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Never ever edition

>Steam Page:

>Where to give feedback and report bugs:

>Latest Patch:

>How do I git in?
Post your Steam profile and ask. You need to accept a friend request to be invited, so don't be autistic.

>How do I git gud?
Do the tutorial, get a feel for each hero in sandbox mode, explore public item builds, play bot matches.

Additional Resources:
>Unofficial Wiki
>New Player Guide
>Advanced Movement Guide

Do you guys have a warm up routine before going into ranked?
Game needs 20 more characters.
take an adderall ir
no and i literally firstgamed two heroes in ranked earlier
t. 2400 negro
Goon for an hour
gooning messes up my aim for a few hours
Once you hit the 1 hour mark, you'll stop shaking and it gets really easy to lock in.
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I wonder how many characters this game is really going to end up with? I doubt it'll be anywhere near as many as dota, since it seems like they're intending for every character to react to every other in their callouts and stuff
Why is Lesh red?
When I'm Paradox and I want to feel like a badass, I have a cool maneuver that I do where I zipline to a fight, charge stop shot while on the line, throw a grenade at an enemy after jumping from the line, stopping them in the grenade, putting up a wall after hitting the ground, then swapping them through the all.

My question is, should this combo be called the 3124 or the 1324? Because 3 gets pressed first but 1 gets thrown out first.
Just a short session in the training map usually while in q.

Couple parries, a minute shooting the orb vent(use the sign to block vision of the spawn then flick at mid height) then another minute moving around while tracking the running bot

Nothing serious just a little so I don't start out mega wiffing
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The black woman of Valve unoriginality.
These are TWO different characters.
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he is very pink

Literally every time I play now the game is uncontrollably laggy for me. So laggy and bad that I even disconnect some times. I do not have this problem in other games (I tested them by playing full matches with little to no problems of any kind), then as soon as I play one game of Deadlock it's like I have 9001ms ping, etc. What am I supposed to do about that? Especially since it wasn't happening at all before. I've tried all the basics like reseting my router, restarting PC, etc. But those have done nothing to help.
21 days and finally a jewtuber made a video on tank mirage

Great works are not preformed by strength but perseverance
debuff removes you
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meh. just play abrams for more cc and instant damage and shiv for being shiv. mirage is honestly the worst character in the sense he is boring and doesn't even work the way hes supposed to (teleporting to enemies by revealing them, nobody does this his ult is used for backup only.) Rework beetles and make his ult something else like a large fog of war reveal around him.

That's OK, spending 4250 to counter 1(uno)[singular] mark is fine by me
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I don't remember the last time I won a match.
>punch the rejuvinator
>nothing happens
>Ivy steals
>can't watch replay because it's bugged or something

>32 kill spirit talon
Have you tried playing better?
I don't know how to.
its for the nado nigger
What's your negroscore?
1. step would be to do more damage than the Paradox
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It's all so tiresome.
(Infernus match was solo vs bots)
If you have the game on low settings, try and set your render quality to 100%. There's some bug with it being set lower than that that can cause frame drops on certain hardware.
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That was 3 days ago, actually.


How? Yamato is only really good for 1v1s, but there were almost no opportunities for that in that match.
So Paradox is not unplayable trash despite dlg whining about how trash she is
And Vindicta is literally unplayable, worse than Grey Talon but dlg will swear she's in perfectly fine spot.
This place is worse than reddit

>he counter items the 1 second knock up

LMAO I'm beginning to see why it took so long for the unwashed masses to realize
Yamato is a great side lane ganker, a lot less possibility that someone will back enemies up unless people are aware of teleporters existing. Try playing in solo lanes and farming in those lanes post midboss spawn and buy mobility items in the case an enemy does bring backup. Use actives like slowing hex and such.
Ixia map next. Trust the plan
I found your problem, yamato is best played as a rat
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Y'all should play a top tier hero
Remove Pocket from the fucking game already
According to this general
>Gun is OP
>Wraith is stronger than Haze and Infernus
>Paradox and Viscous (two of the best support characters) are unusable garbage
>Shiv isn't OP
>Vindicta is fine
>Abrams is OP
What other retarded shit am I missing?
To be fair it made sense to get debuff remover when it originally lasted for over 3 seconds
Sorry but my mmr is too high to play Vindicta in her current state
vindicta is a good rescue beam support tank
Post negroscore or it's all noobstomps
just woke up and im about to jump into ranked to grief my first match of the day
how do you build paradox? i like her kit but i cant get a grasp on her itemization
>support tank
She had lowest hp in the game, then they cut her hp gain on lvl by 25%, nice tank with zero CC, zero hp, very short flight so you can't rescue beam people because you're on the floor 3/4th of the time
It's retards who come in here who say shit like paradox is shit. People in inhouse know shes good. Viscous has always been considered good. Most heros in the game are good and all of them can easily topscore with a confident player. Lurkers who came in playing the game for less than 100 hours spew garbage and should be asked to post their hours played.
initiate post
Viscous has the most oppressive lane in the game, 2 get out of jail free cards, and god tier support even if you fall behind in souls
I buy Weave on Wraith because she's black.
Ah yes, all top players say she's now absolutely shit but YOU know better
Ye honestly he should start with -15% bullet resist or something like pocket who also has 2 get out of jail cards
I'm a top player and I say support vindicta is good so yes.
Come back when you're 2400 negroscore
I don't play support, but she has great CC, stake level 3 comes with disarm, and if you build CD reduce and duration increase you only have to spend like 1/3 of your time on the ground
Stake alchemist fire vindicta is a pretty slept on vindicta build. Used to shred players when stake got maxed out and they just had to sit there but with no infinite flying im not sure how it is now.
>but she has great CC
>stake level 3 comes with disarm
It's duration and range were nerfed every single patch to the point people don't even bother buying debuff remover against it
>if you build CD reduce and duration increase you only have to spend like 1/3 of your time on the ground
For mere 9375 souls you can spend ONLY 1/3rd of the time on the ground, please listen to yourself for a second
I thinks it's good that snipers are getting shafted they are not good game design.
>5man on enemy team
>your team has a single duo
What the FUCK
Get ready to lose. Voice is unironically the best strat in the game.
what's the current good miku split push build? is it still just intense mag+healing booster+heroic aura+sus?
I noticed too late, their vindicta went 23/2
I couldn't keep a coordinated MonK and Warden off me long enough to try putting her down
I have tried several builds and settled on a wallswap focus. Some example items good in this build are: Kinetic Dash and Warp Stone (to move behind your wall after swapping), Enchanter's Barrier+Improved Cooldown (Paradox has long CDs) and Diviner's Kevlar.
>For mere 9375 souls you can spend ONLY 1/3rd of the time on the ground, please listen to yourself for a second
Yes, being in the air doubles your damage output, increases your Headhunter proc percentage and allows all of your other abilities to be way more effective
Shadow Weave Kelvin with Alchemical Fire to throw down after I ult people... Never played him before but I'm considering this, is there something I am not taking into consideration? What's a good gun build for him to use as a base?
I can't aim well, so I end up missing most Assassinations.
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Ivy, my beloved Wivy
whats wrong with vindicta right now?
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stop buying Sharpshooter the zoom is shit, and set your scoped zoom sens to 0.91 so that it's actually correct zoom scaling

Also there's a bind you can make for one button quickscopes, but I don't use it

Honestly there's plenty of scenarios where you don't even need that great of aim to execute someone
The completely removed her fly spirit scaling, nerfed her health increase scaling by 25%, nerfed her stake duration, made the bonus souls from Assassination stealable orbs, nerfed her gun item scaling by 24%, and made her gun shoot slower

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It's like gardening!
Probably want to add shadow weave, not showing on map is a big component to splitting effectively
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>made the bonus souls from Assassination stealable orbs
That's good, if you die it can be picked up by Shiv in your team and you can win
dota 2 would be like this if wasn't kept alive by russians game is absolute terrible rn.
This is a state of Deadlock kept alive by Russian
funny how shiv keeps jumping between S tier and D tier with no in-between. they either nerf him into irrelevance or buff him back up into being busted
>play against haze
>since minute 1 he screeches in all chat to report his laning partner
He was never in D tier, Tank shiv was never changed
>Lost with a 40k soul lead because our picks weren't as good
This game is absolutely dog shit right now. If you don't have the strongest characters on your team then you're just fucked. Every fight was a fucking struggle even with the huge lead.
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>kelvin makes a spiral staircase to prevent the Ivy stun from getting to the rejuv
That's so good.

Show end screen. 40k lead is huge depending on the phase of the game.
why do you use a trip?
>People already smurfing
I fucking hate this game at the moment. 14 losses and 2 wins in my last 16 games is fucked. If I'm really that bad then just put me with other shitters.
let me guess, you got shiv'd
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My first ranked win. Is nice.
lol why do people not buy actives. my team was getting wiped by Shiv and Haze meanwhile I am laughing off their damage with metal skin
is it too much for retards to have an extra button or two to press?
It was a 4 stack full of smurfs I found out.
shiv ruins every fucking match
First moba? Abuse the OP character for high rank
Why does the game feels like fucking garbage right now? I haven't had actual fun since the last patch.
retards will really come here and post everyone clapped/strawman stories while never posting matchids. i pray "post matchid" or "post rank" will become a staple like /fit/'s "post body"
he was spamming heavy punch, I just metalskinned and parried lol
>really snowbally
>games are dictated by whoever gets haze
>>games are dictated by whoever gets haze
See: >>498752224
retard? even if i set him as my only purple i wouldnt get him half the time plus hes an unfun janky hero
no matchid didnt happen
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lawd I got carried
Their vindicta and paradox in lane were a pain in the ass, it almost felt like it was a duo rather than solo in ranked
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just pick a top tier
seven + mcginnis = 1 haze
unironically just wood MMR

Even in my shitter MMR people are already buying return fire early (e.g. 15k) vs. bullet heavy teams because it's basically an auto-win button early game, and it just needs metal skin to become an insta-win button middle-late game.
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here you go, anon
Sewage mmr or a time traveler from 2.5 weeks ago. Haze is dogshit and there hasn't been a good Haze play in high mmr in weeks.
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Is our comp really bad or were we just shit? We were 40k ahead with rejuv and couldn't win a team fight.
Most likely bad itemization
Soul lead doesn't mean shit if you use it for bad items.
Haze is not the issue right now. Shiv, Warden and Seven are way worse for the game.
Shiv and Seven sure, but what the fuck is wrong with Warden?
In toilet air freshener mmr Haze is the same problem she's been for months because nobody has ever tried buying a single item to counter her. Hence why people in /dlg/ still think she's busted overpowered.
What items would've been good here?
>picks abrams
>doesn't go in
I am going to invent a device that lets you strangle these people over the internet
Since our ranked mmr is seeded from our unranked can't I just grind unranked then place high with only 7 games? Or is there some sort of soft cap
Ginnis was probably stalling your base pushes and none of you had the brains to focus down turrets.
Also I bet only one guy bought enough anti tank.
Healbane, Decay, Toxic Bullets, Knockdown, Slowing Hex
He has 1 functional build that dragged him out of f teir so naturally all the one tricks clamoring for nerfs
Yeah I was the only one with toxic and i tried Siphon as well but it wasn't enough. I was gunning down turrets at every opportunity but her wall is just such a fucking problem.
The ult + majestic leap/move speed maxxing build is ridiculous and if you haven't seen it yet youre probably still in pisslow where nobody knows how to move fast and everyone clumps up and dies around a single Haze ult.
what is it?
Ult maxing, majestic leap+ divine kevlar

You can channel ult mid leap so enemies have less time to react
It's a Majestic Leap issue more than anything.
>actually correct zoom scaling
Is that correct for everyone or just for her?
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7 games in the bag
I don't think I belong at 1900 MMR in OCE man. I can win lane alright and I buy actives but I just struggle to keep up on souls no matter what I do. The only way I stay equal is by ignoring all fights and just farming and even then I'm only breaking even. It sucks because I feel like I should be defending our objectives but it feels like a waste of time.
>whoever gets haze
lmao anon i won against haze 5 times lost 1 time and lost with haze on my team 1 time
Stopping the enemy team from killing a walker is better then farming yourself a t3(excluding a core item that you need)

Try to think of it in team networth terms also your macro probably needs work
>6 won, 1 lost
see you at TI mofos
Is Big Hat Rain?
>See Wraith fighting Mirage at the enemy purple walker
>Go to help
>4 other of the enemy team show up
>Instant death
>Yeah I was the only one with toxic
That's a huge part of it. Tanks in this game get really annoying without anti-heal.
Maybe you could kill them, but you need to kill them before the other team gets numbers on you, or takes space on the other parts of the map.
dw bro
I'll push yellow

just gotta clear this T3 camp near the 'porter
this but the opposite
They made it all about tropper / neutral farming. People can literally go 0/5/0 for the first 15 minutes of the game as long as they are Seven or any recently buffed hero who just goes into neutral camps and farms.
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This did not last.
games have been crazy terrible lately
like, 20 minutes in with 1 guardian down for us terrible
nobody wants to walk at objectives as long as an enemy exists on the map, and everyone backs after every fight instead of pushing shit down
and there's usually 1-2 players who lost hard and are sulking in their lane until late game farming waves but still having the least farm on the team
How do you say that you have an ability ready/on cooldown?
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The Rain?
I expect like 40 honestly, right now half the cast is in every game and some heroes are literally omnipresent, 3 bans on each side with an eventual mode that has them and that's 22 characters that aren't constantly showing up
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Reminder that Ivy goes cuhrayyyzeee with toxic bullets and ricochet
im coming bro
time to BROOL
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I think you just hold tab or alt and then click the ability(?)
i love playing melee paradox.
no she doesn't that shit's retarded
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Your lane, sir.
this is aids to fight against
I know about the Warden build and have played it, but putting it on the same level as Shiv and Seven is a bit of a stretch. It's strong, but gated by a fairly long cooldown ult and core items on a character that cannot farm nearly as well as others on the roster.
>Save up for reactive barrier
>Win lane
I used to think Wraith and Haze were cancer to lane against when I was a shitter. Now try going against a Viscous and Yamato or Infernus
*Throws sand at u*
>tilt the shit out of an infernus in lane
>match ends up going 40 fucking minutes more and they 6 man push into base while 4 of my team run urn for some stupid fucking reason and end it

>Rape someone in lane
>They hard focus you all game after
Name a better feeling
Viscous is genuinely the most obnoxious motherfucker to fight if he knows what he's doing, just constantly have to play dodgeball and not get punched then half the time if you think you've finally gotten him locked down no you didn't

Getting raped by someone in lane then cursing them 20 times and winning
I see you're looking to put someone on tilt!
The enemy wraith always saving their curse/ult + etc. combo for you and never anybody else. Really shows when they've identified there is only a single threat on your team (you)
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>finally get a game where I win after 10 subsequent losses
>it's 50 minutes long and we lost rejuvinator twice

Holy moly
>get haze on team
>play against haze
fucking useless shit hero stop playing this garbage
These people couldn't balance a coin toss
what the FUCK does healbane even do
feels like it does nothing even when i buy it against heroes like abrams and infernus
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/dlg/ in shambles.

It's because his rage design is nigh impossible to get right. Withour it he is too weak, with it he is one of the hardest scaling casters in the game. Small tweaks to his rage generation will make him flipflop between extremes.

I actually suggested that they should tweak the design of it so its more of a thing you build up in a fight with another player and that the buffs are sequential.
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>notice they start hardfocusing me and literally hunting me down on the map because I'm the one jumping around lanes and fucking them up the most often
>get magic carpet so I can fly away just out of reach every time
A cute girl
I posted in the feedback section when Shiv was added that rage is a bad mechanic because it gives fuckhuge damage and tankiness just for existing and it just got hard ignored lul
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This was the least fun I've had in a while.
you stack it with something like decay or toxic bullets
I always stack it with either toxic or decay

Healbane by itself doesn't really do enough, especially if they buy heal booster
6-1 with Paradox and the loss was a massive throw
I lied bros she's actually giga strong
you actually buy healbane for the self heal
It's a big item
Yeah this basically
For you
from reading the item description it also sounds like it only triggers from spirit damage?
>solo laning against Bebop
>buy reactive barrier
>kill him a few times and push the walker a bit
>every following team fight has him ignore everyone else and try to hook me
yes which includes items, hence it being an automatic healcut booster for decay/toxic bullets. also triggers on stuff like tesla bullets
wait till Hazes start buying majestic leap nobody in 2500+ will survive
nice nice, so are item procs considered spirit damage by default then?
i always thought it was dependent on what type of item/whatever the description says
>try dynamo
>lose 300 games straight
what the fuck do you do with this guy if you're behind? how do you build him?

Healbane is also huge on Shiv since it effectively buffs the damage of his dagger dots. Normally regen mitigates the effect of a dot, so being able to halve their regen is basically a dps buff like arpen.
They will still press metal skin anon. There's no active counter to last stand other than just avoiding the warden which is why it is so strong
my hagwife Geist is so strong now
Pipe of insight is getting added in the next patch, trust the plan
depends on the item, most of them do spirit anyway
why do people pause at the start of the game?
like you could've done whatever before queueing?
Last Stand is basically Haze ult but Warden can move at full speed while shooting you at the same time, the only downside is the long activation time which is offset entirely by majestic leap. Anyone complaining about Haze in current patch is actually living in reddit gold mmr dreamland.
gun items like headshot booster and lucky shot do gun dmg
not mystic shot obv
anyone getting hit by warden ult is just afking in the middle of the lane or what? how do you pisslow trash kids not see him flying in?
they want a lane swap or they're just trolling
>actually unironically having problems with warden ult
dust mmr
>the monster girl looks like a monster
mnk's ult turns it off
>warden ult vs haze ult
this man is TWEAKING bros
The amount of poke some characters have and if you're the unlucky one to lane up against em when playing someone like lash is just a specific kind of suffering. Viscous takes the cake though, being able to poke you with 2 different ability while having a self-heal / slighty worse eshift in early game is pure cancer.
>Conical, tick-based spirit scaling ability with a wind up that can be stunned is the same as instant, circle AoE ability that scales with gun items.

Do you eat paint?
warden ult is also small as fuck lmaoooo
just fleetfoot away nigga damn
im genuinely being targeted by the matchmaking for having 60%wr in 2500 elo and im going fucking mental
3 times leaver in ranked
then another game lose with fucking friberg on team
then another game my whole team crashes on midboss and enemy team doesnt
holy fucking shit im going straight up ape shit mental
You're correct but dlg isn't ready for this conversation.
Wardens cast their utlimate during their initiate with the majestic leap so usually it's really hard to stun them in order to cancel the cast
>playing Lash + Warden against Paradox + Geist
>ask for a gank
>never get one
>we get fucking raped in lane
was the play to ask for a swap
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We won, but I must say, these ranked games are some of the most unbalanced ones I've ever played.
sometimes you just gotta let the guardian go and go win another lane with a 3v2/2v1
you should've ganked other lanes as Lash instead before your guardian went down, your guardian being there is necessary because paradox + geist will leave your lane to rape another lane without it
yeah good idea, I could probably have just gone over to the solo lane and shoved it hard
warden's ult also does literally no damage, unlike haze's ult that has like 1k dps
and warden's ult it also has a smaller range
and it also takes like 2 whole ass seconds to start cast instead of 0.5 or whatever it's almost instant for haze's
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puts things into perspective
>warden's ult also does literally no damage,
I guess you have only played against wardens who go for a gun build? I don't know how you can think this
tracklock says i'm around 1750 which makes me above average so you have to listen to my opinions no matter how bad they are
>warden's ult also does literally no damage
You are fucking retarded. You are actually fucking retarded. Kill yourself.
>I guess you have only played against wardens who go for a gun build
those don't exist. he doesn't play the game is more believable
lol it genuinely does no significant damage, even with boundless/EE/extra duration you get out DPS'd in anything barring a 1v1, i guess unless you are in an mmr with IQ so low no one buys anti heal
>elo tracking that doesnt accurately track every game
when are they adding a dedicated healbot/buffbot so I can play
That isn't nekoscore, that is valve api match scores from matches being pulled.
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Ivy's ivy
so are thwy changing hoĺmidays abilities or what?
wings too small
>this is the guy telling you Haze is still brokenly op and decides games
how are the 1000 match score games going?
An entire team of 6 people can out DPS you as a single person? Got any more nuggets of wisdom for us anon?
i know but it still doesnt track every game only whatever is in the watch tab
We have multiple heroes you can play as healbots, but no buff/debuffbots but you can substitute those with actives.
>half of my ranked games some faggy teen says something along the lines of "lmao I play for fun"
>somehow most of the team shares that sentiment
>we lose despite me playing best games of my fucking life and 1v2 and 1v3ing until eventually getting gangbanged to death
>the other half is an absolute breeze of a stomp, like playing vs kids
I think I've found the mmr trench, feels like dota years ago when everyone was a dumb shitter and for some reason played ranked
The sample size is large enough that it works just fine for averages. Did you skip statistics class in school? If anything it's probably weighted towards the higher end more than the lower end, I doubt the watch tab shows games from 500 match score mouthbreathing controller players very often. There are probably much more low mmr players than the chart shows, which only enforces the point.
my point was exactly that
the chart is inaccurate due to how it measures games
1500 is the dead center of the bell curve
the reason the curve is top heavy is because the algorithm that selects matches for the watch tab favors higher MMR matches
>this is the guy telling you Haze is still brokenly op and decides games
i never said this, she's kinda dogshit now
but her ult is way better than warden's
>An entire team of 6 people can out DPS you as a single person?
also never said this

>both retards making up scenarios in their mind to get mad
concession accepted btw
it doesn't really matter since the sample size is large enough
>but her ult is way better than warden's
It's not. Play the game outside of dirty dishwater mmr.
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i went 2/5 in my ranked placements
if im playing mcginnis and im ratting a walker i usually dont want help because that will just attract the whole enemy team. destroying the walker while being actively shot at while im in my little healing/turret nest usually lets me take the walker at the expense of me dying. even if the whole team still ends up coming ive attracted all of them away from something else more important. let rats do their thing
just play more, all games are placement games
>also never said this
>>you get out DPS'd in anything barring a 1v1,

This is ignoring the fact that what you said is wrong as well
i lost all 7 lol
warden's ult LITERALLY got buffed last patch because it was (and still is) dogshit
and calling me a shitter is not an argument, it's a cope
ah yes, because you either are in a 1v1 or a 1v6 and no other possible situation
bro im like
3-11 rn
and shiv was dogshit because he needed buffs
if you divine barrier someone you get assists from their kills no matter what for what feels like the rest of their life, at least far beyond the 5s shield duration
>try Shiv for the first time
>solo lane
>can't out last hit her
>can't damage her (she's always 20m meters)
>get bombed by cards
>miss my daggers cos she's tiny
>have a miserable game
>win anyway
How do I learn Shiv?
initiate I KINGS run this general!
same with healing in general, I rake in assists with Dynamo's AoE
he wasnt really dogshit just rage fell off too fast
now most of his items got nerfed but reddit is crying about him being tanky when that wasnt touched and even slightly nerfed with the EE + spirit lifesteal corrections
to sum it up reddit is full of shitters and shouldnt be a focus for valve when looking at gameplay changes
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>Play Lash for 200+ hours
>try to learn another hero
>feel slow
>can't fly
>feel stuck to the floor
it's just not the game
>if you divine barrier someone you get assists from their kills no matter what for what feels like the rest of their life
dude i got an assist literally 30s after i died and was wondering how lmao

wraith is busted, buy more regen then like resto shot and play passive until you get more items, then you can bring her low and finish with ult
That's kind of what I did. I bought regen, stayed back and farmed until I had ult and rage.
Haze ult
>directly countered by any combination of metal skin, return fire and being able to dash jump or warpstone
>she slows to a crawl while doing it, can't chase you once you get out of it, has to cancel it
>she's squishy as hell in general and doesn't build green items because she needs lots of orange for her ult to do anything
>knockdown or any stun cancels it because it's a channel, needs unstoppable to not get stunned instantly, can only cast unstoppable before starting it

Warden ult
>longer cast time completely negated by just casting right after majestic leaping
>can move at full move speed while it's active, can chase after people very effectively if you bought any movement items
>has 100% lifesteal on every enemy being hit by it by default
>can shoot his gun while doing it
>there's no counter items to deal with its damage output because metal skin and return fire don't do anything against the spirit damage, just have run away which takes a lot of effort and stamina if he's actively targeting you
>it's not a channel, he can cast other abilities, use items, use unstoppable at any point during, knockdown or stuns don't cancel the ability even if he doesn't have unstoppable
every dashes distance should be halved.
Why does Ivy have a nose ring
its a knocker
because she was sculpted that way
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it's a cattle thing, gargoyle milk is used as cement in the deadlock universe
And Haze ult is still better, crazy
>>knockdown or any stun cancels it because it's a channel
im pretty sure i mcginnis lvl3 walled a haze doing her ult and it stunned her but the ult continued after waking up. i can dig for the match and webm if need be
Maybe in mud mmr where nobody bothers to buy counter items.
>warden ult counter
press W
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this nigga trench mmr
I think the conical part is what most people miss, if he is running at you then run at him, you'll get behind him and he'll have to 180 and hit only part of your team
You are 1000% wrong unless she used refresher or something. It's a channel and if the stun goes off and she doesn't have unstoppable up it ends the ult.
Funny how ulting wardens win at the highest level of play in competitive while teams running Haze get stomped. Crazy how Haze is such a game deciding and game ruining hero that pro players just can't make use of against other pro players, it's almost like the ways to deal with her have been figured out for weeks or something and the people still hyping her up just refuse to buy the right items.
I don't understand how to win my lane ever since the guardian changes
You won all of your placement (career defining) matches, right anons?
she's an art hoe
>ult is so good forces every member of the enemy team to waste at least 3k souls and a item slot solely to counter it with items that are otherwise mid or you eat complete shit to it
>but it's bad because of this
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How do I keep Shivs rage up at 100%? If there's no neutral camps, what the fuck can I do?
Does unstoppable even help you against knockdown? It might not stun you but doesn't it still interrupt?
Oh yes the wind up that can be stunned. Let me guess, in paint drinker mmr that you're so familiar with the wardens you see just ult in a corner of a building while yelling beside the fight that's currently happening. That's not how the human beings who play warden do it, you'd know that if you were at sentient human mmr.
I'm boosting in unranked so I seed high then I'll lose 7 games in a row but still rank higher than /dlg/
it's tough for a wigga
>with items that are otherwise mid
Lol. In what world are metal skin or return fire "mid". They can dominate 1v1s throughout a game and still be off cooldown for the team fights where Haze finally decides to show up.
Yes. Knockdown stuns everyone out of channeling. Bullet Dance and Storm Cloud are channels. Unstoppable stops you from being able to be stunned and thus stops knockdown from going through.
Camp mid lanes and rage on mid boss
>not hiding enemy side vents and stone forming from there
total rainal PSG shit tsunami
Are you the guy that exclusively plays in the mmr where the default mode of play is to 6man overwatch deathball shoulder to shoulder and get countered by a single Haze with ricochet?
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Just crank up the cute'o meter.
Is dying really that big of a deal. I see people die twice and act like the entire game is over, then win anyway
Not really. The laning phase is practically irrelevant.
only if you lose your balls or it's 30+ mins
I saw a warden with 450 dps on his ult the other day, he was stacked.
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They should keep deaths hidden until the end game stats
It fucks with mental midgets too much
How do you fight Lash as Grey Talon?
Laning is both irrelevant and extremely important and game deciding thats how fucked the game is right now.
Losing one or even 3 lanes doesnt matter, BUT if you lose a singular lane + its walker Or you lose 4-6 lanes OR all the winning lanes rotate effectively then youre suddenly in the shitter
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lady ghost fans be like
Consider that 2 deaths is 2 times my team let me down and 2 more kills I must gain for a positive K/D. It's less time for me to be farming Ricochet. It's more time for me to scrutinizing every single movement, stat, and play they make. And it's more time for me to be posting on /dlg/ about my braindead teammates
dying only matters if you are literally feeding or if it's late game and it takes a century to respawn
People with low deaths are useless because they play like cowards and have no game presence whatsoever because they're too scared of the death number going up

The ult channel is stunnable, that is a fact. Whether it's easy to do is another matter, but you made the comparison to Haze ult which doesn't have a stunnable wind-up. I didn't even say Warden ult was weak, just your comparison was fucking stupid because they are not alike.

If you're so mentally unstable that stating objective truths make you froth at the mouth and start ranting about MMR, you have bigger problems than a shitter Warden reaming your anus.
t. got picked off again and gave enemies midboss as a result
t. slurping up all the farm and doing literally nothing with it
T. Goes like 6/10 every game and loses if theres no one going like 17/2 carrying his mediocre ass
Dog MMR, the entire Haze ult is stunnable and she needs a 6200 item just to avoid a stun for half of its duration at the start of it. If anyone has ever cancelled the warden ult with a stun during its windup then the warden made the misplay of trying to panic ult in a corner during an already ongoing fight. Buy some fucking items, retard. Nobody has ever stunned a sentient human warden player out of his windup because the sentient human warden players windup while flying through the air at mach-10, once his ult is off he can pop unstoppable literally whenever to counter any incoming stuns and it also doesn't even interrupt his ult. Please get out of stale bread mmr before blessing the thread with your pisslow wisdom.

Shiv uses his daggers to put pressure on people when they go for lashits, but to actually win a lane you need to aim for an all-in. Because of that you should learn dagger first but actually upgrade your dash when you get points (it scales waaaaay better and faster). Then lnce you get the +75 damage you aim for an all in.
had a mirage in my game that went 0/0/3 and still fucking farmed on the other side of the map while his base was already down to its patron
Post your MMR then buddy if you're so obsessed with it. Put your money where your mouth is.
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nah but still pretty good
I play at 2400 match score where nobody has died to a Haze ult in an entire week, especially not these fantasy situations you come up with where 6 players clump up for her to die together and then complain she's overpowered because you're playing the game like Overwatch. I'm guessing your match score is like 1300 or so.
You win orbs by default because you have a shotgun. Get resto shot and chip with daggers until you can all in her. If the enemy tries to melee because you keep hitting those denies with your shotgun, you win CQC because you have a shotgun.
>the same guy who has been crying about haze ult still being overpowered for the last three or four threads turns out to be a warden player who hasn't even tried the ultbuild that is rolling over entire teams in high mmr while Haze gets bullied all game
classic /dlg/
>making up some headcanon about the guy you disagree with to cope
you are genuinely pathetic, i hope you know that
>win several games in a row
>none of them track on deadlocktracker or tracklock
>win another game
reminder that the average anon is in these threads who thinks their opinions matter are like 1500 mmr
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consider this
bro you have admitted to being a shitter warden who panic ults in the corner of a building next to a fight like three times already, nobody ever fucking does that outside of pisslow, PLEASE buy an active item like majestic leap
You're schizo rambling, I made absolutely no claim about the strength of Haze ult at any point, literally the only thing I did was point out that your claim that Warden ult was "Haze's but better" was just wrong because they are fundamentally different in terms of effect, scaling and use-cases.
I'm not the same anon that bitches about Haze ult, there are multiple people in the thread that quoted you to call you an idiot.

Take your meds and stop pretending you're 2400. Or post proof you are.
swallow rod is that you
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I don't understand what happened. I used to be good, or at least not terrible, at Grey Talon when I was just starting to play this game. Now I can't get a single kill.
>tfw being 2400 is such an outrageous and impossible feat to a shitter that he automatically assumes it's a lie and wants me to dox myself on 4chan for his pleasure
Lol. I'm guessing the 1300 guess hit the nail on the head, am I right?
>1600 nekoscore
>win match
>do well
>geist on the enemy team had 1800 nekoscore
>It's a "retard makes stupid statement and pretends all the people disagreeing with him are the same person" episode
when will valve actually allow us to alpha test these heroes instead of having them in limbo are we really alpha testing shit nano and astro are ready to play
winning doesn't matter for NekoScore, your next match will be higher and it will raise it back up because you won the previous match
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ok yoshi needs to add a 2500+ nekoscore requirement before being allowed to post feedback on the forums
this is the only way we can get good feedback that will make the game better for everyone and make valve billions of dollars
>be bebop
>bomb build of course because haha stacks
>finally get in a solo lane against yamato for free hooks
>dumb bitch even has her own hook to give me free bomb stacks
>win lane
>rest of her team just DCs
I'm tired of the whole stomp or be stomped, can I get a decently balanced match for once?
Enemy team has:
All equally good, more or less. So what the fuck do I build as abrams to counter every one of them niggas and win the game? Shiv has already acquired Decay and targets me in every fight
we have a lot of 1% players here but the "low" mmr player group will be the one that discover tech for us to steal just like in dota unless its me since i been talking about shadow weave and magic carpet since day 1 now niggas are talking about how broken the items are
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Why is there no option to wait twice the time for no russians in your team?
Metal skin return fire is a good start for an Abrams against like 3-4 gun heroes
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haze is a shit hero
warden is op as fuck
this general is full of mud mmr takes where they think a haze who farms for 30 minutes uninterrupted happens in games with human beings
You don't, you wait and go to another match where all of the nigger characters aren't on the opposite team
warden is slightly bad in lane thougheverbeit so he sucks
I will continue to farm games with majestic leap last stand
there's no such thing as placement matches
>firerate spirit mirage
I've seen the oasis in the middle of the desert. This is funny.
Anytime you have a haze on your team you know you have a high chance at losing the game
Balancing solely for the higher end is why DotA has absolutely no influx of new players and has been stagnant for years.

League has the right idea of assessing whether "noob stomper" characters are egregious enough that it warrants nerfing even if they're fine on the higher end. Like it or not, you need shitters to keep your game afloat and ignoring their feedback, valid or not, is a sure fire way to alienate your largest consumer base.

If you only balance for the top 10%, you'll only be left with the top 10%. It's a balancing act.
Just because you play this game like it's your job, doesn't mean anyone cares about what you have to say
what good would it do for you? stop blaming others
Placement is a meme and "unranked" is ranked
That ranked mode is just solo queue
i play dota in miserably low unranked MMR and don't feel like any hero is overpowered in the trenches
what the djinn
i'm just joking around lil bro
why is it always shit like lash and yamato where people complain about other laners even though those characters are S tier laners
>Point Blank
>Slowing Bullets
>Melee charge
>Mystic Slow
Bro you are not going anywhere I am going to beat you to death
i'm sure you can point out exactly the posts that said this itt and it isn't your schizo delusions acting up
how do you truly balance for "shitters" and the top 10% of the playbase and borderline not possible for icefrog games
Lash downplayers are the most egregious. The moment Lash got the buff that allowed him to turn mid air during his 1 he went from "strong" to "batshit". Sure e-shift works really well into him and he does (eventually) fall off, but early laning against Lash is vile.
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Here's mine btw, since that other anon posted his like this. Not sure if this will be enough to convince you to buy majestic leap or not instead of panic ulting in corners and crying about getting stunned out of your windup.
YOSHI MY NEKOSCORE IS 2000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lash bullies weak laners but gets bullied in turn by strong laners
i played 10 ranked matches so far 7 wins 3 losses
i lost against haze 2 times out of 10 matches and she was in every one of them
haze was on the losing team 8 games out of 10
literally 20% winrate hero LMAO
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I don't think I want to play as Grey Talon anymore. Not without simulants, at least.
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>duo lane with Seven and me (Lash)
>lane is hard with Wraith
>Seven dives and feeds
>eventually leaves lane at 5 minutes
>solo defend lane
>this guy vanishes to neutral camps
>does nothing but neutrals and proceeds to feed
>every ult he does is from ground level
So this is what 1800 nekoscore games will be like. I'll never climb out of this shit.
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>annoy opponent with decay
>he buys it too
Now consider that people like that seven post their balance opinions in this thread from the heights of 1800 match score and think it's physically impossible for people to be higher than 2000 and reject their opinions.
Lmao idk if its the hero or the people that are playing her are no longer getting carried by her but all i know haze and dynamo are the only heroes that if i see is on my team i just turn my brain off and hope for the best because im not expecting shit from any of them

and good luck if you get both a haze and dyna on your team at the same time you might as well have a surrender button at 15 mins so you can just go next

before people say dynamo can insta win you games yes that maybe true but most 99.8% of dynamos are garbage
It's with teammates like this I rush divine barrier and use it exclusively on them so they don't die like a retard. No way around it

Lash players are easily the most character carried of everyone
>piss easy burst
>just jumps away if cornered
>ult is an unholy mix of Magnus and Batrider
>blocks mid attempts by mere presence
2001 nekoscore-sama....... i kneel..................
Brother you have 395 obj damage hit obj and you will climb
The simple way is you have designated shitter characters that are mechanically simple but have predictable play patterns that good players can exploit.
The more complex way is you skew any nerfs or buffs to the skill range you want to impact by assessing why they're overperforming in that bracket. Easier said than done but it helps avoid the "don't pick X past Y MMR" situation.
hey... it's 2258 actually...

Haze is dogshit and feeds every game. Warden is god and stomps every game. If 2258 matters...
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>guy who never pushes and any lane
2258 is around top 2000 in Na
>Urn sprint changed from +3/5 for winning/losing team to +2/6
>First flex slot is now granted after 3 Guardians die instead of 4
>Urn now reveals you after 20s from initial pickup

This game is absurdly fun, I have 400 hours, but I don't like this method of balancing in an alpha of all things. If the urn is dominated by the already winning team, then that's an issue of how snowbally the game is. The solutions so far have been like this, just lower the numbers until it's actually not that good, but amazing if you're losing. The urn revealing you now only after +20 seconds seems like mechanics bloat of another problem: urn camping. If the urn is good, then both teams camp the delivery. I guess the 20 second delay is to nudge you into running the urn as fast possible I guess? But if they didn't want urn camping then why add the reveal at all. There's also no real feedback the urn is revealing you to the enemy players, and doesn't make sense logically. There's more intrigue if you simply know the urn is missing.

As for the flex slots, there is no rhyme or reason why they would award flex slots. Again, if it's an alpha, it's preferable to have mechanics that are understood the first time you come across it. The slight twisting of dials and knobs on "it's now 3 guardians instead of 4" is weird. I guess there's more choice in what towers you take first? It's this problem of the towers not being interesting gameplay elements, other than if you kill them, you get a flex slot. If it's your guardian, it provides no tangible value other than denying the enemy team flex slots (which itself is a hidden mechanic hard to visualize in your minds eye)

I guess my real criticism is that there's opportunity for the map to feel more 'alive' and full of interesting things to do, but it's really quite empty and just ricefields in between the lanes, which is the problem DotA had for 15+ years
>today Oathkeeper receives his payment in spades
I don't get it, is she going to suck off niggers in an alleyway
it's an alpha
seven ult build fun.....
refresher and diviners kevlar hehe
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Post feedback in the forums! (i will ignore it)
No, she's hundreds of years old, she means she'll pay oathkeeper with the lives of nigger slaves like Infernus.
Goodbye forever Dynamo, Seven, Vindicta, Haze, Kelvin, McGinnis
Some of these are chosen so my teammates don't play them.
this. we all know geist is a doggy dick enjoyer, anyway.
Apparently you can rearrange active items with your mouse in tab mode
half the game is about bantering about silly shit
people aren't really still complaining about haze are they? I genuinely can't remember the last game a haze made a game-deciding play, it was before the patch that turned her bullet evasion down to 25% at least, and now it's 0% until t3 ult I think, when was that?
magic carpet is broken until you realise someone can just kd/curse you out of it
Pushing help you win games you of still need to have the clutch gene but you will climb
Is it still worth running lifesteal and leech at the same time?
yeah sevens are just always dogshit
The problem with haze is that every time she's on your team, she's a useless retard who farms so much, you reach the defeat screen before she even finished farming jungle, and every time she's on the enemy team, she'll be the most obnoxious bitch shitting out sleep daggers every 2 seconds on your face and pressing 4 for a free kill.
>>half of my ranked games some faggy teen says something along the lines of "lmao I play for fun"
This is just a cope for being shit. Cheating is at an all time high with said faggy teens and these mongoloids just turn to cheating after they've been called shit enough times. But it's for fun. Haha.
wraith is way more obnoxious to play against than haze in mid-high MMR (like 2200 or something), what are you at
I been running leach lifestrike healing boost pulse on Abrams and it feels pretty good seen some top Russian player run it maxing out siphon then charge
28% cull is fucking retarded
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>people really want to balance the game around high mmr play and competitive and not around mid level pubs
Enjoy your league of legends levels of dumpster fire and forever getting pubstomped by OP heroes at that level (aka haze/shiv). NO ONE likes to play a game where it's only decent at a high level(which is not where you are and probably will never be).
what do you mean "still", was it nerfed?
>the movement should feel like shit
>Haze should be useless because I don't want to buy active items
Really insightful post anon.
how do you do that when they aren't there though?
But haze is actually like grief tier now lol
Just replace Lifesteal with Healing Booster
I know. I couldn't exactly push their guardian. I kept asking team to help. No one showed up. They pushed up to Walker even. I bought leap and ganked every enemy I could who was pushing but it never was enough. Our team didn't even have a 2nd flex slot until very late in the game. The objective damage only matters if you are winning anon.
nah I'm the guy that spams ivy a lot
If the game was meant to be balanced around pisslow 1250 mmr then active items would be deleted entirely because nobody buys them down there. And if active items were deleted entirely then Haze, Abrams and every other pubstomper would need to be nerfed into uselessness outside of that bracket because there would be no counter to them in the active items available to sentient human players.
Clearly not the case in we were down in this game 142k to 170k one push by me for shrines allowed us to win the game

pressuring towers by yourself opens things up for you and your team especially you are playing lash and i know damn well niggas in your games dont buy knockdown so you will get away all the time trust me on this next time just hit towers it will force them to make a decision sometimes you gotta say fuck your teammates
that anon who said mirage is a tank is right. the multiplier deals a lot of damage even with just improved burst and improved spirit, but you need to be alive in the first place to stack it.
The nerf to lifesteal unironically makes healing booster better since it's boost is independent of the diminishing stacking of lifesteal and obviously stacks with other healing effects like headhunter, healbane, etc
Anon you realize that when you are doing this amazing "out of the box" thinking your team has to defend and work extra hard for you to even be able to do such a thing. Also only on toilet level games can you backdoor as hard as you are. In other games there's 2-3 people instantly on your ass and some people, like Wraith or Haze, will stick behind just to prevent this from happening. The amount of time you are getting there in that webm is absurd and I must conclude your enemies have to be retarded or shit, or both.
I give you a boop
been saying this since day 1 or 2 when u look at the stats. High health + something that heals and steals health and he has a disable which temporarily gives him bullet evasion. Obviously a tank.
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>game was fun for the first 60 hours
>now all my matches are complete sweatfests
>decide to check out that nekoscore thing
I hate mmr, I'm not even a good player at all
Last patch
- Bullet and Spirit Lifesteal now stack diminishingly

FYI i have no idea what this means specifically
Exactly. Now consider that most of the balance-obsessed opinion haver essay writers in this general are completely average and have like 1250 neko.
dead status?
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lol sometimes you just gotta say fuck your teammates and find a way to put your team in a situation to win take those 2 shrines was worth more then me being in the fight now it put pressure on them even when we are down plus it gave us flex slots

the enemy were retarded lol they got cocky and thought they won because shiv and vindicta was going off but you can always win off of macro
What's the setting combination for double bomb bebop? Every time I do it, I refresh the fucking hook instead of the bomb despite casting it afterwards
haze buffs doko?
we don't have the exact formula but it means 20 + 25 is actually more like 20 + 12 or something
who cares about your mmr
if the game is not fun, it is not fun
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It just means that the formula for calculating lifesteal factors in each instance of lifesteal i.e. if you have enduring spirit (10% lifesteal) + infuser (active: 20% lifesteal) then instead of getting 30% lifesteal, you would get 28%. idk how the formula works exactly but it just means that overall, you'll have lifesteal than you did before the more you stack it.

This is inline with how armor works too.
active items are fun thoughbeit, have you tried buying them instead of writing essays
Play mo and krill, stack move speed items, become sanic mole
make sure you have "double tap to self cast" off. it adds a delay to your bomb being cast because it can be self cast
Lol according to that you are a top 2000 player all depending on what region tho
also did high MMR guarantee you happiness
I'm jealous, honestly. I loved being low MMR, I had fun.
It means multiplicatively. So 23% and 10% is not 33%, it's actually 31%. You're getting less out of the subsequent 10%.
Yes as long as you have creeps at the guardian
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If there was a deadlock stream that showed giga low MMR gameplay I'd watch it all day.
Yeah you would be around top 2000 to 3000 player in Europe
scroll in the watch tab until you get tired, you see a bunch of low mmr fiesta games
>Seven with 10k more souls in team has least damage done
>mortimer and klaus
I have no respect for anyone who plays them
That's Mohammad and Kareem
>get Mirage who buys Magic Carpet
>ask him why the fuck he has it
>"im aladdin"
nah its mandla and karel
Oh great, it's a shiv and his retarded OP ult and passive that has leech and colossus and has access to infinite uses of his ult. Whoever designed this NIGGER character has never played a video game of his LIFE.
I wish I had a video game of my life
before infernus would have 23% + 20% + 10% = 53% spirit lifesteal if he bought spirit lifesteal, infuser and enduring spirit
now he has 1-((1-0.23)*(1-0.2)*(1-0.1)) = 45% with the same items
Shiv only gets strong if you let him. Your fault for not ganking him super early so he has no farm.
oh god I'm watching a mcginnis tap fire her gun. I legitimately don't think she knows it's full auto. poor sister. 23193917
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>Thread is once again full of toilet paper mmr npcs who huddle together waiting for the enemy Haze to walk up to them and ult, then come to the thread and complain how she is game-deciding and balance-ruining despite not even being in the top12 in top1% or top10% games.
Damn Pocket fell off
Oh shit sorry, I wish I could duplicate myself 5 times so I could do a 6-stack with myself only and not have to rely on the matchmaking not giving me degenerates who can't aim for shit or buy items.
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Trivia time:
Your duo lane just killed both the enemies and you do a little Guardian damage. However you are both very hurt and it's only 4-5 minutes into the game. What do you do?

>A. Keep pressuring the guardian and look out for them coming from the zipline.
>B. Stay in lane but from distance keep farming with low HP and regen.
>C. You both clear troopers you can and head back to base to heal to full.
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steal their easy camp
A if I have stamina to dash jump, B if I don't. Never C, buy regen or healing rite but never leave lane unless you have absolutely no choice.
Lmao here comes another Abrams nerf what will they nerf next I wonder another hit to his passive or maybe a lifestrike nerf
suicide tower after the assist timer runs out
A. keep pressuring while the healing creep heals me and as soon as i see a blur of someone from the zipline dash jump away
the guardian changes made them so much more valuable to break sooner
bait my lane buddy into an awful fight and flame him when we lose
brool is life, stay in lane and fight
if I die I respawn with full health which is what I wanted anyway and I also get to buy stuff
Depends on who is in my lane probably pressure guardian so A
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Yell into the mic that I need help and healing?
>warden falls off to dumpster tier in the top 1%
Depends on what characters we are, there are plenty who can make incoming players miserable having to try and fight from down the street regardless of their health advantage so long as friendly troopers are keeping the guardian's attention. If so then A. Otherwise we probably steal their creep camps/idols, cripple the next incoming trooper wave, and fall back to continue farming.
Wonder if Deadlock could have a Meepo like hero. Since you can't micro, perhaps you can swap between two or three and the AI controls them while you're "maining" one?
Clear the wave, steal small camp, zipline boost back to base and then either rotate if I'm significantly ahead or return to farm otherwise.
In that specific scenario I'd clear the troopers then get healing rite. It pays for itself with the creeps you'd miss if you went back
>just lost a game to UI bug where it said our patron was not weakened when it was
highly misfortunate
Oh my fucking god slowing hex just deletes Shiv completely lmao
This one is a great answer ngl
I'm diamond mmr
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Calico was supposed to be like broodmother at one point before the change in kit so valve is experimenting on concepts like that
she should give birth to kittens mid-game
>can't dash when hexed
>can't ult when hexed
>Calico was supposed to be like broodmother
I know you are probably referencing a hero from another game (dota?) but I'm going to pretend otherwise
play a non-ranked match
Lol none ranked is ranked idk why people think its not ranked is just solo queue
I need at least 8 slots for active items
just git gud nooblet
active items discriminate against people without mmo mice
having an mmo mouse is pay to win
What, do you use one of those 40% keyboards instead?
the current patch is shit. we're getting a new one today right?
holliday today finally boys
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these are the subhumans you get regularly matched with
>yes i will specifically vpn to a server where nobody understands my nigger language
>no i will not attempt to communicate with anyone because my zigger ego exists
i want every "human" being east of poland disintegrated
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THE BOSS will be the dedicated summoner chump
As a McGunnis main, are there any spirit items that would still be helpful to me?
Obviously I have Quick Silver Reload and Bullet Resist shredder, but anything else useful?
we might but it won't be a big patch, the big one comes next week
patches are every two weeks, it's next week
slowing hex, boundless spirit, imrpoved cooldown, escalating exposure, improved recharge, diviners kevlar, echo shard
he better put his hands in his pockets while his drones shoot for him
anti-mage comic, but infernus, seven, and haze all at the same time
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red marks survive. I fixed europe.
>duo lane
I gank the solo lane if it's pushed up and then buy some form of healing there. If it's not, I try to take the small camp depending on the lane MU. If I'm more mobile than my opponents or I'm good at clearing camps, I take it.
>Your duo lane just killed both the enemies
Your honor, tards in this thread will never be in this situation.
I don't know why people think Seven does damage. He just doesn't. You can stack every damage amplifier in the game, he still does dog shit damage. The only buff he's gotten in the last few patches was increasing the size of his tesla ball and this is enough to make people think he's some high damage dealer???

He's good at clearing jungle and waves, sure, but even with the extra souls he's not actually doing that much more damage. If you're building for giant tesla balls, then it's better to build for support/utility i.e. mystic slow, reverb, echo shard for stuns
>you play games to have FUN
yeah exactly and playing with russians ISNT fun
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Is it time for forced50? How many 0-10s do you think I'll get in my next game
i can understand the balts but what did the czechs and slovaks do to you anon?
try explaining that to that snownigger. its impervious to any arguments.
shrug, just never met an intelligent person from those countries. they're hungary tier.
>shiv on my team goes full melee build
>like literally just copy paste a melee abrams build unto shiv
>goes 17-1 or some shit
is this the hidden tech?
Sounds pretty good, but explain why escalating exposure and echo shard would be useful on a Gun build
>Shiv delays 30% of damage taken as Dot
>When raging, it's 30+15=45% actually
Retarded devs really fucking think adding percentages like that isn't impactful, huh?
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with few exceptions, gun build for more than 4 gun items is a throw on most characrers, inuding ginnis
Hello, my name is Lash, I am braindead so when I see someone ult, I just press 4 and I get a free stun that bypasses everything AND throws them onto my team for a free kill, have fun.
Metal Skin or Return Fire when against a team with Wraith AND Haze?
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>check out my sweatyscore on that neko site for funsies

fucking how
Is it normal to lose 7 games in a row, 5 of them being ranked. I finally lost won my 8th game but goddamn I’m hesitant to play again
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>gun build for more than 4 gun items is a throw on most characrers
As hidden as F button on your team keyboards
congrats you are playing top 1% of games now how does it feel knowing that you are pretty much in immortal bracket in deadlock not sure what the equivalent of that is in league but welcome and enjoy your stay because you are stuck here
>get haze in my team
fucking shit hero
>pings are enough to win game
no they're fucking not lmao
I had a dream I was playing Dota and not deadlock
I'm being called home...
>Iceland survives
Yeah, no. Iceland is definitely getting obliterated. Fuck those inbred retards.
lmao you are always playing ranked niggas needs to start just calling it solo queue because that what it is your normal games are ranked games
i had more fun early on just stomping with melee 'brams tbqh familicon. people get a lot angrier up here
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It's out. https://youtu.be/SaPXlqwuOqw
there's like 2 people living in there, tf is your problem with them?
>"Just press F guys is that simple"
>Implying melee spamming retard can't just move his mouse so he whiffs his charged melee then proceeds you to melee you more while you're on parry CD
Fuck off.
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I am glad that in pisslow nekoscore there are such amazing players with good accuracy like this.
yeah melee needs to either have reduced turn rate or none at all, it's way too in-favor of the aggressor right now. Especially once you add in fags animation cancelling it
I had a friend from there. He turned out to be less than a friend. Let's leave it at that.
Both lol
That seems 100% like a cheater dude.
I think he knows that.
>win some good matches
>get put into the most garbage ass game where people sit in their lanes not communciating anything and just lose from laning phase alone
please be more subtle with this shit
>get 4k hp and giga resists from colossus and your kunka rum makes you unkillable
>land two melees
its pretty ridiculous, you have to spend so much to kill him. he creates too much space built tanky, I foresee a change
if they make it so you can't turn while punching then they got to reduce the amount of time you're stunned for if you get parried. nobody's gonna use melee ever otherwise
you don't have to talk about yourself in the 3rd person dude
not everyone knows wtf shroud is btw
>basing your entire opinion of a country on 1 person
i'd get it if it happened multiple times and consistently (COUGH COUGH RUSSIANS) but that's kinda retarded
there's a ranked mode and a non-ranked mode now
what's the confusion?
>East of p*land so a bunch of slavniggers still survive.
>Letting p*land (slavic shithole) survive but not sweden or the baltics
I wonder who's behind these two posts...
bro you aren't ratting shit in that clip, 3 of the enemy team are dead and two of the living ones have 1% health left, that is so wildly different from the scenario he described where his team is getting shit on, and probably only one person on their team was ever dead at any given time while probably half of his team was always dead
That guy might be the only person who lives in Iceland.
why are you so angry rajesh
I never met a Pole outside of Polish TF2 community servers that speaks their language in voice chat
well there's atleast one other person. he could be your friend. or wait it's gotta be a woman right?
They have an app that tracks everyone's lineage to reduce inbreeding. There probably aren't any women there.
>not binding melee/parry to your thumb buttons
>>Letting p*land (slavic shithole) survive but not sweden or the baltics
Netherlands and Sweden are cuck fantasy countries. I've been there physically. I've seen it for myself. Polish people on the other hand are based and have good work ethic.
Now imagine the damage you'd have done if you kept on top of spending souls. Please learn from this.
Anon you can literally kill base guardians before walker. If you push middle left/right lane into base guardians they're close enough to cancel the backdoor protection on a neighbouring lane. You can take two sets of base guardians before you've even taken the walker on that lane.
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>Good work ethic
Delusional, we're overworked
well when you put it that way, 1 icelandic dude is probably a higher percentage of the icelandic population, compared to 50 russians to their own population
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How do I train to land more headshots?
what do you max on mirage first?
scarabs and get more charges?
>"Just press your parry, button is that simple"
Still doesn't invalidate what I said.
>Basing your entire worldview on /pol/ shitposts
The only difference between you and other slav subhumans is having better ping.
if the lane, if they arent playing super compact, tornado to 2 so i can basically wraith ult and kill them, otherwise yeah scarabs first probably
non-ranked mode is still ranked ranked mode is just the same matchmaking but solo queue
ok punjabi whatever you say
bladdy basterds
you are right my brother thanks for telling me always room for improvements
Yeah i was 50/50 on him being a cheater or a smurf. But since Mirage and his duo buddy Wraith actually managed to lose this game i would say it was a cheater with no macro.
what part of "I've been to these countries and seen how they are" are you not getting
You think we'll ever get something like eul's scepter? I can imagine it being really retarded if it worked 1:1, bringing characters like seven and warden up quite a bit
what do you think ethereal shift is?
Obviously not the same since you can't do it to enemies to set up combos
horny bastards forgetting liplock as if youve never kissed a girl
kissing girls is gay though
guys, really, i'm so bad at this game it hurts, i think that is because i suck at aiming so much, i've never played fps games ever
>2nd ranked game, decide to play wraith (I didn’t touch her in months because I am too shit at her)
>lose lane to pucket with the most retarded melee attempt known to both man and demonkind.
>ask for help, suddenly get a rotation in, we kill pucket and push the tower
>team even listens to simple calls, pushes together with WE ARE WINNING THIS, we even do misboss 2 times
>have a mild performance outside of hitting objectives and buying shadow weave so I can unload ult and silence into either a pucket or dynamo (must do it fast or brain crashes to desktop in a hectic fight)
>we win
Either per hero MMR works properly now or my MMR will be driftwood 5. Holy shit I knew Wraith is strong but I didn’t know she is that strong if your team decides to coordinate just a bit. Also yeah, the enemy Shiv played like a retard.
>Everyone who doesn't like poland is a pajeet, but everybody who hates sweden is le hecking based!!!
Holy reddit.
just consider yourself based for being bad
only nerds waste their time getting good at childrens entertainment
Paradox gameplan:

1. Use walls to stake out a position and shoot at enemies from behind cover. While you're doing this, look for picks with carbine / ult.
2. This will force enemies to either leave the area or move towards you to kill you.
2.a. If they leave, you've won.
3. If they run towards you, shoot them while they come in, then start charging carbine. Throw a grenade at your feet so they'll have to stand in it to get to you. Hit them with carbine once they enter your grenade's radius, then swap. Depending on the situation / how ballsy you are, you may have taken damage before you swap, in which case you'll heal up while doing damage.
4. Finish them off by gunning + meleeing them down and continuing to use your wall to hurt them / keep them from shooting you.

In short, enter areas, control the area with an overwhelming threat level, BROOL when necessary, move as needed. Don't use your skills unless it leads to kills.
im glad we understand each other pajeet
You play at your skill level
Just consider yourself based for knowing that you are bad instead of being a dunning kruger like half of this thread suggesting balance "fixes" for "problems" only present in pisslow mmr.
make me a curry
for some unknown reason, that nigger y4mz has me muted in game.
Charged melee should have CD, yes or no?
Activemaxxing on warden
Right now I've got
>fleetfoot (ammo and fast chases)
>leap (rotations and ults)
>return fire (bullet res and extra damage
>knockdown (ez locks with 3 and slows)
Any substitutions you'd suggest?
>it's warden and I have no stamina
you sure?
Maybe I'm playing wraith wrong but I feel like she falls off a cliff mid to late game.
As soon as she gets her ult she's pretty fucking strong.
fuck no lol you have a parry use it melee is the most punishable action in the game
wtf you get auto homing cards that you can spam that do fucking loads of damage late game with an amazing gun, support abilities and a get out of jail free card
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How is this for a Grey Talon build?
Divine Barrier for ability range minmaxing is nice for cuckcage and ult and lets you run down negroes faster
maybe because of your casual use of racial slurs
>15+ min Q's for ranked
This is what Dota's numbers looked like while it was invite only.
seconding divine barrier, shit's great for how cheap it is. swap fleetfoot for melee charge to keep your ammo up.
veilwalker, headhunter and sharpshooter are meme items
replace them with extra stamina, slowing bullets, and warpstone
True, but for fleetfoot? Not being slowed while shooting is pretty important to me
No slow hex for the cuck cage?
Withering whip is pretty cracked rn too

I wanna try out heroic aura(maybe rescue beam to take a dynamo or haze along)since a lot of time my team is running it down w/ me
Lol that's nice cope but dota 2 avg number were higher and it maintained its players I don't see this game being bigger than dota 2 or cs it will 100% be bigger than tf2 for sure tho
anyone have reccs for a good mokrill build? the one I'm using relies too heavily on snowballing and doesn't really do damage if you dont, making you pretty useless except as a ultbot if you are only even or below the enemy's farm
Viscous ball should work on a meter that recharges overtime instead of a cooldown. It can be activated any time as long there is meter.
you replace slowing hex with knockdown
I find slow hex to be not very impactful in comparison to other slows, and I'm fiending for purple slots as it is
the extra range makes flask and chastity cage more likely to land, and presumably you're leaping in on people anyways.
What about Fleetfoot?
I'll take it into consideration.
lets make the baby mode retard ult even more strong, you're right.
>headhunter is a meme item
Basically all his dmg will come from Torment pulse + escalating exposure

So after lane you rush those then stack greens to stick on peeps
you havent gotten nigger fatigue until youve played infernus echo shard. fucker just flame dashes away x2 at any possible threat and is impossible to chase or catch.
i was thinking the same thing. i said nigger once or twice
>Vindicta, Haze, Viscous, Infernus, Yamato on team
>Bully the enemy Lash for the entirety of the laning phase with bombs
>Hunt the fucker down and hook his ass back to his spawn with 150+ stacks
>He bought debuff remover specifically for me
>mfw I'm already double bomb w/ majestic leap on his bitch ass by now
Fuck you Lash, I hope you really enjoyed playing against me you piece of shit.
Why are whitoids so sensitive?
>melee is the most punishable action in the game
>Light melee is so quick you can't really react
>You can change direction of charged melee to bait parries
>Parry has a 5sec CD and you can get pummeled to death if you whiff it
Warden's bwc locking Infernus in the chastity cage while he blows wraith in front of him
>first ranked game
>it crashes because missing sound file
Never using parry is the real mind fuck because they never know when to punch.
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>while he blows wraith in front of him
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how do you dudes build kelvin? i like diving hard with beam and shutting people down for my team to pick off, but even building into that he doesnt do much damage.
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>get Pocket for the first time in ten matches
>enemy team has Seven, Talon, Yamato, Wraith, Lash
what are souls and why are random hotdog merchants on the streets using them for currency
>get urn
>ping map to let team know i am delivering the urn
>they don't give a shit and i always get gangbanged as the enemy is waiting on the other side
>next game
>tell team on mic i am grabbing urn
>teammates immediately rush over there and keep the enemy away so i can deliver
It's like you have to actually tell people to do shit, because no one pays attention to in-game pings.
I use it when they are 40m away to assert dominance
pro tip use help command when carrying the urn (they will still ignore you)
If you want to do damage with spirit, you need escalating, it's core not luxury

Alternatively buy crippling headshot
Sounds about right. I don't care how well you perform, if you aren't on mic communicating with your team you don't actually want to win.
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>crush 3 lanes
>shiv on yellow is getting fucked pretty bad (0-3) but guardian is still up at 10 minutes so no disaster
>We have 2 guardians taken
>Unfortunately Shiv doesnt really recognise this and is getting on the mic screaming that we're noobs and griefing by not helping him (hes literally like 1.5k behind the mirage who hasnt teleported or done anything for his team)
>I use teleported to go to lane after taking purple
>he goes to the bottom right corner to farm the camps there
>I say wtf
>He says in his snownigger accent "go lose go lose idc idc"
>jungles the whole game while still managing to die 4 more times
>at 30 minutes he decides to play because we hold the base 5v6 and manages to have impact because hes fucking shiv
>Delay game for 10 more minutes
>Still lose cause we're agaisnt last game haze and wraith
>Ask Shiv why he decided to troll
>"You no help my lane I ruin game"
Alright man.
mute everyone thats stupid
if they have a point alright, but just being dumb is reason enough to never interact with these monkeys
From the 5th minute the enemy team was winning conclusively every lane thanks to the horrible matchmaking, but still despite never being close to a comeback it still lasted more than 30 minutes. This is not fun.
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Is beam kelvin a meme now? Can someone post a cool build?
>enemy team takes 10, 15, 20, 25 minute urn
>you make an attempt to deny one or two and maybe steal some orbs
>you are down 50k farm
>your team did not take objectives during their urn running
these games are just retarded now
>I need to LE WIN to have any fun
rat or brool your lost games i don't care, have fun
This is what I use and it's great for map traversal and initiating on enemies who are out of position, but the damage is low.
b-but my rank
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>weak alpha strike
>can't flash farm
>teleport is slow and requires a target
>gun sucks
>no base resists
how the FUCK do you do anything with this brownie without your whole team?
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I am not fond of getting raped.
I have fun either way, but if the game is a curbstomp, me or they winning is boring.
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does anyone else get this fov bug?
and yet you play pocket
I got that once, but it was the opposite, the camera was way zoomed in the character.
hey retard maybe you've forgotten the fact he can fucking disable enemies and shred 25% of their bullet resist???
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Bonus: some loving end game messages from enemy Bebop
>Suck quietly
>I fucked you while having ping

I play every hero.
Bebop is that really you?
>I play every hero.
You know what? I like just having Spectral Barrage as on "Aw shit, I'm out of ammo" button and basically nothing else
Who is this qt?
Yoshi's wife
They were already split between the team
They're getting stolen from all of you
I miss gun ivy
i dont
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oh nvm it was actually doing way worst than Deadlock when it was invite only lmao
Next game was exactly the same except I was on the stomping team. I'm done for today
I mean, the game also wasn't really sought after when Dota 1 was there.
I've had this happen 3-4 times. Think it's triggered by the zipline while doing something that zooms in the screen
I've had moderate success going melee but that's more because melee's overtuned as fuck than anything mirage does.
>tilt a Haze so hard they pick Curse and Slow Hex to kill your Lash from stealth
oh boy some people are such fucking sweats
had no idea how to counter that
>it's sweaty and tilt to counter someone
You people say the weirdest shit
>be oppressive to the enemy team
>enemy decides to counter you
>"wow bro i can't believe some people want to like play the game or something. you want to like, make informed decisions based on the game state? pshhhh some people"
really getting tired of these kinds of posts
I've just played 2 games with a ult build and it's great, you should try it out. It's ridiculously broken with Diviner's Kevlar, just put a wall behind your enemies and bomb them to death.
wooooooow you're tryharding it took 3 of you to kill me and win the game
insecure post
I want ghost summons
My opponent just killed me and took my tower what a fucking tryhard piece of shit this is why the game is dying
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I know that feeling. I just killed a trooper and he denied me. Like bro, stop tryharding and just have some fun.
all me btw (Haze)
this but unironically
>play one last ranked game after some decent games
>get a onetrick dude who didnt get his hero and is on a hero he has 3 games played
>goes 0-7-0 but is somehow less useless than the next agent
>random polish(?) dude griefs the game by demanding lane swap then just running around after griefing his lane partner completely
>griefed lane partner is upset and just afk farms the entire game until we lose
>total of 3 agents in a single game a new record
games are decided almost exclusvely by who gets the agent playing haze fucking up their game
Everyone knows a guy like this
The people in this thread are fucking retarded. Obviously that if Deadlock was doing as worst as these fags make it seem Valve would've canned it already like they did with their other games. If dota went from 10k average players to millions daily Deadlock can explode to even higher numbers than dota and clearly Valve sees that potential.
oh and this was a 2300+ niggascore lobby
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>lose all my lanes every game
>start treating the lane like I'm playing dota
>never lose again
>tilt some Haze nigger so hard he fucking starts posting on 4chan
lefaa got permad lmao
who and what he do
lmao deserved
>he thinks heroes are all balanced and fine
Did icefrog give special treatment to "pros" and unban them when they cried hard enough?
racism? gonna follow now
Why dont bebop players rush majestic leap
Is it, let me guess, also a crutch?
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>has literally zero ammo items
>has almost 80 and can do this without items
balanced hero lmfao
>almost 80
>too retarded to realize what hyperbole is
almost 80 IQ
crying about haze is like crying about seven's ult during week 1
What do you do when the enemy team is always together and they unleash an incomprehensible barrage of attacks?
dude btfo so hard he has to use his phone to samefag
lash is by far more cancerous to deal with than a haze.
I'm convinced the last 10 posts are all bots
just her 4, right click scaling for all characters is 0.93
>being disingenous
when getting pub trained you need to observe where they are and try to rat or follow your afk junglers around so you dont get 1-2-3 v 4-5-6d
>ammo scav
>not an ammo item
>the fucking picture shows the actual amount
sub 80 IQ
Watch your team suicide into it and then scream at you for not doing the same.
I tried the crackhead speedmaxxing build
It's okay but it doesn't feel great, the mobility ends up being inconsistent and you never have enough slots/souls for it to feel good unless you're fed, so I wanna go in a different direction

What should I try?
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oh yeah. I'm beginning to believe
ive griefed hundreds of games by now and havent been banned im convinced im untouchable only time i got com banned is when i typed something racist
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>laned against Abrams and Bebop
>just pa-
try putting a loaded glock in your mouth and pull the trigger
reactive barrier would save you
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This was a good game, but then I stopped being able to keep up with their damage output.
reactive barrier immediately
I didn't even have a chance to buy it before my asshole was stretched
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>up against bebop in lane
>get reactive barrier as my third item
>he never lands another hook on me after i buy it
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say that to my face not online faggot see what happens
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But guess what?
i accept your concession
both of you kiss and make up
you want to watch boys kiss? ew
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>carried to an absolutely undeserved victory
aw yea
Damn, reactive barrier works on a lot more stuff than I realized. Feel like I'm going to have this on me every game from now on.
>ask this in the Deadlock Discord
>they start talking about building crow and rushing EE so that you waste snipe on buildings

imagine how cucked playing rat vindicta must feel
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why the hell there's random pouch on Haze ass? It literally serves no purpose besides hiding her pretty butt
reactive barrier is one of the best early game items if the other lane has a way to proc it and their kill potential depends on it
400 bullet/200 spirit shields is too ridiculous in the first 10 minutes
It always feels funny when Mo's ult actually heals you.
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>every patch makes lane kills mattering less and less in favor of uninterrupted braindead farming when the early game 1v1/2v2 is literally the most fun part of the game
if they keep pandering to moba diaper autists the FPS chads will leave and the game dies, calling it now
smoke bomb
Well, let me see the build then, could end up trying it
not this week
are you the same guy I was commiserating about this with 12 hours ago?
why would fps chads play a tps game and why would they be worth pandering to
Why don't you go and complain to your compatriots
No, I just also happen see the obvious
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sick of these bebop unstoppable bug abuser faggots
>use unstoppable before ult
Kelvin should be able to throw grenades and activate items during beam
bebop apologist or ignorant retard
First ranked match of the day and my haze went 0/13
She was duo lane
oh shiiiet they added wrecker and cadence
Holliday never ever
Is lash just awful in 1v1s?
I feel like his damage after burst is mediocre and is only sustained is his 3 and once you use that once you right for the picking. If youre enemy buys gun/spirit armour then by late game you get fucked and against shiv or abrams it feels like you might as well be doing chip damage. Is teamfights the only options for doing well and every here else he sucks? I love playing him bud goddamn
Toxic bullets

Pick one
A good lash build specs into gun and spirit.
Hollow Point Ward, Slowing Bullets, Headhunter, Warp Stone + mystic shot maybe. Gives him good bullet damage
Decay because no one buys active items and I can use it on other characters when Abrams / Shiv / Infernus isn't running amok
only if you're shit and don't build headhunter and other items, his 3 makes enemies gun very slow firing and 2 gives him good steroid
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Just lost a game because i fat fingered windows+tab and died
>1-2k behind
>get lane kill
>suddenly even
>confirm all my creeps
>deny enemy creeps rarely
>kill enemy 4 times
>enemy is 0/4/0
>farm his closest camps
>he is 500 behind
>die to a gank
>he is now over 1k ahead
Toxic bullets on pew pew ratatata characters. Decay on burst assassins. Healbane on DoT abusers and turret McGinnis.
if you don't know how to convert a winning lane into a long-lasting advantage don't blame the game for it
Shiv is unbalanced cancer.
He's been a problem since he came out. He's never getting nerfed.
>tfw every enemy shiv is 20/0
>tfw every my shiv is 20/0
>tfw im 0/20 as shiv after 30 games
consensus on hosting an earlier than usual inhouses?
All 3 because team never buys any.
He wise fine before they recently buffed him. Solid B tier

I'm down, got nothing to do right now.
he was balanced for a while but then yoshi decided to buff him for whatever fucking reason
Shitters and EU welcome
why? healbane's just a free boost to the others.
Toxic bullets just because I'm so starved for green slots already
t. Warden
BECAUSE I DIDN'T SAY "PICK HOW MANY YOU WANT" I SAID "PICK ONE"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
D8P7N 2/12
Healbane+ decay is the most efficient. They cost less than toxic combined and also guaranteed to proc at the same time
toxic bullets always seemed like a waste to me
i would like to offer a toast to all the shiv players in my soloq games nerfing themselves with the melee meme build.
But the streamer said its poggers and epic
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>finally get a non retarded lane random
>take a fat shit on the enemy duo
>get farmed well
>still lose because every single other lane fed hard
>niggers on my team still type out gg despite getting absolutely stomped
i will never understand any of this
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>Seven: Lightning Ball T3 reduced from +2m Radius to +1m
It's still way too big. Just fucking change the T3 to something else entirely
i still don't understand exactly what shiv's 3 does
Me neither, but that doesn't stop me from complaining about him with my 500 bot accounts on reddit.
it's petrified blood
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And another toast to those building Mirage as a carry rather than a tank. Here here!
>Yoshi: okay
>nerfs vindicta
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you get hit for 100 damage
shiv's passive makes it so you only take 70 damage, and you take 30 damage over the next 10 seconds
if you activate the 3, it will clear 40% of that damage over time, so you will instead only take 18 damage over 10 seconds
The zen of solo queuing is in personal performance not score or wins.
wtf that's insane
yeah. 11 years of playing path of exile taught me how to decipher autistic tooltips quite decently
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so what did the update change?
Shiv is a DLC hero
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Yeah this shit is fucked
>slowing hex
>divine barrier
this is the way to go about him. obviously pick up your enduring speed too. can also consider heroic aura instead of divine barrier if you wanna be more on the DPS side of things. the rest are all ESSENTIAL.
yeah dude
So it's functionally a 12% damage resist (18% at full rage), though a bit worse because you have to activate it to get the health back.
>Oh well a few of us just died. Whatever. Not the end of the wor-
>They just fucking end off of it
Name a worse feeling
honestly, I've been playing him a lot and slowing hex just isn't as good as knockdown for catching people. Plus knockdown has more applications outside of the combo
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What do I do against Djinn's mark
leap is broken for initiating with your ult since you can channel it midair
you can even steer it if you do it fast enough, leap -> 4 -> double jump and descend after finishing the channel
skill issue
why would it be a meme? he's a close range character, tanky as shit, melee does a shit load of damage if you use it properly
Just don't get hit.
>if you use it properly
>>>if you use it properly
lmao >>498809313
i mean if you bait with it and don't get parried
>>>>>>lobby while ranked is out
>get parry baited once
>now i'm completely fucked dead
great system very good work yoshi
After comprehensive testing I've discovered that Paradox has the worst recoil in the game, for no reason. In fact, not only is it the worst recoil in the game, it's practically the ONLY recoil in the game? A good half of all the characters in the game have literally zero recoil at their base firing rate, and some of the characters (e.g. wraith) have "one-time" recoil, where they do recoil for the first few shots but stop after that, so if you lower your mouse to compensate you'll have perfect accuracy after that. Many characters have no recoil at all at any firing rate. Even with heavy investment into fire rate, the recoil "paradigm" never changes - you either have no recoil, extremely little recoil, or one-time recoil. It doesn't depend on your gun type, either. Lash has zero recoil despite being a burst fire weapon like Paradox.

There are only two exceptions in the entire game - Paradox, and Lash, who has a fucking shotgun. These are the only characters with constant, unbounded recoil. If you buy fire rate and keep shooting, your cursor will keep going up forever. Because Lash is a close-ranged character with a SHOTGUN, and because he only has to control recoil between shots while Paradox has to control it DURING bursts, I'm going to conclude that Paradox, a long-ranged character with a burst fire rifle, has the worst recoil in the game.

I genuinely don't understand who hates her gun so much. You would think you'd give the uncontrollable, difficult recoil to a genuinely gun-based character, to compensate for their gun's strengths. Instead they've given it to the character whose only defined role is to trade themselves for the enemy carry in team fights. It is a mystery.
You can even parry light melee. Very nice.
Oh, and yes - this means that Fire Rate is potentially actually a DPS LOSS ON PARADOX
No disable and his only movement options are
>One that's slow and doesn't really go that far without rage
>Long cooldown (and requires line of sight/range)
punches like this have gotten me killed and its infuriating
are they ever going to fix these retarded hitboxes?
Shiv's got commando pro
it's called melee charge
Just do a basic test on sandbox for dps. Buy fire rate item and shoot for 5 seconds then sell and buy another item to reach same waepon damage, then do the math, fire rate has at best 30ish% efficiency on her.
And of course I meant Shiv, not Lash. I fucking hate the naming sense in this game.
any other lash players press their leap, get the sound and visual rope, but only bump slightly off the ground without it taking a charge? It happens all the time for me and it happened 3 times in rapid succession my last game.
Yeah, it has low efficiency AND it increases your recoil to become difficult to manage, so it's entirely possible that you're lowering your DPS by buying it. Which is insane.
It's good if you are already building gun
he got hit 3 meters away
Lads...it might be too early. I'll give it 5 more minutes then i'm going to go pub
Something as strong as melee should NOT have client side hit detection
that difference would make it 2 meters. The models did not collide on Shiv's end
this shit happens to me in 17ms
I don't know how to handle Mirage in lane as Infernus
dont worry no one knows how to handle mirage in lane
It's probably part of the same hitbox/latency/movement prediction issue that's been present in every source game since forever.
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if he's markmaxxing then the rest of his kit is gimped, just beat on him.
I think that bebop was trying to bait the parry
Just focus on farming and buy Regen itema early. You can Naruto run + infuser to heal + push sometimes as usual BUT you cannot run at mirage or he will tornado and murder you.
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>look into it
>melee is a cone so it has more range when done at an angle
fucking hue
He was doing a shitty job at it
God Geist is such a well designed character, I fuck up everything I do, I press 4, and ta-da, I get a free 2nd chance with zero consequence, how awesome.
these devs need to hang themselves with their hideous character designs
While you were jerking off with Bebop your team was struggling man.
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Highly UNDESERVED parry
>shitter kept abilities on number keys
Obviously you aren't fucking up if you're staying in range for 4 without dying.
not the bebops fault, he completely missed on purpose and still got parried
Everyone at Valve should be locked in prison for 30 hours with only these two images on a wall
>ttv name
promptly kill yourself lmao
Not my webm, reposted some dude from discord

I cant walljump kek
why does this make people seethe so much? should I put TTV in my name if I want to bait spergs into raging?
>Needs to land everything up and force enemy to go through wall twice to do something
>Bebop sticks a bomb or two on you to delete half of your hp (and your teams) in three key presses point and click

Paradox is poggers you see
I mean I love knockdown it's a great item cancels channels and all that jazz. I play it on my Ivy because knockdown cast is solid set up to ult people ever since the LOS nerfs. I just think nerfing people's dash range is very significant for how soon you get it up.
putting ttv in your name is sure sign of being a loser lmao. no one with an actual successful twitch career has ttv in their name
Put it in so when they check after game and find nothing and seethe even more

Its brewmaster mastery, actually
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>its the pyro airblast hitbox all over again
nta, but whenever I see anyone with "ttv" or "twitch" in their name in any game, I fully expect them to have a meltdown at some point or just throw the game
Lmao when that shit happens to me I get mad af

Lol it's kino jank stuff do we really want it gone
Just say nword couple.of times
don't forget to also add some cyrillic script and use an anime avatar
Slowing hex is more versatile than knockdown for sure while being cheaper. Knockdown is for very specific scenario and more of a straight duel item. Slowing hex is better lock down and chase. Slowing hex also silence "movement ability" and active like warp.
How long does it usually take for inhouse to fill up? I'm snoozin over here!!
>Lol it's kino jank stuff do we really want it gone
there's nothing kino about shit like this
This is an incredible idea and I'm going to do it unironically
Normally its faster than that but they also begin later usually
Not doing it when EU goes to sleep
post mirage builds
you're only supposed to join when there's 1 slot remaining or else you wait for hours just to be played without
in my experience theyre all just incredibly shit at whatever game theyre playing at that moment
You shouldn't be allowed to play this game if you're over 25. You can't aim. leave my games

Gonna take a shit
is lash vs mirage lane pretty much unwinnable for lash? his gun murders you and if you try to go in and stomp he gets a free 1 frame knock up and some evasion
You shouldn't be allowed to play this game if you're under 25. You have no macro. Leave my game.
wraith has too much in her kit
I sucked at aiming until last year at 24 I got serious about aim training and am now the best aimer I personally know
Just flog max bro
just say nigger you little bitch
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I don't need to aim zoomzoom. I'll just put you in the cuck cage
Flogmaxxing will be the next meta build everyone runs when someone does it in tourney, I swear
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Sorry for the late reply, it's basically just this build but I rush Kevlar as my first tier 4 item.
6-13 as Abrams is nasty work
>heroic that early with no greens
turrets will die instantly and you aren't shooting all that often with ult builds. Just buy something else.
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I can aim good or I can drink and I choose to drink.
I'm laned against haze every fucking game no matter what character I play. Is this happening to anyone else?
It depends on how the game is going but I usually pick fleetfoot early instead of late too. It's just a pre-made build after all, but the really important parts are
>superior cooldown + improved reach on ult
>diviner's kevlar
>mystic slow
>late game: escalating exposure
>ultra late game: mystic reverb
>how hasn't the game ended yet: refresher
Get out of spectator let's fucking go play already!
thats a great thing haze is ass so it should be a free lane
Lefaa apparently was banned because he had a 20%+ report rate (according to staff on the official discord) plus one night he was afking almost every game that his team was losing
just 1 more it looks like
duppy chose a character
God I hope perma bans carry over to full release
Inhouse starting rn
Stream on cl_ogar0 with commentary
literally who?
He was getting banned back when the game had like 2k players, I think he's actually got something wrong with him.
That "something wrong" is that he's a loser irl
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I'm usually positive k/d, but my soulcount is lower in the pack. What does that mean?
good, get fucked
too much time brooling
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I usually go something like this. hasn't steered me wrong yet.
>even souls but handily winning team fights
>take midboss, they respawn as soon as we kill it
>fly up through hole and stake haze but they crash on us
>team down in the pit just all walked away from the Rejuv and though someone else would get it and Warden just walks in and melees it for free
>snowballs into them getting a second midboss and us losing off a strong lead

You guys were right, 2000 niggascore is still bad
>do a PERFECT match with kevin, top souls
>keep lane safe n sound
>go through peeps during match ganking too

I tuned into one of streams a day or two before his ban and it was the funniest shit ever
>lost kid you not 90% of his games (went something like 2 - 9)
>complained about no duo queue (kek premade boosted shitter outed)
>reported every game
>called his personal army to report someone with match ID
ahahahaha all the ‘content creators’ are unfunny clowns pretending to be rank 1 pros in a playtest party game
you arent picking a character that can 1 button press clear medium camps at 8 minutes
if you're there 2000 is the new bronze
New inhouse
>not hards
Was looking like a good game bros shame about the disconnects
>do a gorillion damage as kelvin
>Stomp my lane
>do a bagillion healing
>still lose because I have so little agency in a 6v6 game

I'm finally tired of this game, 250 hours was good enough. I'm also really annoyed of how fucking slow and safe the laning phase has become
Join inhouse
I dont know who this is but he sounds like a massive faggot
Discord is such a fucking cesspoll. I can't believe people willingly dwell in this garbage
warning to not play ranked until they fix sevens ball farming camps without him needing to be present he will at minimun have 15k soul lead on anyone in the game
i still hate that mcginnus has full lane control because of her wall choosing priority of where your minions meet the enemies so you can just hold under your tower until exactly when your strong enough to push and take the enemies tower after 1 kill.
Need 1 more
Just a random NA fag with ego boosted higher than his mmr apparently
9 times out of 10 that 15k soul lead is 15k souls stolen from somebody actually playing the fucking game
seven is worthless to have on your team
Aren't neutrals supposed to stay underground unless someone is nearby?
I'm 9-5 in ranked :3
Creeps should just unironically phase through wall
i just made a feedback post suggesting a small gap for creeps to crawl under, i agree it's op. it also works when pushing walkers to keep creeps safe for a big double wave push it's really really dumb
Only when the Seven is on my team.
Seven's on the enemy team always use their soul lead to chuck giant fucking balls down lanes that slow you to a crawl and do half your health to make it impossible to defend or attack walkers. That stupid fucking ability is so braindead for area denial.
Watch community streamer for inhouse commentary
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all i wanna do is play the game bros
Who let the dogs out
depends how much range i have. if im mcginnis (which i am 90% of the time) i fall back to the bridge/whatever high spot and fire at the enemy troopers which leads to my troopers damaging the enemy guardian while im in safety. im healing from my two while doing this
As someone who plays her I agree. The crazy building damage she gets from Full Auto should probably be toned down. The AoE Telekinesis upgrade is also excessive when she's supposed to excel at bursting down 1 target.
wait does slowing hex seriously stop you using warp stone?
Healing rite
redditors lack the brainpower to complain about anything besides his winrate and previous ball range size
as icefraud already revisited him he’s prob gonna remain the same too bad
he's been banned like 6 times already. nigger just hops onto a new account every time. I've played with the guy first hand and he is the most insufferable cunt you can imagine. I'm put solo lane ivy, I tell my team I'm gonna get raped on my lane if I don't get a swap. no one is interested in giving me a duo. surprise surprise, Ivy can't do shit on a lane solo and I lose to a launch shiv. lefaa hops on the mic and starts screaming over the mic at me asking am I an agent and 'who is paying me to int his game'. I just muted him and got on with my game. but he literally had a sperg meltdown because I lost my tower like 5 minutes into the game. I hope some day these 'pro' faggots get kiwi threads made about them.
>intentional feeding in inhouses
actual faggot behavior
reminder /dlg/ is a LIBERAL general
>>called his personal army to report someone with match ID
the best part about this is that you can't even fucking report people in matches you weren't in. he's braindead.
i use him to ricemaxx and set my goal to get EE and mystic slow before 20 mins then start running around deleting people who show up on the minimap
he doesnt need more nerfs because ball is the only thing he has left
I just assumed 'movement based abilities' was limited to just actual skills. Does this mean Fleetfoot is silenced too? This really changes how I look at that item...
Really puts into perspective the state of reports in the game. They really do literally nothing
yeah like the russians you see abandoning games constantly literally have like 5 smurfs lined up ready to go incase one gets banned or they can't play. I've witnessed it on stream.
new bread?
hey nerds just played my first 3 ranked games and won them all

how come I can only play ranked for like 2 hours a day?

I main Lash btw
Sorry we all agreed this would be the last one, we're officially finished with discussing deadlock
Crasheed is unironically a 10/10 name for an Arab
Simply win your lane, loser.
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Maybe if Yoshi listens to my post I will.
Just use the simple argument of, you itemize against bebop but not against paradox, therefore she is shit.
vindicta is fucking traaash now holy shit what do i do

devs getting salty they're getting smashed up be people who can actually coordinate their hands so they buffed all the no aim characters and nerfed the aim ones. nice
You faggots wouldn't do it so I did it myself.
rapid recharge, improved cd
retards will really build life steal AND shields time and time again
how fucking braindead are you that you're losing half of your health to a stationary ball?

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