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Laser Eyes Edition
Previous: >>497949384

>DragonRod's Digital Tamer Reborn 2 just came out today

>Habu Kazumasa no longer involved with Digimon games at Bandai

>Digimon Survive official website

>-next 0rder- Switch & PC re-release out

>Lost Evolution translation patch finally released

>Comic Chapter 7-1

>Web Novel Chapter3 & 4 released:

>Official website

>Official JP theme
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YkmPTtp9D_o [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]

>Liberator synopsis and character details

>Liberator initial announcement

>Digimon Dreamers online distribution update

>New manga from the participants of the Digimon comic award has been released

>Current /tg/ /dcg/ thread

>LM-04 announced

>Bandai Card Games Fest goods

>Look Up Piyomon & Gomamon figure pre-orders open

>New Ichiban Kuji lottery figures

>Adventure 25th Color Evolution 2nd wave US pre-orders open

>EN Reference Book

/digi/ is like Leomon; neither ever dies
More like Dorumon. Abused to hell and back, but still trucks along.
can probably add the monhun vpet to the toy news section
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based masochistic dorufan
>cancelled games include one commisioned by nintendo
what the fuck happened at bandai namco?!
if its a pokemon game that was canned, we're living
if its not, we're dying
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The V-pet & BE sections of the stater guide could probably be updated at this point
The running theory is that it's a Kid Icarus Uprising remake. There were job listings for a third person action game that fit the bill a while back
Plotmon is cuter than gatomon
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>plot twist: it was the fabled star fox 64 sequel everyone had been waiting for
imagine the butthurt
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It's almost a shame Deckerdramon wasn't in the manga
It'd be fun to see his reaction to this moment
Wasn't Star Fox 2 already cancelled all the way back in 1995? I'm sure the fans would be used to disappointment by now
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>digimon game canceled
get fucked faggots ahahaahahaha
whole team got fired even
don't you have a octillery to rape, /vp/fren?
who are you fren? why you hate us?
no they didn't
keep seething retard
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Jokes on you, it wasn't never in development!
can we not use the word retard? my digi destined is retarded
Most likely the case.
I hope people are able to realize folklore isn't literal.
The chariot of Cu-Chulain wasn't an actual invisible chariot, the birds weren't the dirt from the hooves of his horses, nor the morning mist the breath of his steeds. The clouds in the sky were actually his trail of dust, and lastly he wasn't actually being carried by anything.
This is all allegory because he is a God.
Same with the octillery story being an obvious case of "cherish your relationships and don't be a piece of shit to others".
The Arceus one is cool though.
Also they weirdly hyperfocus on human x pokemon breeding. Guess original DPPT probably have a big reveal that all pokemon are part-human due to Arceus fucking human and all these bestiality lore are leading up to that but they decided to scrapped the whole thing (except few more ambiguous Sinnoh myths)
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holy copium, batman
I hope whatever nintendo game got canceled wasnt something I'd have wanted to play. Better have just been some anime cash-in and not an actual good game.
Wasn't this already posted? Anyway, Calmaramon probably would have a defective son if mated with a human.
>they were waiting for everyone to be distracted by sparking zero to announce this
Those sneaky dogs...
"Actually, mythology is just a metaphor. People don't actually believe this happened."
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>The Seekers leaked image
>The Reference Guide Update
>Machinamon's silhouette
>Now this
Endless Waltzed
Deathscythe Hellmon when?
>Possible Kid Icarus Uprising remake canned
Yes? I don't think even ancient Greeks really believes that the Gods lived on top of a mountain
Sion certainly knows what it's like to be excluded
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S-shut up!
Honestly they both kinda suck

For an Adult, Tailmon doesn't really have a decent attack worth writing home about
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is there a collection of these somewhere? I remember seeing judo, volleyball, soccer, and a few others
Check the artist's profile
She had that one hypnotizing attack in 02
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Happy birthday in peace, Matsuno.
Scared me for a second there with the wrong Agumon.
i can't believe Chazz is fucking dead
You can't cancel a project that never was.
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My favorite Appmon character.
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>Future Potential
DMX reshell?
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Thank you, Mirai!
Preorders are still up for it
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>my two Digimon this time is a classic waifumon and a goblin gyaru-oh
Bros... I swear I am not intending this to happen...
x3 any day now
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how could you leave them die? I told you to stuff them full of renamon's turtle soup. you're not worthy of raising digimon
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I am still trying to determine who my other Digimon will be... Darkdramon will definitely be one I'll try immortalize, but for the other one I want a cute girl Digimon...
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Palmon and Dramons
Disgusting hybrid
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That would be nice and all if the Pokemon series isn't a case of all myths being true wasn't a thing. We were never suppose to know any of those stories and we were given a condensed version in the form of Sinnoh myths. Unless you want to argue that Arceus totally didn't create the Pokemon world and we got to see how through its event just to give us an egg or having to fucking buy BDSP JUST to figure out how to get to Manaphy because nothing in legends will tell you how.
Bandaid scamco at its finest, though apparently those were mobile titles according to some anon, so nothing of value got lost
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The articles i can find say it's both, console and mobile games
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>The running theory is that it's a Kid Icarus Uprising remake. There were job listings for a third person action game that fit the bill a while back

Bandai Namco suck (more than the usual). No Digimon game in sight, no follow up to Klonoa remakes and now this. It's like they only care about their anime licenses.
New game when
Isn't it just the canceled Metroid they were doing that we already have been knowing about, for the Nintendo one?
You mean Metroid Prime 4? That game already has a release date, why would it be cancelled this late into production?
Yes, and that's because the development was swapped back to the developer of the other Prime games after Bandai Namco was taken off the project some time ago.
>some time ago
Yeah, over 5 years ago
Why would it only just get cancelled this year?
when the x3 gets localized
Because they're reporting other stuff being canceled, and it makes a catchier headline if you throw the old canceled Nintendo collab project in there than just mentioning how they were canceling anime games the average person doesn't give a shit about.
then anon might have been full of shit in his vendetta against doomfags
It's not gonna hit Digimon anyways
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Who's the one above ankylomon?
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Because early RK were protagmons.
there was a bamco pokemon game mentioned in the gayfreak leaks
good riddance lmao
Ulf and Magna got in via nepotism from grandpa PM
The fact that they are cutting staff is already a bad sign
more like they knew they had bloat, SZ proved they can put all their eggs in mostly 2-4 baskets, and then getting all the excess "passion" projects the boot.
and what basket is Digimon in at this point...
The one that makes money with V-Pets and cards
digimon is barely clinging on to one of the mainstays of bandai, its not actually one of the baskets.
Kill yourselves
dont worry, we're still totally get that Story game soon
Yeah, redditor
oh hey, wheres that concept art for the game anyways?
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digital monsters and virtual girls
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Survive, /digi/
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If digimon were real I would fight them
just because they were there
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Has anyone gotten their wave 2 pendulums yet?

Renamon and fashion queen Ruki
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>Gets Jonkled in prison
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there are no laws against the digimon silly old bean
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I want more games
There actually is.
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guilmon is too hot for vidya
>inteligent enough to consent

tailmon passes the harkness test, no need to jokerpost
Wonderswan cock is massive and juicy. No wonder Ruki wants to be Ryo's onahole
None that matter. Yggi is a joke that gets bullied by interdimensional parasites and teenagers
probably that kid icarus port that was rumored to come out for switch
Give me a reason to survive.
Because if you don't we won't be able to get the Truthful route where Bandai finally admits they don't give two hoots about the series and sells it off to someone who will value it.
Why are videogamefags all whiny bitches? This behavior isn't natural
>Implying anyone will value a series that struggles against inferior grandpas like mainline SMT.
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So I guess after Tamers and the train movie the Digimon just stay with them.
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Pretty much
Digimon is in a good state.
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More students
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A is for Ass!
I’ll take that as a no
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I do. I'm using VB right now
Which one you thinking of running first?
Can you still order those?
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I already did Wind Gaurdians. I'm running VB right now. Working on Omega. Got MetalGaruru done just raising her right now.
The state of California kek
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>There's a redacted section
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Why is her butt like this?
Oh I’m dumb I thought when you said VB you were talking about doing a run on your Vital Bracelet
show side profile
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show her standing still man, what is this.
>leaks show Hikari(Pokemon) is a communist
So would she get along with Hikari(Digimon) or would there be too severe political differences?
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I think it is easier to see her butt while running
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Mastemon won pretty easily.
MasteOmegamon soon.
>Tlalocmon third
People care about him? I thought the new Super Ultimates were pretty forgettable
I wonder how this anon feels now
hank hill looking ass
It still has newness buff
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What would you like to say to the top 3 winners?
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The visual results.
>Recolor shit in dead last
Actually based for once
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how does it feel to have more fresh and exciting youtube content than pokemon for once?
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>couldn't find a single rule 34 of tlaloc
it's over
>Kaiju/reptile digis all at the bottom

Oof, hope they don’t base future decisions around this too hard. Im actually just glad Blastmon isn’t dead last even though hes bottom 5
>Callismon top 5

better than I expected hope he makes it into a game
>waifu, pet doggo, loli
the invincible trifecta
>cthyllamon is a kaiju/reptile
in what world? it looks like an evil fairy/demon. also, aegisdramon looks kaiju-esque with the boat parts, claws, and cannons.
sucks about jumbogamemon since it looks so cool. looks like boss material alongisde blastmon. eldoradimon feels more like a portable hub city
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why would a fox wear clothes
It's a fox. The only people attracted to it are mentally ill already so it won't do anything.
no sir, it's a Digimon, get your eyes checked
because we don't get games

Fuck argentina
did the spics do something this time? I thought they only shilled arrester?
>SCPmon incoming
Dunno about that one, Mastemon seems fairly popular even without spic intervention, fenri was an MCmon and has the Sif motive, and Tlaloc is cute, recent and had a liberator appearance
why would i watch shitty youtube videos?
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Damn, look at him drinking all that grape juice
Kill all waifufaggots, this shit is what happens when Drashiro isn't involved. As a fanbase you should be ashamed for needing an autistic spic to try and save your franchise.
I know you are retarded, but take a
guess who would have won, if Mervamon was an option.
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>that Oleamon in the back
I think some of the audience might go missing
Tlalocmon is a boy, you dumb fucks.
Finally, the Warhammer Fantasy crossover.
But how did GranKuwagamon get to 4th place?
Wormmon privilege
It's the ultimate of the first opponent of adventure, appears in a lot of games and was a meta deck in the tcg.
Because of ADVENTUUUUUUUUUUURE fags who can't let go of something that isn't related to their garbage show
seethe more, faggot
cute loli
Surprised they haven’t remade Tamers to shill the new card game
Tales of Symphonia Characters and Their Partner Digimon
akshually digimon don't have genders and blah blah blah so that means it can be whatever I want it to be and I want it to be a cute girl
>deviantart filename
Running the nightmare soldiers z to get into the holiday spirit
>Deviantart is full of AI slop now
Damn, I will miss cringe deviantart OC and weird fetish art made with paint.

waifumons run this shit
prudefags absolutely btfo
The fact that none of these sites force AI to be on a separate off by default option is fucking grating. So god damned tired of seeing it fill up every site with seemingly no options to hide all of it or filter it somehow.
Better off just making a Liberators anime which they should have done desu. Same with Seekers.
I would attack her bigly
I don’t think the plot is strong enough to transition well into an anime format
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You don't run shit
I hope this means you'll get a very strong and sexy upgrade and/or variant.
"How? I mean, don't get me wrong, you're not bad, but let's face it: There were better choices."
"We'll probably never get a MetalEtemon + PileVolcamon fusion because of you and you're only here because some moronic pedos think you're a girl."
Why was Callismon in the top 5?
>Deviantart made a diffusion model with the shit that was in their site
Who the hell would want a sloppa maker trained in shitty paint edits and how to draw manga-tier fetish images?
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Got a better frame
Unintentional Dark Souls/Pokemon reference + buttfucked the TCG for a bit is why Fenriloogamon is good enough for the silver medal

V-Tamer meme + new art
People clearly like the gremlin, now all we need is for it to get a favourable anime/game rendition
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Ghost Game is proof plot doesn't really matter (for the most part); not shitting the bed/being focused on what works is all that matters to make a good Digimon show.
GG Archnemon's human disguise having segmented joints is one of the things I like from this person's interpretations.
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It doesn't have to be an adaptation. An OC debug member running around solving crimes would be enough.
Tamers really sucked at shilling its card game. I don't think it would have shilled the new card game very well either
remember when digimon games were yearly? take me back.
When was that? 20 years ago?
>I need spic eceleb to keep my digimon pure from humons!
Ghost gay only proves that not having any narrative at all is what killed the anime.
Its more of Toei's writers can't handle locking in for a toy anime so burgers and latinxs won't yell at them. That and whatever comes after ends up a mistake in the Appmon way or the Colon way.
Just delete humons. Nobody would miss them.
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Renamon are the type that get embarrassed when you show any affection towards them.
No it's you who killed the anime, it's all your fault
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Next year Digimoncon will be at the end of march
>We are no longer considering.
Thank goodness, I was worried the annual humiliation event wouldn't be happening.

here's your new adventureslop
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Bigger image.
>another PV for Adventure
>during 02's 25th anniversary
So nothing but short videos from now on to remind people to buy Adventure merch.
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"I think it will be especially pleasing to everyone who has always believed they have a partner Digimon of their own."
>kakudou is 65
>unless that person's father died in a war
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ReadingCHADS? it is our turn again
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>taichi and yamato again
More mindbreak to look forward to.
Failed franchise
Are we finally going to the one place that hasn't been corrupted by Adventure?
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>hasn't been corrupted by Adventure
where is the Mimi
No budget for unpopular characters.
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>another PV for Adventure during 02's 25th anniversary
>As if the Anime's anniversary being nothing but AAAAAAAdventure wasn't enough, now AAAAAAAAdventure is taking over all the other seasons' anniversaries
Oh, boy! Can't wait...
The only ones who make money, or in Colon's case, didn't bleed badly enough to immediately forfeit.

I'm ready for Movie 5's aborted crossover plot to be fully realized
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>unpopular characters
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'Til all are Adventure!
So the new PV is directed by Kakudou? That's kinda neat at least.
Kinda funny that the Agumon/Gabumon reunion is happening in a music video directed by the person who left Kizuna's production.
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I love this cat like you wouldn't believe.
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can't wait to be told to wait for more news
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Information soon?
Fusion with Kuzuhamon when, Bamco?
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Who the fuck is this gay twink? It can't be Yamato
It's Yamato's daughter.
So we've got an announcement on January and a PV on March.
tanoshimi ni shiteimasu (raughs)
The January one is the Koji Wada tribute concert.

two hours of eeeeeehhhhhhhhh sugoi *craps*
literally over a year of Soon
>"Where's Sora?"
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Remember, people voted OMEGAAA just to counter-troll TRASHiro.
That question being met with awkward silence was possibly the most heartbreaking moment of last year. The Beginning had nothing compared to that.
>rumors of colon 2 hit
>we get this instead
we were so blessed back then
Melodrama is easier to do dumb shit with than Baysplosions; also horror is easier to pull off in a show with no real plot.
>no new anime for 2025
holy dead franchise
Imagine if Gammamon had kept those wacky ass proportions.
>"This is clearly a fake. Looks too amateurish" - Said the furfag in twitter
Never stops being funny
No point in making risks with a franchise with more misses than hits. No one in Toei is competent enough to make to consistently make the spooky no plot show/moderately competent generic shonen. They would find a way to make the show only appeal to nipponese women and weird spic masochisys
We're back to the Savers/Xros Wars gap years. At least Bandai is keeping it alive with the card game. For now.
Eno is cool. retweeted my shits a lot too. Shame she probably got burnout now.
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Digimon died due to incompetent execs and writers getting mindbroken by continuity. Its how this franchise rolls
we are really getting the tamagotchi angel re-release before the fucking x3
frontier and hunters killed the anime despite having plot. the former because there were no partnermons and the latter because it was a boring nothingburger with an unlikable MC. fuck off contrarian plotfaggot.
>>no longer considering.
hope that doesn't mean canceling
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Assuming Story even comes out at this point I dread how long the wait for next gen World is going to be and if they ever took any feedback from N0
We're not going to get another one anytime soon, and likely so for at least 7+ years.
Why is that Renamon so fat?
>next gen World
not him. you can both go to hell. fuck you. I'm gonna keep asking for what I want
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Why doesn't Digimon media incorporate a simplified V-pet shape into human character and building designs, like how Pokémon media uses simplified pokéball shapes everywhere it can?
So Agumon and Gabumon are back! I hope they return to fight some bug like Chaosmon and not to try top save the world.
Because those are simply a medium. Each individual series uses different tools.
It's just a short PV that's leading up to the 02 epilogue. Best you'll get is the cast all getting into their respective jobs and getting married
>getting married
Whoa, whoa, let's not get nuts here. Poor Kakudo wouldn't survive. Yamato and Sora will absolutely not share a single animated frame together.
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Too much fried tofu
>Shippers are so buckbroken that Kakudo can't even safely express canon

The fuck is wrong with this planet?
How good/bad will be Digimon Adventure Beyond?
Its a music video that's gonna backpedal the bad melodrama with Kakudo at the helm. It'll probably be okay at best.
Hard to rate a 2-3 minute short.
I'm going to laugh if Kakudou just straight up ignores DALEK/TB and uses his sequel outline for the PV.
Is that a Vital Bracelet on Taichi´s left wrist?
What the fuck it is
Run For Digimon Money: Beyond The Great Mission confirmed.
>retcons kizuna
>cliffhanger ending where aliens show up
It will be kino.
>VB comes back
>But Pulsemon is no longer the mascot
>Kakudo can't even safely express canon
More like he did shit job making that pairing likable/believable in adventure/02 so nobody like it except either Kakudofags (usually gooks) who defense every of his takes or Yamatofujos who want to have cake and eat it too. KenxMiyako had one season plus some movies less screentime yet still had better buildup/investment and so actually had genuine fanbase.
Kakudo is still mostly a good writer, the contrarian ship that caused decades of asspain and Pizza Crust aside.
Seeing how he wasn't a writer for the series, I'd say he's mostly a good planner/ideas guy who can direct an episode under budget.
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Is it gonna be related to Beyond?
>making new cards for a PV
Probably not.
>KenxMiyako had one season plus some movies less screentime yet still had better buildup/investment and so actually had genuine fanbase
The fuck are you talking about? Ken and Miyako barely interacted with each other. Ken had more lines of dialogue with Iori than he did with Miyako
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Konata´s glorious return when?
It's all just a big con
Would cause too many mental breakdowns
Probably for Tamers' 25th anniversary in 2026.
So, Liberator is gonna end in march?
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>From Digimon Liberator, which is nearing its second year
Liberator isn't gonna end yet
unless they remake tamers to account for the missing/unavailable VAs, it's gonna be hard.
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I doubt it.
This was in XroSHIT, the most kiddy of Digimon anime, yet faggots still complain about the presence of womons:
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It's not a secret that Xros was the most blatantly horny season
Even the manga supports that part of it
>the most kiddy of Digimon anime
That was Appmon
>faggots hate it when sexy women exist
Wow anon, really? Next you'll say furries are annoying or something.
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Oh boy! I cant wait to wait til they're ready to share information!
That's...what I was saying?
Miyako had a crush on him since pre-face turned. Also she slapped him. Sora wished she could had that level of intimacy with Yamato.
Yeah it's a low bar but that showed how YamatoXSora was somehow even worse.
It wasn't. You're tired, it's been a long day.
We are lucky we are never getting a Tamers 2. Konaka is washed
Stop with the dumb little PVs already and make another anime series
The entire plot of Tamers was basically an allegory for illegal migrants. #buildthefirewall
Does everyone here really hate Adventure and it's lasting effect on the franchise?
If I could go back in time and kill Kakudo before he could make Adventure, I would. That's how much we hate Adventure
I hate all humons
Only the Tamers troons do.
Honestly as much as I love laughing at the whinier videogamefags I feel like Digicon 2025 IS the Story game reveal
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>Waifufags and furshitters spamming again
>Its literally following on from 02s ending
Neither Kakudou or the producer lady get it.
I dont want everyone to have a digimon, but not because "what if someone wanted their dead dad revived instead?!" or whatever
I want a digimon to be part of a secret club of chosen/digidestined/whatever. If everyone has one, it loses its magic.
02 is still adventure you retards.
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I just wanna see Beyond Mimi and Hikari.
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Comparing Taichi and Yamato's hairstyles and character designs in different series and movies.

Which ones are your favorites??
The Kizuna ones look so safe and soulless.
Adv > Beyond > 02 > kizuna > tri
Genuinely the only anime i didnt like was tri
Tri always looks so out of place in these comparisons lmao
You'll see them in the reanimated epilogue where the 02 cast gets Tri'd again.
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Yeah, we are so back!
Why is Taichi rockin the jorts?
Agumon leaving hit Taichi pretty hard.
Elizamon full evo line next wednesfay.
Owen will job to the rogue NPC
>No aliens in seekers
>No aliens in liberator so far
Humans are the aliens.
>Fights in liberator now aren't even playing the card game its just having the digimon get sent out and fight eachother while screaming out attacks
Literally became Bakugan during the latter half of season 3.
>We have time travelers here
What's the next V-Pet after the Pendulum Color?
MonHun color
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Really wanting to see what the full roster will be for that.
Nothing. Bandai closed up their V-Pet and card game divisions. Liberator is still ongoing, though, and the newest anniversary Adventure PV was A.I. generated.
>Shoto wins
So Toei has a new digimon team
Shoto has already had his match literally a chapter ago so rotation and there are two solutions:
- Either it will be a Close vs Owen match (knowing that even if we have Elizamon's evos, the cards will not be available before April 2025)
- Or it will be the failing NPC against Close
We will necessarily have Close because we remind you that Sunarizamon's Ultimate is on the artwork of the EX-08 booster which comes out on November 29 and as we will have chapter 8 part 1 normally on November 7, with the confirmation of the two chapters of the webnovel for mid-November, this makes part 2 fall either for the 21st or for the 28th ... And as chapter 8 is the "battle chapter", Close is necessarily one of the two people who will participate in the match, in any case we will have the answer on the 24th with the way chapter 7 will end.
But you guys told me Great Mission would go on forever?
>Yu Kaminoki
>Precure and Sailor Moon Crystal producer
>was also in charge of Kizuna's overseas marketing
Agumon (Magical 'Mon) series incoming.
Seki needs to retire, but then we'd miss out on more of her wonderful insights.
>Hiromi Seki
Uh oh
>magical digimon girls
So Frontier sequel? Except everyone dresses like Izumi.
Would be funny, since Seki was the only person who thought Frontier was a bad idea
Nope. Beyond will feature Taichi and Yamato turning into Digimon. While dressed like Izumi. This is all part of Toei's attempt to create a single interconnected series.
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I like Frontier.
Seki should have brought up her complaint with the series planner, Hiromi Seki.
Just make Agumon and Gabumon become magical girls straight from Precure or something.
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So much for GOAT Game killing the anime
So, what does this actually mean? Are we actually getting something after Great Mission ends?
They're just announcing a new team within Toei with no other creative names or mentioning that something is being produced.
It could just be for licensing Digimon products overseas. Maybe Ghost Game will finally get its Blu-ray and/or dub.
I do like that Ranamon. Do you have a Fairymon or Tinkermon student?
>Adventure slop for an eternity
Yeah I'd say it did
Seki is the most retarded Digimon director
They should add a singular female human to it
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Why do they keep following me?
Adventure is always around the corner!
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>magical digimon girls
What does a producer do in an anime production, anyway? I thought the only important roles were the director and writer
Watch over and dictate what shit makes it in and make the director change stuff
So the producer is the one that actually dictates everything about the series? I always thought that was the director's job, but I guess I was wrong
The producer is the middleman between the animation studio suits and the director.
The producer chooses what parts they want to screw the director over on and tarnish their vision but often leave plenty alone. They also just point and say shit they don’t actually work at all
the xros manga was good so it's fine.
the main issue is they keep milking it with nonsense. the coof fucked colon over, tri had a bad plot and ran out of money halfway, kizuna is a slap in the face for fans and contradicts the canon, and the biginning is about some OC who came out of nowhere
speak for yourself faggot
Name me one person in this general that actually likes Adventure and doesn't think it completely destroyed Digimon as a franchise
Magical Girl Digimon anime soon
you only hate adventure because they fucked up with creatively sterile sequels. you wouldn't have thought the same thing 20 years ago
But there are Magical Girl Digimon already
I only watched 01 and some parts of 02 and then fell out of Digimon till Cyber Sleuth was announced to be localized. I still really like Adventure, but I've been largely absent from the franchise for a long ass time, so it never got a chance to wear me down.
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To be specific I just hate Taichi and Yamato nowadays, especially the latter since he automatically came with fujoshits pandering and shipping cancer while Taichi at least has an excuse of being POV protag and the writer aren’t shy from portraying him in pathetic light compare to Yamato who they feel the need to make him appeal to fangirl nowaday. I think it would be more interesting if they focus on other characters (except the siblings I guess since they are also tied to the OMEGAAAA duo, has equal shipping cancer and already have 02 screentime). Hell I will even take Sora if they manage to make her interesting/her own character and not tied to shipping cancer.
Specifically GoPri, which was a commercial and ratings flop at the time but is liked by hardcore fans and remembered for having high production values. Not sure what to make of this.
>since they are also tied to the OMEGAAAA duo
Yeah, really over this aspect of Taichi and Yamato. Really is time for them to move beyond it, but god damn it's like they're afraid to have things move on from what worked somewhat at one point, but man I'd really like to just see them need/have to split off from it but that's unlikely as shit unless they use some asspull from Kizuna that has it so they can't do Omegamon anymore due to the twos rebirth
Gopri flopped?
Shame, I think it’s unironically best season and managed to get strong to the end, with my only complain were how they handled “evil-character-turn-good” and feel like they were too much separated character compare to other similar characters from different installments.
Also Minamin best girl.
So we're gonna have a soulful season
What about Kirakira Precure A La Mode? Kaminoki was the producer of that one, too, and then never again served as a producer.
Kirakira was great too. I only wished Rio stayed with Ichika instead of continue being a simp for his sister. To be honest his sister was the weakest part of that season.
Tha final villain was a cupcake was hilarious. LionxSquarrel was great too. To be honest I don’t like DogxCat much because the power dynamic felt too one side and both were better off with others. Dog with her sister/Ichika/Squarrel and Cat having hate sex with Rio.
GoPri toys were super expensive no matter how cute the girls were
They should produce the girls’ figures for big friends instead of lame looking plastic toys like Towa’s sausage violins.
So, no anime series until 2026?
The fact there's a new anime team in the first place makes me think they're actually gonna have anime announcements at Digicon
Maybe. Or near the end of next year, like Ghost Game.
Winter 2025 we will get a teaser
Digimoncon 2026 we will get another one
Summer 2026 we will get a date announced
November 2026 it will get delayed
Digimoncon 2027 they will say expect something soon
July 2027 it will get a new date
January 2028 it will come out but only be 12 episodes followed by a teaser for another adventure movie
>"You see, when I was a child, anime always took a long time to produce. I wanted everyone to experience that feeling of waiting. And some children would rather have their father, who died in the war, than a new anime series."
>- Hiromi Seki's head at Digimon Con 2999
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Based granny
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