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Previous: >>498625905

>Fairy Sugoroku Insect Cage Game:
●Event period: October 16 ~ November 6 JST (3 weeks).
▶Requirement: Clear Lostbelt 4 Yuga Kshetra.
▶Complete missions to advance in the story.
▶Stormpods quests they will have their ap consumption halved.
▶RT Campaign: 14 SQ.
▶Strengthening for 4*Archer Emiya, 4*Saber Yagyū Munenori and 3*Caster Geronimo.
▶Spiritron Dress for: 5*Alter Ego Kazuradrop.
▶The summoning probability of 4*Moon Cancer Kishinami Hakuno will be three times higher than in a normal Friend Point Summon.

>Fairy Sugoroku Insect Cage Game Kazuradrop PU summon:
●October 16 ~ November 6 JST.
5*Alter Ego Kazuradrop (limited)
4*Saber Yagyū Munenori (story locked)
4*Archer Emiya (permanent)
3*Caster Geronimo (permanent)

>Fairy Sugoroku Insect Cage Game pre-campaign:
●October 9 ~ 23 JST.
▶Login Bonus: 3 SQ, 7 Spiritvein Stones, 10 3*Fou-kun (5ATK, 5HP) and 2M QP.
▶The interludes for bonus servants will be open to all players and the AP cost will be halved.
▶The AP cost for strengthening quest for bonus servants will be halved.
▶The chances of obtaining a great/super success when strengthening a bonus servant will be double.
▶Bonus servants will have bond gain increased by 20% (~Oct 16).

>30 Million Downloads Celebration Campaign:
●October 4 ~ November 30 JST.
See OP >>497212067

>Rerun of previous Milestone Campaigns PU Summon:
●October 6 ~ November 1 JST.
▶Each servant will rotate every day. For the full schedule, see the link below.

>Lostbelt No.5 Clear Support Campaign:
●October 1~31 JST.
See OP >>496833712

>Pastebin for utility links:
Suppose I'll post it again
Bond 1 - Is this your room, Master? Hmm, how should I put it... It's plainer than I expected. No, it's nothing. Don't worry, I don't mind at all. Being ordinary is a trait in itself. I prefer this many times over to someone oddly overflowing with charisma.

Bond 2 - It might be late to mention this, but we Sakura Five were born from the emotions that BB discarded as unnecessary. That's quite rude of her, isn't it? That's why all of us hate that woman. Ah, I am the Alter Ego of compassion. I have the characteristic of cherishing all humans without discrimination. Yes, equally. No matter what kind of person they are, my attitude doesn't change.

Bond 3 - My essence, you ask? It's Pixie and Murian. They're both cute fairies, aren't they? Well, let's end this conversation here. What? There aren't any others, really there aren't. Geez, can't you tell I don't want to talk about this? If you keep pestering me, I'll really step on you.

Bond 4 - You're diligently doing your work today too, Master. Well done, well done! I mean, it's only natural since that's your only redeeming quality. You're cute, working so hard like a cicada. Please keep clinging on like that forever.

Bond 5 - People talk about bonds deepening, but I don't have anything like that. From beginning to end, no matter how much time passes or experiences accumulate, my core doesn't change. That's why it would have been better if the bonds had remained weak, really. If they had stayed weak, it would be natural to be disliked, and I wouldn't get hurt, right?
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Final Ascension: Well, after all, summer is the best! I love elegant kimonos too, but they can't beat this sense of freedom! Huh, you're going to take a photo? Then, okay, say cheese! Ahahahaha, how fun! Ehehe, ah, I wish this summer could last a little longer! The vast sky, the blue sea, the dazzling sun! And, just as a bonus, Master's smiling face! It's all so vivid that I feel like even trivial worries are disappearing.

Convo 1: "A mission, right! Thank you for your hard work every day. Of course I'll accompany you! I love watching you work hard!"

Convo 2: "'How do I feel about the master-servant relationship?' Of course, I value it highly. I'm an Alter Ego who respects rules and discipline. I'm waiting for your orders, Master."

Convo 3: "My relationship with Master? Of course, it's good. I don't want this contract to end."

Likes: "What I like... people who are trying their best! They share their energy with me, and above all, it's worthwhile to cheer them on!"

Dislikes: "What I dislike? People who can do everything from the start, or creatures that are naturally strong. I can't help wanting to teach them a lesson!"

About the Holy Grail: "There's a Holy Grail!? ...I'm fine, so please use it for someone else. I don't have anything I want, nor do I have dreams of becoming stronger."

During an event: "An event is underway! I love seeing Master running around in confusion!"

Birthday: Happy birthday, Master.

Congratulations on your growth this year as well.

You have grown, right? You have, haven't you?

It's not funny if the only thing that's increased is your weight.

Since we're going shopping together, please be a cool Master, at least for today.

To be able to spend an ordinary day in an ordinary way.

That is the meaning of our existence as AIs, and our happiness.

On the day of your birth, please give me that happiness as a present
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>tfw they hired a literal who to voice Melt
Who is this discount Noto Mamiko? Haya- who?
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BB: "BB? She discarded her emotions to become a perfect AI, but in the end, all the bad parts came back. She's a good case study showing that as long as you don't abandon love, an AI can't become perfect!"

BB Dubai: "BB is a hopeless AI, but I do appreciate BB Dubai. Or rather, I sympathize with her. Of all things, trying to copy BB - what were the humans in that world thinking... Well, in the end, it turned out to be the optimal solution, didn't it?"

PassionLip: "Passionlip, 40 points. Her skill specs are high, but her thinking is simple and her decision-making is slow, so she can't make full use of them. In terms of attack power alone, she should be the strongest among the Sakura Five. I quite like her personality though. It makes me want to bully her."

Melt: "Meltlilith, 20 points. The opposite of Lip. Despite having excellent skills and thinking, she's the Sakura Five member who ruins everything with her personality. Prioritizing her own interests above all else is an unacceptable operating principle for an AI. I quite like her skills though. Stealing others' strengths is efficient, I think."

King Protea: "King Protea, 60 points. I rate her quite highly. For the purpose of suppression, simpler skills and personality are better. She may seem foolish, but that's natural given her size. In terms of processing power alone, she's probably the best among the Sakura Five. I quite like her design. There's a lot of green! But she's a bit over-specialized in attributes."
My lovely wife
Oh come on bro. She voiced Jolyne in one of the JoJo video games or something.
One of Minami's friends from her idol days.
Hakuno Kishinami: "Found you, Hakuno-san! Oh? Are you scared? It's alright! I've changed my ways too. In a slot machine style! I won't display such unsightly behavior as before. After all, games should be fun for both sides. So, I invite you to this dark fairy tale board game where you revive when you die, but drop experience points!"

Paul Bunyan: "Oh, please don't put me in the same party as Paul Bunyan! Everything about us is opposite, so my complexes explode. But I like the Super version! I can fully support that kind of overexertion!"

Nursery Rhyme: "'Am I close with Nursery Rhyme?' Of course, we're good friends! Western fairy tales, ally of children, cradle of dreams. The more we talk, the more mysterious, strange, cruel, and inspiring it becomes. We'll collaborate someday, so look forward to it, okay?"

Summer Corday: "There's even a magician in Chaldea! And a professional in showbiz style! You say her name is Corday? Let's definitely talk about magic! My specialties are human disappearance and box tricks. But I'm not good with cards... So please show me some classic card magic!"

Osakabehime: "So Japanese yokai can become Servants too. Among them, Osakabehime-san is a big game lover. You're on nickname terms with Master, right? A yokai who comes out indoors scores high points! I think I'll pay her a visit sometime!"

Suzuka Gozen: "Yes! I have a bit of a connection with Suzuka Gozen-san. Though she's enjoying JK life now, she's also a demon princess. We once teamed up because of her somewhat final boss-like qualities. I think our give-and-take relationship means she doesn't hold a grudge, but... I'm getting a bit worried... Maybe I should greet her with some tea snacks..."
So Violet will debut this event?
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Fat fuck
King Protea Alter: "King Protea Alter, 20 points. She completely ruins Protea's good points. I never thought there'd be someone even more 'that type' than Meltlilith. 'What type?' you ask? The type that's evil but becomes an ally, or hates humans but protects them - the so-called tsun-whatever type. Using contradictions as a weapon, aren't they ashamed? One of those is quite enough!"

Kiara Sessyoin: "Eh!? That person was a Beast!? I see... I didn't know because I killed her so easily. That's what happens when you greedily try to please only yourself."

Oberon: "Well, I'm part of the Sakura Five too, so of course I yearn for an ideal prince! Just the words 'Fairy King' make me want to eat three times as much anmitsu! ...At least until I met the actual Fairy King. He never tells the truth, yet skillfully saves everyone he meets with his words. But he completely ignores their real troubles! He's the ultimate deceiver. Someone like that should be locked up in an insect cage!"

All BBs: "My Noble Phantasm is a virtual calculation using the Moon Cell. I tried to absorb the Sakura Five because I knew I was incomplete. I believed I could become complete by absorbing BB and the other Sakura Five. But when I absorbed BB and my sisters, I self-destructed from the load. Tehe! So now I'm excluding only BB! I won't overeat, overindulge, or be too greedy anymore! I'm the cute, smart, and delicate Kazura-chan now!"
Thanks reddit dude
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>200 quartz
>24 tickets
>3 fast old men
>No cunny
Go on without me /frog/...
This is what I wanted more of in the game.
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>Dislikes: "What I dislike? People who can do everything from the start, or creatures that are naturally strong. I can't help wanting to teach them a lesson!"
Does that mean that she would have hated Wodime if he was the one who survived instead of Guda?
>0 quartz
>0 tickets
Feels good to be a skipGOD
>Well, I'm part of the Sakura Five too, so of course I yearn for an ideal prince!
Sisters... is she going to cuck us? Muryan was also overly fond of him.
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Post her 3rd ascension np sprite please!!!
She'll be won over him anyway because she yearns for an "ideal prince." Also he always tries his best. I think she dislikes talented people who squander their talent rather than talented people who push themselves.
Some gives me the tl;dr of the new event and Kazuradrop
>Rates her older sister higher than her own mother
Forget daddy issues, this bitch has a mother complex.
>event sucks
>Kazuradrop is a cunny
that's about it
Wodime was naturally strong however he was crippled in his teenage years so he kinda reverted back to being "weak"
smug little shit
You're Kazura's dad now.
>Kazura isn't for (You)
Easy skip
But I'm already Bob's stepdad and Jack's mom?
She just has losers mentality
She laughs at the weak to make herself feel better
She despises the strong for making her feel weak
The symbolism with her should be obvious enough when she's a midget who's NP just makes people smaller and weaker than herself so she can crush them. Because she is weak and pathetic her only desire is to make others even worse than herself, she's a midget standing on a small ladder hoping it makes her look taller than everyone else whole overcompensating
Naturally people with loser mentality despite people who are actually talented and strong, because deep down they know they're just taking it, and naturally fakes hate the real thing

Summon Sigmund Freud and hell explain it all
Kazura is trying to make you her new papa which is probably Nasu's way of telling you to go marry BB or something
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Kazura chooses you to be her new dad
So now she's putting you through a dad test to see if you've got what it takes to be top dad
All of the event bonus servants are dads

Yes even if you're gudako you are papa
BB stands for big belly?
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BB is already the mom, which is why she's specifically searching for Master to take the dad spot.

This is basically the event where you become a step-dad. And your bratty new kids are testing you.
>you revive when you die, but drop experience points
What is this?
Speaking of Krisch, would he have succeeded in overcoming everything after LB5 like Guda did?
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Also Oberon is there as your backup

Oberon, Guda, Kadoc, and goredolf go on a dad quest
Pretty sure there's a hentai game with that mechanic.
Nasu answered this a hundred years ago

None of the crypters would get as far as Guda
Everyone except daybit, Kadoc, and kirsch lose before Solomon
Daybit gets stuck after 2017 for unknown reasons, Nasu didn't say he loses, it's intentionally vague
Kirsch makes it up to LB5, but loses because he's a "crypter". The fact he's a crypter probably plays an important rule in why he can't succeed.
Kadoc has a slight chance only if he has LB anastasia from the start, which would normally be impossible. And if he maxed out his protag points.
A common mechanic, I think?
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This expression makes me wonder how this event will end.
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>Yes even if you're gudako you are papa
Thanks, Merlin.
>None of the crypters would get as far as Guda
Kirsch can if he wasn't a Crypter.
NTA but I think he's asking if Wodime could've cleared LB6 and such
>because he's a "crypter"
Wasn't it because he would've agreed with himself? As in his plan to ascend humanity would be something Master Krisch would've wanted to do
with (you) saying yes when she asks if (you) will marry her
It's been half a day and I'm already tired of the event
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Kazura says Guda has to be her dad since BB is her mother and BB loves Guda ( humanity ) so that's his role.
Puts him through tests to see how amazing of a dad he is.
First test, cooking. Thanks to Goredolf assistance in teaching Guda a dad-like recipe, Guda makes a dad like meal worth 72 points.
>Other characters immediately helping Guda in dadliness
What a deadbeat.
Are we doing Japanese test rules where 30% is barely passing, or American rules where 70% is barely passing
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(You) are shown to be very proactive in the event to be fair, it's just that (You) wouldn't know a dad-like meal considering OC2 painted your dad as quite absent and not really a cook.
I've no idea, but she says (You) passed with that meal so take it however you like.
A deadbeat would just run away from responsibilities, showing willingness to overcome his own shortcoming make him anything but a deadbeat.
I spent money to get Cunny NP1. Had to be done. I'm just thankful for the Yen/USD exchange rate.
>all 4 players have to team up to be worthy of one dad
>Kazuradrop wants (You) to marry a single mother and be the father that stepped up for her
Guda also agrees with that now. It's because of being fucked by whatever moneybills made him with a surgery.
Just daughterwife her too.
Kadoc literally says at the start that the challenge would be impossible since none of them are dads to which Oberon tries to start narrating some weird story about him being one but gets shut up.
Guda will do the challenges but obviously he's not a dad yet so some kind of perspective is needed to get a proper score, I don't see how that's bad.
>Guda agrees now
Too late boy.
You WILL take care of Xavi's children, Guda.
>dad cooks
>mom actually is neglectful and emotionally distant workaholic
Maybe they switched roles.
It's likely that Kazura view of what Guda should be as a dad is slightly warped because of how BB is as a mom.
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Please consider sex with the banana
No one Chaldea even during LB5.2 couldn't refute his plan

Both in universe and outside, Kirschtaria's plan has been stated to be a correct path for humanity. He was right and did the best out of a shit situation, something that no villain in Type Moon so far can say for themselves
Demon/Dark Souls
>neglectful and emotionally distant
Didn't BB quit literally throw the Sakura five in the trash?
She might as well have unsuccessfully aborted them
Do it yourself
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consider it done
hope her summer version gets a rerun
those are some nice floofy twintails
Yes, that's why they don't held her in high regard even the least spiteful ones like KP or Violet.
TypeMoon writers never played western games for sure
>Oberon doesn't think anyone stands a chance. They are inside Muryan's Faerie Domain, or as humans call it, Reality Marble
Is this new lore or has this been stated somewhere before?
>BB is a mom and alter egos are children
is retarded. Okita isn't seen as Okita Alter mom and she's an Alter Ego of Okita. Now was the Guda in OC1 a "child" of Guda.
This is LB6 stuff right?
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>you know remember he offed Muryan instead her own domain
Mom is BB
She doesn't cook
She's a career woman
Children get McDonald's for dinner
Yeah that's the thing Muryan had that forced people to play by her rules
I think Cnoc had one too but I can't remember
Okita alter isn't literally created from okita

Sakura five are literally created from BB

They are not the same, not all alter egos are the same
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looking for other kdrops friend supports
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>"I didn't know what to do. Time and time again… I did awful things."
>With a self-loathing smile, they caressed Huwawa's cheek.
>"Back then, I had my best friend to stop me…"
>Enkidu paused there and looked above.
>"Now I don't."
>"Meaning that this time… I must make my own decisions.", they sadly whispered.
>The clay doll changed their right fingers into blades and drew a line in the sky. Emotion was erased from the Divine Weapon's next words.
>"Who to ruin and who to save."
Yeah I remember. She is basically big and the rest are tiny, except when you are in the same room as her. Gloucester is literally her playground, reason why everyone are at LV1.
Knocks is pretty much getting stronger the more follower and believers she has and that is shared among her people.
I was hoping Alter Ego OC explained me the Sakurai Five shit but never did.
>not level 120
Her reality marble makes everyone LV1, everyone in her domain is weak except for those with natural strength. She denies all trained strength. Only those who are strong even at Lv1

Her shrunken world is something of an artifact she found or created over time. It's not really the same as her main domain.
>Okita alter isn't literally created from okita
Guda Alter Ego and Kama Alter Ego in the OC were directly created from Guda and Kama though. Face it. The Sakura Five are the SHITTEST Alter Egos because they made no fucking sense after Alter OC contradicts it. Alter Ego is explained in that OC as a way for the original to experience things they could have never got it, since is a facet of their personalities. But Nasu treats those abortions as their own thing rather than an extension of BB's emotions half of the times. That's why are the only "AE" with different VAs.
I already do
why are you trying to ntr yourself
Oberon literally kills her without breaking a sweat in her domain. She can't even do shit against him after she realizes it too.
you dont mind me putting the goredolf CE on her instead of teatime right?
Read CCC

BB is an AI who gained human emotions and godly power after absorbing all the evils in the world and various divine spirits, but an AI shouldn't have emotions, she couldn't deal with it and it was driving her mad
So she tore her emotions out of herself and reporposed them into alter egos.
They're beings made from her leftover emotions that she feared, emotions that were too strong for her to cope with as an AI that couldn't understand emotions. Love, hate, pleasure, yearning, affection, etc.
Over time her alter egos developed into their own personas entirely, and were no longer just pieces of BB, they became their own person

It's all explained in passionlips interlude
I'm talking about sex not love, consider fapping to the banana
>They're the worst alter egos
They're the only ones that actually make sense, they're the originals
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i don't mind
I literally just explained it to you
Her domain just reduces you to LV1
It doesn't work against someone who's already strong at Lv1
It denies "trained" power
Every servant is for (You)
Is that the banana the banana poster want us to fuck?
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>Vores Kingprotea
>Transforms into a big Sakura
Ah, Majin Sakura...
already friends then, will be in extra slot
I wont fall for the ntr bait
>Yang Guifei is temptin
The Outer God broke her mind and now she thinks you are her emperor
Basically a Kyiohime situation with an unstable Foreigner instead of a Berserk
Both use flammes too
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>UOOOOHing live on stream
So this is the power of Kazuradrop...
They all love you anon, they are fucking jpgs
They are the only ones that don't make sense after OC1. Alter Egos are defined as simply the servant's emotion split from others to experience that. They are not different people, but that emotion in a pure state.
Just because you're the original doesn't mean you make sense, bro. Nasu treating them as completely apart with different VAs absolutely makes no fucking sense to the actual definition and exploration of the class.
The original is rarely the better one. Oberon is probably the worst Pretender lore-wise.
>Gallitrap Funny Muryan
>Rank: B
>Type:Anti-Personnel Noble Phantasm
>Max.**Targets: 10 people
>Expanding World.
>According to Kazuradrop, it’s a game called *Faerie Backgammon Bughouse*. Referred to as "Insectarium," anyone trapped inside this Reality Marble is shrunk to the size of the tee-tiny, punny little bugs, and their fate hinges exclusively on Kazuradrop's whims. Gallitrap refers to a pixie ring designed to capture humans for their frolics. Anyone caught within will be their plaything overnight; yet if you make it through to the sunrise, the pixies will smile upon you. Nonetheless, should you be deemed guilty of sins, the ring will tighten around your neck with the coming of dawn.

>Atomicro Muryan's Fot
>Rank: B
>Type: Anti-World Noble Phantasm
>Range: 0~30
>Max.Targets: 60 people
>Shrinking World.
>Kazuradrop's final gambit, that involves not reducing her enemies to insect scale, but rather compressing the space around them until they are completely annihilated (though it's more like simply poofing rather than annihilation). What would usually be an unattainable power for the ordinary Kazuradrop becomes possible in the monstrous form she assumes after devouring the other five members of the Sakura Five. With that in mind, the target is not directly injured; therefore, if they have the velocity and a powerful enough Saint Graph to return from the quantum world, they can virtually cancel this ability. Presumably, it's completely ineffective against thearch-class Divine Spirits that possess a comprehensive understanding of soul output.
Alter ego is a facet broken off that is no longer the same person
They are facets broken off

Worst alter ego is always sitonai
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Is this the most detailed foot sprite in fgo?
So how is the story going?
>The clay doll changed their right fingers into blades and drew a line in the sky. Emotion was erased from the Divine Weapon's next words.
So who is he? Divine weapon, doll? What?
You can scroll up to the last three times this question was asked so far this thread
Most of the closeups from recent servants are now drawn by the artist itself, so Wada is the one that drew it, that's why it's high detail. Same goes for BB Dubai.
Oberon makes more sense than the Sakura V. It is the Abyss Worm filling that role.
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>the monstrous form she assumes after devouring the other five members of the Sakura Five
Go on...
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They are still that person, and the Alter ego is how they experience new things. My bro, you have a fucking chapter exploring this.
Sakura Five should all be voiced by Sakura/BB VA to qualify as Alter Egos. Fuck, BB is more an Alter Ego than they are. She's LITERALLY Sakura Nurse love for Hakuno split from her. And all the shit she did is textbook description of Alter Ego in OC1.
None of the Sakura five meanwhile make fucking sense anymore.
Basically besides sakurawanking, we are gonna see oberonwanking. At least oberon is fun.
I don't think you get it
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No this event is about dad wanking
All of the top dads are here
Sounds like LB6 Muryan is stronger than Kazuradrop.
That's raikouschizo, look on posting style.
I can see a few names that will definetly be anything BUT a dad, specifically a good dad.
>Feeding the raikouschizo bait list that'll get deleted within the hour again
The guy asking was probably him again, he got BTFO'd on the Oberon shit earlier so he's back to personality n3
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Bestest dad doko?
Kerry was a good dad
>But he shot...
That was a dream, an evil dream created by angra. It wasn't real
They specifically say Kerry was always a good dad with Shirou and Ilya when he was there
He was a terrible magus though, all his shitty behavior comes from his magus attribute
So can we have the entire story leaked? Any more surprises?
The Part 2 servant is ORE (One Radiance Elizabeth) as the first 6*/UR servant.
damn that was fast. got 2 of these back to back.
needed those bones and medals from the shop.
The entire event
>Guda, Kadoc, and goredolf do various dad quests each day to earn dad points
>It's SoL until maybe the last day when the twist happens
Still sounds like a shit dad. If he was really good he would have backed off in the million of chances he could have done that, and at least made sure that neither girls he loved end up crying and ruining his life. He reap what he saw. He was still a magus and therefore, not a good dad. Fucking Gordy is better.
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>Fionn is a father
>his son is one of the biggest names in Irish myth
>Fionn is related to Fairies
>Fionn is related to Britain
>Fionn is nowhere in this events
This list is really stupid.
Also it would have probably been a good idea for Nasu to have put in a few more actual dads like Siebold BEFORE he did his Electra Complex event.
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>ORE (One Radiance Elizabeth)
Enkidu? for me
We know Gil
As fun as a cockroach infestation.
I want more than sex with Caren.
Half those fuckers won't appear as anything more than a Sprite or 3rd Wave boss.
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I'm surprised she still didn't get a rerun when all the others got one with summer + OC3.
Even summer Melt had her rerun.
Melt already had two banners this year
Mmmmm sorry friend, Fionn isn't popular enough to get shilled in these sort of events
Now please take your nipwank, fairywank, the same EMIYA jokes a thousand times over, the same Lancelot joke but doubled because he's there twice oh and some Sakura Five bullshit as well. Pls enjoy, Nasu worked very hard on it
Really? Guess i forgot.
Nasu didn't even write this event, it's Minase
>written by Sakurai
>not Genji-related
>gay shit with Diarmuid panned out with no fans latching onto it
Sakurai has no interest now so why would you expect anything? If it's not Genji or ship-shit, she isn't writing.
Understandable, poor bald mushroom is too busy playing another overhyped game
Which game Nasu would be playing right now? The Wukong one?
Dude likes SMT so he's probably playing the Metaphor Phantasia like the Fatlus he is
>Drop doesn't call you dad in My Room
I guess Guda failed.
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>People been asking for Wukong for ages
>It takes some souls clone for Nasu to actually give a damn about the monkey
I mean, it would be funny

Ah yes, Persona but medieval fantasy...
>Oberon laughs at Gordolf getting only a 70 score for his cooking after bragging
He's so mean sisters.
>another Sakuraface
>when BB dubai already drained my quartz to pity
Kazuradrop... please.. come home...
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Remember the "Kadoc will NEVER appear in events" guy? The same one who said Hakuno wasn't going to be the welfare. I hate to be him right now.
However wins gets to marry BB
So Guda lost on purpose to get rid of that annoying bitch
No one likes the thumbsucker
Based Kadoc
oh well I got mysterious heroine I wont complain...
Does it matter? Kadoc is irrelevant for the self-inserters especially after he got extremely BTFO with Chaldea Anastasia being For (You) exclusively and having 2 interludes dedicated to going 'no for real though any interest in Kadoc is dead. Kadoc will he forever alone and his Anastasia is gone forever'
He's totally toothless as NTRbait for Gudafags and extremely valid as shipbait for Gudako yumes.
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They retconned it so his Anastasia is always haunting him like a ghost so she's always with him

LB anastasia and PHH Anastasia are entirely different people
So Kadoc is never going to get laid because LB Anastasia would freeze his cock off?
Didn't LB Anastadia fully use up everything in Traum? He shouldn't even be haunted now.
>mfw /tg/
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>Violet's only chance at being implemented as a playable servant was with Kazuradrop
>KD drop alone
>Violet is nowhere to be seen aside as a cameo in KD's NP

Is it over?
It is over for the two Violet fans, sucks ot be them
They really hate Violet.
>4 NP animations
Nasu really shoved a rocket up Lasengle's ass didn't he?
Hope this kind of effort continues on. Every NP turning the servant into 1 ascension is peak laziness.
Servant for this feel?
He feels a chill when he compliments Nitocris' magecraft.
She's ok if he fucks Gudako though, since he was blushing when he asked permission to sleep in her quarters and he wasn't frosbiten. Other Servants are off limits.
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They already said is for a limited servants and only some of them (the non fgo cancer Nasu shills).
Still feels it in LB7
He says he'll never have another servant
He still acts as a master for Koyan.
Really? When?
Fair enough on being haunted but for the latter point that just seems like the typical 'summoning a servant was a once in a lifetime and defining moment' thing used for people in other Fate works. Like Shirou and Waver would refuse to summon anyone that isn't Artoria or Iskander. Kadoc joins that club I guess.
When she gets btfo. He and Gordolf supply her mana.
Well no, Chaldea could hook him up so he could summon as well. Chaldea system was always made for multiple masters.

He turns it down in Traum, saying he will always only have one servant, he wants Anastasia to be his one and only
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No, Nasu is just trying to make the rest of the Sakura 5s SSRs for some reason (who am I kidding, it's because of money).
If she doesn't show up at least as an NPC in this event, my only guess is that she'll probably have her own event somewhere next year (but that's just the hopium talking).
But to be frank, at this point I would be totally fine if they drop her as a 1* with no gameplay value, I'm just tired of waiting for characters I like all the time in this kusoge.
I felt Caenis is the Servant example. Seems like is more a babysitter than a Servant in Chaldea. And the mats confirm only kirsch is Caenis' master so.
Reread my post anon >>498680382
>come back
>see extraslop as far as the eye can see
great game /frog/
And Miyu
And Kuro
And Gilgamesh
>"I-I like Sakura... a-and BAYONETTA...!"
She looks really cute here, not gonna lie
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I don't like Sakura. But I like Bayo and Violet.
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>Nyagger got BTFO
Kek, mahjong do be like that.
>No, Nasu is just trying to make the rest of the Sakura 5s SSRs for some reason

Passionlipbros, our response?
So foxtail
>Kazura absorbs all the egos and BB and self destructs in the end
>In FGO she says she's resolved to now eat the egos but leave out BB, so she won't have the same problem again
>When she absorbs all the egos she gains a new NP that can shrink things until they entirely stop existing
>But divine spirits of the highest tier can negate it
>Meaning Tamamo is going to level up to win
Violet is SR material imo
She is part Medusa after all.
...no one?
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Bro, your SSR Medusa?
I don't need to elaborate
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>450 SQ
>No Kazura
>Open other gacha I play
>Get the rateup character in the first 10-roll
It is destined for me to not obtain her this time.
Thanks for reminding me that this mistake exists...
what went wrong?
This happened to me but with Super Dantes.
>450 quartz on Super Dantes and nothing
>1 roll on Marie Alter and got her
>roll on Super Dantes again and got nothing
>another roll on Marie Alter and got her again
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You answered yourself, anon
She only got drip. Her NP is boring as fuck.
But I was told drip is enough to be popular
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I'm thinking it's gotta be mai foggsu~
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>only Sakura 5 4* so far
>Her fans get baited with a super cute swimsuit but get a nothing burger background change with some lines instead
>gets killed twice until the very end where they just go "jk she's fine ahaha xD"
The mushroom really loves bullying her and her fans...
I think so too! But seeing how incredibly coy Nasu is being with her, I guess he believes she deserves an event of her own? Which is fine but why do I need to wait almost NINE YEARS for that???
>Melt: SSR
>Passionlip: SR
>Parvati: SR
>BB Summer: SSR
>Kama: SSR
>Summer Melt: SR
>Kingprotea: SSR
>Summer Kama: SSR
>BB Dubai: SSR
>Kazuradrop: SSR

Patternfagging has spoken: Violet is going to be a SSR
>one ascension already is a swimsuit
I fucking knew it.
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>tfw you slap on kickyflippy fighting style, cosplay, and pure acid Hayamin voice pack and make everyone deal with you in your mismanaged game
Anons who have read Foxtails (if they even exist), did Kazuradrop want a dad there too or is this a new thing?
>Not old enough for my sweet sweet femdom fantasies
>Not young enough for my sweet sweet cunny fantasies
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just read the mango
she's just a dumb murderbrat there.
And? If Kazuradrop gets a summer 5* /fgog/ will complain.
I noticed more Servants are being released with a swimsuit ascension. Andromeda for example. It's because Nasu wants to kill summer.
Wasn't there some plot point about the fairy domains/passive auras not working on the black sludge bros? I assume Oberon would have the same traits, given how he seemingly ganks her and the one horse head NPC knight while recognizable as Mors
Vaguely remember some convo about why they needed the furries or fairy knights around to defend the towns, combined with the stronger fairies' domains
no. she just tries to rape/vore hakuno. no daddy issues. I don't think the dad thing is a legit contest. Just her getting pissed off because Guda and co left her in Dubai. She doesn't mention it in her lines.
Lines could be locked behind the event like Dubai's lines.
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The character /fgog/ hates the most.
OC1 sold her as a character rather poorly and the tower event she was released with was nothing special besides giving us a list of which servant likes hanging out in (You)r room.
Also, Medusa in general isn't that popular anymore like the old days with us having much more variety with girls, a third alt isn't going to make waves besides make Keikenchi happy.
I don't remember that. But hers and Knocks are supposed to be really strong domains. So she didn't give a fuck what happened.
Still got murked like a dumbass. She couldn't do jackshit against him even after she was bleeding out.
I don't think about her at all.
That's not Kriemhild
That isn't Hakuno.
Thanks God Hakuno isn't in the event.
Shes also fucking boring
you're not fgog
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>dad-role play event
Nasu made a deal with Abe before dying, i always knew it
I finally read it. I can see why some anons say this event is written to pander to female players. I can explain if you want me to. It's nothing to do with Gudako/Gudao who are samefag self insert that changes nothing.
content when
Melt took off so hard, they banned her from BB and Sakura 5-related storylines. They have been repeating that she cannot appear in the OCs whenever the chance to work with her shows up.

But at the same time, this has backfired on the other Sakurafaces because they aren't capable of being serious heroines who can deliver a decent storyline. Without Melt, the other Sakurafaces are just a collection of poorly executed gags and jokes. For a bunch of bokes to work, a tsukkomi is needed. And in the EXTRA verse, Melt is the only female Servant who can play the tsukkomi and serious main heroine role.
i mean real content
that good shit
December of next year for the finale.
>And in the EXTRA verse, Melt is the only female Servant who can play the tsukkomi and serious main heroine role.

Bro your Altera?
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Kazuradrop is hardly a heroine in this event.
Yes, that's I meant when I said OC1 didn't do her any favors
Medusa is MUH Sakura because she's not Medusa but Perseus who was also MUH Master. They bent Perseus and made him "Medusa." Gorgon is the legit Medusa.
Altera is too stoic, silent, and bashful for a tsukkomi. She's closer to a Rei Ayanami or dandere type of character. Also, Altera is Hakuno's not yours.
that's what I meant*
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It can't be...
OC1 didn't do anyone any favors. There is literally no one in the chapter that became popular.
There are two Alteras. The nonmeme one is Hakuno's.
>Was getting ready to roll for Nero Bride on some more days
>suddenly Kazura
Aaaahhhhh!!! I hate you, Nasu!
The curries were a step up from usual fare though.
>Melt took off so hard
>was the heroine of the most loved event in the game in it's PEAK
You're probably the same retard that didn't play the OG CCC too.
Duryo maybe but let's not pretend Bhima is popular
Oruga Questo before new years. Trust no plan.
Durga was popular with Nips due to her design. That's it.
Eh, Duryo and Bhima are well-liked enough for fujos to pair them frequently. It's not big of course, but better than the utter irrelevancy that saber Medusa is in
I liked Duryo, his sister and Ore Lev. The rest was trash. Kama was hot but that's it.
That's called being fotm not being popular
If you don't know English, don't use this site.
To be fair, Durga has better designs than Parvati, the last two BB ascensions we got, and Kazuradrop.
>popular servant
there's no such thing
just stop talking about it
Duryo should have been the *5.
But that's you though?
Lower rarities being more popular than SSRs happen quite frequently in the main story when you think about it
The only good Wada design this year was BB Dubai.
>THAT final ascension
It was so good everyone drew other servants in her clothes rather than her
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What is this about? A new card game?
This is unironically true
there are no popular fgo servants because fgo is not popular anymore
the FA isn't a proper BB Dubai
by BB Dubai, I mean her first and only proper form
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It's weird most of the event fanart is Gudako.
And not even from Gudako artist. This one is from a Tezday and GudaoxCity artist who usually does Gudao more.
That's Golden BB, not BB Dubai.
>some Rinfag is buttblasted that Sakura got another character
You don't see Sakurafags complaining about Rin being in 99% of FSN, being a character in Prisma and appearing in Case Files. And now she's gonna be in Honkai.
When one says something "took off" that's a good thing. Not a bad one.
Ex: This song took off. It's a popular hit with everyone.

Gudako fits the event more.
>but muh dad
It's not really a serious dad contest, but a comedy oriented event where Guda's the one babysat.
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>Go to Booru
>I have to go until page 4 to find a BB Dubai fanart of her other two ascensions (picrel), which still has her first anyway

When was the last time an ascension overshadowed the other two so hard?
Marie Alter? She gets way more in the young ascension than the hag one
only ascension 1 is BB Dubai. Second is BB Comos and third is Golden BB.
Because it has males and one loli.
I'll bite: what's the standard for a popular FGO character in 2024?
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reminder that this is now a yumestacy game
Anyone who uses Twitter knows BB Dubai has more fanart than the two new OG BB forms. Astronaut and golden BB are misfires. The worst part is that they forced a 2nd summer BB (in a sense) and only the ascension who is an alternate BB did well. The antagonist and BB we spent the least time during OC3.

City and Eresh also got more fanart than OG BB. This makes more infuriating that they thought OG BB deserved a second swimsuit variant.
It's the way Guda's written. Guda's helpless and pampered by the dudes. Well, the Gudao fujos are drawing Gudao but both waifuxGudao and Gudako shippers and neutral people are leaning on Gudako. Regardless of what Guda is I think the intention was clearly appealing women. I noticed the most pandery asmr (Kama one) has Guda active and pursuing but the ones who pander to women are the ones taken care of. That's their role in the event more or less.
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waifubros...i thought this was our event....
300 fanart minimum
Second ascension BB dubai here looks like Sakura lol
300 isn't that much, I'd say 500
Jesus christ Guda. Oberon is for monogamous lovemaking only not gangbangs.
>Some Sakurafag still seething that he got laughed at by Rinfags in his childhood
Melt not being relevant is the biggest indicator this isn't a waifu event.
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Mariebros, we did it!
Fuck Oberon, it should have been Morgan instead of him. Nasu keeps shoving this flop down our throats while neglecting the fanbase that made him suscefull
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Is she the only female success since City?
>Morgan out of nowhere
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NTA but I dislike OG Sakura and OG BB, yet Nasu and others somehow found a way to make me like Kama, Melt, Protea Alter, and BB Dubai. And this comes from a Rinfag.
Yui kinda?
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>Searches the tag for asc 1
>Just gets art for asc 1
Truly a mystery
Again, it's not a waifu event. >>498689303
The Kon event was a waifu event, to the point it gave us a son with multiple women. This event is the opposite.
I can wait until the nips shit on this event and tear it apart. Only then will nasu learn to stop shilling him
Summer Eresh is nearing 1k so I guess she's the biggest success this year.
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Alts don't count, we're talking about new characters introduced lately
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>Raikouschizo resumed his spam to stick narratives to this event again
After what happened earlier, its noticeable.
Also you >>498689426 your inability to write proper sentences is noticeable too, as is your falseflag.
why not use pixiv? just remove the ai.
Rinfaces flopped by the way.
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>Summer Eresh is nearing 1k so I guess she's the biggest success this year.
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>1 ticket
Finally got a double.
kill yourself faggot. Male servants will never be make bank
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Yeah, you can't write at all as you falseflag. Like last thread >>498662462
Yeah, it's obvious since he was sucking off Melt and shitting on BB again. He's been doing this for 3 months now.
dont talk to me fujokek
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Where did Kazura stole all the stuff to make her makeshift tabletop game?
Those are just random scribbles... is that why you're spamming this isn't a waifu event? Because you look for scribbles made from random people?
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look at those budding tiddies...
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There hasn't been a single actual "breakout" character since 2021.
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Seethe and cope. This is a Yume game now
Dude has not been playing since 2021
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If you have to spam and falseflag to fail to convince anyone it seems not even you believe it. Especially the clownshow from last thread with the pile of lies you've built which was broken easily.
I knew Andromeda was popular!
City, Tez and Draco came after 2021 though. Even Takasugi was a breakout with his target audience.
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I'm not your therapist. Don't talk to me about your schizophrenic delusions
Yumes won. Waifufags lost. Deal with it
Man I've been having this urge to follow a misguided philosophy to eradicate all of humanity for their own good. The only thing keeping me from acting on this urge is the irrational fear that the gang of randomly selected cultural figures who will confront me will all have some vaguely tertiary link to my methodology that will allow them to perform some strange convoluted mental gymnastics with their ill-defined super powers to defeat me.
You miss every shot you don't take, bro.
Deal with what? All I see is some deranged moron getting backed into a corner the second he tries to pull off a falseflag he can't even make believable.
You've been clowned on so hard using alter tier reaction pics doesn't even help your case.
Stop seething about art for this event and go make some yourself instead of shitposting 24/7 and calling everyone else the same person.
Y'all niggas are actually mental, stop making a gachashit your entire personality.
>City, Tez, Takasugi
Middlingly popular at best.
They don't even compete with several 4*s released in 2016.
A Nero alt who debuted in 2021 and still wasn't even that significant until years later.
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>Middlingly popular at best.
Even that's overstating it
When I'm alone I like to imagine Nitocris wearing a turtleneck sweater and me burying my face in her sweater puppies, and when I'm in public I imagine it even more
you mean understating
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Oh so you're using art to vehicle your shitpost? Here, better quality art compared to what you've tried to pass off as a vehicle for your delusions.
What do I win? You get to fuck off instead of trying to ruin our threads? Nah you'll just switch personality to some cuckpost or whatever.
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LizOrt....my true daughter...
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>servants released 8 years ago have more fanarts than servants not even two years old
I'm shocked
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your go fujosis
>Middlingly popular at best.
Fate as a whole is now only "middlingly popular at best". The entire series lost its steam after LB6.
I can't tell if the threads were better during the dead week or now...
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It's all the same shit
The schizo is going to try to push this narrative but unfortunately he fumbled hard last thread so now its noticeable. Basically, it'll be the same since now you can tell what he switched to.
They never are since there's always some faggotry going on down here.
This place has too many retards that love sperging over nothing at the drop fo a hat.
its kind of pathetic how you keep trying to push your same old mentally ill rants and how noticeable it is. And you've been doing this for months. Get some air
>1.5M FP just to get 7 copies of hakunon

rate up is a fucking lie
Why do you need more than 5?
because 120+full append. She was already NP3 btw
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Is it child porn if it's a loli that owns it?
Wait, I don't think you need 10 copies for that.
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Stop projecting yourself to other, woman. Use your own words to yourself. This place is normal without you.
because Hakuno are the lowest 4* possible, they only give 30 coins X copy. I'm currently np 10, but i'll need more copy
Yeah he needs 16 copies, Hakuno gives 30 coins
900 coins.
30 coins per NP level.
>hurr you get coins from bond level
Yeah and you brick the Servant when you hit bond 15.
He will switch into be oberonfag trying to hate morgan or falseflagging as morganfag.
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Looking at her first ascension, it seems to be stuff from her own room, but she does seem to have stolen stuff from the Chaldea's library, the kitchen, the bathroom and stuff from BB too.
Oh shit, I didn't even check that, I thought they get the same number of coins as other 4*s. I think I need to roll more Hakunons then.
You get coins from bond.
Learn English first
>obnoxious yumes
>worm whore
>velver and other assorted ayylmao shit
>nasu's retarded interpretations of AI
>this stupid Moon Cancer shit
>prime primate species dumbfuck game ruleset-tier stupid lore
extra killed fate, everything afterwards has just been a pathetic, smelly rotten corpse.
Why 120?
Cope, I will also buy Extra Record.
And yet here you are, still crying for crumbs as the maggots feast
Worm whore came from F/SN??
i imagine what fate would be like today if hakunon didn't exist and feel sad about how much better it would be.
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But it also introduced the nicest girl ever.
why are all the Morgankeks also esl faggots
because I liked extra and ccc
She's a loli from UK so she's probably done for
what the fuck is that three-eyed green dog thing
I thought she was supposed to get triggered by imperfection
Give me more (you)xHakunon
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extra was always the black sheep of the franchise
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whats the joke here?
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>black sheep
Yeah, let's just ignore Strange Fake or Apocrypha.
strange fake is the best fate work
My best guess is 2001 Camus Napoléon La Grande Marque Cognac.
But that's a very obscure thing to reference.
It seems she modifies her plushies but yeah, that's weird.
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The shitposting killed Fate, which you're a good example of
Lasgana killed Fate tbqh with you
I killed Fate
I miss Shiokawa. The only one that knew how to keep Nasu on a leash.
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Nitocris is pure sex.
I hate how she never appeared in Part 1 when I really needed her but then she started spooked me during Part 2 when I was pretty much set
Not even castoria got all this (you) pandering. The yume pandering is a fucking mistake and unless Nasu atone himself I hope he unironically dies of blood loss
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Is Kazuradrop good
so Quick is saved now?
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So, why are we fighting today?
Haven't gotten their vita gummies again
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No, but she's cute and that's all that matters.
I didnt get Kazura so i decided to make it everyone's problem.
We are never getting evil goth BB, arent we?
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mileage can vary depending on how much you love her but her np refund is like 30% to make up for the fact you get a free 100% np skill if you have another sakura servant on the frontline and a AoE quick/crit debuff she reapplies every wave/turn and a self-modifier class change skill which works if you farm vs knight classes
I'm still waiting for BB with the CCC(New) NP.
Nasu still hasn't resolve her Beast Class foreshadowing too which is odd.
Didn't they retcon her as a "love" of humanity now?
Cope, you are never be a woman.
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O Cunny fanart, today was a nice day.
No? Besides, Beasts also love humanity.
OCs are suppose to tie up plots.
>OC1 tied up Parvati's and Kama's story
>OC2 tied up Dantes'
OC3 didn't really do anything.
What pandering? Yume delusion fanart.
>Nasu still hasn't resolve her Beast Class foreshadowing too which is odd.
Gil calls her a "New Evil of Humanity" so she'd be Beast VIII, which nobody actually wants to see.
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Yeah we all want Beast V.
Part 3 will be about fighting Types.
But the bosses will be only on events like Part 2
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>Beast 8
Given that most yumes are shippers themselves. I will NEVER support yumejoshis again. If anything I will be against them, supporting pairings featuring male characters with their correct wife/girlfriend/lover, be it historical and/or fictional. They want to talk about canon love interests then I’ll show them. GudaBB love, out.
Nasu is going to pull a espadas twist with the beasts
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does the fouDDDDss being a beast thing ever come up again?
1mil fp in and not a single Hakunon, altomata is doing the rolls and I'm the one tired
Is she really in the gacha?
BB hater gonna lost their mind if she got another SSR again
Are you rolling the right banner?
I waster 200k fp before realizing there was a second one but I fixed it
Why is there two anyways
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>Oberon being all fussy and protective of us right off the bat
Also lol at him getting annoyed at us dumping him into the bodyguard role
I want a Maho Shoujo BB
What was he laughing at?
His shop lines are great.
I too love Bareback with maho shoujos
I bet you just googled that didn't you retard? '2001 Napoleon' or something. Napoleon is used as a descriptor for brandies and cognacs similar to XO where it's uses to describe a level of aging. The dude preferred wine and mostly Burgundy. When he was exiled to St Helena, they cut off his access to French wine so he ended up substituting with South African wines because it was the closest approximation he could get.
can apparently pull off some CQ/solo bullshit pretty well with her class change gimmick
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Based, Nasu already btfo'ed them by putting in his mats that the real reason why he wanted Titania to be real is not because he wanted to be happy but so she could be happy (which means he actually literally loves Shakespeare's Titania, not the concept of a perfect unattainable waifu that can still love him despite being an unforgivable edgelord), which 'coincidentally' came out the same time as LB6 summer did so they didn't notice. All of this is just because DW bitched to him about people only rolling NP1 for Merlin because he's unhusbandoable, which Oberon would be as well if he actually wrote him IC, and followed his clear character concept of being an evil counterpart to Merlin.
I love Cognac so much bros…
>OC3 didn't really do anything.
It tied up BB since she changed and isn't a boss character anymore.
they nudge nudge wink wink about him fucking off during LB7 IIRC
>ribbing the people that can't/don't read
effgawg in shambles
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>Shipping the embodiment of love for Hakuno with a random
Beast BB still isn't tied up.
>Nasu is willing to pull obtuse stuff like this for a throwaway gag in a random piece of dialogue
>refuses to write mythological figures
>makes OCs out of characters with a hugely rich history to work off of
>does not know Mexico isn't in South America
you can shit all you want on oberon but he still gets the most appearances and popularities from all lb6 characters, and nasu obviously likes him so of course he is gonna do the same he did with castoria (a succesful one that he also liked, but he likes oberon more) and wank him hard
Guda's wife is so cute
>Shit event isn't a lotto
>Still no way to get all the prisms we need and now we have to waste time on this trash event
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It's great. He also praises Kadoc and yet gets jealous of him for being such a good personality match with us.
I want to tie BB, alright
My mesugaki empress wife...
To a train track!
He literally uses her pronoun (confirmed as hers) for (you). And no, he does not mean Shakespeare Titania. "Titania" happiness is the happiness of those who were castaway to ensure the happiness of the masses.
That's why I think it's a broad term. His bugs, Castoria, You. But the pronoun goes specifically to you.
>isn't a Saberface so Takeuchi can't threaten him
>drawn by someone he likes
I like him too, honestly.
I'm still mad he ruined LB6 summer.
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It's tied up she stopped being an evil of humanity and boss character. Ciel spells it out in conclusion.
Nasu dropped that.
I only hate that every 90++ stage is an Oberon filter.
Nice try femcel, but Oberon IS FOR Titania. Stop trying to ship male characters with your shitty Becky self-insert
Wait a minute, this event is just Jumanji!
Nasu's sickness and Takeuchi and him changing their minds ruined summer6. Also the setting. It was dead on arrival. Should have been a creepy midsommer English countryside setting. Oberon's white FA was what I wanted it not "saberfag comiket" cringe setting.
neo and friends aren't gonna translate this one?
>maybe the real Titania was the friends he made along the way
You're the reason why this game isn't allowed to have anything but shit writing
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Yes, and (you) are Titania, incel.
And he just had a lon and romantic fanservice self insert sequence in anniversary. Unlike your shit waifu.
Nasu literally rambled recently (to his VA) the reason Oberon claims not to love the world or can't love it is because people are happy but he knows others died to make it happen. He's like the champion of the forgotten now.
This gives millions of death flags to Guda considering how Oberon spent time to make them happy and will be with them "in the end."
as opposed to a world where nobody ever dies ever
>Kazuradrop isn't quick Oberon
But frog told me this time for sure...
I mean Nasu goes to him as the character who listens and lifts Guda's burdens and wants Guda to prioritize their happiness (fuck the rest): April's Fool, Summer, his anniversary sequence (purposefully cut Guda from Chaldea to get Guda to have fun instead of focusing on mission). Titania's happiness is number one, even if he can't admit who is Titania (which LB6 hint someone might be of the ones he met).

This also means Guda is mega fucked.
That will be Violet. Trust the plan.
Space Oberon = Quick Oberon
Oberon (alter) = Arts Oberon
>Oberon describes his relationship with us as 腐れ縁 (an inseparable tie/relationship)
Quick doesn't even need an Oberon, it needs something like a cross between Castoria and Koyan.
That's raikouschizo anon. Although it's funny how much of a schizo he is and how easily he's getting baited by saying something like oberon is shit or citing his profile about Titania.
Still adamant to the idea Guda is not your selfinsert but Nasu's? Mushroom thinks he speaks for the fandom.
None of the Sakura 5 have been supports. They're all have been attackers with some gimmick, Kazura wasn't going to be any different (even though it would have been a change imo).
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yes idiot
Guda not being Avenger but Mooncancer already sells Nasu out.
a nice change*
Avenger doesn't really fit. Who would be target of revenge? Chaldeas? It isn't even alive.
And everyone else is summonable and therefore cannot be target of revenge (like Douman, Koyanska, Kirei)
APOLOGIZE. Now retards are saying "Humans should be immortal."
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You already had your avenger Gooda
This subplot was such blueballing.
Have you considered the thought that that aspect could still be apart of his character without Guda in the picture, and maybe his character would be infinitely better off if he wasn't part of a gachaslop that feels the need to pretend its cardboard cutout is a real character so people don't notice that their main business model is ruining every single character by having them unilaterally suck off/eat out the self insert no matter how OOC it is instead of letting them form organic relationships with other characters like human beings do? I thought his character arc was about how people should care about and value characters like they do human beings, not use them as cheap entertainment to milk money out of and then set aside. I guess Nasu doesn't practice what he preaches.
>reee selfinsert, gacha bad
Kek, redditor outing himself as always
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Is it worth taking Foumes to level 100?
Yes. Foumes and NFF are both good to 100.
Thanks for the compliment from a few days ago aBBy anon.
Stopped reading
It's too obvious when I'm reading a biased argument from a /tmg/fag
He was created because of FGO, not "in spite of it". No he wouldn't magically be created for a full vn if FGO wasn't made
It is bad when characters aren't allowed to be their own people and the character is twisted in the complete opposite direction of the original point of the character in the first place. Didn't know redditor meant someone capable of critical thought these days.
Fuck Hakuno
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Stop pretending, you already outed your shitposting.
Be more subtle next time, gweilo.
Don't forget sis, he's also Albion, so Melusine supposed "destiny" thing she said is right about Oberon and probably only about him thanks to her bond CE and mats
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>Steals her mother's shoes for her silly game
>Now steals her dresses as well
(You) need to step in or else she will turn into a deadbeat teenage mother as well.
But Guda is in the picture. He's so in the picture that all his present efforts are to make Guda rest and be happy. You're also forgetting the conclusion is that hints indeed someone like Titania he has met but won't say in the same final outcome.
Oberon caring for Guda does not deny anything Oberon didn't establish before. Guda was include in his woodland dream too.
>or else she will turn into a deadbeat teenage mother as well.
not if I impregnate her first
cant believe I prefer scatschizo than this shitflinging
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wada outdid herself truly
It's ironic since you like Melt.
>oberon ruined summer
>not suzuka
You can very easily jerk off to Suzuka, writing aside.
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>Causes an aneurysm on otomebait characters
Isn't Albion's heart Vortigern and Artoria anyway? Melusine is Albion's arm.
You mind putting teatime on your Kazura? I've been desperately searching for Teamtime Kazuradrop's on my FL. I plan on running the 13 AP dailies sometime soon to farm some bond levels and want to use the double Kazura system to do it.
That Halloween event was written by Higashide
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nta but I put the goredolf 1 on mine since if you were doing the funny double kazura comp it gives her 20% bond instead of 15%
I the leader of the waifukeks kneel to the yumestacies. They truly won
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I think Kazura is already severely underrated and her fully potential hasn't yet been released. She has her own unique double comp farming ecosystem and that's really unique and fun to use.
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fgog is a very small minority of the fgo fanbase. Oberon was one of the most popular characters in summer along with Castoria. Hes well-liked. Its just that people on here seem to think fgo has always been a female only gacha so they try to downplay male servants

Its a wonder they don't go to other games like snowbreak which pander to them instead of having melties that the omni pander gacha omni panders
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Can I add you assuming I don't already have you? I'm suffering out here trying to find KD's in the support list.
sure, 110,179,767
Sent, Thanks i've been trying my best to run her comp.
And who would Guda be avenging anyway? PHH wasn't wiped out, just swapped into Chaldeas. The only people Guda has to avenge are the Chaldea staff that Koyan and Anastasia murdered, but that Anastasia's already dead and we made nice with Koyan and sent her into space in an egg.
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DATA LOST-chan...
The flexibility of it is insane. Putting quick down on every single wave is basically the equivalent of Skadi being able to give quick up to every servant. Not only that, the skill 3 (assuming single class waves) makes sure Kazura is hitting super effective damage. Being able to use 3 different servants with essentially 100% quick up (and one servant with 150%) is just nuts. Aside from Ciel, Kazura comps with a ST quick dps is probably the best at handling irregular waves.

It actually feels like quick can be competitive in terms of 3T farming with this as long as you have a big Kazuradrop and a friend with a big one. I only rolled a single copy since I'm not that big a fan and I don't have that many quick DPS though.
She chose to sacrifice herself, and Chaos is either dead or can't be reached anymore.
You now remember Cagliostro.
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Pretty amazing how badly this whole shit was handled, considering how long it's been after Traum and this isn't even CLOSE to addressed.
Artoria has its soul, and Vortigern was its entirety incarnated, a tremendous void in the world.
If anything's a heart, it'd be "Ayaka" in Strange Fake. She's a collection of crystals harvested from its magical core jammed together.
I thought Taigong already saved quick
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Didn't meant to quote.
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He was very useful in the Poseidon and Chiron recollection fight
Are you seriously going to argue that Ereshkigal and BB aren't fan favorites and their new forms don't pander to the male audience?
I do I saw him in one of the new SQs it was uhhhh geronimo's?
Cool little comp I found is double Kazura and Summer JK. She gives both Kazura 20% atk and NP damage and she has a CD reduction on her 3rd skill. Takes A5 investment though.
love me some spats but it's not even a contest here in favor of kama
droppu will have to work hard to contest her senpai's half-decade advantage at being an onahole, the whisky was a good start
But I jerked off to Oberon sucking his ice cream very easily.
Yumes won bro....gonna start getting summer male units soon
But the dragon Melusine turns isn't anywhere as big.
There's just no point in adding Cag to your game unless you make him a little girl.
I still remember when yumes "won" when they released NPCman. Didn't last a month before they had to hard correct.
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>ANY artoria
>Not for (You)
Hilarious post yet again, anon. Nobody could be that delusional!
Yumes got summer and now they get halloween...what do we do waifu bros?
>Geronimo finally got a buff
>It's total garbage but the few fans he has are still very happy
The utter state
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Bros...our waifu banners....
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(You) are the waifu
So what will the schizo do after we get another female servant next month for Gudaguda? What is the narrative going to be?
So what will the schizo do after we get another male servant next month for Gudaguda? What is the narrative going to be?
R word
Mandicardo is supposed to be muslim? Wtf
So what will the schizo do after we get another non-binary servant next month for Gudaguda? What is the narrative going to be?
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Say no more.
Summer for waifufag lol don't try to rewrite things.
even after getting so many female servants the males were more popular....I'm literally crying and shaking right now. Is there any place left in this world for us waifu lovers
Femcel things try to downplay waifufag as usual like you see in everywhere.
Incel things try to downplay husbandufags as usual like you see in everywhere.
Nice falseflagging and bait.
Esl kun is getting more and more braindead. The next male servant to be released is gonna kill him
I think the biggest issue with anons here is how the wanking is not about fan favourites (the majority of time, Ereshkigal for example got a spotlight both in LB7 and summer) but favourites that are lasengle/tm favourites, regardless if they are also fan favourites, with the ones like Morgan and the cast of lb6 being the most obvious examples.
And personally I think that, unless they find a way to go beyond hard, even a dedicated chapter to them will not compensate it for a lot of anons here.
That's my part on this. And hell, everyone know how Nasu is a liar, saying things like Morgan could resolve events quickly, and Musashi not being able to return, yet BB gets to materialize the Moon Cancer shit and retain memories.
tldr people here are just fed up with bias within the devs and nasu
I don't think that's a femcel desu, we have some schizos here with crazy persecution complexes that seem to genuinely believe Nasu hates them
bro...i thought we were bros against the yumes
Lol i liked oberon but i'm not sucking his dick too much like you.
Nasu hates Tamamofags tho
you are me
no summer was for waifufags and it was shit.
onichan, is taigong wang that good if he is wanked?
I will never be a woman or pretending as like you.
i dont know but i wanna suck his dick
howd you know?
Is Geronimo meta?
I see something round and pink.
for example is by not typing things like you.
this but unironically (minus city and eresh)
I legit have no clue what your trying to say
Is his CD reduction also for an ally or just for himself?
Stop repeating my words, schizo.
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but i am you
For the same ally targeted for the Quick buff.
If Jerry gets similar treatment to his other two skills he might become an interesting prospect.
The conclusion is that I'm normal unlike those "yumefag who playing victim".
He may have some uses with a taunt CE in TA runs but that's it.
>The conclusion is that I'm normal
Take a guess.
Can't bother to reply.
>Can't bother to reply.
>ONE turn 50% QUICK boost
it's fucking shit
I wonder if Nasu doesn't add Tez as bonus servant because he doesn't want to anger the female Tezfags?
The yumes obviously don't want to get father-daughterzoned while the fujos prefer him as bottom/"mother" instead of "father"
im surprised fujos consider tez the bottom
i fucking hate women
>reaching 10 fucking years
>Agravain still on NPC hell
Have Nasu ever addressed this issue?
I can fix Agravain
Based gaybro.
Got bratty daughter.
Which ascension sprite are we using?
>implying there's anything to fix
Why does this even waste my time with these stupid dice roll animations? Either make an actual board game event like Requiem collab or fuck off with this shit.
It's to make you angry.
>Perfect Father event
>no Olga-Marie
Why does she keep losing?
stop complaining
Shit dad thats why
Agravain would not agree to Chaldea's terms. Nor would Archimedes and Karl der Grosse skipped on it too, foisting it off on Charlie instead.
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Agravain will agree in the end. Whether he wants to or not
He's probably in the same position as Roland, they don't know where to put him
Recently it's like that on twitter weibo and ao3. CN and KR like bottom Tez then JP follows, NA might also be like that since fujos tend to make their favorite the bottom. Some of them even make his female self a gentle loli instead of hot badass anego.
Having a No Fun Allowed straight man to the comedic trio is always good. Bedivere gets no use anyway so Agravain might as well take his spot.
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Tezcatlipoca didn't have any children. Just because you call him daddy doesn't make him one.
Even in 2015 they knew that they could always just make events that were like 1 week long where they debut some random 5* and maybe a couple of lower rarity Servants.
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>When you stick it in the wrong hole
I've been rolling for 30 minutes but I have yet to see Hakuno
I've NP5 Habetrot faster even without a rate-up
>long hair
>revealing outfits
>that one time Tajima draws him half naked without a single muscle
He's pretty much "female"-coded in Tezfujos eyes. I've seen some of them outright hate FLB interpretation of Tez because they think he's too "dominant" there.
It's to make you feel like there's really giant loli there peering down at you.
Emiya also doesn't have children but he's there
hell that's how we got Jeanne Alter
How do YOU know Emiya didn't have any children?
Also he basically adopted Hakuno (meat) in one ending of Extra
is that what were calling it these days
Tez also basically adopted Daybit and technically he's Izcali's father
I always thought Nasu was saving Agravain for the story featuring PHH Morgan.
Bro, censure that next time.
I got an erection everytime i got rainbow orbs when rolling
OC Ruler?
No. Wait until Part 3.
There will not be part 3.
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S-she's not wearing anything... lewd
Funniest post I've read today.
Wish Mafia was there to join the UOOH party.
According to you, lmao. You're wrong trying to put some logic here.
Anon, Chaldea's specific summoning requirements are long known. The servant has to agree to defend all humanity.
They can be really fucking weird about it, but Chaldea does NOT allow double agents, saboteurs, or disobedience to the ultimate goal.
Agravain, who would recognize Artoria's authority above the Master's, is auto-rejected.

The double drop system....
Marisbury summoned Galahad against his will tho.
You're too serious here if nasu wills to he will get added.
Galahad answered out of his compassion for Mash and naught else.
double drop system
First thing Galahad did was try to kill Marisbury but Mash stopped him.
and how does it work
it's pretty funny once you get it
and cute
There's a video on the link
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The character /fgog/ hates the most.
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I for one am happy that new Servants are flopping.
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This but old servants too.
>tfw still haven't started the event because I still need 700m more to hit max QP
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You're gonna be fucked if the next event turned out to be lotto
all the extra shit nasu is shoving down our throats deserves to flop
kazura will probably get fanart because of pedoshit but will perform poorly
Most lazy edit I've ever seen here.
You make a fair point, maybe I'll stop after 1,7b.
>really want to roll on Eresh in a couple of days
>they've been releasing lots of interesting kits lately like Aoko, Ciel, and Kazura
I wish Space Eresh had a more interesting skillset. The little mini game was cool at first, but it's basically just a small ramping damage boost.
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Hey Nasu, where are HER buffs?
Yearly Christmas event lotto.
There is an exception in 2022, which is the Karna Christmas rerun.
But still, in Lb7, they never forget to wish the player a "Merry Christmas."
I havent touched new event yet since im still abusing the 66% AP campaign to grind XP and QP doors
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give her like 30% charge
NP charge never ever.
Does this "Hakuno rateup" only work by reducing the weight of Lily and Habetrot and not by adding another Hakuno for the duration of the event?
>read OC2
>"I am flame... I am hatred..." repeated 15 times
>"Its armor is impenetrable!"repeated 15 times
>dragged out conversations about things that don't matter
Is this the infamous Sakurai writing?
wait until you read olympus
sidelined... forgotten...
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buff her breasts
Happened with shimosa and mandela lmao
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Oberon and I already got married
>Moriarty is daddy material and was even called Papa by summer Fran
>isn't in the event
What gives?
The fuck is a fankid?
>Kazura: I want you all to become the perfect papas.
>Guda: Me?
>Kadoc: Me?
>Oberon: PAPA?
>Goredolf: Us?
>There are people ITT starting the event instead of taking advantage of the 1/3 dailies (which last until Sunday)

I need a fuckton of cubes so I'm doing that, but I feel like I'm not gonna make it...
Mentally ill screenshot
would you kiss him to wake him up sisters?
I'm saving for Lotto
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I think that for these first days I'll just grind MPs.
I want the Da Vinci CE and get some MP back for next month
Thank you
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Hmmm, if both yours and the friend KD have a 50% CE, then you can also use 2 NPs on the final wave by switching the Skadi for the other Skadi or Oberon.
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Zura janai. Katsura Da
I guess that they had a battle of the fakes
Funny how both Nero and EMIYA got buffed a fuckton while the only buff post 2016 Tamamo got was the NP damage for allies
Sisters I'm tired
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i put her in extra
Is Mememiya the servant with the most amount of interludes now? His everything got buffed, one of his skills even got buffed twice over, and he still has a non-upgrade interlude, right? So that's like 6 interludes?
2 Interludes and 4 strengthenings
10 quartz total because NP/Skill interludes don't give quartz they should fix that
NTA but retard we are just now in the middle of manga chapters that are about Guda acknowledging and fighting CCC Melt. And this fight also happened in the game collab. You know, the one in which Melt has her sadist skill as a mechanic that actually affects her boss fight. That Melt was rewritten is a loser's take that has been confirmed wrong so many times since 2017.
Can Gudaguda single handly save this disaster of a year?
Has bugman always been this infuriating? I swear I feel like throwing my phone every time I go to mission screen and see his dumb face
I thought I had it all together
He always was but he looks better in fanarts
Where is summaryanon
Almost everyone looks better in fanarts
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News Doko?
Sounds like you got particularly agitated after they shilled him to hell and back recently
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>not confident around all women, always embarrassed, women always have the upper hand around him
>nice to every female he sees like typical beta male protagonists, doesn't pursues girls according to his own interests
>mentally deranged idiot who recklessly charges into danger because of his massive survivor's guilt coupled with a desire to feel the joy he saw on Kiritsugu's face when he found a him as a survivor in the massive fire the latter had caused
>believes he has the weakest build, except it's actually a super strong cheat power!
>can defeat King Arthur, Hercules, and Gilgamesh
>He's also a misogynistic jackass who thinks Saber can't fight because she's a girl.
>defining trait is he is a 'nice guy' who is too shy around woman and has no aspirations beyond he wants to be a seigi no mikata

Why is Shirou considered a complex character?
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Guda or Kadoc, depending on choice, drive a car to the next test.
Second test. To be the best dad, you need to know where to bring your daughterfu to play around.
(You) choose the amusement park on your own, and Mephi is there for some reason and after taking a succesful tour with Kazura through the park you fight him.
Test won! 81 points.
Guda recalls he chose the amusement park because he went there with Kama before ( Interlude ) and feels some kind of affinity between Lolima and Kazura.
You answered it in your own post
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Third test, a good dad knows how to clean after himself. So you have to clean a room to prove it and the others are allowed to help.
So everyone dresses up and starts cleaning, apparently Kadoc being an "efficient mage" means he was well trained to do this.
You clean the room but since you took too long the score is lower than expected which makes Kadoc sad.
(You) recall how that messy room reminds you of Osakabehime.

That's it.
So far the tests seem to be rather easy
Any man who has lived alone could pass these tests
I'm curious, who do you consider an actual complex character in Nasuverse?
>with a fucking apron
He needs more desu
They already gave him everything aside from NP charge (he's never getting that btw)
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Yeah the first 3 tests were cleared pretty easily by (You), but with how fast its going its pretty clear the last one is going to be some schizo shit that makes you fail.
Violet has to enter the story at some point and I guess that's when.
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Um BRO?!?!
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my husband
Can't justify playing the event while the 1/3 AP dailies is up. I need to stack MP for the next few months since theres too much shit to buy monthly now.
Ah yeah, if you say that you're bad at cleaning your room apparently its revealed Mashu and other girls come to help you do it.
Where do you farm?
The third EXP map?
During the car ride, Goredolf slept with his head on Oberon's lap.
Holy cute...
I'm already tired of the event
>Goredolf slept with his head on Oberon's lap.
What a waste
Yumes would be overjoyed if that was (You) sleeping on Oberon's lap
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Ah yeah here's your halloween easter egg too I guess.
>Kadocsisters won so hard
Other Cryptersisters maybe we also have a chance if they come back...
I love them please Nasu DON'T KILL THEM ON MAIN STORY
Isn't Daybit the only one who has a chance thanks to being Tez's boyfriend?
Kirschtariabros... soon..
He's dead
Feels like they can asspull and revive the rest to help (You) on malice bully raid
He'll come back as a Pseudo Servant of Atlas
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>More Kama wank being the most important female servant to (You)
Easy Kama W
the chaldea dailies, highest level
Are you seriously burning those 5* EXP?
Yes? I have no need for embers, plus if I do you just do the dailies whenever and easily get enough to level a servant. MP is far more important to get the monthly tix + fou + paw + pots now.
My cute and lovely wife (male)
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This event is pure bug slop. It got no intrigue, no plot or lore relevance, has shitty premise, with puke inducing crayon toddler themes. Who is this event even trying to appeal to?
The SoLfags
No....oberon sisters....we lost
>We'll collaborate someday, so look forward to it, okay?"
Interesting, Nasu's making her say that like EoS isn't imminent...
I'm an ideal prince IRL tho, it's not my problem you lack aura
Get that obeshit away from my Gordy
Save us Gudaguda....
To be fair we never saw Muryan fight gods
Because browns selfinsert into him
>highest level
If you need prisms that's a waste
how so
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>150k FP in
>not a single Hakunon yet
>start doubting whether I picked the right FP gacha
The rate-up is still just that bad, right? Even with the triple rate-up?
Seems debatable
Kazuradrop doesn't seem to inherently have fairy powers like the lie detector eye or the buff/debuff domains
But Muryan doesn't seem to have Kazura's Kirby power absorb/copy or body puppeting/shapeshifting shenanigans, and her bug space seems to require a ton of prep time and tricking the targets into walking into it
Also as of OC3 Kazura seems to have regen or immortality strong enough to just be mildly annoyed by dismemberment/decapitation, either due to her being a healer somehow or due to whatever her hidden third component is
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need servant like this
0.009% btw
Thanks to your post I realised I've been doing the wrong one. Epic.
Are you seriously THAT retarded?
Burning silver EXP gives you the same prisms as burning gold or the highest tier EXP
>Are you seriously THAT retarded?
>implying I give that much of a fuck about minmaxing this slot simulator
Calm down, pedro.
>60k FP left
Hold me bros...
Obviously the right one will have the rateup servant's face on it
I rolled 3.3m FP and averaged 143k each.
It's not every day there are multiple FP gachas.
I thought they just meant the standard one would have increased rates. What the fuck is even the point of making a whole other section for it, fucking monkey programmers
So you ARE retarded
>hurr "pedro"
The only one acting like a dumb and ignorant, inbred ESL is you, good job projecting, retard
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>358k FP when I started
>got my first dupe with 25k left
At least I got her.
Because for whatever reason the way they tripled the rate was by having Hakuno replace Lily and Habe. So the original FP gacha is probably there to keep them in circulation.
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>gets asked for the best spot to farm mana prisms by another anon
>gets corrected for misinfo and not knowing the barebones basic of the game
>spergs like a dumb little sissy bitch
is this an alterfag tourist?
Aniki let me fuck your city sister, I'll keep the bloodline going.
Fuck it. I spent 20 rare prisms to buy 400k FP.
Rare prisms are pretty common now so it's not a big deal
Indeed. And there won't be a better time to buy and use the FP for a while.
mp + bond is great with 1/3 ap
extreme 715/13ap = 55 bond/ap
expert 615/13ap = 47 bond/ap
advanced 415/10ap = 42 bond/ap
intermediate 265/6ap = 44 bond/ap
basic 115/3ap = 38 bond/ap
>Nip artists migrate from pixiv to twitter, shit gets harder to find because most of them don't tag shit
>Now everything is going to be split 2-3 ways
It's so tiring
Leave it to Elon to fucking kill the site
>people without an account can't see most shit
>now blocked people can still shit even if they're blocked by other people, benefiting people like stalkers
>likes are private
>all your shit can be used to train AI, no way to opt out of this
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You can blame the trannies there who goaded him to buy twitter. Now they're paying him monthly for the blue checkmark lmao
likes being private is a good thing

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