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Horsemann Edition

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>Previous Thread
Fempyro booba and booty
spooky again
Valve hates money simple as>>498745124
second post best post
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>gamemode which requires team coordination in a game where team coordination is non-existent
seems quite retarded senpai
A) While in a party, your contract tracks the whole party. Why does it sometimes display the points you get from from other people in orange with no name, and sometimes in green with the person's name?

B) Why do Halloween drops sometimes just say
>( Not Tradable or Marketable )
and other times say
>( Not Tradable, Marketable, or Usable in Crafting )
I've seen both on the multiple copies of the same item.
It does not necessarily require more teamwork than any other gamemode.
A. Jank
B. Depends on when/how you got them
>Depends on when/how you got them
>gamemode which requires team coordination
it really doesn't
The map is too fucking big
iirc before the current system of soulless contract grinding, you'd get these cosmetics from presents you'd find very similarly to the soul gargoyle and they'd be tradeable, if not craftable and therefore "clean"

then they shifted to the current system where they're basically leper items you can't recycle, so they had to create a way to 'craft' them without making them craftable, hence the re-use of the weapon skin 'trade-up' system rebranded as 'halloween transmutation' which lets you craft 3 (spare, usually duplicate) leper items into 1 (hopefully new) leper item

in short, halloween cosmetics from years previous to the contract system won't be full leper items, they're usually only have one or two tags making them 'dirty'. I don't recall the whole history of it exactly so there might've been some years where you could get a perfectly clean halloween item, the next it'd be uncraftable, and then the next it'd be full leper where you couldn't craft or trade it. frankly I don't see why you can even get uncraftable untradeable unmarketable haunted items when the whole point of haunted items is that you could list them on the market, whereas you couldn't do so with the unique variants
Anon, I know about the old systems. I didn't ask about them, nor for a shizo rant like you just spewed out.
I'm asking why, THIS YEAR, I got some items with just "No trade, no market" and some items with "No trade, market, or craft"
Kill zombie pyros. Behead demon pyros with the eyelander. Stop pyros from getting gargoyles. Roundhouse kick a pyro onto the control point. Slamdunk a gibus pyro into the trash. Crucify filthy pyro mains. Defecate into a pyros sandvich. Launch pyros into a buzzsaw. Stiryfry pyros in a wok. Toss pyros in front of active sentry guns. Urinate into a pyros gasstank. Judo throw pyros into a woodchipper. Twist pyros heads off. Report pyros to Valve. Karate chop pyros in half. Curbstomb pregnant pyros. Trap pyros in quicksand. Dump pyros into the grinder on mannhattan. Liquify pyros into a vat of acid. Eat pyros. Dissect pyros. Exterminate pyros in MGE. Stomp on pyros skull with the mantreads. Cremate pyros with the degreaser. Lobotomize pyro mains. Mandatory trade bans for pyros. Crush pyros into a paste. Drown pyros in jarate. Vapourize pyros with a pomson. Kick a monkey pyro from your mvm lobby. Feed pyros to alligators. Slice pyros open with the half-zatoichi.
depends on the year they were added to the game
No, it isn't.
no it doesn't, because i've had two of the same item have different restrictions
It might be that you transmuted an unmarketable item to get it, thus that item inherited the quality. If you transmuted items that were just uncraftable and untradeable, then they'd still be marketable, assuming the output is haunted
anon the question isn't about marketability. all of them are unmarketable.
the question is about the "not craftable" in the description of some, but not others
My bad then, I meant to say uncraftable
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post your haunteds
your haunteds
that's a lot anon, jfc. are these all from transmutes?
>two strange haunteds
>are these all from transmutes?
you can get haunteds from halloween packages and normal transmute results too, it doesn't have to come from the every-tenth-transmute bonus
>two strange haunteds
if you played during the 2014 event you got an extra gift cauldron just for booting up the game
Congrats, you're like the 15th person to try and imitate me. Have fun
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How the fuck are you supposed to aim with scout? He’s just too fast. I barely double jump and I can barely hit people when I’m running on the ground, no idea how good scouts are landing consistent meatshots while double jumping unpredictably
I’m actually fairly competent at Sniper but I can’t play Scout for the life of me.
harry potter didn't invent school clothes with crests
old pros were always hopped up on red bulls and monster energy
zoomers are hopped up on adderal and xanax and whatever ADHD meds their parents got them hooked on
that's a Bully reference, not harry potter
Aim with your movement keys, keeping mouse stable and only making small microadjustments with your wrists.
When you start to get better you can disconnect your movement from your aim and start to incorporate more tricky movement, but this will help get you consistent while you are starting off
t. 800 hours on Scout
>Escape from shitty sentry and soldier ridden hellhole to Davy Jones' locker
>Find a nice ship with partial cover walls full of blue mercs
>Kill them all in peace with no sentries knowing more can only arrive from their own side's path
>Deposit the pickups you got from them
>Win for team
I transmuted some with three or two qualities and got all items with just two qualities
I'm not on my computer right now, but I'll post them some other time
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i love my haunteds,,,
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last number in my post determines how many contracts I do today
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I love the default shovel but the whip and EP are so much more useful
we have to figure this one out boys
it's jesse's footrest
it's "the best halloween map"
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why does no one seem to be interested in gargoyles? it's free cp
i always go for gargs but only when they're easy to get to. i don't wanna risk picking it up and then dying a second later and losing it.
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only 28 but i have a few more contracts to do and after that will do some transmutes
people do though, it's just that you can't see others gargs and they have a lot of spawn points so the only way of knowing they picked it up if theres suddenly a bunch of souls sucking into him which lasts like a second
zombie massacre should be its own contracts category
>buy cool new hat unusual
>within 30 minutes already get two compliments in casual
life is good
what unsuual
this is what deluded tradermains actually believe
Aces High Towering Pillar
Any ideas for a matching loadout?
It's true. It happens often. Maybe like once every 3-4 games
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assassin grade medic
he looks like he only drinks artisan coffee and goes on big rants about how that's the only good kind of coffee
honestly? based
looks good and the loadout isn't cancer, I might actually stand a chance of getting healed too, even if I have to be called a nigger
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be silly
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anyone wanna buy my swastika flamethrower
it's removed jelly 1/1 glitched
Am I the only one who likes zombie infection? It's extremely casual but I find the fast rounds very fun.
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I'm committing to Scout more and more :)
It's more or less the only thing I've been playing when I'm not contract farming
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Played Toxic for the first time
It's actually a great map held back by an unnecessary escape the underworld gimmick
>anime fag is obviously aimbotting
>aussies and everything
>keeps dying
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>be me
>be tf2 player
>be playing tf2
>be on koth_slaughter
>our timer is at 0:00 (overtime)
>enemy team has half their team on the point with 2 minutes left on their timer
>underworld opens
>the entire enemy team disappears into the underworld
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Even the game's calling this shit community out.
>Blazehattan contract still bugged
How long is it gonna take to fix it?
Points don't get counted for some reason.
anything else you got for me? don't really like the lazy modeling of the groucho glasses, the hair's just 2d planes haphazardly glued on
it reminds me of Zombie Panic Source and gives me a warm fuzzy feeling due to nostalgia towards that mod
it's up
you misunderstood me, here
You are expecting a fix?
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>he thought we would get spells this year
not at the moment since i just put something quick but you could focus on that kind of all class loadout or do a unique body cosmetic for each class
but cvpherlvck told me they would come back
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A lot of the advantages you have for Matchmaking over Quickplay are kind of silly

>if you wanted to join a friend there had to be A. space on the server and B. space on their team, otherwise you had to be on the other team and hope someone left)
This is the most erroneous "advantage", as it implies that to play with your friend in TF2, you *have* to be on the same side. That's not true at all, because obviously if you're playing *against* your friend, you're still playing with him. This isn't to mention that this is an inevitability that Valve has designed: See, every single achievement surrounding killing a Steam friend. Valve literally intends you to play against your friends; that's just part of TF2's design.
>being able to queue together with others (this was a big problem with quickplay)
Ad-hoc connections pretty much concluded the need for this before it was even needed. This idea of "queuing together with your friends 2 frag" is an entirely novel one, not just for TF2 being only present since 2016 (or since Mann Vs. Machine, but *only* for Mann Vs. Machine, and small pockets of community-ran services)
Until that point happened, people just were like "Oh shit hey man, what server are you playing on? Oh, Ok, I'll use connect to immediately connect to your server :3"

Everything else about map and gamemode selection is 100% fair, although circumventable back then with the use of the server browser; i.e. filtering down maps.

However, it should be noted that pretty much no advantage of "matchmaking" is inherent to matchmaking. What makes Matchmaking different to Quickplay was the *algorithms used to put players in games*; Quickplay barely used any, and focused on pretty much three things; 1) is the server full, 2) is the server running the gamemode the player would like, and 3) hows the server's history with player retention, do people immediately leave from all the poneshit?
Valve fucked up the name of the map so it doesn't recognize the actual map as the one to do the contract on
Doesn't the Gargoyle spawn at the same place for everyone at the same time though?
uh no absolutely not
they all spawn at the same time for everyone but in different spots
Oh okay. I thought they reused the old code for Halloween gifts which used to spawn at the same place for everyone (at least back when players had to fight for a single gift).
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Been thinking about changing my soldier loadout.

Left is the current one. It bothers me how the cowl is a brighter shade of red/blue than the rest of the coat, and it clips a bit with the gloves.

Right is the one I'm thinking about switching to. Somehow the paint doesn't seem as complete as the other set. Maybe the Chaser should be a different color.

they do, the spawn points are still tf_gift or whatever in hammer, but the map makes sets the spawn locations so there could be as few as 1 spot where they spawn
get rid of that hood cosmetic
don't care for this retard
Another ARYAN QVICKPLAY classic
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try the EotL coat
Cringe yet again
They can appear in multiple places for different people, but always spawn and despawn at the same times for everyone.
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It clips with the hood. Otherwise it would have been very good.
this but zombie soldier
As someone who has been playing tf2 long enough to remember quickplay, I am still surprised every time I hear someone say we need it back.

In my opinion, we 100% do not need quickplay back. This seems to be an opinion that has been popularised by several YouTubers riding those rose-tinted glasses to high hell. Matchmaking is the modern standard of videogame lobbies. What we need is TF2's matchmaking improved, we do not need to revert it.
Fuck zombie pyros. Get head from demon pyros. Help pyros get their gargoyles. Fuck a pyro on the control point. Slamdunk your cock into her. Cum inside filthy pyro cunts. Have the pyro make you a sandvich after. Launch sperm into pyros. Fry pyros' brains with sex. Toss a pyro's salad. Urinate into a pyro's mouth (she's into it). Judo throw pyros onto a bed. Blackmail pyros into sex with their dox. Twist pyros' nipples. Report your love for pyros to Valve. Split pyros' legs in half. Sexually heal pyros. Give pyros surprise buttsex. Critically hit pyros in the womb. Impregnate pyros. Get trapped into sex by demon pyros from the underworld. Dump sperm into a pyro cum dumpster. Submerge pyros into a vat of cum. Eat pyros' pussies. Dissect pyros' clothes off. Dominate pyros after defeating them in MGE. Slap pyro's face during sex with the Hot Hand. Give pyros health packs. Make pyros suck'em. Cream inside pyros' holes. Lobotomize pyros into sex slaves. Mandatory slut training for pyros. Give pyros your love paste. Drown pyros in mad milk. Whip pyros' asses with a disciplinary action. Invite a pyro to your mvm lobby. Fuck pyros like an alligator. Slice pyros' clothes off with the half-zatoichi.
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>Graveyard contract
I'm dreading it doing it again
Why couldn't be healing as a ghost give us contract points
heavy + dalokhos bar to tank 500 dmg
Queuing during matches shouldn't be allowed.
Not that anon but hear me out.

Replace the glasses with the mustachioed mann (curly mustache style).
Alternatively, go with the Lone Survivor.
yeah thats just what this game needs, even LESS player agency. kys.
Modern standard, you fucking incel.
ME. How much?
not bad bait
romanian pedophile
fuck yea add me id/stary
New maps spam them everywhere sometimes including hell when it's not currently open and you won't see it while I'm there anyways.
Also who can remember all the spots on the new maps? I can barely remember all the Ghost Fort spots. I check a few spots and if I don't find it I go back to fragging. The gay retarded 15 respawn waits give me time to look for them through other players' eyes and look from the observation cams.
I will switch to bonk scout to go get them if I find one reasonably placed but that's time waste I could be getting souls normally. Also it's not that many souls also when I collect as zombie my contract doesn't go up and I have no idea if I'm even getting credit on my gargoyle counter.
Having the gargoyle able to spawn literally anywhere in a large map half of which is controlled by the other team isn't an interesting mechanic and doesn't make gargoyles feel precious, it just makes them feel unrewarding and not worth looking for
Yes. Leave the game if you're gonna look for another map, faggot.
I'm 100% serious.
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>had to wash headphone pads
>only other earphones I have are wireless
>there's like a 5ms delay
And this gay shit too
Killing and collecting gargs can get you fucking nothing because the black box retard rolls up out of nowhere while you were looking ahead for rather than directly above you.
Meanwhile you can just steal crumpkins for 3 to 5 guaranteed souls each. Can't tell you how many contracts I finished just cheesing as bonk Scout behind enemy lines or full passive picking up crumpkins and retreating, because it was just simply faster than swapping to direct hit soldier and dying ten times because my retard team could never think "maybe I should contribute or at least draw fire" when they see a direct hit heading for the best that's been assfucking them for the last ten minutes
Thursday... still no blazehattan contract fix... its over Eric abandoned us...
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I get really fucking mad when doing contracts and I have no idea why
regular tf2 I never get mad at
What grift will the grifters move onto when quickplay comes back?
the f2p chat thing
Ruined this year by adding zombie respawn timers and removing the out of combat speed buff on zombies. Some abilities were improved but it's not enough.
Boring to play as survivor unless you get overwhelmed by actual teamwork in which case you usually just die immediately, this likely doesn't happen because of the fun but nonsensical choice to make the servers alltalk
If you want to have fun as a survivor you have to run around alone killing until you feed which obviously is bad for contract completion.
If you want to have fun as zombie you have to use useless classes like soldier and scout for mobility, rather than classes like sniper, heavy, demo, engi
I didn't remember its underworld gimmick, was it the twisted hallways one? Why is it bad?
to FINALLY give an answer to this:
every transmute you get a bonus guaranteed haunted item alongside your usual transmute drop, and this bonus item will always be untradable, unmarketable and uncraftable. thats how you get uncraftable items from the gargoyle and its the only way.
it doesnt really matter that much, uncraftable haunted dupes work just fine in transmutes, but it becomes a problem when you want to use uncraftable mask dupes in the saxton hale mask recipe, ive had to deal with that for a little while and it was pretty annoying. oh and i guess it also inhibits your ability to use them in the rebuild headgear recipe, but if you are wealthy enough to do hundreds if not thousands of transmutes and obtain a very large supply of uncraftable haunted items, you could just as easily buy craft hats in bulk for rebuild headgear anyways, so its not as big of a deal as with the saxton hale mask recipe.
finally, if you are really fucking autistic, you could say 'no, i dont want uncraftable haunted items, they are dirty!' and throw them back into the transmutes if you REALLY dont like that tag for some reason, and only want 'clean' haunted items to show off.
When are they going to fix the best setup spot on the being knee deep in building visually because someone somehow can't line up collision and brushes in Hammer? How do you even fuck that up? It's low res pretty clearly brush textures. Did they put a fucking model INSIDE the brush and forget to turn on brush collision after topping it with the brush? It's bizarre.
wahh wahh bitch nigga, stop being passive aggressive huh
Tru tru
Oh you're capping? Be right there to help lil twink, I'm on - oops that's my queue, adios bitches, you take care though! Love you, you got this!
Other team is denying you your points
Also people play like huge cunts while doing contracts
every *10th transmute
i fucking hate writing long posts and then forgetting one of the most important details
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High IQ Scream Fortress grinders will queue the first maps of every contract folder to begin with, instead of doing just one folder fully
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I find that people are generally more competent in playing the game when they have a contract, and finding the one game where that isn’t the case sends me seething.
Precipice made me livid the other day because I had lower rung Snipers in a half empty server not doing the objective and wanted to click heads instead. I’d rather deal with autobalance than snipers who don’t want to do their fucking contracts.
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I swear the new maps are just retard central
>playing that second map on community maps 5
>there's an engineer on our team, with a teleporter exit
>upgrade tele exit
>as we try to cap the second point, i realize that over the past 2 minutes this engineer has built himself a whole fucking minisentry base and never bothered ot put a tele exit
>continually flame him in chat for refusing to put down a tele exit
>call him something about jizz because his name started with a j
>another player chimes in and says "wtf bro build a fucking tele exit you lil retard"
>he refuses
>i votekick
>he gets kicked
was funny but we lost

>fast forward to next game, we're pushing to final point
>there i stand with a direct hit trying to destroy a well-defended sentry, retreated at 18 health
>looking at a medic pocketing a fucking demo
>he's literally just pocketing a demo
>this motherfucker has also been running kritz on offense the whole time
>i ended up just typing a whole paragraph in chat out of sheer autistic rage at this guy to "HEAL THE FUCKING DYING SOLDIER RIGHT NEXT TO YOU YOU RETARD"
>try to votekick him because it worked well last time
>fails, get votekicked in response

not mad about getting votekicked but is it really that hard to press 4 twice and hit mouse1?
is it really that fucking hard to heal someone at 18 health?
is it really that fucking hard to use stock?

it is hard, but only if you're below 115iq.
your post reeks of 100 iq redditor
>because it... it says mean things ok!!
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>trying to votekick someone who's clearly in a party
not reading allat
It's eyeaduct time!
this is what the hunt for CP does to people
fuck the scream fortress contract season
only adds stress to an otherwise fun game
>scream fortress is no longer about having fun on spooky maps, but about doing the bare minimum to be able to get off a map to go to the next in your list
truly a grim future we live in, I don't bother with contracts anymore
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My haunted collection now that it's deduped
Sex with Fem boy demo floyd
I've been telling people here and in game to do that the entire time. I just got a few advanced objectives on valve maps and the rest was so easy.
Also jobless sweats from private servers flood into pubs for their contacts during Halloween
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you are all little babies
watch this
im still missing 17
We need safespaces in casual q for straight gamers
i'm straight and i don't need that. maybe you're just soft
holy autismo
I'm straight and submissive
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u got trolled sister add me instead
For stating the obvious? Why so insecure, Uncletranny?
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noob because you're complaining about being raped by better players
you also just admitted that uncletopians are better at the game than you
also also "private servers" = "uncletopians" lol
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It's not casual, but I am still slowly working on looking through maps for straightopia.
In the meantime I also just decaled my first objector due to all the pronoun and trans usernames lately.
What do you think?
But I was directly explaining why the skill level was higher in a conversation I did not start about why the skill level is higher, not complaining about anything, to begin with.
Can you just either kill yourself or post smarter? Sheesh.
stop crying about being called noob after publically admitting you are a noob
did not read your post
Can you either kill yourself or play smarter?
You seem to have immense trouble with reading comprehension in general, get off the cough syrup retard
noob x2
Cool raging samefag however I was not complaining, I was conversing and explaining why casual gets higher during Halloween, as I've already said. Cease your subhuman rage you triggered faggot.
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so true xister!!
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kys party troon
nobody mentioned uncletopia until the noob did
How do I cope with players disconnecting right after they taunt me?
trvth nvke.
didnt consider the angle that gaben mightve started it all, and theres some credibility to it from how gabber strung all the nu-valve projects together as a bid to beat out blizzard instead of doing any classic valve innovation.
additionally he's fucking obsessed with assfaggots and CANT STOP PLAYING MOBAS, which are traditionally regarded to be far more competitive than casual.
there might also be a chance for robin walker to come back and undo all the shit that this game's been through, considering his recent appearance in shounic's 100 player server and his son pushing him to play more tf2, but it still sounds like a pipe dream to me. it feels like robin is permastuck in half life and other projects as of late. with the half life 3 rumors and deadlock being in development, its really unlikely he will drop everything to start work on tf2 again.
good video overall. im still gonna continue shitting on jill though.
Gabber >>>> z*sty = s*lar
Robin will RETVRN to TF2 once Half-LIfe 3 is finished. Trust the plan.
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Heavy is canonically a fascist, he was locked in the gulag for counter-revolutionary activities. So he'd probably collaborate with the fascists in the Freedom of Russia Legion 2bh.
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>he was locked in the gulag for counter-revolutionary activities
I go afk when voting for the halloween map because i know some normie drone NPC will automatically vote for the same map anyways
Based. I also don't take action when a man slaps my wife's ass, because I know she'll cheat on me eventually anyway.
The Messiah will return and complete the resurrection of Quickplay.
>one week later
>maps are still broken
>blazehatten contract still broken
>monarchism and fascism are the same thing
janny, behead this nigga
Heavy was imprisoned after WWII, after Whites like Krasnov had collaborated with Germany.
>ever since his father was killed for being a counter-revolutionist in 1941, he and his family were deported to a gulag in northern Siberia
Heavy was imprisoned before the start of barbarossa because his dad was a counter-revolutionary
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i will also sell this one
i SUPPORT your transition
Just witnessed somebody get votekicked for saying the HARD n word
EU has fallen...
and nothing of value was lost
german/anglo/dutch trannies are a plague upon the EU servers, usually the meds and slavs keep those subhumans in check
>german/anglo/dutch trannies are a plague upon the EU servers
gutentag """"fraulein""""
me on the right
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Umm i dont usually post my loadouts here, do i look cute??
wow this game's playerbase is fucking trash
>Always end up on the team that gets its shit stomped and only earns 20 points in a 15 minute match

God these people out here fucking suck. Especially the ones that don't do the fucking objective for souls and play like its team deathmatch
kek, owned
remove the crossbow's healing ability and it'll actually be a buff to casual medic
ShallowGod > b*nny
Dude it feels like every time you open the chat box, you always press a key that you weren't trying to press
Are your fingers fucking fat or something
That map is for niggers anyways, no kidding, always a nigger map
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I have NEVER laughed during the duration of a game of the map koth_laughter
idk, it's only when I play games though. I think I try to type as fast as I can but moving from WASD to typing with one hand throws me off; I normally don't involve my mousehand when typing in game chats
>15 ping on a frankfurt server
german tranny
Another EU chud destroyed
We here on /tf2g/ are ANTI RACIST.
Please don't say swears, please don't slur in chat.
Anglo-German GODS dispensing of racist troublemakers
F1 your local chud
He was from another server i played with an hour ago and my Afro-Frankfurtian presence was haunting him too much so he had an instant melty over me
what site do people trade on? outpost is long dead it seems
Check the links in the OP, scrap.tf is also an option but they'll always jew you
im perma banned from scrap for being a /vg/ user doe
stamping on the skulls of every last right wing porn addict pyro main
The new management went back on that and apologized for it so if you can contact anyone there they might unban you
but that's if you really wanted to use footrest
>bazaar dot tf is dead as well
what le fuck is even left? i dont mean bot trading i am selling unpriced stuff
Your option is literally backpack.tf classifieds and that's it, in person trading is dead
F1 on basedteen nazi coomer pyros
just f1'd a 4tranny racist on Frontier.
Why does SOVL mill feel like one of those maps thats always existed??
The gunslinger and vaccinator are way more cancerous than sniper and are an active detriment to the game.
Cheating snipers are uncommon and they’re still getting reported and banned, meanwhile there’s nothing you can do when some blowhard spams minis on koth or pockets a sniper with the vaccinator and these evil fucks who use these items have no shame. The Gunslinger needlessly punishes Scout players for playing Scout and the Vaccinator punishes everyone for trying to play the game. They should just remove the Gunslinger and Vaccinator.
How come out of all the weapons who were needlessly gutted in jungle inferno, NOBODY touched these two items that are easily the most detrimental to the average tf2 player’s experience.
gunslinger you can switch classes
vacc is a terrible weapon idea
gunslinger would be okay if my soldier and demo teammates stopped ignoring minis
The Dragons Fury got nerfed before the Vaccinator.
Did comp players think it was overpowered? Did ANYONE? I find it hard to believe there were more people complaining about the β€œoverpowered” DF than people complaining about the overpowered Vaccinator.
Jill is Steam Friends with Uncle Dane.
I wish I was steam friends with Anonymous
I use bp.tf to sell some of my dupes and shit

Lol imagine falling for that bait raffle. Couldn't be me
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f1, this guy just said uncle dane isn't a tf2 legend
uncle dane is a molester legend
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TL:DR on the Quickplay v MM kerfuffle that's all of the sudden become the new thing for tf2fags to talk about? And why does everyone only care now?
Even saw people in game arguing about it.
Watch Gabber.
It's the new sniper debate (which was the new random crit debate)
Watch lister
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NA moment
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wrong thread?
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correct thread
The vaccinator’s bubbles should grant total immunity to the selected damage type at the cost of 300% damage vulnerability on the user and recipient to other types of damage (basically being marked for full crits)
Can ingame notifications be exploited? I just saw a streamer getting spammed with notifications which made him leave the game
if you pay valve a few bux for a bunch of Secret Saxtons
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I have never seen this cosmetic wtf
Thats a little extreme you retard
chat is thi sreal
Terror is such a bad map.
cant even remember what it looks like but i just know its pure dogshit
this is a type of fag
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passive aggressive lil niglet
Average US server player
youre just insecure about your own sexuality and you need help
I love transgenders and was merely commenting on the increased number of them to be found in the US THOUGH
no people are just as fucking retarded the rest of the year
I dearly miss old tf2, pre-all this bullshit
I remember playing coldfront during the holidays, it was recently after we got a bunch of new weapons (i think when the loose cannon and the rest got added), and everyone was so nice and excited, and best of all, they weren't gigantic sweaty faggots. everyone made fun of those people for being comptards pubstomping in their off season *in VC* with members of their team. you'd boot up youtube and watch the latest star or jerma gameplay videos showcasing the new weapons. i still remember one of the first tf2 tubers i watched was some guy called shibby and he was reviewing the newly released black box, and it was super comfy.

now it's just a failed wannabe esport filled with antisocial fortnite kids, trannies, psedus, drug addicts, and ninja wannabes
NA incels better get used to it because soon he will be the one getting votekicked for this shit
Fuuuuuck dude... I 'member the good old days..
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Nostalgia is bad for the soul.
keep dreaming
valve doesn't care
that fag had just joined too
But the worldwide trans community does and we're coming for you.
The tug of war map is kinda lame
>Team Fortress 2 2023.10.0.webm
1 year later and he's still having a a melty over it.
you mean half of them. and even those are too busy playing transfolx friendly slop like overwatch
so...like 4 of you?
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Halloween really brings all the chuds out.
She was the topscoring queen of the server THOUGH while Swallow Rod middlefed
I'll agree about Vaccinator somewhat but Gunslinger is not a problem
Just whip out your pistol if you're playing scout
oh hey I was actually there for that, I even mentioned it a few threads ago
clearly not
Get glasses little chuddy
Swallow Gock kneels to TF Queens
no u
me hugging the dispenser when i'm low hp
also why is swallow rod so gay as to manually type out his shitty comms? I thought NA loved VC....
getting very heterosexual vibes from these usernames desu
Halloween is peak TF2 comfiness.
yeah real comfy kicking all the chuds lmao
If it's supposedly so comfy, how come it fails to be comfy whatsoever? The only people who think it's comfy are delusion troons at this point, who are so high on their own farts that they could be in the midst of the bot crisis and still claim "uwu it's so cozy"
Case in point >>488700192
Because you're a golem that cares about contracts. Last ones I did were the Jungle Inferno ones and only because you couldn't get the new weapons elsewhere. I don't care about piling up halloween restricted hats.
that's a troon bro, but i see your point
xe is not sharting about the contracts though, but rather people giving it the treatment it deserves outside of discord.
I miss the bots kinda too. Dont know why
Stockholm syndrome
Bots being an easy target to unite against (instead of more controversial topics like random crits)
I honestly don't care that some players are trannies. They're just random people that I will never see or know in real-life. All that actually matters is the gameplay.
are random crits controversial? we all agree that they're fine, right?
you are talking to people who were born after matchmaking was invented
Why didnt you stop them inventing matchmaking then?
Shouldn't have bought games with matchmaking in them if you didn't want this to happen.
No, I don't
>t. ranny
Nobody likes an attention whore
There's more people opposed to them than you think. Though I guess nowadays Sniper gets more flamewars.
do you retards actually think that dead post was genuine
it is a pathetically obvious falseflag, holy shit
cope & seethe
it's called "team" fortress 2 because you have to perform the duties of your entire team by yourself
the vaccinator puts a strong emphasis on the team part in team fortress 2 because it's a hard foe to beat alone
i just smack the patient with my third degree
Transty's getting uppity...
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b4nny is talking about duels getting spammed
Is there any video of a third degree crit killing everyone healed by amputator taunt?
If you hate random crits, it's legitimately a skill issue. It's the game's way of telling you to aim and dodge better. If you fail at shooting an enemy and fail at avoiding fire of course you're going to have a negative perception. To me, crits are something that I welcome because I'm actually good at the game. Nobody actually wants random crits removed from TF2, because they understand its part of the game's identity and interaction. Competitive and high-level players love random crits - it makes them so happy when they can kill newfags even harder. That's the honest truth. Random crits make everyone happy, besides extremely autistic people who need everything to be "fair" (aka, that kid at school that nobody liked).
Kiss and pocket all transgender queens
People use the amputator a lot in 100-player. It could theoretically be possible to kill like 30 people with the 3rd degree.
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Yeah so anyway, about that FemPyro request
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milk truk just arrive
I don't want to get insta killed because my retarded f2p medic has slow reaction times.
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My lad. Always so reliable
I'm not actually the other guy, there seems to be 2 of us. I noticed he saved a lot of the images I've posted before though
random crits have always been at least a little contentious
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Well if that's the case I'm glad there's two of you doing the lord's work
Like this?
Me too. The more fempyro posters the better
fuck off attentionwhore
found some more
>post a TF2 character someone specifically asked for
>have no alias or other identity attached
how is that attentionwhoring
women = whores
you know what
you know
>Competitive and high-level players love random crits
No they don't lol, they're the ones that started the "remove random crit" movement because it hurts their ego when josegonzales2009 ends their streak with a random crocket
I miss megamilk memes
Stay around on-topic poster
>I miss megamilk memes
Yeah, me too.
my spray has been mega milk since i first set it like over a decade ago
it's a good meme
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Very good
There wasn't enough time to react to the crosshair being over the soldier's head. This is a cheater.
you don't react to crosshairs being on someone's head, otherwise flickshots wouldn't exist

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