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A thread for discussing all things Atelier and Gust.

Gust PC games:

[March 21, 2025] Atelier Yumia: The Alchemist of Memories & the Envisioned Land
-Website: https://atelier.games/yumia/us/
-Announcement Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6Tps0iGizA
-First Look: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSE-Vq_b3gg
-Steam Page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/3123410/Atelier_Yumia_The_Alchemist_of_Memories__the_Envisioned_Land/
[October 10 – October 21, 2024] Shadow Infiltrators - LEGEND FES (((Wilbell & Roman)))
3000 gem event for linking your account to d*scord: https://files.catbox.moe/fr0y9r.png

System guide for Resna:

Resna visual guide and JP banner list:

Resna starter guide:

Previous thread: >>497055852
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>Valeria wants to be the bull
>Kot on the cuckstoel
>3rd world shitter
>Playing L&S
>forgot to save the game when multiple power outages happened
>those power outages never happened when i played firis and sophie weeks ago
I dunno, i just get cursed when playing this game.
Resna's the sluttiest Atelier MC ever! She'll put out and nuzzle with any cat she sees!
Wilbell-sama...I kneel
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If the problem persists, leave your country
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Did anyone else has his Happy Hour rescheduled since no more daily wish update?
It wasnt until just now I found my new timerange
Maybe it happened for me, I ended up getting Wilbell, Roman, and the memoria in 30 tickets. Can't remember the time however
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start a revolution, anon, it's the only way
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>Tried copying shal's strat to clear 12-2 and 12-3 VH
>no klaudia onsen
>no sweater totori
>F2P with only I-II memoria
>made something with the team i have
>only got S
Guess i should just be contented, malding about weird shit just gets me bald earlier.
There are generally a lot of ways to do a fight desu, just take in whatever your strongest option is.
this is me but with tower strats. I haven't lost an EX3 since the gold puni event but I can't fully clear a single lv 30 tower and most I can't even get to 25. Air 30 just seems absolutely impossible without bolt Klaudia but even if I have her I'm not sure how these videos I see are doing so much damage and it's invariably memoria.
Gyaru Ryza seems enough for air 30. I dont have her so I'm stalled for that floor too. My Roman cant even kill a sheep on wave 2 with all his passives maxed out.

I didn't even think of a Roman team but I do have all those characters. I've been trying to rush to the finish with air resna.
I'll throw a fit if they make the resleriana pc/console game as ATB/action just like ryza and yumia.
not even close. Get Roman at double 120% with a ryza attack and the unbroken boar takes maybe 60% damage, and that's with an extra dark water instead of a 2nd crit soup? And all V/V gear? Not to mention the insane RNG you need to have one of the boars single target attack anyway. Dude is hacking or some shit.
Which items give guaranteed crit?
Limited event items are welcomed too
The only guaranteed crit item is the blue energy drink from the academy event. It spawns crit panels which give 100% crit even on buff -90% tower floors. They will overwrite burst panels though so you have to have your character on a burst before using one, you can't use it to slide your character on to a burst.
My Roman does like 70% without Ryza. You do have enhanced resist downs on all your Ryza gear right?
Why does the gaming industry not cater to us turn-based chads?
Is it because making a good turn-based game is too hard for today's devs?
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Air 30 is done. Had to use double defenders to get an actual decent support through start of wave 2.
Turn-based systems are well known for being far more difficult to create, so yes that is a part of it.
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what are you doing for gear? this does not even come close to taking out one of the pigs with 120% x2 + an extra dark water with Ryza instead of Klaudia
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He has some hand me down 10s + the air armor. I also stunned the sheep that I decided to kill with Escha.
I can get a sheep down if I stun it but then the ghost rips me apart.
I had god tier luck that round. All 3 enemies were single target.
If I had a run where two out of the three use a single target attack I think it's doable. Is that what happened to you? Usually all 3 do an area attack and occasionally only 2 will but I know that all three are capable of doing a single target.
so keep rolling I guess lol. Would be a lot more fun if I didn't have to waste 5 minutes ramping up Roman's passive on the first wave before finding out what the targeting RNG on the second wave is.
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Our heroes...
How in the world did Roman convince Juna to let him run this plan? Did he bribe her with cute creatures?
He promised her sex
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Hours of resets and one heartbreaking near miss where my crit soup didn't work 3 times in a row and I finally have my first floor 30 clear. 22 floors down total. Now going to go all out on Slash 23 with a heavily modified version of Shal's strat.
I'm still mid 40s...It's Over
Congrats and good luck on Slash
I've completely cleared all non-tower content and cleared 120 in both research arms. Towers are clear through 21-21-25-30-22-23-20 respectively.
I've only half heartedly tried stab 21 and haven't even attempted fire or ice 22 yet but I'm not going to worry about those for now.
I've been very lazy and am lacking some towers even at the 12-or-so range. Slash and Bolt I'm at 25 iirc, that's the highest
If you're an everyday player, floors under 20 have gotten pretty easy. For the most part they are difficulty tuned to be very challenging for level 70 parties with no leader skills. The crit panel item also destroys the challenge on a lot of floors once you've made some crit damage gear.
Yup, I will be able to crush all of them up to 20 at this point, it's simple laziness. I think I started the game on day 1 or maybe 3 days in.
Question and an observation on bolt 26 -
Does Klaudia's S2 effect the damage enemies take from items? that could be quite the game changer and I might delay doing bolt until after the selector if that's the case.
I noticed Lydie and Resna taking significantly less damage than Logy/Lillie/Odelia even with similar gear setups and stats and I realized it's probably research. I guess it pays off after all!
It should, I'll test it in a few hours on a random fight to make sure however.
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i'm thinking sex
7300 damage with Klaudia S2
4190 without
It definitely works on battle items, all other factors were the same. I tried a few times and with the S2 was always around 7000 and without was always around 4000.
Klaudia here is giving 73% received magic dmg up with 3 enhance PMR down V items.
She's simply too powerful...

Also, just got 2 SR V/V stab weapons on a single craft, not bad at all.
You think Wilbell is too powerful now, wait til you see this
RNG proof run so I was able to do it again just so I could record it. What a blessed roll to grab her.
For me, it was Lanze and Rorona
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Bros what’re the odds, last banner I got rose Heidi and then banner Heidi and then this banner it happened again with Roman. Guess I’m a giga luck chad!
>t. Prince-anon
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Kot pits
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Resna is toddler tho, as she wears ugly one piece as swimsuit. Unlike Chad ryza.
This is your brain on not playing the game
>Resna tripping and throwing your order in your face
>getting findommed and then divorce raped by Valeria lawyer
>Izana confuses your dick with a tiny screw and so ends up hammering down your balls into scrameble eggs
>getting pulled for a speed ticket and so getting brutally raped in the back of the police car by officer Roman because of minimal bribing
>Sophie mistakenly injecting you cyanide instead of insulin
>being stomped by Ryza sporty shoes and then forced to lick her sweaty pits
This upcoming banner is fucking perfect
>upcoming banner
Lmao I wish I can go to Japan again
If they actually are running these as a banner, the complete lack of Totori might get me thinking about using pity (top target would be awakened Resna and would also consider swimsuit Klaudia or Ryza). I’ve been thinking I’d save my pity for a bit to afford a new Totori that still hasn’t come out, but I guess if I doesn’t happen I have extra. I still can’t believe they’d release a 6th Ryza before anyone else even gets to 5 and only two or three get to 4.
For me, having Ryza as waifu feels like a carrot on a stick. saved enough medals and gems for the swimsuit banner, and then the Nip server announced another Ryza. I've been thinking about purchasing the daily pass.
I’ve loved the pass, getting 200 gems a day instead of 100 is great
I've come to make an announcment!
Government mandated sex with kot
This wouldnt be problem if your waifu is unpopular like Lulua
I don’t get the appeal of Lulua as a waifu, what does she have that Meruru doesn’t?
My feelings towards Ryza are still mixed.
On one hand, SEX and THIGHS and TITS
On the other, she's a bitch who keeps shitting on her parents and honest farm work
How far in to the game did you get? She’s obviously capable of and willing to work hard, she just doesn’t want to toil in the fields.
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Toiling in the fields is a noble task and she keeps bitching about the island all the time saying "I wanna leave this stinky place", which is immensely rude
I'm at the part where you have to suck Klaudia's father cock before he lets you take his daughter with you on adventures
At least she's friendly to the island's physician and an old guy called Pat but really her attitude is mostly off-putting from what I've seen so far
I mean I don’t want to spoil too much for you but at the end of the game she’s the only one who stays so don’t give up on her too soon.
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I'm trying to have an open mind but when she revealed to Klaudia that the islanders are all descendants of the Clinton Kingdom which rendered Klaudia speechless so it must be an impressive thing, Ryza merely replied by shitting on the villagers saying they were all hard-headed retards like what the FUCK is wrong with Ryza how am I supposed to like her at all?
I hope it's clear my dislike of her isn't just because I'm being a faggot or something but because of the way the story keeps portraying her, which I doubt was the devs' intention aisde from the part where "girl wants to go outside and see the world" which they managed to do right in Atelier Firis
To some degree I think they did want to portray her in a way that would cause the reaction you are having desu, as the payoff that comes later sort of depends on this. It's just difficult to have already played through the games and reconnect to the early state (without a replay) due to the aforementioned payoff. This is my case at least, also I don't remember my initial reactions that well
I don't think this is spoilers but
There is a "parallel" story later on in the series where she "reflects" by seeing herself in someone similar
>I don't remember my initial reactions that well
I mean the game is from 2019 I can't blame you if you forgot your state of mind back then
I see, something in Resleriana or?
Anyways I hope I can handle it until her pay-off
I love the game still because the setting is really interesting and the story is surprisingly well-done and presented so far, it's just that the way Ryza is drags my enjoyment down a little
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Worried that my lack of Rorona is going to catch up to me eventually, and Slash 25 seems like a spot where it might (it’s the no attackers floor). I only have 5 non attacker slash units.
Later in Ryza series I mean
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She was swayed by big city dreams...
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No Rorona no problem I guess. 26 down.
For starters. Her voice is lovely
I need to play Yumia's game now!
In a drifting dream I saw the future:
Marin Kitagawa banner in Resna soon.
>complete way more tower floors and increased rank by a bunch
>V/V rate is still dogshit
You'll end up with a spree of V/V's if your luck is like mine, some on random pieces that are not so good kek
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There goes 29. How hard is 30? Seems like a lot of people have cleared already which makes me hopeful.
Not one of the harder 30s
Is it Rorona required? Looks like it's Rorona required. Might have to wait until after the selector.
Do you get a warning when your chocolate cookies are about to expire? I've never actually held on to any that long, but I have 60 expiring at the end of the month.
Not sure, I've never been close to that point
Neither have I but unless I get some lucky rolls I'm not going to have a reason to blow that much on materials. Guess it'll go towards research money.
Speaking of rolls, we all get 10 FES rolls tonight. Hope you get that memoria you've been looking for.
Based on my experience on Air 30, I think the bosses on floor 30s have a hidden "does more damage to off element characters" buff to completely prevent cheesing (bar initiative). I'm going to test by taking air Totori to slash 30 to see what happens.
Yes, good luck to you and everyone else as well
I'll likely finish the new story tonight too, looking forward to seeing the rest of the Wilbell-KINO
The boss's first attack is meant to kill off elements after all
I was thinking about making the all target resist sandals for Wilbell to give her one more level of protection but I'm pretty sure she's toast even with 86% resist.
That reminds me I've been meaning to ask, has anyone figured out if you can get ice Ayesha to 100% resist at full HP? I think you can. A literally immortal unit.
The only way to get off elements through is with rose Lydie
Judie's leader skill could smuggle some people in (or Judie herself), or Monika could sneak herself in potentially. I also saw an Air 30 strat that involved Gyaru Ryza's leader skill giving initiative to bolt Klaudia, giving her a turn that allowed Resna to get the KO. I don't have Lydie or Klaudia though. Lydie might be DOA on Slash 30 anyway, the enemies are all single target and there's a good chance they would gobble her up before she got a chance to burst.
Have you tried to ramp up Bolt Resna's crit for 30? It wouldn't matter if she died
Oh that's a good idea!
To be honest I'm still kind of scatterbrained from Slash 23 and I don't even think of buffing my characters at this point.
Boosted cole event when? I'll blow it up at that point
I've got an excel calculator with exactly how many cookies I would need to get 150 research that I update frequently. I need about 675 right now and I have more than half of that. Every day that number goes down, today I used all the stamina from getting to rank 56 on it.
Summer has boosted everything. The only question is if it's going to start before this month is over.
I was not planning on recording my FES pull (hence the late start) but these bitches came out sparkling in their pitslut clothes before I even started the roll so I figured I'd grab it. I actually needed some pieces (I blew a wad on getting both slash and strike Valeria to 3.5) so I'm pretty happy.
Ryza is meant to be a huge brat right now because her story is all about maturity.
I'm just maxing out the item tree at the moment, out of fear that I will get speed-fucked again without it in RT
>this time Resna's the one catching Valeria
>Val still dominates
>ayesha and logy double roll
>bonus resna
holy CUTE
Nice one anon
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Thanks for the 250 gems bro. 2 towers down.
My favorite part is that Rorona got mogged in her own tower by bolt Wilbell and bolt Resna on the last floor. Can't wait to try Wilbell out on score battles with Logy, those two make a great pair.
also forgot to mention, based on this Rorona is off my selector list, I'll grab fire shallie instead (fire tower actually looking pretty hard without her desu)
She's pretty much only useful for the item floor, but it does go smoothly if you have her.
To be fair I'm only missing 5 characters from that pool so it's not like there's a ton of competition. My current ranking for the 5 is:
0. Spooky Plachta (I don't think she'll be in the pre-Rose selector, but she was on JP so it's possible)
1. Fire Shallie
2. Valentine's Escha
3. Regular Wilbell
4. Slash Rorona
5. Regular Plachta
My ranking for the post rose selector is something like
1. bolt Klaudia
2. Rose Heidi
3. Rose Lydie (could swap 2 and 3, probably won't make a final decision until the last second)
4. Spooky Plachta
HM Lanze, fire Linca, bride Kot
Bolt Klaudia is way too good to not take for sure.
I think Valentine's Escha is the best on the earlier selector, the Phys dmg received up is just too strong
The biggest tragedy is if the anniversary memoria selectors don't have the halloween memoria because it came so late on global. It only went up to Christmas on jp.
Is it that good?
It's really nice because it enhances buff effect instead of buffing damage. That means it strengthens stuff like Heidi/Empel's S2 that doesn't benefit from EDBA.
I had wanted to clear 30 tower floors by the time Klaudia's banner came out and I'm already that high before the first swimsuit banner even came out. I decided on bolt next and I'm going to take a break for now because I'm on 26 and my bombs are shit. A breaker Resna roll would help a bit too, as would a Klaudia spook (Klaudia joins the spook pool next banner).
Stop talking about the tower, I haven't started yet!
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My 10 tickets gave me Totori (2 star)
Still nice to see her smile
what a miss
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>Most unloved modern Atelier Heroine
Why does no one like Shallie (Country Hick)? Also, fucking hilarious that both Shallies were beaten out by a supporting character from their own game.
>Almost half the top 10 Characters are Dusk
>If you cut out the PS2 games, the bottom of the character rankings are practically filled by the Shallie cast
Dusk is probably the most uneven series character popularity wise.
Cute grumpy brat is too powerful
I really want a Dusk 4 just to see Central. It's a crime how all the Dusk games take places in the dipshit countryside, but they keep talking about how there's a technologically advanced capital that's the pinnacle of Alchemic studies and research in their dying world.
And it's also apparently a bureaucratic shithole with lots of politics, corruption and a bunch of other dark secrets to the point that Miruca became dead inside just after studying there for a few years. Would've been cool to see a magitek/steampunk-ish civilization in an Atelier game.

Also funny how Miruca's design notes stated that she was intended to be your typical rival alchemist character. Which I can actually see since she used fancy high tech alchemy from Central, while either Shallie used hobotastic old school cauldron alchemy. They could've done an "Asshole from the City" and "Sweet Country Mouse" dynamic here.
Actually fuck it, they should've dropped one Shallie to supporting character status and made Miruca the other main protagonist.
Neither Shallies used a staff. They don't have a fucking clue on how to be an Atelier heroine.
>Still haven't released # 13 and #19
Too bad there are almost zero coom material for Illmeria.
I sorted the best selling Atelier games on eShop. Shallie is dead last kek
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It starts three days from now. I'm gonna gobble up my cookies and burst my nuts on them.
>Actually fuck it, they should've dropped one Shallie to supporting character status and made Miruca the other main protagonist.
Cant agree more
Atelier Shallie should have been Lotte and her sidekick Miruca doing the whole story
Stera should have been as relevant as Meruru in Atelier Rorona
Reminder that Atelier girls are all gay.
Like most of this thread, Escha is extremely gay for Logy yes.
Is it me or some towers floors have become easier?
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Post you're tower progression, if your so great.
Fuck paralysis floor
Fuck AoE floor
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imma huge procrastubator
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Getting there but still 40 floors to go
>are you ready to come to the picnic anon? all the other alchemists are waiting for you!
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need more aoe defense gear for ice
I’ve finished making it for bolt and fire but haven’t started on ice, stab, or strike yet (not sure if you need it for strike, flocke and Empel are pretty beefy)
I just used the generic gear I had back during level 60-70 tower. The problem is I dont have full sets of aoe defense Vs on every piece so some characters are running around with 50%-65% damage resistance. It's enough for other floors but most ice units arent that tanky.
I feel dumb cause I focused on getting all target + EDBA (which is nice when you're off element) but what you really need is all target + area heal for those item floors. I did manage to get a VV Witch's Mask at least. I'm gonna focus on making all target + heal for Lydie before I go back to bolt 26, once I make some better bombs at least.
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dorky hat
They would all have synthesized food and i don't know if I'm ready to eat a pie made from wyvern blood and puni pelt
Small price to pay to basically be in Roman’s shoes anon
They did officially announce on global twitter that swimsuits are here Sunday night, as expected. I hate carrying gems but even if I hit a roulette or clear more tower floors, I’m not rolling on ch 14 again. We should get a new JP banner announced at around the same time, it’d be great if they put the Lawson outfits in but I doubt that’s happening.
One last note, for day one gem passers, we’ll need to buy month #2 tomorrow.
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I've been lazy for too long.
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I think I'm about average, I'll be pushing a little more soon however. Time
>beat the hardest slash floor and then stopped
>hasn’t finished the main tower
>hasn’t finished the story
Forgot about main tower desu
Finishing the story today, was supposed to yesterday but things came up
Hello, i was ondering if i should get into the Atelier Gacha:
-1:how does it compare quality wise to normal Atelier games? Is it a full-fledged Atelier game, or just an extra nostalgia farm for people who already played through everything else?
-2:Since there are tons of characters from previous games, should i play through a bunch of those before getting to Resleriana? I only played Ryza and a bit of Rorona so far
-3: How is the alchemy system here? Since crafting autism is one of the main draws of this series, i can't imagine how it would work well in a gacha game. Speaking of which, one thing that i really disliked in Ryza was that you could use alchemy to become so powerful you would completely trivialize the combat. The Meteor Castle dragon was the last remotely interesting fight for me, which kinda disincentivized me from pursuing alchemy further: why bother when i can already faceroll everything despite being far from min-maxed. A gacha game might avoid this by having way longer power progression, but does it do it well?
1. The battle system is awesome, turn based perfection. The story is pure kino. The alchemy is shit.
2. You don't really need to play through all the games first although it helps a bit. In some ways it will make you want to play games with girls you like (JUDIE LOCALIZED WHEN)
3. Alchemy is absolute shit, RNG components, dependent on your gacha luck, no looping, it's terrible. Gear will absolutely make or break your success in the game but it's not fun.
So in other words, it's a great game but without anything that made Atelier great in the first place?
1.) is answered well by anon above
2.) It's worth playing the Ateliers anyway, but don't rush them. You might as well just play them at a relaxed pace and then decide if you want to play Resna afterwards (or the singleplayer normal game variant that is coming out in a year.)
If you just want to play Resna, no you don't especially need any knowledge from those games.
3.) Alchemy system is pretty much as anon above said too, BUT: The animations are very sovlful and cute (atelier, synthing, everything involved). Sadly, you have to synth so much that you end up turning them off for huge batch synth moments.
There's a lot of charming detail like that in the game desu
I should have read the last post to see that it was just a b8 set-up...oh well. At least next time pretend to have played more than Ryza and a bit of Rorona before you discuss "what made Atelier great in the first place"
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Swimsuits are imminent
>removing dungeons
>no new event with proper story after Summer event
EoS imminent
Removing dungeons how?
He is just here to post vague FUD desu, I would not bother. He does not even know about our multiple events with just 1 story section kek
I thought they're just making dungeons optional and making all materials readily available in score attacks?
Reseleri joins the concordia. Pronoun will be was/were. Concord counts as Japanese game for having sony, and firewalk being black company with CEO forcing staffs to call them "professor-sama".
why is he like this
Because concord is infamous as the worst flop of the world.
Bazz should join as guest party member in Atelier Yumia or Red-white Resl, with more ninja like redesign(keep sunglass tho) and short sword for melee. Xer level up quote will be " We must get reward since we completed the mission." Bazz would be like Patricia+bounty hunter in Ryza 2. Throws knife in range, uses short sword and dagger in melee. Xe would have riposte as well.
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Was there some sort of scheduling error? Why is there such a long event drought?
what do you mean? If you're talking about on JP they are doing a big story extravaganza for the 1 year anniversary, that's why they haven't been doing events. I'm not sure if it's over yet but we'll probably get either another villain banner or a new big event announced this weekend.
No EN. Last event had 1 whole story mission. Haven't had a real event event for like 2 weeks.
There is a massive one month long event starting in 48 hours?
Need Resna is a swimsuit RIGHT now.
For me, it's Valeria
Both Resna and Valerie are toddlers for they wear ugly one piece(Resna) and rash guard(Valeria) which no one faps over. while Ryza is a chad who wears bikini.
I am a retarded boy
Firis god
>wilbell causes an explosion in the cauldron
Bad witch!
>that sliver of HP left
Poor Klaudia kek
I'm so retarded because I loaded up on EDBA gear for Totori and Klaudia and had already cleared it by the time I realized it didn't do anything. Anyway 23 and 24 went down nice and easy so while I'm working on synths for bolt I'm almost as high in Ice now.
kek, it's a nice clear regardless. Congrats. I'll be doing stab tower although I don't think I'm going to bother with a top 100 try for this RT
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Is Diebold Korean? He has kpop hair. And interview says that Yumia is Korean for being based on K-pop style which explains why she has long face.
Swedish. Not nordic however, eurasian, possibly a half-breed.
Just like Jona in gundam NT being Korean-Aussie?
Not necessarily, Eurasian is an older mix that established its own bloodline long ago. Eastern Europe has many Eurasians but the Scandinavian countries see them in small (very small) numbers too. You can look up Gennady Golovokin (boxer) for a quick physiogonomy check on some of their features.
I am unsure on if European-Asian children look similar as I've only known one of these types in my life and he did not look Eurasian at all.
Diebold Lewerenz is a German name however, I am just schizoposting the Swede angle
Yumia's brother
This guy would be an immortal tank is Resna
But not Ice...
File deleted.
Updated the pit chart. It's getting harder to place some of these with all the alts. We need Miruca and Jurie NOW.
I am Trusting the Plan. Valeria will expose Saskia's pits soon, which will lead to a chain pit reaction culminating in the fabled Jurie pit exposure.
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Realized I had the newest Rorona listed twice for some reason. This is the correct one. Pretty sure that initial placement was meant for Ice Attacker Marie who subsequently got moved down.
If you could combine two girls for the perfect bouquet of odor, who would you choose? For me, Mimi (balance) and Izana slash
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Someday I shall cultivate enough of the Alchetism to make one of these for myself. It would be a very short chart (only Roronas), but it would have so many data points. Size of that particular Rorona at the point of ass slapping, pitch and length of the ensuing squeak, general acoustical quality for the actual sound of her ass being slapped, etc. I would be making her so proud bros...
I got bolt 26 bros. We're all going to make it. 34 down 36 to go.
Bolt 28 is a Marie floor? Can you do it with Odelia or Vayne? Is there a way to do it with Kot? Maybe if everyone S1s turn 1 I could burst with Kot and then fight normally from there. Takes a lot of damage turn 1 but I guess I have two area healers to heal it off, if I live.
That would be Niko
Diebold would be another Slash tank
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Nothing wrong with Vayne
Hmm, no Klaudia but I have Wilbell as a nice upgrade over Rorona. We’ll see how it goes.
You also can craft the 50% skill damage bolt items. I didnt bother cause I'm trying to craft other shit.
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>Ice Klaudia
>Raze Dupe
>Wilbell Roman Memoria x2
>Valentine Logy & Escha Memoria
>Lydie and Sue Memoria
>Valeria & Ryza Memoria
>Mimi & Ryza Memoria

Not sure how to feel about my pulls for this banner. That's still a respectable yield for 130 pulls including 50 paid ones but I wanted either a Wilbell or Roman before we head into swimsuit season. Got the new Resnas, swimsuit Valeria plus Ayesha on my pity board and I'll easily have 3 pities ready to go by the time we hit swimsuit Val so I could redeem Bell-chan if I get any one of them but it still kinda stings I didn't get one of them at least.
Is there a reason no one uses Sophie for this? She could make up the difference but is her survivability really that much worse than Ayesha? I hadn’t realized she was such a scrub, used to be as meta as it gets.
Probably cuz Sophie eats into Klaudia debuffs. I wouldn't really say Ayesha is much tankier than Sophie.
I still use Sophie myself
Happens sometimes, I went on a big rate-up drought before this banner (had to pity ~4 times in a row for who I wanted). There's some good memoria in there at least
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the kot delegation...
Discussing important nyatters
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kek'd out loud
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Poor Escha...the hover-hand of doom
You're going to have to try harder than that.
>introduce Gods in mysterious
>didnt even dish out an NPC God of alchemy in a form of a cute girl
Kinda sad desu.
kinda stumped on bolt 29. can't get my guys to live through the opening salvo.
He's too cool...
You have one of the enemies on red?
Yeah I got the big guy on red to start the fight. Starting to survive more reliably but just nowhere near enough damage. Every clear online I've seen has Klaudia. Actually that kind of gives me an idea.
I'm gonna blow my load tommorow.
I'm at about half that but feeling good on my chances.
I'm just happy I have 3k gems saved up. With the Roman tournament and event gems, I'll get another 3k pretty fast. Actually it occurred to me that if the golden hour is real, I should save up my gems for Thursday around 15 minutes after daily refresh when I did >>498842856
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bros... i have no gems...
open your wallet
Based ESL
I want Izana and Rorona......
>maintenance at the daily reset
They got me at the balls
>it's a 5 hour maintenance
it's over
It's up right now, or is that tomorrow?
It's tomorrow, before the banners. I got one more floor in so I'm sitting at 2,970 gems. Keep in mind we'll all most likely have access to an extra 1k from Roman Tournament. Expecting slash with a Ryza/Rorona paid banner. I get that those aren't terrible units but I'm trying to think of the poor sot that pays money for slash Rorona in the middle of the swimsuit banners.
I want you guys to know this fight went exactly how I planned it.
almost choked
>paid rorona slash banner tommorow
>christmas bonus for government wagies next month
Guess i'll just use my pity for her along with sophie fire(have 90 pity coins +70k gems)
Many knights have fallen to those same weasels
What were they thinking making a cooler looking attack for Bell-chan in the story than her actual burst move?
This is true, although I like her burst too.
anonchama why didn't you use items on firis burst turn
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>Firis only seventh
>Logy this high
This makes me unreasonably mad
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>The name Saskia has multiple meanings and origins:
> Saxon: In Germany and the Netherlands, Saskia is a form of Saxia, which means "a Saxon". The name may have originated from the Germanic tribe of Saxons, who once lived in parts of Germany, the Netherlands, and England.
> Knife: Saskia is rooted in the Germanic word sahsa, which means "knife".
> Protector of mankind: Saskia may be a variant of the Russian and Slavic name Sasha, which is short for the Greek name Alexandra, meaning "protector of mankind".
> Valley of the light: Saskia may also have this meaning.
Oh no. Saskia might be a slav.
I really really want to fuck Yumia and the brown girl.
This is outdated.
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You're right, if it was a current poll Firis would be dominating the chart.
I mean it's pre-ryza. They did one right before Resleri and I remember the top 5 were Sophie-Ryza-Totori-Rorona-Marie but it was main characters only. I should try to track it down.
I was expecting a new banner announcement on JP last night. Anyone playing on JP right now, what is the current banner? I thought the Ryza/Judie one ended on the 18th which was a couple days ago, when I look at current dates it looks like the only one running is the Roman tournament Air paid banner. Did they restart the Ryza/Judie one?
Its running until november 1st
I thought it was weird that they were only running it for one week (the listed dates I saw were the 11th to the 18th)
Time to do chapter 14, stab roman and all the missions expiring today!
This but also Isla.
Post the poll up to Ryza 3
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This is the biggest recent poll but its third party, a bit after Ryza 3's release.

>sue tied with judie but cropped out
it's over
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>Lilie #12
I love my drunk tomboy waifu
I should have farmed more Academy Uni
I'm just the opposite, I still have a couple thousand but I'm out of all the gyaru ryza mats. We should get the empel and christmas events re-released with the swimsuit valeria banner but still a long way to the academy.
QUESTION: what am I doing wrong? The character voice volume is too loud and I can't hear the music. I tried turning the music and sound effects to the max, and raised the ambient bird noises from 25% to 50%, but the music is still being drowned out by the character voices. Which sliders do I lower? There are three different voice sliders. I character voice really split across three different voice sliders? Do I lower System, Event, and Combat voice?
Time to finish the story Late-GODS
Never encountered this issue myself. What platform are you on?
For people that hate having their mana capped, you'll want to burn down to 0 sometime between now and the normal time not to be wasting any during the maintenance.
Maybe a console or TV setting has gone wrong, I'm not sure. IF you are using an audio receiver I would check that out too, a center speaker tuned wrong might pump dialogue volume too high.
Also: If there is virtualized surround on your devices that is something to check on too. It sounds like a surround issue to me as that is normally where dialogue imbalances are caused/fixed.
As for character voice: Yes, those are 3 different settings for different areas where the voices come in. So adjust them depending on what you want (it's in a few games like this from what I remember)
Did you know the atelier games existed before Rorona (and I'm not talking about Marie!)
That was debunked
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Is there an Atelier game with monster taming?
>Spent hours backtracking shit after realizing i didn't hit the requirement for true ending in L&S
Kek, i'm a fucking retard.
But I have 200 mana.... (I already finished my sytheprize assignment)
I'll still reach cap since i have shit connection(this is that time again where we might be getting 5-10GB file updates)
You really can't think of any gear you can improve? You have full sets of EDBA gear and full sets of all target resist gear and attack items ready to go for all towers? You're losing over 20 mana a day walking around with that stack.
Big hole dungeon 9 was tough/is tough but at least I made it past wolf 1 without losing anyone this time
>all target resist gear
That's the one I don't have. That's why I keep losing the tower. Which general use gears that I should synthetize? All I do is following Shal's recommeded gears
I would focus on breaker gear first. Try to get an all target resist V and as much stun as you can on generic breaker gear. The reason I recommend focusing on breakers is that research gives supporters a +>10% damage reduction that makes them bulkier. Defenders don't really need all target resist and attackers can't really afford to run it anyway so it's really just those two character classes.
For supporters, there are two use cases that will determine your traits. If you're talking about item floors and "no attacker" floors, you want healing + all target resist so you can get the most out of your heals. If you are talking about sneaking in off-element supporters to key battles, you'll want EDBA + all target resist so they can still function normally while being able to take one or if you're lucky two hits and stay standing. For example bolt Wilbell carried me through slash tower and Flocke's leader skill + passive gives at least 18% to all stats for the whole party, and that can go way higher if you bring a Resna or Klaudia.
22 million last minute RT
Also finished the story in time
I haven't even checked in a while but I was just barely outside the top 300 at this time yesterday, I doubt I got pushed out the top 500.
JP just announced Escha event re-run. Has a good mat on it (phys stun + all target resist iirc). Are they really running no new banners for 20 days?
9 million was still top 500 before I tried, so you should be safe.
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i made this picture of totori on the devil's lettuce but the jannies deleted the waifu thread so i'll post it here instead
Hurry up and leave maintenance so I can rage quit after failing to pull Ryza.
I too am mad at Ryza but it's because I was poking around Fire 22 when the maintenance hit.
How bad does Ice Ryza break the ice tower? I'm missing bolt Klaudia but otherwise can run that initiative team everyone raves about.
herbal shirt for general survival. breaker gears are also good since they're most squishy out of all roles
Still in maintenance but the title screen is updated with some new music
Surely it comes up early
Exposed belly totori...
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It's up, bros. Gogogo.
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Is it time to spam accounts again?
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Lots of good QoL stuff, nice.
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Just got two levels from new EXP achievements, bueno.
Only for the initial 1000. Too lazy to play through the game again
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Roman always finds a way.
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hmm nyes
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uoh ToT
Add me
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I love my beautiful kot bride.
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>30 pulls
>two off-rate SSR memorias
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looks good for small spender
>Summer event just as fall begins
Oh wtf I got her first pull, now I feel like I have to keep playing.
>Can’t post image due to IP, but you know who
20 swimsuit rolls and 30 FES rolls and my only SSR is a dupe Odelia from one of the FES. At least I was able to get bolt Resna to 4.5 stars from the pieces, also got my 4th copy of the Roman tournament memoria.
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>Look up how Blue Reflection SUN is doing
>It shut down half a year ago
>No official soundtrack release either
Well, alright. Is there a story summary anywhere? Did it even finish its story before it died?
With all the cookies I spent I'm worried some flag will think I'm hacking gold or something.
Got swimsuit Resna. Really conflicted on if I should go for Ryza or not. On the one hand... Swimsuit Ryza. On the other I have Christmas Resna so don't see why I need her.
Shallistera is just boring. She has no defining traits, she has no active role in the story, her entire half of the cast barely even feels relevant to the game. And I say that having only played the game as her rather than Shalotte whose character type I don't particularly care for.
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Got them both.
Gotten Resna with super late fake out
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>no RNG
>higher rewards / stamina ratio
RIP dungeons
explode nigga
So maybe I just didn't read the rules close enough, but where the fuck do I get event tickets? They ain't dropping from stages.
Is swimsuit Resna any good? I pulled for Ryza and got her, but I didn’t really check her to see how good they were gameplaywise
Did they also included in this patch regarding the whole "let's stop dungeons for a while" in JP?
I rolled because I can, but you can see her demo on the banner,
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apparently yes
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you got them from the beach house
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>16 multis
>no Ryza
yeah I'm just gonna play nikke
? But you can already pity her if you've done 16 multis
>Summer resna and ryza
>Kot and rorona memoria
>some off banner memoria
>bolt logy
>82k gems down to 40k gems
Guess i'll just wait for valeria and klaudia banner.
Yes but account is still bricked. All I got was Lydie and a Lila dupe from all that.
Steps 1 and 2 of saving her have been completed lads. Now I have to gear her, which is somehow the hardest part of this process because RNG.
Esty-GOD...I kneel
I don't have the patience or the unsync'd accounts to do it the hard way again
Probably not that hard to unsync though
OMG!!!! i did it!! i fucking called it, i knew i wouldn't get shit from my 30k gems and i didn't get shit!!!! best game ever!!!!
>Save hard on getting what i personally like(resna/sophie variants and mysterious characters)
>getting fucked over by score battles/dungeon that requires a certain character to achieve the best result
Sometimes i really ask myself if hoarding is the right thing to do.
Why is Klaudia cheating on Ryza?
I got unique animation when Resna and Val stopped a bit to catch a feather when running to the meteor. Got Ryza this way.
I also got Kot beforehand, Kotless no more!
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Kot just brute force Lydie & Suelle EX4
Isla annoyed Yumia so I dislike her already
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>Phil eighth
I will never forgive the Japanese for their transgressions against my sweet darling
Monster Hunter Stories: Atelier of the Blazing Dragon coming soon to your local specialized store
Why in Saskia's name is the mobile version the one with the heavier patch update?
I think Kortes actually showed more personality in Resna's game than his own.
>Abandon Resna after a few days of global release
>See Summer units
>Already forgot my units and userID
>Will have to start from 0
A-Anons... is it possible to obtain all summer units if I start right now? Will Reroll so, which unit is the best to Reroll? Or do I reroll with my heart dick?
holy SEX at this patch
You will need to get lucky or pity them later afaik. Good luck anon
I would recommend re-rolling for Ryza for competition purposes, maybe Klaudia.
Anyone have any success on EX3 (without the new Ryza who would make it trivial)? I managed to beat it but it took 80 turns and I got a C.
Somehow i really hate that you dont get tickets via energy.
I have an idea but haven't had the time to play yet.
>Is it time to spam accounts again?
Heres my code
i'd reroll for swimsuit resna, then maybe try to get the bolt support resna from tutorial or exchange in shop, she can buff crit rate and is ok for early dps. swimsuit ryza need a lot of support to be good. or you can just dick roll, there are many good characters in off-banner that you need to fill
How are we supposed to survive this event? My bodily fluids...
>Have some mana
>Want to slowly work on ryza and resna's equipment
>event is timegated
This is a Late-GOD game sorry anon
Should I rush and complete all remaining dungeons for the gems and exp?
About 200 rolls
1 Ryza
1 bolt stun memoria (totori mimi)
And a whole bunch of spooks, some good memoria there
Now I am out, and will pity Resna.
I got Oskar and Iksel. The beach has forsaken me
>4 cows
Yeah I'm thinking my gems are safe.
Got it down to 45 turns and an S rank. Quite far away from SS, need to do it in a lot fewer turns.
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Jesus that was brutal. The strat I used requires a little targeting luck but is generally pretty repeatable so I'll try to get it recorded, having a lot of lag. I had to make better dark waters to pull it off lol, that's how thin the margin is.
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Finally, I can wake up to my mana not being capped every day.
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Used 150 medals for sexo swimsuit Resna.
>sexo swimsuit
>it's ass
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Is there actually any reason to do the earlier stages? Not seeing them cleared does tickle my autism, though.
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doki doki
I don't think so, I'm going to do them all once however (tradition)
Same here
More like she makes my blood race to my dick lmao
I'm going to find the name of whoever came up with the new ticket system, and send them a sternly worded letter. 2000 overflow energy. 100 cookies. WASTED.
My IP doesn’t let me post images, but these were unironically my first and second pulls. I’m sorry anons.

They should ban you from posting links too
>>sexo swimsuit
>>it's no ass
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Was pretty sure this was gonna be impossible with Logy so I cleared with Kot first. But I managed to fit in a clear.
>tranquil salve
they really threw that phys attack debuff on there just to fuck with logy teams imo. I never even tried him for that reason.
is it too late to start resna? I saw ryza in a swimsuit and am interested
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>This is the optimal team comp for sweeping maps

I am fucking LAUGHING.
Is Logy actually the most value starter 3* character in the game?
It is generally ill-advised to pick a gachage after its launch window.
Bolt Resna with Bolt Lydie can carry in regular content until chapter 13. Logy has the best chance of clearing EXs out of the starter pool yeah but he still needs his premium team.
Yes, use my code if you want more gems
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>generally ill-advised to pick a gachage after its launch window
mfw I've been telling myself I'll pick it up when mini-Plachta releases for over a year now
Either too late or too good since actual this banner characters are tier0
Roll for either your waifu or the most meta character (Valeria Rose or Flocke Rose)
you can always get spooked by past rate up characters
I decided to spend $10 on the 300 gem x3 package that includes cookies and FES tickets.
Got 3 SSRs (Oskar, Ryza, slash break memoria). The gems and money now have me only 636 cookies away from research level 150 and I have over 500 cookies stockpiled. Gonna be a tough decision whether to spend them all at once when I get to that point.
I am stalled out on bolt 30 without Klaudia. Gonna try some stuff with Logy to see if he can break the boss but it's not looking good so far.
Cookie monster...
For me, it's Escha.
Hope you procrastinating bros have at least setup your Beach House since you can only get tickets based on real time passing.
I feel like I could've set up level 4 earlier but I was busy with life stuff.
I had like 60ish cookies that's expiring very soon. Since we have a 100% bonus on training, I decided to blew it all on coin training and I'm up to level 13x in combat research training. Seems worth it
So, I imagine the max is 150 for now?
Wait a minute I forgot about that. It cuts the cost in cookies in half, meaning I only have about 300 to go and 500 cookies. I'm doing it, I'm burning 'em.
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I'm still reluctant to spend all stamina on cole because a lot of gacha games tend to make them useless at certain point. But if you're at endgame, the only things that block progression now are materials, mana, and cole. And this is one of the rare time where we have double cole drop
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As useful as this should be, there's just so many type-specific pieces that it's hard to utilize it unless you save a shit ton of different sets. Not enough generic pieces.
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Wish there was a faster way to do that. Here's my remaining stack, this is plenty for a rainy day/emergencies.
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Feels good man
I take it 150 is the max for now? I'm still pretty far away.
Yeah 150 is max. I guess next up is level 90, not too terribly far away, but we've been at 80 for so long I'd be surprised if I'm not able to get my level sync to 90 the same day it comes out.
WIlbell-sama...I kneel
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Why does Klaudia hate the whale so much
She wants the cool pink shades herself
boy I can't find a bolt 30 clear anywhere online without Klaudia. Seems like a hard check. I'm feeling similar on Ice 26 right now which seems like it requires an ice defender or Rose Lydie to get free evades.
On the plus side, sometimes you can test a new strategy and it fails and succeeds at the same time (was supposed to have items up on Ryza's second turn)
Very close one, congrats anon
Haven't gone that far on Ice or Bolt so can't say, but Rose Lydie is a great character in general. My most used defender
I like Totori better for general content but Lydie is a master of going off element in the towers.
Do whatever you need for wave 1.

Here's wave 2: https://streamable.com/uhva3s
Forgot to mention my Vayne has an AOE resist IV or he would die to the first attack
>EX1's turtle is just tough as fuck
I shudder just the thought of the turtle in EX2 beyond.
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damn you SR...
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im out of cookies aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
How much more do you need? ~60 million?
The other tab is at level 120, so probably a lot more.
>mfw I've been telling myself I'll pick it up when mini-Plachta
What's the point? All Plachtas are actually roughly the same size.
So Klaudia and Valeria are on a separate banner that hasn't been released yet?
there will be 4 banners total. Current one, then Valeria solo, then Klaudia solo, then the last one is memoria only.
How does the event ticket distribution works?
Is it 2 tickets(level 4-5) per minute/2 minutes or what?
No clue, I'm just collecting and watching Valeria
Now that I've finally pulled some more decent characters, figuring out a best setup is taking more brainpower. I'd like to complete the Ultimate Red and Green Orb Quests, Red seems to be too much for me, while Green feels like I should be able to three star it, and I just have bad rolls.
Yeah there's a lot of options for most every fight, it's a fun system.
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>Ryza's thighs is basically the panacea
She's too powerful.... Even Resna agrees
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Swimsuit Ryza is feeling a bit weak (relatively), is her 2 charge just that good to compensate? Because I don't know if I've really had an opportunity to see it in action. Or maybe she's just not built right.
Haven't had a chance to test it yet desu, will post here once I do.
I ended up beating them, the new synth items helped. Resna's hat mechanic is interesting as well. I really ought to go through the story, I'm at like 4-1, I just haven't wanted to sit down and go through it.
Damn I beat Fire 23 on my test run. They really nerf the power on those demons relative to, say, bolt 26.
you need to break the enemies and build up her burst, else her multipliers are just average
She's missing swimsuit Klaudia on her team
Why is Klaudia the sluttiest-looking of these three?
Because she blows!
It’s the black swimsuit. Black lace makes the bikini look sexier than the others.
Oh I got another free character item, I almost forgot. From the basic character pool. Isn't Judie considered the best option? I've got Resna, Ryza, and iirc Rorona is part of that pool.
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Fancy yourself a comedian, heh? Well you're right, I laughed.
That may be part of it, but actually I think it's just because that kind of swimsuit is sexier than plain bikinis.
>From Fairy Tail
This is funny because KoeiTecmo Gust Studio released a Fairy Tail game recently
My two cents on the starter pool:
part 1 - attackers and breakers
>Ryza - great single target early game attacker. Gets outclassed later when you get crit-abusing characters that can target all enemies
>Rorona - Solid attacker, she can be your primary damage dealer for a while. Doesn't have a great gimmick and not as strong as Ryza but you can go decently far with her as your primary damage dealer.
>Odelia - never really used her. Was useful on some early tower floors however she has been completely replaced by items for those floors at this point. Less useful than Vayne at this point and that's saying something.
>Firis - Great gimmick that lets you hilariously cheese some fights. Too slow to be the primary damage dealer on a general purpose team.
>Logy - Best of the bunch, he's still viable. Needs a boatload of support but who doesn't? He doesn't really start to stand out until you can abuse crits, from an early game standpoint Ryza will appear to be the stronger unit.
>Mu - babby's first AoE attacker. Can be niche useful with some good supports but her moveset just isn't good
>Keithgriff - dual element experiment means he's bad at being a fire breaker and bad at being an ice breaker, a great two for one
>Marie - solid improvement over Shallie but not really remarkable in the pool of AoE breakers. Her gimmick isn't well suited to a breaker.
>Raze - a debuff and an important synth gift? Not bad but they've released 3 other slash breakers that are all better than him and his speed will let you down.
>Corneria - a debuff and an important synth gift? Not bad. They've released other strike breakers but only Heidi is clearly better and unlike Raze she's blazing fast. Not a bad pick up.
Part 2 - defenders and supporters
Judie - probably my favorite gimmick in the game but they penalize by making her slow as hell. Her S1 is usable too. She's not an elite defender but you'll eventually need to start carrying one and she's the best from this pool and one of the best single target ones in the game.
>Oskar - he's funny and all but he doesn't really add a lot to your team.
>Iksel - he's ok if you really really like Ryza I guess, otherwise use an AoE healer as single target healers just aren't that good in this game
>Resna - a great support and will be your strongest AoE attacker too for the early game. Eventually gets outclassed in both roles but almost everyone who gets her early has her on every team.
>Ayesha - see comment for Iksel, just not a lot of use for single target healers and she doesn't even give an offensive buff like Iksel does. You can run through dungeons with a tank and her if all the enemies are single target but dungeons are going away soon and do you really need help with single target only dungeons anyway?
>>499271776 (me)

Thanks for the kind words anons, I got Summer Ryza, was debating between Resna's delicious ass or Ryza's amazing tits, but I'm more of a boob guy, anyways I managed to get Summer Ryza, got normal Ryza from tutorial roll, exchanged Bolt Support Resna and Free Rorona, any advice on how to make a good team? I think I got all the 2 and 1 stars, dick rolled to get Summer Resna but my luck was abyssmal so I got nothing... so what do you recommend? Save for future character, rush through the story or go full retard and reroll hell until I get both Summer Resna AND Summer Ryza?
Thanks much for the info. I’ll have to double check exactly who I have. Haven’t used a Defender yet, because I was pretty unlucky initially, so I’ll have to see what I should actually be using.
Corneria was the old go-to as she's a good single target breaker and also has skill power as a gift. But now we have a lot of skill power gifted people so that might not be as important. (Christmas Resna, Totori air defender, and Ruven are the ones I use the most now.)
Above anons list is about right.
I have never rerolled in anything so I can't recommend or not recommend it desu. As for team-building, you'll be switching teams around frequently but for general purpose you now have a very strong single target attacker as well as a great aoe option (bolt resna can be an AOE attacker pretty much since she crits hard.) Since you don't have supports you can add Rorona in as another damage dealer too and then just go for a breaker that's good versus the element you're fighting. A lot of the defenders are usable from the 1-2 star pool, it really depends on whether you need more magic/physical defense in whatever fight.
You can reset levels and growth boards for free until level 40, and even after 40 you it's essentially free (each banner trial gives you a reset item, I have ~30 at the moment)
Congrats on the Ryza pull as well, she is pure SEX
Other 2 swimsuits will be up at some point soon enough too so keep that in mind if you like Klaudia and/or Valeria.
Everything is doable with 1-2 stars alone when it comes to normal stuff also, so keep that in mind and experiment with different stuff if you get stuck. Or you can ask here, one of the tower-GODS did a bunch of stuff with low rarity characters and probably knows how to use them
Summer Resna is not a game breaking unit, not worth starting over for. DESU you'll still have plenty of shots at her too, this banner runs for a long time.
As far as team building, I have a few pieces of general advice. Early in the game, you're generally going to want your team to have two attackers, two breakers, and a utility character, usually a buffing or healing support but possibly a defender or third breaker as well. Later in the game, around chapters 7-9, you'll want to drop down to one attacker with two supporters, a defender, and either a third support or a breaker. Stun gauges inflate very quickly in later chapters and it will stop being practical/possible to break things in one hit, so breakers start to transition in to becoming debuffers/buffers, but early game breakers are usually poor at this role and as a result fall out of usefulness. Always constantly be synthesizing - not only will this allow you to have better gear, but you'll also get shiny coins you can use for level sync to make it so all your characters are the same level as your 5th highest character. This will allow you to change your team and try new strategies on the fly. Traits to look out for include Critical Damage Up, All Target Resistance Up, and Enhanced Damage Buff [A]. Some of those won't start showing up until later chapters.
Thanks for the advice anons, you all are amazing

So from what my retarded little mind is telling me is... reroll once again to get Summer Ryza in one 10x roll and save the rest for a future foolproof unit... that or make do with my account right now since I burned like 9k of gacha currency... any super amazing unit that fits any team in the future?
Also how is the gameplay loop, I mean how can I optimize getting the most currency each month/week?
Here's a list of units to keep an eye out for, these are units in the current spook pool that are good enough to fundamentally change the way you build teams once you roll them
>Christmas Resna, has an extremely important synth gift and replaces Bolt Resna as an area burster
>New Year's Marie
>Rose (strike) Valeria
>Academy Resna, especially if you can pair her with Academy Sophie
>either of the two breaker Ryzas
>Any of the three elite defenders (Patty, Totori, Rose Lydie), with a special mention of Totori's synthesis gift that links to Christmas Resna and Ruven to allow you access to double skill up on any starting color combination.

pretty much all you need is there. don't refresh daily pieces though
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Haha, imagine the sex...
How am I supposed to play this game if I suddenly want to masturbate everytime ryza sticks her ass in my face
Wtf full Resna team?!
soon they won't fit in all in one team
I hope they make a full console game about resna one day she deserves it
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mmm watermelons
Oh thanks anon, now Imma become the Resna master, I'll totally catch up with you all in 3 months... probably not...
I'm 100% bricking myself by not opening game enough and upgrading that shit asap
Gakuen Resna is mine
Ryza's melons...
What does the ripe fruit of a farmer girl taste like?
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Resleri is going to be console game but we don't know if Resna is in it yet
Like the summer ocean breeze and salty sweat after a hard day of honest work in the fields
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>whale NTR
Ryza-bros...It's Over.
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Wait what
I am just lazily shitposting kek
See >>499350379
She wants the BWC
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She's Mini-Plachta because she's the cutest Plachta.
Does stamina will ever impact on this event?
On next stages?
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>Wonder what Starlight Breaker would be in german after reading the new Frieren
>Rusty german language module kicks in the ancient reptilian brain
>Star's light so Stern(en) Licht
>Wait a minute...
For once there's something cool about Resna.
If i remember summer event is the last event for a while right?
I cant stop doomposting considering they didn't drop any new event and instead speed running on story trying to end the game fast.
Is there a sortie guide somewhere for easy Elemental Tower completion?
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For once?!
Haven't seen one but you might be able to find it on youtube, there's some strong players on there who upload guides (shal, angela, and I apologize to the third guy whose name I have forgotten)
Shit take here, shal would be the worse person to look for guides since she's a payfag that has almost maximum memoria/max star characters.
Her RT videos helped me despite not having the same level of gear/memoria. But for something like the elemental tower I am sure that whoever uploads a guide will do it in a fairly open way (as ET is not super difficult or strict afaik)
in Atelier Ryza 1, what does item quality do on the gathering tools?
Can I just yolo it or does it have any impact?
I tried to quality-max them but I'm not sure if it made any difference. There's probably a guide somewhere where someone did testing, but I don't know
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Seems like I'd get more mileage aiming at the "gather up" skill nodes but yeah
thanks for the feedback
Scythe Axe of quality 69 yay...
Dont remember if you can use the tool as an ingredient in Ryza 1 but you can in the others.
You can, and they're used to make the hybrid tools (you can use them for other stuff too but I never did iirc)
man I wish I lived on Kurken Island, what a nice place...
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You'll never be as lucky as this goat
Why the fuck do people keep saying "ぱぱあーと" when they're talking about magic
you are not a cute girl Morritz-san don't put that word in your disgusting ojisan mouth only Ryza may use it
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>Morritz-san told us to clean a pile of junk?
>let's blow this joint up, lads
Just spent 30 minutes in a doctor's office waiting room and was crazy productive.
>got to rank 7 and saw the watermelon scene
>Fire 25 down (comically easy)
>added 3 million to my Roman Tournament score, back up in to the top 300.
Why do weebs prefer one pieces over bikinis for best girls? I thought no one faps over one pieces.
Brown monkeys can't fap to anything that covers more skin than a bikini, the enlightened white man faps to sukumizu and one pieces
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I made this (spoilered just in case someone really care about knowing what happens in chapter 7 of the swimsuit event)
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I'd smash Resna's watermelon if you know what I mean.
This but Ryza's, with my dick
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No one faps with her one piece. And no one faps with Valeria's rash guard either. Ryza's bikini is the best. (Why do Westerners think one piece is hot while bikini top+skirt is safehorny?)
Looks like I'll have enough for a roll tomorrow and then the free roll the day after that. I still have a chance at Ryza yet.
How am I supposed to turn this game on an not get horny during this banner
There is no hope. Just plan to take 10 x the usual time to do the story as you will have to stop multiple times for each section.
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Anyone have any ideas on Fire 26? No Shallie, no Linca, no Klaudia. Can't get Marie to do enough damage with her S2 even with Heidi support and can't get a Judie burst strat to work because the stupid golems give you a debuff when they hit you.
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Reminder to upgrade your SHIT!
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You're running a bit a head of me, the maintenance ended at 1 AM in my time zone and I didn't start the story until the next morning.
idk what this is am i bricked?
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I didn't upgrade my beach until a couple hours after maintenance so I'm a little behind myself.

The summer event desu
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I am falling behind...Wilbell has captured me and won't let me go to the beach, send h
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Oh, hey, they added a tracker for the emblems now.
The fuck, why isn't it retroactive?
>Playing Firis
>Port is blockaded for some reason that most townsfolk or travelers cant figure out
>The real reason is a secret only known to a select few
>Decide to wander out of town to see what's the problem

So uh, do they not see the fucking gigantic maelstrom of death just like 500 feet away from the town? I get townsfolk just sitting on their asses since everyone that's not an alchemist being a retarded lazy piece of shit is just par for course for an Atelier world, but goddamn I didn't know they were fucking blind too.
My memoria are pretty good and I barely had enough damage on that floor with Marie + Klaudia so I'm not sure.
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My cute, kot supporting party.
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Atelier Angela did it with a Heidi burst set but she had Klaudia support too. Shal used Marie. I poked around and found some Judie clears but I'm short on both speed tuning and damage.
This is what it looks like when I run the Shal strat (Heidi filling in for Klaudia). That looks good! But I don't have enough crit on her and it comes way short of getting the kill.
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>4289 MATK
das it mane
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holy 7.6 million kots
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what the hell does this skill even actually do I really don't understand
she just wastes her turn to use someone else's support skill?
Basically me every story update
why dont you try it
You guys buying the Memoria selector? What's for me that already own six copies of It's Time to Study?
If the halloween memoria were here I would buy one
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We are all in agreement Johanna did nothing wrong correct?
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>Yumia is an action game
>tried playing some bamco action game to accustom myself in preparation for yumia
>sucked hard in the game due to how my reflexes are not that fast
Guess i'm fucked unless i synthesize high trait equips and item.
Given what the devs said, I imagine it will have a few settings to make it easy to adjust to (either via gentle curve or more automation.)
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I don’t know how old you are but you can train your reflexes to be much faster. Download a fps game and just play and actively think about becoming faster. I’m 39 years old but my reflexes are in the top 5% range because I practice consistently.
>shal is a mother with four kids
Color me surprised she's not a tranny
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>resna using motorized swim tube hoping to explore the sea
>meanwhile firis did crazier shit by using air drop
Man, i actually forgot how firis got wanked hard in mysterious.
Firis-GOD after all
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Was I wrong to think that one pieced swimsuits are for virgin toddlers like Resna(didn't meant for age, but personality) while bikinis are for brave chads like Ryza?
>console game
They never confirmed its not gacha
Everything points out to gacha for consoles too
Nigga, the description says it's a completely offline game and not coming to phone.
I see no reason for them to make an offline gacha game instead of a single player JRPG.
Diebold looks like Korean for his BTS hairstyle. More like Bangtan knight.
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Firis has conversations with inanimate objects, was taught alchemy in a month and certified as a pro within the year, was guided by a pair of creepy twins who egged her into weirdass projects, is stalked by her sister and travelled with a chuuni gourmet, a dollfag with zero sense of direction, an archaeolgist afraid of women, a goldigging merc, another schizo who talked to plants and a tryhard lesbian plus two boring af DLC characters. There was no one around to cap how crazy she could go other than Ill-chan and she gave up at some point.

Also air drops weren't the crazy ass thing she did underwater, that was Sophie's recipe. Firis' brand of madness was the portable submarine.
You need nearly every character in the game
Keep gambling
What about adding Marion burst?
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Everyone should spark Firis so that you can do this
I'm pretty sure the sailors have been stopping people from going to the docks to see what's up, and the docks from where you'd be able to see the water tornado are pretty far from town iirc
>just play garbage games you don't like to prepare for Yumia it's easy bro
Why don't you fucking kill yourself
turn based > real time
Uoooooooh Firis-chan ToT
why would you think i have marion? does anyone have marion?
Anyway I think I figured out a strat that only requires slightly more RNG than Shal's.Just haven't rolled it yet.
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Vayne won.
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Rorona double peave
Iris representation.....
>why would you think i have marion? does anyone have marion?
Then die
Had an almost perfect run, here's the 4 RNG things I need to happen
>boss on first turn needs to area hit or single target marie or heidi
>1st golem needs to be single target
>1st golem needs to kill Flocke or Wilbell
>boss on second turn heals (this is the hard one, he almost always attacks again)
>crit on burst with only boost from items (I got to this point once but didn't get it. Because of timeline doesn't matter if Wilbell is alive at this point, still need an item crit)
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used this team with turn order from shal. academy ryza might work to replace klaudia. or make EDBB equipments..
>EDBB equipments
holy shit I forgot about EDBB lmao it would work perfect here. I guess I can do a long term project to make those.
Anyway I tried that strat initally and couldn't get the damage I need (memoria issue maybe), I could only make it work by dropping the crit item to bring a dark water instead, which means I had to drop Totori and bring dark wilbell. I hate to say it but slash Rorona (who I also do not have) actually works a lot better than Wilbell here for a couple reasons.
How generous is this game with rolls? Can I get all my atelier waifus in a timely manner? Let's say get a guaranteed character every 3 months or so?
The game seems to have been going for quite a while now on JP, how's global in comparison - player amount, schedule behind JP?
Apart from restrictive endgame content, is there niche content to use characters in that are less meta for conventional endgame content? Or am I being tricked to spend on girls only to have to bench them completely a few months later.
I've heard a general complaint that the game is not particularly generous with rolls, but you get roll currency for clearing content so I certainly feel like I generate enough. I average a guaranteed character every couple months (I've had 5 and I think we've been going 9 months) but I've spent a couple hundred bucks which speeds that up a bit.
Don't really know player amounts (based on Roman tournament I think there's between 500 and 1k people with end game accounts who take it seriously) and maybe 10kish players total? We are about 3 months behind JP and don't really seem to be trying to catch up anymore which is good, lets you know when to save your currency.
The game is pretty good at making as many characters viable as possible. There are multiple ways to clear content and there are elemental towers you can climb that give huge stat penalties to off-element characters. In these, even the scrubbiest of scrubs is usable in their specific tower.
Anons need your advice, I'm the retarde anon from a few days ago, and finally after lots of rerolling I got Summer Ryza in a single 10x roll and with that I also got Ayesha (Dress) on that roll, so here I am asking you which one is better Ayesha (Dress) or Judie, I still have yet to use my Free 3* selector from the initial pool, my 3* are Summer Ryza, Ayesha (Dress), Resna and free Rorona
I think the income is good, especially if you buy the daily pass, but you can go on really awful fucking streaks when pulling.
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Ooph, could've upgraded in the middle of the night. Oh well.
Use 'em both depending on the content.
I'm guessing Ayesha (Dress) is bolt Ayesha? She should be good enough for general content. Judie has some cool niche uses in some of the hardest content.
Judie and Ayesha both fit specific niches and don't really compete with each other directly. Judie is better for single target enemies and has a leader skill that can cheese if used in the right spot. Ayesha is faster and has an S2 that won't eat debuffs. I imagine in the early game Judie will perform better, you don't care about debuffs getting eaten until later.
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Fire 26 is history. Wound up getting my crit chance all the way up to 23% with some items and wouldn't you know it on the 4th run I finally got the crit. No EDBB needed, although if you are thinking of running the fire tower soon and have some mana lying around I would recommend prepping some EDBB gear ahead of time for your best supporters.
This is Fire 27. There is no content that Ayesha wrecks like Judie wrecks this floor.
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need a new sale, just put like 60 hours into sophie 1 and the shit is like pure crack towards the end
Wish I had bought a couple more games during the last one
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lmao i finally got to fire 30 and they made a fucking keith floor in the fire tower i can't believe it.
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Reminder to upgrade your SHIT!
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That was the first floor 30 that I didn't have to get help from this thread. That's 40 towers down, 48 of the 70 floors in the update total. Think I'm going to turn my attention back to ice but not sure desu. Fire probably the easiest tower to clear in general.
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This got me another roll and nothing again?!? Ryza really hates me. This is 40 rolls with no SSRs on this banner. In the same timespan, I've done 60 FES rolls with 4 SSRs, including a fire Ryza. I'll take another shot at her and continue to take more shots until at least the Klaudia banner starts, I'm not really interested in Valeria.
Seething reactlet.
Marion-sama...I kneel
True KINO was always yours
I just got to 9...
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Can't believe I beat this without Rose Lydie. The climb continues.
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>play some more Atelier Ryza 1
>Ryza slowly realizing that Bos is being tsundere towards her and the other two
Yup, very nice moments there.
The fact that Klaudia's father is in on it while Bos' father is clueless makes the whole thing even more hilarious
I'm starting to like all these characters even more now
Nah thanks, that's another kind of hell i dont want to go.
I feel like killing myself everytime i lost to PVP action even though i am aware there are people better than me.
The side quest character relations are all cute as well, glad you're enjoying Ryza
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fuck finally all towers cleared.
>carrot-girl finish
Tower-GOD...I kneel
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>come back for five minutes
>immediately leave with Lila
Damn this guy is horny, can't blame him though
the ryza series taught me the twinks land all the girls
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Aww yiss
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I'm about to take on Ice 30 myself, just cleared 28. I still haven't done strike or stab though, but only 19 more floors total for me. This will help. It took probably over a thousand mana but I finally made a perfect book.
I still had a 9 when I cleared floor 30 so firepower definitely isnt an issue
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Logy is only for Stacies.
Inferior women need not apply.
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Some of these ads on mobile are a minute long...
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Can not even express how good this feels. All 4 magic towers clear with no Klaudia. 53 down, 17 to go!
Also up over 1,500 gems which is pretty impressive considering I 0'd out to roll 6 hours ago.
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resna sexo
It's almost Christmas again...where is my Resna?!
Tested out the stab tower a bit and it looks fun. Rose Sue's evasion gimmick is gonna win me some fights I should probably lose, I'm sure. Mimi also is great, I wonder if I've been underrating her. I cleared 21 but I'm going to take a bit of a break to make some gear before I go back, in particular I need a Green Feather Pin.
Selector'd my rose valeria memoria from +3 to +5.
>tfw no money to do the memorial selector
Such is life sometimes, but maybe a great windfall will come to you who knows
>have to wait for November 15th onwards(christmas bonus) to afford selector
Doesn't sound too terrible to not give it a try I guess. Rerolling is always kind of a pain in these games and I never seem to get the characters I really want. And judging by the lists from those other anons, even this rerolled is kind of a dud, even if it's a lot of 3s for 13 rolls.
>both swimsuits
That's a great start desu
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Sexy grandma in Resleri when
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>I am now reminded she will never make it in
Federica my love...
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Summer Valeria’s burst should have had her take off her shirt like Resna does.
It's not like they can't implement her. We already have a Patty Christmas alt before her actual Ryza 2 outfit afterall.
The forgotten base game characters STILL do not appear in the story nor events
Wait, Mu and skill power man did not appear in Salburg event?
Meanwhile the not playable Shallies characters still do something
Check your mailbox bozos, we got Summer tenners
They could, but there's alot of people before her that should have a shot of getting in first. Won't complain though if I do get her in some form, even as a 1-2 star.
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Keithgriff was in the story and in Resna's wet dream in the christmas event, Raze was in Meruru's event, and I think Mu and Skill Power Man were in the New Years event.
>Resna likes older men
What about Monika and Oskar?
Oskar was in the early, early story (first gathering trip was with Oskar iirc.) Don't think Monika has had a big appearance.
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all the Atelier games are on sale much more frequently now, so they will probably be on sale again in a couple weeks
>I waited 900 seconds to post this
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Anon...I'm sorry
Valeria's just a sexy strong bimbo. She's not an exhibitionist slut like Resna actually is.
Sophie was pretty good. Super comfy town, nice characters, some development for them and post game was also enjoyable.

I was really disappointed with Ryza in contrast, especially because theres no post game
Why are the Dusk boys so powerful. Actually, now that I think about it, Ayesha had her own harem of ikemen boytoys too. Ayesha's game was just one rapey guy short of being a full blown otome game.
Real shame that Dusk's hot guy game immediately fizzled out after Logy. They peaked way too early in that regard.
>They peaked way too early
That sums up Dusk in general really.
That rapey guy? It's Me. I have found the Portal.
Watch out! This anon has the going-into-games machine.
AFAIK the yet to appear characters are (including jap version)
Not even events
Main story
Please update this alongside jap updates
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This counts for syntheprize, right?
I think so, but I haven't simple synthed any V/V's.
Also, I kneel to you, the Simple-Synth-KING.
>swimsuit ryza and resna
10 more rolls thanks to a retweet and still no SSRs, not even a dupe. I've got 20 rolls tonight thanks to the freebies. I've got this time period highlighted as a potential golden hour so I'll save my rolls until then.
>both Resna and Ryza SS
>Keith (ice debuffer)
>Stera jk
>THREE area breakers
EXCELLENT start anon.
You can carry most of battles them really fast
Remember to set Ryzas leadership skill and make her hit after the breakers stunning the whole enemy party
Also wrote dowm your exact rolling time and day since this might be your Happy Hour (luck timerange)
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I love the way Valeria says Heidi
I promised I would take a break from barnstomring through these towers but stab tower is just fun.
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Everyone, Atelier Yumia will *really* be a little dark and edgy compared to other Atelier games...one of its content descriptors is ''Mild Blood''...blood in an Atelier game, the last time an Atelier game had blood was Atelier Totori also with the same content descriptor...wow. We already know that blood in games developed by Gust is something very rare.

Source: https://atelier.games/yumia/us/
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I was gonna ask when they had blood in Totori but then I remembered.
It's not ideal, but I finally have a properly functioning bolt team. Feels kinda nice, even though it's gonna need alot of work to get up to snuff.
That's not bad, it will steamroll some content. One definite piece of advice is to use Kot's leader skill over Ayesha's. Make some good charged ointments, drachens, and dark waters to go with them. Resna is redundant with Wilbell (hopefully you can replace her with Klaudia, Lydie, or Heidi soon) and Ayesha doesn't do much (Sophie would be an upgrade but who you really want is Totori)
>new Halloween gacha is just 1 new Memoria without any new character
EoS soon
Illmeria on the day before Halloween. Trust the plan.
I do have Sophie, but I gave more invested in Ayesha atm. Besides, with how many times she's spooked me at this point, I'd kinda feel bad about rejecting her advances here. She clearly wants to be of use to me.
>how many times she spooked me
she's the only character that I rolled two separate times on her own banner. at the time I really wanted Roman so I was pissed. Anyway it's nice that she doesn't eat breaker Resna's debuffs.
Yikes, what the hell are they thinking?
Is this a sign that they're siphoning staff from gacha to the 2nd atelier game?
I dont really know why they're speeding through story without dishing out new events after the summer one.
5 times. 5 times she's spooked me off banner. I wanted to be mad at her, I really did, but I can't stay mad at that face. It's just too precious.
Where are you getting this information?
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My swimsuit Resna is eating good.
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Need to fix that SR and IV gift.
Thank you for your service
I used like 60 mana with 2 5 stars today and couldnt get a 10 SSR.
Stab 25 is rough without Escha. Need to find more damage for Sophie.
Are you stunning the ghost?
Is Happy Hour a real thing or is it some schizo theory, because I’ve seen no mention of it
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It's hard to say anon, the earnest listener-anon has had some extremely lucky rolls that he's posted here so...
I don't record times or do anything special myself but I have a healthy respect for Happy Hour GODS
I need new Marion gear because it takes her 3 or 4 hits. Ghost isn't the problem though, Sophie can't one shot the punis even with two doctrines, two empel boosts, and a guaranteed crit. Think I'm going to try a double attacker setup with Mu and Sue but I don't want to clear it until tomorrow anyway because it gets me to 3k gems. Finishing Fire and Ice yesterday got me from 0 to 3k in 36 hours.
What's more likely? KT implemented a secret rate-up mechanic to encourage rolling or there are anons here with reality warping abilities that can actually hear 1s and 0s talking to them?
Are you doing a double item set up?

That's another option. Not only could I run a set like that, I could probably improve on it quite a bit by switching out Resna for Flocke or Wilbell (who lets me skip the academy crit panel for two more doctrines). I wonder if Marion could get the break with a burst, basically run the same set up I did for the no attacker floor here
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>I waited 900 seconds to post this
Yeah I'm in the post-game right now. Getting my ass whooped by the evil king, really don't understand the combat or why enemies sometimes get to move like 20 times in a row. Seems like going for break + insta nuking them in one turn is the best strategy.

Was going to pick up sophie 2 and then undecided on the next one. Don't think I can handle the arland time limits, I find that stuff super stressful, and everyone I know kinda shits on ryza for being boring and dumbed down will probably pick it up because I saw people say 2 gets better
Hard to say, Marion's burst gets a lot of stun damage from attacking weakness though.
There is a lot of SOVL in the game so I believe that KT added Happy Hour for those with great Spiritual Powers to enjoy
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(I'll make her some better gear tonight)
is EDBA in swimsuit resna good? all I put in her is bolt res down
Ask anons who spend hundreds of pulls and got nothing.

Good guy KT putting measures for binge pulling
Those guys just didn't narrow down their golden hour enough
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Good luck on another summer tenners, /atgg/
Bros I’m gonna spend $40 to try and get summer ryza. I already got summer resna. Or should I do the $28 first. The $40 is better I think because it comes out to be 2 paid 10 pulls, one free ten pull and then 2 ten pulls from non paid gems so 5 ten pulls in all. A ten pull in genshin is around $30 usd or $14.99 if you have the bonus.
Is the golden hour real? Last week at this time I used 10 FES tickets and got 3 SSRs, Ayesha, Logy, and bolt Resna.
Today I had 20 rolls saved up. I have not rolled a single SSR on 50 rolls on the first swimsuit banner so far. I tried to do it as close as possible by time.
The results were pretty good. No new characters but two dupe spooks (Gyaru Ryza, Nio) and a new memoria that I did not have (Intersecting Moments, which is speed memoria that provides mixed phys/mag offensive stats and a small ramping damage buff to stab and strike characters). I'm going to try to do all my rolls at this time of the week going forward.
Yup, the middle package is 50 and the big package is 100. I usually don't get the other one, although it's not bad.
It occurred to me that in terms of getting a "new" SSR on every roll during the golden hour, this may have met this criteria because I pitied gyaru Ryza so the game still considers it "new" because I've never rolled her before. The pieces got Ryza and Nio to 3.5. I also used the spare pieces to get academy sophie to 3.5 and base form Logy to 4.5.
Got Valentine Escha off the tickets. Not bad.
I recommend sharding her up for her gift/burst. She has good combos on newer phys stun gear. One of the best spooks you could get imo, she is quite strong (and very cute)
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Had trouble getting the timeline lined up for a second Sophie burst to finish off the ghost, so I went back to my original setup of carrying an attacker over a defender (the punis almost all area target anyway) who could clean up after Sophie's burst. Worked like a charm with this squad. Part of the secret to this is that Sue's leader skill gives a +30% phys attack to Sophie in addition to herself, much better than you could get otherwise. Empel takes a speed memoria so he can buff Sophie's attack before I throw items for the first time to make sure she gets them.
Also I struck out on getting better gear for Marion lol. She just missed the break with her burst, but Sue was able to secure the break. Talk about doing everything!
2 SSRs from my tickets
Marie (original)
These were my first two SSRs when I started playing, so this is a good omen.
based Sue-chan
Sometimes you get a random good roll and it saves your account I swear. Sue was the only Rose unit I rolled on banner (since then spooked by Val and Firis and I sparked Flocke) and I hated it for the most part she has absolutely trivialized the stab tower. Wilbell meanwhile who I kind of wanted but was nowhere near a top target when I got her has been my absolute tower MVP, she has made vital contributions in every tower.
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>picked resna
L-lucky hour bros..
>the mature beauty of ryza-senpai
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Why cry
sophie is too precious
Stab tower is fun but now I have to do the item floor and I am ill prepared.
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Sweaty pixel-pits...
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Should have bought it on Switch
Cleared the item floor but can't get past Stab 30 yet. Time for bed so I'll try tomorrow. Got some promising runs but never had the timeline workout late and a little bit of bad targeting luck after Mimi died (struggling to find a way to keep her alive)
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Not that bad considering i already got Swimsuit Resna and Ryza.
Shit, i dont have any pity left for rose firis so that i can get away from being stucked in ice 22.
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yumia's FAT ass
A powerful physique. An even more powerful expression...
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I wound up having to stay up and look what happened. Much like the first 20 floors, I've saved strike for last.
Pisses me off that Ryza 1 had great wirting while 2 and 3 were garbage.
How bricked am I if I don't rush tower? I am just not that motivated to do it at all.
I don't think you can be bricked in this game desu. You just won't be synthing some stuff that's in the tower immediately, but there is other gear you can synth (the story stuff is probably better in some cases but I don't quite understand the different values of different multipliers)
If you're going to pity why not go for Roman? Unless you like firis, he's a better character in general
My next pity is already reserved for an upcoming favorite(fire sophie).
I'm just talking about not having enough pity to also get ice firis since i have yet to see a strat in ice 22 without using ice firis.
I used him for ice 22, same strat with fire 26 with marie. He's also better because of his ST burst
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Why did Ryza abandon open toe footwear for hot and stuffy thighhigh boots? The latter look much better, but I worry about her comfort like a concerned dad with a mustache worries about his daughter. She should wear sandals that combine style and practicality.
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Wise words, I prefer the open toe as well.
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Be sure to have at least 3000 paid gems so that you can get free roll on the step up banner (I can't count yours because my currencynis different)
One more floor to go. Gonna be a pain with no Lydie and no Heidi, but I've cleared 69 of these so far, so it's only a matter of time. Also looks like rank 59 is the highest you can get? I'm already there.
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Now what?
thanks to everyone in this thread who helped overcome my lack of bolt klaudia, rose lydie, and others
now we fail at daily synthesis until more EXs
Roman and his wives.
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Just heavily revised my spark list. It looks like this now (ignore the lettering). It would help to know which selector pool spooky Plachta was going to be in. If she is in the early pool, it might be worth rolling on the slash tournament banner out right now. If she's not then I need to "save" Rorona for the selector.
We're going to get a late halloween event again...
If Roman is my wife does that make them all my wives by proxy?
I self insert as Roman
Kind of amusing seeing Resna's game with a higher Google Play rating than Genshin or Blue Archive. We won.
I self insert in Roman
That's nice, Juna
When is the selector coming to global?
>being in a memoria again instead of her own character
That anon was talking about the regular paid step up they do with every paid banner (1500 for a tenner, 1500 for another tenner, then the third one's free, so 30 rolls for 3k gems).
The actual selector is coming with the 1 year anniversary, the chapter 16 banner. Before then we have the entire swimsuit event, ch. 15 (saskia/crow), and a chapter 15 side story event with Ayesha and Sophie.
My understanding of this selector is that it will work exactly the same as the last one. 3k paid gems for 10 rolls, then a free character, then 2k paid gems for 10 more, then 1500 paid gems for 10 more, then a free character again. That's a total of 6,500 gems for 30 rolls and 2 free characters. Additionally there will be two selectors, so a total of 13k paid gems for 60 rolls and 4 characters if you can afford it. The selectors are on different pools. One is everything pre-Rose (base pool up until winter Arland) and the other one is Rose to the fire Marion/Escha office event

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