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>What is Pokémon Masters EX?
A mobile Pokémon game that's real-time instead of turn-based and focuses on collecting trainers instead of Pokémon.

>Sync Grid Simulator, CS stage info, Lodge topics and more
>Pomakek but better
>Tier List Maker
>Eggmon viability guide/tier list

>Legendary Gauntlet Info

>Model ripping/datamining project FAQ
>Upcoming Events

>Pokémon Masters EX soundtrack with tracks up to the newest update (pre-Anniversary month). All the tracks are looped, tagged and sorted.

>Previous thread: >>497342314
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we back

pull for Iono
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i thought we were dead
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DEFINITELY pulling for the Typhlosion alt haha...
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Can we truly call this living?
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I can't believe Iono killed /pmg/.
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NC Dawn soon
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Thats fake
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Chuds BTFO
>Hey guys, don't spread false info
>proceeds to stage a psy op cover up
What's the moral here?
I hate her hair so much
Wtf /pmg/, no one else pulled for Iono?
Avery is going to be part of an event next right?
Saving my blood gems for Shauntal
No gems bro
We hate Iono and we hate Paldea!
I pulled, candied, and 6exed Iono
Personally, I'm more indifferent.
They didnt want Fluttermane blamed for anything so they set up the evil pedo Froslas to take the fall.
I have all the Halloween units and I'm skipping this year because Arc pairs sucked me dry. This gem economy is too rough for me to spend on mid seasonal pairs when we have three more Arc banners on the horizon alongside random MFs.
Classical situation of "it's white Ghost-type fault" to save the Dindu Mane, of course it was suppirted by three white girls.
>November 6 end date
I'm waiting for next datameme first
I spent all my gems on my husband
>6 hours off here
>/vp/fags resist despite rampant leak- and pornposting
What were you doing when you learned that /vg/ /pmg/ was the weaker of the two generals?
you need to go back
come home sygna suit acerola
there's no swsh gym leader info sheets
>I think she's not black but I still need to lighten her
White nessa >>>>>>>>>>> nigssa
God that performance is so mid for a flutter mane + giratina pairing

They fucked up so hard with ionos kit, and renegade is one of the weakest MFs in general

If only the Iono buddy had actually decent BP and effects...
Damn brat, stealing my paid gems like that.
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What a flop, should have made a collab with Tierno if she wanted to beat him.
>ionos kit
Ghost arc will be that, but much stronger. Iono was a preview

>renegade is one of the weakest MFs in general
With Strike role she is easily better than all pre 3-rd anni MFs except maybe SS Kris and SS Lyra (Lyra is worse dmg, but has the flinch)
the 5/5 grid just needs to give zone extension and maybe 1 new multiplier and it'll be a good zone setter + nuker for a few more years
105 is real good for a meme seasonal in current year, most seasonals wish they had that, even back in 2022-2023
especially when you consider that this is after arc suits, people want to save even more now
Uff I hope she's worth it
Nah her DPS stays awful, and her nuke is still far from high tier
Nope, her nuke is Tech+Strike with 150% multipliers and a very easy innate, thats good even for a modern Tech
All the other older MFs have much weaker sync nukes, as the DC mode also clearly showed
This and manual zone makes her still the core ghost pair, until ghost arc comes out (and if the arc lacks ghost zone you'll still be using SSRC)
Extension is the only thing she really needs from a grid expansion, anything else is a bonus
> 380 base ark
> 150% sync multiplier
> Good even for today standards

If it was either 450 base stat or 200% I could've agreed
I agree she needs extension 5

If she gets 3 she's gonna stay in the trash bin
NTA but this still doesn't excuse her awful damage out of sync
Being a good bot is a lame role for a master fair
>its actually 400 at lvl150
>ignoring the +40 from Strike role
>total 480 when EXRd, not counting grid

>> 150% sync multiplier
>> Good even for today standards
Yes lol. 150% is still what most good Techs have
Dahlia and SS Roxie both have one 90% sync multiplier on grid, Brycenman only 50%
NC Cheren has 200% total, but he is a 2024 MF and also he needs to get 10 PMUN stacks to reach that
150% is pretty good
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Damn forgot the top speed battle actually had missions, glad the new missions made me check
Being a zone + sync nuke bot is much better than most old MFs can claim to be, which is almost nothing nowadays. Especially when its perfect for DC, the latest game mode
And so far no other ghost pair has been able to replace her in that role - SC Irida has a good AoE nuke, but no zone; S.Gardenia has zone, but much weaker sync.
It'll only happen if the ghost arc is a sync nuker with zone or maybe when Volos Giratina comes out (who knows when that will be)
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this dumb duck is way too distracting
Duck Butt
Thank god I didn’t get M*rnie
I got Marnie'd
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my condolences
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Damn, apparently I should set my language to German
Everyone should
I got 4/5 C. Elesa from the ticket which is nice.
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Imagine arc-suit pokemon morphing like this
They really need to put the old freebie units in the BP pool or something if they are never going to rerun the old events. Everyone should be allowed to have hex maniac
First gacha?
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Why did such a good looking outfit have to get wasted on Shauntal?
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The female alt designers see themselves in Shauntal.
> Ignores the "base" part of "base atk"
> Compares to pokefairs who also have much better wtz management and that also hit harder with moves AND with sync still

The absolute state of Cynthia apologists
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Dawn gaming
At long last, Halloween Shauntal will be a reality. Got a spark and everything lined up just for her. Been anticipating this since last year, and especially since the datamine a few weeks back. Now all my favorite cute ghost girls will have their spooky alts. I love the way they did Shauntal's, too, it fits her so well. And that's not even including my ghost boys Morty and Allister also getting them. Going to be a bit slim pickings from now on, I can't see them doing Agatha and Fantina alts. Though I would welcome them.

Shame about the other alt being Iono, though. Absolute cancer character, holy shit. The fact people like her is a travesty. My poor ghost writer deserved a better event than this. At least she got to speak to the other Unova E4 girl at the beginning, and had a bit part last year.
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Anyways, putting Champ Phoebe on the ghost chart for the first time in a while. Been flaking on these super hard lately. Back to basics with grown women galore and Hex because why not. Good night.
How grindy and how fun is this game?
it's shit, don't bother
run away and never look back
best pokemon game since HGSS
not much but it's slow. You can beat 90% of the content with free pairs. As for the fun, just try to resists the fomo and it's still one of the best pokemon games currently active
>How grindy

>how fun is this game?
If you like the gameplay its pretty fun IMO. Lots of modes with different priorities
Its a shame that you just missed anni Cynthia and anni Steven though - incredibly OP units that would have carried you for years
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Hex sex alt when?
Don't play with rotting corpses. You'll catch a disease.
How can dena revive this game?
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co op, or sex with trainers
whichever comes first
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I don't know about revive but maybe if they stopped pissing off what's left of the existing playerbase maybe people would want to recommend this game in earnest.
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kino metagross being part of hoenn lore and not just some random mecha
Add a way to play old events which they aren't going to rerun anymore
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yeah they need to keep their current playerbase and find better ways to encourage new players
As it stands its just whales and ppl with sunken cost fallacy that are still here (the latter is me)
whales fund all gachas. Thats how the model works
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you can't scare them off though
it's just a silly costume anon don't worry
Haha... silly costume, alt when?
no matter how many gems i have sygna suit acerola never comes to me. it's always duplicate mina's
That's what paid select scouts are for :)
Two more resets until new impossible content without whaling
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Not saying they should collab with taimanin, but the day masters caves in and does 3rd party collabs for alt suits I guarantee the revenue would jump
Imagine a super popular IP like Fate getting suits for characters. Well, that's the next best thing to adding in the characters themselves but i bet they don't want to try to explain these characters suddenly being able to train pokemon
the costume battle show? what's in it
>impossible content without whaling
Skill issue
5 EB stages
bro your're arc suit cynthia at 5/5?
>5 EB stages
been there done that
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wtf anni pairs rebuff bait stages are cleared by anni pairs with rebuff?!
>anni bait stages
>not a single one was weak to Ground or Dragon
They were just random EBs
Me pitying 1/5 ssMina last December after 4/5 Lana and 3/5 acerola in a pity's worth of gems (hau wasn't in the banner thankfully)
Literally only 2 stages in the game (excluded UBs) aren't f2p clearable without impossible rng fishing
And we also have 3 UB cleared with freebies so I guess that's also worth mentioning

The 2 stages are 2 EBEs: the 4th Anni one and the recent paldea + fairy boost one iirc

There's a couple f2p friendly clears for both with "bad" units like NY Sabrina and Summer Marnie for both but no pure freebie

In 5+ years I consider it acceptable lol
Cleared Fairy-weak Anabel with the old S Burgh, BP Valerie and the year old NC L*af for what it was worth, still rng heavy but was enjoyable.
I just don't like any of the Paradox mons except Dinomoth and Giraffecat.
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Shauntal is just worse C. Elesa right?
Do i do dailies on Shauntal or Iono?
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Iono. She's cuter.
Iono is a stupid, ugly cunt
She's not ugly.
Is the next Iono event 1 battle per day or is it all of them at once?
Why do I dislike looking at her so much, then
Sounds like a personal problem to me. Maybe your rabbi touched you inappropriately when you were little.
But I got my rabbi vaccine as a kid
Is it just me or do these halloween pairs kinda suck
iono is alright because rebuff
>got both Iono and Shauntal on the 2nd multi each
god fucking damn it, I don't want to wait for coins but I also want to save gems.
I'm willing to go all the way to spark for 3/5 but I don't know who. Maybe Iono since I'm also working on getting candies for P Candice.
>two multis away from sparking Shauntal
I'm going to get her eventually but this still irks me.
Why is there a Lunatone on my balcony
>fought Nemona in Rally twice already
>requires to control terrain and apply rebuff
>she sets up ET and removes rebuff on sync
Fuck this whore
>apply rebuff
any negative status change works
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Well, that was a complete waste of time.
I asked DeNA for a general pool fairy type that isn't support since fairy is such a limited dominated dogshit awful type and they gave me this
at least it was 5/5 and not a 5* PU...
Fall Shauntal is so weird. You have to pay the powder snow tax in exchange for 3 random debuffs per turn? In late 2024? We already have things like Alt Leon and SS Serena dropping 5+ debuffs per turn while also doing big damage.
>SS Serena dropping 5+ debuffs per turn
those arent AoE

but yeah she is whatever, its a seasonal. At least the other Paldea hag has rebuff
Honestly I think people fucked up listing both of these fall units as bad. Shauntal definitely sucks but Iono is performing way better than expected in most of the UB clears I've seen so far.
DeNA still thinks they need to make seasonalsbad for whatever reason
>a general pool fairy type that isn't support
But anon, Trevor IS support (Ex Tech)
Leon buddy does no "big damage" at all, and has a pretty weak grid overall

Sure he does much more than powder snow but seasonal Vs pokefair is a dead debate kit wise
Nah she's getting hard carried in "all" the 3 easy UBs she cleared
7.7k paid gems and the first time a 25% ticket gave me the unit ever wtf... 3/5 shauntel, very happy, now to wait for luciam/shantal bro to show up
>7.7k paid gems
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Whats wrong with buying the monthly pack with gold coins, I play this game more than any streaming service subscription, 20 days is 7k paid gems + a gold candy, do you guys think people buy pick packs for paid gems? Retards
>Whats wrong with buying the monthly pack with gold coins
Nothing, I do it too.
the paid gem bundles are good value for dolphins

>3/5 shauntel
Did you get the other 2 copies from rolling or by candying ?
I got her twice in the 7.7k gems and the 25% ticket was the 3rd, I giga sacked
Nothing wrong with it but it gives me the right to call you a pig regardless.
whatever, poorfag
Lmao fuck you haha
>I got her twice in the 7.7k gems and the 25% ticket was the 3rd
Ignore the haters, swine pride worldwide!
Westernregionsisters...Game Freak is making fun of us saying we are fat, rude and full of niggers...
According to a proclaimed leaker, the art style of Pokémon Legends Z-A is similar to Scarlet/Violet's.
>art style of Pokémon Legends Z-A is similar to Scarlet/Violet's.
so more DEI and wokeshit
>French people (or rather, Europeans... and especially Americans too) are much fatter than Japanese people. They take up much more space. Japanese people don’t seem to spread out like this.
>Foreigners don’t like being close together. They're so fat, it's uncomfortable.
>Foreigners don’t like being close together.
and then they're cultured shocked when seeing friends or relatives hugging each other
Important reserch: women are beautiful.
As usual the TOC yearly game mandate let the XY brainstorm end into a rushed game and half othe ideas were an excuse to make Galar too, inlcuding some never used subplots for Rose.
And of course Unova had links with Kalos in terms of lore, as suspected by many, they just abandoned several ideas for perhaps deadline issues? Didn't even have time time to launch a third Kalos title on same gen and ORAS perished some content too, god forbid GameFreak to have a decent ammount of time to plan a polished game. Lot of ideas that were srapped in XY were reused in ORAS and Alola.
>Kalos could have had catacombs as its own spooky version of Pokemon Tower
>got a shitty location excuse with stones as graves instead despite the detailed memos about the catacombs visit
Can't make this shit up, imagine Hex Maniac's sex dungeon escape down there.
>this shit never got added to Z because it was scrapped so they could shit out sun and moon for the anniversary

ZA will likely never have this because muh one city
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The catacombs are part of the Paris underground tunnels, crypts, subway and sewers system, they belong to the Lumiose City site.
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chart, 9 entries
hopefully double digits next week!
Ah, that makes sense
Heres hoping. Would be good for a new ghost type mega stone
small soulless chart...
let it go Hildabro
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>all of them supposedly available on same day but you need to do them in a set order
this kusoge deserves EoS desu
Pvp, co op tournaments, and LN dating updates will save the game
How would that even work?
Just make it a carbon copy of the pvp system from the mainline games. The rewards will be gems, items, and TMs you can purchase with BP
instant uninstall desu
>he thinks competitive matches don’t print money
It’s basically the only reason to pick up a Pokemon game
no shit, they got rid of everything else that made mainline worth buying in the first place
It will not work, this game was made for pve
It would just revolve around sleep/flinch spam and then people would just bring anti sleep passives and then it's just boring
If I wanted mainline pvp, why would I get that in the game about people?
Haven't touched the game in 2 years, how is it going?
As in, how bad did the powercreep rise?
2 years ago powercreep was barely a thing, as rats team was a league of its own because tbolt had amazing role compression

Now rat team is still great but most types have a similar if not stronger version of that team, which is pretty crazy

Game is still extremely easy to clear with freebies tho so there's no pressure into meta scouting at all

> captcha "SJWH2"
>As in, how bad did the powercreep rise?
2 units from the last 5-th anni stand clearly above all the rest, but outside of that its not too much higher than 3-rd/4-th anni

But a bunch of types got stronger and have great top-tier units & teams (Ice Steel Poison etc.)
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we were spared
Shauntal peaked at 124
How is implementing a Pokemon Showdown mode difficult? Also a Chesto berry would rape sleep spam in every match
Reminder to get Quaquaval and Kingambit before they are gone next reset
And what super special thing do they do?
The 1st Paldea Water unit and the 1st Paldea Dark DPS unit
Your rats?
>Zinnia had sex and named her Wishmur after her dead daughter.
These battles were actually kind of fun compared to the usual free gem fights
>basically a look back on the history of the Halloween events in Masters
>Shauntal peaked at 124
not bad
It's over....
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Skylas score raped NC Cheren!
When I say Liko you say KINO!

Pokegirls asserting their dominance in the meta

2 of the top 3 scores are pokegirls
Even my Skyla at home is enough for 1M
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DeNA please… just give me Shelly before eos…
soulless remake sellout design
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She is going to get a shit tier spotlight like Malva when she deserves a pokefair that saves Archie
Is anyone still doing the prize box after getting the ticket
It's free training manuals and shit
Not me, do the coins expire?
Yeah that's why I'm still doing them

riveting gameplay
Skyla won
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instead you're getting a courtney alt
UBs are riveting
this is just to train your thumb
It was sarcasm, not really a fan of the DC meta.
If I wanted competitive tapping, I'd play GO PVP
Exactly what I wanted from that banner.
4/5 selfie guy
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Kino continues
Because the people enjoy competitive battles
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I basically traded like 30,000 gems for a 2/5 Iono to save up on one striker candy. Really felt like shit having to spark a 2/5 after getting 1/5 in just the 2nd multi, but the wait for candies is just too much.

Are you also willing to dish out gems for copies rather than settling for 1/5 and wait for the candy drip?
I STILL have a 1/5 winter Whitney who has been waiting for a time when I don't have techs to candy.
I never go for dupes unless my 1/5 is a multi or two away from spark
>spark a 2/5 after getting 1/5 in just the 2nd multi,
Sorry bro, but that was idiotic

>Are you also willing to dish out gems for copies
Only if already close to spark
But I also rarely roll for seasonals and when I do - its only for favs, and they usually just stay at 1/5 for collection
I only go for pity if I break past 260-300/400, no matter the banner

Only exception is if I have other scouts I wanna go for that month
Only 1,5 weeks until datameme and PF upgrades
Only 7690 free gems left until next datameme
Oh thank god, I thought I wouldn't get enough gems to spark.
what counts as a negative status change for the fancy outfits fight?
I poisoned all three of them with geeta but they still have their damage reduction
That's status condition. Status change is like confuse, flinch, trapped, restrain (block equivalent), and rebuff which is pretty much like tar shot.
oh okay thank you
Congratulations on beating the daily regional rotation battle or the villain arc daily battle difficulty tier.
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Who deserves to be the next playable generic?
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We literally have the best two right there in the game, so there's really not much else to hope for. Though if I had to pick, it would be Kalos Breeder.
Guys I tried my luck on 2 of the cake banners... I got a 2/5 N on the first one
And then on the 2nd one holy fuck
2/5 leon new
1/5 jacq
2/5 silver
One of my best rolls I have ever had holy moly

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