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Fine edition

>Steam Page:

>Where to give feedback and report bugs:

>Latest Patch:

>How do I git in?
Post your Steam profile and ask. You need to accept a friend request to be invited, so don't be autistic.

>How do I git gud?
Do the tutorial, get a feel for each hero in sandbox mode, explore public item builds, play bot matches.

Additional Resources:
>Unofficial Wiki
>New Player Guide
>Advanced Movement Guide
no tripfags allowed in this thread
what oranges are the ones to look for on hybrid geist? i dont like hybrid in general because kinetic dash and warp stone are almost must-buys on her, which takes up a lot of her potential bullet damage
Are you allowed to play Ranked after 7 matches?
>time control powers
>hourglass figure

Comedy geniuses, these guys.
what happens if you queue for ranked right before the time window ends?
ur dick explodes do not try them
nerve gas
Active items don't last long enough and usually all it does is slightly delay the assraping coming from
>Bullshit faggot hero
Buff them so the bullshit faggot hero can buy them and shut you down even harder since he has way more gold than you already!
Haze can ult every minute btw with just a 4250 investment
>come from LoL
>have never bought an active item in my entire life
>the concept of having an extra key to press to counter an enemy is a totally foreign concept to me
>find out they are in Deadlock, many of them are soft and hard counters to specific heroes and builds
>go on the internet and tell lies about how I bought the active items and they didn't do anything so said heroes and builds need to be nerfed into uselessness for my sake
>tell everyone that silencer and silence glyph disables active items so they aren't worth buying as counters
>still have never bought an active item but continue to act like I'm the authority on the subject on the internet despite being in empty chewing gum wrapper mmr
>know that if Yoshi ever bothered to check my match history after all my complaining on the forums that he won't see a single active item being bought, ever
idk but it didnt add a green dot on the menu screen
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You already revealed yourself as a retard that doesn't actually know the game by claiming Haze can only ult every 3 minutes, why are you still going?
have you tried buying an active item, lil bro? silencer and silence glyph can't disable them btw
So what happens after patron is summoned, what does it want in this world, I feel like it will just take over it
You're mixing me up with another anon autist, I play haze. I use active items. I still think her 4 is fucking retarded. People can have opinions different from your own, you don't have to rewrite reality to cope with it.
Imagine seething so hard about Haze ult and still refusing to try any combination of Metal Skin, Warpstone, Return Fire and Bullet Armor because they don't fit your Boundless Spirit build. I literally have not seen a massive game changer Haze ult in weeks because I'm not stuck in the trench where everyone plays shoulder to shoulder like an Overwatch shitter brooler deathball.
Assuming Paradox gets an ability rework, what should she get?
Pulse grenade
Switcheroo, with lower damage
>4 ult
Slow or stop time in a 25m radius around her after channeling for 2.5 seconds, for 5 seconds, 180 seconds cooldown.
>ummm, not that anon btw, or that other anon btw, I definitely buy actives but they just don't work!!! also I'm an expert Haze btw I played 1 game on her with the epic sleep knife build that i was bragging about two threads ago in rotting roadkill carcass mmr
cool story lil bro, try buying some actives instead of pretending to buy them next time
>Haze is OP
>but you need to do a lot to make her work
>Genuinely can't accept the reality that multiple anons hate you and think you're a retard
Looking forward to haze getting nerfed ;)
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Who's the MVP in this fight?
rework her grenade, doesn't fit her kit
>Haze isn't OP
>But you need to build 4 items to maybe counter her!
lowkey Mirage
>enemy team are always stacking on urn delivery and get the urn 3 times in a row
>my team probably doesn't even know what the urn is

Summarises every game I've played since this patch.
I haven't seen one single balanced game today. It's ridiculous.
I recommend trying an active item at least once instead of just pretending to buy them, they are actually quite good and not just for countering Haze but for countering other heroes too. I like to buy silence glyphs and curses for pockets, yamatos and geists, slowing hexes for lashes, pockets and Infernus's, knockdowns for sevens, vindictas, grey talons and mid game hazes, just a few of my favorite counter buys. Hope that helps! x
That's why the game is called Deadlock. The ideal is for both sides to be forever in a deadlock so either patrons won't get summoned, because they're a ticking time bomb.
>Haze players getting shit on when Wraith is just better overall and has the more braindead ult by far
>be slow geistnigger with no stamina
>see wardencopter on shallow inbound approach, T -2 seconds to impact
Wraith still has to do something to win after pressing ult button while Haze doesn't.
im ngmi bros... seriously i think i got a better teammate in pub compared to rank
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>Take the urn
>Enemy team will go as far as diving your fountain to murder you for it
>Own teammates aren't doing anything notable at all meanwhile
Why is this so common? How do people spend so much time doing so little? How can they go minutes on end without pushing a lane, when facing zero opposition?
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>enemy team gets urn twice in a row and nobody other than me even tries to contest it (I showed up twice and swiped half of the souls from them and dipped)
>we get pushed in hard
>by some miracle we defend a base dive, I'm down but we drive them out
>they only have Abrams and Wraith up
>remaining 4 members of my team start chasing Abrams
>ping mid while I'm dead like 4 times
>not sure who, one of the 4 pushing says "just push"
>they push all the way up to enemy base guardians while half of our lanes are pushed up
>they get killed in 20 seconds by respawning enemy heroes
>ping "Thanks" and throw the rest of the game

Half of my deaths are from me throwing at the end. The other half are from my lane getting ganked by Dynamo and Abrams are like 6 minutes. No call out from my team of course.

I'm so tired bros.
wraith's ult can be easily itemized again (reactive barrier early, unstoppable)
or you can just outrun it
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haze's ult can be easily itemized again (extra stamina, metal skin, warp stone, etheral shift)
or you can just outrun it
Works when I use them.
why is buying a 6200 item to counter wraith deemed ok but buying a 3000 item for haze seemingly an obscene proposition
well there is my 11th loss in a row
>buy 3000 ethereal shift
>wraith hard countered
The difference is wraith doesn't chaos slam dunk 6 people in 1.5 seconds in a massive AOE on a 1 minute cooldown.
Well yeah, you're responding to someone who pretends to buy active items, not someone who buys active items. It's not worth considering his opinion being shouted up at us from the bottom of the trench. Reminder that these people think that Silencer and Silence Glyph disable item usage, which means
>they have never used Silencer or Silence Glyph against anyone that has an active item such as warpstone, metal skin, etc. to help them survive being silenced
>they have never had an active item in their bar at any point when they have been hit by a shot from Silencer or a Silence Glyph
Basically nobody at their mmr buys active items, them included, which explains why they don't understand how different actives interact with eachother. It's the telltale sign when someone says a silence other than curse stopped them from using the counter item that they definitely did have, and every other edition of this general has some retarded faggot spouting this exact thing with pure confidence as if it's god's honest truth.
She just stuns the entire team at once!
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>hmmm today I will only play until I win one time
>7 losses in a row
Which is less powerful than outright killing the entire team.
Holy schizophrenia
Yeah Haze just stuns your entire team for 70 seconds instead.
Haze's ult is 90 seconds, and is literal dogshit until you have at least 20k souls (about the time when you get unstoppable)
Wraith has a single target free kill every time she presses R on a sub 60sec cooldown, which in late game turns into a stun-everyone-around spell.
>Someone from my team took the run to bait people into camping deposit spot
>Ratting time
Why is this so rare?
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Please yoshi, grant me Ivy buffs, and I'll literally play deadlock 24/7
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>hero that gets stronger over time in combat via bleeds and a rage mechanic
>surely the counter him would be bursting him right?
>give him a passive that makes him unburstable
50 normals iirc
I call it bebop effect, they want to subvert your expectations about typical hero archetypes
cant leave my bed
Hero with a map-wide ult WHEN?
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No I meant can you keep playing Ranked after 7 matches?
>grey talon
Berserker is the big one. All your self-damage increases the stacks. For hybrid you probably want Pristine Emblem and Crippling Headshot also, they're pretty efficient assuming you aren't stacking a ton of -res debuffs.
what are you meant to do against geist bomb? dash jump doesn't work after she put 1(one) ability point into it.
>Random Dynamo
>Get put in solo lane
>Can't do anything but get shat on until ult is online.
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valve knows it'll sell
Isn't it convenient how both of the allegedly separate anons who called someone coal mmr in the last thread after arguing that both silencer and silence glyph disable active item use suddenly disappeared from the thread entirely and were completely replaced by someone fighting their argument for them except this allegedly separate anon always buys active items, always plays haze, knows that silence doesn't describe item usage and doesn't think any active items work against her.

>make swap a normal ability
>its okay though because the damage is less :v)

Wraith or Mirage, poor Seven prolly rages hard.

Looks to be Mirage based on participation
I played only in 3stacks since launch, is solo queue worth it?
Yeah, well, I want MORE.
the fun will be sucked out
probably depends on your mmr
in my 3 ranked games played nearly everyone was using their mic and communicating like normal people, only had one russian guy that was moaning loudly down his xbox headset mic
Depends on how tolerant you are of randoms
I play the game solo and I find it fun but it's definitely not for everyone
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Not if you're a yuro, The Russians are everywhere and they don't communicate in English.
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>Depends on how tolerant you are of randoms
My solo shooter experience is TF2 lobbies and hosting DRG games
If you like characters who rely on teamwork to be good, it's a gamble whether you get a team who will attempt to cooperate or not.
i don't use a mic because i'm autistic
i also turned player mic volume to 0.
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>Russian edgelord lives with his mother
How cute
I like to imagine that unhinged schizo Seven players are just acting in character.
>Seven players being edgy
>Lash players mald and shit-talk when things don't go their way

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I'm so fucking tired of telling my League-playing friends to buy active items
>every single match they complain about a specific hero
>tell them to buy healbane / decay / slowing hex / knockdown / silence / curse / toxic bullets / armors / etc.
>get killed again by said hero
>go back to complaining
kek league shitters realizing how much they dont actually know about mobas from their shitty babbymode game
Is gun McKinnis even worth it or is she better off with spirit in every scenario. Whenever I see someone playing her and kicking ass they've only got one or two weapon and vit items, the rest are spirit.
Haze ult is a 60 second CD and there is no button to buy Metal Skin for your teammates by force.
This was EU queue btw. They didn't fix shit. I'm almost done with this game.
gun is better for splitting spirit is better for teamfighting
You can outrun wraith ult easily and she doesn't get FUCKING URSA PASSIVE IN A GAME WITH SPLIT SHOT
just get the good items from each category retard
>facing mo and abrams and shiv
>we have 2 anti heal items collectively (i have both)
>facing vindicta and bebop
>i'm the only knockdown
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>Haze ult is a 60 second CD
tired of all these left of the bellcurve mmr haze propaganda
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You are retarded
MOBAs tend to bring out the worst in people so I assume it would be worse than DRG or TF2, but I think the secret is to not take it too seriously
bro forgot about items. bro actually forgot about improved cooldown.
I know. That does not answer my question.
I think gun early and spirit later might be the route since the turrets are now very squishy early on
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If Haze is so brokenly uncounterable and none of the active items are worth buying against her because they don't work then how does anyone explain this? Wouldn't she be one of the highest winrates in top mmr if that were true? If there was truly no counterplay and a good player behind the wheel that can aim her guns with Fixation on top of it all.
>it doesn't count because i'm high mmr I swear (bottom 50%) and she has a 75% winrate there
Hey anon did you know you can buy passive items?
Especially late game, when Haze already has minimal to no use for her 4 (four) spirit slots anyway?
>Turn Haze ult into spirit damage
>Suddenly she is fucking useless because spirit armor is le meta
Yes, 7 games gives you a badge thats all.
>Stats from a site that can't actually scrape games
Full retardmode
I can't wait until they add more room to the active bar. Four actives is too limiting for me. I need at least one counter item for every hero on the enemy team.
Dude did you forget about Bebop's grab? At least Paradox's swap can put her at a disadvantage.
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>play characters not on this list
>can cope that I'm losing because of shit balance
The reality of the situation is that Haze stops being a problem when you stop playing in used condom mmr lobbies and everyone seething about her is just outing themselves massively as a total shitter.
I think higher MMR players are better at not letting Haze get to the point where she's really hard to deal with. Especially shitting on her in lane rather than giving her free kills because everyone is flailing about in lower skill games
which by the way, she nonetheless gets free fucking ammo scaling from?
that's not how you use nonetheless, esl
I complain about left of the bellcurve mmr and you self-report immediately lmao

>bro forgot about items. bro actually forgot about improved cooldown.
No good haze will EVER buy imp cd

>Especially late game, when Haze already has minimal to no use for her 4 (four) spirit slots anyway?
Haze literally fills all 4 slots usually before even getting flex slot
ammo scav, reach, quicksilver reload, bullet resist shredder
ammo scav get's replaced by Curse or Refresher in turbo late game
Truth, she get starved off of her farm and games are shorter
>Argued into a corner? Handwave it away with MMR!
ACTUAL self-report right here.
Bullying haze. Abrams stunning and punching haze against a wall. Buying metal skin and return fire against haze. Ganking haze repeatedly and taking 1k+ unsecured souls from her in the jungle. Taking haze's farm. Laughing at haze after she ults too far away and the enemies have enough time to get out. Cursing and silence glyphing haze. Grey Talon ulting haze while she ziplines back to spawn. 6 man magic carpetting haze in a side lane when she think's it's safe to catch a wave of farm.
Truth stings doesn't it? Post a demo then, let's do a demo review of how all the Hazes you play against manage to ult on top of your entire team every game you play and how there was literally no way for your team of 6 people to position themselves in a way where that wouldn't happen.
? reach on ult helps a lot because it means they can't exit your ult radius with a single slide
I will do all of that once they model in her cool smoky hair instead of the cum filled balloon.
18% range for 500 is insane value for Haze ult, let's hear what you would replace it with :) ?
No wonder you buy reach, you need the help reaching for an argument lmao
But if they buy metal skin they always escape your ult so why buy reach!?!?!?!?!
Cooldown for 60 second ults?
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You're an actual certifiable retard if you have AOEs and aren't using this item.
You have never bought metal skin and it shows. 3 seconds is more than enough time to dashjump unless you have their entire team stacking slows on you and if that's the case they deserve the fucking kill obviously. Stop having a melty about the supposed omnipresent and invulnerable uncounterable Haze that allegedly existed in one of your games.
Is her current model meant to be the final design? because the smoke ball on her head looks awful. At least make it look like a real bun or something
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No, look at the concept art on the store page you dummy. She has wavy smoke hair and not the silly bun.
Cooldown makes the 100 second cd go down to 84 seconds :)
and if you are buying SUPERIOR CD for 68 seconds ults for 4250 souls you are a bot
t. 2400 negro score haze main
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Haze is still good and braindead no matter what mmr, but the higher you go the harder you have to work just to get results since people will be buying counters as much as you can
his low mmr games must be fucking aids if haze players can just run around ulting 6 people with impunity every 68 seconds, how do they even position themselves so badly that they let that happen every 68 seconds? baffling
You have never played the game and it shows.
I use that on Paradox now, makes the range nerf on swap sting a bit less
try buying an active item for once in your life lil bro
>geist top3 even in good lobbies
i knew you guys were wrong and I knew my glorious french queen was worthy of respect.
>t. lying out my ass and losing games to metal skin
Ok bub
Not him but I can confirm that zipping back to base and sitting there waiting for the rest of my team respawn after they tried to jump Haze feels miserable every time.
in EU pubs I genuinely haven't seen a haze popoff in weeks, I think the last couple of patches gave the nerfs she needed, plus my match score is now like 2200 or something so I guess I'm not in total dumpster diving mmr where she never gets punished ever
it's pretty funny
her grenades doesnt even respect line of sight so laning against her is extra obnoxious
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>no infernus in top1% or top 10%
so why was everyone here pissing and moaning a couple threads ago?
I'll let you in on a secret. The vast majority of this general are ultra shitters that aren't even in the top 50%, they just like to screech real loud and make their opinions heard anyway.
even gigafarmed infernuses can get shut down by hard CC and curse. He just gets locked down and focused when the enemy team realizes he's theain threat
I dont get what makes Kelvin so good? He's been constantly nerfed and is still strong is that Dome really THAT good?
He is just like haze, utterly obscene if you choose not to itemize against him and let him do his thing.

IMO he's still far better lategame and has more options overall than something like a haze but still.
Been part of my Lash kit since day 1.
the nerf to stacking lifesteal hit him hard
>and curse

How is curse not considered "CC"? Is this some special League/hero shooter terminology I'm not aware of?
Ivy has an extra stamina point. Stamina points can be directly converted into ammo, so if you are not sliding to mag dump creeps, you are doing it wrong.
>best mobility skill in the game that not only gives him vertical and lateral mobility but also gives a speed boost to his team
>aoe heal / slow / damage in 1 button that stores charges
>braindead as fuck slow beam that also secures souls because ???
>arguably one of the best utility ults in the game that can be used offensively /defensively
yeah he's that good
I think CC to most people mean hard CC that make you lose complete control of your hero
he can still move and dash jump when cursed yknow? If he's smart he'll dip into cover if you just throw it on him carelessly
curse gives you a 4 second window and you have to make sure every second counts
I don't really care about Infernus, but are you sure those statistics are accurate? I thought the API was still broken, and scraping data off the watch tab is a poor substitute.
how the fuck is geist deemed good?

I only see shitters go pure spirit and get caught out and blasted. Do you need to lean into more gun items and actually hit headshots for the potential to be there or what?
So hard CC = exclusively stuns according to you? Being unable to cast, shoot or use items seems like pretty heavy lockdown to me.
Those are our Ukrainian brothers. Slava Ukraini! :fist:
hard cc = stuns
whats up with russians being shit are they playing low volume ducked in the basement in case the draft man hears "OUR GUARDIAN IS UNDER ATTACK"
Hard CC isn't like a technical term but it usually means you can't do anything at all.
damage amp applies to bullets and she has one of the best guns in the game.
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Didn't plan to repost this early, but here.

>biggest deadlock tournament so far
>mono Russian teams with 1 unknown player take 2 out of 3 open qualifier slots and defeat multiple non-Russian or mixed teams
>another mono Russian team wins the event
>a mostly Russian team with one player from Belarus and one from Ukraine (both possible ethnic Russians) takes second place

So, do you guys realize that this is preliminary evidence of total and honest Russian domination of the game? Unless it's proven those guys were cheating, of course.
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Once you have these orange items, you don't really "need" more, warp stone, pristine emblem and crippling headshot are also good options

but more than anything you wanna lean into green items to make your self a life steal tank unkillable demon

spirit resist is crazy value on her as it make you take less damage from your own abilities
>russian teams wins russian tournament of 7/8 russian teams
you will never be human, zigger. go get your legs blown of by a drone
This event had open qualifiers with multiple other teams.
just had probably my worst game in history going like 2/16/4
my whole team did awful so I don't feel too bad
their wraith had 15 kills and I'm pretty sure all of them were her lifting me on sight
>Spirit urn

reduce gold gain by more than half
keep buffs
spirit urn now grants 95% spirit resist and 50% bullet resist to troopers(other trooper and tower damage is unaffected) for 1 minute, or some other good %.

This means enemy team can't just turtle and nuke the troopers, if there is enough space on the map to run urn, then it turns into a push. It's less punishing for souls, because you can still comeback, it's a push mechanic
>there are russian pros who play mobas so that must mean that every single russian in every game of deadlock is secretly a pro gamer and they're just holding back when they feed 0-18-3 and sperg out on comms all game
very interesting analysis
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How do I spot a cheater? I'm extremely reluctant to call someone a hacker no matter what game, but when the mirage is only hitting headshots and denying everything it seems really suspicious.....
watch their pov in the replay
another game where i have top objective damage despite not even doing much of it since nobody wanted to push the entire fucking match
russian = cheater
vac ban on account = cheater
private profile = cheater
Um sweatie, he just has thousands of hours in CS :^)
What does it mean when people type ")" in the chat. Or ")))))))".

I see it occasionally.
smiley :)
it means go meat go rosh facking knoop
It would make me so happy if they just gave Grey Talon a little more falloff range on his regular shots. It's like I have to buy Sharpshooter to play any gun build on this dude and I hate buying Sharpshooter.
There are people in this thread that complain about Infernus in lane. The character with no pressure tools and a 40 second CD dash you can jump over is a "lane bully" according to the thread.
i fucking hate kelvin so fucking much man he's legitimately the most anti-fun character I have seen in a moba.
Speak English next time.
Russians don't want to type : for some reason so they just go for ) because usually in a chat it will show as "cykablyatman: )"
It doesn't mean that of course. But claims about Russians "being shit at Deadlock" can already be countered with evidence of them being the very pinnacle of top players. The evidence is small for now, but still.

It's a Russian style smiley. The number of brackets signifies the degree of amusement. If there are too many of them ))))))))))))))))) it usually means someone is being sarcastic or insulting.
Russian keyboard has the colon as Shift+6.
He's so fucking ass to lane against that grenade is so bullshit
>But claims about Russians "being shit at Deadlock" can already be countered with evidence of them being the very pinnacle of top players.
It's little comfort to me that skilled russians exist somewhere when I have to endure ones in my game that keep autorunning into enemy team because he broke his keyboard throwing it at a wall in a tard rage.
Well you'll (mostly) meet people of your own skill once Valve deals with mmr and everyone gets sorted.
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>check NA tourneys
>TF2 Boomers
What it is with TF2fags and them needing everyone to know that they used to play TF2?
Is it autism?
I'll probably have quit by then since I have no interest in playing another game where I'm the only one willing or capable of speaking english. It's a pretty miserable experience in a team based game.
Nobody helped me out last thread...

If you are even at your skill level and your teammate or mates feed and get pushed, how do you even make a comeback? I end up ganked and my even lane swings 2k. Then they push the guardians, take all of the farm. All the flash farming characters on my team take whatever jungle camps are left within a minute. There's no farm on the map. Teamfights feel like dogshit when the other team is up 10k, and the urn is just a death trap to feed more souls to the winning team.

Like what do you do? Seems like the game gets decided in lane.
You gank
deadlock is the tf2 chads game keep crying
I just buy curse, silence, slowing hex, and decay while I stack duration and cooldown. In a teamfight, it gives the team some chance to obliterate a one of those bullshit faggot heroes
>just runs around tanky as hell with his faggot dome ready to shut down any exciting activity

it's like they specifically needed to design a character that enables low skill, low iq, bad reaction time and critical thinking players to impact the game.
deadlock is tf2 successor

actually its tf2 and dota 2 that did the fusion dance that became deadlock

other then that go check out calico in sandbox she is cool af to play they made her cat turret the ulti and the invis a regular ability
Kelvin dome should shrink in size over its duration and kill everyone inside including kelvin and also his respawn timer is increased by 50%
I hope that's not her final look because she looks so generic. At the very least, change her color scheme so that we don't have TWO black women wearing purple.
Ganking while even in a solo lane gives the enemy free farm + your tower potentially. And the enemy in the duo lane is already well fed and ahead. They'll just chill under tower while we split souls 3 ways.

In the reverse, your laning partner will have to turtle tower or get dived while you can't guarantee a kill on the solo lane gank. Really depends on your character too. You're not ganking as ivy without her ult.
At some point I started doing this too. Maybe not all 4 of them because I need 1 slot for Unstoppable.
ok seven
careful seven
go rosh
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>be exhausted from work
>play deadlock
>play 1000x worse than usual and grief the game
I just wanted to fucking play all day
My goal? To be the lowest ranked /dlg/ player and to have a completely different meta established in those ranks because of it.
you can't have negative rank bwo
Good to know, thanks!
>queue and in solo lane against a seven again
fucking kill me
So far i'm 4 wins out of 6 games in ranked. Pretty good so far, tho one match won was because someone literally RQ 5 minutes in because his ass was getting whipped so hard by our warden.
Isn't that Deathy's team?
I've tried several times to get into Yamato and I have a frustrating experience of feeling pretty good early in the lane, feeling great finishing out the lane and early roaming, and then fucking absolutely miserable once people start hitting 20k+

Is she literally just about her fucking ult? The only time I ever see anyone doing well is when they are just being an unkillable nuisance that distracts people in teamfights and screeches for a nearby teammate to save them if they're getting tanked while riding it out in ult. I try and play her like I do in the first 1/4-1/3rd of the game for the remainder and I'm feeding half the time and barely feel like I'm assisting.
do it brother no one here can be as based as you

we are probably going to have her look like that for a while crazy how valve gave her one of the best kits in the game
goes to show how uncooked the tourney scene is when half the teams are joke teams
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I would want the ult to be slightly reworked, have the T3 talent refresh or add X amount of extra pulses to the currently ongoing grenade. grenade hits really hard and the mini rework of it being bigger per pulse has been such a fun change.
It's hard to say one thing to do because the answer is you have to do everything.

Your team are clueless apes with no macro?
You tell them to push lanes if the enemy team is on the other side of the map

Your teammates are getting their shit pushed in in lane?
You gank

The enemy team is taking urn?
You tell your team to come fight for it

etc etc etc et c et cettecet

At the end of the day if you want to win games, you have to get better, and that means either through individual skill that'll win you lane and outfarm the enemy or it's through leadership and control of macro
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>turret characters are traditionally despised and cause balance issues in both hero shooters and mobas, usually intentionally kept weak because nobody likes taking damage that takes no aim/skill
>terrain creation is always extremely powerful since blocking off intended pathways is nuts and needs to be handled very carefully otherwise it's always overpowered
>make one character have both
bravo icefraud
Just buy some gun items.
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69% win rate on ratginnis over 35 games so far. when will it end? fun character
Since the pattern so far is each patch makes the meta more annoying and breaks another hero who do you think is next on the being game-ruiningly broken after seven? I'm honestly tired of this revolving door of flavor of the week broken annoyance but that's been the pattern
Venomancer has both and he's not an issue
With Yamato as she is currently:
>good in lane
>great for a few minutes when she hits her level 3 power slash power spike
>if you are not fed as fuck by this point, you are doomed to irrelevancy and are basically a meme character
pulse grenade
charged shot
enhance and adjust the properties of all other abilities (also resets all cooldowns)
>enhanced 1
grenade pulses faster, shrinks each pulse, and does significantly more damage
>enhanced 2
bullets shoot back at the enemy
>enhanced 3
enemy gets frozen in place
Which heroes do you think need to have at least 1 ability completely reworked?
grey talon's turn to hit the entire lane with charge shot
All of them
Every hero has one thing about them that's broken as fuck and makes fighting them miserable
Yamato's ult, because it's clearly not fucking working
That's icefraud balance, all he ever does is double down on it
>just dont be visible to him lol
>crying about infernus
>trying to downplay shiv's absurd status in the same post
Yep, it's shitter hours.
besides the pick of the week broken hero that gets overbuffed mcginnis is perpetually the worst thing to have in the game
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I haven't played enough since tracklock changed their niggerscore but before I was 1100~ which I guess was 95th percentile iirc. Since the change, i've only played 6 ranked matches and of those two the average lobby rating is 2300 in their new score, which according to them is 99-99.7th percentile of players.

Guess this means i'm officially unofficially (until the real ranks get released) a GOOD deadlock player.
Imagine how hard the mobalets are going to cry when a character as complex as Invoker gets in.
That's every hour in this thread. Average match score of 1000.
nta but you have to know what you're doing as shiv to reach absurdity, with infernus it's just
>hold m1
>burn the enemy turning your tiny damage into 100 dpt dot
>heal all your life back even after the healing item changes
Invoker is the least complex high-complexity hero
as if infernus isnt picked in 100% of games since 2 patches straight
get an aimbot and even you can play high skill matches since this netcode favors 500ms third world monkeys like yourself
Have you tried buying active items? Debuff remover is quite good against a farmed Infernus if you're trying to escape.
Healbane is a green and hvr is an orange so your argument is invalid
>not an Egyptian
>not ticking two boxes "Exotic" and "Kangz and shiet" at once
what the FUCK is Valve thinking???
i think miku is the most overtuned character in the game right now. she can build basically any item and still be good
Every time with this thread.
Literally one of the easiest lanes you can have
If your "Build" has more than 3 items in each category that are considered "core" you haven't made a good build
leaving (1) item slot for flexible choices is the way to go in Deadlock
Antiheal versus infernus doesn't do anything notable because he benefits from both spirit and gun healing and even after they changed how healing items stack he will outheal all antiheal by just running and then ricochet m1ing
He also gets a constant steady stream of healing which makes the antihealing items even less effective
seriously every time some shitter complains about some random bullshit that can be countered so easily with an item these are OW players who dont realise you need to change your build on the fly and cant just do the same fucking cookie cutter template shit
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If pic related were in charge of kit design
is 1600 bad or good
average, you know how to play the game but you're not ahead of the pack.
Considering most Deadlock heroes don't even have 4 active skills, he'd still be way too much for most people who play this game to handle.
Buy Decay and Healbane, retard.
Infernus is not a problem. You just jump him first before he can even ignite anyone. If you just let him sit outside the fight shooting you and healing then yeah you're a shitter.
Map too big
most Deadlock heroes do have 4 active skills
there are like 3 that don't
>infernus abusers itt
I literally have played like 2 games on him, but plenty against him. I'm just not empty water bottle mmr that refuses to buy active items and healbane just because they're not in the reddit build.
Why would you build into Titanic mag instead of picking Melee Charge?
the healing is only half the problem
his burn dot gets way too high for how easy it is to proc especially when every other dot in the game is tame compared to it even when you build for them
Both can work in there own places. But Gun McGinnis essentially has one of the highest DPS in the game, able to shred HP bars in seconds.
Have you tried buying spirit armor or debuff remover? Hell, debuff reducer?
yes to both and this dotard mindset you have of "just buy item and the problem will magically go away" doesn't work in half the shit in Deadlock
An easy to proc burn does not need to do that much damage per tick, simple as
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How to permanently balance Shiv: make his 3 an active ability with a relatively short duration of <12s. The second activation triggers the current active effect and immediately begins its cooldown, which would otherwise begin when it expires.

Shiv gets to have his cake of being un-fucking-killable, but he has to decide when to eat it. 12s of Bloodletting is more than enough time to 1v1 or 1v2, but it also allows enemies to counter him by CC'ing him until it expires so he can't effortlessly facetank the entire enemy team every teamfight. It fits his in-game description of being about "controlled aggression" much better.
Sounds like you fed a little too much and your team isn't helping you kill him. What do you expect to happen in this case? That you can just win for free because the game should let you?
>you either didn't buy item or you fed, nothing in this game can be broken
dotard logic
And lo and behold most of the game's flaws comes from icefrog trying to fit a square peg into a circular hole, trying to port dota logic and mechanics over 1:1 without any adjustments for the differences in how the game play, or an awareness of the fact this game's unfinished while dota has had years of development so naturally broken shit is going to happen
I cant rely on seven if im high mmr, so I'm learnined infernus. I just don't know my power spikes, and how to capitalize in fights
>How to permanently balance Shiv: make his 3 an active ability with a relatively short duration of <12s. The second activation triggers the current active effect and immediately begins its cooldown, which would otherwise begin when it expires.
When I started playing I thought this is how it worked because that's way more intuitive
>Debuff reducer makes Infernus dot do 30% less damage total
>Debuff remover makes Infernus dot do 35% less damage total, and you can clear it if you need
>these can combo with spirit resist on armors and shit
>it doesn't do anything! nerf now!
Oh, it's another episode of pretending to buy the counter items so you can whine on /dlg/ but not actually buying the counter items because they don't fit into your discord tranny build. My favorite. Every thread.
what does his 3 actually do because I also thought it was an active based on how it's written
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mcginnis entire kit
yamato ult
kelvin dome
shiv passive
everything else is managable by balancing and changing some small mechanics about it
Good, it's better for heroes to be annoying than boring (i.e. league).
Lash alt fire should make him turn 180 degrees and start twerking while giving him some bullet and spirit resist
my builds always use 2 flex slots at the very least no i will not stop doong this
Russians play Dota and Deadlock, not "mobas". Riot and especially LoL are generally considered abominations unworthy of even a second glance. If you try searching for Russian twitch channels during LoL's ongoing worlds championship, you'll notice they don't even break 400 viewers (which is below Czechs and Slovaks).
you say that yet almost every deadlock hero has a near identical "throw explosive" ability where the only differences are radius and sometimes a debuff
pretty boring to me
nearly every top build now is in Russian, Chinese, or Portuguese until you turn off all languages which really shows this game's already dead and only played by those groups just like dota
Think of it this way: 30 - 45% of the damage Shiv takes is applied as a bleed that ticks at a fixed rate so that it's taken over 10 seconds (15 with 1 AP). Activating it clears 40% of the bleed damage, 65% with 5 AP. So if you dealt 1,000 damage to him in one hit, he'd only take 700 / 550 damage, and then take 300 / 450 damage over 10s, with the ability to clear some of that DoT.

It just makes him tanky as fuck for no good reason.
What would your parents think of this post
>only played by those groups just like dota

All top Dota events are full of Europeans, Russians, South Americacs, SE Asians and Chinese and every region has at least one tier 2 team.
oh yeah that's crazy I thought you had to activate it to get the turn damage into bleed effect
Yeah, it seems like people misunderstanding the ability because they assume it works the way it fucking should is very common
So this game's in an even worse state than dota then
Back when I played league in 2010 actives were everywhere, what happened?
reliability, bullet resist, synergizes with vampiric burst
This game doesn't exist yet.
Too complex
It won't be different on release. Game's lost interest and will just be Russian Chink game now
Forgot to mention Arabs.
grug no like to menny butan....oooooooh grug hed hert no debouf remover plese
>denying the reality the game's already in
I'm sorry for your cope
Do __we___ even have world-class pro teams?
post more steam charts showing the game has tens of thousands of daily active players, lol
7's Infinite range free stun ability
I still think it should be a line of sight tether ability. Where 7 latches wires to the target and needs to stay in range and keep line of sight while he charges up basically like a taser.
More I lurk the more I realize that most of you are shitters. There's a few good players here, but holy fuck most of this thread is probably getting alchemist or lower rank
I just tried imagining an interaction between Pocket and other heroes and realized why I don't care for him as a character. He has almost no personality traits other than his daddy issues.
Time bomb that slows enemies nearby while it's counting down. Detonates after 5 seconds and does heavy damage plus timestop. AoE scales with duration. You can blow it up early by hitting it with Carbine. Can be swapped using the ult.

That's basically it. Other than that, they have to fix her "broken" lategame initiation in comp while making her feel good to play in pubs, so I'd just remove the time stop on carbine and revert the cooldown changes on her ult.
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I'm starting to fear games where we're doing good in the early-mid phase because that means we get complacent and cocky, leading to the enemy team overtaking us and winning.
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His DoT is 15 damage a tick on a character with some of the lowest base gun damage (as in, slightly better than Ivy) in the game.

If you're standing out in the open and eating the 10 shots needed for him to even proc the thing, you should out-trade him. If you're not, you're dogshit, there's literally no other way to explain it.

Late game Infernus you might have a leg to stand on, but if you're seriously struggling against Infernus in lane you're actually brain damaged.
It used to not be the case, but since around 2020 there was a primarily Muslim team called Quest which did rather well (around tier 1,5) and also Nigma Galaxy (which didn't do well).

There have been a lot of reshuffling after this TI, so a new Muslim team is this. It's too early to tell how well it will do, but it has a lot of folks from quest and several TI winners.

It's astounding how often I can be 1v3 and when I die and look at the map all of our lanes are getting pushed and someone else on the team has also just lost a fight.

What in god's name were you doing? Just fucking standing there?
>tens of thousands of russians and chinks with a playerbase still smaller than it ever was
The biggest tell is how every greentext spergout is easily countered with an obvious item buy, but the player never made said buy. Then they get told what they should do for next time by someone who noticed that solution and they lash out by pretending they had that item all along and that it didn't do anything. Too many shitters like to pretend counter items are unusable garbage for some reason. Even during the mass Vindicta flying meta last patch it was easily countered by a guy or two with knockdown just making her eat shit until she got forced to buy Eth shift or unstoppable for her 2.
It's cute that people think the game is going to fail. I haven't seen a multiplayer game this promising in forever.
the game and general is so dead there are only 5 of us in here including you
Just hang in there. I have it on good authority that next year she'll win.
I agree. They should replace that with something twice as irritating.
So current Nigma is 3 Lebanese, 1 Pakistani, 1 half Jordanian and a famous ethnic Iranian (?) coach from Germany, who's also a TI winner.
It'll have a strong release but quickly become Chink and Russian central, a mirror to how the mostly open release of the alpha went
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last thing you see before we fucking murder you
you forgot the part where he spams his HUGE FUCKING AOE ability that amplifies burn damage you retarded shitter
What the hell is that? The fuck 2? lmao
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>from my own country too
Dang I didn't expect that. Thanks for the explanation
Thats obvious given the amount of people that complain about their teammates rather than trying to improve themselves.
>zoomers don't know about titanfall
shaking my head. society has fallen
Titanfall 2
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>predicted ivyniggers would ruin the image of the game since before it even went public
Once again, I was right.
let me guess, european?
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vindicta fucking sucks
GH is a very famous guy and a TI winner, Omar and Noob are good players from Quest I've been talking about.

There's also ATF from Falcons, who's one of the most skilled and controversial (likes to trash talk a lot) offlaners from Jordan.

>try puddle punch build
>it's shit especially after the puddle punch nerf
>try splatter build
>it's shit
>gun and ball builds are the only good ones now
I wish they'd fix this and make viscous's other abilities actually meaningful beyond early game. Gun build is boring and I don't like the way the ball controls enough to spam it
>b-b-but seven is balanced youre just a shitter
>b-b-but infernus got nerfed and now is balanced youre just a shitter
>b-b-but geist huge aoe damage on low cd is balanced youre just a shitter
the amount of actual windowlickers in this thread that think they got the game figured out still amazes me
Ivy is, in fact, cute, that furfag is just weak.
>losing all my lanes but winning all my games
>nekoscore of every match is going down
B-bros? Valve isn't detecting that I'm getting carried each game is it???
my favorite power couple
>give her the shortest range because "we fixed sharpshooter"
>everyone else uses sharpshooter better than her
>reverted the retarded range nerf
>nerfed her even more to match
humiliation ritual, the hero
youve been getting carried in stacks
>random furry twitter account from days ago
honestly you should be permabanned for posting off topic ragebait twitter screenshots but I don't make the rules
I'd take the short range over whatever they did to her last patch
>win first ranked
>get sent into rus animals lobby next game
>they run into the enemy 1 by 1 never fighting a single 6v6 in the game
>someone gets caught they instantly try to 3v6 the enemy instead of letting them take the objective
>play mo&krill
>get kited to hell and back
>get shot behind cover because model is the size of a bus
>burrow gets slowed to less than minion speed once someone hits you
>abilities all have 5m range (meleeing is higher)
>melee heal on 10s, utility on 40s cd
is there a more garbage hero than him? literally everything sucks, there is no redeeming quality
Just remove her dumbass soul gain on kills.

Familiar/Crow -> Now hits and highlights enemies through walls for the team, longer duration, same damage overall, give antiheal even.

Assassinate headshots now knock down.
The one with a 20m range (which is around the range his bullets start to fall-off, meaning slower burn build-up). That lasts 8 seconds, so even if he were to keep the burn going for the full 8 seconds, you're taking 144 from the burn.

If you stood still, he magdumped you with the amp on you, burnt you for 8 seconds and did it all while the amp was up, he still wouldn't do enough damage to kill anyone on the roster.

I'll say it again, if you cannot out-trade Infernus in lane you're clinically retarded. His strength does not lie in laning, he scales well but his base stats are shit. He's even got some of the lowest base movespeed in the game.
I played Paradox from the start and now she just feels shit to play.
Reposting this to the forum, it's a great idea
>character rapes people during laning phase
>anon finds a way to be utterly shit with him
laning with mo is laning on easy mode. Just head empty spamming shotgun shots that do way more damage then they should and free denys
you vill buy ze actives
und you vill be happy
I'm 0-4 on the ranked games bros...
Three of those games were absolute stomps and fourth actually a good game that but went to 50mins so one bad fight ended it.
>he fell for the ragebait
>slept from 8am to 8pm
>ranked closes in an hour
Man I really need to fix my sleep schedule if I want to play some ranked
For your sake, I hope you're baiting.

You're showing his base tick damage, as in, not leveled. You're ignoring spirit scaling. You're ignoring anything that amplifies spirit damage. You're ignoring fire rate which lets him build it up very fast. You're ignoring his other abilities which add damage.
The post I was replying to explicitly states:
Level one, as in start of the game. Unless the latest patch starts you with items and I didn't notice?

I hope for your sake you read the context of the discussion before jumping in, in future.
this but unironically
warden is fun if you just ruin one faggot's day by spamming cuck cage + three active purple items on him
they said they added input buffering but I'm pressing 4 3 on Wraith in demo mode and only 4 gets cast...
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the hazes that lose lane, farm all game, end up with less money than everyone, and never ult because they're saving it for the perfect moment are really killing me fellas. None of em have mics either
Why are there only 4 active item slots?
because zoomers can barely handle that many keybinds
any more and they'll die
because it forces you to prioritise
Active items are strictly better than passive items so they need to be limited.
There are bullshit faggot heroes in this game?
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Great matchmaking as always
at least you have more than 6 item slots, you can already suit a build a lot better than in other mobas
>get ivy
Pocket should always have the highest damage solely due to his ultimate, Vindicta did 50% more than pocket. It looks like Mo and Wraith went around stunning people and Vindicta shot them in the head for a shitton of $$$ while Kelvin did heal max. Even with 15k player damage, grey talon only got 1 kill and 1 assist.
deselect her then silly sausage
because active items are stronger on average due to requiring you to time them effectively
shotgun does no damage beyond 10m which is basically melee range and has awful velocity

idk who youre playing against but if you face players that let you come into melee range you might be the shitter here
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I must say, I'm not enjoying ranked so far. Even when I do well in the match personally, I get dragged down by my team, and I not good enough yet to hard carry.
i love bebop
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16 actives
considering 1500 is the average, you're doing good anon!
I don't know what heroes to focus on playing...
You're still ignoring literally everything else.
Give me 3 heroes to play
if you want to win and have no brain: infernus, seven, wraith
>crying about velocity
>in a game where high velocity mag exists
holy fuck you're shit
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I love majestic leap so much. Imagine playing Lash and genuinely believing you shouldn't pick it up every single game.
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>try wraith for the first time
>go up against pocket of all people
>go ranked
>duo lane with seven
lmao bro just hold down your mouse button and you win fights
not a problem if the wave has been shoved
septillionaire grindset
A good seven starts hitting creep camps with his balls as soon as possible, because it should be entire feasible for them to do it without neglecting their lane/lane partner.
Oh no no you don't get it, the wave wasn't pushed, like the fuck just left me 1v2 during the laning phase to hit the bottom corner jungle creeps.
>throw 1 card at him and he dies
dlg sisters we aren't that good are we...
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Won my first ranked despite 2 agents sent my way
>Haze goes 0:8 in 15min
>Abrams (i think german) cant SHUT THE FUCK UP about how bad we are doing despite having zero impact himself

I think its time to wait until ranked has some sort of draft system
Solo que is nice but i dont like the cortisol spikes game offers
You missed your walljump input.
I wish I was good at Shib.
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>actually good games
>not a single Russian in my team today
>also no crashes
Yoshi did it, he fixed Deadlock
But my streamer FRIENd (he replied to my chat msg once) said its BAD and its a CRUTCH therefore you are BAD

any mobility item, in any moba, is good. i don't know how low tier wood mmr diaper wearing caca niggers have had their opinion reverberated throughout dlg. probably because a lot of you are in an echochamber for retards. I'm tired of you faggots.
who are you even talking to?
remove majestic leap from the shop, but everyone gets a free one-use majestic leap every 60 seconds
its about base stats you moron
if i have to buy extended range, burst, hvm, extra regen and other shit just to stay in lane vs someone who can just sit back and harass me with autoattacks that just means that character sucks compared to others
i have to invest into tankiness, spirit and guns to be any threat to anyone when theyre not retarded and kite me (which is easy since im a fucking bus)
just like paradox this character is balanced around high level play because of his ult and sucks in every other scenario, compared to abrams hes squishy, does no damage and has an ability skill that needs fleetfooted, active barrier and sprint boots to be taken serious
tankLashes don't need it
>diaper wearing nigger wants a (You)
God I'm so fucking tired of duo lanes, every single time I'm forced to be on one, I have either an AFK who just stands in the open or a mouthbreather who just wants to play a TDM game and gets annihilated in 10 seconds.
Of course
Theres a reason people grab blink dagger on puck despite hero having the glowing ball you can teleport to

Lash single use of the jump takes you like 2/3 of height leap does, and doesnt have nearly as much speed forward for chasing

Leap might be the best item in game rn unironically, theres not a single hero in game that doesnt like it, and if all builds werent so limited on green slots i believe everyone would grab one
>tier 3 health item that gives +125 health
Why would a theoretically tank build not still pick this up.

Solo lanes are boring as fuck unless you have someone actively helping you and ganking.
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crawl back into the hole you came from
that hole is also known as riot games' asshole
Worst post of the decade award
I'd rather be on a solo lane on a 1v1 than being on a solo lane 1v3
Best post of the decade award
Oh then fuck that guy
Every day I don't have to be reminded that russians exist is a good day.
>its about base stats you moron
you're even more fucking stupid than i thought. im not even going to read the rest of your post
>anon cant read
whats the pettiest/most retarded reason you play a character? for me it's the blood red overlay people get when they're in execute range while playing as shiv/vindicta
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>shiv is 9-0 at 10 minutes
>give up on any kind of teamfight plans
>engage rat
>take 2 lanes with base guardians aswell while they hopelessly brool infront of my base
broolers btfo
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I cannot fathom how fucked up someone's thought process has to be to pick M&K and solely dedicate yourself to fucking SPLIT PUSHING the entire game from start to finish with the one character that just is the best for team fights. What the fuck is this rare breed.
i played yamato for like 250 games just because she was the least popular character for a while.
funny how that turned out with her getting nerfed 5 times in a row.
teams even at 2k are retarded and think when you ult someone with MK you have a disease and run away
so splitpushing is all thats left when you have braindead monkeys not wanting to fight or shoot at someone locked in a 3s stun
idk but I will probably never play Haize/Wraith/Vindicta/Grey Talon.
gg miku
that game was nonstop brooling
oh there is a tourney today
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ranked going well ^^
>Why would a theoretically tank build not still pick this up.
because you can spend 3k on 50% bullet armor
I play abrams because the feedback on slamming people into walls and punching them to death appeals to my low iq grug brain.
I play mo and krill and whenever I ult someone I type profanities in all chat
you just made me realize that ult gives me time to type, time to say "*hugs u*" every time i ult
>lost ranked because of a bad midboss call
bros... it was my fault...
this is why I hate doing midboss 9/10 times. it just gives them an opportunity to come back
The lore is kind of boring. Yeah it's an alpha but the motivations seem weak. Viscous is here to help fish people. Besides the funny voice he seems like a cardboard cutout. Most of the heroes are flat. Maybe seven was the first character they really fleshed out? Idk. Geist has that visual novel and she still comes out more flat than seven
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>play with one friend
>90% winrate because we can coordinate to win the lane and snowball almost every time
>he invites 3 other guys
>10% winrate because they turn the voice call into constant flaming and trash talking while going in alone and wasting ults
this is why I'm an introvert
dynamo was alive and i knew he was going to be a problem
but i yunderestimated the radius on black hole and he snagged everyone in the pit
oh yeah going for midboss when dynamo has ult up is a recipe for disaster, you need a few people with cc outside the pit and even then you're probably gonna lose the rejuv
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These ranked games have been the most forced 50 games I have ever seen
what was infernus doing
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How is the rank result calculated? By match performance, or purely by win/loss? I'm 4 ranked games in and I haven't won a single one.
based on the souls i'd say farming for next game
He had no idea what he was doing
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Indisputable ranked mmr grind teirlist

Rat gods on top, mirage is in a
Deathy meta report
>How is the rank result calculated?
if we knew people would just minmax rank stats and not bother with actually playing the game the way it is intended
There is no reason to assume it will be based on anything other than w/l.
However, it takes into account the w/l of your opponents in later games, and their opponents, etc. That's the advantage of the weekly calculation.
I was told every sweaty nerd is going to leave for ranked and unranked is gonna become playable
I was lied to, its sweatier than ever before
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Is this dishonest?
I see. In this case, I'll just keep doing my best while hoping that I won't get crab bucketed by matchmaking.
This is going to get changed by valve at some point.
every Vindicta has pause button binded to mouse, what you're doing is child's play
Shiv and Abrams are S tier. Also Seven is great if you don't have retard 1-9 tesla bullets haze sucking up your farms
>Minimap always on
>Only one map anyway
New York is boring.
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>This is fine
It's almost certainly w/l and if it isn't then it's gonna weight obj dmg heaviest
Thanks for the upcoming 'Ginnis nerf, buddy.
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What is the meaning of this, Seven bros?
Why is no one playing him?
They are good but not rat pilled which is why they are not s

Sevens ult has negative ev
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>No Vindicta
>Paradox present
dlg lied to me again
How long was the match?
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This is THE tourneyfag tier list
game 1 started
What does "ban" mean in this context?
The unholy trinity of downplayers.
>doesn't link the previous thread
What's wrong with this nigg*r?
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>woke up late so only got to play the second set of ranked games
>3 good games 2 awful games where people did not even play the game
>only play with irl friends
>one turbo shitter who literally refuses to learn what other heroes do
Evens i play deadlock, odds i watch tourney
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>Vindicta went from S tier to bottom tier in 1 patch
>Vindicta went from S tier to bottom tier in 1 patch
last patch Vindicta was a healslut whore because she had zero damage, they took it away from her. So now she's completely useless whore
just join the inhouses and watch saga play yamato, she's the kind of character that needs you to put in a gorillion hours to see consistent results
The standard ruleset for comp games gives every team one ban. The banned hero is the tiny round portrait at the top.
Banned heroes can't be picked by either team.
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He is truly the best of us
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No one can get drunk on a single bottle of wine. Even after two bottles of wine you wouldn't need you to be carried up the stairs. So it would take at least three bottles of wine for Geist to get that drunk, assuming she's a complete lightweight like you. But she's an immortal evil hag who's been heavy drinking for a 100 years
I wish I had the intense concentration and determination to win that Infernus does.
>No one can get drunk on a single bottle of wine
What are you, fucking 14?
I was just about to write a post about how Paradox should have taken Melee Lifesteal instead of Enduring Spirit, and right as I went to tab out, I see a 1v3 where she would have taken someone out with her if she'd taken Melee Lifesteal.
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It really does feel like it.
>catgirl's team isn't playing in the tournament tonight
Does this mean they didn't want to participate in another humiliation ritual?
a bottle is like 7 shots of alcohol
you think "no one" can get drunk after downing 7 shots especially in quick succession?
I know women that get drunk from half the bottle
tell him to play ranked to show his medal so you can laugh at him
NTA, but I'm 22 and I can definitely get drunk on even half a bottle of wine. Not seriously, though. It will give disorientation, but I'll recover within 2 hours.
I've never been drunk because I'm not a degenerate, but after two glasses of wine I get pretty dizzy.
Shiv's 3 is the most OP ability in the game and will have balancing issues years in the future
Why? It just makes him tougher.
Damage deferral is an inherently overpowered mechanic. It's impossible to balance.
What's the point of the dash jump timing? It's pretty simple to pull off, so sometimes I even forget it has a timing to it at all. So what's the point
Gee where have I heard this before
everyone knows that, this same fucking ability in BOTH Dota and LoL is overpowered despite having much less than FIFTY PERCENTED DEFFERAL SHIV NIGGER HAS
You're not going to get it 100% of the time when under stress.
This is one of the lines Holiday says when killing Wrecker.
4-1 ranked chads we are blooming
the sweaty nerds can't play in a stack with ranked so they're stuck in regular matches
>surrender in tourney
what a pussy
i firmly believe only top100 players know how to play the game and everyone below is complete and utter dogshit at the game
>I'll just keep doing my best
bee your best self <3
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>one game of ranked before the gates close
>forget to sort out my picks get paradox
>vs team full of 'dps carry' heroes
>my team is full of 'bruiser' picks
>get giga carried by the holy trinity of tanky fucks
Well, at least I was decently useful in lane.
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>lose two 40 minute games in a row due to multiple 1-10s in each
>have no further interest in playing

I'm completely demotivated from playing. I don't want to have to try so hard to pick up slack for others members of my team, especially when they are deaf mutes.

It's like bristleback, either completely dogshit, or overpowered. They need to lean more toward with his attrition based move set.
match id? I wanna see what viscous built
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>slurps up your jungle camps all game long while your walkers get pushed and die
>goes 1-12
nothing personnel kid
every fucking time
why are sevens so addicted to jungling now? did some pro make a video telling them to steal all farm on the map and never fight or rat?
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>first game today
>10/12 players are snowniggers
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if the justification for putting ivy in A tier cause of her fucking spirit build I swear to fucking god
The human race will never cease to amaze me. This is a game where farming directly contributes to the main win condition, and yet people have developed a method to farm while not contributing anything at all.
>No yous
Its over
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Active items should be consumable
tourneyfags keep banning her but i honestly don't know why
Him being one of the fastest junglers makes it feel necessary to capitalize on it. You can snowball your itemization so fast once you extra charge, increased range, and a little bit of spirit/spirit lifesteal
>Broken hero
I have bad news
>Lesh has no eyes so he doesn't get censored
>where farming directly contributes to the main win condition
its really incredible when these subhumans decide that fighting on the enemys side of the map is the best course of action while 2 our lanes are getting pushed by giga nigga creep waves
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>Yeah, Paradox is top-tier.
Kill yourself
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>seven with bag of 1700 souls teleports to farm large camp SECONDS after we deliver urn
how this animals even play this game?
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I literally had this on my team last game. 500 nekoscore with the old system in my fucking 2400 match.
Reminder that if you get the performance-based MMR you keep crying about then permafarm Seven with 0 kills, 1 death, 5 assists, and 2k objective damage will be the meta strategy.
skill issue
>try to play geist
>am aimlet
my ego is ruined and therefore geist is simply a sissy character for gaylords. kill geistoids
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>He thinks tourney meta is same as ranked solo meta


He lacks critical information >>498678034
Dotards have invented and perfected this years ago

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Holy shit that haze build was beyond shit, now I see why she did literally no damage
>titanic magazine, lucky shot, pristine emblem, toxic bullets fucking leech and a burst fire with only qsr for purples
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>can't play ranked because of surgery
It's so over I'm gonna be behind with all the shitters
>"I cant believe we have a 6/11 giest on our team" >said the 1/11 lash, 1/6 haze, and 3/3 wraith, in unison
i think i'm finally about to add you to a filter.
not only are you low MMR as fuck and give bad advice, you're dumb as bricks to boot.
god damn.
At this point they should give haze ricochet as passive so every retarded monkey zigger in my games has it for ult instead of whatever dogshit build they came up with in their mudhut on steppes of siberia
>motion blur
ye im thinking that seven is based
>get urn
>don't get urn
>not adding every tripfag to the filter by default
motion blur??? what the fuck
She was A tier, in pugs anyways
heres a better idea. disconnect everything east of poland and the balts from the internet.
only C tier in Deathy tierlist
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new tier list just dropped from vegas
everything south of mexico too please
>kelvin not in S
so is boxmaxxing not as good as he said it was?
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too many nerfs
if all Seven does is turbofarm why is he up there in place of Shiv today?

>warden that high
>Haze, Miku, Kelvin, Dynamo that low

I wish I could filter this to top 50%
Haze lash and mo way too low
dynamo and kelvin slightly too low
Yamato too high
seven too high
>goonigger downplaying his goonigger
discarded the list
>paradox banned
it's over
it's 2550MMR im okay with losing on a broken hero
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>yamato and paradox over haze.
this nigger is crazy.
Wrecker is my most anticipated hero.
>Eldritch abomination
>The butcher of Ixia
>Summoned/created by Fairfax, Pocket's dad
>Perpetually hungry
Tier list makers will do literally anything to avoid actually committing to their statements about the quality of a game's characters. Reminds me of Tekken, where every character is somehow in the top 15 and the lowest tier on the tier list is B+. I guess it's a way to cope that the game is "balanced". Some people need that kind of cope to justify spending thousands of hours in the same game.

At least it's a normal distribution, even though it's a bit top-heavy and it should really be flatter.
wood spotted
haze bros we're honest
How is Lash not your first pick if you ban Paradox every single time
Does that audio file stop playing at 1:02 for anyone else? Works fine if downloaded, though.
>enter ranked match
>see seven on team
>oh boy
>name is in cyrillic
genuinely baffling how there is a double wave pushing into a walker next to him and he just does not take it letting the walker take 90% of its health in creep damage
vegas is a faggot cry baby, his opinion is dog shit
I hope he keeps his kamikaze ult

Yeah same.
To be fair, anyone that plays a video game like it's their job is bound to be insufferable
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Here's a non dogshit list made by me (higher than gaygas)
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Game 1 of Grand Final
Yamato and ivy team hard loses no contest
screencap this
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I love winning
i dont see warden hitting ulti on any of those heroes except maybe geist lmao
hoping for Seven-tier cool yet unhinged design
healing rite is good actually. +2 sprint speed for a long time, makes camps do literally 0 damage to you, gives you a decent bit of spirit/health. its got a lot of value for 500
rapid rounds, sprint boots, healing rite. 4m/s sprint early for 20s. Ive been doing it some games to box max and roam early
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>walker at half
>kill 2 in this area
>2 teammates with me
>"help me push this walker lets get it"
>they both leave, one goes to mid shop and the other
>2 enemies show up late and kill me
thanks retards
what is paradox's ban rate in games with mikaelS? 98%?
>lose because the enemy had a cracked up Wraith that went 38/6
What the fuck bros, I had to get Curse just to kill her but my team was too stupid for active items. My MMR isn't even high
Paradox is amazing in any game with non retards regardless of mikaelS.
Hero is stupid strong if you're not in low/mid mmr.
what the fuck is that font
initiateGAWDS WW@
who should I que third if I like shiv and vindicta
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>Yamato feeding out of her mind
Lmao why the fuck would you ever pick this hero in pro after the escalating exposure, ult and 1 nerfs
she's a really strong laner and i think she's underrated in general, although the nerf on her ult was unwarranted
but specifically when mikaelS is in the game banning her seems to be a nobrainer for most teams, and i wonder if that's really the optimal ban
>Geist and Seven in S
>Haze in B
What moron made this thing. I have 500 hours which makes me an authority on this matter
why'd they revert the patron pit changes
Grey Talon, he's closest to Vindicta gameplay you can get
every pro team has a yamato onetrick who contests her every single pick phase and then feeds
>eldritch abomination
No, anon. He's a kyle odom reptilian. He's an unseen lizard creature skinsuiting a conduit body built just for him, he sucks energy out of living things and his ult is to astral project
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Of course this is the fucking Haze I get. The russian feeder to ragequit pipeline
I haven't received one Russian in three days
He just picks Shiv and there are bigger bans.
Hopefully we have inhouses tonight rather than ranked
I'm actually curious what a good Yamato build looks like, anyone wanna post one?
ring of repick
and yet she is banned in this match
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very cool matchmaking but if i call them out on them i get put on perma mute for a week like i am now FIX THE MATCHMAKING
anytime i get paired with a dynamo i turn my brain off till they prove they can play most of them 98.9% of them are garbage
then i look at their profile they are in games they shouldnt be in once again

for you to carry people like this you have to play perfect because they are clearly in games they shouldn't be in
Game over
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I'm not great with Yamato, but this is my build.
Sorry, I'm not interested in your build then.
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why do the worst players on a team always yap the most? why is the best feeling beating shit talkers?
>no boots
>no spirit strike
nigger what the fuck are you doing
>barrier items without veil walker build
>no torment pulse early
>no mystic shot
That's the base font, it's probably just because I play in 900p
I disregard any build with boundless spirit
Retard moment
>Yamato won
nerf her
I agree, even considering that item is proof of profound retardation.
Ivy+Yamato team was 70k souls up at 22 minutes and the other team quit.
How do i get better at AIMING, i wanna play geist but the gun is too hard :(
bro that's mikaels's team
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>last week of september
>matchmaking is kinda shitty
>even if I win the matches are totally unenjoyable
>stop playing
>come back two weeks later
>matches are even worse
guess I'll see you guys in a few weeks, again
It's probably a wasted ban. You have to imagine he's still good on other characters.
based woodbro
>Amber down by 8k souls at 14mins
>Sapph does midboss
>Amber attempts to contest and get team wiped

>Sapph now has rejuv
>Sapph gets free urn
>Sapph takes all 4 walkers for basically free
>Amber now down 40k with 0 lane control at 20m
>Amber concedes

No one is going to care about the competitive scene of this game if most of the games are decided by the first team fight after lane phase
... is someone who would buy boundless.
me personally I usually just try to click on the enemy and NOT click on things that aren't the enemy
In terms of raw stats it is very strong, but it definitely doesn't have the "win the game for me" potential that the best T4s have.
Perhaps, but the yamato did literally nothing
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You've made some very good points. That build is from before I figured out that shields are generally worse than resistance. This is what I came up with just now.
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Spirit Warden deals so much damage
So buying boundless is based in your opinion?
It used to be THE best buy for Vindicta when her fly scaled, but no longer
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yamato was useless again

desu it's hard to judge what's an actual problem with snowballing vs. just a skill gap this early in the game's lifespan
but i have noticed that pro games are way more stompy than pubs
The problem with games like this is that the games are too long for people to pick up the basic patterns. In shorter games, like IDK, Pokemon Unite or Splatoon, you can learn very quickly how to play the game at each stage because games are capped at 5/10 minutes. In this game, even a total stomp is going 20 minutes deep and the average game is probably in the mid 30s. It takes 5-10 times as long to learn this game as it does other games. You'd expect a player with 1k hours in Deadlock to be about as good as a player with 100 hours in a faster-paced game.
Already in talks with Yoshi.
Seems like she was overlooked last patch, and he's thinking of releasing a hotfix ASAP to correct any issues.
ok but i cant do that.
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>not censoring lash
i laffed
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this is me irl
Had a really tense 48 minute game but my team fumbled twice on midboss. I literally parried 3 melees in a row on the second one but they just couldn't get the secure. Feels bad man
>it's hard to judge what's an actual problem with snowballing vs. just a skill gap
Even if Amber was cracked, if they lose that one fight because of a struggling laning phase there's no resources for them to come back from that deficit
Sapph owns the entire map for at least the next 5 minutes and that's enough to build enough resources to overcome any skill diff

You could say that the skill diff happened during lane, but that still just means the game is over after ~15m if the teams aren't super even in laning ability, which nobody wants to watch
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1) Mystic reach is a waste of souls on yamato, it does not make your power slash wider, it only adds range which is moot when you're always in their face.
2) No spirit strike is genuine griefing, this is the most important tier 1 item for yamato.
3) Torment pulse should be a tier 2 priority item.
4) Refresher is a MUST BUY.
5) Duration extender is good, it scales every single one of her abilities and makes your ult so much better.
6) You NEED to have healbane, debuff reducer and spirit lifesteal
7) Soul rebirth and spiritual overflow are also insanely good tier 4s

> shields are generally worse than resistance
The opposite, resistances tend to be shit if you go for the vitality resistance items, they're only good on the more tank oriented heroes, shields are often better value.
The problem with shields on yamato is that they go down fast and they don't really do shit because you're gonna ult at medium or less hp 80% of the time and once you ult, the shields won't do shit, shields on her are only good on a veil walker build as you can ult/soul rebirth and then regain a full life bar and half.

t. 600 hours yamato
Forgot to add, extra spirit is a very good tier 1 item but it's under tuned for its 3k upgrade and I'd only go boundless spirit for a mixed build, at that point you need those slots for your core which is vulnerability/escalating, torment pulse, improved burst, reverb and refresher, then duration and/or cooldown.
>Sapph owns the entire map for at least the next 5 minutes and that's enough to build enough resources to overcome any skill diff
yeah but sapph was the better team from minute 0
what i've seen happen in these game is that one team is just better and they turn an early advantage into an insurmountable lead
this early into a game's lifespan no one really knows what they're doing so there tends to be a huge gap between even, say, the top 10 teams
Achievable natty?
what is a splitpush and how do i do it
>this early into a game's lifespan no one really knows what they're doing
These guys absolutely do, the difference is that the game drastically changes every 2 weeks and certain picks/bans of the patch completely change and ruin the game.
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>enemy Wraith stuns me
>I die before the stun ends

>I play Wraith and stun enemy
>stun expires before I manage to line up a single headshot
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>having trouble with a snownigger shooting through walls and having near perfect headshot accuracy in my solo lane
>ask for help several times
>not even told to fuck off just completely ignored
>get dumpstered
>30 minutes later get blamed for the loss
>by 5/20/3 gay talon and several others with similar stats
well maybe if you helped earlier we wouldnt have lost you inbred retarded niggers
splitpushing is when one or two players is pushing a lane while the rest of the team is somewhere else, usually fighting
you do it by picking a hero like mcginnis (high objective damage) or kelvin (can easily run away if the enemy comes to kill him) and then just pushing and ignoring your team flaming you over mic for not joining fights
How the hell am I supposed to fit all of that in my build?
>caster constantly calling yamato "they"
the fuck, shes a woman
>yamato picked AGAIN
will she feed this time or will dimov just play her as a rat who avoids fights?
Can you shoot if you're ulted by wraith?
Putting paradox and dynamo with lash in same tier is crazy talk
You're definitely correct, but my point is that everyone is incentivized to pick a comp/strat that just crushes lane and wins one (1) team fight and now regardless of your enemy skill you have a huge margin of error that the enemy only has the chance to come back from if their post-lane skill is way above yours

It's kinda like in CS if you're on Dust 2, if either team has a cracked sniper that gets a pick mid 50% of rounds you're just playing 4v5 for half of the game, but in CS a cracked rifler can wipe the enemy team alone and come back from that
For me it's
>pick Wraith
>entire enemy team picks unstoppable

>enemy picks wraith
>my team makes sure to clump together so they can all take the ult at once
>that Buff Enjoyers team

These games are basically free money at this stage.
why isn't there 2 bans per team
no, but you can when hit by mirage's tornado
You cant do anything you are stunned
no, it's effectively a stun except it doesn't use the normal stun animation (which hides your head)

midboss probably spawns too early
if i were valve i would move it to 20 minutes for two weeks and see what happens
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am I the only one seeing this????
thank you
for like 0.5s during the hit animation, but not after
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Dumb rat
why does ginnis wall at level 1 get a 25% amp? seeing this mcginnis build that's majestic leap + slowing hex + mystic slow, level 1 wall, the rest into barrage. it's basically unavoidable certain death as she leaps at you into the wall + hex + ult, no counter play
see what all i see is ivy
this is probably a very good idea
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Don't keep laning items like regen and focus on your core, this is literally all you need to start looking to end the game with 2 miserable flex slots which are easier to get now.
>tranny colors
>tranny character
>infernus naruto runs into a yamato without infuser when behind in hp resulting in losing a bunch of hp for free
>then stays there missing creep melees
>then stays again to get hit by another power slash

what the fuck
I could do better than this come on
honestly i don't really know why it spawns at 10 minutes in the first place, other than its roar marking the end of soul sharing
i've never seen anyone take it before 15:00 and that's only in absolute stomps
in league there is a different objective that spawns in the baron pit before baron does and i think it would be good to have something like that, but i'm not sure if it should just be a soul pinata or something more interesting
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Rent free
It happened at like 13minute last week.when there were comp games
Hes surprisingly weak when you punch him with melee early game
They had support mcginnis tho.to take it
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So it's sort of like this later in the game?

>>tranny colors
Rent free.
>>tranny character
catgirl is a discord tranny who onetricks ivy (poorly) and has absolutely mindbroken the tranny-obsessed anons of /dlg/
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ivy is MtF (marble to flesh)
The thick paradox i need in my life
Maybe the first urn spawns in the mid pit at ~12mins and you can cap it on either side, so a team that's down would just have to rat it over 2 lanes to get a little boost
then you don't get midboss and normal urn spawn until 5 minutes after the first urn cap

that opens up denying midboss spawn tho which could go either way
Duration is ten times better than spirit strike at that stage.
Surge of power is insanely good on her, but there's too many items to buy nowadays.
Kinetic dash is also always good.

Might have to get unstoppable/soul rebirth before your third t4 spirit item.

Spiritual overflow should be a fifth/sixth t4 item.
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>Mere Seconds after
in like 99% of cases i would rather improved duration that reverb
Again, you are not making any sense. This does not fit.
>ivy has piercings
she's not wholesome
Give me your best paradox meme build
well you need something to pull on during certain activities
it's probably that heavy melee cancel meme or then a grenade meme
I have only won a single ranked match out of the five I've played.
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Im not a furry but i hope they make ivy cuter in game
>7/2/1 Wraith

Did they accidently stream a pub game or something?
me personally i've won 2 out of 3 so i'm doing pretty good
That aside it's absurd what it does to time wall.
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Reverb should literally always be your first T4 item, duration is only good once you have refresher.

How does it not fit?
Sell spirit strike after refresher or maybe earlier due to flex slots, get duration.
Surge of power is good in a vulnerability+torment pulse + cooldown +reverb + refresher + burst build but it depends on timings and if you don't get it somewhat earlysh might just wanna go for reverb refresher duration extender.
Kinetic dash is always good but honestly most weapon items on a spirit build are personal preference.

The point here is not to be extremely static in one sole build, adapt and change, sometimes you will need knock down, ethereal shift, etc.
Sometimes you'll need stamina.
Sometimes you'll need reactive armor.
Sometimes you'll need to rush escalating exposure.
Sometimes you'll need kinetic dash.
I have only played a single match in ranked and i won (barely)

100% winrate ama
>other heroes get spirit scaling as an innate part of their hero
>also get good guns
>ivy gets 1 stamina instead of spirit scaling
>gets a shit gun
make it make sense.
>Sometimes you'll need kinetic dash.
What are its usecases, anyway?
It does everything, free dash jump and fire rate.
Very good for splitting.
Very good for mobility.
Kinetic dash improves your rotation, your chase, and your escape. It's one of the strongest items in the game.
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Weekly reminder that Lash was a nigger in Neon Prime
what's so good about reverb?
the free jump doesn't count as your air jump, so you can get a double jump and get up onto things without having to wall jump and heavy punch or otherwise mantle, it's very strong
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This list aligns with exactly how I feel about the current state of the game , all except paradox I think she's C-B area
this tier list is beyond abysmal
she gets firerate from spirit doe
Rotation? I assume you don't mean just rotating the camera. I should probably inform you that this is my first MOBA.
okay, and?
Free dash jumps go crazy for chasing and rotating, plus ammo and fire rate for lethality and objective pushing
Also some damage
Remember when 66% of the walker souls on death used to deniable and then they reduced it to like 35%? Yeah blame Kelvin being able to wiggle his mouse with arctic beam and earn thousands for his team in an instant for LOSING an objective.
Lash players are niggers.
Rotation is moba jargon for moving between lanes.
Pocket and Geist should be higher than Warden and Mirage
A cooldown scaling with spirit is entirely different from just passively growing because you happened to pick up spirit.
>5min into that tournament game
>outcome already determined
kinda lame, its like dota now in that one team slowly chokes out the other
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Alright, this is what I came up with. Kinetic Dash is neat, but it doesn't fit anywhere. Maybe I could sometimes get it instead of Mystic Shot if I need to.
if geist and seven arent A and krill isnt C its a shit list
no way mk is not *much* worse than abrams
>rejuv up and enemy loses team fight, all their shrines down
>Seven is missing!
>Our weakened patron gets deleted in less than five second
How the fuck are megacreeps supposed to mean anything against this
Haze autowins late so it's still winnable.
Spirit yamato main source of damage is power slash.
It turns your 620ish damage power slash in mid/late mid game into a 1k damage nuke where the last 380 is repeated on an aoe around the target, you're literally adding 40% extra damage of that power slash and turning it into an aoe.
It will also slow the target insanely hard, it slows them as much as a cold front.
It's cooldown is also slightly lower than the power slash cooldown so it will always be active.

Try it and I guarantee you will never go back.
Ever played CSGO? That's what it's called when you shift from one lane to another in any game. Rotating from A to B, or B to Mid, rotating through Catwalk to Long and back again.
If you're not pushing forward in a straight line, it's a rotation
wtf bros you told me haze was brokenly op and uncounterable, how is the team with haze losing at the highest level of play?
theres no lategame when you get run over
buff enjoyers is one of the best teams in the world right now, they will stomp almost anyone
Wraith's ult is so dumb. It shouldn't belong to a character that's so fucking strong on their own
Wraith is haze but better, she comes early way faster, is way more mobile and is a way better ganker.
intentionally threw the game by not doing the echo shard dagger spirit build
>game doesnt go late
>lategame hero doesnt come online
wew lad, try using that thing above your shoulders some time
Wraith is meant to be a busted duelist. The problem is she's also crazy good in teamfights.
>pick Dynamo
when will they learn
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it's not her fault she was sculpted that way
She's also very good at killing guardians
Yeah so why the fuck does her ult have an AoE? So retarded
It's literally a door knocker
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I actually find it crazy that no one posted anything when wraith ulted lash, chased him to his tier 1 with the teleport after lash outruns the ult for 5 seconds straight and still 100-0s him.

She's such a disgusting nigger character, I don't understand why all these late game characters like infernus and wraith are also early/mid game monsters, at least haze is somewhat weak early.
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>yamato feeds and loses every game
>unless she's on a massively better team and then she just rats all game
why do pros love this hero so much
so you're saying she's counterable?
Literally just disarm her bro
They don't.
It's someones comfort pick, she never does anything, she always lost lane, but they're comfortable with her.
She even got a first blood and still hard lost that lane.
The other team was just atrocious.
I don't know if I'm just getting teamed up against shitters or if Mo & Krill are stupidly busted, or I'm just a natural as them, or I just got better, but ever since I first tried them out yesterday, I've just been curbstomping the shit out of games, genuinely can't believe how fun it is to just be a stupid unkillable tank that chases people down in a 1v3 and can just heal himself to keep BROOOOLING
These days I actually reject that Vindicta is better than Talon
Talon is so much better in lane it's not even funny, and he had great fight participation just by spamming charged shots and throwing traps behind people
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god support shadow-carried this game
>It's someones comfort pick
yeah but there's seemingly a yamato main on EVERY team
she's contested in almost every tournament match
i didn't notice how her lane went though, isn't yamato kind of a lane bully because of power slash?
Paradox gets neither nigger

It has a lot of value
>Free stamina for moving around the map more efficiently
>Good attack boosts with the chunky attack speed buff
>Ammo management
>Cheap for its stats
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>server: eu
>ping: 20 ms
>snowniggers: 10/12
i wish bodily harm upon yoshi and all valve employees for yet again letting this happen to yet another game
Yeah, the issue is that the early game is pretty skill-based, but it has the lategame of a MOBA where one team can just accumulate enough resources that it's impossible for them to lose. They need to slow down the overall accumulation of souls and generally nerf scaling. It's a heavily movement-based shooter with de-emphasized movement and shooting, it's an extremely stupid idea.
Everyone likes weeb characters, whether itd be genji or yasuo
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Same. Every game is full of people who speak only Russian, refusing to communicate in English. They play horribly, feed relentlessly, and are generally awful at the game.
unbeatable snowballing is more of a league problem than a general moba problem
dota games can turn around completely depending on how a late game teamfight goes, and chainstunning makes it completely possible to overcome an overfed carry
The point of calling it a rotation tho is that it's a team movement

If you need support on Yellow, but can't leave Blue open, then your extra player on Green goes to Blue, and your extra player on Blue moves to Yellow, because it's a lot faster than your Green player just going to Yellow

Not saying one player can't rotate alone, but the concept comes from this
first 2 ranked games go against seven shiv lose next 4 games shiv is on my team win yoshi explain?!?
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>good communication and even the guy who says he's 0-4 is positive
>ask to swap lane and immediately get a swap

>only communication is a Russian going ")))))))" when someone misplays
>spamming Retreat will result in your Haze just running into the enemy base solo
>asking for a swap is met with silence, you then get flamed if you lose lane
I don't want to go back
I call it the we finna scale into late game paradox

Escalating resilience
Intensifying magazine
Toxic bullets
Siphon hp
Bullet + spirit armor
Escalating exposure

Alternatively ratadox

Monster round
Alchemical fire
Heroic aura
B+ s armor
Magic carpet
i could force myself to play this if it only happened seldomly but out of the 5 games i played today i didnt have a single game without any of these subhumans. moreover in 4 of these games i had 9+ ziggers. theres simply a limit to how much of this shit a sane person can stomach. guess which games i lost.
>It's a heavily movement-based shooter with de-emphasized movement and shooting, it's an extremely stupid idea.
This is all of my gripes with the current state of the game summed up in one statement.
>that and Vindicta nerf, which was a movement and shooting nerf
How the fuck is Shiv's ult fair
At least make it a skill shot
hopefully we get another round of wraith and infernus nerfs, fuck those heroes
*teleports behind you*
simply don't be low on health near him :^)
the skill is not to be around him when youre low
>chainstunning makes it completely possible to overcome an overfed carry
That's just another problem though. This isn't a good thing. A good player should have a chance at soloing the entire enemy team, even if it's a longshot. It's subtly different from how it is now, where the fed carry WILL kill the enemy team with their broken ability but the enemy team will also 100% kill the fed carry by using some broken stun item on them. You want people to always have a chance, not for the fight to be decided by who landed their broken instawin ability.

In a shooter the level of mathematical superiority you can attain is way less black and white. In a MOBA, you're playing chicken tag to figure out who lands their "mathematical superiority button"
Pretty much everyone has Shiv as their SSS tier hero. Hmm. Wonder why
>even the guy who says he's 0-4 is positive
Gotta say the money and tower changes have taken a lot of pressure off of laning, big fan
>You want people to always have a chance, not for the fight to be decided by who landed their broken instawin ability.
youre barking up the wrong tree. like it or not mobas are retarded like this and individual skill is never rewarded like it is in a shooter. i hate it too.
Thank god Splatoween is coming soon and I can bail from this pile of shit.
> A good player should have a chance at soloing the entire enemy team
just go back to lol please and take your retarded opinions with you
nobody needs this besides 12yo with cheats or nolifers on smurfs
game is already snowbally as fuck
It's from Warcraft
>That's just another problem though. This isn't a good thing.
if you really believe this then mobas aren't for you
and that's fine, they're not for everyone
but please don't shit up my game, thanks :)
That's the opposite of snowballing, dude.
>A good player should have a chance at soloing the entire enemy team
What? No, that's a fucking awful idea
Then go play an actual MOBA and not one pretending to be a shooter?
just get in the cube
it's shooterbrain
by the nature of the genre, it's possible in shooters (especially twitch shooters) for a single player to outskill the entire enemy team and be almost impossible to overcome
this gives the carrying player a massive dopamine rush and so they will always try to make other games play like shooters

>Then go play an actual MOBA
i am, it's called deadlock
You can already do that it's called distracting them long enough for the backdoor guy to kill their ancient
>slightly fed carry is now completely untouchable even in a 6v1
That's the very definition of snowballing.
Dude if you want to play CS go play CS, you're just decrying all the MOBA mechanics because you don't like them. Stop trying to make Deadlock something it's not and never will be
>chainstunning makes it completely possible to overcome an overfed carry
I like the spirit, but chain stunning is cancer in every game
Stuns should have increasingly diminishing returns for a time, or until out of combat

The stuns in this game really aren't that bad tho, the slows are worse
i have absolutely nothing else shooterlike to play hence why im stuck with this trash. mw5 clans might help alleviate it for me but i dont know for how long.
>do well on lane
>gank other lanes
you can already solo carry games, what more do you want?
Anyone who thinks Haze is still good after all of her items got nerfed alongside her abilities getting nerfed might just be a fucking retard. I haven't felt threatened by a Haze in my games in an entire week, on the other hand I am terrified every time there's a fucking shadow weave/curse wraith poking about. Haze is such a non threat it's not even funny, they need to just remove bullet dance instead of trying to balance it and replace it with something more thematically appropriate for her sandman shit that is fun and unique.
yeah now haze doesn't feels that terrible anymore
she only ever feels threatening when she's like 25k souls ahead
chainstuns are fantastic
there need to be ways to mitigate them (like unstoppable and rescue beam) but they should absolutely not be removed or made irrelevant as they play a key role in balancing the power of fed carries
The possibility to simply outplay someone with 8-10k more farm than you beyond just pressing 4 and hoping your DPS is high enough
nta but saying this unironically sounds like you cant aim too well
shes not completely braindead anymore, doesnt mean shes bad
people didnt play wraith before and now shes first pick material every single game even after like three straight nerfs
the game is far from figured out
Fiend's Grip :DDD
No, it's not. You're not actually reading what I said. Right now, the carry WILL solo the entire enemy team if you don't specifically work against them. The thing you're afraid of is already a reality. I'm describing a better solution, where instead of it being a 100% chance that the carry wins (and a 100% chance that they lose if you counter them properly) it should be more like a 10% chance that they win, regardless of how fed they are (and there's no way to completely invalidate them). Someone who's very skilled, with good aim, good at mind games, good at moving and dodging and managing relative threats, SOMETIMES should just fucking clean up. That's how shooters work. Right now, they will ALWAYS clean up without even needing to be skilled - it's the default assumption of the game that you can't beat Bullet Dance or whatever. But you have similarly unskilled and brainless ways to turn Bullet Dance off entirely. It's still just rocket tag, but not even the fun kind where sometimes one guy plays really well.
>Right now, the carry WILL solo the entire enemy team if you don't specifically work against them
no? wood mmr take
>chainstuns are fantastic
no wonder moba players have such a bad reputation
>60k player damage
>3 kills
How do you secure kills with splatter?
I know a good paradox player. Trust me. Right now she is actually really fucking solid with glass cannon.
Explain to me how you beat Bullet Dance with pure skill.
my aim is fine
i used to think i was an aimlet and then i played this game and discovered how bad some people really are

i've been playing shooters my whole life
i just don't think the mentality that shooter-centric players have (that aim should be the only skill that matters, and that stuns should be minimized or removed entirely) is healthy or even rational for a moba
this genre NEEDS strong CC, and it NEEDS area denial, and it NEEDS macro play to be important
have u tried buying active items
you don't secure kills with visc, he's a 2/6/24 type hero
I buy warp stone and/or metal skin, both 3k items that are good in general even if you aren't trying to counter an overfed Haze.
You didn't read what I said. I'm not complaining about Bullet Dance. Active items hard-countering Bullet Dance is just another problem. Try again.
holy shit stop posting you utter baboon
theres a shop you can buy items from, you should try that
>aim should be the only skill that matters
not the only but the dominant skill. otherwise you might as well just turn it into a tab targetting game like wow or similar mmos.
>i used to think i was an aimlet and then i played this game and discovered how bad some people really are
seriously the jump from CS to here made me feel like a chad

I agree that we need more counters for carry abilities and items, but stuns are just feel like shit and are abusable by the winning team as well

Were you in the inhouse where all 6 of them bought knockdown? It was fucking miserable
Did you ever play WoW classic PvP against a rogue that could just stunlock you indefinitely so you didn't get to play the game? Also a miserable experience
Getting kind of bored of Deadlock, just not enough heroes yet for me to feel like it's a different game every match. It's pretty cool that a private beta(or alpha or whatever it is) has held my attention for nearly 200 hours, my only concern is the period of time from now, when casuals like me are moving on to other things, and when it's "public". I'm worried the immense skillgap most games have since Valve's matchmaking is amazing will filter out a lot of people and keep new people from trying it since the only people left are the screencaps of /dlg/.
I'm far more scared of Warden's ult than I am of Haze's. It's basically just Haze ult but a cone in front of them with 100% lifesteal by default and also they get to shoot your gun while they're doing it. Holy shit good Warden players are fucking aids to fight.
jesus fucking christ youre retarded in and out of game
do better!
That isn't skill. You're talking about numbers. You're beating Bullet Dance because your number beats her number.
ranked over inhouse WHEN?!?!?
Oh I forgot to mention it barely hinders his movement at all and he can just stack movespeed to run people down with it unlike Haze shuffling about dancing.
just run and los bro
the dominant skill in every moba is always going to be macro, followed very closely by positioning
if you don't like that then you shouldn't be playing mobas

the thing about chainstunning is that its existence requires teamwork
you can't chainstun if you're not working with your team
you also can't counter chainstuns if you're not working with your team
it's the bane of solo carries because they are cocky dipshits who get out of position

ur bad lol
New Lock
Dash jump you filthy animal
>he hasn't played vs sanic warden with all movespeed items and majestic leap
I envy you. You'll see it soon assuming you're not in trashcan mmr.
youre bad at the game, we get it
Warden's ult is less scary to me because of the typical timing of it. Warden has trouble going around unseen and is typically at the forefront of a fight, but you can guarantee when looking at a fight your 5 teammates will not see Haze speedballing down a zipline and suddenly disappearing. They will then blow everything on the target they're chasing and suddenly Haze will be in the middle of them. I agree Warden's ult is better, it's just that it's harder for your team to ignore the giant screaming policeman and his fuckhuge hitbox
just stun him while he's jumping :^)
wardens don't really start yelling around corners while warming up their ult once you play in higher mmr games, they tend to just leap and start ulting at the same time and by the time they land on you the animation is finished and you're being raped, the warden ult build is fucking disgusting
>play Lash
>get solo laned against Abrams/Mirage
>and its always the sweaty ones
I want off this ride...
Team that had shiv won, hmm, interesting
Shiv has no interest in playing fair.

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