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Thread for the discussion of Honkai Impact 3rd


>Story guide for newcomers

>Shattered Swords VN

>Latest CN supply, event, abyss, and MA cycles:

>v7.8 Planetary Rewind Trailer
>Vita's New S-rank Battlesuit Lone Planetfarer Preview
>Star Voyager Vita's S-rank Battlesuit Lone Planetfarer Trailer
>Lone Planetfarer Tutorial Video

>Honkai Impact 3rd x Honkai: Star Rail Collab Behind-the-Scenes

Seele's Birthday Edition!

Previous: >>498531352
Seele invited Vita for me!
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Happy Seele day, everyone!
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We all love Miss Sparkle here
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Waiting patiently for this year's bungpa art.
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Now with Seele-boosted luck I can finally roll and maybe this time I won't hit hard pity on every banner!
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>no artbook
game is COOKED
It's true! I got my Vita at 75 instead of 85 because of Seele! I actually got Kiana's guns at 20. Thanks Seele.
>got her in the free 10-roll
I can't believe this, it never happened before.
Maybe I should have used more of my Seele luck on Bita's banner instead of Kiana's guns.
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why are there ten shus now
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I think she is just Martian Sa. To be an Aeon she would have to be the embodiment of a single concept and that wouldn't be confined to a computer.
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next arc's shaping up to be more and more like a shaolin shounen tournament arc. Roast Chicken's apparently writing it so it must be good ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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is there a point to getting tuna's new gear without bita?
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>and that wouldn't be confined to a computer.
Because there are 10 Faces of Misery that need to be conquered.
A straight upgrade for your old trio team.
Is Nous confined? Everyone knows what it is, tons of people follow its path and it choses emanators.
>Vita in free rolls
>Kiana's weapon in 46 rolls
>Vita's weapon in 2 rolls
Holy shit. Thanks, Seele!
Seele didn't bless me that much... I still don't have the weapon. Seele hates me...
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You will get it, anon. I believe in you!
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>built 20 pity on teri banner
>still needed 60 pulls for vita and almost hitting max pity
>2 weapons and 2 stigs for vita in total
>7 kiana stigs before 1 weapon
>around 32000 gems spent this patch excluding the free frist 10 pull
kinda shit all things considered
Why even build your pity if you still complain about almost hitting it? It doesn't make sense.
>get ultra lucky
>forget that I still need to spend 10k crystals for Thelema's skin
Oh snap
Roll more Vita, you get an extra copy or are that much closer yo the next valk.
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uuummm where is marislop honkai's new video to tell me if i should pull in the new version
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Yeah, that's probably the best choice. I already have fully geared Thelema, Lantern and Songque + Songque AstralOP. I could try getting Serapeum, but I'm not sure how good of an investment she is.

Roll for who you like, anon.
I got her early bros...Vita at 1 pity remaining kek
Hopefully my current spree of getting valks very late goes away next time
Vita's weapon was at 5 pity
Kiana was much nicer to me, thank you Kiana, 20 rolls into pity with all her stigs.
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I still can't fucking believe I rolled Helia 6 fucking times in a single 10 pull during Songque's banner
i wasted all my luck on thelma and Lantern i hope Sparkle blesses me
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Maybe I'm having a brainlet moment but the whole ten shu war business and "becoming a knight for the gods with the title of divine shadow knight" kinda reminds me of SAO alicization integrity knights
my first thoughts were genshin and vision beares even the nails in the world aside
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That's a lot of snacks.
Truly the fattie of the St. Freya gals
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SparkleVita dev....
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lankydev needs to eat more
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Threadly reminder that I'm the only woman here. And I'm kind enough to grace you all with my wonder presence.
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Hi Seele~
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>bronya has stooped this low
>"If Bronya Onee-chan wants me, then I'll gladly give my everything to her. To become her lover, kiss her, have sex with her, marry her, give birth to as many babies as she wants, grow old together with her. But, even if Bronya Onee-chan chooses someone other than me, I won't mind. If Bronya Onee-chan thinks to marry Veliona, I'll bless her with all my heart. Of course, it also applies for other person as well. Even if Bronya Onee-chan chooses Kiana san, Mei san, Rita san or perhaps someone that I don't know. Of course, I don't mind if she doesn't choose to be with anyone, or even if she chooses everyone I'll support her wish. I'll do anything for Bronya Onee-chan's happiness. If Bronya Onee-chan wishes it, I'll grant any of her wish. I don't mind becoming her childhood friend, her lover, her wife, her younger sister, her older sister, her mother, her daughter, her superior, her subordinate, her enemy, her nemesis or even someone unrelated to her. As long as Bronya Onee-chan is happy, I'm satisfied....Oh sorry, it seems I got too worked up by myself. But it is true that I don't mind whoever Bronya Onee-chan chooses."
There is one already retard bro.

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I read that as divine key maxing

It's over
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Lol bro it's okay. Happens to best of us.
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Happy birthday Seele!
Gentle love making with Kiana chan!
Holding Kiana chan by the waist!
Kissing Kiana chans soft lips!
Opening your eyes to look at Kiana chan's beautiful face!
Inserting your tongue in Kiana chan's mouth!
Listening to Kiana chan's soft whimpers!
Pulling Kiana chan's soft body against your own!
Telling Kiana chan you love her the most!
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happy Seele day bros!
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Vita sisters...
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Taking a seelie bite
Just the weapon alone LITERALLY doubles the trio's damage output compared to pre-DLC, also Mei gets a fuckhuge significant boost from it too and she's now viable and competes as a lightning dps.
What's more, Kiana ELF outperforms any AstralOPs for their team which is something literally everyone has at this point.
Though, I would say, it's not futureproof. With disturbances skyrocketing, if you don't finish things with a single fingerbang from Kiana, it's gonna be a pretty shit experience since the ring regen is fixed and abysmal.
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more like (wo)MAN.
Until you show your tits and pussy, you're a man like the rest of us.
Enjoy your stay, bro.
Seelefags always say "___ character should be in the op during release day" but of course that doesn't matter if it for giving seele a second birthday thread. Watch them coming out with random reason for not allowing an Elysia birthday thread later.
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we got official sparkle laughing reaction image before gta 6
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>10 rolls in dorm
My pussy tastier than whoreque btw

>you're a man like the rest of us.
Wrong. I'm not like you. Because I'm a WOman. And you're all TRANNIES.
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Its avrage at worst...
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is it that hard to actually animate the hand to her shoulder or why are they doing this
Good. I'd rather a seele thread than pinkshit thread. Or even vita thread too
Senaseeker is for Sena
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We all hate Miss Sparkle here
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No words, i just wish we got a proper Coralie vs Lantern fight, the climax was a bit deflating, still cool though
We still need Helia vs Latern rematch maybe in the next arc since its a tourmanet arc we even see arena in sparkle demo
Femcel hoverhand, you won't get it
Good. At least you retards don't pretend to be the nice guys anymore.
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finally got kiana bros
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>no Vita thread
Wtf anons?
More like we're sick of your shit. Go back to your containment board.
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it's Seeleday today. Seele takes precedence over everything in this very special ocassion
After you off yourself, third worlder.
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>1 reply
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>Helia and Dog finaly getting some actual content
It only took a horrible start to part 2, but progress is progress, also having a chuckle at the fact they brought up the Second Eruption AGAIN, truly that manga is some of the best content hoyo has ever put out there
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Don't trust Sparkle, big sisters
Nah I'm not a tranny. Kill yourself xer
>free Elysia
Do we tune Kiana's weapon first or upgrade it first? I am new.
And they say lolis are for the mentally ill. Kill yourself faggot.
is she free or "free" like kianers right now
Seele fren pls understand. Pinkshits have negative turds gor brain
Free like HoT/HoS was free.
Do some shit to collect a thingy, get 4 thingies to get the free stuff.
Free trash for who ever is interested ig
I need tranny to human translation.
love yourself, qqchad
oh nice, i didnt roll her but i ended up getting most if not all her gear through other banners, hopefully she wont be 100% useless by then
Uh oh Xerlysia tranny melty
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Delusional headcanon or is Ajita 100% aware and informed on the whole Samsara business?
I don't get the impression that she's a different she from different parts of her life recorded on the computer, she's fully self aware
Same as the other ones. Give them for free simply because they're outdated.
The last time they gave out free valks on release were SpA and HoO.
SpA was good for 1 boss and it barely appeared until Sirin killed her for good.
HoO was stuck on support duty until today though you'd need a lot of investments to make it happen (alteast S2 + full gear + Kiana DLC + Luna/Eepy Teri/Edencope).
So no thoughts. Might attract some secondaries who'd fuck off after anyway because the game is very good at filtering people.
They had had some content where Colei ? was throwing daggers at Helia at a carnival
but yea its nice to see character be characters for once instead of exposition devices
Do we upgrade Waxing Moon before tuning it or tune it first?
IIrc that was them making a "living" by harvesting shadows from passerby being worried for Helias well being
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The capitalized ts are confusing me very much
Well yes she wa told us that she is the only one that can travel demensions or whatever the fuck it meant since we were told she pissed off at certain point reminder we didnt interact with ajita ealier in the story we only saw flashbacks
I will add her to my collection so Mei and Eden can look at her.
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Just that HoF got cucked in all ways possible.
>no ignite
>fire teams were dogshit during her release
>replaced by HoHe as the free herrscher because HoFi is a spending event reward
I feel a bit bad for HoFlets who wanted her at least for collection's sake.
They are talking about Aeons from hsr that are basicaly universe spanning gods, but you'll learn that soon anyway
I mean, I get that, but they are supposed to be talking about Leylah here aren't they? leylah is no aeon
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OP here. I was conflicted about the second thread, but previous one was much faster than usual and Seele's birthday just started. It being technically on the same day as new update was pure chance and if the previous thread wasn't as fast as it was, Vita would still get the thread on a later day anyway. I still asked for permission though.

>Watch them coming out with random reason for not allowing an Elysia birthday thread later.
That's just you making assumptions based on your strange delusions about group of people who just like to funpost. I've always been trying to make birthday threads for every character whenever I wasn't asleep, even though some of them were or almost were hijacked (some even by Pinkbros) like the last Bear one etc.

tl;dr Keep calm and Seele!
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It's shit translations as always, in HSR, they translated the pronoun [祂] for deities as THEY/THEM while here, it's just capital They/Them
While we're here:
>Traveler -> Pathstrider
>memories -> Rememberance
>messenger of fleeting light -> messenger of the >garden of recollection
>Envoy -> Emanator
>Mirror Of Memories -> Mirror of the Garden Of >Recollection
>Edge of the star -> Distant star
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I don't know how to feel about this scene at the end, the mention of the Trailblaze is leaving me very worried for the future, i know there's a collab but by god i hope they don't give a direct link to the rest of the universe, we're just starting to get some fleshing out of the part 2 cast and i don't want the pool bloated by hsrs as well
>5.3 HoR
>6.2 HoT
>7.1 HoS
>7.9 HoF wait no its HoHe plz play our game
I agree with the other anon they've screwed over HoF since she released and this is no different.
Can't they have the same translators work on both games
this is getting ridiculous, especially if this is supposed to be THE moment connecting the games stories
same difference
Its already all ruined it all leading to Eos its half joke half not.
Honkai impact being directly linked by all this to star rail already makes everything we did not matter in a grand scheme since its all about OMG HONKAI STAR RAIL REFRENCE no and all about trailblaze now, how can anything matter when aeons peak of power level and ouer world dosnt matter in all of this. Ouer characters are so cucked out they dont even bother making vita or Kiana an aeon on Kiana just just near emenator level they couldnt even bother to make kiana strong.
No they instead put her in a coma just to be useless in a grand context
what an easy woman
only free on release characters are easy women.
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fire teams getting fucked over aside, I like that they skipped HoF as a freebie.
Giving out HoV was enough and I don't like the thought of newfag secondaries easily getting access to the (second) best version of Kianners (VD is first, of course).
reminder that there are anon(s) dumping $40k a year into this game still
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What cake would Seele eat ?
If they make the sky people the antimatter legion instead of Marah's mechanical Venusians, I swear
The "Seele"cake!
>queen of brick
Down the trash she goes as usual kek
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everything will be left ambiguous for future rewrites
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Part 2 cast is so shit, I'd rather roll for loli Dudu despite never liking Durandal much
They will kill her off and steal her creations and turn them into antimatter legion
"antihonkai legion" omg peak wrting
Thank you, the text warning scared me.
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Marah WILL be the black cat of the stellaron hunters (instead of elio or tb) and you WILL like it.
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chatgpt would probably do a better job, ngl
The Anti matter legion was thing during Belobogs downfall 700 years ago by hsrs timeline, so it can't be that
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and 2024!
You say but they will make up some bullshit
I mean they have Sparkle here and Vita and KIana being weaker then Aeons it makes as much sense
SEAGODS please use my code:
it was the antimatter legion that attacked Herta's spaceship.
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sis your theory of relativity?
we're talking about fanchuan here
That would actually be hilarious.
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baijis loli sister is ugly
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Aha is hig core now
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Sparkle is part of Aha btw
Vita and Sparkle are a perfect pair
They won't do it even if Fanchuan has the imaginary branches in his asshole to write it, what would be the point? Tying them to Hi3 won't undo their cartoon villain joke status
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there are no villains in hi3
It's normal to put your most popular character in big events to try to attract new players just like with the part 2 release, the first part 2 BP should have been Durandal and Aponia not Durandal and Elysia, even Vill V was before her.
The love of your life settled down with Fox pussy Otto
Mars sloppers don't like birthdays.
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they just can't stop portraying baiji as some kind of jesus huh
remove this nigga from the game already.
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>attract new players
this is not happening for this game
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They really wanna make him playable even had a segment where you are forced to use him so hilarious how hard they try
i swaer if this game Eos with making Baiji playable in staril on honkai impact im gonna laugh my ass off
Of course it is not happening, won't stop them from trying until the game is truly dead.
Expect even more screentime for him, his attempt at creating the Astral ring(Herrscher core that controls the shadows) is what birthed the Will of the shadows in the first place, it's a blatant Icarus settup so they're gonna lay on the tragedy thick with him
>Boohoo battle suits feel like dresses instead of actual mecha suits!
>Hoyoverse makes a character command a gigantic mecha with half of her gameplay being the mecha doing the damage
>Skips Vita
Why are you niggers like this?
>#666 is such a special number so seele should be in the op, who cares about the Elysia birthday thread
>it's seele birthday thread AGAIN, who cares about Vita's release.
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Yeah fuck this shit, I'll just start skipping whenever baiji pops up from now on
>dudufag samefagging again
as per tradition
I'm gonna be honest, I don't give a shit about Vita
He's going to be important to the plot so they have to make sure you don't dislike the idea of needing to play a male during some segments of this new arc. Dead little sister is always a good way to garner sympathy for a character.
way ahead of you i only tolarated otto I cant stomach this shit myself
I rolled for Vita and tried 20 times for a dupe as well but did not get it desu. I still need toruses as most people are at 60 (only Songque is at 65). Also need more cubes. Got Waxing Moon and Kiana as well.
I'm unironically skipping Sparkle for loli Dudu.
Cant wait to see him beat all the other shus and become their leader
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somehow got this on my first 10 pull
90% of the time I hit pity so I guess I was overdue
well it worked for Otto because he was maniacal in the first few chapters. Nuhoyo of course can't do batshit insane characters anymore. Maybe they never understood how it worked out in Part 1 because some of their original writers 01niang left for new projects ZZZ
is kianers wep worth rolling if im not getting vita?
I still haven't hit a single early weapon since Part 2. It's fucking doomed for me.
Congrats, waxing moon was nice to me as well (20 pulls)
He's not beating the other Shu's up. It's a fight to determine 10 Shu's, not 1.
This makes way to much sense since ZZZ is pretty good storywise aside from all the cucking.
Otto was fine because he was set up since forever, Baji is just kinda forced on you as this giga god china man
You know we will have to see Shu vs Shu at some point and the Arena spakle had in her trailer looks like a perfect tournament arena
>pretty good story wise
The story is the weakest part so far in ZZZ. It has great characterization but the plot could not be more shounen jump derivative if they tried.
>#666 incident
nta but holy schizo. That one episode really mindbroke you so much it's still living rent free in your head after all this time even though Elysia had birthday thread on her birthday that time. We were over this topic so many times because of how mentally impaired you are and what a big victim complex you have. Don't make me count how many times your kind behaved like total dicks, including but not limited to other birthday threads. Get help.
uh oh melty
idk it atlesat dosnt send me into rage like hsr with its story or genshin where a game feels like it needs to suck of a specific faciton be it hrabingers or Ipc
uh oh Seele
Scartch that i was to happy ZZZ is bad too
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don't reply to it. It's obvious its a retarded trying to bait reactions just for the sake of it.
Doubtful. Lantern is already out, Thelema isn't fighting yet, Songque is being a scammer, Ajita is too busy trying to get Entropy take her clothes off. At best you get Litost vs Baiju. Or somehow Serapeum kicks everyone's ass for this tournament while Baiju waits until the next one to be an official Shu.
uh oh tranny melty
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>It's a fight to determine 10 Shu's, not 1.
there's still a final that determines a single winner
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Bros, not today.
You would go to bait reactions in a dead general , it makes so much sense.
easy way for him to not die boom
>The Soul (Seele)
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Seele feeding "Seele" a tiny seelecake!
I am thinking of skipping Sena now desu, Vita seems to do a good enough job everywhere where I might use Sena.
So how powerful is Leylah? Herrscher, Finality or Cocoon tier?
Lantern, Songque, and Sleepy Teri without Sena are dogshit.
Your day will come.
I've been playing since they introduce Pardo and my first early S-rank pull was Lantern.
3DPD but the composition of the preview is very soulful.
bro... not like this...
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did they up the energy limit to 240? it was going up with my captain level but now it's 240.
Baiji wouldn't be so bad if he wasn't a homo honestly.
cocolia and sunday's stellaron shit does seem like herrschers of ice and dominance

Agree it would change a whole context but now he comes of as homo shilling of high scale
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We hate Seele here
And yet for some reason I can score better without her in those teams than half of Sena users in RL.
Sin, there's only one of you...
thank you
People don't know how to rotate in RL.
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>You need Sena
>Actualy you don't
I should just cope with muh better support down the line and dick roll Thelema, rolling for mostly meta reasons is not good for the psyche anyways
I will never roll Sena unless they change her screeching voice.
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Chenxue battlesuit soon, right? Surely...
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now that they can't make herrschers, are the new shilled valks gonna be emanators?
Okay Vita calm down
Yes that is shilling for the next character they would realse Baiji if they could but we know Chenxue will be next and then maybe leylah
emanator coralie soon...
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I don't recognize any of these people aside from Vitadev, and even he is relatively new.
do you think they would make a male astralop
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i look like this
That would be retarded
No those would make the game to relevant and make them to strong since they hate honkai impact that wont happen
We are stuck in shu shilling for a while.
i could see main characters as emanators for part 2 finale but not before then, they're too strong for early game
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Yes they are that retarded that they would just to "test the waters" and all the fujo that play this would be into it then they would start sppming male characters
>mfw when my mou hitori no watashi won't onegai for me
Yeah I bet they actually will do that, hopefully with Aeons we don't see in hsr though
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I look like this
Aeons are universe spanning gods of unimaginable power, Emmanators are beings(Not neccesarily sentient, Aha blessing an actual worm incident) directly blessed by said all powerfull entities, the only Emmanator level being we can reasonably have is Kiana
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Part 2's existence pretty much means HoFi Kiana can't be this game's peak of strength forever
>Is that a little girl that doesn't even know how to properly use her powers?
Emanator of dog treats
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the generals being emanators means we can absolutely add emanators in this game without breaking lore
and that fucking sucks and is dumb as heck consdering Vita is weaker then her wich is even dumber consdering shes older then aeons
The worst is that Kiana deserved a peak of power after everything but now she is forever a jobber status
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who even you
not being able to slam the aeons doens't make her a jobber
Pov Aeons to Kiana
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I'm you but wider
She is in a coma jobbing to a computer also seeing all the crazy shit in star rail and her being near eminator level yes she is
Not really. Jing Yuan is an Emanator, and he barely seems stronger than Dan Heng
Sleepy Juan is NOT an emmanator, the lightning lord is a hereditary gift From Ian(iirc) that Loufu generals pass down to each other
I don't know about Feixao because honestly one serving of space China was enough to last the whole games lifetime for me
jesus christ..
Not wide enough
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Why do the jobbers get the coolest scenes
there's plenty of evidence that he's an emanator

>Black Swan calls him one
>Welt says generals are comparable to lord ravagers (confirmed emanators)
>Official material mentions Xianzhou Generals when talking about Emanators
>rating pistol gives him and Feixiao invalid score

that said he obviously isn't the same caliber as Acheron, it's just an example of how "Emanator level" isn't really a thing
Because underdogs aren't high enough on the powerscale to "break" narrative flow when they go all out, so they get to act cool while being able to experience humbling, which makes them more compelling then prime power chars, who as a rule need a million constraints to not instantly solve the narrative
where did hsr players get the idea that Welt is the strongest gigabvll in hi3
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Him telling Acheron to prepare for Gravitational disintegration during Penacony, i don't have the pic on hand,
Anons that didn't play Hi3 thought that meant he was strong, even though Welt has similar lines in second eruption where he dies 3 times i think
They unironically think he would one shot acheron all because he was portrayed as strong in the first hour of the game + threatened her and assume he must just be the strongest impact 3rd character since they have no knowledge of it
It feels like the writers want him to be stronger than Daniel so he probably got at least a little bit stronger since hi3 (even if it doesn't make sense)
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I've been trying my hardest to look for reasons in continuing Part 2 and while the devs are still in their soul searching mode, I can't help but think if I just wasted my time hoping for Part 2 to be better or if I'm getting that satisfaction ever again. Mihoyo is drastically different now compared to several years ago. Most of the people who were working for Part 1 have either left the company or are too busy working on new projects. They outright refuse to be daring. They can't even show cigarettes, reference alcohol, sex, or even prostitution as a joke in Part 2 which is fucking absurd to think about. Part 2 is just a completely different game that only uses the "Honkai" name as a marketing stint. They're either too scared or don't understand what their audience wanted and frankly, neither do the audience themselves but that shouldn't be the audience's job even.

I admit, Vita is the only reason why I'm still playing this game. She's the only new character that I can deeply resonate with. She's the final hurrah of what this game used to stand for. None of the Part 2 characters done that so far and it's upsetting me.
trailblaze amp maybe

i fucking love this image
He can't use Herrscher of Reason powers anymore and has to crutch on the Star of Eden. Take that old man's cane and he cant do shit
maybe Herta upgraded the star of eden
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Weltbros, not like this...
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Everybody gets a Bita
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he can but probably not to the same degree (and definitely not even close to how bronya could)
But Sunday didn't use the stellaron on himself tho? His Septimus form was him hijacking the Emanator Dominicus with the Order
didn't he use the stellaron to do so
i mean either way the dominance thing is likely just a coincidence given that a "Harmony" emanator would kind of necessitate that gimmick
they already said the collab is non canon
Insider Here: In 8.1 Welt is revealed to be Akivili and Seele is revealed to be Akiseele.
whatever collab event they do won't be canon but sparkle is literally in the main story right now
Emanators are rare, even in HSR. No way they're just going to have us get an Emanator just like that.
anon this chapter starts with talking about aeons instead of what happen last chapter, Sparkle is litterly in this chapter
it was used to brainwash people and expand the dreamworld outside of the star system
it would kinda make sense if the aeons started fighting over the solar system, it was apparently cut off from them until now because of the Cocoon
all isolated scenes that had nothing to do with the chapter
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>Acheron: Rating invalid
>Jing Yuan: Rating invalid
>Feixiao: Rating invalid
>Luocha: Rating invalid
>March 7th: Rating invalid
>Sampo: Rating invalid
inb4 this mf is one too
Cocoon>Aeons, btw.
Inb4 Sparkle isaha or part of him
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it seems like a proto-aeon
YanKING>>>Kiana, btw
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I love how the thread becomes more and more retarded the moment the HSR people came in
this chapter litterly says Kiana is near emenator tho....
Kiana is Emanator level. Getting another one would severely break whatever semblance of power levels in HI3.
implying I don't play both
The bulk of the thread(all 17 of it) play both games
1. they're not all the same level
2. There's no way Kiana would still be the power ceiling at the end of part 2, regardless of whether they have emanators or not
They dont care that much i would be more worried about ipc fucks trying to buy it lol
the emanator/herrscher powerlevel wanking is so fucking grug-brained I thought I was in a /dbs/ thread for a second
if current kiana could solve every problem for the rest of this game's existence there's no point in even continuing it
i'm getting a bad feeling that the star rail terms are prepping for them to just move the characters over to the other game and eos this one
Every other fuckface in HSR is described as a planetbuster (but (You)r whacky crew can fist fight them))
Disagree there are many ways to have Kiana and still have a threat she cant be everywhere at once and there can still be strong opponents sending her to a coma is the laziest writing
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>pulls the thread into his gravity
He Won
Same its also why the are wanking male characters so they can slowly get people used to them to drop them in later patches as game slowly eos and merges withh hsr
thank Welt in advance for his future upscaling of our jobbers

the way in question: >>498806301
they don't really care or fight over planets, they only take action when you mess with them
Last them they agreed to do something togheter was to beat the crap of an upstart aeon who destroyed 2/3 of the universe
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Cope, he has never shown it on screen once and I am sure the writers will never introduce it.
his SP version (like Daniel's forma de dragon) will probably be supercharging his core with imaginary energy
They will in hsr do it to stop fraud allegations and then content creators will dunk on haters
herrschers are planetary level threats thoughbeit
The problem isn't if the enemy is Emanators but the playable valks. Kiana being a goddess and all powerful, and sacrificing so much to reach that point, only for a random valk to become as powerful as her by following an Aeon would be in bad taste.
>they don't know
Anons, Star Rail is entirely Kiana's dream while in a coma.
not in the same way
HI3 characters are strong in terms of hax and single target attacks but not destruction like hsr characters are
Only Finality is. Some specific Herrscher has the potential reach of planetary but with some huge caveat.
That fraud doesn't even have a core anymore
>Mihoyo protect the honor of my Internet daddy
yeah I agree, if at all it would probably only be the main characters at the very end (like herrscher trio)
they're far beyond that in potency, but show a single thing implying that they could ACTUALLY destroy a planet
Hsr litterly does this every patch
The will of the Honkai just destroys civilization as it develops past a certain stage, which seems to be more or less post second world war levels of tech, with any prior honkai events being too minor to cull civilization before it's "ripe" for the harvest
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considering how vulgar Honkai Impact used to be, much moreso than Zed3x (they haven't made a molestation joke yet), I am not surprised why people hated the first few chapters in Part 2. That's probably what people talk about whenever they talk about the game being"G*nsh*fied". At least they're trying to rectify their mistakes >>498813364 Interestingly, the G*nsh*n devs have said some snide remarks at the plight the Part 2 team has gotten themselves into on their recent Chinese devlog.
And this isn't HSR. If HSR wants to destroy multiple solar systems with a single Imaginary Collapse Bomb, that's their business. For us, Kiana, Earth, Mars and the rest of the solar system is already more than enough on our plates.
You didn't even play the game if you think that is what happened. Unless you think planet sized quantum computers and mechs capable of interplanetary travel meant that WW2 was some kind of tech threshold for Honkai to do stuff.
Genshin devs dont get the right to talk since their story is even huge pile of trash that makes their villains even more dindu with story that travels with snail pace with a cuck mc
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>Vita's astral ring tutorial fucks up on the first move and doesn't continue
nice game
This would be true if it wasnt for devs merging universes
I fucking hate the stupid ass forced inclusion into the universe of HSR, it's ridiculously shoehorned, unnecessary and doesn't make any sense, if anything it should have been the other way around, now I need to play the other game to make any sense of this bullshit.
They were always in the same universe, retard.
I would agree but the devs want the stories to be linked so I'd rather not have our characters be jobbers
You don't need to play it, this place is clearly more then happy to Discuss either games lore and events, so you can stay updated on any major events on their end through osmosis
HI3 literally invented dindu "antagonists" tho
Kevin at least fought to the end, Genshin has literally no antagonists other than faceless blobs (essentially their will of honkai) and the big nigga in the sky who will almost certainly be dindufied at the very end
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where the fuck is the artbook event?
Just because they were told to be dosnt mean they are until it happens. baka
until now there was this wall of seperation
Otto does get what he wants in the end, but that doesn't erase his previous actions and their consequences
>Welt and VA literally in HSR
You niggers are fucking retarded.
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>instead of enforcing Honkai lore onto Star Rail, it's the other way around
Look, all I want is a playable Lovecraftian cosmic horror "god" in a form of a cute anime girl. I don't want space opera in my game. Star Rail has abandoned any pretense of horror in it, why should this game do the same?
That was akin to an Isekai scenario which works as "separation" because the Imaginary tree has many branches which function as alternate realities, Himeko being alive and well further reinforced, that the most the games had relating them was being in the same "universe" but separate realities, the latest development has them sharing the same reality
they way it was explained in hsr from the beginning is that the worlds on the tree can be easily connected by emanators, people like them, or things like the Astral Express. Hardly separate realities
Listen you stupid secondary Welt and VA literally resolve to go save HSR Himeko in the HI3 manga. Cope harder.
>hsr discussion
>Quality plummets
Enough reason to not want that shit anywhere near here
Am I crazy or is Sparkle even more niche of a battlesuit than sleepy Teri?
Teri is really strong with Vita desu
>340 comments overnight
WTF happened to /hig/?
Vita Aqua
Vita release, Seele birthday and HSR collab the holy trinity.
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Half the thread is lore discussion and powerlevel wanking
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Vita patch AKA the only good character left in this god-forsaken game
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You're literally what Vita described at the start of this update: a monkey stuck on its backwater rock thinking to know all there is because it hasn't seen what's beyond that
And i don't want to, Hsr is incredibly boring as a setting with everything interesting already over
Yes i and i dont want to see beyon hsr is stupid because it also ruins all honkai characters knowing ipc nigger can or swam can just take over now
Are you only upset because your favorites aren't at the top of the totem pole now?
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as if Mars wasn't being boring as well. That might change soon as the devs appears to be self-aware with the situation, but I have already set my expectations low to not disappoint myself. If they will enforce Xianzhouwank in this game, I'm out. I'm willing to put up with Mars but if Lan wankery is coming in this game, I'm quitting both Honkai games.
>ReWatching the Lantern/Songque fight vs ShadowQue on youtube.
Say what you will about Part 2, but these in game cutscenes and fight have really gone up a level. Lantern is a joy to watch.
I don't know how I'd cope if a Xianzhou ship arrives in the solar system
>tfw I am enjoying Part 2 as a new-GOD
>mfw old-troons are seething
Trust. Qiloph is building a giant wall to keep Earth locked out of HSR forever.
Yes because Kiana deserve Aeon level after all the shit if we are merging properly, I hate Vita being masked fool and how it boils down her character "to lol elation lol so random" instead of being someone that dosnt like being tied down to one thing. I hate how this merge makes ever honkai impact character even bigger jobbers then they were i hate that a random goon nigga can now just buy the planet we fought so long to protect i hate that a random swarm bug can do the same.
I hate that we will have Hsr wank in honkai impact i hate that they will inroduce a space china to the collab i hate the girls interacting with hsr males , i hate that they are bringing hsr mc into this so he/she can be a chadtunder sex god and steal them away from allt the characterization and set up they had.
Its like seeing your favorite character becoming a broken drunk that owns nothing and is unhappy.
Not unlike what tv and game do to most protags
They immediately capture and experiment on Fu Hua and the other Mantis to see how they manages to live forever and not go insane.
Only if people complain eanught but they stopped listening since genshin impact so i have low hopes
>it comes down to power scale wank
Jesus fuck, of all the reasons, there's people who chose that?
Everyone complaining are just proving themselves to be major secondaries since HSR is literally ripping off its entire lore from HG2 like HI3 did all the way to the final arc of part 1. If anything the only dissonant bs in the honkaiverse is this chink mars slop that hopefully will be retconned in the near future.
>240 max stamina
Wait what
>he thinks the valkyries will simply give up in the face of these threats and wallow in self-pity of their jobber status

have we been playing the same game?
Did honkai remove your brain ? i said it ruins all characters too Mei was already reduced to a fanservice slut in both game its fate for all characters in this game to be turned to mere fanserive machine for hsr mc or other stupid shit to ruin deep meaning of scenes for mroe fanservice.
This whole game we fought to free earth and protect the fact that it can get destroyed or bought out on a whim is so fucking stupid.
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Kiana was downgraded to a mere glorified janitor after Elysia became the true protagonist, god and savior of the game, everything post ER has been nom-stop Kiana humilliation.
Daaamn now I don't need to log twice a day.
Mei Jobbed to random space ayy lmao while Kiana watched from moon.
i dont have much hope.
Valk only succeded because most antags wanted to help the earth or it was part of the plan to give them more power and they still lost most fights.
Im a Kiana and Mei fan but this is very true
Anon is actually retarded
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we need bigger threats because the old ones aren't strong enough for Kiana to not one shot

this is how sequels typically work
You mean by intentionally removing memories? That is what the dragon people already do.
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hey Ive seen this one before
This is true Boruto does this exact thing by making all past heroes litteral jobbers useless hazbins
Go kiss Seele
still better than part 2 until homura appeared
she's an Ai-chan replacement so an actual brick
I didn't roll for Ai hag
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found a succinct summary of Part 2
Kiana did become something like an Aeon in GGZ and it has even been hinted she can grant powers similar to emanators with the teased interaction with Karin.
>unironic bottom tier shonen fag in this thread
Maybe HSR was a mistake...
/dbs/ spics should go back to their shithole
>pretending hi3 was not shonenshit
/hig/ never learn.
Today's thread has had everything, including the rare Brazilian-KINO
Thank you /hig/ for outdoing yourselves
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The bigger fish always swallows the smaller one, you can't force HSR players into consuming the absolute clusterfuck that is HI3, it's easier to just shove it into ours, it's just the way things are, so stop whining and start playing HSR to catch up before you get left behind.
>/hig/ never learn
you fags will never beat the shonenspic allegations
Grumpy SEELE
I did not like HSR Bronya and Seele desu, but I like Silver Wolf.
Why can't we be like GGZ and just stay self-contained in our own little universe? Why do we need to merge with HSR? Literally who asked for this?
>sleeping in a turtleneck
>more marslop
That's a skip button from me. Thank god I don't have to read this shit.
Your taste is shit and you should feel bad about it
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What do we like about Bita?
She is friends with seele!
Literally only spics and chinks play action games thougheverbait
correct opinion
sexual artificial humanoid
That's because both of them are skinwalkers who have very little in common with 3rd's versions while SW is literally just bronie in space.
Tits and because she's a good character that is good at playinging the villain or a hero since I can see her be both,tho her joining fools is the dumbest point and ruins her character
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She is beautiful, friendly and kind when she wants to be. Fun to have in screen and was the first antagonist in all of Honkai whose motivations are actually reasonable from the position she is in.

Vita love
>the first antagonist in all of Honkai whose motivations are actually reasonable from the position she is in
That's otto actually. Bita is great but she is far from the first.
Vita was a mistake
No Otto is actually retarded
All Cocolia wanted to do was save Seele.
Seele! and "Seele"!
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Bronie is indeed peak Bronya so get the fuck out if you disagree with that.
>me in the middle
Is Baita a must roll or are we skipping for Sparkle?
we all rolled for bita already
I think she will age pretty well but I'd hesitate to call her must roll right now. Most of us are rolling because we like bita or have nothing better to roll for during the spending event than her and kiana's key. From a strictly meta perspective her usage is kind of narrow but she has some good potential depending on how that currently locked anal ring ends up.
I rolled for her, mecha is cool and new ring type coverage. Kiana is also on her team.
>Universal breach support
>Dedicated fire support
You tell me
Breach doesn't matter nearly as much as the AE days now that basically every DPS has it baked into their kit by default. It's no longer an undiluted multiplier. It's like how newton B fell off once damage taken started to become more common.
Why the fuck is there a long ass section focusing on limp toast? Who the fuck asked for this? Who cares? Enough with these gay ass mars characters.
Litost is a GOD
Hmm, nyo. I press skip.
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maybe if your shithole of a community was any better, people would welcome you here with open arms. But with the recent brain-damaged powerwanking on full display in this thread and potentially the shipping wars bullshit your ilk have been slowly bringing here for the past few years are malignant tumours that need to be eradicated.
Is she good?
is this the patch with the free helia weapon or is that next patch?
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>mfw our souls are still held down by earth's gravity
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It's Time.
Her big rack.
Su is doing just fine without removing his memories. Griseo as well.
She groomed him.
Neither Su or Griseo have thousands of years of memories, they have been in cryosleep for most of their existence.
She is evil.
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She is badwoman
I wonder why xuanyuan sword isn't in the key box, not that it matters to me since I needed twins of eden too. Still a strange feeling omission though.
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>tfw we will never get a Nicholas Roerich stigma set
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Su absolutely has thousands of years of memories. He was awake when Kevin tried his Project Stigma plan on the britons and then stayed awake in Seed of Sumeru to search for worlds where they won against the Honkai all the way until Dudu showed up. Not only does he have his own memories to worry about, he also has been collecting data from throughout the verse.
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Sugar, spice, and everything nice.
These were the ingredients chosen to create the perfect little girl.
But, professor Mihoyo accidentally added an extra ingredient to the concoction: Chemical awesome.
Thus, Seele... was born.
Su is a fucking leaf.
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I have always wondered if Vita is an android or a cyborg. She mentioned before during the Salt Snow arc that she has an interferometer installed inside her body, which is basically a machine that she uses to calculate the probability of multiple scenarios inside her head. This is probably where her clairvoyance and telekenesis comes from
What a great day this is. Nobody tying me up and stepping on me. I'm safe at last.
Leafs OWN this general, this universe, and all bubble universes.
>first antagonist in all of Honkai whose motivations are actually reasonable from the position she is in.
Even Kebin travelling the multiverse for Mei pussy?
GGZ Kebin was never an antagonist
>Throws her freedom away to Elation cucks
Nice desire for freedom from higher authorities, now you suffer from sudden strong urges to do shit that gets you elated, not because you want to, but because a mask forces that desire on you
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You know, many have said that I am an elating individual myself.
But he fight Kiana to marry Mei.
"Su" doesn't sound like a canadian name at all.
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Tell me you wouldn't accept pic as your higher authority.
Powerlevelfags should be put out of their misery. I can't imagine viewing all fiction through that lens.
I always just assumed she had been created with a mostly organic body
Is this the clock thread?
Does Kiana's key do anything on its own or do you have to roll for Bita?
It basically doubles her DPS in her normal team and lets you turn HoO into a luna level DPS if you want to meme it up with Mei.
As a Vita support, Kiana is weaker than Coralie, apparently. Though you still need both or else Vita's damage is dogwater.
Kiana will probably be replaced in Vita's team sooner rather than later.
Ok, so where is Seele and Hua at the current moment actually? They get mentioned a lot when talking about Bita's schemes and untrustworthiness, but where are they?
Seele is shit!
It really depends on when we get another oblivion anal ring. That's the primary reason you have to have her, because there are only 3 oblivion rings and vita needs 3 in her team otherwise her personal buffs fall of a cliff. Even if whoever the next oblivion anal ring is ends up being weaker than kiana in vita's team it's guaranteed to be a lot better than the current no kiana bita teams.
probably saved for future arcs, I don't want Seele anywhere near mars anyway
Fuka got hit by a bus
>that time I was reincarnated as KFC
RIP fuka.
Hua sadly died of old age
That's something I also wish to know. My guess is they are doing some Shicksal stuff on Earth like teaching new valkyries.
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Either way, the free 4/4 dog is here to stay
All Seele content is good content, so her appearance would make Mars that much better.
I crafted her stigs today...
well yeah but not exactly. For one, the amount of data she absorbs will fry a normal human being's brain. She also said her interferometer is a nanochip implant that allows her to run algorithms to predict possible futures. Prommy also apparently gave Vita "plug-ins for her to use", which is just weird as if she's some sort of a mechanical being. I think Sa said that of all the proxies she made, the Vita we know was the only proxy that took her old appearance before she became a SoQ goddess, which is rather odd to say. She also transformed into an APHO mecha monster in one of her backstories, so she probably is some sort of an artificial humanoid machine.

In the dev diary they recently posted on youtube, they said that Vita is a clone of Sa but I'm not sure if the translations are correct. If it is, mayybe she's organic but the previous arcs were implying more of the opposite.
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Happy Seele day!
It's time to Seelebrate!
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man, New Nagazora looks so cool. I doubt we will ever see this in this game
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Seele's smile makes me smile
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Anons, who is a better investment purely as a support? Sleepy teri (simp), or Lantern? I am not a fan of their dps playstyle.
they did that shit in 6 years?
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I didn't skip her though
You would not SS HoFi instead of getting a mecha bunny elf.
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Just look at this seductress.
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I haven't been this hard for a battlesuit in a long ass time
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They spent tons of time making her stockings just the right color. It is sexy as hell
See/e is a seductress too
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Alright, I gave up. Just dominate me Bita
I think Houkai Gakuen arc is set in 2060
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for me, it's hear stealth leotard
Derpy Bita is derpy
go to sleep anon
what's up with all the baiji and litost wanking in the new story chapter? did mihoyo not get the memo that nobody cares about them?
boku wa bita
Ai shitaru, mina
oh look another game released another swimsuit loli again and made lots and lots of money, who could've guessed
teri probably
oh I thought it was hi3
Would you roll Pajeeta?
if her kit is fun
only if she breaks the 4th wall and is for (you)
And Sin!
And Buronya onee-chan!
Thanks! On the other hand, I got a cracked Susannah so QUA and physical is not really a problem. On the other hand, eepy teriteri will be a support for future units.
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Why would you bother leveling Alexender?
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It has better support capabilities!
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the doomposting ends right

What are the requirements to get that free Elysia?
Playing the game
They thought he was the super cool strong mentor type (like Gojo) when he was introduced and because a majority of them never read HI3rd they were super susceptible to lie and trolls who told them HI3rd characters were multiversal+ and thst Welt was one of the strongest in his prim
Tesla is Marin
Bita's Bitas look really lewd here.
>ipc nigger can or swam can just take over now
No they can't
Kiana is right there and would easily fuck up ever IPC characters bar Diamond
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Higher quality Bita's Bitas
apparently statements about divine keys and honkai energy put the characters that high but it's not destruction, just condensed force. I don't even think Welt could destroy a continent
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Gigaseele plushie...
>we will have Hsr wank in honkai impact
That's pretty funny considering /hsrg/ seems to be super hostile towards anything honkai impact related because they are afraid our character will take over and turn the game into honkai impact 4th
I mean he is a super cool mentor type but he's more the merely human shitter who does the best he can and passes on his knowledge to his successor who can do it better type.
Yeah our characters can hit hard but are really weak when it comes to actually blowing shit up, especially compared to hsr unnamed random niggas being galaxy destroyers
/We/ hate hsrslop here too though.
Why are zoomers so weird about power level autism?
He probably kinda is that way in Star Rail, he's framed to be the strongest in the crew at least initially but I doubt it'll last
can't he not even do that level of attacks anymore though since all of the power went back to kiana
To that turdlysia anon bitching about two threads.
First off there have always been two Seeles so there should be a two birthday threads as well. Secondly Seele doesn't even get that much recognition from official and fan stuff so there's nothing wrong with getting some extra love for literally one damn day in a year. Thirdly, it's ALWAYS pinkshit niggers shitting up threads and fighting others.
So no. Piss off. Your birthday thread deserves to be ruined and I'll make sure of it.
Holy BASE-
>Your birthday thread deserves to be ruined and I'll make sure of it.
Don't become one of them, anon.
>seeleschizos are mentally ill threadshitters
We already knew this.
probably with the star of eden
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And "Seele"!
Fuck off this shit isn't just zoomed being retarded but people in general when a series has lots if fights in it. The amount of retards I've seen who unironically believe that "x is better then that y because the characters in x are stronger" in the late 2000s in ridiculous. It's the argument dragon ball fags have been using against other series for decades now
>Don't become one of them, anon
They need to get their own medicine fed to them and it's time someone does it.
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The best day of the year is finally here!
Seele hates meds!
>"If ruining Elysia's birthday thread is a sin, I'll gladly be a sinner"
Pffftt good luck
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Seele wouldn't like it.
I looked into it more it seems like he's physically dogshit but the star of eden carries hard
stop replying to yourself Gojoschizo. Go back
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Me on top
star rail tourist here
is it worth actually getting into this game or not? I did the first 12 or so chapters of the story and at first I thought it was complete slop but it grew on me a lot and I'll at least be finishing the story, but wanted know whether it's too late to start endgame stuff
also is /hig/ always autistic battleboarding it seems like you guys actually have a story to talk about but this whole thread is just power comparison to star rail
Endgame is PvE leaderboards, i.e. you will never beat whales.
Part 2 story is still slop so there's nothing of note to talk about
You probably won't survive RL but anything below RL is full of retards who you can beat by just playing the game properly even if they're whales. There's no reason to care though. You can play through the whole story without touching the rest of the game.
If only we were this alive on our usual days
No anon, this place is a shitter with nothing to discuss between patches
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The plus side is that we don't have much insane metafagging here.
Normally story talk is just doomposting about part 2 and arguments over which part 1 arc anons love the most with schizo theories over writers and so on. There are a few people who enjoy the game still however
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>Seele will be a good wife
That Seele is dead...
That's only because the question to what is meta is already answered by chinks before we get stuff.
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arr rook same
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Man, why can't mihoyo sell all this stuff on other sites than taobao like amiami?
did they only have the money for one sparkle image or why are they reusing it so much
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>updating the 17th
>it's 03:16
>still nothing
just use a 3rd party website like superbuy/cssbuy/etc.
it's not like it's gonna make a big difference when it comes to cost. even mihoyo themselves are overpricing the merch when they do pop-up stores events outside of China.
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>Got rid of Star Rail and ZZZ
>Only Genshin and awaiting HI3rd
I really hate Genshin's artifacts mechanic outside of Genshin.

Off that subject, SEELES BIRTHDAY GIFTS!!!
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>seele anon nice
Little Griseo sex.
>getting elysia average
No wonder shit's for free now kek
>yeah roll seele anon
Amazing advice!!
>rail dawei
dont rape leylah
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Holy fucking shit. I want to bang the Venusian lady so goddamn bad. I can't stand it anymore. Every time I open my Hyperion bridge I get a massive erection. I've seen literally every gravure post there is of her online. My dreams are nothing but constant fucking sex with Vita-chan. I'm sick of waking up every morning with six nuts in my boxers and knowing that those are nuts that should've been busted inside of Vita's tight alien pussy. I want her to have my mutant Purushan/Terran babies.

Fuck, my fucking overseer caught me with the neighbors marionette. I'd dressed her with Vita's leotard pants and went to fucking St. Freya. She hasn't said a word to me in 10 hours and I'm worried she's gonna take away my captain privileges. I might not ever get to see Vita again.
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fair her legs are the most hd things in this game
wow, she's really sexy here compared to most honkai girls
Powerscaling is talked about because it puts honkai impact in subserviant position, making it feel like nothing that happend matter since countless other dangers can just mess earth up not only that for anti male anons and self insert anons this jus mean more males in this universe where it was mostly focused on girls. Tiggering both self insert fans and yuri fans, The fact that the planet in a grand scheme of this all dosnt mattter is grim but the fact that defenders of it cant even defend because they ran out of power or just not as strong that they can lose to randoms or be bought out by ipc or the swarm makes it even more grimm
The fact that after all that pain Kiana gets cucked then put in a coma so universe can rip apart the planet she was protecting is kinda stupid
B-But it's morning already
>Dudu is getting a loli battlesuit on her birthday
Im not gonna lie i chatted to honkai impact chat bots all night...
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Sorry but i prefer the tomboy HSR Seele over the generic crybaby bitch with negative personality
But Hsr Seele is the whiny bitch tho....
Ouer Seele is chill
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That's cool. Have a good day, anon.
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Seele is full of positive energy!
Who do I roll for?
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new yandereele
But Bronya...
... is just a friend.
the one whose lines are 70% about bronya?
Sparkle's outfit is free
i had sex with this
>they gave her short spats
I should commit naked dogeza to our devs
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you know the girls will just get stronger, right? You guys are acting like this is the end of the world when we already knew from the start the games were in the same universe
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Poor cuckshitlysia could never.
We know for a fact they do not due to apho
and only get weaker
Vita who is a being older then aeons aint close to Kiana and Kiana is near emenator or something like that, yea i know it sound like power scaling bs but its really grim in context that ouer characters are now bigger jobbers then they were before
Kiamei were kissing, cuddling and fucking offscreen. I love their official wedding shot
being mad at a game because of powerscaling autism has to be some kind of brainrot
Licking sweat from "Seele"s sideboob
as of apho it doesn't seem like hsr has even really affected the game in any way, Welt doesn't mention it either. Either we timeskip to then and they actually do things with it (and our characters get stronger from there) or nothing happens and there's no reason to care
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Srg cucks kill yourself and fuck off from our threads. Powerscaling is for mentally ill troons only
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She is lucky that's a fake Welt.
The council has decided: Death to all Hsrg anons!
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Reminder that between Void Archives, Luocha, and Aventurine, there are a minimum of 3 Ottos in HSR.
Yeah, Tesla would be mad the man she groomed is with another woman.
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god I love this womanchild
how come honkai powerscaling general is more active than honkai impact general ever is
Apho takes place in like one palce that is under mega illusion we dont really see that much of the outside so it could be anything, we already know Kiana is gone or depowerd, Mei weak and so on so they really can make up anything
Angry Tesla is a universal threat.
ask yourself
idk man I doubt the writers want the hi3 girls to be complete jobbers compared to the rest of the verse (that said it is possible that they shaft Bronya and Mei since they actually do seem to be weak even in just hi3)
nobody wants to talk about the Baji male wank and his sister
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even now though, I think it's too hasty to call them jobbers. Emanators are not all as strong as Acheron and even then the wording makes it seem like Kiana is above emanators (that could just be the translation though). Also, non-emanators aren't really above our characters. Aventurine, who is pretty much one tier below, said himself would have just died to the Astral Express if Acheron hadn't intervened, and they didn't even have their full squad. He only seems about Sirin level, give or take
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considering genshin devs get to shit talk honkai impacy and star rail and zzz getting all high quality animations i just feel like devs hate this game even if story did get better
Schrodinger's master plan is almost ready to be sprung...
Yeah I don't know why people seem to be under the impression that every hsr character is an emanator
Kevin Kaslana is the most powerful chracter
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uhh pretend you didn't see that
We only lose if they have a Kevin expy that ends up canonically stronger than the real one
Kevin's strength came from his virginity
That would just be Kevin again, there is no exporting of him that is possible otherwise.
hi @de_trastamara_
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Hi Simon!
hsr doesn't have the same bullshit science statements as hi3 so no matter what the writers want to say you'll always be autistically argue that Kevin is stronger and you won't be proven wrong
>gets hacked by Vita
It's so so over for you
please tell me that isn't actually your youtube channel full of basedjaks
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I don't have a youtube channel
'jaks are very important to powerscaling discussions
Should we thank Fanchuan for securing our powerscaling spic legacy?
Can someone explain how expeditions are supposed to work now, it seems like they don't reset every day like they used to? I looked in the patch notes and didn't see anything about this, what are you supposed to do to make them reset? Or is this just a glitch?
For me, it is Gigachadian dialogues regarding powerscaling
what is this referring to
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Cute butterflies.
I didn't notice anything different when I set mine up.
It's a bigger max from what I saw, maybe it just continually regens instead of having a daily limit that only regens up to that point.
>sim battles lite
just get rid of them
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it is quite prominent

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