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>Terry Teaser, Gameplay and Guide trailer

>Year 2 Character Reveal Trailer

>The official Capcom Pro Tour 2024 website is live

>S2 Balance Patch

>High level replays

>Street Fighter 6 Frame Data

>SuperCombo Wiki

>Fighting Game Glossary

>Use Fightcade to play ST, A2, A3, 3S, CVS2, etc

Previous: >>498169854
/fgg/ lost
dogshit game
dogshit game
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numbers op for kimmber
everyone when kekken 8
shitdog game
shitdog game
perrocaca juego
kimberly tummy
feces videotimewaste
>wins 3rd Strike tournament
>has to fight a special boss LI Joe
Couldn't they afford Justin Wong?
someone told me to watch 3s, why is lijoe playing?
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they keep choosing the fucking french stage and it's disgusting stupid terrible theme song that sounds much more like a venecian tune keeps playing
Wait, that wasn't even after the finals, wtf
link me a guide on how to play blanka
>Lighting modder has probably quit
this game is doomed to be forever ugly

pls respond
why didn't Mozart just level 1? lmao
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This Kim Blanka match is fucking horrible, holy shit
>jamie and manon and both contenders for worst character in the game
>still both more popular than half the cast
how do they do it
Manon has a fat juicy ass and huge titties, Jamie drinks alcohol and that's what everybody wants to do when playing this tilting game
I don't play marisa, but a lot of characters can only get sweep (if anything) when you hit them with the very tip of your j.hk. I think you always end up very plus but if you're out of range you're out of range.
Forward mp into the target combo you forgot she had
A character popularity is due to their design, not their place in the meta.
I know for you gacha-troons who think playing a character = going gay for them this is hard to understand, but...

People who like to play just play the best characters to suit them instead of going by design, because you don't play a design, you play their toolkit.
And people who like to waifufag, just pick their waifus/husbandos by design and dont touch the game.
punk just said fchamp is the smartest in the fgc is he correct?
watermelon lives matter
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shoutouts to lebanon
Seems like it only works on PC.
>last update was June 2024
if you can only hit the very tip of j.hk you should aim to hit deep, even easier since this seems to be a punish counter situation if you're catching a fireball, and you can link f.hk into ex quadriga or H. dima.
if you land j.hp you should be close enough to do just about anything
i hope they just add it as an option with ssf6 or whatever, 4 and 5 added weird graphics shit later on too
Yun wins, no one is surprised
Doubt they'll ever fuck with the graphics, the game is available on PS4 after all
when dix eats ur inputs for no reason, just dix things
they could easily gray out the option for ps4, its not like ps4fags get affected by a pcchad running it at 4k
eat your pagoda rolls crabba
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Ceelows quit youtube because he was making pennies. What happened to making tutorials for the fun of it?
What happened to making tutorials full stop? Outside of his who else is there? Youtube is just replay drones and combo videos
hes probably in a dark place right now and something else happened. he could have at least left the channel up since it wasn't hurting anyone, but hes angry and deleted it.
>Look up character guide on youtube
>20 mins of only combos
Useless trash
You have to find a generic discord, where they will link you to your character's discord, where they will link you a google doc and a bunch of scattered twitter links. That or just lab stuff yourself.
Based 3rd strike
poke with your long buttons
drc on anything cancellable
jab jab jab pressure
thats every character
>Ed maintaining top 10
wow this cracker is actually popular huh
Why the FUCK do I have to join a discord
i wish i can hide my mr without using an old re framework version
Remember the whole "secret discord tech" scandal in the first few months of SFV? People were mad at the top Dhalsim players like Arturo and FChamp because instead of discussing tech on SRK and posting tech on twitter, they were discussing tech on discord. This started a whole conversation about how selfish American players are while Japanese players help their scene grow and whatnot. Now everyone is doing the same thing.
discordCHADS dabbing on wikiTROONS
I don't want to fight people who hold back into cmk drc anymore. Please. What would it fucking take for it to stop
Ed is to me the one of the biggest examples of a bubble. People here and content creators were like:
>....Ed? Who cares about Ed? Why didn't they add a popular character instead? No one I know likes Ed, which means no one likes Ed!
Meanwhile he was consistently one of the most played characters in SFV, and now continues to be popular in SF6.
Which character is more fun to play: Kim or Manon? I want to take a break from throwing fireballs and getting jumped on.
Kim. Losing isn't fun.
Manon is fun when things go your way but Kim is probably less frustrating to play
Chimperly. But for the love of God, have a brain. I know it's easy to just flowchart people up till 1500MR, but past that point it simply doesn't work and you lose looking like a retard
flowchart chimperly works to like 1670 mr. there were like three chimplerly scrubs with obscene hours in ranked match that i used to constantly match who were all in the 1600s
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cammy players are basically children
We've gotten variations of Evil Ryu a couple times, so if we get another one I'm hoping it's Good Ryu or something like that
Ryu is old news. We need Evil Luke.
How do you beat flowchart Kimberlys? They just overwhelm me
I just won a match against a ryu who did nothing but cmk and sweep. He lost the fucking match because on wake up he did cmk into level. I wasn't even in blocking range.
That's just Luke during his tour in Afghanistan
ggs was me
Man coming from other fighting games I feel like street fighter doesn't make sense at all
>zero throw protection
>bizarre jumping hurtboxes (why is to so hard to anti air with jabs?)
>successful air to airs leading to negative oki
>most neutral skips are safe or even plus
>six buttons being way too cumbersome, especially with 2 must have macros
>weird ass input reading
It's like it's a fighting game designed by aliens, I really feel like I don't understand it at a fundamental level
It's so baffling to me that SF is supposed to be THE fighting game series
sf6 is not street fighter, we don't like that shit either.
>(why is to so hard to anti air with jabs?)
Why would a weak jab knock someone out of the air?
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This dude was 24742. He is about to enter masters. I can only assume I can come across people this right next to masters players on an alt and that's the only explanation for the vast difference in skill.
remember when our mid season balance patch was reverting like 3 nerfs from the previous patch
>Anti air with jabs
Man fuck off with that shit, it was always dumb
ggs I was you
He was probably just on an omega tilt losing streak or something. Happens at all skill levels. I've seen 1600+ masters do wacky shit before and I've personally mashed a desperation super like in that webm a couple times just because I want the game to end faster.
Are these things not present in past SF games?
Other than the macros thing
Masters doesnt mean shit. The gap between 1200 MR and Legend is bigger than Rookie -> Diamond
He'll end up 1100 like every other dogshit Ryu on CFN
did you come from anime games mayhaps
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I mostly play anime games yeah, but I also like trying a bit of everything
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turn off dix
I can't find the motivation to play. I have to fight for my life to just barely get a win, and I don't have any caffeine on me at the moment.
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they put the wrong long-haired, hat-wearing meme man in the game
I want to kill all zoomers.
He's right you know
i just fought a 1700 mr juri who didn't do anything besides up forward and drive rush. masters means nothing in this game.
ggs was Daigo
I'd like to apologize for my behavior yesterday.
Yeah the game isn't fun, but it's addicting
Lily doesn’t exist
Marisa doesn’t exist anymore
Manon barely
Jamie exists
Luke? Lmao
Some new generation for new fans to pick up
Luke got welfare buffs with the Terry patch tho
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You good brother. It's all bantz at the end of the day.
mostly no, most sf games had throw protection for example
Ed and Aki are the only successful new characters.
Ed is ………SFV
I was saying new generation for six’s roster
Adding to my post
Aki- exists and superseded manon and Marisa
JP - barely exists anymore
Would people play dhalsim if he was a cute girl?
>Ryu Ken stay
>Chun,Guile, Zangief, dhalism stay a lot , 4 kings are begged for
>ibuki succeeds ,twins get more love than the MC Alex, Elena was shadow banned until fuckin SFxT
>Juri……and I guess….poison
>people begged for MENAT but people got …..Edo(fuck rashit)
Well??! We know Aki is in SF7, who else…lol
Looking at OP's pic, Marisa exists more than Chun-Li
Rashid will be in SF7 whether you like it or not
>"I'm the strongest woman in the world!"
>marisa is right there
why does chun get a pass to be transphobic?
She was From a different time ok?!? Li-fen is trying her best to steer her away from her old beliefs
Marisa is a cheating ped injecting roid head
Chun is all natty
I bet my summer home he won’t be lol
un fucking believable i posted cunny cammy and didnt get a single (you) from the raging anti coomers. now im gonna get banned for nothing
Kimberly and Elena are coming back to SF7 if Matz is still in charge
Gootecks, Tenryo and Ceelows are linking up.
oh boy I guessed wrong and he didn't throw a fireball GGs such skill zoning is so hardcore
I love that you recover so fast that the only way to beat a fireball is to jump way before they throw it haha guessing is so pro
and how does chun li feel about li fens side hustle selling feet videos to uncles
SF has been like this since 1992 lil nigga. get over it
washed up nigga suite
No, fireballs are gay
my ass would have been caught in 4k looking at marines titties if I had to play her on stream
Look at this inputs. Nigga is playing the piano on his stick.
My connection gets max 1080p on streams don't worry, anon
>opponent plays really obnoxiously
>don't rematch them
its that easy, game becomes more fun
fucking hate Juri players so fucking much
Based. Exactly what I do. Jumping like a rabid retard and PP'ing me too much? One and doned
>juri beats me again
>sits on me and scrolls through her phone
>press rematch to save my honor
>she farts on my face and rejects the rematch
It's only obnoxious if it doesn't work. If that's the play-style that beats you then they were right to use it. you are gay.
said like someone that spams crMK drive rush and grab loops and expects a rematch
Thanks for the input that I didn't ask for, but I'm going to one and done people who I don't have fun fighting. Keep crying about it bitch
>Honda gets one and doned
>Bad Blanka gets one and doned
>Guile gets one and doned
>Sim gets one and doned
>Random Akuma gets one and doned
simple as
If it works I do, yes.
And I'll shrug and move on.
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Your sacrifice may have been in vain but it shall not go unwitnessed. Godspeed into the night sir.
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chun li is rewarding me for finally reaching plat
sometimes i just feel bad for the other guy when he dares to walk and gets hit by my crmk drc that i didn't really think very hard about
When the devs start to balance the game so that doing retarded shit like that doesn't work I'll rematch you. Until then you're a nigger.
A nigger who beat you.
every ryu just immediately goes for drive rush overhead as soon as they have level 3
god i hate this game
>think "damn he got me! this guys good!"

>think "Jesus fucking christ this game is retarded I hate these devs so much"
>don't rematch
its that shrimple
>think "drive is such a bad gimmick"
>close the game
Drive rush overhead is one of the most obnoxious things in this game, I can't wait until they finally do something about it
>stands up
sajams strongest soldier
Hey guys this was me. I've had some time to cool off and upon reflection I've decided that hate is a bit of a strong word. I didn't mean to come off so harshly and I sincerely apologize to Juri players as well as the Muslim community
But Muslims would make Juri put more clothes on.
blink twice if juri is squeezing your sack
>Not blocking low in SF6
Nigga you gon die
What do you dislike about this b tier character anon?
its all forced bullshit anyway and rounds are over so fast you can't learn shit about your opponent. This game is about as skill based as Mario Kart.
nobody fucking blocks low in this game, they're all holding back 24/7 because lows are not confirmable
i don't know why i bother being good at neutral in this game. they're just gonna get an ex dp or perfect parry into oki anyways
youre supposed to be wiggling back and forth, not holding down back
only jivetrannies do the jivewiggle
tell that to the guile players
I didn't touch this game or even really try to interpret the changes in the Season 2 patch.

It's very heartening to see that not only is AKI good now but Cammy and Juri are basically also top percentile tier characters.
Why don't you guys just main top-tiers for once?
Because its boring
maining a top tier is like netdecking in mtg
lucky for me the cool characters are top tier in this game
did they buff zangiefs overhead kick? I used to be able to punish it with juris heavy punch
>Not confirmable

Nigga they're how 99% of the player base starts their offense. What are you talking about
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Me trying to remember the name of the game referenced on Terry's hat
people just do cr.mk into drc regardless of whether its on block or not
people only confirm heavies
"confirmable" means you can see if it his/gets blocked and react
in sf6 crmk hitstun is not long enough to react to
thus not "confirmable" without drive rush
ken is too much fun in this game and the only honest option
I only play waifus in fighting games and refuse to play shotos. Luckily multiple non-shoto waifus are great in this game.
I don't think so, did he drive rush into it or were you in burnout?
It hasn't changed. It has a lot of active frames, -5 to -9 on block. You can punish with cr.HP unless he does it from max range.
lmao 23ers don't know what a confirm is
They did buff it on the Akuma patch:
It used to be -12.
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>decide to try Juri
>the game immediately throws three mirrors at me, all varying degrees of toxic
>one a 5 hour smurf
>one a one and doner masher literally named copeandseethe
>and one that teabagged constantly
I don't think I'm sadistic enough to play this character.
im starting to remember why i dropped this game
jokes on you if you ever picked up this garbage lol
cope and seethe
>Got tatsu'd from over half screen to the corner by a crouching medium from Ken again
even when your hope is gone move along move along just to make it through move along
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I tried, but it's impossible to tell who is and isn't a top tier
Who hurt you anon?
The balance of the game is generally pretty good, half the cast is viable and the other half isn't. You'll know where your character falls
Why does this game have so many god damned smurfs?
we're still figuring out the game, wait until the council of jmcrofts, sajam, and angry bird come to an agreement.
Not gonna trust you until I hear Brian F's take on the matter
washed without tengu stones i'm afraid
Brian has been compromised, he's been complaining more about throw loops lately...
I fucking LOVE watching the same stupid combo every time I get whiff punished
I fucking LOVE that everyone plays every character exactly the same way
stekasseking mentioned
God I hate the newcomers.
How the fuck does the MR system decide how many points its going to give away?
Why do I gain 2 points if the dude has like 10 more points than I have, but I'll lose 9-12 if the opponent has 20 less than me?
This drives me up the fucking wall, I'll go on a 8 win streak and gain like 50 points only to lose it all by going 0-2 twice against some dudes with basically the same fucking MR I have
i dont even look at my gains and losses i just play for a couple hrs and then go "damn i'm good" after i realize i had a net gain of 2 points
This is not a problem of the game, this is just how people play now that internet exists.

If you're not doing the most optimal combo, you're playing the game wrong, and people WILL shit on you.
I only play to make my opponents short time with me as miserable as possible. I play like an asshole, teabag, one and done. Even if you win, you'll wish you never got matched with me.
So basically a normal match in SF6 then?
yeah i only walked back and pressed crmk drc every time you pressed anything and won
what of it
>no rematch
I'm going to learn Juri. I'm going to play from rookie to master on three different accounts and I'm going to use feng shui engine every single match.
My guess is none of that happened though
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>super meter is its own resource
I fucking hate this any time it appears in fighting games
I fucking hate free super combos just for existing.
It's not even true that everyone plays the same anyway. Watch Chris Wong playing Luke, then watch Noah.
>using noah for comparison
Now that's just dishonest
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Ken lookin kinda mid this patch
Phenom pls...
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wtf Ken is top 5?
>get super just for playing
>START with max drive so you can spam ex moves and drive rushes, also the drive meter regenerates for nothing
this game's really stupidly designed, it's insane that they didn't catch this.
uhh i thought he was dead, also jp really got rebuffed and is still unused LMAO
Women that lean into your face and go HUHHH?
>>get super just for playing
i like this, its like a better version of ultras. could do with a nerfed super meter gain though.
>START with max drive so you can spam ex moves and drive rushes, also the drive meter regenerates for nothing
now this is retarded, drive rushes and the rest of the drive bullshit needs bigger flaws and risks to using it.
>think Juri is pretty cool in the japanese trailer
>cringe as fuck every time I hear her in english
noooooo it's epic ftw that i can use my ex reversal 3 times from the start of the match, probably more because i get oki and set up offense after which makes the drive meter regenerate faster!!!
I like her English voice. She sounds like that power rangers villain.
her english voice does kinda sound like this

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nigga tbagged me after i beat him the last two rounds in a row when he only walked back drive rush cancelled so i tbagged him but i almost lost but then i hit him with the raw CA and he has to live with that now fuck you nigger
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sorta kinda need these two to be reunited in cvs3. i didn't care about the idea of cvs3 until i realized i could have this duo again.
what does this say? why do i sense romantic tension?
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it's just a silly dialogue in which geese offers to give bison's horse a name. there isn't much of a punchline beyond geese offering completely ridiculous psycho power-themed names and then bison going "hah?!" at the end.
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Why is everyone with "win streak grandmaster" for a title an easy win? Shouldn't they be stronger?
why do I see Poison's back and ass in that reflection?
i have no idea what the requirements are but if i had to guess, you get it easily by just taking a character from diamond to master or plat to master
she's so hot
the reqs are a 20 win streak anywhere.
don't ask questions you're not ready to know the answer
would making sf6 into a kof style game work? you're already killing in 2-3 touches like in a team game, the individual character power is ridiculous, why not just do that?
sf6 is successful because the game was made mechanically easier, why would they emulate a game that is mechanically much harder?
save your energy to shit on sf6 tomorrow.
group goonsesh before bed? its important for regenerating our shitpost mana
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gn all
Saving my energy to coom post tomorrow.
odds i play some dix
evens i jerk off again
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Waiting room.
I'm going to main Kain (fatal fury's version of guile)
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just got throw looped to death bro........
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>b-b-but bro, you have to rematch me and understand how to counter my obnoxious playstyle ! Also think about the matchup, how are you going to learn never rematching Sim and Jamie ?

Shut the fuck up I'm not rematching your ass. I'm not a pro player, I choose my opponent.
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My sweaty, sexo wife.
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my cute husbando who i found in a dumpster and smells disgusting in a hot way
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Because none of them give me a boner. Maybe Mai will change that.
can't wait for booba to be back on the menu in 2025
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hate this fucking faggot fuck you you fucking fucker

jappa vtuber tournament happening right now
yeah i'm kind of hanging out with lord bison right now, can't make it, sorry
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Seething brownoid
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what the fuck? Ceelows closed his channel. I had his Cammy guide frozen in a tab and poof now it's gone lmao
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i NEED to remember to never, EVER even try using DI against modern players. they're genetically modified to respond within 1 frame.
I'm assuming you play Cammy. She is without a doubt a top tier.
I'm not going to refrain people from making the content they want to make, but if you really have to make guides and coaching sessions you have to show you're somewhat semi-competent.
MR pts are not always accurate and it's natural to have bad days but when you're stuck at about 1600 MR for months and your live footage at tournament shows you doing real bad shit like mashing OD reversal in neutral like a Diamond player how could people take your coaching sessions seriously?
Dude is a man baby chud
i think i just have some sort of psychological block against fighting terry. every time i do, i just get the living shit kicked out of me, i can't press a button, and all of his specials beat all of mine outright in neutral 100% of the time. i literally cannot do anything against him. losing doesn't bother me but when everyone around me is jumping up and down and shrieking what a shit character he is it drives me fucking nuts because i feel like the only one on earth that struggles against him.
>1700 mr luke
>fireball neutral jump heavy knuckle
>1700 mr juri
>backdash, drive rush, crossup
>1700 mr ken
>run overhead in neutral, backdash drive rush
i hate this rank
his retarded long buttons make it impossible to play neutral with him and then he inevitably does burn knuckle or ex fireball drive rush and gets plus frames, and hes strong on defense since he has an OD reversal and easy access to side switch combos. i usually just spend the whole time getting hit by jumpscare burn knuckles that i'm failing at parrying and then throw looped.
I don't remember him well nor followed him much, maybe he wasn't doing well in terms of views or something happened behind the scenes.
yt-dlp anything you need for reference
data hoarder life
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Same desu

That guy? yes, me.
boil the frog
too much throw protection is fuckin gay and feels weird.
Add world tour Sex mod or MODE
I tried a top tier once in Granblue and it was like playing an entirely different game. Things just work.
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I like Ken as a character, he is my favorite after Chun-Li. I think he looks cool and everthing but seeing how dumb and strong he is I'm just not interested, the character plays itself, it's boring.
Also I like earning my wins without the throw loop mind game. I'm scared that I might rely too much on it if I play a character with a throw loop
I bought Akuma and my first battlepass the other day.
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idom needs poison or elena
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i often see people discussing a desire to lower the damage in this game and frankly if throw loops lasted 30 seconds instead of 15 i'd kms
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Support Hershuar
>people begged for MENAT but people got …..Edo(fuck rashit)
who the fuck begged for menat except for gooners
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I actually like pants Elena
I do. He's the only one willing to draw Decapre.
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>twerking like a white girl
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Are we still sliming and getting throw looped?
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>people begged for MENAT
How can someone be this delusional
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Literally built for Balrog.
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If she isn't playable soon I goona kill someone.

What mod is this, why's it look so much better
>a shittier chun
what good would she be?
when are we getting the ace attorney vs street fighter VN
do you like a characters’ kudos titles or win xxx matches titles more
what is the best coomer chunli mod on nexus mods?
if sf6 was a good ganre we would get idom and daigo in grand finnals....
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unmodded Chun-Li
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>let's see what streams to watch to-
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modded coom is boring
capcom sanctioned coom is based
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SF is not allowed to look like that anymore.

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This, it's better when it's official
UE4 is superior to horror engine.
pls no
Sakura was the best shoto in Alpha.
Think about it.

vtuber SF tournament I think?
Why couldn’t they just make him a guy
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How did Capcom get SF6 to sell in a year what took SFV 4 years?
no banana hair Ken
sfv was so ass it saved failures like tekken and guilty gear
It gave us superpowers
SF6 is constantly on sale and is being hugely shilled in Japan with vtuber collabs. The majority of sales are in Japan too. It's not the accomplishment you think it is.
i mean it all depends on what you like cause they literally have nude mods how can you get more coomer than that? personally i use the tifa mod i just wish the hair mod was still working but these guys abandon mods as soon as they release it.
its so cute how daigo is obeying the traffic laws
no, they absolutely picked the right one, Yun should be banned from all popularity polls and character requests for the next 5 thousand years
by making a retard game for retards and marketing it to retards
>daigo gets lost in the middle of the hood
>stream suddenly ends
oh no no no
post yfw daigo quits dix forever and becomes the best marco rodrigues on the planet
but enough about jive
this is how you know a shitposter didn't play the game
bottom 3 in usage, the only character that was played less than Menat was FANG, Dan had more players being a meme character explicitly designed to be bad and to always favour the opponent.
I understand people wanting Alex or Laura back but Menat? Lmao
EdGAWD saved jive and kami6
god please please please don't let me goon all day to chun lis feet
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he's right...
100 bucks entry fee + hotel + gas + tip GONE
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Episode 11 (and Mai) waiting thread
They do. Ken and Akuma are two of the most played characters in the game. And yet they have the lowest winrates of any character, because the people who play them are bad at fighting games.
unfortunately, this game is going to die before snk can patch working netcode into it.
please tell me theres other more interesting shit to do at the venue after you go 0-2 because thats sad if not
SF6 is already dead outside of Japan anyways.
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I just pick characters that look cool.
skill issue.
you still haven't given sauce..........
NA majors are basically a convention with art booths and casuals but if you go 0-2 in other regions… lol
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Daigo's offline screen on twitch says there's a 3v3 tournament today so there's that
>we will never see attractive female characters in SF again (that isn't Cammy because not even Capcom dare censor her)

Feels bad
shut up coombrain, chun li is hot
chun li in fatal fury will be hotter tho
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What's wrong with chun?
>Making us wait for………..Mai and Elena
This should count as breaking the Geneva Conventions or some shit
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Still waiting for her character to release. They just used a random middle aged noodle seller stand in instead.
ass way too big
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yeah cammy looks great in sf6 lmao
>left - Latina looking bitch
>right - Asian looking bitch
It's fixed albeit
when does ECT top 24 start?
How did SF6 do it?
How did it manage to be come the greatest fighting game of all time, even better than all of its predecessors and competition?
which character benefits the most from the player being good at neutral and why is it cammy?
i think the funniest timeline would be if idom swapped to elena and instantly became the best player
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can't believe Aris tapped that
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I won't even travel 30 miles to play SF6 offline
three more generations worth of children are playing videogames now compared to when SF4 came out.
Meh, Mena pulling Betty out in Tokyo is a way more impressive flex. And plus, super yan got passed around by a lot of black guys in fgc when she was coming into the scene just like Sherry. She is spoiled goods.
Can someone give a me a few Pointers to play ed? I guess AA is cr. hk/dp? Whats a simple day one bnb that get setplay started?
Classic is still over 60% of the playerbase
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Cammy if she real
Theres a video of her smashing her pussy with a big ass dildo. Her pussy looks worn out too
Built for fat mena cock.
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I remember around the betas that niggers on here swore Modern would be a giga flop and how there is zero proof that simple inputs bring in new players, let alone retains them. Holy shit those morons couldn't have been more wrong. Japan's entire ecosystem of vtuber shilling sf6 to their audience to drive up sales has 100% been enabled by the addition of Modern. That's the bedrock of Street Fighter revitalization in Japan.

And now look at the current status quo in the wake of Modern success...SNK is adding Modern to COTW, Sparking zero has Modern, Arc is going to patch in Stylish mode into strive, and you know NRS would've copied if they weren't so far long into development of MK1 at the time. Face it, /sfg/ predicted it wrong and Nakayama got it 100% right, Modern is needed for the growth of the genre.
Dawg. I am fucking sick of Terry jumpscares
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>having fun
>switch to dhalsim
>fun stops
>Sparking zero has Modern
in this game its so bad that classic is outright nerfing you if you use it
will I get banned for linking to porn on a blue board?
just delete the post after
for what little it's worth all of the prior attempts to make fighting games work through simple inputs weren't exactly runaway hits and I, personally, don't know a single person who was successfully gotten into fighting games through modern inputs. The one dude who made the effort went "what the fuck is a special cancel" and gave up there. If motion inputs might lower the initial barrier of pressing buttons and watching things happen and then there's EVERYTHING ELSE.

People in SF6 also tend to grow a deeper dislike of modern the more they see it- nobody likes dealing with instant reaction DPs and super reversals in a game like this. If the game were built in such a way that those reactions made sense, sure. But it isn't, it just makes playing the game a pain.
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>3 months before installing sf6
>7 months before installing ff2
Guess I still have time to work on my backlog, next is Unicorn Overlord.
Remember that one dude that swore up and down that modern would 100% dominate the comp scene and posted about it every day? lol
Hope he's doing well.
catbox the link dude don't post a webm lmao
>was legit going to post a porn webm
Silly newfag lmao
Just catbox or litter box it
I wonder if she'll get SFV'd and wear latex under garments.
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playing kimberly is driving me fucking wild
this bitch is trash. holy shit. holy fuck. holyyyy shit HOLY SHIT
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she got the dogs out in her artwork so probably not
>People in SF6 also tend to grow a deeper dislike of modern the more they see it-
Reminder to blacklist modern players, win or lose.
They do not deserve to play the game in ranked.
>Sparking Zero has modern
Fucking how? It's two button game for kids.
You don’t like a shitty run mix up stuffed by everyone with a brain?!
You don’t enjoy actual poo poo buttons?!
You don’t enjoy a useless fucking bomb?
Golly man, hating on this new generations Chun li is crazy dawg.
Go get some pagoda egg rolls
>use hitbox for years to gain an advantage
>people switch to modern for the same reasons
the bomb is what's killing me. this shit is damn near useless without months of labbing and I have to spend meter to restock it comfortably.
what the fuck
it's so easy to disrespect everything she does, why would I stick to this character?
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why is SNK trying to shit on Chun the real Queen of fighting games?
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>Arc is going to patch in Stylish mode into strive
>It's real
When historians look back they're going to point to SF6 as the game that killed the soul of FGs.
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just give her name,
>smashsister smelting over the game being more accessible
I love how pros don't even care about modern, but literal who's and timmy's get upset over it.
Perfect parry is only cool when I do it.
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I personally switched to hitbox because pads are just not worth it in the long run. Too expensive and you'll need to get used to new pad models when they'll stop making the current model you're using. Hitbox are more comfortable, I don't even use shortcuts, I play normally. If I weren't playing a charge character I would have went for stick
AKI's face when I tell her it's time to eat my ass
Same. After pad #9 I switched to hitbox last year.
I can no longer do 720s but I'm not a crutch wielding faggot anyway, no Gief for me.
>Modern would be a giga flop
I changed my mind on this the moment I realized how modern works.
It has some genuine mechanical advantages over classic that cannot be overcome through skill.
If two players of equal skill react to something at literally exactly the same time, the modern player will act first because they get to skip the frames needed to actually do an input.
It's bit of a back and forth.
Strive selling well opened the door for EVERY franchise to get neutered
T8 and SF6 are toddler games in neutral because of Strive, and now we can give Strive the gift of removing execution (when it alreayd had none)
kill me
Gief feels best on pad anyway, and with enough practice you can do standing 720s on a joystick.
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>the true queen of fighters
As if
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Tekken was really about dancing like this?!
Where’s my HEAT bruh, I wanna get in
chun looks fucking weird in 6
>I like how hard it is to get consistent and good at this game.
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Can’t wait for her and mai to meet in world tour and i side with mai because let’s face it. Chun-li’s eggs are gone
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>chun looks fucking cute in 6
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Chun-Li is eternal. I will beat every Mai players in her name
I honestly don't know what could Mai possibly bring to the table. Seems like most people excited for her are just gooners. I'm not hyped about Elena either but at least it will be interesting to see how they'll rework healing.
>Capcom re-releasing marvel games
>Capcom must have a good relationship with Disney
>S3 guest character
We would never see the end of that AI generated mickey slime gif.
The guest character is going to be Jin or Kazuya, though.
two boring ass characters in a row, and elena won't have healing. season 3 better be a hit
Not gonna lie that combo was pretty fucking sick
naisu combo
who's gonna reupload ceelows guides?
games anyone? worldwide diamond+
Bro if you see someone getting hyped in /vg/ over female characters it’s most likely because she gives their little pecker an erection and has nothing to do with her gameplay lol
Not giving healing to Elena would be like not giving Hadoken to Ryu.
It will likely work differently given that people hated it in 4 but it will be there
imagine if it fully refills her drive meter, and she still ends up broken
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I'm personally a sucker for characters with impossible to ignore shrill voice lines, but yeah gameplay wise it seems really hard to make her not bland. Maybe if they make her air option really good?

If healing just restores drive gauge I'm gonna riot
>bison - busted
>terry - mid
>mai - mid
>elena - busted
i'm calling it
are you retarded
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are you?
that's not sf6 art you moron lmao
Nigger her appearance is literally fatal furry 3. The “woke” mob legit don’t care about SF anymore since it’s a 2023 game. Time has moved on and Capcom doesn’t need to dance around BLACKROCK funding anymore
They uncensored juri's sf5 costume.
So yes, you are indeed retarded.
I didn't say it was retard.
You dickheads care more about being angry at culture war shit than the feminists ever did
Its like you don't even play the games and just keep tabs on shit you can be angry at culture wars over
I don't get the point of Juri's Feng Shui engine
>Juri can now cancel normals into other normals leading into flashy, very long combos... that will deal piss poor damage compared to a simpler regular super combo
>the "Cammy will NEVER have her classic costume" retards are still crying about nothing
They never learn.
>noooooooooo stop noticing things
You could say the same thing about /v/ being angry at feminists for noticing that games aren't progressive enough you cock gargler
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I honestly just want an attractive female that has fireball and a standard moveset. You give me Sakura and I'm equally happy. Current roster just doesnt do it for me.
Here’s how it’s gonna go
Mais default will be her RealBout FF2 outfit, complete with her own custom foot model like Juri. Her outfit 2 via world tour or unlock coins is gonna be her city of wolves outift. It was legit made in mind just like SF6s redesigns were(safe, no real sexuality on the women. Modern wear).
Outfit 3 for Terry and mai will either be Maximum impact outfit or something new
What's this supposed to mean? Videogames are hella gay and pussified now.
>wanting Mai in horror engine DEI graphics
Nah this game is trash
When does ECT day 3 start?
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I actually think she'll look like this. No cleavage no ass no curves just a washboard like the rest of the cast
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It can work if they od it right.
you can see cleavage in the shitty anime teaser
nigga you can do triple fuzzy overhead sequences with it because all of her buttons chain into each other like she's playing marvel
If Cammy hasn't been censored, why would Mai? Not to mention they advertised her with her original outfit
the one defining trait of most female characters in sf6 is that they have ass and hips
So are you, but you don't see me going into every thread to cry about how anons act like they're from tumblr these days.
You can literally just not enjoy the designs, not buy games that you don't like, but instead you go on gay ass crusades against any game that doesn't meet your personal political standards.
Man I really don’t about gooner toons. Can we just skip to S3
She has big breasts and that's not allowed on characters like that.
>/v/ in 2009
"WTF is wrong with these feminists you can't just bully devs into making shit the way you want it. This is super dumb, if they don't like it they should get into the industry and make more games that have the things they want!"

>/v/ in 2024
A lot of games have ass and hips. It's the one thing that hasn't been censored en masse. And do you know why? Because it's a trait shared with a certain group of banner waving people
this. sf girls are boring besides mika and rose
sf6 won
biden won
progressives won
incels lost
and no amount of cope will ever change that
Mai’s beauty engine model will replace her Doa model for years to come. It’s over
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A cute
honestly now that the dust has settled I will the first one to say: AKI is a huge improvement over Fang and Capcom did this one right.
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u rike?
also here's a costume showing Marisa's elongated clitoris
>nigga really said ugly gief and Lisa Lisa
Yikes. Just give me Alex and C.viper and I’d be SF6s strongest golem
t-thanks capcom
she looks like a blow up doll with huge fake tits in the new game, what is your point?
>take established male character
>genderbend them while barely changing anything else about their personality
>"AKI is a huge improvement over Fang and Capcom did this one right"
You guys are too easy to please. If Capcom replaced Ryu and Ken with genderbent versions of themselves you would eat that shit up in a heartbeat
>make F.A.N.G.
>people dislike him
>make him a cute girl instead
>people like him
Are really and I mean really dropping mask, going full truth mode?
FANG was such a fuckin failure design wise and gameplay wise. Poison charge nigga? Yikes lol, no wonder woshige changed his newcomer to be actually newcomer friendly.
Now aki? Acrobatitc snake themed poison user, hot. Just the right amount of silly and not being a dickless freak
necalli is the next jive failure to be fixed
Fang looked like shit, he had no appeal, I'm not into deep obscure chinese lore to care about him, sorry
AKI is quirky and fun and her costume #3 is one of the best in the game
FANG is cool and you have terminally shit taste if you don't think so
This Nigga (YOU) wants to fly like a bird huh
Eheh eheh eheh eheheheheheeh
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genderbent ken would be kinda hot not gonna lie
>Latina from Peru or some shit or any other Mayan places
>possessed or discovers the devour hour hour
>take X and turn it into HOT GIRL X
Literally the laziest way to "fix" a design and it only appeals to dumbbrains
peru were the incas, mayas were mexican
I'd pipe a fem-necalli raw if you know what I mean. She could devour-our my semen and stomp on my nuts.
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how would you have improved this literal trainwreck of a character design
Honestly, I'm somewhat conflicted now. When AKI first leaked I liked her design much more than FANG, but then they gave FANG a much better design in 6 art and WT. Gameplaywise, I also prefer FANG's funky zoning and setup gameplay over AKI's "long range" drive rush into mix-up and bootleg Retribution reward the moment the opponent is poisoned.
im telling you, bros. ryu is top-tier but everyone refuses to acknowledge it. he has zero weaknesses
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It’s gonna be Bosch lol
And maybe Dan(his saikyo style shit is hard to ignore in late game WT, especially in the KOF add on)
But if I’m wrong, it’s definitely Balrog and Vega.
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*Blocks you're path*
I rather Rudra than Bosch.
Whats wrong with it?
Are you expecting me to hate it because its not sexy?
REMY2Fang is here and listen honey…
Nobody likes that lanky eunuch. He’s been surpassed
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sfv dan is unironically cool so i'm fine with it, also i think the red moon in elenas trailer means gill eventually is coming
nigga looks like he came straight from Aladdin or another old disney cartoon
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This is how number TWO rolls
>Dhalsim is the least played character in the roster
>Make Dhalsim 2 part of the new season pass
I'd be hype as fuck for Rudra but come on man, it's not happening.
>4 dicks
on par for capcom
Can't wait to play and win with this brown cookie.
There's an NPC in World Tour that uses Dan's style as well, he's got his super combo as a regular special move which is slick
>almost had it
People joke about WT ending and plot but Nakayama does give a shit about it more than his producer so these little mods are neat at least. I don’t expect a big plot heavy update with Elena but she’ll be leading into something with bison
>mind instantly crosses to dicks instead of gameplay or character
seek help
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Can Bison recolor a whole moon?
>all male season
lol no
this is an ally game chud. tits are BANNED
They will never do a season pack without at least 1 female char. Right now only Vega & Rog seem likely because their WT appearances included voice work, themes, and a willingness to join up with Bison.
There’s a reason the newcomers for SF6 are all women
Look at SF2, FatalFury before 3
The devs knew it’s not time for men
Rudra is just a Dhalsim clone for WT, he even has Dhalsim moves. He's a non-character
it's Laura for the coomer slots in season 3, chuds
Big if real
>all flopped in usage besides Manrisa
It is ALWAYS time for men
>Laura before Fei-long, before my Viper, before my Karin and sweet sweet nubile Sakura
I’ll be on my knees praying it’s not true
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>moon turns red
>makoto also turns red
trust the plan
isn't Bosch just using Luke's moves tho?
Next female newcomer is Viper or I'll mail Capcom my feces.
You’ll get a bond moment with Elena that has a selfie with Makoto and ibuki next to her and you’ll be carrying that weight until SF7 anon.
>bbc Rog and pretty boi Vega
Yeah, s3 is certified kino off these two alone. I mean just imagine all the seething from alpha & sf3 fags when the official confirmation hits. That alone makes s3 worth it.
Did they confirm S3 is getting guest characters or is it just people guessing that given the Season 2 roster?
cute 'buki
You can literally say that about every character in WT though.
>better game systems
>more skilled gameplay
>better graphics
>hotter sluts
>fully customizable costumes and color selection for FREE
>better story mode that doesn't take 50GB
it's over dixxers, your game has it's days counted
I really hope this game gets more SF characters so I can play as Zangief
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>Look inside
>It's just uglier Dix

young matt teen boutta rape angrybird again
>it has the drive system too
god I'm so sick of this shit
Out of all the 3rd strike reps that didn't make the cut in SFV, they choose Elena. Fucking Elena. Really?
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it doesn't have the cancer of the drive system, drive rush
doesn't have magical turn green and skip neutral button = it's not sf6
Drive Rush is only one part of why Drive is gay, full meter at round start is also gay as fuck.
Why do coomers still pretend like they’re a market worth pandering to when the stats proves them wrong every month. Fucking Chun is losing to DJ
>le pass will flop without scriblantha
Nooooo coomer figurines are the number one mark of a popular character! If the character doesn't sell sexy figures its a flop!
we're going to be seeing DR and DI copycat mechanics for the next 10 years. get used to it
>rosterfaggotry when 80% of the characters play the same
angrybird hit young matt with the BM combo lmao
>I don't even use shortcuts
how do you use shortcuts with the hitbox? autohotkey?
People guessing but Matsumoto and Nakayama openly admit guests are on the table after mai and Terry
Udon knows Dan is the man
I mean stuff like this for example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5K8YHNuq_CY
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i really thought Sean was in, he even got a slightly updated look. I'm thinking hes a bottom of the barrel pick when the games ending in 6 years, like 5 dan
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Rudra actually has some unique moves. You get to play as him in the Terry WT update and use them. Sure, his unique moves are remixes of current & past Dhalsim moves but Rudra is canonically a student of Dhalsim so it makes sense.

Personally, I find the concept of a rogue Dhalsim apprentice using the teachings of Yoga for criminal activity way more interesting than whatever the fuck Bosch has going on now. Plus Rudra has a hot girlfriend, that makes him even more cool in my book.
yeah there were 42 more interesting characters they could have picked
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>Nigga typed out Sean and remy

SF6 is definitely the only fighting game your dumbass has played.
He's got a charming design as well, I found myself thinking "man I hope Rudra is playable eventually" while playing World Tour as well.
Honestly kinda hope we get a wrench throwing Mad Gear rep as well.
Imagine the momentum with evo if Hugo was in the pass.
This is just what I've got on steam
now post your hours in each of them
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COTW waiting room. Laught at you retards playing sf6.
>sfv beta
you have most jivies here beat
His design is overly derivative of Dhalsim. If they're truly going to make him playable I hope their rework on his visual design to give him more of his own flair, which he currently lacks.
incel game
too much booba not enough pronouns and roidgut
>People wanting NPC Dhalsim ITT
I know things have gone pretty bad, but holy fuck
You should be ashamed to own all those fighting games and to think drive impact is as bad as slime rush, perfect parry, or throw loops, it's a tractable 26frame mid, you bum.
>no kof 98, kof 2002
opinion discarded
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Laughing at you for not playing both SF6 and COTW
what happened to that game?

They're on fightcade, I think I looked into it and they had shitty netcode or something so my buddies and I just played the fightcade versions.
More street fighter than guests at this point
2002 UM is tournament standard, but fightcade brazillians dont want to shell out $3 for the better version
Eh, given it's Rudra we're talking about I'm not sure.
Kinda just want Kazuya
He was fun in SFxT
Really funny how jp chat lights up with "EW" whenever he is on screen
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mickey mouse game, we get it
>wakeup DI
>mashing super and EX DP while in hitsun
>sweep into DI
>roundstart DR jab > DRC jab x3 > DRC jab > throw
Hispanic gameplay is really something
Mena lost to ...................................... Uriel
Sf6 has fucked up your nooch fundies and you don't realize it
Maybe I'm alone on this alone but I'd rather want a character that adds something to the game rather than a boring guest character or a fan-favourite that will be completely sleep-inducing to play.
I'm fine with newcomers too, but I'd like to see one that isn't affiliated to established characters already.
I want a Mecha Gief as its own character that can't drive rush and plays like a real big body grappler.
Sakuracels ain’t gonna like this
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They never have been better, ten times better than in SFV. I learned a lot
All of what you said is subjective. Just say what you really mean, "I WANT DEVS TO CATER TO ME!" Without looking for some people to agree with you.
Rudra is likeable character in WT. If the character catching on triggers you then tell Capcom to stop pushing him so good in WT.
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We got to do better than this.
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World tour sex mod
good riddance
I feel like he's 100% gonna get in the game eventually, cause he's got one of the best face models and is really expressive. He's got more character growth than any other character in the mode as well
good riddance
>framing everything as prejudice and a social issue
I mean, that's what all character beggers do, but for whatever reason I'm the entitled one here.
Nigga it’s twitch chat
Sonic Sol tier mindset, I’ll never see the people making comments about my fat face or my shitty Manon lol. Are people this pressed about online nobodies making fun of them?
you weren't kidding. the chat was dead when problem x was on and it's going a mile a minute now lmao
>rudra has a minion GF who wants nothing but his love and he half accepts
It’s not fair…
I actually smiled when he used the dumb nickname she wanted him to use

daigo beat EndingWalker
glasses daigo just looks like Kojima
Daigo really throws real tournaments just to dominate in circus sideshows
La throwloopvidad...
Because you're asking for a sensible character and not coomer-bait...
What's the point of playing Guile in this game? It's so hard to keep people out and hitting someone with 100 sonic booms to win a round is not a viable strategy.
With characters like Terry coming out with full screen plus on block moves paired with fireball evading horizontal moving moves, defense really does feel like a losing man's game.

I just wanna play some Guile, man. This game fucking sucks.
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not him, but SF6 devs ain't gonna get info from fucking /sfg/ of all places
I’m taking you to court. I had it ready to post, fuck….
No they haven't, sf6 just gave you super powers.
you play him with drive rush rushdown like everyone else in the game
>but I'd rather want a character that adds something to the game
Very hard to do with these game mechanics.
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Shine fuckin SUCKS
Rashid and Aki both have unique mechanics, you could try them
It really does suck that immediately after we got
>Boxing Dhalsim with none of Dhalsim's downsides
>Two more shotos (there are 5 now)
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>sf6 just gave you super powers
I play Chun-Li bro not Ken or Bison or whatever slimes the fastest
Being a shine fan is suffering
This game has been out for over a year and there are still people in this thread posting about how Chun Li is honest?
Can you finally give it a rest? Training wheels character. Every button you press is godlike. Stop it already.
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how can one be "insanely valid"
Down and ou—
No fuck all rashit niggers hate you
>"If you're going to play Modern you need to have tough skin because nobody is going to like playing with you, even I don't like playing against that shit" - Punk
its zoomer speak for "no offense"
Why is every modern player some fat white faggot? Every single time
>gear name
>forced trans lingo
niggas can’t help themselves
How to fix modern
>add "input frames" to moves when used in neutral
thats it
Can Lily jump cancel her command grab like Zangief?
I don't play Lily but I doubt it, that character does not function in any way whatsoever
Two female grapplers with lovely designs and broken gameplay
I hate japanese niggers
Rashid is my main, as a matter of fact.
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My tongue cleaning up Cammy's stinky butthole. Simple as.
technically every character can jump cancel their shit, its just pointlessly difficult, and Gief has extra prejump frames giving him a little more time to do it.
What character do you want?
Great character. Lots of fun.
>Has high execution combos for high damage
>Multiple avenues of approach
>Unique gameplay approach with his own set of mechanics

I don't care that everyone complains about him because they probably play some drive rush retard character like Ken or Juri. Hold this Tornado.
That doesn't fix modern, that just makes it feel unresponsive & janky to use while killing the only competitive strength that it has over Classic. At that point you might as well just ask for Modern to be removed.
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Its over
>At that point you might as well just ask for Modern to be removed.
NTA but that's the point
nerf it into the ground or remove it. it shouldn't be competitively viable, they are not playing the same game.
goddamnit manonbros
Casters called SF6 random wtf.......
>that just makes it feel unresponsive & janky to use

>press button in neutral
>minimum input frames are simulated so you don't have reaction times that are faster than possible in classic
The point of modern is to help new players, not give them a stupid mechanical advantage that makes them feel awful to play against.
It is
i hate how competitive players play manon. i know it's more optimal to go for oki / pressure in tournament but watching the medal number never increase triggers me
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angrybird is so strong mossad is getting scared...
based i jynxed it to 5medal
please win the set, idom
Just one that plays a bit differently and has a bit more going on
ken matches have way, way more neutral than rashit. high level rashits just want to skip neutral as fast as possible.
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>modern and classic player react to a jump at the exact same time
>classic player needs to spend a minimum of 3 frames inputting DP before it even starts to come out (likely more however, because most people aren't doing frame perfect inputs)
>modern player presses a button and the DP starts immediately
These frames are the difference between stuffing a DP with your jump in, and getting DP'd. This is why it feels literally impossible to jump against modern players.
Adding vulnerable "input frames" before the move actually starts up to simulate the minimum required inputs for a move still gives them an advantage in that they are doing the inputs as fast as possible, but without being faster than you can ever get them to come out in classic.
A Zangief in neutral needs to react to a whiff and THEN do the SPD input which can take around 6frames, making the startup for SPD closer to 11f under ideal conditions, modern players get to entirely skip these frames, giving them impossibly fast reactions outside of blockstrings.
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Twerking is retarded
shut up, bitch
No but I can recolor her face
Ayyy dios mio…
Fuck man I need this swan
if you enjoy twerking you're actually retarded.
manon's face looks weird.
>Modern player crying about people calling him out for playing modern
>first response I read is a legitimately disabled person talking about their experience playing modern
How did you post this while playing against angrybird?

Yeah, it just looks awkward
alright man do you feel better now? dumbass post
still hilarious how all the modern players are still at ranks low enough that jumps on classic players who aren't stuck in an animation are simply not anti aired while pretending that they are an authority on game balance.
can’t have that post Strive era
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The only dumb ass here is in the twerking webm
honest hard working real nigga
3 top tier abusing niggers
everyone in the fuckin world blocked that level 2
ask post ssf6, we are beta testing currently
Why does idom enjoy throwing so much?
angrybird is doing it for the qassam brigade
Angrybird undefeated in Beast Cup so far. Yesterday he lost to young matt teen........
Here you go shitted birds with low forward drive rush
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iDom will dominate with Elena.
SF6 is an interesting in game…
twerking is only enjoyable if there is a bulge or cock bouncing around on the other side
Another year of watching Ken win the first interaction and then steamroll
This game is fucking boring
he didnt hit the vape enough yesterday
bet iDom roleplays with some Manon AI chatbot that calls him a nigger and whips him
Random ass game
>Advertising Ken merch after Ken drive rushed on my screen for 30 minutes
Suck my fucking cock holy shit
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>Akuma v Ken
Just how good IS young_matt_teen?...
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Mai seems like a more idom character tbqh
I posted it a week or two ago in the friends with benefits thread, good luck finding it.
lil hamster jamie :3
I heard that Mai is divekick bullshit with projectiles, Idom is a grapplerfraud.
One day Capcom will create their own original version of this...
Ken can still go unga bunga in burn out with run cancel and dragon lash is just insane
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It’s so easy too
dragonlash has as much startup as spin knuckle
run stop cancels are very reactable and minus
you will never escape diamond
I legit hope every Ken player in this game gets their wife or gf or even bf destroyed by the thickest BBC. Ruined by a black bum, I hope for nothing but ruin to every Ken. I’m tired of this run cancel Jinrai looping groid
Ken is bottom 3
First, adding in built in lag into Modern not only kills it competitively but it's going to make it feel awful to use just in general. No gamer wants to press a button and then feel like the follow up action came out 5 minutes later, what you're suggesting is a non-starter in game design.

And finally, saying X isn't fun to fight against isn't a justification for design overhauls, your opponent is not obliged to play in a way that optimizes your enjoyment. That's why the only justification for the changes your advocating has to be in regards to balance or gameplay functioning. And no, saying you can get away with jumps or drive rushes as often against Modern players in plat isn't and a serious example of Modern breaking gameplay.
bro look at those manly ass shoulders jfc
Wow that st.lk > ex fireball > level 2 was kind of sick, didn't know Akuma had that
Really tired of Daigodickriding ngl
You're an idiot, it just raises the startup to match what it would be if you did an input, and still as fast as possible in classic.
if "literally as fast as possible with classic controls" is too slow for you to use, you need to work on your reactions.
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why does so much of this game take place in the corner, I don't know any other fighting game like this
Because it's trash.
You're watching a Ken match
Angrybird's Ken looks like any 1600MR Ken, nothing he's doing is impressive
Even the casters sound bored and are struggling to commentate this slop
Can't wait too see Angrybird destroy the competition in ECT top 24 after this!
the power of Allah
if you don't have an EX reversal in this game, you're already mid to low tier
i hope ken gets mangled like luke soon
>Character that requires neutral to play appears
>Angrybird gets bodied immediately
This game is so close to greatness
Dhalsim’s mini faust
>dhalsim is bad - /sfg/
you guys don't know anything about the game
everytime I see a dhlasim just poke and whittle down their opponent instead of just hit confirming into drive rush I realize what kind of game we could have gotten
What exactly are the ed mixups, after a knockdown?
is it again just strike throw? Is everyones mixup in this game just strike throw? Yea sure I got a cool os with his jump in ? But what else?
nevermind he got knocked down once and lost
bro your charged flicker?
kenfraud cooked
The power of yoga
don't ever badmouth the world warriors, jackasses
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Daigo is such a qt pie omg
>Sim beats Ken
>Now against a Rashid
This poor man
full support saar
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rare footage of Daigo happy
>Angry Bird runs through some of the top names in sf6
>Loses to Luiman20 who got knocked out of ECT at 65th
lol, lmao even
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>Unable to just throw yourself at your opponent the entire game
Really makes you think.
>Next game starts
>Rashid DP's the first interaction
Holy fucking lmao.
These guys are carried faggots and will not be around after this game gets fixed up.
>Modern player has a strength that Classic doesn't have
So what? Dhalsim doesn't have a reversal OD but Ken does, does that mean we have to remove that option from Ken? Ofcourse not, that would be fucking stupid. Dhalsim has his own set of strengths which in theory balance out his cons, the same idea is true in respect to the advantages & disadvantages of using Modern & Classic, it's just happening at the system level, similar to mechanics like grooves, isms, moons, and variations.

Point is you can't take the mere existence of options differing between you and your opponent as de-facto evidence that something is wrong. There is no fucking rule in the sky that says Modern can't have a advantage that Classic doesn't have and vice versa. At the end of the day you made a choice for a set of strengths and your opponent made a different one, it's all apart of the same game.
need a webm of him clapping
Isn’t he a SF4 evo top 8 boomer? I thought you doomposters dickride those guys
seeing him be all cute and giddy and clapping is so awesome. I love this guy
if they're gonna have different balance then balance them individually instead of having them share frame data.
Why is Dhalsim's level 1 not strike invincible????
Did someone win with throwloops?
people just not used to fighting good sims
Watching the birds get free'd up by amazing Dhalsim neutral is the most cathartic thing ever
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>What Kami6 does for the SOVL
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so do they not have Dhalsim's in sand land?
If you gave it invincibility Sim now has an invincible reversal with very good range and damage. The only point of that super is for him to have a combo ender.
hes also mena's brother
All supers should be invincible frame 1
its street fighter bro. strike throw is what fundamentally drives every mixup in the game.
just say you hate arabs and move on
How long until Season 3? I'm bored of this drive rush shit and this season pass is full of clown characters.
That has nothing to do with Street Fighter, even if it's true
I hate the way they play
>Guile vs Guile grand finals
I'm going to sleep
this nigga is not surviving this yoga routine
retard crab
it's only october lmao
better buckle up
Daigo claps like a four year old and it's makin me lol
Neutral won today, wow!
>Raw teleport wins the game
i hate drive rush and i hate dhalsim
sf6 deserves the worst for making me cheer for sim
I'd be excited too if the random sim player I picked up from the street just won my tournament for me
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>even if it's true
i just joking but damn
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all that for a hitbox and cheap art
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dhalsim players convincing the world their character is mid tier has been fascinating to watch
Street Fighter 6 — Top 24
Winners bracket
C9|JB (Rashid) vs. RB|BigBird (Rashid)
DualKevin (Rashid) vs. BST|Daigo (Akuma)
RTS|Booce (Ken) vs. Bandits|Caba (Guile)
DFM|Itabashi Zangief (Zangief) vs. C9|Lexx (Guile)

Yeah bro we up there with... Gief
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thanks to Mr Beast for putting on this tournament
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rashid is a shoto
allahu akbar
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What makes sim and Guile players so much more successful at downplaying compared to Cammy and Chun?
this is horrible....
Learm the MU
Insider gives description of Elena reveal trailer:
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these people would probably shit their pants if confronted with the reality of war, let them be edgy online... I had a tranny friend who was like this, absolute degenerate who was racist and made fun of the japanese raping chinese people during WW2, massive pussy irl
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Exactly. True modern chads enjoy the salt from the opponents, it is even better than online meme points

> This is why it feels literally impossible to jump against modern players
It is not impossible, you just need to have a clear read, instead of TRUSTING YOUR JUMP IN THE INPUT ERRORS/DELAY OF YOUR OPPONENT. Get real, you hack

Also, Tachikawa is the only modern player doing work at the highest of levels right now, if anything Modern will only get buffed in the future and you people will stay seething
Elena makes the inner Ruyard Kipling in me activate
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every patch scrubs beg for rashid nerfs, and every patch capcom leaves him alone and tells them to get good. it's beautiful.
best sis
Gooning rn
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Yeah bro. Soldiers in wartime are famous for treating the subject completely seriously and never making edgy jokes at any point. Retard.
You're not a soldier, stop using that excuse to be a dogshit human
sorry, i was eating breakfast. i'm back now.
shut your bitch ass up. cry about it.
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1900 mr chun bro, how do you consistently land this shit? Ive been going for 3 days trying and still cant hit it consistently


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