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SL Faces of Evil Edition

>What is this?
Second Life is a virtual world MMO with user-generated content, its own in-game economy and currency that can be traded for RL currency, and a large array of lands (sims) that can be independent or interconnected. Customize avatars, sell creations, explore, socialize, (E)RP, attend virtual events like concerts, screenings, meetings, etc..

>>Useful Links:

Create An Account:

Recommended SL Viewers:

Second Life Grid Status:

>>Related SLURLs

Interesting Locations:

Hair Resources:
https://pastebin.com/W9TeJHJi (List of Stores)


>>SL Events


Monthly Event Guide:

>Current Events (End Date)
Hallow's End - Multi sim hunt (Oct 31st): https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Botanica%20Magika/128/199/2979
Haunting Labyrinth Terror Trails Hunt - Halloween Hunt (Oct 31st): https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Fort%20Santiago/129/246/23
Halloween Shop & Hop (Nov 3rd): https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Dahlia/127/125/54
>Monthly Events (End Date)
ACCESS (Nov 8th): https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/ACCESS/97/134/22
fameshed X (Nov 10th): https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/FaMESHed%20X/117/150/999
kustom9 (Nov 10th): https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/kustom9/136/21/1003

Previous Thread: >>49792481
Real previous thread: >>497924819
looks like
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you little deranged fucks have gone too far this time.
Sorry -_-
I wish they were animated like that in world
Anything officially Worlds related seems to be offline. Is there no way to access it now?
I thought it died in the 2010s
Even the wiki page with downloads leads to blank domains
what was it an mmo?
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You can tell a real black woman made this
because it's ugly? yeh
I hate this phenotype
Essentially a virtual chat room, but you could explore very crude builds. I don't remember much in terms of customization. It sort of had a resurgence in popularity because it was spotlighted by youtubers as being a "creepy" old game.
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/me kicks
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baka >>49792481
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wtf where can I find Jesus?
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>she doesn't know
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I hope I can be this hip, when I get old
Aeon Flux if she Cruella Dev'il
A lot of them are featured here:

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a judging nigga
too many darkies
>go to worlds.com to see if it's true that it's dead
>blockchain technology, NFTS and cryptocurrency
I wish it was dead actually
yeah thats what I saw but its not related right?
It's the same URL and has 'bowie world' written all over it, so it is, but googling around it looks like it's been uselessly looking like that for a couple years already?
People on le reddits are saying the original game's been only offline for about 2 months though, after some kind of staff changes. Sucks because I consider Worlds to be like SL's weirder cousin of sorts.
If someone wanted to find you badly enough, could they do it with just the fact you're online?
Only if you have them on your friends list and you enable Map rights, or if you have a 'friend' in common that's snitching on you.
You can also hide that you're online in Privacy preferences, but I don't think that works for online boards, just profiles.
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Rrrrr uooo whale? Dou uoo blame damage?
what does this spook want?
That my shit towel anon...
They could by hacking into LL servers and tracking your location...
she doesn't look terrible, actually
Don't lie
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I miss Halloween
That's an old build
Yeah, I miss it

That sounds too complicated for the retards on this program, but then again I have seen some powerful autism
They usually get hired by the company.
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Being a LL stooge must be so easy
you have to be an alphabet person to join
unless you hang out on a whitelist only sim, yeah with enough time it's easy to use a radar and area search to simjump to find anyone
Did Firestorm get rid of the way to save your shape to an external file?
What about saving other people's shapes?
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Retard checks shopping guides and only sees shopping events.
Do these people not go to live events or just vibe at the hangouts? The shopping stuff is cool and all, but I'm only there for a total of 10 mins tops.
he's right you know, the shopping events have over saturated the grid
Where are the hangouts?
>live events
oh yeah dude i love this TUUUUUUUUUUNE OHH LA LALA
>the hangouts
only hangouts that are active are sex clubs
That's been sort of true for a while but it was even worse when gacha was "allowed". I'd argue that a lot of them fell off because of the anti-consumer stuff they push.
There are clubs that don't allow gesture spam for that reason; plus most of the sex clubs I see falsely boost their numbers with bots.
gacha shit events are already coming back thanks to the rule repeal
It won't because they can't transfer the products. No point of "gambling" if no one can trade them. A bunch of people already took them down beforehand and started selling them as a regular items.
no mod no copy no transfer
The holy trinity
theyre already coming back man lol
Only retards would buy into gacha. Who would want an item that you can't even do anything with.
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I love gacha!
I hate old people
I hate pedo people
Check your viewer before logging in
This dude be talking some truff... I doubt there's people who actually take the time to look at the stuff every store is selling in these big events that take up around 30 regions of space. Even if you rush it, only grabbing gifts, it takes almost an entire day to finish. Now, imagine there's events like these on a weekly or bi-weekly basis... I don't think even the most permanently online person would feel like visiting them anymore.
I guess pre login screens
I have made a killing selling gacha, and not even the good stuff or strategically. I would just list the crap I had and over the years it would always sell.
I hate those
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Peaches looks like this now???
That's Isabelle from Animal Crossing, can't you tell?
Kill it
that's how life is on this bitch of an earth
That's Pendji, newfag.
LOL embarrassing, what an absolute newfag for not associating with pornsick coombrains like this
I think they're handy
No one knows who or what the fuck that is
name ten vg sl people who AREN'T pornsick coombrains
That's the joke, the same one as name dropping an ancient nobody like Peaches.
Me and my 9 alts I used to stalk down my former girlfriend (I don't masturbate or have sex).
Does anyone know any decent places to pick up sluts or any sluts they wanna share?
Just Poseball
The sluts there are too uppity
>Not even the non-roleplayers want you
Just go to an afk area/sim then
The Japanese SL event checker
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Dracula's castle
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I bring this from /tesg/ because it always shows when when you search "slg" in the catalogue
And it looks just as bad as second life
Oh god I forgot about that guy
I started using puu.sh because of him. Now I use ShareX and directly upload to catbox

Half the retards on SL are "scared" to click on catbox links yet still use inferior gyazo, it sickens me.
SL looks good sometimes
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SL can actually look quite good if you go to the right places, use the right building materials, and stop using pre-PBR firestorm.
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>SL can actually look good if you just cut out 99.9% of the usual shit you see go to some other place that was built with the right textures
99.9% of the content is user-created, and most users are retarded and/or lazy, so if you want good looking stuff or good looking places, you can either make them yourself or go sift through a bunch of shit. Such is life.
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Post what you're doing in Second Life RIGHT NOW!
No pussying out!!!
Sorry, I'm doing the sex
I said NO pussying out
Aren't you pussying out because you're not even in the screenshot you posted??
Firestorm is such an ugly viewer. Why can't they make any of the skins consistent?
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That's not a part of the rules!!!!!!!!
Don't you dare call her retard you will regret it
double retard
triple retard
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even fautist identifies as a fagboy that takes knot
why calling him fautist?
Because it's Fauvist, the fat furry autist.
Are you making any sense that's not fautist or Fauvist!!!
i miss her
No you've don't!
Come again?
thats a man
fautist? yeah
Who is fautist or Fauvist?
>I said NO pussying out
take your meds
this >>498845496
I see that fag everywhere
But how? Thats just Soft Littlepaws!
This shit's still going?
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Surprising you didn't die off
How popular is ATLust and why isn't it more popular?
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I've seen people openly wear it at furry sims with the hovertext on. If you equip one in spots built for fucking you'll probably pick up a few more that have it on. It seems to be big with people that are into breeding.
What's the current degeneracy meta to follow? Best sims to go to, attachments to wear, most popular body for lewd stuff, ideally anime?
phat pussy
chibi head
Huh, some things never change.
yes anon, pedophiles never change
eBody Reborn with chest mod of choice, I see Phatpussy often but Sensations is pretty good, try out TONKATIHEAD or possibly ASR anime heads
Did ASR ever do anything new after like... 2018. I knew they were first on the boat for Bento anime heads but their UI stuff sucked and they had no support for a while.
The body is useless but the head still looks a bit better than Utilizator imo.
The Tonaktihead ones are cute and new but there's pretty much nothing for them
my ex boyfriend
dang he cute now. u missed out
no I still have my cuter boyfriend
if u say so
that time he took me to his house talking how he make mesh cloths instead he turn out to be a coomer/groomer
first day in sl?
many years ago I was just looking around at the shops he came up on me and my friends
>and my friends
it was believable up until this point
You know, your so right "friends are unbelievable", and the weirdly part is how we have break up. I'd had an fight with my friend who was defending or siding with a sex harasser on my job sim. I'd think that friend spoke with him maybe and he defended them and break up with me on IM chat before I even explain what was really going on.

Coomer/Groomer -are the worst redflag in any relationship secondlife-
oh ew it's you, go be an esl tranny somewhere else
You fucking know me?
yeah you need to learn english
Why not?
where's all the supposed ageplay at
my house
but unironically
Retorts about ageplay after an silent bewilder about English second language, yeah please die for me.
please just fuck off to /int/ and find your language general.
What the fuck is this? Are getting bullied by someone who speak more words then you? What an absolute weak fagget, I've give you credit for that.
I think it's trying to communicate something
There nothing here only you.
you have to prove yourself...
What kind of proof do you want?
oh, word? how does one get there?
that you're a cunny and or shotacock enthusiast...
You need shit yourself in your dreams you pathetic assuming pedophile\tranny
that's a weird projection
That's called a nitemare anon
what sl resident name do i send my proof to?
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you pedophiles are fucking funny, you asked that other dude to commit a felony and now you're crying projection lmfao. I hope you're on a list somewhere degenerate faggot.
you retard
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In the name of the Law I command you to shut the fuck up FAGGOT!
I don't name drop unless you do.
um anon 3d models in a videogame aren't children.... lol.......
Oh no we it's personal...
Pedo-anon on damage control now
I love making them stuffer a bit more.
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umm go back to r*ddit okay sweaty?
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"Loving that bewilderment silent bump"
You got the same ears as that homo
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Which one has those ears?
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Remember that time where I tested out the some cars with a loud sound and the guy had his mic on and it echo that I can hear the car engine feedback in a cute way...

I like how that guy is so faithful towards no matter what is throw upon me~

"Meh" Rofl (Recharging Bluetooth Microphones) https://youtu.be/JeHseyBoAVQ?si=VAC3L9ribf9Br_Am
one more time in english please
No I don't speak clear towards pedo losers
brother, you're a tranny irl playing a cubfur rabbit
I think he's talking about you.
I know his dumbass talking about himself.
He knew which "you're" to use.
That's not surprising news, at least he knew you're an ironically lazy shit faggot~
6.6.17 holdouts about to lose their voice lmao
It's just the modifier?
Only new 7.1.10 release of bloatstorm has webrtc support, and it also has PBR which crashes the emachine boomers core 2 duos.
All you pedophiles need to go back to /b/, this is a game general you sick fucks.
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Meet me at the Harris Campaign Support HQ next to Scorching Sands Bisexual and Interracial Nude Beach in 432 hours for an ass kicking.
Or at least deport them back to Anarcho Rodentia, Fractal, or None found.
gonna kick your ass again bring it bro I'm gonna make your tranime my left nut sucker
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>Anarcho Rodentia,
what's your obsession with this place, nobody has even heard of it before you came along and spammed it in every 2nd post.... get a grip already, I'm guessing this is remmy and the antifa ageplayer communist furry faggots didn't want to slex with you you krypnonite turbo autist faglord. stop mentioning this nothing place in the general already, is that too much to ask? they don't want you around, and we don't care, fuck.
Hell yeah slava ukraini brother
Commissioned any new cub pics lately?
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you're an autistic tranny with a pregnancy fetish that moonlights as a monkey in SL... you can't get along with any other tranny group on the grid, every week you come back here crying about the next tranny hangout trying to summon an army because they don't like you. and you act like you ain't the one spamming the general about nothing-burger anarcho every day... sad truth brother, you're toxic and nobody likes you remmy and you're the problem
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This is what AI see about second life.
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It's all so tiresome.
Come on just a die little pleases~
the pregnant monkey was real in my mind
nah bro don't fall in that trap
fapped to anarcho rodentia feet
fapped to pregnant monkey feet
fapped to communist furry peet
fapped to obese nep feet
fapped to schizo alcoholic feet
fapped to esl feet
You lying little shit I kill you I swear I fucking kill you nigger!
oh, that's what did it huh.
shut the fuck up nigger pedo tranny before I kill you too!
I'm going to check the weekend sales.
Don't forget to buy some gachas items.
don't forget to take english lessons
Don't forget to dilate.
Getting mad?
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Cheese head
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They're throwing a lot of shade for no one being there.
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>friend helps decorate squat
>friend takes away edit rights after a falling out
>tells me to kill myself when I ask for edit rights back
>replace a shitty RLV cage with a better cage
>floating plant that I can't move because he took away edit rights
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when did that get there
Why don't you get some money instead?
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>unemployed poorfag general
most of these nigs out here putting out to buy their attachments, they not even gay lmfao
Have a little self respect and just return all that shit you fucking broke gay bitch.
>paying for land
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>>paying for land
>literally $5 a month
you drink more soda in a day AHAHAHHAA
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Why yes, I spend my money on frivolous things with no regard to opportunity cost, how could you tell?
So, I know I'm screaming into the void with this, but did an active hangout of non-gesture spamming retards ever come about or is SL still just a wasteland of AFKers and room temp IQ havers?
The void screams back nobody cares and biofem wins~
there are three active hangouts but like hell am i giving you the slurls to them in the thread. post your name and i'll im you
What kind of hangouts are they?
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have sex + you clicked lol
>post your name and i'll im you
Don't, having gone to countless hangouts promoted in these threads I can assure you nothing good will come of it. It will be 99% wallflower ageplayer femboys like clix, nut puddles,horsemommy, etc. They're not even interested in hanging out they just want to see who is behind the post in some strange attempt to 'gotcha'.
whos in et cetera?
Well, I recognize one of those names at least.
>whos in et cetera?
I honestly don't even remember their names anymore, it's been a year or two since I went to a hangout. But it's all the cringey $65 namechange pedophiles who show up and never say anything and just stand on your head, it's their way of saying they want you to make conversation with them.
Oh I know who you talking about they're all on the ban list
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>ghost replying
>"clicked" when spoilers only require you to hover over the text
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>Oh I know who you talking about they're all on the ban list
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what sim do I hang out at if I'm a racist kemoshota?
tha plug
I remember people used to dot around people#s heads instant transmission style but they never had much of a personality to want to converse with.
Many such cases, the terminally online coombrains with nothing going on in their real life nor personality.
your racist ass gonna get fuck 3d style
As far as I remembered, too many people just logged into SL and forgot it was even on, including those wallflower types who just aggressively gestured to get people to notice them. I'm fairly certain SL's probably only running because a significant number of people just keep logging in out of some twisted courtesy.
calm down Sanjeep
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>go to adult hangout spot
>half the people got steam extension playing something else
>other half got "mostly afk, married irl" in their profile
well okay then
Amount of times I'd log in to see 15 or so people about at my hangouts, only for all of them to be tabbed out or straight up AFK was too frequent for my liking.
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ain't that the truth, it's like going to exhale music club and 75% of the club have spotify extension on showing what music they're listening to, way to spit in the dj's face lmao
what the fuck is a sanjeep?
look in the mirror
SeraphimSL mesh body poll results are out
>Prima has more users than Inithium or Belleza
I don't know what Prima is
One thing that could probably make SL more lively is providing more modern content streaming. VRChat seems to thrive on hangouts with big media players can stream shit from content hosts.
Look in the mirror.
There was this guy who would ask me to teleport him to hangout and when I did he would just park his avatar and go instant afk. The amount of people who log on out of sheer habit is what's keeping SL alive.
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They made game strategy guides
it's called a media prim you third world room temperature IQ stinky monkey bitch made man
last time I tried to use one of those, they were fuckawful and couldn't manage to reliably stream shit
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Media prims are not synced to all viewers, they're local only, trying to watch a movie would have everyone at different parts of the film.
buy a sync'd tv then monkey man durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Are you 12?
ooook ooook eeeek eeeek post vocaroo of you making monkey sounds
You sound like a pajeet.
saar do not redeem
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I remember 3 years ago, I'd hired an media scripter, he was so talented about making synchronize media that could revitalize SL in such an awesome way. He was giving a task to add this project on a sim crossing vehicle, then two day's later I've got an voicecall from him screaming about some person name DunDun he's a tranny and I want him near me on the same sim so on and just left.

Why are you guys like this?
please translate from urdu
how did you guess my pronouns?
By gender? Anyway the thread is being rigged when you post on here, maybe because some fatty patty baka san gets scare of being la hacked.
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Are you gonna hire a scripter to hack us? Dumb bitch.
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I came to lick ass and chew cum. And I'm all out of cum.
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Too late I already seen your butthole and I don't know why you ask but didn't ask.

Scripters aren't good hackers they're more annoying but they can give you virus or just crash your merry-can computer. But yes I'm going to hack someone right now~
what's your obsession with larping as a hacker, that fad died like 20 years ago
You are posting this on a phone?>/
yes, why?
ಠ_ಠ Turn off your camera
can you see my juicy butthole rn?
Rofl nice
So you guys like get overly excited to share your skin or something? Is if second life is that much absurd to you guys?
sex with anime girl avatars
English, please
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winking my butthole on cam for you atm, tell me how many times I did it
Your posting on the computer now?
ew it login
sorry a little poopie came out lol, embarrassing
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Quite disgusting if you post with that finger of yours
mmmm kancho me daddy, repeatedly
Why is the noob there?
Not your daddy but a bullet would enter your anus rupturing your pancreas

Becuz its old.
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>Not your daddy but a bullet would enter your anus rupturing your pancreas
that's my fetish daddy, then after you shoot me in the ass get in your fancy car and drive over my cock
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I'm going to sleep

I'm not invited?
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bitch I been putting on a liveshow for you for the last 2 hours and now you're just gonna leave me like this with no reacharound..
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yes. first of all, there is a page on the sls wiki that explains how to make a script that will tell you when someone is online.
secondly, if you want to know their location, Ive only heard of one method, but it relies on them paying you. ask them to lend you some linden dollars, then log into your account and check your payment details, it supposedly lists the location the payee was at when paying you, but I don't know for sure. or if it only lists the general region. that's all I know.
I hope I'm not facilitating a stalker with this info. if you feel like you need to do this, then you probably don't need to do this. log out and go for a walk.
Need a fat anime to sit on my face,
English, please...
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Oh, that's why someone would send me 1L at weird times...
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>yes. first of all, there is a page on the sls wiki that explains how to make a script that will tell you when someone is online.
literally just join a group they're in and check the members list
what was difficult about that? I think I'm slowly turning esl unconsciously :/

group method would be unreliable, users are sometimes listed as being online, hours after they've logged out.
skill issue
use cytube then peabrain
did you suck them too before or after you got them?
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oh it's this bitch
i like this new meme
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Look at you two lol, soulmates.
Where'd you get those eyebrows? The eyebrow store? Fucking loser.
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>Fucking loser.
A connoisseur. You seem irritated sir.
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Looks like he works out at the library.
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How did they make it in SL...
he got that noggin joggin
dang what skin is he wearing? it looks so realistic
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spooked ya?
nah your a phony
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You'd be silly to pass up this RARE EVENT to get your shitty shape fixed by a professional.
sex with phat pussy kemololis
Yeah, but most people suck at sliders.
great opportunity if you wanna look like >>498899925
Sometimes I log on to SL while drunk to admire my avatar, but I get distracted and forget. The next day, I’m bedridden with a hangover, and when I finally turn on my PC, I realize I left Firestorm open the whole time. There would also be tons of IMs from newbs and randos wanting to poseball go unanswered. It's a tragedy
I miss the old days of hanging out at sims with buddies, fucking, watching anime and movies and then talking shit while exploring some random surrealist sims. Watching that activity deteriorate into AFK statues and AFK sex sims killed a little spark of joy.
Oh okay. I still do that, though
I'm sure some people do but it's all extremely private now, personal parcels and whitelisted sims only, none of that communial engagement really existed past a certain point. If you're a newcomer now, you'd probably have to roll lucky on someone with a private clubhouse that's remotely active.
Why do they?
People still do all that

in vrchat
Doesn't feel the same when everyone's pretty obligated to talk in voice though, plus everyone's a friggin TDA.
I saw that for 50l at the recent event, my best guess is that it's a "pregnancy craving" thing? maybe?
It's because someone did that on social media, because reasons. They're black, I guess
Toronto-Dominion Ameritrade?
Did anyone ever make any good degenerate furniture with animesh?
>with animesh
what, do you want the chair to wiggle?
Well like tentacles, sex machines, slimes, stuff like that. I guess you could have chairs if you're into that sort of stuff.
Someone just asked me for best free cock recommendations. Anyone wanna answer?
who? the squirrel?
The only good cock is a paid cock
a flexi-prim with full glow
Why does it need to glow?
don't show this to khajiit
Will they come?
whats the most portable laptop that you could actually carry around with you to play Second Life? Im thinking something like a macbook m2pro, but theres gotta be something better right?
I've logged on with a GPDWin2 which is really old by now, but I think there's updated and similar versions of that out there.
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>like a macbook
Do Mobians still exist and have their constant stream of drama or did they all exodus elsewhere?
but does it actually look good and is it playable? don't mind turning off things like dynamic lighting and bloom to improve framerate. It just has to look decent and not look like absolute shit like i see on some laptops.

I actually main SL on a mac mini m2 pro since it looks better than on my desktop PC which has Ryzen 7 with RtX 3060 and12GB ram because it has superior anti aliasing or some shit, It just gets a little slow when theres too much draw distance. So I was expecting the same with a m2 pro laptop.
GPDWin2 ran fine, but I had most of the settings turned down. It's almost 10 year old hardware, though, like I said, there's probably better pocket PCs on the market now. A Toshiba Satellite laptop was my sole computer for a long time, and I ran SL on there, too.
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last time I checked, they shut down all their sims or downgraded to smaller parcels and moved onto vrchat. It's a tragedy really.
Dang. The drama was fun to behold sometimes and a few of them were good lays. Weird, I never really see them on VRChat when I meander about on it though.
I was tp'd to a Halloweeen party in a Mobian sim yesterday, but I didn't stay long enough to see any drama so I can't say.
Was it partciularly populated or threadbare?
It was around 15 peoples
where? i want to visit
you just have to go there at the right time
vrchat just works differently since you can only have an instance up for a certain duration, everyone comes together relying on an external social service like twitter, facebook, 4chan etc and has to be in the know to get there. I guess thats just better cost wise rather than paying for a sim full time. But i was able to actually run into one of those instances with mobian drama and everything especially during the morning since anyone in a mobian avatar are probably jobless neets like myself.
I guess Mobian on VRChat are more dedicated to their particular corners. On SL I was sorta used to seeing them spill out to other places from time to time, which is how I eventually wound up keeping eyes on their drama. Admittedly that was a good few years ago now.
that's the place http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Pearl%20Harbor/94/214/82
It's funny LL still never let you get parcel/sim descriptions from the webmap.
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So Im pretty new to SL and finally decided to give it a try, however after installing the viewers (SL original/Black Dragon/Firestorm) I get this pop up, what do I need to do to fix this error? From the quick googlefu I am lead to a adobe flash website link that just states "Support for Flash ended on December 31, 2020" as well instruction to white list the folders/files however the pop up error did not went away.
Might be an out of date extension on your PC. You could always click the "Do not show me this again" checkbox.
I seem to remember getting that years ago, but I don't remember what I did to get rid of it. I probably just permanently disabled the notification.
if you're using any Macbook with an M processor you should be using Megapahit viewer as it's the only one that is actually optimised for Mac silicon. feature set wise it's the default viewer with select cherrypicks from firestorm

Any Mac users in chat?
hope not
So, what exactly is the difference between the Maitreya Lara and Lara X bodies? Is one any "better" than the other? Why was there a need to make the second body to begin with?
Lara is like a decade old. Lara X is updated from a year or two back, and supposedly has better rigging, but I haven't tried it out to know for sure.
Lara's rigging and scripting were kind of shit, the only good part of this update was that you can get a better scripted version of the original Lara petite/flat chest bodies in the LaraX extras hud. Otherwise, say goodbye to most of your clothing, and even less people are rigging for petite/flat now.
And if you're just using normal Lara chest, love yourself, buy a Legacy or something.
>buy a Legacy or something.
Isn't Legacy even older, though?
Also, what other petite bodies are there, anyway? I think the only other small-chested body I've seen in the past 6 years was that shitty Regalia body.
Legacy is older than the Lara X. But I think his point was there's more outfit and clothing options available for Legacy and people are still actively rigging clothing for it. Also, most major bodies have flat chest options because of V-Tech chest replacers.
>Also, most major bodies have flat chest options because of V-Tech chest replacers.
Not talking about 'flat', I'm looking for 'petite' - small boobs for an athletic, tomboyish look. I haven't been on in a few years and only just updated my old Lara body, and saw there's a new Lara X version included with it. Finding clothes for small chests was always tough, but I thought it would be a little easier by now.
Could be wrong, but I feel like I see more Legacy Perky on the market than Lara Petite
legacy perky is the way to go my friend
I'll give the demo a try. It's BOM compatible, right? That seems to be the big trend now.
Sex havers
Pretty much every modern body mod is BOM
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avoid people that have look-ats like this
it means they camming on themselves and are narcissistic
Okay, but I'd like to fuck that
I cam on myself to cam on other people so it looks like I'm not camming on them
narcissist pussy is the bomb
bro you tp'd out with the drama, the fuck you mean stay longer enough

>it's turned on at all

avoid those who turn them off desu
So know whose retarded DMs to slide into. Like Karen, the 41 year old soccer mom who got her identity stolen twice. Yes.
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>avoid people that have look-ats like this
it means they camming on themselves and are narcissistic
Avoid this kind of people who tell you this

The lovely doe in the picture is clicking on her hud, her body looks like legacy which uses media huds -media objects control camera movement.

Now if it were to be light blue (Slate Blue) floating between your legs, then you could proceed to scream "rape" like a lazy fagget you are~
you dont stick your dick in the crazy anon
can confirm, I've been using it for 2 years now, it's great
demo works with BOM yeah. you need to enable it in the hud first or with a chat command "/1meshbody bom on"
>her body looks like legacy
with nerido push-up yes
I think you might be colorblind.
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Geez, anon I thought this was a red board thread
Your mistake, tard
>Your mistake, tard
You're a mistake, retard.
to make yourself stand out. consider the angler fish.
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Local fox was seen banging unattended dogs and horses
Linden Police have come up with this rough sketch as to what the perpetrator might have looked like
More at 11
I've meet a person who in their 40s on second life they acted like a teenage tranny who orbit people during important meetings then get butthurt and start using slurs from this board.
So what does SL have now for new people or former longtimers considering returning?
mirrors what you stare at yourself with
They recently added PBR so we can use roughness-metallic maps now, so everything looks nicer. Mirrors too of course. Same update brought 2048x2048 resolution textures.
Has performance in viewers been improved to coincide with that? Last I remembered, things chugged when you tried to tried to tamper with good windlights and higher graphics settings and I can only imagine, without any more optimization, that this PBR stuff and higher res textures is gonna tax things more.
PBR's update means that 'advanced lighting' is now always on / cannot be turned off, so a lot of people running potatoes are screaming like idiots, and Firestorm fumbled hard (release ran /worse/ than the god damn beta) so people spilled out into viewers like Alchemy or refused to update (which means PBR clothing is either white or invisible for them)

That said, the next two planned LL updates are 2k bom (bakes on mesh does not support 2k textures yet for some reason) and some kind of FPS fix that'll hopefully improve performance, yeah.
Dang, I used to stick with Firestorm because it was a good balance for photography and usability, given Black Dragon was apparently a pile of garbage in terms of control.
i cant wait for retarded creators to throw the highest resolution textures on everything and make performance even worse
Firestorm's worked great for me still, because I am not on a potato. Alchemy is a better photography viewer than black dragon, also.

I've already seen a tweet saying they saw someone UVing a dress to use multiple 2048x2048 textures.
I think when I last logged in was in 2020 and I had a 1080. How's a 3080 gonna fare nowadays?
I don't know enough about computers unfortunately but I'm on max settings with realtime mirrors just fine with a 2070
just say no, anon :^)
I play in 4k with a 3070Ti. you'll be fine
Good to know.
It's nice to know they're at least trying to make improvements to the visual quarter of SL now, rather than pouring too much effort into gimmicky stuff that people rarely took advantage of. Now if only there we decently populated places/clubs/hangouts to go, it might be worth considering going back.
also my settings and specs
definitely not max settings but it works for me
I'm guessing shadows and draw distance are still the heavy hitters for performance
yes, and mirrors also
game's playable with shadows for me but I'd rather get some extra performance for everyday gameplay and just turn them on for screenshots
I'm currently stuck on my laptop for a bit and I'm using firestorm but for whatever reason whenever I'm just doing anything firestorm randomly goes from everything being rendered pretty normally to swapping back and fourth to a lower quality version. I've been looking at the settings for awhile now is there like anything that prevents that its really distracting.
What do you mean lower quality? Like LOD?
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Possibly? Pic related it does this on basically anything where lots of just will be rendered properly and then it will just swap to a lower quality model for a few seconds or more
In quickprefs or graphics settings change LOD factor (or Objects & Sculpts LOD) to max to fix 3D models. For the texture thrashing, could be your internet or craptop, could try Alchemy or default viewer and see if it happens there though?
Yeah I tried the LOD thing already but thanks though, I'll give the Alchemy viewer a try I never heard of it actually so maybe that will help
here's your 2k textured flip flops, sir :^)
Is Alchemy fundamentally better than Firestorm nowadays? I remember people squawking about backdoors in Alchemy a few years back.
Alchemy is for the brokefags
It doesn't even look like there's a texture on the flip flops...
I don't know anything about backdoors, but it is a pretty viewer and some people found it ran better than firestorm for them. But I do myself prefer firestorm.

>over 500l as well
Alchemy runs better but doesn't have all of the bells and whistles and nice fancy UI that Firestorm has. For a low-powered laptop, definitely try Alchemy and see if that runs better.
tell me about
Silent Shark (driocku)
Maчкeтинa (autism.enthusiast)
He who Remains (elemntalshadow)
DOG 1 (po.lygon)
Vermicelli (kletka.cloud)
veggie (cooldoodwithatood)
Ted Cruz (epicnicebrony)
Dice (googleymoogley)
Luciano Halliwell (banana.quack)
Windowlic Klaar
Ayano (rena.kamachi)
Rvivme (jerrymcghoulberry)
Cub D. Nakamoto (cub949)
Soft Littlepaws
Remina (deadlyplanet)
MCRfan1991 (lel)
little pete (esquamulax)
Datura Blossom
Is this a banlist?
not a single name on that list sounds like a pleasant person to be around, so you probably shouldn't care, anon
The exact same thought crossed my mind lmao
Pretty sure
A lot of these people have probably changed their names, plus I just plain forget people I haven't seen or heard of in a while. Most are just general griefing/spamming retards. Dabunkydunk was underage wannabe griefer and general annoyance. ProfGenki was a pedophile. Cub, Alchemy, and Datura were deranged, obsessive autists. Tairenar, Windowlic Klaar, and Soft Littlepaws (FKA Fauvist) are horny furries with little redeeming value. I forget if eyeflies did something heinous, she was a weird girl that went the trans route, and was generally horny.
Huh, I only mildly recognize one name there. I guess the turnover's happened.
no I hate them all
Creators who do this should be publicly named and shamed.
do you hate me too?
if you're on the list yeah
i am not
ok then maybe I like you :)
just kidding I hate you too
omg eyeflies is a dude who use voicemod
>tfw not on the list
Tell me about whose ban list this is (I wish to join it)
It's mine. You can join it by sitting on my Darkfold Legends "The Wall" Engine. After I'm done with you I'll add you to the list.
Cartoon Looking Mofo's
All Pedophiles or Trannies(often both), the lower on the list you go the more tranny schizo they get
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>Datura at the very bottom
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sometimes this game can randomly be kinda pretty.
Not very graphically impressive in that instance, but there have been times where I'm walking around somewhere and something hits. Feels dream like when I think back on some sims I've explored.
My PC has been lagging to shit every single time I TP
Is Firestorm kill?
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The avatar in a lot of cases is just an extension of one's true ideal self. I wish there were more studies done on it
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SL is like, peering into the human psyche
ayo new torsolo just dropped
didn't know soft linden was freaky like that
Is that Soft?
yep that's 100% soft linden
source: just trust me dude
When are we going on a field trip? Burn2 is going on.
what did the Dice do he is nice with me
haha thread is going to 404
and I selected the no-bump option!!
Based and sage pilled
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I don't speak moonrunes what is this
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>be on firestorm
>try to TP once
>takes forever
>cancel it
>try to TP again
>get this error
what the deuce?
imagine trying to leave and the sim is private but they had it open
>Firestorm fixed the teleport crash!
The fix:
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going to none found right now because of this filename
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It is vvvv laggy
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There's not even anyone cool here
i see a few people who owe me a BJ
sent nudes to a minor IIRC
I swear to god there's so many goddamn baileys in SL it's untrue.
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I want the I Love PBR starter pack
I can't wait until Second Life moves to WebRTC voice so I never need to listen to a 6.6.17 luddite ever again.
LL viewer sucks though
>dog turds are awful
>that's why I prefer to play with horse shit
a sign you should not be at that sim
but I'm going to bring them to my home parcel and have them sit pink...
I'm gonna guess you took more pictures of them.
why the fuck do these plain black shoes need to be 2k?
to make poorfags like you cry lol
small indie creator is once again asking for your support goy now that'll be five bux ꒪ㄥ꒪
Everything needs to be 2k now.
Every grain of those strips on the bottom must be visible.
I do like the feet
big numby = gud
It's weird that the soles don't match the contour of the toes. It's like a big oval instead of being more closely shaped to the paws.
So that suppose to be favist?
>Alchemy and Firestorm both crash due to memory leakage in VRAM
>Cool Viewer works fine but is Cool Viewer.

Crazy how LL keeps making a game that already ran bad in 2003 run bad 20 years later.
>Support Ukraine
Good job, anon
I have never heard of Cool Viewer. It doesn't sound very cool
his greed is almost as large as his ego, his products are shit and his avatars are ugly as fuck nigger-cats with thiccc thighs. hate that cunt.
Did you try the default viewer? They're working on FPS fixes right now and seemingly putting all other cool updates on hold

No one else is making anything for the other chest mods (v-tech flat, teacups, stacked, though he dropped mounds for some reason?) so he's "allowed" to price that high, people are desperate.
The shoes prices are stupid though no matter how you look at it.
the shoe prices are retarded though. I totally agree with you on the chest mod thing but there are plenty of people making shoes for different paw mods.
Wow is just like a fantasy seeing people who try to disown me, ripping themselves inside out.
did Virtual Secrets not post your image collage fast enough?
They did once said I was a crybaby when I only cried because I was going through an stressful time in irl.
Soft Linden is pretty cute.
He about to lose he's job.
Good. He'll start poseballing more.
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firestorm update
no thank you
nuff wank you
>though he dropped mounds for some reason?
I noticed this too, all the mounds mounds are MP only
solely because of the mounds creator
can you elaborate on that? I thought they were friends, given all of the mounds add-on mods
yes, sales equate to friendship.
go read her blog if you give enough of a shit and sift through all her passive aggressive crap without actually naming him.
I can't find any mention of that anywhere on socials or in either discord so it might've been deleted, that sucks though. At least I know not to expect them to collab again, I guess. rip
unless it comes to actually directly addressing him, theres no reason not to keep doing business even in part via the marketplace. as long as people buy it, who cares if you differ with someone to a point.
where is he now?
which one? Both are autistic but one is an insane BPD bitch trying to worm her way into every creators circle in SL while they laugh at her. The other is a closeted furry that overcompensates and is cringe incarnate
The transman?
I haven't played SL in about a year. Maybe more.

Are there any new sims worth seeing? Quality builds like Crazy Dragona or Drune. I'm not really interested in Halloween themes but might take a look.
How does BD run better than Firestorm at this point
there's more of those coming out all the time, but finding them is the trick.
Firestorm is just that bad.
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It's true everyone hates anime in SL but way like it fight like it?

No, why him?
>teleport anywhere
>game lags out for 3 minutes straight
I have a AMD Radeon RX 7900 XTX, why is this happening?
one or both of these could be causing it
Remote Administration Tools
Stop it
No, Baka.
Have some aussie-tube https://youtu.be/pDwENUhCxdw?si=hsYeCcSTF2YMHxuq
holy shit there's a new virtual secrets being spammed to people by random objects lmao
New virtual secrets?
virtualdip dot com
Did ana killed himself already?
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I hope.
I haven't played SL in about a year. Maybe more.

Are there any new sims worth seeing? Quality builds like Crazy Dragona or Drune. I'm not really interested in Halloween themes but might take a look.
Yeah don't worry, I don't want to find anyone, I want a specific someone to not find me
What an odd thing to say..
It's afraid
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Put some contextual hints together.
We're in a secondlife general.
There are autistic fucking monster rejects that would ruin their lives to spite someone else.
They would do this because your avatar is too pretty, they would do it because they didn't like one of your jokes. There are people that pay lindens begging people to fart into a microphone. And you can't imagine a single circumstance that I am not being hounded by one total fuckwit at all times?
oh it's you
The Hero of Kvatch!
it's just an esl
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I started playing Fortnite between exploring on SL
where did your life go so wrong?
When I made friends :(
>not playing roblox with them instead
is it just the textures getting blurry? if so try increasing the texture cache and lowering draw distance so you're not continuously hitting the limit by loading every texture in the vicinity and reloading everything as it swaps around.
Roblox sucks and they keep stealing things from SL
because roblox actually pays creators better than SL, somehow.
The amount of real children on there is too big of a money making prospect to pass up.
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The sheer volume of users is why roblox beats out SL for creators.
>English Language School
Clearly run by ESLs
Its great because I can swear on you and spit in your food and talk to you in an innocent nicely way~
english as a lecond sanguage
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>I'm not really interested in Halloween themes
That's mostly what you're going to see at the moment.
nice place
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leave me and my nigger baby alone
>sim has too many people to make my point
>stay up until 4am when everyone's sleeping
>screenshot nearby list
>we did it, my fellow keks. the sim is dead
tick tock aeris, those eggs aren't getting any less rotten,
pretty fucked up thing to say
not bad then bring up someone dead boyfriend just for attention right?
In English, please sir
nah you gay and retarded
the only thing fucked up is aeris wasting her youth on second life being a pickme orbiter for wannabe greifers in slmc.
sounds like whoever they are they hurt your feelings
bro you realize he use the AI voice mod?
aeris has never made me mad I'm just pointing out she's 35 years old.
ok? who cares?
you sound netflix psychotic stalker docu levels of mentally disturbed
35 year old man hahah who loves adultswim cartoons
ok but anyway tick tock those eggs are rotten.
I did my check up with the docs my eggs still in good shape just my heart rate is too high
what the fuck really? a 35 year old man hanging out on SL is bad enough but a woman? Yikes
So what is this some age limit restriction on some retard fag who need attention? No thank you~
enzo ESL is 40 years old lmao
You like 40 year old girls?
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whats her deal
agp, but at least he isnt hurting anyone
Miku Cafe Group Owner who love group dances songs an such, believe to be two users working together behind a mass of spying alts, They groom any female they can get and leech off cuckholds. I managed to leave a good scar on their operation. I know their were about just as much as you~
>VOID releases a mesh eyelash kit
>lots of cute appliers come out for it

>VOID releases Another mesh eyelash kit
>1,500l but rigged for less heads
>lots of cute appliers come out for it

>VOID releases Yet Another mesh eyelash kit
>2,000l, rigged for even less heads
>lots of cute appliers come out for it
go play with your barbie dolls somewhere else gayboy
Behave yourself.
Aeris' only crime is not posting the altcake age regression erp screenshots itt rn
fr fr no cap
Hey, to anyone who owns the kemono body - is there any way to make it smaller than what the sliders allow? If not, are there any shorter furry bodies around? The only other one I could find is that Puchimono avatar, which (stigma aside) doesn't play well with most Bento tails other than the shitty default one it comes with and has horrible looking tits that aren't compatible with physics. It's probably the closest I can get to a Midna-esque body shape and size (which is what I'm after - I want to make a shortstack implike character), but I'd rather use an alternative if there is one.
sick freak
>only crime
You meant cold case for real.
Post the altcake screenshots and there can be an end to the horror.
ew rather not see that
Avert your eyes and allow the evidence to be distributed.
Who is altcake?
What fucking evidence are to provide? I'd meet up with his alt thrice in-world larping about people should leave their mic on. Everybody hates that faggot which I was aware and told of but, I'd did not hate or care until he bring up some personal hurt drama with a twist like some brainrotted disable child, of fucking course I will be unhinge or rationally homicidal toward a person like that!
Aeris has screenshots of him and others ageplaying in his discord. They must be distributed to the public.
oh. who fucking cares
I fucking care
Why are not found trannies like this?
aeris is a pedophile?
gotta be a pedo to be in a pedophile discord, so yeah aeris pedo
You will never be an anglophone.
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only one I'm aware of, demos should be inworld
Potato like
Unfortunately no one's making "abnormal" bodies aside from huge butts and near-hyper breasts, gotta take what we can get unless someone learns blender and decides to share.
Alt of teacake
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I tried to click the website link to the sim they own and my browser was asked to download something sketchy. Works good!
It's trying to download anarchy but it has to get your consent first
So, it is?
A Mole delight
the moles are into fatties?
The moles are single handedly funding all fat bodies and add-ons.
hate fatties
just as dumb as being paraplegic in SL
where are you seeing paraplegics in SL?
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Fantasy sims
This. Not sure if many are around still, but I saw a few roaming around some of the Game of Thrones RP sims
why are they at the fantasy rp sims and not at the clubs wtf
Why would they go to clubs when they could club some gobs?
Besides Piggu, what fat bodies are available?
Piggu sucks and is dead anyway
Utilizator's burger queen sucks and is dead anyway

There are no (usable) fat bodies in SL, anon probably thinks the Reborn counts as fat somehow because there's a slight pudge mod for it.
Kupra is just the Reborn but worse, neither of them are fat or even have good weights on the belly slider. A big ass does not mean you are fat.
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I wish there were more Fortnite avatars on SL, so I could fuck them.
So do you have the applicable heads or no?
All I need is the Cuddle Team Leader heads
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retard forgot to attach his 2nd wing lmao
That isn't my triggering mood, you've fat face dummy~
One more time in English please saar
He got the 'could not attach' notice but clicked through it without reading
*whacks you *
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Are you ready?
Is this that Virtual Secrets copy? It looks like it's run by zoomer memers.
shut up and behave yourself
best shop for vein tatts? and other skin type textures
I knew one for scars and maybe blemishes, but I'm not sure about veins.
Skibidi toilet avatar?
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Only 50L
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Just like IRL!
This drop didn't have anything all that interesting or surprising desu. Hope the next one is better.
fapped to virtualdip
virtual huh??
post the best secrets here, I'm not going to that site
all I know about SL, I've gotten from DNSL and Esteban.
I'm very curious, what do you guys do in SL?
Aeris is actually a woman
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we look cute and get perverted IMs from people who want to FUCK us
A lot of people, creators especially, just idle in their personal skyboxes.
Personally, I even sleep inworld. Cozy.
I want to fuck you
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I go driving/boating/flying across the continents
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>Personally, I even sleep inworld
Why isn't your mirror's working? Poorfagget?
God bless you bros <3
saar be not bullying this good morning for krishna's sake
Oh no you fuck up badly, I understand you being cute and retarded with a touch of racism and misgender, "which I don't care" But bringing in some type of god shit like it supposedly to be such a thing! You best believe I am a atheists~
Wouldn't you like to know...
>demos should be inworld
That person seems to no longer have an in-world store, unless you have an LM to a more recent location that they didn't post in their profile.
well damn.
good luck deciding if you want to pay to try it then, or could learn to make your own mesh body since there's not really clothing for that one anyway.
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him have what
LoveQueenKathy and Tina both my second life daughters one is friend from my ex the other is irl cousin, sim location PL's object/script sandbox testing...
you're all men stfu esl
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Aren't you man (mad) enough?
Sir, the lady ask you an question!
I would the one on the right
in english please shrikant
I'll wear your butt out in (U.S Country Mom Speaking)
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why are you reposting your own slop?
Too easy of a question, but at least I don't samefag, never will be a fag sorry not sorry carry on, or I'll wear your butt out maybe~
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>never will be a fag sorry
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>I don't samefag
You do?
I do not.
Should I update my femboy girlfriend to Legacy or go straight to Reborn? Maitreya's bodies are insufferable.
Reborn is hard to make a femboy look right unless you want to be very bottom heavy. You'll need deformers. Legacy looks more typical, but it depends on your preference.

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