, hope you aren't affected by it
That would just make it easier to find them to plap you
/pol/ and /mlp/ are the same thing.
Lmao, more like more chances to spend real money for a png of a girl that you are inadvertently popularizing so that hentai artists will make doujins that I will fap to for free. I am cucking you on many levels at once.
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You get 300k-500k per day with full subs. In a vacuum, that would be around 3 weeks to one month, but you gotta factor repair costs in (if you buy repair kits).

>after rank 90
WSUC caps breakpoints at Rank 85. Even with a better sub you might be a bunch of trash every now and then. That's why modified parts for gil farming are a huge meme.
May I plap?
It didn't work on me. I only stopped posting XIV threads on /v/ (and not consenting to being banned) because the two lalafell autists there botspamming threads with seemingly random posts desperate for a (You) were annoying and I decided that /vg/ was kinda comfy.
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Ok so I would get my gil back in 1-2months? thats okay I guess, I got 250M gil right that i farmed selling houses/raid sets with dawntrail launch, so I should be fine
If I can get 5m per month while doing nothing I would be fine for the future
Is WSUC better than SSSC for just OJ route?
That fiddie doesn't plap bro.
Its over.
no its not but its invite only now
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I dont know when you can unlock OJ with SSSC. I was told WSUC was the earliest non-augmented setup to accomplish OJ.
WUSC gets phased out by full Shark pieces at max Rank so you can run the same route for less maintenance cost, but it's a long way until that.
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I am... an Elin doing squadron missions for emotes. Awah.
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He modified?
I'm not that anon my sub levels are like at 105 all of them. I thought SSSC was the best option since it was the cheapest and fastest? I send my subs out every 23hours but somedays I don't even make gil and they get shit items so I'm wondering how people are making 300k+ a day.
my other 2 subs are still using shark class, should I keep then? I only modified 2 of my subs

and why is it bad to modifie? takes no time to farm the repairs
300k+ is the average, you won't always get it. Loot is always RNG-based even when meeting all breakpoints.
In my case I have 20 submarines to maintain and as you can imagine it can get a little costly
there is no reason to modify when your submarines will naturally reach rank 120 over time and you will be using extra repair kits for no reason
Okay just wanted to know this guess i'll stick with my SSSC set up since I just have to login once every 24hours. I know someone said you can make upgraded parts and do a bigger run but it takes more oil and aaaat least 35hours instead of 23.

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