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/feg/ is the general dedicated to the discussion of games from the Fire Emblem franchise.

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Previous: >>497906261
^sleepless loser with no live and no love^
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Love and appreciate Tiki
lol cucked
You're at a developer meeting for FEH on its deathbed, and the director displays this promotional art, recently released by your competitor. He asks everyone for ideas on what FEH should do to compete with this. What is your response?
I rip the foulest smelling fart i can muster.
I'd tell you to shut the fuck up and kill yourself for repeating the same shit over and over again.
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once again, more Tiki alts
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>"I'll be back to answer in 20 minutes. I need to have sex with Verina right now."
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go chiki go
>Get brave Edelgard on the free roll for the banner she's on
>Get brave Edelgard again on a free roll for a banner she's not on
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Little Witch Nobeta collab, Nobeta herself as a unit along with several FE lolis wearing Nobeta's outfits. A little niche, but we're probably too poor to get a big name collab anyway.
I wanna rub her chest
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chiki in action
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Kill Shamir. Behead Shamir. Roundhouse kick Shamir into the concrete. Slam dunk Shamir into the trashcan. Crucify Shamir. Defecate in Shamir's boots Launch Shamir into sun. Stir fry Shamir's face in acid. Toss Shamir into active volcano. Urinate onto Shamir's clothes. Judo throw Shamir into a wood chipper. Twist Shamir's jewish head off. Report Shamir to the Adrestian guards. Chop Shamir in half with axe. Curb stomp Shamir. Trap Shamir in quicksand. Crush Shamir under trebuchet. Liquefy Shamir in a vat of acid. Eat Shamir. Dissect Shamir. Exterminate Shamir in the colosseum. Stomp Shamir skull with steel toed boots. Cremate Shamir in the kiln. Lobotomize Shamir. Mandatory rocks throwing at Shamir. Grind Shamir in a mortar. Rape and dissect Shamir. Drown Shamir in liquid gold. Incinerate Shamir with Adrestian fire. Kick Shamir off a cliff. Gas Shamir. Feed Shamir to the lions. Slice Shamir's throat open.
Shut down feh and make a real game
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>Playing FE7
>Get that infamous Damian ambush in Chapter 16x
>He decides to attack Lyn right away
>She dodges, Crits in return
I haven't laughed that hard in a while.
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Initially cleared it with base Lucia instead of Heather but I wanted to do it with four unique characters.
Ye that sucks she has like no fodder.
I more just found it funny. Suppose a merge doesn't hurt if I decide to use her.
free pulled Red. got triandra
shame. fellstone would be more useful
>corrin i know it was your clearly evil purple eye sword that just killed our mother and all the locals around us which eventually led to the entire town getting destroyed but you can turn into a dragon! you're so cool!
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Metaphor sold in under 24 hours what took Engage half a year to achieve.
Well Persona like games are quite popular with the kids these days so I am not surprised.
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So, it happened AGAIN. We can blame Engage, we can blame Maeda, we can praise IntSys for trying to appeal to the LGBTQ+ audience but the truth is it's simply not enough. Designs, story, you name it, it all stinks.
Don't get me wrong, I still have full faith in Fire Emblem but MASSIVE reinforcements from the 3H writing team are desperately needed for Switch 2's game. Otherwise I'm not very optimistic about FE4R, or our chances with the next mainline game for that matter. Not with writing like this. What do you think, /feg/? #AnotherChance4Komuro or #KomuroOut?
tranny game
When you're a retailer you have to cut your losses at some point. Engage sold 1.61 million copies. Around half of those were to physical retailers. Those are counted as "sold" when they are sold to the retailer, not when the retailer is able to sell them onto the customer. If you go to Walmart right now and buy a copy of Engage, it won't ding up that 1.61 million figure, it will be the same because the copy you bought was already sold when it was sold to the retailer. (If you buy it digitally it will though because it "creates" a new copy in circulation.) Retailers can buy a lot of copies of a game from a supplier, and then realise it isn't selling. What you then end up with is a shit ton of copies of Engage stuck in retailers that nobody is buying, rotting and taking up space in your stock rooms and on your shelves.
But enough about Engage
Framme daisuki!
Hridtroon on suicide watch.
That bitch is unfunny and its dollar store Peach summoner OC is cringe as fuck.
Fucking idiot
It's over...woke DEIslop won...
next FE game will be just as woke too....
looking over last thread it's weird how much people hating engage has turned raul into a raving schizo when he barely played the game in the first place

he doesn't care about gameplay so what is the actual reason he has a tantrum after somebody points out timerra is unpopular?
the fact engage had modern day clothing? I could see it being something shallow like that.
Because it's a decent game that gets hated for stupid reasons, like the story (as if anyone ever cared about the story in a fire emblem game)
character, story, lore and designs are not "stupid" reasons though
you might not care about them personally but surprise surprise most rpg players actually do, and kaga outright said the thing that set fire emblem apart from srpgs and made it more of an rpg was that relative to the time they always had more of a focus on story and individual characters

I have no idea where this argument came from other than newfags, one of the main criticisms of fates was also that the characters and writing were shit
having standards for this stuff is not a new thing, what's new is the people arguing none of it matters
Fire Emblem always had shit writing.
If you think the other Fire Emblem games have good characters, story and lore than you're stupider than Komuro. All FEs are worse than other RPG franchises in these categories.
The only good thing about FE is the gameplay and the waifus. If you care about the other aspects then I assume you are below average IQ
>as if anyone ever cared about the story in a fire emblem game
Ar you serious? The characters and their journey are highly relevant. If you don't want your party to succeed, why bother?
This is like saying people play Pokemon only for the Gameplay and not to collect their faves. Accurate for some, but ridiculous to apply to all.
>Engage is bad because FE is bad
So you spend your day in a bad general? Kinda weird, dude.
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>More than one Sommie
Literally missing the entire point
Sommie doesn’t care.
Rise and grind, gang
Sommie used his powers to clone himself.
Kek Fire Emblem is fucking over
>The only good thing about FE is the gameplay
Most FE games are extremely easy and not complex strategy games at all. Let me guess, your first game was Fates and the only other one you like is Engage?
Atlus even did Fire Emblem + FE better than IS did. What a joke company.
Why do gachatroons hate FE yet post in FE threads? Are they gay?
>FE games are easy!
...is that why 80% of the playerbase plays on easy difficulty?
>but it's easy for me!
ok and for every hardcore fan here. Want a cookie or something? What a stupid argument. You must have been dropped on your head as a baby.
I only come here for the eceleb talk.
>...is that why 80% of the playerbase plays on easy difficulty?
Most FE games don't have difficulties.
If you find any of the following FE games hard you might be clinically retarded:
>Three Houses

That's well over half of the series. The Archanea games (all 4 of them) aren't particularly hard either in their default forms and have extremely basic rock paper scissors gameplay. Fire Emblem is not a complex SRPG series. It rarely if ever ventures outside of solely rock paper scissors combat and most of the games can be broken by 1-2 range weapons and cavalry.
Thracia, Conquest and Engage are all outliers in being hard games with multiple overlapping gameplay mechanics.
Engage isn't hard at all.
Way to out yourself as a retard in the very last sentence.
It's funny because that was the exact same argument Fates defenders used to use.
These newgen otakus don't like Fire Emblem.
Engage is absolutely harder than the standards of the series.
most of radiant dawn plays itself kek
it has like one good map in the entire game (elincia's gambit) and the rest is just ai units killing the enemy for you
A story that you aren't meant to take seriously and it's just there to facilitate gameplay (Engage) >>>>> a story that takes itself too seriously but still fails to tell anything coherent (Three Houses)

Simple as. If you disagree then you're a brainlet.
I really wish I had that one Scooby Doo image right now
>it's shit on purpose!
Another newgen otaku argument. Get some standards little bro.
>calls subpar stories like 3H good
>thinks he has any standards
lmao even
>A story that you aren't meant to take seriously
That's just another engaygie cope,
>1 hour long cutscenes
You have a skip button, retard.
Why do you think it's there?
>most of radiant dawn plays itself kek
>it has like one good map in the entire game (elincia's gambit) and the rest is just ai units killing the enemy for you
You didn't play the game. Hell I don't think you even paid much attention to whatever eceleb bullshit lets player you watched playing it.
Regardless of the button existing the cutscenes exist, smooth brain, and they exist because you are expected to care about them.
Extremely retarded logic, but if you were smart you wouldn't be an Engaygie
And they're meant to be laughed at. Just like The Room, retard.
cope, radiant dawn fucking sucks
this was common consensus before reddit started forcing the idea the games were good
I am laughing
>And they're meant to be laughed at. Just like The Room, retard.
they aren't funny either, though
they're just shit
Damn I guess you have no sense of humor.
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>A minority of the chapters even have AI units
>Mentions Elincia's Gambit as the only good chapter where there are AI units
>Forgets that in most cases you can just order the AI units to stay out of battle if you want to
Yes I repeat you did not play the game.
>this was common consensus before reddit started forcing the idea the games were good
You mean when you weren't even playing Fire Emblem and you weren't here to see? The reality was more split than decisive though it was always only specific places where it was a consensus. Now please stop pretending like you were here, either on /feg/ or in the Fire Emblem fandom generally before Awakening.
We're really looping to these same asinine arguments huh?
Time to hand over FE to Koei so we can get a successful game and more musuo spinoffs that make over a million
Yes because retards like you can't get it through your tiny brains
>Durr, the writing is supposed to be bad! You are consuming the media all wrong!
Do engage babies really think like this?
If sales were an indicator of quality, then Call of Duty, Fifa, and Assassin's Creed would be the pinnacle of gaming. Reminder that only third worlders and literal jews care about sales numbers. The real gigachad knows what games are good because he played them and formed his own opinion.
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If the writing was supposed to be good, would they write in scenes like this?
The answer is "no"
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Not a supreme victory from the AscReAtt banner because I'm still missing Merric's floret, but he's genpool at least.
this thread would be better if there were FE girls AI feet posts
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>It's not a giant book in length or detail in the main story and I can't be assed to seek out all the supports or battle conversations so all Fire Emblem stories suck
post a lewd chikker
You can box all FE stories into retellings of FE1 and FE3:
>The Lord's Journey to reclaim his homeland
>An Ancient Evil Awakens
The only exceptions are Genealogy Gen 1 (Gen 2 is the Lord's Journey) and Black Eagles (BL is the Lord's Journey, SS/GD is An Ancient Evil Awakens). I'd expect more novel ideas out of a series with 17 main entries instead of "uhh, the Lord is an NPC for 25 chapters" (Path) or "uhh the Ancient Evil is a Demon instead of a Dragon this time" (Stones).
Where FE has excelled has been in character interactions, like you said in supports and battle convos. Ashnard having like 15 unique boss convos is cool. All of the bosses in the Tower having multiple unique boss convos is cool.
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what about when the its The Lord's Journey to reclaim his homeland AND An Ancient Evil Awakens?
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>game opens with Vander glazing the shit out of Alear only for Alear to turn around and say they should run away from the first corrupted they spot leaving him speechless.
>less than 10 chapters later Alcryst busts out his super dogeza after trying to kill you 5 seconds earlier
anyone who thought the game was trying to take itself seriously past that point only has themselves to blame.
>You can box all FE stories into retellings of FE1 and FE3:
You can if you're being very reductive. Yes they often have numerous similarities but also also numerous enough differences along the way most of the time. The only one I can think of that doesn't particularly stand out is gaiden/SOV which of course it doesn't (and even then you could point out numerous small differences in the overarching plot). And that's not even to say I dislike gaiden/SOV Rehashing in a lot of ways doesn't necessarily make it uninteresting. I imagine for example you're comparing Zephiel to Hardin but their motives and how they got where they are are pretty different even if they're both corrupted characters that became evil and I honestly find Zephiel's much more interesting. Same with Idunn, it was different that she can even so much as be redeemed let alone be betrayed and used by her own people. And this is just talking about the overarching plot not even the subplots.
Engage feels like a Saturday morning shonen, and I mean that in a positive way. If you didn't make this face >>498024124 at "I'm the thirteenth Emblem? I'm the Fire Emblem?" and Alear getting resurrected as a Corrupted, then, I dunno, you seem allergic to goofiness.
He projected his daddy issues onto all of humanity. He's one of the shittiest villains in the entire series.
He wasn't possessed or influenced by some dark orb and he was also likely isolated from broader society for most of his life as a royal. His family was his life and was humanity to him more or less and his dad tried to kill him and he was punished for ever trying to be friendly to his sister and he might have even found out about his mother's schemes at some point. And then when he comes to power he's likely surrounded by corrupt and evil generals, of which even he implies to Roy. Of course he ended up something like what he did.
Gaiden/SoV's subplot is that women can be cunty for reasons they refuse to tell you. Fuck Celica for being a bitch to Alm and explaining nothing.
yeah I just want my stories to not be retarded
You almost got it. The real reason people call Engage shallow is because it copies the structure of classic FE but it ultimately misses the actual theme/purpose of that structure so the entire story ends up coming across as pointless, Engage can't have any meaningful developments because the world never establishes anything.
This leads to so many story problems. (80% cast of retainers, just to name one)
>Where FE has excelled has been in character interactions
And Engage's shitty cast is one of the main things that get criticized
Did Hardin not take out his jealousy onto humanity more or less?
>Engage is the wokest FE ever made

>fantasy Persona is the wokest Persona ever made
>sells bigly
what gives?
sorry retarded stories are what sell seeing as the most popular game in the series has a group of subterranean mole men with ICBMs and dubstep pulling the strings behind all the major historical events in the game and are a main driving force behind the main plot.
character designs werent done by a fucking retarded vtuber artist
He lacks perspective just like Edelgard, for both of those characters it is all about their personal point of view, which rarely ends up being a good reason for conflict unless you are trying to go for a corrupt leadership narative which the writers for both didn't seem to do.
No that’s not it. You can have retarded designs and still make a lot of money.
Why is it always the underlying reason things are happening and not all of the things that happen in the process that matter?
Metaphor's artist has designed vtubers before thoughever?
Lehran did it infinitely better than Zephiel.
>Had nearly a thousand years to determine if humanity was retarded
>Proved right over multiple countries and civilizations
>It's not just humanity, it's all sentient beings (Laguz, Beorc, Branded, and Zunanma)
>He wasn't possessed or influenced by some dark orb
Call it personal opinion, but I find it to be worse storytelling that he just wholesale jumps to "all of humanity bad" when he had a loving sister the entire time that he tried to care for when he was young; he himself WAS the antithesis of "humanity is... LE BAD" but then ignored his own desires to have a relationship with her as kids. Self fulfilling prophecy.
The jealousy was there, but it got cranked up due to witchcraft. I can accept his bad feelings getting amplified to the point where he declares war on everything by magic.
I dont remember any of that from tellius
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Hello, my name is Alear. Please look at my toothpaste hair that nobody actually likes and won't surely make a poor first impression
Those greentexts were supposed to be separate after the "not possessed" line, sorry
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bruh have you seen the protagonist of Refantazio? Same trannycore design
Lehran also had the personal losses of living many years believing he sinned against the goddess only for his granddaughter to accept her lineage and no longer be ashamed only to be killed for it and then his race being blamed for her assasination and genocided for it.
oh yeah that design fucking sucks. pretty standard slop design
Engage flopped because it was shit
>fantasy Persona is the wokest Persona ever made
How so? I was kinda interested in it
Still hasn't been disputed btw
Game is about fighting against racism.
You literally have a "Tolerance" bar that raises when you fight against racism.
Female characters were changed to look less sexy.
And in the english version your party members have pronouns next to their descriptions.
>tolerance bar
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Yep, I'm skipping
That design doesn't even look half as bad as Alear.
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>reuse the twink mc from p3
>make him even more of a twink
What did Atlus mean by this?
What villain doesn't lack perspective that isn't just more or less just self-interested or very myopic in who they're fighting for and how they're going about it and for that matter why does lacking perspective make him any less interesting? There are countless conflicts that happened in history for less and many don't have good reasons for the start of it. His perspective from his situation at least seems interesting to me and it makes some amount of sense for a fantasy game where it leads him to.
>>Lehran did it infinitely better than Zephiel.
I agree that he did it better not not remotely infinitely better and it's mostly because of his personality and the more "rational" between the two of applying it to all known sentient beings rather than just beorc.
>>Proved right over multiple countries and civilizations
But partially through his influence later on. Speaking of self-fulfilling prophecies, he did one much worse than Zephiel.
>>It's not just humanity, it's all sentient beings (Laguz, Beorc, Branded, and Zunanma)
Logically no arguments here, but the thing is Zephiel didn't know the nature of any dragons to be comparatively bad so it makes sense for him to think this even if he was wrong. And it makes sense for him to not just jump the gun and end want to end ALL life if he sees any potential for non-shit in dragons.
>>He wasn't possessed or influenced by some dark orb
To be fair it seems implied the medallion influenced him a bit? It was kind of just was never brought up again but it sounded like when he touched the medallion his tone shifted from it and he directly reacted to all it made him felt.
>when he had a loving sister the entire time that he tried to care for when he was young
I figure that's at least partially mental hang ups from how his father reacted to him trying to be friendly with her which fostered a distance between them.
>he himself WAS the antithesis of "humanity is... LE BAD" but then ignored his own desires to have a relationship with her as kids
Maybe but I don't think he sees himself as above it all either. When he was talking all authoritatively he later said something like "the things that come out of my mouth" as if he himself doesn't even believe his presentation as an authority but sees it as a necessary step.
I can't wait for Kusakihara to steal these ideas too like he stole the hub world to make your dogshit monastery lmao
Tellius remake, trust the plan
Weird that you only say the monastery, and not My Castle or the Somniel.
Tellius remake with a hub like area where I can run around as Ike and talk to people and rape Mia and impregnate her? Say less
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Tellius was the first game that was supposed to have a hub
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Ike is going to kill all chuds in the remake while screaming "TRANS RIGHTS" when he procs a crit
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trust deez nuts
the thread has been saved!!!!!!! LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
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Maybe I've been too harsh on Zephiel and should replay Binding while re-reading the story. I don't have much to add in response, but it was nice having a real conversation on this dogshit general.
Pic related, I have an English cart of Binding. Some sound effects are fucked up and it uses an old translation since I bought it a decade ago.
this but he yells "GET ACK'D" as he kills the they/thems of daeins army and then lethe sucks him off
>Maybe I've been too harsh on Zephiel and should replay Binding while re-reading the story.
I'd encourage it but if you don't agree that's fine. Different strokes resonate with different folks.
>but it was nice having a real conversation on this dogshit general.
I agree
>Pic related, I have an English cart of Binding. Some sound effects are fucked up and it uses an old translation since I bought it a decade ago.
You might want to play a rom with a more up to date translation at that point but playing it on actual hardware does sound fun.
>character interations
>on fucking FE6
You are retarded
Fuck it, I'll go in on a new ROM and the updated translation. Pick any 3 units and I'll slot them in.
kek "get ack'd" would be a hilarious thing for a axe user like Boyd to yell.
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Why do we hate Tellius again?
I don't in fact it's my favorite
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>Pick any 3 units and I'll slot them in.
From a gameplay perspective? I'm fond of using Gwendolyn, Klein, and Gonzalez. You might have a hard time making Gwendolyn useful at all or having Gonzalez hit anything though
bait used to be believable
Literally nothing in this image is true not even the 7 million glazers.
mist was bad as a unit
I made Wendy work in an old "balance" patch from a decade ago, and she was one of my best units. I don't think I used Klein because back then I was "ewww pre promotes are bad!" Never used Gonzalez, so I'll probably go whichever route has him at level 10 for the insta promotion.
i know it looks like we brutally murdered everyone in your village mr kilma but we merely beat them to within an inch of their lives! no one died, promise!
doesn't this mean it's selling faster than three houses too
I don’t, but I also don’t think it’s the best. PoR is really slow and I hate Biorhythm and the way skills work, and RD is RD (third stage promotions are kino though).
Klein is based, the guy can raise hell at endgame even at base. Having base a rank in bows cannot be understated, and having pretty fucking good stats also helps his case.
Gonzo is fun incarnate, as he either misses completely or murders whatever he touches with no inbetween. You can also solve any map with peaks by putting him on one and having him slaughter anything that gets close to him. Better yet, he will have more crit than hit as a Berserker, so the Gonzo experience intensifies.

On a unrelated note, I just got Sophia and I'm tempted to meme with her. Should I?
It is bad because it makes him come over like an incompetent impulsive retard, an antagonist has to threaten the opposing power structures he therefore has to at least seem competent and if he lacks perspective he can't read his opponent which makes him less competent. Now there is still the part where zepheal specifically can be a fine villain but it isn't because of his reason for conflict but moreso because he can brute force his will through military prowess. Typically in fire emblem the "cult's" are the main antagonistic group who are supposed to be capable of using perspective to influence others and control them.
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>Wendy bad
I hate this meme so much. I get that it's not easy to get Wendy started because of her bases, but once you get her over the initial hurdle and she starts to gain some stats, she's fine. She has a very balanced stat spread, and female Knight promotion grants 4 STR and SPD, which is a pretty good boost. All you have to do is bring Bors to chapter 8 so you can setup and abuse steel lance triangle attacks to feed her kills. Chapter 8x is also full of weak sword enemies, some of which literally do not move. I wouldn't pit her against the pirates in chapter 9, but at least by then she should have gained some decent enough stats to hold her own. Give her a support with Lilina to gain +1 attack per level. If you happen to also want to use OJ, his support is good too. Together those two ended up being this run's MVPs. Wendy was certainly a lot less of a pain in the ass to use than Barth was, anyway.
Sophia turned out great in my run, so yes.
Her growths are shit and she just isn’t worth investing in.
That’s not to say that you shouldn’t use her if you want to, I like shit units too. I always use Marty in Thracia.
Her growths aren't actually bad at all by FE6 standards, it's her bases that are pathetic. It also doesn't help that Bors does the exact same thing as her but has surprisingly good bases and has a few maps that he can get extra levels over Wendy (ch3 especially is a chance for him to get going), even if he's utterly useless in some maps since fighters and brigands hard counter him even more than mages early on.
>Bors has surprisingly good bases
The only stats with major differences between Bors' and Wendy's bases are STR and DEF. I'll leave DEF aside, but the difference in STR is 3. When you factor that Wendy gets 1 extra STR from promotion, that closes the gap to 2. Wendy also has 10% higher STR growth, and that's why she actually ends up +2 STR over Bors on average. They have the same SPD base and growth, so the rest is all substats, which are fairly even except for DEF. They also have the same good supports, including each other if you feel so inclined to train two knights.
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Launch sales are dependent on the reputation surrounding the game moreso the content of said game (which people won't know much about at launch). How good a game actually is decides post-launch sales and whether the developer's reputation is ruined by the game. Engage had a fast launch and also a fast falloff. Whether Metaphor follows a similar pattern is yet to be seen.
She is bad, it's quite literally told to you by the game. While Bors and Barth are treated as strong armors, Wendy is shown to be struggling to walk, to be lower in the chain of command and to be trying to prove that a girl can become an armor. Hence, she is designed to be babied into being a useable unit, unlike Bors and Barth who are expected to be pretty capable.
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why is she looking at me like that
She thinks you're quite dashing
sees you sucking ephraim's cock and it's turning her on
Also, given the fact that RFM didn't seem to make any kind of pre-launch political marketing, it can be presumed that this is a typical case of japanese developers not noticing they were being weaponized by leftist localizers. If this was an intentional pozzing of a game then they probably would have done something more like Capcom having actual trannies do pre-release streams for it. At the very least, I never saw any Body Type A/B bullshit among the gorillion threads on /v/ made by wokies trying to announce the game as "theirs".
wtf i'm not tana
>Anon thinks persona tards have any semblance of thinking
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What a handsome devil.
I was mostly talking about defense because that stat is incredibly valuable point for point and quickly overwhelms enemies, but +3str at level 1 is also a huge difference. It means Bors can break through far more enemies' defense stats than Wendy can at base, making him far easier to train
We're not watching your videos Tacho.
Suit yourself, Pleb.
That's not nice, Tacho.
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>every single Eirika from now on will be Limited
It's weird how they added aided heroes after ascendeds. Aides are 10x worse than ascended and aren't even in the main pool.
>florets give a stat boost of 3 to 10 extra stats to one specific stat
>aides just give 1 point to each of the 5 stats
>the latter is the rarer one
>we'll probably stop seeing Ascendants now
aided are worse for now.
IS will add more dumb shit to get more people to pull soon enough
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I love my beautiful goth wife. I want to kiss her.

Based on the patterns for limited battles, it seems next month will be Emblem Celica vs Jugdral, and then the month after that is Eikthyrnir+Heidrun vs 3Houses. I feel more confident for 3H than I do Jugdral even though the Celica map is easier

Ascended being in the main pool is fine because you don't get additional florets. If aided were in the main pool you'd be getting the essences each time you're off bannered and that's too generous. Sure it's not the biggest boost but it's still something, and you should only be giving it to your absolute favorites anyway, just like florets
>first alt in half a decade
>it's a demote
>no prf skill
Kinda lame. Hopefully her Resplendent is good.
Edelgard please
You forget one thing!
>Can't get more Florets by pulling another Ascendant unit
Genuinely the stupidest thing "Intelligent" Systems has done.
After aides came out I kinda get it. Every copy gives you an aide, giga whales already gave all their meta units aides, so they no longer have a reason to roll for the next Aide.
Same thing will happen with Dolphins after the first few aides, everyone will have all their favorites with Aides. The more Aided Units come out the more worthless they are
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They should give my waifu Shamir an attuned alt with Hunters Volley as a prf special
>The more Aided Units come out the more worthless they are
But they give silly hats
At the moment, they only give one hat, and it doesn't match most units.
And now people will be forced to roll for the 9th Micaiah to get an alternative, unless they rob us of Heroes Journey's silly hats.
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Bors does have an easier time for sure, but Wendy just takes a bit of concerted effort on her join map to get the ball rolling. Even with her low STR, base Wendy has 14 attack with a steel lance, 15 with WTA. You aren't going after knights, and the rest of the enemies' DEF range from 0-8. If you can setup triangle attacks, that's anywhere from 42-21 damage per attack. Being level 1 also means you get big fat exp. The regular enemies on the map range from level 6-12. You should also definitely aim to feed her the thief kill if possible, for the bonus. Whatever you do, it shouldn't take too many turns to get at least one level, and, unless it's a really shit one, it'll only get easier from that point. If you don't mind spending time you can chuck javelins at the mercs from a safe point, or corner an archer and tickle them with Shanna's slim lance. You can start building supports in that time too.
I hate basically every accessory so that is no issue for me.

Having to go through my inventory after a forging bond event to take them off is so annoying
I don't mind the tiny ones. I have no idea why they keep insisting on making dumb stupid "it's a plate of food on your head" accessories. I wish skillsets let you pick accessories, but I've long since stopped caring who gets what.
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>game has low promotion gains
did you actually like and / or use the laguz?
Yeah. I use Lethe because she's my wife and I love her.
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Engage is good and fun.
I’d say it’s middling gameplay-wise, but not bad. It’s not very fun on repeat playthroughs for me.
Are you a Speed cav or a Strength cav guy, anon-kun?
I used Lethe in PoR since she transfroms at the start of the chapter and by the time she reverts, most of the chapter was usually almost over.
In RD I mainly used Volug in the downs brigade chapters and Royals for power tripping
I hate Laguz but I like using Keaton and Velouria in Conquest.
Would someone make a good post already
I like them but it's annoying these days using them, they get shitty skills (like we finally get beast sense 3 even though 4 is already garbage), even when we actually get beast units on a banner they rarely skills or they just get 1, even then stuff like Askr's sturdy beast is for the high DEF beasts. Not to mention they constantly powercreep the beast transform effect to keep it relevant, like with Askr transforming at the start of turn 1 no matter what. And finally, their PRFs having more effects thanks to beast transformation isn't that impressive anymore thanks to units having so much in their weapons for free.
Also the dragon laguz should have transformation bonuses, probably DC
Japanese DEI is completely superficial and western politics have zero penetration in asian-dominated markets.
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yeah but only emblem camilla
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The only worthwhile one in the main series is PoR Lethe, RD Royals, and RD Nasir+Ena+Gareth.
they don't suck as much as everyone says, people just don't know how to play to their strengths (at least in por)
>mid-game marriages, but no child units
IS isn't smart enough.
They clear your IQ though because EVERYONE loved eugenics
Just play fates then
Sure, but the way they implemented kids in Fates was so awful, that I'm sure they don't get why people liked kids in Awakening and Genealogy.
You WILL get Komuraslop that won’t surpass Conquest in terms of gameplay.
It WILL have a terrible localization ripe with fanfic and censorship.
You WON’T be happy.
The karma has to balance out somewhere, so what do I get for it? Warriors 2? More Gullveig alts?
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>The karma has to balance out somewhere
It won’t.
We need a miracle at this point.
well fates camilla is superior because the engage one is a femlet
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My beautiful bride is very good.

What do you expect to see out from FE when the next console comes out? I hope it's made by IS, since they did a very good job on Engage, them having a stronger console would be good. I do hope we get a modern setting FE game, that way maybe they'll switch to "realistic" graphics with things like photogrammetry and mocap for more natural movements. Would be cool to see that mixed with the over the top animations like Engage had.
Fantazio is better than the average Persona game
Engage is worse than the average Fire Emblem game
How come all the Kaga games aren't fun, but the ones tied to Komura are?
We're not getting anymore FE games because Engayge was a colossal failure.
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>a game designer
Get a life already dude
Y avoided using g them a lot because they were supposedly busted but they were fun.
How 2 build Ilyana in FEH? She's a shit character, but seems like a really good unit.
How will this affect Namschizo spam? Is it finally over?
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>Komuraslop that won’t surpass Conquest in terms of gameplay
We already got Engage.
Like he said; Komuraslop that wont surpass Conquest.
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The most unbelievable thing in 3H is that she somehow cant find a man.
Infertile menopaused alcoholic spic
She is none of those things though. Unless Byleth's semen is uber tier.
She's a slob, doesn't she eat food off the floor in one support?
I believe it is Laguz Friend and Iceberg/Flare that she needs.
She’d probably be a awful wife.
Who cares shes hot and fertile and willing.
nope she has a dried womb
That’ll fade with time.
Debatable, but see what I said about her being hot anyway.
You mean she has bottom of the barrel standards.
Her personality is awful, she’s already old so her being hot isn’t going to last long. She’s not good wife material anon.
kete womb engage
Your argument is basically "Why bother with any chick because shes gonna be old one day." And shes literally fertile because her and Byleth have a child in their paired ending.
Does anyone have a mythic freyja they have as a proxy for binding worlds? Give friend I.D. now
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As much as I like ninjas I feel like its worn out its welcome. Same with desert banners. Those aren't even gacha staples like summer or brides so I don't know why they insist on keeping those. They dropped hot springs, picnic, scion, thieves, etc all after only one banner, do more random themes already. Give me my modern clothing goth girl banner.

I've never had a preference for age and have never been a "hag"fag but I've been liking mature characters more often lately. I also used to have a general preference for long hair but now I like medium hair the most
The only thing that's stayed consistent since I was young is my love of goth girls and big tits
No my argument is that if you want to tie the knot with a hag you should do so with one that isn’t insufferable since her looks are going to go downhill sooner.
No one cares about this?
We already discussed it yesterday, so you can go read it there. On top of that, namschizo has already been spamming anyways. It just takes him 15 minutes to start once he sits down in the McDonalds.
lets talk about engage flopping
Damn, I missed that. At least he'll slow down a tiny bit then.
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If Lumera was playable and you could romance her, the game would have been better.
Prove me wrong.
Or even sword infantry male byleth
Let me copy ur units pls I want merges
>avatar of creation deity
Yeah, it is
maybe, if they also gave her a design that wasn't shit and a personality that wasn't shit
If they did that the localizers would cut her from the game.
>if they also gave her a design that wasn't shit and a personality that wasn't shit
You're asking for the impossible. The art was designed by Mika and the writing written by Komuro!
Actually the writing was written by some danger hair in california.
Stop liking hags they have tons of debt and a body count that goes to the moon and back
Will she be on this month's b8%? I really need more copies.
Lumera is a femcel that owns a kingdom and a floating country club.
After coming here on and off for the past few years I've realized that I've outgrown getting upset at the same shit you all do. Maybe it's time for me to move onto greener pastures... Maybe... it's time for me to leave this site...
doot double!
the best part of Askr.
you can have multiple Doots
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Has FEH reached unfun status yet?
I'm still having fun with it.
Way back when D!Lyon was introduced
It stopped being fun when tanks became meta again, units like Felix and Sigurd are aids but they at least enable fun player phase strats instead of just end turning with a bunch of supports beefing you up.
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It was always there
Why is this retard posting pictures of Ada Wong from Resident Evil in a Fire Emblem thread?
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This entire year has been a disaster

>V!Lyon deleting all your health pre-combat then disallowing enemy turns
>Emblem Ike being the stupidest omni-tank of all time
>Everything with Attuned Micaiah
>Popular Engage characters continue to be FOMO only
>Emblem Celica making any movement type pointless
>CYL8 sucked and the total disaster of B!Felix's everything
>Engage characters
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I love my wife and enjoy posting her

Don't forget shit like BOL4 making everyone who rolled for Lyon look like a fool while killing AoE damage and making EIke even harder to kill, of ESigurd add more bullshit movement shenanigans
Yeah making them FOMO doesn't really matter because even being limited time hasn't made people want to roll for them. You can see what IS tried to do but people can't have fear of missing out for characters they don't want in the first place.
I doubt Rhea has debt
>he abandoned another one
raping Mia
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>tons of debt
Nah, she enjoys getting paid in order to save money. If she owed debts she'd be hiding in abyss like Balthus
>body count
She gets red faced from holding hands

Shamir is my mature (not hag) waifu

What are you talking about
Nobody likes you buddy
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Are you rolling off banner for characters?
I didnt even reply to him and he knew he was being called out.
Not him, but in the past I've gotten plenty of units off-banner, be it when rolling NH or for seasonals.
Only like 3 of the 8 royals in Engage are in the main pool. The rest are Rearmed or Attuned. If someone plays Engage, comes to FEH, and asks how to get their favorite character Ivy, we have to tell them "You can't."
No I'm asking what you're talking about. Who is abandoning and what are they abandoning?
I can't speak for everyone, but pretty much every ascendent I own were random off banners and it's so shit that's not possible for Rearmed/Attuned and now Aides.
Always remember: the name change was because of inadequacy.
Fuck off
Eww, it replied to me.
>I've gotten plenty off banner
Sure but the inverse is also true as it's RNG. It's not uncommon to hear people take years to get enough copies of a demote just to +10 them. I still don't have a copy of Gray and he came out 7 years ago.
The chance of getting a specific character is infinitesimal, and getting spooked by them repeatedly over a short period of time is an anomaly and outlier which is generally ignored. counting on it happening is like counting on winning the lottery. "Limited heroes" are likely to get more sparks in the long run as well. If you're not going to roll for a character on their banners, and just want a single copy of them, then you do you really care about the characters enough to complain about losing a sub 1% chance for them to show up?

Don't get me wrong, a sub 1% chance is better than 0, but when people complain about it, they usually make it come across as a massive thing ruining the game. on paper, it's a minor inconvenience at best. It's not like they only show up once and then never again.
Holy shit the japs named a meal after New Year's Seidr.
>The chance of getting a specific character is infinitesimal
Okay, then add them to the main pool. The only reason not to add them is to change that 1% change into a 0%, which induces FOMO, which was the start of this discussion.
As the other anon said, every single Ascendant unit I have (except Eir) is from off-banner. And I've gotten multiple Idunns. I have never off-bannered Hortensia, and I never will because IS are faggots that want to force me to roll.
>it's a minor inconvenience at best.
It's the difference between having a unit and not having them.
If the inconvenience is "minor," then add them to the main pool. After all, it'd only be a minor give (that we already HAD, until Rearmeds were made Limited). The only reason not to is to induce FOMO.
Reminder that last year's Echoes banner opened with "Introducing a New Hero" because the other three units were all Limited.
You said it yourself she's a femcel. Do you really want to do that to yourself anon?
>It's not uncommon to hear people take years to get enough copies of a demote just to +10 them.
Imagine spending a year trying to +10 F!Shez hahaha.......

Now imagine doing it again but for like a staff unit and it's going even more poorly!
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I romanced Rhea in Silver Snow, yes.
>It's not uncommon to hear people take years to get enough copies of a demote just to +10 them
I have 11 Lapis and my Kagetsu is only +5. I'm so mad.
>floating country club.
good I can keep all the Solm people out and away from me
>"A feat would be difficult, so you just shouldn't have the option to attempt it at all."
Retarded. Every new heroes unit should be in the main pool.
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Okay, but consider: bikini tanlines Lumera.
IS knew they fucked up putting Ascendants in the main pool. It feels too good as the player to randomly pull one you haven't ever had before.
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You'd think this brat is a 5 star.
Post her with the red lipstick.
That's the real 5*.
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>gonzarez got Eirika's bikini wrong
Is RevolverWing the only one that got Eirika's bikini color scheme right?
Not to be that guy but the ballons on Tana's chest are laughably huge here.
Yeah, Gonzarez has gotten really fucking bad with the balloon boobs recently.
And that's a GOOD thing
yeah 5 star cunny

is this a yes or a no?
5 out of 5
Come on anon that's the best part of his art

Sunday. Aka ~50 hours from now
Shut up Raul.
I don't know what they were smoking with Felix. I genuinely dread every single time I see this motherfucker, and I'm not even tryharding Arena. I'm just trying to get my damn orbs. And I don't want to roll for some stupid ass armor skills just to counter him.
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>tfw Marisha will probably get a random prf while the other non-fallen Archanea healers don't
Keep or fodder?
Fodder if you don't care for her
Theres nowhere for movement creep to go after Felix except just teleporting anywhere on the map. We are going to need a reset on powercreep soon or just eos because this shit literally can't continue now.
She's cute, but not my favorite Awakening kid.
Please recommend me a vtuber to watch play Fire Emblem.
She kills Felix.
Chisaka Airi plays Fire Emblem sometimes, she has big tits
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>The only reason not to add them is to change that 1% change into a 0%, which induces FOMO, which was the start of this discussion.
How is it FOMO if they show up regularly? because of off-banner rolling which is something people don't do? who is going "I need to roll now because the unit that will show up again in a few months won't be able to spook me, something that is likely to not happen anyways" ?
Lif was the first limited hero in this sense and shows up every 2.5-3 months on sparkable banners between 3-8%, and even was flat out purchasable in an orb pack. Hortensia has shown up every 3 months since her debut, allowing 900 orbs in between showings to spend on her next appearance. If you are relying on getting spooked by her, rather than actively trying to obtain her, then can you really say you care about them in the first place? If getting spooked is unreliable and can't really be counted on, then you would have to roll for them anyways.
in this scenario, it appears that the feeling of loss and being cheated far greater than what is actually being lost.
Maybe I'm the retard in this scenario, but I just don't see the big deal or how it's FOMO because of something so tiny. We will just have to disagree and leave it at that.
Being able to get Asset units from off-banners adds value to rolling.
But "Asset" units only exist to remove them from the pool.
IS devalued rolling. Now, if you get off-bannered, you don't get something good, it's basically ALWAYS the shitters.
there are none. I know. I checked.
fodder that trollop
What are some characters that want BoL4 that don't come with it? I got extra Ikes
Emblem Ike
Sayu Syncronicity.
Woops I meant Laguz Friend

Ilyana thanks to her new cool tome
Ughhh I'd say BDimitri but his HOF rerun is next month
Trollop? We really need to work on your slang skills, Damien.
post mage girl feet
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Doot bros wtf is this shit
Jesus, Lucina is fast as fuck...
Where did the California touch you?
What units want Fortifications and Reopening?
That's literally where most localizers live.
Your newly acquired +10 Resplendent Dimitri wants Reopening and BoL4
That seems to be reading too much into these things.
i see nothing ,anon. whatever could you mean?
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Next week's Arena bonus units
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I've seen like one other guy
I only have Brave Dimitri at +10. I hated the OG art that I never merged him up.
Not exactly. They vary a lot and Europe does it's own localization too.
No it's not? Where'd you get that idea?
You do know there's a demo of it.
Sharena :)
You know everyone here hates you right?
I have a +1 Corrin, ig. And I should finish up my Lethe soon.
Not even Cyrilrino?
That one doesn't even count, because it was commissioned by RW.
The pre-release marketing being politically neutral, the existence of localizers in the industry who politicize non-political games, the protagonist being a biological male named Will with, at least in the japanese version, a very masculine voice, and the existence of threads on /v/ calling the game "woke", are all simple observations.
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Pray I never meet you in person, pedophile.
I never even bothered promoting her

>hes in the Hel timeline
Drumstick thighs
Why would I hang out with a fat ugly middle schooler?
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I won't cause I can feel the tremble of your footsteps from a mile away
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Was it? I don't see it mentioned the artist's twitter, pixiv or skeb
Kek him walking down the street would level all of Cuckifornia
He also can't leave his house.
He would need a garage door to his room.
Considering you have the IQ of a middle schooler, I'd say you're in good company if any of that were true.
Nice projection. Acting like you don't down a jar of lard in 5 seconds everyday isn't going to make me think you're any less pathetic, pedo.
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My bad, my brain confused it with this one.
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>Erm, actually, I believe it is you who has the iq of-
Yes yes, tip fedora to you to you fat fucking discord moderator.
>California mind broke you
I can't think of anything more pathetic than that, honestly.
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>the 4chan moralfag is now defending california
We've reached peak cringekino.
>t. fat farting ugly californian middle schooler
VERY ironic post. It's almost funny how little self awareness you have lol.
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says the one being mind broken by an innocent dragon girl
All your posts read with a
in front of it, it's the incredibly gay way you type.
>The retard that wants to unironically fuck children is preaching now
No, you disingenuous faggot. I simply think pedophiles like you should bite the curb. Simple as.
That’s unironically not changed from the jap version. Cordy and her daughter are fucked.
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You're the only one that brought sex to the conversation, just saying.
Sorry I type like a normal human being and don't fit thousands of buzzwords in my posts, ig? This just sounds like a you problem, honestly.
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Don't shoot up a school, timmy.
If you're the one doing the stomping, he wouldn't need a curb, you would be able to kill anyone just from falling on them.
Holy shit. You can't stop that, that's just how you talk.
You're becoming obnoxious fast, dude
Did you get fat from all the bait you choose to eat?
A complaint from triptroon becomes a compliment. Congrats TikiAnon.
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that was like almost a week ago lmao. All I posted today was a simple image of Tiki and this fag immediately called me a pedo for it
And I don't think you should be one to talk about being obnoxious
Don't fuck children, faggot.
>More projection
>Getting mad at something as stupid as how I type
Get a job, preferably away from children.
Schizophrenic retard. I'm not Raul.
If only you ran as much as you replied.
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Raul is probably better at reading than you.
Do all pedophiles lack self awareness or something? You've been replying to me as much as I have been replying to you.
this nigga defending raul kekypow
Calitard if you're the same calitard having a melty right now can you please give comment on how it felt to get owned here? Thanks.
Let me guess, you don't exercise from self diagnose depression.
Which is coincidentally what happens to the ground everywhere you take a step.
Dumb schizo retard. I did not "defend" California for saying getting mind broken by it is dumb.
>More projection
You've got some serious self image issues, dude. Post physique if you're so fit, dick for brains.
Don't be insensitive. His weight is the only weapon his state won't take from him.
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I can't believe I'm being persecuted for simply enjoying the best Fire Emblem girl
Maybe California will snap off the country from his weight and float off to sea like a Bugs Bunny cartoon
Are artists who draw Tiki given instructions to give her big thighs, at this point it's a characteristic of her design.
It would appear non-Californians are upset about California's supremacy
Genuinely what is wrong with you autists? I also don't even live anywhere near California, you schizophrenic fuck.
Ur fat
Some folks don't deal with the knowledge that they were lied to their entire lives very well.
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it seems to be canon
shut up fishiwashi
Californians aren't known for their honesty.
Now- wait... how dare you dress as my wife and try to trick me you bitch.
Where did this part even come from? Very california thing to accuse people of out of the blue.
Hina is better
I have absolutely nothing to prove to some autistic retard who is buck broken by a state existing.
Leave him alone, I just feel bad at this point.
Shut up Kwll your breath stinks
It's a common practice autists like you do when they add something "Woke" to a series.
I knew you'd respond with that. You're very easy to manipulate.
Holy kino (yes this is my Fishiwashi)
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Oh. Okay I guess.
Californians are great at breaking my sides, not so sure about any bucks.

I mean, that isn't exactly for us to decide.

No it's not? Where'd you get that idea? California, I'd bet.
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Tiki says charge your phone
Please leave me alone.
Did this dude lose his job tonight or something? Why the sudden mental breakdown?
Just look though,
Why are fishiwashi and kwll at war?
You gotta be more specific bro too many jobless freaks here
Zephiel and Lehran... were right
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yeah, seems to be in line with Nintendo's established canon
Thanos was right, half of you niggas need to go.
>He doesn't know about the Loli Civil War of 2020
Fishiwashi wanted Kwll to write Nowi getting gangbanged by black men and he said no and Fishiwashi bigly melted down
No, that only delays the problem from multiplying again. All must go
I can't imagine what job a 500lb illegal immigrant would even have.
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I would like to learn of this evidently historic event
working from home has had dire consequences for the human race
Is this true or did you make it up?
At least he has a job unlike you. Contribute to society instead of shitposting on here all day.
>Dragalia... lost
>She's alone again
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>MCU reference
HAD a job, are you not following the storyline? He got fired and is now venting through acting like a faggot about dragon girl cartoons.
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Life is truly cruel to our favorite dragon
no one likes Nowi OPs
He's not very good at english, probably factored into the termination.
You seem like a miserable person. I hope you find the joy in your life that you obviously need soon.
It was like 6 years, it's not current.
You're still obsessing about a shitty comic movie for kids years later.
I do
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I do
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No wonder anon's so confused, he stepped out of a time capsule from 2015.
We're a little late into the thread to be trying to gaslight this lie.
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I only like the Spider-Man movies
I only saw the one with Toby McGuire cameoing in it.
It was fun.
It was a joke. I know one of the symptoms of autism is not understanding jokes, but this is a bit ridiculous.
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That time capsule actually exists. It's called "California".
you are all the same person
Yeah, but it sucked.
Yeah? What are you going to do about it?
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this is not true
Nowi OPs are based because Nowi is cute and yet I never have to make her OPs because someone else always does it instead.
>Acting like MCU isn't popular anymore
Maybe step outside of your house for more than 5 seconds and maybe you'd see that Marvel is still pretty popular. Dumb frogposter.
Okay? Why should I care what you think?
God... they make up like a third of her body mass alone...
Nowitranny is dilating again, please understand.
Call me old fashioned but i dont think it gets any better than sweaty Memedons
Demote week
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you posted literally the worst one in the series
That's not Karla...
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>Marvel is still pretty popular
The comics sure as fuck aren't >>498105667 and a big red middle finger on the 5y doesn't scream "popular company" to me.
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Sales schizo...
I can't follow this shit, so does that mean he's transitioned from liking Nowi?
We weren't talking about the comics though? Comics never sell well anyways.
It's a schizo that calls anyone or anything he doesn't like tranny. His parents want nothing to do with him so they let him browse 4chan all day.
Japanese comics do, just like japanese everything else.
>Japanese comics
Certain manga, not all.

>just like japanese everything else.
Kinda. Not like they sell smartphones anymore.
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get ready for Christmas she'll be there
Doesn't Sony still make smartphones?
That's it?
>Feet for hands
>Painted nails
I don't know who this is, but I seriously hope they don't show up anywhere.
Literally who the fuck is this
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The MCU ended with Endgame. Everything that came after is irrelevant.
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Pretty good numbers for an individual movie and a good conclusion for a trilogy.
>Guardians of the Galaxy 3 (a Marvel movie) is in the top 5
What exactly does this prove?
It's called shitposting
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>Guardians of the Galaxy lost in theaters to bing bing wahoo and barbie
No shit, but he's claiming that they aren't popular which is easily contradicted by the picture he posted.
That Nintendo walked in and humiliated the industry that exists for the sole purpose to rank high on that particular chart. There's a reason Disney is downtrending at 10 year lows.
>A sequel to a movie about a group that no one even heard of a decade ago lost to one of the most popular franchises ever and a cultural phenomenon
Idk, seems good to me.
So how many Marvel movies were among the top 10 then?
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They pussied out of several markets as well as doing dumb shit like only giving 2 year android support and 3 years security on their fucking flagship and refusing to do marketing.
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hey guys, do me a solid and watch my tactician for a moment until I get back.
Of the 4 Marvel movies released last year, 2 were in the top 10 highest grossing movies of 2023. Not bad for a year that was considered by most to be a bit off.
... I'm going to fuck this tactician...
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Cinema's already been in the shitter without recovering since the fakedemic. A cinema-centric IP losing in cinemas to a japanese video game IP is just sad. Disney is down over half of its value in a market that is massively up from where Disney peaked. You're welcome to pic related as much as you want, but keep in mind that rich educated people don't agree with you, and are happy to watch your 401k devalue on bad companies like DIS in the meanwhile.
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You got caught in my Nam spam filter so I can't directly reply to you, but I'm not white knighting for Disney in the slightest. Just proving my point.
It's fucking Mario.
Movies are the special olympics of commercial media in 2024. Mario demonstrated that just fine.
I dunno why he's pretending that Mario is this super tiny franchise that got lucky when it's one of the most recognizable things in the world.
Shut up retard
Dumb idiot
I didn't fuck him anon I was kidding.
But I saw him select movement spaces next to the cabinet where I keep drain cleaner though.
That's less money than Genshin made last year. Kek.
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Mahvel manchild angry and confused upon finding out his hobby is already unpopular.
Fire Emblem?
what about it?
Errrrrrrrrrrr where's FEH?
I've never even heard of half of this shit
It's unpopular.
>he doesn't know
What does this prove?
That FEH is detto
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I'm sorry bros...
I’m feeling very depressed. Could someone post a cute autistic sex frog pic to cheer me up?
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What's your dream FE game for a brand new setting that's not related to any previous titles? In terms of setting? Story? What kind of character the lord is? Who develops it?

I really hope the rumors of the Switch 2 being as strong as it supposedly is are true, the past few games having been handheld games(3DS), or made by Koei(3H) have made the series look really ugly and constrained by hardware limitations. Engage looked a lot better but it's not too everyones tastes in terms of designs, but you have to admit the environments and animations are top notch. Great work from IS to have done that.

I think IS should develop it still but they should have lots of co-developers for things like story. I still want a modern day Fire Emblem that still has the classic "evil cult brings back ancient evil", would be cool to have things like abandoned cars and broken buildings as map obstacles. Would be cool to see them use facescanning technology to get more detailed models. It would also make them more animated in their expressions and cutscenes can be rendered in engine instead of making separate videos.

I want them to have the characters be based on different subculture archetypes. Things like the ojou-sama cleric can be a preppy rich girl, a thief can be an orphan pickpocket or scam artist or something. And of course we'd need a goth girl for me to fawn over. Imagine having someone beautiful like my wife like pic related in an FE game that you can mod and put into all sorts of different outfits. The game would definitely need out of combat outfits like they did with the Somniel.

So what's your wishes for the next non-sequel/non-remake FE game?
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Save it quick. I don't want to get in trouble
God damn I know we were declining gradually but that's a HUGE gap between 2023 and 2024
>only first half
I know but assuming the second half makes the same amount that's still a massive gap
What the fuck went wrong?
Dawg I'm not reading all that. Reddit ass post.
Byleth is physically incapable of displaying this much emotion
What caused the decline between 2021 and 2022? Was that Fallen Edelgard?
>drop of 11m
>drop of 55m
>38m but only first half
You know god damn well what you're trying to get people to say, fuck off and shut up
What has gotten your knickers in a twist? I'm just asking a question.
And AR caused the 2018 to 2019 drop
IS refuses to learn that esportshit is cancer.
>Stop discussing fire Emblem
3Htards are real quiet about how they're responsible for our sales being cut in half
You can discuss Fire Emblem without obnoxious sales shitposting that only causes tribalism shitflinging by responding to
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That image seems to omit japanese games for whatever reason. Here's a fuller list.

FEH surprisingly isn't actually doing THAT badly. They're rapidly burning off but even last year they were only just below Princess Connect, which is a reasonably popular game. Even at the current rate of burnoff, EOS shouldn't happen for at least a few years.
A good gacha game would focus on making the characters actually likeable first as that appeals more to the vast majority of people.
Unfortunately with Komuro and Maeda at the wheel that's not going to happen as they don't understand how to make likeable characters (this is why FE characters outside of 3H and a few outliers barely have any art because nobody likes them enough to draw them)
Anyone have the people are probably the dumbest creatures alive image?
I don't know if Sensor Tower stats are trustworthy, but I guess the same can be said for Appmagic and Statista.
Princess Connect is in danger because it definitely costs a lot more to develop. There's new animated cutscenes for every story part unlike FEH which does 3 for the entire year, and FEH is even cutting back on that by not doing the extra one for the TT which they did for Book 2 and 3's TT
My dream game is something with full spectrum sensory feedback that lets me have sex with Femleth, then collects my tadpoles and sends them off to fertilize an egg harvested from a girl genetically engineered to resemble Femleth both physically and emotionally.
I want periodic updates on our offspring, but I don’t want to take any financial responsibility for them.
>Why don’t you just impregnate the human faux-Femleth?
I’m not one of those deplorable faggots who gets off to 3DPD.
Timerreddit came to FEH. Sad news, 2nd half of 2024 will be even worse because it has a second Timerreddit release.
Wasn't there supposed to be some sort of pokemon/Mysterydungeon x FE spinoff?
I vaguely recall reading that there was another planned spinoff years ago but it got canned for some reason or never left the concept stage.
Is there any FE Spinoff you would like to see?
It got cancelled because pokegirls are too young and attractive to show up in modern FE.
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people got fed up with powercreep and waiting for your favorite to get something good until it gets powercreep the next banner lmao
My dream FE game is to be as woke as metaphor so you inbred subhumans fuck off from this god forsaken franchise
You sure you're not just thinking of Pokemon Conquest?

I can't ever really see a Pokemon / FE crossover working, one series is too "dark" for it. The idea of things like permadeath and kingdom conquering and all don't really mesh well with Pokemon

I think another regular JRPG spinoff like TMS would be dope though.
Keep dreaming, because not even Metaphor is woke lol
Woah chill out with the slurs
Anon no don't give Fjormdev more ideas.
You know what they say, never ask a trans woman his previous political beliefs.
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For me it's fridge-shaped ketes.
I can't believe 3H and Engage killed the franchise immediately after it became massive thanks to Awakening and Fates. What a shame!
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shes pretty
Lolis are the glue that hold a game together. They're mascots that aren't a waste of screen space. They're someone for everyone to gather around and be good to. Most importantly, they're someone for the player character to marry and create a family with.
denial is strong in this one
>at this point it's a characteristic of her design.
Is more of a Divine/Fell dragon trait for them to be built for breeding.

Hell even Fae is shapely.
Cute ____ feet
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I'm actually enjoying the second half of book 8. Treesus and his backstory are cool, and him being unhinged psychopath is can be fun.
It's not citizen cane, but I can still have fun with it. The issue is the first half, while important and somewhat interesting in it's own way, largely doesn't feel connected to the second half. Treesus mentions that he was ordered to do it by someone and he couldn't really refuse so perhaps it will be revealed or explained later but we only have two chapters. The only options left to explain it are in the last two chapters, a book 8 TT, or if it leads into the next book, and the first two aren't necessarily good options for varying reasons.
so far It feels like they wanted to show how Askr/Embla are progressing relationship wise, but forced it into this book which ate up time for the new OCs, namely Ratty and Treesus. Book 3 has a similar issue of trying to be too many things and the result is most of the things it tries to be gets sidelined and are worse off for it
We have only 2 chapters left before we defeat him, and it hasn't really been built up yet. Will book 8 continue into the next book(Lmao), or will we just shoot like most bosses?
Treesus looks cool. We have 2 chapters left before book 9. How will we defeat Treesus and who will be the artist of the next book?
Only Engage did that
Old japanese dudes are so based. I love the Tomino interview where he says Shinkai protags need to grab the heroine by the pussy.
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Miss today’s Affinity Automobiles, and you won’t get the 5th day’s orbs.
I want to nibble chiki's thighs and have my head squished betwee them while i licky licky her pussy
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Based freeroll
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bang bang pull my devil chikker
Stop gooning to dirty, wart-covered bandit feet, Lilina.
This artist fell off hard
Noble and their sick mind....
make kiran shoot him with his gun (lol
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>Pawns of Loki just doesn't give orbs anymore
This was supposed to be some extra mode. Instead, it's the main thing. What's even the point anymore?
Lilina may be a child but Gonzales has the intellect of a toddler. She’s a predator.
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I haven't posted here in a while but happy birthday Velouria. I love you
There’s nothing quite like the feel of a wolfskin skin rug against your bare feet
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I still love Shamir more than anything and I hope she's getting an alt on the next 3H banner.

Raul wait
Fuck off
Heat Death of the FEHniverse when?
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Found this JP vtuber because the algorithm said so. It's casual and comfy, expect dumb strats.
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Are you good with JP chubas? Personally, the one I follow right now is Folmi Okanesuki (FE軍師フォルミのファイアーエムブレムch). Her persona is a gyaru that loves money, and she does soft iron man runs with an added challenge to it. She just finished doing FE9 Maniac with iron weapons only, now she's doing FE10 Maniac where units get force benched if they crit or proc a combat skill. She's cute and pretty good at the games, but can be a little dumb here and there. She has a meme where if she ever makes a mistake, she puts a chicken on her head, or an ostrich if it's a really big mistake.
Was E-marth as dominant on release as any other emblem unit? I've never really seen him after the first few weeks, but Celica, Sigurd and Ike will definitely be relevant for way longer than that
Just boycott the mode and save yourself the headache. The overabundance of braindead galeforce units has made it way too cancerous anyhow.
>enemy spawns Felix/Gully/Edelgard
>you don't
>instantly lose
The first new unit of a new type is always the worst
Californian pig hands typed this post
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His ring will always be relevant.
didnt we use to have two generals?
cat boobs
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>least mentally ill berniefag
their posts all stop after that last one by the way lmao
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She got mogged by selkie but would be more popular in another game
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when is emblem CHIKI and TMS chiki coming out
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Explain that problem of FEH isn't artwork, even though lewds sell better, but rampant powercreep that crossed the line of profitability because it drives more people away than makes whales spend and it's unsustainable in market that shits out several gachas each day, to the point they compete with each other by QoL and generosity towards F2P who serve as plebs for whales to feel superior to. Without F2Ps smaller whales get pushed down by bigger whales, they stop feeling any progress, get frustrated by being outpowered and quit. Also hags > lolis, Verina is hard carried by her usefulness, otherwise looks-wise I prefer fucking Baizhi with her sexo thigh mark for healer and Yinlin is top sexo in that kusoge
hags are usually better than lolis but loli niime would be peak
this but loli tharja. also you are right.
>hags are usually better than lolis
if this was true they would sell
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>up against emblem ike in pawns
>my entire team suicides into him and i lose
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Calvary girl feet
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good post
At least link him
and his twitch while we're at it https://www.twitch.tv/toshi_dogaman
imagine the smell
pondering the aroma
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I come from the future. Marianne is gonna be the lead of the christmas duo with leonie. Their duo skill grants vantage and brave to them and nearby allies. Their prf grants dc to them and nearby allies
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I also come from the future and this is how intellectuals have discussed Dimileth over the millenias.
That would require the FE team to be smart and not make the cooler characters unplayable.
Atleast they let you romance Rhea in 3H even if they failed just as hard in the playable area.
3H released over halfway into 2019, it managed to freeze the decline that had already happened by that point
I challenge that with S-ranked bikini tanlines Lumera.
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>Reddit is finally made aware of what happened to this guy
Wow. Took them long enough. What's the general attitude?
>the relationship between achilles and patroclus could be seen as homosexual
no it can't
literally no hints at it other than from modern day jewish subversion of ancient history which started around the 70s
Seals had a massive glow up, making it a very interesting pick compared to lulls not traces tho, they're always the better pick, despite being considered one of the worst skills ever at t3. Boost were also unusable and became very reliable at t4. Same case for breath of life except way, way more intense.
How would they fix the objectively worst skill in the game, defiants? Brazen doesn't count, it's an entirely new skill tree
Fandoms are scary sometimes.
idk the thread got deleted lmao
>waiting for your favorite to get something good
This, hell just getting an alt in general is hard. Sometimes it doesn't even need to be good, just getting an alt is nice as long as it's an actual new look and not just the same outfit with an aura.
Can't ignore the powercreep though unless you played extremely casually and that hits a limit somewhat.
book 8 content being fucking awful is not a meme, most of this year's banner line-ups have been horrendous

unpopular characters who already have alts, and if it's not that the banner is flooded by engage shilling
I actually found the thread. The post is "awaiting moderator approval" but the comments are still visible.
>destroys your sigurd
>no dragonflowers
Some of these comments feel ripped from here.
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this place is full of redditors
this guy literally posts here and on reddit all day every day
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Most of our Engagefags are known reddit crossposters, their memes come from there
Another day, another duplicate Emblem. What do I do with a second E!Sigurd, fodder him off for Momentum, or merge him? If anything, what cavs best use Momentum anyway?
Welcome to post 3H reddit. How else do you think he became a berniebro?
Momentum is the best Cav B right now, give it to your Rearmed Chrom or Lucina
didnt we use to have two generals?
Both were inactive so we merged
Wait. In the current TT, why is tiki included in the bonus heroes? They have lethe, idunn, askr and yarne that are actually part of the banner
She's a character that most people will have and she's related to Nagi. Can't use Chiki because she's rarer to pull normally.
I understand they wanted a 3* so everyone can get a bonus unit from the get go. I checked and this isn't the first time an outsides became a bonus. I guess it's better than the alternative
They were going to include Halloween Adult Tiki but then they remembered they hate banners selling well so they removed her and added in a Tellius shitter nobody cares about but forgot to remove Adult Tiki as a bonus unit
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The cutest!
I doubt that.
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>almost 1500 unique lysithea pics in my folder
It goes so fast
I'd wager the only reason Rhea was able to be romanced was because the game wasn't made by IS.
Both Houses and Engage have Rhea and Queen Eve as cut playable characters, but Koei still let you romance Rhea despite her not being playable in the final game.
Love to see all the Reddit schizos come together to talk about a dead Berniefag. hell even Mirabilisschizo had to but in and say he's one of the good ones, kek. The one schizo who should of killed itself in Nickson's place is awfully silent thoughever.
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>Camilla wallrunning
To jiggly, it wouldn't work.
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Nowibros... w-we don't need fatso thighs...
>don't even actively save Lysithea images
>have 457 in my Lysithea folder
I refuse to go to her tag on pixiv, because I know I'd find hundreds of images to save.
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You smell bad
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I'm guessing like 50 lysithea pics are dups that don't get detected by my scanner, so I'm actually closer to 1400 sadly. She's super cute
She originally wasn't, IIRC, they added in the supports after a few months in an update
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Definitely my luckiest summoning session ever. You're able to fodder away X skills without losing the unit right? Just came back so I have no idea.
>You're able to fodder away X skills without losing the unit right?
Yes, once per copy
>You're able to fodder away X skills without losing the unit right?
Correct. Any unit that has "Elite Inheritance", you can use them as fodder and keep them. But the catch is you have to merge them to get the Elite Inheritance back; don't +10 them immediately, inherit a skill then +1 then inherit skills then +2, etc
And you can inherit ANY skill from them, it doesn't have to be the X.
Yes she was. The update was that she was a teatime partner (along with a quest that forces you to have tea with her, so that you know she's an option). Before that, you had to near-perfectly answer her questions during the story to raise her support levels. She also had level-up lines, similar to other cut characters.
>Mika having lunch with Intsys devs
Engage 2? It's coming.
THtroons on suicide watch!
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As long as she doesn't do the designs, and the models are handled by someone that didn't do Engage, it'd be fine.
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Wtf bros
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Damn 3H is mad gay
both of these are canonically straight
Nuh uh
they're telling her she's blacklisted KEKAROO
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these two banged them btw
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Engage 2 with the heirs of united Brodia and Elusia would be unironically kino.
Alfonse bros…
Is there a way to save Alfred without fucking him in the ass?
get fucked kek
have fun waiting 15 more minutes bitch boy
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Caspar rawdogged Hilda and everyone cheered
cute belly
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>teehee, is dwagon girl the face of the franchise and savior of fire em-
>h-hold up did we get auto saged again??
This happened on /v/ today and it was funny
I think we need another Nowi thread
new thread
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>"PoL Lite doesn't have orbs but we made up for it by giving you dragonflowers!"
>the dragonflowers in question
WHAT THE FUCK WAS ISIS THINKING?!?! Do they unironically think this shit is cute and funny? Cause I sure ain't fucking laughing!
Fire Emblem should have a girl like my beautiful wife Ada Wong, smart, strong, and beautiful. They seem to follow archetypes each game, time to add a new one
You get more flowers the higher your tier but yes it still sucks dick. I hope players just ignore it so ISIS can get the hint that this mode is dog shit
Maybe Blue Archive could give us some scraps in a crossover so we don't EoS.................
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Even the least popular Blue Archive character has more art than Gullveig
FEH EoS-ing would be greatest thing to ever happen, since it means schizos will have to look for a different gacha to shitpost about.
Ignatz firing a barrage of arrows piercing Gullveig to death
>one of the most popular gacha games gets more fanart than a game on EoS watch
Next you'll say that Mario gets more fanart than Star Fox.
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Regarding the Future of Fire Emblem Heroes
Thank you for playing the Fire Emblem Heroes game.

This message serves to inform players about the future of the game.

The Fire Emblem Heroes main campaign is scheduled to reach its conclusion in November 2024 with part 5 of chapter 13 of Book 8, the final and climactic addition to its long-running story. After the main campaign has concluded, service for the game itself will come to a close at a later date. Further details on the end-of-service schedule will be provided in a future notification.

After the final set of new Heroes is added in a summon event scheduled for 11/16/2024, the game will not receive any new content updates aside from those for the main campaign and certain quests. Please note that summon events for existing Heroes, as well as event revivals, will continue to be made available until service has ended.

The Fire Emblem Heroes team would like to thank each and every one of our players, past and present, for your love of and support for Fire Emblem Heroes since its launch. It is our sincere hope that you have enjoyed your experience with the game from the moment you started playing it, and we will strive to ensure that you continue to do so for as long as time allows.
They already shitpost about other gacha here.
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8 more months until Engage summer 2
So it not being made by IS is why she can be romanced but it's KTs fault that she isn't playable? No wonder KT and IS worked so well together, their ideas are shit.
Engage flopped
>but it's KTs fault that she isn't playable?
It's pretty obvious KT ran out of time, given things like how Crimson Flower only has one animated cutscene.
They would have made her playable if they could (and they did, in Three Hopes). But this is different from Eve in Engage, where they sat on their asses for years and just never implemented her.
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i don't understand why they are so cheap with dragon flowers
>It's pretty obvious KT ran out of time
Yet they had the time to make DLC? Make the Death Knight playable and even add in extra supports?
Hell they had time to make Hopes which took out playable characters, and the best they could do was shove some in record keeper mode ie, not story mode, and even had less routes but they ran out of time again I guess?
Where is the difference? Both companies just seemed to sit on their asses and half-ass obvious decisions.
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can't wait for Mario Party Jamboree to drop so I can abandon this shit general
It took them half a year to get the dlc for 3H out. Engage's dlc was day-one
>Where is the difference?
If you can't see the difference between a game with 2 years of dev time and a game with 6 years of dev time, I don't know what to tell you.
You'll come back when Fire Emblem Party Monopoly Trouble featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series comes out
This. If you can't see the difference between 2 game with multiple years of dev time, not including extensions and having the same dev team, and a game with 6 years of dev time, then you must be looking at both companies far too equally. Remember, it's only bad when IS does it.
it didn't get autosaged tho
Anon, it's the post-Awakening fandom. They don't know what that means.
Okay "old fag"
>game pushed out in two years by a team that as never made an srpg before
>game with triple the development time by a team of veteran srpg developers
>the same thing
I wouldn't have taken her as DLC at this point. Can I exchange Rafal for Lumera? Maybe Gregory?
>Ignoring the 2 threads that hit bump limit and the third that is already up.
Also funny how the anti-japan jannies keep leaving only the engage seethe threads up.
How do we stop anti-Engage janny on /v/?
You mean the third one you made after your last one got auto saged.
by waiting a few weeks until they inevitably 41% themselves kek
I can't really see the difference, the ran out of time thing makes some sense as long as DLC is not factored in but losses ground when looking at the spin-off while Engage did have a hefty amount of time to solidify itself.
I guess those who like KT more will bend excuse one side while those who like IS will excuse the other.
So the average person.
>So the average person.
That's anti-FE
Funny how the consensus changed only when the fanbase got flooded with menopausing persona fans.
>but losses ground when looking at the spin-off
Musous exist as a genre because of their quick turn-around times. The models were already done, too.
All Komuroslop is anti FE
dunno what you mean, engage was hated from day 1.
Mario Party is so fucking boring. Endless possibilities to emulate different types of board games for a varied experience, and yet it's always just fanciful Ludo since 1998.
Not true at all. People were discussing it positively for months. Something just happened couple of months later that changed discourse of Engage forever.
>Something just happened couple of months later
(((journos))) started to report on it
Why did you lie to me, anon? How could you?
The newly made models even. They had enough time to make a new story for 3 routes and make new models for the characters and even new characters.
Ran out of time for everything else though apparently, damn shame.
t. No friends
All post Sacred Stones is anti-FE.
People played the game and read the localization text.
>Not true at all
Yes true
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>something just happened after the honeymoon period ended
It's a mystery for the ages.
Send feedback
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>engage was hated from da-AAACK!
FEH isn't undergoing EoS yet.
FE is doomed

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