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Previous: >>497928118

>2nd Anniversary Livestream, Oct 13th
>Event Rerun: [Rain Burst] & [Flora Unfurl], Oct 8th - Oct 22nd
>Routine Arrest: [Scarlet Firebloom], Oct 8th - Oct 22nd
>Directional Arrest: [Fated Pursuit], Sep 28th - Oct 26th
>[Phantasmagoria] Limited-Time Event, Oct 15th - Oct 22nd

>Detailed Tier list
>Guide Compilation + CN Schedule
>Crimebrand priority | Shop & stamina efficiency | Hypercube income | Base incidents
>Sinner Build Guides

>CN Wiki
>CN Tier List
>CN Banner History
>CN Levelling Calculator

>/ptng/ Secret Societies (include /ptng/ in sig when applying)
NAsty (28/30)

>Codes(Redeem in Account settings)
GACHAGAMINGPtN (expires oct 24)
PtNSPECIALTHANKS (expires oct 24)
GLITCHWAVENIHIL (expires oct 24)
IMMINENTSTORM (expires nov 1)
COMMENT1K (expires nov 13)
COMMENT2K (expires nov 13)
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the codes section i made all those months ago. it has evolved....
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Bai Yi!
cant believe the next event is going to have
...a rank female
..and a s rank whore as well

so frikkin brave.....
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ty for baking
if males won't ever get added because the game is popular with the mentally ill and biggers

give me a dog or bear that is a sinner
I hope that after the Immortals arc end, they add regular Mirages to other sinners, especially B ranks since they don't have interrogations...
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did you miss the n key or is this something else
the moon.jpg
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but what if it never ends. and what if they pull a bai WHORE who gets both
How does it realistically end? They'd have to reveal what happened to Keylan and I feel like that's a gigantic plot point
I can only hope it isn't the case..
And I don't have problems with some characters getting both.
I don't know, but there was a CG in hestia event that showed 4 or 6 extra unknown figures, other than the current immortals, I expect for us to get an idea of what is going on by the time they are revealed. Since we are getting an immortal every 4 events, and more or less one event per month... Uh, maybe in two years we get some progress in that...
well they wont just remove the rogue mode
at least not anytime soon
but i guess thats true, the expedtiion is only like 11-12 people or soemthing, maybe it should end at some point
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11-12 people and all those guards who had MEN among them........ and Dreya's mirage also showed MEN in the expedition too...........
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>bai WHORE
Do you wanna eat sand again Che?!
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Tsk. At least KK is reliable ...
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kk my enabling love
Hmmm what
Werent those modern day guards
036 truly is as cool as Ace.....
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For Hestia's event yes, but Mantis's event had a few guards with guns to fight off the bugs. And Vanilla's event had those two guys showing up to rescue Vanilla but they died/weren't real.
i think i have bad memories of mantis event because it wasnt voiced at launch...
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woah i didn't take melatonin last night and i haven't been as groggy today. how nice.
Could be a dude
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zoyer y no seggsy tiems
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this is now my phone lock screen
Is this everyone
Hestia birthday today
wait how would she even know
goodnight burgersisters......................................time to sleep for work tomorrow..............................................................
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Yay pixel Flora!
oh nyoo....
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camisole? sexo
on one hand i wanted a cutie boy
on the other...camisole...
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hot women smugly or boredly correcting cocky males physically is so hot but i also kinda really hate it...
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it's missing dreadlord and arrest captain
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jerk off before posting please
Women don't have peanitz, how can they jerk off?
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the cuties
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Hmm goth 000 skin...
I don't have much experience with Gachas, is it normal for the main campaign to not progress for more than a year?
.......kind of? Most gachas are very focused on releasing Events instead of a new main Campaign story. So months without a main campaign isnt unusual.

PTN's current pace is pretty bad though. The first two major chapter releases both took 4 months, which was fine. Then 8 months for chapter 13, with anniversary inbetween. And it's been a year since chapter 13 and nothing.
I feel like they realized events were super popular and prioritized them (potentially a bit too) heavily. In other gachas we would likely be getting new main story chapters every 2-3 event stories.

Personally, I tend to like the events a lot more than the main story but they definitely do need to progress the main story so they can do more major tie-in events like Rain Burst/Floral Unfurl.
I think their first year's speed was okay
4 months for 9+10
4 months for 11+12
4 months for anniversary
4 months after anni for chapter 13

i'll even say a longer delay after 13 is fairly reasonable since it wrapped up drifter camp...............but one year is too damn much

also didnt they literally apologize a while ago and promised faster main chapter? or did they promiose soemthing else.
fgo road to lostbelt 7
Yeah 4 months and then a maybe a bit more after major arcs wrap up seems reasonable. And yeah, I remember them saying recently that they were going to do main story more often. I think it was a CN announcement, so it may be a good bit longer before we actually see any.
proof that a good enough ip can carry absolute steaming garbage
t. fgo player for like 8 years
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Good night burgerinos….
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time for me
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Attempt number 2….
She just chose a random date to get presents, or something
entering the graveyard again..
... you've been playing for longer than me nyoooo
how did it get so bad by the way? stay night and zero are good, how and when did it get so bad that grand order is such a steaming cow turd?

last month I had my feed filled with people posting about some bb girl and I got curious who is she meant to be and it turned out that she is in fact some lame joke character
NTA, but BB isn't a joke character... she is the main antagonist in most routes of Fate/Extra CCC.
she absolutely is
she is nobody from the the actual history or mythos and as far as ocs are concerned she is an absolute joke too
You may think that the character is of poor quality, but while it has a humorous side, it is meant to be taken seriously, not as a joke.
it reminds me of the marvel/dc comics and the inability of their writers to actually do their job properly
>so ugh ... here is my OC
>he is weak but is secretly strong and is actually able to beat everybody and is also reality ender entity
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i played through ccc a bazillion years ago and never touched fgo proper but in extra she's only "strong" because you're in a computer program and shes the administrator. she doesnt even exist outside the program and she's the result of bugs/glitches which is why she's schizo
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>wake up
>all the jp artists on tw*tter are tweeting their bluesky accounts
did something happen
There is a new change in the terms of service that hints at the possibility your art might be used for ai learning.

And the block feature is getting changed into being lamer. But honestly the x staff will rethink both.
Two things:
>Starting some time in November, you cannot opt out of Twitter using your art to train it's AI.
>If you block someone on Twitter, they can still see your posts.
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Good morning Chiefie
maxed out the battle pass
I’m so tired of keeping track of multiple websites….
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thanks chiefs
elon being dumb got it
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i don't use any of them other than xwitter but that's just because the japs are still on it
if they go ill go too
>IMMINENTSTORM (expires nov 1)
>COMMENT1K (expires nov 13)
>COMMENT2K (expires nov 13)
dont work
says code limit reached
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Chiefie's, which character are you using Inversion Slash on? I was thinking of using it on Shalom, but if I do that Zero will have to run either Belltower or Embrace.
I wish ToA came around more often...
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pls come back anon ;_;
you were my first friend
i use mine on demon but shalom and triple aught are both viable as well
also you know you can't get dupes of it regardless right
Eu guile is ...ded
Yeah I know. I want to get Solo Dance and put it on Shalom or somebody else maybe. I don't want all my DPS running Embrace but that's all anyone recommends for most characters. Kinda boring.
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The game is lying to you. I was online yesterday. Strange ...
Nyaaaaaooo meetings….
i put my solo dance on langley personally when i use her for depths of oblivion stuff since she has all that range
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I have it parked on Adela usually, probably not the most sensible choice, but I also move it around sometimes if I need it on someone else.
who are you...
Shalom for me
shalom and sumire and sometimes deren
ah ok
good to know
i just started playing this game full of sexy women 4 days ago
oh u are the new guy
yes! :D
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I think I get it now, that was the interface with the likes right? It shows when the other person last sent you a like, not when they were online. And I don't always remember to look at the likes daily.
Nice to see you are sticking around newchief.
>that was the interface with the likes right?
> It shows when the other person last sent you a like, not when they were online
i didnt know that
>Nice to see you are sticking around newchief.
Oh nyooo I forgot to post this
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big sis love
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>■ MBCC Birthday Announcement
>October 17 is Hestia's Birthday. Happy Birthday, Hestia!

>"What is it that you've just kindled... A birthday candle? Its warmth is as gentle as my torch. If my wish could truly be granted, I would have it burn forever, so that all may see their deepest desires fulfilled."
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i look exactly like this
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peppered snake
I was gonna post this
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i look exactly like this
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Pepper love!
ASINO made a big announcement
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we need more suit sinners
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I put mine on Eleven
Insanities ram
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Eleven big cutie
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im gonna nap chiefs
Elon fucked up big time
I am seeing some of the coolest artist jump ship
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who's that on the middle of bottom row?
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ur a cutie
isnt this one of her friends/gang? she appears in her interrogation or something
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>1. New Main Story in November: Centered around East Side Election
>2. Game UI Overhaul
>3. Four-Star rarity Attires coming. Each year is expected to have 1-2 of them
>4. L2D attire for chief
>5. Choose CG backgrounds as your own loading screens
>6. S-rank interrogations will eventually all be voiced, but not A-Ranks

Apparently they announced these last week and we just got translations
>game ui overhaul
i hope this means buffs and debuffs will be clearer
no it means the loading ui will be different
the gameplay itself will stay the same
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All he had to do was not force his AI on everyone...
Could be menu or gameplay UI, or both, not sure if its made clear
>. Game UI Overhaul
Persona style UI incoming
maybe dudu?
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fchief mega giga super LOVE
She’s not even in the picture…
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i dont like round faces
dolly love
Voiced interofieton never….
4* skins sound like rag pull territory
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If its a 1-2 time thing a year, presumably during anni and half anni, then its not that unique
Other games do it too like the recent Regulus skin in Reverse 19999
babe i dont care about other games
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*farts in your mouth*
i have no mouth
Azur Lane-like skins when?
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done with my nap
and i must scream
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gosh i suddenly have free time
finish you rmanga/anime/agame backlog
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nah i'll just lay in bed thinking how cool it'd be to be able to draw or 3d model
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gonna be honest, the eve event might've been the event i enjoyed
most enjoyed?
didnt enjoy?
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>>498815473 (Me)
the last event, I meant
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just meant it was the last event where i just had fun going through it and wanted to see what happened next, as opposed to what came later where i tried doing everything in the hopes i'd find something to enjoy
i reread this multiple times to make sure i didn't forget a word again but it keeps happening
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I dont dislike the recent events, but the dark web saga so far has been kind....not exciting

Hope 000's wraps it up nicely
i made it through work.........................................................time for rest......................................................................................
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20 minutes for me….and then i can go home…
almost there chiefsister..............................you're going to make it.............................we're all going to make it................................................
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page 8 hate
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didnt realize 30 minutes just went by like this...i was doing something in another game
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page 4 hate
First 4-star attire should be Chameleon string bikini.....and speaking of that, I havent seen the Chamaleon string bikini survey chief post in a while...
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uh oh
>check #pathtonowhere on bluesky
>a bunch of reposts i recognize from twxitter within the past 24h
huh the artists really are moving?
the fuck is bluesky??
a twitter clone (by the guy who made twitter but got fired and then he got fired again from bluesky)
tried downloading some pics and seems like the max image dimensions are 2000x2000? so that sucks
and it's yet another decentralized microblogging social media platform. wonder if it's connected to fediverse platforms like mastodon. never really did look into what the fediverse or activitypub was.
i wish milkers were real
Platonic cuddling with Garofano!
I felt a sudden compulsion to boot up DOA5 for combo trials. Kasumi's the training dummy and holy cow punching girls feels so good in that game.
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>used wolvie in remnants
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based. i like the noise his ult makes when all 9 mines go off at once on a fat boss
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>punching girls feels so good
Based ryona chief
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oh nyoo all those scars on my precious babby boy
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this one made me laugh harder than the original did
Who has five arms?
>that black youtuber is back milking anniversary videos after abandoning the game early on
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i want a winter themed event with sinners in warm cozy winter wear
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gn burgeroonis
one more day for the weekend
Who and why are you bringing him up

Same, I love snow themed/zones
vanilla LOVE
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dudes and dudettes we're so hip and trendy
Good night American chiefs…


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