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Enlisted is the best squad-based World War II FPS currently, where you lead your squads of AI to their deaths, over and over.

>Official Site


>Enlisted Community Resource

>Weapons List (Alpha)

>Current Battlepass

>Running Events



>Temporarily available: Lewis gun squad


>Silver Chests implemented

>Update "Guerrilla Warfare"

Prior: >>497884730
First for StG-45(M) at BRI
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This squad is fun tbqh
>download sound mod
>suddenly guns I did horrible with feel great and I do better with them
The Yak-9K does this in War Thunder now, too.
>Germany players begging for special treatment
Will they ever change?
'member Moscow?
how tf does paras being p2w not matter
They aren't OP
>t. I have every single para squad
they are objectively op, you must be deformed. get them stats out, boah
he said he bought all of them so get ready for some motivated reasoning about how that doesnt put him at any advantage whatsoever
Or you could go watch me play and see how rarely I ever I ever spawn as paras.
paras are most potent when the enemy isn't expecting them
I spawn my STG-45 squad all the time that must mean it's really strong right?
But I'm a turbo sweaty meta nigger and you aren't
paras are op... some of the time. in incredibly niche situations. sometimes. against a braindead or heavily suppressed team.
>mbp only folder dumps his webms when hes seething about something in the thread
I was trying to get us away from the StG-45 talk but if you want we can go back to it
>zero recoil assault rifle you can just buy instead of grind for
This is bad?
>no sprint speed
>no vitality
>33% slower TTK
>no AT
Yes, it's bad.
now do the 110 with the mk 101 plox
Could never happen. The 45mm is loaded with APHE, the 30mm cannons are HVAP.
then give it HE at least that would be useful with a 60 rd belt
The MK 108s have HE. The 103s are meant for ground attack.
well it sucks at that
Because they are low caliber HVAP shells, yeah. Awful angled pen and awful post-pen damage.
at least youre honest, but tryharding in a freemium skinnerbox for 3rd worlders and children and then bragging about it is pretty pathetic
well its been a week, you still gonna tell us guerillas are worthless too?
Not him but I haven't really found Guerillas changing my matches much. I rarely see them at any BR and most players massively misuse them. I have them in my BR II and III lineups but rarely find a good reason to deploy them when my time could be better spent defending the point directly. They are a luxury class for when your team is competent enough to actually attack the point without you brute forcing it.
gorillas are op... rarely, in even more niche situations
>oh no the M8 scott is shelling the point from a hill, better trudge my way up there without anyone seeing us(including the scott) and hope his commander is blind
Guerillas are great when you get the chance to use them properly and cause havoc in the enemy lines, but if you get that chance you are probably already winning.
yeah, it's why I don't really get a chance to make them shine
if I'm able to get behind enemy lines that means the enemy lines aren't really there, and if I really NEED to get behind enemy lines that means I could be using that time and effort to cap rather than playing funny sneaky man
Counter point.
Gorrillas work best when attacking in the situation where the enemy team doesn't retreat when they lost a cap and the advanced spawns are not overlapped with their camping spots.
You can then haul ass with your 5 gorillas faster than a Rifle 2 squad, Para squad or even APC squad and if not outright cap fight hard enough for it to guarantee a cap later once rallies are built.
They are the same speed as riflemen 2, which are nearly double the size and have utility. They can head to the objective while it's still in the grey zone, but in a really tough match you were probably needed on the objective anyway and you're just stomping on a team that was already losing even harder now.
Also when defending they can work really well for crushing momentum at the very begging of the match.
You spawn and haul ass right into the enemy rally zone as they are building it. Molotoving their bots while they are busy hammering then shooting them in the face. If you are fast and sweaty enough you should be able to buy your team 2-3 minutes of time to get their shit together.
Riflemen 2 can't get 1 pip of run speed. Gorillas can.
Also by having 21 mobility points they get 2.5% run speed on top of the perk run speed over riflemen 2.
Gorillas are noticeably faster.
Sex with Hotchkiss
Shermans finally don't use AP shells anymore
Defenders spawning in on awhdt point don't have spawn protection, did they change this after the Gorilla update?
Thank you Tom
>just set up my new Rhino squad in BR1
>now I have to replace it with the M4A2 because it's more meta in 3 and the Sherman II in its own squad gets to rot
I hate the way vehicle squads work
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>mfw I blow the wing off the notoriously durable Henschel Hs 123 biplane with 1-2 Mosin bullets
Rise and grind!
I guess it is easy to accidentally get 200+ kills if your enemy is meatwaving
SM.91 my beloved
how is this an anti-air mount
does the commander just pop the hatch and shoot from the turret?
That's not the IRL AA mount.
The IRL one was on the rear of the turret and you need to sit on the engine deck to use it
Last chance to get battle scars. Seems we'll be getting more unique skins in the future.
honestly I was tempted to get it but the bullet holes are just nonsensical in some spots
I always figured that was just where the machine gun stowage was
@darkflow pls gibe dual M2 shoimans
[Tank with hand-cranked turret] in a different color?! Sign me up, please!
I just unlocked a Mauser C96 automatic pistol and that thing slaps.
I sold every single legacy squad i had and all the extra personal and made 400k, spent it all on boxes and got 2 bottom tier tanks 1 plane and a couple shitty guns, not even 1 squad lmao fuck everything
you can still pay $70 for 120k gold anon :)
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>Keep trying to take C
>Doing it completely alone
>Keep running into the enemy team's best players
>My team is somehow struggling to cap and hold A
>Just start attacking A and ignoring C
>Enemy team's best players kinda just camp on C waiting for me to keep throwing my body at it until the game ends
I only just realised the guy in second on my team had 0 caps and 0 objective kills, too.
fuck that's a good one
Why do shitters get filtered so hard by GLs?
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In what way? Whenever I use them I just get a bunch of free kills and my GL squads are typically my "last resort" squads for wiping points. Also, the MP 35 is a pure nothingburger and has a weird first person viewmodel.
>In what way?
crying for them to be nerfed
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I killed Numbdigga today, and one player named Cervix Reacher around the turn of the month
There's something really funny about giving the M30 Drilling to the Guerillas. Hell that gun being in game at all is funny because you can't even give it to pilots.
GLs are "fine" as is. A bit on the strong side, could have their reloads increased, but they're not as bad as they once were. Brainless shitter crutches.

t. brainless shitter who uses his crutches.
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The RMN-50 is great in Berlin and excellent in Stalingrad, and now you never feel its drawbacks with the Yazikov as your secondary. Someone could make a seriously cool and unique defensive gameplay montage by putting 2 of them in a squad and alternating between the 2 soldiers wielding them after every shot fired. Alas, I only have 1 RMN!
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This guy was downed but was still standing, so he was groaning and rubbing his stomach.
ough mein tummy
It's the Italian event squad so:
>Ahiii, la mia pancia!
>My team is absolutely steamrolling the Soviets on Confrontation
>Steamrolling so hard we have no rallies up
>Need 1000 points to finish the Event task for today
>Spawn at my team's base with my Guerillas because they are fast and can get me to the point quickly
>For some reason, some psychotic faggot is in my team's spawn with his own Guerilla squad (3x PPSh box)
>Even as his team is being destroyed, he's just jerking off in our spawn
>He kills one of my guys and I wipe his squad
The people who play this game are insane. He was a Marshal, too. Also, the MP 35 can only effectively be used on Ass IV because of that fucking reload. 2.7 seconds is nearly worst in class, it's the same as the OVP M1918.
The ai wouldn’t reload it because they only hold the RMN if they have no other weapons now
Testing it now, they finish the reload if you initiate it before you swap soldiers in Practice mode. Though perhaps they reach for their secondary the instant they see an enemy in a real match.
The new German paras are tanky beefcakes that I have to spend an extra mag on every time!
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I've played nothing but BR4 german today and there was not a single match that was not uptiered to BR5, this is pain
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>Spend 5000 silver
>For a chance to get a 1000 silver

Who comes up with this shit, I'd rather have weapon upgrade, or appearance orders than this
You know there are several possible silver rolls, one of which is 100k, right?
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>europoors dont just shit their pants like a man
The Drilling could be the best all around weapon, if you could actually load the rifle round
lets not get ahead of ourselves here
And I don't mind them, I'd just rather have anything other than less silver than I put in
In its BR range, for what you could be able to do with it.
Well it would be a bolt action, with two extra panic shots for those close range bolt action duels.
have you used the berdan
>I'd just rather have anything other than less silver than I put in
It's a gambling box what do you expect
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Too much, anon. I am salty after spending a bunch of silver. I would just like some paratroopers
I don't think I have ever even seen that gun in-game.
implying it's the BR1-2 range, you could go up against Browning auto 5, which is like the only good shotgun in the game.
You're a slave to your brain
More like "game testers" are drooling subhuman retards that aren't actual gamers.
People still think the guns are different
Probably because wolfenstein is for fags now and normal humans don't play it
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You seem confused, are you thinking of the reboots?
I'm playing as any faction, high BR only, and I've not gotten a single japan match in like 2 weeks now. I really hope they add that soviet-jap campaign sooner rather than later.
They'll add it for Christmas 2025
I have 2 vehicle gold orders. I only have 30h of battle time so far and mainly play germany, although eventually I want to play US as well. What are some vehicles that would be worth getting, or should I wait until they refresh the BP vehicles? I haven't really figured out tanks yet so I usually bring a fighter and an attacker.
You can't really skip research or make any big jumps like you used to be able to with some specific gold order vehicles in the past. I'd hold on to them until a skin caught your eye, which is all they are really good for now.
I disagree, you can clinch close games using them to do a hard flank and wipe all of the enemies rallies. although I find myself running to the point just as often with them as they are very good SMG troops and you can secure the point and push off with them. I miss having the option when playing lineups without guerillas
I will have 11 gold weapon orders after this event. What should I buy?
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>calculated how much it would have cost me to open all my silver boxes
>spent nothing
thanks merge exploit, I cleaned out the rewards
Get a couple Yazikov SMGs for low tier Soviets. Buy one Japanese sword-pistol for the novelty value.
I already have Yazikovs and the Japanese sword pistol is deeply unappealing because it doesn't even get a sprint bonus.
Well, fuck you, then!
They definitely added it to the plans but the Manchuria decal event was 3 months ago and judging by their wording of the update and the map the gorillas were in the works since march. We won't see Manchuria till summer.
sex with covenanter
Target Washington!
aleutian islands campaign when
whats better for a BR2 american, the owen gun or the bsa thompson
it depends on how much you like hipfiring or aiming down sights
I like the DPs they're kinda neat
I also like the DT and maxim though
So Merc isn't banned after all? I saw him playing with his clan faggots
Report him then
DPs do work. Also the RPK is interesting
>battle pass gives you a 12 battle, 100% xp booster
My games are about to be fucking terrible, aren't they?
Report back, anon.
The Breda mod. 30 and the DP-27/DPM are all right
anon, I...
Ignoring the fact that the breda mod 30 is in the german tech tree, that gun is completely dogshit and is outclassed by the mg13 and zb-26.
>he doesn't know
Is there an event premium or something? That gun is still ass.
Stalingrad Access pack owners should have some lying around
I know I have like two
Whereas I bought like 30 slav thompsons 72 MP717s and like 90 Mannlickers
i ended up buying the 45. owen gun, and not only is it 15 rounds but its the worst sub gun i have ever used, there goes one gold ticket down the drain
My finger twitched as I looked at the M1E5 Garand and I bought it on accident before they added the confirmation button a year or so ago
But at least that's useable
>I'm playing as any faction, high BR only, and I've not gotten a single japan match in like 2 weeks now.
odd, I get sent to Japan roughly every other match
>I really hope they add that soviet-jap campaign sooner rather than later.
I'm dreading it. I love the Pacific campaign and I'm glad there's still some way I can play it consistently, which is more than I can say for any other campaign. I've played Tunisia maybe thrice in the past week, I want to go back to playing it nonstop bros
I would love some more pacific, and Tunisia maps.
I wonder if Guerillas where the big update that they were talking about, or if they have been working on more stuff
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call me retarded but I actually like the Madsen more than the DP-27. Also, captured shawty Madsen for the Japs when? It'd make a cool Gold Order weapon
>inb4 no, it would be shit
I said "cool," not "good"

I only have one M93 Mannlicher, I wish I bought more while I could because I didn't realize how good that gun feels until post-Merge
Is the Mannlicher better than the VG. 2? I used to only use the VG. 2 as more of a "close range" weapon but I've been having lots of luck with it at all ranges, and the big mag + mag reload is really nice. Needing to un-ADS between shots seems like a minimal drawback.
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These runts continue to baffle me with their mentality
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they should have a tank mode.
>but war thunder
yeah but war thunder isnt first person with a real crew that you can interact with, not the same thing.
War Thunder simulator battles are first person only and the crew is fully modeled in the cabin serving their assigned role just like Enlisted.
I think the new Ardennes map is part of the "New Battlefields".
Why is this Attacker pilot/Fighter pilot restriction in matches still a thing? Just let us have 2 fighters or 2 attackers at the same time. Imagine if they restricted tanks based on their type.
permanent plane wrecks
>2 Pz IV players take up the spots of 2 king tigers
yeah yeah
lmao even
me with my Puma
tfw people blocking entire areas off with bomber corpses
Holy based
Did they change the noise for enlisting a soldier now? It's so deep and bass-y.
They added new voice lines to basically all soldiers and you can tell that they recorded those in a different studio
Why don't you put both guns in one squad and find out which one you like most?
I think revised earnings for conquest is done now that the matches last longer
So is improvement to account linking.
Is the Wz 39 gold order SMG any good?
It's good for BR I, but not "worth it" levels of good. It's like an MP 38 with a smaller mag at a lower BR, but you can always just use the MP 34 for similar results (though the MP 34 is a bit harder to use, it's still very low recoil and easygoing).
You don't need to use anything other than Beretta M38s at BR I, and they probably cost less than 1500 silver a piece fully upgraded
The M38 is let down by its mag size. That's fine if you have Ass IV for instant reloads, but not amazing for a new player who lacks Ass IV. That really short trigger time can be quite frustrating.
it doesnt seem like there is any reason to use the mp35 over an mp40 whatsoever
There isn't, no. It's a sidegrade to the MP 38, of all things. Higher ROF but a worse reload and accuracy.
How is the armaguerra mod 39? Worth using at all? Need to finish the semi auto task and dont want to stop queueing all nations
It's like a shittier Garand in my experience. Queue for BR2 and hope you don't get uptiered.
I have won and lost several games just from a well played guerilla squad, some objectives it is almost impossible to keep a rally up. I don't know what the haters are smoking.
It makes a special sound when you roll a soldier with perfect stats if that’s what you mean
What do you get out of gaslighting people about the effectiveness of guerillas?
I could ask you the same question!
I just started playing again after a year hiatus so I haven't fucked with Guerillas much, but I just kinda assumed their practical usage is similar to paratroopers except they have to walk to their target and their ass isn't waiting to be pulverized by anyone that happens to look up.
It's quite cathartic to rush down a nearby paratrooper squad who hasn't landed yet.
Do we need to keep talking about Guerillas? The main "guerillas are good" poster admitted he doesn't play in high BR.
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theyre good at high BR too
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truthfully every other benefit the class has is just gravy after the +30.8% sprint speed
They are not good at BR5
skill issue
Guerillas are good
its a weird piece of shit that feels bad to use
but i have 15 fully upgraded ones for when i don't want to play higher than tier 2 and have a semi-auto kills task
it just does slightly not enough damage to be reliable and its sight feels weird
The Mors is the lightest German subgun, has little recoil and is relatively accurate, but it's still a BR1 submachinegun. Germany has a better line up than most at BR1 so it's not the worst you can use a gold order on.
It's fine. Bad against Vit users but fine against everyone else. Benefits massively from recoil reduction perks.
>it's another Half The Team Have Sub-1000 Score End Of Round match
i dont think the vg15 needs a buff
When a plane is listed as having bombs with an ammo count does that mean those bombs are always listed in series? like 50kg bomb x 4 means you always send 'em all, but 250kg x1 and 250 kg x2 means you'll first loose one bombs then two on the next space bar tap?
Is there any resource online with more info about the planes then? I've been running the IAR-81C but I really dislike that all 50kg bombs come out at once. I'm getting ready to move into BR4 after playing mostly BR2 for a while and the plane I'm looking at the most is Ju 188 A-2 but since my IAR-81C drops all the bombs at once I figured that probably drops all 6 of its 250kgs at once.
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what the fuck am I doing
>Do we need to keep talking about the main feature of the week old update?
You soft in the head son?
Being based
Generally they drop in pairs.
You don't really want to drop individual 50kg bombs anyway.
The science is settled, they don't belong in real sweaty matches, they have niche use cases against camping defenders.
>If I dig in my heels and piss my pants that makes it true!
Uhuh. Just admit you made a bad call Southpark guy.
But I didn't. They're still fun, you can enjoy them, and you can do well with them. But they aren't meta.
the warthunder wiki would be the closest to what you are looking for but that just has armament info idk about discrete drops
bro youve walked back your opinion from saying they will be totally useless before the patch to saying they are merely non-meta (which is also completely debatable)
>the science is settled
and yet you are still acting like your opinion is the unimpeachable truth. have some self awareness
what would changing the nomenclature do exactly?
> they will be totally useless
NTA. They are about as useful as a Sniper squad. Even with 11 slots I only bring snipers in one of my line ups.
I will buy the german premium squad at one point and put it in my BR 2 or 3 line up just because mutt teams like to linger on their lost cap points.
>what would changing the nomenclature do exactly?
NTA, but it is kinda odd they picked the Spanish name when Spain backseated the war.
it would be a mild improvement
>bro youve walked back your opinion from saying they will be totally useless
In the context of a competitive high-tier match, they are.
>the science is settled
stop being a science denier
the M1 bazooka can kill a panther from the side
they really are worthless from the side
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>I only bring snipers in one of my line ups.

>He uses sniper squads
What's the verdict on the frog squad ?
personally their rifle is the most fun to shoot from all semi-auto
parisian gorilla girls
every single one is armed with a sniper stg
the most retarded assaulter squad imaginable
while it is outdated, scoped AR squad isn't the worst idea that is out there
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>put a Sniper class whose sole strength is having access to riflescopes in your game where every soldier can press Shift to activate their cybernetic eyeballs's built-in 4x magnification anyway
This is the exact same problem as Red Orchestra 2 (2011)'s!
Red Orchestra 2 snipers are a thousand times more useful because you can specifically seek out Squad Leaders. For those that dont know, your squad leader needs to be alive to respawn on them in RO2, there are no rallies. Sniping SLs is genuinely game winning behavior on par with hunting for rallies in Enlisted.
Sounds like they could add that as a class, though an entire squad spawning in someone who's in the thick of it might just be too gamebreaking
You can't spawn while they're "in combat" or whatever, not sure the exact system/checks it takes, but good SLs are usually laid prone in some really weird areas to get those crazy good flank spawns.
I was not a good SL in rising storm
however, the SL had a katana
my gun was nothing, I'd spawn, drop my type 100, and banzai charge

Japs didn’t have SL spawn, they built holes their squad could spawn on.
That's Rising Storm 2 and the Vietcong you stupid ass nigger.
I thought japs had a similar system
The only faction specific quirk japs had in Rising Storm was the ability to place grenade traps and do banzai charges.
Move the BR5 fantasy shit to BR6 and then make it so that PPSh and STG are the kings of BR5. Riflemen are limited to semi-autos and GLs.

Nerf machine guns at all BRs so that firing them on the move is basically impossible
tfw no italian AT
You have Italian assaulters and snipers ? :(
the perks of maxing out tunisia axis pre-merge
should've bought more desu
Gorrillas make me wish I had 4 De Lisles instead of 2. 4x Grease and 4x De Lisle and 4x Welrod for the ultimate Silent Gorrilla.
I'm still mad I didn't get the second Italian fighter squad.
Gold order soldier would actually fit nicely for the classes
I got one italian hero assaulter out of the boxes, best thing yet that I got
im pretty sure "guerilla" was common parlance during ww2 for the type of insurgency fighting the class represents at least
the delisle is basically unusable though
Frogs can use any rifles other than GLs.
>everyone is trying to use the frogs in br3 us
>the only people still playing japs and germs are in br5
I like the squad but this fucking sucks
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Fuck thats actually great, I really want to expand my italians but I literally cant. This is all I have. Almost all the italian weapons left are SMG's and I'd kill for some spaghetti assaulters.
Only real way I can expand now is to waste gold orders on Scotti, Pavesi and Mondragon
>mixed engineer battalion
>all engineers
that's Wack!
Marsala Fasetti?
Sounds like you'd love to grab the Guastatori premium flamethrower squad whenever they reappear in the shop
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I dont care if its a flamethrower, or a mortar, or even a medic squad. If I see another Italian squad in the shop Im buying it.
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stupidly long name
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That's fantastic. I've got a Bain in my squad
I'm in the same boat as you, not having the Assaulter squad sucks. I love Eyetie subguns but the one Assaulter in my Radioman squad is the only guy who gets to use them

>Guastatori premium flamethrower squad
I didn't even know it existed, I'd buy it assuming the price is right. I already bought the San Marco riflemen during a sale and I've definitely gotten my money's worth, those Carcano carbines rip
the radio guys with the m31 are fun
>Spain backseated the war
tfw no division azul premium...
I would be okay with a quitting penalty
If you implement a penalty for quitting, shouldn't you also implement a penalty just for poor performance?
yeah the game should also flash in giant comic sans font 'PLAY THE OBJECTIVE" to players who haven't been on the point for more than 5 minutes, with the text blocking the screen more and more with every minute after that
yup, day of the rope for quitters when?
its just annoying how many games come down to which side has half their team quit first
Too often your team quitting ends up being beneficial.
Panther II when
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Only if it come with delicious Gallian ass too.
>participate in 1 battle
>win 1 battle
>kill kills in a tank/plane
>already finished supply drop and major event
I love days when i only have to play 1 game of enlisted
The German squad with "french volunteers" should have french names and voices.
What's the best machine gunner class level?
Got the Breda, its not bad and its BR4
It's probably better than the Gewehr 43 by miles
well for one it's got 10 more rounds
They’re 3 or 4 squads.
DP-27 or DPM ?
The DPM is a pure upgrade with slightly less dispersion, hipfire spread, and recoil.
The M in DPM means "modernised"!
In tech-tree there is only the flamethower squad II available.
And i know about the the old Berlin campaign radio squad (not available anymore).
What are the 1 or 2 other french SS squad ?
I’d have to check again to confirm specifics, but almost every squad in the original Berlin tree was Volkssturm or SS. And I think all the SS were Charlemagne and one of the Nordland ones
Had a game where the top player on the enemy team had 6 kills and 0 squad deaths. Checked the replay and they were just twiddling their thumbs in the greyzone all game shooting down bombing runs. Shockingly this did not cause them to win the game
based on fly zone appreciator I do the same thing in my 190 a4
I am thankful for friendly CASniggers
I am issuing a jihad upon enemy CASniggers
Its impossible to play right now without teaming up. Every team ive faced in the last 3 days have been full stacks and my entire team just leaves within the first minute. Is there still no penalty for leaving and what the fuck is wrong with the matchmaking putting solos up against full teams?
stinger-chan, my beloved
>Teammate complains to me that an M4A1 of all things is "immune to TNT"
How does someone reach this conclusion?
>team is ass
>must stay because I need all the money I can get to gamble
the struggle is real
>No one on
Where did everyone go?
Event burnout probs.
>2 stages of frog gorilla event left
>breda and MP35 event is over
game's dead
did they release a new Rzhev map recently or am i wilding?
Frog squad is pretty fun. Strange that they don’t actually use that other leaked outfit
I like their gun
it's nice
feels nice
very cool!
I don't think they did but they add different game modes to the existing maps. That one with the bombed out courtyard and the grain elevator is actuallt a lot of fun on Conquest.
we're so fucking back boys
I wonder what I'll spend my reward on!!
1/5th of a gacha box
the shatelrat is underrated. it feels like how I wanted the zb to be when I first unlocked it all those years ago in moscow
TnT can act fucky
>Strange that they don’t actually use that other leaked outfit
That's for the paypigs later :^)
It's fucked up that they get a Super G41 and can use Thompsons as secondary weapons. You can easily give them 5x .30 Thompsons, too.
I've got 6 .30 cals (and 5 MP-41s) but it would feel wasteful to take them off Ass IVs
I don't really use my Thompson .30s, I have too many of them and prefer variety in my lineups. My BR III Ass squad has two Lanchester 50s and two Thompson .30s, and my BR V Ass squad has a Thompson .30, so I have three sitting around my inventory.

It's a shame how mandatory Ass IV is from a meta perspective regarding the .30 Tommy. It reloads so often that shaving 24% off is gigantic and massively increases its practical ROF.
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My team was accusing the Chinese guy of cheating, but I actually don't know if he was. I watched the replay and he was just a pretty good, aggressive player playing the flanks and backline. The only "snapping" he had was replay bug snapping. He didn't really make any suspicious shots or anything. The only thing I can say is that his guns seemed suspiciously accurate (he took very long range hipfire shots, I am starting to wonder if I am just too cautious with hipfire or if accuracy cheats are more common than I realise) but that doesn't prove anything and I might just be bad and retarded. He also didn't have many pistols equipped and was using an MP 18 squad armed with MP 40s for some reason.
The majority of enlisted players are a mixture of turbo bad and Uber racist, Asia doesn’t get their own server so any characters in a language I don’t understand = they are cheaters because they are better than me. Most cheaters are part of the well known stacks and clans
My online gayming experiences have shown me that a lot of Chinese players ARE cheaters (real life experience, too) but in this case it was just them assuming that a Chinese player was cheating because he was Chinese. Guy was just solid at the game and my team was just not the best. The guys in 2nd, 3rd and 4th were all in a stack, too. The Chinese guy was being so aggressive in our backline that it was hard to get up a rally and keep it up, but despite his efforts, destroying rallies wasn't what he SHOULD have been doing. He really needed to actually push the point more often.
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Ivan & The Boys
Anon... you have to put body armour on ALL of them... but keep the cool hats.
>you have to put body armour on ALL of them
I will not.
But... the meta...
I respect the meta insofar as I have to compete with it but I'm playing low rating Soviets. The stakes aren't high enough for me to bother.
Sex with the Cöndussy
>play game
>paradrop spot changing when you click go bug still not fixed
I swear I'm going to go to latvia and throttle every one of these continental potatoniggers
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I'll have 6 gold weapon orders after today, but the only guns I want are an RMN-50, a Pavesi M42, and a handful of Mkb 35s!
Me 262
>no gold StG for getting top 10
Stuh, su122 should be added because 105 is in game
>enemy team is blocking our advances pretty easily for the first 2 points
>break out the paras because it's time to sweat
>next 3 points just fold after having dropped paras once

I thought they were stronger...
guerillas are broken
>I cant greyzone camp anymore!
What's so special about the Mkb?
Assault rifle at tier 3
so I got the weapon order thing from batlepass, which is the gun to buy with it?
what BR do you play at
Buy 1 Chatellerault LMG, it's a pretty thing
The Tobruk battalion's Moschetto rifle's got a low quality bolting animation, but I'll have to snag them at half price in the Winter sale all the same!
I usually try to stick to BR3 with most factions, play krauts and americans mostly but looking to start leveling soviets at some point
FN1930 for krauts
most of the best guns for BR 2 or 3 are not available anymore
nothing, he's just a fomo-obsessed metapig
darkflow... japan... needs more squads.... darkflow... please.....
I haven't played long, do they rotate the gun selection? should I just wait until some decent weapon comes on the market?
The MKb is just pretty nice at BR II. That's all. You can also use it on your Sturmpioneer squad, in theory, but I have only ever seen a single player doing that once since that squad was released, because it requires having multiple MKb 35s, which basically nobody has. As a gun it has a REALLY low ROF and, pre-merge, was rightfully dismissed as basically worthless, but post-merge has gained the status of being extremely desirable because, in theory, it's very strong at low BR and can wipe large groups of enemies at medium range rather easily.

Thus far they have removed guns but not brought old guns back. I think that at some point, a long time ago, they suggested they would bring back certain gold order guns in some capacity but they haven't yet.
find a weapon that looks good to you then look up a video of it on youtube, all gold order weapons have been reviewed
There are at least a couple special guns in Enlisted that don't have a single video dedicated to them on Youtube
pavesi SVT is good
For BR III Americans and Germans you have:

>Pavesi SVT
Basically a slightly better G41. Not REALLY worth it, but not terrible. A bit bland.

>FN Model 1930
A BAR with a higher ROF, for better or for worse. Mostly useful as it fills a capabilities gap the Germans have (assault MG). Has funny recoil.

A direct sidegrade to the BAR. Totally worthless, really. Really annoying visual recoil. I have one and I always forget I have it, even when playing my lineup that contains it.

A worse Garand that can be used by tankers. Inexplicably BR III when it's just terrible.

>Lanchester Model 1
A pre-buff Sten with mental illness that fires too fast and has too much horizontal recoil to be worthwhile. I have one and it's pretty bad.
Oof, I had no idea the T20E1 was so horrible!
thats the m1e5 moran
Yeah, I know. My brain just fucked up numbers. I only just woke up. My point about the M1E5 still stands: it's pretty terrible. The T20E1 is bad and redundant now, too.
the yazikov is a decent pick for gold order as it allows you to carry a 15 round pocket smg in your pistol slot
The Yazikov is nice but it's not a gun most players will get a lot of mileage out of because it mostly exists to be a secondary for the RMN-50 and grenade launchers.
What were the good BR3 gold order weapons that are no longer available?
RMN is the only one
RMN-50 (ridiculously strong half the time, meme launcher the other half). The Suomi was also fine but not really, it's basically a Lanchester with 4 more rounds.
kp26 is probably the most powercrept formerly considered good weapon we have
thanks, I guess im buying a Pavesi svt since I hate the closed sights on the G41(altho its not terrible compared to some other guns like the enfields and grease guns)
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It's funny because it really is just a Lanchester that's even easier to use, but the Lanchester is already super easy to use and you get diminishing returns at that point. Crazy that the Suomi was arguably the best German SMG in Moscow at one point.

The Pavesi really is just fine. I personally wouldn't recommend it, but it's not bad to have. It doesn't even get a bayonet.
the extra damage makes for a much more reliable semi than the g41 and the reload is a non issue if you can aim and use cover
you tried the 100 round bren? US mg's seem super gimped up to you get the browning
Well, the A2 BAR kicks fucking ass at BR III
>Really annoying visual recoil.
highest in the game by a factor of four for no reason lol
I have two, hes going to shit on it but its actually a decent alternative to the 1919 with a slower RoF but less jerky recoil
>US mg's seem super gimped up to you get the browning
the A2 BAR is best in class
The Bren 100 is a worse M1919A6 since it is literally just a Bren with a 100 round mag and better sights. Completely redundant gun. If the M1919A6 didn't exist it might have a niche, but it does exist, so the Bren has no niche. In a post-Stinger world it's even worse, especially since if you GAMBLE BIG (you shouldn't) you can potentially have 3-4 Stingers to fill your lineup out, and the Stinger is arguably the strongest gun in the game now. This isn't to say the Bren is "bad" but it's pointless unless, for some reason, you really wanna skip to BR V using a big fat MG in particular.

A lot of BP guns aren't bad, just pointless.
>He didn't get the Pavesi M42 so he could be a big fat metaslut
It's over...
T20e1 is anything but bad. Buying it now is a waste of golden orders, though.
I meant to say M1E5. Context clues, Anon. I fucked up.
But you clearly meant the T20E1 rifle in your spoiler
See, my brain is just fucked. Yeah, the T20E1 is pointless regardless. By "bad" I meant it's a bad purchase. I should have specified.
/enlg/ - petty semantics general
Yeah, that's fair. It used to be incredible before they added the tech tree version but yeah.
I am a bit sad that the M2 Carbine was supplanted because it was a nice asymmetry for autorifles after its buffs. Great at hipfiring and room clearing but less powerful at longer ranges. Darkflow obviously wants to sort of flatten out gameplay at top tier by giving every nation equivalents, which is fine to a certain extent (especially as far as vehicles go) but it dulls things down regarding infantry weapons.
It wasn't a horrible trade off for a FG-42 back in normandie imo. Using a shitty thompson when germs had MP43 was really fucking brutal though
I got scotti and pavesi day one because they're italian
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I understood the theory of the M1 Thompson vs the MP 43 (high DPS vs range, which makes sense considering that the US was largely attacking bunkers and small caps and the Germans were largely defending), it's just that the M1 Thompson used to have really, REALLY shitty recoil and a basically unusable front sight. Newfags will NEVER know. It's interesting just how many weapons used to have totally unreasonable recoil and sights back in the day.
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And for a side-by-side, this is the M1 now.
I'll never forget the feeling of playing as mutts only and picking up the MP43 for the first time. Enlisted feels like such a different game now desu
they should have just made every automatic weapon perform like this instead of making them all have barely any recoil. gameplay would have been much more interesting and authentic when there is an actual tradeoff to using weapons with tremendous dps
I remember people unlocking the Lanchester and complaining it had too much recoil. They weren't even wrong because getting a fully upgraded Lanchester with recoil reduction on an Assaulter took dozens of hours, so the default state was guns having nearly twice as much recoil as they do now. Soldier stats also didn't affect anything either, as in each point of WH didn't reduce your recoil by 0.5% etc.
Darkflow and Gaijin thought people would pay real money to keep their gacha troops. As per usual, the Yudintsevs completely misread the market and thought people played gachaslop for the gameplay and not for the virtual girlfriends.
i have a theory that the reason the visual recoil was like this is because russian guns used (and still use) really far front sights on all their guns until recently
so a gun using a different type of sight was foreign to them
>really far front sights
my bad, i meant to say, the rear sight is very far forward, especially compared to western guns
I think the term you are looking for is sight radius
I swear bombing runs only exist to cuck me out of calling artillery when the team needs it the most. mutt players love it for some reason
>AAA studio has better animations and sound than 3 latvians in a basement in riga
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>bfv gunplay
lmfao bf gunplay took a hard fucking nose dive after Battlefront 1 and on. Fucking fish eye lens hipfire meta was insanely gay.
>game with 6 guns has better animations than a game with 200 guns
I accept your concession.
I installed one of the sound mods on the little mod page and all the guns genuinely feel better so try that if you feel like the guns don't feel good
>Half life 2 had better gunplay
Kek HF2 had dogshit gunplay. Playing it felt like a chore with the bullet sponge enemies. Absolute slogfest.
>The only "snapping" he had was replay bug snapping.
You mean the same one merc66 got crucified for?
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Genuinely deserves gelding


Smgs really became far too accurate, MP40s barely move when you're perked for them
Merc got crucified for perfectly tracking a target in mid-air with 100% accuracy, as well as snapping between targets he didn't realise were in-frame. Things only cheaters do. Things that got other players like lukamuds banned
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this but for fortified district, dday, and wilhelmstrasse
glider troops as TT paras when
Up to 12 good weapon orders
Do you think they will ever rework the Hürtgen forest map (to make it actually look like the Hürtgen forest battle) now they have a proper Ardennes one?
these teammates are so mindfuckingly lobotomized I am beside myself
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Should I buy 4 of these I think they look cool and nothing else interests me
now that everything has tiers, all that matters is if you think a gun is cool
and the breda's are pretty neat semi-autos
trash advice
its a burst fire rifle and very strong. dont bother if you dont have a good BR5 lineup already
No, I wouldn't recommend anything that gets retired because it's worse than progression alternatives.
>dont bother if you dont have a good BR5 lineup
What is the best BR?
Entirely subjective. I'd just point out that BR 1 and 4 are less popular due to player populations and how likely you are to be uptiered.
2>5>3>1=4. I would rate 1 higher if uptiers weren't so painful
When tried br1 as Japan I saw br3 allies every game
Japan is painful at any BR below 5
You get better items at the same BR and won't have any reason to keep using it.
that sunsets like every gold order gun besides the conders. the PG CR is good enough to run instead of an FG for the novelty if nothing else anyway
>that sunsets like every gold order gun besides the conders
Nien. The Lahti maintains a niche. The Conders. The RMN-50. The MKb-35. All the extended-mag semi autos. The Hotchkiss.
tetrarch glider borne tank (BR2) when
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gliders as airdroppable rally points when
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look at this kino
Gimme that and a Locust at BR2. I wanna pretend it's some wacky alternate timeline where the Paramarines dropped in with them to fight Jap tanks.
You could put 3 max spread soldiers in the machine and get a bottom spread one.
I also think the machine could eat special medal soldiers but I'm not sure on that.
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Reinstalled should I seal club at BR1 or is BR3 more chill
At off hours the likelihood that BR1 faces BR2 and BR3 faces BR5 goes up exponentially.
wilhelmstrasse is a great map don't you dare slander it
itll be great when I can land a glider down the middle of it, maybe
BR III is one of the most fun BRs for everyone but Japan
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Legends foretold of this.
Does anyone know which sensitivity option is responsible for the speed of thr binoculars when you're sitting in the commander position of the tank?

I can't find it, it's far to sensitive for me.
I got downtiered from BR V Germany to BR II Moscow. Is this possible if the other players all were at BR III?
I tried playing at that range with Japs, and the matches have been horrendous. Genuinely just bots on both sides
I'd take two Bredas, and two Mondrussies. Cönders too. They are all pretty fun guns
It shouldn't be, but there have been a few rare instances of it
>watching gen restoration video
>sponsored by enlisted
>uses a clip from enlisted to showcase the reload
>it's a g41
I didn't buy more'n 1 Suppressed Erma bundle because I already had the suppressed MP40 boys and thought it'd be redundant, but now I wish I had 2 or 3 more to give to my Gorillas
I bought 5 of them to give my suppressed MP-40 squad silenced pistols.
It's been dozens of hours of gameplay since last I got a Tunisia match.
Screenshot "event" done. Sadly didn't make it to finalists even so no pfp for me :(
The third-person movement in this game is a fucking atrocity and the recent "animation improvements" have done the exact opposite.
Can we see your photo, Tom?
Maybe idk. Lots of wacky ppl on 4chan
I have some good photo ideas in mind for the next contest
schlorp schlorp schlorp schlorp
just realised the new map is bulge rather than rzhev
the snow confused me
no wonder I never got it as soviets
why are japs the biggest tryhards?
I tried to help.
what's possible is that the players you fought had a tier 3 gun somewhere in their lineups without realizing, be it an event weapon or a gold order weapon without realizing it. every BR5 match i've played as been filled to the brim, still, with basic bitch rifles so honestly who knows what people are doing in this game
right bank when
anyone try the new french squad yet
the mooner fellers? they're pretty sick even if you're using them as a gimped infantry squad rather than a gray zone rat
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They're fine. Their rifle actually has a fire rate of 380, which is higher than its contemporaries and makes it feel unique to use.
>ally arttilery fire is a red circle just an enemy artillery
I hate this, should be a blue or green circle on the mini map.
>Call arty on the point to stop the enemy taking it
>My team thinks it's enemy artillery and doesn't defend the point
>Enemy team thinks it's their own team's artillery and pushes the point
I game them my 4 supressed m3 grease guns and they run like magic.
They are slower than regular gorillas but the higher stamina means they end up covering more ground.
The gun is good for a guerilla but not that good for stand up fights. It's reload is slow as ass. I find myself using the M3 to start combat and then the Meunier to either pick of guys at a distance or fend of alert enemies.
they need to bring back friendly fire
it was a 'bug' for artillery back in the day but we need it back
along with friendly fire for all sources of damage
>playing on new Bulge map
>get back to my Stummel to move it up to the next point
>see an A13 running down the slope
>tunnel vision begins
>we proceed a very slow retarded slap fight fighting to get our vehicles over the slopes
>finally get him as he crests the slop in front of me
>still manage to get to the next point alive
God I know using the Stummel for anti-tank is retarded but it's so goddamn satisfying vaporizing a light tank with the 75mm.
>time for a relaxing game of enlisted
>quarry north
For me it's New Georgia or Univermag
I hate those maps so much.
Is Univermag the map with the cap that is just an open public park that the defenders always deathbox?
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Airfield, defense
It's hell on earth.
Yeah, that's the one. Horrible.
name your single favorite weapon from each faction
hei auto
Ross Rifle
G43K even post nerf
Pedersen Rifle
Type Ko
>name your single favorite weapon from each faction
>mosin 91/30
Winchester M1895
Geweher 98 Wartime Mod.
Type I
Bren Mk II
Breda MG
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you are all like baby
Tractor Factory is spawned directly from Satan's asshole, it's on an entirely different level from the other bad maps in this game.
earlier today I had a game at tractor factory(tractory if you will) that ended in the hospital cap, which I had never seen until then
it was pretty cool because of how the cap covered like 3 floors if incredibly tight hallways and rooms
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>tractor factory(tractory if you will)
>it was pretty cool
tractor factory is a good map and preferable to the other stalingrad map
I don't actually mind tractor factory
what I do mind is the horrendous teams that you get trapped on or against in tractor factory
it's not fun if it's a one-sided stomp
It’s always a one sided stomp
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hey man nice shot
Fuck it why the hell not :p
>mountain pass confrontation
>for the fifth time in the past 3 hours
thank you gaijin very cool I am aware you added this content recently
Here is the last one.
>capture one strategic point
>mountain pass
My condolences
>mountain pass
I like stalingrad
better looking than most of the winners
BR4 soviets feels good atm
does body armor actually do something?
It does, 10% damage reduction. When paired with vitality it actually changes the breakpoints for several weapons. Helmets (except the jap ones) also reduce it by 10% but it doesn’t really matter unless you’re being shot at with a pistol at range
It has very specific advantages when paired with vitality. At point blank range it will allow you to survive an extra bullet from the standard 9mm SMGs barring the Kiraly.
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Yeah I still got the moves
Are the MP 35/I, Beretta M38/42, and Beretta M38A all actually better than the ZK-383? I thought it might beat them out because of the firerate?
40 round M38 might be better, but after the buffs I think the ZK is probably better than all of them.
BR 3 germany has been very disappointing so far I must say. There's like a million useless SMGs and the G41 is nothing to write home about.
Forget the best stuff, what is the shittiest piece of gear that you love using?
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>zero reinforcements left
>last explosive planted
>enemy team swarms point
>my team is dead
>seconds left
>run in the building
>pull pin on grenade and sprint into squad disarming bomb
>do u-turn around bomb and drop grenade in the corner
>turn around
>kill diffuser
>spin back around
>kill two guys coming in the house
>grenade detonates
>third guy runs straight past me because bomb is practically done
>unload ppsh obrez into his neck
>bomb detonates
I was going to say something about the stupidity of having a cocked pistol tucked into your pants, but the chances of it shooting your dick are so close to zero that it would be impossible.
>you have a very very very very very tiny penis
the 1911 has multiple mechanical safeties including one that keeps the hammer from moving
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he flip
The ZK is super accurate with high DPS and functions incredibly well with Ass IVs because of how quickly it dumps its mags. The MP 35/I is basically an upgrade to the MP 40 and a solid workhorse that kills Vit users very fast at close range, but against everyone else the ZK is better. The G41 is also significantly worse than the Garand and SVT-38, but the Kar GGP/40 is good.
Good thing 1911s can't have their firing pin slide right into the primer without the hammer oh wait it can
I've never used the GGP40, and I've only ever seen it used to kill a single soldier, can it actually kill vehicles?
I wonder what John Moses Browning would think if he looked at this picture. "Why is there some Mick's name on your belt?" kek
How do the German premium semi-automatic rifles at BR III compare to the G41 (W)?
the anti tank rifle grenades all work well against vehicles/tanks
The Mosin VPGS is probably the better of the two options since PzIV and Panther side armor is so weak
The GGP is really good for killing Shermans and most US tanks before the Jumbo and can kill most Soviet tanks besides the KV. The Mosin VPGS is surprisingly cucked by sideskirts, even though it shouldn't be because those are meant to resist against 14.5mm bullets.

Pretty much all bad. The A115 and G41 (W) are basically identical to the G41 in a gameplay sense and still fucked by terrible reloads, the Paveso SVT is a slightly better G41. Same with the discontinued Polish rifle.
Sorry, I meant the G41 (M).
bolt action snipers in general are a lot of fun
I think Enlisted is cool and nice
Breda LMG
Type 11
De Lisle
Beretta 1923
Really? I want to move up but I have a lot of my premiums at BR3. The SVT-40 doesn't seem like that much of a jump from the SVT-38. Might as well jump up to BR5 but at that point the gameplay is probably too fast and sweaty.
Dropping a gun on the floor and it discharging is quite different from it going off in your waistband.
But what if I slap your balls really hard?
it would be extremely painful
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>Got the 100 000 silver reward in my 5 000 silver box
Buy 20 more
>no event going on
>current event is on its last 2 days
it's over.
i love my berdan II
i miss the railgun trail it had back when it first appeared
Japanese Guerilla event squad probably around the corner.
I don't want that
you furry now!
How much more silver would I make if I used a premium squad plus premium?
any gun with a free floating firing pin can do this
>Polish rifle
no partial reloads!!! very bad!
ive got a lot of old paypig and legacy gear at soviet BR4 so ymmv but most of my games have had at least a few good players for the past week or so.
something around double to triple whatever you are now. prem acct is the only thing really worth paying for unless you are super into the game
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holy fuck I need more nip squads so it better be
I have nearly every squad in the game and the japanese have 1/3 the amount of squads as the next lowest squad count (soviets)
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I have been playing on random nation from the start.

Why am I never getting Soviet or Japanese games? Does no one play them at all, or do so many people play them that there's never a shortage of players?
Nobody plays Japan because most of their weapons are terrible and most tanks are terrible. plus the maps are shit for the most part. For the soviets i'd say they are probably the third least played
It's basically an MG version of the MP 40. A solid workhorse machine gun with low recoil and a long trigger time.
t, unable to use bolt-action rifles
japan has a very dedicated but small playerbase but they recently have more players trying to get into it at BR1 than the others based on my experience with low BR queue all
I can but their LMGs are only slightly better than the one soviet LMG. I actually rather enjoy the Japanese bolt actions but that can only take you so far. But i think the maps just ruin it. From having to slowly move through water or run across bridges on that iosland map with the airbase or having AI hitting me through bushes and points all out in the open. new Geogia is pretty fun. Also the pacific maps from new geogia feel/look super bland
between the sig BAR and the type 96 japan has two of the absolute best LMGs in the game. the type 100 is also a ghetto stinger in terms of volume of fire. their SMGs are also solid across the board. the only thing they are really lacking in is decent semi autos actually
Eh I dont play high tier desu. Low tier is comfier. Also high tier feels slow and fast at the same time. Like ttk is faster but matches fell longer
Neither of those even come close to BR IV or V LMGs
the 96 is a laser and the KE7 is the best BAR iteration in the game. both function fine at BR4 and even 5, if you cant make them work well in an uptier that is entirely on you
>large booster match
>team is brainless morons
like clockwork
get the hotchkiss
it's amazing
Work well is a far cry from "absolute best LMGs in the game"
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>He boughted
I just got this from a chest for FREE (conditions apply). Feelsgoodman.

Japanese guns are pretty good. The Type 38 Rifle is one of the best bolt actions, the Type Hei is good for BR II, Jap SMGs and MGs are all really quite strong.
the reason no one plays japan is because no one has ever cared about japan's ground forces, including imperial japan
even though the tree has a lot of good guns. their smg's are all decent at worst, their first rifle is their best so you don't need to spend tier 2 prices to outfit your guys, and their MGs are pretty decent in general as well. and they probably have good planes
then of course they have retarded tier """""prototype"""" guns at the end of the tree to satisfy wehrb-esque super weapon cope
I didnt say they were THE best, I said they were among the best, which is objectively true. I would use the KE7 over the 1919 and johnson every time
Welcome to the Master Race.
All portraits have been devalued massively as far as showing off how much of an oldfag you are, so it doesn't really matter.
>using portraits
the bersaglieri portrait is the best
The only show off one are the modder/screenshot now right?
The Type 38 is deadlier than the Type Hei
The Type Hei is like the Armaguerra in that it's intended for crowd control. You can down 6 guys rapidly with it, that's pretty good.
Would there be any reason to use anything other than the Tiger II H at BRV?
Like any other tank who has just as muchh punching power, but faster reload or manouverability?
>Have 250% booster active
>Leveling up AT II squad
>Get like 60 kills with the squad spread across two spawns
>Gain 1.5 levels
God fucking damn.

The Tiger II (H) is the strongest tank in the game by a large margin, so no. No reason to use anything else.
Tell me what I need to know about this game, what do avoid grinding or go after first. I realize you're only playing against mostly AI but do they get smarter? Getting over 100 kills in my first few matches surely wont be a standard thing? I realize its 95% AI and only a couple players controlling them but its kinda fun just mowing people down, feels a little clunkier then Hell Let Loose. It's oddly satisfying feeling mostly invincible thus far, even the standard load out feels strong with basically one shooting most things.
get medics (first smg squad)
then work towards engineers (attached to a tier one bolt action rifle squad most likely). put an engineer into any squad able to take one
then either: work towards a tank with an actual cannon and OK armor (t-70, m5a1, pz3 J as examples, working up towards t-50/t-28e, m8 scott/grant, pz3N)
go for assaulter 2 so you have more SMG squads to do actual work
after that go for whatever. AT is good and trucks are very useful
>I realize you're only playing against mostly AI but do they get smarter?
Your first three matches are against AI teams. If you mean squads, then they don't really get "smarter", they just get better armed. Each match is (generally) 10v10 humans with their AI followers.

>Getting over 100 kills in my first few matches surely wont be a standard thing?
If you gear up properly and actually pay attention, yeah, it will be.

Just play the game and try to get Engineers unlocked as soon as possible so you can build rally points.

This is decent advice. You REALLY want AT (Panzerfausts) by the time you reach BR III matches, and APCs/trucks are game winners.
>what do avoid grinding or go after first.
avoid snipers if you can but lots of items are linked so to use a garand you will have to unlock a ross rifle etc.
>I realize you're only playing against mostly AI but do they get smarter?
Nope sometimes they can act aimbotty
>Getting over 100 kills in my first few matches surely wont be a standard thing?
It will be if you have half a brain (half the playerbase doesn't). Build Rally points with engineers!!!!!!
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>got a second Japanese triangle decal
>put them toether to create star of David
how much seethe will I create
russian one would be better get three and you'd be able to have a VDV but very pointy
>newfags can't triforce
Putting winter skis on Jap tanks is comedy gold.
i got this in a box too... fucking keofoxs revenge from beyond the grave
i-i only have 2 stickers for now ..
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>dailys done
>20k earned
time to move on with my life for 24hrs
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Time to think about what to buy...
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how the fuck is this a reward?
It's an Engraved Webley. I always forget where mine is. Definitely a bottom-tier reward. Better than the Engraved S&W but still bad.
Why hoard so many vehicle/weapon gold orders? You get like 1 or 2 each battlepass and they stay for ages plus events and you can ignore the bad items
Because I genuinely don't know what to buy. I have enough of everything that I don't need much else. Gold vehicle orders are effectively useless, too. Tell me a gold order weapon, and if I don't have it, I will buy it.
I mean do you buy a full set of a weapon you like? I bought the PPS like thing since I like PPS
I never buy full sets of guns because I don't find them THAT interesting. I like having mixed squads with mixed weapons for variety.
get a hotchkiss and pavesi SVT
Thats fair
I have both.
get the lanchester model 1, rpk, and scotti mod x
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I will get the Scotti as I already have the other two.
(it's actually a really fun BR2 gun with a really good reload when fully empty)
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It just fills me with FOMO for not having gotten the Pavesi. Both guns are just better Armaguerras, but the Pavesi M42 has chunky damage.
I got the pavesi day 1 because I love my spaghettios
even bought the 1918/30, scotti, 2 bredas, and the pavesi SVT
>get StG-45 because it should have a lower BR
>don't get Pavesis because it's BR3
>StG doesn't get downtiered
>Pavesi does
Metapigbros... not like this...
why the fuck am I getting 200+ ping games on the US server semi regularly now

no matter how hard I play I cant overcome the fucking lag in otherwise winnable firefights, the fucking delay on switching squad members is the most frustrating thing ive ever dealt with in this fucking game
The servers are sharting for some reason. That being said, I am an Ausfag and I play with 200 every match and still top the scoreboard most of the time, so have a little sympathy.
im guessing its because we run on the warthunder backup servers and there has been lots of fresh blood recently
>200 every match
yeah I dont know how you guys do it
it basically forces me to play less aggressively and makes mobility builds kind of pointless (my entire army). I can fuck around in a plane or just quit but I dont like forfeiting winnable games or losing the queue all silver bonus
>yeah I dont know how you guys do it
I got used to it. The lag comp is pretty good in Ensharted.
What kind of psycho actually takes aim speed?
idk man the near half second delay on bullets connecting with what you are shooting at is brutal
>winning but in like 5th or 6th place
>spawn plane
>get a 16 person bombing run on the objective
>game ends 10s later
>first place, battle hero
Too easy
>Second place
>Enemy calls in a bombing run
>Hop in plane
>First place by a mile after shooting 5 AI bombers down
I don't even use tanks anymore, but I always keep a plane handy for point farming.
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Hell yeah brother
Fuck planesissies come down here and tank brawl like a man
the 45mm yak is easily the best gun CAS in the game now
That's not saying much because all gunCAS sucks ass BESIDES the Yak. Its closest competition is, what, the Bf 110 G-2?
I thought it was APHE, does it work on infantry too?
Wouldn't HE imply effectiveness against infantry?
APHE isn't really effective against infantry because the bursting charge is tiny.
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the 37mm lagg is excellent but it doesnt get APHE. runner up would be the henschel but it flies like shit so
it is but has a decent blast radius. being able to delete every enemy vehicle on the map is extremely rewarding. the best for infantry strafing is the german 30mm and there isn't really any competition
it works better than the shot on most of the other gun CAS planes
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>year of enlisted +4
>still no gun stuka
The other CAS planes use AP shells, or AP-I.
is that not commonly referred to as shot
Not really, "shot" is a pretty old fashioned term. People will say "solid shot" I guess.
If I'm reading the resource correctly, they seem to mostly have mixed belts?
In any case, I was mostly thinking about the planes that have MG 108 cannons, they can really tear up clustered infantry. It's just a rarity because most people are saving the limited ammunition for aircraft.
I am pretty sure people shorthand solid shot as just shot all the time, as opposed to APHE or APFSDS, etc
I almost exclusively use the 30mm bf109s for ground attack, I think people try strafing with other guns and figure its just not worth it in general not realizing how effective the german 30mm is
Alternate universe where the Aleutian Islands campaign turned into a full scale invasion. Honestly the Jap tech tree in general is from some bizarro universe with how much fantasy shit is in it.
I could have sworn it was one of the Stuka variants in the tech tree.
>8 shots per gun
1800s rifle BP WHEN?
>Order squad to hold capture point
>They run around through the front of the building on the opposite side for some reason where the enemy is coming from
>Inevitably they all get slaughtered from their big brained maneuver and give the front of the building a nice fresh coat of red paint
Fucking morons. I wish friendly fire was on so I could put these idiot bots out myself.
>For some inexplicable reason I frequently catch a random squad member charge straight towards the enemy despite what orders I give them
>Order them to stay behind a wall
>They interpret that to stand away from the cover of the wall out past the corner of the building open to enemy LOS
New officer class with an execution ability is needed for these insubordinate assholes.
dont care, its too iconic. make it an oink squad and ill squeal
Nah we need a melee weapon BP. Give the US the Bong Pikes Hobart was planning for the home guard.
bots reroute if a doorway is blocked which makes wire and sandbags actually really useful
For real. There's a Colt Walker in the files so we need a Springfield Trapdoor too. And a Krag-Jorgenson, and a Lee-Navy.
broadsword when
feed para planes to fighters when?
Sturmtiger when?
I can't save /enlg/...
only if the crew has to get out to reload like IRL
Why is the BR III resistance squad matched at V?

Anyway the Meunier seems pretty good
The salmon meuniere?
That's pretty. The Webley is about as good as the New Service revolver, so you can take it into battle.
Just a replay bug bro))
Totally legit player is the hangul subhuman
>stonewall the enemy so hard the timer runs out at 104 tickets
I mean goddamn they tried but jeez

the power of 3 rallies and 2 trucks I guess, a shame I'm not very good at defense
they'll never suspect me
You underestimate my schizophrenic paranoia. I have shot already destroyed trucks just to be sure.
So the Gaz AAA is the best tech tree APC right since it camo camoflage into so many maps. Then I'd say studebaker since it looks very similar to the Deuce and a half transport truck. Then the Izusu and finally the sd.kfz 7.
each TT APC has its ups and downs
GAZ is nimble, can blend in well, and relatively small, plus is has decent breaks
problem is is that it's incredibly light and prone to flipping
studebaker is a beast, but has abysmal brakes
type 94 is almost identical to the GAZ but heavier

the sd.kfz is slow, bulky, thick, and long
however, it's got almost neutral steering meaning it can turn almost in place, it's long so it can fjord trenches, and it looks cool to boot
The half-tracks, the Bren carrier, and a StuG being premium/event vehicles is so stupid I can't believe it. It's like restricting the M1 Garand to a premium squad, almost.
Still not as bad as no Me 262
Well, with the boxes people at least get a chance to acquire them now
The rocket strike is so weak I had to call in 2 of them to destroy 1 stationary Studebaker
It’s for tanks, regular arty or a much better against APCs
APCs are kinda broken atm
t. needed to hit a GAZ 7 times with a panzerfaust
I thought it was just me. I hit an Isuzu 5 times with a bazooka and was like 'why is it not blowing up'

That truck is tankier than the Jap tanks apparently kek
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Can this 20mm pen BR 1-3 tanks?
i feel like the problem with the trucks is that theres nothing to blow up
there's no crew to force a death, there's no ammo to cook off. the reason why explosive packs and TNT charges work is because they basically just do Damage and it's enough to kill the thing but AT weapons rely on penetration and hitting vital bits to blow up vehicles
>Have 200% booster
>Get put into a match against a 4 man premade of forumfags
Nah. I get that they do this on purpose but I am just not gonna participate. I'll lose the 200% rather than deal with these faggots.
20mms are kinda shit for penning tanks
yeah i've had the same experience, apcs are way to tanky with the amount of damage they can shrug off, i've hit them in the motor with HEAT and they still keep going
German 20mm guns get APHE shells in their belts that can pen 18mm of armour at point blank. With a perfect angle they can, in fact, kill very light enemy tanks.
>the explosive radius of HEAT rounds is so artificially nerfed to prevent AT spam that they can't blow up thinskinned trucks from splash damage
sad, really
it'd probably shred stuarts and stuart-based things as well as M13s, as well as trucks(theoretically) but I feel like it'd have some troubles with anything beyond the T-26 or BT tanks
Killing the crew should just count as a vehicle kill
T-34s have 15mm of roof armour max, so if you get super lucky and take a huge risk with a perfect angle, you CAN penetrate them with your IT and APHE rounds. The T-60 has more roof armour than the T-34, actually. You can also light T-28s on fire in theory.
why is the lanchester model 1 BR3 but the lanchester is BR2?
The Lanchester Model 1 fires at 920 RPM. It's total garbage but it has very high DPS for its BR.
The Lanchester Model 1 is genuinely pretty terrible. It's like an old, pre-buff Sten that fires 50% faster. The recoil jitters horizontally and diagonally with high frequency, it burns through mags extremely fast, and it's pretty inaccurate. All it has going for it is a high DPS and a VERY fast ADS time (second fastest in class, only beaten by the German PPSh Obrez). If you really must use an SMG that has high horizontal recoil in return for high DPS, the M1928A1 Thompson is better for that, since it fires 100RPM slower but deals significantly more damage and has lower recoil.

SMGs with high horizontal were also massively depreciated by Ass IVs being able to stack vertical reduction with reload speed.
I love running over cacti in tunisia
it goes splorch
I want to play Tunisia, but Darkflow won't let me
you will play 10 more mountain pass matches in a row for this post.
>tfw never get mountain pass
I just wanna hang out in the snow man
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>finally got a squad
>its this
It's a fun squad, the PPK-42 is good. Go 30/20 recoil split on them and it's a laser beam.
he's amoebapilled
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only took 1850 games
Berlin Conquest?
Stalingrad conquest
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what am I in for?
Men that do not look French
an incredibly good BR3 autoloader
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ungrateful pidor
Chuds have entered the thread
you weren't kidding, fucking easy mode with that rifle
Russians are gay and boring (low tier fully auto smg spam and high tier fully auto assault rifle spam) maybe when they add a vs jap campgain it'll be better
I look exactly like that
BR 6 when? (So I can use my BR4 presets)
LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO all I need is the suppressed sten/mp40 squads, the AT rifle squads, and... I dunno, a couple MP41(r)s I guess
this auto spam criticism applies just as well to axis though
damn it feels nice to be the guy that has 2000 more points than anyone else
>only 2000 more
Started playing BR5 (krauts) for the first time. Here are my observations:
>KT makes for a ridiculous power trip
>Your squadmates are even more prone to dieing
>Accurate and fast aiming is more important
>Players are generally better at gunplay but not necessarily better at the game
>Berlin a shit
>The FG-42 is very fun to use and comparable with the BR5 assault weapons
>Riflemen squads become insanely strong
>Machine gunner squads become relatively less strong
>Games are more likely to be one sided. In one game I made half the enemy team quit by shelling the enemy spawn at the start of the game with the KT
>Widest variation in player strength. Sometimes you face highly skilled well equipped enemies, sometimes you face lowly skilled poorly equipped enemies.
>assault weapons
You mean like mortars and grenade launchers?
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I have a suspicion this bug is DX12 related because its implementation has already had other texture bugs
What the fuck the only thing I've gotten from chests are two katanas.

Is the game trying to tell me to embrace the way of the samurai?
oof, that sucks.
the evaporation of good players at top tier when events end is crazy. overnight its suddenly 80% people who belong at BR1
at least you got something cool I just get gay ass emblems
>Put three bullets into a guy's chest at about 10 meters with a Thompson I picked up
>He doesn't die
VIT Flamethrower/Para?
Not a flametrooper or para. Even then, two shots from a Thompson to the chest SHOULD down them, since guns you pick up come fully upgraded by default to my knowledge.
They don't. They are as good as the scrub who dropped it made it out to be.
I don't think that's true, honestly. They feel consistent with the fully upgraded ones I have whenever I pick a gun up. They never sound slower and never have higher recoil or anything.
Assault rifles like the STG
But those aren't assault weapons. The US army defined assault weapons back in the 20s as those used to attack a fortified position, such as mortars and recoilless rifles.
I'm gonna assault your ass if you kee quoting us manuals.
>Enlisted down
Gajin has fallen
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I'm pretty fucking autistic but no so autistic as to want to argue with you on this
actual criticism - a lot of stuff packed in there. i think the amount of bolt actions could probably be reduced or at least foldered.
there's a lot of SMGs already so i don't think they need any foreign guns in tiers 1-3.
theres a lot of MGs as well so they probably don't need foreign guns there either. there's also a repeat of the hotchkiss m1922 (unless it's a different type?)
some of those tier 1 and 2 tanks are gunna suck ass and shouldn't even be in there. im pretty sure the FCM36 is 1.0 in war thunder
they could probably lose the later shermans and just move the ARL's down. the tanks they'll face aren't gunna care about their armor
the problem with filling out the french tree so much is that it's a fairly minor nation so putting a ton of random shit in just bloats it to try and match the other nations, although this is preferable to japan getting things that never existed so they have a chance at all
nah, I get it sometimes in dx11 but it only pops in and goes to normal in a second for me
my thoughts are as follows
>no mas 1940
>ARL-44 never produced during ww2
>no BR5 infantry rifle
>no b1 ter
>exactly one jumbo in french service
wheres the new fucking event
game's dead dude
let it go
it's over
I just started like 3 weeks ago though
half of it stolen whats the point
idk the texture shitting itself and using a low res placeholder in the menu happened almost every time the game launched with DX12 initially
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seriously how are you going to have a ww2 france tech tree with no mas40
they really need to re-add the twilight map for berlin and expand dawn + dusk to other maps. night maps with flares would also be kino
>mostly controller icons on my team
every time, no exceptions
>perform better with an all premium/event lineup. wtf???
Tech-tree should stop at T3 and only have 39-40 weapons.
>gnome et rhone
But I like BR5.
fuck off namefag
Can't see shit when I get indoors in some Berlin rooms
Love it when shitters spend the entire game barking out orders like they're erwin rommell when in reality they're 7th in the leaderboard with 20 kills and 8 squad deaths after 20 minutes
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the campaign merge ruined this game.. tech tree whatever but the thematic queues and BR bullshit ruined this game
yeah they removed it because esports fags were whining about not being able to see perfectly. just make a separate gamma slider and tell those "people" to deal with it. there was more than enough ambient light its not like it was pitch darkness and soldier models glow anyway

night fighting was very common in ww2 and attacking at twilight was literally japanese doctrine.
How did it work differently before? I only started recently and I've played a lot of War Thunder so the way the tech tree works now makes a lot of sense to me and works out well I think.
The game used to be based on Theatres so each faction would have a linear progression to unlock shit. This meant you had to grind German guns 5 fucking times for example.
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>The game used to be based
They should do a loot box with the old legacy squads
There's no reason tank commanders shouldn't automatically pull up their weapon when looking out the hatch of a tank with no roof-mounted MG.
NTA but to me, the campaigns were better because you could actually choose what part of WW2 to play and the equipment was more or less balanced around that specific period. Don't get me wrong, I think the game is still better after the merge.
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night maps are an inevitable gimmick of an update and will let them add the much sought after vampir scopes et al. flare pistols and spotlights on tanks would also make interesting gameplay additions in this context, and they already have the means to do both in engine.
I agree with you
the loss of campaigns is bittersweet
on one hand, the fun of fucking about in tunisa with tunisia-accurate weapons is gone
on the other hand, there are players on both sides now
I really wish there was a better way to distinguish UK/Italian gear in their respective trees. And soldiers of all types should be available from both sides so you can keep your squads "pure"
Vetterli-Vitali M1870/87/15
>tfw your gun grenades itself and kills you
campaigns were good in theory, but very bad in practice
you had campaigns that were super one sided. it would switch when one side got a better progression item than the other
they couldn't (or wouldn't) add new items into the progression, only at the end and the RP costs quickly ramped up to the maximum of 180k rp each. if they added trucks, not only would you have to research each one multiple times, it'd cost 180k and you'd have to comb through dozens of researches to get to it first
worst, especially as the game would go into full release, is that new players will be forced to fight against people who have maxed out the tree

i do miss them, though. i liked being able to actually choose which map set i played on instead of having to get some of these shit ass maps
I still think they could add a more granular map filter beyond the highest BR in your lineup, but I'm not sure how they could do it without fucking up the matchmaking. You can't really do it based on specific weapons or squads because then you'd have the poor bastards trying to run a somewhat accurate squad lineup get hosed by BR5 tryhards with ARs. Giving you the option to only queue for a specific campaign set could work, but then you'd run into weird issues with the wider matchmaking.
i think the problem is there's really no solution in such a small game. i don't think theres the players necessary to really allow for more options. maybe there are, but i kind of doubt it.

a way i imagine they could do is preferred campaign and maybe actually giving campaigns BR ranges. aside from BR1 having more specific map sets, you pretty much get put into every campaign at every other BR.
by giving them more narrow BR ranges, you can actually gear for groups of mapsets at the very least. like BR2-3 being tunisia. so i can play my cool desert maps.
>so i can play my cool desert maps.
I feel your pain Tunisia bro, God I wish I grinded it more before the merge. I even bought the Strafbattalion premium with the EMP-36, they look fine on other maps but they look at home in the desert.
Panther II
Whenever I see some guy with an insane K/D, they always have the most faggotacious playstyle where they just hide their bots in a building and sit in another building firing from the window to farm kills, even as their team loses.
I just spawnkill the enemy team until my team caps point
I just blitz head first into the enemy or flank their advance with gorillas
>He uses gorillas
Shitter alert
nothing wrong with that
also i am trans
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>apc squad can now dress for tunisia
about fucking time darkflow. now fix it so you can drive your own apc if you spawn back in it you 4th world codeniggers
It would be strange if you weren't in this community
eva is that you?
Finally got my first sword from the mystery box. And one more event vehicle.
this is enlisted in 2027
this is great. all you br6 faggots can fuck off to this mod and reduce the gay factor of enlisted by 99.99%
>mod for the gayest war in history
I think most of the people that advocate for BR6 mean to fill it with mostly existing gear aside from some early jets and late war tanks.
>Quarry offense
>drive my KV-1 up to a vantage point and angle my armor
>clear the objective building out with HE, singlehandedly lock 2/3 of the Germans's approaches down with HE, kill a half dozen Panzers and ~60 soldiers and survive 2 kamikaze bombings
>we run out of tickets and lose because none of the other ~8 players on my team order their squads onto the point
This is what it means to play team-based video games
At least you ran out of tickets. Running out of time is even worse.
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How many crates have you opened? How many do you open per day if you do?
I try to get 10 a day
Looks like a 10.5 cm leFH 18M Howitzer in the pic for the update so possibly buildable howitzers?
Probably increase the odds of br3 getting uptiered
haven't played in a month or so
how's the cheating situation?
>BR1 molestation line up is go
>Japan can't make 4 line ups even with premiums and events
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Sealclubber bros...
BattlEye implemented and it's been effective
Shouldn't it be a bit easier to seal club now? Your BR2 is almost always going to be BR1-2 because BR1 players will never ever be stuck in BR3, so they'll need BR2 players to keep full matches, whereas BR3 is still being uptiered all the way to fucking BR5, so they have no shortage of players that they'd need the BR2 players. I guess it depends how the matchmaker plays out.
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ty anon i am now reinstalling
A couple, maybe 15 or so. Best I gotten out of them was a Hero soldier, and a few pistols. Other than that just paltry silver, and Weapon/vehicle/name change orders
haven't played much since the merge, so i don't remember: is there "efficient research" like with war thunder where you have to be playing within 1 tier of whatever you're trying to research or no?
Everything I learn about war thunder majes it sound even shittier
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