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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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If you build it, they will come edition

Gentlemen I have brought you all here together to discuss Rogue Trader. But in the interest of longevity, and the significant overlap in fanbases, this general is for all warhammer games that aren't popular enough to have their own general. TW:WH still falls under twg as it's the only thing keeping it alive.


>Lore Stuff:

>Current flavor of the month
>Known Issues and roadmap
>you will report the bugs
always pirate warham games,don't give those femstodes slupers a single cent
the first issue on the docket today is who is best girl in rogue trader
clearly it is argenta, as she refuses to have sex with anyone
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haha come on in best buds don't be shy!
How the fuck do you manage to turn a Rogue Trader TTRPG game into imperiumwank?
The only chance in a decade to get more playable and fleshed out xeno characters (not factions) and Owlcat doesn't give a fuck
Is Chaosbane worth a playthrough? Is it fun? Why or why not?
idk has any video game delved into and introduced lore the same way this game has? There's got to be a starting point somewhere for the uninitiated, but yeah, the constant focusing on the imperium does get tiring
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>Heinrix wants to help Idira pass the sanctioning test and not end up a Throne battery
Awfully nice of him
it's alright, but there are too many mechanically better and balanced ARPG's out there to really make it stand out, and the story didn't really grip me
It doesn't really introduce new lore, it's just very easy for people not familiar with the setting to understand it because the CRPG format and the glossary lets you ask retarded questions ("What is a psyker?" asked the psyker.)
But the whole game feels like they forgot they were making a Rogue Trader game set in the Koronus Expanse and instead made a generic 40k RPG that could be taking place in any sector
I expected an inquisitor companion to be more of a dick
is anyone truly dogmatic in this game?
and by dogmatic I mean just a straight up fucking asshole and suspecting everyone of being a heretic or on the verge of heresy at all times
Argenta>Yrliet>Kibellah>Cassia>Theodora>>>>>>>>Incendia>>>Jocasta>>Jae>>>>Any Servitor>idira
I haven't gotten past chapter 1 yet but from what I do know I agree with
shame I'm going to have to do away with yrliet, being a xeno and all...
>Idira last
What game did you play?
I can't stand this games inconsistent skill descriptions
stop making me do my own math for the effects god damnit just make them all give the current number like half of them already do
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bbq cathayans
dude she's a heretic and even worse, she's BLACK

no dude ack! you're gonna kill /twg/!
If you ever did his romance as femtrader you'd know he is a massive simp and respects the wahmen
The ship has an entire dickensian city full of abhumans and full on mutants in the lower decks, including a genestealer cult and an elaborate temple and the rogue trader never bats an eye about Idira until Argenta gets uppity about it, but I guess if you want the line to be drawn on the one okay xenos race..
>dude she's a heretic
Confirmed for not played the game
Its her voice acting, its laid on too thick and with Owlcat's penchant for wordy dialogue I found her and Jae offputting. Would prefer no VA in rpgs at this rate, Daeran had the same problem in WotR.
she's got 2 points into herectic and that's enough to be turned into a servitor for me
why the fuck can't my officer wear a towering pillar of hats and goggles
there's too many things I want to equip on my officer and not enough I want to equip on my other characters
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help I'm about to be killed by a chaos giant
Should probably try to fit Darktide and Vermintide 2 build planners in the OP, maybe Space Marine 2 news while its still new.
Who would win in a fight, THE Kibellah or John Grammaticus?
I wish there were a 40k Total War
Closest thing is the Battlefleet Gothic series
Who is hyped for Mechanicus 2?
Are you more excited for Admech or Necrons?
>40k TW
It is all but confirmed my son.
as long as sm2g is going strong it should be its own thing
A lot of leaks and rumors are saying it's in production. And CA was testing the groundowrk in latest DLC with directional armor tanks and multi weapon type veichles.
Necrons need a slight facelift, they look too rounded and soft, they look more cartoony when placed next to all the grimdark aesthetics of almost every other faction in the setting.
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40k Karl Franz equivalent?
Nice, I hope the leaks are true then, I haven't felt hyped for a game in a while and this would scratch that 40k itch
idk where I got that game, humble bundle maybe but I enjoyed it a lot, neat soundtrack
I could listen to this on repeat, and sometimes I do
can't wait for tindalos and CA to link up and merge their games to have the complete 40k experience
I wonder what scale they plan to work with. A single hive city would be a battle map on its own.
Based follower of the Imperial Creed.
Remember, the more you think, the less you obey
a hive city could be an entire region on its own. but they can always just make it like an underway map and throw some scattered junk and shit on the map. I'm more concerned on how they'll handle sieges, considering that they haven't even figured out good sieges in WH3

my god, they may even make sieges go the way of the naval battle and remove them...
Are the Necromunda games any good?
Why remove sieges just because they had some horrible ideas with the Warhammer trilogy? Just copy the sieges from Medieval or Shogun and stop trying to re-invent the system.
Face it: it's impossible to adapt 40k to an RTS if your goal is to imitate the scale of battles like, say, the siege of Terra. HOWEVER if you turn it into a Paradox-style game....
sieges were never good, the AI just sits there waiting for you to slaughter it piecemeal
and the alternative is they all sally out and fucking die funneling out of the gates
Stellaris with a 40k skin would be worth a playthrough.
it'll be on some OC donut steal planet like the DoW dark crusade map, where everyone is fighting over some macguffin and the infrastructure isn't really built up so no hive cities and shit but everyone has their own territory carved out, I doubt the scale of the game will go beyond a single planet
>sometimes break their ranks provides the attack of opportunity, sometimes it doesn't
>sometimes the dismantling attack upgrade provides the attack of opportunity, sometimes it doesn't
>sometimes blade dance attacks nearby enemies, sometimes it doesn't
>sometimes, at all costs still applies to target on missed shots, sometimes it doesn't
why's it gotta be like this man...
Guiliman if GW doesn't write the elves as retards again (not gonna happen)
Why did they make the Lord of Change such a potato at the end of Space Marine 2
as if a few pew pews could even tickle his pickle
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A Great Crusade lite scenario already exists but it's not particularly good
There's total conversion mods but I haven't tried any
argenta is just begging to be equipped with a flamer or melta gun but all I got is this rinky dink hand flamer that is quite dogshit...
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I love the adeptus mechanicus and its lingo for tech shit
She's too good with the bolter, but I've felt like doing that too in previous playthroughs
whats a miraculous fusion reactor
well that... that's just a fusion reactor
but it is miraculous
Did /v/ jannies start deleting rogue trader threads or what
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What a weird map, can't see shit
Do wood elves rly live in darkness like this?
Someone thought that the threads there are fast enough so that we could have a /vg/ thread
Should maybe tell people in /tg/ if you wanna keep this one up
For me, it's the Admech autist reciting OSHA regulations in the Plasma Drive.
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I don't care about femstodes but I refuse to pay for RT until I can fuck Argenta.
Owlkek is based though, they don't pozz 40K. They only included such shit in PF cause Paizo made em do it.
There's multiple homo romances in the game along with black people
>pair holster
>deadly precision
>blessed bolter casing
>run and gun
Time to game.
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Kibbels love
Yeah, but it's not agenda. Marz doesn't shove faggotry in your face and Idira doesn't bitcj about race idemtity politics. Plus blacks in 40K is normal. Ot's a multicultural dystopia that believes in one race the human race with only distinction between them being upper classes and the cattle.
wish they had their own game that wasn't dogshit VR shovelware
i bought every warhammer game i played
total war warhammer 1 to 3 with all the dlcs lol
get bent culture war turd
True but compared to other modern games it rather tame. As in these character exist but they are not the focus and they are not a reflection of real life politics. Could be better, could be worse.
The most important part is that there are no cuck/zoophilia romances, some of them are even sweet if the player is into that kind of a thing and the game allows you to roleplay as 'based' of a character as you want, tho the heretical route is rather bare.
The biggest issue RT has is what happens outside of the game, the waifu fags and their fanfiction/fanart spamming/infighting. If the focus is only on the game, one can even have an enjoyable experience.
they're not even playable in 2 you mong

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