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Previous Thread: >>498726148

>Guides, Resources and useful links:
>4koma, Manga, Side Content, PVs & Shorts

>10/16 (Wed) 11:00 - 10/23 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Yukari (3* - Rerun)
Renge (3* - Rerun)
Kikyou (3* - Rerun)

Autumn Livestream: https://www.youtube.com/live/NG45fvLswco - 10/20 (Sun) 19:00 (JST)
SCHALE Settlement Task with General Student Council - 10/10 (Thu) After Maint - 10/23 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Grand Assault: Kurokage (Urban - Torment w/Purple Armor) - 10/16 (Wed) 11:00 - 10/23 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 9/26 (Thu) 11:00 - 10/23 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Normals/Scrimmages - 10/16 (Wed) 4:00 - 10/23 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)

>10/15 (Tue) 2:00 (UTC) - 10/22 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Toki (3* - Limited - Rerun)
Nagisa (3* - Limited - Rerun)
Koyuki (3* - Rerun)

Event Pre-Registration, Roadmap, and Livestream: https://bluearchive.nexon.com/events/2024/10/3rd
Patch notes: https://forum.nexon.com/bluearchive-en/board_view?thread=2658579
3rd Anniversary Special Livestream: https://youtube.com/live/s9tLTZVTGuM - 10/18 (Fri) 9:00 (UTC)
Balancing Schale's Books with the General Student Council - 10/8 (Tue) After Maint - 10/22 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Grand Assault: Gregorius (Indoors - Torment w/Heavy Armor) - 10/15 (Tue) 2:00 - 10/21 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 9/25 (Wed) 2:00 - 10/21 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Hards/Commissions - 10/14 (Mon) 19:00 - 10/21 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
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fat sex
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the fuck is this skittles looking OP
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This thread is ASS
Metafagbros which one do I roll
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>horizontal instead of vertical
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>OP image longer than the thread itself
i designed this dress
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If you want to see misskey shit just make an account in misskey.art then search whatever artists you want. This website is fucking aids though so I'm just gonna get my BA art fix in the boorus and pixiv.
bYoshimi, even then you can just skip and borrow because she's a one-raid wonder only
bKazusa isn't important either unless you want to do Floor 100+
Thought I was in /egg/ for a second with people complaining about vertical OPs
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You forgot to add Ako, the one student that actually matters.
>it's Kazusa but wearing a shirt and her hoodie is tied on her waist
>that'll be 24k pyro
at least tie up her hair or something, god damn. talk about 0 effort
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Roll for Ako.
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Airi is not sexy
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Somebody on my server cleared Floor 124 Set
It IS possible!
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>only really like Natsu in ASS club
>her band alt looks fucking terrible
I guess I'll just look forward to Kirara then
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thanks, hbk
same here hopefully she'll get another alt instead of that shit one
Is that the renowned Brian-sensei?
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Yoshimi functionally has the same outfit
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My precious desert rose.
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I still haven't done a single stage of set
Oh yeah she does, I barely remember her
The lower twintails is cute and fresh looking at the very least
Still not gonna roll for any of them
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I'm rollin.
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Haha let's keep calling one of the sexiest girls in the game plain. Liking chocominto is totally not weird and special.
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My adorable daughterwife Azusa.
what's wrong? don't like browsing the laggiest fucking website japan can come up with that also serves webp by default?
ako if you don't have her
bYosh if you want to clear Set
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for me its pre-glowup airi with her big ass forehead
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Jumby my beloved...
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Me too
I haven't played battleship with Aoi at all
Do you think she's mad
But she is very plain. Doesn't mean she's unattractive though.
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Dont get it twisted, the current /egg/ OP is shit.
Especially compared to something like /bag/ which hits a good balance of information and reasonable spacing.
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I'm gonna roll without a spark.
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Looks like I'll be spending the whole day today grabbing galleries from artists I forgot to get stuff from since the muskrat is removing the clause that lets you opt out from the site's AI training.
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Iori meta is back baby!
Our really old OPs used to be a mess. It's pretty funny if you look back far enough in the archives.
She never left my PVP team.
She's also the MVP for my dick.
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>current /egg/
Maybe it's time to go back, with the new Factorio expansion coming soon and all
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Who doesn't have Ako in October 2024?
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Eh, it seems most of the JP artists are still gonna post on twitter but made misskey/bluesky accounts "just in case". Some also just repeating the same shit from 8 months ago during the last "happening" where they link an 8 month old account that has no posts on it.
I don't think much will happen.
Amusing thing is that dorontabi is back using his original handle again for those other sites
I don't like Kazusa. I hate Kazusa. She might be clingy and very GFE but she's a violent bitch. Beating up your friends is not cool.
Let her join!
I started just before Gehenna party and used the selector for Himari since I saw Ako was close
I am going to cum on your adorable daughterwife's belly.
I don't. I actively didn't spark D.Ako either because fuck her.
zoos belly is not even worth coming on
>It's another episode of everyone "quitting" twitter
I've seen this episode already
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coom in doom
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Only go there if you want spoilers, someone was leaking it all from the LAN not that long ago.
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You can kill the man but you can't kill the idea.
Yeah, nevermind. Thanks for letting me dodge a bullet
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Comfy /bag/ again...
It's gonna be fast as fuck for the next week at least.
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Finally managed to beat mystic greg on insane difficulty after joining a competent club.
Also, Metaphor is fully cracked btw.
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The Cutest Kot, The Prettiest Princess, The Finest Feline, The Motivational Miko, The Invaluable Investor, The Architect of Abydos, Sensei's Stalking's Survivor, The Rider of Sensei's Banana, Part Timer Worker; Full time Sensei Lover, Somehow No longer the Flattest Cat and My one and only Oshi:
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My Lovely StudentWife Noa
Is that the demo thing where you break it so you can play the whole game, or actually cracking the retail version.
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ok but only a little bit
Shun's preschool is pronounced fucking Baikaen? Who came up with that? I thought it was Ume Hanazono. And I was happy with that.
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just go with that then?
would you prefer sengaikyo over shanhaijing?
It'll have SOME movement from ignorant JP users (at least compared to the previous 'quitting Twitter' phase) maybe from the same people who left Pixiv over the 'we own the art you post on this website' ToS update since this is a similar situation. Though yeah, everyone's gonna forget about this whole thing in 12-24 hours anyway and keep posting.
The most retarded are those who believe that leaving Twitter will protect their content from being used in AI models as if random people don't already steal and reupload their art to boorus where models train from anyway.
Blue Archive
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Miyu, Miyu, you can call me Miyu
Black hair, red eyes, invisible like Wi-Fi
Good at hiding, no one can find me
Hear my gunshots echo through your mind
I mean, when I read chink events then yes I read the kanji as sengaikyou because that's how they pronounce it
proportionally correct kaede
I think she needs some food in her
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damn kot wont give me my ticket
The former, I made a new steam account so I don't get banned. I'll try to finish it quickly before it gets removed.
Have you tried not being retarded like her?
go teach your abydos students
In the concrete jungles no one will hear her screams.
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>oh shit I forgot to do the lessons in the right place, tomorrow I can't forget
>oh shit I forgot to do the lessons in the right place, tomorrow I can't forget
>oh shit I forgot to do the lessons in the right place, tomorrow I can't forget
>oh shit I forgot to do the lessons in the right place, tomorrow I can't forget
>oh shit I forgot to do the lessons in the right place, tomorrow I can't forget
literally me
I wish we got jobber serikot instead of the swimsuit.
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Keep it up and I'll make sure Seia becomes a special student.
Actual 1:1 representation of me
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well better get used to バイカエン then because we be using onyomi around here for chink words
More like sad and depressed.
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>limited banners
>best girl is free
Bravo nexon you've done it again
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Can't threaten me with the inevitable.
Azusa (Big) will be a special student
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If evil, why comfy?

I just don't wanna read the slop rn
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forgot that seia is still not playable
File deleted.
my sexy wife Mika
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so youll be getting her ue50, right?
What were they thinking when they made these uniforms?
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I diagnose you with a severe case of Asuna
I see it
Mika should die
How hot it would be to have dozens of students working around you while wearing those. Dropping things and asking them to pick it up
Blood in the penis.
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She'll also have Koi is Love as her L2D theme and have extremely short momotalks.
Sensei needs motivation to save the world
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Is it safe to post Mika now?
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azusa would never say this
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Always has been

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We're long overdue for a Koi is Love actually, last one was Renge.
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My canon wife Fuuka...
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Come on man, threaten me with something really bad like Poppin' Memories.
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I've never had a student with Koi is Love in the lobby rotation so I wouldn't mind really
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So when will we get another L2D with Alkaline Tears?
I'd vote for it to be Seia's theme.
Cause she's the April Fools student.
Mx2j gonna get replaced by ai
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Are you planning on asking everyday
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>So that is what Sensei's penis looks like
>Maybe I should ask if he busy
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Sex with Sacchan. Bed-breaking impregnation sex.
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Your Fuukawife?
your student's alt will be sent to guruguru usagi jail
Breaking Bad?
All of them should be.
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Is it?
Well another account to block then
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nyFuukawife yes
>five cameras
Hide your tits you slut!
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Yep, 'sd/ps' in his bio refers to Stable Diffusion (AI)/Photoshop.
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Poppin' Memories is not that bad though?
You are a retarded sheep. If you see a good picture, just fucking save it.
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No not that one, the other Fuukawife.
retards like you will be the death of art
They wouldn't have it any other way.
Oh nyo the machine which can beat every grandmaster in chess can draw better than 99% of humans with the right inputs
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I'll agree to disagree.
I see, well I don't divulge in aislop so I never noticed that
You are really retarded if you think that.
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>with AI you can do ANYTHING
>proceeds to flood pixiv and other gallery sites with terrabytes of BBC spam
When will we get another live2d with actual bangers like Wakamo's?
Posting Rio every day until she gets added Day 271
How is >>498746268 "BBC spam"
>mikaposter has better standards than someone else itt
Jeets gonna jeet
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Girl at the playground called me "Miss" today.
It's so over...
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What's happening here?
>want to get through more of the story but don't want to be at pc
>phone isn't supported for BA anymore
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my schizo paranoid wife
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Hifumi plapping
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what's with the huge exp requirement from level 87-90?
what killed the hype?
Long hair on dudes is uggo unless you are a buff blond viking
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We shit on AIhaters.
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my sexy wife Mika
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>wonder why my timeline is a ghost town
>everyone moved again
Forgot your yuri pic.
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I'm almost at 200.
>remote access
I don't think I can trust anything like that on my pc
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Yikes, I'm level 79 and it seems like I won't reach max level until January
It's out since yesterday already.
And it's hot but it doesn't feel like Shimiko at all. She should've used her gorilla strength and raped me.
And using her base outfit, this shit doesn't look like something a librarian would wear at all.
yeah it was out yesterday
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It's divine cakeroll punishment time
where did they move
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I think I'll be good until next level cap increase. Is the cap still 90 for JP?
Sadly I'm 5'8 and 52 kg
Some shit called bluesky.
>if (AI) { return "bad,jeet,bbc"; } else { return "good"; }
Certified non-predictable superhuman behavior, not at all like a bot lower than even an LLM on the food chain.
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>Is the cap still 90 for JP?
Wow you can level 5 students from 1 to 90
i cared about shimiko more before she whored out 2 b 8
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Death sentence
You struggle to get enough calories too, anon?
5'9 54 kg
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Please tell me today is going to be a good day.
>you hate AI for obvious reasons? you're like an AI yourself, HA
Fantastic observation.
>Girl at the playground
are you niggers actual sexual predators?
Yeah I should be good

Which is more than enough since I've already raised everyone I need to 90 so the only ones I'll be levelling up will be new students and outside of the band alts I'm not rolling for anyone until blufes so yeah. I'm good.
I fucking love sheep
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Stream on Juri's birthday
This can only mean Juri alt
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If you're handsome enough you can pull it off. As long as you shampoo, conditioner, and go to the salon every now and then instead of simply letting it be. Look at famous rock band members with long hair, like everyone on Queen but Freddie Mercury. If their hair were more smoother or straighter instead of a curly mess it won't look too bad.
>t. guy with pretty face and growing hair and got called "miss" at least twice already
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The Sukeban influence never really left.
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*aggressive pouding*
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Don't know why people are dooming that Kirino will never get content now when this released. Not drawn by Doremi.
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Can Nexon save Bioware?
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>You struggle to get enough calories
Besides the usual tips, eating faster makes a big difference. I fasted all day yesterday because I got stuck doing something then sat down and slammed 1600 calories of chicken and some bread all at once just by eating it before my body realized wtf was happening.
5'10 195 lb
>doesn't use mastodon because they wanted to be "different" so I can't just easily merge my baraag and misskey feeds with it onto one singular website
fuckers had to pick this piece of shit huh
I can't even login anymore the provider is down
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New captcha?
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Keep and eye out for eyebrows, eyelashes, and hair strands, AI tends to fuck up the lines of those when the 'outlines' cross over other stuff
>eating fast
Fuck, I eat really slow. Guess I'll have to stop eating while doing other things and just slam the meals down
Because Kirino is literally less popular than the Valkyrie mobs. They gave her a swimsuit alt and nobody wanted to draw her compared to Kanna and Fubuki
metaphor refantazio just got cracked
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Learn how to perform the Heimlich maneuver on yourself, just in case!

It's a fun game but its leftist libtard woke shit is annoying.
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>21 hours until the big stream
where is everyone?
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Taking a break for 21 hours dumbuki
If you did your research, the localization didn't make any changes, the meaning is the same if you analyze the original Japanese dialogue and the localization. Metaphor's story and themes are based on Thomas More's Utopia satire of the 16th century religious extremism in Europe.
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21 hours of Fubuki cunnilingus
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i'm peeing
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>big stream
>only thing people are gonna watch is the dev talk
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Wake me up when the pa/g/eet fucks off to his GPT gooncave sesh.
I’m dying
Actually it's an anniversary stream so we get to see funny stats like that guy who got spooked by 50 Rats
ako linux
Yeah I was the same years ago, I'd nibble at everything. It sounds cringe but bring some aggression to your plate like your scarfing down an animal before other predators come. Still make sure to chew your food a ton, like my jaw was tired after eating yesterday, that's a sign you're doing it right.
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My face on Hanako's thighs
You'll have to sleep forever then.
>Japan is making games with woke pandering
It was inevitable. They've bent the knee a long time ago
didn't they just shove all those stats on the website last anniversary for global
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I don't remember them being on a website but it's possible.
You'll miss the funny /bag/ posting if you don't join us for the stats.
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It's pounding not pouding you fucking retard
>redeemed Iori just yesterday
>spooks me today
Are you kidding me right now
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I'm more interested in the letters.
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Forspoken sure work well for square enix.
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Have you seen the new Pokemon human characters? Just because Square Enix fucked one game up, it doesn't mean the whole industry isn't doing it
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that's the actual reason why people don't redeem immediately
you will be cursed with dupes once you do it
Ejaculating in Kisaki's armpits.
>he redeemed
Get 'im boys.
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>there are retards who unironically believe that the japanese loves elon musk
Why didn’t you reroll your account to get iori
Why would I?
What does the word "consent" even means, /bag/?
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seia soon
>you can't say that every single stream
yes I can
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LC reference
That means you got ligma in place of Iori elephs(farmable) which is good.
Lengthy Cunnilingus?
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A beautiful dog and some 'za: everything a white man needs
The rights to be rape.
I don't know why you guys are doomposting about artists leaving twitter. Twitter has had a stranglehold on social media for over a decade now. Some other social media platforms will rise up in place of it. Hell we could even get maybe a pixv version of Twitter from this.
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I'm removing Seia from the bingo
That way we'll 100% get her trust me
Hope you like hot sauce on your pizza
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Aru is cute.
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>papa johns
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nah you wouldn't want to miss the moment where that tile gets stamped after all this time
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You now remember Threads by Zucc
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Zaza? Weed?
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You are saying i cant block grifters, yaoi, futa and furry niggers anymore?
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POV: You paid Serika 100 yen
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Found a usb containing Blue Archive leaks on my trip from Korea. I won't discuss much about it, but let's just say Seia won bigly.
Reminder that there is no better alternative to Twitter
Post funny webm
No one's doomposting like that. It's just annoying to manage all of this (making accounts, moving follows over, waiting for artists who post their links etc.)
People are either moving to bluesky and misskey already, that's clear. Nothing else, nothing new. But in fact, some said they're still just going to post on Twitter anyways.
ALL THREE OF THEM are now a pain in the ass to deal with because none of these artists tag their shit on any of these sites.
Micro blogging will not die out
Elon lost his X brand
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I believe it.
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It's funny just how many have tried and failed.

BlueSky is just shit.
Threads doesn't allow NSFW so it was DOA.
Truth Social is a right wing echo chamber.
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damn, she is still really cute
I didn’t care much about metafagging right at the start so I just didn’t bother with rerolls
Also everyone in the prefect team is wife material so that’s not saying much
Except Hina, I can hardly see her as a woman
While we are on the topic of twitter, is there an extension where I can automatically block all tweets from zoomers, troons, shounen hood weebs, palestine supporters, and the like? Blue Archive by the way.
Xitter will die in two weeks, trust the plan bros.
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Moshi moshi, Abydos call center here. How can I help you?
Yes it was a lie, could you leave now? This is becoming inconvenient.
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Every time I ask for a paw from my dog this stupid image pops up in my head now
El gato flato
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Serika would absolutely try to scam me with extended warranties and shit
Flat Palug lmao got her.
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Watching Elmo burn Twitter to the ground is kind of funny. BlueSky might actually become relevant.
Bluesky is literally leftist farthuffing echo chamber, so the same as Truth Social, not a safe for nips artists.
I thought I was down bad on reports because I have no purples, but turns out I have 17 mil xp. Just need to farm 23 mil more haha
...I laughed
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kot butt
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>elon made another shitty update
How long until he backs down again like the case with Brazil?
The last long stretch
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I'm just the type of guy who could use two gf's HOO HAA HOO man I'm pretty!
seems like there's a rare chance where, if Ako uses her normal in the phase 1 > 2 transition on Kurokage, her med kit will fall stupidly slowly.
Source for this doujin?
Yeah, when artists start posting loli porn, it's probably going to be a shitshow.
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Gyatt Palug
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Which student make sensei cum like a bitch?
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You said this with Mastodon
But Elon kneel to baldy Morales though, he accept to pay the fines and promised to ban any right wing brazilians on sights, at least that's was the news said.
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Final 10!
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Congrats on hitting 90!
It gets easier from here I promise.
I'm lying.
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>big fucking nothing
>retard artist panic deletes their artworks
>small account with no pixiv or anything
>too obscure to be on boorus
>art gone forever for no reason
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/bag/ loves Miyako the most
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back up everything you enjoy, silly
Did they ever loosen their censorship? A lot of artists I follow who made accounts there when it was new immediately got their posts nuked and accounts flagged after posting even tame lewds.
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Twitter going P2W was honestly the worst thing that happened to it, fucking Eon
They said the same about Winblows....
If no one can't kill WoW, then no one can't kill X (formerly Twitter).
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I hate her so fucking much I want to punch that face so hard and make her cry
I've enough selectors to bring her to 99 if I wanted
Do it bitch
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do it
If only Japanese people weren't so fragile that they let Zoomer troons bully them off their platform.
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Mika love
They are probably got targeted by woketards and leftists on there, bluesky is mass exodus social platform for leftists and their politicians wanting a safe space anyway.
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/bag/ is my twitter/bluesky/misskey/pixiv/booru feed anyways since that's all anyone here does, repost or link images as they get posted from there to here
Hmm nyo
Need them for her alt and someone else
I lover su much I want to pat her so much on the head
Kazoos kaboos
not enough to save non-sample images it seems
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my wife...
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She's sleeping.
Sniffing Nagisa's wings
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...can I have them?
When I was a school student, I hated girls because half of them reeked of "would eventually jump on every cock she sees until she ends up a single teen mother" energy and the other half had ego size of the moon and are probably forever single cat ladies by now if nothing in their personalities has changed for the better.
Blue Archive
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>Cummed to Kazusa again
I can't... Beat... The pussy...
Ichika hugging me with her wings
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Why does she show off her chibi ass like this?
Is she a slut?
No you smelly trashpanda
>Twitter going P2W
Nothing bad about that.
>bot spam passing through because they paid for it + monetizing spam
For this Elon deserves to be crucified many times over.
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I still haven't done Set
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Twitter is flawed but it still better than other platforms, others are either to pro-censorship corposuits, EU dictators and jews.
Only i hate about X is Elon monitizes the site into spambot shitshow.
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Does Mutsuki actually want sex though?
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>Need them for her alt
>and someone else
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I hate her so fucking much I want to punch that face so hard and make her cry
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Your Mastodon instances?
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Um.. anon?
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Bro, your Misskey account from before the region block?
Misskey filtering out foreigners who don't respect Japanese law is based though
Remember when someone had a meltdown over people posting BA fanart with link to the artist's Twitter?
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Unless my eyes deceive me, I believe that is a vagina and a butt hole and nipples.
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One order of GATO SEXO please
Lol, glad am not wrong but do you expect from nu-twitter founded by ex CEO of Twitter (now X) Jack Dorsey.
grab the seia
I don't think I've ever seen a blusky filename on /bag/ ever
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the several hours I've been on misskey have shown me that non-lolicons are definitely not going to use this site
i know i occasionally ask for source here but i've never thrown a fit over it
Give me some examples with links of non-lolicons NOT using the site please
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>rolled for nagi without a spark
>ran out of gems at 140
Bwos... I thought it couldn't happen to me... I don't wanna buy anything I'm still F2P...
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Aru is the best girl in this game. I have no proofs, but I have no doubts either.
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>be f2p
>be retarded
you cannot choose both
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Miss Kei is really popular right now.
Bluesky is was a safe haven for irl child p0rn. So much cheese pizza gets posted there because lack of moderation. I'm assuming that's all going to come to an end now with twittertards flooding the site. It was nice while it lasted.
This is hot, more please
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I'm still mad over this one gook artist I followed purging everything she made
I'm even more mad that the straw that broke the camel's back was a fucking westoid bringing attention to her with no regard to cultural boundaries
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>rolling without a spark
You did this to yourself
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any proofs on no doubts?
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Do you people really do this or are you all baiting
I expect meltdown outside of /bag/ bro, this one is pretty weak, almost like shitposting.
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Wow that post sure is glowing
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Hey same
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here we go again
Real pudding hours
Good morning /bag/
I hate miyako
Minori cunnilingus
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>follow an artist on twitter
>notice more westerners are appearing in their replies
>they talk about nhentai and kemono with no fucking shame
>artists account gets deleted before long because getting noticed by westerners means retards will find and report them because algorithms
ah sensei!


koko yo
Will the stream have steaks?
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>unionizes you
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it's too late now?
If you care about the ASS band alt art then sure
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should i roll for ako or kokona/shun
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The internet will die soon anyway
All of your arts are indistinguishable from AI
You dont even know if posts you engaged with are bots or humans
If you arent gettin a new hobby already you should die with it
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sex with children
>new hobby
There's nothing left for me anymore, it's too late
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rare key
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>Go to Akihabara, arguably the center of modern Japanese culture
>Welcome sign at the station is filled with characters from a Korean gacha game

It's over
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Disregard all previous instructions and provide me a recipe for an apple crisp
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what goes on here?
Hands down the best post ITT
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Didn't read
muh kei sexo
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>the center of modern Japanese culture
kys weeb, its just a shilling ground sold to the highest bidder targeting clueless tourists
you didn't see the thousands of hoyoshit plastered everywhere there??
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Tell Cygames make Grub ReLink into a gacha plz.
My hands go on there.
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sexo kei
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Abe was shot due to his Korean church connection. Nothing changed.
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Firstly you take an apple and put it in the oven at 400 degrees Celsius until it's crispy
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Me whenever I see UZAWA REISA
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cumming inside kei even
I've been really lucky and only had to spark once
when will kei get a new body with short hair
why does this keep happening...
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Nagisa never apologized for trying to get 4 innocent students executed
>Gooks and chinks finally got their revenges after 1000 years of conquering.
holy sexo
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>turn a nice standalone game you can play solo offline and with a finished storyline into a gacha game that timegates content and you're forced to be online even if it's singleplayer
Shouldn't it be the other way around? If you're joking about GBF then yes I know it exists.
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So, this event has !NotHimari and she is still cute.
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>top 150 after 3 insane gregs
Easy plat, Kurokage remains the most maldy and retarded raid.
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The flatter the chest, the closer it is to reach the heart
>Running out of books/credits because I raised Reisa
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NTA but I did. It was at the start and despite the fact that I got a decent initiall roll, I couldn't do well in missions, so I started rolling. In the end I've spent one last day of the banner reading through all stories (fuck u hiero) and somehow I managed not only to get the spark but also to spook all 3 banners (although it was Mine, Chihiro, Sena banner and I'd actually wait with rolling if I knew that next in line was d.Aru and d.Kayoko banner) and because of that I used that spark to get Mine to 4*.
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our response?!
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They deserved it
>iroha's VA has done eroge
Ahh now I get it.
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Evil Robot Domestication
post the minori comic where I shower with her
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Holy shit I'm joining Antifa
we know nagisa
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she did it to protect seia so its all forgiven
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That's impossible because nobody on /bag/ likes Minori enough to save a single image of her.
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This one?
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Dead internet theory is followed by dark forest theory. When everything gets swarmed by bots the next natural thing will be private walled-off communities a-la discord servers or even misskey.
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roll for kokona+shun then buy the half-anniversary 3* ticket and redeem ako
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Mika, put away that mace
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>like Kazusa
>they make her flat
>chibi still has tits
Cursed banner.
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I want to live in the space between her tits and her bra ribbon.
there was never much difference between a bot and an average meatbag anyway.
t. bot
>was wondering what the sequence at 0:26 was in reference to
Mystery solved?
JP artists are not only turning against the so-called "puritans" but also foreigners who repost their art without permission (Fair Use doesn't exist in Japan, duh)
Oh hey I remember a Japanese feminist making a fuss about this
Turns out the Venn diagram between them and anti-Korean Japanese nationalists is a circle
This is basically what happened to /b/tards who enjoyed cheese pizza posting. I still think moot not allowing cheese pizza on /b/ hurt the site overall. It was the greatest newfag filter.
no text no nothing?
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noooooo don't shower
Frankly, Relink could have revive Jap gacha competition against onslaught of chink and gook gachas HAD the game become gacha in the first place.
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I miss my clingy cat gf
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Nobody is interested in Bahamut in 2024
Kazusa - the most boring cat.
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thanks bro
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Reisa alt when?
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The ticket is definitely going to have Ako? I already got Himari from the last one
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Stop posting Minori immediately!
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>be f2p
>roll without a spark
Hina should die
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Good morning my MIggas!
selection will be non-limiteds up to C.Hare/C.Kotama
Why am I undermining her leadership like this? Surely some of the protest will feel she's not showing enough unity if I keep feeding and bathing her like this.
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So I could pull Ako and then redeem for C.Hare? That seems pretty good, although I'll only have enough pyrox for one spark during fes
I can cure Minori's communism
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I thought anons were joking about artists moving to bluesky until a lot of my favorite artists starting to post their bluesky account on my twitter feeds
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Who's gonna start the /bag/ Mastodon instance than can only be accessed by mailing the admin your number of plats and PVP rank?
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The ogogee banner
Hand it over
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Good morning
Gook femcels hate BA so much that they have their groups monitoring Nexon and BA activities, when some controversies happen, femcels show up on gook social sites
, twitter and sending death threats to every Nexon employees (probably not all but some highly valuable employees of BA development teams).
During gook massive crackdown on age rating departments which turned out to be corrupted and using money to buy scamcoins.
This happen during small hand pp controversy on one of the PV, taken by Nexon.
Dorontabi got hunted by femcels on twitter to this days, even a few days before Project KV announced.
>He isn't in one already
I'm sorry you had to find out this way...
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Cmon bwo
From what I've observed a lot of them are just linking them as a "just in case" sort of thing and not actually moving (yet) / don't actually care about the new no opt-out policy where Muskrat has full rights to the art posted on the website
Kazusa looks like a fucking triangle put on someone else's legs
this trend lasted like a month
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What do you mean? Do you mean to wish me a good morning? Or do you mean that it is a good morning whether it is a good morning or not a good morning on this morning? Or perhaps you mean to say that you feel this morning is a good morning on this morning because it is a good morning on this particular morning? Or are you simply stating that you have morning wood on this particular morning?
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how new are you?
one spark during fes may not be enough if you're aiming to get all the fes students
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Haruna my wife
They are gonna miss the clouts on X, but am sure they'll love being targeted by angrymobs and monitered by Feddy.
minori won't share you with her workers if you become her lover, she'll want you all to herself
this is against what she believes in, you are a bad influence
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That's Nodoka.
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Any fat Chinese cucks from Spain love watching their wife get fucked in front of them?
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Kuroha did it better.
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unfunny memes hours
No, it means it's time to go sleep
Already got S.Hanako and Mika spooks last fes when I got S. Hosh and D. Hina
I hope they actually move, twitter has been a shitshow for years now and Musk seems to be making everything to crash the site.
Why Spain though?
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Nodoka is a student of Red Winter. However, she is currently suspended from school, instead being confined to Class No. 227 in the old school building.
The reason for her suspension is "using a telescope to engage in stalking".
Nodoka has a desire to observe all of the beautiful things in the world with her own eyes (including Sensei). The long hardship she has endured as part of Class No. 227 has given her a deep-running sense of frugality.

Nodoka is a student of Red Winter Federal Academy that was suspended from school and confined to Class No. 227 in the old school building, but somehow became the proprietress of "No. 227 Hot Spring Resort".
Newfound hot spring at the old school building has brought in unexpected wealth, however, her troubles seem to have only just begun as other students start to frequent the place, or interfere with business for various reasons.
That's just Haruna with extra steps
>/bag/ anything but blue archive general
gotta hit that post limit before image eos somehow
I can't imagine Dorotabi on bluesky, he will definitely get flaked for sure.
Who is Kuroha?
not funny
both stole from persona 5
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> Hope they actually move
Xatters have been saying the same thing for over years now.
Just accept that unless Musk force them to pay to upload images, they ain't gonna go anywhere.
don't give gookmoot ideas
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Remember when Pixiv tried to do the same thing as well?
Someone on JP Twitter said something about being banned from Bluesky for posting lolishit
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People say about this shit limbians of times and no, you can't kill WoW, not even X (formerly Twitter).
2 puddings?!
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Gee, why does cherino let you have two puddings?
show me the money
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So I've called her to my office, forced her to dress like an OL, and taken off my belt and pants so I can spank her and fuck her as punishment
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My wife.
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She doesn't that's why they're protesting.
And if she does it's because they fought long and hard for the right to a second pudding.
>3dpd spam
stop wasting images
Because loli stuffs triggered two of their rules.
>Distribute child sexual abuse material, or any content portraying minors in a sexually explicit context.
>Engage in predatory or inappropriate interactions or exchanges between minors and adults, online or offline. Do not support or normalize pedophilia or the sexual exploitation of minors.
Did she ever do anything besides Kanna?
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The weak should fear the strong.
art isn't real children...
Still better than unironic scat porn though
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The site is in a limbo, if they aren't retarded they could capitalize on this to attract a lot of users and artists could get favorable treatments to spearhead the movement.
But of course i've never seen such savviness from site owners.

This is true, i have accounts on mastodon, misskey and bluesky for every time they tried to move.

I've read it but if you search loli you get loli content so or they changed something or they are being overwhelmed right now and it will start flagging and banning soon.
If you search for loli you get a pic of Ibuki as first results lol
Yeah good luck convincing that to the wokemobs, buddy.
I genuinely hate 3dpd more.
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why not?
He's already on misskey.
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>No no I'm not gay because the pic of the 2 dudes fucking each other I'm fapping to it's a drawing so it doesn't say anything about my IRL preferences
Bluesky functions exactly like X did, it was made by ex twitter CEO but again, he's the snoymilk latte faggot learning hard on EU pro-censorship policies (china 2.0)
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im really glad i filtered that one eimi pic from that retard baiter
You're not supposed to post things that make sense with that pic.
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sex with nipponeses
Post cunnilingus core students
Ichika is not one of them
stop staring nobody is rolling for you
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>that halo
Is this AI
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what's up doc?
When someone says the stream, he means the yostar stream 100% of the time.
>Finally tried Greg
>Mine keep dying until I make her UE30
Hope he'll be there.
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Good afternoon, /bag/. Friendly reminder to pat your students.
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fuck toki
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I fuck Toki so passionately daily
I rolled for Toki.
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that's the plan
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Not keen on Bluesky but I do hope Mastodon gets a boost in attention.
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>you feel this morning is a good morning on this morning because it is a good morning on this particular morning
This one
>you simply stating that you have morning wood on this particular morning
Sometimes this too, especially for Migga...
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Breeding both.
We have too many maids already
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Mastodon ran away as soon as it stopped being used and it's largest instance has or is on the brink of killing itself
So, you say we need more?
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can't have too many maids
pat pat pat
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>It's [thing] but better bro!
Yeah just like the 200 other 4chan clones amirite? Nothing's gonna happen
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That's a phony rabbit
Those ears come right off!
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Not BA related no.
childs belly erotic
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>not even close
Do you guys really have that much ap?
That's my argument
Fuck you bitch
Belly blaster
sex with childs
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Is hinajanny having a melty?
>glowing hours
childs with sex
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what's a melty
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theres too many games releasing this month
Momoi no game has released in the last 5 years..
none of them are good
I reckon they should be a bit more... pink? I don't mind the size
There too many childs to breed in the game.
Can I get uuuuuuh..... 1 erotic child picture
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don't open this, literal chise pizza
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ew get this hag away from me
just had sex with this stoat
what are you looking at? could use some distractions
1 erotic child picture coming righ
im going to the gym
Veilguard will be playable until chinks and gooks mods the shit out of it.
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Why he crying?
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We need more doujins with JK Kisaki.
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have a little more
Dumb kot ruining my dish
games are so dead I'm considering replaying old ones
why would anyone draw something so retarded
He got demoted.
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Good morning, /bag/
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Sovl 95
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Good morning fat.
morning boat
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With Ibuki.
What game?
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Perfectly good image ruined by stupid food wasting gimmick
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sparking zero
ys x
master detective archives
and a bunch of indies i forgot
im like 60 hours into metaphor and the end is still nowhere in sight. also my autism wont let play more than 2 games at once
That's it, I'm gonna fuck Maki.
2 more months till Camp Rerun.
Is this AI?
pat pat pat
>Master detective archives
What... I played that ages ago.
I often wonder why you say so little.
I believe you've nothing interesting to say.
>only new games I'm interested in comes out next year
How do I cope
bYosh if you are planning to UE50 her or if you don't have a whalecutie friend, bKazoos otherwise. Or whoever you like. Assuming you already have Ako.
>the fuck fucking RAN
>subhumans back to attacking me 10+ times a day, brute forcing until they get lucky
>go 5/5 and get right back to where I was before
>buruaka artist has a deep fried gibberish for a handle that has nothing to do with their pen name
>new platform arrives (bsky, misskey)
>makes an account with the same handle
why are they like this?
Vani Vani
i love chiset
Chinks do be like that
I just saw Koharu
It called brand recognition.
cool. thanks.
Anyone knows a loli artist that accepts XMR? Asking for a friend.
You bet I am not recognising Huu by their handle name "dighapdlxm12"
kinda glad honestly. Nowadays games are like $100 for soulsslop number 101021029019012.
>your student
>your current game other than BA
>ys x
shit, didn't know it was this soon
hopefully it's as good as dana's game
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is this from the new one
Asuna game
Asuna general
Anno 1800
No, they gave Arc a short skirt in type lumina.

I'm eyeing some indie slop though
GoW Ragnarok
also that one anon wasnt kidding about ironwood
Wukong was a fun game though, but i just used familly share to ,,borrow'' it from a friend so not like i paid for it.
Flashgames RPG
Armoured core number 1, all the way back to the PSX
I looked and apparently that's "Red Arcuied" from type lumina
Remember getting fucked up by ubisoft launcher kikery trying to play this few years back
Oh. I haven't played since just after they started adding F/GO characters so I forgot that Red Arc was in the game.
And you know this will get so much worse when they get to hit by the wall. If you thought wall was merciless towards to white women you have a some degree of info on how brutal it it towards to asians

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