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Coomei edition

Previous thread >>497849746

Buy Plat
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4Funbros: contact ddaavveeFTW
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Warbros: contact Killsaw
Oblivion: contact Wxu. or Geogre512

>Notable links
Wiki: http://warframe.wikia.com
Alerts and other timers: https://tenno.tools/
Buying and Selling items: https://warframe.market
Riven Prices/Calculator and other utilities: https://semlar.com/
Relics tool: https://wf.xuerian.net/
Droptables by DE: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/809777-warframe-drop-rates-data/
Builds, Tierlists, and Damage Calculator: https://overframe.gg/
Frames and Modding: https://rentry.org/zcav453e
Booru: https://wfg.booru.org/
DPS calculator: https://github.com/GottFaust/WWDC/releases/
Stream Times: https://warframestreams.lol/
Guide for Returning Players: https://www.warframe.com/fr/news/returning-player-guide

CURRENT UPDATE: Koumei & the Five Fates: Hotfix 37.0.1: 37.0.5
CURRENT EVENT: Nights of Naberus 2024
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post your most fun weapon
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My friends, it has often been said that I like Wisp. My friends, I like Wisp... No, friends, I love Wisp!

I love Motes. I love Breach Surge. I love Wil'o'Wisp. I love Sol Gate, teleporting, I love triangulating two breach surges, and decoy switching for invulnerability. Wisps across plains, in ships, in space, in infested hellscapes, in frozen tundras, through deserts, on the sea, in the air, I love every act of Wisp that can occur upon this earth.

I love blasting the enemy to smithereens with Bramma salvos that thunder across the lines of battle. My heart leaps with joy whenever a Grineer is tossed high into the air and cut to pieces by well placed explosive rounds. And there is nothing like an operator using a hardened wellspring to buff her motes. And the feeling that comes when a Corpus runs screaming from his irradiated MOA, only to be mowed down by heavy kitgun fire, is such an exquisite feeling. Reminiscent of when ranks of infantry brandish their prods rushing into the enemy line. It moves me deep within my heart to watch a Wisp meleeing over and over into the bloated chest of a long-dead enemy.

Gentlemen... All I ask for is Wisp butt, Wisp butt so grand as to make Hell itself tremble. Gentlemen, I ask you as fellow brothers in arms what is it that you really want? Do you wish for further Wisp as I do? Do you wish for a merciless, bloody Wisp? A Wisp whose fury is built with iron and lightning and fire? Do you ask for Wisp to sweep in like a tempest, leaving not even ravens to scavenge from this Earth!?

...Very well. Then ass is what you shall have. We are a clenched fist, ready to strike down all who oppose us with our might. But... After enduring over half a century wallowing in the darkness, for us, a simple "ordinary" Wisp will no longer be sufficient. We need a MASSIVE ass! A Wisp beyond any other that man's history has ever known!
Total Grineer VIctory
You stole the Tyl Regor thread for this dogshit
more like tyl gaybore lmfao
they fixed the scanner overlay and transference teleporting you to old locations and I think may have also actually fixed the thing they were really trying to fix with that change initially too
They should've dropped the gambling part of her kit and just stuck with the threads thing. Imagine if we got something similar to Xaku where you get puppets that block damage and shoot at the enemy
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Sounds like 2ch might be more your alley. We only posts cute girls here.
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This is my best Riven. Please praise it.
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how the frick do i know what element to put into my kuva/tenet weapon? i know i can later on fusion it and stuff but even so i get very confused on what to do
why 4chon won't let me post :c
normally i'd go for 30p but 50p is the best i can do for a long time friend
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>lots of warframes are peak fetishbait
>all warframe porn is strictly vanilla or hyper futa valkyr
safe bet - toxic, fire
status memes - magnetic
meme overdose - impact
What fetishes are you looking for friend
>Gilding infested pets costs 10 son tokens / pet
>have to grind 60 time-gated tokens again
I cannot wait till im done with this fucking moon and I can throw it into the sun.
I hate deimos bounties
I have the penis worms
I hate the flying hentai tentacle monsters that kick me off my archwing and instantly destroy merulina for no reason
I hate the kill enemies in the circle mission since it's always under some canopy thing and the enemies spend 15 minutes casually walking down the side of it so I can shoot them
I hate the stage with Big Gaz and his slightly racist mates from down the pub because some times he just randomly dies at the start of the mission and fails the whole bounty
I hate the giant flying ball sacs that drop enemies because they always do it on top of the fucking canopy things
Seriously what kind of deranged sexually repressed fuck did enemy design for this place they need therapy
I hate standing around doing nothing for the tumors to spawn three waves of enemies three times in a row
I hate the fucking excavators because it never spawns enough cell carriers
I hate standing around for three minutes "defending" some point while basically nothing spawns
I hate all the constant chatter in between stages that I have to go into nigwave to skip
I hate getting blinded and having my ears raped every time the cycle changes

Fuck the cambion drift
I wish there were anti-damage mods so I can remove impact entirely from my shit. I'm so tired of the stagger animation.
I like Cambion Drift it's cool
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nyx mindblanking worm queen
did you take a photo with your phone then crop it on your PC?
>I have the penis worms
my condolences
I'm thinking about falling to the dark side and start using the Verglas anything I should know?
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this map is great and it's completely wasted on defense
there also an interception mode using it afaik
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>login failed. check your info
i have never played warframe and decided to try it yesterday and since yesterday i am getting filtered by the account binding mechanic
is this normal?
Boy you guys weren't kidding about the Higasa. I thought it was just whiny retards mad it wasn't a room wiper but this thing is actual dogshit.
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>NA hours
I think it would be cool for team pvp or point capture of some kind, it's from that old era of "we just wanted to make maps for ut" DE
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>a guy overpays plat
>ready to trade
>remember someone was nice to me today in another small game i play
>tell him he put too much plat
>thx u ^^
whatever i guess not gonna take advantage of some mr16 mrlet
Who would have thought that a weapon with dogshit base stats would still be shit no matter what damage increasing mods you give it? Certainly not DE, in their infinite fucking wisdom. Higasa Serration should have just been a regular Serration that also increases base stats similar ot how it works on incarnons.
meant for mrlets in starchart
-90 status duration on a blast build could be a problem

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That argument doesn't fly when SP exclusive mods exist for it
Your mom has a SP exclusive mod but we all still play with her
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thank you, duviri
thank you, rebecca
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HDR fucks up screenshots
is that why the cursor is wobbly?
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i'm leveling him
slow going, i don't have the urge to groond XP like i used to
Isn't leveling a frame something like 20 minutes on hydron?
And hydron's not even the best spot for it... unless they fucked up stealth affinity bonuses.
Fuck it, I'm building the fart gun
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i just don't wanna
Fair enough. I don't like using Wukong either. Still, he was more fun to level than Trinity.
are you aware of titty cancer, anon? pls be aware
>click a fucking link her once about caliban
>now every fucking youtube video reccomendation is "I was one of the few caliban mains before rework so here is my opinion on the rework"

fuck you assholes
Didn't realize that was what it was, I'm not supporting sexist causes.
What do you guys like the most about Koumei?
men can get breast cancer too, anon
So next is Lavos Prime and then finally Xaku? Right?
>born to like valkyr
>forced to watch futa valkyr
such is life
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Should be
Or they'll just release Caliban and Yareli because FUCK YOU
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is baruuk a good carry for elite archimedia with all modifiers (except choosing your warframe) turned on? And if so, is it worth it to put 2 umbral forma on his paci-fist?
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no, the shame of playing a m*lee frame outweighs the benefits of baruuk's strength
Vaxxed deserve what they get.
oh fuck schizo
That's some fanfiction shit. Xaku is supposed to be a female frame covered in discarded warframe shells.
she made a nice flower
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I think the gambling theme and the puppetry theme are both really cool even if she's kind of a mess at conveying either thematically/mechanically or what I think it's obvious they were going for in her visual design, only thing in practice I actually like is the rng task for decree deal
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what should i pick then? i usually play max 400% strength hildryn to armor strip and be unkillable but i think its kinda bad overall
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reminder to clean up those exess mods sometimes
If you want to carry a bunch of retards your best options are Revenant with his mesmer shield augment or Dante. Dante is just an all-in-one package and doesn't give a single fuck about your other loadout items.
As for Baruuk he's easily good enough to get you through EDA. You probably won't need umbra forma, just go with PPP and Galvanized Steel, it should have roughly the samage damage output.
>buy incarnon cestra from cavalero
>use added materials to build incarnon hate instead
>Broken Warframes adrift in the Void converged to create Xaku.
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anything that needs more than 4 forma to be good should never be nerfed
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chroma rework tomorrow
But then Liger's deluxe is just 100% a dude, so... they/them for Xaku. Female standard, male deluxe.
interception is dumb as a concept for endless missions
why would they keep sending signals through that tower if they know you're holding them
he just likes to get a bit wild and silly from time to time
lol no they didn't xd
You mean like you're doing now?
How do we fix Coomei?
how do we fix aoe?
When do netracells reset?
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Sunday 8PM ET
xaku has a vagina time

Xaku has 1 vagina and 2 dicks
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did zach shave his stache recently?>?!?! he looks way better with more normal facial hair
How many balls, though?
What does your build look like? Is it good?
2 for each dick so 4
4, maybe more.
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remember what they took from you
Legendary core market is crashing next month
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>maybe more
>Wukong gets AFK gameplay
>Nerfed years later

>Nova gets AFK gameplay
>Hotfixed a week later
Now that prime weapons are basically just the signatures and maybe a pity shitgun, they should crank out prime packs for weapons faster than primes
come on, reb, veldt prime, it's our turn
Invest in Cedo rivens
>Orokin Reinforcement Access
>Ancient Orokin stores of Primed weaponry have been unlocked, 10o!
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wish eris got an open world
deimos is bad, I bet this whole planet coming apart would be worse
I'm gonna say it

I don't like noggles
My clan leader loves to stack millions of them like the autistic tard he is.
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don't much care for floofs, meself
That's cool
my clan leader tried to groom me
I mean if you wanna be specific Warframes can't actually have genders because they are lifeless golems/weapons
i'd settle for onlyne happening over Eris but the tennocon preview looked like it was over Earth
would have been so cool if that grody planetoid was actually a stage hazard though
*crying umbra noises*
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It's an old generic build I haven't touched in ages. The damage is perfectly fine. The issue is that you run out of ammo really fucking fast and have to wait for 3-4 seconds to reload. Which is kinda annoying considering you have a mag capacity of 27 and you need to spend 9 to prime fuckers with viral. You could replace Charged Shell with Chilling Grasp so that your shotgun shots are also viral but I liked the prime with alt fire - corrosive with regular fire gimmick back before they nerfed its ammo and reload.
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my IQ is still too low to comprehend steve's plot
man that neck seam is so bad but I really want the emissary suit for drifter
steve's iq was too low to comprehend his own plot
also the villain group in soulframe is literally just the orokin lmao
The lore was good until the retarded time travel and Drifter.
>also the villain group in soulframe is literally just the orokin lmao
Would you rather have incel losers like Erra or Alad as your main villains?
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>Arlo lanterns are 40 mommycoins
>Arlo statue with the big tire rim base is 25
Farmin' time
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spooky stuff like the lantern mechanic or chasing down bosses/objectives across a whole level and abyssal zones should be more prominent in warframe
Alad has fucked and been fucked by literally every faction besides the grineer, anon.
sorry sis, best we can do is extremely well lit map with 0 threatening enemies
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>burston prime bp doesn't show mastered when i hover it on the relic
>huh? i never leveled it?
>pick it over someone else's silver
>go foundry
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I want my gritty dark sci-fi warframe
Imma need you to add some range and efficiency shards for the next update thank you reb
>Try Grendel in circuit
>he's actually really fun
>dogshit, but fun
>roll does no damage but its hilarious
>eaten enemies count towards the jackal's shields and they can't do anything about it until I vomit them up or nourish
grendel bowling minigame when
>even the warframe twitch stream is bugged
Grendel is great with his new augment that spawns gas clouds from his 4.
And you can choose to super buff it with Roar or you can not be a faggot and instead be a funchad and keep Pulverize + Catapult for SPEED.
>grendel is bad
retards in this general
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pablo is cooking again
i'm sure some faggot in the comments is going to ruin this for everyone like "BUT I USE DIS FOR I-DOLONS" or some gay shit
How to deal with energy leeches?
i am trying to farm resources in a dark sector for that +30% to drop chance but past the 15 minute mark they start spawning non stop
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say thanks to jewtubbers showcassing this
it wasnt even real 'afk' cause it degraded and expired after a while
meanwhile real 100% afk is just taking your aoe spamlauncher and jamming attack while cordon sucks in all mobs every few seconds and its done for 10+ hrs fully autonomous - the game just plays itself

DE has no balls or brain to address it
Similar story I've had where game is being buggy and it takes longer to trade. They offered a few extra plat and I offered a statue. Somehow we both had the same idea without communicating it. Another time someone was apologizing for taking too long and wanted to pay me extra but I made them set it back to market price.
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This is 50% stupid. I agree that Ember's Fireball Frenzy shouldn't change MY damage type but it should change HER damage type. That's they whole point of the mod, priming weapons. If it can no longer prime what is the point? Just don't force that shit on teammates. Teammates should just get a fire stack on attacks. No combination.
Pablo is too good for us
Please don't let some faggot prevent him from doing this
I would like more stuff that doesn't force elements to combine
kill them, or bring ways to quickly regenerate or bypass the need for energy? even when you get mag proc'd or have reduced energy conditions, zenurik lets you cast an ability for free once in a while

also dark sectors are not as good as you want them to be for mats because of the way that bonus works relative to the bulk of the enemies you're killing, and you might be better off just grinding out a fissure or some SP or something
It would better if they didn’t combine 100%. Might as well hopefully he will finally give Mag one that gives Magnetic damage for her 1
i was legit thinking about that earlier today
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>I agree that Ember's Fireball Frenzy shouldn't change MY damage type but it should change HER damage type
why/how? and what do you mean by priming?
>Teammates should just get a fire stack on attacks. No combination.
that's what he's proposing
That change actually would completely fuck Volt’s Shock Trooper for Eidolons, and will be the reason it doesn’t go ahead
Prime/detonation. Apply/prime fire on teammates weapon, they fire with a cold weapon and it causes a blast elemental (detonation). No idea what jargon Warframe uses for this mechanic but it has existed as prime/detonation for about 20 years in videogames so that's just what I'm going to keep calling it.
To me it sounds like he's saying these abilities that proc for yourself and teammates would no longer prime an attack for anyone. For the caster or teammates. I agree with the teammate aspect but for the caster it is pants on head retarded.
You’re an illiterate fucking retard and I lost braincells reading your post
eidolonfaggots are universally retarded and should be ignored and ridiculed at every possible opportunity
you're misunderstanding, and in warframe's contemporary meta people use "priming" often to refer to just dumping as many status effects as possible onto something to take advantage of CO or gunCO

>I have radiation and cold on my gun
>ember magnetic and toxin on her gun
>ember casts fireball frenzy
current scenario
>now I have radiation and blast
>and she has magnetic and gas
new scenario
>now i have radiation, cold, and heat
>and she has magnetic, toxin, and heat
do you see?

infuse smite
running nekros for desecrate so no way around the energy requirement, and is not like i dont know how to recover energy on the fly but its too damn annoying when there is an entire conga line of them. Already doing SP precisely because of that resource drop chance and extra enemy spawns but if there is no way around them then i guess i am giving up on the dark sector and farm a grineer node
Clearly not as everyone else here has the same concern of the caster losing this mechanic.
I understand perfectly. I only want the new scenario for teammates. If I as ember cast then the expected result is my element changes. My cast shouldn't impact teammates as it fucks with their build and expectations.
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There I fixed it.
ecclipse/roar is infused
>I understand perfectly.
the way you're phrasing things makes me doubt that, like completely lol...
>If I as ember cast then the expected result is my element changes.
so you specifically want to be able to create combined elements on your weapon's damage output? because that's all it does, turns loose single elements into combined ones by adding another loose one in the chain, the interesting surface/target-based elemental interaction you described quite explicitly just does not exist in that form in warframe when it comes to these mods and damage calculations
so is the GL oversaturation fixed now? seems like the color problems have been solved as far as I see for now (just logged in for the day).
>running nekros for desecrate so no way around the energy requirement
what? lol how literally new are you? and idk what you're asking for, no you can't stop energy leech eximus from spawning, and each faction will play differently based on those distributions
did they make it easier to sell dupes?
Not combining is preferable in almost all situations
The nezha 4 augment is really good
especially with a nice heat/slash weapon like incarnon dread
I will
this but the opposite
I gave up on asking for augment slots. I thought it would be a good idea since alot of the augments aren't great. But it is what it is
ok fair, I don't into eidolon tism and didn't consider that - what if they do end up going with this weirdo's compromise? >>497937221
would that make everyone who actually uses these things happy? volt and ember are the only ones this applies to afaik and I rarely use them
Rank 0 weapons you have don't show as mastered either, was confused by the free galatine.
if you dont touch Volt then I guess no one would oppose it
Embers should not combine for anyone, cause heat is too good on its own
Adding the damage type is way better than combining.
Nobody even uses these.
why does every flight frame have intentionally shittier flight than the first one?
Just let it combine if the element is already present on a weapon. So if you want to run eidolons, you'll just slot the rad mod and if you buff yourself with Volt's 1 augment, it'll just get rolled into rad damage. If you slot heat, it should just be heat and electric. It shouldn't really make a difference for primary weapons. No idea if people 'tism eidolons with secondary weapons nowadays, because that one would hurt since Primed Heated Charge is 165%.
>you'll just slot the rad mod and if you buff yourself with Volt's 1 augment, it'll just get rolled into rad damage. If you slot heat, it should just be heat and electric.
I like that a lot
Whatever you are trying to farm there is a better way to do it.
thermal sunder DOES do that cool shit with cold/heat procs on existing enemies effectively "priming" them for a blast proc if they get hit with the ability again using the opposite element even if they just have the proc already from another source, BUT it's entirely exclusive to that ability to trigger it afaik
As someone who tried smite on Chroma, it's shit for that.
What is it you think you are even getting from a survival, who gives a fuck?
Default duviri mods grendel? Yeah
Better idea.
Do both, simultaneously.
honestly i kneel to chinks, their ability to cheat in every game made is astonishing
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Fuck you
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oH niCe more mlee influence fuN
Nekros has an augment that makes desecrate use health.
Equilibrium with or without that is a good idea.
Efficiency is the most important stat.
Use necramech for damage and trinity to keep lures alive.
still would if I were a big enough cuck to use sporothrix lmao
Yeah this.
How mad would you be if they introduced a Tenet Dera after this week ends
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Wait a minute, didn't this used to say headshots? Are we saved?
Is there a workaround to complete the "activate incarnon mode" challenge on the okina, or am I fucked until they patch it?
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>Failed the MR10 test again
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dessication sand kavat is still bugged....
i literally forget they exist
blows dick, uncrit is gay and I only invested into mine to give it a mean name and deal with old archon DR
It was in the patch notes but I think it worked like that already and it was just a text change iirc. I noticed I got charge from shooting the weakpoints of that tough walking tumor infested thing on Deimos before the hotfix. Otherwise I generally spray around and 50/50 go for headshots on humanoids so I can't tell if it worked like that already or not. I thought I read something on the wiki that specifically stated incarnon doesn't build off of weakpoints
Which one? Because it worked on my machine, both for the get in Incarnon form and the one of reach 10x Combo which made it very cheezy with Naramon focus school

Use the wiki, it even shows a very small video of how it goes
how do i into /wfg/ a clan? any members online? I tried whispering the fellers in the OP but nobody is online...
The one for activating incarnon form in-mission. I'm pretty sure they went retard mode with today's patch and disabled all progress for it, because I did it six times in a single mission and am still at 0/6.
Is that the stealth one or one of the timed melee ones? Or is it one with floating platforms? Either way you should be able to practice. Use some utility mods like sprint speed or aim glide gravity altering stuff if you need
shitton of SE and arcanes
and if you check their profiles they have ~10 millions of kills on just 1 weapon, which means they've done it for 1000+hrs cause they RMT
clans are gay, I made a solo dojo to slowly invest into for utility's sake
Did you failed the mission or aborted it by any chance?
Nope. And none of the other missions I activated the incarnon in have contributed either.
Corpus weapons are peak Warframe weapon design. This incarnon void shit is fucking ugly though. They should have kept that shit to prisma variants or something instead of smacking it on every other damn weapon
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>Corpus weapons are peak Warframe weapon design.
extremely TRVE
>This incarnon void shit is fucking ugly though.
>orokin everything
>infested everything
>grineer looking frames
>grineer side content
>grineer decorations and dropships

>corpus gets fuck all
>base damage of twenty-fucking-four pure electric
what were they thinking....
not sure if serious or baiting
watch how edolons are done - there is no time for mechs or trinity
I'm starting to think that Hildryn isn't attractive at all.
futa Hildryn...
futa drifter
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Illegal space sex with Tennos.
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Cat mom and period cramps will be the rotation coming later this month.
Nice. I'm getting ideas now.
that's nice, i'm missing 1 garuda piece but i also don't care enough to trade for it
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is there some bloodborne tier lore with garuda and menstruation or fertility
when will we get an ACTUAL muscle girl and not a roidtranny Zarya knockoff
I can only fantasize about licking roasted marshmallows off Ember's abs for so long before it gets stale
cc on a weapon with 1% base cc
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I think I took her for more of a bathory or carmilla character, maybe not altogether different
Bro your Voruna?
>corpus gets fuck all
Protea says hello. Tenet weapons, anything worthwhile in Failjack, Archwing, they have Sisters of Parvos too.
This doesn't matter.
>finally gonna be able to finish my Garuda Prime
Protea exist to take a dump on everything grenieer. Parvos got the perfect frame.
It's fine for casually soloing 3 hydrolysts a night. If you are doing more than that you are exactly who should not be listened to for gameplay decisions.
Protea doesn't even look like a corpus frame, where are the proxies?
Vauban is a corpus frame
Protea represents Parvoses vision for the corpus not the cringe it became later. She's a fully self-sufficient frame which is 100% in-line with his teachings.
Koumei sucks flaccid cock
Koumei isn't real, she's JUST A ROCK!
>someone takes the elevator without me
>hold rescue target hostage and let the mission fail
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its slow and inefficient, if you want to gimp yourself its your choice, but keep it to yourself
Damn I can't get orientation matrix to drop so I can level necraloid, is this one of the worst faction to level?
Optimizing gameplay is the most cringe thing you can do.
early on , yes
You can get the tier 3 iso vault down to <8 mins per run once you get used to it and have better gear, it has 3 mechas to kill so it drops more things
Kullervo shits on them with any half decent weapon, I ran the Azotane
What do you mean you can't get it to drop? They are guaranteed drops from necramechs in tier 1 iso vaults. You sure you are doing the proper tier? There is no physical way for them to not drop.
He needs drops from tier 1 vaults. Orientation matrixes can't drop in tier 2 or 3 vaults.
>anomaly won't spawn any more enemies
kill me
Do they drop from tier 2 and 3? I've mainly been running tier 2 because I'm trying to farm out the weapon part drops aswell
why are enemies shooting directly at me when I move around while invisible now? DE?
Impressive. Very nice. Let's see Volt's mod.
all parts are in the reward pools for all tiers, but certain parts are guaranteed drops from the necramechs at different tiers
*gimping yourself
Heh , My Ivara gets hits often in open worlds by flying infested fucks , there are SOME enemies that will hit you from time to time
No and it's good they don't because each necraloid tier requires more of them and of a higher tier. They are guaranteed drops.
no I mean like as of very recently, a group of eximus spawned and tracked me perfectly in stealth
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I hate hearing Brozime talk about frames so much
I hate incarnon for this reason. The entire void angel aesthetic is so fucking dull.

Honestly tired of OroKANGs too
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Because his idea of balance is literally this meme ?
I mean, I get a lot of things are pretty underpowered or janky but his suggestions are LMAO tier
>fuck Volt’s Shock Trooper for Eidolons,
But you don't need Volt's shock trooper for eidolons. You need him for his shields so tater can down shields. After shields are down, Eidolons are like level 30 grineer.
That strat is super outdated
1) What did he do?
2) Then why do you give him views?
Vaubon looks like me in my pajamas getting ready for a nap
I'm having that argument with the ghost of a poster from this general from years ago in my head again
Did he called you a shitter? A MRlet?
He said Caliban is Limbo tier
worse, he attacked my reasoning
I need to start hagmaxxing asap
how does one hagmax? asking for an enemy
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There is an idea of a Volt Fastman. Some kind of abstraction. But there is no real me. Only an entity. Something illusory. And though I can hide my cold gaze, and you can shake my hand and feel swordsteel gripping yours, and maybe you can even sense our mastery ranks are probably comparable, I simply am not there.
Caliban never invalidated an entire event so hard that DE nerfed him 3 times in the span of ~3 months.
maximum power volt fastlad makes "defend the drone" missions on plains extremely funny
Wow that's crazy, why would he insult Limbo like that?
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every time I get a volt in my defecation he breaks it lel
>invalidated an entire event
That should be 'trivialized an entire event.'
Mea culpa.
Brozime's retarded but if you think Caliban is anywhere above a C-tier now you're smoking crack
all he has going for him is some shit minions and an armor strip, literally "Nekros without Desecrate" tier
I have a sweet spot build for those, any more than 200% str will wreck their pathfinding
Aoi is made for SSC
why flaccid?
>Because his idea of balance is literally this meme ?
Basically yeah. But he also has such a narrow minded view of how to get anything out of frames or how their supposed to work outside of anything but survival and it pisses me off. In his koumie build he doesn't even attempt to engage with her kit he instantly tries to make her a nuke a gets pissed off when it doesn't work. And he just pissed me off again in his newest video where he said Limbo the worst frame in the game
Don't Nerkros' minions scale with enemy level instead of being capped at, like, level 70?
I haven't tested this, but would slapping down a specter or 2 be better than Caliban's 3?
>Then why do you give him views?
1 he pops in my feed and sometimes I have nothing better to watch as youtube has slowly filtered out my actual interests from my feed because I watched a few gaming laptop reviews
2. he breaks down abilities and what they do really well which I then sometimes use to make my own builds but his builds themselves suck and all just boil down to doing the samething but with a different skin
>CURRENT UPDATE: Koumei & the Five Fates: Hotfix 37.0.1: 37.0.5
There is no 37.0.5 it’s 37.0.4 wtf?
someone fucked up, then
Literally the ingame menu says 37.0.4 10 hours ago
literally someone fucked up, then
we got 2 today, rolling back a fix that just broke more shit in the first one
crying rn
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Don't feel too bad. I'm stuck on the MR23 test myself.
nice one anon, that one could probably be featured on prime time if you'd share it.
I've failed the MR19 test twice now...
delete alchemy
just do practice until you are confident
git gud, you should be able to complete with excalibur and a skana unmodded entirely
reminder that nova is fat
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Wrong. Is this Nova fat?
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getting rich from RJ!
>not selling the full set
I want Nova to sit her FAT ass directly on my face
I dont have full set, Iv got like 5 barrels
You think the Corpus have Vtubers?
but only the findom types
and they're all Nef using a voice changer
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Revenant. Wukong. Torid. All must die.
what was it they were trying to fix
afk strats
uhh did it work? and how would bugging transference like that fixed it? or whatever the original purpose was
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you're just not digging far enough
sorry idk what you mean :)
>Community does something cool, something straight out of a shonen anime that makes your game look rad
>shit it down
Nekros' descrate works on those or did.
I can still AFK
nekros or khora for all my farming needs?
>wokeframe 1999
yeah and if i get 69 ill get to give you a warframe themed blowjob
Depends what you are farming.
Khora is better overall, Nekros takes more work to keep alive.
Can someone give me a nova speedrun build with the new null star? I heard it's the best speedrun frame now if you detonate null star while running through levels or something.
Gotva Prime is doing things to me.
Spam 1
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bought a trash unrolled sporothrix riven to roll and wasted all my kuva on 60 rolls not getting what I wanted
>harmless neg

>mfw I'm going to waste all my steel essence on kuva later and do it again
Do you build full strength and range?
wokeframe 1999
ready for your shift?
ready for another day of not playing warframe and just posting shit?
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>Reach level cap in SP circuit and even do some extra
>Not enough to go from 5 to 10
Reminder that it used to take 2 hours to reach rank 10 and now it takes over 2h and 30m, unironically fucking delete Alchemy
nah bro, I'm winding down for bed and I had my client open for like 6 or 8 hours
>open for like 6 or 8 hours
So you farm fake hours?
Can I hide the loadout thing on the starchart? I really don't want to look at it all the time. I can't find ANY options for changing it.
You farm hours like you "play" warframe but it is just open in the background.
you're the real deal, huh?
Did arbitration alchemy earlier and it was actually pretty good. Mildly annoying to resurrect people though with the distance it tends to move.
You don't care to disprove it?
The issue is into that Circuit is even more annoying to do
oh, do I have something to disprove now? fucking lol dude
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You admit to faking/idling hours to pretend you play Warframe. There is nothing to play in Warframe now when there is no content, or are you a mrlet???
I think you need help
if there is nothing to play in warframe maybe its time for you to start playing some other games and stop crying about "where content" "no content" in here?
>I think you need help
LoL >>497976332
>I had my client open for like 6 or 8 hours
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where content
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Show your Koumei build, show your Koumei subsumed, show your Higasa build, show your Amanata build, show a build of any of the new Incarnons Show your MR MRlet
>wondering why WF is on top of twitch
>some big nip streamer is trying it
I found out who slept with Reb during TGS
if you won't get help then please at least write more creative fanfiction
is sevagoth any good or is he just helminth fodder
he is good, very good, clears rooms with ease and keeps you healthy
he can work without the augments but boy do they make him feel even better
Here's your coomei nigga, in the trash where it belongs.
>Incarnon sloppa
Incarnonrs are the worst update ever, we KUVA GANG here
content in
*checks calender*
5 days
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So a MRlet, got it
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Is that how you cope?
So what? If your profile doesn’t says 750/750 guess what you are still a MRlet
post profile
>someone squad rando invited me to go hang out in the cambion drifts
>reject them instantly
Whew, almost might've made a game buddy.
Guess that's not you then. Sad!
WOAWZA great deduction work nancy drew
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>jork my shit
>tab back into /wfg/
>sperging out
he will go to sleep soon and we can go back to normal again
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I'm gonna go to sleep now and you'll be "back to normal" when I wake up.
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Warframe Loadout for this feel?
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Good night catbro.
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Good night
hopping on warframe after a 2 week break. what's new besides the gambling warframe?
I'm doing Madurai grind now. Zenurik was such a crutch holy shit.
frost prime, tenet glaxion, sibear, cold kuva nukor
Just drop some energy pizzas. It's not that hard.
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>they fixed the steam achievements
Is jade any good or does she just look cool?
Very good, one of the best supports you can have in your team
>2 Auras
>Whole team buff for DPS or Power Strength
These posts were flagged for promoting teenage pregnancy
>see a steam fren get all the achievements on the same day same hour same minute same second
>oh yeah they were broken, or they migrated from console
>check their profile ingame
>check their other games
>almost every game they have is 100% achievements that were gotten at the same time
calibros... it's joever for us...
Who would take the time to do this? People who care about achievements can tell that you SAM'd. People who don't care about achievements won't be impressed by your library of 100%'s.
Rebb if you give me a 75% off coupon tomorrow I promise to buy plat
now that the dust has settled - what's the new best pet? Panzer?
Sneeda Kavat
>first frames he buys with plat are Rhino and Koumei
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what galaxy-brain at DE decided to cook up the world's worst character creator anyway
I hope all the bad things in life happen to them and to nobody else but them
Reb is my idol
I haven't played a ton since the update so I haven't noticed if there's any AI weirdness, but on paper Panzer is the platonic ideal of an elemental primer. You have viral, toxin, magnetic, element soup for Condition Overload, two forms of armour strip, all on the same source, plus the stats for Tenacious Bond and Reinforced Bond. I think but I'm not sure this is all possible on the same build. Corrosive has gone from only use it on a primer to never include it anywhere in your loadout, because everyone's pet can armour strip now and Vicious Bond isn't affected by status caps either.
>free caliban comes with potato so I can't just toss him to the Helminth
Jesus christ what the fuck
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I'm still going to use sneeda kavat to force orange crits on sporothrix with my over 1000% cd dashwire
>be new player
>starter frame mag
>buy Koumei with plat
>decrees before even having any mods
>start duviri quest
>unlock drifter before tater
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it's happening
wtf is this picture
the future liberals want
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Crit calculations are only working for host chads.
Joiner cels are dealing lower damage.

Or at least this is true for Yareli's passive as of late. I've heard that it can happen for others too.
god I want ivara to wrap her legs around my waist and force me to impregnate her.
>Your DeviantArt account has been successfully created.
>run 3 orokin vaults for quick plat
>2 catalyzing shields
warframe passives are a lot like decrees
She also doesn't even need to cast it unlike Octavia or Dante or anyone it's just a toggle between buffs
There is no timer to track
5G signals from a Razr flip phone that turn all white babies into furbabies so the Chinese can eat them when they invade through Canada. Duh.
Isn't that the Cowboy guy from Overwatch?
no, that's cassidy
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No, this is Cassidy.
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No this is patrick
No, this is Cassidy.
No they like changed his name dude, it's because McRee was the name of like some blizzard dev who touched women (in a bad way) or something so they renamed him to Cassidy
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>Froppy will never hoppy your floppy until you sloppy her toppy, then moppy the gloppy from your loppy jaloppy
i know, i don't care. his original name is better.
What is Ivara good for?
Is Mesa still the retard-proof way to grind Granum Void?
I meant ingame
Yes. Protea is another retard proof way with her turrets. You can also equip an aoe weapon onto a on-call crewmate
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>he doesn't know
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Meant for >>497986969 Because mesa doesnt autotarget granum ghosts anymore.
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infinite dashwire cd exploit, endurance frame because channeled invis, noise arrow excavator exploit, sleep arrow on wild animals, and navigator funnies.
godly thighjobs
I just did it with Revenant's 4. Just get to slightly higher ground and turn up the disco.
no idea, some next level autism i guess
No fun allowed
Are the sakura bundle ephemera any good for fashion? I'm debating if I should buy it.
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duviri 1 was good because of Steve
duviri 2 will be bad without Steve
Nice game you have here, guys
it's not the nice game it used to be anymore
oh ok, that's too bad then
All vtubers are so woke
>1.5m subscribers
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Does that vtuber also have a cute glyph I can get in-game?
Reminder to redeem code silvervale to get her cute glyph!
>smeeta claws keep leveling up after every mission even though they are already max level
rebb please
Fuck how many Vtubers did Reb buy?
Tenet Dera when?
ah fuck no fucking way they paid ayame to play this, but then again, the surge of retards will increase so it's the best time to jew out everything you own for 600x the price.
You mean the Corp with JP diaper wearing vubers and Gura the diaper shark? Based
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>Ninjas play for free
>Still no JP dub
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Lmao DE could not afford Hololive. The Hologirls are legit nutcases so chances are she legit grinds this game out or will end up grinding the game out like Kaela who only sleeps 2-3hrs a day before streaming 9+hrs and then grinding some more.
did you guys see the new promo code on her description? it won't let me redeem, is it jp only or some shit?
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>only sleeps 2-3hrs a day before streaming
literally says sponsored by digital extremes on her stream, are you retarded?
Silvervale is the only vtuber Warframe needs. These Japanese whores can fuck off.
Did you know that Concentrated Arrow explosion scales with Ability Range, which is further enhanced by mods? What about Empowering Quiver giving her a third steroid?
Sneeziu is the REAL warframe vtuber
If the pajeet didn't make a video about it then it can't be that good.
They should sponsor Ironmouse.
It's not THAT good. It is still a bow, and, thus, too slow. But boy, am I back in Unreal Tournament with my Redeemer or what. The detonation is massive and in the literal millions.
might be region-locked to JP only
>retards pming for trades when you're listed as offline
But we don't know who approached who first. I don't even know the full Hololive deal, but, apparently, they have to obtain "permission" to stream this or that game?
how did you receive the pm if you're offline saar?
He didn't inactivate his listings. Classic mistake.
for sponsores, the company pays hololive a bunch of money, hololive decides who streams what for what price depending on their popularity.
They should sponsor me to stream. Nezha main btw.
That is the case if DE approached Hololive, yes. If.

If the talent wants to stream a certain game, they have to go through their management, and management may ask DE for boosties, like a promo code.
Rolling a 25+ on her string & barrier skills is fun. Does the final skill hit multiple enemies on big rolls or still just one? I've only been using skills 1 & 3 so far.
How does strength work with the dice rolls?
rolling a 24+ on her 4th makes it go 360degrees instead of just in front and it applies a bunch more status procs.
on her first and 4th ability strength applies on the base dmg which gets multiplied by the amount you roll, for example her first has a base dmg of 25, with 200% strength that goes to 50 multiplied by dic rolls so on a 24 roll it's 50x25 = 1250 dmg.
strength isn't paramount on her, build for range instead and let your weapons do dmg, put precision intensify to boost your 4 that's it.
Couldn't tell you, most thinking I do is upgrading my skill range & damage cards when I got the endo.
>rolling a 24+ on her 4th makes it go 360degrees instead of just in front and it applies a bunch more status procs
So everyone becomes a puppet? Sounds cool, does anything below 24 string up multiple people?
I love viral my guns proc viral my sentinel procs viral my cat procs viral my warframe procs viral my archwing procs viral my necramech procs viral my operator procs viral
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"me wowfame is stronk" ahh post.
Cash me outs'id in daymos how bout dat?
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Lord Jesus our savior. Please protect us from the /vt/ cancer that's about to defile our sacred threads.

Holy Harrow
you're a closeted homosexual
This is why you have your own containment board. No one likes your kind.
bro, think of all the new cuties who'll start playing the game and whale for plat, spend a few hours in trade chat after the stream to just squeeze the plat out of these /vt/ blokes
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I'm not worried. Warframe is boring to watch. It is tranquil to play. It is the closest thing to a classic hobby. It's not high on "git gud" scale. It is not twisting and turning high octane. It's just a part of you.
One of the more recent trailers showed a flying (ground level) warframe shooting lasers or something with their hand, which one was it?
Which trailer? Link it.
Gonna need a few minutes, looking through the channel. Should be near the top, saw it in a youtube ad.
how do we fix harrow?
Might be Jade
>flying and shooting lasers
that's garuda
Looks like her, 4th skill reminds me of what I saw. Couldn't find the trailer, just remember it looked like a frame flying low and shooting laser in that fancy level with the gold and white.
That looks sick. This skin is kino
replace thurible
would you pay for a tennogen cat ear auxiliary cosmetic?
No, just give me a cat girl frame.
Your valkyr bro?
How difficult is it to achieve MR30?
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Needs more cat.
30 days minimum if you paypig
2-3 months if you're a NEET
way longer if you're a casual
Smeetaframe when
>closeted homosexual mad
I have recently learned that projectile speed affects damage fall-off distance.
fall off dns
Anyone have Mesa build for circuit?
enough strength for 90% dr iirc around 220%
175% efficiency
range doesnt really matter
enough duration for a 45sec 3 ability
nourish subsoom
pistol damage or growing power aura
mesa's waltz if you like it, I don't really use it
arcane avenger and arcane velocity
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It's a big commitment to reach Mr30.
It's a little commitment to get in my orbiter.
nourish subsoom on 1 btw
see, this anger suggests you're deeply closeted, come out mate, it's 2024
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i'm built like nezha but these shoes make me feel confident. be honest with me /wfg/ is it noticeable?
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>Gets called gay
>Immediately gets triggered
Bro it's ok we won't judge
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Now that I think about it, maybe the code wasn't activated before the stream starts
what code
what stream
the promo code from this stream currently happening >>497989113
ur rly trying to tell me vtubers are just certified prostitutes and they can't stream or do whatever they want unless their pimp allows them?
kinda sickening and completely unhealthy for your mental state
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Take your e-celeb bullshit elsewhere
isn't that the galatine + 3 day affinity code from last week?
not going to watch this
give code or fuck off
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Guys I did it, 60 eyes solo
no, you're thinking of code: r/warframe
Mom come to orbiter
i should finally just do it before DE goes insane and removes it as another le epic fomo for people who played early
Being controlled by a man is the only way that a woman can have a healthy mental state.
post hands
I like how the first thing every new player does is lower the sensitivity.
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Why am I still watching this
i like how the first thing every new player does is rush SP without any good weapons and frames and fucking leech, motherfuckers should be taken out back and executed.
i like how the first thing every new player does is end up in my orbiter
>they can't stream or do whatever they want unless their pimp allows them?
only the corporate ones, especially if the corpo is japanese. Some jap devs will get really pissy about people streaming their games because "1 view = 1 lost sale"
anon, i'm sorry to tell you this but you have chronic homosexuality
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>warframe is universally praised for its fun movement system, the only thing nobody complains about
>make all not!warframes have shit movement and make a second game have shit movement
explain the thought process
now you know you have mental disability.
don't listen to >>498000196 >>498000269 you're now one of us,.
jerked off to this vtuber
I never knew a retarded girl playing video games I play and being entertained by the tutorial would brick me but it did
I don't know how to feel
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No, get ur own eyes
If anything, they should nerf it because almost all of it's moves are bs magnetic proc+silence nukes, it was horrible
If you ever see default liset with hands, hello
t. 45y/o creepy uncle who isn't allowed near his nephew
Good one, Ivan
Fromsoft content creation guidelines demand every streamer in Japan, corporate or not, to turn off monetization or discourage the audience if it can't be turned off when streaming their games and I have yet to see a japanese streamer not have some kind of mention about bits being banned when they stream Elden Ring on Twitch.
i might be retarded cause i can't understand a single thing this vtuber is saying, it's like she's speaking a different language
I am 47 and have two nieces
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>t. 45y/o creepy uncle who isn't allowed near his nephew
Have you ever bought a Darvo deal, /wfg/?
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Darvo and me are best friends, he always gives me a great deal.
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I don't deal with jews due to personal reasons
she found the customization tab, it's so fucking overr bros, we're never beating the P2W allegations
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come on reb step it up
>it has region chat enabled
I dare one of you to do the deed
her excaliber is so cute, best excaliber i've seen in my 7k hours of playing. vtubers are a blessing from god
Not enough gooning
she turned chat off, set her game to solo and blocked all friend requests, it's so fucking over
there's a lot of pretty good porn of her
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>run netracells on Nidus
>at 300 stacks
>somehow end up dying
>but Undying doesn't trigger
>game makes me run around as operator
>who also dies immediately
>get a respawn animation
>but now I'm just running around as an invisible, intangible operator who can't do anything, not even open menus
>can't even alt+F4 out of the game
What the fuck
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>ser her game to solo
now im intrigued
fat hag
you are now the man in the wall congrats
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Dumb question but how can you collect 60 eyes since game switch to boss fight after 30 eyes, what am I missing?
you don't activate the boss and keep going for eyes
Maybe you just like listening to cute girls laugh
Come to orbiter
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my fleshlight
Not fair, why does a .jpg get free plat and I don't get any?
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she spent money, she bought 2100 plat, we're NEVER beating the P2W allegations bros
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look at this specimen
You do this in the last room over and over again? Will there be notification upon 60 eyes collected?
what an absolute chad, i aspire to be like him one day
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>she spent money, she bought 2100 plat
Anon, the Fish literally tells you after you collect the first 30 that you can collect more for a tougher boss.
I don't trust soon-to-be-sushi
she sounds appy with koumei, she's customizing her as we speak, what a cute creature. i want one
She's already going crazy over fashion frame and there are people in her chat who already like the game.

Is this the power of Weeb Hags?
Dead, but living forever in the heads of warsisters...

Does warframe now let you login through steam without entering your email and password a second time?
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...Do they not have Japanese voice actors? I swear they did wtf
The more popular girls get about 40-50k actually.
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>18k credits
>1350 plat
It's Nakiri Ayame, pretty popular vtuber signed with Hololive.
They don't even have Chink voice actors.
you are watching obese asian man pretending to be anime woman
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Send her Yarelis.
Thank you for bumping with this for hours!
Trips of truth
shes having fun
wish i had fun
she just got stopped by corpus lasers for 10sec then finally shot camera and moved on
i would just bullet jump with PSF... i miss fun
i miss the days of spending 20+ minutes in a mission exploring every corner, now it's takes 2 minutes max, i also miss when warframe didn't feel like a chore.
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There's something really cringe about seeing english speakers in the chat. You will never be Japanese.
>1 burst is not enough to kill level 1 Corpus mobs
fucking kek that gun is terrible
>lazers are fun
you're a cuck
>Waiting 400 days to avoid getting tripped by lasers

You know you can roll through lasers right?
What? Dark souls i-frames? Thats certified slop.
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speaking of 50k viewers
this one currently has that many
vtubners are off-topic
>vtubers enabled
I hate nick gurrs
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>psf in 2 days
68k now
DE could have had potentially that many new players if they sponsored that one
Sheldon said that Japan is a quickly growing population for Warframe. I can see why they want to push mobile for Warframe now.
DE couldn't afford that, they paid a fixed amount and they got the streamer with viewerrs proportional to the amount.,
>almost all of it's moves are bs magnetic proc+silence nukes, it was horrible
I dunno if it's still the case but I remember from my attempt back when it was just added that his silence worked on your operator.
The thing is, it cancels (or at least used to) Last Gasp, except when it's canceled you wouldn't actually die as it instead just actually revived you as if you killed enemies but with one HP and no immunity, resulting in an infinite loop of cuckery when you used Last Gasp, only to be instantly revived and killed again.

Anyway, it's extreme cancer.
nobody uses iphones in japan tho
Sponsored streams always get less viewers no matter who does them. I think 12k is probably as good as it's gonna get.
They couldn't have paid more?
I bet they fuck 3D men
They literally use nothing but iphones there.
How would they even fuck 2D ones?
hmm ok
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>Doesn't extract, instead spends extra time killing Grineer
jorked it to her a second time in the work bathroom
this is reb's best work yet
moving jpeg and screaming woman... erotic
Konzu claims another for lunch.
It's over.
watameframe when?
Why didn't they hire the one with 80k CCV instead?
chink company, they'd rather pay amazing "people" like AGGP
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That was fun fight
Don't look at the rest of the company anon
They have like 20 of those
Unironically one of the strongest content creator group rn
That one would only play for one hour
Do I buy fighting game characters or platinum
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>so much merriment for content I've long grown jaded towards
i tried it as octavia and failed because i didnt know this shit actually hits through invis
i would just do dante/frost/mag but there is no way you can sustain energy on that fight to gate constantly
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I still have fun and I've been playing since closed beta.
Koumei doesn't play like this and It makes me sad. Maybe in 5 years if they rework her
You do NOT have fun
Stop having fun
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You're right. how do I SUBSOOM fun?
Just grind the fun until you have enough of it, are you guys dumb?
nourish on caliban to unlock fun
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So let me get this straight. They split charm into two mods, made the new mod A DIFFERENT POLARITY which doesn't fucking fit in my build, didn't buff the dogshit critrate buff that is actually a nerf if you already have more than 200%, and didn't move sharpened CLAWS mod to the new "smeeta CLAWS" weapon, so I don't have room for the new mod anyway? Bravo DE. Truly. Glad I now have to forma my smeeta a seventh fucking time to fix this mess.
Thanks you anon
subsume nourish on your smeeta
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>sharpened claws
>link fiber
>enhanced vitality
>calculated redirection
>medi-pet kit
>Still using Smeeta after the changes
lmao. Also there's other versions of the mod that's 18% instead of 13% but only resources or only credits, you should use the resources one because who the fuck needs double credits rewards
A lot of people struggle to find the difference between enjoyment and addiction, or if they do see it they fail to act on it.
I missed the stalker jade event because I wasn't enjoying warframe at the time. It's ok. I enjoyed warframe when I returned.
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The rare Double resource mod also comes from SON on Deimos.
this fucking smeeta build is the lowest quality bait i've seen in /wfg/ in a few weeks lmao. nice one mate, here's your (you)
I keep getting rivens for guns that I already have rivens on and its pissing me off fr
you can transmute rivens, you know
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I did and it gave me another Battacor riven
is that fucking high score girl?
keep going
I dont know
Ive never read anime I just save pics from this site
Considering it's sponsored, they probably sent her a code or something for free plat.
They did.
So your companion is just dead 24/7? Good for you.
>kuva gorgon never because it got a shitty incarnon
tenet supra when?
>So your companion is just dead 24/7
omg cute cute cute, come to my orbiter i'll show you my build
>offer riven for 200p
>no takers
>offer riven for 150p
>five takers and one guy trying to haggle it for 80 (probably Irish)

>get (3) lato rivens
>try offering 2 of them as trades for other incarnon rivens
>no takers
>try offering them as trades for bad off meta guns that I like
>no takers
>can't bear to transmute them because they're technically valuable
It's because the lato vandal is stupidly expensive, isn't it?
How have your business ventures gone of late, tenno?
She logged out to receive this
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>get rid of staticor riven for the slot
>roll new pistol riven
>staticor riven
anon, why is she so cute? when can we have her glyph ingame aaaaaaaaa
i understand the frustration and the staticor aspect, but how/why is the picture of a black man relevant to that?
how do we fix liches?
It involves copyright violation, and it would make cuties really angry.
Just do Mirage like me, 90% DR from skill with adaptation from mod and you are immortal.
Pretty sure you need magnetic immunity arcane because boss constantly purge your buffs but I got lucky not to get hit while under magnetic proc so all went well.
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Literally the only other thing you could do to not have a dead cat the whole time would be using mischief so it's hiding in invisibility. Anything steelpath and up cats get deleted even with my defensive build, stop gaslighting.
When will they add the multi phase squad link Lich battles from the original Empyrean trailer?
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Maybe if she ever does more than a single shill stream. 3 hours is already more than what DE paid for so maybe she actually likes the game.
He doesn't like games, it's his job.
how do we fix onlyne?
anon, please stop embarrassing yourself
I'm gonna draw a Ligger version of this vtuber
Ayame doesn't even like streaming in general. She basically just streams the bare minimum of w.e her contract requires, and often goes on months-long breaks.
rent free
>3 hours is already more than what DE paid for
i'm pretty sure that's not how it works, they paid for her to finish the tutorial and beginner quests, she's on saya's vigil atm, will probably stop after doing this quest or maybe one more.
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>Tranny this
>Tranny that
stop shitposting
please educate yourself in companion mods anon, this is getting annoying at this point, you're either an extremely retarded cunt or just a fucking troll with that fucked up cat build
>Too low shields to activate the 60% fire rate from reinforced bond
>Buffs are meh at best
The Smeeta fucking SUCKS
Going past 1 hour is unprecedented for a shill stream though.

Nah I've seen a couple of promotional streams for games I'm interested in and they're often disappointing because they end so early after taking 30 minutes on the introduction slides and and cinematics. It would be smart if they really did require playing up to a certain part.
yep, she's stopping right after finishing saya's vigil. that's what she was paid for, she completed it.
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>Infested arbitration
>Run qorvex
>inevitably a revenant joins
>dies soon
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Does this effect only happen on regular heavy attacks, or would heavy slam attacks do it too? Could the Harmony be a decent slam weapon?
>she was paid for
what a slut
>6104 shields
>too low
>claims my build is shit
>just spams OH NO NO HE DOESN'T KNOW instead of even somewhat implying what could be wrong with it
The only annoying one is you, adding nothing of value to the thread.
That's some bizzaro world you have ventured into.
>paid to shill warframe and brick me up
I don't even bother with infested arbi
always some shitters keep dying
usually me
Oh right, Link exists, I didn't even look at the stats in the image lmao
It still SUCKS on frames with low shields, and other companions have better abilities
Ayame pleases old men for money. This is well known in the vtuber circle.
i really don't want to keep replying to your loose bait but learn to fucking read you illiterate piece of shit, go back to school or do us a favour and hang yourself cunt, look at this >>498010396 this is what's wrong with your stupid fucking build, a 4 year old could build better than you gobshite
Stop being mean to the cuties, you're going to scare them away
that cutie stopped being cute and started to get on my nerves, i apologize
bratty mrlet...
2 retards trying to gaslight someone with a proper smeeta build
radiation hazard correction needed
that's all "cutie" posting ever is
All his post is chatbot's template
I know how you feel, but you gotta just sit back and enjoy them getting uppity. They truly don't know better
So when will they drop the free tauforged shards from the cancer event?
Sharpened claws is kind of a meme but good on stuff like bosses for insta shredding them. As for the defensive mods refer to >>498011651
Feel free to actually try to dispute that instead of trying to fit in by being edgy.
What I've learned from watching the cutie stream

1. Koumei's weapons suck
2. Koumei is meh
3. Cetus shouldn't be introduced so early
4. Vor's fight needs a modern touchup
5. People that watch Vtubers are cringe, me included
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Haven't played in years
What are the best, but still most fun frames to use these days?
As in, I'm not running fucking Chroma or Mesa or Saryn, or whoever is their equals in the current meta.
bratty mrlets...
SUBSOOM correction needed...
i don't know nearly enough japanese to tell if she liked the game or not do any of you
I simply put primed pack leader on my companion and play melee builds, but you can also just use Momentous Bond (and maybe Aerial Bond for cold field memes), combined with the Tenacious Bond you use, the companion's gonna spend like 3 seconds dead everytime it dies, max.
Chat i'm going to say something controversial
primed pack leader is all the survivabilty your cat or dog will ever need
Why didnt Hildryn look like this
What do you consider fun?
did the code work?
doesn't work, says i've already redeemed it. maybe the same drops as the other code.
Next month during a series of weekly alerts if the donation goal was hit
What he said >>498015023
Unfortunately, we can't have muscular women in western games unless they also stop being attractive in any conventional way.
Being the best in my squad/clan/whatever, while still being a contrarian who doesn't use the absolute toptier meta minmaxxed shit
nah jk, or, 60% jk
I just want to be competetive, while still looking cool, and not just being a 1-button pony
Am I making sense?
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what they said >>498014657 >>498014887
Nourish Caliban

Did we win?
Against who?
depends, against TFD? we won
against space marine 2? we lost :(
Games that didn't get a vtuber shil
Nah I get it. You want to use your full kit on a frame that's comfortable to use but not the typical meta-slop.
Hildryn just got an upgrade to be able to cast her skills while in aegis storm.
Caliban also got one too, making him a combat summoner with a unique damage type (unique for frames, as sentients already did tau damage)
I like using titania, personally. While I don't usually recommend subsoom, I replaced her 1 with Nezha's fire walker for shits and giggles.
Qorvex is fun, I think. You spend a lot of time pressing 4, but you still use his full kit most of the time in setting up pillars and grouping things.
she loved it and will stream warframe exclusively
TFDsisters...our response?
Check the Space Marine 2 numbers again.
The game lacks replayability, we won.
What did you guys gift her?
dick pic in her DMs
warsissies btfo'd you
DE specifically hired this one for the japanese theme, color scheme and coomer appeal
Titania used to be my main pick too, but with thermal sunder subsoomed onto her

But yeah, exactly what you said, I wanna use the full kit on a fluid, nicely played frame, that isn't top meta slop with 1000000% increased duration, power, and area. And still be able to top the "scoreboard" in every kind of mission, be it Eidolon hunting, or just infiltration.
Remember Anthem? Me neither.
It worked
I don't play melee builds much, except if I'm playing valkyr. Tenacious bond does seem good but would just be trading more time alive from hp/shield increase for less time downed. I haven't played with the new kavat AI though so maybe they are better at not standing still in a torrent of bullets.
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my life savings as a superchat
How do you play Equinox
I don't know how to play any frame that isn't easy like Wisp...
Time traveler...
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Too bad WF is a terrible game to watch a streamer play. Too much visual vomit.
>While I don't usually recommend subsoom, I replaced her 1 with Nezha's fire walker for shits and giggles.
Wait this sounds awesome. Except why would you subsoom her 1 which gives status immunity instead of her 3 which is useless?
Mirage, you have 4 nigga squad with your all the time that each (you included) have over 600% damage increase to your weapon and use Zhuge with that funny mod with exploding arrow. You will be the best and not meta at all.
you don't need to play melee builds, just melee attack enemies at the start of the mission a couple times to give your cat 2200 overguard to make them immune to any CC and dmg, if it gets low just melee attack enemies a couple more times, don't tell me you don't bring any melee weapon to missions if you aren't playing valk?
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>Me neither
But you just...
i run around as Mesa because for most content she is still the best at holding her own and defending objectives without help or setup. Burston/Strun Incarnon, Synoid Gammacore, Xoris/Fragor Prime

But the most destructive and oppressive warframe ive had on my team was a Gauss with a 60% magnetic Kuva Grattler.
I dont personally find the frame fun, but Gauss is what Ember wishes she could be. If you master that frame, the squads you run with will be lucky to break double digit kills every mission. And in longer missions you'll end them with thousands or 10k+ kills before the rest of your team breaks 300.
Nezha's firewalker also give status immunity, if I'm not mistaken. And I use Beguiling Lantern to make her three a debuff applied to choke points.
Remember Oberon?
Who is this fancy 60 y.o. lady
fresh bread
I don't see too many people playing Jade, but she can be really good. Granted, you do spend a lot of time just firing her exalted weapon while flying, but you do use her other 3 abilities too (and as a bonus you get to buff the shitters you're carrying)
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Ayame is officially /ourgirl/ now.
2,200 overguard seems like it would last for three stray bullets from anything on steelpath.
truchads use projectiles that don't depend on this
try them with programmer socks

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