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The Great Dark Beyond Expansion: https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-gb/news/24145979/announcing-the-great-dark-beyond-hearthstone-s-next-expansion
Dev insights on board churning and new puzzles every turn, or why the game is dead: https://screenrant.com/hearthstone-future-content-2024-nathan-lyons-smith-tyler-bielman/
Check in to the In-Game Shop for Free Gifts!: https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24116733/check-in-to-the-in-game-shop-for-free-gifts

https://hsreplay.net/meta/ – deck tier lists (bronze to gold)
https://vicioussyndicate.com/ – meta report
https://hsguru.com/ – previously d0nkey - streamer decks
https://hearthstone-decks.net/ - decks for all modes (wild, twist, etc)
https://outof.cards/ – decks, patch notes, news (includes other card games)
https://hearthstonetopdecks.com/ – decks & news
https://beerbrick.com/ - deck lists from Twitter (Japanese)
https://metastats.net/ – meta decks and stats
https://tempostorm.com/hearthstone/meta-snapshot – meta report
https://hearthpwn.com/ – decks, news, patch notes
https://hsbgguide.com/ - Battlegrounds

>Deck trackers & statistics
https://hsreplay.net/downloads – deck tracker
https://go.overwolf.com/firestone-app/ - deck tracker
https://heartharena.com/ – arena helper
https://github.com/supertriodo/Arena-Tracker - arena helper

https://playhearthstone.com/ – official website
https://hearthstone.wiki.gg – wiki
https://battlefy.com/browse/hearthstone – tournaments
https://hearthcards.net/ – custom card maker

>helpful links
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MmLTCm7vdg5icVF4dAQhHf8sO_AZvE4gwO8NuQE8oxQ J_Alex' course on shadow puppets
https://docs.google.com/document/d/18pIaTLcGhaWf7kHKeItJckbCBT9fMjuzLxMKluCpxVs (/hsg/'s shitty word doc[feel free to edit])
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1J8C78sR_bbGKNIF0WpvZFnRBvCig1uOD Dark Beyond Expansion Leaks

Previous thread: >>497923042
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nerfs coming https://x.com/PlayHearthstone/status/1846581885696139548
>all my grinding decks got nerfed
welp, back to wishing well rogue I suppose
they need to fix demon seed in wild
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their too lazy to do actual wild nerfs, probably changing radiant elemental so it cant reduce spells below 1 to avoid new expansion spell bricking wild
Woah, finally an actual balance change.

All the broken shit is gone... except for Pipsi Paladin.
>Half of nerfs will be probably reverting previous buffs
It almost like buffs aren't very good for the game
devs be like
>the problem is that we didn't buff enough cards actually
>next time we'll buff 50+ cards!
Will mage be kill again bros after the Tsunami nerf? I think if they put 3 elementals, 7 mana then it will be fine.
Will the new set save it with Supernova?
>guy I was beating all game easily got his quilboars online with the dracari+charlga and does 34 damage damage and kills me instantly

Ah, my mistake.
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>most of these will be +1 mana
>its already been established mana doesnt matter anyway
So priest is just dead now? Overheal was actually the one somewhat viable priest deck that was actually fun to play, and now they're trying to nerf it. Zarimi is absolute balls to play don't tell me I still have that deck.
I don't think overheal will be nerfed much, probably -1 HP to the cactus guy.
If he gets any bigger nerf, then they fucking despise Priest.
aggro with overheal deck
if the board gets churned once youre gone
there is also no room for late game cards
you can do some whacky shenanigans with extra generated aman'thuls+good legendarys off him into ra-den and buckbreak control decks who dont have an answer
6 amanthuls is such an embarrassing priest "deck"
more news: https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24148498
I love dust but I also love yogg and marin. what do I do???
Marin and Yogg won't be killed, they are just going to +1 mana for Yogg and Marin will probably draw cost 1 cards
>buff quest rewards but make quests a fucking chore to complete
>make quests way less of a chore but keep the quest rewards making you earn more than old system
>go back to old system with easy quests but meh gold
also guess theres no incentive to ignore tavern brawls now that you get latest expansion card now too
they changed how highlander cards work including RENO!!!
Dont think youll be able to dust marin since he was free
>Reverting Weekly Quests (completion requirements and XP grant amounts) back to what they were prior to Patch 29.2;
the diaper shitting and tantrum over not being able to complete a WEEKLY quest in a couple matches was retarded as fuck, cant believe the devs listened to this whining and changed it
cant wait for the 10 minute angry zeddy video

kek its almost exactly 10 minutes (to grift up that greasy monetization algo)
it genuinely feels like they are trying to make the game shittier on purpose, the level of incompetency of the dev team is actually just staggering
how long do i have to wait to get gibs? last time i played was whizbang pre-mini
straight up downgrade. I thought they were going to make a positive change like double or triple the total amount of gold people earn on average. nope, just playing flip flop on the paltry rewards there already are (while still vastly increasing types of monetization)
wow and most of the comments are complaing that the weekly “WIN 5 ranked games” is too hard instead of “PLAY 5 ranked games”. absolute fucking trash content creator and audience.
get em zed!
>so many losses to mage when they have single digit health remaining
Damn, that Renethal really broke mage.
It's a shame that Mage will get nerfed due to this even though Renethal gets rotated by next expansion.
do they really think people are going to come flooding back to that game because they change the weeklies from play 10 to win 5?
the damage was already done, not coming back to this game
they changed it to win 5 games, also getting packs instead of just gold is extra gay when all the veteran players care about at this point is getting new skins. I'd think most of us at this point are sitting on 20k dust.
I want to sement cora if you understand what I mean by that
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Ok, that caught me by surprise
ok, what the fuck. I played Renathal against this druid, and I was on fatigue when I screencapped this: realized it a bit early, he must have had like 50 or 60 cards in deck, but HOW?
did I miss something? he didnt play anything that went into his deck (besides tradeables).
Also in case its an exploit, should mention that I had a weird game earlier where my melted magma was freezing everything it damaged
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and ofc I forget image.
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>Win 5 games over a week
n-n-NOOO FUCKING blizzard too hard! change it!
screens way too fucking compressed but im guessing he fizzled aviana+reno dragon to play them twice and since you can trade the lifesteal dragon if he shuffles 2 of them into his deck per turn hes technically increasing his deck size instead of losing cards
oooh, that's it, thank you.
Guess the only bug to be found was in my freezing melted magma game.
free my man Mysterious Challenger
>make an X account
No, I dont think I will
if you were DK and you played vs mage who cast tsunami if you played threads of despair and malted magma if 1 of the elementals die they freeze all the other minions
Oooh, I see how it is then. Since its the elemental that is doing the damage with the deathrattle, it freezes all. Thanks. guess Im an idiot for not realizing it myself.
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>mfw i can cant complete my weekly quest in two games anymore
dare i say it.... free hong kong
i just want to low effort finish my quests and go back to laughing at my partner in duos
>fat fuck zeddy will die in your lifetime
I'm so fucking happy bros

Thank you for blessing this thread.
dont ignore the best part is he is suffering from galbladder stones but his free leaf healthcare won't do shit for him
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aye thats a good pile of fuckin dust
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So they killed tortollan mage to add it back but worse as a legendary where to do the same combo you either rng or run more legendaries cool game blizzard
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Just bring this back and permanently ban all druid players
Whats the reasoning behind that bottom one being banned from day one in wild anyway? No I will not run northshire cleric.
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Small indie company, please understand
with radiant you could draw your entire deck and inner fire combo for lethal on turn 3 or 4
with radiant elemental you could cast all your healing spells for 0 and draw your entire deck, could do anything you wanted to win like OTK or make your opponent ragequit with thief priest legendary that steals cards you play
why do they keep making the game worse?
reddit having a melty over the blog post….
game is so shit nobody even wants to complete quests
also latest expansion pack instead of standard pack from brawl is objectively worse
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We are so fucking cemented
>new event starting in 17 hours
>not a single post about it
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Anyone have any fun decks using this?
the brawl last week that let you play it for free
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I greet you
I pre ordered
I bought the renathal signature bundle
I pre ordered again
>people think winning 5 games is easier than afking 10 games
this must be the most retarded playerbase in all of gaming
we deserve it honestly
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I dunno if I wana try snakelock again, it was pretty damn fun playing the 4 mana demon for cheap then ressurecting it with endgame but they fixed the funny alex bug so it'd be way harder trying to beat a diaper player from 40 health
No one thinks that. Literally no one does. Who thinks that?
>win againts blood dk
>next game frost nigger with perfect eliza 4 mana pyro curve
>next game mage tranny with furry into double conmans
>logoff without any purchase in shop
how they survive if whales start leaving this shit ?
forgot Well nigger next game.... this game is literally scam
Whales won't leave this shit. What CCG are they gonna play? Lol.
>queue into mage

Ok gg you win why does it even let non-mages queue into mage?
Just play BGs till the patch hits tonight.
Then we go back to our reno clown fest.
>play fun deck
>mage epstein self
40xl reno burgle cutlass espionage rogue for win.... Farming Dks/Warrior/Druid like sweet potatos
you might not know this but people who buy diamond bundles get put in a special mmr system where their specific deck has a 75% winrate
why is sylvanas still 6 mana
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>Need Blizzard

>need soul rewinder
>get nagas
this game is so funny haha
Nerfing the cheap decks that can fight against the diapers.
The great dark beyond is where the game going to be forever because only diapers will remain.
So even less gold in exchange for some useless packs.
Cemented for the next decade indeed.
wow no shit?
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imagine she was 5 and came out of a razzler
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RDUbros..... coming in fast
the only two consistent things in hearthstone are cora being fat and druid killing neutral legendaries
These are cool, wouldn't be surprised if they were real, because they may as well do that, there's no uniform aesthetic anymore anyway.
Get that cash Blizzard. And give me back my fucking Standard packs.
Whats a "diaper"?
Who's Cora?
Who's Zeddy?
You are close enough to snipe him. Please wait for him to stream and then snipe him.
you can snipe him at 8k and up bro. Also i specifically queuesnipe ONLY. I dont like unfair advantages
It is easier to queue snipe the closer you are. I am 10k and have only hit Asmo once despite trying multiple times.
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Diaper = control deck player (the joke is that the game goes on for so long they need a diaper to not have to go potty).
Cora is a dev who's very present on social media and known to have shit opinions on the game and as a result is the boogeyman for many of the game's flaws in its later years (and righly so even if probably 90% of the dev team is shit obviously).
Zeddy is a fatfuck Hearthstone Youtuber who buys every shit served to him by Blizzard and makes nearly daily 10 minutes videos about every little Hearthstone news. His opinions are basically a copy paste of Reddit's so he's not worth watching at all unless you'd rather have fat man narration of Blizzard's latest blunder instead of reading about it yourself.
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has one card ever made you quit or take a break from hearthstone?
one card? no.
one deck? Im tired of losing to renathal warrior, too much removal and armor + life, how do I even beat this thing? dont think im gonna quit yet, but close to taking a break at least
denathrius was the first time a card made me take months off the game, so fucking stupid and they let it go on for an entire expansion cycle
oh, and big spell cheating mage isnt too far behind. Though I made a deck that could mostly handle it, it could not handle warrior. Trying to find that sweet spot between both, but I guess a deck that could defeat both would be even more AIDS than them
Here you go

Also reminder that Paladin and Shaman will be undisputed top decks after the patch
pic unrelated? this was never played, was it?
gibe warrior deck its the only class i like
thanks but Im a dustlet. I forgot to add that I was trying to beat them with DK since its the one I got the most cards from free returning deck.
He beats going to reddit (though maybe not by much), but to each their own.

Lifecoach (I think) said the card would make him quit Hearthstone when it came out, maybe it's a joke on that.

Probably Frost Lich Jaina back in the day. Like the other anon said, it's rarely about 1 card, but it was in that case.
>Shaman card
>Summon an entire board of 5 cost minions for 7 mana

>Warrior card next expansion
>Shuffle 7 cards in your deck making it worse, summon one random 5 cost minion for 5 mana, next time you use this card summon 2 5 cost minions etc...

It's so fucking funny.
uh bros we were supposed to be thriving
You can tell that Reddit isn't completely up in arms about the quest revert that this game is fucked.
why would i know what reddit thinks
Because Reddit is the loudest voice that Blizzard listens to. If we want this shit game to improve, we need Reddit to do it.
i don't know, i just went there and found the thread at the top and most of the comments were roasting the devs and saying fuck the new game leader (tyler jewstein or whatever his name is)
Only 200+ comments. The previous quest change had way more comments. You can tell that the playerbase got sick of fighting these changes and those that disliked it just stopped playing the game.
the subreddit in general is way less active than even a year ago, you can tell it's truly over for hearthstone
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Idk man i just think giving druid a 1 sided board clear is wrong no matter how many times you nerf the mana cost
niggerform anduin is the main reason i stopped playing back then
then denathrius made me quit for a few months when i came back on voyage
kept playing until whizbang, which i played a little off but stopped playing more because the trailer was genuinely off-putting and grim, the meta was dogshit and unfun, the new cards weren't all that fun and it was all for tje 10th anniversary so of eben with that excuse they couldn't muster up a good thing then there is no hope for this game anymore
I honestly didnt mind denathrius himself, just the fact that druids and shamans were abusing his battlecry with parrots or brann and dev's never bothered getting around to fixing it until they did the DK reveal and their 'twitch tournament' got bricked by every game being who won with denathrius first
ExposingRDU I see you on stream!
Good luck!

blogpost up
And we are back to Reno faggotry
shoutout to druid killing yog for every other class
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I never got to use goose trinket
You failed to expose RDU....
Bon appétit, Pepe!
wow they just murdered overheal priest uh
also they finally nerfed warlock (a little)
>Overheal Priest: DEAD
And there goes Priest's last good deck
>Marin: Dead
>Tsunami: Dead
>Painlock: Worse
>Shamana and Paladin despite having multiple T1 decks
Untouched. Thank you very much, keep sucking the "heroes" off.
So are the shit eaters in charge of all these useless changes getting fired now?
>Zeddy is a fatfuck Hearthstone Youtuber who buys every shit served to him by Blizzard and makes nearly daily 10 minutes videos about every little Hearthstone news. His opinions are basically a copy paste of Reddit's so he's not worth watching at all unless you'd rather have fat man narration of Blizzard's latest blunder instead of reading about it yourself.
He makes big money so he's kinda based
Well Priest is dead for another couple years bros
>all that murder
>somehow fatigue lock YET AGAIN barely touched
its weird how nerfs are split into super targeted proper nerfs to kill a card or ruin a specific deck like togwaggle druid or just 1 mana more nerfs
Crescendo +1 mana matters, also the amazing 3/3 1 drop got nerfed.
still renos you to full while board clearing and killing your opponent
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the patch is LIVE
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I can't believe they fucking murdered overheal fuck this game i'm going back to playing shaman
it's crazy that i don't even care enough to log on and type "refund" into the collection
it's actually, literally, over
I am actually excited.
This brings power level down for the next patch since every single meta deck other than Paladin got nerfed.

Also I can finally play standard without being bullied by Mages who had a 40% play rate in Legend.
its alright i will. you dont even play the game anymore just throw tantrums and cry
I literally just caved and recrafted yogg a few days ago after the last nerf when I dusted now hes on the slab again.
>bought the diamond yogg gold miniset with gold
>get 3.2k dust for free on top of dusting gold yogg when he first got nerfed
>get another 3.2k dust for free
Just dusted every single thing that was nerfed

Razzle and yogg are still playable, right?
Razzle 100%, shit's busted.
Yogg only in Druid and Warrior (10+ mana cap)
yogg is the same, 9/10 mana, no difference
yogg is unironically unplayable now
so, dust all and wait for expansion?
Dooo it. Do do dooo.
I just did but I just know I will recraft most of it. I am too addicted to this game. Never really liked Warlock or Priest.
I wouldn't dust Razzler, he will be run in 100% of Shaman and DK decks regardless since 7 mana get 20 mana cheat is retarded, but I would dust the rest.
Tsunami is dead now especially.
got trinket diffed. Cant win em all
razzle is 100% still be playable, yoggs still solid for diaper druid/warrior decks
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eating pretty well over here
probably just craft the whole expansion on launch day for funsies
is this a good or bad arena meta? I stopped playing for so long I got a free highlander warrior deck but now im bored. I have 37k dust but a new expansion is coming so it seems pointless to craft anything. bg is meh. I have 12 free arena tickets
Also dollmaster.... Now its pure Druid card tnx to ramp...
if your gonna dump arena tickets i'd say use them on the pre-release brawl coming soon
Why did they kill Marin completely?
Did they forget that for the Wand to be used, you need to play Marin's 7 Mana fatass? So its 10 Mana Draw 3?

You are strictly in a negative now, no matter what you draw with the Wand.

I thought they were gonna nerf it to (drawn cards cost 1) so that it's not super cheat, but now it's a dead card.
>Big Spell Mage now has a 5% winrate advantage over every other deck now

Priest died for this.
>big nerf for wand
>literally lol nothingburger buff to kobold the worst treasure
dont care he is a stupid shit card and deserves to be unplayable
It's a free reward card.
Them targetting all miniset cards+free cards is honestly a bad thing and you shouldn't celebrate it.
Every single good 5+ mana minion is just a druid card. If it somehow manages to be playable in another class, fully expect it to be nerfed enough that only druid can still play the card.
Mage bros, what are we moving on to now that Tsunami is dead?

I think Sif+Supernova on the usual Orb BSM setup will be good.
I've been playing burn mage but reddithal can fuck you over pretty hard. assuming they remove it on expansion launch It'll probably work well again
Honestly I don't even think big spell mage is dead. Sure one less dude means less damage but mage could sometimes use the spells so many time their board was full anyway.
braid dead dh pirate wild bros are we switching back to shadow priest
monk bros...
the real pandaran expansion will be announced next week
Nice renathal, unfortunately I can deal with both taunts and swing for exactly 40. This deck is pretty fun.
Kobold actually big wincon for druid with 16 mana when they run of threats goblet +cobold into broken leggos ( helia zola secon egg tony insidus Aviana ) i lose many games because you cant handle constant threats
50 attack windfury
why did they buff mage
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Diaper status:
>I know combo and aggro players like to pretend Hearthstone is a single player game but it really isn't
>*plays the green removal card and armors up 15 turns in a row*
>buff mage by nerfing marin, yogg and tsunami
im guessing mage is at least slightly worse now.
Are the """control""" players the biggest retards in this game?
Control players are the majority because of sunken cost fallacy
Its scam deck with delayed effect... Control dead sice they printed astalor sire yogg marin boomboss brann dragon egg etc
over 5 turns to set up shudder as plague druid and it still failed to combo properly

fucks sake
>Play against death knight
>He immediately sharts his diaper and starts roping
>Still loses
EOS when?
Pretty soon I guess lol
they're not wrong
>fucking lucker shaman keeps getting taunt minions with carefree cookie
>I have lethal, just need to kill this last one then go face and use the spells in hand
>kill it
>game freezes, we both speak
>try and restart HS
>game vanished
ah yes, """stories"""
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>saves hearthstone heroes of warcrat
More diaper cards will kill the game faster.
More diaper cards will save the game faster.
uh? isn't this a voidlord or something?
what is even the purpose of giving this the beast tag? The only synergy DK has is with "Mismatched Fossils" which could let you get this in a non-blood deck, though at very low odds,
by turn 8 both players would have drawn at least 14 cards, so this destroys the 8 shittiest cards in both players' deck at best
what's the fucking point?
also anti-sinergy with plagues
Le balanced tribe faec.webm
tags used to be for flavor and now team 5 has people thinking like this baka...
whats the point of putting the golden version of the free legendary in the events track?
>get amazing t2 shop
>win next 5 rounds and level to 6
wow so this is the power of trinket meta
yeah that's a good way of putting it
the core play pattern these days is fast combo medium combo or slow combo (or "scam" instead of combo). classical card game archetypes just don't exist anymore. how fast is your scam and how good are you at stalling opposing scams
sense of pride and accomplishement
Is the game still a fedorafest after the nerfs or can I come back to standard?
Control players are utterly insane
>nine 40hp big spell mages in my last 12 games
idunno, you tell me
Nice, my wild vacation will continue
secret hunter is pretty fun bros...
if you have a really heavy diaper deck i wonder how this would do against the warrior bombs.
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That's supposed to be good eating?
Are you dumb ???you play helia and plagues after ...
tbf i could and will disenchant a lot of dead cards so my effective bankroll is way bigger than my screenshot
but your disenchant button is impressive
Diaper shuffle bombs Next turn bomb destroy your beast... You lose because game riggs your draws...
so helia is a dead card in your hand until turn 8? that'd only work against diaper which already folds to helia anyway
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bretty good but dk has no draw, 1/3 to have it in hand by turn 8
also gl keeping it in mulligan, now if you see warrior it's 100% a diaper but midrange looks strong in the expansion
picrel is in the store for 1k rn, have no idea who she is in the lore but looks hot and garrosh to me is forever associated with diaperfaggotry
I never disenchant unless it's for nerfs.
Haven't hit that button since Old Gods, so it accumulated over the years.
Bold prediction: Priest will be good next expansion.
>all these death knight cards
BBU DK was already good-ish, but it can ton of support.
Time to dust tempo druid? Was getting bored of the deck and now might not even be viable although I haven't checked or played the game all week so no idea how it's faring right now
Reddit is not even complaining about the quest anymore. We are unironically fucking cemented.
You can't escape from me, bitch.
DH release got me to quit the game for like 3 months
Barrens control priest meta made me spend a month or two in battlegrounds even though i loathe autobattlers
DK will be the straight mans deck next expansion
remember you also lose cards and diaper have more armor in fatique Helia eat all his armor and heal you (bonus you can shuffle additional plagues via discovered weapon and spell )
wouldnt diaper warriors just fit KJ into their deck? you'd be pretty much be immune to plagues and bombs after hes played since you only draw demons the rest of the game
Let the games begin
when will they stop joking and show dks real cards
>pissing around in casual to finish the first event quest
>3 games in a row they consneed on my turn one
I've been stuck at d10/9 for literal weeks
how? you still get winstreaks at that rank. don't tell me it's le algo.
its le algo
Beastie boy huh
holy hell
imagine coining this shit on 4 into 8 hands on 5 into being dead on turn 6
>Cucked out of hitting 7k mmr again
Quick games a good game even if I lose
we're so back rustler bros
>nerf one common
>you have bested me
Starro reference so it's just a "big star fish". I don't think they're willing to directly show void lord shit.
Well you can do same...because some retard forgot add to KJ warlock border ..
Same, I dusted all the nerfed cards and now I'm out of decks that can climb.
Made a handbuff paladin but it is lacking.
Hauler was the only card making priest viable
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Yeah, I think unbanning cleric in wild was a good idea
Returning player here, is there any mini-set that is worth buying? when do sets rotate btw? and which ones?
buy titans and dust yogg
what killed the hype?
the nerf nukes they'll need to deliver on the second week of the expansion to make ships viable will be funny to see
>what do you mean nobody plays ship because no minion can stay on the board for more than one turn?
>did our fearless design betray us?
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Are they really rewarding people to NOT play the game? Just giving away 5000 dust thanks to the nerfs. I gotta thank Druid for that I guess. Anyone else planning to exploit this or is there some limit to how many times you can redeem a year?
I stopped playing early october because I was fed up with the meta and knew the new expansion wasn't gonna change much. I'm waiting the 90 days for my free stuff and check out if things got better.
I don't think there's a limit, you just have to stop playing for 90 days, but of course you'll miss out on a lot of stuff and progress on the reward track so not sure it's worth it unless you want a break from the hamster wheel.
What good are achievement points? do I eventually get anything besides a high number to display as if anyone cares?
and on that point, what good is mercenaries game mode for? you only get shit for the mode, so it seems like a grind to grind mode. I much rather preferred the pseudo-arena with different heroes and "deck-building as you go", why did they remove it?
They make your e-penis grow (they're utterly useless)
Mercenaries was supposed to be a monetized dungeon run and the next battleground, but it flopped hard so Blizzard put it in maintenance mode.
Then it was used to afk for xp but Blizzard nerfed it.
Now it's useless and is a pretty boring mode.

>I much rather preferred the pseudo-arena with different heroes and "deck-building as you go", why did they remove it?
Because it was le hard to curate cards available for it since some new expansion cards would always break the mode and it wasn't giving them money so they just axed it.
They promised us Twist was gonna be great and make up for it but we're still waiting.
thank you for the in-dept answer, guess I'll wait on twist, but since I didnt play the game for a few years, it will probably be hard to get into. oh well, we'll see, we'll see
I'd leave again but I know I'll be playing in December. I'll leave as soon as Cora drops her next brilliant expansion idea, like a Alliance Vs Horde cook-off featuring Mrrgl Ramsay and Arthas the Prince of Baked Cookies.
I started playing yesterday and I got the "win 12 ranked games in a row" achievement with one of the free decks :D
what deck?
are the chinese bots back?
The paladin one where you buff the cards you hold
good choice
I actually like the new set can they PLEASE just nerf old broken cards before release to unplayable status? I dont wanna see reno or fatigue cards or
They just did though.
The current top decks in the meta are Gaia Paladin, Rainbow Shaman and Orb Mage.
None of these are aggro and Starships will be fine in the current meta.
Buddy you got the wrong thread, the mazed club is two pages down.
There's one thing I am still unsure about starships.
Will multiple of the same effects stack?
Aka if I feed my ship "Double Arcane spells but cast randomly" this piece twice, will the launched ship cast it thrice?

Because this is kinda insane.
why don't they give you apprentice/starter decks for death knight and demon hunter they do for the other ones
it's over
Cement us
they used to when they were current content. now they're part of core
no, and they'll keep making that mistake until the end of time
Hearthstone will be saved. Believe it!
*cough cough*
Elemental shaman any good? I just need to craft Skarr, looks like a fun deck
i laughed
Elemental mage is getting a lot of support next expansion though so it might pop off.
Man I just wanna slap down Kalimos like it's Un'goro and the game is just kinda shit and not complete shit like now
If you wanna have fun go ahead, it's not sub 50% WR deck atleast so it's good enough to use.
Getting real sick of these Reunthal decks that are built around a single one of legendary that always draw them on curve with zero extra draws
damn you sound mad bro what you gonna do bro stop playing?
Not a bad idea
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>Reno reddithal warrior outvalues two 3/4s with taunt and a 6/6 for 2 mana every single turn for 10 turns
warlock fucking sucks so much bros
Bro this game is too hardcore right now, I got two 30 min games. XL Priest, XL Warrior. XL Warrior felt so desperate I can't believe how much crap is in this deck bro, I deleted so much its unreal. Dirty Rat his TNT guy, use my own TNT guy and delete his stuff a few times, I can't believe this doesn't cause a concede. I use Hamm to eat two cards, blew up his Zilliax but game STILL took 30 minutes. Because he still had Brann and had hope I guess. I just don't know dude this game is super dirty right now.
the only thing saving hearthstone is fake multiplayer.
>Shitter of the Windlord
Why Does Paladin/Shaman have a 6 mana remove 4 of your choice at any time you want which also is a win condition with atk buffs?????

No wonder these are the best classes atm.
What the fuck were they thinking
Are masochists even trying to play aggro right now?
Literally everythings some super degenerate control deck
Midrange is what's thriving as usual, friend. Check HSguru.
As for aggro, the pirate+painlock nerfs shot them in the head, they were fine otherwise.

Might go back to being fine after Renathal leaves though idk.
Why don't you play Wild?
>Going to wild
>To get away from renathal
that's why i was pissing around in wild with pirate demon hunter, at least those games are decided by turn 4.
whatever gets me easy wins in brawl and ranked
is there even a point in playing brawl more than once?
only if it's heroic. or for a weekly quest.
i enjoy tavern brawl with random decks, having to work with what you get has its own appeal
mage deals 12 using a 3 card combo: tier 1 blizzard pls nerf
pally otk's from hanbuff or feet girl+divine shield: balanced because plebbit doesn't whine about it
uh, based?
evens - waste a ton of dust to craft the missing legendaries for zarimi priest
odds - stick with painlock until rotation
>mage goes turn 1 snake oil salesman, turn 2 coin watercolor artist, turn 3 panda, turn 4 hard cast tsunami
>they're dead on the backswing
damn wish I screenshotted
i like games that last more than 2 turns
ew. bet you like 2d chess too nerd
wild games unironically last the same if not longer than standard games
I just had the most algorithm based game of my life
>warrior played a total of SIX brawls
>I've had 5+ minions on the board to his 1
>he won 5 of the six brawls with 1 minion on board
>he also won brawl 1 through 5 in a row
I am so glad I dust every warrior card post rotation, fuck this class and its million board clears as an archetype
He just got married to a very ugly girl who doesn't let him hang out with his old friends and bosses him around consistently, cut him some slack
I do know him since childhood, yes
Shudderwock looks like that angry basedjak with the yellow teeth
I pretty much played exclusively Wild from launch until around March of the Lich King when DK came out.
There wasn't much to be done with DK in Wild so I moved to Standard and finally started using all the dust I had accumulated from not having to craft new decks every new set, then I just stuck with Standard until today.

I don't hate Wild but I don't really feel the urge to come back, playing with new(er) cards is fun.
kek, i can see it
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>Cut him some slack for his poor life choices
Just won a game against a diaper mage so I'd say yes.
Fuck thats my life too. my only reprieve is that we're not actually married and I'm about to break up with her.
I wanna be Jeef. That guy plays BGs part time and is about to go to NY next week for interviews. And he beats "pros" who are playing this game full time.
hearthstone isnt drowning out the voices anymore
watch out, we got a badass over here
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I'm so glad they printed a 6 mana 6/7 with downside.
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How do I /git gud/ at Arena?
I've been terrible at it sdince I began playing. I feel like the draft experience in Hearthstone is a lot different than other games: BREAD isn't saving me.
diaper will run this, it pairs well with a deck of 29 draw/removals
first balance patch the spores are getting changed to draw 2 cards when you play them, guaranteed.
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I think you're dumb.

Pretty sure they might even still be bad.
A 4/5 (on average) that draws two cards for 5 mana is good and all, but it fills your deck with tons of 5 drops that aren't good until you've played one. And also a bolderfist ogre. You have a 25% chance of drawing a card that's completely useless into an aggro matchup every single time you draw.
at least if the dogshit ass spores draw 2 you can play a bit lower to the ground on your anti-aggro. And you'd inherantly be faster at playing multiple to ramp them.
It's so fucking weird
It feels like the spores should be usable in the early game so they scale in the late game, like how most Jade cards were relatively cheap so you could get some early bodies that became threats later. But they aren't. Spores summon moderate bodies at a very inflated cost. You can't convince me these weren't envisioned as two mana summon a two drop or three mana summon a three drop.
Just download the Arena app and draft according to deck score. 90% of the time you will do better.
Drafting modern arena is easy, in order of priority take:
-Discovers. This is how you win, by pulling bullshit out of your ass. Always pick discover if you see one.
-Rush minions, minions with immediate effect, sticky minions. Modern Hearthstone has removal out of the ass so if your minions do nothing the turn they're summoned they're just removal bait.
-Removal spells. If the opponent shits out a snowballing minion you need to be able to remove it immediately. Prefer hard removal or removal with a bonus effect.
-Burn spells. Nothing will stick on the board so you need that reach to kill the enemy. Prefer ones with a bonus effect obviously.
-Prefer the 3 to 5 mana range. 1 or 2 mana cards tend to be weak, and 6+ mana cards may prevent you from playing multiple cards in one turn (if they're insane value still take the expansive card obviously, this is low in the priority list)

What you shouldn't take:
-Cards that need sinergy. For example unless your deck is already full of dragons, don't take the card that requires a dragon in your hand to work. Take cards that'll work in any circonstances.

I think that's the gist of it. Arena used to be about managing your resources, but nowadays you'll generate so many cards your hand will almost never be empty, so don't pick too many draws. It's more about not overplaying your hand too early now, like don't use your premium removal on a meh enemy minion or don't play your most powerful minion if you have worse minions to bait your opponent's removal with first.
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That is quite different from how other draft formats I'm familiar with work; a lot faster and more value based. But that's where I was going wrong. Thanks anon
god, theres so many MTG formats where its absolutely correct to pick a card that is only good with proper synergy because a quarter of the other cards in the set support that synergy and it makes for some pretty fun gameplay beyond value pile central.
I am, once again, asking for an uncommon+rare only cheapo deck to hit legend.
Bonus points if it's a reno type deck with no duplicates.
why did they make bg just about highrolling now? every single game two or three people just get gifted a win with their insane greed. I was never this bad. at least make it so that they fight each other, holy shit its so boring to face two highrolles in a row and die when you played correctly and still get punished for it
If Jeef can get 18k, it is not highroll
I am not asian though
I left the account 100 mmr away from RDU. I dont want to pass him yet. Not while he is a 12k goober. I want to pass him at his best at least at 13k+ or even possibly 14k. Pray for RDU climb today boys. If he gets on a losestreak and i pass him like that i will be mad
Expose him on stream. We already saw you lose to him once.
not today lilbro. He has to climb a bit first
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my opponents board on turn 6 (I didnt level to buy every single stat I could and took 15 anyway)
next opponent is galakrond with deathrattles and ghoulacabra. but sure this game is totally skillbased
anon luck evens out. Skill persists though. Its normal to have a bad game or day but eventually you will arrive at your true MMR.
If you don't humiliate him on stream, then what is the point of exposing him?
my entire goal when i started this was to have an account called ExposingRDU on the leaderboards higher than Rdu. Thats it. I dont want to humiliate him or wish harm on him. Its just for my fun. Its not a malicious effort
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Update: I'm beginning to think you're right, because I have lost almost every single Arena game I've played today to generated cards and nothing but generated cards. Including a paladin who I brought down to 6 health with two cards in hand. He played a snack run, gained 9 health, generated a Sunwell, and wiped my board.

Also this happened to me and I lost because of it.
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and I am trying to say that I dont want highroll to be such a big part of the game. just slow down the early game. I know how to play the game and yet I can not even play around getting murdered by people who LEVEL and STILL hit me for 15 simply because they lucked out massively. its unfun and frustrating
then believe me youre not playing optimally. Ask yourself what these people do that you dont. See the error in your play then you can actually improve.
pls enlighten me what you should do differently on turn 3 4 5 to not die to highroll when you already buy max stats from the shop
oh hey that's the card i used to kill the lich king
i cant say that because i havent seen what youre buying when youre leveling etc etc. If you boil it down it comes to level optimally, dont buy trash and pick the best trinket for your spot
Damn. Imagine complaining at 8k MMR when there are probably tens of thousands of people above you.
Yeah I know it all too well. I used to play arena because it was fun to manage your resources and work with what you had but now it's just a game of who will pull the most bullshit out of their ass and is as fast as constructed, and since they always put the latest expansions in the rotation it's not gonna change anytime soon.
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I feel like I must be doing something wrong, because I'm losing more than half of my games. You'd think if it was really just mostly down to generating the right things, it'd be about fifty fifty, but I keep consistently bottoming out.
Well you also need skills, if you can't do at least 2 wins consistently then it's definitely a skill issue, but of course the more wins you get the more bullshit decks you'll encounter. If you're using HSreplay you can always send us your replays so we can make fun of you and tell you where you fucked up.
I dont count this as exposingRDU
>god, theres so many MTG formats where its absolutely correct to pick a card that is only good with proper synergy because a quarter of the other cards in the set support that synergy and it makes for some pretty fun gameplay beyond value pile central.
It's almost like MTG is a well designed strategy game meant to allow experimentation and creativity and hearthstone is...shit.
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What is he doing???
What game are you playing while waiting for Reddithal to leave?
mahjong but it's more like getting tilted in one game, escaping to the other and repeating the process
past gold 5 all you see are meta decks and you expect a pauper singleton deck to climb legend?
jias pov
>Among us DH
>Skibidi Warrior
zarimi priest is annoying as fuck
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>xl mage players
Spores should have the line “and give your future spores cast when drawn”
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This fucking cunt roped almost every turn, I dont mind control, but this is just assholery
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>xl mage players
bros, real expansion when
what is "xl mage"
who comes up with these names
Speshls#2167 EU for free xp
also why is there now a 1000 second capcha timer for posting?
>also why is there now a 1000 second capcha timer for posting?
it's only the first time if you wiped your cookies and only on vg and biz
probably some protection against bots and/or schizos
they also implemented it on /v/ yesterday
see>>499171068 mages players are like this
thread was thriving too much so they had to stop us
Can you kill Reno in warcraft or Wow?I'm gonna download them if yes
>30 mins later and no one has added me yet
holy fucking shit lmao
also caphas have become unreadable, this fucking site is worse than twitter
Download Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft. You can kill him there.
people unironically used to complain about
It's still a retarded card that means the game is casino bullshit every turn instead of being a CCG game
>xl mage plays 4 tsunamis and 2 volleys by turn 9

they wont do cast when drawn since that'll make people seeth, just reduce it to 3 mana or let you discover the 5 mana minion it'd summon
/vg/ is moving too fast today bros we are getting dabbed on
>perpetual page 8 shitters we are
Is there anyone playing something else than Reno warrior and mage on ladder?
yeah me, playing shaffar rogue
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holy fucking shit look at this cool ass motherfucking epic animated portrait
I stole an xl dk list from the chinese server, it's okay
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I'm playing only because Renethal is back, I will be gone again when the newest garbage slop comes out.
page 9*
even youtube wants to kill hearthstone and snap
I wonder if they are really running out of space at Google? I could see them seeing certain topics as just not worth hosting anymore.
First the leak, now this. Complete bullshit for the content creators
Plus sized mage, Jaina conjured too much bread you see.
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I’m optimistic. Especially with it being neutral.
Can’t wait for priests to steal this from me always. Priest is, of course, the class that punishes you for playing good cards which is very fun and fair
Good news is priest won't ever be viable again thanks to the hauler nerf
and that's a good thing
Steal what ? Its neutral card They can ETC it ok they steal it now what ?? Two retards compete who draws better demons ???
learn to code
It's 20 fucking 24 why are we still losing games to Leeroy? Rotate that retarded card
do you draw the demons as cards in your hand or are they summoned directly on the board?
Shitwind quests buckbroke me, Reddithal made me quit the game for good.
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Come on exposing RDU!
You can do it!
I don't wanna craft Norgannon, what should I use instead in BSM (non-Reno)?
Nvm, it's kinda self explanatory. I can use that 5 Mana beast or that Draw spell+summon cost card.
EU servers crashed out
Thanks Cora
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into your hand. But with the +2+2 eventually they’ll be 10/10+ after not too long. It’s just eternal pressure that I doubt diaper’s could keep up with.
Also it says each turn btw, so thats +4/+4 by the time your turn roles around if i’m reading it right. If that’s not how it works then the devs suck at writing because pic related works that way
how could you rework this so that it's playable & feels "legendary"?
Had to quit a battlegrounds game, lack of preorders is killing the server.
Each turn isn't always both players' turn, and I doubt it is in this case, probably omitted for text space.
Kil'jaeden is going to be unusable trash, to be honest. Most demons blow dick and you will only be playing ONE PER TURN(there are no demons in standard with card draw) if you arent warlock plus picrel is a worse than dead draw. Im pretty sure daiper warriors can outlast and beat it because 1 elusive reborn poisonous zilliax basically negates 4 demons no matter how big which means you will be doing NOTHING for 4 turns.
Well yes most of them do blow dick, but with the added stats i don’t believe that will matter. Even if you just get a flame imp or something itll still be a really big stat guy.
But flame imp doesnt do anything when you play it, most demons dont have taunt rush or life steal. If your opponent goes wide then you just lose because you dont have any spells
>Escape to wild because I can't take it anymore of Reddithal
>First game vs Reddithal+Renoddit Mage
This is hell. This is literally hell.
the main value i'd say for KJ is your pretty much immune to bombs and plagues the rest of the game
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>pulls 40 armor out of his ass
gee, I wonder why he won
>Kil'jaeden is going to be unusable trash, to be honest. Most demons blow dick and you will only be playing ONE PER TURN(there are no demons in standard with card draw) if you arent warlock plus picrel is a worse than dead draw. Im pretty sure daiper warriors can outlast and beat it because 1 elusive reborn poisonous zilliax basically negates 4 demons no matter how big which means you will be doing NOTHING for 4 turns.
Just save some card draw in hand. Killy J strikes me as a neutral out to combat the Death Knight deck destruction.
Your vision of hell is a redditor's paradise.
>Cannot find key cards or neutral when nobody else is using same tribe
>Play tribe everyone using, "highroll" all the cards and out scale the lobby

Can they not make battlegrounds so obviously rigged?
draw is good but what about harth stonebrew
i swear this card is sleeper op but noone plays it.
the mage hand has a bunch of stall and if spells are not enough to kill 50 armor diaper you use them for removal
rogue hand is a bunch of draw plus you can mill the unkilliax
warlock has demon synergy for kj
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>Spent over 3k this month on old pokémon cards
This money could have gone to Hearthstone but then Cora happened
>Release a paid signature version for a card that is only available for a month or two in standard before it rotates back to wild
Who would buy such a thing?
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its mainly for wild-chuds, same for diamond shudderwock
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>Patches counts twice
What did they mean by this?
please god delete druid
My greetings.
>Get a shit 5 drop
>You now have to have that shit 5 drop every time
>Opponent gets a high roll 5 drop
>You now have to face that every time.
Just awful design honestly.
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pressure points now makes Sonya Otk a consistant 36
is there a viable sif mage or does renethal make it a non-starter?
real expansion soon bros hold on
it's bretty good for making a wide board out of nowhere i guess if you're desperate

i lost after this at 29 hp btw all from hand
page 10, home
Nice rogue leggo....from 2014....
Its joke right ????
2025 will be our year
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>Archimonde, Kil'jaden and Sargeras all in standard
>no point in doing a flavorful legion invasion deck since the two generals' deck is just "LE RANDUM DEMONS!! LOL"
it's over.
Priest with Velen and Exodar ship plays Kiljaden summons legions of demons
Warlock with hordes of demon legions suddenly summons Exodar draenai capital with all sitizens ...
Lorefags need a rope ????
Expansion in 2 weeks bros, we finna thrive and make it.
ye its good to close out games with decks that want to dump their hands. surprised i havent seen more people running it but only a matter of time before some gay ass streamer uses it once then it gets copy and pasted for months
When's the last day of the preorder? 4th nov?
>everyone jumped ship today

what killed us
fucking up the beach episode
hello why did they buff tsunami
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>legend is 0.5% of the playerbase
>300k legend in standard alone
China won
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Anyone have a list for w*ld egg hunter?
Got what you deserve DK shitter
why the DK hate? just curious
A DK raped me when i was a boy
Retarded class with infinite card draw infinite board clear infinite free mind control that also trades with a minion, infinite value minions
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then why isnt everybody playing it?
Did you preorder /alg/?
Convince me (not) to
why would you preorder a steaming pile of shit
maintenance mode next year btw
I like spaceshit
I'd rather give my money to bioware.
You keep using that word, git gud
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Alright, my quest to legend with my own deck is over. IM FREE
Dear lord, do I fucking hate trinkets. Like yeah, BGs has always been about getting lucky enough to avoid the high rollers or be one of them and this is no different. But at least with other season mechanics before this you still felt like you had some kind of autonomy over where your comp was going. Trinkets are complete autopilot and praying you get the perfect trinket for your comp or get fucked. Making "pivot" trinket 1 gold cheaper is an utterly laughable fucking attempt to make it appear like they care about player agency, since pivoting in a trinket meta might as well just be hitting the concede button.
I like trinkets, what I dont like is how incredible potent early good shops are. its utterly insane that you can hit a perfect turn 3 shop and win the next 7 turns just because you can build on it, while some poor schmuck who got offered only garbage the first 3 or 4 turns is dying before he even choses his first trinket
Give it to me straight... How bad is my cancer?
No lol
Pretty shit man. Plenty ways to counter that board.
its a good board if youre relatively new to the game
I haven't played since 2017. Any tips i should know?
Seems Demon Hunter and Death Knight are new and unlocked for me.
I have these Loaner Decks. Might just play with those.
I haven't played since pic related.
>mouth breathing retard streamer "theorycrafts" decks for the new expansion
its never not gonna be funny
>"uuuuh I have this great deck idea about spaceship amogus DH and uuuuuuh it's gonna be epic, great meta incoming I think"
>*expansion comes out*
>*it's buff paladin and reno again*
Are razzle decks still good or did 7 mana kill it?
no you are supposed to play renathal decks now not aggro or midrange dummy
he's still fine in xl
XL or control DK/shaman still run it since its still big board and you play the good spells, aggro/tempo decks like frost DK cut it
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I like this guy
is it stupid if the only time I enjoy expansion reveals is the wronchi 1? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZWBDWgb-jc
no it's the correct opinion to have
best thing about pre-expansion (formerly second best before they gutted proper expac trailers)
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europoors can't stop winning
Is this a bug ?
>get the popup
>shop freezes and it's gone when i restart
dogshit shop dogshit game
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I'm reporting this to blizzard because i didn't get it
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>diaper warrior has 40 cards in his deck
>still manages to have yogg in hand exactly when it's needed
standard is so fucking boring bro, its nothing but braindead NPCs copy and pasting the highest winrate deck over and over and over again
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I hope someone is murdered over this
How do I get this???????????
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The idea of playing the new Shaman meteor shit along with Incendius to make a big deck full of shit that can kills your opponent actually sounds fun enough to make me want to reinstall this game for the first time in 2 years.
another 4 days passed and im still stuck at d10 what the fuck man it doesnt matter what deck I play I just get hard countered every queue
>it doesnt matter what deck I play
i got to d7 when i usually get cucked by some diaper class with otk nature.
it really is the deck.
I saw the new Hearthstone official video.
The ship pieces actually fucking stack.

Hunter ship+Yodeller will trigger 10dmg*6 times or something retarded like that; get ready for midrange Hunter meta.
*renos your starship*
>it's another aggro-lite vs diaper reno meta
just got tsunami'd on 4 by a 40 card mage again! nice nerfs you retarded fucking subhuman niggers
wow my 17/32 starship that gave me 64 armor just won me the game!
>opponent plays reno/yogg, spams the wow/well played emote
they made it 8 cost instead of 10 okay, they're doing their best
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it's over
every single deck I've played over the last few weeks in standard has been absolutely horrible to play, how can anybody play this fucking horrible format
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new hearthstone just dropped
>nerf lamplighter
>Print battlecry cost 1
>Lamp x2 Kalimos Skarr
>Also you can Insuduus and asteroid for more damage
How diaper survive this ????
I smell another lamp nerf
I like that the shameless ripoff of thrall, sylvanus and tirion weren't enough, they had to have a dentharius copy as well
>make a ripoff hearthstone mobile game with zero effort and copy-paste designs from blizzard
>bribe kripp as a sponsor to make it look legit
they also picked "gear games" as their company name, presumably trying to bait people into thinking they're "grinding gear games"
Also battlegrounds... For incels like Rdu
>new expansions imminent
>nearly 7 day old thread
seriously you even watches this sellout fuck anymore?
trust the plan
Just had a max crashout game in BGs
>Face Galakrond on Turn 6
>He took the 6* beast that spawns more beast
>Deals 15 damage to me
>Face Tess on Turn 7
>Turns out Galakrond started using his hero power on Turn 1 so he had his 6* on Turn 5 allowing Tess to steal it
>Deals 15 damage to me
Holy fucking shit. And I played optimal as well. As in each turn, I played for the strongest possible to me. With no greed.
>diaper reddithal reno warriors nonstop
It's because of this shit ass meta. No one wants to play against fucking Reno. Needs to be nerfed to 20 mana.
they need to murder reno and about 20 badlands cards so we can actually have a new interesting meta. they wont do it and the new expansion will fail again. its actually incredible how stupid they are
reno is fine get good shitter
why not make a deck to counter it?
>build against an unbeatable deck if they draw well
you are just as dumb as blizzard who refuses to hall of fame reno
I think you are just bad.
What are you running?
i bet you complained about the first reno too shitter
Ele Shaman, rainbow shaman, pirate SH, handbuff.
reno is possibly the shittiest card and character ever created. he doesn't even entertain me when he fucks over my game, he's literally some larping cowboy retard in every single card printed. they all look like they drool on themselves and belong in assisted living facilities. hate reno so goddamned much
no its not, dont care about whatever winrate you throw at me. hl decks are stupid, they go against anything this game should be
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Reno dragon form card when?
Oh, I love this argument. Reason why I played chaos decks in mtg too. Someone would always get pissy saying "this is not magic").
Bet you hate renathal too.
and shudderwock/block and yogg
what should this game be then?
why are there redditors defending reno and renathal in this thread?
the bigger question is why are there still people playing standard
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why are death knight so popular? just came back from a long break and all I'm fighting are death knight, 8 out of 10 matches was a death knight.
there was a good returning deck for free
>turn 4
>already dead
who enjoys these hyper aggro decks? its boring to play and boring to face
Blame Blizzard.
There is no more midrange.
It is either hyper aggro or 40 card greedy AF control decks.
death knight aesthetic always been popular even in WoW
rather jump between games quick than get invested only to get a reno dropped on me
i guess its the best for ranking
but man it just makes me close the game when you get 3 of those games in a row
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maybe you are unlucky
i would unironically rather lose 4 games to aggro and win 1 than win 4 games and have 1 loss to reno
havent played in awhile is reno still the 6 drop that heals back to full?
damn he is not that popular, is probably this >>499495521 since I just got back I'm at low levels so just getting the people fighting with returning decks.
that was like 5 years ago anon.
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has it really been that long? shit
well, I just accidentally beat one with a truly shitty deck. He cleared my field, yes, then I recovered. You can always recover
reno now is a one sided board wipe that locks out your opponent for an entire turn
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>has it really been that long?
no, actually I looked it up and it came out 9 years ago and it's been in wild for 7 years now.
sounds fun and interactive lol
shan't even consider playing until reno rotates out
isnt handbuff good against reno?
looking at hsguru, there a lot of renathal decks but no reno
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>got destroyed and under pressure the whole match
>discover the one single card that allow victory for two mana and turn everything around
>win easily
It's good when it's for me, btw.
kripp needs money to fund his wife's cuck van
Has-been. What's our opinion on rarran?
is he still being passive-aggressive over mtg and yugioh youtubers stealing his video formats
When did he do that? i thought he wanted to bang voxy
Before anyone asks.
>Join us November 13 at 10:00 am PST for a special presentation celebrating 30 years of Warcraft and a look ahead at what’s next.

>It’s a big year for the Warcraft universe and whether you’re a Hearthstone fan, you’ve joined the chaos in Warcraft Rumble, ventured into the world of Azeroth for the first time in Warcraft: Orcs and Humans, or you’re a World of Warcraft player, there’s something for everyone in our Warcraft 30th Anniversary Direct stream. You won’t want to miss a moment— or a single surprise.

>Stay tuned after the stream for a special 20th Anniversary concert broadcast, “World of Warcraft: 20 Years of Music,” celebrating 20 Years of World of Warcraft music. Produced by Helvepic and filmed live in Switzerland the concert was performed by the 21st Century Orchestra and three choirs—Tales of Fantasy, Ardito, and the Madrijazz Gospel, this sweeping 190 performer ensemble will take you on a musical adventure through time and emotion.

>You’ll also be able to earn new in-game viewership rewards for Hearthstone, Warcraft Rumble, and World of Warcraft. We’ll have more details for you soon, so be sure to check back on our official sites.

Yes, there will be drops.
They should make a set with characters from other blizzard games. You can have legends from Overwatch, Diable, Starcraft and Call of Duty for example
>turn 4
>druid is on 10 mana
>druid is xl

>warcraft rumble
is something missing?
>Battlecruiser operational
Just imagine the voice lines in HS...
>trannythal in standard
A decision so ungodly stupid they must've interpreted it from a chimp smearing his own shit on a zoo window.
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>aggro babby is crying
>select to attack
>make it happen
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How come DK still doesnt have a triple unholy card? there's 3 blood card, 3 frost card, 1 rainbow card, but no 3 unholy card. is it just incompetence?
plagued grain used to be a 3 unholy card, but they changed it to 2 at some point
thanks, but now they gotta add another card with that rune cost. It just feels wrong to not have anything, and one of the fun things with DK is seeing how you can mold a deck around rune choice.
>got the survey
>one of the choices in a long list is "click here if youre not paying attention"
runes are retarded and they should just remove them
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this should be entertaining
Alright I said "DELETE RENO AND NEVER EVER PRINT ANOTHER ONE SIDED EFFECT LIKE THIS AGAIN" as my last bit of commentary, hope they listen.
now i see why it's called diaper
tell us who fatigues first
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no fatigue, opponent conceded as I got lethal on the table (weapon + hero power)
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huuh cropped my deck accidentally, we were both far from fatiguing still.
Also missed 100 by a bit, hope there is no achievement for that
this brawl is so gay
>Achievement Unlocked: Full Diaper! (fully stuff your diaper with festering disease)
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wow pretty based for on- ACK!
*dies to 30 mana worth of spells*
pupil is a bad card and you should feel bad for using it
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>play rogue
>lose because my turn wasn't long enough/animations were too slow
I'll do anything for gandpa nurgle
>What was that you said?
>Reno and Renathal in core? gotcha! Done!
god I wish, aggrocucks seething would be glorious
>they need to murder reno and about 20 badlands cards so we can actually have a new interesting meta. they wont do it and the new expansion will fail again. its actually incredible how stupid they are
anything that kills from hand needs to be made purely unviable, reno needs to be nerfed hard, if they insist on keeping him around then he needs to clear both boards and lock them both to one. There is no reason for that effect to be assymetrical when it doesn't even let deathrattles go off.
Deepminer Brann needs to be hall of famed, leeroy needs to be moved back to wild.
>oh you picked X tribe
>that's really tight, we're not going to give you any Y trinket to help you though, still best of luck
>I understand you've been sitting on goose since turn 3 but we just won't give you gilnean thorned rose
but tbf if you remove brann and other actual highlander wincons reno on his own is not that cancerous
brann to 4 but only the next 3 battlecries are doubled
reno to 7 but it only destroys all minions and locations instead of remove and the 1 limit is symetrical
jeef would have got those trinkets get better
just play duos, and when you get shitfucked you can blame your retard partner.
i understand that a great deal of battlegrounds' appeal comes from being able to lose without taking the blame, but really that's not what I'm after. I just want to play the game without being overtly fucked raw
play a different game, in all honesty just play a different game. maybe 25% of the time I can build something fun or entertaining the rest of the time is dry rape.
everytime I pick that pirate with avenge 4 sells for more gold it gets killed 2nd. every time.
no yeah i know
interested to see what blizzard been cooking, hopefully cora will make a speech
expansion doko
>duo partner picks failen and a bunch of quillboar minions
>okay i'll go mechs
>give him some boars
>he gives me undead minions
??? you deserve the 4th
Plays duos while actually being solo is fucking retarded. You just don't want to play solo because you are shit at the game and want someone to blame when you top 8.
>only possible counter to reno reddithal greed i can think of is excavate warlock
>deathrattle demons get silenced by reno
Bros, do you want pets in hearthstone?
only if they have massive anime tits
Which one do you like bros?
Get ready to cough up some money, bros
I'm sure more ways to pay will fix the problems with the game.
jesus christ how horrifying ai sloppa is better
wasn't that the whole gimmick with artifact, some cutesy creature walking around your board?
pay me you idiots
I would buy all of these
For what? I don't care about cosmetics and never have.
I would pay you to sit on my dick
idk why they refuse to tap into the infinite wealth of terminally online coomer class. we have money and still play this shit.
No little girls - no buy
>8 day old thread
cemented in a fucking stone casket 6 feet under
What ? You need one snake and you have tons of excavate cards....just fill deck with bouncers Played snake lock recently and only issue was double rat
>People keep playing this P2W shit full of bots
I don't care what anyone else says, china is so based.
What's the alternative? MTGA? Look at those poor bastards in their thread, it's like the 8th circle of hell.
MTG has been amazing with all the universe beyond stuff. Much better than it was a few years ago. I play it and HS still but definitely more MTGA lately
hearthstone is so gameplay and information dense that every post requires multiple hours of research before hitting post
Do you play standard? I quit a while back after my second real shot at giving the game a try and I have no idea how people can stomach that game, the cards are cool as fuck but the land system + blind mulligan + absurd imbalance between going first and second drove me fucking insane
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TFW my secret legend DK deck uses renathal and eats reno decks for breakfast.
gonna miss that dude
and no Im not sharing, you guys whine too much.
>faced priest two times in a row
lmao nobody wants your piss MMR deck bro
>didn't even bother censoring the identification tag
lmao, I guess that's the last survey you'll receive from them
also these look like ass
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>fox meets grapes
If he's posting here I doubt he cares about the surveys and getting blacklisted lmao
but yes they do all look like complete ass compared to mtga
reminder to buy the diamond dk skin
I was actually running it to tutor the rizzlers but Im thinking the dryscales that copy the next spell drawn might be better
>but Im thinking the dryscales that copy the next spell drawn might be better
Yeah, that should be the choice. Pupil is a card that controls the way you play, and its a very shitty draw, you want to start with it.
BTW do you have other targets for trusty companion? I mean, its not the worst in the world, but hopefully there's more deck synergy.
Legends of Runeterra, Master Duel and Magic Arena all have pets already, but I never saw them as a "BIG" thing in those games unless they come from specific events or tournaments.
Is big spell mage going to still be meta after the expac? This expansion seems pretty weak like it won't effect much
My survey was hardly this interesting.
All I got asked was if I owned a Yacht
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How many trannies have you ack'd today bros?
what counts as a tranny
what decks do trannies play
All decks and cosmetics marketed to trannies
varden, guff and other furry skins, muscular black women, short/colored hair women, must be devoid of wow relevant characters and toxic masculinity

Its almost always some kind of infinite random generation slop deck, or some kind of solitaire mage deck, or in standard just whatever blizzard chose to be s tier for the current month right when the class gets a fresh tranny skin. Youll almost never see a tranny play an off meta deck, even at lower ranks, not even put an original spin on an existing one, they exist as the main consumer base for blizzard.
sounds like an average redditor to me
>Player with purchased cosmetics has better luck than me in battlegrounds
Who would have thought.
It's sad to see hearthstone go away, the market needs a stream friendly game that you can play while watching something that doesn't require all of your attention and when hearthstone is gone this spot will remain vacant.
>Rarran tried rogueship
>Its absolute ass even when you get the rush windfury
In another 5 years or so they should make a 3rd set with Reno that completely ruins standard for all the time it's legal
wow, who could have predicted that?
drops are live on twitch for 2 packs
funkimonki... home
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Guess my golden standard lego
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I'm being asked to do cora's job again
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they asked for styles in between but guessing nobody cares about those
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what does this mean
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next page has a watermark and contains an actual idea. I just had an LLM extract the non watermark text to paste here. no images just in case I miss a watermark.

"A Pet comes with a variety of different appearance options to help them be the perfect companion to your play experience. You can unlock each of these different appearances through play and manage how your Pet looks. Pet appearances are easy to unlock: during a match you will find treats that you can feed to your pet, either there in the match or in your collection manager, and each treat you feed your Pet earns you progress towards unlocking another appearance."

How interested are we?
again with the fucking pets
can't wait to have some murloc holding a trans flag rolling around the board
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black bar covers account watermark

how cemented are we bros?
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there's another 2 pages of this crap
actually bring on the pets if it means packs go down. I havent bought a preorder since old gods and pretty sure that was only 40. what the fuck are they smoking thinking ill pay 60 for unbalanced slop thats not even good to look at?
wait it's FOURTEEN pages of this. looks like we're getting this garbage after all
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bust those wallets open paypiggies
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they give a bunch of alternative pricing between $5 and $100, most above $20 each lmao.
Do you guys like Playing Battlegrounds? (duos)
ok survey over, it was all about the shitty cosmetic pets.
Never tried battlegrounds because I don't know how it works
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they're putting cora on commission lmao
is this a joke?
[sad news]
Starships are Dogshit
wtf, no one could have seen this coming
>Achievement Unlocked: Full Diaper! (As Death Knight achieve 100 health or more)
>Achievement Unlocked: Full Diaper change! (As priest heal for 400+ life in one game)
>Achievement unlocked: Diapers! EXTRA THICC! (As warrior end a turn with 200+ armor)
>Achievement unlocked: Diapered, naturally! (As druid, end a turn with 100+ armor and 20+ mana)
>Achievement unlocked: Diapers for everyone! (Achieve all diaper achievements, rewards: Replace one emote for crying noises)
Rarran hates Starships.
imagine playing standard but every game is vs a diaper who ropes every turn (animations take 2 minutes to finish)
Starship Launch and The ship Legedary will be buffed to 4 mana and 7 mana respectively before expansion Launch.
no fucking way
Does carnivorous cubicle work with unkilliax? I think I read somewhere that it was bugged but not sure if it still is
Only bugged on Day 1-2
Nice survey
>theorycrafting streams up
>page 8
Unless they nerf even more old stuff they won't really matter anyways.
and it will still be unplayable
rarran is fucking gay
What kind of deck would even want to run them? Midrange doesnt exist and diaper has better options.
Midrange exists especially after they nerfed Painlock and Pirates, the starships are just clunky combo memes like C'thun
Draenai warrior looks fun and satisfies my tribe deck preference.
zeddy really needs to see a doctor about his breathing problems
Zeddy is seething
Clark Hellscream got 42'd (Priest meme card) twice in a row in matches and lost from that.
Fucking hilarious
why do you watch that fag? why do I have to share the website with zoomers?
Watching any streamers is for zoomers.
I'm just watching today because it's pre-expansion showcase for new decks.
Hunter is Amazing in the new expansion
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so, how unplayable are starhips based on the theorycraft stream? reno ruining everything, or has no one been running it since it's not new
they seem good but there is some really broken new (and old) stuff that probably will really hinder them. the problem is that they dont instantly win you the game the second you finish them and thats bad in todays game
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that was just the default setting, better as legend?
or its meaningless unless you spend all day grinding to top 1k?
Any decks that destroy magetrannies?
maybe another mage with counterspell, dirty rat and other cards that disrupt their cheating big spells
yes anything below 1k is low MMR
I think streamers were encouraged to experiment rather than just jam old decks
drops last how long?
17 more hours from this post
>Twitch Drops will be enabled category-wide from October 24, 9:00 a.m. to October 25, 9:00 a.m. (PDT)
alright then, I can go to bed and finish it later
Because you are dead
page 10, home
Draw whole deck on turn 5
This game deserved it
Balance team dead ... Cool art btw
They have rule 10 new cards and new mechanic cards They cant play old meta decks
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It's been so many years since I looked at this game, mostly seeing what state it is in right now before and during the next expansion. Did they give everybody free cards? I don't remember this card. What is demon hunter and death knight?
We are so fucking cemented.
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What's a good meta deck to play casually, there are 6 free decks and I got these cards, are any of them good?
at this rate the rotation set every card will have a signature
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New free anniversary cards from Zeddy theorycrafting stream that we'll get for logging in and completing quests next month
should be 3 mana
lol ok, then I'll never be able to satisfy you. When I reach legend I switch to trying to make meme decks. Fun > Grindan
>logging in and completing quests next month

I'm just going to quit if they keep making us play 3x a week just for these cosmetics.
>What is demon hunter and death knight?
new classes obviously. DH thing is mostly hyper aggro, DK is mostly control. You should be able to pick a returning player deck for free, also if you open 1 of festival of legends and 1 of titans you will get a "free" uncraftable legendary card from each set
Being in the menu gives me anxiety with the scary sounds they have going can't even open this game anymore
>d4, wow and ow have crossovers with each other
>hs has ?
Crossovers with Diablo. But only in BGs and Mercenaries.
New kingdom rush shit from blizzard They added few core cards based on that game Also few exclusive hs cameos in wow
Will Double Blood finally be playable next expansion?
the what now?
World of the Dead vibes
Double Blood Deathknight
I wonder how much of a meme it will be. It will definitely be irrelevant/unreliable in some matchups, but it's not hard to get if you're already running Overheal package.
Rarran video 3 weeks from now: "The IMPOSSIBLE Starship Challenge"
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People complain all they want about reno, but this card is the real anus
>Playing with the sound enabled
i wish voxy would come to HS full time and ditch those magic fags...
drops are not working?
worked for me, yesterday
are your accounts connected?
yeah, dont see anything in open campaigns tab
maybe the event is over? main channel isnt streaming either
probably, I still see some channels that still have drops in the title but usually I get a pop up about drops when I watch
>ladder is nothing but diaper knights
What counters this faggot ass deck? Rotation cannot come soon enough, new expansion is going to do fuck all
Should I pick the DK, Paladin or Warrior loaner deck?
Strong and apparently gives you cards you can build other DK decks with
Strong and I think its fun
Tons of dust and gives you that Reno card everyone hates and a ton of other legendaries
post them, we can't see if we're not new/returning
Here's all of them
DK does give you the most stuff to make other DK decks, but all of these decks basically have the same card value so just b urself. they're all losing half their shit in rotation in 4 months
dk or paladin, they are both giving you a solid groundwork to build up on and dk and paladin also look like they will have several working archetypes. warrior is doubtful and if they will have a good deck will be super expensive as usual most likely
The art team should be running the design team many such case.
>wake up
>page 10
starship bros..
>open game
>t1 concede to xl mage
>close game
I'm close to uninstalling really barely have interest in playing
Hearthstone is saved
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fire him for this
Went for Paladin, thanks
I'd choose DK but warrior is a strong pick as well
So, how about that expansion
paladin looks busted as usual. everything else sucks and will die to pirate dh turn 4.
>trannymage 6 games in a row
that was actually pretty good
pets soon bros hold on
Battlegrounds is interesting
I'm probably going to go with warrior myself, but the DK one is fun as well.
brawl will save us
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POV: you're a mage sissy and about to get the KNOT
did theorystream leak which legendarys are gonna be diamond in new expansion?
>hogger didnt get a full art portrait

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