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Previous: >>498193431

Version 1.2 "Tour de Inferno" Special Program:
Dev Face-to-Face | Zenless Zone Zero:
Agent Record | Tsukishiro Yanagi
Agent Record | Lighter Lorenz

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo

>Upcoming Events for 1.2
Full 1.2 details and events: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/125865
New at the Arcade: Bizarre Brigade now live!
Back in Business - Daily check in, double drops and more - 09/25 (1.2 release) - 10/10 03:59 (server time)
All New Program - 09/25 (1.2 release) - 11/05 03:59 (server time)
Overlord's Feast - 09/26 10:00 (server time) - 11/04 03:59 (server time)

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links
Disorder Jane.
This is a very rapeable OP.
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banging . . . BOOS!
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Came for the cunny, stayed for my KING(female)
Raping myself in front of corin
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use a 4 letter word to describe miyabi
i'll start
waiting for the trailer to watch it with my bros
OP is asking for it
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Predictions for what this two-week plan is?
I will be mature and not say WIDE
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that is nonsense
they did all their testing with infinite energy so its a pretty big assumption on their part you will always have the energy for the rotation for every ball
just trust it
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You wouldn't.
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I have a mighty need
rate my rat
2 week battle pass
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Let's see...
It seems I'm paying for my decent Exclusive Channel "luck", if getting spooked by Grace Brickward twice can be called that.
My Stable Channel is in shambles, holy shit, that's sad.
However, I'm impressed, that despite only having one early and one "moderate" pull with all others being late 69+ pities, my luck for the weapon channel is a mere bottom 40%.
Given, those people aren't losing every other fucking 75/25, but the averages for that banner are impressively shitty.
Only 3 reasons
>you really want to see ____ get the short leader intro scene into a combat sequence
>you want to start on the character you intend to first start the fight with like Lucy as lead for an instant EX special or Qingyi since you'd start with her anyway
Apart from that the order of the agents is more important than which one is lead.
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Not the same ZY anon from last thread but that 59 second clear on a zhu yuan whose stats were slightly worse than mine pushed me to get a better clear time
QoL mostly
I use Caesar/Soukaku/Piper so when pipers on field I can parry with Caesar, and if I get a chain attack I can go into Soukaku and then transfer her buff to Piper all by pressing rb
zzz really needs leaderboards for shiyu
the gameplay is deep enough to warrant replayability
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Post a video of your clear.
I wanna see if I'm doing something wrong or if it's just the stats on my Nicole and Qingyi being bad that's the reason.
easiest skip of my life
For a dweeb like Zhu Yuan? No way. Unless... you can order a Lil' Bangboo meal from Mc Bangers. No drive thru. Has to be the counter.
>STILL no corin rape event
Surely one of my feedback notes will be taken seriously by Hoyo
What's the point of a leaderboard if it would be heavily influenced by whales? They should do themed leaderboards though. Cool stuff like no hit clears.
lol are you the ball roller from earlier? Thanks for curing my ball fomo
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>lost every limited agent 50/50
>won every limited ball 50/50 offpity
Heh... nuthin personnel...
>Cool stuff like no hit clears.
>shield damage doesn't count as being hit
Disorder JaneGods, how do YOU disorder?
>Losing a 50/50 that early

The game is just giving shit to you for free at that point.
I was hoping Cheesetopia would be a second source of income for us. My dennies...
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Will Burnice revive /zzz/?
please no, i really like comfy general
they should do one leaderboard for whales and another one for f2p+ players
>BA with Nicole till you get her blackhole and hit the shield providing spinny guy
>quick assist in ZY and burst down the pillar and switch to qingyi
>Rapid attack to charge her flash connect on the four grouped enemies then chain attack into nicole and quick assist into ZY to quickly kill them
>When the lion spawns hit him with Qingyi charge attack and defensive parry with nicole and qingyi 3 times to break his armor
>Stun and burst him down with ult etc
This should be the basic rundown.
I want Corin to use a FleshlightBoo on my dick to jerk me off...!!!!!
Corin loves being raped
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>"what is evil"
please lord I'm waiting for the reveal don't blueball me any longer
Am I supposed to roll Anomaly Matery on Disc 6 or go for the 30% ATK? For Jane/Piper.
a loss is a loss
it could've been an early Ellen M1
a guarantee is a pity, in the literal sense of the word
a pity for unlucky fools
Anon all of Section 6 has that motto, they're just moralfags. Miyabi also says that, what does that mean?
Ah, I assumed you lost to Lycaon on the Caesar banner not the Ellen. In that case rather bad luck I agree.
Is this mistranslated or are they really gonna make Harumasa a hater?
Vitchy sex
it's a fair assumption
but in that case it could've been an early Ceaser
then i could've M1 Ceaser instead of getting KOTTED
but such is life
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Character design instantly improved. I want Yanagi to be a bitchy office fox boss.
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Bro he's all about living an easy life, he's literally one step from being Kira Yoshikage. He'd blow up a random video store in Janus Quarter if it meant he doesn't have to stay there and watch the store managers have sex upstairs every day.
instead of leaderboards for whales and f2p just have a leaderboard that can only be filled with trial characters, not your own characters. That way everyone is on an even playing field.
Stop breathing any time, ESLpag subhuman.
Based. Nobody would want to do it and would instead bitch endlessly about farming all these disks they can't use.
Yeah challenge runs could be a cool thing to add. Maybe make it a monthly thing like Shiyu Defense.
>someone finds a cool unorthodox build to maximize dps
>he can't test it because Ellen is on Polar like a retard
What the fuck are you even crying about?
pssshhh... weak
no limited weapons or mindscapes
I need PROOF
PROOF of VPN bans
The whole point of whaling, weapons, and dupes is to get an uneven playing field...
What disc stats is Lucy looking for?
they don't exist
a VPN ban flew over my house
All in on attack and crit. The piggies are basically ensuring you have a second character on screen at all times.
The easier way to do this is to list the build that was used and have a way to sort out those with more cinemas and sig dupes. Then you can just see all the data and determine what is *true* by whatever metric you prefer. Some will be more correct than others.
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Corin is the fleshlight boo
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The only thing I do differently is I get the stun with Qingyi first and then burst down the pillar and the faggots around it.
I should try taking the pillar down first and then cleaning up the faggots then.
How do you instantly switch to nicole after the bangboo chain attack?
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corin is asleep in this picture
I thought "if I get banned I get banned" and used a vpn, bought some shit and nothing happened
if you are super paranoid why not just do all your dailies and stuff early in the day, spend all your battery, then at night before bed use the vpn to buy stuff and then login the day after?
that's how it always works, the bangboo chain attack at the end is a bonus to the agent's
what mode is this? I wanna try
I can only get Burnice or Yanagi. Burnice will probably be better for me, but I want Soukaku and she's likely rate up with Yanagi, so I guess I'll be pulling Yanagi.
rate my ben setup guise
it's just shiyu 17
Bwos... I want to rape.
The level of seething this would generate from skill issue alone would be so fucking funny.
Balls are actually 75/25, not 50/50 so winning twice is nothing to brag about.
>Get stun with Zhu
It's probably not as optimal with Qingyi, but it's a way to use her ammo more efficiently.
I should try doing it this way, thanks for the idea.
oh yeah, my mistake
I keep forgetting to write the correct ratio
But who cares about balls
i know
that is why i suggested it
the devs actually seen open to this at least trial character games because they already tossed us two different things that involve us putting trial characters into stages so I figure it may show up some day. This way they can promote their banners and get people to roll.
it takes me like a minute to kill the first wave with the guy that gives them invincibility
I think my ZY is pretty well built though, but my other characters are sub optimal since I don't stun nearly as fast as you. I'll work on them next time.
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Yanagi's walking animations being out first means Yanagi goes first yeah?
>4 woodpeckers
>crate is 27%
thats fine, just wasnt expecting it. stats 100% acceptable but you could go higher on the def thus higher on the attack. nice cdmg
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You are very welcome, anon.
For what purpose?
PEN and PEN ratio don't stack right? Just wondering what happens if you ever happen to go over 100%
If I recall you are essentially guaranteed to have crits on the Dodge Counter with Ben if you are parrying correctly. Thus, he's basically always benefitting from the 9% att buff. I believe desu
I forgot the image ag-ACK!
It's mechanically identical to DEF shred iirc, except it's multiplicative with it instead of being additive.
And going above 100% doesn't do anything, unlike going above 100% RES, which would increase your damage correspondingly.
I wonder what goes through the zzz team when they make shit like "Pinking" and decide to upload it to youtube
they're based
"This shi bangin cuh, frfr, send it"
You can't, rentry documents says effective def can't go to 0. Theoretically, it just means you ignore all armor so one less multiplier on the damage formula to reduce your damage.
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>I wonder what goes through the zzz team when they make shit like "Pinking" and decide to upload it to youtube

>"That'd be cute, what do you think?"
>"That'd be mad cute, we should make it!"
>"Yeah, let's make it!"
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its not crying or building a mental dependency on me, something is wrong with this one
nta but I would use whatever as long as it rolled def mainstat and decent def% substats. the only disks i havent used on Ben are non fire element disks so far
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Allow us to fight all enemies including bosses in VR. Also why can we only have one enemy at a time.
I wanna work for them
>there isn't a single physical resistant enemy in the VR sim
I don't know how they could get this most basic feature, a reason you'd want to use the sim, wrong. How can you not have at least one enemy that's resistant/weak/neutral against every damage type?
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someone call neps!!!!
post zhu stats
thanks bro. i actually keep forgetting that woodpecker buff only applies on crits, so i'll prolly switch cdmg for crate when my zhu yuan isn't using it.
otherwise, atk% over def% gives 100 more atk. would use it if i had 5* big cylinder tho.
ben passive gives him an insanely high atk stat which woodpecker multiplies. he also has inherent crit synergies
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First girl who comes to mind with each prompt,?

>Rough fucking
>Handholding missionary
>Rape (you to them)
>Rape (them to you)
>First date sex
>Surprise leglocking
>soft femdom
>domination loss
>Rough fucking
>Handholding missionary
>Rape (you to them)
>Rape (them to you)
>First date sex
>Surprise leglocking
>soft femdom
>domination loss
I'm too lazy so I'm gonna say corin
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don't commit crimes on your agents or i'll give you cancer
jesus caesar buffs must be insane if you can burst with a garbage build like this
corin is pure retards
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>no Zhu sig
>Rough fucking
>Handholding missionary
>Rape (you to them)
>Rape (them to you)
>First date sex
>Surprise leglocking
>soft femdom
>domination loss
why did you attach a nicole image to a worthless shitpost not even related to her? grasping for attention perhaps?
Corin/Lycaon/Soukaku Or Lycaon/Soukaku/Nicole?
Second one if your Soukaku is m6.
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Is DPS Lycaon only doable if you have his S1? I've seen multiple runs of him as the main damage dealer with Nicole+Sokaku and if possible I'd like to use him in that role as a filler unit while I wait for Habibi because leveling up a 4* DPS seems like such a waste. But my only stun wengines are Anby's piece of shit and the steam oven.
Interesting. I tossed 4 piece protopunk on him.
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>Rough fucking
>Handholding missionary
>Rape (you to them)
>Rape (them to you)
>First date sex
>Surprise leglocking
>soft femdom
>domination loss
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Nicole was a reaction to the first post I referenced. didnt feel like changing after the fact
10 minutes until trailer?
maybe... or maybe not
I hope it's a yes
I wanna go to bed, I'm out of battery and I don't know what to do
>Rough fucking
>Handholding missionary
>Rape (you to them)
>Rape (them to you)
>First date sex
>Surprise leglocking
>soft femdom
>domination loss
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>Rough fucking
>Handholding missionary
>Rape (you to them)
>Rape (them to you)
>First date sex
>Surprise leglocking
>soft femdom
>domination loss
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Bwos I wish she was stronger...
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Coco sexo?
>his first thoughts for defloration is a prostitute
your brain is bricked
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Just get her to C2W1???
I'm coming to Brazil
What's so bad about her?
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bro your M6R5???
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basically asking for it
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I love Corin, but rape
man I want burnice so fucking bad NOW
she's actually playable in that mode they added today, the new HIA stuff. I don't know what she does to be honest.
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modified for high impact non consensual non stop breeding
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What a coincidence, I just decided to make Corin the main dps of my second team
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Not when I'm done with her she's not.
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nothing-... NOTHING!!
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Corin hours?
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I like this one.
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If you consider miles of my nonconsensual cock passing through her asshole weekly pure, than sure she is pure
rape hours
I also like this. Like the slight change in her hair
It seems like Burnice is not getting an EP at this rate
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>no trailer
Guess its time to honk mimimi.
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>there was a sighting of Burnice pouring one into the tank, and later scraping the remaining liquid back into a bar glass after the battle
Imagine the brain damage Caesar has by now...
no 2d trailer?
Super late but I wanted to chime in if you're still around: Jane/Seth/Qingyi is probably your overall strongest second team, Jane with a stunner isn't exactly her ideal team but people experimented with it when she first came out to decent success. Jane+Seth is already pretty much complete as a core, Qingyi exists to spoonfeed Jane stun windows to dump an Assault/Ult into and or refresh Passion. Billy or Nekomata/Qingyi/Nicole or Corin/Qingyi/Rina are also solid options but I think Jane's easy and strong enough to feel better regardless.
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May you have a good honk mimimi shnu shnu tonight
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i won't be able to finish shiyu
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zenless zone zero mibibi
if I can do it so can you
I'm bad
fuck yeah they didnt lock the effect behind fire attribute, not that it really works with my current anomaly agents
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I love Nutella. Who among the agents would love Nutella?
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>Chomps the sword and breaks it

She fucking would too, not even Soukaku has chompers as strong as Ellen.
Honestly considering skipping Burnice and just waiting for an Ether Anomaly, if she doesn't get a music video, it would seal the deal.
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koleda for all of them
I think burnice is hot
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Would you a Sharkllen?
I love you anon
Does burnice need Caesar? She looks vulnerable when using her EX
how fat are you
just dodge bro
Is she bricked without it?
Koleda was my first 5*, she was my guaranteed 5*. I also lost one 50/50 so far, and I got Koleda.
Instead of being angry, I welcome every 50/50 I lose if I get Koleda, she's my daughter.
So, I would appreciate if you would lewding her.
Just hold left or right and she'll dodge during it. You should never, ever, ever get hit during her EX unless you don't have any arms and have etreme mental deficiency.
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arghhhh I want a Caesar dupe so bad since I like her so much, but I know it'd be a stupid choice as a f2p (all packs bought once)
I hope someone makes a mod for this by the time she reruns
needs a head fin too
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>So, I would appreciate if you would lewding her.
Very well. I shall lewd her all day then, just for you bro.
why is Zhu on that cover
Meant to include a gameplay video, grabbed it randomly and I don't think this guy is super whale or anything so it's a solid gameplay demo.
Aren't you using the shiyu shield buff while the other times aren't. Don't be disingenuous.
Oh shit I fucked up
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Is 4pc fang metal really that much better for Corin than 4pc woodpecker? I'm using her with Caesar but I dunno if they will trigger assult so often
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>no trailer cause sunday
I thought mihoyo was a company in china, the land of hard work, not a lazy european that only works 3 days a week with 4 hour lunch breaks that's collapsing towards poverty.
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bro you're ben?
Why the fuck are they releasing burnice trailers so fucking late.
You know why...
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nta but I would really like your blessing to have the sloppiest bed breaking ragdolling sex with your daughter
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>not a single Soukaku

I'm disappointed
Sunday is more sacred day for commies than even for christcucks.
we ran out of budget sorry no trailer
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Those bitches should get away from Wise already
Qingyi will cuck both Jane and Zhu
Her banner will be released on Thursday so a Monday trailer isn't so late.
What are the best Bangboos for Phys ATK and Phys Anom?
Wait what?
Is it that late?
I thought it was it 3 days...
Reminder Wise does not have a deep bond with Qingyi or Zhu
>ms. "we don't have a deep bond with you"
>pining for (You) after all that
lol her charms won't work anymore, I'm in a happy marriage with Lucy.
I want to rape Corin so bad
No, 4pc fanged is a meme on Corin. You actually want 4pc hormone.
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Is that Zhu's newest delusion?
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who said anything about pining
it's just a casual thing for her
I saw Officer Zhu Yuan on Sixth Street the other day, staring into Random Play's window at midnight and talking to herself with a dead look on her face. Those two owners must be in trouble.
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It's over
What's wrong with loving your sister?
What's wrong with fucking your sister?
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How many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man!?
Burnice slow ass banner is killing the game.
I'm using her with Caesar and Lucy though, wont that dilute the atk buff by a lot?
why is she so ugly
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You can't fool me. You just want people to spam Ellen art.
I can just tell Obol Squad is gonna be so kino
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>started to find paimon less annoying and more and more cute
What is happening to me...
Calydon BROKE her
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>more and more cute
always was
No one here like fugly shark.
She's The ugliest character in the game.
>Crooked teeth
>Lazy and haughty personality
>Uses a giant scissor as weapon like a retard
Name an iconic character that uses scissors as weapon. You can't because it's retarded.
That's why Ellen Joe is the worst designed character.
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These 3 were supposed to be a trio, right?
I find it very funny how the leaks, the beta descriptions and even the live stream of 1.2 made it clear that they were all Vanquishers, but then the update came out, 2 of them are mercenaries, with one of them already gaining setup and even appearing in the event that It will probably be playable.
I imagine how last minute these changes were, like Lighter being promoted to S rank.
She knows I'm into girls of her physique
I taught her that
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>Name an iconic character that uses scissors as weapon
>producer: we gotta remove the tvs
>designer: but they're already all tied to the story quest
>producer: change the story then
>writer: ?????
Good. I don't want to see that fugly shark girl.
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What's his name?
she's so fucking ugly
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You finally come to your senses.
>Name an iconic character that uses scissors as weapon
Ellen Joe
>the anime that should've saved anime but it failed
She is the savior of anime thoughbeit
No, combat attack% buffs become more valuable the more attack you can stack outside of them because they're applied after everything else as opposed to regular atk% which is applied before sources of flat attack. Of course this doesn't mean you want to give up crit or anything, but still. Ideally you would replace Lucy with Qingyi though. Corin loves the 80% extra stun damage multiplier.
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I regret pulling for Ellen Brick Joe
My Qingyi is stuck with Zhu unfortunately
you just know it’s a shitposter because it uses a hutao pic
Mibibi will be the final nail in the coffin for Ellenfags
Everyone is saying that Ellen Joe is a bait banner.
I don't feel sorry for you if you're a retard.
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>attacker is the hunt path of zzz
Disorder Miyabi
I'll still be pulling her sig and m2 on rerun because I love my JK shark gf.
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Zhu is dead last in the Wisebowl ranking after a strong start and it's all thanks to Qingyi's sabotage.
But zhu is great?
I told Corin to scream at the plaza
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I can't wait for Miyabi so everyone will forget that fugly shark girl.
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she bricked my account forever
wtf is going on here
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What is this game even about?
ugly western art
until they release an ether anomaly agent
fighting racism
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I wish we have a character similar to Mualani and has popular JP VA like Nao Touyama.
fugly Ellen is voice by a nobody.
when I grow up I'm gonna marry my sister belle
true, Mualani is so much cuter
chopping off your dick and holding people socially hostage so you don't kill yourself
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I unrolled for both of them and their sigs right then and there, fucking bitches
Genshin and gig can't stop winning.
Why did we get a porn artist like waterkuma as the art director?!
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Get new material, you've said all that like a dozen times.
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I don't think the HIA is successful because of their VR game bwos...
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I smell a disturbance in the thread
And then you spent all your rolls on Caesar and Lucy, right?
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holy fuck the hutrooner is here, post ellen to get a free (you)
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I think it's funny how Pulchra's chapter and Mors' chapter could actually be TV levels, like Pulchra's mission could be focused on dodging and finding the traps she set, and Mors's being them following Kasa and with stealth elements running away from the Mors.
But I think removing the TVs was really a priority, it must be shit writing for this game with so many sudden changes.
Ellen and her personality is ugly
glad she's not relevant in the story in anyway
ellen i luv u
>Miyabi is confirmed anomaly character because she causes mental disorders to Ellencucks
I like Ellen but I don't care who others roll for
Since I'm christian, I'm gonna go to bed and pray you get whoever you want. You're in my prayers now.
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I heard I can get one
The shitposters here aren't even funny anymore, bring back ball schizo
Fuck you, that's a lie and you know it.
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im getting my dick dragged through the gravel on Cactus Invitation 2. the ether shocks during that one phase keeps taking me out
just use caesar bwo?
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Why did they make Ellen's nipples so puffy?
Posting a superior shark girl.
Ugly Ellen is no match against Mualani.
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one more please
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I just unlocked that thing that lets you send agents to school, I sent Lucy and S11.
Can they get level 60 here?
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I solo everything with Lucy that I possibly can. I built Piper to run the opposite side of the crit node
>Venus signed up to be a commission broker purely to give rookies a chance
>Willingly takes on the financial burden of their fuckups
>Ends up in the red
>Would rather work 2 extra jobs than stop helping rookies to deal with the financial losses
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holy, it's true
Rate my disk /zzz/
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So will Burnice's demo be tomorrow or what?
what's up with the gigtroon melty
>fish shaped pupils
talk about being creatively bankrupt
We got a porn artist.
That's Ellen ugly.
She's part shark and shark's just have puffy nipples
>Can they get level 60 here?
My Lucy has been sipping EXP from it ever since I unlocked it.
She's consumed about 70% of the EXP there and yet she's only managed to go from lvl 50 to lvl 57, which means that funneling ALL the EXP from school to just one character is only enough to get one character from lvl 50 to 60
i don't think sharks have nipples because they don't have mammals
lolol doing those missions right this second. this looks like a type, referring to herself like this
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Oh yeah, that's the good stuff.
Just stating facts.
You'll see it once Miyabi gets release, everyone will forget Ellen.
She's only popular because she's the first and one of the two limited attackerd. It means she's currently meta.
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explain this then
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typo*, shit
That's an odd thing to fight in a fantasy setting and why would you want to? Is that the powersource of the big bad?
Enough about that. When are we getting more info on the next banners
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>You'll see it once Miyabi gets release
SEAmonkey... and a /gigger/
dangerous combination...
Cope seethe you're days are numbered Ellen schizos
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she's half shark, that means someone fucked a full shark
for instance, ellen is 1/8 shark, that means I fucked 8 sharks in a row
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>you're days are numbered Ellen schizos
ye gods... it can't create a single correct sentence... skin is just too brown...
You mean the drip marketing? It usually happens 3 days before the next patch.
>someone fucked a full shark
that's.. that is probably not how thirens work. That would mean someone.. someone in the world fucked an orangutan as well
When do you unlock that?
yeah that was me too
>We got a porn artist.
and that's a good thing!
10 year old giggers wouldn't get it
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Try my fist... for free!
I wish I stuck to my plan to:
Skip Anomaly Bricks
Invest in every Element Attacker

Go on without me. I bricked my account with Caesar and Jane when Lighter is OP.
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Heh, I'm in danger
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>Rough fucking

>Handholding missionary
Zhu Yuan

>Rape (you to them)

>Rape (them to you)

>First date sex


>Surprise leglocking

>soft femdom

>domination loss


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so it's in the event page, I thought I unlocked it today but apparently it was up for a while
if there's a red bangboo with a moustache outside of the arcade talk to him
Anime avatar nigger got btfo after the anti spam rule implementation. Hu tranny replaced xer. Can we get a proper thread please bwos. I'm begging at this point.
well Miyabi isn't even out yet and everybody forgot Ellen already
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How would Ellen give birth?
Would she lay one of those weird spiral drill looking eggs or would it just be a plain old live birth?
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It's funny to see these Ellentards desperately shilling their ugly waifu because they knew she will be irrelevant in 2 patches.
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in terms of flop efficiency?
mind you, mualani had the new region bonus and top up reset bonus and flopped like THIS
Bwo... where's your image?
sad but true
No, I think she's referring to "Venus" as in her alias as a commission broker, considering this shit is illegal after all.
So you can think of it as "...the payment from [my work as] Venus..."
samefag and untrue
when will they increase the max level?
When’s the last time you topped-up? Be honest.
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nah I'm still pissed that she bricked my account forever
then why did you roll, retard?
because I have to much money
this game has nice calves
PayPal me 2000 dollars
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Mother material.
Who needs cops or bikers anyways.
Can you buy me Caesar M6?
>He doesn’t have Ellen

Comfy E2 Ellen owner
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one more....
your M2 Ellen is getting powercrept by M0 Miyabi bro
>He got multiple copies of the fugly shark girl
That's hilarious
She deserves marriage and mating press
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yeah when you look at it like that and think of Venus as entity like what Phaethon became it reads perfectly fine. I guess I was just undermining her ability
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Did I win
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>miyabitroons calling anyone else ugly
they straight up called this bitch out by name ON STREAM when talking about character models that need to be fixed kek
Ooh I havent started this thing yet
Pretty sure some sharks do live births
How easy is it to trick her kindness into sex??
>Hormone punk
>Ellen schizo is alone on spamming his ugly shark
Tick tock Ellen schizos.
based, I went for that c1 to make her stacks smoother and luckshitted it
they're both ugly lil bro
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how valuable is this disk to you? if youre fucked if you scrap it, 9/10, otherwise its 5/10
7/10, would be 8/10 if fang or something more specific
based account
Hormone Punk is specific
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>alone on spamming
You would know a thing or two about """""alone on spamming".
So what's the verdict on Qingyi
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by that logic all of them are. let me be clearer: it would be better if the disk had an attribute that produced higher damage output than flat attack
Don't need to trick, she's always wanted Wise's cock.
onfield stunner
she's destined to flop
Lighter >>>> Her
she takes up too much field time
Worthless unless you have M2 and her ball
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ok, just one more
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can lighter use qingyi's weapon?
who invited the hutroon here
Ellen feels so shit to play
It's Corin's best set by a large margin and that's who it's on
>onfield stunner
What is a off field stunner?
Please elaborate.
It's not that good because I really wanted Jane but it was super unlikely to get her, skipped her and I really want her
I'm guaranteed to get Burnice so that's cool, but I don't care about anyone who isn't Jane now.
For the record I respect what everyone in this general rolls for and I wish you all the best of luck
If he can trigger its effect then yes
Yes, I think he should be able to use his sig fine. Koleda’s sig is also great for him or any Stunner desu.
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I'm sorry Anon...I accidentally stole your luck, I should have shared my Caesar tusk with you ;_;
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Gentrannies get out
Ellen "The Brick" Joe
>tell my genshitfag friends to try this game
>"ew, why are there furries?"
the filter seems to be working as intended
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Hormone Punk's value will go up when we start getting crit/element damage supports over ATK buffers.
Better than what i had on Zhu so i'm keeping it
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Caesar and Wise had sex already
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so are Jane and Seth
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Rina sex
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Ellen "The Wife" Joe
Qingyi and Zhu is my go to team against enemies I don't have the element weakness for and somehow they still clear faster than my Jane Doe team does against a physical weak enemy.
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Baited for this exact response
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its a excellent disk, run it into the ground and pass it on to the next agent when you switch up one day. even better since atk% is more universal
Ellen "Tits sagged to the bellybutton by 30" Joe
I can only get so erect...
>What is a off field stunner?
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Yanagi “suicide from being fugly” Chink
why did she flop so bad
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I'm so fucking excited bros I can't wait for our second silhouette video. OBOL about to do the sickest of pull ups with Orpheus sitting on SEED's shoulders.
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Just flip the numbers around a bit, and you get a mighty fine cope.

78 pulls for Caesar, excellent.
70 pulls for Caesar's weapon, normal.
9+72 pulls for Grace + Brimstone, is within reason. Brimstone itself is worth 30 pulls, that means you got Grace for 51 pulls.
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ohnonono sethpags are waking up, cuckposting and flop spam started
compared to?
Why Ellen refuses to wear a bra?
Which dev do I need to fondle to get a cop rerun
She likes to feed me on the go
High schoolers don't need bras.
Qing "The Brick" Yi
How is she off field?
She needs to use her ex skill with her basic attacks to build up the daze.
I need more proofs
Qing "The Anby sidegrade" Yi
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Explain this then.
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it is not unheard of for mihoyo to give characters canonical puffy nipples and also no bra
why did you post gay porn? are qingyi rollers gay or something
Take a drive down to the nearest high school and start firmly grasping.
Qingyi is my most used Agent along with Zhu, I have no idea what you're thinking Anon, but I could never go back to Anby unless Caesar tagged along.
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She jumps in, does two BA, EX, two more BA, EX, jumps out.
She's not "off-field" off-field but she's as "off-field" a Stunner as we currently have.
She even has a W-Engine that deliberately helps her regenerate EX off-field.

In comparison:
>Needs to realistically follow three BAs with EX and BA4 to not underperform
>Relies on Dodge Counters to build up stun
>Daze is extremely backloaded in his BA combo
>His ball makes him build the stacks by staying on the field and repeating the combo
>deliberately bad Defensive Assist
>very powerful Dodge Counter
>core mechanic requires staying on the field to generate charge and max out the damage multiplier
That paid extra energy per day thing BA has
>all these Ellen hates
Since when ZZZ hates Ellen?
I felt up some girls, and they started calling me a pedo, now I’m going to jail. What do I do now?
Please post busty sluts
day 1
believe it or not we are actually all different people with different opinions
genshart invasion
they hate it when women look too feminine and don't have a massive fetal head
is this game dying already
i dont really see a lot of burnice videos
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Don't worry guys I'm trying my best not to use the same old words so I don't out myself as the same old schizo
Seems like off field stunner is an automatic brick unless they release one with busted daze multipliers.
You want to stun the enemy asap so a stunner that waits off field to regen energy seems contradictive.
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this is why I default to Koleda when I do use a stunner. just pop her in on parry, EX if its there and jump out asap, so nice
You're on your own now lmao
It’s a chud game now, we allies only play genshin.
When you have an attacker like Soldier 11, you want her to stay out as much as possible.
She does benefit from an enemy getting stunned but her stun steroid is minuscule when compared to her overall steroid.
For her, Koleda is a better fit than Lycaon or Anby.
Qingyi is a special case because of how powerful her Stun DMG Multiplier boost is.
Best mechanically-designed character. Compared to Jane Doe's simplicity, Qingyi have alot of intricacies to her kit.
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I'm rolig for Lighter because he triggers Ben's passive and there wont be a S rank shielder for months
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this banner will be last, hell, this thread is the last one: writing has been on the walls for a while. all the OGs migrated to Love and Deepspace over a month ago
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Nooooo! Stay with me, Eous!
>Best mechanically-designed
lmao mashing basic attack gameplay is not well designed
Shouldn't you rater roll for the pink woman for Seth if you want to use a shielder?
more for me
I might be a gay furry but I'm not enough of a faggot to use S*th
>mash basic attack
>sometimes hold
>sometimes EX
They're the same.
the hard truth is mhy couldnt make good game like genshin anymore
the recent dev talk is proof that they have no real direction for this game
you used Ben so you're the faggiest fag by default
If you're using Koleda's basic attacks past the second hit you're playing her wrong.
I dont like furry stuff, but Seth's faggot voice is way worse than that
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Faggiest fags are Anton users.
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I can tell this place will be insufferable when Harumasa comes around.
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Nonsense! Everyone who uses Ben is based and friendly and likeable!
I like Miyabi's boyfriend
he's cute
Can we kill Seth and get Pompey instead?
how come you didn't give me a (you), hutrooner?
Good morning paggie
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I need some inputs before I make mistakes.
Piper level 60 is currently Core Skill E
Lucy level 60 is currently Core Skill D

Which one's core skills should I focus on?
Harumasa will join Wise's harem
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burny save us
I'll give you one since you keep begging for daddy's attention so bad
Piper's F
Harumasa wears a sarashi to hide her chest.
Piper's first. Lucy's passive is important for her m6 damage, but can be mostly ignored if you don't have it.
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Lucy since support agent core skill is active most of the fight.
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Big Daddy is that you?! P-Please just one chokehold...
She got alot of mechanics like the mash combo not being interrupted when dodging, enhanced finisher, 2 variations of EX skill, hold attack counter and dodge counter into BA3. Zhu also have alot on her kit but are not practical to use since she mostly only used during stun windows for her hold attacks.
>deliberately stretching the image to make her look wide
this meme needs to die
Harumasa is one lucky fella
>2 variations of EX skill
wtf I never knew this
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Not the OP. You inspired me too, finally got a clear I can be proud of. M0W1, no shiyu shield buff in stage 1.
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Harumasa won't cause a meltdown because he'll be for yumes.
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whelp, it looks like its that time o'clock again
I will cheat on Zhu (again) with Harumasa.
is he fucking Yanagi or Miyabi?
uhhh sexo?
Harumasa will be for Belle and they'll go on a double date with me (Wise) and Caesar.
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>SEA hours
Good night bwos
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Oh yeah. It's raping time.
we are in fact not your "brothers"
fuck off muttoid
ok monkey
>we are in fact not your "brothers"
thank god
I don't need all those favela monkey genes
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tried to get a better shot
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When are we getting character designs like Furina or Mauvika bros...
How many hollow zero runs until you stop receiving dennies for at the end?
Seems a bit low now but I didn't count them.
that's Jane's boyfriend and Miyabi's boyfriend
That choker is so fucking gay
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Its cap on dennies not runs
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i see /zzz/
i post a butt
i leave
post Seth butt wipeouts
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Are chokers really that significant? I feel like he wouldn't look that much different without it...
But maybe that's just me.
Only the choker? Not the two men kissing sloppily?
Ben's only negative is being a furry, outside of that he is fine, I even like his Yakuza style. Seth has 0 redeeming factors unless you are gay or a woman
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No, that image would be perfectly straight if it wasn't for the choker
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I don't know whatchu talkin about
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ben is a big fat fucking bear and not even in a homo or furfag way I just love playing as a big fat fucking bear
so far chokers are on:
- Lucy
- Piper
- Qingyi
- Anby
- Soukaku
- Grace
- Jane
* Nekomiya(close enough)
* Koleda(metal cuff like thing)
* Nicole(not really, just some neck thing)

- Lycaon
- Harumasa

goddamn im surprised Seth doesnt have one on
the ever-wise and worldly qingyi has spoken
doing a bit of tongue tango with your bro isn't gay UNLESS one of you are wearing a choker
this, bears are so great
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I love Piper so much bros
Lemme walk around as her already I just want to look at her cute little butt more
Maker her WIDER
Lycaon is dog, so it's ok
Please and thank you.
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Reminder to roll for Caesar so you can walk around as her, or you'll be bricked until 1.4
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>watching random streamer play zzz
>seems ok
>he pulls piper
>he moralfags out instantly
what makes her such a filter
nice watermark
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any confirmation who else will be playable?
can't wait to fap to burnice upkirt strutting walk cycle
Is this sex for ants?
grabbing piper's waist and watching her flinch and flail
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cats are shitty creatures. not sure why i went through all the trust shit for him. should have let him die on the street
*slosh slosh slosh*
projection really. Why would someone randomly moralfag out of the blue otherwise.
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this but her vulnerable tummy
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>devs put 'im old as fuck' remarks in every sentence she speaks
>world doesnt give a rats ass shes a loli
best timeline
How fossilized are Piper’s eggs? Her womb is so dry and dusty, she doesn’t bleed, but flakes.
Caesar's slow ass banner killed the game
Burnice's slow ass banner will murder the game
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Janebros can't be this chill and composed.
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Caesar's fat ass killed my stash
Miyabi's fast approaching banner will save the game
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I don’t remember Loli filtering normies this much a couple of years ago. What happened?
Me on the bottom right
Thank you.
Lighter is so lucky
twitter politics infiltrated the mainstream internet brainspace
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You look so dashing, lil bro.
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They really aren't
Burnicegods and zhu buttbros are the best posters
I love girls in sneakers
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what are ya looking at
At least Jane, Caesar, and Burnice all have tight thigh highs showing skindentation in their legs. Without any extra details like that, her legs are so bland they look like they could be from a ps2 game. We live in a post Atelier Ryza world. This is unacceptable.
is lucy a virgin
How do you properly play Burnice?
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I love girls without sneakers or socks
hold basic then ex for immediate double flame thrower. swap out after the work is done. Parry in then ex, then swap out once the work is done.
lucy nakadashi
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Sarrrs i like the shorekeeper sars
corin cunnylingus
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Which do you guys think will come first?
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I picked up this one for Lighter.
It's charging up so he can deal a big blow every 18 seconds.
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Every banner was killing the game so far.
Maybe they should release interesting characters instead of starting with the lamest maid this season and then proceeding to chokehold it with months of cops on end. I can't breathe.
If obol is revealed first that's a death sentence to obol, because 0 fan art, and most people don't like the anorexic early drafts.
I hope idols come first so I can skip them and pull all the obol agents
yanagi unironically killed the game.
victoria housekeeping TWO baybee
we're getting an egyptian mommy mummy
according to leaks Obol
idols got more recentl leaks so probably them
Fang Metal is only good if you use Corin with Piper or Jane.
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fuck off to bed mutts
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Rent free.
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Help me bwos, this is our fourth trip to McDonalds today and she's STILL hungry, this semen demon is gonna bankrupt me.
Is Rina still fertile?
That loli walking around with those sex eyes is literally asking to be creampied like the dirty little whore she is
>arghhhh I want a Caesar dupe so bad
If you have Qingyi or Koleda they can quick stun the tiny mobs really fast, so Caesar gets the shield faster,

It makes the M1 kind of gimicky, and only useful for assisting Anomaly teams.
Obol. Idols are not coming until last patch before eos.
You will get a gay twink vampire
just take her to a buffet
we'll see when the game EoS because of her.
>egyptian mommy mummy
More flops great
Which one?
you have no idea how little that narrows it down
Why thread died?
Americans went to bed.
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damn the thread is dead
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Gotta get up for my cagie tomorrow so I can afford this ass on Wednesday
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Good morning Europe
I hope obol first
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>What happened?
A new generation of brain downgrade.
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There's already a Burnice mod that uses the new Healthbar clothes system someone else made, she progressively loses some of her clothes the less health she has
We Senran Kagura in this shit
Can we just skip Miyabi and the fag go obol already? I need my max trust Eleven
Can someone explain to me what does the acronym EoS mean?
end of service
aka game shuts down
Anime went mainstream during covid. As a result, so did all related media and entertainment. Now we have zoomers on Twitter pretending to be fans of shit like Saya no Uta when they've never played it, then going all "ick" when they find out what happens in the game.
Ejaculating on Soukaku
I have seen hobo sleep outside like this in Toulon France.
It's warm as fuck, and rent is probably too expensive for them.
woooooo fuck. Lucy soloist, just trying to clean up my failed crit nodes. beat cn17 with 4 lvl 50 agents, second attempt
I've just been clearing out the bizaare brigade character by character.
Mr Work fucking suuuuuuuuuuucks though I have no idea what to actually fucking do with him despite him being the most basic one.
which is to say, buy exclusively fox companions and pick up quills when its convenient
win via sheer quantity of buffs your foxes will accumulate and the gigantic amount of money you will generate just by clicking reroll over and over
>nice proportions
nice, thumbs up
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Best general build for Grace? I have her sig
Food WAS included...
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I'm buying this tank for Mibibi in the next city fund.
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Obol Squad is gonna be the most kino faction. Save your poly bros
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Lol no, I'm going Full Cunny
but she’s anomaly
Anomalykeks will be maximum cope when she is revealed.
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>she’s anomaly
You guys said that about the cop faction, then then biker gang faction and then the office worker faction
More like her reveal will trigger a mental disorder for Ellen skippers.
SoC is kino though?
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Cop faction still has the best duo
Zhu, Qingyi, and SoC were kino dough
Officer worker hype is being entirely carried by Homimi Mibibi thoughbeit
Trying a disk 6 attack. The attack is nice.
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Spring Embrace was designed as a cheap option for Caesar, so she could EX faster for her initial shield.
Electro Lipgloss were made as a cheap option for Jane, Burnice, Yanagi.
Six Shooter was made as a cheap option for Ligter, it's charging up while he is charging up.
Cannon Rotor is most likely for mibibi.
I'm still stuck at M0 but she is so fun to use with Caesar...
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Brutally NTRing Lucy
S11 alone mogs all those factions character-wise.
Jane's dogshit banner really killed any traction the game had
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What does Attribute Counter Effect even mean?
Super effective damage
Guys, I'd like to thank you all for your great pieces of advice over the past few days.
Picrelated only happened because you guys told me what to do with my S11, Ellen, Koleda, Lycaon, Lucy, Soukaku, and Caesar.
Thank you very much, really! I went from 4S/2A/1B to the beautiful 7S you now see.
I'm so happy :)

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