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Joja Edition
Previous: >>496881419

SDV Next update will be this Nov 4th

Be nice and keep on topic. If you want you can ask questions about the game or mods.
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For me, it's Haley and Emily at the same time
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You're evil....and based in the location, this wasn't made by a Jas fan.
But it's funny.
This one is way too easy to be a where is waldo. Waldo is almost never near a border.
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Tiny head between the blue shirt guy holding a plate above his head and the red shirt guy eating.
Nah I'm not doing it
I wish SDV was 3D
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>(no translation:objects.[item name x])
What causes this? Getting it with items added by SVE
I need that one krobus meme to go with this. You know the one.
It's easy. There is no translation for the item named x. You don't need to thank me.
>I have this video saved for those times when someone wish for a 3D version
No sure if based or cringe
Play rune factory 5 and say that shit again I dare you.
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Penny if she sad
Also bonus blank stare portrait

I wanted to make this the one portrait in her set that showed her from the back but I just couldn't get that to look right, and I'm not sure the remaining three emotions would look right, either. Ho hum.
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Damn cute. I would never make her sad tho
She cute
Who's left btw? I've seen Haley and Emily and Abigail too
Pretty much two left. Leah and Maru and Jas
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Maru and Leah have no progress at all, Emily and Abigail still need their overworld sprites finished as well

Also I'm not sure what to do about this thing where Penny just looks straight at you and attempts to suck out your soul from your eyeballs, since she's already looking at you in mine
You just made it. The blank expression is pretty much the same. The suck soil horror came from the vanilla artwork style. I think
Do a creepy Penny staring at you with hyper realistic eyes, something that would really catch players off guard much like the original.
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I think I'd prefer to keep things stylistically consistent but that's a decent idea if I can come up with a good pose
If not I guess I'll just copy over her neutral pose
You could just make her nipples harder
Maybe give her a zoom in portrait with an anime fish eye angle.
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Recolored the nyapu sprite to suit my personal taste
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How it was before?
Eyes were a dull green before
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>no tiny
She won me in that moment
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>130 marriage lines + random miscellaneous lines + spouse variants of festival dialogue (also gift dialogue but I'm considering saving that for a future update) left to go
This last stretch is going to be the absolute worst, but I'll pull through for my little green wife.
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Awesome. I wish you the best and good luck with it.
Is she going to have a lot of new sprites and portraits? I'll be making an anthro for Trinnie, I'll probably make her an orange cat unless you have any other ideas.
Just make her look like she's begging for Farmer cum, bro
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What about a dryad? Suit her because she talk to the plants, green theme, farmer theme, etc. Something similar like pic related
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Nothing too complex, the bulk of the work is in the sprites since there's seasonal outfits + pregnant versions of each spritesheet so you'll be doing lots of copypasting.
>I'll probably make her an orange cat unless you have any other ideas
A cat is fine too and the absolute simplest so I can't really argue against it, but since Emily and Ashley are already cats, I can't help but feel like aiming for something a bit more original. How about a very lightly furred grey squirrel? The only issue I can see would be inserting the (obligatory) big tail into her sideways sprites, but that can be easily circumvented by just hiding it behind her hair. And you may or may not also want to draw the tail behind her in the portraits too to emphasize its sheer size and fluffiness.
Anon wants to anthrofy lolis and not turn them into monster girls, so that's out of question. But yeah, I like the angle of something related to plants but I can't really think of any animals that fit that criteria while also being cute AND easy to draw.
Yeah maybe there are enough cats, I dunno why but Trinnie made me think about Tangy from Animal Crossing. Also I have nothing against monster girls, I like all kinds of nonhuman females so maybe I could try doing a dryad, otherwise I could try making her a squirrel.
Huh....pretty sure female humanoid anthro characters are also considered monster girls. But it was just a suggestion anyways. You choose in the end.
All anthros may technically be monsters but not all monsters are anthros
Anthro generally refers to animals, which of course has a lot of overlap with monster girls, but that group can include stuff like demons, zombies, slimes, and other non-animal stuff
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So it count as a monster girl, but you're only doing the animal kind. Understood.
>pregnant versions
Wait, there's actually something that lets characters be visibly pregnant?
Both the Jas and Morgan mod makes them visibly pregnant when you have a baby with them, there aren't any mods for the vanilla bachelorettes only the lolis have pregnant sprites.
that sad one is good!
I can only imagine how annoying it is to write dialogue when it all needs to follow the json syntax with line breaks and emotion codes, godspeed
Make you wonder why
Alex is the most soulful partner
He's the most boring
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That's a real weird way to spell GAAAAAYYYYYYYY
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>Tractor mod
Does anyone here still use that old shit mod?
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>shit mod
Its the most broken and OP mod, what the hell are you talking about?
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Because fuck you
>furry avatar
Yeah I ain't clicking that
>1+ hour
And that too
Stardew has a pronoun problem? Did those faggots sneak in pronouns, like they got rid of gender in Terraria? Also Rags is pretty great.
Why are you in a general for a game you clearly haven't played more than 10 minutes of? Do you get off being retarded for everyone to see?
Like you know anything, if you can't answer basic questions, wtf are you even doing? You are the worst QA tester on this website.
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It's the exact opposite; troons are seething over the way based Ape continues to just entirely ignore their existence. He just does not acknowledge them in the slightest, which they find even more frustrating than if he'd openly rejected them.
I'm watching it and this fat bitch with a walleye is crazy.
Based Ape
Exactly. Based Ape indeed.
I ain't putting myself through all that, but reading the comments it sounds this like video is, surprisingly enough for one with a thumbnail like this, in support of Ape being free to do whatever he wants with his own damn game?
Ape keeps his shitposting locked up tight. The man is smart enough to know what should and should not be said out in the open.
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>i forgot to plant a pomegranate in summer year 1 again
Pray to your fruit bat gods
>censoring a fucking Duke Nukem mod of all things
God I hate Nexus fags.
Nexus used to be cool, and then the site owner let an absolute bitch into his life.
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>I decided to try the mushroom cave this run because the patch added the new dehydrator to it for free
Stardew needs monster girls. It would even work in the lore.
A dryad mod with some C# to let her be a functional NPC that lives on the farm would be amazing, with potential for lots of wholesome moments as you nurture her. Unfortunately you just cannot expect this kind of stuff to come out of the game's modern modding community.
Yeah unless it come from Asia or 4chan. Tho even in Asia they give a lot of attention to bishounen male characters.
It's not like the Stardew modding population hasn't included numerous skilled creators over the years, but the ones with technical knowledge typically don't have the artistry skills to make stuff that looks good and the artistic ones don't have the programming knowledge to create the systems to implement things
And those who can team up to make such things or have the varied skillset to do so are probably off making actual games
That make sense. Plenty of abandoned C# mods out there from 1.56 . NPCA the most known one included in it.
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>jas anon can write, can draw, but can't code and is watching us shrivel into skellies
>morgan anon is fast and dedicated, but can't draw
>shino and pestil are dedicated, can draw and can code, but can't write
I love all you guys don't hurt me
A year ago I might have said "Maybe AI will make asset creation easy enough to solve all of this" but now it's clear every project that relies too heavily on AI just churns out absolute trash
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evil jas
Come to think of it, the monster girl angle for mods got completely dropped surprisingly early, didn't it? We have the livestock mod that's been around since like 2017 but actual monsters stopped at slimes and I think mummies
How did we not even get golem or shadow girl monsters?
Only option is to finish the greenhouse before the end of fall so you can complete the CC before the end of the year
Cursed mod community. We didn't get truly good loli mods until recently either.
Troon freaks often say that "queer" people make up the majority of the Stardew fanbase, but now we have proof it's not the case.
Over a year later and they still haven't hit 10k signatures, even though this petition has been shilled by rags like Polygon and Kotaku, and despite the fact that "allies" and people who have never touched the game can sign too. This is laughable for a game that has sold 30 mil copies.
Less than 1% of the population and between 3-5% of the playerbase. No matter how kind you are with the numbers, there just aren't enough fags and troons. This is why game devs who pander to the modern audience are retarded.
They're just the most vocal.
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Ape already explained why it would be very difficult to implement and since he has earned so much respect and good will of that specific community, they accept it.
Blizzard actually developped a system to quantify good will for when they want to do something extremely shitty like literally publicly posting your full name and address on your wow account. Yes, they fucking tried to do that.
Companies like Blizztard and Bugthesda have showed off what happens when you draw from that well of good will too often whereas Ape has yet to take from it at all
However, unless the online political landscape changes significantly in the next coming years (which might actually be possible) I reckon he's going to have to bend to their whims for Chocolatier or risk making it the first Apegate moment
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Good mornin lads
Managed to get a rear angle in after all with angy Penny, wanted the opportunity to figure out how her dress was gonna look from behind
Good night lads
Looks tsundere af, I like it. What are you going to do about the one ugly crying scene in the bathhouse?
This is why Penny is my wife.
Either just gonna paste over a lightly edited variany of her sad portrait or put in a crude MS paint doodle with a note that says "can't be arsed to draw this"
I mentioned that portrait makes me feel bad but also... like, it's one dialogue box, with no words in it
It's fucking insane how many scandal's and shitty actions blizzard did only to say X character is a faggot to placate the fanbase and it worked.
>MS paint doodle with a note that says "can't be arsed to draw this"
Are there any cool modded bachelorettes? I am conflicted betwen Ysabelle and Olivia.
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Milking Jas...
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>delicious buns on both sides
Berry nice x3. Keep up the good work anon.
Ape isn't being funded by other companies like (((Blackrock))) so he doesn't need to appeal to the crazies. He can continue to ignore their autistic screeching as they're forced to play a game that doesn't appeal to their they/them pronoun shit.
>A gay white man and a black bossgirl
Another day in nexus
I want to make her angy every day and have her do unspeakable things to me as her revenge (after marriage)
Love your Penny, easily my favorite of the girls you've done so far. Abigail a close second.
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>what does Stardew need?
>I know! an annoying black woman to boss Lewis around!
It's all so tiresome.
>agenda mod
>no popular at all
I wonder why
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The secret is what Penny does to try persuading the farmer who said "no I don't want children"
Unrealistic scenario. No-one would ever, ever say that to Penny.
I don't have the heart to do that but I also want her to convince me as if I'm against the idea
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The farmer sure is taking good care of the plushies, haha...
Yes, he doesn't *need* to appeal to them, but I just mean the moment he decides not to it's going to cause the first real dramafest surrounding him
I wonder if was Jas who helped them to transform back
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Actually been wondering if I should try to revisit Haley's outfit a bit since the other girls came out considerably more elaborate, but there's only so much I can do while also wanting to make her as skimpy as possible, huh?
Plus I did give her the giant fluffy hair already
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If you want. But if is a lot of work and you prefer give attention to other girl, that's also good too. Your version already done is good enough in my opinion.
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Why do the cute animals taste so good, bros?
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We really don't, though.
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You could still eat pretty good proteins if you ate exclusively ugly creatures like seafood
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But they don't taste as good :(
Being ugly as hell's probably one reason at least.
Like who's gonna willingly inject these eyesores into their game?
Don't worry. Haley's outfit won't become your grandpa's bed.
It might be worth looking into
Haley is canonically into fashion and stuff
Probably finish the rest first
Maybe a female black player who feel "empowered" watching another woman yelling to a man? Ya know, Marvel audience.
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Freakish proportions.
But is soul art
https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/28519 Marriageable Clint. Because Asia isn't that biased or woke. inb4 it get deleted.
Haha, time to impregnate
Hmm, very interesting. Though the use of a pretty boy portrait in the images makes me wonder how much of his actual personality might even be in this mod
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Not the first time it happen. Plenty of portraits where he look like a chad. I'm curious more about what do he do in the events related to Emily
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Uhhh. Shit, I think I've accidentally made Penny cuter while trying to make her turn her head in a different direction? Like I've ended up changing her facial proportions entirely
This is gonna bother me to no end until I can make them look more consistent
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holy cute!
Heh, you call that cute? She's not as cute as Penny's personality.
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But she's got two large personalities! The largest personalities in Pelican Town!

Just spent too much time trying to finangle with the neutral pose's face proportions to try getting them to look closer but I think I'm too tired to see things properly now
I'm starting to feel like I like this new pose so much I wanna make it the new neutral pose so it appears more often, though...
Take a look if anyone's curious about comparing 'em early
If that's your choice go ahead. I think in both she look precious
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Phwoar Penny, my can't-fit-through-the-door-but-in-a-good-way wife.
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very gay :3
>I think I've accidentally made Penny cuter
If that was an accident, then I hope you keep making them. Jokes aside, her front-facing portrait is so adorable. Sad that you have to change it, but I'm glad it exists.
Is there a mod where I can marry ariah from ridgeside
Of course no. Not here at least tho some of us want it. You won't get it outside from here for sure. Sadly
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Yeah it sucks, I've been wanting her to have a mod for a long time. I can't write or make mods otherwise I'd try doing it myself. Even after Trinnie gets her mod if anyone else would be next it'll most likely be Bliss or the Joja hat elf.
It pisses me off the retard that made the mod got so upset people wanted to marry her that now she's a "minor", not that I care either way but it's still annoying because clearly she's cute and now we can't have her
>Joja hat elf
I don't know much about her, but she's very generic and she doesn't much charm either. The reason is because like the other girls, the modder abandoned her after finish with her "role" in the mod plot.
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this but pic related
Isnt that Alissa's mom?
I'd also settle for a Belinda + Raeriyala threesome route
>Belinda + Raeriyala
Post pics because I don't know them by names alone
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Pic related and the kemomimi forest spirit
>no common folk
Ahh no wonder. I don't explore the whole village yet.
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About to drive up north to Wisconsin for a day visit bros
Gonna hopefully find a place to buy some amish produced things like flour and eggs and milk and stuff. Maybe some vegetables, too, idk haha maybe if I'm feelin crazy lol!
Pick up a wife for me while you're there anon!
no penny is because she has the same dialogue about teaching every time you talk to her after marriage. unless she's been changed.
Why would she talk about teaching that much? It's not even her passion
Her passion is babymaking and passionate sex with the farmer
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idk it feels like 90% of her dialogue after marriage is just complaining about jas and vincent being retarded and she leaves for most of the day. She has the driest dialogue of the spouses from everyone i have tried.
I can't say I ever noticed but I never married her without marrying like five other girls at the same time so I guess there would have been a lot more variety just from having more people around

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