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Previous Thread: >>497866045

General Info
- Reverse: 1999 is a turn-based RPG with gameplay revolving around the use of spell cards. The game focuses on storytelling, with a rich main story mode and frequent side-story events. The game is fully voiced in 4 languages, with English as the primary language. There are no PvP elements, you can play at your own pace. The Storm is coming.
- Daily reset is at 10am UTC

>Version 1.9 Trailer (GL)
>Version 2.2 Trailer (CN)
>Download (PC & Mobile)
>Official Stickers
>Official Twitter

>Current Event
24 Hours before the S̴̻̃ť̶̙ò̵r̵̨m̸̖̐ - Vereinsamt || Sep 19 - Oct 31

>Rate-up Banners
Lucy (Intelligence - Limited) || Sep 19 - Oct 31
Tooth Fairy (Star) || Oct 8 - Oct 22
Kakania (Plant) || Oct 10 - Oct 31

>Upcoming Banners

>Community Resources
Database: https://windbow27.github.io/Kornblume/
Guide to the basics: https://pastebin.com/hEeaZ3Dn
Guide to arcanists & team building: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1e46cecjsIb1LO3Ybb6urlVUZKUk8R7yrgG9yXZS8-Ho
Resonance guide: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1lUzkJvRfV2diLiU0ai6mCrM-kkm0cqwblo1VvCkhYi4
Psychube guide: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qQinxxU_e0-YXwPj5WAd2PgTFksyLwIaHXwEcosUxU0/edit#gid=1302308761
Insight materials cheat sheet: https://imgur.com/a/vB9zTHJ
Insight costs: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1js7u2mwQzrfqkYnszURTYT1C6DxX0-qhsjfVQ5CvB_o
List of cultural references: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KoA8vboCEDq2N6SWAtJZNePV_UcuKsCWsyxJ7nUoeZQ

1999GIFT, 5YRBRF9, MAINSTORYUPDATE, PreparefortheTrip, FireGivenByMetal, TheLivedSuffering, PeerlessChallenge, SMF633Z3, ArrivalDeparture
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Voyager LOVE
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sis what the fuck is this
an image for ants?
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see this, what do?
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Mating press
fit for mobile
you are playing on your phone, right?
lmao Getianfags in complete shambles
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hide my wife
you'd still run Getian with Lucy for the eureka engine though
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You'd run Lopera with Lucy for the moxie engine, the crit overflow, the positional damage bonus, and the fact that Lucy's own bullets are buffed by Lopera.
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>fucks your wife
>Spits flaming hot bars
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>hires her to fuck my wife
I NEED Kakania so she fucks my wife
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I could fix matilda
Lopera give BJ for the best father in this thread
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>actual tourists claiming that the game isn't filled with yuri in last thread
>xister mentions they'd move on to /gfg/ once GF2 is out
I can't fucking win
I will reverse every single one of you
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Every gacha thread will be relieved when GF2 releases and absorbs them
that's like the worst mixture of elitism and coom thoughever, not sure what you expect
Day 15 of having Lorelei on my homescreen.
I feel myself coming closer to enlightenment. But I still can't stop these dreadful desires from welling up inside me whenever she asks me to tighten those harness.
I must endure. I don't want her to reject me and push me away.
...Or will she accept me for who I am?
I must endure...
Continue to endure.
Continue to worship...
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>steam tourists brought us back to 1.2-era discussions
so we've actually been stormed and moved to an era from the past?
looks like manus still exists in 2024
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at least I can expect them to not sperge out, expect some degree of maturity since most are oldheads + they do dislike dramaniggers. Hoyo (bar HI3) and Wuwa threads are probably some of the most cancerous gacha threads I've been on. it's on the higher end of gacha generals for me
the steam release was cursed, what did we even gain? the ability to skip one login screen?
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Today's the last day for the selector banner! Don't miss this chance! The first 10 pulls only costs 5 rolls!
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Marcus appreciation!
The solution to shitposting tourists is to turn everyone into a Lushu
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I already used it when it came out and got my p5 37
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When is she going to star in an event like Matilda?
>talking like her
It's over.
>Horses cannot type
>Ergo they cannot shitpost
>Thus improving the quality of the general
Jiu is so smart. Please drink the water!
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dont drink the water, Matilda was in it!
Matilda's bath water...
Used the 50% discount pull yesterday and finally got Satsuki. Now I'm only missing Ulu for that 5* completion rate
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Newbab here that started with the steam release. Got Lucy/TF/Kakania with some rerolling luck/grinding. How many pulls do we get per version/patch? I was looking at the upcoming characters and Mercuria and Anjo both look pretty cute so I was wondering I can get enough to get them both.
vertin impregnating sex
it is in the op newkeeper
You can probably get a 50-50 towards mercuria and guarantee anjo f2p depending on how many non renewable drops you've already used. Just remember their banners don't share pity so be careful how you decide to roll.
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>I got hired for a job
just in time for me to get the Spat skin...
About 60-70, and Anjo is in 2.2, which is the half-anni, which gives more than regular patches. Getting Mercuria would depend on how much rolls you have left over, and how lucky you are, but remember you only need 1 roll. lol

Also who is shilling on /gig/?
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>vertin is a main character in metaphor
>regulus is a minor character in metaphor
kek its like pottery
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congrats sis, I got into gacha because I got a good job and ended up with too much disposable income during the pandemic years. Lot of big gacha games too like Arknights and BA came out during that time.

Ironically spending in gacha games is the only thing that gets me through work lately cause the job sucks.
God fucking damn it.
this is why you're supposed to tie her binds tightly!
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so do we have any p5 semmelweiskeepers in here?
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they mightve been waiting for Kakania to drop first for spooks, but if we do have one they arent on my friends list, would like one though, P5 sounds fun
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>someone saved my image
hes also the NPC that gives you the cup for the second ending
All of my portrays are spooks or dubs
I have a friend on my list with a maxed Semmelweis and it's really fun to use her in roguelike
Kakania is so good, mechanically and fluff-wise. Best character to date, I think.
>this would have been reverse fate if it was a console game instead of a gacha
I'm sorry for all the times I said I wished reverse was an actual game...
Nah, I wish R1999 is still an actual game. Gachas hamstring all what's good with the game and so many others. I don't give a shit what a bunch of schizos will go do.
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give name, I'll give them a P4 37 in return
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>same themes
>super westernized
>literally Vertin and Regulus
wait are we considered woke too?
If R1999 was a real game we'd have many more unusual characters and would've avoided the 3 Isoldes dispute
The story wouldn't have to be written in such an obviously over-extended manner and maybe we would even have actual playable Manus members
There is no drawback, maybe except for the promo work which is among the best that I've seen for a gacha, we'd miss those great JP songs too
To them yeah. Our plot is largely
>Discrimination bad
and that can be reinterpreted as """"""woke""""".
The game would make less money
And we'd have to spend less money
I don't think I've played a game where I thought adding gacha to it would make it better. It's just something I tolerate while playing.
LGBT themes
I'd join MV if we got the option 2bh, humans suck
it would be a 70 dollar jrpg with dlc and enhanced remake in 2 years
Neither of these are negatives
It would have flopped horribly due the bad translation at launch and the Rimet Cup DLC.
Won't someone think of the investors?
regulus isnt a virgin
x is so lucky...
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I just rolled Yenisei how does she compare to other healers like BP and Dyke does she carve out her own niche or should I just use Tooth Fairy? Would it be a waste to level her up to i3l30 or should?
Yeah, me
She's very good, arguably the best 5* sustain.
She's good, overall better than Dikke. Unless you're taking a lot of AoE damage, better than Balloon Party too. She's very good at dropping one massive heal though her shield/immunity ultimate can be a little annoying to time.
She's really good, arguably 3rd best healer above medpoc
she's fine but tf is better
yenisei is focused on survival, she has sturdiness and -dmg debuff
but that's kinda useless for the most part and she does fuck all for offense
meanwhile toof is a tubo crit enabler which is 10 times better
Yenisei is like 5.5* healer, its not really a waste to level her even with Tooth Fairy. Her specialty is survival, which other healers dont have. Skill 2 is FAT because its based off her max HP so if you want to 0 to 100 someone. She has built in moxie/rank up incantation which is very nice. You can even run both Tooth and Yenisei together if you're still early on and just use Tooth as crit support.

Yensei has I think one of the biggest single target heals in the game so if you have Kakania you can spam heals on Kakania for funny heal memes. Kakania + 2/3 healer strats
She's really mid, arguably the 4th best healer below medpoc
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Just irrational arcanist ramblings, pay them no attention my human brother.
sex with ezra
can boys get pregnant?
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I love Marcus!
I've seen a few take like that, which is funny because at the same time they complain about 2.2 not having enough black people in it
Her and BP are the best 5* healers. She has a different speciality and you have to keep that in mind, though.
If you don't have Vila then TF is the best you can use as a healer right now.
I'd rather build BP if I were you though, afflatus diversity is nice and BP's heals are based on target's HP and all are global so you don't need to prioritize or anything. Also counter memes.
why is he showing his tummy like that
if I had a tummy like that I would too
Getting involved in idpol nonsense causes brain damage.
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>Kakania hype wore off
so are we just now waiting for Joe?
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Tuesday waiting room
Every single anon here is an Anjo enjoyer and we’re all patiently waiting for her release with excitement
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skipping everyone until Tuesday, then the Sotheby team will be complete
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Stupid question maybe but how did I get this garment when I didn't buy it? I rolled tooth fairy this banner does it just come with her now, is it the same for all the olympic garments?
Maybe you bought it and don't remember. Or maybe you bought your account with it purchased?
It's possible to purchase garments for characters you don't have.
nobody cares about Joe
Every single anon here is a Marcus enjoyer and we’re all patiently waiting for her garment release with excitement
looking back at my credit card history I think it must've been the case w. I didn't even have tooth fairy at the time and I wasn't really a fan of the garment but I just really like TF, also if I'm remembering correctly I bought it thinking a TF flashback banner would be coming up but turns out it was a dual banner with cent which would be great because I love that enye as well except she had a solo banner a couple weeks earlier that I rolled her one thanks John very cool why do global banners differentiate from CN I hate it
based and true
>but R10….
I whale for and build every character. I have no leeway to go for r15
Whack how getting to R15 is harder than P5 when you have infinite resources because Fries are just that rare.
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cute boy
you can buy fries in the paid store but you dont get enough in one month to even get to r15
You have every character at p5?
That's what I'm saying, what the fuck is this John Bluepoch?
somebody has to keep the lights on, I'm glad its not me
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the 1441 peak was Kakania btw
ok just came inside ezra, now what
Get outta there.
wait 3 rounds
Matilda's toilet water
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waddle waddle
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why is this whore SO AP HUNGRY FUCK. her buff lasting for (one) turn is insane to me
>hype wore off
No that was just the designated shill campaign which happens for every new character that comes out.
Never fall for Zhou's dirty Chinese tricks.
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This game is pretty fun and I have been using those first 3 for most of it and followed the advice of an anon here to get balance pls for A Knight.

Do we get characters like A Knight or TTT often? I really like their designs.
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Sotheby injects heroin between her toes!
>Do we get characters like A Knight or TTT often?
Well, about that...
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glad you're having fun. Those kind of characters are called Awakened, and we still get some. Technically Lucy is the same kind as A Knight. Shes not actually an android, shes literally a piston jammed into an android shell.

Other than that they werent really that popular so dont expect 6* ones. White Rum in 2.2 is really cool, she has a FUA and positioning gimmick although 4*.
>Do we get characters like A Knight or TTT often?
lol lmao even
I'm tempted to call this bait but it might just be a newfag. The answer is no, not really. Maybe they'll add more in the future, but the "unique" characters that got added post release was
>Pickles, a dog in 1.2
>That guy in 2.0 which I forgot the name
>White Rum, a ship in a bottle and a skeleton hand
>Anjo Nala if you reaaaally squint but that also includes Jessica if she counts
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If they'll add any unusual character again they'll be a 4* or below like White Rum or Pioneer
you'll have 20 white women instead
Cherish your Knight
I see. It makes sense that they wouldn't be as popular. A bit sad but we got to make money. At least the ones already in the game are really cool and it's not like the human characters are worse. I like Toothfairy's design a lot.
if you have Eternity shes great to level to pair with Semmelweis. Since you have Semmelweiss leveled you should know how her skills work. Eternity also drains life which lets Semmelweis do bigger ult damage.
But our game is better, r-right sisters?
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Full Lushu garment for Jiu when?
She badly needs a premium skin to fix her ult.
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They're called garments.
I like it when she says UOOOOH (JP)
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it's called a round
I'm sorry Charlie.
just switch Jiu to JP
it's very ironic that the chinkwank character sounds so terrible
I don't care about the lines. It's literally just some horse running over the enemies and her flying off.
That was my idea when I saw she reduced her own HP so I will probably work on her next.
I still don't see what the fuss is about the double banners. Just pass them up and wait for the character to appear in a regular rate-up banner.
The double banners are good if you want either of both characters or are a player who is new or skipped/missed out on the featured characters and lacking 6-stars.
Oh boy, here we go again. Maybe one day you will learn.
They have no reason to exist beyond corporate greed.
They could at worst just run the two banners side by side. But they don't. To fuck with people that want one specific character, both characters or portrays of one character.
I don't like it because on CN they are solo banners and so it feels like you're chances of getting who you want isn't what it should be and you don't know when the next solo banner for her will come
Why did you leave out Lucy?
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more like that they're pretty rare and shouldn't be a common occurrence. I do love my "Awakened" but dumping them every patch would go against what they're supposed to be; after all, how are they "rare" if we find them in every new region? do wish they turned them into 6* desu
They're called outfits.
I genuinely forgot but I'm still remiss on adding her since it's basically just big booba metal woman, then again I included the guy in 2.0.
>uttuu is out
>kaka banner is out
>still havent done stage 20 of the new chapter
Fake Charlie
Be real, she's basically a human
>b-but muh piston
She has the figure of a pornstar, just made with steel, and her i2/mask makes her even more human.
When people think of the awakened, they think of Ms. Radio, TTT, Pickles, A Knight and characters like that.
It be like that. I eagerly awaited this patch but have been too bogged down to really play.
You guys are majorly missing out
The content is waiting for me. I don't plan to skip this patch; would feel terrible if I missed out.
I made sure I finished the anecdote in time despite preferring to finish the main story content first.
Better finish Semmelweis's anecdote if you haven't already
I said I did in the post you replied to.
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Do your part guys. Download the game, leave a positive review, leave it running to get hours on your profile.
i don't like faking numbers.
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No problem.

I've put way too much time into this game to bother trying to convey it on another platform.
but it uses the same account
The thing is I don't always leave the game running for long periods of time because I occasionally switch back to mobile. I don't have time to really bother with trying to rack up steam hours and I'm not even sure if I want to use Steam for this game.
I intend to leave a review though.
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Which arcanist is most likely to be a mid 90's rave girl?
>female figure = pornstar figure
You've got to be trolling.
>When people think of the awakened, they think of Ms. Radio, TTT, Pickles, A Knight and characters like that.
And they'd be terribly mistaken as not all of such characters are awakeneds.
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>DJ Whore
Not interested.
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thought on the goat Semmelweis?
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why did I pull for Lucy
SemmelGOD deal more dmg than her to all enemies without kill condition every round
Regulus is my gf.
I skipped L*cy for Shitland and Joe
is your lucy insight 3? since that unlocks her follow-up attack that triggers whenever a enemy dies which is where 70% of her damage comes in
>I skipped L*cy
>finally start A Series of Dusks
>repetitive tutorial content
Holy cow the HARRASSMENT

Have you managed Resonance and assigned a Psychube?
You can't say you've skipped Lucy until her banner ends.
As a semmylover and future lucyhaver, you are scaring me, anon
Bah Im used to characters being useless shit, it cant be that bad
a full Semmelweis ramped up Truth Revealed deal 680% dmg (equal to a fucking ult)
Lucy mass attack deal 200% dmg with 50% pen on 2 kills
thing is Semmelweis need you to be her AP slave and funnel everything into her while Lucy can just sit like a duck and blast enemy to death
plus Lucy has 600 bullshit that boost her dmg too (though semmel has that 65% dmg up for herself, but that cost shit load of AP to keep it 100% uptime)
you can use both though, they are made to be goons murderers
what kind of girls is regulus into
Regulus is the kind of useless lesbian to get hit on for 300 chapters and not understand a single advance made on her
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klara is pretty funny in roguelike
although there are moments when she'll commit sudoku
She's just like Tennant, she likes naive girls with lots of money and big hats
We need a shy introverted goth girl arcanist who makes you learn the names and personalities of all 44 stuffies she sleeps with before she’ll let you cuddle
Necrologist Party?
we need an old woman that look old
Neither of those would EVER cuddle their Humboldt Penguin Penelope to bed every night
I have very specific tastes and I expect Johnpoch to cater to them.
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Alright guys, let's talk about 2.3, spoiler obviously
what happened to Matilda mom? Pick one
>Saw some fucked up future that led her to join Manus vindictae
If she's still alive, do you think she will become playable?
Momtilda is the first confirmed 7* ultralimited, we’ve know about this since like 1.4
Thanks for the detailed reply
Do we have event schedule for the second part of the patch?
Timekeeper? No, i'm Timeskipper
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There's only one adorkable enough to go into that direction
yeah its in the 1.9 patch notes
It's almost over anyway. The only upcoming things:
>UTTU Special Week
>Voyager banner
>Eagle anecdote
>Pre-patch event
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Is there a website that shows the banner history for global?
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japan patch when
Character most likely to be a weeb?
from those currently known maybe Blonney/Horrorpedia because japanese horrors have some cult classics among them
Or Spatho/DF because if they're from the 90s then they're most likely to have been weebified
But other than them I can't think of anyone that would make sense actually, I'm not sure if we even have anyone from 2000s
Not even a single character with yellow fever on board
They'd have to make an actual weeb arcanist
>backpack with stickers, pins and other anime stuff
>spiral glasses
I thought 1.5 took place in the 60's but I'm dumb and it didn't feel very clear to me
don't blame yourself, the 90s info comes only from minor details and character sheets
they're using like 30s cars on the streets, the background department fucked up
Maybe it's because the backwards troglodytes from the Australian HellLands are perpetually 60 years behind the civilized world
1.5 was an incoherent mess that's supposed to take place after 1.9
genuinely a bad patch, perhaps the worst one, it can compete only with 1.1
i was this close from just skipping the story altogether because of how boring it was and how annoying ezra and medpoc are
>I thought 1.5 took place in the 60's but I'm dumb and it didn't feel very clear to me
Yeah, the only element that is really rooted in the 90's is Desert Flannel's tamagotchi. Overall as >>498081681 said, awful patch all around.
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the only good thing from 1.5 is Desert Flannel
how the FUCK she doesn't have any porn
I want to DP DF
Didn't Spathodea have a NES in her room?
I'm happy I pulled her and I will never stop being mad that Ezra came along for the ride.
And her I0 garment is so much better than the others it is not even funny.
She's the only 5* I'm missing but the game wants to keep giving me d*ggers
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I can't see it.
Also she really needs to clean her room.
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actually you can see it in your piece too
God I wish the famicom actually had controller cables that long
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>a full Semmelweis ramped up Truth Revealed deal 680% dmg (equal to a fucking ult)
I dont think its possible to reach full ramp, thats 20 instances of HP loss in one round.
That looks like a fantasy console inspired by maybe a Mega Drive or Saturn judging by the 3/6 button pad
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I miss the way the launcher looked during 1.7.
sis we don't do that in here, this is a hand-holding only general
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I'll just give her some Plappy Impact
1.6 > 1.1 > 1.0 = 1.3 > 1.4 > 1.7 > 1.9 > 1.2 = 1.5
What the fuck is up with our timeline?
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Windsong garment soon!!
Please John... Ms. NewBabel garment
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Just pawn off your coat
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talking about coats: I love this one!
the loose sleeves means "freedom" in my world.
We must keep her safe from the I2 coat thief
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Have sex.
making mini timekeepers for the sake of humanity
Hello, tourist here. Started playing yesterday when I saw it on steam, had a very good first impression. Got a free 6 star girl, but her weapon? event seem to be ending, no way to get it otherwise? Also how important is metagaming to get all the premium currency? I don't want to play characters I don't like just to get all the pulls
>her weapon
The one on her anecdote isn't that great, five star psychubes have much lower stats than six star ones and with very few exceptions aren't really worth building. A few patches from now her actual six star one will be available from the roguelike mode.
>event seem to be ending, no way to get it otherwise?
Nope, six star psychubes eventually enter the shop but it seems that they aren't going to re-run five star ones.
>Also how important is metagaming to get all the premium currency?
Not at all, the content is pretty easy though it may be rather difficult for you until you have your characters built up, since you're going to need 6/8 for Limbo.
The one available is just ok. Next patch will have her 6* one, focuses on making her a carry and is free.

>how important is metagaming|
Not really. Its even piss easier now with the new breezy mode, and the only thing really stopping you is time gated materials which allows you to keep up with very skippable late game stuff, especially if you want to play a select number of characters.
Thanks, anon. It's good to know since I decided to look up all the characters I like, and they were all in shit tier, literally bottom of the list
Just for curiosity's sake, which ones?
you dont need to worry too much about missing her 5* weapon even if its not obtainable cause she gets a 6* version exclusive to her next patch thats way stronger. The only thing metagaming wise is making sure you get the OP supports/healers like 6 & tooth fairy/vila/kakania since endgame is relatively clearable for anyone even if your f2p after a few months of building up your teams
Mondlicht, scarecrow, Matilda, tv girl and source
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Most of those characters are low rarity units. Only 5* and 6* get access to Insight 3 so they fall off in the late game, being up to 60 levels and 5 Resonance behind.
As for Matilda, she isn't on the standard pool, so she'll be stuck at P1 for a while.
Those are all launch characters so they have been powercrept quite a bit too.

Still, it shouldn't really pose a problem for anything outside of Limbo and Mane's Bulletin. You can clear all of the game just with the free units you receive. It won't always be easy, but it is doable.
Glad to know that I'm not the only one that prefers I0 outfit.
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I quite like her adventurous jukebox garment.
Between the jukebox and I2, I'd pick the jukebox. But just like Semmelweis, her default one is just too good.
Feels bad. No way to make 3-4* stronger then? Or do they relese 6* versions of old units?
>Ways to make 3-4* stronger
>6* versions of low stars
Also no. I've asked for upgrades to low stars on every survey and they haven't made any plans to do so yet.

The silver lining is that the game is easy enough that it won't matter for most content, and even the hardest content can be beaten with low stars if you force it hard enough.
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>is a vampire for a few hours tops
>already does this chuuni shit
wife material
Tbf the game is only a year old. And they did buff some of the launch characters. I wasn't expecting them to do that. So low rarity upgrades is still a possibility in the future. No alts please
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UTTU needs to fuck off with tutorial popups and pack opening crap every single event
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Newkeeper here, what's the ideal route/priority for building characters? Moneys and Shards are so scarce
aim to get your dps character to insight 2 first, put a few levels into their resonance and psychubes as well
Focus on your Carry/DPS first.
Buffs/Debuffs don't scale with level so your supports can still perform at a lower level.
If you have Balloon Party, she's great for saving since her healing doesn't scale off level/resonance too.
The tutorials need to fuck off across the whole game imo. At least put them behind a help button.
It slipped my mind at the moment, but Yenisei's healing doesn't scale with level/resonance as well.
Focus on 1 team prioritizing your DPS. And build your wilderness asap. The wilderness is a nice source of passive dust and sharpies
Ran into an interesting tweet stating Kakania's Oct 10 release coincides with World Mental Health Day. https://x.com/Syuu0o/status/1844220109973586108
A reply noted the color green. Neat
I swear it is just a mild gambling addiction...
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Bravo John
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Cherish that time...
Ah yes, the key to become a good Arcanist: Larp harder
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dont bother trying to jump straight into limbo since that hard-requires you to have 2 teams built which is a time investment your not gonna complete in 1 patch. focus on levelling your main carry/dps to insight 3 then slowly bump up your healer/support+sub dps characters to i3 as well. if your rolling a character thats on rateup in first half of a patch focus on just grinding event materials than actually trying to grind to level them up since event shop always gives you the mats you need to get them to insight 3 and their personal psychube
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Can Regulus support Lucy OK? Just won the 50/50 on Kakania's banner or should I invest in the free 6* vampire girl? Not really sure what team comps or what units to level since I only finished Chapter 2.

Pic is who I have. Not pictured is Baby Blue and X.
Regulus is a sub-DPS and is also mental while Lucy is reality. Lucy - Semmel/Sonetto - Balloon Party is a decent team. You could pair Regulus with Baby Blue for your 2nd limbo team. But focus on building the Lucy team first
They don't really have any synergy, they are both DPS. From your roster, the best supports would be Semmelweis or Sonetto.
Balloon Party is a great healer for any team.

When you get into Limbo you may want to build Regulus and Baby Blue, those two work well together. But you should invest into Lucy first, she'll get you far.
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>hp burning teammates (Ezra, Eternity, Pavia,etc.)
Huh? I can't see it anywhere on his kit.
Yeah, he can't deal damage to himself. But his skill 2 is like a weaker version of Charlie's skill 2 where it does more damage if he is below 50% HP. I guess the OP of that list is taking that into account
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she keep her buffed multiplier if you keep the ult always up (tested)
Dubs decides what collab reverse 1999 gets.
Please no collabs
Too busy trying to get Lucy, already been spooked by another 6* who isn't even good so now I'm focused solely on the Gynoid
No collabs for the first 2.5 years.
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Look, Doctor.
The stars are shining.
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>my Spathodea team need Lopera to crit all the time and go atk res build instead of crit res build
>my Windsong team need Lopera for more crit overflow
>my Marcus need Lopera to crit all the time
>my Semmelweis need Lopera to crit all the time
god damn
>two utterly broken characters in a single patch
It is 1.2 all over again...
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>>498122794 lopera array will overwrite semmel wont she tho?
Kakania sidestory was surprisingly good, definitely one of the better one
also wtf? Isolde is just in a cell being insane forever? Wtf is wrong with John bluepoch?
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it's so over
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kinda annoying how this mf stops taking dmg after 1m2 mark
The only good thing about arrays is that you can cancel an enemy's by casting yours. Beyond that it just fucks with teambuilding.
I hate how they made it seem like "oh shit is so OP you only allowed to have 1 on the field" and then made Force Field, which is literally just Array but doesn't fuck with other Force Field
Do you guys think raping Isolde would fix her? It worked for the joker...
look what happened to the guy who raped Isolde...
who would want to rape that hag
she's just 18...
i thought she was like over 40
she looks so old
too old
Most characters are way younger than one might expect.
>Semmelweis and Kakania are 19
>Bkornblume and Dikke are 18
>Desert Flannel and Necrologist are 17
>Yenisei is 16
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>that look
>those keys
oh yeah she definitely locks her male patient in chastity cages and then invites their wives to fuck and make them watch
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the ages in this game are fucked.
Kakania is just 19, Melania is just 18, An-An is just 16, Necrologist is just 17, Sweetheart is just 17, Dikke is just 19, Bkornblume is just 18, Windsong is just 21, Moissan is just 26, NewBabel is just 25.
Not a single girl who's over 30, so if anyone calls this game a hag game they're simply wrong
While most ages are fucked...
She's just a college student, that one makes sense.
That one is the most believable. She's a young, attractive actress.
>Shamane is 45
>Mr. Duncan is 61
Please understand, female-targeted game.
Bkornblume, Necrologist, and Yenisei all look like they're in the high school age range so I don't see any issue with those
It's not a matter of their appearance, but their life experience and job.
no 17yo looks and acts like that, especially not in the 30s
hollywood would chew her up
even though shirley temple was much younger she was from a wealthy family while sweetheart was literally doing child labor at a factory
she's supposed to be totally not marilyn monroe too and she started her career at 21 iirc
Korn is a spy of Stasi.
Necrologist runs a museum.
If you don't see an issue with such professions for teenagers, especially in their times (1980 + 1940) and countries (East Germany + Liechtenstein), you're not ready for this conversation.
Yenisei is *just* Bessmert's bitch so this one makes sense just like the child soldiers of the foundation.
>have gray hair/gray streaks
Must be one fucked up life they had.
I wouldn't mind that.
I mean we're talking about a mexican escape artist and a medieval inquisitor. One of those would've been impossible btw
Centurion probably bleaches part of her hair for style. And white haired people just seem to be a thing.
i would drop all of my money to p5 Miria
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>there are timekeepers who missed out on using the secret apple alt in chapter 7
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I NEED Yuki Kajiura's music in R1999
It's an anime game, not a historical documentary. One of the earliest things you get used to in anime and anime-adjacent works is that younger characters get adult responsibilities and roles all the time. Just watch more anime and play more anime games and you will understand eventually.
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if this is an anime game then playing it in japanese is the only acceptable way
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>the 1st Zeno unit is here
>strongest support, mogged all other units
Bluepoch is good at making game
>1st Zeno unit
Those were Brickya and Leilani
>Lilya and Jessica are technically from Zeno too newkeeper
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>>>the 1st Zeno unit is here
Fuck collabs but when is Vanitas getting a third season?
let the manga get some material
The anime has adapted basically everything available at the release
MochiJun is constantly going on hiatuses
with what's been released since S2 we'd get only half of a cour
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The only collab we need, but the collab we don’t deserve
I fear it's too ideal. The setting, characters, music, aesthetics, everything is compatible. But mobage I've played rarely collab with stuff that makes sense.
Why does everyone want to fuck Vertin?
Emotionally stable and responsible; well-planned and capable; gentle, decisive, and beautiful.
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you don't?
>emotionally stable
>almost joins a terrorist organization because of some girl who tried to kill her a while earlier
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Vertin LUST
p0 Kakania keeps dying early at Fortissimo X
She's great but desperately needs items, idk if there's anyone who needs them more than her
Joe as cloud
Mercuria as locke
KB as Tifa
Melania as Joker Persona
Kakania as Joker Society
What's the broken uttu build this time?
this is the easiest uttu ever
play with anything
I cleared it with Marcus + Vila + Kakania + Isolde and starting cards
There will probably be a turn 1 ult kill strat in special week like last time
Sis! She came home!
Now I don't have any bunnies left for Joe... What will I tell to Spathodeaschizo?
>rolling for m*les
tell him to shut up
Spathodeaschizo is skipping Joe in favour of Lopera iirc
she HATES m*n...
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fake Spat fan, how would you claim to be one if you aren't getting her best team yourself! I'm planning on getting Lopera and Joe desu
Borrow a P5 Lucy
because isolde is better
soul > metafagging
Spatho canonically hates men
Spatho is already doing with with just Isolde and she'll be even better with Lopera because of the insane crit boosts
i want doctor klara to bring me to the edge with her gloves and lock me up
Lord El-Melloi Case Files
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>permanent uptime on array
burn teams... good?
I don't want 1.9 to end.
I genuinely think that Kakania is this game's peak design, both for visuals and for her writing
The fact that even after reading 2.0, 2.1 and 2.2 I'm not convinced by any of the newbies is soul crushing
I seriously don't want to roll for any of the upcoming ones
It's over...
It's over, Reverse is woke now
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>weird head and body proportion
>clunky counterattack animation
>imagine wasting materials, slot, etc... for a man instead of another girl like Lopera
mhmm, I agree
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a groomer and her victim
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I hope they buff Ulu or remake her into a healer so I can always slot her in with Spathodea
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Use these characters on eagle anecdote for bonus dialogue
1. Sonetto
2. Dikke
3. Semmelweis
4. Cristallo
5. Mesmer Jr
Source please
I’m gonna hit max level tomorrow with my candy binging session
How should I celebrate?
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Should I use my remaining rolls on Lucy (currently P0@120 rolls, I can probably get enough for 200 in 18 days if I spend everything) or try my luck on Kakania banner?
why would you roll for someone you already have
More portrait.
Roll for whomever stirs your loins the most.
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Just use "that"
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Frankly speaking I don't like Kakania but I'm also kind of a metafag. The next banner I'm rolling is Tuesday (loins roll).
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Watch something with lesbians in it
I could've sworn this had a gacha, dunno if it EoS'd or not.
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Think about it for a bit
With the monthly you get between 60 and 70 summons a month
Do you really want to, in the worst case, spend two months worth of rolls for a character you’re not really interested in, just to get a higher score in one mode where you can already get all the rewards
You won’t even get to show off unless you whale super hard. And you’re not, since you’re asking in the first place.
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>BTFO metafags and spathodeaschizo in one post
SchneiderGOD I kneel
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What are some of /1999/’s favourite yuri media?
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Manga/novels: Sheep Princess, Murcielago, The Moon on a Rainy Night, Oneesama and the Giant, Adachi and Shimamura, Otherside Picnic, Shimeji Simulation, Princess of Sylph, Okiku-san, probably other stuff I'm forgetting
Games: Signalis, Crymachina, Mary Skelter 2, Rabi Ribi
VNs: Kindred Spirits, Seabed, Please Be Happy
Things are still dry in the anime department if you don't count adaptations...I'll just say Flip Flappers and Princess Principal I guess.
3hz really did burn too bright and too quick
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Kakania fucked my wife and killed the game
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this uttu's way easier than other 1s, but you can pretty much use a whales p5 lucy and 1-shot every fight except the last 1 which is the spathodea event boss that takes very little damage until you burned it into its debuff stage
Just borrow one of these:
P5 Lucy
P5 37
P5 Jiu
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she's getting horny...
>rolling for portrays
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Thanks, I hate it.
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the fuck is that thing??
you you... BEAN EATHER!!
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She ate ONE bean and this is what happened?!
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I love my wife's wife!!
A Secret Just Between You and Me by Nekomura
She canonically wants to suck her coach’s and ezra’s dick though
She wanted to suck Ezra's female mushroom and has never recovered from finding out he's male.
kekania was a mistake
we'll be plagued by cuck posters now
what if i'm into that
Started playing through Steam, is there a way to play on a phone with same account? Login on phone just has google, email and facebook
Yeah, connect your account to an email or google. Options -> Account Center
oh sweetheart. you have to be 18 to post here
>Mercuria is 16
Thanks anon I didn't see it
this is unironically the closest to an accurate age in this game
don't worry about the canon ages, there are many characters in the game that are too young to make sense
sex with Apple
Out of 10
Always were
not really. I take pride in the Doctor fucking my wife. It's the first time she has felt pleasure in years and I'm happy about that
>Sonetto is 16
>Kanjira is 16
>Mercuria is 16
I think Matilda has a particular age preference...
Cowabunga is 27 thoughbeitdesu
I'm going to need to see how you tested this because I've been using Semmelweis since shes came out and its very clearly not the case
> for every HP loss effect suffered by any characters when an ally takes an action, THIS [Truth Revealed] deals an additional Reality DMG +30% (up to 20 stacks for each attack).
The skill itself also has a unique counter called "Blood Thirst" thats shows ingame and resets everytime she uses her AOE attack

Made a video example too
>Semmelweis ults, gets 4 stacks, Ezra attacks twice, gets 2 stacks, 6 stacks of blood thirst
>next, only Ezra attacks, 1 stack of blood thirst

Its also clear whenever you use Semmelweis ult, the next turn her aoe is almost always weaker cause you cant stack as much as her ult turn.

Another video example, you can see how much the ult fluctuates. Also the power of Joe who can stack up Blood Thirst on the enemy turn too due to his counter mechanic.
theres no room for Joe on the burn team, you just run Spat Isolde Lopera and Kakania
How old is my wife le source???
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>voice actor for Lucy will be hosting an AMA on Reddit
Finally! Someone I've been looking forward to!
over 300 years
you're safe
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The tourists are making themselves way too obvious. This isnt the game for you and thats okay, theres other gacha on the market that cater to your tastes
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But will she...talk.. like this?
okay i'll stay here tho
how long until people realize Vertin isnt a little boy?
when they see her big dick
I will hear her in my head as I read her replies!

Tell that to some of the regulars. The newcuties have been much better.
Vertin version when
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save for obvious trolls i do like our newcuties
But gfl2 not out yet?
I was gonna say nobody here plays GFL2 and R1999 since they're so far apart (safe for like the one or two anons who said they do) but then I realized the only other gacha I play myself is ZZZ which is often branded as a huge "gooner game".
I'll give GFL2 a shot because anime girl X-COM sounds fun.
Blatant coombait is rather offputting though.
Gonna try it but also avoid the threads like I do for most games.
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it's jiover...
You got it backwards, Cowabunga likes 14 year old girls
It's been Jiuover since 1.8...
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I think the coom barely affects the game since it's not in your face about it unlike other "coom" games. I think there's (one) doll that's pretty coom but besides 416, I don't think any of them are like that. don't care about dormshit and dare I argue that I hate it since the uniforms are boring with no attempts to make them stand out per doll
Lucy's voice isn't AI? We've been scammed
yeah the newkeepers are nice, I like seeing people enjoy the unique aesthetics of the game. Now we just need to convert them into Schneidersisters
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I've been playing BA since launch and I avoid the general threads like the plague although sometimes I'll go into the /v/ threads to collect images
ZZZ is terribly misrepresented. Not many bother to properly defend it and the "gooner" fans are very loud. It's a pretty solid game given the world, attention to detail and battle system. Nearly all of the characters are much cooler than they appear. The English dub is respectable too.
I think the threads are better than posts I see nearly everywhere else about the game.

>AI assumers still exist in this general
>Lopera Raid score went from 9 to 8
>Mercuria P5 recommended
>Lopera P0 recommended
ez skip
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It's another weekend!
Newkeepers who started around anniversary report in: How much have you progressed so far? Caught up on the plot yet? Thoughts on the game so far?
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also post your IDs
>How much have you progressed so far?
skippad all the way through to chapter 7
>Thoughts on the game so far?
idk didn't read and autod everything, kinda snoozefest
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>it's real
what the actual
what did I pull p3 for
>pulling on the scam limited units
oh no no no
it's time you've finally learned your lesson
never fall for dupe memes in gachas
there will always be a bigger powercreep
I want kakania p3 so my team will never die
Newcutie here, think I got a solid accout reroll. Got Lucy and Druvis in 20 pulls. Who to aim for next? Kakania, tooth fairy? Or wait for something better?
2.7 will bring an auto-shielder
Tooth fairy first so you have a solid healer, then Kakania
toof then whatever you want
I'd unironically say Shitland because I've been playing since 1.1 and never owned Toof meanwhile Balloon Party has carried me all the way
If anyone wants to add me aka loreanon
Thanks Anons I thought healer was not that important
just finished ch. 27. Also 2.2 spoilers
so Marta also gets stormed, which means she isn't Bessmert? Since the latter shows up in 2.2
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tooth fairy is less relevant than kakania, i dont have kakania but even when tooth fairy was meta i never understood the hype, baloon party does the same as her while being cuter and a 5 star
>BP heals and applies debuff passively
TF applies crit res debuffs and heals without AP.
BP is cool but she's not that versatile.
bait used to be believable
Actual 2.2 spoilers
>Bessmert real name is Urd like the norn of past fate, she is a writer for UTTU, her articles implies that somehow she survived through 8 storms, we know 5 of her identities
- She was in London during 1966 where she gets mentioned by an NPC
- Bessmert in 1.6
- Avgust mentions that a blind lady visited Rayashki
- Martha in 1.9
- in 2.2 she appear once again as a doctor called Doris
>Bessmert real identity is currently the biggest mystery of the game
>Bessmert meets Vertin but doesn't recognize her perhaps because she's blind, Vertin doesn't recognize Bessmert because she was unconscious at the time
>Bessmert owns a Marble Chair with a red button on it which is mysteriously relevant to the plot
>Igor implies that him and Bessmert were comrades before the first storm happened that participated in a war
>The Narrator also implies that this war has left Bessmert in a Catatonic or Braindead state
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Oh also I would like to add
6 tells Martha that "fate should decide her own fate" which sounded like a throwaway line at first but now that we know Bessmert goes by the name of Urd implies 6 might know Bessmert real identity
that's way more info than I would've expected, thanks a lot for the rundown
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That's why you should've doubled down and P5'ed
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yuritroons btfo
Shotacons prowling right now.
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this is a yaoi game
There are anons here who saw what happened to Jiu and still rolled for Lucy dupes
This is just my personal conjecture but
the plot has hammered many times that you shouldn't give up in the face of adversity
Also anyone with the ability to look into the future goes insane, evil or bad shit happen to them
So my personal theory is that a giant fuckup will happen and the plot will become about trying to deal with this giant fuckup
In fact it wouldn't surprise me if the storm exist as a stop gap measure to this giant fuck up
How safe is this game from EOS on global?
It costs them very little to run global since the CN version is already in English.
>westaboo devs
We're fine.
Vertin’s racist westaboo adventure is the privately funded passion project of Zohn Bluepoch who made his billions during the crypto boom
We’re gonna outlive titans of the genre, think fgo.
how were you supposed to know that CN would release powercreep limited units after Jiu?
Lucy at least has Afflatus hacks and aoe on all her attacks. Jiu's kit is extremely narrow but people just saw dps big
Reverse witch wasnt safe...
>supposed to know
kek. lmfao. it's a gacha, that's the natural order of things. unless they have a niche that literally no one is able to take for them and is unique to them alone and/or is someone like Vila and Kakania who just does everything you'd want out of a support, them being replaced is bound to happen. especially DPS units since anyone is able to shit out enough damage
Dunno mas there's a difference between power creep and just getting free SSS in the supposedly hardest content in the game by getting one copy of Lucy.
This game looked like it'd have very slow power creep but we got retarded shit like Windsong and Lucy in no time.
Holy based if true
I actually think Kakania is the most broken thing ever, just did Forte X run without a healer. Druvis's Circle of Life buff lets me top myself off on anyone that I need, will replace Lorelei with Argus later.

Too bad circle of life doesnt work with Kakania or it would make a funny infinite loop
Uhhhhh sis why is there a useless fat freeloading whore on your team??
Consider investing in a real plant DPS
Based Jessica enjoyer
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I made the decision to p5 lucy when 1.2 was current
You'll fit right in.
Eagle is literally the special operator right now???
2.3 will buff jiu so she's not overshadowed by every other 6 star
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I pulled for jiu to make my 37 stronger, and same for p4 lucy and will do the same for anjo nola

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