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Translated trailer for MGQP Part 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSK1EcbLdTc

MGQP will be released November 1st 2024. Further information here:https://ci-en.dlsite.com/creator/4710/article/1247195
Castle of Temptation has finally been released
NEW Youmaen has finally been fully translated : https://mega.nz/file/5Z1QnDZQ#4fFLCwIIP5xWrs0e8xVptgGHnmYOx8qNY37-PiWtHmc
SHRIFT II 2.56 has been mostly translated https://mega.nz/file/KIEAnAAR#gZSP8wYdutRThD3wJkcd1L2mPTgpzUdPyKzdVG4BOKw
New MGQ Wiki: https://mgq.miraheze.org/wiki/MonsterGirlQuest_Wiki
New MGD Wiki: https://monstergirldreams.miraheze.org/wiki/Monster_Girl_Dreams_Wiki
Three Charms Lonesome Spirit collab translation has been updated; Link: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/435693950/#q435711784

Game guides and resources: https://pastebin.com/ATqygPX7

You can get the latest translation of the Paradox Part 3 Demo translation files from ArzorX's Bitbucket:

You can get the Part 3 Demo files directly from Fanza here:

You can read a guide on how to apply the patch at ArzorX's Blog here:

ToroToro Resistance's blog:
Previous Thread >>497631668
Promestein looking kinda weird here
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Vanpires > Vampires
what's the difference
How big is too big?
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>penis fight
>collab gardevoir
I hope extra modded monsters and such (in the vein of Side Stories to the VN) aren't too hard to add in Part 3
>dude affection imp
>horny eva weeks
>monster world bad
>game comes out, talking about coexistence from the VERY START
>game shows that to be a laudable goal, but acknowledges that it's tough and complex
>RPG sequel continues this message, making it crystal clear that the solution is going to involve cooperation and coordination through the multiverse
>weirdo losers with no media literacy fight over which dystopia is better, even though the zero subtlety point is that both clearly suck
>both clearly suck
Sure, but we all know which one sucks more.
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>coexistence is a laudable goal!
>but if it came down to it we could stomp those monsters into the dirt ez!
What did TRTR mean by this
Riddle time!
Monsters want me. Women fear me. What am I?
Human penis.
Monsters were made to be impregnated by Humans
That's just Trtr excuse for how humans live as independent beings instead of being in perpetual slavery.
I understand the idea behind teamwork and society being able to overcome the strong but solitary monster girls, but the problem is that the difference is way too steep. A single mid rank monster is already impossible to harm by practically any human while a high rank monster can take down cities overnight. Paradox fixed most of it but in the og trilogy without this answer the first question one would ask themselves is how did the nations survive the monster invasion at the end for even an hour.
>how did the nations survive the monster invasion at the end for even an hour.
Basically the monsters that were raping them but not killing them all came out of the woodwork and said "back off, that cock is mine."
There isn't even a single human of note in the story, let alone any location that is shown to be a bastion of human power.
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I love you Youmaen Translator Anon! Thank you!
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Black Alice world is obviously the best.
I think it's more a numbers and organization game. There are far more humans, and humans are exceptionally social.

Also, the whole queen and monster lord structure is about maintaining homeostasis.They keep their subjects in line to keep them from overpopulating and exhausting their food supply.

That's why the Beezlebubs had to be sealed, because they breed exponentially, and would upset that balance, even though they aren't exceptionally strong individually.
I'd be exhausted if I spent all my time around harpy girls.
Monsters are also shown to be highly independent and most don't care to follow their leaders command unless absolutely necessary. Even if no one attacks big cities individually, travel between the world should be impossible since a single monster ambush could take on any human caravan no matter the size difference and the whole "there's a sacrifice male that's left behind" doesn't cut it with how many are bound to show up.
Besides, the whole food source has been so inconsistent that it may as well not exist. They don't need semen, they just like the taste of it.
>s, the whole food source has been so inconsistent that it may as well not exist. They don't need semen, they just like the taste of it.
didn't alice say something about being given pre milked semen to drink? It is extremely hard to tell how much of it they actually need though, you are right there.
>Paradox fixed most of it
Paradox made no effort to explain how humans reached that level of technology when monsters existed. Imagine being a human back in caveman times in MGQ, how the flying fuck did they survive it
Yeah, but I think that's the only time they explicitly mention doing something like that. Besides that, monster girls needing semen to survive makes absolutely no sense because
>They have been around before humans even existed
>Some of them live so isolated and in remote locations that the idea they have a steady supply of it is laughable
>The only place we see human farms is in Succubus village as a joke when the monster towns should realistically be filled with them if it really is necessary to survive
>The monster continent itself has no human population whatsoever and can only be accessed via wings while also being filled with weak and land locked monsters
Of course this is all taking things too literally but if we take the story seriously then no monster could realistically need semen to survive.
It's funny 'cause it's true.
The great monster war was just a thousand years before the story, in terms of human evolution that's nothing. If we assume that Ilias was completely supervising early humans until they managed to get a stable society even after Promestein gave them fire then they should have been protected from monsters invasions. It's just cope but the only explanation I can think of.
Weren’t there Proto-Humans around back then? Stronger but more mentally unstable with less reproduction capacity?
I assumed eventually after an era of nonstop combat the current type of humans would be the norm.
>Proto humans were weird faceless tentacle monstrosities
>The next step of humanity according to Promestein where the Replicants, weird faceless tentacle monstrosities with Anglerfish like reproduction
I won't question the logic of a monster girl porn game evolution but trtr really has some interesting ideas about what peak physical form looks like.
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Someone in the previous thread said MW/AW is lawfags vs. chaosfags with half the IQ points and I couldn't have put it better myself. In fact I'm pretty sure it's just a parody of that. Poking fun at morality systems and "righteous villains" in JRPGs, like how the rest of the game parodies JRPGs. Both sides are hilariously over the top evil sadistic rapists so it's more funny than anything when they profess their goals and ideals. But somehow internet users unironically take sides and cheer, it's amazing
Someday I will play smt5 but that day is not today.
You have to be tolerant. Rape is the center piece of monster culture.
>Human has sex with his loving monster wife
>She still has to make it look as rapey as possible to outside viewers
At some point you just guess that Alice I had a rape fetish and passed it down to all her children.
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Couldn't be bothered finding a suitable image, have a shitpost one.

Ritual post contents:

Album of my lewds: https://catbox.moe/c/w5gtyf

Friends commissions: https://catbox.moe/c/vo902u

Big post, still needs updating: https://pastebin.com/DCfArGfe
Just 17 more days to go....
Those threads will become even worse when Part 3 is finally out huh?
But preganon, ALL your posts are shitposts.
Well, if a pseudo discord circlejerk with barely any actual on-topic posting is what you loved, I suggest making a discord server for other fags if you're afraid of people talking about paradox here.
Any good monstergirl games come out recently? I've been out of the loop for awhile.
Promestein LOVE!
A newest game in the SEQUEL series came out a few days ago - SEQUEL Thirst, but it's untranslated so far. The spin off game from this series - INNOCENT RULES is close to getting fully translated, shouldn't take much longer.
Attention! You have entered into a universe that has never existed.
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angels good
monsters bad
>Finally have a fight against AW Eden
>Huh, I wonder what her scene is like
>Literally the exact same as regular Eden but with her clothes on
Setouchi you hack, you did a million Eden requests, how hard was it to make the art for the new character not a simple reskin. And I bet MW Eden will have the exact same boring scene.
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Monsters just fucking rape you and continue on with their day like nothing weird ever happened.
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angels good (at sex)
monsters bad (at sex (compared to angels))
Monster stacies best and always winning
Angelcels worst and always losing
>Ilias want to have humans to interact with equals and stuff
>becomes a punitive Goddess and forbids romantic relationships with angels as heavy sins that are paid with 10.000+ years of rape
>inevitably cause the creation of rebels among the angels and humans including the psychotic angel slayer Heinrich
>Alipheese the 1st just encourages everyone do whatever the fuck they want causing senseless murder everywhere. By the way she is the cunt that designed vore holes in her bloodline.
>Ilias easily gets to mold a religion anti-monster girls.
>meanwhile in Pokemon their creator goddess just pretended to be wounded to get pity and free human sex.
>once a while makes a weaker avatar to get a human partner and adventure around
You know the goddesses are retarded when even a goddamn pokemon figured out how to easily connect with humans
/mggg/ apocryphal savefile
>A. Short News
The clock is ticking, but I'm confident, that everything will be finished 'til November 1st. As for the decisions in the apocryphal run: we joked around and got the respective achievement; we didn't bully Sonya and said nice things to her; we sided with Plants in Plansect and we sided with Queen Ant in the insect queen sidequest.
>B. Current status
apocryphal NG++ playthrough:
apocryphal collab playthrough:
>C. Bonus
At least the blue Shirohebi mod is finished and can be freely used on the v2.41 as well as the v3.00 files. It swaps the red Shirohebi with the blue one in every aspect including sex scenes. Link:
>D. The Plan
Finish the apocryphal run. Level the jobs according to (pic related) and then together with the thread make savefiles (canon as well as apocryphal) v3.00-ready regarding the job builds.
Eva is working. WORKING... well playing.
>Eva is archiving the part 3 ready /mggg/-canon MGQ:P savefile:
>270 fatigue
stop getting raped
Anon, I...
>World Breaker
>Armored Berserker
Who else will fit the "Ow the edge" team? I'd like to add in chaos characters but this is for the Destroyer of Heaven route.
Fallen Heinrich was revealed and will likely be a different form. As for the fourth member, I can't think of any other Angel killing character with an edgy look but there's bound to be several in the MW route.
>Who else will fit the "Ow the edge" team?
Judgement as alternative to Worldbreaker
Idea Lukas (assuming the "everyone will be recruitable" thing will really happen)
Marcellus (he looks like an edgy OC from mid 2000s)
AW Lucifina (she's clearly meant to be crazy so I think she fits in)
What do you think are the chances of recruiting alternate Lukas into part in part 3 (not clones, not alternative forms for Paradox Luka, actual alternate universe Lukas)
I was so excited for part 3 this month that my body is dying, been pooping water blood for 3 days now after spending 2 weeks in the hospital where they couldn't figure out why I was losing so much energy, it's over for me bros, My only wish is that Sonya gets a happy ending after all the bullying and NTR
voregod... i... im so sorry you wont see part 3
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bro wtf go back
You'll get VN Luka that's now a badass dad and that's it.
Get as better as you can, even if you have to incur and ignore a massive amount of medical debt
Those jingai Luka portraits may or may not get used
>VN Luka stuck in a marriage with deadbeat cuckquean wife
>goes on an adventure as soon as Paradox Luka opens the door for him
Nah, we'll see that VN's Luka divorced Alice and is now with Tamamo
Stop giving TRTR so much credit dude
But the AW is not overly evil, in fact I would say it is even better than some countries in the world, you are forced to have a job and partner decided for you but other than that it doesn't seem like humans are forced to do anything else, they can use their free time as they wish and can even say that sometimes they are not entirely happy with their lot without fear of being punished for giving their opinion, Ilias even lets the monstergirls live even if it is as second class citizens even though she really has no reason to let the monstergirls live seeing as they are of no use to her
where does everyone even get this info about the AW and MW from? i finished part 2 and am currently doing the collab, is it explained afterwards or something?
Just ignore Paradox humans getting killed or painfully tortured by Chaos because that's how AW saves the world. And the few remaining humans get no free will or charcoaled.
you get teleported into a town in AW early in part 2 and MW info is scattered about in dialogue from the lilith sisters and mw tamamo
You do realize that choosing MW will necessarily mean killing Paradox humans, right? They will literally have to suffer a death only to then have their consciousness forcibly attached to whatever body they have in the MW, where they will once again be killed or tortured by one of the Ancestors. And since humans in the AW have no free will? We literally see that Ilias does not brainwash them and they can have not completely positive opinions of the AW without Ilias punishing them in any way, the only one punished was the guy who could endanger the whole world, and even he spent an inderminate amount of time not doing what he was asked to do in the AW without being punished, while in the MW we know that humans are punished and killed even if they do not commit a crime if one of the Ancestors feels like starting to kill that day.
AWnigger is even more annoying and retarded than MGEfags.
Half of it is from the Dev's blog that larps as angels redacting most information bad about themselves like Lucifina
Dude, stop arguing with MWfag, he's not interested in serious debate and he's just going to keep saying the same thing over and over again.
They won't be tortured only pleasured, and monsters won't just get rid of humans unlike angels. The only torture is charcoal or just Chaos infusing your body in the walls where you suffer in agonizing pain because that's how AW "saves" humans.
You can stop replying to yourself now.
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>Hop cultists
>our religion dictates that you have to be happy and cum between a pair of tits. If you commot heresy (refusing to be happy is a sin) you will be punished by cumming between tits.

>Kohei Sisterhood
>our religion forbids underwear and you are our prophecized savior so you have to mate and reproduce with us. The scriptures that state so? Long destroyed

>62Studio Goddess and Angels
>actually denying pleasure and succubi is basically the Old Testament and you aren’t meant to resist anymore. You should obey your body and fuck them to your heart’s content. btw fucking a succ sullies your body so if you do that we are going to have to purify you by making you cum between heavenly tits. If you resisted temptation properly we are gonna reward you by making you cum too.

>Desire Dungeon’s angel:
>as dictate by the stars behind me you need to deny monsters and salvation is achieved by fucking my body. Your refusal is clearly because you are a shy human but don’t worry, I will milk your semen nonetheless, my future husband

This is why monsters in MGQ are objectively superior.
Based Ilias. "People" that think with their dicks are no people at all.
Spoken like a true low T limpdick.
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>shitliasfag is a castrated cuck
>in a porn game general
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>Spoken like a true low T limp- AAAAAAIIIIIEEEEEE IT BUUURNS ILIAS FORGIVE ME!!!!!!!!
>They won't be tortured only pleasured,
hahahaah. You aren't technically wrong.
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Try again, retarded pisspot.
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I knee
Funny how Alice believe in humanity now more than ilias ever will. Alice truly best girl.
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When you think about it logically, Ilias seriously didn't do a single thing wrong. All Luka had to do was kill Alice and he would've had an eternity of bliss. The surviving humans would've lived good too. In other words, the fault lies with him.
don't forget the special loot from the pot in the cell
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I don't think so.
She just needed to make refusing the angels a sin. Every single other heavenly force here >>498565708 was smart enough to get to the conclusion it’s better to do that gaslight a guy into being a husband.
Ilias is the one sole goddess that preferred to go full woman moment and forbid it in spite of wishing for human cock.
She obviously did something wrong with BA and Heinrich. A shame we will probably never know what.
He didn't age even a day since the ending of vn
Angel Girl games with a horny goddess/angels like that?
I know 62 has them every game but I really would love a game where the horny angels are the focus on a recurring theme. MGQ/Paradox are really the closest and even then angels are relegated to a small portion of the content
This is because mgq is very contrived around its mge parody base.
>They won't be tortured
>hardcuts to MW Yamatai
Nowhere does it mention pain or suffering. Everyone is a happy cumpump.
That's because no one is on par with Arceus at least without the inconsistencies of portraying him as a jobber. Ilias and the Dark Goddess are on par with each other causing their focus to be on killing and not dying to each other. Anything else is second to that.
Except for the stated fact of "inhuman experiments". Something being inhuman inherently means undesirable for humans. It doesn't matter whether you're pumped full aphrodisiacs and/or fun drugs in the process.

Also just to be safe from another definition discussion: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/inhuman
Actually it does matter.
Sounds pretty desirable though, therefore not inhuman.
Anon he doesn't care. He just arguments
>All living creatures are inherently evil!
Just good old projection
hang on
someone pull up the original japanese
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Ilias, so help me, when I finally get a translation for Part 3, I'm going to enjoy knocking your dick in the dirt
I'll just use MTL fuck waiting another 3 years for story translation.
>me who will play it without MTL but only knows like 50 kanjis
It's going to sound like raw animes in my head.
It's kind of incredible how Yamachichi is so overwhelmingly the best girl in 3 Charms. I want to marry her.
It actually worked at first since it painted Ilias as an erratic maddened goddess that tried to be good but failed her purpose but now with Monster World growing shittier and shittier nowadays you can’t see Alipheese as any better.
At least Ilias tried to help mankind in her own way even though she did a lot of fucked up shit like going through the war knowing it would destroy all unless Alipheese backed down.
But now see Alipheese is a WORSE ruler. Holy fuck, Ilias did us a favor. The monster world doesn’t have anywhere to stand. Even the Succubi Sisters, which you originally would think they are just doing their purpose, the harder choices having to kill to sustain the timeline and save souls, are fucking retards without an ounce of long term thinking. Alipheese just looks like a bigger ignorant than Alice’s mom now.
>invade world
>kill the first person you see
>oopsies he was the prophesized hero, you just royally fucked the timeline and doomed all worlds to death via antivirus
Is there any character in the MGQverse as stupid as the succubus sisters?
I mean
honestly a lot of mainstream philosophy agrees with her
confucianism, most forms of christian philosophy (if you read between the lines anyway), even some enlightement era philosophy
"evil" tends to be defined as "selfish" in these cases and it's hard to argue that humans aren't primarily selfish unless some higher purpose can bind them together
It's really hard to find someone that can reach them. They knew full well they shouldn't be playing around when they had to functionally die to cross over and had no guarantee of a return trip. They knew the mechanics of canon events and chaos but still tried their luck ''who could have known one death could cause so many ripples''.
When you see Gnosis doing the same shit, she actually calculates the amount of chaos her actions would cause before deciding killing Micaela was in an acceptable range and determining killing the main party went way beyond a safety threshold. Zion kept rampaging but she wasn't attacking innocents and actually stopped picking fights when she noticed the implications of the meeting with Raphaela meant. They had more failsafes, they could escape the timeline when they wished and they still took it more seriously
Those three sisters went in a suicide mission and nearly botched it straight away.
Tbf Gnosis herself is an apoptosis. They're literally cheating in comparison.
Thomas Hobbes comes to mind, but he's hardly unique in his view.
Not really, if anything it made Ilias accept universal coexistence thus showing that all monstergirls are inherently good.
Zion was about to drown your entire team you mermaids saved everyone.
>"evil" tends to be defined as "selfish"
That's retarded then, they aren't the same thing, or synonyms.
I will sit with the dictionary and read it at the speed of 10 lines a day, but I will play through it NOW.
Yes Promestien
This, but Daimyokai. Yamachichi is a cuck voyeur (that lies about her bust size), but definitely not the worst girl. Daji and Tsukumo are my second and third pick though.
Well they kind of are, actually, unless you define evil as "malevolence" in which case most people have seen neither good nor evil in their entire lives more than once or twice.
No they aren't.
cope, evil man
Nice projection
Greed is selfish, envy is evil.
Self-damaging spite is clearly evil.
It would be cool at the end of each route we unlock the World breaker and Judgement jobs for Luka.
>envy is evil
>"damn that guy has a cool xyz, wish I had one"
>sentenced to the 5000th circle of hell
That's not envy ackshully
Greed is "I want one"
Envy is "fuck you, you shouldn't have one"
I meant in a
>If I can't have one, no one can
Angel girls have this problem too.
And apoptosis like to rape as well.
Girls raping their defeated opponents is just a law of the MGQ universe.
Pretty much any real world evil is defined by behavior that demonstrates one is willing to cause harm to others for the sake of oneself or a group that they identify with.

Revenge/Vengeance is on the edge of that, and would be arguably outside of selfish in many cases, but there's still a lot of overlap.

Basically the only thing outside of that entirely would be the "some men want to watch the world burn" shit, but that would specifically be CHAOTIC evil, and really just a subset of that.
You sound like Paradox Promestein with all that nu-intellectual babble. They still aren't the same thing >>498588537
Hello, I'm coming out of the woods to say that Nanabee is the best girl.
Also, a year come and gone, yet demo doesn't have a NewGame+. Would copying relevant part from event 149 of version 2.41 into demo be sufficient?
Nanabi you mean?
How long do advanced jobs and races take to level compared to intermediate?
>yet demo doesn't have a NewGame+
Third route.
On average? About 2~3 times as much. Witch is an outlier because it gives a Proof ability it takes like 5 times as much.
so would this general just be gone if not for mgqp even existing?
yes? obviously
from mgq we sprang
to mgq we shall return
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Well that was a bit unobvious. Thanks.
So I'm assuming the demo save will be compatible with the full part 3 release?
would be quite silly otherwise
Is the three charm games worth playing?
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>Enjoying Ilias paradise ahead of us
See you there soon...
What happens to the soul when 1 dies in AW, MW, Regular world.
You get sent to MGE
oh nyo
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>Big tits
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This kills the boob imp.
She'll be back
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nyooo Alma you're supposed to vore me with your tail...
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Imp activity?
Get rid of them quickly, before they pee in the well, burn haystacks and houses, let loose the animals, and steal the men and boys!
Unlike that fag luka, He was a true hero and follower of the Goddess and actually worthy of Ilias's love. He was a real person who died years ago and his friend commissioned that art of him since he loved Illias so much
But I actually want them to pee in my well
If they know that, then they won't do it.
Also, you would have to deal with all the other things they do.
sweet lovey-dovey monstergirls
>all monstergirls are inherently good.
Not really. Luka just stopped the killing and enforced a two state solution on monsters and humans. Every single time a monster kills luka for no reason is pretty big proof they aren't inherently good and shit will fall apart once he dies.
i am going to hold the fuck out of their hands
What do guys think about the Card Summoner or just Oracle Skills in general? All these years I never bothered with them until this week, and I actually really dig their abilities.
Not a single monster killed Luka, he just gets sent to heaven, monstergirls are benevolent.
>the reason anons defend monster world is because they're autistic and take sent to heaven literally
Say it ain't so
NTA but its literal for Luka because Illias calls bring him back there to give him the talk before rewinding time and sending him back
>luka lives happily with a family he loves
>ilias keeps ripping him away from his family and rewinding time
>luka lost so many times the entire universe broke
Actual fake hero.
>>ilias keeps ripping him away from his family and rewinding time
Because Ilias knows that the Beelzebubs belong to me only
What Machine Translation do you recommend for Part 3? I use MTool, but I have no idea how well it'll work considering the size of Part 3. It takes a good while for it to load up translation with just the demo.
It can be really strong. It mainly uses DEX which is easy to stack through abilities (though hard to stack through buffs, so the damage ceiling is quite low). You also have tue ability 'Dual Soul' which lets your Oracle skills execute twice. Then there's the skill 'It's always my turn' which gives you 5! actions per round (though it locks you to Oracle skills. This is also the case with Dual Soul btw). High Summons and the strongest Card Throw are also reasonably strong, so you get good damage very fast (0 - 1 turn setup). Dual Soul Oracles are also super easy to combine with Berserkers giving you an additional action and thus 4 actions per turn with zero setup.
Just get a buttplug bro, it'll keep the blood in your body till it clots
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>TRTR keeps releasing Monster Girl OCG/TCG rape compilations
>other artists like Hanabi also making fanart of human women summoning monsters to rape boys in card game matches
Well I already know what the next game after Paradox is gonna be like
Stop, he's already dry!
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Ilias is so much obviously the right choice here it's insane how you could pick anything else (besides the Red, Green, Blue mystery boxes)
>Ilias is so much obviously the right choice
Er, anon. About that...
I'm partial to High King
If monster saliva can still make him hard then clearly can fuck her more
>Succubus Reborn, Succubus Duel and then TRTR makes a monster girl card game
I, for one, am completely fine with this timeline.
This but unironically
Even if MGQ is over I'm looking foward to their next projects.
I'm waiting on Part 4.
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>Paradox Part 4
>MGQ remaster
>MGQ card game
>MGQ gacha
>MGQ pachinko
>MGQ anime
>MGQ live action movie
>MGQ netflix adaptation
>MGQ Amazon series
>The onaholes of power
Luka, Alice and Ilias in smash bros when?
more accurate slug girl lovedart
>get stabbed
>suddenly extra horny
>and ready to be mpreg'd
scylla tentacles milking and plapping
I know you are in the Rimworld thread anon
Anyone here have any recommendations for Machine Translation for Paradox Part 3? I'm using MTool but I'm looking for any back ups, in case MTool commits suicide trying to load up Part 3 due to it's sheer size.
of course, I was the one who posted the wikipedia screenshot
Is he gonna get plapped or vored?
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Reminder to thank Ilias for eradicating AIDS.
>at risk of spreading beyond Ilias's intentions
So the diseases that still exist, are allowed on purpose?
Plapped by one while being vored.
Reminder that if a monster tries to vore you, just say "NO"! If you don't consent, they can't eat you and will have to settle for rape.
If there were no diseases humanities' immune system would deteriorate and leave them more vulnerable in the future.
And anons still think she's evil.
She is a disease herself. Getting rid of other diseases because they're just competition.
doesn't excuse the (attempted) total genocide of all humans and monsters
This is the world luka chose.
Do you mean literally as anon said, the monsters still getting to rape you?
I don't recall anyone in MGQ(P) complaining about being raped by monstergirls.
It's good for you.
Or the implication of monsters just voring you anyway?
Yeah, that's bad.
I'd go back to the drawing board too if I had to deal with MGQ humanity. Those retards need to be put out of their misery (except Sabasa King, he's cool).
She could've developed AIDS that specifically target those who sex with monsters...
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Remember, if a sinner rejects your advances, just say "NO". He can't withhold tribute without your consent.
That's not fair!
You picked the human with monster blood as the only good human,
Being cool even with such foul pedigree only makes him more respectable.
The monster blood is what makes him more badass. Meanwhile humans with angel blood are beta subs.
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You can play Innocent Rules now if you want to, the main game is translated. Just 2/3s of the h-scenes are left
How is the quality of innocent rules compared to the sequel games?
I don't know you gentlemen, I've never met any of you, but it's been a pleasure.
Say a prayer for the brothers who didn't live to see part 3's release.
Innocent Rules is a Sequel game...
what game
Wait, Ino isn't even an MC in his own game? Why is there a self-insert?
(You) plap him.
is it releasing soon?
What a waste. I hate japs so much it's unreal.
November 1st, you must not be visiting regularly anon
It's incredibly unfair. Why should sinners think themselves able to tell a holy messenger of the goddess what they're allowed to collect?!
You don't need to know us, we are all brothers.
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>all these posts
>no Shikis
What a sad place this has become.
>all these posts
>no Shikis
What a great place this has become.
dryfishing is bad
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It was like she was looking at walking jerky.
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I only know of 1 good Shiki girl.
I wonder if Hiruko or Kanade could apply for part of the "Ow the edge" team. Just from the trailer Kanon sounds a bit too sassy for it
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Have you only seen 1?
Oh, I've seen plenty of awful murderwhores.
How does /mggg/ deal with existential dread?
I distract myself until it goes away.
I just appreciate my mortality because I am happy knowing that I haven't been transformed into a chair by a foxgirl who forced me to fall in love with her only for her to fall out of love with me, destroy my village and cuckold me as I stand helplessly on four wooden limbs.
I imagine whatever is causing it as a monster girl who just wants to rape me.
I console myself with the fact that I will almost certainly return to consciousness in another form over and over. And eventually, given the infinite nature of time, one of the realities I find myself in will have monstergirls. I just hope the future incarnation doesn't piss away his life getting vored.
What job do you guys assign on Luka, as I'm kinda just leveling every single one on him right now.
>draw best girl
>give her worst personality
Why is Shiki like this?
wanna know something even funnier? absolutely none of the sex Ino has in that game is canon just like none of the sex the sisters have in L.deph is canon to the story wanna know something even funnier this time, paradox related? None of the sex Luka has in the pocket castle is canon not even the battle fucking out in the field is canon, the closest thing to canon fucking Luka has is in the collaboration event and the canoncity of that event is up in the air
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Hunter Luka is fun with having over half the Slayer abilities in the game.
If I unequip Alma's equipment before she leaves the party I assume I get to keep it?
Battlefucking should be canon. Sonya and the heroine reference it ingame. If you want to nitpick, then you can say that they don't reference any concrete battlefuck after the fact, but it's like saying that combat isn't canon in Paradox except for forced battles. Also looking at the Gloria Pirates I'm not even sure that it's true, though I can't look the dialogue up right now
Yes (I did the same in my first playthrough). Also another good trick is to use the short time frame you have her in your party to easily win against Leviathan, Sphinx and Yamatai no Orochi.
She lookslike she’d fuck her father until he started calling her mommy and then she’d still have the insolence to make him headpat her and call her a good girl
Hackika, la creatividad infinita
The man is wasting his talents on dumb weird platitudes to jap mentality. He obviously can do better, but refuses to.
All I want besides Part 3 TL is adult Neris that stays flat-chested. Maybe if I call Alice a cuck enough times it happens.
Wait, since Nerris was drawn by Shiki, does that mean she's going to dryfish Luka?
No, shiki became a vanillafag. This is his grand reveal.
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>Make it your entire life purpose to fuck an alternate version of your dad
>murder him the second you achieve your goal
Jesus, just how much of a shitty mother was Alice. It would also be funny if we see Neris interact with og Luka and it turns out that she's an extremely ordinary daughter with no weird thoughts of raping him.
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>Wait, since Nerris was drawn by Shiki, does that mean she's going to dryfish Luka?
Why would you assume that?
We should always trust, love and impregnate foxes.
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What's the most efficient way to acquire dlsite points ahead of time to buy part 3 when it releases? I'd just get a bitcash card off of playasia but they're sold out right now.
Anon there's a reason Luka's virginity loss scene from the VN never occurs in Paradox.
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I love Gargoyle!
Gargoyle? More like SHITgoyle
Gargoyle? More like CUTEgoyle.
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Why does this keep happening...
We should ban the posting of images of Gargoyle so that it does not happen again.
It'd be better if we just banned (You) instead.
Clarification: "Most efficient way when only using paypal"
>The first tartarus has Remina's Residential Area
>The second tartarus has Remina's Commercial Area
>The third tartarus has Remina's... nothing
>The fourth tartarus has Remina's Royal Castle
Remina's Main Square is still missing (I guess it should have been in the third tartarus)
Sex with a monstergirl? Shit
Sex with your grandma? Good
>most forms of christian philosophy (if you read between the lines anyway)
Christian scripture is as explicit as it can be here.
>"evil" tends to be defined as "selfish"
It tends to be defined as "evil". As in, things that benefit absolutely no one in any way, but which are still done because of a corrupt nature.
Still waiting for you to explain why gargoyle is so bad
human bros...how do we stop being so delicious?
Ino is the MC, he's the one having sex. Mana Tank is in the game as an invisible guy that only Ino can see
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Sex with spider girls
Insulting SHITgoyle
Hitting SHITgoyle
Kicking SHITgoyle
Killing SHITgoyle
Encouraging CUTEgoyle.
Petting CUTEgoyle.
Kissing CUTEgoyle.
Loving CUTEgoyle.
Hey anons any idea for what monster I should try to model.
Please at humanoid I can't do abominations right now.
Rami the imp
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Gargoyle! She seems easy to model but I'm biased.
Any girl would be fine except SHITgoyle.
Ilias pls...
Why do you think Gargoyle is bad?
Eva with a potato
Eden, Odette, Hellhound
She's a monster and all monsters should be killed.
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What a great answer.
You've made it a few days past the halfway point since hearing that MGQP3 will release on Halloween in American time, Nov. 1st in Japanese time. We're all gonna make it!
Piss-stained hands typed this post.
She will dryfish Luka so he belongs to her forever.
Neris doesn't dryfish anyone, she's not her m*m.
Why did the fox cross the road?
two more weeks, bros...
but you guys can't read runes
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I don't need to. I can beat the game without understanding a single word.
some smelly incel or a vtuber looking for losers to exploit made this
what gacha game or vtuber is this
Get the fuck away from my wife you homewrecker.
He's plowing the racist goddess in the sky now.

Fly high you crazy bastard.
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Would plap cupid.
>Seahorse-chan rubs your belly and smiles as she feels the baby kick
I love my wife Rami
She's bullyable, but I'd never do something so awful to her, even if she deserves it
Fuck wait, why does that make sense!?

oh no!
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Because things that are selfish ultimately doesn't benefit you in the long term, but that doesn't make it not benefit you in the short term. Catechism of Thomas Aquinas is pretty clear.
>Because things that are selfish ultimately doesn't benefit you in the long term
I'm not asking why people do selfish things. I'm saying evil extends beyond selfish action.
Human evil is almost entirely based on what is perceived to be of benefit, because nobody goes around hitting themselves in the face with a baseball bat.
Some do, but those who don't are just choosing not to actively spite themselves. That doesn't rule out actions taken either to benefit others or just to harm an enemy.
We clearly have different understandings of selfish, someone can be doing things for the sake of others or to spite his foes and still be selfish.
Sure, but it's not necessarily the driving thought behind the action then.
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That's it!
I'm opening portals to the Shikiverse!
Post the Shiki zoomer
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Here you go.
is this even a zoomer
she just looks like a normie party girl
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She dryfishes while on her phone...
Girls look at their phone if you're a bad fuck bro
shiki zoomette be bussin frfr no cap ong
shiki skibidi sigma ong frfr fanum tax rizzler lock in looksmaxxing mewing gyatt ligma glaze mud aura yapping snacc ohio iykyk ijbol bussin hits different drippy mid npc bet ig simp
>ywn be dryfished while a Shiki zoomer while 90% of her attention is on her phone and she only occasionally glances over at you briefly with a bored look on her face
It's a cruel world we live in
You too.
what is wrong with you anon
Does a physical counter count as a normal attack?
>monstergirl holds you
>"All mine~..."
>sighs contently
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The default counter? Yes.
Lol obliterated Yamata with battle master Luka and supreme attack scroll (10x normal attack). That's busted won't be using that for the rest of part 2 for now.
It's hilarious that because of that item a Land-dweller is a candidate for one of the best characters in the game.
Did you hear about the man that married an Arachne?
It was a beautiful webbing!
The appeal of stories like these is that basic differences in biology can create unique dilemmas that don't exist in real life. If you replace monster girls with horny women, you can't explain Ilias' position or any part of the Angel World/Monster World conflict.
Yeah their are a bunch of builds that would be game breaking and being able to access endgame accessories through presents is fun. But as well find my self limiting myself to make the game still difficult on hell mode, unless I want to move to paradox mode.
any cool things to get related to mgq while in japan
trtr's autograph
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Is having half red hair and half white hair popular in Japan?
Find xelvy
Would Frederica's +250% counter attack damage stack with the 400% extra counter damage accessory?
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>game comes out in 12 days and I haven't finished ilias route yet after NG+
it's over...
this but alice route
For NG+ would It be better start from the very beginning from Alice's route or NG+ from the great decision?
just b urself
I am very curious regarding the overall difficulty of part 3? As part 1 on hell was pretty difficult, but with part 2, it varies between hard and easy, depending on the enemies abilities and if they can act first.
If you never did NG+, there are some side quests where your choice decides which character is going to join you.
Also, Alice route has (including the demo) 6 exclusive companions that don't leave your party if you side with Ilias during great choice, but also don't join it if you side with Alice. You have to pick them up while playing Alice route (at least that's how it works now).
There's also a few boss fights that only happen on Alice route.
Starting from beginning is going to get you a few sorceries, and some minor exclusive recruits, but starting from the great decision will make Alice, Alicetroemeria, and Morrigan slightly stronger much faster. I guess there's also Alice's teachings but most of those skills won't be relevant if you got this far. Maybe the Axe one.
Are you the anon still playing through the game? Part 3 from the demo at least has enemies with naturally over 3000 agility so about 7000 agility on Paradox difficulty. You have much more broken options but it's a tier/grind check unlike Part 1+2 where you can meme a bunch of "I Am Speed"+Endure/Revive party members.
Yeah just arrived at Goddard during the Grand gold infiltration. Oh didn't realize stats would get that high as I know their are broken builds like using the supreme attack scroll with battle master job helped me cheese the Yamata superboss fight.
I just got all of the collab characters and I have a bunch of people I still need to get all of the jobs done for and I think I haven't even recruited all of the people I can. I've been putting it off for so long.
Stats get really high. Part 2's Final Boss has less than 1 Million HP while boss fights before the Great Decision can get up to 4 Million on normal difficulty. Also some bosses will have 2 actions making them extremely more dangerous on Paradox difficulty.
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affinity carries over between saves right?
should I just make a fresh save for part 3 without all the grind autism I did before?
Yes. Yes.

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