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Previous: >>498202272

>Version 2.6 "Annals of Pinecany's Mappou Age" Special Program
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TM_iWWS2_mo (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lwMJkyJSdhE (JP)

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.6 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20241011version-yjlwks/index.html

>Version 2.6 Trailer — "Annals of Pinecany's Mappou Age"
>Lingsha Trailer — "Burning Scent of Home"

>Current Character Banners: (Lingsha, Topaz + Misha, Natasha, Guinaifen) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/33777781
>Current Light Cone Banners: Scent Alone Stays True (Abundance), Worrisome, Blissful (The Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/33777892

>New Drip Marketing:
>Sunday (5* Imaginary Harmony) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/34043097
>Fugue (5* Fire Nihility) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/34135018

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift

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>/hsrg/ Thread Template
Rappa will flop hardest
Tingyunschizo, my beloved
So does ting2 replace hmc or rm?
It depends how superbreak stacks, i think she might replace galla/lingsha for 0 cycling which shouldn't be hard since you are breaking the enemy really fast anyway.

But in most scenarios i think she will replace HMC
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Should I trust him?
That I should not roll for E2 Acheron if I have Feifei? I already got E0 Acheron and the cook and Sparkle
Better wait for the actual beta to start. I feel that HMC will most likely going to be replaced but if the new team can break reasonably fast without RM then she's also fair game to be replaced. In the end more superbreak is more damage to what RM can give and her primary value is WBE that might not be needed if 3 fire characters can break as fast as RM boosted 2 fire characters.
E0S1 is where you stop, E2 is retarded.
It does fuck all for party composition, even if you have Sparkle on the bench, putting her in is still a plus without E2.
Its bait and a waste, that could be 2 more units or cones to make Ack better and your account as a whole more flexible.
Good point. Asagi showed a 64% dps increase which is pretty good, but it is 2 whole characters that could go to a new v3 dps.
I was gonna go for e2 but I've decided that I'm gonna hold on for now. Either my current thought gets proven right and Ack and Fei will age like wine and I can just roll eidolons a bit further down the line, or if I'm wrong I dodge a bullet.
E2 if you love a character and want to use them forever.
Never for a power spike.
The problem is when Acheron will rerun. It might be a whole year. Hopefully when Acheron retires the fox cook is good for something.
Is E2 version 1 dps (like Jingliu or the cool Daniel) good enough to easily clear content currently?
Of note, this is with FART. You need all part of the team. No Topass?5-10% dps loss. No Adventurine? 20-30% team dps loss.
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They already look like they're planning to speed up reruns, so I'm not too worried. And if I never feel like saving for eidolons again then once more I've come out on top because the new stuff I wanted more, I couldn't have got if I committed to ack. But I also am a very conservative roller.
I would have said yes immediately without that word.
Units before 2.0 are tricky, they can pull their weight if build and supported well.
That is not too bad then. A clear is a clear.
That makes me feel better. Thanks anon!
E0S1 aventurine and jiaoqiu better work for enabling my E2 Acheron. I’m not going to homo-brick my account with m*le eidolons. M*les get rolled on E0 if they enable females, and with only their signature light cone at the absolute most.

In my mind, rolling for eidolons is like saying that you love a character so much you would lick their butthole. I will never roll for a m*le eidolon. Even opening the free Dr Ratio mail was already pushing it. Light cones are only acceptable because they enable females, I use my Ratio sig LC on E0S0 Feixiao for example. I still got such shivers up my spine rolling for a homosexual light cone like Ratio’s that I had to get S5 Femata to cancel out the gay from my account.
How long is the Wardance event? Surely everyone saying it's 7 hours is exaggerating?

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