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>What is /feg/?
/feg/ is the general dedicated to the discussion of games from the Fire Emblem franchise.

>Fire Emblem Series Summary

>Fire Emblem Series Emulation Guide

>Fire Emblem Heroes Event Calendars

>Fire Emblem Heroes Links and Guides

>Latest FEH Trailer

Previous: >>498482510
yup it's Thales
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Would you roll on this hypothetical Bridal banner lineup?
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Love and appreciate Tiki
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Would you roll on this hypothetical Bridal banner lineup?
He actually did it the absolute madman.
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It is a flop I swear, don't look at the rank
>Engaygeslop on it
Fuck no
Everyone would
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>Random ass 3H banner in the middle of October with three prflets, no fodder, no attuned hero and no good units outsold every NH banner except Elusia

Unfortunately this why IS give them shit units, they know you will roll anyway
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that would be the only way to get to me to spend money on feh cause I wouldn't stop till I got all 4
Rather chew my own arm off
who gives a fuck
Thales and Manfroy are the most bigliest mistreated characters when you think about it.
Yeah, I'd +10 Camilla day 1
3hbros....we won
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can I get a flop to the bottom of the sales chart up in here?
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that depends, who is asking?
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I think you need this more
not a fan of bridal alts but i'll still +10 camilla
Who would be the duo unit?
Gullveig backpacked to Shamir
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Not Fire emblem
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Upper management.

Camilla with FCorrin backpack.
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It's a reaction image you dip
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>no groom Dimitri
so /feh/ and /feg/ are united again?
You look at - for example - Diamant. You go "he's cool", right? He's supposed to be. Then you remember, he lets Alear rail his ass with his cock and also drinks Alear's cum. No matter what happens, Diamat is a cocksucker and therefore is not cool. Same with all the other guys. Maybe you go - "Well, Alear is a major fag so maybe he's a bottom" (submissive homosexual). No. The religious, worshipful attitude that the characters in Engage have towards Alear precludes them from being the active partner in the relationship.

Vander, the loyal old Knight? Sort of like Jagen ... except he takes it up the ass
Clanne, loyal retainer indeed! A replacement for Flora or the other bitch. Takes it up the ass.
Boucheron - all those muscles. Kind of reminds me of Rapheal from 3H. Uses Alear's cum as a protein drink.
Louis likes watching girls, but he likes being fucked by other men even more.
Jean, poor Jean. Groomed by Alear (then takes it up the ass).
Switch the O and the A because Fogado is gay, Bunet should be called Bumet (that's where he gets penetrated) and Pandero would consider it a Holy Duty to suck off Alear.
Kagetsu? Would bring him much honor to "make friends" with Alear (by being fucked by him).
Lindon is a cleric, so it's usually him giving it up the ass to other guys (young guys, see: Jean) but this time ...
Mauiver is as loyal to Alear's cock as he is to Veyle.
Alfred, Alcryst, Amber (gay name btw), Seamendall, Rosado? We already knew they took it up the ass.
is duo idunn worth getting from this next hof?
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3Hbros, who won the narrativebowl?
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Dragons.......... good.
Mariannefags and Dorotheafags have a banner they can point to and openly say "IS fucking hates these girls" now.
Check CNN Maeda is threatening to throw himself off a building
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Cord for CYL btw
I don't think she can get any of the skills she needs yet (fortifications, dragon scales, T4 savior)
>Still no +10 Marianne's
I'm noooooticing
So the next TT story is going to be about that goth strumpet and her twink assistant? Or is it going to be Veronica pt 2?
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Upper management is gay, and so are you for being their stooge.
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It would be about Ash. The TT+ is always starring the lead OC girl as their own "gaiden" chapter.

>banner full of adult women with big (or padded) breasts
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>completely ignoring what I said.
As expected.
I'm not falling for your tricks, corpo-shill, begone.
>Reginn gets a new alt
>Immediately jobs so that Dagr can look cooler
Holy mistreatment
I thought I saw one on my Twitter feed... can't find it. But people are throwing down for Dorothea. WTF was IS thinking making her a Prfless 4* shitter?
Ash and Elm will team up against a new bad guy and will probably resurrect Letizia and Bruno (only Nott and Gunnthra are hated enough to be dead forever)
Nott is dead because she's too expensive to bring back in JP.
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+10 Dorothea get
None of them are +res, but I did get a bunch of +spd Doros. I might still give this Dorothea Arcane Thunder. I could always build another Dorothea that's res tank oriented with Arcane Euphoria.
Also got 4 Mariannes and 5 Dagrs, an Ashe and a Caspar.
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Only Fjormdev hates Kiran's original wife.
Nice, how many orbs?
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The ploy is to make fans roll for fodder. Happy to have the +10 in under 80 rolls, though.
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I’m not liking the C skill. Any Recommendations? I replaced A with distant bonus doubler
BoL4 is the only other real option
But you'll need it for all those overpowered Mariannes that will surely be around.
fury 3 and moonbow
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its HUGE
Nothing to do in this game
I wanna say around 700 orbs. I wasn't paying attention to the orb count.
BoL4, Pledge skills for blade effect, oath 4 for warps, even atk wave N for a bit of extra damage and healing, Endless tempest might have some funny synergy with her pathfinder, any of the pulse skills.
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is there point to merging nowadays? It feels like no matter how many merges you have, you 10 merged unit will fall to new non-merged units.
Are there any fun builds I can use Potent with? I have 3 of them burning a hole in my barracks. I feel bad not using good fodder for such a long time (3 months now haha...) that it's already outdated.
>ISIS tried everything to sabotage the banner
>Outsold most banners
That’s the power of Marianne and Dorothea
max merges is +4 to all stats, and half the time half those stats aren't really needed as statlines are skewed towards atk+spd or atk+def/res
It was a nice thing to have in 2017, but hasn't really been needed for a long time, longer than most people would consider.
you really only need to merge for scoring, everything beyond that is extra and usually just to show off to your friends, feel good about completely building a unit. since 2017 people here have been forcing a schizo narrative that if a unit isn't at +10 max everything then you can't say you like the character, despite this being a gacha.
did the banner flop?
Merging has never been important unless you were aiming for front page esports and even then it's not even the most important thing.
+10 trash
+10 +10
No it’s pretty mid from the looks of it, engaygies tried to claim it did though
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What did you name some of the weapons for Odin to trigger his personal skill?
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Remember that Claude a Cyl winner kneel to Yunaka
Interesting maneuver.
Remember that Engage flopped kek
I'm mad that the Thracia HoF didn't include him.
Your parents hate you
Real talk: should Anna just be a loli permanently from now on? It's clear Engage Anna got a lot more attention than Anna usually does
That's only because the rest of the cast was so painfully uninteresting
No, that's gay.
>That's only because the rest of the cast was so painfully gay
this is for the best
>expecting game discussion from /feg/
Rookie mistake
I don't remember so it was probably just "asdkljnwer0124"
I never used TRASHdin or any mages in conquest growing up
I don't remember, but I definitely did some silly ones
Yours abandoned you kek
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My goth wife Tharja
Only if Strassman does her voice.
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No they dont
kek clapped his ass
Yeah lysithea based
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(Our) biker wife Fjorm
You guys act like you played this game as kids. You aren't that young are you?
Marni is for
tits too big
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Fire Emblem Fates came out 8-9 years ago
i'm 24 oldKEK
I was a junior in college, so yeah I was a kid
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Sure, as long as they also give her the Warriors hat
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ice wife.
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She's trying to copy the rizz of the current wife.
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>padding her chest
Is +Res her best IV?

What about Dagr?

I have 8 Dorothots and have +Res and also +Spd but no +Atk
36 (39) base speed just isn't enough in current meta, even if you go all in.
+Res is her only superboon. Dorothea being a demote technically means you can build another Dorothea if you wanna do a meme spd build. It just comes down to personal preferences.
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Cute hag sister!
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cute gunnthra
cute fjorm
cute midori face smoosh.
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The modern goth
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She needs another alt.
Didn't we get that slop this summer or was that last summer
Is there any chance for an Ettard-wielding Ike? I’ve been waiting for years for one, and emblem Ike may have dashed my hopes for years more, if not forever.
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There has never been a Summer Seidr. We did get a Summer Gullveig, though. But I want more.
Very sloppy. We need 3H to help these failures
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He looks like he would mating press Shamir
Halloween Gunnthra confirmed
Yes, we need this banner. >>498578116
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The Intelligent Systems leak just confirmed Shamir is Jewish
I’m not fond of gachashit at all but I’ll take the current state of /feg/ over discordtranny spam.
The giga leak confirmed Metodey was actually designed as Shamir's former parter/lover
I always see everybody praise Marcia’s flyer utility in PoR but I’ve never seen anybody actually use her.
Yes, shitposters got tired of making two threads.
/feg/ was flooded with discordtranny spam even after the merge. This peace you are seeing now is because /vg/ mods finally got off their asses and did something.
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she's only S tier if you assume she automatically gets the entire armies worth of BEXP and a forge, if not she has mediocre to downright bad combat when by the time she joins you already have 2 mounts that will be doing way more than her.
I find I have the same issues with Jill, whereas she struggles more with speed instead of strength. If she doesn't get a ton of favoritism piled onto her from the moment she joins it's just hard for her to catch up. These units have had their reputation hyperinflated by reddit ltc/efficiency fags
Literally everyone uses her dude, she’s hot too
the nam schizo still stops by so It's unlikely any shitposter is really gone.
When I said discordtranny spam I was talking about the thread being genuinely unusable. When it merged there was more posters in general that naturally outnumbered the attention whore tards, so it was more difficult to drown everything out for them.
I thought this /vp/ for a second
He stops by but he hasn't been able to spam so who cares lol
>When it merged there was more posters in general that naturally outnumbered the attention whore tards
It drowned out shit it with diarrhea.
Kill yourself.
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dont give it the attention it wants
I thought namschizo died after going do long unmedicated
Do they not want more money, they'd make more if Dorothea had a PRF too.
FEH is the only thing that keeps this thread on the board, frankly FEG should have been let go, it doesn't serve a purpose anymore.
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She's pretty good.

You do not get enough BEXP on Maniac mode to make a difference and she shouldn't really need it anyway, because she comes in early enough to have plenty of easy targets to feed on to keep her on pace. Even if she struggles with STR, one of her strong points is SKL, which is the scaling stat for proc skills, making her a good candidate for them. Adept can easily extend her damage if you need it, or Cancel can reduce her incoming damage, which is something she may benefit from, as she's not very bulky. You can pair it with Vantage for enemy phasing as well.
There's always a chance
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I wouldn't personally call relying on proc skills great. She's a fine unit, flying will always be useful, but there are plenty of units that have good mobility as well as reliable combat. I'd say Jill is better between the two, as long as she can get to doubling thresholds, she can hold her own.
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Evil Dwagon…
It's frickin' cold outside
I am ready for christmas
More like town bike wife Fjorm KEK!
I'm scared to go outside anon.
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it's not that bad I promise
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I love Christmas and gift giving but I hate the shopping part
it can be hard but it always feels good to find something you know the person receiving will love
Sure, I just hope it happens sometime before EoS.
No it's the fear of sliding on something frozen/slippery and breaking my spine again like at the beginning of the year
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you should be eager because ice gives you extra movement, like in Fire Emblem Engage's Divine Paralogue: The Ancestor, featuring Emblem Tiki
Please save me Tiki...
Chiki needs a Christmas alt to match with Mar-Mar
Would Mar-Mar give Chiki panties for Christmas?
What unit even wants Arcane Blutgang? Like Morgan or something? I genuinely can't think of anything fast enough or a unit that hits hard enough to want it.
No, because he respects the ways of ketes in going nopan
But it gets cold and maybe she would need them to stay warm
ketes breathe fire
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she slept in an ice temple, she can probably take it
Still no +10 Mariannes huh? What's it been, 3 years since her brave alt? 300 orbs a month that's around 10,800 orbs you could have saved up in anticipation for this alt, there's really no excuse to not have her +10'd. Surely all those people bitching about how mistreated she is have been saving orbs for her eventual alt right?
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Last day of autoing this garbage. Did you get your orbs at least?
>Example of a good namefag
>Example of bad namefag
>good namefag
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I'm flattered
ShamirCuck is a tripfag
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I believe in Chiki supremacy
There is no such thing as a good namefag.
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I want to see her pale soles
We (fe, /feg/ feh) have no nothing
So for those who are getting Legendary Chicken......

How are you building her?(Ignore the x skill)
>Refine right around the corner
I hate when they do this
Time to be Joshua and take a gamble.
>Example of a good namefag
You wish faggot
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>Fae's weapon doesn't have slaying
Well if her remix doesn't work out she can fall back on something else at least.
Your Marth ring??
Why would you use Marth ring if you're doing LF4 + Dragon's Roar?
wait, /feg/ and /feh/ are one general again? when did that happen?
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Hi, Fjorm.
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Hmm, who gets the next essence
Is this a new meme or something? Why do people keep asking this? It has been for a couple months now.
Some people, including me, haven't been to these threads (now thread) in months and weren't aware of the merge.
who gets the first S support? kek
I'm not even going to bother with the GHB this time.
What makes it funny is she showed up at the end of the intro out of nowhere.
Nice team to end the mode on
Is it true you pretend you never liked Tharja now?
Wheres Marianne?
So Dorothea and Charlotte won’t even marry male versions of each other because they’re too poor?

Dorotheabros, Charlotrebros. You’d be too poor irl for your waifu

Dorothea would rather get dicked down by Hanneman and Charlotte would rather ride Benny’s cock
I love my wife Shamir, Tharja, Noire, Morgan, Azura, Kagero, Rhajat, Kana, Sonya, Marla, Hestia, Nel, Tsubasa, Kiria, Elly, Mamori, Maiko, Ayaha, Mirage Tiki, Mirage Tharja, May, Rosa, Perrin, Gardevoir, and Ada

I hope I can save up orbs in the hopes of them getting more content soon. Maybe next year we'll get bride Shamir

>best and most successful game brings in easy money
no shit
meanwhile we continue to laugh at how pathetic Engage is and how badly it flopped
So how badly? Or should I ask, how bigly?
I could get Charlotte
>No arcane blue tome/Def Res ploy fodder

And no image apparently
I need one more Dorothot
I believe in you
You guys didn't actually make Dorothea your dancer right? has access to almost all the best offensive spells in the game, in addition to Physic
>Dorotheafags actually exist
Why not?
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What's the ideal A skill for Dorothea? So far my options are
Fireflood 3
AtkRes Finish
Firestorm 3
Fireflood or Atk/Res Finish, she dumps everything into Atk and Res.
You want still water or hp+5 since she's a support.
Come to think of it, why is Xander the only mainline fire emblem character to have any story relevance in FEH?
Why didn't they expand on this more? There's so much potential they're not tapping into. They could legitimately explore parts of the mainline games they previously couldn't.
Return to paralogues that aren't focused on seasonal units and just actual characters people care about.
the original tempest trials had a story going too with Marthcina, where the fuck has she been? Explore dynamics outside of Duos and harmonics???
I know the team can't be THAT retarded to not implement this. My only conclusion is that they have more incentive doing this through seasonal harmonics/duos for profit.
Seriously wasted potential.
Feh the Owl loves Xander
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Don't open if you don't want to be spooked
I'm sure they've got data on how many people skip the story and stopped feeling like they had to try. I would personally love expanded lore, especially mini campaigns about the Mythic units and how they're stories went (instead of third hand accounts in the main series), but IS doesn't need to try hard.
>hey could legitimately explore parts of the mainline games they previously couldn't.
FE fans get really upset when something contradicts their perceived canon, especially if it involves shipping or waifus. I've heard that some were really upset back during Thracia for confirming pairings that went against what they made in FE4. Even if that isn't true, people definitely still get crazy when it comes to shipping.
>the original tempest trials had a story going too with Marthcina, where the fuck has she been?
She's been gone for ages because every TT story was "I'm marth, and I'm here to stop the tempest!!!" which got boring, and also some people complained it kept shoving Lucina in there instead of someone other lord.
Don't click, Gaygeslop.
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Fuck this piece of shit for showing up as a 5* so many times.
I typically don't roll for fodder, so gave mine Magic Lantern as a stopgap until Arcane Euphoria comes back around. She's just too slow for Thunder from the code shop.
>Do a few summons
>Get the same garbage I've been pulling for years
>Get a 4* special unit (outdated fodder, not a merge project I'm working on)
Summoning doesn't feel good anymore.
It's ridiculous that they still haven't increased the speed of summoning.
I would notice I'm getting screwed less if it was faster. But having to do EVERY SINGLE SOLO PULL individually causes me to quite literally count every time I don't get the unit I want. And then I have to sit through whatever dialogue the shitter has.
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>One of the easiest money making Banners IS could possibly make
>100% won't do it
I hate this timeline
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They need more alts.
>sloppy normiecore characters
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needs more divine dragon alt
>fire emblem
>ninja with veyru
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She's evil, but she's also fixable, so she won't be evil anymore.
Can't say that about Edelgard, so she's not in the image.
What evil things did she do?
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She didn't slaughter the kids of the elites, creating 1000 years of an imbalanced political system while intentionally restricting technology and using a policeforce to kill anyone that questioned it.
If she got dicked by her new husband, she'd chill out.
Invoking erections everytime the students see her strut around the monastery with those child-bearing hips
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Will you build him?
putting slopveig next to the others just shows how ugly she is
I kinda want to, I'm guessing he wants Sothe's dagger
Flopperbros, how are we feeling?
breeding nabataens....
>divine dwagons
>love humans

>ayylmao spawn
>ugly dragon forms
>want to murder humans
The choice is clear
weddit meme
>Divine Dragon fans
Come from Reddit

>Nabataen fans
Actual /feg/ users
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I guess it was nice timing that he came out yesterday
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>replace Fjorm with Nifl (or just give Fjorm Nifl's personality)
Does Book 2 get better?
he came out?
good for him i guess
Replace fjorm with Goonthra
Nilf's personality archtype is boring and watching Fjorm REEE at surtr a bit was enjoyable.
>komuro claiming charlotte and dorothea are in any way alike
D e a t h.
>Marianne outsold Eirika again despite being with a batch of units that has the highest number of prflets of any banner from this year
I'm sure IS cares and won't just give Timerra 5 more alts until EOS ;)
Wait, she outsold Eirika, too?
Where does she place on that chart?
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Marianne sold worse in Japan, but was saved by mutts. Surprise surprise, American secondaries would roll for a pile of horseshit if it came from 3H.
Okay, but what were the numbers for the banner?
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Learn to look them up next time, you stupid retard
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Why are amerifats so threatened by Eirika?
I'd say it's more like "Nobody cares about a game from 20 years ago, even with powercreep."
I like Eirika, and even I didn't roll because the unit looked like shit. Hell, even you posted fanart of her Brave and not her Attuned.
Damn you're still crying about that?
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But she sells just fine in Japan
You know we can tell that a single person made all these posts, right?
You just keep putting spoiler tags in random sentences for no reason.
Might as well be a signature of yours at this point.
>the gacha-addicted country rolled for gacha
The rolled so much for Eirika that she... was outsold by Nergal.
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You don't like that nobody cares about Eirika outside Japan? Cry about it. You wanna cry some more? Go ask the mods, so they can call you a retard as well.
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Why does NA roll for OCs but not FE characters?
Why do Japanese gacha addicts roll for FE characters but not OCs?
2/3 pffffff I was so right
kys, 3HRT
Because like half the FE games never got localized
SS was, secondary retard.
>Why does NA roll for OCs but not FE characters?
Because people in NA that play Heroes know the OCs. Playing FEH doesn't get you a rom copy of Sacred Stones. Most people don't pirate games, either, so they'd have to rent the game on a Switch, which is dumb and nobody does it.
>Why do Japanese gacha addicts roll for FE characters but not OCs?
What? Some of the highest-performing banners this year are Book 7 banners. Hell, the only reason NY didn't do as hot was because of the earthquake. Even random OC fuckos like the dual banner placed almost as high as Eirika did in Japan.
>only 6 JP ranks
you look like an absolute schizo right now
3 actually. I guess you can't read
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Amerifats only roll for OCs and nuFE because 99% of them are secondaries or started with 3DS / Switch games, obviously
that's even worse for you kek, you tried to claim it's jp only when there is barely any difference in jp ranks either
>so many +10 dorotheas
>0 +10 mariannes
Wow who would've guessed
>don't rerelease games in purchasable formats
>blame the fans
Do you work at Nintendo, by chance?
Like I said, Dorothea being easily mergeable was a huge boon to this banner's success.
No 4* focus made Timerra's banner worse.
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>retard doesn't know how to use emulators
at this point you only have yourself to blame
Even redditors know how to emulate.
I know how to use them. But most players don't use them. If they did, people wouldn't be begging for ports.
>Even redditors know how to emulate.
Do you genuinely believe anyone voting on that list actually played Tellius? Truly?
>radiant dawn 23.48%
that's evidence that they don't actually know how to emulate and purely voted because it has gorilla ike, because that game is objectively dogshit
>270 voted for radiant down
>184 for path of radience
It's insane how few people have actually played fe in the fe community
Yeah??? How else would they know it's the best? Who would have told them? Don't say fetubers since none of them put PoR and RD that high
>How else would they know it's the best?
They played Smash Bros, and tumblr told them that Soren was gay.
Smashfags hate FE so no, that's an even stupider cope.
You're objectively wrong, and Byleth was a perfect example. Once he released and was top-tier, smashfags loved Byleth. Byleth in Smash sold another 1,000,000 copies of 3H.
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Damn...I guess all we need is Alear and Smash and Engage will be a huge success!
Where's marianne?
Up your butt and around the corner
You weren't supposed to point that out....
in your head rent-free it would seem
It varies by month. You can tell what routes people are playing at the time because of the bottom 8, but everyone always recruits Lysithea and Dorothea on every route due to their versatility.
Like this except bol4 instead
Will the next smash even release just in time before the next FE releases and engage is forever memoryholed into oblivion?
Depends if it's a Switch 2 launch title or not
I think Alear's design will get in the way. Especially since Smash insists on having the male version be the face of the unit.
Nobody likes MAlear.
Yeah dude FE4R is surely just around the corner....
You were wrong the last 20 times but this time for sure!
If he were Miklan, yes.
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That's a nice list of cute girls.
I-it will come! The clownritter will have last laugh! Y-you'll see!
Why have they never released this data for Engage?
Engage just seems to have less features overall. Koei got pretty experimental at times.
>Koei got pretty experimental at times.
...what? What did TH have that other games didn't?
>multiple routes
been a thing since SS
>class change
been a thing since New Mystery...
Eikthyrnir rerun when
Trip back on
>...what? What did TH have that other games didn't?
It was the first (and in many cases only) game to have things like NG+, the online statistics, enemies that take up 2x2 or 3x3 spaces, 9 starting units, off-map recruitments, training specific proficiencies, etc.
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Pretty sure Engage has like an online feature for the most used unit/pair on specific maps. Don't really remember much other than the first month people using Alcryst/Lyn and Yunaka/Corrin a lot.
PoR into RD is the most soulful FE experience
>really want to try Corrin on Alear or Veyle
>don't want to remove Yunaka's smokescreen
>off-map recruitments
I think Gaiden did that first.
Otherwise yeah I guess all of that is true. Kind of weird how all the other last bosses were technically only 1 tile
This month
>I think Gaiden did that first.
Fates also technically as it with Flora, but she's an auto-join rather than you manually recruiting her.
There's more I can add to that list, so I'd say 3H has quite an extensive set of additions to the series, good and bad. But the hard part is knowing which "came" from it. Engage was made at the same time and has many similarities. So did IS tell Koei to add in similar features to what they planned for Engage? Or did Kusakihara tell IS what new things were being added to 3H, and Maeda went "Oh, that's actually a neat idea!" and add them to his game?
>enemies that take up 2x2 or 3x3 spaces
GBA FE did it first
Off map recruits happened in base conversations often in Tellius
I didn't play 6, but I genuinely don't recall.
Even Fomortiis and the Fire Dragon were 1x1.
>3D shit
the beginning of the end
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Super cute
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>only 43speed
>at 99
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Any good Marianne builds? I want to use her but I’m not really sure how I should.
Nobody rolled for her
More people rolled for her than for EIke.
That's not true. Maybe you meant to say A!Eirika?
And more lies I keep telling myself
>he thinks app ranks mean how many people rolled for a unit
wow the remaining feh playerbase sure are brainlets
It's about forcing a narrative, not being accurate or making sense.
their summer outfits were boring as shit
You can tell that the mutt is warming up by shitposting without a trip.
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I'm sure you figure this shit out

> ignore the filename
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Yoshiku snuck in another Plegian outfit, so I like it.
For me it's fat tits. Ass window on her post skip outfit. The green eyes and Allegra Clark being a gremlin.
She was fun in 3H. Why shouldn't I be allowed to like her?
The only person I like from this update is Metodey. 3H characters are just so soulless in general.
>attractive woman is also honest, but not hurtful
>men like her more for it
Truly a mystery.
I'm not a tights guy, but the plegian outfits are prime sex appeal. I see what you're saying with the Gull duo, but nah, it looks too cheap to me. Not enough fabric.
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>just realized Solm will likely be the next Desert nation theme
ready for another Timerra alt?
If I knew how to draw/texture leggings, I'd go and add high-cut pantyhose to Summer Gullveig right now, and you would instantly ally yourself with my army.
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Say happy birthday to Ashe
curse my love for panties
I like Eirika
Desert has sold like shit for years so it won't matter much.
I like ketes
The amount of seethe Marianne generates is crazy. Is it because she only lost CYL to other 3H characters so she 100% beat the favourites of our thread schizos?
Post your +10 marianne. Must be hard to compete with dorothea
Point me to the people "seething" at Marianne right now
I'm not a Marianne fan. I'm just saying you seem mentally ill.

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He won
Irrelevant 3H side characters that still easily win CYL drive Fates/Engagefags insane
I wonder what happened to the Felix hater, he went from spamming for multiple hours every day about "Felixschizo" and then just stopped overnight
>pointing out how nobody bothered to +10 her despite all the shitposting surrounding her "mistreatment"
I guess simply nooticing things is seething nowdays
half of it is raul off-trip, he's become really schizo about three houses for some reason
All me btw
>for some reason
Marianne was "his wife" until he dumped her. Then she won CYL, proving that she could never be his wife since she's a winner.
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What happened to that one braindead retard who insisted that 3HRT is how you get A rank banners?
Did he kill himself after Marianne and Powercreep Reposition did worse than Fallen Lumera? E tier. What a joke, lmao
Not Raul but I used to like Marianne until she started having really unhinged fans. Don't want to be associated with those weirdos.
not just marianne though, he's been boiling with rage regardless of which 3h character its been
I remember seeing him rant the other day about people who like 3h being fake fans when he literally hates 95% of this series and his favorite game is literally a persona game, not even in a meme sense but that its battle system is LITERALLY persona's with persona's moves and spells
>people who like 3h being fake fans
That's true though. See: their reaction whenever a banner isn't 3H related
>Powercreep Reposition
Imagine having a banner with such poor units and skills that this is what schizos have to latch onto
>Implying the shitposters are actual Mariannefags and not just shitposters who will latch into any character for the sake of shitposting.
see the problem is is that you imagined this and it never actually happened in real life
>so she 100% beat the favourites of our thread schizos
Yes, remember the Lokifag
It's literally what I've been asking for for years. Its the only reason I rolled on this banner.
I mean it's that or the three demotes with 2017 pool skills.
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This is such a weird cope because it only really applies to Fates.
Awakening still isn't hated and regularly gets CYL winners.
SoV had a muted reception and still has a cult fanbase.
3H remains the most popular FE game ever.
Engage was shit on from day 1 and its sales collapsed because of it.

Only Fates was liked and then became hated.
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The cycle was broken by Engayge
niggas want the zelda cycle to apply to fire emblem so badly
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>has to crop out the critics rating
lmao even
Aside from Ivy, did every single other Engage banner this year flop?
aka paid reviews
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You say that like I wouldn't want the exposed midriff outfit on other girls.
>SoV had a muted reception and still has a cult fanbase.
someone missed the dead period of SoV to 3H but you probably were playing Feh
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Would be based. Solm had the best casual outfits for the somniel
Define "flop"
Relative to how they usually do?
MAlear was one of the worst performing banners ever, Easter yes, Bridal no (because they dropped the retarded shit they've done for the last 6 years), Fallen shockingly bad, Summer 2 ehh for a Summer banner, Timerra shockingly bad
All the Emblems did well

Engage's main problem is that most of its cast aren't just regular unpopular ones that people don't care for, it's the fact most of its cast are actively disliked and people won't roll for them regardless of the incentive to do so
>D tier
>doing well
>most of its cast are actively disliked and people won't roll for them regardless of the incentive to do so
Now that's just a schizo headcanon
Most people simply don't care about them.
If you want someone that actually has a hatebase, it's Edelgard. Of course a big hatebase also means a big fanbase, so she's popular overall.
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Here, have more fabric.
I like Panette, she’s cute.
Compared to the abysmal lows of previous Bridal banners, yes?
Although it's likely less the characters and more the fact they stopped doing absolutely retarded themed banners where they scrape up rank 800 shitters.
anon you are living that cycle right now
>Although it's likely less the characters and more the fact they stopped doing absolutely retarded themed banners where they scrape up rank 800 shitters.
I'd argue those are mostly the same thing.
We went from "harems nobody liked and canon-married couples" to "the two main princesses of Heroes as a duo, and one of the more popular retainer units."
Hopefully they keep up the pace.
>Now that's just a schizo headcanon
>Most people simply don't care about them.
Engage's cast are getting smoked by Forde and Edward. Those are regular unpopular characters. Solm was barely above Thracia, an unlocalised Japan-only game that only sold 200k copies. They are definitely disliked, they do exceptionally badly.
solm was also the most stacked regular nh banner from this year fodder-wise too and nearly every unit in the batch got a prf weapon and it's still the third worst performing nh ever after a game nobody played and the latest fates disaster
that's not unpopularity, that's something else entirely
>if people don't roll on banners it means people fucking hate them
unironic schizo belief
People just don't spend money on banners with characters they don't like
Also don't like doesn't mean dislike. You can simply be neutral towards them.
Again, we've had a lot of banners this year of characters that aren't actively liked, barely any did as badly as Solm.
>Another godlance Timerra with all of the best fodder available that nobody rolls for because they don't like Timerra
I could see it happening because it already happened twice
I think they'd have to step it up again and make her a harmonic this time too
Is Azura actively hated? Is Caeda actively hated? Reinhardt too?
Timerra wasn't the worst performing NH banner this year, anon. This sort of goes against your narrative.
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AR legit feels like if people weren't already aware of it before, a lot of Emblem Sigurd players are finding out how badly he gets fucked over by Heidrun
> Forde and Edward.
you mean Eirika and Micaiah........
If you want to shit on Engage at least be accurate. Those banners wouldn't have done as well if they didn't have CYL winners on them, let's be real here.
>Is Azura actively hated?
Most Fates characters are nowadays, yes.

>Is Caeda actively hated? Reinhardt too?
These are games nobody played. They aren't a good point of comparison.

Engage is the newest game. It sold over a million copies. It had a full slate of premium units with great fodder and unique prfs.
It did as badly as Japan-only games from 30 years ago. Meanwhile global release games like Magvel, Fodlan and Tellius all did far better even with worse banners. It is exceptionally unpopular.
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wow wow so now you completely dropped the "banner did badly because of active haters" and now its "well most people didn't play those games so it doesn't count"? Engage did badly too on sales, and Timerra is a unit people didn't even meet if they dropped the game early, so you can use this same argument for her.
>Meanwhile global release games like Magvel, Fodlan and Tellius all did far better even with worse banners.
Yeah banners with CYL winners like Micaiah, Eirika and Marianne did better than Solm banner, who's highest ranking character is Timerra at 44th.
As opposed to schizos that leave 0 reviews for free
They're so fucking ugly Jesus Christ
>wow wow so now you completely dropped the "banner did badly because of active haters" and now its "well most people didn't play those games so it doesn't count"?
No, I didn't actually.

We have other games from this year that sold worse than Engage and had banners that did far better.
Engage is a new release that has a cast that does as badly as characters people have never heard of like Safy and Tina. The only other global release game on this level is Fates. You can't use the excuse Engage's cast aren't known because the game sold more copies than games it lost to. They can't be regular characters people just don't care about because all of those did better too. So the only explanation is, the characters aren't liked.

Nobody is saying "I don't know who Timerra is" like they would say "I don't know who Perne is", they know who Timerra is and don't like her.
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>We have other games from this year that sold worse than Engage and had banners that did far better.
Yeah banners with popular characters that won CYL
>Engage is a new release that has a cast that does as badly as characters people have never heard of like Safy and Tina.
Only M!Alear really. And nobody cares about him even engagefags, let's be real here.
>You can't use the excuse Engage's cast aren't known because the game sold more copies than games it lost to.
I can use that excuse for a character you get late in the game, assuming a good majority of people who played Engage dropped it before meeting her.
>Nobody is saying "I don't know who Timerra is"
Have you personally asked every single FE fan?
Just realised they made Timerra's fodder even better by demoting Caspar with Spd/Def Finish 4
Pointless effort since LF3 still isn't on another unit.
>poison strike is on 3 different 3*'s of which 2 were there since release
>also on 1 ghb (grail unit) that has been in the game since year 1
>lets release another ghb unit with poison strike
>oh it's his 4* available skill btw
>sorcery blade has already been put on a ghb and a 3* unit prior
There are so many skills that Need a free release but IS is so fucking retarded. How do they stay so incompetent.
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*burp* I ate all of the fodder
That chart doesn't say fans hate it anywhere, it just said "criticisms arise, fans divided on whether the game is truly good or not". I can tell you weren't around in 2015 because Awakening fit squarely into that mold; plenty of complaining about one note characters, everyone supporting everyone, poor maps while also having loads of people praising Awakening for being "easy and fun with likable characters".
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Think they fired the idea guy that put Dorothea in the demote pool?
All that fodder is kind of pointless though, especially when the banner released.
Like you only give out her echo with lf4 or her echo skill with spd/def finish and bol4
no because they got you to +10 her and now you'll roll for rearmed/attuned units to give her fodder
fans that came from TH think there is an active hate campaign against more divisive games, when in reality most people simply don't care, or have a mixed opinions of other games.
>All that fodder is kind of pointless though, especially when the banner released.
lol no
>Like you only give out her echo with lf4 or her echo skill with spd/def finish and bol4
that's by design, to make you roll for two copies, it's also a timerra exclusive thing because it's rare for an attuned unit to have an entire kit of skills other units want
>that's by design, to make you roll for two copies
But it actively made me not want to roll for two copies, and just roll for 1 unit and wait for lower tier fodder to release.
It has applied prophetically since Awakening, tho.
>Awakening comes out
>Newfags think it's amazing
>Fates comes out
>"Actually Fates is amazing and Awakening was pretty bad"
>SoV comes out
>"Actually Awakening was okay, but Fates was really bad"
>Three Houses comes out
>"Actually Fates was okay, but SoV was really bad"
>Engage comes out
>"Actually SoV was okay, but Three Houses was really bad"
Within 2 more releases, expect all of the constant "What went wrong?" shitpost YouTube thumbnails to be "Engage was secretly a masterpiece" or some dumb shit like that. And retards will continue to take the bait instead of only talking about games they like.
Most of these things never happened.
>Actually Fates was okay
never happened
>but Three Houses was really bad
again, never happened

people who the zelda cycle to apply to fire emblem have to force it to make it happen
fates is still genuinely disliked by most of the fanbase, it's why it has one of the lowest cyl winner counts and has held the record for worst banner across different banners for half a decade at this point, when it lost recency bias it lost everything. there hasn't been this reevaluation like fates fans want to pretend, the people who claim its not bad are the same ones who always were

likewise I can't stress enough, three houses is not even fucking close to being considered bad, if you ask most of this fanbase what the best fire emblem game is they'll say 3h
there was an attempt around engage's release to push the idea that 3h was bad but again this was by people who already disliked 3h and they were always a fringe minority
for the zelda cycle to apply you would need for people to widely dislike 3h - instead of this happening it now has 9 cyl winners and two of book 8's three best performing banners are majority 3h while fates breaks its own lowest recorded banner record AGAIN
>>Actually Fates was okay
>never happened
>>but Three Houses was really bad
>again, never happened
lol yeah you DEFINITELY weren't on /feg/ between 2015-2018, lol
Have fun waiting then, they only started to release finish skills about half a year ago, and we still don't the atk/spd one(no, seasonal "demotes") don't count.
>they only started to release finish skills about half a year ago
Seadall released with atk res finish 3 1 year ago
>Seasonal demote
>>but Three Houses was really bad
>again, never happened
It happened in this very general, newfag
Oh and I just checked and Desert banner Byleth released with Spd/Res Finish 3. That was in January 2023.
So yeah I'll still wait a couple of months for LF3
Why wouldn't those count?
>roll on said banner
>get a bunch of fodder for the skills I want
You really think waiting for a 4* in the main pool is better? Yeah good luckshitting them on a non-focus banner.
the period we're talking about would be post 2019
fates was considered bad after the honeymoon ended, yes
the thing I'm disputing is that people never magically considered fates good after 3h came out, fates is still unpopular, probably the most unpopular it's ever been
it holds the records for worst performing seasonal (hoshidan summer 2), worst performing legendary (xander) and worst performing new heroes banner, also the worst performing banner period (attuned azura)
for the first part of your statement to be true liking fates would need to be a popular opinion, it factually isn't, fates remains one of the least liked fe games

the other part of your narrative would be for 3h to be disliked, which again, is pure delusion, it remains at the top of the charts and even when the banners are awful it outclasses other banners of the same type
it was also competing with a new game in cyl and not only shut it out but got another two winners, and ended up only 0.3% behind the new release in overall vote despite having 7 characters removed

the zelda cycle doesn't apply to fire emblem, the consensus around games barely ever changes
I'm taking a break from FEH because I am simply tired of rolling for powercreep skills every other patch so in the meantime, I will shill Wizardry Daphne. Give it a shot bros, it is kinda fun.
>It happened in this very general, newfag
yeah, among a minority of bitter fatesfags who already hated 3h to begin with, meanwhile in the real world it continues to top feh charts, it can't stop winning cyl and every year it widens its lead as best performing fire emblem game
for the zelda cycle to be true the game's reputation would have needed to become negative, but on the whole it never did
>the other part of your narrative would be for 3h to be disliked, which again, is pure delusion
Are you seriously claiming that on /feg/ it wasn't disliked? The general literally split back then to get away from 3Hfags.
I really have to assume you're a newfag because you don't seem to know anything about /feg/ pre-engage
>Are you seriously claiming that on /feg/ it wasn't disliked? The general literally split back then to get away from 3Hfags.
the general split because of gaslighting from tripfags
Because you literally can't get them except on one banner that only comes around once a year.
>Yeah good luckshitting them on a non-focus banner.
I objectively have these units, and I didn't have to spend orbs specifically to get them.
If you want to blame it on Silas, then maybe use the correct term? He doesn't have a trip, only Raul does (there used to be other tripfags but they left a long time before that).
The fact that you don't know this difference lends credence to my theory that you're a newfag.
/feg/ was dominated by 3H up until 2023 and /feh/ was nothing but Edelgard arguments for that entire period.
The split did nothing to prevent 3H being the only thing people talked about, it was sold on a lie and pushed by Silas and other shitposters of that ilk to make lower activity generals where it was harder for people to ignore them.

That problem never went away, either. Post-Engage /feg/ was so inactive that Nowischizo killed it completely without even trying. Pro-split was always a shitposter thing.
Newsflash, you're on 4chan, home to many, many contrarianfags. 3H is by far the most loved FE game.
It happened on reddit, gamefaqs, and Serenes, but please continue to sound like an idiot that doesn't even come to this general often. It's laughable.
Ok, anon, do tell me: how many Kyles have you rolled so far?
Personally I have gotten zero.
Now let's assume Kyle had fodder that I really wanted. That's better to you than simply rolling on some 4*s on a seasonal banner?
No, just because the game is popular doesn't mean that a lot of people didn't dislike it.
Your entire argument boils down to
>I like this game, therefore it was never hated by anyone
with ignoring everyone that criticized it during that time as being "contrarians"
>It happened on reddit, gamefaqs, and Serenes
again, it didn't, the people who were trying to claim it already hated 3h and were and still are a vocal minority
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>this game was criticized
>yeah but <invents a reason why those criticism don't count>
>therefore the game is well liked and you are just a contrarian
classic 3HRT rhetoric. "It's popular therefore it's good!"
No, you WERE trying to argue that the consensus changed and that Fates became popular again (it didn't) and that Three Houses is currently unpopular (it isn't).

Nobody at any point said those games didn't have fans/haters, they pointed out to you that liking Fates never became the majority view again and hating Three Houses has never even been close to a majority view.
Again, you're wrong, it's anyone that wasn't a complete newfag to the series realized the maps were Awakening-tier and replaying part 1 wasn't worth it to play more than 1 story. Even newfags didn't bother with a second route because of Monastery + Part 1 being identical.
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Oops! Sorry, summoner. Plegia is banned, and we're not allowed to have Magvel alts that aren't any one of the following
Thank you for playing Fire Emblem Heroes!
Oh I missed the seasonal banner. Guess I'll wait another year to try again
no, you implied via the zelda cycle that the general consensus on 3h/fates changed but the people who were crying about 3h when engage came out or insisting fates was good when 3h came out never represented the general consensus which is why every piece of evidence we have points to 3h remaining popular and fates remaining unpopular
TH received a shitton of criticism here at launch here, what the fuck are you talking about?
No just because it's popular doesn't mean that those criticism didn't exist. You're just hiding behind sale numbers and saying that everyone who disagrees with the majority is just trolling.
>Oh I missed the seasonal banner
How would that happen to you? Do you not play this game every day? If you don't then you might as well quit.
You're such a retarded nigger holy fuck. Nobody is saying 3H doesn't have haters. They're saying those haters were never the majority and still aren't, so the Zelda cycle literally does not apply.
The general consensus (WHAT MOST PEOPLE THINK) did not change like it would need to for the Zelda cycle to apply. It never became consensus that 3H was bad.
Yeah bro 3H is so beloved everyone played every route multiple times and didn't just play 1 route and never bother again, right?
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FE fans hate seeing other FE fans liking FE.
Are you implying they didn't? Do you have proof? Are you trying to change the subject because you've been cornered?
>Nobody is saying 3H doesn't have haters.
...you literally just did
>They're saying those haters were never the majority
Arguably they were on /feg/ during a time, especially when the split happened.
you can hide behind the Silas boogieman all you want, but it doesn't change the fact that other anons also moved there to move away from 3H discussion. In fact for a while people were actively trying to stomp all 3H and 3H character discussion on /feh/ .
>The general consensus (WHAT MOST PEOPLE THINK). It never became consensus that 3H was bad.
the image is about the general consensus of /vg/, you stupid ass.
Yes overall 3H is popular, but plenty of people didn't like it here. In fact people started shitposting Engage as "the savior of FE"
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So what units, skills, and ring pairings are a must for a Maddening run of Engage?
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Wada wills it
Jehanna banner in 3 months
>In fact people started shitposting Engage as "the savior of FE" *when the leak appeared*
forgot to finish sentence
>...you literally just did
Quote it.
>Arguably they were on /feg/ during a time, especially when the split happened.
No they weren't kek, most of the time /feh/ was non-stop talking about Three Houses.
>the image is about the general consensus of /vg/, you stupid ass.
Holy kek. First of all, you can't even prove it's a consensus on /vg/. Second of all, the idea of it being like the Zelda cycle is total fucking insanity if you're saying it only applies to one thread with a userbase of about 40 people.

>Yes overall 3H is popular, but plenty of people didn't like it here. In fact people started shitposting Engage as "the savior of FE"
Yeah, shitposters shitpost. Do you now think Nowi is popular? Do you think Engage is the worst game in the series?
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tl;dr: Engagefags want to pretend the Zelda Cycle applies to FE because they're in denial that Fates is unpopular + if the Zelda Cycle is real it implies Engage will someday be popular.
Why did he randomly bring up Nowi?
>Quote it.
"Newsflash, you're on 4chan, home to many, many contrarianfags. 3H is by far the most loved FE game."
>most of the time /feh/ was non-stop talking about Three Houses.
from 1 shitposter copy pasting walls of texts taken from reddit or /feg/ threads
>First of all, you can't even prove it's a consensus on /vg/.
/feg/ literally split because of it...
>yeah, shitposters shitpost.
you're very naive to think that nobody wanted Engage to dethrone TH genuinely.
>Why did he cite a shitposter as an example of a shitposter
>how many Kyles have you rolled so far
Also 3 Hayatos, 1 Yuliya, 2 Kagetsus and 4 Laurents. The only recent demote I'm missing is Leonardo, and I'll probably get him in the coming months. I'm not even counting the instademotes here because you generally get free copies of those.
Do you know how many copies of Flora, Leo, Olivia, Nel, Lissa, Mirabilis, Tormod and Kana I have? 0 because I didn't roll on those banners. The only seasonal demote I got was Clanne because I got him on the free summon, and Selena because I summoned a bit of that banner for other reasons.
So yes, it is better, far better.
I got through one and a half routes, and everyone else I knew with the game did just one. People who can do all four impress me haha
>Personally I think its one of the worst games for replay value. It doesn’t go quick and fast like other games replaying it, because the monastery is boring af and slows it down tremendously.
>I started each route. Including a maddening run. Didnt finish any of them
>I don't want to have to Explore, do 3-5 quests, feed my students, plant flowers, and be trained by staff; 3 times a month. Auxiliary battles take more time than I'd like too. It's just way too much downtime in between maps to make me want to consistently play after finishing all 4 routes.
>you are playing the same maps besides whatever path you decided to choose first
>Replayability made that much worse due to all the school bulls*** padding and 50% or higher of all chapters being the same as all the other routes. Even Fates at least had Branch of Fate to skip right to where the three routes diverge.
>After some thought I concluded that the reason I gave up the game was because I was bored of playing mostly the same paralouges and generally side-maps, yesterday I opened again the game and I was at Felix's paralouge, which would be the 3rd time clearing it so I closed the game and generally when doing sidebattles I am really bored
>I agree on the tiring nature of replays, but my disdain is everything that isn't those maps. My general viewpoint of Three Houses is that only half the gameplay is engaging and I wish there was an "auto monastery button"
>Yeah, I agree that the "sameness" of different routes, especially pre-skip, is an issue when it comes to replayability
Nowi is a shitposter?
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>Another episode of autistic FE fans arguing for the slightest reasons
Cut them some slack; this is the only way they can socialize in their miserable lives
Well consider yourself lucky, lol.
I've only gotten 1 Hayato and 2 Laurents. No kagetsus or yuliyas from rolls. I guess everyone's personal experience shapes their rolling behaviour, huh?
>People can't just talk about what they like instead of what they don't like
It's honestly incredible. I can finds things I like and dislike about every FE game. At the end of the day, they're all good games and worth playing at least once.
>"Newsflash, you're on 4chan, home to many, many contrarianfags. 3H is by far the most loved FE game."
To be fair that wasn't me but it still doesn't say what you said it did.

>/feg/ literally split because of it...
Because of shitposters, not because 3H was hated on /feh/, it was talked about so much on /feh/ that it literally got /vg/ mod approval.

>you're very naive to think that nobody wanted Engage to dethrone TH genuinely.
I'm sure some did. And they were a minority. Which is why the Zelda Cycle doesn't apply.
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I think he's just trolling because only a retard would be in denial that 3H remains the most popular FE game by far
Those are just contrarians. It doesn't count. TH sold the most therefore it is immune to criticism ok?
Everyone who didn't like Three Houses is only a contrarian!!!
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Stop being reasonable.

I'm confused.
This general was once lit but 3H made it total dogshit*
Had to edit my post.
See? again!
>the only people who criticized and were fed up with 3H discussion were contrarian shitposters. Those don't matter!
Of course 3H is the most popular, but you stupid retards just refuse to believe that somehow there are people out there who also don't like it.
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You literally changed the argument little bro.
Originally you were trying to claim there was a community-wide shift where people stopped liking 3H and started liking Fates again but you've been so backed into a corner that you're now just repeating
>O-Okay but some people hate 3H...

Yeah? And?
>Originally you were trying to claim there was a community-wide shift where people stopped liking 3H and started liking Fates again
Quote it. Either you are misquoting something or it wasn't me who you're arguing against.
No, this has nothing to do with luck and everything to do with probability. We get hundreds of free rolls every year, and enough orbs for many more. The chance to get a specific main pool demote is tiny, sure, but it's better than 0, which is your chance to get a seasonal demote on any banner that isn't its original banner.
Holy fuck are you inbred or something? You were literally the one who started this. Your original argument was never "some people dislike 3H" it was "disliking 3H became the majority" opinion. How the fuck are you getting frustrated when you're the one who started arguing something completely different?
>The chance to get a specific main pool demote is tiny, sure, but it's better than 0, which is your chance to get a seasonal demote
Not unless I roll on the seasonal banner. Which I do all the time if I spot a skill I need.
Your argument only rolls if I decide to skip it for no reason.
The whole Zelda cycle shit you brought up in the first place.
Gun to your head, would you rather be stuck in a room with an insufferable FE fan or a insufferable Pokemon fan?
>"disliking 3H became the majority"
on /vg/ it was. That's why the split happened.
>b-but it was Silas and some shitposters
That's a cope, and you know it.
I literally never brought up the zelda cycle so yeah you're bringing up a point from someone else.
FE fan, I could just keep trying to be positive. At worst, that'll piss them off.
This conversation is gay and lame
*fires a kete flare*
I don't play Pokemon so I have no idea what the average Pokemon fan is like.
Think FE fans but furries.
So you need to spend your orbs each seasonal banner and each regular banner until you roll the demote, just in case you might need that specific skill bridge in the future. Got it. So when does it get fun
>for no reason.
Yeah, no reason other than, you know, saving orbs for units I actually want and not just fodder.
I didn't spend any orbs on getting those demotes. I got them either as free rolls or as byproducts of rolling for other units. If I want to get a seasonal demote, I have to actually spend orbs targeting it specifically.
I roll on seasonals that have skills that I want. If that seasonal doesn't have skills that I want I don't roll.
Simple as.
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The Fire Emblem cycle is that whatever a game's reputation is three months after it releases (the honeymoon period) is the way it will stay forever.

>Awakening is beloved as baby's first FE
>Fates is a massive disappointment with an awful cast and story
>"What is Shadows of Valentia?"
>Three Houses is the best Fire Emblem game
>Engage is a massive disappointment with an awful cast and story
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We got the call! We're here to save the thread!
I actually don't think I personally know 1 pokemon fan who's also a furry. Is it really that common, since it's mostly for children
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>I didn't spend any orbs on getting those demotes. I got them either as free rolls or as byproducts of rolling for other units.
Again, consider yourself lucky. Not everybody is lucky enough to get the demotes they need.
It took me until year 3 to get my first Shanna, and I'm a day 1 player
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>since it's mostly for children
This stops no one.
Fates at least has some positivity from Conquest's difficulty and unit planning from the people that appeals to. Engage has far less of that.
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>since it's mostly for children
So was Engage kek, that tag doesn't mean much.
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>For children
My man there's a whole ass place for MLP in 4chan.
what does this have to do with the point he was making?
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Are you stupid?
I'm actually replying to myself
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probably the fact engage is a thread relevant example of a game for kids that has a fanbase of 30 year olds?
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Again, this isn't luck, it's just probability in action. I too had many demotes I wish I got more of or any. It took me a long time to get Roys back when TA was more relevant for example. But a small chance is still better than 0.
>poster says that he personally doesn't know any pokemonfag that is a furry
>assumes it's because it's a game for children
>anon brings up that Engage is also for children
So what are you trying to say? That Engage fans aren't furries either? Why would they be?
I guess that's true but Pokemon is a series that is has many children fans, so it also doesn't fit at all.
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TA4 soon, trust the plan
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Relying on probabilities is something that I've learned to never do. I have +10d 5* exclusives with only 400 orbs in the past. I've also tried to +10 a unit by spending 2500 orbs, and only got them at +5. I also spent at least 500 orbs for Winter Annette and didn't get a single copy of her.
My experience tells me that I'm part of the 0.01% of statistics. So I'd rather bet on that then probabilities.
X fued built in, with some other skill neutralizers. It's gonna be beautiful
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>been playing feh for several years at this point
>still don't have any 5* exclusives at +10

feels bad to be a poorfag
>Triangle Break
>If unit has weapon triangle advantage, adds 20% to weapon triangle advantage, unit makes a guaranteed follow up, ignore skills from foe's allies, reduces the effect of "reduce damage by X%" by 50%, and if unit initiated combat foe cannot counterattack
Would you pull for it?
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Have you, err, tried saving orbs and not impulse rolling???
Save him
nta but I I did that in the past and it always resulted in disappointment.
Right now I do have 2 5* exclusives at +10 and one that is at +9.
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Ahah she's so quirky
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Hey can you please shut up, all I want to do is post my wife
I just gave Arcane Prima to Hilda after having R!Lucina since release
Which Hilda
I gave it to my Titania after much consideration.
Thats a lie, you also want to bitch about boogeymen ITT (muh Mariannefags)
You're making her work...
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Trying to think of who would look good with Blutgang
I was considering some Jugdral characters who use magic swords but they aren't tome units in FEH
Brave Lysithea, Marla, and the Celicas.
Is that your way of admitting Mariannefags don't actually exist and all the people who bitched about her mistreatment were simply shitposters?
Newest schizo delusion: a character that won cyl on their second try has no fans
Raul is just bitter 24/7 that a girl he abandoned is one of the only ones that actually got popular
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large and in charge
I'd say something along the lines of Hail Edelgard the Engorged, but she does look like she's in a testy mood. Flippancy aside, you did an amazing job with this pic, and that's on top of your fast turnaround and excellent rates. Starting with the lady taking center stage (and I mean ALL of the center stage) you drew her most expertly. You've adapted the, hopefully, period appropriate ballgown to her figure very well. In addition to the lovely red color, the detail on the gold trim (I have absolutely no idea if that's the correct term) bespeaks a keen eye for detail and a skilled hand. The same holds true for how the fabric bunches up about her flab.

And, speaking of her flab, your work on her massive curves is most spectacular. That huge gut, those (deceptively) doughy arms, the double chin, the chubby cheeks, and her door demolishing hips all leave my mind properly blown. And, the way you can discern her canyon of a navel through her gown? Nice touch! Her you-are-in-deep-shit-for-trying-to-#$@%-with-me expression is also quite good and, though I can't vouch for it making her look taller, her hair and ponytail were drawn impeccably.

The background, despite being...well, in the background is nearly as much a showstopper as Edelgard herself. The patterns of the tiles, the designs on the walls, and the intricate clothing worn by the people in the background is fantastic. Byleth's outfit must've been a pain to draw, and I imagine drawing an expression of pride on his face that's consistent with his stoic character was no picnic either. Yet, on all counts, you did magnificently.

All in all, this pic is truly impressive and is worth even more than I paid for it. Thank you so much, and I hope we can do business again sometime.
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Who are you expecting on the mythic banner?
Pretty sad that none of her "fans" bothered to +10 this new alt despite having 3 years to save
doesn't he deny ever liking Tharja now? He tried to pretend he wasn't "Tharjaanon" as if anyone would forget 10 years of shitposts
Pretty sad what you did to Tharja kek
It's entirely possible that the majority of said character's fans dropped the game after years of their favorite being neglected.

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