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KH3 Xion mod edition

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KINGDOM HEARTS collections (I.5+II.5, II.8, III + Re Mind (DLC)) available on PC, PS4, XBOX, Switch (Cloud)
2003 Lost Kingdom Hearts Pilot Animatic (archived copy): https://archive.org/details/kingdom-hearts-pilot-animatic

Two new Kingdom Hearts games have been announced: KINGDOM HEARTS IV and KINGDOM HEARTS Missing-Link.
The KINGDOM HEARTS Missing-Link closed beta test for Android and IPhone devices has ended. Pre-registrations coming soon.
The Kingdom Hearts series are now available on Steam.
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KINGDOM HEARTS Union χ Dark Road is now delisted but you can watch the story on Youtube or download the apk to experience the story yourself

Union χ[Cross] scenes: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPCJnwphQDQcJOkD9OsmxxMHX7YHE4WP2
Uχ scene compilations: https://roboloid.github.io/khux/theater
Dark Road playthrough: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhcSrKyqhfh6KtymEp7GpkwvLVK2Cu-Vp

PC Version Mods and Patch Manager

Previous thread: >>496970791
Is this mod fun?
Maybe we'll get news this week...
Looks alright from the gameplay videos I've seen
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The Xioning
TGA is soon...
They can take your world, they can take your heart, cut you loose from all you know, but they can never take... your heart!
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Miss Xion edition!
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how much influence does Disney have on the games? if nomura wanted obscure Disney title worlds, would Disney tell him he's an idiot and to put frozen in, for example?
Not complete influence because there's no way they'd okay Hercules and PoTC over other modern Disney movies, regardless of their past success.
Nomura makes pitches to Disney involving worlds he wants to use, and has to get permission from each series' creator to use their series for a world/story, and is limited to the extent by which he could use them by them. In the past when Disney was oblivious to videogames it was easier, because the movies Nomura wanted to use were old and he didn't need a lot of go-aheads to use them, but nowadays Disney both knows more and is more involved, so negotiations take longer. It's why the Frozen world is so restricted as it is, the Frozen creators are dicks who wouldn't let SDG get involved with the plot, and Let It Go had to be included.

It's likely taking even longer with live-action films and franchises. Star Wars is huge. You'd think Disney would help streamline the process for Square or something, or even just merchandise the franchise. But nope, all you get are scarce pins at Disneyland. Go figure.
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Seems like Nomura picks the worlds but there are probably other factors that contribute to his decisions so he isn't just picking what he personally wants to include, like now that it takes longer to develop a world and there's less of them he has to be more careful about his choices which probably means less obscure stuff, if KH2 were made today idk if we'd get worlds like Timeless River and Space Paranoids.

I don't think Disney forced Nomura to put something like Frozen in KH3 but they invited him and the crew to an advanced screening of it to "encourage them" I guess. Nomura seemed enthusiastic about it at the beginning though, I think it was working with the Frozen team that wore him down. On the surface Frozen could've been a pretty interesting KH world if they let Nomura do literally anything with the plot.

You can't completely rule out at least one oddball world choice for 4 though because if Nomura wanted it badly enough he could probably get it. Like if he decided he wanted to get Treasure Planet in there before the series is over or he's finished with it then I'm sure he could do that since it nearly made it into DDD already, we know Disney aren't unwilling about that it was just a practical decision to cut it, plus most of Roy Conli's films are already in KH and he has a pretty close relationship with Square it seems. And it's not like there's that many older 2D animated films left to pick from now that'd make for interesting worlds to play in.
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>storyboarded Goofy moving his ear to listen
I know it's such a small detail but it does suck some of the life out of the characters. Doesn't feel like Donald and Goofy have many cartoon-isms anymore like they did in the first game.
>Final Fantasy being phased out because Noruma himself only used it as a springboard even through most of the staff grew attached to the final fantasy 7 cast with 8th's lead character as their own people within the universe of kingdom hearts

>Disney has become even more corporate controrl now making storyboarding and negatiations take longer

>There are so many OCs now that in theory you could build an entire game around them and only them but the frame work of the series is traveling worlds and those worlds are disney worlds with maybe 1 or 2 OC worlds put in.

This sounds like a real pain in the ass corporate wise dealing with all that IP management, it's no wonder game ideas like whatever he was building towards in world of final fantasy and the vapor ware that was final fantasy verses will never see the light of day, I doubt Vernus Rex will either, Reynatus showed us a game like that is of no interest to anybody and while they are cult following The world ends with you series didn't move the needle either, urban fantasy with metropolis cities just do not sell or are received very well in modern times.
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>urban fantasy with metropolis cities just do not sell or are received very well in modern times
And yet Final Fantasy VII went more towards urban fantasy and it's the best selling one. I do think people yearn more for the fantastical now because they want to forget how shitty things are IRL, like the post-9/11 grimdark trend of media has become less popular over the last decade and sincerity, hopefulness and being "corny" is back in. A FFIX Remake could really well because of it's art style if they manage to maintain that. I doubt KH4 is all urban fantasy, it has Disney worlds. But if Quadratum is a big part of it as a hub that might put some people off.
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Is Sora ready to be tormented in another white void by goons clad in black leather?
Ephemer looks pregnant in the thumbnail.
He said that he refused to do KH3 if he couldn't do Toy Story, but who knows if Disney would accept him including a more obscure property as a world.
To be fair Pirates was Disney's biggest movie franchise before they bought Marvel and Lucasfilm. Hercules just works as the go to tournament world most of the time and I think for 3 it was easier to design as a type of testing ground for the devs almost before they started work on the other worlds. It was probably one of the easiest Disney inclusions. It seemed like Twilight Town and Scala/Cable Town were actually created first but their level design was a lot more simplistic compared to Olympus. It had a mix of openness and verticality. Maybe Quadratum is the test world for 4 if it's not too simplistic in design so there's less of a guarantee we'll get a safer classic Disney world choice like Hercules.

They might be pretty relaxed about him using obscurer or older movies but because we get less games like DDD now that can have more experimental choices Nomura might just pick the modern movies people that'd catch people's eye because sales and mainstream appeal.
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I love when Kingdom Hearts is analogue technology.
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Thanks reddit I never would have got the reference without the red line and circle and the Sora.
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If they were more controlling they wouldn't let Nomura go hog wild with his batshit insane story. They mostly dictate how their properties are used.
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Resting on Aqua's lap.
>look up some Kingdom Hearts stuff on youtube
>now youtube keeps recommending me Regular Pat
>oh, you like [specific thing you were curious about once]?
>well how about we serve you every video related to that search term for the next three months
I'm pretty sure he'd still do KH3 regardless of if he got Toy Story or not, unlike a certain deviantart dumbass who actively thought the entire series after KH2 only exists because Nomura was apparently a spite-fueled baby who dragged it out specifically because of Toy Story.
I thought they were really well animated in the KH4 trailer and it gives me more hope for stuff like that. I also really hope there's scenes/worlds with moody lighting like this.
Any news yet?
>>Final Fantasy being phased out because Noruma himself only used it as a springboard even through most of the staff grew attached to the final fantasy 7 cast with 8th's lead character as their own people within the universe of kingdom hearts

Nomura mentioned he knows people missed him in an interview somewhat recently so I don't think they'll be fully phased out after 3. I feel like its probably going to be BBS levels of FF though.

>>Disney has become even more corporate controrl now making storyboarding and negatiations take longer

There was also that interview or statement from Disney where they said they want devs to come to them with their own stories and ideas for games and mentioned Kingdom Hearts and Nomura. I think there was management changes hopefully for the better.

>it's no wonder game ideas like whatever he was building towards in world of final fantasy

I don't think he wrote that though he was just a creative director.

>Reynatus showed us a game like that is of no interest to anybody and while they are cult following The world ends with you series didn't move the needle either, urban fantasy with metropolis cities just do not sell or are received very well in modern times.


What the fuck are you guys talking about Persona is extremely popular right now.
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Reynatis is Furyu slop. It's no surprise it's not a massive seller. But Persona shows that urban fantasy can be pretty popular.
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I don't know if that scene will be in the game since it's a pre-rendered fmv but yeah they looked great there. Is it harder to animate them like that in UE4 or something? I noticed the animations were improving slightly and getting less stiff in the Remind DLC so it feels like they're getting the hang of the new engine still. If UE5 isn't that different we might get more expressive characters in 4 and a more rubbery Donald and Goofy.
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Merch News:
Super Groupies has announced a total of 18 new Kingdom Hearts themed items. Among the new items are pouches, stoles (light scarf), sneakers and more.
Available until November 5 though Aitai Kuji and the Super Groupies website

Full list:
I'm not particularly interested in these but I'm excited to see the cosplayers and fanart that this will spawn
>Persona is extremely popular right now.
I guess you're right. Metaphor ReFantazio has a modern edge to it as well from what I've seen and that seems popular at the moment. It might just be that the market's diluted for urban fantasy or Atlus and other studios have cornered it more. Plus Persona is set firmly in the real world whereas Final Fantasy worlds aren't they just adopt the aesthetic. I mean I like the more urban fantasy FFs and the ones that lean into sci fi even. I think the series has always done that well. I still think the most creative attempt at that was FFX though where it was modern, futuristic and exotic all at the same time. I don't think KH will ever go too weird with it's aesthetic though because it has to be rooted in the Disney style. But the Organization's castle was pretty out there and science fictiony.
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*uses a limit attack*
*takes an elixir*
*repeat until boss is dead*
Someone needs to backup all those KHUX DR and ML cutscenes and anything else on youtube and whatever else you can think of because Square Enix is going full retard and taking down a Yoko Taro site thst had translates of all the side material so it's only a matter of time before they do something like that to us.


Im too busy to do it right now sorry
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Here if you dont want to go to that site
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The lack of news broke me
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2024... I am forgotten.
There will be news today
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You better not be lying
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One day we'll find out who they are...
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Can someone explain to me this popular opinion of "KH3 is goyslop but Remind fixed everything"?
Remind is just keyblade graveyard from the base game + laughably bad Scala puzzles.
Combo modifiers and Limit cut.
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Sick of merch news fr
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It's especially worse when most of it is Japan exclusive.
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Maid Dancer to take care of all your needs like bringing you soup when you're sick in bed.
kek I just noticed it
Glad we're finally moving on from Sora after KH4. He has really been holding this series back.

It's peak.
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This mf really havin the Data Keyblade Graveyard
The yen is weak right now so its not that bad to import
Uh, it’s been ages since I’ve done the KH2 Data/AS fights. I don’t really remember how to beat AS Larxene. I mean, I’ve gotten her to her DM once, and died before I could even dodge. I’m level 1, if it makes a difference. I remember there was some Genie cheese, but I was never good at that.
Just use Reflect dude
Time it well to hit as many of her clones as you can since they share the HP
Stock up on elixirs and spam duck flare.
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>Glad we're finally moving on from Sora after KH4
Says who?
Well, I did get that much, but how she reacts to things can feel inconsistent, and harder to deal with than, say Lexaeus.
I’d imagine that works, but I was sure there was a better way to dodge. I just remembered how to save MP dodging the attack where she circles you, so that should help conserve MP and items.
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Apparently I wasn't the only one this exact scenario happened to.
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wtf are these?
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Wow I never noticed the Chinese dragon statue in TWTNW.
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Maybe I'm seeing things but it looks like the silhouette of a Samurai or Gambler Nobody.
Kiss Mad Maiden
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The new Atlus game has beaten Nomura to the whole unreality/fictional world thing.
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fatlus games have the dullest writing.
No one cares about some text in a mobile game. Atlus beat Nomura to the punch, and they'll undoubtedly execute it better.
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"Atlus beat Nomura to the punch"

Even though Unreality was officially brought up in Melody of Memory a few years ago.
Metaphor has been in development since 2016.
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Unreality was first named in MoM which came out 4 years and 3 days ago

So what you're saying is Nomura beat Atlus to the punch
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Guys what the fuck are you talking about? Nomura did this in 2001. Its what Kingdom Hearts 1 was about. Its why Sora says the thing.
Just use stitch. Absolutely broken for her fight. Also you can stack lightning resistance real high so you can actually take multiple hits without immediately going to 1 hp.
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Please tell me you aren't implying Atlus came up with this idea.
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Now whenever Kingdom Hearts does it, people will all call it a a Metaphor rip off. Maybe this wouldn't happen if they bothered to release info about KH4.
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How is talking about Kingdom Hearts' unreality stuff in relation to other series off topic?
Please be bait
You know that people are stupid enough to do it.
Fuck off
Very Kingdom Hearts.
Don't be surprised when people compare KH4 to Metaphor in the future. Just be ready for that to be one of the talking points repeated endlessly in discussion.
Xion trying not to trip in her cute heels while running
>Sora believes it's his fault Quadratum is overrun with Heartless because he brought his darkness there and the Heartless follow the keyblade
Angst arc incoming.
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>in a world where Dragons are the dominant species. In this reimagined world, Maleficent was born the Keeper of the Prophecy and meant to lead her kind into the Eternal Reign, but her actions against the humans caused banishment to the Dead Lands.
>Maleficent Keeper of the Prophecy
My wives.
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This idea could've been a tv show like Gargoyles.
What do you think happened to that painting?
What if there were references to all the other worlds in TWTNW?
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op here. I meant people might notice Metaphor and KHIV both doing the "realistic world is the fictional one in the eyes of the protag" thing but because I can guarantee a decent amount of casuals won't have followed Melody of Memory, UX or even Remind it'll be new to them in KHIV whenever that releases, there'll be people saying KH copied Metaphor when in reality like >>498849472 says Nomura's had this in his mind for years and they officially introduced the concept to the series back in like 2021.

I could be wrong but the trope of a more fantastical world viewing the realistic one as fictional/fantasy specifically does seem rarer. I can't think of any popular examples of this off the top of my head. I know a bunch of stories exist where a fantasy and a sci fi/modern world coexist side by side but there isn't a meta aspect.
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Aeleus ate it.

Like Traverse Town has Disney easter eggs like the Lady and the Tramp fountain and Mad Hatter's shop.
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Did KH2 invent this thing where the title of the game appears multiple hours in? This was popularized by Nier Automata where title appeared like 50 hours into gameplay.
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>Did KH2 invent
Then who did?
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Final Fantasy I's opening crawl doesn't play until after the prologue where you rescue the princess but other than that I can't think of a game before KH2 that really dragged it out for hours like that.
Good job for pointing it out.
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>The year is 2024. News is but a distant memory. Those of us who remain; the KH faithful, languish in despair. Will our time ever come? Nomura, why have you forsaken us? The oinker leaks... do you still hold that grudge? What was this incident you spoke of? Questions that may never be answered...ACK
why do so many people draw Sora with darker skin
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I think it's because Sora's a tropical islander so some artists give him a tan to fit that. It's not like it was ever meant to be realistic though, Destiny Islands is a fantasy place not Hawaii. Opposite thing happened with Tidus where he had darker skin originally but ever since he's gotten paler.
You four are going to reveal your greatest secret: the ancient Keyblade legacy that slumbers within you... (laughs)
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When will HJO meet Sora?
it's because they're tumblr sociopolitical activists and they make illustrations with the sole purpose of fitting in with other sociopolitical activists
everyone knows this, painful to even spell it out
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they can't have Sora swing his big lightskinned dick around and beat the shit out of multiple evil brown men
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Xehanort is based though. He's good representation.
I got the impression Scala ad Caelum and the Final World were related somehow but it feels like one of those things that the series will take forever to actually acknowledge
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Tornado Step DJ has stepped up to the deck.

What will he play?
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I associate this image with an autist on /v/ now
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>Throughout history, salt has been a powerful symbol of purification in a wide range of civilizations and religious traditions. Its natural ability to maintain and cleanse has resulted in a symbolic portrayal of purity in spiritual activities.
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Nomura really missed an opportunity to give Mario belts and a spiky mustache.
That ain't Nomura tho

Nomura didn't draw anything for Sora in Smash
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So what would a crossover between KH and SRW look like anyway? How would one incorporate the other and vice versa?
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... but actually this will happen in the next game when I'm dead... (laughs again)
Gigas and Yozora obviously
>Bootleg of Nomura's failed scraps instead of real KH representation
It's a shame how realistic this is.
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Maybe there will be news today
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>KH3 came out almost 6 years ago
>Still no KH4 news
KH3 took 13 years to make so why are you surprised?
>KH3 took 13 years to make
Misinformation. 3 didn't start development until 2013. It took 5 years for them to make, more or less. If the main team had been working on 4 since Remind was finished they would've had 4 years of dev time. But they said at the 20th anniversary in 2022 they only had a prototype in UE4 pretty much so it's taking them longer. And they helped out on FFXVI, another detour. Unless there's a faster turnaround, 4 starting development in like 2021/2 indicates a 2027 or 2028 release. But that just seems so far off. I don't know if 2025/26 is possible though.
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Sora finally gets his gummi mech.
We still haven't learned what cancelled project the keyblade armor design was recycled from.
Xemnas lives on through Xehanort's 14th life.
>3 didn't start development until 2013
Disney approached SE for KH3 almost immediately though
Look at the development history of KH and ask yourself who could have been developing KHIII after the release of KHII.

The team in Tokyo? They worked on Final Mix until 2007, then were on Versus XIII... and XIII... and XIV...
The team in Osaka? They were making Re:CoM, then BbS, then BbSFM, then DDD in 2012

And Nomura? He was directing all of these projects, in addition to coded, Days and Re:coded.
Where's the room for KHIII?
Yay more merch news
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It was in the pipeline as soon as Disney said they wanted KH3. Some say that concepts were produced in 2005, but considering they've never seen the light of day, I doubt there would have be anything major produced then, rather just extremely rough ideas. It'd be interesting see those rough ideas.
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Disney might've been but
>A. Nomura wasn't able to negotiate the Pixar worlds he wanted yet
>B. Square didn't have the resources to commit to a KH game on the PS3 because they were busy with things like FFXIII and Versus
It was only around the time they were done with XIII and Versus was canned that things starting moving forward with KH3. In the meantime Nomura prioritized portable titles that could expand the story and set up things for 3. Had the circumstances been different 3 probably would've arrived sooner, but the PS3/Xbox360 era was not a great one for Square.
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>my mother shares the same day and has the same age as Yoko
What an extreme coincidence I'm not sure know I feel knowing this now
We won't get anything on KH4 until FFVII Part 3 is done. We're looking at 2028 at the absolute earliest, and it will probably be a PS6 title to boot.
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It's sad to admit this might be true but that's probably another reason they're taking their time with Missing Link. No point firing the starting gun on that yet when 4 is further behind.
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I really hope Nomura makes KH4 the end. With how long games take in general there's absolutely no chance he'll be able to direct another entry. Disney's red tape, and KHs low priority on the Square totem pole make the dev times longer still.
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Nomura will die while KH6 is in development and a cult will form based on his leaked notes.
Depends how long it takes for 4 to release. But it could be the beginning of the end. Like what Infinity War is to Endgame. And even then the series doesn't have to end there. They could do Verum Rex afterwards and some mobile remake possibly. But if they prioritize wrapping up the main story that's how it could go.
>re: coded console remake is the big event
How happy would you be?
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KH4 will be the DDD to KH5's KH3 and Verum Rex is Dark Road.
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>leave MoM to us
absolutely fucking nobody outside of a small group of internet contrarians trying to be unique online even knows Coded exists
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Re:Re:coded means that not only will the best Command Deck game finally be brought to its full potential, but they can add in all of the cut story content that would have given coded deeper ties and bigger reveals than what ultimately happened.
It has some of the best gameplay in the series fuck you.
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did I say anything about the gameplay?
it has no story, no characters, technically Sora isn't even really in it
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Obvious anomaly.
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Meant for >>499052836
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I'd be pretty annoyed. Re:Coded isn't a very good game, and I doubt a remake could fix it. I'd rather get KH1, CoM and KH2 remakes that make the games fit in better with the rest of the series. Even if I would probably end up annoyed with the changes I'll always have the originals.
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>Re:Coded isn't a very good game, and I doubt a remake could fix it.
Shut up dumbass
>KH1, CoM and KH2 remakes that make the games fit in better with the rest of the series
KH1, sure, especially aesthetically
But... ???
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>Shut up dumbass
Search your heart. You know it to be true. Even the combat in Re:Coded is a bore. The optimal play is still just spamming commands. You can build up flashy combos but it's entirely unnecessary when Thundaga melts bosses.
>But... ???
There's plenty you could add to the three of them to make them fit in better story-wise. For example, Roxas' storyline could use some tweaking considering it builds up to him accepting that he's Sora and will always be Sora.
>considering it builds up to him accepting that he's Sora and will always be Sora
... But... the resolution of his arc is that he finally gains independence from Sora and can live his own life
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Post your re: coded command deck, for me it's
>Judgment triad
>Judgment triad
>Chain rave
>Exo spark
>... But... the resolution of his arc is that he finally gains independence from Sora and can live his own life
Which comes out of nowhere from base KH2 where he happily just accepts that he's Sora while Namine accepts that she's just blonde Kairi with them being forced together in KH2's ending because of that. Needs tweaking to make it more bittersweet in 2 at least. Especially on the side of Sora.
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If you read Roxas pulling Sora into his own heart and fighting him for the right to life as him "happily" accepting his fate, you might be stupid
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After that it's like a switch is flipped and he can only see himself as Sora when the nobody force ghosts come out. Sora also needs to have more of an arc around Roxas in KH2, because him telling Roxas in DDD that he should be his own person comes out of nowhere for Sora closely after KH2.
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>he can only see himself as Sora
WHEN, dude? What the FUCK are you talking about
Roxas has literally never identified as Sora. He has always been his own person
>WHEN, dude?
In between Xemnas fights, and then KH2's ending. Any resistance is gone, and he's just happy to be the Sora to Namine's Kairi.
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Why does he spam images whenever there is a minor disagreement discussion.
He doesn't like discussion in the general.
Anon, Ansem literally apologizes to Roxas and admits to not really knowing shit about the heart before blowing himself up. Why bother with that if there was no room for another answer?
It's a spambot he turns on
Spambots are a large problem here on /vg/
The captcha update last January and the pinned thread in the catalog are meant to combat it
It doesn't work for long
He stops resisting because he was beat by Sora fair and square. That doesn't mean he's surrendered his own identity or is happy with the outcome.
>Why bother with that if there was no room for another answer?
Ansem's problem was treating the nobodies as monstrosities and not considering their feelings at all. It was less about room for another answer and more that what he did in his quest for revenge was wrong.
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They used to do it when the avatarfag used to spam his own shitposts here years ago after kh3 came out, purely to annoy that shitposting retard.
Now its just a spambot.
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There's accepting that he can't beat Sora, and then there's getting almost lovey dovey with Namine while being extremely happy to re-enter Sora so he can be with Namine. Which is another thing that needs changed if KH2 gets a remake. Does Roxas even talk to Namine in KH3? He's closer to Xion.
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At least every single command in the game is good and useful in some way, can't say the same for birth by shit or DDD
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I think you need to work on your emotional intelligence 'cause that's really not what was happening
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What else could you use? A toy Sora in a toy Gigas getting stepped on by a Gundam? There's more super robots for regular Disney and regular Final Fantasy than KH right now. Unless you just embiggen Sora or put him in a regular sized Gigas but then there wouldn't be much story

Live a Live only used one story/protagonist out of 7 so its not like it got much representation either.

SRW, Kingdom Hearts and Digimon are the 3 games Im waiting on at once modern game dev time hurts...
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It would be sick if he piloted the gummi Einhander in srw
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>So he can be with Namine
So he's not inherently happy to be Sora's other but sees Namine as a bright spot in a shit situation.
>Which is another things that needs to be changed
For the love of God, this better not be more Xionfaggotry.
I remember thinking it was from a Batman game for some reason. I think Nomura or a inteviewer brought it up in an interview for the Batman Nomura toy. And they kinda look like Batman. But it could just be me talking out of my ass.
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>We won't get anything on KH4 until FFVII Part 3

I gotta be honest this made me hate Final Fantasy 7 and people who wanted FF7 characters and a Sephiroth boss in 3 and 4.
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Im not either of you but Roxas going from accepting that he has to sleep in Sora's heart KH2 seems a weird compared to DDD and should have been developed more. But to be fair Sora does argue with Roxas that he should be his own person. And if Roxas was in Sora's heart while saying that it might have come from him too idk I dont know how hearts work. KH3 touches on Sora remembering Roxas'friends a little bit, as does KH2 so I think the implication was he always was yerning to be his own person? Its just, we don't see much of him adter kh2 outside data roxas and I never played recoded.

Maybe the point was to mirror KH1 Sora because both knew they had to sacrifice himselves. But he went back inside a heart instead of freeing a bunch of hearts. Which is how Roxas was born in the first place. But that doesn't really mean either one wanted to stay dead?
FF and DQ are the golden children. KH is the red headed step child.
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Hey, guys. Newfag here. Been working my way up to the series since Steam dropped. Got my copy of KH3 off a pirate site since I heard it was a polarizing title and I wanted to be sure I liked the game before diving in. It's been fun so far, but I tried remapping the controls as an experiment and now the cancel/gummiphone button's stuck on the D-pad. I've been trying to reset it but to no avail. Did I fuck up not getting the thing on Steam or was this fucked from the start?
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If you pirated it there's little we can do to help you. You're on your own.
darkness within darkness
Can you add the pirated KH3 to a Steam account so you can use Steam's functions to button map the game? I don't know if adding it would result in you getting banned, so just do it at your own risk.
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Nomura designs a Disneyfied version of Alexander from Final Fantasy modeled after the Cinderella castle for Sora pilot like a mech. You don't get more Kingdom Hearts than that.
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On the one hand, how tf did Square Enix developing a Batman game stay a secret all this time but on the other, the Japanese are pretty strict with their NDAs. You'd think someone on the US side would've leaked it though unless it didn't get very far there and Square were the ones going to all the effort of pitching it. I think Nomura said it was in the 90s or that's the vibe I got when I read that interview, Batman was pretty big then between the Burton and Schumacher movies. And they merchandised the shit out of the later movies so them making a licensed game outsourced to Japan wouldn't be too crazy I guess. Some people said it could've been for a tokusatsu game iirc. Like a Kamen Rider thing.

Tere's something very canine about the helmets to me. They remind me of dog ears and the jaw, it's like Blade Wolf from Metal Gear. idk if that's a clue but it's interesting. Is sort of works with Disney and all the anthropomorphic characters, especially dogs with Goofy and his world in the cartoons. Kind of like Sora's design echoes Mickey's with the red clothes and big yellow shoes.
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I like to think of Roxas now as a part of Sora that wanted to settle down and live an ordinary life with his friends. Seeing as Sora's been unable to do that since he started on his adventure. I'd be against him becoming a full time keyblade wielder because of that. When you look at it that way it's more like Sora's lost a part of himself. But then I like the idea that sometime in the future Sora could become ao absorbed in being a keyblade wielder and defeating MoM/Darkness that Roxas has to remind him of what he's fighting for, if he represents the life Sora gave up. Completely flips the dynamic they had in 2 on it's head as well.
>Roxas, you're lucky
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>1FM's translation leaving it purposefully vague that it's Heartless Ansem writing the 12th report
Why? Better question is how if he writing anything with no hands...
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Canonically I think the reason Scala uses cable cars instead of boats is because the water is full of ruins from older versions and it's not safe. Not just Daybreak Town but the Missing Link Scala that seemed to be at sea level but there's no natural beaches in the modern Scala because it flooded again. Global warming and darkness?
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Modern Scala has piers though
>first pic is from Re:Com, not kh1
And second pic is from the DDD opening
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How would the timeline change if this actually happened?
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A pier isn't always a dock, they can just be recreational. The island Sora and Xehanort spend time on has pier looking areas but they're just a load of benches. No moors or bitts to tie a ship to either. I can't remember if Missing Link had anything hinting at boats. Daybreak Town had a lighthouse and stuff. Weirdly Scala doesn't, just the cable cars. For a town on the sea there's not much that's nautical about it.
It's impossible for it to happen, the time jannies (Disney) would erase it before it saw the light of day
That's what World Order symbolizes
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In this case the darknesses are the time jannies because they're invisible most of the time and quietly preventing the ocs from interfering in Disney plots too much.
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does anyone here know what happened with that project aqua mod for kh2, or could sneak me a download link
id be happy to wait for public release but it seems MIA and im not paying patreon subscription for a mod
Still no news
>I like to think of Roxas now as a part of Sora that wanted to settle down and live an ordinary life with his friends

Yeah, and Roxas was like if Sora was dreaming of having a normal life because Sora was sleeping for a year when Roxas was awake. I always loved how dreamlike Kingdom Hearts was before it even got actual sleeping dream worlds.
I would kill for a big Square Enix leak so we could find out about all their cancelled games and bizarre CEO decisions like the Sony leaks. Or just Nomura's sketchbook.

>Yeah, it was game-related. It didn’t even start development as a project, it was just a concept and ideas, not a full game. Since the project was canceled, I can’t talk much about it.

I wonder how much things exist in Kingdom Hearts that come from abandoned ideas that we have no way of knowing.
I've completely forgotten how to fight Xemnas 2 (level 1). The Reflect/Reversal thing in the beginning just isn't consistent, the Reflect just doesn't come out sometimes, so I've just been using Session, which was the PS3 strat iirc. The only obvious opening is when he uses the Bind move, but it just feels like he'll do it in a position where I can't punish. I should probably just watch a video or something to refresh myself, but I'd rather not if I can help it.
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I know Im replying to an old post but its been bugging me. From what I understand from /v/ shitposts (I only played the demo) Metaphor just takes place in the far future from our modern day. Which they took from Etrian Odyssey, and they even use EO music for it. And this story is just a fictionalized idealized version of history. Im sure there's more to it with the book the King reads you because he is the last boss/More but its clearly very different than what Kingdom Hearts is going for with Quadratum's side and Kingdom Heart's side being mirrors of eachother and fictional to eachother.

>its a fantasy world made up by the author
Quadratum isn't actually fantasy to the people living on that side and as far as we know nobody created it.

>No need for sorcery
Yozora uses magic when he steals Sora's keyblade in the Final World and Magis uses magic in the Verum Rex trailer. I think their mecha is magitek but its not confirmed. Yozora and Stella have some sort of power. Luxord might have his gambling powers there.

Idk what this last shit is on about but we have already been meta introduced into the game sort of as Player, and Yozora being in a game and shit. And Sora already was said to be someone who can make things 'real'
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Did everyone in the new Organization XIII just hang around in a bunch of rocks and the dessert of the keyblade graveyard when they weren't on missions?
Oh okay, I got him. Got a bit lucky where he didn't punish my limits much, and I also had enough time to go Limit Form, revert, and use Session in between his last throwing attack.
>"We used to have a castle, old man"
>"Are the ruins of an old, dead civilization, entombed and sacrificed upon the altar of darkness not good enough for you, Xigbar?"
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>Metaphor just takes place in the far future from our modern day.
Ah well for me that reminds of the Xeno series and some of Nier. The fantasy world secretly being the far future thing is more common in JRPGs. So what KH4 is doing is still quite unique.
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Would've been cool if Twilight Town was some manifestation of Sora's desire to go home to Destiny Islands like Traverse Town is a world created for people who lose their worlds. We never see Destiny Islands mainland to know if it's anything like Twilight Town, it does have a beach at least. So Twilight Town was created by Sora while he slept, his sanctuary, and that eventually becomes a home for Roxas to call his own. And to extend that to The World That Never Was also in the Realm Between, that could've been created from the Nobodies dreams of civilization away from the Heartless since they represent nature and are more primal, which is why it's a city. That idea of worlds being born from people's wishes is just neat to me. That seems to be what they're going for with Quadratum though.
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Xehanort didn't want to pay Xemnas' old electric bill so he moved them out to the desert. Larxene kept things running.
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Pretty sure Dynami Tracer inspired the map design for KH but that wasn't a cancelled game just really obscure.
I just spammed session and elixirs lol, maybe one day I'll do it the honorable way
NMC got a new entry today
Fortune Teller dancing dirty
Is this going to get a PC version eventually?
From the project FAQ on his discord
>As of now, no. The mod is only being developed for the PCSX2 emulator. I might attempt to make the mod playable for the PC Port, but that won't be happening until very later on in the future.
So I'm going to say not until he sees it as more or less "done" on PCSX2
>tfw no adult 18over planet in kh4
Sora, Donald, Goofy, Kairi, and Riku pull a G Gundam and do a power up together like the Shuffle Alliance
Why is Birth by Sleep so popular? It easily has the worst gameplay in the entire series with the worst post game superboses in the series.
We got a PS4 port for that game but not re:coded? So bullshit.
Should I emulate the games on my Steam Deck or just buy the Steam versions?
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Why did they even add that mechanic to the fight? Reaction commands are supposed to be helpful but when you steal his keyblades it makes the fight 2 times harder.
If this was true (and its a strong enough possibility), I'd probably quit the series. I'm getting too old for this shit.
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Disney staff has no relation to story. All actual story happens in worlds that are not Disney.
>Why is Birth by Sleep so popular?
It's less popular than mainline games which makes sense.
>worst post game superboses in the series
Literally no one gives a fuck about postgame superbosses.
Because they didn't fucking test any fight in 1-DDD. That's why Xemnas is fucking BROKEN in the port of 2 to PC.
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>G-guys... These 2 characters are sleeping, they are 100% connected!
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They aren't going to have anyone to sell to by the time KH4 releases.
I think that's a little too doomer. If not SE, Disney will start to demand for something to be shown off before 2028, and they hold the power. At the very latest, we'll start getting more information by 2026, if not next year.
2028 does seem kind of ridiculous. That's nearly a whole decade without a legit KH game. I don't count MoM and DR as much bc they aren't as hefty either in the story or gameplay department compared to BBS, Days, Coded and DDD. Feels like we've gone backwards. Missing Link would soften the blow, they said that'd feel like a more well-rounded KH experience. And maybe another surprise 2.8 style release with some new content packaged with it like a cutscene movie or demo. That kept things going until 3 arrived.
this but unironically
>Disney will start to demand
That's not how this works, my man. Disney can't just say "WE NEED TO MAKE A NEW GAME NOW OR YOU DIE!". SE decides and they trust Nomura since KH never flopped unlike Final Floptasy and other shit by them.
>Twilight Town was some manifestation of Sora's desire to go home to Destiny Islands
I'm not sure if that'd fit with the timeline. Do we ever see Twilight Town before Roxas was born? Maybe it's like a kind of nobody world of Destiny Islands. Just thinking about how Sora and Roxas' rooms are designed to mirror each other. As far as we know the room was only in the simulation to be fair, DiZ might've just programmed it based off Sora's memories.

The name being closer to Daybreak Town implies more of a connection to that if anything. But maybe nothing beyond them both being the "capitals" of their realms.
Disney has the final say on everything. If they have a tumor of a game that's just festering in one place, no matter how they like to leave things to Nomura they will demand action. Disney absolutely can put immense pressure on SE to get things moving.
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>how much influence does Disney have on the games?
Basically Nomura asks them "Can we do X?" and they reply yes or no.
>Punished Nomura: A man denied his Walt.
At least he put Yen Sid in 2.
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Whatever role Nomura wanted Walt to play in the games was probably filled by Yen Sid anyway since he's like Walt's alter ego.
Eraqus is Sakaguchi too
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If those were translated by the Japanese team they're pretty good.
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It's all connected...
I'm sure KH4 will come out soon(ish). Squeenix don't really have any other AAA games up their sleeves to my knowledge. And we know from an interview a few years back they want at least one AAA title out per year. FFVIIR Pt3 is still at least 3 years away. So unless Dragon Quest XII is coming out next year it should be KH's turn. It's only if they've got some other big brand title they haven't announced yet that we get pushed back.
There are 13 tubes on the ark connected to the orb in kh1
If you just accidentally jinxed/manifested some bullshit like Foamstars Forspoken Balan Wonderworld 2 for next year anon I swear to fucking god there will be no keyblade graveyard big enough to bury the shattered pieces of your remains.
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>KH3 video comment section
>KH2fag spergs about the genius of the Drive system for it's thought provoking resource management
>Someone points out all the ways that this isn't the case
>Immediately has a melty about hypocrisy because he only uses Oathkeeper/Oblivion and Ultima Weapon
>Once again ignoring all the reasons why that wouldn't be the case
It'd be funny if it weren't so predictable.
Don't take your Youtube comment section arguments here. No one wants to see your bitching.
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Anon, you CAN read, right?
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I have beat seven of the data org on level 1, I am not a casual.
>Someone points out all the ways that this isn't the case
Elaborate please
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It comes down to costs and the increasingly linear designs of the forms. The Drive gauge effectively puts the forms in competition with one another, each trying to justify their cost over another option. Wisdom was a sidegrade to Valor, so the battle wasn't tipped in anyone's favor. It was all about your game plan and what fit the scenario. Limit barely kept the scales in check with its gimmick (and eventually just outright replaced Valor before long). Then came Master, which effectively robbed these forms of their relevance since it could do both their jobs. Then came Final, with better mobile spellcasting, crazy damage, auto parries/offense, an infinite combo, and the least restrictive movement out of all the forms. After all that, the only other Form that has anything left to offer is Limit. So basically, the decisionmaking becomes non-existent. There's also the fact that Base Sora is getting stronger over the campaign, such to the point that he can fill any niche the other forms might still have for cheaper.
Yeah. By the endgame, only Limit and Final have any worth outside of a quick heal, and at best Wisdom is still useful in a couple specific situations[Data-Demyx and a couple Mushrooms].

And the "resource management" ends up pretty non-existent because you'll be at a point where you can refill the Drive Gauge quickly and just go back to Final or Limit.
Exactly. And that's not even mentioning things like the ability to use Drive Recoveries while in a form or Limits that just give you free hits. I don't think I've ever gotten less than 2 drive using Duck Flare. There's just no reason to use the other forms after a certain point. I can't say the same for KH3, even with Ultimate/Double being as powerful as they are.
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missing-link news next week screenap this
The PSP was huge, basically everyone had one, and the levels were short and sweet so you could finish a world for a character in the time it takes to do your train ride.
Taking your argument and presenting it as something between people that totally aren't you isn't exactly a crazy thing to happen anon
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So...you jumped to conclusions and accused me over a story you made up in your head.
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There's the long rumored Final Fantasy IX Remake.
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You aren't exactly proving my assumptions wrong. Why should anyone care about random Youtube comments?
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>Doubling down
Anon, literally all I've done since I've arrived is talk about game mechanics. The only one thinking about the video is (you).
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Bringing Youtube arguments into the general unprompted will get you accused like this. Learn to not in the future. Last (You).
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>Still doubling down
>No actual argument
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>Dream Eaters
And now, with the big incident, Nomura has created a new form of creature: The Newsless.
What if Naminé could summon "Witch" class Nobodies?
I was thinking about something similar, but for Vanitas. I imagine it'd turn into Ender Lilies real quick.
Would've worked well to position her as kind of like the anti-Xemnas/Org XIII nobody.
>Xemnas has Sorcerer Nobodies and Namine has Witch Nobodies
>They wear black, she wears white
There's also something to be said about Riku going from being manipulated by one witch (Maleficent) to another. But Namine has always been a character that was underutlized imo.
They should let Daigo Tsukada do more KH art.
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The image spambot is like a retarded little kid who covers his ears and rocks back and fourth whenever his parents are arguing. Except the kid is turbo autistic and thinks anything that's not whispering is an arguement.
I want classic FF monsters and summons to be more involved in KH somehow.
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It's hard being mostly metal.
Gets cold really easy.
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Notice that in this scene, the Keyblade did not magically spawn back into Sora's hand even though he clearly wanted it back.
nothingness within nothingness
Anyone else in here obsessed with watching data org speed runners? For me it's people doing "quick release" on data luxord. It's so satisfying
Every day I learn something new about these fucking games. Even just KH1
No news this month
Nap this
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*tink tink*
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>Tfw it's a map
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>The Newsless
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He already did. They're called Noise
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He hadn't acclimated to the power yet.
I cant fucking get over how Kingdom Hearts is Dark City
>I beat a Riku once.... Even though he beat me
>WHY DO YOU HAVE THE KEYBLADE???... Even though I know fully well why you have it
Weird scene.
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I stand by the theory based on these renders that show the world with more cars, visible signs and posters >>498823490 >>498826968 >>498828323 that very early on TWTNW would've had more life to it like a darker Traverse Town, but because it ended up having such a small role as a linear space in 2 they made it an empty backdrop instead. The Traverse Town comparison has another connection in that this artwork inspired the Kingdom Hearts moon design.
>For example, the heart-shaped moon in the previous game's key visual showed up this time as the Kingdom Hearts. Did you think of doing this right from the start?
>No, I didn't. I asked Nojima-san to write KHII's scenario and in his scenario it was written that the Kingdom Hearts Xemnas created is "like a moon that floats in the World that Never Was." When I read that, I thought "Oh, this can be connected!" (laugh) so I made it to look like the moon in the previous game's key visual. The World that Never Was has the "Dark City" right from the beginning of the game's development and since then its background is night. That's why when Nojima-san wrote that Xemnas was creating Kingdom Hearts in the sky, coincidentally he wrote "it looks like a moon" but I thought it got connected by destiny.
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Now that I think about it maybe the Dark City was originally connected to Traverse Town. Like it was the other side of that world or something. Or it changed appearance to serve a different purpose after Sora restored the worlds like it changed appearance in DDD a little to suit the TWEWY cast.
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>we'll get Jared Leto before a Tron Uprising world
I'm sad
It always confused me how Square wants this to be the main Roxas romance when he knew Xion for a lot longer and talked to her more
trying to platinum every game and i'm mid way through CoM
any tips to cheese the fuck out of proud mode? i just beat Larxene and all i'm doing is spamming blizzard sleights
ps i want to wife her
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The logical conclusion is to let Sora and Kairi have their very clear and straightforward, simple and clean romance between the two of them, and then have a complex love triangle between Roxas, Naminé and Xion that isn't as clear.
>It always confused me how Square wants this to be the main Roxas romance
There is no romance in these games. Xehanort died an 80 year old virgin, same with Eraques etc.
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Where did the idea Roxas and Namine is a Square approved ship come from anyway? If we're going off 2 alone I get it but Days muddied that with Xion. After that Roxas and Namine never interact again; if anything she's pushed towards Riku. And outside of Sora and Kairi, explicit romance isn't done much in the series. They keep things pretty ambiguous all around. I'm still a little confused about the nature of Terra and Aqua's relationship, it's generally played as a platonic sibling thing but there's some weird moments like when she grabs his arm in 3. I think most of the time you can just handwave it as very wholesome friendships. They only committed to SoKai and Player x Strelitzia kind of.
>I'm still a little confused about the nature of Terra and Aqua's relationship
They are best friends like most characters in the series, even though they are supposedly around 18 years old and it's completely ridicilous that they have NO interest in the opposite sex but it's a game for preschoolers so just don't think it about it bro and eat the bugs.
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Aqua is a little flustered when Zack asks her out on a date but that's the most you get out of them really. Ventus says Aurora is beautiful; keep in mind she's 16. The Disney princesses do have an ageless quality because some of them have been around for so long and they're animated, or maybe that's just me. Snow White is 14 and Cinderella is 19 too. I'm not saying she had to fall in love with the first guy she met but Terra is like the same age as her and rescues her in the middle of the night. He kind of mogs Prince Charming.
The recusant sigil on Terra's chest emits a cockblock forcefield repelling any romantic advances from women in all the worlds. Nomura explains this in the Birth by Sleep Ultimania Epsilon Re:Dive edition bonus interview btw.
You're so fucking delusional.
Screentime=/=Chemistry. It doesn't matter how much time Roxas spends with Xion when they basically act like siblings with all of it.
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I love that they won't confirm even the slightest romantic feelings with the other characters but Sora and Kairi get a fucking wedding emoji.

>eat the bugs.
This. FF7R3 is likely coming out before KH4. There's also DQ12 too.
I can't believe Terra, Aqua and a miniature Ven all stole Cinderella from Prince Charming, after Aqua brutally murdered Cinderella's evil stepmother & sisters in cold blood.
Except none of that happened you retard
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Halloween Rosy Dancer! Ready for the spooky day.
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It's a joke, relax.
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>Shows Cloud and Aerith in the next shot even though Tifa is in the game
>2's writer even said she's Cloud's light
>Cloti is VII canon
Take it with a grain of salt. But to be fair they used a KH2 clip of Roxas and Namine, where romance is at least implied by proxy of them being Sora and Kairi's nobodies; in a time before nobodies were really considered their own people.

It's still too early to say which camp Square are in because there's equal points in either so far afaik. Namine gets taken away by Riku at the end of 3 but we still don't know where she currently lives. Because if she chose to live on Destiny Islands that pretty much kills RokuNami. If she's part of the Twilight Town gang though they can still keep it vague. So that feels kind of like the clincher to me. Personally

I always got the vibe since they created Xion for Days that she became Roxas' Kairi and Namine shifted more towards Riku and the Destiny trio. Which isn't hard to do if it was a course correction because Namine was already wrapped up with them thanks to CoM before Roxas even appeared on the scene. I know some people's argument against RokuShi is that they're both Sora but Namine tells Xion she was created from Sora's memories of Kairi so that parallel is still there like it was with RokuNami in 2.
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nah Xehanort spent all those years exploring the worlds and probing darkness he definitely clapped some cheeks for "research". Eraqus was the one who went celibate monk and never got over his mancrush on Xehanort.
>Implied by proxy
It has less to do with that than you'd think. At any rate, this is the most Square has been willing to give any Roxas-related couple in terms of legitimacy. One iffy pairing mentioned doesn't quite override that. Moreover, this was what Square put out only two year short of KH3's initial release. They made original cutscenes for Days. If they were going to course correct with RikuNami or Rokushi, that's a bizarrely wasted opportunity. Following this, Roxas and Xion still have no feeling of romance, and the one bit of momentum RikuNami had got deflated by the Ultimania. Even if we were to take the end credits with a grain of salt, this is still RokuNami coming ahead, if only on account of how little the other pairings have to go off of in comparison.
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Days remake announcement any time now...
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>and the one bit of momentum RikuNami had got deflated by the Ultimania
Really? Honestly at this point I think all of them are considered "just friends" by the writing team or that's some mandate Nomura has laid down, he's like the anti-Shinzo Abe. The DDD credits scene feels like something someone snuck in because it is such an oddity post-2 to have any romance besides Sora and Kairi be implied that much.
At least we have Yozora and Nameless Star.
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My adolescent brain was always pleased by how Aqua immediately thought of Terra after turning down Zack

I still think they’re the second most likely OC ship behind Sokai. I prefer RokuNami and RikuXi over the alternatives but they could honestly go either way or neither at all.

Unrelated, but why am I being forced to wait ten whole minutes to post?
>we get Xehanort version of Tekken Reina
>Xehanort himself comes back anyway
Anyone's guess at this point, honestly. There is that one moment in Olympus like
>>499430012 mentioned.
Haven't seen you in a minute. Any progress on the Kairi thing or is life still pressing?
>Clotifag delusions
Just as bad as RoxXifags
Yeah. They're the only canon couple besides Sokai when it comes to OC pairings.
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Damn, you always clock me so easily. Life do be life-ing of course, but I won’t deny that I’ve sacrificed plenty of my free time playing vidya since I last checked in. What can you do? Hope you’ve been well though :)
I can't believe they're bringing back Jeff Bridges somehow but not Tron. Kingdom Hearts and Legacy are the only two thinge made after the original who actually cares about Tron as a character. Rinzler just fucking died I guess.

I wish Nomura took him from his end in Legacy and used him like a Maleficent/Pete character.
>Kingdom Hearts and Legacy are the only two thinge made after the original who actually cares about Tron as a character.
Did you not watch Uprising? It's like Bruce Boxleitner's best Tron depiction.
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>when they basically act like siblings with all of it
you know this is prime shipping fetish in nipponland? Even if Roxas and Namine were set up to be the equivalent of Sora and Kairi, the power of fan fiction led nomura to write Xion and set her as Roxas real Kairi
>Implying Nomura is an incestfag
>Implying Nomura's reading any Rokushi(t) fanfiction
What can I say? It's a gift. And I get what you mean. Been going over the backlog myself between personal projects. A surplus of ideas hasn't helped either.
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What are Tomoco Kanemaki's thoughts on RokuShi as the co-creator of Xion? Didn't they have more of a romantic thing in the manga/light novel? It's not game canon but it's something. Was RokuNami or any other romantic stuff implied in the manga novels? I forget.
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>provided by Tetsuya Nomura appliances
>Verum Rex game director and owner of a home appliance business
This Nomura guy is multifaceted.
I meant to say Uprising and not Legacy in my last post. Since Legacy fucked over Tron hard with that Rinzler shit.

I never played Tron 2.0 though
>I never played Tron 2.0 though
You should, that game is great. Can be brutal at times but is a blast if you like the original Tron.
There will be no KH game this gen.
>MoM waits 200+ years between keyblade wars to get off his ass
>Nomura waits a console generation to release KH4
I think because KH2 was written first. Roxas/Namine are together as long as Sora/Kairi are together. This was long before the idea of "Nobodies should be their own person".
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light within light
nothingness within nothingness
>manipulates everyone into fighting over her
She knew exactly what she was doing.
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Saix's gimmick being the moon should be a bigger deal in the plot all things considered. Like he was born with some special connection to Kingdom Hearts in the way HJO's character in Sixth Sense could see ghosts.
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chad demyx
>SILENCE, traitor
you'll get an event in missing link and you'll be happy damn it
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TWTNW being an empty city that looks like it should be populated just fits with the nobodies and how they were portrayed overall in vanilla kh2. It looks alive/real on the surface but it's hollow. Even the skyscraper projecting memories reflects how nobodies rely on their human memories to act human. It's environment tricks you and subverts your expectations of what a world like that would be like after we visited the heartless world at the end of 1. EotW is very surreal but TWTNW by comparison looks mundane, even familiar. It's almost like a predator in camouflage.
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and after all that we'll finally get some missing link news
so like

does it hurt when his scar opens up in berserk
After thinking about it, Lingering Will literally doesn't do anything throughout the series, you can delete it and nothing changes.
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Isn't Saix's scar opening up the weirdest thing a humanoid nobody has done? If they're fundamentally the same as the lesser nobodies like Creepers or Dusks underneath it all they could've had more physical transformations. Larxene turns into electricity and Luxord can turn into a card but that's it iirc. Maybe that's too body horror.
There's also whatever Marluxia does in CoM
I guess. One of the forms looks like it's growing out of him.
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>beats the shit out of Terranort, preventing him from getting to Ventus and gives him amnesia
>saves the guardians of light from Terranort
>the armor being destroyed released a piece of Terra contained inside it that helped his heart break free from Xehanort a little later on (?)
Yeah throughout most of the series it doesn't do anything because it's basically dormant. LW only really acts when Terra's friends are nearby and in danger. But that first point alone has a huge impact on the series. If Terranort had got a hold of Ventus and didn't get amnesia his plan would've gone off almost without a hitch. Lingering Will and Terra's actions helped set him back a decade.
Is Namine the only person ever to be born in the Land of Departure?
Well she was born in Castle Oblivion right? Which is technically Land of Departure. And that world doesn't seem like a place where anyone is born and raised, keyblade wielders are just taken to be trained there or to guard it. So Namine might be the only person native to that world.
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This is only tangently related but It took me way too long to realize Edea may have been inspired by the Evil Queen from Snow White. She was concieved of for FF7 which has Hades based on the Horned King and Scar used as reference for art of Red XIII (maybe even the whole species were inspired by Lion King). And then she was used for the 8 which only then had a Wicked Witch theme in the plot.
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Also evil yellow eyes like Ansem's might have started with FF8 too.

Witches are so fucking cool guys. KH and FF8 made me love them.
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Put more FF8 in Kingdom Hearts Nomura you coward.

>Squall is the leader of FF7 character's only
>Squall jobbed to Magnificent like a stand in for when Edea/Ultimecia almost killed him during her inaguration but we never got to see it
>Has Rinoa's wings and a letter from her but we never get to see her
>Angelo is the dog from dog street but Pence' cloths don't have the Angelo logo on it
>Irvine was cut from Destiny Island so Selphie's boyfriend has been deleted ans she never met Squall
>Kid FF Radiand Garden characters and Laguna were cut from BBS. So now Squall doesn't even have a dad who abandoned him, he has nothing
>Never met Seifer and his gang

Being a ff8 fan is suffering.
Setzer still got the worst FF cameo though. He didn't even gamble at all.
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I'd say Maleficent has a little more in common with Edea given how her sleeping curse relates to time. In the original Sleeping Beauty fairy tale the curse even lasts 100 years and time is frozen for the kingdom, even the water around the castle is unnaturally still and there's no birds. But then in the original version the evil fairy actually curses Aurora to die when she pricks her finger and another fairy mitigates the curse by making it her sleep instead, so Disney's Maleficent is a composite of two characters. In the other early version of the tale the evil fairy was the thirteenth one too.
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When you look at the variety of Disney characters there are KH doesn't experiment with its OCs very much. They usually fit into one of two categories; ordinary human who may or may not wield a magical weapon or a someone who looks human with supernatural abilities like Ansem SoD, Xemnas, Vanitas etc. Well we got Chirithy who's a magical talking creature. But there's no attempts at original sorcerers, fairies, talking animals and so on. Maybe Square like to keep things clear cut and leave the more fantastical stuff to Disney. We even had FF characters like Vivi and the Gullwings who weren't human. There's no need I guess because keyblade wielders and organization xiii can all do magic pretty casually but I think it'd be interesting throwing in more oddball OCs.
There will be no KH this gen.
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This can only mean one thing. Verum Rex on PS5.
Why does this general still exist?
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I was watching random videos on FF lore and I forgot how much KH lore (that gets mocked lol) about light and darkness are from as far back as the FF3 at least.
And what's actually crazy is that it ties into Master of Master's telling us what's in the black box...
There's also theories about how ff3 is tied into ff8 because Hyne from ff3 is the god of ff8 which Nomura worked on so I don't think its a coincidence

I remember reading that Genesis in FF7CC was based in the Fighter in FF1 and they remind me if the red team in Missing Link
The ending goes on to say that everything will return to nothingness but someone will always be there to split light from darkness with hope which I think is what the MoM is trying to do... I found it impossible to google a script for this game because it keeps bringing up SMES ff6s script eo I had to post these screenshots...

Its very reminiscint of Kairi's Grandma's story in KH1 too. Which of course we know now relates to MoM. I wouldnt be surprised if Hope is literally a fourth 'element' to go with with Light, Darkness and Nothingness. So Quadratum will be a city in a realm to represent Hope. Slightly different from just Light.
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>preventing him from getting to Ventus
At this point Vanitas already lost so there is no point in getting to him
>gives him amnesia
He didn't get amnesia because of the fight
>saves the guardians of light from Terranort
Yeah except we know that if he didn't show up, Donald Duck would just blast him away
>>the armor being destroyed released a piece of Terra contained inside it that helped his heart break free from Xehanort a little later on (?)
PURE speculation.
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Vanitas during his battle in Keyblade Graveyard:
>Let's make our masters proud!
Yeah, except your master is one meter away from you
no 1 knows
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>At this point Vanitas already lost so there is no point in getting to him
Xemnas still spent ages searching for the Chamber of Awakening because of Ventus. Vanitas or not he wanted to find him for some reason and he probably would've gotten his hands on him a lot sooner if LW hadn't slowed him down.
>He didn't get amnesia because of the fight
Well he had his memories before he fought LW but when Aqua finds him in Radiant Garden he doesn't know who he is. The only thing that happened between those two events is LW beating him unconscious.
>Yeah except we know that if he didn't show up, Donald Duck would just blast him away
And Donald would've been incapacitated and the lights would've been overwhelmed by the next fight? They could've written it so Yen Sid arrives earlier as backup but that's going into speculation territory.
>PURE speculation
Why do you think I put the question mark there. But it's worth bringing up. I did think they mentioned that in an ultimania or something but maybe I'm misremembering.

All in all Lingering Will could've been written out and replaced with Terra resisting Xehanort's control from the inside but that would've been less interesting visually than having the manifestation of Terra's fighting spirit beat the crap out of him. But desu Lingering Will is less it's own character and more an extension of Terra anyway.
When the heart is removed from the thread sometimes a shell of the thread remains...
Well yeah you basically admit that LW doesn't do anything. No one contests that it's cool however. Although Terranort fight is laughably bad.
I was responding to the post that said LW could've been written out and nothing would've changed but it's actions were still important. Because it's barely a character though you could've just given it's role to Terra's heart similar to that moment in 0.2 where he appears and grapples with Terranort in the Dark World. But that would've been less cool than a walking suit of armor.
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Dark Rescue is my middle name
Dark Road got into the emotions/sins associated with darkness but for light I definitely think hope will be one of them. That way false light and false hope are kind of synonymous.
>Historically, evaluations of hope change together with the prevailing view of the relationship between human action and the future. As long as the human condition is seen as essentially unchangeable, hope is more often treated as arising from mere epistemic uncertainty and as having ambivalent effects on human happiness. In philosophical contexts where either the possibility of a future life beyond this world or the idea of human progress is emphasized, hope is more often seen as an appropriate and even virtuous attitude that enables humans to direct their agency towards these possibilities

But I'm not the only person who's made the connection between how MoM described Quadratum and the clues of about what the Black Box's contents. It all comes down to hope and belief in something that can't be seen. MoM's plan could be about shaping people's thoughts/beliefs to change darkness and/or light. Again like they were saying in DR about something being light or darkness depending on the perception sometimes. And Elsa deciding whether her magic is light or darkness in 3 which felt like Nomura planting an early seed of this idea that seems like it'll be a bigger deal in 4. I haven't tried putting together a theory of how it could play out but I'm noticing this stuff. Missing Link will probably explore these ideas more as well.
Why he mad?
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At least it's not Tardy Fleetfoot.
He says a bunch of weird shit in the Keyblade Graveyard tbf.
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If in KH4 they want to focus less with the secondary characters and Twewy is dead(the key devs were helping on Crisis core remaster) I hope at least they release a KH358 days remake.
A mix of Neo Twewy and KH combat could work.
No news
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going to the realm of sleep
it's the one i have
Osaka with new developers
Those are lock but rumours/wishes
>Unknown project (from 2024 new years message)
Outsourced probably, led by Crisis core producer (and maybe Twewy directors)
>Strangers of Paradise 2(I wish)
Same developers and outsource to Team ninja
>Next SaGa
Because Kawazu doesn't give a fuck
>Verum Rex(doubt It)
New team with Osaka , CBU1 and Luminious led by Takefumi Terada
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Anti Heal!
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>Where did the idea Roxas and Namine is a Square approved ship come from anyway?
The credits for 2.8
It ain't happening but I wish combos would have that rpgis function like in KH1 where zantetsuken has a chnace to instakill and gravity break does percentage damage. I hate what they did to zantetzuken in all the future games aside from bbs.
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Merch News:
A new KH2 Sora figure is now available for preorder. The new figure is from FORM-ISM and will release on March 2025
please stop reposting unfunny millennial tweets
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It's kept alive by a singular schizophrenic anon and his bot.
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I find it really hilarious how in the steam trailer they overlaid this over Master of Masters disappearing
Why is it always kh2 sora. Kh1 sora needs merch. Those were the best designs.
Sora's design peaked with Limit Form. Everything else since has just been trying to reinvent the magic of KH1 and KH2 Sora.
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huh, is this the reason the KH3 logo and Darkside are like that?
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>quicktime event in khiv where you drag an unconscious Ventus away from Darkness microwave corridor style
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lazy mf
Step one of being a Sora:

How old is /khg/? Do you think we've surpassed 1300 threads?
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Another chapter of the KH3 manga.
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>figure makers are still making kh2 sora figures instead of his latest design from 3
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Objectively the best design with 1 close 2nd, epsecially the colors
Really don't like Kh3's colors
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To be continued next chapter.
Kh1 and kh2 Sora have been around a lot longer than kh3 Sora so there's a nostalgia factor too, they're gonna sell better. I think his first design is more iconic and eyecatching but his second design is cooler so that might be why they chose it for a figure that has more of an action pose.
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>Sora, you lazy bum. I knew that I'd find you snoozing down here.
The script makes more sense here than in the game.
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Soo why didn't Scala look this detailed in anything else?
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kh manga being sold at school book fairs.
>Kairi with the wayfinder trio (bc she's training with Aqua)
>Xehanort and Eraqus mirroring Brain, Ephemer and Skuld (their ancestors and Xehanort's mother looks like Skuld)
>Strelitzia and Namine mirroring each other
>Ira and Invi are facing the same direction as MoM but Aced, Gula, Ava and Luxu are all facing away.
>Vexen, Saix, Ienzo and Demyx are all traitors and then (Vanitas is also there but I guess he mirrors Xigbar on the other side being an org member who's secretly ancient as shit)
>kids these days get manga volumes and Shonen Jump in their book fairs
What the fuck
As funny as it is for Goofy to be the brains of the trio, why is Sora portrayed as even goofier and silly than Goofy and Goofy portrayed as more of the straight man with common sense? Shouldn't it be the other way around?
Goofy has always been a well-meaning, perceptive guy. He's also scatterbrained and clumsy, that's where his goofiness comes from.
That is the novelization.
I did too, I'm 32. I bought the first volume of Yu-Gi-Oh! in like fifth grade. My parents had no fucking clue what I was exposed to with that.
I'm nearly 31 and I didn't get shit like that
Most major book stores have a manga section now desu.
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A little surreal.to see.
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I never noticed the Black Box was lined with fabric.
The fabric... of UNreality.
>Ira and Invi are facing the same direction as MoM but Aced, Gula, Ava and Luxu are all facing away.
I think they're just standing in a random semi circle, I really don't see the group being divided that way at all
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I'm finishing up my replay of Re: Coded as part of my series replay, and man I really love the story in this, the game in general is a lot of fun minus Olympus Colosseum being boring especially because you have to run through it three times to get the final layer, but I'm starting to think just like every KH game people talk shit about it because they haven't played it and they either watched the shitty movie in the collections or are just going off of someone else's take without having any personal experience.
If worlds have different flows of time, what if Sora, Riku and Kairi went to three different worlds, and when they returned, it's been 50 years for Riku and 20 for Kairi and an hour for Sora?
I have mixed feelings about this game
I like the base gameplay, I do think the story is underrated, but it just really doesn't come together for me
I hate all of the gimmick sections, and even when you're in the good gameplay segments, it's is mostly wasted on the insanely repetitive system sectors
I suppose the idea was that the gameplay and the extra stipulations for more points would carry them, but all the same you're going to go through the same areas with the same artstyle dozens of times, and have them interrupt an actual segment of the world
It's all such a pace killer whenever it happens
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Can't believe Ariel ships Riku with Kairi.
Guaranteed Re:coded is the least-played entry in the series. I'd say as many as 8 of every 10 Re:coded haters have never played it, maybe not even watched the movie (which I think is fine and certainly better than the Days one).
You do know this is prolly a fan translation right

If we ever get an official one it'd literally just be the game's script because Amano barely deviates here

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