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Aurora edition.

Previous thread: >>497537687

/gsg/ faggots not welcomed here

Nebulous: Fleet Command, Devlog 35: Strike Package: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RA1_SUYpvco
GalCiv 4, v2.9 Starview Update: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1357210/view/4678766374116320488
GalCiv 4, Dev Journal #75 - Terror Stars: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1357210/view/4676515207797437250
Distant Worlds 2: Return of the Shakturi dlc dev log 2: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1531540/view/4675388674389181062
Sins of a Solar Empire II, v28.16 Update: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1575940/view/6743666355154616622
DUNE: Spice Wars, community update #3: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1605220/view/4344369662289739605
Civ 7 releases 11th of February 2025: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kK_JrrP9m2U
Stellaris Dev Diary #356 :https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/281990/view/4697907940247564841

== Pastebins ==
Alpha Centauri (new 14/06/22): https://pastebin.com/QgEvG3ET
Free and open source games pastebin: https://pastebin.com/8nRQckSN
Stellaris: https://pastebin.com/hPfrhazx https://stellaris.paradoxwikis.com/Stellaris_Wiki
Stellaris DLC guide: https://rentry.org/STDLC384
Endless Space 2 + Endless Legend: https://pastebin.com/yu57huWm
Civilization: https://pastebin.com/eeL9tyaW
/cbg/: https://pastebin.com/ZSLVg9kT
Workers & Resources: https://pastebin.com/XaWF8mE6
where spiderfag butt
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In hell where fags belong.
Lost in transit.
God i need Nexus graphics with Aurora mechanics.
If you want to translate moonrunes it's quite easy
Literally just drop the image into and copy paste the inscribed text into google translate. Obv it's google translate but you'll get more or less the desired result
Thanks, i'll give it a try and post results here.
First page translation is done.
It seems like complete gobbledigook to me. Anyways, here's what Google translate gave me. If you guys want to, i could check the second page too.


Once upon a time the Commonwealth of Man was the strongest.

to me

You want to declare war ?
I'll erase you from space

What do you think when you look at this kind of human commonwealth?

A Commonwealth of Humanity that thinks it is the strongest

Kyaak , , ugh , , ,

Latte is , , Maria , , , young tribe , , Sheridul , , ,

w h e n

Tiny little creatures nestled in the corners of the universe

0 0 2

Suddenly awakened

Suddenly they started a fight

Lord! ! !

ruler . . for a moment . . .
Just kidding . . . ?

Oh, oh, oh, oh
By first page I meant this one >>498764664
I kinda forgot about the first comic I posted.
Thinking of starting a tsl earth campaign as arabia, civ v

Any cool mods you guys recommend?
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Welp, I went and translated the remaining two pages, here's page number two, and it makes even less sense than number 1.

A H e

Now, wait a minute.



I'm going to go

just once

A И v

Bye Bye Bye

It 's my pretty fleet . . .

turns the federation into a dependent state

Ma , , , Mr , , foot , ,

cloth . . . Before the award. . . Struggle. . . . Will it float?

right . . . lee , , ,
People of the same age , , , , ,
Sovereignty , , , battle . . Ji, Ji.

And then it is used as a long-term horse in the war with another awakening empire.

Still big and proud, but

Shit. . .

Hurry up and come this bitch

ruler . . wait a minute

My lord!

In reality, which is used as a Janggi horse, a cognitive assistant artist comes and builds the Seoul Statue, being dragged around by a leash with a slightly teary face.

and here's page 3.
tl;dr is that the author played a game of Stellaris, made the traditional rookie mistake of angering a fallen empire, thinking it was a weakling empire and ended up getting curbstomped.
Instead of bouncing back, he formed some sorta cuckold fetish about it.


Ji Guk-ryeon
Standing just below the flower frame

How to escort

I can do it

Clap clap

Jang Gi Mal 2

Earthlings: Contain 80% of Vololog genes

Shit like this

[General] In the end, I entered the Awakening Empire.

2 0 1 9 . 0 5 . 2 0 2 3 : 3 0 : 2 2

จ จ า ว

3 K + 8 8

1 3 K + 6 3 7 2 . 0 K + 5 1 8

5 1 8 + 6

3 4 K + 1 K

+ 8 K 2 7 . 0 K + 4 4 1 0 8 8 2 8 8 3 2

1 9 2 7

3 6 / 3 8 8 2 2 / 9 2 1

Because of the war in heaven, they were forcibly taken away.

empire of mankind

[General] When I see the post below about being dragged into the Heavenly War, it makes me a little sad ::

0 0

2 0 1 9 . 0 5 . 2 0 2 3 : 4 5 : 4 5

C i t i z e n S t a t e o f M i r e e s h M a r


S i n c o m e r o S t a r H u r t o

Right, ,,

It's all right . . .

empire of mankind

U n i t e d N a t i o n s o f E a r t h

8 8 0

A federation of humans who thought they were the strongest in the universe. . . .

The Fallen Empire, which I thought was just a little kid nestled in a small corner of the universe, suddenly awakened and started fighting.
It knocked down a country that was dozens of times its weight and made it a subordinate country. . . .
And then it was used as a long-term horse in the war with another awakening empire.

Although he is still the biggest in size and has strong self-esteem, he has cognitive disharmony in the reality that is used in long-term words, and his face is slightly teary-eyed. I was dragged around with a leash around my neck.

ah . . It smells slightly

If you do Ji Gukyeon, you can protect and protect the artificial flower just below.
>made the traditional rookie mistake of angering a fallen empire, thinking it was a weakling empire and ended up getting curbstomped.
>Instead of bouncing back, he formed some sorta cuckold fetish about it.
Rookie mistake, developing new fetishes.
shame, wanted to see it
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Seek help
do this is the new gsg
>racist post get deleted
>refugee immediately gets mad

Understood, retard?
>/gsg/ refugee faggot tries the most basic bitch "lost redditor" routine
Fuck off, faggot.
no need to be rude fellers
son of a fucking BITCH
>silver seal for first time
>fail with two minutes of work time left on the final glade event for the final seal event
>too many people got killed or left and ran up impatience far beyond what I could counteract with events and used up all my orders
fuck you fuck you fuck you
Continue with XCOM, try to learn Aurora again, or go back to Captain of Industry?
>fourth seal wanted two forbidden glade events done within 20 minutes
>crack open both to get this shit over with
>lightning rod and some fishman kelpie that hates civilized people (complex foods and clothing being met)
>kelpie keeps killing people en masse because of the active event consequence
>finish kelpie bitch with two minutes on lightning rod left but 13 impatience
>too many more people left/died after that and pushed it to 14 with no active reputation gaining chances to save me
good thing factorio's update comes out next week so I can abandon this shit finally
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Learn from your mistakes and get the fuck back out there, Viceroy
Those seals aren't gonna close themselves
Btw whats your favorite overworld modifier and world event? Also what's your favorite map type and species?
Anon when you arrest the fishman soothesayer you have to disable consumption of all needs, complex food, clothing, and service. There's a button in the top right where consumption control is available. If you do that, he won't be able to kill anyone. Fishman soothesayer is one of the easier forbidden events to do because you can essentially get no negative affect from it as long as you don't have those needs to begin with. But if you do, you'll just have to deal with a temporary resolve issue, but that shouldn't be a real problem for 5m
I did turn it off but it kept ticking onwards since the villagers all had a ton of them already on hand and in use
No you dont, fuck off faggot.
The Games Screenshots General is dead? What a shame, it was one of the best generals.
Always and foreverially delitizing aliens in Xcom
gsggers wouldn't have the balls to post EU4 here
Quit your false flagging. You're painfully obvious.
>watching Wargame Red Dragon
>guy defends himself well, his units perform perfectly, hold well etc
>i play Wargame RD
>my guys cant hit broad side of the barn, die after one stray shot etc
I hate it..
It's a strategy game, aint it?
in a way they all are
You're not even pretending, huh? Suits you, retard.
Then you shouldntve activated the event until those ran out bro
Idk what to tell you
It was an entirely avoidable situation
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Death to the alien, and to the traitor.
There are traitors in xcom?
In X-Piratez you're aligned with the Mutant Alliance who generally represents earth's civilian populace (due to centuries of genetic manipulation from multiple parties, xeno-interbreeding, mutations from biological and radioactive WMDs, and good ol' genocide, what is and isn't "human" is a very fuzzy line) and acts as an insurrection against the Star Gods, who destroyed XCOM 600 years prior and has held earth in occupation ever sense. Traitors to the cause are Bad People and fuck things up for the ~500 million people left, so killing them is good cash.
Oh, it's a mod, okay. Can't open up picture, so stuck with thumbnail.
You are a retard if you think EU4, VIC2 and HOI4 are not strategy games

they should be allowed here.

t. XCOM2 guy
They wont be, fuck off reject.
no, because of thread history and poster issues
Don't let gsg forget how they treated us.
Go back to your shit thread.
(by "poster issues", I mean the /gsg/ posters are complete trash and would shit up the thread just like they did to /gsg/)
no you disingenuous shithead
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>getting anywhere near a chupacabra
Bitch you crazy
I love finding unexploded ordnance underneath my bed.
now i need some anons to clean that translation up and typeset

Might do, if I have a reason for it. Now say, "please do it, Spiderfag-sama The Almighty and Strong and Handsome".
How many missions types are out?
for anbennar?
for frodo
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You now remember that Lego chess game from ~25 years ago.
Axes are cool.
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Aurora bump.
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Please do it spider, it'd be pretty neat.
Also, if you do it, i'll generate you a new A.I Kumo picture.
I just want Banished with slightly more depth, why is that so hard?
A new city building is out and no one tells me?
/civ4xg/ is truly dead.
it looks like shit is probably why
Looks like ass.
That translation is ass. I have a take a lot of liberties to make it appear ok.
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Looks fine but nothing beats Ceasar 3 and Pharaoh.
Holy shit, you actually did it.
Welp, I'm off to gen some Kumo then.
Okay, I gave up on the alien speak in that one, so they just speak in an even more alien language to hide the fact it's all gibberish.

Also, no fucking clue what the last line is.
I give up. The translation for the last page is just too mangled, I can't tell what's an actual name, what's just badly translated, or who's saying what.
All I got about this is that the tiger swimsuit girl represents an Horatio'd earthling with 80% of her genes changed. Hence the legs. And the Federation crushes them, but I'm not sure why, if it's just out of anger, or to rebel against the Awakened Empire, or because there's that war between two empires.
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You still did great work.
And as promised, here's my a.i slop.
I tried, but I'm uneasy editing the text I'm given.
Thanks, the Kumoko is just right.
It's ok, I felt like I was taking sanity damage while tossing those korean lines to translator and getting some weird shit in return.
Yeah, we need an actual Korean.
Could we poach one off of Starcraft general?
You can try. I saved the .clip files, so I can reedit them easily if you get a better translation.
I forgot, Starcraft general has been dead for ages.
Then we do be outta luck lmao
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Since Long War was too dumb for me and I really can't get into XCOM 2s gorrila warfare shtick I'm back to playing EW, this time on classic.
Gonna start in Asia and try going for SHIVs since I didn't use them at all in my last run.
Well, and also on English because I already changed the language for LW and now I might as well stick with it and see how thicks Valens accent is gonna be
Good luck lmao.
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The first few abductions were easy but the first shot down UFO went a bit sideways
Hopefully it won't be that long until I can replace these meatbags with robochads
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0-1: Halo Wars.
2-3: Age of Empires (2 or Mythology).
4-5: Supreme Commander.
6-7: Rise of Legends.
8-9: Gladius.
Dubs: Dawn of War Soulstorm.
Triples: Deadlock 2.
Quads: Stronghold.
House: Battle Realms.

It get worse if you let them land, if it's a consolation.
Anyone play Farthest Frontier? I’m a huge fan of Banished w/ CC mod but I don’t hear people talk about FF much so I haven’t picked it up yet. I also have Manor Lords via family sharing but I haven’t played it yet, heard it’s a disappointiment.
It’s okay to admit you got filtered by the XCOM 2 overworld screen. I will admit it’s a bit of a clusterfuck for beginners.
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>next rookie promoted into my second sniper
Oh yeah, I know who's getting her limbs chopped off and put into a mechsuit
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>FIFTEEN damage
Damn, fusion bombs are GOOD.
Why can't I have one in Boltgun? I'm stuck facing a Duke of Change AND a Great Unclean at the same time.
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>strangle bot decloaks next to the entire team
>all of them are in overwatch
>all of them miss
Is this XCOM, baby?
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Welcome to XCOM.
Yeah I just got my first council mission, and I learnt to fucking hate thin men. Low cover might as well not exists against these niggers and if you have everyone in high cover they just spit at you
What a cancerous enemy
Because they don't use plasma rifle, they use light plasma rifle. I think they give +10 to accuracy.
Get as many of these as you can.
any short-ish games that go for like 20-30 minutes a pop?
Man you really missed out on Long War's Newfoundland. Vanilla is bad, real bad if you're new, but totally manageable if you know what you're doing and prepare. Long War's will pull your testicles out through your dickhole and speedbag 'em.
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>First terror mission
>Still only 4 man squads
>Barely squeezed in two laser rifles
>no assault because the starter one died and my rookies refuse to become assaults
>shivs not operational yet
This is gonna suck
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This could've gone a lot worse, I suppose
Also had civies just randomly drop dead right before my eyes. Nothing shot at them, they just dropped dead at the end of the turn.
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>Deadlock 2.
Anon you madman Deadlock 2 is shit compared to Deadlock 1. Just like Missionforce Cyberstorm 2 is shit compared to Missionforce Cyberstorm 1, which there's no connection between those games other than past-me being disappointed in picking up two sequels to games he played the absolute fuck out of and then they felt like rushed garbage. At this point I don't even know how true it is, it's been so long since I tried either sequel maybe they ARE better, but it is in my nature to rant about them. In fact it's been so long since I played Deadlock 1 I'm almost afraid to pull a MoO2 on it and ruin my memories by trying it again now

Although you rolled Gladius and that's a cool game. Take this song that was hidden in the audio of the Deadlock 1 CD
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Maybe. But I like Deadlock 2 after finding it on an abandonware game. I just regret being unable to take screenshots and having to use the same every time.
What about Xenonauts? Any good?
Good question. I remember everyone being over it when it came out, then the hype died almost instantly.
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Is this game any good? \

is it replayable or is it one of those ony city and done type of games
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Oh good lord that song is a fucking blast. Getting flashbacks to the Secret Bonus Room from Skullmonkeys.
I hate that there are so few games about space colonization and even less of them are worth anything..
Such a great topic for a game and no one touches it...
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Well you can't see it, but the Tarth defenses crumbled, and my fusion tanks are GLORIOUSLY slaughtering street militias.
Might be worth pirating a GoG copy, did some quick searching and found someone who was having the same/similar issue and supposedly the GoG copy worked fine with screenshots. I know there was a clusterfuck with the first game on Steam because the Steam release was apparently just some half-assed dumping all the files out which just made it run as the demo, while the GoG installer works properly. Sounds like the Steam copy of Deadlock 2 may be similar to the abandonware site's in that it runs but has issues with screenshots but (Supposedly) the GoG one doesn't
>Steam release was apparently just some half-assed dumping all the files out
Sounds like everything Steam.
But not like GoG is perfect either, I still can't play SEVEN KINGDOMS 2 and I'm still sulky about it.
Was i hallucinating or was there some remade newer version of Knights and Merchants posted here recently?
I got a couple hundred hours in Banished with CC mod and I just picked up Farthest Frontier. Seems like they were trying to make Banished+ and incorporate combat and some Anno elements. Only played a couple hours so far but I’m not really sure if it’s worth $20 if I can just play more Banished.
Maybe you saw Diplomacy is not an option and it looked similar?
Absolutely not.
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I don't get it, all my diplomats are giving maluses to the relations despite the text indicating otherwise.
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What the hell?
Should I buy CIV 7 or EU4?
>Yeah he's a great guy, love 'im. Helpful, reliable, just all-round a swell dude really. Never even roofied anyone either.
Yeah, according from what I've read it might be due to some event i got (I do remember an event giving -x "diplomatic units" that I had no idea what that was).
Neither. First one is going to suck. Second one is not our turf.
Why does everyone hate Humankind 2?
Oddly enough that appears to be one that does run on Steam. Took a quick glance at the discussion for it and saw someone having issues and running it in Windows 7 compatibility mode straightened it out, so it may be worth trying on your copy if you haven't already

I still haven't really played Humankind 1. Despite being fond of Amplitude and the Endless games and despite owning it I just haven't felt like it yet. To be fair I'm down on a lot of 4x in general, but eh
Dammit. Will do.
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spiderfag can you make a new /erg/ thread

spiderfag are we friends
We are dead.
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I've never been alive
>buy Gates of Hell: Ostfront because Men of War 2 is a mess and I've played Assault Squad 2 to death
>It's basically a carbon copy of AS2 except better in almost every way besides lack of factions and lack of gibs
Amazing. Shame the DLC is so outrageously expensive.
The DLC? Like, singular?
All of it is expensive. The base game is currently cheaper than any of the DLC.
Is it published by Paradox?
Why do you have beef with /gsg/ they are a peaceful general
I hate game screenshot general. Thread turns into 3 people having a let's play at once.
Yeah, what a pain to post in it.
Yup just looked at the posts and it's all low effort slop
>watch Mandalore's review of Empire Earth
>"it covers all of mankind history, but you're better off playing games focused on these eras"
/civ4xg/, what are some good Romans/Japanese Medieval and WWII RTS?
Ignore semantics about RTS or RTT. The below are good strat games.
Rome 1 and 2 Total War.
Shogun 2 Total War
AoE2, Medieval 2 Total War.
Men of War Assault Squad 2, Gates of Hell, Company of Heroes 1 and 2.

As an aside, Rise of Nations is much better than Empire Earth. A real shame we never got Rise of Nations 2.
Okay /civ4xg/, has anyone used GOG? is it worth buying games there?

CIV 4 is there and I want to buy it
I remember trying Rise of Nations, and absolutely hating it. I remember hitting the ressource cap constantly, and the AI just putting waypoints on my army and constantly training units.
And also, any game for Rome or Japan that aren't Total War? I remember Banished having Japanese buildings, maybe something like that?

Usually, yes. EXCEPT for Seven Kingdoms 2.
But GoG offers you the choice between GoG Galaxy, who is its own client, and just downloading a setup, so it's handy.
>Usually, yes. EXCEPT for Seven Kingdoms 2.
>But GoG offers you the choice between GoG Galaxy, who is its own client, and just downloading a setup, so it's handy.
Hmm, is there any benefit over Steam? it doesnt seem to be very popular as most game forums there on GOG are pretty abandoned
>Hmm, is there any benefit over Steam?
Pros :
- games are (usually) fixed to actually work, instead of just being dumped,
- can use GoG Galaxy or can just download the setups to install on another computer,
- your money goes to Poles,

- catalog is fairly laughable, mostly focused on old games and indies.
>- your money goes to Poles,
What's better? Poles, or Gabe Newell's arteries?
>What's better? Poles, or Gabe Newell's arteries?
To be honest I am really scared of what will happen to my steam games if Gabe retires or expires
DRM-free downloads alone make it worth it, in my opinion. If you don't actually care about that, however, I don't know.
You have to keep on your mind that Steam is always right over there. A digital download service on PC has to have something special that makes it stand out when Steam is already a thing. For GOG, that's DRM-free downloads. Once you download an installer, it basically can't be taken away from you as long as you don't fuck something up.
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>Steam depends entirely on the goodwill of Gaben's successor
His son will inherit everything, he's pretty much Gaben 2.0 already minus the fat. Or rather he is perfectly 2.0 since Gaben himself lost a lot of weight.
play stellaris
I am.
It's pure tedium and I don't see how people enjoy it

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