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Previous Thread: >>498612325

>Guides, Resources and useful links:
>4koma, Manga, Side Content, PVs & Shorts

>10/16 (Wed) 11:00 - 10/23 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Yukari (3* - Rerun)
Renge (3* - Rerun)
Kikyou (3* - Rerun)

Autumn Livestream: https://www.youtube.com/live/NG45fvLswco - 10/20 (Sun) 19:00 (JST)
SCHALE Settlement Task with General Student Council - 10/10 (Thu) After Maint - 10/23 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Grand Assault: Kurokage (Urban - Torment w/Purple Armor) - 10/16 (Wed) 11:00 - 10/23 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 9/26 (Thu) 11:00 - 10/23 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Normals/Scrimmages - 10/16 (Wed) 4:00 - 10/23 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)

>10/15 (Tue) 2:00 (UTC) - 10/22 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Toki (3* - Limited - Rerun)
Nagisa (3* - Limited - Rerun)
Koyuki (3* - Rerun)

Event Pre-Registration, Roadmap, and Livestream: https://bluearchive.nexon.com/events/2024/10/3rd
Patch notes: https://forum.nexon.com/bluearchive-en/board_view?thread=2658579
3rd Anniversary Special Livestream: https://youtube.com/live/s9tLTZVTGuM - 10/18 (Fri) 9:00 (UTC)
Balancing Schale's Books with the General Student Council - 10/8 (Tue) After Maint - 10/22 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Grand Assault: Gregorius (Indoors - Torment w/Heavy Armor) - 10/15 (Tue) 2:00 - 10/21 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 9/25 (Wed) 2:00 - 10/21 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Hards/Commissions - 10/14 (Mon) 19:00 - 10/21 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
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It was Umika's turn.
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Post superior kots instead.
Mika should die
Hina should transfer
It's a doggy dog world, Sensei
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Breed dogs to bring world peace.
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The Cutest Kot, The Prettiest Princess, The Finest Feline, The Motivational Miko, The Invaluable Investor, The Architect of Abydos, Sensei's Stalking's Survivor, The Rider of Sensei's Banana, Part Timer Worker; Full time Sensei Lover, Somehow No longer the Flattest Cat and My one and only Oshi:
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To schale, with me
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My canon wife Fuuka...
>It's been snowing in Kivotos
>Aren't you getting cold?
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>two raids in a row on global where Reisa is being used for torment
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Seia's fat cheeks...
Post Serika69.jpg
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My wife raped me today again...
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Kazoos could never
seia would say this
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I am both disappointed and satisfied at the same time
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Your fault
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I'm going to confess
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I can only go up to 27
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Those are rookie numbers, You gotta pump it up!
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babzoos should waah
waah waah babzoos waah
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Post fat kot butt
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made for AV
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fat kot butt
JP just had a Reisa meta JFD too
This month is Reisa month apparently
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my wife Mika
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one fat kot butt, order up
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All the Mikas
pregnancy imminent
Students who listen to dubstep
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Students must show their armpits or will be locked in the sex dungeon.
Alice when she watches Yuzu's frag montages
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touch the tuft
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those are some laws I can get behind
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>Hiyori learns to love herself
Hiyori (Beatrice) when? I want psychotic Mai Nakahara!
Stop plumping me up, Hina...
Imagine the stench

Momoi would unironically think Saints' Row 4's dubstep gun is peak.
Hello my ugly fat balding smelly bros
>wrong halos
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Fuck your gunpla, sensei and fuck you too Koyuki
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I keep getting fucked in yellow insane give me more Koharu elephs right now reset the shop aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
you mean hiyori(veliona)
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My adorable daughterwife Azusa.
It may not seem like it but this is a Hasumi general.
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You should KYS
Where's the soundpost?
Literally me but with Kokona
Momiji is now my only level 90 student. Was this a good inevestment?
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ok now what
Everything for your studentwife
does anyone happen to know, by any chance, of ways to buy a selector ticket, or any other pakeji for that matter, if you're in Russia? (EU server)
i've heard an iphone could be helpful, but i don't have one. nor do i have any foreign bank accounts. any other options?
yeah you should invest in your kid's future
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Shimiko Doujin from Shimiko's artist

very canon hmmmm nyesssss.............
here's your (You)
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Good morning my Miggas!
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Where's the halo?
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Can't describe how much i'd a stoat right now
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Trashy outfit would not bang
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>serika has to depend on ayane for life making decisions
>ayane has to depend on nonomi for life making decisions
>in the end they're both leaving the lives in the hand of a spoiled rich ojousama who knows nothing about the world
Are they retarded?
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>cool animation
>but useless
my lazy maidwife deserved better
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Infernal Tower F49 is kicking my ass and unfortunately I can't steamroll it with Maize/Luza
Blue Archive
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Jumby my beloved...
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My prom date back in high school wore a dress that could turn into a cocktail dress. I didn't even know those were a thing. Thanks to your pic related I now like to imagine Hina's dress being able to do the same. And my god does she look gorgeous.
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>only cares about meta
Soulless Sensei.
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Ayane will eventually grow to be able to make her own decisions. She is a strong willed person after all
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are we doing cytube for stream?
>h-hey mom(read:nonomi), can you get sensei to fuck me?
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Good morning
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I'm buying monthly cards with VPN. I switched my account to America (because turkey got absolutely fucked and I decided to just go with safest region even if it's expensive. EU is even more expensive. JP should be cheap but I'm afraid jewgle will find out and flag me as VPN user.)
I use my phone normally in russia and switch to america VPN on emulator before opening BA to buy shit. Nearly 1 year no issues so far thankfully.

I use virtual card that's topped up with botcoins for purchases because fuck paying 20k for KZ card or other options. Jewgle accepts it, so it's good, even though fees depend on which card provider you use. Options are RedotPay, BitFree, WantToPay and others. I use флeкcкapд personally.
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How about uoh liveposting with your fellow SEAmans on jewtube instead.
in the, the igimass will get you as long you have a relationship with abydos
you should really abandon that shithole if you care about yourself
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Why is Kei like this?
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I'm angry
>not contributing the unholy spam that is /bag/ on streams
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kei sex
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Shut the FUCK up
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the gooks want us to believe this is what 14 year old looks like
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god i really fuckin hope shimiko isn't one of the alts announced in these next couple streams i really don't wanna deal with more stealth marketing shitposting
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>boomer music
False, you keep rejecting her and prefering elves like the elfucker you are
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Good morning, retards.
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I actually listen to classic rock like Twenty One Pilots
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Fuck you I liked it

>mogs almost everyone in the same age bracket of 15
Keyword almost
What the fuck was she eating
>Shimiko won the Senseibowl long before anyone so she intentionally made her stats so bad that no one would know they shagged
Just unlocked chapter F, what am I in for lads
Now leave before I spoil you
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Now you have to pay for her shitcoins
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This defense will choke and die immediately, right?
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>suddenly page 3
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>no leisa
>no mine
yep it's insane time
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Put Sumire in the first slot to show everyone you mean business
Should filter people that don't do counterpicks and just auto with iori/haruna teams. Unless you get unlucky and your marina gets sniped.
Try crypto
My bracket is severely unfun and nothing but the sweatiest, most bitter rank campers on earth. And yes, they have a mafia.
I've seen people in my top ten with teams like that, but they are running Minori.
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Looks like free Iroha food
>quad tank
Peak cancer.
A ton of free pyros
I dunno what cancer you're dealing with to advice anything. I run suicide bomb defense as marinalet so many people learned to avoid me.
>switched my account to America
as in the google play account? any VPN is fine? and you don't have to use the VPN at all times whenever you're in the game after that, only when buying, right?
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why is no one talkingabout greg?
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Sumire isn't a tank
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Students for this feel?
Serial refreshers that simply must camp rank 1 and rank 2 who tell one another what your defense is each morning.
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Kei sexo
>blue eyes
>can tank more than 1 Iori hit without dying
Yeah, they will get eeyoreed anyway
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this thread is ass
I know she's watching
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Day 1 player here.

I've hit plat rank every raid since raids first started on NA. But I am losing interest very quickly in raids. I still enjoy the game, I like the story and the students, but maybe I'm finally hitting burnout on raiding. Has anyone else gone through this?
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Yes, look up how to change payment country in google play, should fe easy to find, it's simple. The requirement is to just not have switched region in 6 months.
I use some random vpn app I found on google play that updates servers back when there was a big crackdown on vpns, so any working vpn should do. Cloudflare warp might be sus for google. I remembered windscribe is working for me again so you could try that one's free plan if it works on your ISP.
Yeah I play through direct connection when collecting dailies in the evening. Only purchasing times need vpn to switch in game shop to another country.
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Duel with Mitcher!!!
If she wins, she will become your wife!
If you win, you will become her husband!
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Can you elaborate further?
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The match will end in 5 seconds with this team.
Gonna set it as my defense and see where I wake up in the morning.
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>burnt out on a game that took 5 mins a day
not gonna reply to your bait
I dunno about sharing defense bit but my top 2 is serial refreshers. Niggers switched to cSaya U40 teams because I've been stepping on their toes too much and I can't counter her without marina.
I'm burnt out on Muchiki using meas a toy every day
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Prove you're a day 1 player before I bother giving a serious reply.
i see. thank you.
no. fuck off.
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If she wins, she won't win! She simply can't!
If you win, you get to yell at her for ten hours!
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I didn't ass
If blue archive was real I would have mutsuki in my offoce all the tine. Just fucking with her and messing around. She's not even my favorite student, but I think I would just like having her nearby.
>he doesn't get perfect RNG every time
No Marina?
Just do comfy plat torment
You can simply do extreme and forget about it
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>auto team
>auto battle
all day 1 niggas dont even bother to get plat anymore. we're all swimming in pyros and creds already
Good scores on Torment take more than 5 minutes with resetting
Is makoto good for yellow greg?
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If it takes more than 5 minutes, I'm not doing it.
auto hardcore
auto hardcore
auto 3-2-2
You couldn't pay me to try hard at this game. I'm in it for the students and the goofy anime bullshit.
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Is a 3* Mine (Student, pictured) enough for insane
>There are Hiero and Greg who are story related and have connection with the Angel lore of BA
>Deca who are connected to the story of BA and have a big plotline going
>Set who is part of the story of BA and part of the abydos lore
>Then there are the cat and shirokuro who are more random
Wonder if they will be part of story chapter later, maybe Gehenna?
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SMiyako's EX is 1 cheaper to ensure maximum retardation.
Bro NA is a joke when it comes to getting platinum rank in raids. This anon is either trolling or is just a pussy. If he played on JP then I could understand having raid burnout since it's very competitive, but its fucking NA lol.
yes but you need to be constantly healing with koharu. she doesn't have the defense from UE40 so she's slightly squishy.
I put my shun in first slot so people have to gamble whenever it's iori, nyMutsuki or nyHaruna inside.
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The only gacha game I ever did tryhard in was Girls Frontline and that was fucking hell on earth.
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/bag/ loves Hoshino the most
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No I don't want to work another 12 hour shift, I have to show these white women how to REALLY fuck a dog!!!!
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I used to try hard on grub.
Horrible mistake, you can't just keep up with the JP freaks at all.
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Good Hinarning /bag/
I play BA because I look forward to the cunny doujins that come from it.
My Aronas are so stupid
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Based white male.
>Atk buff
>Crit buff
>Half Ex skill cost buff
>Dmg type buff
>Ex skill dmg buff
What's next in John Nexon's plan?
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>The only gacha game I ever did tryhard in was Girls Frontline and that was fucking hell on earth.
Yeah, I remember a point in time where my life was basically just commute, work, and GFL.
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>try harding in a gacha game
Y tho?
You forgot about attack speed buffs and stacking def down debuffs
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Refund cost per target hit.
Let's make AAs relevant on things other than SET
for once.
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What's the point of tryharding in any game?
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hoshino a shit
I still can't believe I did it. I think it was in Singularity ranking I put in over 18 hours.
You have Kokona though she works better with EXs. She generated so much free cost for me in Chesed P1.
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Found it. He has been using it for a while
At least tryharding in Valorant of LoL can result in getting some e-pussy. But you aint getting shit other than jims for tryharding in BA.
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I didn't mean conditional one like that, I meant refunding cost every times the character hit some one with the auto attack.
I want something utterly ridiculous.
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I like bringing my wife to the raids and getting the best possible score with her.
Well not the absolute best I'm still a little lazy.
More talking about single player games. Why not just play on easymodo for everything?
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>spends almost all of her time in solitary confinement
>when she's not, it's usually because she broke out
>has embezzled massive amounts of money from the school
>zero remorse or desire to stop
How has this bitch not been expelled?
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coom in doom
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My Aliexpress dailies take less than 5 minutes
The Hannibal Lecter of Millenium
My Star Rail dailies take less than 5 minutes
I'm white so life is automatically on ez mode for me.
Unrelated but, seriously what makes Nonomi's face look so off compared to the other students?
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sex with hanako is only 5 mins
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Eyes too big
Too far apart from some frame.
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valuable tactical asset
also she's unjustly in solitary half the time anyway
I really need a student to choke on my dick
You should win unless iori goes 5-6th or your tanks both get 1 shot early. bunny akane at ue40+ maxed would probably be better than s.mash but I don't have her.
Nothing, she's cute.
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anime has done crazy things for japan, there are so many cracked white dudes who speak excellent japanese *and* are world class at what they do. don’t think there’s a single one of these people in korea, at least in technical fields.

Maybe this is why China is excelling in the gacha world?
Hey I saw this exact same post on Xitter!
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Who do I use as a tank for next season if I'm a Miyakolet?
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I just redeemed Iori this week. I've been sending sAzoos against him.
hibiki hands free riding on my cock until she cums on it
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There's nothing wrong with her eyes...
Just bring a second dps like nyHaruna or Aru
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Eyes of the tiger.
Defenses that counter Iori?
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Good hinarning
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They're beautiful!
Sex with Hian
Your best option is funpay
source, for self releive purposes?
No offense, but you guys were blocked for a reason. Cлaвa Укpaїнi!
Why Mine good now?
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I think I'm fucking retarded /bag/
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We're talking about eyes now?
She tanks
She debuffs
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Good morning, /bag/
Why does Mika have scissors is she a cutter or something?
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Oh shit..that's pretty bad anon
Good morning
Oh so you are the guy who was attacking me with s.azoos when I tried out that comp. I don't have marina so I was using nagisa or iroha but it's just not as good as marina so i changed defense.
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I've gotten more than 100 gray haniwas, I've checked the wiki and there is an upcoming event with more Haniwas so I think I'm going to make it.
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Holy based, Hina is meta for red Kurokage
what UE does Kokona need to be?
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>have to leave for work in 15 mins
>penis hurts
Ah it's going to be one of those days.
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WOW I started playing last week, pulled this slut thinking she'd be good because she's got a unique recruit and she fucking SUCKS DICK
meant to be a tank but dies like a healer
I don't remember attacking something like that

Captcha: HYNAA
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When will Nexon release Wakamo's second alt?
Why the fuck did you max her basic?
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Anon that skill is utterly useless on her.
Her normal attack is shit too.
Literally just built for minmaxxing bullshit.
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Skill issue
Cute wings
Big chest
Pretty hair
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>maxed basic
>enhanced at 1
Do you, uh, like her or not?
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Cat paws wrote this post
well how do I make her good
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I would lick her asshole clean. She could use my mouth as her tampon.
She's pretty good for clearing normal yellow stages, give her a Tier 4 Bag and she will survive more
you can't. your assessment was 100% correct. she is garbage. not just in gameplay either
Hina Archive.
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>3D AI on top of that
I hope they never post that again
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That team will also fucking kill your frame when you use her EX on the cat.
Trust me, it happened.
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Is it true that /bag/ loves Shimiko?
Will keep in mind
We only like her pubes
Just tried SHanako for red insane and got it down to 35m first try. It definitely should be possible but Cherino kept fucking up the debuff counter. More precise timings should make it a 1t.
For what?
for whatever it is that she's good at
4* for torment hiero
5* for high set floors
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sex with pink
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seiacunt source?
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>chocolate coffee
Kanna's Valentine event was my favourite of the lot.
Though a close second was staring at Koharu while suggestively licking the line on her chocolate.
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I need commie mommie
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An unquenchable thirst for child pussy.
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You can't say that
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You can't say that
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Say it more.
Marina? Haruka was used in earlier seasons
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You know the drill, sensei. You can do the triple extreme for the gold or do the insane for plat. What'll it be
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Extreme, duh.
But /bag/ told me...
I did torment for the challenge
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For those who do not have an unquenchable thirst for child pussy, perhaps this is more catered to your tastes.
always surprises me a bit when Koharu grumbles about normalfags (リア充) in the cafe
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>skipping Nagisa just got invalidated
Uh oh.
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What kind of idiot unironically recommends skipping the best special AoE?
All of /bag/ yesterday, apparently.
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you can just run nyFuuka
I rolled for her but imagine spending a spark on a character you don't care about for one color of one grand raid
There's nothing wrong with skipping her
I usually feel this way when raids become too easy to do. And with everything becoming 1T-able it makes me feel kind of lethargic to do em

there's no shame in taking it easy for a while. Set has been scratching that raid itch for me, so I'm taking it a bit easier on raids until they up the difficulty at some point
S.Shiroko is just a PvP unit and not even that good at it, you can safely skip her again /bag/.
The justifications begin.
I will always recommend anons to skip nagisa of they don't have or sshiroko sorry
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>Your student
>Who did you want to become when you were growing up
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I refuse to skip students that make my dick twitch.
Sorry bros it's literally impossible to do it without Nagisa, it's over...
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Plat, at any cost.
t4 bag Sensei
until you get that evasion tanks like Yuuka or Tsubaki are the best
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Here in Total Assault Civilization, NO ONE chooses to do insane for the plat.
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Would you...?
Flat Palug hehe
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Suzumi alt when
From a quick glance of the OP thumbnail I thought that was Haruka until I opened it
It's Kei
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Anybody in NA got a decent Dress Aru and can add me? I can't skill up mine because I used all my mats on Yuuka's talent
Why do nieces have to grow up?
Is Lv90 M77M 3* 555 enough for you?
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Some of your students can hear and see you masturbating, Sensei
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Most likely, specially since the clear I'm copying has her at 3*
on it boss
>Kurokage is urban
Could it be...finally...her time...? (I'm currently at 101/180 and nearly all of them are from schedule)
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Sounds like a you problem
I'm new...how does my team look for pvp is it shit? I'm not sure what I'm doing
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Thanks bro
aw man...
Sorry, bHoshino breaks the raid.
triple hardcore
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Just do a single 10 roll Sensei
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yeah, I just checked, and I am very sad
Ako fucking sucks in pvp. Post rooster.
You will fight nothing but bot up until rank, I don't know, 2000 or something.
Just skip the pvp fights and get your first time pyrox.
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The sex symbols of BA
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>muh key sexo
Sad that the game is never getting any new content ever
50 years of prison time for you
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Tying up my dog in Shibari and then making her wear normal clothes and go out while the ropes dig into her flesh.
Why is Maki such a boy...
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>Right in the ears
should be enough to UE50 the entire roster I guess
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Local hag steals neighborhood cats.
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Bargain bin Love Live idol.
Ako sucks.
I have no idea of Reisa's value but otherwise it seems good. Iori is best-in-slot, for instance. Some people say healers are a bad idea in PvP, but that's because they're at ranks where 100% of teams use SShiroko so every fight ends too fast for heals to matter. At lower ranks, heals can be a big help.
Depends on the bracket. In the one I was in when I unlocked PvP, even 5000 was past the bots. When I was his level I was struggling to get above 4000 so that I could buy the energy drinks and still break even.
Logically speaking pierced condoms would probably not even result in THAT much of leaking. The holes are tiny. The chance that cum leaks out and gets her pregnant is not that big I would think.
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My Hinarning post...stolen...Good Hinarning
can't believe I got all that without any misses
Ever since that day, I started drinking again.
Good morning buchou, I'll get the coffee ready by the workdesk
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Good Hinarning
New player here. Which student is Sensei's canon wife?
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Condoms(when used absolutely perfectly) already have a 2-3% failure rate. If you start poking holes in them I imagine this shoots well up into double digits % failure rate.
right above you
Try to check it out in real life, I assure you, the result will surprise and please you
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there's nothing wrong with nonomi's face.
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Can you explain what the yellow/blue dots mean in the bottom left
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>Here in Total Assault civilization, if you get silver you get sent into Total Assault prison, where you are forced to watch your pvp matches for 50 years.
>Every few days, Total Assault plats will select a random silver to test out a new JFD
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just pins holding them up
This is everyone I have. People said Ako was good so I just slotted her in
Currently it says I'm at rank 4062 but I don't know if that's right and probably will change once people play more
>4* Ichika
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I thought they corresponded to the sticky note colors... So then the sticky note colors don't mean anything either?
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Is that bad...I thought she was very useful for me in JFD....
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>zoomers don't know about pushpins or fridge magnets
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No he meant you want to fuck a rapist.

As for PVP just use the good old cancer formation.
Iori, Tsubaki, Atsuko, Aru / Hibiki, Serina
Not really but Purple goes like this
sHanako>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Yukari>everyone else
New difficulty like GA but it's 3 different bosses and you can't re-use students.
Swap Ako for Hibiki and you are fine, then use whoever you like or whatever feels better for you. Reisa is really fragile for a tank and her heal fucking sucks so you may have more success with other tanks like Yuuka.
Tier 4 equipment is a huge powerspike for Tanks with a bag, Tsubaki becomes godlike.
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canon wife btw
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Post your BA merch.
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>he's afraid to make the jump
Never making it to the pro floor.
Saki was dying every time for some reason in the real run until I got lucky with 6 debuffs. Yet she was still surviving with 5 debuffs in mocks. Fucking rigged game.
>People said Ako was good so I just slotted her in
Ako is good when you can choose who she targets, and time it so that the target also uses a skill during the buff duration. Neither of those is true in PvP.
Consider Hibiki instead.
Don't spend eligma yet.
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Technically Yukari>sHanako>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>everyone else in some situations.
Look at this loser hahaha
How long is shipping in the US, any anon can answer. Considering a few plushes
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>literally requires her mom to help her seduce the only man in kivotos
Why is she like this?
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Post yours
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Deeply rooted self-esteem issues.
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I saw Reisa on all the last leaderboards so I rolled her thinking she would be good..practically every team was using her
I guess not, but oh okay I'll just keep doing what im doing but change Reisa for Tsubaki and Ako for Hibiki
Good to know as well anyways thank you.
Is the reason she is not that great because she is so expensive and required 6 units?
I didn't spend I just kept rolling on Reisa, and Nonomi I got a lot too then the free copies
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>somehow oyakudon exists in BA even though they're highschool girls
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I bring some goods
Can I get (you)s?
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Wow! Who is this cute gyaru from Gehenna?! You've got style, girl! Putting eyeglasses up like sunglasses for style is novel! You look great! Want to be my assistant in SCHALE?
This anon was never seen again after making this post
>insane blue Kurokage strat is "hope RNG doesn't ruin everything for you"

I'm gonna use healing earlier than rank 1, this is stupid
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>not reisa clear
Impressive. Keeping Mine alive was a struggle already. Not sure if U40 ako over U30 would change much, I could only critmald with Iori to 40 mil for cleanup with second team.
good stuff buddy
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her time is coming
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it's time
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>I saw Reisa on all the last leaderboards so I rolled her thinking she would be good
She was specifically designed for that one raid in mind, so she feels week. I've sometimes use my maxed Reisa if I want to kill someone with yellow armor in the backline, but she dies to a sneeze.
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>people doing grand raids outside of weekend
What is wrong with you?
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I did this.
embrace comfiness
red is pretty fun you can even use a 4* ibuki there and still 1T it https://youtu.be/Nv1N66liEv0
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I'm lazy and I don't really care about ranks.
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>keeping mine alive
I don't see your Reisa
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Shut the fuck up Chise
sFubuker should have been a striker.
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I want to see a plat icon before it turns to silver
yeah I just modified rank 1 to use Atsuko after NYFuuka and CHare. Otherwise, it was extremely likely that people would fall to early mind control.
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Is there a Greg clear with DHina and Mina
that's a lot of people not doing the GA day 1, huh!
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>rank 1 uses HINA
oh my gooooood

I know, Urban, but usually it's an Aru show for wide AOE urban red.

Kokona as the sole healer is pretty scary tho.
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I'm actually sChise
Why would you use Mina instead of Mine
Holy sex
Because my Mine dies in 0.5 seconds
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>Kokona as the sole healer is pretty scary tho.
it's GA so there's no reason to try hard that much you can just use koharu instead
Sora playable FUCKING WHEN
I'm underwater
glub glub glub glub
Aru's AOE makes up less than half her EX damage. Also Hina's basic ATK buff is quite significant when you don't have CHare/Himari to dilute it.
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Yeah it's fucking great.
After searching in both English and Japanese, I only found two clears of any kind using Mina, and both had Reisa giving an extra debuff. Mina alone is probably impossible.

At least you have her at all.
Hey /bag/, nagisa's banner is up but I checked the banner guide and she's 3.5/5 but I recall she used to be at least a 4.5 before. Do I just not bother anymore?
She's plapable right now.
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disgusting take it away
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Roll for Toki now before she disappears forever
>Do you have extra pyros laying round? Do you have the other meta supports?
yes? then feel free to grab her
no? save for them instead
Well, Kokona has other benefits aside from healing

I also remembered that Aru is red armored, which isn't great here. Like it's not terrible but it's not good.
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Just bee yourself
She's not required for any torments (except Greg). Good in PVP. Still good specifically for high def red raids. Roll for her if you have the spare pyro but not if it means missing out on things like Kokona and SShiroko.
Aru's normal is like a second EX, and it doesn't get buffed by Kisaki.
she's not required for anything but if you like her then go for it
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Hmm ok, probably shouldn't then
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If I see another just b urself post on 4chan I'm deleting the entire site, no one will ever be able to type it again.
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You can use Atsuko if you are worried. I guess Kokona is better if you wanna tryhard tho
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Yes. But now her idol alt will be a striker instead.
Kokona survives and helps a lot, but a big problem is actually that Hina crits so often that Kokona's "lower cost" can trigger with bad timing (that is: after you've lowered Hina's cost with Ui)
that's really not that much considering you need 48k for bluefes and if don't have sshiroko or even kokona they're much better options.
just b urself
I don't know why they didn't fix it, it makes no sense for her skill to make your EX cost more
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Halloween alts when?
Dumb fox
>torments (except Greg)
watch it be a dHina raid again
>think mance's artstyle is kinda disgusting
>can't stop busting nut to his nonomi and hinata doujins
How far out is bluefes?
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Which student would love me in spite of my hairline?
Guess I finally need to farm Hina
3 months
It's cause it's a buff, and Kokona's buff replaces Ui's
DHina literally dies to the first wave in torment
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Not anytime soon. The gooks still reel from the memory of the spooky stampede.
not if she's at full hp
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They only need you for the baby batter.
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According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyway because bees don't care what humans think is impossible.
Currently waiting for my burgers
The niece ones
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Have you actually tried it? I tested it in the current yellow torment and she always dies. Mine can't get to yellow fast enough.
i hate fargie
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Can you feel it?
Her actual sprite is pretty meh in comparison to fanart
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can she feel it?
I still don't understand why people like her
Kill yourself stupid dumb secondary scum
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you're wrong
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That sentence makes no sense.
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she's just a big meme because unreleased character
nobody actually likes seia
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Fubuki hours?
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Imagine if we get another summer alt.
In winter.
That's clearly a man
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patrician taste
I am struggling to keep the debuff green. Who can I swap? With this team I can finish hardcore @ 2 min left but I still wipe on the last 10 seconds of the last phase in extreme
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>summer Valkyrie is scheduled to release on Christmas.
What did John Nexon mean by this?
Brainrot from the unendless stream of tea party fan content. Except for that one guy.
i disagree. Seia is pretty.
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Fuck the cop.
pretty ugly yeah
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That's every hour of my day.
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simply pandering to the appropriate demographic
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Why do you need to time Mine's EX perfectly for Greg? God a what dog ASS raid
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Just watch.
Zoos is a noob
Lookin nice what model and prompt did you use? Care to share pls?
Bro, Nagisa's def down only works for Red. Bring cSaya or sShiroko.
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Fubuki navellingus
We still don't have a snarky student that calls sensei a "manwhore" for real
As a joke of course
I brought her for her debuff hoping it would increase the counter. Also I dont have any of the good meta units
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WTF stop calling me that
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That would be me. Nice to meet you.
>proceeds to suck sensei's cock 5 minutes later
The debuff doesn't apply if they're not red
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Sensei is not a whore though
>many babymaking doujin and fanart with Saki
Why? What makes her attract this kind of stuff?
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She's SRT's Ako
but not as bitchy
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My lovely cat maid
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Penis nose
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>try sHanako team for blue
>have to hit some dick and nipple twister with cheese timing so
>normal gets casted after 1st black wave
>EX expires after 1st red wave
>if these don't happen your damage window before 2nd vibe check is ruined because you're now sitting at 7 debuffs
what the fuck is this
why she fat?
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What's a good amount of pvp coins to have stored? I'm currently at 2400 should I keep saving?
how core is the band ass club?
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>no cute giant shrimp braid
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Just look at her.
Her and Moe are made for babymaking sex.
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>some ppl actually care about pvp
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Tested it out just now, she survives the first crit attack at full health and red gauge depending on stability but lives way more often than not. (using 5* Ako and 5* Himari).
So worst case scenario torment greg might end up as another dHina raid.
You need 100 extra for every day you plan on 3x refreshing.
Depends, do you care about having even the slightest chance of clearing red Set?
Oh. ok it went better than expected but the lack of healing is getting in the way
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Affection? Final restriction release?
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Good, more artists should turn to porn because of BA.
>no bYosh = no set clear for you
>bYosh but no bKazoos = no set clear above 100
She's tsundere and her helmet is cute.
not to alarm you but i think this is porn
Why Izumi is so fat
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Her name is Hina
Unironically a skip since you're gonna borrow yosh from U50 whales anyway and bkazusa is not a must run in red set.
>muh set 100
Don't care >fbk.jpg
How are you getting her at full health? I guess it doesn't matter since I realize you can just use SMiyako to get to yellow before Mine's basic, but you have to be really tight on the timings for the rest of the raid to always be in green every yellow wave. Also no SHoshino will really hurt.
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What killed the hype?
I am going to reproduce this.
3k for two weeks of energy drink refreshes is a good minimum to keep in the bank
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Burger hours except it's 24/7
That's my girl Hian
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the sex symbols of /bag/
1800 is enough for 2 weeks of 3x refresh.
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Limbus archive
Which notable artist is that?
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The wife symbol of /bag/
>no shupogaki
>no key in this list
shit list
considering i have like 2 sparks not really sure?
That one is
The more notable one is obvious Rimu
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>Her and Moe
Midori HELP
where old man?
where zoosie?
where shupogakis?
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Uchawa Leisa the supastah.
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>counter clockwise
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good night bros
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posting my hinawife before image oes
I did both torments and used neither surprisingly.
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Good night
Kill yourself cutnigger Archive
>Darling is... Australian?
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Okay but why did they have to draw her ears so fucking big?
It's like the length of her entire face
Uh? I don't see any
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I wanna lay down and cuddle with Haruka
scream and shout and let it all out
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SRT Special Academy... Home...
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Misono Mika, Tsuini tojo ~ te kanji ka na?
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dHina - 17
sHina - 31
Hina - 33
>Final restriction release?

I've played with the schale.gg numbers, greg should be hitting for about: 61,875 - 68,750.
dHina should have 64,037 HP with the following assumptions:
>nobody has any affection at all
>UE30 Ako + UE30 Himari
>only T8 last equipment slots on everyone instead of T9
>no Set bonuses

>How are you getting her at full health?
Koharu at the start. Curious how oShigure would fare vs Koharu though, wish I had her.
>but you have to be really tight on the timings for the rest of the raid to always be in green every yellow wave.
I checked the Iori clear and assuming you do the same it should be no problem, but it's just conjecture at this point, we'll have to wait and see, shouldn't be too long since JP is getting greg at the end of the month (it came to me in a dream (datamines))
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/bag/ don't panic but... we are almost out of images
Lets fix that.
I've resigned myself to zoosing to cope as usual.
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How deep is Hina's ass? How the fuck is she sitting like that?
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Maybe, I don't know
there's only 1 mine on my borrow list, i can't borrow her 3 times in 2 days.
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Sweaty sex with Fuuka
What did he mean by this?
Uhh based?
>no seia
The cost is different for the clears so the rotation has to change. I barely survived the second yellow at green by healing her to full health with Koharu. When she was missing 10% hp or so she dies even to green without the initial atk debuff. Which is annoying because due to the formation differenece Koharu can't heal the entire team. Maybe OShiggy/DAru will be meta which sucks because I skipped DAru.
im baking seia thread
don't bake anything
I won't forgive the traitor artist for making her a twig with tits when she should have been fat.
Cumming inside the next poster on a dangerous day
Handholding with Hina
hina should die
>artist almost exclusively only draws Kaede and Hanae
>sometimes together
Based based based based based. Someone give them a medal.
hina bobina
Has Serika ever tried a vibrator?
australian game, please understand.
Hia is the reason I downloaded BA
This but S.Eimi
Hina, Kadashi Hina
No new posts
shes THE tourist bait of the game after all
It's Sorasaki
don't click virus:(
I love Iori.
what killed the hype?
Hoshitna wank
dAru might hit greg with her crit down passive and it could mess up the debuffs though
>can't you take advantage of that at the start?
dAru only hits greg once before switching to the minions so the debuff doesn't last long enough to the AOE attack by a single second... though you're probably not going to believe this, I could swear that in the first run I did it actually did last long enough don't know if it's because of frame lag or whatnot or if I just hallucinated the whole thing because I couldn't reproduce it
Sorasakadashi Hinakadashi
>le seia emoji
>I killed le hype
Wow so original
It's Sorasaki
⪩ ⪨
θ ω θ
I killed le hype
It's Junko
>Spend 10 years paying for a car
>A horny fox girl blows it up because her teacher said to her good morning
Sorasaki my cock and balls
Car loans are for retards
For me, is Saki.
Sora-Saki Hina?
How is Hina not pregnant yet?
hinafag "humor"
Sora pronebone
Saki doggy style
Hina mating press
we're trying...
all roads lead back to hina
even decagrammaton would feature a hina reference
that's actually seia
Hina should lie
Students can't get pregnant because there's no time flow in Kivotos.
Didn't you notice they've all been the same age for 3 years?
How many stories could've been solved if we just called Hina for help? I've been thinking about that and is not as many as I expected.
But what if I want/need a car now, and I don't have $30k on hand right now but I can pay $250+ every month for 10 years for it?
My post number is how much I cum inside Hina daily.
I have saya right here: ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ
a fucking rrat
I'm working on it
A rat
Sensei is old and impotent
>I don't have $30k on hand
Then you buy the $5k car that you can afford and not the peacocking $30k car that is going to financially torpedo your life and not even be that nice.
toki? could take on 1v1
fox platoon? 1v4 easy
the ghost monsters in hyakkiyako? could be easily fended off by hina because plot armor
splurt splurt splurt
not popular enough to make it to the divegrass team lol good riddance to such a boring shit tier character
how do you think you're moving then, huh? or seeing? or thinking? what a very selective anti-pregnancy time anomaly!
Wife (Halloween)
>the ghost monsters in hyakkiyako? could be easily fended off by hina because plot armor
Hina is afraid of ghost dumbass
But I'm saving that in case I get hospitalized or get into whatever accident since I didn't get an insurance and my job doesn't come with one...
Oh, hi Seia.
Is 5cm average?
Asking for a friend
that's actually saya
She's too small for that
nothing a few encouragements from sensei can't fix
just bee u have self
I have Seia right here:
⪩ ⪨
θ ω θ
What the fuck
Two sayas
That's a cute Saya right there.
that's actually seia
Wholesome interlocked fingers sex with Hina with the purpose of reproduction, after marriage.
Seiafags > Mikafags > shit > shitnafags
i'm not baking btw
I have saya right here: ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ
ohhhh shit
a rat
⪩ ⪨
θ ω θ
No fucking way
TWO Saya's!?
Where's Kaede?
That's a cute Saya.
saya and seia...
that's actually 1 Saya and one Seia
Looked like a butt plug tail for a second

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