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Newly Arisen Edition

>Patch notes

>Steam page

>Pawn/character creator archive

>Old Pawn sheet

>Updated Pawn sheet

>Skills, core skills, augments, and more

>Do you want your pawn hired?
Ask in the thread, and check the following for up-to-date pawns: https://www.pawnguild.xyz/


>Dragon's Dogma 1 OP

>Wanna play Dragon's Dogma Online? Click here:

Last Cycle: >>497955072
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>System (PC, Console etc.)
>Pawn Name
>Pawn LeveI
>Pawn Vocation
>Pawn ID
>Optional Info (Boons, Inclinations, etc)
>Newly Arisen edition
but I want to go back to sleep
It's nice to have new Arisen, let us know if you want to be part of the /ddg/ clan, we can include you next time we're online.
Niceu desu!
Is there a mod to remove all beastrens yet?
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Is her armor obtainable?
>Pawn name
>Pawn level
>Pawn vocation
Pawn ID
>Additional info
2x fastest cast speed rings
Defeat Lesser Dragon for 99x Quince

Thanks for everyone/anyone who hired her recently.
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A curative will serve.
she drag on my dogma til im arisen
damn dude that's dark
Yeah wtf? Changing menu options isn't 200mb+
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The updates tend to have unlisted changes in them, those being the good old
>miscellaneous bug fixes
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>two hours between posts
It's over again (again)
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I have nothing to share at present.
Menella love.
cute. id?
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Yeah, sorry I didn't mention
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>Get down Mr. President!
never played this game, who is this loli?
Lise (better luck with リズ ), from DDON
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Been having dogma burnout and bad internet as of late, so I forced myself to try to finish drawing my Arisen instead.
Beautiful drawing, that's a cool Musica and the details on his weapons and accessories look great
Sorry to keep you waiting on my end of the art trade, I will get there
wouldn't "liz" be a more fitting translation?
Cover your nipples, whore.
Thanks, although honestly I got lazy with the details on the archistaff (It's supposed to be Craos Tine but I gave up on trying to draw the lion heads)
No worries on the art trade, haven't done one before so wasn't sure if I should go ahead and post my end first. Take as much time as you need or if you don't feel like it delivering it's cool too, I think I'll finish mine up and post it soon eitherways.
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Imagine in the DLC they give her a humanoid form
besides what the other anon said, when saving a notepad file you can just change the extension when saving from txt to "all files", and then the extension you write in the name field will take over
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>Have you forgotten something, Arisen? You're looking rather lost.
Did the update break REFramework?
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I love how she's huge and intimidating looking and could probably eat you if she wanted but if you fail she's only disappointed.
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>System (PC, Console etc.)
>Pawn Name
>Pawn LeveI
>Pawn Vocation
>Pawn ID
>Optional Info (Boons, Inclinations, etc)
Focus on poise and health

Thanks for hiring her, not my screenshot
Is it just me, or is Channel/World 5 getting very crowded? I see so many non-/ddg/ players in there.
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Lo siento, pero ahora vivimos aquí
Not even spics, but all kinds of people, it's weird, you'd think most would ignore channel 5, but there's a lot of people there now, I think we'll soon be able to see how many people are online on a specific world soon, that will be interesting
I guess new players saw how laggy channel 1 was and decided the channel furthest to it must not be laggy
I do the same thing on MMOs lol
first and last server on the list are usually popular
Pika CHU!
So what you're saying is... We should consider switching channels again?
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leave 5chan?
back to 4chan?
>back to the promised land
we will retake our home
Not sure if going back to Channel 4 is a good idea, from what I can tell, Channel 5 has all kinds of people, but I do see some people speaking Portuguese (so they're likely BRs) very often there.
Channel 4 had the latinos...
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We should be able to PvP for channel rights with other clans I bet ddg could beat everyone
Wait is there a new patch? (DD2) Can't check right now
Need me random encounters fix so I can fight hordes of knackers to
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it's nothing
Woah 50 to 60 on PS5 is not bad actually, it should feel great with VRR
I'm going to register and speak in German just to spite you
lol, why would that bother me at all? Frankly, I'm not even bothered about what kind of language anyone speaks, it would just be nice if they didn't spam the chat, from what I've seen it's South Americans who love to spam the chat with nonsense.
Do pawns even use concussive leap?
Yes but they use it like any other skill, just as is. They don't use it to zoom around the battlefield or anything players would normally use it for
Probably why I haven't noticed it being used. Eh, whatever
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I crafted Arma Gloria and Caestus Gloria (IR.11 LV.55 Fighter/Warrior body and arm armor respectively) and realized later that there's no "Gloria" leg armor, I can't seem to find a good replacement for it except for one of these two, which one looks better and more fitting?
left. no contest
The Sunset Cuisses. I gave the recipe JSON for Foot Gloria to a dev like 2 months ago but I don't have enough discord cred so it just went ignored and by now it's probably been forgotten.
The gold is not exactly like the top and arm pieces, but it will have to do.
>I gave the recipe JSON for Foot Gloria to a dev like 2 months ago but I don't have enough discord cred so it just went ignored and by now it's probably been forgotten.
Shieeeet... Maybe it could be reposted and hope this time they actually pay attention? Though seeing how that report about the Awakened Dragon EXM went mostly ignored, I'm not that hopeful about it.
>the bug where you couldn't do exm as a full party was ignored until a prominent member experienced it
such is life. we are the minority
They hold the advantage!
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Does anyone have that image of that one beastren NPC with the "brocoli/zoomer" haircut saying "to be quite truthful"?
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lol, thanks
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I don't mind it I was confused as all fuck when I used it and it just killed me lol
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>System (PC, Console etc.)
>Pawn Name
>Pawn LeveI
>Pawn Vocation
>Pawn ID
>Pawn Quest
Defeat Golem for 5 AllHeals
>Optional Info (Boons, Inclinations, etc)
Simple Inclination
Chirurgeon Specialization
Skills: Indomitable Lash, Mountain Breaker, Ravening Lunge, Roar
Augments: Apotropaism, Constancy, Dominance, Mettle, Provocation, Thew

Thinking of changing up her style, open to suggestions
Best girl!
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>Pawn Name
>Pawn LeveI
>Pawn Vocation
>Pawn ID
>Optional Info
Straightforward / Forager
>Pawn Quest
Defeat 1 Minotaur for 12 Onyx

Leveling her other Vocations for Augments for a bit. Let me know if you think her skill selection should be changed
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thinking about doing a Shinji
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They're in sync!
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Tried to go for a Ghost & Goblins Arthur look but the hairstyles don't really allow for it
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I'd say that's pretty good, just a shame that the armor and lance are stuck in DDON.
Huh, might have to sink my teeth into DDON after I'm done with DD2
lol, that's cute.
Wellllll that set isn't available yet
So we in Ch4 now?
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I'm still using 5 at the moment, if we do end up using another channel, it should probably be 2 or 3, these seem to have the least amount of people, 2 specially, I know it should be Channel 4 but there's a lot of people there.
This thread should be called DDONG
Majetano's back must hurt.
Most posts seem to be about DD2 thoughever?
He looks so goooooood, great job anon
Maybe she should get a breast reduction surgery? You know, for her health.
>Channel 1, first option in the menu, everyones going to go here
>Channel 2, oh well its right next to 1, its gonna be crowded too
>Channel 3, the middle channel so everyones gonna go here too
>Channel 4, the entire latino playerbase is here
>Channel 5, its the last channel so everyone trying to avoid 1 is going tp be here
How strange. The only winning move is to not play.
I'm not sure 2 and 3 are that crowded, they certainly feel better than the rest, 4 is definitely the unofficial latino channel, 1 is the new player channel and by far the most crowded, 5 doesn't have that much people, but I think it has more than 2 and possibly 3, we'll see once they finally let us see how many people are playing on each channel.
>never see anyone regardless of channel
>not forced to interact with them anyway
Isn't it possible to see who is online with the player search or something? Or maybe that shows across all channels idk.
Oh yeah, there's a trick to do it, you use player search and in the first name type "any", just tried on CH5 and apparently there's 6 players (the search excludes me, so technically there's at least 7 players) on at the moment, I'm assuming it only shows people who have manually set their status to Online, because I only see online players.
I just need to suck the milk out.
That's mana, it's not good for you unless you have a blue vocation.
I think I'm gonna, sorry
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Let's goooooo
This took way too long I wish I had friends
we in channel 5 come over
Bro, what the fuck? Just ask for help, I could use a lower level vocation and join you.
>you will never beat the tel cyclops for the first time again
You can get a second pawn by buying the uhhhhhhhh whatever crystal shards? from the merchant near the city's entrance and giving them to the dragon
Don't you need to do the MSQ to unlock some other stuff? I have an old account which had everything unlocked by default.
Not the second pawn
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everyone remembers their first corrupted griffin kill
The Cursed Dragon (LV. 40) by Drawan can drop any (or even all) Dragon Beard, this might be the best spot to farm these and it also drops Dragon Bones, too bad it only seems to spawn at night.
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Forgot the screenshot.

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