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Throne and Liberty is a PC and console MMORPG offering a mix of tab target and action combat with a shared emphasis on both PvP and PvE. The game features a seamless open world, adaptive weather systems, and a shapeshifting mechanic that lets players transform into sani for exploration and combat strategy. The game uses a free-to-play model with various microtransactions; cosmetics, convenience items, battle passes, and more. The Western publisher, AWS, claims to be aiming to avoid pay-to-win mechanics while enhancing player customization, choice, and experience.



NA East, Lottie; <vidya>
password 69420
EU, Kazar; <Pettanko>
password 555444

Previous: >>498426574
finally an on-topic OP
based thread
>Got a really nice upgrade
>but can extract the trait for 1000 lucent
>sold it instead
I will never upgrade my character...
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There really are no EU players, huh?
>get 800 lucent now
>buy the trait when prices go down
that's the plan, everything are sinking in price like crazy now
>get hit chance 20 warblade from Butcher's Canyon
>740 average price
>list for average price
>actually sells
>now have premium pass
did i actually win?
Was EU trying to get a guild together just a big larp? This thread is silent during EU hours.
the idiots could never decide properly where to migrate. this is their last day of free transfer
Yes and some whale paid for your pass
yeah people are mentally retarded and will drop the prices by hundreds of lucent just to make theirs sell but theyre too dumb to realize that the price will never ever ever be that again because other retards will undercut other other retards who post it for that price then you add in the bots farming 24/7 the moment maintences stop = 10-250 lucent every single item within a month or two

gl make your free lucent now boys and hold it
Im 3k GS, is that hard to achieve? I only bought the bp and people call me a whale
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So I just started playing this game and the whole 2 weapon system seems weird. Maybe I'm not high enough level for it to start getting interesting, but is the whole point to just swap to your other weapon and spam through those skills while you wait for cooldowns on the previous one? Also if you pick 1 melee and 1 ranged weapon, are you really expected to be darting back and forth to utilize them? Should I always pick 2 melee or 2 ranged?
Your abilities are used regardless of what weapon you currently have equipped, changing them just switches your mastery perks being active. Read your tooltips and use critical thinking for how your different abilities can be used together and in different situations.
>regardless of what weapon you currently have equipped
I meant active/switched to, you still have to have a greatsword equipped if you want to use greatsword skills.
you dont need to manually swap. the game will do it for you when you cast an ability. you only change weapon for autoattacking; sword main would be melee and swinging, while bow would be ranged and shooting arrows. bow and wand are the healer weaps, and they are generally combined with staff fornfps or bow/wand for full healer; greatswors and sword-n-shield are the tank; the rest are dps. you can combine any two weapon roles you want, but there are some that make more sense or are meta because they have better synergy.
How many members does Pettanko have?
caught my Amitois having an orgy in the storage room of my Amitoi house
So do I ever even need to hit the weapon swap bind? Every ability seems to start up your auto attack regardless.
or just ignore meta and go double any weapon. double the passives and can use more skills of that weapon. probably worse than combining but i like to think double staff or double crossbow could be fun for example.
Arena feels uniquely bad for some reason, which doesn't make too much sense since Open World PvP feels pretty fun
Could you have atleast posted a good character while doing this?
Downloading this game because the gameplay looks good. How P2W is it? I assume its pretty heavy on it because its a Korean MMO but I've heard it's not that bad. What do you guys think?
I migrated to gacha. I'm not sure whether i jumped out of a frying pan into a fire yet but the characters and stories are more entertaining and the grind is limited by daily resources.
I would try HiT2 or HiT The World though, sadly they won't be coming to the west and if they do they'll be butchered by Amazon.
same as wow
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Surely this doesn't mean you can lose up to 50% of a sale randomly based on who the buyer is, right?
best part of early access only was no retards undercutting, and if they did undercut it was by 1 and not by 100 like these dumb freeniggers
Basically no. Unless your target is out of melee range and your other weapon is ranged, which is something the tutorial shows you but which rarely ever actually happens for any meaningful amount of time that would make manually swapping worth it.
I frequently swap to my wand manually as a tank when I'm grouping shit up in the open world since my wand has a longer range than the normal aggro range for mobs, then I swap back to SnS when everything is in melee range to start killing, but that's it.
Generally you just keep whatever weapon has the highest damage, the highest mastery level, or the better mastery passives as your active and just never manually switch.
So after scouting most servers turns out Benny is actually the best EU server afterall.
C'est de la propagande de grenouille, n'y crois pas
God I am feeling so violent and unhinged today bros.
same but thats cause i woke up having to bash a rat's head in with a wooden block
I'm neurotic self hating sperg.
where do people get purple lithographs
>self hating
Low level shit. I've watched people die after car wrecks. Fuck other people, it's their fault for existing. Stop hating yourself. HATE EVERYONE ELSE.
>game is supposedly pay2win
>can't even buy sollant
>permanently bottlenecked by sollant
I hate myself because I put myself in a situation that I am currently clawing myself out of now. Only when I am satisfied with my progress will I be self loving.
You can buy sollant with lucent, you just haven't figured it out.
Craft your sollant food and grind crypts
all these weekly rewards are dooooooooooogshit
We're working unlike you burgers. We play a bit later/
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>language not supported
30 unlock trait stones is a good reward if the rest is bad.
ching chong bing bong sumting went wong
Goddamn, temple of slaughter is pure suffering with pugs.
I quit at lvl 30 bwo
>tank keeps eating 3 fireballs despite the fact he obviously can't soak it and the healer can't heal him up fast enough
>tried this 5 times in a row
It's cheaper than guild wars 2 for a full experience and less p2w than world of warcraft
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what went wrong?
feasting on the bones of other's failures does not make for success
Show me a single Online game that hasn't lost player after 1 week of the release.
bro it's an mmo we'll be lucky if 5% sticks around
looks good to me, if we maintain 100k avg by the end of 2024 that's a win
Can someone explain why when I do a world boss, the instant people start attacking the boss my character becomes unresponsive? Usually I can still see everyone else using skills/moving, though sometimes they all freeze as well. Has anyone else had this issue?

It's not FPS lag. It's like there's not enough bandwidth. How do I fix this?
May I have a kiss?
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>what went wrong?
everyone logged back into xiv to farm moogle tomestones and play rival wings kino
TL is a middling MMO that does nothing but large scale pvp right and people are realizing it doesn't replace their main games
Throne and Liberty?
>everyone logged back into xiv
they can stay there
nice try but XIV is the worst it's ever been
this isn't early heavensward
EVERY eu server is filled with russians and turks, this game is cooked fr
this isn't shadowbringers
XIV has taken the bad path and will be in permanent quality decline. Not that it ever was good. Just Square masking a single-player game (the worst FF of them all) behind an elaborate chat room. Everyone knows it's a gooning and grooming mill and little else.
Can I transfer gear multiple times?

>transfer a fodder, fully traited blue for blessing
>transfer another piece +9 for the upgrade bonus
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I'm at level 20 but nothing is grabbing me yet.
No art style
No compelling lore (but TONS of yapping and cutscenes)
No interesting changes to the tab target system

And all of the "unique" features are total nothingburgers. Oh wow, rain. Shape-shifting is functionally identical to sprinting- except the bird shift, which is somehow the shittiest gliding implementation I've seen in a decade (slower then sprinting?)
What a fucking dogshit system holy shit. You literally can't upgrade to epics unless you planned ahead from the very start and only do it for your bis pieces.
you can upgrade to epics as soon as you have your most important trait stocked

if you're switching to a purple accessory the only thing that truly matters is skill damage boost or skill damage resist so you transfer your blue, throw 2 more blues in to level the trait to 3 and then slap it on and it will generally be an upgrade because of the base stats
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I'm having fun so I don't know!
>enter temple of slaughter
>in progress, not last boss
>huh ok, maybe someone just randomly left?
>they are on the wizard that summons dogs
Yeah but let's say you upgraded to the first good epic you found without doing a full trait transfer and then get another that's your bis. So now not only you need a fodder blue to trait but you also need to +9 it and then +9 the epic after the transfer since your current +9 epic is now basically worthless and you've wasted a trillion stones.
It's a retarded system that noob traps players because of how unintuitive it is.
Basilisk bros we need to band together...
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Talk to me like I'm retarded since I probably am
Dinged 50 yesterday and so far I've just been looking at main stats and upgrading to higher rarity so I have no clue about how to actually gear and don't want to brick my upcoming epics. Do I extract the trait or am I supposed to level the item first and then extract?
>make bad choices
>they come to bite you in the ass
you don't say
I don't see the problem. It's designed to fuck over retards who dump all of their resources into the first purple item they see. The retard will then either get frustrated at how they've bricked themselves, or they'll start swiping to try and climb their way out of the hole. If they leave -1 retard means the community wins, if they swipe the devs win. It's win win baby, the only one losing is the retard and they deserve it for being a retard.
>get an upgrade
>noooo you can't just use it!
>you're supposed to read these guides on gearing before you start playing or you'll brick yourself
This is the only MMO that's like this.
if you're selling the trait all you do is extract it, you don't level it or you can't extract
>purple = upgrade
maybe if you don't know what stats are but then that's on you.
>get a gorillion growthstones while leveling
>but get close to nothing once you're 50
Yeah, upgrade
>get a purple weapon
>woah it has way more damage than your blue
>your blue isn't fully traited because you're fresh 50 and haven't made any lucent yet
>decide to transfer because hey it's a damage upgrade
>haha bricked you were supposed to farm for weeks or swipe to trait your blue first
>haha even if you did do that, you likely transfered onto the noob epic and not your bis so you bricked yourself anyway
>>get a purple weapon
>>woah it has way more damage than your blue
this is objectively false
>finish the storyline
>get a cool purple armor
>but you can't use it because you'll brick yourself
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you can use it, i've been using my purple armor because it's better for my build than any blues i've gotten
it's just more expensive for me to trait
>get lucky and get your bis weapon
>but it has a shit trait
>don't transfer or you'll brick yourself
>you can try rerolling the trait but good luck with your 3 or so allowed rolls before you run out of stones lmao
or use your trait unlockstones

there's like a 60% chance to roll a good trait on a weapon
Why do troons keep posting this misleading picture? The purple bow has longer range and faster attack speed while also having amazing innate bonuses.
b-but look at the green 1 and 3 triangles!
The purple does in fact deal higher damage with its 9 dexterity bonus, cooldown reduction and faster attack speed.
Find me ONE case where the purple is straight up inferior.
>log in on a wednesday
>picked the subjectively wrong weekly reward
>my character is now permanently bricked and I have to kill myself IRL
Such is life in Throw and Lolberty.
you're that retarded hunter that rolls on everything aren't you
>proven wrong
>keeps seething
are open world minibosses even worth it I haven't gotten anything from those
They're for your codex completion and pity tokens. Don't expect any loot.
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Bro look at the green triangles bro I swear it's an upgrade bro ignore the bog sword on the AH bro it's not worth it bro just PUMP your weapon into this bro it's not a brick I swear bro.
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Okay, this blue OBJECTIVELY does more damage than the purple

gonna move goalposts nigger?
>higher damage
>faster attack speed
>better bonuses
>not an upgrade
>higher damage
>faster attack speed
>more mitigation oriented stats
>apples and oranges
So you agree with my original argument that purples aren't upgrades inherently

good job you retarded nigger. This is why you work the fields.
Every single purple you posted so far is an objective upgrade and you've only posted tank weapons.
Now try with an actual dps weapon.
Wait, a bow is a tank weapon?
shit I learn something every day
This is what happens when you push the brick meme too far and someone actually falls for it.
anons brain is bricked.
The bow is better in all departments and even if you only fixate on max damage then the 9 dex more than makes up for it.
Why are you being a disingenuous nigger?
sorry you bricked yourself so hard man
better luck next kmmo
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I think it's so really over now bros
my favorite youtube said traited blues are always better + i'm a faggot + i'm from SEA
This is how I got into a 2700 gs group where nobody does any fucking damage.
no you got into a 2700 gs group where nobody does any fucking damage cause they're all wearing dogshit traits cause they bricked themselves by going purple
No, they bricked themselves by fully traiting fodder blues with cheap traits like the guides told them to.
I'm mostly blue and pull threat in 5 dps groups that kill bosses before their mechanics even go off

sorry tardo.
nobody answered you the dumb question yet because you answered yourself. yes. jfc
>none of the weekly rewards have any use because using an epic just bricks you
>getting a dupe for a possible trait unlock also bricks you cause it isn't your bis
Such is life in Throne and Brick.
is it correct to go endurance over evasion if you're f2p because swipers will make your evasion useless?
if you don't have 1000+ evasion it's completely worthless

but you can still get there as f2p it's not that hard
I prefer endurance just because it isn't a binary stat like evasion. You also can't evade while stunned which is 90% of your PvP playtime.
Does evasion work when attacked from behind? Does block?
I just went wand and staff since I'll likely just do pve as f2p then uninstall like I did new world. Im on the fence with the combat as its worse than aion tera etc for a korean gacha grinder. Lost ark felt way better. Anyways giving it a chance.
boonstone fights are kino
dominion events are kino
smallscale group skirmishes in open dungeons are kino

blobslop conflict bosses are not kino
3v3 arena is not kino

thanks for coming to my TED talk
Sadly small scale fights are a rarity.
just don't use any purple gear with "resistance" in name, that way you will never brick urself
Those are still better than some boss loot.
Post your weekly rewards, anon
>Went for the Trait unlock stones, personally...
>purple weapon of resistance but I can't use it because it will brick me
>purple belt that looks nice but I can't use it because I need a fully traited blue first but the cheapest belt traits on my server are 100 lucent
i got some dex belt that i turned into litho and sold for 700 lucent, could be worse
im a solo player with no guild. the only pvp i get to experience is unkowningly walking into a conflict area and exploding while being CC'ed for 3 seconds. i unfortunately started playing the game because i heard it was large pvp focused.
Evasion will always be better, but if you can't max out your evasion it's useless and you should just go Endurance instead
Basically if you can only slowly upgrade your traits, Endurance will be better because each extra 40 points or whatever of endurance you get will be useful no matter what unlike getting an extra 40 points of evasion.
What dead servers are you playing on if your blues are this expensive?
How does evasion help you when you're stunned?
must be some brazilians playing on SA
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>log in
>behind the curve
damn, I ain't doing anything right
No, I'm an europoor.
got a dupe amitoi from a dungie, (before rolling the wep I need) is there any future use for this or do I just trash it
bro you are bricked bricked
Sell it for gold, bro.
wouldnt it be funny if we could +9 amitois...
oh right, I can just sell it. +100,000 in the bank
That's so korean that I'm surprised it's not in already
wasn't trying to be. guild imploded yesterday and i was already wavering
Everyone realized this game plays like it's from 2014 and there's nothing unique about it, and started leaving en-masse
At least half of those numbers are now bots. You literally can't go anywhere without encountering a a party of bots in the game now.
I assume it'll be under 40k people by year's end, with 30k of them being bots.
>plays like it's from 2014
dominion events will be your best bet for pvp if you don't join a guild for whatever reason

even smallscale guilds can fight over less popular boonstones though
what was the drama beind it, loot distribution?
got unlockstones burnt them to get my 50 perception gear online
what do I do after hitting lvl50?
>Everyone realized this game plays like it's from 2014
so people should be flocking to it
>armor sets are pretty good looking
>min/maxing forces to use a bunch of random pieces together
man, I hate this shit.
>weekly pvp quests
these have shit rewards, nobody bothers with it
How long until all the mouthbreathers get tired of being bad and you can actually do shit with pugs in this game after they leave?
post parses
Pretty soon since bots are now queueing up for dungeons. You'll just be playing with j73x8x739d in your group and they can clear the content better than pugs.
arena is dogshit
open world is who can stack the most flash waves

doghshit as game

fuck you
haha no, fuck (You)
>ingame gear looks better than anything in the cash shop for years to come
>no transmog
arena is fine outside of greatards
>got outplayed and now im mad
Bowniggers or sns/wand are much worse.
oh that's why the top is literally all sns/gs
Get gud.
the purple bow in that picture does way more DPS than the blue one even without accounting for the special trait
why are you pretending you can't understand attack speed?
>game is based around pvp
>CC lasts literally forever, can stack, and there's no diminishing returns
>a lot of weapon combinations can just 1-2 shot you while CCed
>bigger zerg with more CCs wins pvp every single time
are gooks really this fucking stupid at game design?
are there really people praising the pvp in this game?
as a bow/staff nigger nothing feels worse than just sitting there while gs chads charge up their omae wa
post arena rank
It's one illiterate retard that really thinks every blue is better than purples because he only looks at the damage stat and nothing else and compares fucking tank weapons like SNS to each other.
brother man this game was about to launch as an auto play mobile game, I don't know why anyone expected anything but awfulness
people are just starving for an mmo and this is just the flavor of the month that people will forget existed when the next poopy hack job kmmo comes out
Diminishing returns have to be implemented at some points because even mobs can chainstun you infinitely
was lazily farming zombies yesterday and they did this, but my defense and regen was high enough that I had to stand there for 2 minutes before dying
>brother man this game was about to launch as an auto play mobile game
to their credit they did a 180 quite fast and it worked out relatively OK all things considered
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no i just think you're retarded.
keep bricking yourself
Agreed, but the game does genuinely have cool stuff that harkens back to the golden age of MMOs.
The open dungeons are really cool, each has different mechanics, the mobs behave differently, there's a characteristic loop to each of them and I really enjoy them.
The guild zergs would be cool if it wasn't for bow and shield niggers, having one single guy able to fire the vortex arrow will literally win you any zerg fight and that's completely insane. Shield is just retarded in general and CCs way too much.
The morph and grappling hook gimmicks are stupid, but the whale is really really cool.
The dex alone makes up for the damage difference.
The only retard here is you, everyone has already told you you're wrong because you don't factor in attack speed or innate bonuses in any of your comparisons.
Keep spreading misinfo retard.
go on buy your resistance weapon crate retard
they have a lot to fix. enemy CC is also pretty annoying in PvE
Your main stats are distributed poorly, cucklord.
This vs albion online for pvp
>Thinking anyone honestly gives a shit when you can freely respec
>can't server change to Kazar
Why doesn't it appear on the list.
honestly, the game is pretty good. they just need to fix some stuffs
>2 greatniggers on other team
>jump into water with all of the tokens and healer just keeps me alive and they can't do anything about it

get fucked you dumb nigger cucks
He doesn't need 24 Wisdom, retard. He could hit another Dex breakpoint.
what happened to spear and axe?
it's between 750 health or 5% movespeed and the health matters a little bit more
Put them into Str then. They're wasted currently.
Too OP in New World had to be removed
sure but the point is the difference is extremely marginal
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maintenance day AIIIEEE
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>rogues/mages have been cc'ing people for 20s+ for 20 years
>this is fine

But somehow people are losing their minds over sub 10 second chains that you can literally block/dodge? Can someone explain?
>10:30pm PST
that's fine, I'm a wagie cagie and I'm usually in bed by 10pm pst, latest
the difference is rogues and mages spend entire kits to do it
here it's a 5 second cooldown and then they press 1 button that hits you for 10k
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Can I brick myself while I try this game out and leveling or will I be mostly fine?
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important loot and guild update
Stunning blow (the greatsword stun) has a 20 second cooldown talented. This is the exact same as kidney shot (which lasts twice as long) Someone who has actually played either game want to try?
Funny thing is without the stuns and burst, GS would be entirely worthless.
They already are in mass PvP.
okay do you need to spend any other resources on stunning blow?

in fact not only do you not spend your damage resource on it, it BUFFS the damage of your next attacks?
GS/dagger is fine in pvp cause it can die in exchange for being harder to peel

GS/SNS does the same damage as gs/dagger but literally can't die when geared
broken in small-scale the only pvp that matters
making a character means you're bricked
>mages spend entire kits to do it
>press polymorph
>whole kit
Other than your apperance, which is down to yourself, it's impossible to make critical fuck ups, the game thankfully lets you respec almost entirely for free
>get full healed for free
>didn't interrupt them

Its a cooldown, which is the only resource anyone has in this game. You could try blocking. Alternatively you can just build melee evasion/endurance/skill damage reduction/max health
>compare class in one game to class in another
>well actually other class has to spend their main damage resources in exchange for CC while this class doesn't
>free server transfers end
>when server transfers has been pretty much disabled for like a week
pay up goy
>play arena
>wand/SNS on other team
>retards on my team keep focusing them
>hey retards dont focus them they literally can not die
>they keep focusing them
>do 20k damage
>i've done 200k damage

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This is the last day of free transfers.
Your options:
1. Lottie, vidya
>pros: fully 4chins, active
>cons: NAkeks, anyone telling you 120-150+ ms is playable is lying
2. Kazar, Pettanko
>pros: fully 4chins
>cons: are they even alive, no transfer for now
3. Justice, OnlyFeet
>pros: active
>cons: invites normoids, bdog clique, cyka server
4. Basilisk, ???
>pros: not Kazar
>cons: probably has only one desperate EUbro playing
Choose Your Gang Wisely.
come lottie eu sissies
come lottie,
we need more ACTIVE people
we only peak at 20~ people on at any given time (generous)
and we don't recruit outside of the thread
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>well actually other class has to spend their main damage resources in exchange for CC while this class doesn't
This is just blatantly false. You're just another eternal shitter who refuses to learn or adapt. Stay wood league nigger
I already used my transfers for today. It's over.
>muh stunning blow
>muh oneshot (which is more of a 3 shot actually, provided all the hits crit)
Once a GS user blew those cooldowns he's useless for like 20 seconds straight because there's nothing else to press and they have dogshit survivability too.
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post arena rank
>See GS user
>he either pulls you from halfway the world with a chain or teleports behind you and insta stuns
>you die
fun ga,e
i'm not moving from basilisk.
>react to chain
>just block when he starts running into range
>get chained
>stunned even if you insta dodge
>literally insta teleport and your solution is to somehow be able to block against GS users 24/7 in range
GS can't pull or teleport.
If you're GS you play either GS/SnS or GS/dagger. If you're SnS you can pull with as much range as ranged weapons and daggers can insta teleport.

>uhmm acktually GS is balanced because you have a 0.1sec window to react to them. So it's fine they will insta kill anyone in one CC combo
>If you're GS you play either GS/SnS or GS/dagger.
Ok metatroon.
>join a randomized dungeon
and why in the fuck would I ever do this
Kazar upadate, we're alive. But low on numbers. Hoping the transfers come in clutch.
i'll be more active in vidya when i can transfer my main over
hopefully its not dead by that point
How much lucent do you make daily?
Claim your free server tickets today so you can transfer after maintenance
Usually 0. It's impossible to make money on my server.
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a lot
so it's bless online 4.0?
OK now compare it to the only good purple bow in the game (karnix) unless you want to keep being dishonest
I know right it always does at least 2x my entire hp pool
I really need that one trinket
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Never even heard of this game but considering how similar the UI looks, yeah I guess so.
dominion is unironically so much more fun than guild zergs
Why did Bless fail again?
Too many ps4 xbox users
That looks like guild wars 2 with less clutter
p2w or insane power creep is my guess
this is just every korean mmo + mmos in general UI
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usually about 5,000 ish
I don't sell traits and shit thats like 30 lucent cuz thats retarded and pointless some people do works for them mostly try to stick to 50+ but usually its like 3000-5000 (for now) bot are quickly ruining any price
You can tell if an AH bot is competeing with you because if you relist for a different price they will somehow immediately repost it for the same price as you hoping someone buys theirs instead I guess
>only made 20k
>I make 5k daily
Please come kazar...
>can't move servers
>can't get lucent
I think it's time to uninstall..
>usually about
>implying I do it every single day since launch
do the math buddy
>the devs themselves have said GS is too strong and they are nerfing it
>people still try and say it's ok
>5% mastery from the daily contracts
it is over
stupid nigge, you can't transfer to kazar unless you paid for the good goy access
I didn't... I started after early access... I just ended up making a character there.
Buy the free server transfer ticket and transfer after maintenance
Suuuurely they'll allow you to transfer to EA server again... haha
bowchad here I feel like the 1 ability can 1 shot me no matter what guilottine or w/e. The rest seems perfectly fine. They're totally useless besides that one skill and stunning people which they waste on their skill. I don't see the problem personally
I just checked and every single time I've died has been bow/staff staff/dagger bow/dagger
SNS/greatsword rules the game

Proof me wrong
plesae come kazar sir.. i'm not moving sir...
>proof me wrong
no thanks pablo

they don't let you transfer to it, come to basilisk before it's too late
>eubros unable to make up their minds even 2 weeks after
as usual, they need americans to tell them what to do and how to think
Kazar guild is already lvl 10 soon. Just need a few more members and we can start going guild bosses.
>needing amerimutts for anything
I laughed
>honeymoon period is starting to wear off for lots of people
>this would be the PERFECT time for a Halloween event while they are still hooked and willing to spend money
>no event next patch
are the allergic to money?
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>needing amerimutts for anything
it's AGS, they are 100% DEI and you expect anything from them?
Why are they sitting in a trash container?
what's up with capyborpa?
>lvl 11
>rank 11/12
>no guild description
>some of them are almost certainly bots namely inoyamanaka jinmuwon etc
>a few of them I reported for botting are gone now
how do you even make lucent?
don't talk about France like that
read a book sometime in between your muslim dick-sucking sessions
they're certainly retarded as fuck letting their game die to bots like all their other games so to be completely frank they probably just dont give a fuck at all. I'm guessing they pay to license it and distribute it in the west then attempt to let it die after the initial hella money phase so they are no longer responsible.
Source: every game they've ever released
>killed Crucible
>sunk millions on making a LotR MMO that never even got out of prototype phase
>outsourced New World to pajeets, completely changed the scope of the game at the last second and let it flop
>mismanaged and killed Lost Ark in the west
>would have killed Blue Protocol if Bamco didn't do it themselves first
everything AGS touches is cursed
Get laid, amerincel
i wish we hadn't given you stimmies and let you rot. you're too uppity and need correction. our jew overloads are deploying jamal to your address as we speak
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can't switch to kazar bros, ill donate and do guild quests
You sell stuff on the AH.
Bear in mind that almost everything that's Green and Blue regardless of the trait is 10 lucent now, which after tax is 7 lucent per sale.
Only some Blues and almost all Purples are above 10 lucent, with Purples being the best source and scaling far higher in terms of lucent:item, but even then you're at the mercy of two layered RNG systems;
A) the item drops
B) the item has a good trait
You need A) to make any lucent at all, but you need B) to make a good amount of lucent per sale. If you only get A) but the trait isn't good then you have to litho the item which will cut into your profit (especially if it's a weapon) as lithos are expensive to make.
Because of this activities that lead to A) happening frequently are the best source of making lucent via gameplay. Currently that means dungeons since dungeons have the highest droprates for epics which is why you only get enough currency to get loot from endgame dungeons 3 times per day.
After dungeons the next most lucrative source is open world dungeon contracts, which provide loot bags that can drop epics, but at a relatively low rate, and are soft-limited to an average of about 6 per day or something.
And then open world dungeon farming, where you stay in one area with a group and kill thousands of one or two kinds of enemies over the course of several hours, hoping that they drop a 1:10000 item and you get it so you can extract the trait if it's good. Although even this method has been diluted in terms of value with traits like Max HP on epics being reduced into the 40~80 lucent range, not even really worth extracting.
Previously crafting greens to sell was a lucrative method, but now that the price of everything has dropped to 10 lucent it isn't really worth it now unless your server is full of turbo spergs where the prices are still enticing.
Alternatively you could embrace your inner goblin and play the AH, buy low sell high, your mileage may vary.
>make new account on kazar
>full of dutch, german and non-latin words
So this was all a ruse
We literally cannot tranfer off, that's the thing.
hit chance or critical hit chance, what's more important? idk what to spend my unlockstones for
Yeah and we cannot transfer off Kazar, we just have to wait for them to unlock the servers.
i'm not transfering to the whale server full of frogs and krauts even after amazon opens gates
How the fuck 30k bots are in-game even after the purge?
>nyooo i cant make money!
>okay come to this server where you can make money pretty easily
but auction house works as a cross server you dummy
between ea and non ea
if you rolled non ea you're bricked
>doing toublek
>transforming into rat cancels your mother nature's protest toggle
Thats why I think it's on purpose. I mean certainly companies can and are THIS retarded but it seems malicious
I see. thanlks
idk but i was keeping an eye on some guilds with bots in them and they "mysteriously" have 10 less members today. Interesting!
>want to get the melee ring using dimensional shards
>traiting the absolute cheapest fodder blue ring will cost me around 1000 lucent on my server
The absolute state. I guess I'm stuck with my leveling gear forever.
> i dont want frogs
> i dont want crauts
> i dont want brits
> i dont want slavs
> i dont want italians
> i dont want this that
Go play with niggers then holy shit
>plays on european server
>doesn't want europeans
just buy the ring anyways why wouldnt you
I just devoured half of a 16 oz Haagen Daz. Am I ready for a world transfer to NA East?
no we only accept tillamook around here you fucking nazi
Cause another option is the weapon which is much easier to make a fodder for.
if you dont have your weapon yet then why are you considering a ring

prices will continue to drop
you guys HAVE been getting your dimensional tokens from dino island night time right?
you didn't brick yourself did you?
But european women love black americans and that anon is black so idgi?
i'm from oregon and this is fucking based
been to the tillamook flagship, they've a kino little tour. you get to see them making the icecweam
Cause it's bound to drop and it's twice as expensive.
what the fuck is a dimensional token
>get killed by whales
no thanks
bro your dungeon tokens?
the thing that allows you to loot the dungeon
bro i keep on blocking tens of turks every day and they just keep on spawning
>unlock the weekly board
>can't use anything from there because need a fully traited blue first
>get enough soul shards for an epic
>can't do that cause muh traits
>40 abyss currency to get an epic
>lol no cause muh traits
>loot a random high value epic
>guild boss drops an epic, get asked if you want it
>yeah but muh traits lmao
>can't trait up because there's no way to make lucent outside of lucking out AND having some whale buy your shit because even high value traits have been rotting on ah for weeks
Nice game.
bait used to be believable
i made 12k lucent on eu as a full f2p, sounds like a skill issue
That's literally my gameplay loop.
im sorry you're clueless then
>I'm sorry you're not lucky
Ok retard.
why are europeans always crying about being bad and poor
>meanwhile i am literally running out of room to store all the traits for gear i am waiting to drop
The meme exists for a reason.
>t. europoor
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not pictured my entirely filled up warehouse
Yeah bro I also get tons of 10 lucent traits.
i have 20k lucent from selling shit, i am waiting to pump all of those into leveling traits up when i get the base purple

besides, most of those are worth 30-40 lucent and the cape and accessories 200+
Literally 99% of the shit on my server sells for 10-20 lucent.
cause 99% of the shit is worthless
wait you're shitting me, you can get extra dungeon run tokens from lizard island??????? what the fuuuuuuck
Yeah which is what I get every day.
what am I supposed to buy with BP coins?
More skins then conversion stones and salt.
The highest priority is contract passes so you can do more contracts per day for more opportunities at pouch rewards which will always give you 2 dungeon contract scrolls.
After that, Extraction stones.
After that, salt/rotein.
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I love EU!
>censor boobs only to place fake boobs on the breastplate
What did Kim mean by this?
dungeon contracts are shite
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sorry bro
>tfw cant buy either of my weapons even though I made hella lucent off random drops I can't use
>full purple traited gear (not fully traited yet tho)
>blue weps
>A new matchmaking option will allow players to join a randomized dungeon from all available options and more easily fill groups. Players could previously only queue for specific dungeons.

Okay but what's the incentive for someone doing this over choosing the dungeon that drops their loot???
>he didn't buy the 1500 contract coins chest
same but 30k
I will never ever give amazon a single cent
this + bots farming open world 24/7 for days and days and days
What server should I roll on so I don't have to deal with future transfers to megaservers and other shite?
Maybe you'll finally get some tanks for chimaera.
lottie is the most populated and where vidya is
I mean i could buy why bother I'm gonna get the drops from dungeons soon ..... right.....,, ,, ,, ,
bro? your boss weapon sitting on AH? surely you aren't short on lucent right?
Sure bro, just one more run, I'm sure it will drop this time.
No but really the 1,500 Coin chest is the biggest brick of all. The Heroic weapons are either the worst or the second worst Epic in every weapon category. That's why they're the easiest Epic weapons to get.
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what did u say
>a week behind forever
perma bricked
harassed turks, then went on a rant about the jews on the global chat
I'm Jack's complete lack of surprise.
playing on basilisk? think i spotted some of the stuff you said
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it's Gocover
>play new world on launch
>decide game sucks cock an hour in
>spam call everyone a nigger in world chat for like 5 minutes
>log out uninstall and refund before they could ever ban me

i won
it just says he can't type in chat. but he can play, right? he's just muted
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>he hasn't run 200 dungeons and made a fortune before the zergs realized

mega bricked

But yeah I'm quitting this poo game if I have to play with randoms. I suppose I can link up with the other two dudes on Basilisk and we can join a redd guild and form our own inner shadow government inner circle but overall this game is full of lesser creatures on EU and I might just quit instead if we can't make a 4chan g.
post your sales history
let's see
bwo there's not enough eu players on /tnlg/ in the first place, anything below 20 makes a guild dysfunctional
let's make a kebab removal guild in turkalisk

>Kazar is a shithole
>Lottie is also a shithole
It's over
we tried to offer the eurobros a spot in the guild that controls lottie but they spit in our faces
now look where they are.
every server is a shithole filled with pajeets/slavs/turks/frogs, let's face the reality
Lil nigga I'd much rather play with you burgers in any online game. I used to be semi pro in CSGO and I played on NA servers with up to 150 ping just becsuse europoos are subhuman. Except I'm not a neet anymore and I can't play video games all day and have my schedule flipped around to play during NA hours. Playing video games until 8 AM then waking up at 5 PM was great, but that's in the past.
We're like 3 people total.
Field Bosses: During Conflict versions of bosses, dropped loot is now locked to the owner for 10 minutes after the boss is defeated. This allows players additional time to claim their loot after the conflict period ends.

time to steal loot
>plays with amerimutts
>calls other subhumans
half the time you can just log in anyways amazon is too retarded to make bans work. Try daily and one day you'll probably get in gl
>having a job
bricked. thats why i got fired the week before the game came out
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i want to be strong enough to solo the island but these mobs are obliterating me...
how hard are the 1.6k dungeons?
post pvp webm
all the korean games have fat titties while all the Scamazon games have burkas and "modern audience" shit, but sure bud it was totally kim gook dapdapgee who censored the game lmfao
they are only as hard as the dumbest fucks on your team make them
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>harassed turks, then went on a rant about the jews on the global chat
I see. I'm matchmaking as a tanker, doing dungeons for the first time always makes me weirdly anxious.
use party board, nobody queues up in MM
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All I can be fucked doing anymore. I hop into the final boss room, heal the 1 retard that can't press Q and pick up my loot. I log on once a week to do this. That's the game for me.
the smartest healslut
>Contains prohibited words or sentences.
Do u guys see a future with this game? I dont wanna overly invest then crash and burn like with New Worlds or Lost Ark
I don't think it will ever be new world dead, MAYBE slightly above lost ark

at the end of the day just play what is fun you're wasting your time playing video games anyways
just play n have fun and dont pay money ezpz
this game has too much oldschool mmo kino for me to hate it
such as?
open dungeons as a concept
night time conflict open dungeons
heavily guild focused
option to grind open world for extremely expensive drops (until bots tank them completely)
general soul like archers swinging their entire bow at you when you get into melee
weather effects mattering
top players in each category being able to influence weather once a day
brooo this game is so kino
>proceeds to sit in town for majority of his game time
also certain dungeons being closed off until certain conditions are met

i'm almost never in town though
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just hit 2600 CP, only using lucent i earned from AH, have not and will not buy lucent. fuck paypigs
It's absolute slop but will probably last at least a few more months before it becomes a ghost-town.
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The dungeons are pretty fun actually. When you don't wipe for two hours.
>brooo blah blah blah
>doesn't play
dungeons are fun but i'm spending 30 minutes a day to clear all 3 of them, i'd love some solo farming content where you can spend actual hours (wishful thinking with how the game is designed for guilds only)
this desu

anyone disagreeing is a tranny blizzfaggot and needs to leave the thread
That's fair.
>switch to kazar
>password for pettanko
it's over
5 slots in vidya rn
if eu's come over, more can be opened to accommodate
yeah bro i'm transfering to NA as we speak
Yeah bro can I bring my trait maxed epic bow and wand with me
>Play staff/dagger, can kill 2 mobs quickly but have to chug healing potions on cooldown because no heal and no campfires
Maybe becoming a better chef will help with food but it's limited
I do like the open world dungeons, I just wish most of them were bigger. Every one should be like Syleus' Abyss. Instead most of them are just one level or a level with a basement floor.
Perhaps I was spoiled by Ragnarok where most of the open world dungeons were quite large, places like Payon Cave had 5 levels, or Thanatos Tower which was 13 levels culminating in the rooftop of the tower, or Glast Heim which was 17 interlinked maps. Even Ragnarok's Ant dungeon is bigger at two floors. Before Syleus' lower floors and Lizard Island were open the Shadowed Crypt felt insanely crowded with every square meter of the dungeon occupied by multiple full groups because there was nowhere else to go.
>play gs+anything
>can oneshot mobs
>can aoe massive packs in seconds
>always full mana
>always full hp
keep missing events, there's no way to set alarms in-game for these right?
Bro check Saurodoma.
>be euro main
>make NA alt for lucent

glad im not retarded
contract reward priority?
yeah bro just play with extra lag so you can hang out with barely 10 active members bro itll be fun bro
its not so bad lil bro
we need fresh blood
pouches >>>> pages > red stones > other stones >>> material selection

I'll probably be doing that soon.
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my guild made me leave my comfy server full of weeaboo racists and autists for a server whose world chat looks like a reddit thread 24/7, quoting capeshit, going "xD", speaking in ebonics, "lil bro", "bruh", "pepega", "asmongold", the fucking works
world chat in my old server had a guy named Floydius-something talk about the jews and 9/11 and the Lavon Affair and everyone agreed it was so comfy
there are 3 guilds on this server named some variation of OnlyFans (THE JOKE IS PORNOGRAPHY ADDICTION THE JOKE IS I MASTURBATE ALONE AND HAVE NO OTHER INTERESTS)
pouches aren't worth 200 coins
yes they are
I'll be joining soon
Why does this game make xivvies seethe so much? I don't get it
Kek. I see that onlyshit everywhere now
Are the xivvies in the room with us now, anon?
you dont play
yes you are psotroon
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because of their troon expansion this year
at least pso has content lmao
do you think TnL will last a year before it's playerbase and /tnlg/ begin dooming and coping about how shit the devs and state of the game is?
>decade old game has more content
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we're not better off on that front
at least ziv has bikinis, this game literally butchered its store by removing all the skins on day 1 so Amazon's trannies could censor them properly
we're not even getting the halloween event because they have to censor the skins first
Who is the cutest EUAnon and why is it Maru
/tnlg/ won't even last a year. It'll last as long as new world general which was like, a month or two.
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TnL is also over a decade old
I'll go wherever Maru goes
the fuck is wrong with korean games companies and super long delayed/shelved products
Who the fuck is Maru?
what do I buy with guild coins?
you can buy me
material boxes
>Comfy sanctum farming
>entire towns power goes out for some reason
The great reset has begun
I mean Korean bitcoin miner
I mean ummmm
How shit is this game? Last MMO I played was launch Lost Shart
Mana and HP pots which are kewl. 3 Precious Material Chests per day. And Trait Conversion Stones (this is basically the only way to get them outside of levelling).
old mmo kino
well i quit lost ark in 20 hours and i have 200 hours in tnl so
>POV: you joined the whale guild
what server do I play on besides lottie for NA east?
Give it a go, you'll have fun for a week or two if you like gear grinding and progression, it's a very alive world at the moment, especially if you go to world bosses / whale event / open dungeons at level 50.
After 2 weeks you'll see the systems for yourself and decide if it's vibing with you long term
Don't expect any coom or fashion gameplay
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>Don't expect any fashion gameplay
hard pass then
Yeah it's honestly such a let down, there's no transmog, there's no saved outfits, there's no coom
On top of this, the way gearing works, there's no classes, so there's no restrictions on types of gear even though there are clearly cloth / leather / plate types of gear.
I'm a bow / staff using a plate armor chest piece. It doesn't feel right at all and there's nothing I can do about it. This destroys my class fantasy to me.
I'll give this a month or two. If they still cannot add any cosmetics then I'm dropping it.
I'll expand on this in case I was being misleading. There are cosmetic outfits in the cash shop. But not many and they are entire outfits, so there's so mix and matching with different pieces. It's all or nothing (except the helmet cosmetic).
However you can't transmog any armor pieces you find in the world.
I hadn't paid attention to it at all, I remember it seeming like a phone game but this is even worse than phone games lol
I bought 20 dollar pack and feel bad now, it's not worth it at all. This game needs some high value packs.
spending money in a f2p mmo is always bad
Change to my ssf build it uses shadow harvester chest still gay but better
Can you post char so I can see what it looks like
Sorry chud see >>498694160
It looks like a black leather gook jacket
i like to watch new players battle scarabs in the first combat zone, it's cute
There's no way to trait extract from already upgraded pieces right?
you bricked yoursef
what gear and trait?
>game about to reach sub 100k
This game is dying way faster than lost ark did
>somehow ended up with 2 blue headpieces with +9 upgraded
Yep, I'm the bricked
oh wow if this is a lineage game they dropped the ball big time lmao. game doesn't hold a candle to lineage or lineage 2.
lost ark was pretty good imo. the issue for me was the multiple gacha currencies p2w stuff. i'd rather just pay a monthly sub.
>sani hasn't logged on today
It's over isn't it
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sisters... im stuck on a paypig server and i will never get a chance to be with my lottiesisters...
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you still can right now. transfer is free currently
>premium pass
nice. there's some nice things there. wtf there's a star shop too. what the hell are stars
anon means an EA server. they cant transfer go release servers; amazon hasnt said when this restriction will end and merge the two groups, but by then the tickets will be 500 lucent
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Got it early on and upgraded without thinking because it was my bis for pve but later on decided to build around pvp instead so now it's just sitting in my storage. -600 lucent
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wish i read these before i used my existing cape to buff my purple cape i just dropped. Should have sold my purple for the battle pass too. bricked now
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it's over........
they will never allow EA and release servers to have transfer allowed since both have their own economies running, also all the paypigs would start ruining others fun by dominating largely f2p servers
devoted sanctuary got me killed. is this skill bait?
i hate dailies

this game is extremely scuffed. this happens anywhere i try to walk down from anywhere.
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dude it was a 5 day head start, that is neglectable at this point
>when the time is right
lmao, that can mean anything from 2 weeks to 2 years
All they have to do is content starve the paypig servers until normal servers catch up.
let's be real, at some point they will merge every server into EU and NA as the players start to leave
whats your ping to the server
i get this all the time as well but i'm running about 200ms from aus to jp server
EU to east NA should be 120-160 ms
confirm it in resource monitor
Doesnt even show for me
>resource monitor
>network tab
>TCP connections
>find TL.exe (might be multiple)
>should give you a reading in the Latency (ms)
i don't know why i'm so committed to this anymore. but yes the same thing happens to me and makes it near impossible to do the dungeon boss where you have to grapple up to the lever in the middle
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130-139 ms
Honeslty, I wish I had that. Maybe I need to look at ExitLag or something
>trying to make retards on EU transfer to the dead region
I have an actual, unironic crush on you...
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Anon... you're not actually that pathetic that you're trying to complete the litograph are you?
Im going to crush you instead
Gender has nothing to do with love
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working as intended
it has everything to do with love you shit-eating poofter
i've been grinding for the litho collection instead of abyss dungeons...

Nigga it would arguably be less sad to go talk to an AI
btw it's been scientifically proven that there's no such thing as being born gay
it's an active choice
Niggas really do be gay, huh?
>log in
>3 dungeons
>drops nothing of value
>log out
great game
>spam dungeons all day
>get a bunch of weapons I can't use
>my friend gets a bunch of shit I want and he has no use for
>can't trade because hurr
>be in guild raid
>loot set to whatever standard is called
>morokai greatsword drops and gets picked up by a bow/staff
>can't use it, can't trade it, can't litho it
You know, items going into guild storage to be distributed actually makes sense
thats how vidya has it
open world is 5min to claim, guild raid is straight to chest
nigga is one man spamming. why are you this mad?
>there's no trading
>well actually there kinda is
why are you gay?
Huh? What imaginary argument are you having right now?
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just got this, is it good?
Yes it's good, but depends on what trait you got
If you're a tank, learn about transferring blessing power before moving your blue gear into it
what's the trait
if its heavy hit, crit, or hit chance then yes
I love Maru so much
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All the big zerg alliances left Kazar and the guild is now lvl 10. Buy the free server transfer from the shop and (hopefully) transfer to Kazar tomorrow!
>btfo turks
Unfathomably based. So based I dare not utter a word and only kneel before your overwhelming presence.
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>If you're a tank, learn about transferring blessing power before moving your blue gear into it
how do i go about moving blue to purple?
honestly, just watch 10min kanonxo video

short and sweet of it, fully trait out blue gear before transfering to purple (you can only do this once) to give blessings to use as pity to get easier trait level ups on purple gear using blue gear (10% success rate) as material instead of harder to get purple gear (100% success rate)
it seems like botters finally learned to not leave the bot running 24/7 because the player numbers still look natural when you look at a chart.
>w-what bots I don't see any bots!
they're farming level 50 areas. if you don't see them it's because your server is dead.

anyways all I'm doing now is refreshing Amitoi 2-3 times a day and have nobody to play with. I'll probably just quit soon.
>found a treasure goblin in an open dungeon
>it drops 2 greens
come to lottie before it's too late...
idk gameplay loop isn't that fun.
the open world dungeons are shit because it requires a group of conscious players and then it's contested by 50 other groups so you're fighting for tags and you can never burn your tokens.
the daily contracts are just simple daily tasks, nothing blaringly wrong with them but dailies are boring in every game.
the instanced dungeons are easy.
the pvp is bad.

maybe I'm just too old for multiplayer games.
It has nothing to do with age. Game is really just bad. i can't see it survive for another 1 month or so
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>fell for the shade wizard meme
>5k tokens down the drain
>3 belts
>hp regen and bind resistance
>the map is ANNOYING AS FUCK with constant stunlocks and roots
Fuck the brown troon who shilled this.
but i bought the cuckie 100 dollar pack.... dont say that
20k more until sub 100k
Those are pretty good traits bro...
Is crypt still the most efficient dungeons to spend your tokens on?
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Fuck you too.
Bro, that's as good as it gets for blue traits
useless traits = 10 lucent
desirable traits = 25-35 lucent
I don't know what I'm supposed to do in pvp. I went to a dominion event and I just kept getting killed instantly inside a permastun.
I spent 1 hour getting permastunned and wasted my tokens for the equivalent of 1 dollar and half.
>Dude just dodge all their stuns and attacks in the 0.1sec window you have!!!!
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You have no one to blame but yourself, I literally said it >>498602627
>mob dies in 2 seconds
He forgot to mention the huge packs of everything else that will happily stunlock you for 10 seconds straight.
you play the stunner.
you play the stunned.
you play the healer that fills both and saves both.
I literally have no time to play this game. The contracts, the open dungeon points, the instance dungeon points, the rift portals, the extremely stupid kill X for 30 minute events and so on, I am falling further and further behind.
skill issue
which lvl should I bother with abyss? went to the lvl50 mobs and got my butt kicked
you can accumulate coop dungs and contracts for 5 days and do them all in your weekend. then deplate your abyss tokens
combat pwoer*
>kill X for 30 minute events
I just get the minimum (takes 2-3 minutes) for the reward and afk the rest
>spend your entire day catching up on daily chores so that you can... do more chores!
Mate, just play at the pace you want to play at. You can accumulate contracts/abyssal/dungeon runs, don't make it a daily chore. And especially don't compare your progress to other peoples progress in a game you can literally swipe to progress your gear.
Play while it's fun, stop if it's not. Simple.
>further and further behind
How? There's literally no endgame.
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I'm a w*gie, I was working all day and now there's a maintenance coming...
>now there's a maintenance coming...
Say it isn't so....
Peak ausfag time yet again
in one hour >>498652094
guys i screwed up. im at max level now and i cant aoe farm, my kill time is so slow its torture, and mobs are constantly respawning on me or randomly aggroing from miles away and i quickly get overwhelmed. when i do timed events, people always one shot things i already tag and steal my items. i cant even do the codex stuff because i cant even get enough items during the timed events and i sometimes even get overrun and killed by respawns because i cant kill them fast enough, even though they're also being stolen by other players anyways. im going to quit, this is not fun at all and its too late to respec.
>removing f2p friendly features
>implementing pointless randomized dungeon queue
>localization and ui fixes no one cares about
Post your skill screen for aoe farming
>Crafting: Adjusted the crafting materials for Rare Blank Lithograph recipes. These no longer differentiate between Epic and Precious Enchanted Ink, and simply use 'Enchanted Ink' as a material (renamed Precious Enchanted Ink).

Oh hey we can finally make blue lithographs

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