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>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>Moogle Treasure Trove (Tuesday, October 15, 2024 at 1:00 a.m. (PDT) to 7.1 release!)

>Future Meetups:
• Oct 12th, 1PM EDT / 6PM BST | Zurvan, Materia | Yanxia, Plum Spring | Roleplaying Meetup >>496634258
• Oct 12th, 3PM EDT | Zurvan, Materia | Gold Saucer, Mahjong Lounge | Mahjong Open Tournament >>495487281
• Oct 12th, 5:30PM EDT / 10:30PM BST | EU + NA | Cerberus, Chaos | Lavender Beds W21 P27 + Seraph, Dynamis, Mist W9 P1 | Tokusatsu Watch Party: GARO ep 11 - 16 >>497313724
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My moonie has successfully done playstation on TOP she is learning and might have grown an extra braincell
Malera thread
We should have (more?) mechanics based on elevation and jumping.
why aren't (You) on clique island
are cc casuals alive? i wanna practice
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perhaps you knew that femra tails are so sensitive they're akin to a males penis, but did you know this also applies to malera meaning you could theoretically give them a "double handjob" of course only one of them will ejaculate hehe.
I hope you enjoyed this little lesson in au ra biology!
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go to bed, jin
I really don't think I can blame people for cheating at this shit mode.
my thread crush is not there, and she's far far more important.
Yes. Upon your return, I will gift you a beautiful flower
>full cats
>and the token fiddie
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Good night /xivg/ (Especially house decorators)
stop reminding me......
im not part of the NA clique and its gatekept so hard i have no chance of ever joining
Don't you guys ever get tired of the same people responding to this every single thread with the same shitty taste in music in every. Single. Thread.
May I see you're armpit
You should go face 4 and EB me
Not enough femra there for me to care about it
I play a male character I'm afraid. I would also call them gooner retards and maybe drop some slurs.
Every day until you like it

Ippiki Atros, Yaranaika Abe, Rylai Shendelzare, Felix Argyle, Ririten Yuyuten, Harkenia M'haura, Godspeed You, Read Faelynn, A'exis Faelynn, Lei Lani, Ceveth Airen, Kuus Hime, Archana Bellsong, Mute Luhren, Ninii Nii, Serys Rudine, Shyvana Hiiragi, Mahayana Atman, Suro Ruro, Tolan Revant, Cute Girl, Byooki Braus, Sabin Rene, Etiennette Aquila, Stratos Fairclough, Jarben Raret, K'is Maram, Algy Fair, Reimi Shirohime, Naandae Vara, Jessa Covey, Harpuia Rivers, Rheia Etsaetal, Waffle Slapper, Emina Sha'ressa, Meracle Shinx, Laeka Torei, Talonaar Skystrike, Spuki Bugi, Blackcat Ofilomen, Auks Reuenthal, A'hl Rhowa, Masha Moshantu, Sena Sanjou, Rukira Michaelis, Cu Chulain, Aldyet Holt, Momo Deviluke, Brahms Torsten, F'telor, Wet Paws.
My cat is getting wazowski'd in that image but I am in that screenshot
I don't go to balmung and I don't have a personality good enough to be wanted anyway.
Are you sure about that? Because I'll fucking crash the stocks again, and again, and again. As many times as it takes. Until no lalaboy ever dare lift his face from the mud.
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yeah no i dont think so.
>house decorators
Bros, removing columns from the interior walls is HUGEEEE. No more stage panel + partition tricks taking up 1/3 of your space just to hide them.
OP is a retard edition
>Future Meetups:
• Oct 12th, 1PM EDT / 6PM BST | Zurvan, Materia | Yanxia, Plum Spring | Roleplaying Meetup >>496634258
• Oct 12th, 3PM EDT | Zurvan, Materia | Gold Saucer, Mahjong Lounge | Mahjong Open Tournament >>495487281
• Oct 12th, 5:30PM EDT / 10:30PM BST | EU + NA | Cerberus, Chaos | Lavender Beds W21 P27 + Seraph, Dynamis, Mist W9 P1 | Tokusatsu Watch Party: GARO ep 11 - 16 >>497313724
• Oct 13th, 4:30PM EST | Marilith | Slitherbough, The Rak'tika Greatwood | Shared FATE farming >>497557429
• Oct 13th, 7PM EDT | Ultros, Primal Mist W20 P34 | Mullholand Drive and Twin Peaks Season 2 ep 10 and 11 >>497515929
• Oct 19th, 7PM EDT | Costume Party Mixer | Goblin | Goblet W3 P58 >>496273537 (Dead)
• Oct 26th, 5PM PST / 8PM EST | Balmung, Crystal | LB W2 P10 | Halloween Musicals! ( also The Crow ) >>497715049
• Oct 27th, 8PM EDT | Balmung, Crystal | LB W19 P28 | Pre-Halloween Badlands Chugs Watch Party >>495083393
Its Thursday, Post some highlanders
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You're too weak to have that kind of power, I'm afraid.
Are you me? Holy hell. We go together
>are cc casuals alive?
I'm here for them
Next one when
i wouldnt go there
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Obviously you all have seen what's going on, sorry firstly to people I hurt directly over the years.
The horsing has been an issue I've worked on (through off and on therapy among other stuff) for a long time.
Not going into details why I'm my brand of fucked up because ultimately it doesn't matter. It is something that has been, is being, and will continue to be worked on.

There is also shit floating around that is untrue - I'm not going into too much detail again because it ultimately doesn't matter and contains some pretty fucked up stuff.

Sorry to people indirectly hurt, people close to me, close to catgirls I've been with.
And sorry to people here, I know people will catch flak for being close to me. I'm generally a private person, and these were private issues.

I'll pass server lead over to Kou and dip.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZKnX1ewd1DA i'm playing league
Does it also make the ceiling flat? That makes a lot more themes easier, especially in places like Shirogane.
Good night Domanra
>no male characters
No thanks
my femra does not subscribe to this headcanon you have
my wife Wookie Feet@Malboro
I play a femlala
>spoons with you
good night
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wtf lol
My femras wife
Fuck off this faggy bullshit slop. No one gives a fuck to do literal constant spam of "meet ups" (a regular clique of the same people doing the same shit they always do). Make a discord for this shit, or rather, use your shitty cliquecords for this shit and keep it off the thread.
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>most generic ever vanilla naked bibo bodies
Why is NA so fucking trash at modding
I've posted him six (6) times in a row without a single (You)
That is sufficient judgement
at this point song posting every thread is just griefing, its annoying
Every body scar mod I try looks very low res is this just how they are or am I messing something up?
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I was there back when they let literal who retard losers in
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4:35 CC Crystal
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To the edge intensifies
>not a single male of any sort in sight
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we didn't have song posting last thread you retards so you can't say every thread
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Why do you want to see it?
Face 4 femlala? I won't EB you but I will fanta soon
I'm not f+
I like the smug elf, I’d like him to post more
Trying to decide on healer glams.
then i like your male character

i fw this

Since you miera seem to always be around, tell me which jaw number you chose. Three of them feel too short but one feels too long.
>Obviously you all have seen what's going on, sorry firstly to people I hurt directly over the years.
>The horsing has been an issue I've worked on (through off and on therapy among other stuff) for a long time.
>Not going into details why I'm my brand of fucked up because ultimately it doesn't matter. It is something that has been, is being, and will continue to be worked on.

>There is also shit floating around that is untrue - I'm not going into too much detail again because it ultimately doesn't matter and contains some pretty fucked up stuff.

>Sorry to people indirectly hurt, people close to me, close to catgirls I've been with.
>And sorry to people here, I know people will catch flak for being close to me. I'm generally a private person, and these were private issues.

>I'll pass server lead over to Kou and dip.

mucho texto
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We are one in spirit Anon.
Yeah, I'm thinking based
I'm not gay
So I'm inside the inn, crafting, I've been there for a while. And I got a guild invitation. How did they find me to invite me? I don't put any messages on the chat or anything
>post that talks shit without naming a better body (because there isn't)
femra feet to edge to
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You'll never have your very own femroe dommy mommy that stays up all night with you and sleeps with you in a discord call while you cuddle together in her apartment. Get on my level scrubs.
Can you post an example? It may be an interaction with your race, too.
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the fact they're all cat girls in the same pose really hammers home how ebins are all the same and easily replaceable, no uniqueness, an army of identical clones all cooming to each other
He gets (You)s
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miera SEX
I'm a lalaboy
I want miqittens over those slags
>go into frontlines
>no matter what job I'm playing, both enemy teams single me out from my group and endlessly burst me down
>impossible to get away
It happens every fucking time and I always have 10+ people attacking me at any given time. I'm not allowed to do fucking anything. I even fucking think and I've got both teams coming after me and only me. Everyone else that happens to die is just caught in the vicinity of me getting targeted by everyone. This is so fucking retarded.
creepy little weird ass
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Just posed my femroe in a scandalous outfit, lads.
was there a reason you wanted to keep a cross role glamour as your main glamour across phys ranged + casting + healing
Lumy is cool, weirdo.
This little nigga is cool
spatial awareness doko
I've tried a few of the more popular ones and they all look similar just sort of blurry
>pls tell me how to stop being generic trash
Yeah, no
stop walking into them?
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How many of yall are drinkin’ while playin tonight?
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i am
a male midlander
on primal
no eb, no frens, and no house
and I just re-did my white mage glam, so let me know how it came out
Lucky bastard
Frontline 101 is realizing when your team is pulling out (it happens often).
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Judge as harsh as you want to, I can take it. I will cry.
Nice armpit!
I need this shirt mod! Please :3
Your positioning is bad, you're going in at awful times, and/or you're not using your defensive CDs properly. Any other view of the situation is scrub mentality.
post horse
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may i see
>i'm playing league
my condolences
*exits thread*
always be a few steps behind everyone, and hang out on the left side of your team. tab target goes from left to right so from the enemy perspective the people on the right side are less likely to get tabbed onto
Holy rape.
My moonie can’t drink tonight since she has to get up early to go to the airport
Not great.
Spatial awareness doesn't fucking do anything when both teams come crashing down on top of me in the middle of my group. You fucking retarded faggot.

I'm not.

Geez, no fucking shit sherlock. It doesn't take a fucking genius.

>use defensive cds
>use guard
>get cc'd to death anyways
>be in the middle of my group
>I'm the only one that dies because everyone only targets me
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feet thread lets go
>OJ dc'd
go next

Thighlanders are peak perfection. Give all my gil to EB one.
Scrub confirmed. Git gud or keep dying.
god i love this character
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>won't post because he knows that once he namedrops some tranny shit like YAB or pedoshit like AB/Noffle people will jump down his throat
>cant even recognize tre and lavabod
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Maybe I will post it tomorrow on femroe friday...

it kind of looks like this.
sorry this isn't my femra
Thavnairian chest works well with DNC, BLM, and AST.
Cause I just woke up after the hurricane gave me a refreshing night's sleep
If you acted as defensively in frontlines as you do in thread then you'd never fucking die
this does not answer my question!
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It's femroe friday in 5 minutes where I live... Could you post her in 5 minutes?
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well theory is that its someone from edda's schizo clique trying to draw out people who hate him or any of the clique, one of them probably lurks thread and has been lurking after the google doc dropped
every post asking for edda vincents ntr is probably a glowie equivalent
the other more likely theory is it's the same person who commissioned edda vincents ntr and his obsession with the character spiraled out of control even after edda stopped playing
the schizo clique mentioned above found him by the way, they had to falseflag to paint the picture they wanted because he's not malevolent, just obsessed
I'm beyond good, sis
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Yes I'm an EU alt
for me, it's rue
What the fuck is this email verification or wait 15 minutes shit why have they done this
I'm not playing a female character anymore and I don't go to meetups
malera for my femlala
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I'm too cringe for those
cursed :3
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8:25 CC ET Crystal
So sorry about the DC
Miera will say they're not gay, but then go on to post the most soft, faggy, fucka-I mean, sassy bunny boy you've ever seen.
but then have to play ast
if you're a certain femra..
it's grim.
its only for new ips so its more annoying if you keep changing them
My very old and faded scars look similar to that. I think you've nailed the look and that there's no real issue with the resolution, or lack thereof. If you want fresher looking scars, then definitely look for something else

May I get another armpit pic?
Who are you?
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a shame, a shame, I wanna get that vaugely padjal look. But can't quite find it.
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are these our favorite thread bikes?
Leave them alone!!
I am a femlala who can turn them into hard faggy meena...
you look a tad queer

1/10 until we 1v1 again

as was i, just be out there and don't be afraid to talk to new people middebro

most miera will just look like fujoshit, it's not your fault

8/10 for trigun alone
I love how that top is hotter than half the modded ones, cute redhead too
Fox is, yes.
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Yep, that's a /pet
I love cumming to this fat bitch
Show us your Halloween costumes /xivg/!
>tryhard rat that does his utmost to shit talk other people and ride the coattails of towa
I want to plap your sunnie
>He just has One Look.
im a femzen who just leveled RDM to 100 just to help nooblers learn savage and extremes fights
Any tips for a critically melee brained individual to learn this jawb?
What jobs are you playing?
Yab is just an alternate bibo with thicker features and worse tits. Bibo and yab are both tranny bodies. The least bad female body mod is tnf but he fucked off. Bbwvr was the best and its sad it died
I've never seen Lumy make a PF or join a PF from here are they even xivg or just a twitter tourist?
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My moonie is going to make more of them just for you
s-so fast! Good thing she's a professional
I hope so...
I present you one(1) Highlander from the collection
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There's not a good blue face paint color for the freckles, as someone suggested instead of the black ones
My femlala likes this, but viera look too serious to make a good match with how goofy lala look. Maybe if I fanta to elezan…
it takes 5 seconds to make a new email it wont stop anyone from stalking you
>The least bad female body mod is tnf
Methhead take
There she is...
The heavenly dyke...
you eat scat
Hey Effy, are you here
Yeah baby what do you need?
Effy if you're here show us your goonie pits
The twitter tourists probably know more than some of the nobody retards we got in here. The twitter faggots at least don't try to fit in here for years while being ignored.
I think what you have in this pic works, if for nothing else than not having retarded looking freckles on top of your scales unless you look really close.
I am severely wounded and will consider Canadian Healthcare.
>viera look too serious to make a good match with how goofy lala look
I'm only serious on the outside.
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If it looks normal to you it's probably just in my head, there are no more lewd ones this fiera is new I will try some more once I am done with work.
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uuuuuuuuuu........ fine
happy Friday EUbro
Tourist that tries to fit in by calling ebins that get attention tourists
My favorite thing about PVP is watching people blatantly cheat knowing they will face no repercussions.
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the grind for the seal rock coat continues...
>generic face 3 modbeast catgirls
not even close
I second this. I dont know who Effy is though.
I'll show you a queer
If you started browsing 4chan after 2015, you're a tourist and should leave.
If you only browse /xivg/, you're a tourist and should leave.
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Your cutest of elfs please you must post them
How do I know if someone's a Twitter tourist?
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Why are we still here?

Just to suffer?
Fox sucks a mean cock
Holy...holy fuck...I love femroe so much it's unreal. GODDAMN ! ! !
Nobody faces any repercussions for cheating regardless of pvp or pve
>The least bad female body mod is tnf
Stopped reading right there.
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Thank you for your service Ma'am. You look very nice.
Okay but what about without the trigun?
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ALL lalaboys are for my lalaboy.....
Hell why not?
>started in 2014.5
>only browse /an/ for toadline threads
whew, can't believe I pass
I love you
They allow you to hack the client to position furniture illegally.
You think they care about actual game safety?
Stay strong. Keep the faith. At duty's end, we will meet again. We will.
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>(Especially house decorators)
she needs pubes too
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The glases make you look like Elton John, which has implications miera already struggle to beat.
please be played by a sissy man and like malera
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so this is the kind of couple xivg ships?
don't we all?
Highlander hempen camise is too powerful. And thank you.
Oh that's sick. Nice work!
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>The least bad female body mod is tnf but he fucked

Got mine last year. Wore it in a glam plate for a month. Now collecting dust in the dresser. No regeruts tho.
ermm okaa-san doe?
I shall be cockwatching with great interest.
Never ever.
We like this!
*pouds chest* ooggghhoohoohgghhaaa aAAAARRRGHHHHHH *pounds chest*
ty friend, leveling an alt really does help with finding locations i completely forgot about
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Yeah that's the worst part
I COULD technically make a mod to edit these out but otherwise freckles weren't really that visible while black
and I dunno, doesn't really look that good imo compared to the black ones
alternative idea - smokier eyes
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Posting my highlander on highlander Thu-- Friday.
To reach greatness you must suffer, there is no alternative. Persist and struggle, anon.

FAGGOT! but you got good music taste

You'll be fine
stop giving away our secrets sis
waaaah this elf... so cute! Love the expression!
>asshole glued on the malformed cunt
kill yourself unironically. bibo and yab arent better but you are being purposefully retarded by suggesting tnf.
>e least bad female body mod is tnf
Bro if you want a fat retard body that looks like good coomer shit and not bad coomer shit just use Oka-saan
I just like the contrast
i want to tug on that lala's ear piercing
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>look at goon island picture
>all catgirls
>look at male character anchor
>all miera
holy moly
You won't get through, ppl here like body freckles, crater sized pores and granny hands.
I can't help the way I was born bro...
>ride on the coattails of a literally who euronigger sexpest
lmfao do you really expect anyone to believe this
can i be ur bf (i'm a miera too)
Is my mentally unstable clingy femlala wife here?
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its the world famous blu! uhhh reddest blu mage
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>(Especially house decorators)
No, having a good nights sleep made me think this was going to be fun. Like a "hobby"
I'm going back to barely sleeping, that never did me wrong.
I like Sunn Dereh
No but an awful femlala (me) who wants your affection too is here..
To Val

Why did you block me? It wasn't my fault at all. Everybody else was also doing it why am I the only one who is getting so much hate? I was pressured into doing it and it was not my idea at all. It wasn't my fault that everybody reacted to it the way they did. How could I know that that was offensive?

Also, I don't think it was as bad as all of you are saying. It wasn't much, I don't think anything was that wrong with what I did. I looked into it and it is actually fine to do that. Besides, I am one of the people that it was targeted to. Doesn't that make it all OK?

I think that part of the harsh reaction people had was just because of how popular I am. You know, it was all the haters that caused it, and if you didn't like it than you are also an oversensitive hater, and you should try to be less sensitive about things like this. You all just need to learn to take a joke.

Fuck you
Other male characters should stop being cowards
what about mentally stable and boundary respecting femlala wife to be?
cute highlander, cool shot
>tryhard rat that does his utmost to shit talk other people
Gotta pick Fox after Greta's ZN episode..
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>Just getting my ass beat and hard focused.
12:55 CC ET Crystal
>goon island picture
>it's literally just a screenshot of a catbox someone posted on the thread
Uhhh.. guys?
I baked you a pie.
I love Fox in a lust based manner, but the feeling is not mutual.
Have you seen tight and firm? Or are you being retarded on purpose
but i posted my hroth
at least you didn't have this picto running to spawn every time they got the slight amount of aggro
"Kill this entire race of people"
One Person "Nah it's fine"
Dawn trail is stupid
if you came here after the fox news special about exploding vans in like 2005 you are a tourist
Which job are you playing so I can hard focus you further
Hey... what kind of awful...
Gunner First Class Ferik Jurgen? Is Commissar Cain around? Lord General Zyvan wants to know if he'll be free for dinner and a game of regicide later.
mentally stable is boring af!
pushes u*(cutely)
this looks like crap and I hate meme dances
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Anyone know the source on this? I saw it on /a/ in the buyfag thread, but can find no other evidence of its existence.
anon is bored.
xivg is all about "contrast" nowadays
Well.. despite knowing you had a wife I still wanted to butt in
I thought nobody liked dark lalas?
you look pretty cool
*falls off to my death(cutely)*
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Posting a fruity looking 'lander
no, my femlala is sanguine but a bit of a windbag know-it-all who likes how you have your own interests to fill your time
leave that teacher alone
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Light Bless you bunejeet!
any white middies wanna get contrasted by my brown middie+?
I'm probably not gonna wear it either, I just want it!
If you didn't mentally check out of this "story" the second multiple world leaders decided to let a 12 year old little boy create a privatized military police force with free access and reign in multiple territories unchecked, you're the stupid one.
The return of the whyboner...
No, she's mine.
That's the thing. Everyone kinda instantly fell for bait.
Hroth aren’t human and don’t count. /spit
"I'm willing to do anything to protect my people."
'Wow, despite your general literally invading my country and killing my people I feel inspired! We are friends now!'
"I am a fabrication of a memory of a long dead queen, morality is a dead concept, I will kill you all to keep my people alive."
who's this slut? another booru e-celeb like sapphira?
Miera ears :3 /hug
he’s cute but can you change your hair
old melty, anon switched the name, check the archive
Fair, I can work with fruity
Maybe we could be awful together....
Nobody does
Can anyone in Joker tell me what it's like in there?
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you have to fail multiple self awareness checks to upload your character doing one of those, i'm not clicking that link but if it's the one i think it is then it's probably just one person who failed the checks and not several
You my pet and touch but don't cut them off. I have had some bad experiences...
>the most basic bitch rock band in existence
Have some self respect thirsty ass nigga
F-Fine.. I'll.. He's going to fail me anyway.. so we're not bound by Student/Teacher policies..

Not mine but my former EB-lander. Twelve I miss her so much.
You wouldn't get it.
12 year olds used to captain warships in the British navy anon. Modern views on childhood are not eternal or universal.
This post made bibo troons SEETHE
Okay I promise this time. I'm really sorry! /Pet
this is so tacky
she's probably sucking someone else's cock rn lmao
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>bolt-on firm
be fucking serious faggot
Post them all already so I can shoot some ropes
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faggy meena are BUILT for female bulls
Greta seems nice, I hope their reputation recovers
Imagine being the only 1 out of sync
Absolutely pathetic

Sadly she moved on from 14... back to WoW.
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>Bbwvr was the best
50000 ass mods have come since and none of them did better than bbwvr
you again
meena stocks in freefall

Sure I'm open to suggestions, got one for me?

Just know he's been the same since HW so he's probably not changing
nice ex-eb
so she's definitely sucking some orc cock right now
maybe getting knotted by a worgen
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You want deep fried fish?!
kek wtf
queue popped mid screenshot
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You know I can't be mad at you... /pet /pet
if you were to ask me to describe my lalaboy briefly, i would describe him as an old lady hard candy
Thank you! /pet
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Why are you like this.
why would you want suggestions then? i just don’t think that hairstyle works /shrug

handsome looking middie, no homo
I play a femlala. Do you really have to ask?
Yeah having a military with absolutely no oversight was very stupid

The morality in ff14 is very random. There's very much out group and in group bias, which is strange since we're supposed to be like a super duper above nationality group.
And everyone else in the universe would describe him as an insufferable little faggot
these matches are shit
i know... *cries*
Always me, till the darkness takes all

Probably but I haven't cared about wow since 2012. So more power to her!
Sorry.. you were too late...
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QRD on Rjukan Starrwesfv?
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daily post of what all my jobs currently are and what job I should do next other than BRD and BLM
You need to get yourself a husband. You're a menace.
Normal bibo looks like tranny tits. Yab, Venus, and uranus tits look more bolted on than tnf.
I'm just willing to accept change if it's a good idea I suppose
>Octavia got another name change and moved back to crystal
this game pvp is shit what do you expect
You have no idea what tits look like outside of porn
I am, his profession is Professor. >:3c
I look down on (You) if you:
Take pride in not playing the game
AFK in the game instead of logging off while you do something else
Spend most of your time ERPing
Have a significant number of mods installed
Only talk in memes
I'm gonna say SAM
It's pretty fucking DEAD. We're just playing other games right now because there's no FC content, and members join just for buffs or the raiding static.
i have to confess

i am soft as hell and will feel bad all day if i make someone uncomfortable
no one cares retard
I still think it's funny she couldn't handle my sass in shout chat and blacklisted me.
I would go back to seal rock but I keep getting the bad teams that don't follow shotcalls. I'll just wait for Red Sands.
Lowers thread quality by posting a maleroe
Hear... The song of Creation's end, Feel...The sorrow at Hope's Demise, Think... And find your way in the darkness
Like, as soon as she said she was willing to do anything to keep her people's souls flowing I was thinking. "Alright, so you are clearly the enemy, and wanted this attack so- wait, why are we being fucking chummy, LEADER OF THE ATTACKED COUNTRY!?"
Qrd on Octavia?
Her new name so I can blacklist the weirdo

>Cracks open a can

Now Uematsu? That was real music.
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>Walk into it
>Perfectly fine
>Walk around it
>Get hit by the movement that was 3 seconds ago
Honestly what the fuck are these servers? Whos to even blame? 1.0 fuckery? Shit Japanese servers? Pure incompetence?
if you’re truly married to the slicked back look then you should try the hair we got from the DT trailer
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Thank you joining in for CC calls. I will be taking a break if someone wants to take over feel free.
he's a hypocrite and easily talks himself into corners all the time, his usual cope is that he was "drunk". but to get him to black list you is hilarious
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>AFK in the game instead of logging off while you do something else
Phew, logged off to do my gacha dailies.
Racist fiddie who was built like a house of cards
My femlala has an interesting dossier on (You)...
Liking the same band and wanting to pipe are completely different anon, even IF both MIGHT apply here
I would add
>demoralizes real players by saying gooning and modding are the true game
gooners are the subhumans of this game
Anon he literlaly said he modeled them after stripper post boob-job
What then?
So if you dare talk to femlalas now you get schizoed? Is that what's happening?
are you winning
>turn on lag switch
>set it to 2500ms
it's that easy
My turn
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Thank you for the calls!
Take care~
You can do this by turning mare off and applying your mods to everyone.
Oji...your nipples are vaporized
A mentally ill person that has nothing left to fight for. So I spend every second of my life shitposting people that are happy. I want to kill myself but I am too coward to do it.

I get the writing is a little odd this expac, but why does no one talk about lizurd mans kid? How did he have one while being in the thunder dome for 30 years? I'm so confused.
Why the fuck is tab targeting so bad in this game? Is there any way to fix this shit? (For pvp shit)
Grey earth mare, plays a chello

>cracks open a can

That's a wife.
damn i don't remember making this post
I-I just wanted to know more about him.. :(
This is a decrepit ps3 game, that's why.
Oh I knew that already, thought there was more to it. Did you guys even know that the dude behind the character larps as an onlyfans girl? Like he goes around on discord pretending to be a girl with an onlyfans.

What does this mean
i thought he got permabanned?
Nothing at all?
if you wanna start doing calls, say it now
then shut up
I look down on (You) for "playing" gacha
Yeah alright man.
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my lalaboy is like this
>What does this mean
Oh, you know. We all know.
you can adjust the way tab targeting works in the settings but I never liked those personally. i just use a target nearest macro and if i can i angle my camera to have less people in view to tab target a little easier
>AFK in the game instead of logging off while you do something else
I don't understand this one, do you work for a power company or something?

If on PC I try to pan down my cam from above. It sort of helps. For me anyways
He did, he pulled a kong and got the game all over again and made a new character on mateus and name changed a few times, he's just now moved back to balmung since it opened.
I'm fine with taking a break.
You can do them if you want to. I'll join a few then.
you know how to make a good looking roe rejoice
I mean we know he fucks horses but what does "grey earth" or "cellos" have to do with it.
One more because the short hair is kind of growing on me
bibo is for trannies, stick to gen3 for a REAL female body
may i plap
Where's the confederate flag at? This isn't a /xivg/ bedroom
This screams I never seen a real female body in real life.
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CC calls
I need to make casters life miserable with my kot
my wife fibbly tibblytinks
Perhaps. Perhaps not.
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see you there cc bro.

You're just going to get bullied by the 20 VPRs that decided to queue today
I like all shades of brown lalas.
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Not like this...
The walls stay clean and pure!
how the FUCK do i add cum to my gposes with 0 artistic ability
I assure you they are fine.
Thanks man
cute and nice tanline peek
No you don't... nobody does. Even brown lalas don't like brown lalas..
You never see two brown lalas
It's brown lala x white lala
or two white lalas
But I gotta farm siete
my femra is going to skip the scary quest in legacy of the dragonborn
unconscious moonies
You callin me a liar tater tot?
The biggest liar
Moonie love <3
I just want a lab assistant EB to find me asleep at my desk in the middle of the night and gently put a blanket over me for warmth and then kiss .y cheek as she shuts off the lights and goes to bed.

Is that too much to ask?
Oh come on now. Just use some tacky putty on those walls. Let that sticky, oily residue seep into the paint~
~I want to see your holidays~
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unconscious moonie feet
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She fell for it
I haven't seen Foxhroth all day
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Extremely based.
based as fuck
What if I come track you down and smooch your brown lala huh?
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Deserved to be honest
>Spatial awareness doesn't fucking do anything when both teams come crashing down on top of me in the middle of my group. You fucking retarded faggot.
do you seriously think 48 random people decide target you specifically every match?
no, it's you running into dumb shit
You have a cute imagination anon. I'd apply but my femra knows nothing about lab work.
Not based, I hate this homo and I hate how hard it is to actually get into a raid before it fills
You would become impure..
people don't actually cum to their own creations
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Hosting a halloween CC meet up on Halloween since I didn't see anyone hosting either or. Come dressed up in Spooky glams!! Wear any of your meme full suit glams or actual spooky glams from past events!! Location will be on Balmung Wolf's Pier on Halloween at 5PM PDT and goes until people stop showing or leave!

-Oct 31st, 5:00PM PDT / 8:00PM EST | Balmung, Wolf's Pier | Halloween Theme CC

so what is this? some type of scam pyramid scheme? their accounts get hijacked?
just follow this cum tutorial. it's what i use and i have zero artistic ability
If you're farming shiete right now I truly pity you
>The Halloween meet is now CC
Damn what a waste lol.
There's a discord of frontline premades that have my name on a list of people to target because I carry games.
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Buy the tix!
>frontline fag crying
water is wet
>He doesn't want to watch Santa, Mario, and Wario beat the fuck out of a chicken.
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Sis? Your daily hosts?
Can one of you trannies help me come up with something to put on my adventurer plate? I'm not quirky or zany enough to do it on my own :(
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my femezen? she's like this
It use to be a social thing. We'd put on a film and chat about halloween..
"I go where I please, and please where I go"
my femra is
nigger is there ever a single moment we are NOT doing CC? Most of us are in costume right now like seriously.
you can do it! I believe in you!
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>heres your final gear set for bozja bro
what the fuck were they thinking
Lots of layers and using Cum brush style presets in PS
Wait, if I just join CC I will just run into some of you faggots anyway. Why actually go to Balmung?
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It's someone's favorite, that's for sure
You mean just make sex jokes while watching the film.
"haha I would totally mating press her"
"she is in the perfect position to get fucked"
"stroking my shit right now"
Account got hijacked after receiving the same or similar message
but i don't have photoshop!
I want to gimmick post. Do we already have a witch veena poster?
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>On a Thurs evening
>PvP meet up on a holiday of all things
Yeah this will definitely not cause a shitfest of people not be able to get in and having to relocate at all nahhhh
the website has ".es" at the end of it, which means it's not the official website. The website is a phishing link, and will get your info, including, but not limited to your XIV account.
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Yeah that's one alright. Honestly some of the longer styles aren't too bad either I suppose.
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Crystal, come help us clear the copied factory!
guaranteed first time bonus!
If it were a normal meet they'd just CC through it anyway too lol.
I wish that was me
what else are we going to do? stand around, chat, and goon? that's EVERY DAY
Yar har, matey
I have fox BL and I don't know who the one on the right is.
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You don't have to show. Nobody is forcing you.
but that's fun..
I have a wife and kids
And they look less bad than bibo or yab
Brother those are final fantasy 12 costumes, people were creaming themselves over it at the time
ive pirated movies for 20 years, but never programs. the risk seems too great
My bloonie is logging back in
it's probably a shitpost, it being on balmung and not having a host makes it way too obvious
Well, now I wanna go and you can't stop me.
me ripping off the tail of a femra
My femezen is like this
Maybe, and this might be a little controversial, what if we did something relating to Halloween?
The risk is exactly the same are you retarded. Anyway just use GIMP
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I'll try my best to find a cheap costume!
No you are now on the banned list, sorry bodyguards won't let you in.
You use trusted uploaders for that. No torrent sites wants to be known for keeping up virus links, rather than purging them immediately.
I need to mating press your femezen.
PS2023 Enjoy, retard-kun
Do you want some gil anon, I can help you get whatever costume you have in mind bro
It's just weird to end it on basic 12 gear, when the previous rewards were fucking JUDGE ARMOUR
can you do a pf instead
virus link
Lucky for you anon there is a halloween event coming with a free glam!
im not clicking that specifically because its from here
My femra's interested in peaked...
My male middie acts like this
the fuck is wrong with you
This one's actually pretty good lol, I'll go with that
dolphin porn
maybe LB14 is based after all
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I like parts of the scouting set.
Addme erp futa and lala
Luca asaha -midgard
my lalaboy ate too much mashed potatoes, fried chicken, sweet corn, coleslaw, gravy, slice of apple pie and dinner rolls
he is going to die now
Somebody say something based
something based
That's also armor from 12 though, I agree it probably would have been better in reverse though
My sunnie is not like other sunnies :3
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Spooky season so I have to post it..
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Get one of the free meme glams you can either get in the golden saucer or overworld fates
That's a kind offer, anon. But I would feel bad to take something for free. I'll find something. I still got time.
Oh cool! I will try to mix that outfit with something else to make it unique.
I like it too but the weird flaps on the back set me off from using it, would have been a really great piece otherwise.
I have a crush on a fellow femlala
How did this happen to me
Just happened so quickly after a CC match
i gotta learn how to say no to people
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I like your theory. Want to go set up some traps and test it?
Why do so many futafags make their dick extra veiny and dark
Nice, my computer have covid now
we love contrast
oh hey I made that pic and nobody gave a shit :c
hope we do something with costumes like that
This moonie is always on her tomestone, my moonie wonders what she's looking at
it better reflects their penis (theirs is like that because of excessive masturbation damaging it)
I LOVE REFERENCES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Are... are we actually gonna genocide a race in this expansion... wtf...
bros, ive been playing a female character for a whole 3 days now and no desperate male has offered to pay for my sub yet
Well I'm pretty sure some people will show to the meet with some of the costumes or mix of the costumes
Pay my sub I'm cute.
They were thinking kino, it's good shit. you're just a faggot eureka tranny screaming and shitting your pants over soul. go back to farming bunnies, you little nigger.
You can literally find that link here, retard-kun x3
the life of a femlala
You'll have to microwave these leftovers
Yeah, hello
You need to be a biological woman first
i've been playing one for 10years and no one has ever offered to pay my sub
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Gay sex with gay hroths
filled ty
You have to play a CUTE female
Hello my future wife!
I'd only pay the sub of a friend. I don't really care about your race/sex.
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I'll let you in on a secret...
I'm looking at my tomestone :D
the judge armor was connected to savage so you could get max haste gear made for bozja content and get it dyeable. blade's armor is just catchup gear as well as being 'alliance raid' gear for doing dalriada.
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Ah no worries lol, I just like returning the kindness anons ITT have provided for me since I've been residing in this community. Best of luck then! Hopefully you share your finished costume!
now i'm DEFINITELY not clicking it
For the ninja in particular I think it works because of the way the ninja runs, they remind me of like small wings so it's streamlined. We need more bodysuits in general in the game though.
not worth it, played a female for 1 month and got hit on by mieras. didn't even go to balmung or had WU/T in my adventurer plate
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Oh yeah i'm not saying 12's art design is bad or anything, but with the exception of Balthier's look the partys gear is utterly mogged by literally any judge armour. Purely from a "force the player to give us money and spend ages grinding out this shit" company perspective you'd think you'd make this gear the final thing to get.
I don't even get invited to content what makes you think I'd be allowed anywhere near Goon Island
Miera love!!
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>linking reddit
>going to reddit
>trusting reddit
>installing random fucking trash from reddit
>keeping adobe cloud and all the services and adobe malware running 24/7 on your PC plus whatever malware from whoever put that on reddit
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i'm logging in rq
>But I would feel bad to take something for free.
Bro, some people have hundreds of millions and nothing to spend it on. You don't have to feel bad to take a million or two.
Okay I'm sold, I'm fantaing to female now
If you want pirated photoshop to work you need to block access to those services through your firewall anyway.
That sounds so adorable but I'm just a RP femlala...
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Luv me thighlander Thursday.
so many moonies are addicted to their tomestones these days
I think you're unaware but the judge armor is way harder to get than the final armor.

The reason why is if you want to get the dyable judge armor you need to grind your ass off
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It's Hroth Hthursday!
usual Val x Lumy drama
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calm down
Macchi Atto@Balmung
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I wanna make more friends...

3:25 ET CC
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>Wearing costumes.
I mean, who does that?
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>used to post this all the time
>now my hairline looks like his
Who's calling
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RIP big lenny
>tnf fags still mad they lost the mass adoption war 4 years later
Sorry, should have made a body mod that looked good on non-face 5 midlanders.
Sorry. Should have made a body mod that didn't make your character look like she was craving bbc 24/7.
Sorry, should have actually attempted to make it easy for modders to port it to other outfits.
Need I go on?
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>If you want pirated photoshop to work you need to block access to those services through your firewall anyway.
No, you illiterate fuck
I have photoshop 2024 I don't have a single adobe anything and I didn't even had to install it
We are already frens, Caller-kun!
all the cool people, you are cool right anon?
Marriage is sacred... can it truly be tainted by pits & live to tell the tale?
my fiera walks like this
what the fuck, isn't this failed ebin relationship shit over 2 years old by now? maybe appal had it right by fucking off from the thread and xivg stuff after splitting, some people just can't move on
>esl poster
Your shitpost is disregarded
..does she have games on her tomestone?
My moonie is too stupid to figure out how to use them
You post anime reaction images
Thank you Effy, very nice!
Also I just noticed the sigh and "...", I imagine that's how everyone feels towards pic pic requests haha
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what should i level to 100 or 71 next?
does she put out
I'm trash at pvp but I join just to play with (you) flen
shut the fuck up modbeast
too right and too left are my fav, great lengths might work for what you’re going for
builded for my fiddie
kanchelle post
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>smug post
>doesn't link his superior version
The worst middie pvper

you're right.
Anyone who ccs with me is a friend of mine!
Schizos here remember everything anon
I kissed the ass of a fiera wearing that but she had some celtic looking tattoos too.
it doesnt help that lumy is a top tier schitzo himself
My femra? Playing Heli Attack 3 while waiting for the queue
>adobe cloud
It's not enabled by default
>adobe malware running 24/7 on your PC
Adobe shit doesn't run on start. If you're referring to having the "not genuine" popup when you launch PS, you need to run GenP to fix it and to block inbound/outbound connections on the app.
>plus whatever malware from whoever put that on reddit
Doesn't have malware. If you don't believe me, pirating PS is literally 1 google search.
wheres the teleport mod where you fall over
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>you are cool right anon?
My brother in christ, we are on 4chan. The government keeps this site running for free refrigeration.
So cool...
Malelala x Femlala
you already posted it, plus look at his alts in FC's that he's caused drama in. avoid.
10 DRS runs really isn't that bad especially with the discords out there literally carrying you
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I support Val x Lumy
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I prefer my women a little taller thanks
I haven't posted anything about Lumy and I don't see any screenshots of Lumy doing anything.
Pfft, maybe. It's not actually a bother to me personally, just a fun little detail to add in
thank you
Do they need support? What happened?
You forgot the D in front
No, it never ends, Val keeps telling the world that he was emotionally abused and manipulated by multiple ebins for years.

Now that Val's being a slut and getting plapped left and right to cope, it was just a matter of time for the drama to resurface. And rumor is that Val posted a pose getting plapped out of spite, which didn't help.
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The maiming/fending chest are really good, actually.
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If you have one of these bad boys you can safely approach any femra
Shut the FUCK up Macksa
My male middie fell asleep again after waking up and now it's 7 pm
What a mess..
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ppfft haahahahahha
god grown ass agp faggots really are something else
Moonie x Miera
Which dyes?
The one with black in the middle highlights the pattern on the skirt more.
But I actually think the subtlety of just being a different texture of black for the pattern looks better, and that having the less color of green in the middle looks better.
Though the black sleeve kind of looks better..
So I don't know.
Nice armpit!
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Anime website
Reddit is waiting for you to go back
Would you trust a link from me, even, you should not
>It's not enabled by default
All those from m0nkrus don't even open without adobe cloud
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nta and I don't have it anymore, but the only screenshots I'm aware of are of Val snapping at Lumy and being an asshole, some schizo here probably has them
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May I rape ma'ams
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I support this.
disgusting homosexual faggot
thank you too
Why does this catgirl get no (You)s...?
She is very cute
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True, correct, holy, just, righteous, admirable, exemplary, meritorious, sensible, class
vocaroo of you breathing into my ear...
Adorable pic!!
Whats the green liquid..
some of u aren't as good of a nooticer as u think u are
a woman wrote this job quest
Stinkiest catgirl of /xivg/ history
Boning this pup all night long
femlala x crippling loneliness
Malezen x fiddie
Malezen x femezen
Malezen x femroe
Malezen x thighlander
Malezen x femlala
Malezen x hrothgal
Malezen x fiera
Malezen x femra
male midlanders
dunesfolk fem-

you know what? who am I kidding, nevermind.
It's really quite simple. Aim for where the posts will not be at in a second from now, rather than where the posts will be at in a second from now.
>Forgot image...
Which dyes?
The one with black in the middle highlights the pattern on the skirt more.
But I actually think the subtlety of just being a different texture of black for the pattern looks better, and that having the less color of green in the middle looks better.
Though the black sleeve kind of looks better..
So I don't know.
I've noticed, ages ago in fact
Excuse me anons but I have a musk and scent play fetish. I would be ever so thankful if you could post sniffable asses here thank you.
I mean, val got plapped and posed with n'wah kat of all people, I'd assume that was out of spite too
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First a Lala (I'm 80% it was one) snaps a picture of my Aryan's feet and now this, we're friends you gooners.
Yeah and if I had the opportunity to put my self insert OC and my ideal Miera together in a quest line I would too
Lalaboys x My femroe's long nails that will tickle them within an inch of their life
qrd on n'wah kat?
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I made it myself, I'm not a good cook but I'm trying my best!
We like this (I think.)
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Honestly the funnier part is how the only somewhat negative comment was yours
So cuteee
don't do that, i'll flail wildly
Delete warriors
Anyone have that webm of the giant obese catgirls standing in a line doing some animationslop?
And this is why it fucking SUCKS!!!!!! It plays nothing like it should. This game is only good for pretend turn-based combat and castbars that take 5 seconds to resolve because otherwise it's obvious how garbage the netcode is.
kyoppi if Japanese
Hold up, Macska schizos catgirls now?
If people are staring at each other in public without saying anything, they are secretly having hot passionate sex in /tells
horny cat+
Hehe, maybe
What does dragonfucker even add to the thread?
Shoes off, slut.
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A bit of a collection I have going on here
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*cough* stay away from me anon.. i'm not well.. *sniff*
impotent thirst posts for the ugly races
what does anyone add to the thread
What do you add to the thread?
..Is it safe? will it hurt my moonie to drink this?
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Val never got over being cucked
Between posting his Miqitten lewds he schizos Val
You can't hide, I know
me :)
Adapt and win. Ne cheats required.
If it's you then yes.
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Goofy pictures and he's quite nice. I think even if you dislike his character or posts he's very inoffensive and not worth making a stink about.
I'd never give Anon anything unsafe!
femlala posting... I'm REALLY sorry...
Every femezen is getting ill...
They need to stop kissing
i just bought a razer nigga pro v2
femra+ where are you
I have nothing to contribute
My moonie trusts you so she will take a sip
Don't know/care , had that shitter filtered since his second post.
how about you get that sickness pulled out of you
I post about and play the game and sometimes people talk back to me about the game and playing it.
futa modbeast catgirl, major sexpest and close to well known sexpest falke
fake nice friend as long as erp is on the table, had a couple of meltdowns but I forgot why
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But he thirsts for femra, catgirls, and fiera
damn val gave lumy his cold
i now know the lore
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I guess, but it always feels like russian roulette with how things get treated and I'd rather people focus their nitpicks on me rather than the people who deem themselves my friends, less chances of them getting hurt that way.
1 to the post count.
Half naked pictures of my femra sometimes
I don't know if people actually want to be forced to see my femra so I feel kinda bad about it
>Post yo-
I'm commuting, I can't force the thread to see m
I like to post silly little gpose images sometimes and I hope people like them
feet pics sometimes.
emotional support to my fellow moonies
autistic roleplay
you cooked him ngl
Wrong, and you won't figure out who I am. I don't hang out at xivg spaces, I just have a good memory. Though Val's failed relationship drama has happened so often that you just had to be around to remember it.
I don't think I'd go even if my best friend went. I would rather play the game instead, and if I was afk there just doing some stupid modded emote I'd rather be playing something else or watching a show/movie.
yes, like i said, the ugly races.
cute pictures of a bloonie
the tanlines on that sunnie making my moonie go feral..
my dark lala likes dark lalas, but there's only like 2 of us in the entirety of xivg
one of these?
answer housing questions mostly
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Rabi's, /pet's, mild shitposts, bad music, a screenshot every now and again. Nothing of value but it could always be worse
/pet /pet
I accidently put a braincell in it, now you're even smarter.
i have to go
One of these two posted this. Now is it the Lala lustfully yearning for the Middie dick, or is it Dragonfucker trying to make a move? The world will never know.
Femra pics keep me alive so keep forcing them
I'm the only sunnie lover it seems :( so I add that
Femezen portraits
>Val never got over being cucked
>lumy has been cockwatch posting val every night this week in thread
yeah idk
How do I make /xivg/ friends? Do I just go up to people at the 'beds and talk to them? Or will I get ignored because I have no threadcred?
Every other race marginally looks worse than catgirls and femra.
The second one, thank you lmao
bad my moonie/i am a moonie shitposts, some sex/plap/pet posting, uhh sometimes i answer questions about the game when i know the answer
> "anon"

Made my day, thanks.
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Thanks! Its homegrown.
Val is a piece of shit who celebrated someone in the thread dying
He deserves everything bad that happens to him
you have to be mentally ill to find these arousing
I ERP'd with both of them this month
just talk to them, but honestly most of the worthwhile people hardly go there that I've met here, just gotta get lucky and find em around
Post his character so I know who to avoid
Have you considered playing the game with them?
If you could change one thing about your favourite job, what would it be?
It's crazy how mid Val is without her signature hairstyle
hey, that's me....
Fiddies are the best looking race in the game
val has a red stuffy nose in that picture
lumy now has a red stuffy nose mod
val is patient zero
stop avatarfagging
>Val is a piece of shit who celebrated someone in the thread dying
Wait, proof? That's fucked up.
wtf are you me
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I answer anons that have technical questions while everyone else goons over some ebin
I'm so glad I'm not normal, it seems like a miserable fate to like this shit.
You can talk to most Anons, they will be friendly.
Ok that’s cool and all but Val’s soles
People are usually taking in say chat there just join in whenever it starts up again.
I really do hate trans people so much...

How can you want to be a woman so much yet still be such a misogynistic piece of shit?
don't forget the tumorous lump thighs, swollen tits, and makeup that would make an oil on canvas artist cry
>play the game with them
I thought /xivg/ just spent the entire day at the beds though....
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Facts man so fucking true
God I fucking love fiddies
apparently so??
people won't care about you unless you give them something to masturbate to.
I saw that cat on alpha
EU modbeasts are a whole new level
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honestly the "too much make-up" val is like the lowest point in val's modbeast character arc
damn that's crazy.. can you level our picto then so i don't have to? this class sucks..
Normal people also don't like this kind of shit
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they wont let me because i'm too "goofy"
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>tracking win rate on casual matches
Proxy Noir you rat bastard, you can't keep getting away with this!
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Going to queue down. Need to wake up at 7am for work.
Thank you for the calls~
Good night to everyone!
yeah, no problem!
I'd celebrate some of you dying too
Given how common it is? Nah, that's normie shit.
>See a wallflower waiting in queue
>They are a sub level 50 DPS
>Realize they are waiting for levelling, offer to go healer and chain queue dungeons
>They show off their house and we chat while taking a break
>Become friends
It didn't seem that hard to do at the time...
thanks babe /dote
new bread baked
Playing the hit game Final Fantasy XIV Online: Dawntrail!
Why all night..I have things to do, like leveling BLU :3
No one unironically likes fiddies they're ugly bland annoying and retarded
t. Fiddie
I'm literally crafting to level my DoHs so I can help other anons RIGHT NOW.
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he changes his look a lot, used to be like this, but this is from the val pose https://files.catbox.moe/pfsybz.png
It's only "common" because you're in a space that enables it. Normal people think shit like this is laughable
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She thought there was a weird lumpy thing in it and spat it out, no extra braincells for her :3c
I can't wait for you to take the slut pipeline and in a couple weeks you will become a gooner.
they're also trannies. like you. troon.
It's only common with certain demographics and coomers with fried brains.
/Pet /hug
you're right win rate doesn't matter. I'll keep griefing.
What's the song for the second one if anyone knows? Awful creatures but the tune isn't that bad
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>they're ugly
Uhhh no?????
>bland annoying and retarded
But that's the best part????
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You can be my friend starting now by doing fates with me to level ninja
There are niggas here faking their deaths, that retard is not in the wrong
Strange how common breast implants and BBL is irl too then, isn't it?
My statement still applies. Mostly in American "Ghetto" culture and with fried coomer.
What's a fiddie?
You'll never be him (O.J.)
Fuck I hate this picture I wanna die

here fuckos ignore the idiot with the PS 2023 and embrace the superior PS CS6 portable.
thank me later.

i'll allow you Tycho, we are all goofy and i love you.
I don't want to boost my ego

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