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"Nouveau Riche" Edition

A place for the works of Japanese game director, writer, drunkard and absolute madman Yoko Taro (aka Toko Taro, aka Yoko Yaro, aka Coco Taro, aka Taro Yoko).
Discussion of the NieR/Drakengard/Voice of Cards games, as well as BUYING and cashgrab kusoges like SINoALICE, NieR Re[in]carnation and 404 GAME RE:SET are welcome!

>NieR: Automata Anime Adaptation Season 2 FINISHED AIRING

>NieR Replicant Remake on Steam
>NieR: Automata on Steam
>Voice of Cards games on Steam
>Emulation guides for Drakengard games

>Accord's Library (New Yoko Taro Games Archive)
>Complete Yoko Taro resource pastebin
>Yokoverse Fanbook
>Drakengard 1.3 Translation

>NieR Re[in]carnation gamefiles
>SINoALICE Resources (Guides, Database, Arts, OSTs, etc.)
>Event Stories compiled by Anon
>Conquest Guides

>Previous thread
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May the patron saint of BUYING watch over this thread!
Fund Yoko Taro's exploration of the culinary delights!
I got so scared when I looked at the other thread and saw it dead. I thought I failed to keep it alive
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>...It only confuses me more. If Gestalt events happened in a previous world cycle, how come Papa Nier's weapon (Cruel Arrogance) appears in Automata?.. Does Automata happen so long after the first cycles that it becomes a shared future for all of them, no matter how different those loops were?.. How do two different "timelines" even unite?..
We don't really know, anon. We don't even truly understand how the cycles work or what causes them or what the game means by "branching".
The consensus among the fandom is that there's branching timelines and that certain entities can observe stuff across multiple branches by using maso based quantum computers. Accord also seems to be able to travel across space and time and multiple timelines as well. She's also distributing weapons all over to collect memories or something.
The Japanese materials describe branching as a "shift" and there's some discussion in the DoD 3 Complete Guide where a bunch of the writers who work with Yoko Taro discuss the concept and say they don't know what Yoko Taro means by it but it might actually mean shifting the entire timeline instead of how we conventionally think of branching.
Yoko Taro has stated that no matter what things always turn out the same way and that's what Accord is trying to figure out.

Anyway, all that said, the weapon probably ended up there due to Accord. It's worth noting that Virtuous Dignity (the opposite version of Cruel Arrogance) references Brother. Also, Iron Pipe references either Father or Brother depending on the language setting.
oh hey, the last thread actually reached the bump limit for once.
Father > Brother.
If he's so good then why did his game sell so bad that Yoko Taro decided never to bring him back?
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Same with Manah. Fans hate good characters.
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>but it might actually mean shifting the entire timeline instead of how we conventionally think of branching.
So... closer to Steins;Gate version of time travel? There's an infinite amount of possible world lines, most of which don't differ from each other by much, but they can be grouped into larger "threads" where some big important event happened (or not). Only one world line can be active at a time there, and only specific people (that would be Okabe and his friends through the Eye of Steiner's radiance in S;G, or Accord, Admins, Watchers and Players in Drakenier) can actually see/feel when the line changes and remember what things are different between various lines. But in Nier, there is no rule about only one active timeline, so that'd be the reason why Accords are hopping here and there.
>Yoko Taro has stated that no matter what things always turn out the same way and that's what Accord is trying to figure out.
I'm curious what is the real End of Nier...
I bet that S;G3 is going to have an Automata collab. This cannot continue. This cannot continue. This cannot continue. This cannot continue.
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Yes,it feels very reminiscent of Steins;Gate to me as well.
The discussion in the DoD 3 Complete Guide has some examples brought up that support the idea that it's a worldline shift.

Also, regarding things always ending up the same, Yoko Taro gave that explanation (pic is part of that discussion) in response to YoRHa ver 1.3aa which ended in kind of a crazy way that makes it seem impossible for Automata and everything else to happen. Accord kills the Red Girls. Yoko Taro says that even though things are different, no matter what. things will always turn out the same way.
>Accord kills the Red Girls
Wait. You mean the one in Nier Automata?
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Here's a couple pages from the DoD 3 Complete Guide discussion. Dumping in Japanese and Google translate.
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I'm not exactly sure what you're asking. There's a bunch of versions of the YoRHa stage play. The various versions of the stage play all cover the Pearl Harbor Descent Mission (i.e. A2's backstory) but they all seem to take place in different branches. YoRHa ver 1.3aa is the latest and most unusual version in that it used all-male casting (characters are still their canonical gender, casting is just switched) and it had Accord being involved in the plot.
Webbum is a huge spoiler, so consider watching the stage play instead.
Oh great.
More stuff taking place outside of the games.
I'm giving up on Nier and I'm focusing on Drakengard.
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...What happened to Osaka though?

>YoRHa ver 1.3aa which ended in kind of a crazy way
I mean, there was really no need for Accord to do that. Red Girls would have done that by themselves.
>things will always turn out the same way.
Who is the dying Mayushii at the end of Nier?

I got lost.
>Yes, I intentionally abandoned Yoko's understanding of the world a long time ago
...And I'm not alone!

>all-male casting (characters are still their canonical gender, casting is just switched)
...But why?!
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>he thinks Drakengard doesnt have important story outside of games
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Already read Utahime Five.
I approve of Manah's greatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreataunt's ass.
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You wake up to this, what do?
Play with her!
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I would also play with her
Garbage "cosplay"
She can pat in return!
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And cook
And steal clothes!.. Does it mean that 4S is supposed to wear that tattered half of Atoo's old dress?!
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…it can always be worse…
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Atoo certainly doesnt care about walking around with next to no clothes, looking at how in Rein she went around in very small pantsu and a babydoll top.
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maybe she just forgot to get fully dressed
Accord's Library is being shut down by the end of this month. SE sent their legal team.
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thanks, i hate it but really, thanks for sharing anon :(
it's over
Well. Fuck.
What's that software to save websites in an offline version?
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mint BOUGHT alot, is this the pinnacle of BUYING?
I dont understand why now SE took legal action on a fan site? Specially on a franchise that they only remember to sell 2B figures and nothing more. I guess there are many books and stuff scanned that are being distributed ''ilegally'' and they want you to BUY them. But ALOT of CDs, books NEVER released TRANSLATED on the west, if they want more money they should release everything thats exclusive to Japan right now. If its to protect their IP and resources then WHY ARENT YOU MAKING OFFLINE VERSIONS OF SINO AND REIN ??
Alot of DrakeNier media will become lost on the internet now
Yeah, of all SQEX IPs I think it's strange that they focused on this site in particular. I'm starting to think this was orchestrated by some ebin troll.
Httrack? Getleft?
>More stuff taking place outside of the games.
Yoko Taro basically said it wouldn't be followed up on but that it doesn't matter cause it ends up the same way.
They aren't making a public backup available. So grab what you want to save.
>In the anime, 42S' final broadcast happened during the Machine attack on the Resistance camp in ep.11. That means he survived a lot longer than he did in the game, but I have no idea what Grun and Accord would do in ver1.1a. Grun was dealt with entirely off-screen, so maybe that's what Glasses Girl was busy with in the first season.
>>498582857 (Me)
So, I looked into it some more and the phrasing is almost exactly the same in Japanese. I think it's definitely plausible that the weapon story was recorded during the anime scene. I compiled materials together and wrote up a rentry for it.
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What if Mikhail is still alive?
What if your wife orbits my dick.
Torrent of archive when?
It seems lots of people are individually putting together efforts to archive it. The site owners themselves are not making a backup available in order to avoid legal trouble.
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I wish gaming magazines covers were this good over here, tho i remember we had free dvd demos and even complete pc games as bonus for less than 5 bucks. 2013 was a better time
90s and early 2000s had some pretty good magazines with in-house illustrators and stuff. That all died by the late 2000s as stuff like G4TechTV and internet resources started becoming the standard for gaming info. Game demos and stuff were great back then too. If I remember correctly, PSN used to come with demo disks that included demos of Japanese-only games.
nigga damn wtf.

u sayin pic related is all his merch? fuck sqex are fucked in the head
are you fucking kidding me
lawyers must die
Internet Archive was killed by hackers aka the feds so now there's literally nowhere to host stuff like this
There's archive.md but the rendering is kind of screwed up. I think you have to manually visit each of the pages on archive.md for them to get archived. It seems some people are doing it currently.

Typing space into the search bar I got
>Library 263 results
>Contents 1428 results
>Wiki 342 results
>News (no number listed, but 7 results shown?)
>Videos 2114 results
>Weapons 686 results
The "Library" results include scans which probably won't get caught by archive.md. Some of the videos are actually hosted on there and some are links to youtube. Currently archive.md says it's at 615 urls, so lots still missing.
Fuck you, SQEX. That's bullshit.
>"No, you can't host old garbage that was released 21 years ago and is no longer on sale, it's not allowed!"
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Nah. He got killed by a nuke and/ or went to the Sino Library to farm crystals until they EOS'd
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>ablublu 2B is not for spankings
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One when I tell her I want to spank her grandgrandgrandgrandgrandniece.
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>"Get out of my room."
Consider the following
I'm really depressed about accord's library AND IA going down. I hate the internet
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maybe squeenix will release the pages of their out-of-print books as nfts to BUY…h-haha…ha…
What's IA?..
There is an anon working hard saving as much as possible from accord library
Internet Archive
No, you have to save it locally.
I wish I saved the Grove before Games Workshop nuked it.
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Akazukin, that's not your private room! OPEN THE BATHROOM DOOR!
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Peak male body
red reading hood
Needs spankings. A lot of them.
Not Drakengard or a nier.
She's only looking at the colors and drawings
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Wait for Nier 4 where the sinos are going to be part of main story like Emil in Automata, you are going to find their weapons somewhere or with someone and in Taro fashion if you max upgrade them the story is a clue to find their fairy tale book somewhere in the world (it wont appear if u dont max upgrade no cheating). When you pick a book each has a long side story about that sino and there is a separate open map with gameplay shifts, like having a big underwater map where u control Fishwife or Cindy gameplay being Diablo inspired or a unique alchemy system exclusive to Dorothy or game turning into an ero VN with Kags. When you collect all books you trigger a hidden story that explains how the sinos are connected to main plot but only as a prequel and lets the Nier 4 cast meet with them and realize what kind of world they truly are in. This hidden story which has the same production value as the main endings, leads to a hidden ending that if a player gets before ending E he would think he just got ending E and beat the game thus in Taro fashion he trolled the player again.
shes a dummy but she's a cute dummy so its ok
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the oneth anniversary...
sinos is neirs
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They're connected
I know it's harping on the same issue but I genuinely cannot get over Squeenix shutting down Accord's Library. It's really been bothering me a lot since I found out about it. I really hate these companies destroying things that people build, purely out of spite and greed.
we still don't know how though...
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Yoko Taro has made a public statement regarding the closing of the Library.

Same, anon. I really have no idea what I'm supposed to do and what to save first. I'm also really afraid that the Ark and that one French Drakenier site might be next on the line. The end is near... The end of Nier...
>entire neir franchise ends
>deletes your saved files

what did he mean by this
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SINoALICE has always been canon to NieR. The SINoALICE Drakengard 3 collab explained that the Library is a "phenomena" that came into existence because of the Catalysm, same event that brought the cathedral city into Drakengard timeline. The library is like a bubble universe containing many realities and the power to manifest ''desires'' into powerful magic but the library is floating around the World Tree of branches, which Accord refers to it as the Transitional World. The sino puppets are recorders made by "Group B" with the same technology or powers as Accord, they can travel between branches. Parrah and Noya were given the task to take control of the library to destroy human emotions but they also did many other experiments. Accord is fighting a multiverse war against Group B, Accord wants to preserve humanity in all branches while Group B wants to eradicate all life by destroying all branches. The first appearance of Group B was in the SINoALICE movie, go watch it its great for newcomers. Group B was also in the Automata anime's hex codes, they were the reason the anime was different from game.
Also at some point the library was destroyed and saved at the same time, its just a shell devoid of power and life floating in the void now, during those final moments Accord took notice, entered it and recorded everything about it. Which then she copied into the moon server database of Automata, the library is shown in Reincarnation main story as part of the digital worlds inside the database. Its still unknown why Accord did this or for what purpose. Maybe if Rein wasnt rushed to EoS it could have played a bigger part. A theory could be to give back the remaining androids on Earth the technology to travel branches or learn more about Group B with puppet prisoners.
This post is 95% speculation.
There's nothing more disgusting than Porn addict Automata secondaries trying to act all elitist and shitting on Sinoalice for being ''''''not canon''''''. 99% of you never played Gestalt, worst of all one of the best moments and subplots in Automata (relating to Emil, the cavern of Lunar Tears and his outcome) is completely lost on 95% of the faggots playing the game because fucking filtered subhuman morons likely told them to skip Replicant and play Automata first. Go back to Nier leddit with cheap 2B cosplayers posting their onlyfans.
At least the secondaries will never dare play Drakengard 1 because they know they will get filtered instantly.
>clumsily attacking the poster instead of the post
He struck a nerve, huh.
I played Sinoalice and I literally made the screenshot you posted. Your post is almost entirely speculation.
>>498881134 (Me)
Just to clarify. I made the screenshot, not the translation. The original source is from The Worst Blog but the site went down a couple months ago while Cour 2 of NieR:Automata was airing.
I linked screenshots of some of the other relevant SINoALICE x DoD3 material at the end of the hex code rentry I made.
>resource pastebin https://docs.google.com/document/d/13MJypGK-BOMSaAVAxphhY_o5GBopXcB9Z0vVygxsweo/
I made this ages ago and haven't been in the 'fandom' since. Seems like the accord library guys actually managed to recover a lot of materials but they banned any discussion of backups on their discord and are deleting the site. Archive as fast as you can anons because the resources in this thread aren't completely up to date and worst case scenario square enix might go for the youtube links.
What's a good way to save websites?
He's right though
I remember the Cage being said to be the place where all universes converge
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"NieR:Automata Ver1.1a"
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
2B (YoRHa No. 2 Type B)
>> https://goodsmile.link/CxSK5t

A replacement facial part with the goggles removed is also included!
Reservations at the Good Smile Company official shop will be accepted until Wednesday, November 27th
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The duality of /tarog/
>"Hey, I've heard you all really like NieR, right? Here, have another Toobie figure for you to BUY!"
>"Also, have this Cease and Desist letter for your site, it doesn't matter that you BOUGHT all that literature!"
The people who BUY this shit don't care about the lore though.
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What about these?
The average Nier fan does care about lore, they BOUGHT and went to concerts just for a minute of new 2B 9S A2 moments. Thats all the lore they care about, they dont care what happends in the Taroverse if 2B isnt the MC.
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surely one can do both? that said, i buy the books but skip almost all figures, so maybe you’re onto something…

i think 2Brandon is still my favorite lol
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>surely one can do both?
Only if you didnt start the series with Automata but there wasnt much merch before and after....
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Actual statement from Toko Coco regarding the closure of Accord's Library.
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I cant believe he made Accord a drunktard like him! Now the timelines will be forgotten and will gradually dissapear from people's memories/hard drives, then when gen Z and Y die out no one will ever remember what even was Nier.
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How many do you want in the Intoner One family tree?
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Here's a better explanation of the family tree
I only want adult Manah.
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what’s with all the created from rib stuff? just someone having fun throwing around biblical references, or is that actually mentioned specifically for some characters? rib stuff never came up in rein with the tree admins iirc. when Him created Her, it looked like the gacha summons
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You get evil digital Manah instead
Its Yoko Taro who puts biblical references across his works and yes its specifically mentioned in each game. But its also one of the themes of the franchise about cycles that repeat over and over. Intoner One was born from the flesh and memories of Zero. Brother One was born from one of Intoner One's ribs. The Tree admin used data of himself to create a twin, in this case data=flesh. Adam and Eve are the most on your face reference by Taro.
DoD 1 didn't follow DoD 3, it followed the novelization where you don't have the intoners flowering. The gestalt terminal is powered by a maso engine but this doesn't seem to be the same as the Mother Angel's maso or perhaps it was purified somehow. Maso just means something like "magic particle" or "magicule" (the latter is how the slime isekai localizes it).
The Gestalt terminal doesn't get integrated into the machine network. That directly contradicts Re[in]carnation where the She is still around and integrates N2.
The rib stuff is a reference Yoko Taro uses a lot to say that a character has created a copy of themselves. It probably doesn't mean much more (Adam/Eve excluded).
For Adam and Eve, the explanation is that the machine network searched through human data and decided to create Adam based on the biblical Adam because he was made in the image of God. Eve was then created from Adam's rib but it happened subconsciously (Adam wasn't even aware of it). Adam views Eve as another Adam though, and the reason their personalities are so different is largely because Adam is panicking about not having anyone to learn from (and thus choosing humans to learn from) while Eve doesn't feel the same weight of responsibility and just plays along with Adam. The framing story for Automata (according to Yoko Taro) is Androids who have lost the thing they were meant to protect and machines who have lost their parents.
Pod 153 and Pod 006 are also biblical references but Pod 042 is Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy and they're not really that meaningful.
Most of the other biblical/gaijin references in the series are associated with angels/machines/bad guys basically and aren't really that meaningful except to hammer down the typical JRPG point that are the bad guys (standard fare in JRPG cause westoid concepts are associated with forced westernization/industrialization/etc..).
The series seems to use more Shinto/Buddhism concepts throughout.
>You get evil digital Manah instead
Nice. But too small for spankings.
You have reasons to live!
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Realistic Papa Nier doesn't exist, he can't MURDER you!
do we? the only things on the horizon are more 2b merch, that Rein artbook, and that weird diner concert thing with taro.
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Is there any way we can help with the Accord's Library salvage project?
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Mint posted some info

Basically though, everyone is scrambling to download content from the site or to get it archived on archival services. It's possible that archival services may get targeted by Square Enix as well though.
Personally, I think the best thing we can do is archive everything and share it via Nyaa.

The Accord's Library people have their hands tied by legal liability so they're not putting out a backup themselves and discussion is banned on their discord proper but it's being discussed in other places.
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Consider the following
They could do something in the background at least you'd think. Like work with archivists on the downlow
We should really do that, because now all info is hidden on circlejerk discords. Reddit doesn't touch piracy because the mods want clout, so funnily 4chan is the only place easily searched publically. Especially after the internet archive is getting takedowns as well.

To those who are hoarding info: maybe you got the books for yourself, but the next time you'll be looking for books you'll have to rely on paying import taxes from Japan because there won't be anyone else sharing scans.
I wouldn't blame them if they were wary of doing anything in secret, the last thing you want is to give any ammunition to the massive company that could destroy your life without batting an eyelash.
I thought you liked this gremlin
I do. But for spankings, adults are better. They have more curves, an ass that can actually fill your hand, and high pain tolerance which means you can actually take out the belt or the paddle.
Kids... just look at them and frown and they're already crying.
Don't give him attention.
I don't like this end of Nier... Can Accord start a better cycle, pretty please?
Someone should BUY SQEX.
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If you give me a small loan of 50 million dollars ill sit down with producer Saito and convince him of the puppets idea.
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Sinosisters SQEX is now going after us! Start archiving all sino databases like, sinoalice.game-db.tw, before they get hit by legal action!
I can't see the posts...
>Apparently in the wake of the Accord's Library incident SE has also now started going after people archiving SINoALICE content on various websites. I would recommend that anyone interested in anything Taroverse starts making their own backups of whatever they can find.
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Fuck fuck fuck fuck
I told them and told them and told them on the discord that they needed an external archive for Sino db
/tarog/ the [E]nd of data
Why does everything I love die
Breed Yonah
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It's ogre...
The next thing SQEX is going to do is to lobotomize everyone who has ever read anything Taro-related for the sin of remembering. After that, they are going to close every game that had a Robutt collab for abusing the image of Holy Toobie. After that, they are going to raid every house, every room that has Automata merch, seize it, and kill the owners. There is not much time, sons of man.
They can't do that, it's illegal!
so how long until everything related to rein is deleted from the interwebs? Are people's youtube videos still there?
They are sending their Illegal Teams.
SQEX already killed me
So any news on those backups? Don't tell me it's really every man for himself while some group circlejerks in their private chat
Then we won't tell you.
what else is it gonna be? no-one's gonna put them up online while squenix have got their lawyers all warmed up and ready to annihilate people breaking copyright.
Youtube videos will be fine but rein guide will prob shut down aswell in the near future.
who that
What would they even gain from closing archives of CLOSED games? Is it just an example of corporate autism?
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Saryu the witch, she's a student of Taro's Hogwarts and is harrassed by a lesbian despite her being hetero.
She needs spankings.
Iirc it's because copyright law sucks, you can't just let little things like this go because it sets a precedent that someone else could use to "steal" bigger things.
>literally slippery slope fallacy
Anon... that even sounds retarded...
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I really wish I had this screenshot with Samurai Kaine too.
No he's right. It's retarded but that's the real justification for that stuff
Discord is easy to organize in unlike an anonymous website like this. I have joined one such discord server in an attempt to find other people who are also archiving.
I have archived a lot of things, including most of the main website, v3 website, all of the gallery, img, resha.re etc. which I'll be writing a guide on how to run in a rentry eventually. (https://files.catbox.moe/auee7w.mp4)
There are more archival sites than just internet archive such as archive.ph which we are using, along with making local copies of the archive.ph pages.
There are less tech savvy people in here who are just copying translated books and whatnot to Google Docs. Basically what I'm saying is, most of everything is safe, stop acting like a massive faggot. Nobody is hoarding the data, we're still collecting and fixing what's broken.
I'll put up a torrent on nyaa once I've got everything ready but I can't seed it for long, a week at best maybe. My internet connection isn't very good nor do I have something akin to a seedbox.
Hello there, recently started playing Automata. I remember back then /v/ used to talk a lot about the game, but I could't play due to lack of a computer or console good enough to play it. Judging by the state of this general, nobody cares anymore about the game but did the company behind the game ever release anything else?
I do care about it, and not really. There's a remake of Nier called Nier Replicant, but the rest are mobile games, like Sinoalice or Nier Reincarnation.
What are they doing now? Are they preparing anything new or did they fall into irrelevance? Sad when I get into popular things too late.
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We are in the endless 2B merch timeline, that means that Taro has been whoring 2B due to her popularity to anyone that wants her and gives him money. Many companies and other games ofc want 2B popularity and Automata became mainstream so there are alot of fans that BUY anything. This has given Taro enough money to keep eating and drinking until he dies without having to do anything. He was forced by SQEX to make the 2 gachas in exchange for money for Replicant remake, something Taro wanted to do.
After that Nier related, he milked the Automata train again with an anime that finished this year only to sell more 2B merch. Also couple Nier concerts, one still ongoing with new short stories that he wrote.
But now that the 2 taroverse gachas died this year, which was the only thing bringing new stuff into the franchise yet alot of the fanbase ignored due to mobile gaming hate, there is nothing now. Taro has hinted he is working on something not nier related, hopefully AAA game unlike the card games, but he is known to troll his fans.
>nobody cares anymore about the game
I like Replicant way more. I can't say that Tomato is "bad", but it's definitely a lot weaker than the original.
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Automata's twins look more fuckable.
These pants need to be lowered to their knees, for some anal.
>Are they preparing anything new
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/tarog/ has been pretty miserable lately, but how about sharing some fun things from Accord’s Library while we have the chance?

we wouldnt be as miserable if bad things started happening
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anon, be honest, are you drunk?

>/tarog/ has been pretty miserable lately
I'm not sure about that...
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>/tarog/ has been especially miserable lately
is that better?
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Yeah, that sounds better...
Do you guys also like Dark Souls games?
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A little. I didn't play the games, but I like their lore and music.
>I didn't play the games
Why not.
Inability to gitgud.
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Gacha cuckery.
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Still better than being cucked by literal food.
At least you can eat the food and be happy.
Gacha never brings happiness.
but we don't eat the food... he does. and now we don't even have gachas to cuck us. cucked out of gachas and cucked out of food by the madman
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i wouldn’t say never…!
Did anyone even tell him about the Library?
>Gacha never brings happiness
Im very happy to have met my wife and i always made sure i had enough to get every version of her if not gacha through medals, i had pure bliss each new stuff about her plus sino was kino despite the flaws. Im also happy i still have my account thanks to the offline version.
I wouldnt mind paying masketa man rent if there was the same amount of Fishwife figures as 2B does, but since he didnt im not giving him anything. I havent bought anything Nier since Remake and i was f2p on Rein.
If you mean the sino Library, that came from Toko's mind. He created the setting/scenario
To be fair, even if someone had told him about the legal situation of the site I bet some autist highly likely did it he wouldn't comment on it because corporate policy.
We just like to meme about it because he's always so gleefully disconnected from what fans want to hear from him. And that's probably for the best
Why is that?
we just don't know. You'd think he'd HAVE to be working on a big project after all this time but nothing has been announced so we're all in limbo
Yoko Taro just seems to want to make anything but a new game (stupid card and gacha games don't count) and square enix are retarded and only care about final fantasy.
>he wouldn't comment on it because corporate policy
>cut to "Kuso Square Enix!"
>cut to making CEOs killable

I thought Saito, Keiichi and Koko were working on something-maybe-Nier-related-hee-hee.
...It was the dining concert, wasn't it.
Both of those were made on official communication and actually done in-game, respectively.
He refrains from talking or commenting about anything related to his employers on his personal gourmet account.
Yeah, they seem to be working on two projects and one is not NieR and the other "might be might not be NieR". I suspect they're going to announce things next year during the 15th anniversary. The last set of games and stuff were announced during the 10th anniversary.
Nobody will be around by that time... Everyone will be already gone because of SQEX's Illegal Teams...
>I suspect they're going to announce things next year during the 15th anniversary.
The only thing he's going to announce is the ramen he will eat later that day. Get off the copium.
Taro forgot about Drakengard's 20th anniversary and Drakegard 3's 10th anniversary, what makes you think he's gonna remember?
Why would he do anything for DoD's anniversaries? He only does stuff for NieR anniversaries.
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i get the impression he’s done with people expecting him to remember anniversaries at all
Does anyone know if there's an easy-ish way to tweak Grabber for it to work with Accord's gallery, and if it's even worth it? I think I'll save the pictures faster myself, one by one, compared to all the time dealing with codes and plugins and whatnot. I am too old and stupid to learn this shit.
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He should be done expecting to get money from (Me).
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Didn't get a sino gravestone.
This anon isnt among the 31,858 sisters killed by SQEX
I'd fuck that cute girl. Right here, on the table.
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Marry, Fuck, Bully, Ignore
I always thought a pirate event would have been cool. Cindy would look good good in a regal pirate captain outfit
And Manah could kiss the gunner's daughter while I borrow the captain's tawse.
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Red, Red, Red, and Red
Pretty cool bear though.
Ignore Al
Bully Snow

The other two are harder because both would be good fucks but terrible spouses
You can bet 9S is getting pegged once they're back.
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You just know that they all take turns, with two of them waiting outside his room while muffled screams are heard from insane, along with words like "slow down", or "not so deep", and muffled moans of pleasure.
Then the door opens, and another one goes in, and the screaming starts again.
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Despite Doro being a neet nerd whenever she goes outside she wears next to nothing, why is that?
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Fishwife's creative nails
She's not a lesbian.
Hetero girls like doing their nails too?
She literally is.
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>filters zoomers
What was the reason behind this? Not like it matters when there is a saving machine every 5 steps.
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I have to wait 15 min to bump the thread
Square lawyers have attacked my favorite franchise
I'm not sure i can recover
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Abit offtopic but, SEGA is suing a japanese gacha company that made Memento Mori over patent infringement. TLDR SEGA is saying they own the patent of an alchemy system and a gacha system with pity system. If SEGA wins this case it would mean that SEGA is the only japanese company that can release a japanese product with those 2 elements. So SEGA would be the only ones that can make a japanese made gacha game.
...Two nukes weren't enough.

Verification not required.
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Humanity is doomed. It can only be saved if they transition into mer folk and live under the sea, where no petty conflicts happend.
Also this is how the average citizen looks like
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AI, pfeh.
No way.
If she was a lesbiab she'd have two trimmed fingernails
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This timeline sucks.
It feels like it's increasingly getting worse
2014 was the last good year.
Yep this checks out.
Or they'd be fake nails.
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Any /tarog/ rec games?
I really like that NieR series, have you heard about it?
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Would fuck until she can't walk anymore.
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Works with Manah in Drakengard 2 too.
Aka my waifu.
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i hope Fio eventually gets a good ending…
I already start to think that the best ending Fio can get is if nothing happens at all... Just let her play clapping games with Girl Admin and 10H and leave it at that... No more games...
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Manah is not an innocent character
You leave my waifu alone, it's her mother's fault for hitting her.
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you’re probably right, but it’d be kind of sad if she and Levania don’t get to see each other again
>Levania gets reincarnated
>His human form looks like a shojo prince
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so basically Rion?
Like very tall Rion! Probably with black hair too.
Needs spankings!!
Stop it. Get some help. It's not funny anymore.
>not even denying it
>attacks the poster instead of the post
So you admit it, I see.
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Return to fish and you will only worry about hunting food, not being eaten and fucking, lots of fucking to have alot of children.
But mermaids are literally unspankable, so... no.
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Fio would make a cute sailor senshi…!

not with that attitude!
Fio is sort of one already, isn't it? Just need to find a pretty seifuku for her.
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heh, she would be Sailor Moon Server

...On the other hand, wouldn't 10H be better as Sailor Moon Server? Hm...
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hmm, then one of them will have to be Sailor Chibi-Moon Server lol
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I want offline Rein...
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that would be nice…
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And it should have playable Sixo! With a cool staff! Doing magick tricks with Saryu!
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>magick tricks
now i want to know what clown operators would have looked like…they really should have done more crossovers…
there's some news on the Accord's Library situation. I don't have the tweet but they said basically everything's saved, and they're just trying to find a way to upload it. It's like 300 gigabytes
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They'd look really cool, I bet... For some reason, I think 21O would be a sad clown, like Pierrot.
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This is a new poster you can BUY
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they still look sad when they smile

this is how i imagine fishbro and spoonker-kun fighting for fetish supremacy
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Both fetish are part of /tarog/ culture. We just tell each other to calm down sometimes but mostly respect, so there is no war. Its another anon that doesnt like spoonker, >>499544541 this was meant to show its not worth fighting here.
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>this is how i imagine fishbro and spoonker-kun fighting for fetish supremacy
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>not worth fighting here
good, then i’m glad i misunderstood!

wow, good news?!
Red's cute butt!!
That's because they don't get enough hugs...
>this is how i imagine fishbro and spoonker-kun fighting for fetish supremacy
I chuckled. Never change, doll-anon.

...I instantly imagined 4S on the right. Oh no. It fits them!
who the fuck is 4S
One of the few other Yorhas that survived. Friend of Nines.
Oh, from the anime?
No, from the game. He has a quest in Route C.
>fucking twink has a quest
>mah waifu in automata doesn't
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Who is your waifu, anon?
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The one in the middle under the arrow.
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I know her!
No, that one has a secretary skirt, not a poofy ballet-like skirt.
She could have worn a less frilly skirt in ver.1.1a...
I refuse to believe it.
Yorhas are allowed to change clothes! It's their hairstyle and hair color that distinguishes them.
>Yorhas are allowed to change clothes
Are you sure about this?
How come I never see 2B wear Manah's outfit then?
Blame SQEX. Zero was allowed to wear Caim's, Nier's, Kaine's and Manah's clothes.
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Zero is a slut and the prototype of what 2B became. They initially thought Zero would be a big icon and would sell alot of merch, which is why the aggresive monetization of DoD3 with alot of skins DLC and dumb hats for Mikhail you barely can see in his flying missions. The thing is those skins except Kaine one actually made Zero less of a slut by covering her up and its only for the diehard fans plus in ps3 era digital goods werent the norm or acceptable outside of preorder bonuses.
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I feel cheated. If only I had a working Manah models...
Don't die.
But zero IS a slut.
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>Zero would be a big icon and would sell alot of merch
And now she is only known as the burger girl...
>covering her up
It might be just me, but I never thought of Zero's dress as revealing or lewd or anything. Yes, there's a huge tummy window, but it doesn't look like a deliberate attempt to make Zero hotter. It's just there and it looks pretty on her. IMO, the skins' main problem is that neither of them really fit Zero as a character. Honestly, that's my problem with all the reused Kaine/Nier costumes. Make something new, like in Gestalt or Replicant! Samurai sets were cool as hell!
>in ps3 era digital goods werent the norm or acceptable outside of preorder bonuses
Those were the good times...
Zero is more a A2 prototype(and Kaine but that was canon)
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The chicken girl
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I am really hungry.

And Taro won't share a single instant ramen!
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Googled around and found this summary of the patents. Doesn't really sound like a big deal to me.
forced meme
>I never thought of Zero's dress as revealing or lewd
Well the dress got shortened and opened more her belly and cleavage for maximum sexyness. She also originally was gonna have a exposed leotard with high stockings (before 2B). They did thought of making the intoners as sexy megucas.
>reused Kaine/Nier costumes
You can bet for certain any new game or gacha is gonna have preorder or launch bonuses of replicant/automata skins which is pretty boring now. They didnt even add DoD costumes for Remake. I agree about creating something new but aswell now that there is sino and rein id like them to take advantage of those. But normies only know 2B
Well in the context of marketing. Original Nier was very ugly so very hard to waifubait for merch, even if Kaine's design is lewd. DoD3 had very pretty faces and a great female cast.
Big corpos are retarded
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>Well the dress got shortened and opened more her belly and cleavage for maximum sexyness
Yes, but... in the end, it somehow turned out not lewd at all. I guess it's because Zero is so pale that all those open parts just don't register as being erotic. DESU, I only recently noticed that tummy window. That's how safe Zero is in my eyes.
>She also originally was gonna have a exposed leotard with high stockings
...I'm glad this design wasn't chosen. It's really not that great.
>They didnt even add DoD costumes for Remake
Yes, that's pretty sad. And the Automata DLC costumes weren't that good either. You can only use Boy Nier's Scanner costume for a limited time, Adult Nier's costume is a little bland, Kaine's A2 costume is ugly, and her 2B dress is the only one that is somewhat decent. Emil didn't get any costume at all. Amazing selection, right?
>now that there is sino and rein id like them to take advantage of those
Ehhh. There were so many Sino jobs and so many Rein costumes that it'd be hard to pick the single best ones to put into the game.
>Original Nier was very ugly
This is really funny to me because I've seen several people praising Gestalt for better faces compared to the remake. Like, yeah, sure...
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the problem is dod3 is an off-putting game in general at least for normies and zero being a slut is extra off-putting for people who like pure girls
>the problem is dod1 is an off-putting game in general at least for normies and caim being a murderer is extra off-putting for people who like pure guys
>the problem is dod2 is an off-putting game in general at least for normies and nowe being a dummy is extra off-putting for people who like smart boys
>the problem is nier is an off-putting game in general at least for normies and kaine being a hussy is extra off-putting for people who like pure girls
>the problem is automata is an off-putting game in general at least for normies and 2b being a robutt is extra off-putting for people who like real girls
>the problem is rein is an off-putting game in general at least for normies and fio being a sweetheart is extra off-putting for people who like rude girls
>the problem is sino is an off-putting game in general at least for normies and everyone being a slut is extra off-putting for people who like pure girls
other than automata all of that is true. Automata has the lowest barrier for entry because toobs is not a psychotic slut or severely mentally ill
Funny that you mention it, because I've described the sino experience and its premise to a bunch of people, and everyone liked or at least found the idea interesting until they heard about the gacha kusoge part
>toobs is not a psychotic slut or severely mentally ill
I'm not sure any android qualifies as "not psychotic" or "mentally stable" in Automata...
>toobs is not a psychotic slut
Are you sure about this?
Sino had a larger than average girl population base, which makes sense because the waifus don't really hit traditional waifu beats other than Snow, who's main flaw can be easily glossed over. The main character is used goods and that's a dealbreaker for a lot of people.
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The average sino player
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Parte dos
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dis pick is like the sino version of this
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>The main character is used goods
Not my problem
based stinky enthusiast
The core of humanity... is conflict. They fight. Steal. Kill. THIS is humanity in its purest form!
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But the main character of sino is still a virgin
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Finally got to watch the movie!
did you rike it?
Red's cute butt! Yes Moar Thx
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they never get enough hugs! i’m so annoyed that i’ve been too busy to take any doll photos for weeks reeeee

>the problem is rein is an off-putting game in general at least for normies and fio being a sweetheart is extra off-putting for people who like rude girls
d’aww, but she does still have a feisty streak…!
i wish we'd gotten more time with the sinos
billions must perish
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You better get some time to take commemorative photos for Rein's first death anniversary before April comes around...
>she does still have a feisty streak…!
So this is what slurpy-apple-less Fio is like... Scary! Also, why does Levania have flowers growing on him?
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The film lacked 40mins extra with best girlfishwife that was part of the launch cast and there is no excuse for why she didnt get a 3d model!
She was the first post-launch sino but she was so close to launch that it's weird to think about her as not part of the original crew. Her design stuff even came out around the same time as the others iirc. I think it's kind of annoying that in the big final sendoff to the brand (hopefully not though god willing) they didn't bother to go all in and just put everybody in, even if they were just cameo roles.
Exactly the only reason fishwife didnt release at launch was bcoz they held her captive for a couple months since they needed something for the ''monthly gacha game content pipeline''. I think the movie does a good job at introducing the library,puppets and how some sinos represent a human desire. The theater part was really short and could have had everyone there and we should have had Snow vs Ibara and Kags fucking Pino. Yet the movie doesnt flesh out the sinos except Arisu Gretel did absolutely nothing in the movie, barely you can see him and he didnt even get a proper introduction, so the movie was mostly for fans that already knew the sinos and the movie wouldnt need to waste time on that. Which is the problem with movies with big casts, people lack context to care for x character and movie has no time for that and the big bad problem for the characters to face at only 2hours runtime.
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Drakengard 4 looking weird.
Finally cyber dragons, time to dress the dragon with 2B's leotard
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About time.
I hate that this game constantly crashes because it's really fun. Imagine Empire at War mixed with Drakengard.
Any reason to play Automata at all when all the lore important stuff happens in Replicant and Reincarnation?
...Please elaborate on what you consider "important".
That I get (You) when talking about it instead of feeling lonely and alone and sad.
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>death anniversary
>why does Levania have flowers growing on him
he’s on fire! Fio’s RoD story is kind of a trip
(You) can get (You)s by posting Sluts© or the Garbage Cosplay™!
Why should I cosplay as darksydephil.
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I really hoped that was just grass like on an Iron Golem or a Laputa Robot... Also, the dot looked like Levania's eye.
>Fio’s RoD story is kind of a trip
Levania can't catch a break... He can catch torches though...
Laputan machine.
Sticks and stones.
i loved dragon commander but it was woefully undercooked. the strategy game part was boring but the actual shooter was okay, and then the part everybody remembers was the VN stuff. I wish they'd been better at balancing it but I think they just ran out of money. Wish we'd gotten the goblin girl too
The strategy part feels like Empire at War, so I kinda like it, but you are right, it does feel undercooked.
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Need a bump, crap.
Hey judge my tiramisu.
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Clean your table!!!!!!!
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>He can catch torches though...

so…we’ve gone from posting anime, to other games, to food now…? i give it a Yonah/10 <3
a little messy but I can tell it was made with love <3

foodposting is absolutely on topic considering the guy this thread is for
Post feed.
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wanna feed those pigs
wanna spank these pigs
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This is Zero from Drakengard 3, she fucks men

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