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#1107: Hug the Sky Edition
Previous: >>498286041
This general is for the discussion of original, fanmade, or look-alike Mega Man games as well as original titles developed by Inti Creates.

>/mmg/ news
Funkoshit and some appearance in Amazon Prime slop
Megaman is in Brawlhalla as a skin
MH restoration mods on Daibu Offline are now out at https://www.nexusmods.com/megamanxdiveoffline/mods/290

>Fangame news
Zook Hero 3 found and released https://hhug.me/?post=116
X engine and X7 demake are open-sourced
MMVGB remake on pause
Mega Man Maker is on Version
MMGB remasters announced
Innocent Impulse update: https://x.com/MegaManXII_CX2/status/1832750733994668057
Legend of Zero mod https://gamebanana.com/mods/515481#FileInfo_1244616
X8 demake is OUT: https://sonicfangameshq.com/forums/showcase/mega-man-x8-16-bit.2184/
Axl mod in progress: https://youtu.be/drLYXEc8brU

>/inti/ news:
Card-en-Ciel will release in October 24th
Card-en-Ciel demo has been updated with extra languages
Preview of "all" songs: https://youtu.be/tGhURBRupRQ
Inti interview at BitSummit: https://youtu.be/wGtpXV8tLOE?si=x44_zFHOUadcDNV2
Gal Guardians: Servants of the Dark: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xl420g0QaEo
Divine Dynamo Flamefrit will be released in Winter 2024 and will come with your Steam Preorder, demo available now in Steam!
PvP is real.........

Translations of Classic mangas on mangadex.
Inafune is working on Fantasy Life i: The Girl Who Steals Time which got delayed
Project X Zone 3 NOT in the works.

>DiVE Links
https://rentry.org/xdaibu (game, emulators and other stuff)


>Melt Stuff

>Game Downloads
Has all MM games, MN9, romhacks, patches + BN cia files

>Audiovisual Media
Contains:Cartoons, Anime, Comics, Manga and other printed media - Music Playlists and albums
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>Greeting you at the door wasn't enough
>Lap pillows weren't enough
>20+ down bad lines weren't enough
>Gives you this
Made for weeb losers
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you see, i'm more concerned about that empty chair was for rita but the endgame pulls a BN6

Or maybe it's just ptsd, haha...
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In true Inti fashion, their favorite characters are not our favorite characters. No lore for loli games.
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I don't understand the pic and I still haven't tried the demo but the more I see about her the more I love her. From the little I gathered by how fast she gets attached she either is super desperate or some sort of time traveler.

Melt when???????
How does Grimmnoir get a thousand muses but not an actual stage
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And she still still isn't nowhere near the top weeb killer waifu Inti has done
For me, it's that nerd girl with a pet owl from DMFD. Truly one of the Inti characters of all time.
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>Play demake x8
>decide to do an armorless serenade to see how i fare
>get to the point i can no damage the first phase
>second phase keeps fucking me up because Serenade refuses to stop spamming the spinning move with the tohou balls
why is this bitch allowed to do that shit in this phase with the gay mesatsu letters and even worse why can he do it in a fucking row
point and laugh
For me, it's Lev.
>Axl takes the sedative or he has to be awake in the Marino trap
>Yuto doesn't actually have diagonal walking sprites
Did everyone on the SNES cheat like this?
Maybe Sword Art Online was into something when it said that gaming has an arsonist problem
Yes. You don't agree because you are a motherless traitor.
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In the end the games with dungeons were the ones in the title. I wish iX didn't have a dungeon.
Unless...we get NTR CnC DLC
All it takes is 1 rigged popularity poll and then there will be DLC worlds for the waifu pandering games
There's no incel game for Koreans to vote for though.
this thread is, yet again, rather revealing
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Which CnC girl is most likely to laugh at your dick?
You know what to do, trianglebros.
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>started playing umbraclaw
>heard it's a metroidvania
>it's actually linear stage based game with a small hub area
I should have known. I fucking hate everyone calling every god damn 2d platformer a metroidvania.
the power-ups you get from dying seem to be a bit random which is pretty strange. The game feels weird overall and I can see why people didn't like it.
It's a ZXvania
I think most just assumed it was metroidvania since it had the BMZ director. No one played the full game to know otherwise.
Metroid Fusion is the same and people pretend it's the same genre as the past Metroid games
>it's actually linear stage based game with a small hub area
That's how a roguelike fag feel when someone recommends them a roguelite while saying it is a roguelike.
>power-ups you get from dying seem to be a bit random which is pretty strange
It's generally based on how you died (falling on spikes will give you bird or bat most of the time, for example) but it's still pretty random. And let me tell you, some are MUCH better than others. Getting elephant early will hard carry you through the entire game while shit like prevasion is a debuff if you're playing on cat form.
>prevasion is a debuff if you're playing on cat form.
No, it's not. It's essentially more HP. Only if you are bruteforcing instead learning the pattern somehow it would be worse otherwise the energy you lose when getting hit in a extra opportunity to learn the boss pattern. Keeping Mayfly as your first death power-up is the best thing you can do as cat.
I think ps2 games were still cheating like this
I got mayfly first which I assume is what you mean by prevasion but I don't see why it would be an issue unless you really want to be using your other spirit costing skills outside bosses. I got moose second which seems pretty OP and I don't really use anything else. I did some resetting early on to avoid deaths so I saw a few others, and I assume cheetah is mutually exclusive with moose and see how some options are way better than others.
why the fuck do people keep thinking things are metroidvanias (I realize this is not your fault)
same reason they make funko pops
>is that a [recognizable thing]-like? HUBBA HUBBA
Megaman X6 (and X5 kinda) is objectively more Metroidvania than Metroid Fusion and Castlevania Order of Ecclesia.

>You can skip most stages and obtain the power-ups at almost any order
>Areas that you need to backtrack later
>Lots of optional areas as nightmare portals
>128 reploids to rescue
>8 armor parts to discover
>8 heart tanks to collect
>2 sub tanks
>1 weapon tank
>1 EX tank
Bullshit. Unless you absolutely don't want to get the magatamas all prevasion does is make the fights take longer. Tiger boss with mayfly is pure frustration.
>make the fights take longer
But if somehow Mayfly is making the fights taking longer it's because you're getting hit often. And you DON'T want to get hitten often so Mayfly is more tries for the boss. Mayfly at it's worst is useless (you never get hit). It actually helped you with tiger if you got hit that much in first place.
What am I looking at here? What do you mean about lore?
The game main story is composed by 9 game world dungeons and 3 grand battles in the real world. GrimmNoir, Fable of Spirit, Planet Garden IV, Triangle Meister, Shirochidori, Deset Rings and maybe more than I'm forgetting don't have story dungeons. There's 4 extra dungeons but they don't seem to be tied to any game world.
One of my dreams is to one day make a single game that unites all content from x4, x5, x6 and Xtremes all built kind of like a metroidvania, following the logic of x6 for the most part.
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jkb plz
The problem with prevaion is that it uses the energy you get by dodging into attacks. So every time it triggers you have to expose yourself to more risk just to get to the same point you were before getting hit.
I see. Thank you.
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Meanwhile it's leaked Dawn is an incarnation of God's daughter, Space, and is part of a holy trinity.
Inti is lacking lately.
her raw ass is in the game?
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I want to explore her dungeon.
Probably not and this is just standard lewd inti promo art.
So far only Ekoro gets close with ingame art, but she still has panties when doing the naked apron.
Also, I don't want to jump the gun but...the streamer didn't have Ancie or RiTA muses listed in the stock so maybe they're simply forged in a story event or maybe by some condition without entering the stock. He also didn't go past Hard+7 in any stage and naturally his upgrade list was incomplete so that could be related to that too. It could be that they enter your stock in 100% completion? The video with all muse songs don't list either but every other piece of information mentions there's 50 in total for you to find.
rewrite the whole damn 3 games if so. sentence sigma to death
Have you played Azure Dreams?
>I wish iX didn't have a dungeon.
They are compelled to shill it as being its own series.
GV3 really did ruin everything...
dungeons & dragoon
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up until now, characters not dying being a requirement is either a new skill or they are relevant to the plot
so I assume that scene will happen soon
lev instant loss
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time power?
The power to play a song and move a large blue block back or forward in time.
Request approved
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well I finished umbraclaw now
honestly smashing everything with moose and barely having to care about enemies or even bosses got pretty boring by the end
And despite dying ~7 times the game says that's good enough for the best ending? Seems pretty lenient.
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cutman best master
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>What is the entire storyline of Megaman X
What request?
WAH he said the thing!
This bitch is a nazi prick even in crossovers
>the entire storyline of Megaman X
"and then a sigma popped out"
A definitive actor behind the mayham is a bit different from the existential, baked-in nihilism that comes with the vague and looming threat that SOME DAY, there's the strong chance that someone will be born with powers too strong, and bring about the end of the world, whether intentional or not.
But from the discussion had, it's clear that's not the case with GeeVee's universe, and it seems unique to him.
it's over, i'm esl (i have no pig rxn images to post)
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>meanwhile, during this traumatic moment for zero
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Pandora lewd animation, I've resent it

it's Pandora getting her shirt pulled up, revealing her bouncy breast, then she press her arms in front of them to hide her nipples in shame. I asked for an extra scene if possible (boob grab)
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Nice. I like that idea too, hope it gets made.
>a world where X4 plot didn't happen
>Makenai Ai
Cute, fuck Iris though.
don't mind if i do
>makenai ai
but what's iris got to do with X's song
this time it should get made
I see lev people
I don't get it, she's just sitting there.
They mostly come at night
Do you think the goddess from Gal Gun ever got her back walls hit by a human and that's why she sends angels to aid humanity?
She just needed to get told no way fag again
>finds genuine happiness with a human of all things
Did I miss something? I thought the angels just go to earth to collect love energy
Which they do by making humans fall in love with each other.
And also they fight demons.
*They make humans fight demons
I'm Believer is X's song.
Only recently. And they pay them with candy.
Capitalism is a hell of a drug.
They just know their audience. More room for DLC.
when's the Ancie sex dungeon dlc
And that Dawn aspires to be a housewife in her future alongside being a Ameriboo whose design was inspired by Ashlee Simpson.
Meanwhile Ekoro and Patako just live with Tenzou forever, just freeloader.
They probably still fucked, but still.
>aspires to be a housewife
>stuck in permanent timeloop
One of the mysteries of gaming is “Why is Mega Man 2 the best Mega Man despite all the sequels and additional series?” Certainly developers would have gotten better over time, yes? The secret is that Mega Man 2 is the most consistent Mega Man game. It is consistent in its gameplay as well as its tone.

Compare the intros…

Mega Man 7 wasn’t overshadowed or overlooked. The game SUCKED. The intro tells you this is anime. The joke at 3:05 is pure cringe.

While early Mega Man, what got the series popular:
There is no dialogue, and the text only excites the imagination. The music is the voice of the game.

There’s a reason why fans stop coming back to these games. It’s because the developers don’t understand the game worlds. No one wants ‘hat jokes’ in Mega Man games.
>Dawn is based off Ashlee Simpson.
Mexicans here going to kill themselves
She doesn't. Gets back before bdsp.
No she doesn't.
Kitamura, please.
The human incarnation of Palkia isn't getting stranded by her own mother.
The openings and menus are literally the same. Hell MM7's is better.
>intro tells you this is anime
>implying that's a problem
Is this a copypasta from 2007 or something?
Gunvolt needs hat jokes
Already got stranded.
Gunvolts needs a lot of things.
This is why you ignore the Castillian version of anything.
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you were thinking about HAM
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>all those hikarifags wanted to fuck the anime version of this
Anon your Pandora looks funny.

she's not actually based off of Ashley Simpson, she's however a fan of her music. Lucas likes Linkin Park
needs the hat
that's Roro, I know
he'd probably take his chances
>Last thread was about how Inti tried to make Kirin the most japanese character they ever made and ended up with a white woman who fucks dogs
>Ancie was meant to be the ultimate nerd trophy GF
>Comes off as a desperate OLd hag
That's what makes her so cute. Would RiCO do naked apron?
Iris would never rearrange her physical form to suit your tastes.
On one hand, thanks Pandora fucker. On the other, you are the first one to focus on Roro's boobs instead of her ass
>OLd hag
I think he meant OL(office lady).
She doesn't have an ass so might as well.
>Iris would never rearrange her physical form to suit your tastes.
She had a fucking boob job done between Xtr2 and X4 like the Lebanese girl she is.
those are upgrades
Going full Lebanese would be her having botox on her lips and a bbl.
She did that for herself.
Damn, whose septima has she been eating.
It's the rainbow eye contacts that kill the design for me.
And that is why both of them will be forgotten outside Teppen while Ancie will be the butt of all jokes for ages
Don't ask a racist reploid what race her boyfriend is
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This whole thing feels like a Simpsons gag
>"Huh sir, why did you give your artists the image of a white American woman to make a japanese 12 year old"
>"Asian girls don't look like Asian girls on videogames"
>So what do you do if you need a white girl in your videogame"
>"Usually we ask for a malnourished chinese girl or a bunch of latinas taped together"
Product reception supersedes intended aim by the author. That's how Hotel Rwanda and Blood Diamond are considered two of the best comedy movies ever made.
>All this copium over Dawn liking the USA more than Shitxico
I have nothing to do about this picture, I just saw it on my twitter TL and thought you guys might like it.
>Thinks this is copium
>Thinks this is about Dawn liking Unova
Alia is another OLd hag. But she gave up, left herself go and got a cat...what do you mean she's not even 24?
>Still coping hard
what frimelt
what hurricanemelt
Airman can't keep getting away with this
oh good we're back to pokemon nonsense shit
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>Still yelling at the wall
But also Lev.
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I wish the harem end was canon
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Levis Luvec Levos Levosec
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>On a double twist of events Hypno is now the children's hero
>hahaha I know I'm offtopic I'm doubling down on it
>Ancie ends up last place
And now she's in a turf war for a favela in hell
>They’re all present day action games
That’s not very diverse of them
Day of Levos
The future refused to change...
Haha... Yeah! And her future children will all be brought up without any bad influences as well...
>a world just for reploids
Well fuck you too Iris.
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looking forward Pando jiggle physics
Houdai should just marry Kurona instead
You must purge the demons, not marry them
>he doesn't want to convert his brain data as cyberelf data so he can be installed in an immortal reploid body
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Just finished replaying Gal Guardians on legend difficulty, it kicked my ass in early game despite me not finding normal mode difficult at all. Great game, I'm even more hyped for Servants of the Dark now.
>the ultimate irony of your arch nemesis now being the surrogate mom of your children
Somewhere in heaven, a certain exorcist is having conniptions.
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bros... is flamefrit going to flop...?
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You can't flop if it didn't cost anything to make
aren't all inti games a flop by default
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Flamefrit 2 will save the franchise
I'm waiting for the full release to play it.
I suppose the game will be like 3hrs long at best.
I tried so hard and got so far
But in the end, it doesn't even matter
I had to fail to lose it all
But in the end, I can draw Pando lewds
>3hrs long at best
And that's a good thing.
>Flannery is 26
>Winona 16
I'm reminded X and Zero are supposed to be physically 14.
I used your post as a prompt on AI song maker if you don't mind
this was the result
Pandork Rising: Revengeance
good lyrics, but the music is supposed to be linkin park in the end
hence why I was exoressing my desire for a local model the other day, you can't make copyrighted music with those
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what do ero points do
resource for special moves, if you attack and the unit survives, he will probably counter with a shiny cutscene that will leave you with 1/3 of your full HP
is it like EN or limit break
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EN, the gauge increase by receiving and giving damage
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Lev but big
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making some progress, I'll need to do some adjustment of the lineart. I use my previous illustration for color reference
>you probably
stick with aislop
from the thumbnail it looked like you had opened her hat like a can
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So I was in a /v/ thread and apparently Reploids are biomechanical? At least around Zero series onwards.
Is this true? Cause I don't doubt they evolved to this level at some point by the ZX era. I only remember mentions of Reploids having lifespans, but with kid reploids and some of them growing as well as humans getting implants I don't see it as far-off.
So, are there biomechanical, breedable Reploids? And if so since around when?
>Hardest difficulty isn't called "Exorsist Club"
Would've at least explained Cope's preference for females of the shorter stature.
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Yeah there is. When? Is kind of ambiguous since they have human-ish skin and body parts in X but lose that in Zero and somehow get it back in ZX along with humans losing their skin or something because Inticreates is pantsu on head retarded. Regardless, even X himself had DNA and he's a robot, not a reploid and he went on to have 4 kids albeit in a lab through test tubes without his consent but yeah. Just make up your own headcanon for it until Capcom comes back to the series and confirms otherwise because Inticreates kind of can't write consistently and that threw everything out of whack.
Just for me to understand: I know those references are ambiguous to if Gunvolt truly is the (a) future of Gal Gun or not. But isn't Copen's father supposed to be some foreigner?
At very least he didn't seem like Houdai in the little I read of him.
So would this means the timeline branches with both sisters losing and meetng someone else
From X onwards anon. Reploids are basically magic people and what they can and can't do varies greatly from the telling.
In X we see the navigators eat and drink, and in ZX Grey eats and drinks but in Z reploids cannot do so for example.
Not at all before ZX, and only maybe even then. Reploids have lifespans and humans have cyber bodies and/or enhancements in ZX, but I don't think we ever hear anything about how reploid or human production and reproduction works.
There's DNA stuff in X, but that feels more less like evidence that reploids are biomechanical and more like they don't know and/or care how DNA works.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, you're putting way too much stock in that X collection image. If you just dismiss it as a fun little completion reward then it solves so much stuff.
>if you just ignore things to fit my headcanon everything is better
>you're putting way too much stock in that X collection image.
Except X Dive clearly and visually putting said images into motion. You're putting way too much stock in Inticreates writing when they themselves did not give a shit.
Oh. Damn. That's actually way sooner than I imagine. Cause in X series I thought at most it would be advanced programs and Wily's virus, nothing organic. So I assumed at most Zero series.
I don't think there is a right answer as >>498549812 noted it isn't like Capcom did a complete announcement. At most I assume it has to happen somewhere before the ZX series.
Because of Albert. He infused his blood in intended matches, and Ashe is his descendant. Meaning with people like Thetis with upside down triangles, the Reploids from ZX already have biological functions.
>Except X Dive clearly and visually putting said images into motion
Wait holy shit really?
>Wait holy shit really?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6xtkPLGdJs Yeah.
Says the anon ignoring the context of what I said to suit his argument. Don't pretend that the fun little completion reward CG isn't a fun little completion reward CG.

>X Dive
We've been over this too, anon. It's gachashit, it doesn't give a fuck, it'll do whatever it wants if it gets you to roll and appeals to (You), that's what gachashit does.
>You're putting way too much stock in Inticreates writing when they themselves did not give a shit.
Unlike Capcom? Unlike the fucking gacha? What are you even saying here?

Yeah, it COULD work in ZX. They don't really get into that, but that also means you can headcanon it as whatever.
>if it contradicts my vision it's not canon!
Okay anon.
Alia is still Ciel's biological great grandma
>We've been over this too, anon. It's gachashit,
Yeah we have and I'm not doing this song and dance with fucking Rollfag of all people again.
Is Ancie going to be Inti's greatest heroine that surpasses Eve?
She's gonna be Kirin 2. People will remeber her but not for the intended reasons.
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You're right, you're not.
Is Rollfag the new catch-all thread boogeyman? I'm seeing that get thrown around a lot lately.

lol no
Houdai was fated to be with Shinobu but if you do Maya's route he changes destiny and ends up with her instead, leaving Shinobu hopelessly single until the Kamizono Family arranges a marriage with a half-Japanese half-gaijin (probably German) Sumeragi scientist, and then they have Copen and Mytyl.
Shinobu's route or the Sisters harem route probably leads to Grim Guardians.
In Maya's route she both befriends Kurona and later on becomes the family head, which is how the family ends up with "Nori" as a maid and later guardian of her nephew and niece. That's why Copen only refers to an aunt in his ending in GV2.
X is a reploid the same way a Model T is a car; just because he's the first prototype doesn't mean he's not technically included in the latter group. They're exact (but imperfect) copies.
>Is Rollfag the new catch-all thread boogeyman?
Only when he's giving retarded advice in his typical reddit spacing manner, making it obvious.
So yes, it's just an empty word now.
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A "yes" would have sufficed.
>reddit spacing
You shouldn't use terms you don't understand, anon.
Like clock work, here he goes again. Better this than off topic Pokemon discussion, I guess.
The DNA-Data stuff is more schematics with some spirituality pegged to it via DNA-Souls, the Guardians as "direct descendants" of his are a matter of forking bits of said data that somehow came off the proper DNA-Soul/Cyber Elf.

They're called Reploids because they're Replicas of an Android. X is that android, a replica of nobody with specific intent to become as much his own person as possible. Shame about the more-than-tripled ethics testing period overfitting him into catastrophic outgroup preference.
Yes Lev pussy works
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Well, if you told me you were drowning
I would not lend a hand
I've seen your face before, my friend
But I don't know if you know who I am
Well, I was there and I saw what you did
I saw it with my own two eyes
So you can wipe off that grin, I know where you've been
It's all been a pack of lies

And I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh Lord
Well, I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, oh Lord
I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh Lord
And I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, oh Lord, oh Lord

Well, I remember, I remember, don't worry
How could I ever forget?
It's the first time
The last time we ever met
But I know the reason why you keep your silence up
No, you don't fool me
Well, the hurt doesn't show, but the pain still grows
It's no stranger to you and me

And I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh Lord
Well, I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, oh Lord
I can feel it in the air tonight, oh Lord, oh Lord
Well, I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, oh Lord

I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh Lord
Well, I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, oh Lord
I can feel it in the air tonight, oh Lord.
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That's literally a Kamehameha.
Well, if you told me you were drowning
I would not lend a Lev
Annihilator hadoken!
X and Zero only kill robots, not sentient beings. That's how I know this is bullshit.
Zero literally kills a human.
how do you know they're sentient? they could be lab grown monsters that can only take basic commands. Like a fleshy robot.
why is naked X using tax buster
why is hadoken scaly cannon
Lev's newest single is dark as fuck!
Not the X franchise Zero.
Zero isn't 14. It's just X, and in the JP X2 manual he's 15 then they stopped giving an age for him in X3.
Shinkuu Hadouken is basically Kamehameha, yeah.
Why does X know that hadouken, idk
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progress, progress
>Why does X know that hadouken, idk
Isn't Light canonically a huge SF nerd?
You're going to turn into a titty
The actual weird part is that neither Ryu nor Ken, which are just on the other side, never do that. Maybe if they were doing the beam version you could say "oh X just updated by weapon copy or something" but no, he does the beam on his own.
We only know about regular hadouken and shoryuken but who knows if X found more silly SF capsules on the way.
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How did you start drawing? Did you just copy what pixiv/skeb artists were doing?
Beam version is from mvc where the sf characters got a power boost to match the xmen etc. So X is powerful enough.
>the new catch-all thread boogeyman
No. Just for that anon. He's been ass blasted for years now.
It's really ramped up now to the point are just pointing fingers at any post now.
I always "knew" how to draw, as I always got good grades in art class and got a keen eye to replicate what I visualize/see.

I draw with a mouse, (no tablet) before I couldn't draw well with regular mouses, now I got a high precision mouse so I can draw better.

I'm used to do some editing pictures on software skeb gimp/krita for memes/reaction image, it's what I'm using to draw.

However I need a lot of reference to draw, I had to wait to get enough good quality Pando arts to learn how to draw her in a good style with good proportions and good coloring/lighting. It's true that it looks a bit too much like the art I commissioned. I use a reference for a general idea, and modify it based on how i visualize what I want. I only trace my own ms paint quality rough sketches and reajust the linart to look better.
>Eve is Roll
>Pantera is Roll
>Leviathan is Roll
>Colonel is Roll
I don't get it.
Isn't Ciel Roll?
You forgot the most important one
>Zero is Roll
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>fuck traffic lights
>Rollfag is still going
I really shit in your cereal, didn't I?
Can't be. Zero never shits himself.
Neither does Leviathan or Colonel.
There are exactly FIFTY-SEVEN card-carrying Rollfags in /mmg/ at this time!
Or Roll.
Whoa there Rollfag, getting ahead of yourself there...
I literally cannot defecate but I just know your mouth must be hurting with all da shit u be talking on me and my Aunty Roll #HotOnes
Imagining Roll cosplaying as Leviathan and trying to pass herself off as Leviathan only to out herself as a massive brown trail involuntarily runs down her leg mid sentence
plants are cyborgs in X. If anything Z reploids were made to be unable to process organic material to remove any "humanity" they had. ZX reploids are 200 after Z so 200 years to fix the racism.
>The tits on those dolls
Then why does he wear a diaper?
It's clearly a panty. Unlike Roll who's "panty" is just a diaper despite Rollfag trying to claim she's just puffy.
There were some weird cyber-plants in X. It was in Zero where they were almost all artificial.
I'm also not sure what point you're going for here.
>Zero wearing panties
Sounds really homosexual
>first spamming Kirin furfaggotry
>now literal shit
>obsessed with one particular Roll fan in a megaman thread
Mentally ill.
Well yeah, haven't you seen all the Megaman X fanart involving him?
Pay your inti tax Rollfag
Do you have a scat fetish?
Sounds like shitposting to me.
Carlos, I am going to kill you.
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You little shit.
You have real plants being cyberized to help with Earth's pollution problem post Eurasia.
Pretty sure that's because Eurasia's life support systems are still going.
Sure, but it's not to the point where there's just no natural...uh, nature left.

You're thinking of Area Zero in Z4.
I love the irony of the colony drop that put the world on the path to ruin ended up being the last chance it has for survival.
Eurasia nuked itself and any plants in the general area. That's why it took 100+ years in the zero timeline for nature to return
Desperate OL jokes are ten times funnier than
jokes though
Feels like scolding a dog that shit in the house
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I think the total maximum I saw was 120 units, maybe 150 counting second phase.
Is this the usual amount for the SRW genre or are there examples of games with more?
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forgot image
Ancie panders to losers so hard that she is a gag. Nothing more nothing less
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That's the average but there are special cases with even more or even infinite reinforcements
>or even infinite reinforcements
I wish there was something like this here, for the dropz
Those cases with infinite reinforcements usually have a losing condition that prevents you from exploiting it too much, either turn limits or a forced retreat if you hit an important enemy.
In other cases it's a single boss enemy that refuses to die and heals back to full HP indefinitely until you fullfill the map's condition.
btw I'm still annoyed that I didn't get all item boxes on earlier maps because I didn't know that doing the requirement skips everything.
And nothing makes me hate more than the Aura rescue because I think on the last one I didn't have enough time to grab and kill everything.
>I'm obviously not replaying from 0 in a game like this
He is a furry and from /sthg/ so...yes.
PXZ is a simple and straightforward game so if you miss items it's not a big deal, there's also nothing like in SRW as sub objectives that give goodies or secret unlockables so there are no permanent missables.
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Yeah, the game is rather simple indeed, but it still annoys me, specially because I like using the XP gauge ones. I had to start being strategic about enemy order to better use gauge because otherwise I would have nothing to use if I get a hard fight.
>Card Incel is good
>Nyanfrit is good
>Maid Guardians is shaping up to be good
Intibros... are we back...?
If those games make their money back and then some, yes we are back. Card En Ciel is the most worrying because of this.
Explains the fascination with Roll

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