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Previous: >>498756846

>Current & Upcoming Content
[09/25-11/12][Event Pass] Worlds 2024
[15 Year Anniversary] Music Fan Gragas, Cosplayer Neeko, Esports Fan Trundle and Ann-Sivir-sary
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/lolg/ OP pastebin
/lolg/ Pickems
Which champion will reward me the most for OTPing them? Like in a good way, not in a "do a billion move combo for same damage" way
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none if you're not really good with that champ, playing thousands of hours with the same champ only means you've played many hours with them and nothing more than that. pisslow is full of otp players and they aren't good, but answering your question I'd say lee sin or yasuo.
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>play sona
>my mid has 20kills
>my adc has 11 kills
>get ulted by 3 people every fight
>mindcontrol people into throwing winnable games just by existing on the map

i'd play support but it really is just a dog fucking role
the only thing lowbobs know is how to blow up squishies, they can't understand that cooldowns should be used on someone else who has 20kills
I take this as a no?
Ive been trying to play with camera unlocked and this shit is way more tricky than i thought
Is swain good?
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Another Day. Another Dollar.
>adc has 11 kills
>people focus a sona to waste they cd habilities
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>be euchud
>every game there are atleast 3 mohammads/ahmeds in the teams
you're basically asking for it if you're not playing a champ with 18937 health and 3 blinks plus invunerability in the year of our Lord
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how old is camille? over 50yo? 60yo?
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which league hoe has the best r34 animations?
Your are forgetting the Osamas
Swains rework will be released soon, he's only ever gotten nerfed upon pbe testing so people started off feeling hopeful however are now underwhelmed and do not believe this will help his initial issues before all the changes, the result is yet to be seen but I have low hopes since it seems he is going back to getting his ratios balanced and tweaked over and over again. It is not a good idea to pick him up now nor can anything be said since the changes are not out yet to give it a test drive.
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nobody asked but i delivered. dont plap this one or else
go to r34 and find it for yourself
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4 honors for the worst champ in 0.1% elo game
What's the identity of this niggerchamp? I really don't get it
probably late 50s or 60s since she has a full head of grey hair
Riot is turning Irelia into a pure mid laner.
I've been browsing this general with you for 8 years my eurofriends
I don't know if her hair is that color because of her age since there are young girls in runeterra like Ashe who have white hair
J4 has been relevant since season 1 if you really care about long term otping and not having to worry about a thing.
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w pedo
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Briar won
i want to try support recommend me one that leaves the lane
how does the support item work you go back to any lane and hit 3 minions when its charged?
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her identity is goddess and you had better get it right because you'll only get one chance.
Can you settle down and find a husband in game if you mostly play male champions?
14.22 can't come soon enough
AD assassin items are so ass
Unironically a dead simple champion. Garen top, Sona support, Annie mid, Ashe adc, Rammus jg. The benefit you get from being an OTP is that you no longer think of the champion at all and I stead start actually learning league of legends instead, something about 10% of players ever end up doing. Once you are "autopiloting" your champion you can use the free space in your brain's buffer to start thinking things like "if I slowpush this wave and back I can dodge this gank and have an item spike for this objective" instead of being tunnelvisioned on hitting your akali combo.
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Stay positive /lolg/!
There is literally a femboy or whatever here that mained Sion. It is possible and if your prospect is getting married then in-game champion selection should not matter.
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last thread
yes but only if you're a gay man
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It's not an AD assassin patch, it's a "midlane" rework that supposedly helps assassins, whatever the fuck that means.
and let's not forget about briar who is like, what, 2? 4?
>faker beat yone damage
faker will break yone's win rate in the final
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cute picture :)
glad to see you back with this bit
>wbg teams skins unless k'sante
weibo confirmed world champs unless k'sante is banned or picked by other team
Which are the fastest champions in the game with the highest theoretical top speed?
I've been reaching 1100-ish with nunu, but I crave more speed.
the only thing briar can do is get you out of pisslow, she sucks when you're up against players with IQs over 80
briar ult
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Here's how I would rework Swain:
>Passive: change to something that gives waveclear
>Q: change to some medium range delayed skillshot with cc
>W: leave as is
>E: leave as is
>R: change so that during R, Q changes to how it is right now, and W changes to have reduced cooldown and greatly reduced range
Zeri can stack movespeed infinitely using her ult.
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>I want to play a support that can deal damage but isn't a selfish pick
>I want a support that can make big plays and swing games
>I want a support that will never get outscaled because my team can't end
>I want a support that's useful with every team comp and in every game
I apologize for every player gold and below that has to have a W max moonstone rush Sona cannon minion in their games but they keep the winrate low so the champ can continue to be insane
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qiqibros it's over
there was no reason to come back when the state of this general was full of cuckspam words, so I was in other vg's generals
Half of those items don't exist anymore, but I'll give it a shot.
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try my scientifically-formulated and patented shitshow build. Guaranteed to mald enemies and allies alike and get you in or out of sticky situations with haste.
How do I find a league of legends ERP partner?
nah she's just waiting for a bus in spanish harlem.

It'll be here soon.
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lots of candidates in lolg
Quinn R
+ ghostblade
+ ghost
+ celerity
+ nimbus cloak
+ fountain homeguard
Pretty sure Quinn beats out anyone except infintely stacked Zeri
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>league rp
There's better things to erp
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I just realised that I gifted my duo 40 euro worth of skins...
They won't post their ign
like what?
I don't want to use my brain, I want to get carried by mechanics. I'm a fighting game player anyway so doing combos is normal
Why would you ever do that
Yasuo or Katarina.
riven or samira take your pick
thank youuuuu babe :3
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Okay, just so you know you'll def peak diamond and maybe low masters if you have hands. It's not impossible to learn the game passively through champs like that it's just that otping simple champions is the easiest fast track to learning the game, otherwise basically every champion will give you benefits for onetricking. Play some shit like yone yasuo fiora if you want to be carried by mechanics, or high attack speed ADC's if you like that role instead. If you have the hands to orbwalk like a god you'll just win 70% of your games by accident.
>french soraka creme
you cant carry with mechanics in this game you have to play the map
will you post yours?
someone here said that high attack speed is trash on adc's because they scale most off of AD. here is the quote

"Attack Speed as a stat sucks and you should always prioritize AD over it and ONLY build items that grant a splash of AD along with it while mostly using your runes to supplement it
LoL is a special kind of game in that we have a little mechanic called SCALING a lot of champions ability Scale with AD not AS. at least 50%+ of what your champion is capable of is going to come from your items. the difference between an ultimate ability dealing 600 damage or 1500 damage is all in what items you purchase.
Building AD not only increases your right click damage but ALSO your scaling. Attack speed ONLY increases your right click your gold isnt making your champion wholesale stronger, just its right clicks. I think Riot knows this so they keep putting a bunch of MS on AS items to try to give them a secondary function and hide the fact that dumbshit like RFC caitlyn has probably -8% winrrate compared to just IE->Collector Caitlyn."
How do I find a twink that will suck my dick for RP?
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adc bros, I'm so sorry
league players are too old to be twinks
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>finally back to where i should have been from the start
>all this shit because placements began with 2 players that just left the game
welcome to the worst elo
This is true and based but I was talking about high AS champs like kog twitch ashe et al who have attack speed and on hit modifiers built I to their kit, champs like caitlyn who have no on hit bonuses or natural attack speed shouldnt build it.
have you actually played close to 400 soloq games this split?
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>be euro
>play on euw
>mohamads and ahmuds are in the game
>add one of them cause he was so obsessed with me in the entire game and ended up hard losing
>he starts taunting me
>tell him his name is ahmud and he has no human rights
>le butte hurte
>writes entire paragraphs how arabs revolutionized the west and arabs are the future
>tell him he is brown
>writes more paragraphs
>laugh before i block him

why do shitskins think they have human rights?
how? why? are you ok?
Caitlyn really wasn't designed as an ADC. She was just a lane bully. AD Mage.
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Which male champion is most likely to have worn a chastity cage? genderbent female champs allowed too
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what was lil bro thinking?
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angry about one cunt denying me d4 at the end of last split
>are you okay
veigar when he was captured by mordekaiser
More like Lessdekaiser am I right folks?
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I wish I was a chastity slave
I had 4 turks on my team yesterday
>top/mid duo with eachother with turkish sounding names feeding their asses off (probably living in tr)
>1 jungler who was allchatting gg tr in team but he was also typing turkish back to them (probably an immigrant)
>1 disabled support who didn't type until I opened bot and typed gg tr topside, after which he started calling me racist and lecturing about turkey
this server is so fucking doomed
Should I download the game again after not playing for 3 years
is that why p*mp*m plays that champ?
only if you have nothing better to be doing and have friends who play also. If you have a good job or a gf don't even bother
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thighhigh socks: on
breakcore mix: playing
plug: in
cage: locked

yep its time to play gwen :3
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iktf bro, it is what it is
I'm pisschilling in plat since the incident last split, I can't focus on that acc anymore
what the hell
are turret ranges marked only in bot games??
Post pic
you're not xim
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Stay positive /lolg/!
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Don't forget arcane will ruin this champion
>Jungloid tries ganking mid or top
>Sometimes doesn't work, sometimes even backfires

>Jungloid ganks bot
>Free double kills for both teams any time they want

Sometimes I wonder if jungle is that broken or bot lane is just supremely garbage. Probably both.
What part of lol is actually fun
>Free double kills for both teams any time they want
That never happens btw
Happens every single game. Every smurf jungler I've seen has the same strategy. They get fed bot, it lets them be strong enough to kill solo laners, now they can fully abuse the jungle role and 1v9 the map.
lolg told me those balloons are filled with lolgs positivity
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filipino women owe me sex
the objectives like killing baron
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thanks for a cool zeri picture
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>*oneshots you and emotes*
How do you respond without sounding mad?
i played a bot game for first win and it fucked me up when i went back to pvp and stepped too close lol
>camp toplane and make enemy yorick go 0 kills, 12 deaths
>he almost 2v1s us every fight at all stages of the game even though we were both fed and he's dumpstered
why is shit like this allowed to exist?
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Why don't people like Ornn? He has 4 (four) cc abilities, has the tools to outplay most champions in lane, is actually unkillable late game, and can still solokill like half the roster even if it takes 20 seconds.
he's fat without being gamebreakingly op like volibear udyr and gragas are
why always this image now?
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Split Split Split Split Split Push.
ur my hero, AOE
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I feel like he's pretty dependent on a good team and it's easy for people to shut him down early if he's just bullied and falls behind. being able to buy in lane isn't useful if you're under tower 24/7 and can't waveclear
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Quit acting so friendly
Don't nod, don't laugh all nicely
Don't think you'll up-end me
Don't sigh, don't sip your iced tea
Don't say, “It's been a while…”
Don't flash that stupid smile
Don't ask me, don't ask me, don't ask me
Ask me, ask me how I've been
maybe kill his gf first next time idiot
Any lolg clash streams this weekend?
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cute briar...
Please add champ bans to aram
was gonna start up a stream earlier but i took a mid day nappy

now i will start a stream

somewhat in winners q

ttv dumbdigger

Are you as cute as Keria?
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I think we're the only clash team formed so far, maybe one of us will stream
how do wbg mental boom every lpl team idgi. i predicted wbg win but i'm still surprised they won
Dumbdigger's team clears you
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>premade starts typing KY$ and Ni663r to enemy trying to hide from filter
>enemy says nothing
>get report notification
rip liam
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More dad champs when?
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by raping her
don't dream tonight
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I don’t dream. I just sleep.
Ign? Ill suck your dick for free
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i put this ward at 5 minutes, survived till the end of 30 min game lol
nah but dumbdiggers apm is so chill actually
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the cutest
Hes chillmaxxing fr
who has higher apm jfs or dumbnigger?
imagine how autistic their kids would be
failed experiment that should have remained in a cell or been incinerated
Dumbdigger pisschills on jfs
one has gooners in the twitch chat and the other has chillbros
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positivity is stored in the balls
jfs is based for driving tazmir to suicide
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told you the wholesome chungus thing was an act. the manipulation was so perfect that she got rid of a perceived enemy and still is loved by the general public. thats villain material
>Caitlyn 4 ARAMs in a row
Yeah sure is random champs in here.
jfs has to act retarded as part of her siren act to charm people, in reality she clears lolg as a whole
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just got this
Stfu I'll clear ur bowels with my mouth bitch
calm down jelly. take a xanax
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Justice for tazmir
hes a fat fuck but his abilities are tiny little shits
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>viper pings assist for tower aggro
>his yasuo dashes under tower to tank it for him

brings tears of joy into my eyes when i see teamplay
this would never ever happen on any western server
why did the milio waste ult?
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>why is she so bad
Question of the century
if this game wasn't balanced around a homosexual playerbase syndra wouldn't be able to do this btw
why is this one guy obsessed over this jelly player
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ult heals, probably tried to save himself from getting into R execute range
this would happen in eune silver 3
He wants to rape me
Post adorable briar pictures
i believe you but it would happen because yasuo has severe mental disabilities and he just randomly dashes around
I hope you aren't discouraged by this schizo my love
as a twink, how do I find a lolg to suck their dick for RP?
girls are skittish
they are fighting over go gets yuumi in dumbdiggers game...
dumbdigger could easily hit at least master if he actually tried
killer of troons is SO based and zased
it'd make more sense to crop the season rot where she got boosted emerald and hasn't been able to get back there solo
who boosted jfs?
Why is tazmir hateposting so hard lol
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Friendly reminder you're nothing to her but (yous) to ignore. It's her version of tinder notifications.
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I love Lissandra!
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new sona skin revealed
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same except replace love with hate
the hitbox is wider the animation makes it narrower over time
niggas mic tweakin
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if it makes her feel appreciated then it's okay
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ivorybow and kurostar
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Winner que

fuck riot
fuck kikes
fuck you kill yourself
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dumbdiggers builds be like
>1.8% of games
>57% wr together
>wideselection of simps willing to boost her
>still lowelo surfing to this day
was it autism
better than you vbl
all of her simps are emerald surfer shitters who can barely carry a silver game
meanwhile dumbdigger has multiple master plus elo boosters on speed dial
None of her smurfs are high elo
All pisslows
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dumbdigger pisssmurfing in silver goddamn
what he say fuck me for
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early stream if anyone wants to join :3

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nigger dumbdigger is on
show some respect pisslow
>jelly can't get anyone above plat to boost her
>meanwhile vouivre has hibiki boosting her
Vouivre won
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who the fuck would want to boost this freak?
the nameless high elo player that boosts dumbdigger clears hibiki
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sorry i just got off work and didn't see
noone will join mine anyways dw..
Vouivre's knight watching in spectator mode as his girl treated right
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You TRULY love to see it.
you're right about that atleast
hibiki is masters
i miss zzrot
any site got numbers on daily players in eune?
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so is dumb diggers booster
tazmir wasnt posting about jelly, are you faggots ill in the head? disgusting freaks crawling out of the woodwork like insects, what a diseased general, keep hiding behind your veil of anonymity to spew trash about people and things you know nothing about
hope death comes quick and painfully for you human trash
vvk jerking his smally clitty in the background while vv riding that hibiki lucian cock for freelo is plat
i got hard reading this
E4 S U C K S - I can't even get a positive winr8 on my main dood. Norms have better games than ranked currently and it's actually hilarious.
yep lolg is cooked
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>tazmir spills out his heart about how you hurt him
>you dont care
>all you care about is that jellys getting attention and not you
*kisses vouivre in front of hibiki*
>redacted posing as lyra
Devilish, but I'm on to you
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instigate more, human trash
video games?
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But that's all you do
who do you love then
you nigga
>doja raquan clash
Not beating the bbc allegations
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dumbdigger with subsaharan teammates once again
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which one are you
finna kill everyone of these niggas
none you fucking skinwalker, kill yourself
where did m*ntheon go
why are her thighs so big
guessing this is him
L*ra desperate for attention since everyone is discussing J*lly instead

It's J*lly's feet that tazmir wants to kiss and worship, not yours
What's that mean EXACTLY?
a person whose behavior deviates from what is acceptable especially in sexual behavior. synonyms: degenerate, deviate, pervert.
it means that she's a sexual deviant or something
I don't understand how it's always the same namefags being namedropped, is it samefagging?
There is nothing to smile about
No new players or posters, people leaving regularly due to schizos/spammers, game just getting worse every update. Only ones left are the ones too deep in the hole.
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This is getting creepy, why are you so obsessed with her?
>game just getting worse every update
I blame Phreak.
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your poor ashe is so 1v9
fuck and marry all of them.
kill everyone who won't let me keep my harem.
He's retarded but the game went to shit long before he had anything to do with balance
she is my unconditional love
if she feels the need to ignore me just to not give (You) fuel for your conspiracy that shes an evil simp collector so be it
I'll still love her
Is that MF or Kat?
fuck marry and kill lux
see >>498824715
no, mark yetter ruined it
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You're the reason twitch thots and onlyfans is successful
>Is that MF or Kat?
>no tattoos
>no scars
gee boss i dunno
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Briar needs sisters, continue the experiments with Vlad's blood.
money =/= love
cringe tazmirpost
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she posted them along time ago and i followed its not weird to support other lolgs
Briar is ugly and cringe.
and looks like a retarded gorilla
work on ur macro dumbdiggger
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>sivir's spell shield show braum laughing when she blocks a skill
probably the only half decent thing about this skin
why does he think tping into a fight is bad?
nigga got his typing skills down tho
How did you lose your lolg?
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Briar is cute and awesome
I was too clingy
dumbnigger you're pushing lane too far up
he killed himself after i unfriended him
dumbdigger isnt really a league streamer
hes more like an investigative journalist
Honestly, I would fuck Caitlyn.
Hes an educational streamer, Im learning how to use the in game voice chat and how to tell peoples ethnicity based off their league of legends play
jelly art cute
nigga actually filling this survey out
I was too needy
>Windows 11
why does this survey keep asking the same over and over
i discovered dumbdogger's true agenda. he has nice people backseat his game with actual advice (that he will never accept) so that they never do that for other people again
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I push people away when I feel unwanted/neglected
I regret it usually but I think I'm better off alone
>"2025 will change League forever!"
>Fires half their employees
>Hosts worlds in an understaffed closet
>Discontinues the failed LCS
>Introduces raw gambling into the game
>Breaks the client to the point where half of it doesn't function anymore
So this is what everyone has been waiting for...
Well they werent wrong, things already changed and it isnt even 2025 yet
Arent you excited for the next 500$ skin though?
Jinx is getting the next one.
Exalted Arcane Jinx.
I doubt Riot will make as much money as they think they will with this nonsense. League skins don't look that good, the game is too old.
im impressed they dont implement the same gacha system the big phone games are using
get a small amount of currency for playing everyday
get a bigger amount with a $10 monthly pass
have an event to pull for a different skin every week
and then you have millions of people paying the pass every month to save currency for the skin they want when its on the event
who the fuck is paying hundreds of dollars at once for one skin out of 2000 in this shitty game
you guys left because i won.
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>They covered up Jinx's bra in 2XKO
Of course they would. Hoping the artists responsible got fired.
Briar rape
>Jinx is a zoner character.
great, lowtierbum is gonna abuse her if he ever plays 2xko.
No one is playing tag garbage. When it was available to play no one wanted to, and the ones that did play it barely talked about it.

I wonder if Riot realizes people only play this game out of sunk cost and not that they are actually talented developers. The "Riot" logo isn't going to carry some shitty fighting game.
who won?
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it was just a bit of an oversell, chud
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i can't sneed
no one is going to play that garbage, brother
how can you possibly be stuck in low elo playing fucking nasus
>K'Sante Support
>Has a bug with Moonstone
>Was against one earlier today that kept giving their adchud massive shields that lasted forever
Might be time to finally play him for once...
low elos are good now
look at this zesty ass nigga
you are feeding. simple as.
I wanna suck a dick rn
I love league of legends nerf poppy
>KG picks up the least attractive hobbies
how long till magic tricks stream?
>online trolling
lmao what
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if gamling is there as a "hobby", then where is alcoholism. Also, unsurprising that somehow the one that can potentially fuck shit up the most (althoughbeitfully it's not a hobby) is rated that far down.

with love from khazakhstan
damn, no wonder Jelly doesn't want any of us.
Im not even trolling, I need a dick right now
Nerf sejuani, draven, and poppy
I can understand the gambling but everything else is just nitpicking
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me. top gap.
The one with burning envy is back. Give us some siren call lore if you're bored.
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redpill me on what the fuck happened here
play better = win games
That could be arranged.

>Nerf Sej, Draven, Poppy
All fair nerfs (I like Poppy's design, though).
You improved on your macro I see
how did dumbdigger win so hard
I humbly request you to shoot a load directly into my throat rn
Yeah poppy is cool but she is unkillable and does too much dmg
my wife is l*ra doesn't have a womb
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gn lolg
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4 am EUW niggalow hits different
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>I humbly request you to shoot a load directly into my throat rn

>poppy is cool but she is unkillable and does too much dmg
Probably! I never run into her.
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Good night
>Draw BOTH of the only two fed enemies bot so my team can do baron
>My team loses 4v3 to the 5/10 teemo that I dumpstered, 4/9 thresh, and 5/13 Nunu at baron
>I'm supposed to play for these people to gain LP
Do you mainly play poppy?
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What's wrong with bird watching?
Now they should do one from mens perspective
vgs anybody?
yeah i'll join
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>Do you mainly play poppy?
Nope, don't play her at all. Maybe I've just been gone too long to have seen her rise in the metagame...?
Nothing, its just a weird perception some people have that men having hobbies is childish and specifically with video games they think a guy liking video games means he plays them 24/7, also important to remember that these same people do nothing but post/scroll social media for hours on end
League of Legends
List yours
1. Having an onlyfans
2. Binging reality tv
3. Smoking
1. Prostitution
2. Drawing
3. League
Id say that's more of an addiction
1. Drawing
2. Fanfiction writing
3. anime/manga consumption, triple if its yaoi
>specifically with video games they think a guy liking video games means he plays them 24/7
that is true most of the time these days
even most normies that play vidya will get home from work log onto fortnite/whatever fotm shit and play 7 hours and then go to sleep
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Talk about league
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What else was she gonna be
I'm prolly gonna main her even though I normally hate zoners
I hope she has some kinda rage mode where she goes in like her passive though
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shots fired at jelly, damn
>ashe is a giga nigger, so i have to troll the other 3 people as well
defend this dumbdigger
Wtf I read yaoi, but I am a guy so it doesnt count
There's not much difference from a woman watching TV for hours after work. Videogames at least take some interaction even if they're point and click.
>Wtf I read yaoi, but I am a guy
yeah but you're also gay yonefag, so nobody cares
dumbdigger finally has a good team
loser women were made for loser men
No i dont even have one (1) yone skin
why did this nigga just ult 2 caster minions
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Vex needs good skins. There's a lot of champs who need them, but they've been completely wasting her potential since launch.
honestly these are the least icky just by being not as bad as everything else
So women are retarded if they list video games as unattractive
you seem low iq
>so women are retarded
Yes ofc
nah theyre the kind of hobbys that enduce the male version of the "ick"
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The journey of self-discovery and awakening for individuals like myself is a beautiful and gradual one that's meant to be undertaken with honesty, humility, and love even as we stumble around and rely on the help of others, not this indulgent peacocking and petulant demanding these amoral vultures Vouivre Steel Chenna RR etc continue to debase and make a mockery of our struggles with in every thread while playing the victim anytime their public masturbation is brought attention to so yeah they are absolutely godless whores. I don't intend to "kick the ladder down" for anyone who possesses a pure and yearning heart, only those with ugly spirits colored by hate who I will unrepentantly gatekeep as they continue to do the same for others, and all the people I've ever vilified have inevitably ended up showing their true colors in the end. Besides there aren't even any "eggs" among the people I listed, the closest would be Steel, but his already cracked a while ago, the issue is hers was a premature birth and she remains pitifully confused and under-equipped to face the challenges and questions that lie ahead of him. But I have no sympathy for Steel, and I never will, you don't deserve any
I want to have anal sex with the blonde enchanter support known as Janna
You got it mixed up. This one is me >>498836227
I want to get analed by the anon who wants to have anal sex with the blonde enchanter support known as Janna
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By me?
I wonder what your definition of abuse is if you think that
Because I think I've been good to you until now
Patient, understanding, interested
Often, in ways that you couldn't be for me
I wasn't always emotionally available, but I always made an attempt to not hurt you
To listen when I didn't understand
I've been trying to open up more
But you seem to hate it when I'm honest with you, and it's made my heart grow cold
What did you really want?
What do you want from me?
Did you see an impressionable dumb little tranny eager for guidance, who would follow and worship you?
Someone simple to deal with?
Someone who would give you validation?
Maybe that's cruel of me to say
Or did you fall in love with the evil spirit that was possessing me?
You still don't really know anything about me
And that's okay, but what hurts is how little you try, when it's not what you know
How little you persevere, when it doesn't make sense right away
Is that cruel of me to say?
I can't exist just to confirm your beliefs. I can't be that for you
Honestly though, did you actually ever care about me? Because I'm not sure if I can take your word for it anymore
Either way, I've clearly outlived my usefulness to you a while ago
And even when I was hurting
I still had the courtesy to not talk about it here
To never villainize you in public
Not before you went out of your way to do it to me first
I like to think that we both tried our best
But I'll defend myself from you if you're going to force me to
I hope making that pathetic blogpost helped you feel better
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>League is adding a gacha?!? Outrageous!!!
>I cant believe riot would stoop that low!!!
Hextech chests have been in the game for almost 10 years.
This game has been a gacha for longer than some people complaining about it have been playing it.
Prestige KDA Kai'Sa did the same thing as jinx 6 years ago nigga.
Why is everyone acting shocked.
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Get back under my desk.
league of legends
Me on the far left
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So it sounds like Arcane will take over all the remaining patches of the year.

What does this mean for skins for other champs? Will we be getting some "Piltover/Zaun" skins for non P&Z champs alongside the Arcane ones? Or will there just be random other themes put in alongside them?
Host vgs
get the fuck in here cuck.

ttv dumbdigger. based shit is happening bigly
Incels act like this and then go "why dont girls want to date me :( its because im short isnt it?"
Yes master...
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Good whore.~
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What does your main steal?
Nami, steals your smegma
Where's onehornedgoat?

What champion? You get to guess.
what does vex steal?
She steals your skibidi rizz on sigma
Jinx, Miss Fortune, and Kai'Sa steals my cum.
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Your blood
Oh my gyatt
You mean ozsomedude? Probably doing something basic like cornhole, watching Fox news or whatever the fuck they do in Indiana
Dabs The Briar Spammer
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You guys ever notice Lux kinda looks like the HAWK TUAH girl?
vgs please
Did u kno they have competitive cornhole? I didnt even kno that was a thing
Only some of the Briars are me
Lux podcast when?
cool shark balloon, jinx
Let me add competitive discgolf to the list too
Omg yea lol quintessential sports for midwesterners
I want Lux to HAWK my TUAH if you know what i mean ;)
Dabs The Skibidi Rizzler
recmmend me your favorite danmei
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>Let me add competitive discgolf to the list too
Can confirm it, if only because I used to live in a town (midwest) that kept my local game store afloat as a teenager.
he was duo with jungle who went afk at 30 mins btw
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sivir might not be very viable in the meta these days but she will always be the indisputable queen of chillplaying
Someone tell dumbdigger to look up Ornn's AP ratios and then to sell Dark Seal and buy a real item.
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Dead thread...
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I read almost exclusively xianxia/wuxia stuff but sure. MDZS is a decent spot for beginners but I personally got more emotionally invested into the story and relationships in 2ha, Thousand Autumns, and Yuwu more. Also I've been really enjoying Qiang Jin Jiu lately. League of Legends.
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everyone's busy watching the official lolg streamer feed on ornn support
cant tell that retard anything lol, if he thinks something is correct thats how it will forever be in his mind.
The only cute Vex
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Tonight we learned that even if you have a genuine troll / inter. Self admittedly so because jungle is "bad", if you call em out, you're getting reported by your adc because you are too "toxic" lol
Some actual retards in this game. Its unreal
God fucking damn I want to paint that perfect face with my seed.
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Good for them, I think?
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>Vex's only chance for a skin this year is now a Hextech Vex or something similar to go with Arcane stuff.
It's not fair.
is arcane s2 still just piltover zaunslop if so i think i'll pass
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Of course it is. Though they did say this is the "Final Season" for it, so presumably they plan something different for the next possible League show.
It isn't fair indeed. I really want Vex to get a skin on PC like she's gotten on WR (ie Easter, Bewitching)- something that either works well, or makes me not care due to raw appeal.

They've been refusing to use her well, and it's a travesty.
maybe if you want vex to get a skin you should actually play her lmao
goon niggers
I don't play mid
how does jax with sheen kill lee with swifties unfair
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I do play her, though.
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this is the guy complaining about junglers?
pc vexfags actually do play her, most of them just didn't buy the dawnslop or empyreanslop skins
meanwhile the vexfags on WR are buying all the skins
riot sees this and doesn't think "we should make better vex skins for pc", they think "let's make more WR vex skins"
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Every time you say this, I explain that I do indeed play her and provide webms as proof, then you never respond back.
I want my fucking Vex skin dammit.
Also maybe buff her.
The 5th title will be for Malletman.
I'm probably the only exception- I bought them all hoping she'd get more skins, and instead she only ever gets them on WR. It sucks.

Both. Both would be good.

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Soraka my cute wife!

KEK, if you want to know, I get beers with friends after work. Also, Cornhole is fun.

I don't go out of my way to play it, but two of my friends love it and drag us along to play it. I got a set. I'd rather throw a football around, but hey, everything is fun with friends.
when i play vex i die without killing anyone that bitch has no damage after she leaves lane
how do you get carried this much????
a question for the ages
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I transfered to middle east server for 1 BE to reset my honor level to get this skin and it worked. Now I just gotta pay 20$ to go back unfortunately. It's a bit too much money for my poor ass.
i permaban vex
hate playing against that bitch
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I bought the skins too. I just want her to be successful and will pay up for it, but Riot won't even give her the chance.
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don't care
I don't think I've ever actually seen a vex player use a skin until watching this clip
Same. The new gachashit approach makes me worry that if we get anything, it'll cost $250...

Pic related.
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I don't even really mind the Empyrean skin. It's not terrible like the Dawnbringer, just kinda boring.
I just want more options for her at this point. And maybe a skin that actually uses her visuals in a unique way.
Because Vex's base skin looks really fucking good regardless.

Dawnbringer Vex looks like shit, and Empyrean Vex is new (and also looks a bit ass)
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>I just want more options for her at this point. And maybe a skin that actually uses her visuals in a unique way.
Agreed. It's fucking sad, man- they put all that tech budget into Shadow, and they're doing nothing with her OR all of that increased technical debt.
gold 4 hehe
does anyone want to play with me
dont want no drama
dont want no edating
just wanna play
nah, if I just want to play I'll just play soloq
>gets account boosted to plat
>deranks to silver
>complains everyone in his team is boosted
you don't get it, he was in loserq
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Justice the very next game when I clap his retarded ass. What a fucking faggot. Eat shit, enjoy the double report.
still horny for dick rn... i hate this feeling
on the other hand dumbdigger has been doing good
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Drop IGN or something, then. Either I'll do it, or some lurker will.
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i dont get it
>enemy team picked volibear
nice game lolbabs
The ROA/Riftmaker into Navori build is fucking cancer
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unleash the fish
damn your mid is i winnersq play for him
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Feeding team gg...
All 10+ deaths
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I don't get why Shadow can't have different shapes or more interesting effects.
They always keep the typical shape, even in the WR skins. But that's not actually necessary. He can be her shadow with different shapes and he wouldn't cause "clarity issues" given how he's more of a spell effect for Vex most of the time.
He's a physical model so they should be able to replace his mesh too easily enough. At least get some different shapes to the head, like pic related adding horns.
you clear daddy
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>People still play Brand Support in 2024
You lose this one bucko
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Ok, poor thing needs her dinner.
Aren't they simply perfect?
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The answer is pretty simple, desu- Riot doesn't want to put in that kind of effort. So they don't. They don't even give her skins, and they've laid off most of the staff putting out good cosmetics- no way in hell they're gonna even try on a Vex skin right now.
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thanks, what's for dinner?
My penis is way too small to ever satisfy a woman like this
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Skibidi gyatts with a fanum glaze and a side of ligma
its ok, I just came with a dildo
have a good night/day
nerf poppy
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Mine is even smaller though to the point of being useless to her
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throw in some fries and cola and I'm in
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We don't have a deep frier, but we do have chips.
yeah he kept stealing my farm and perma dying and then we lost
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oh, looks like we need to order a pizza
Sivir not included
steel plappys alter ego is so wholesome
not steel and also i would like steel to plap me!
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Too late. Sivir is joining us, too.
why do you type like a 10 year old
are you an age regressor?
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I don't think so, she looks "tired" and needs to sleep
Never had one.
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You might be blind to the rest of the thread.

She just needs a better outfit!
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>decided to say fuck it
>made a new account, ADC main
>Caitlyn OTP, off-main MF when she's banned/picked
>pure focus on positioning, fundamentals, and good decision making
>pull on experience gained since 2013 playing this game
>currently sitting at an 80% win rate

I'm gonna make it, bros.
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and something to plug that strange hole in her stomach
if you make it to diamond you have to give me a kiss
if you make it to diamond, ill suck your dick
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Don't worry. Soraka is ready for her.
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how come there is no custom skin to replace naafiri with this smug sexy Dog?
I got both of her skins
Empyrean from a shard and Dawnwhatever from a reroll
they are both pretty meh. Empyrean just sucks in general, really
this happened because you ahve bad macro
Yeah Lillias are very good at the game
vex briar lover
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renekton if he was a noxus women
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its your macro
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I hope you won't use a banana
new flop just dropped
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Hozure came up with a pretty good concept. I don't know why they didn't use it
yeah its real cute that you can identify when jungle runs it down but can you watch yourself objectively for like 10 minutes and realize you are exactly like them?
1. sex "work"
2. scrolling through social media all day
3. texting
4. watching tv
5. going "out"
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Well, Soraka magic DOES look like a banana. But no, no banana.
Crime City Nightmare Vex was absolute peak on Hozure's part.

The answer is because Riot loves leaving money on the table. They nearly didn't MAKE Coven, for example.
I personally like this skin but it won't sell a lot for her; she needs a cutesy skin to really solidify status as a potential paypig champion and THEN they can start giving her skins I actually want like that.
only fat incel pedophiles that don't even play the game care about vex though
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honestly that would look funny, Sivir dressed as delivery girl with banana sticking out of her tummy
Fuck off to discord
6. leading guys on; collecting simps.
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Yes since they generally spend most of the game in zero danger and just click a camp then afk until it dies and repeat, it is a lot more obvious when they're inting and not just misplaying.
i demoted to silver 2 sisters
adc is so hard
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Was i being rude here?
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League of sneegends
how can ppl be hardstuck below plat for years...

not tryna be rude but r u not learning?
yeah im rude but you're not learning
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reminder that nobody wants to play support/jungle even when the roles are strong
I wish nun Sona would take advantage of me
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It wouldn't be nice but it would be Fun
jungle is aids brother
your topsissy gets ganked despite you pinging it multiple times? jg diff
you cant get objectives because your team refuses to help? jg diff
you get invaded nonstop after being counterpicked and even having enemy laners roam? jg diffed and reported for feeding enemy laner
only reason I play it is because Viego and Briar are junglers...
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she can take it! should we try?
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You're not the hero of this tale... you're not anything.
are you still holding out hope bro
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Team carried.
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>yeah its real cute that you can identify when jungle runs it down but can you watch yourself objectively for like 10 minutes and realize you are exactly like them?
I provide value for my team at all points of the game.

when does this lilia provide value for anybody in my game?
are adcs just total shit this patch or is it just me?
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As long as there is delusion there is hope... but for what do you mean, may i ask?
No galeforce + collectors, has been boring since.
0 impact. nerfed botrk, pure tank meta, like tf am i supposed to do lol. Im basically just a glorified minion.
Has been for ages now to be honest, though atleast with the mythic items you could blow someone else for a one for one.
Wow! what a stinky goat!
nothing just haven't seen you post in a bit
jungle is probably the role that requires the most knowledge to do well.
jungle is also the first role to take the blame when anything goes wrong
both of these factors just put people off
your top got gaped? jungle's fault
your ADC is feeding? jungle's fault
As for support, people don't want to babysit the ADC and roam the map placing wards
>muh tank meta
nigga if it was a fucking tank meta adc would be good
>1,050g deficient just from the support alone
>-750g from the support
>+300g for the enemy team
A reminder that buying Pinks is trolling, especially before your first item.
should I forgo sleep to play the game?
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Nah. Not worth it.
go climb that ladder, son
Sleep, you have the weekend coming. Gotta prepare for that.
If I roll a 20, rape
ur talking to iron ass niggas
one more ARAM match, bro
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>turn on degen bardinette stream
>see keybinds
no wonder he has terminal autism
Not when tank shread items are nerfed lol
You WILL sleep because you KNOW you'll need the energy in the upcoming days right?
Nah come to the bed, im waiting
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Uhh SennaSisters?
what other generals do you guys browse
its thursday anon, its warhammer day
wrong. adcs are better when they have a frontline (tanks) and tanks are still weaker to DPS than to burst
hope this helps
I used to visit xivg, but both the game and the general are kind of going to shit, so I haven't played in a while or gone to /xivg/ in a while
to be honest league is kind of going to shit too. they are going into full-on whale squeeze mode. I don't know what I'm doing here
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Well i no longer play the game and thread quality detoriated heavily and im not talking about bbc lover
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Non other.
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Stressful climb.
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/xivg/ has been shit for a long time, but it used to be a fun place to discuss lore and the setting in general, unfortunately Dawntrail kind of ruined that entirely since it fucking sucked.
/lolg/ is the same way actually, it used to be fun to discuss lore/characters but since it went to shit it's like why bother.
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Damn, I have a 94% winrate in Solo/Duo with this guy's Lulu. We are fucking. Gw, /v/ro.
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I go on /lcg/, sometimes. Normally not on 4chan at all, though.

If you roll 20, you won't NEED to rape- though, she'd probably act like you need to.

>Foggy XD
It is here too.
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>unrelated yapping
>hope this helps
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/wfg/ when i am playing wf but currently on break until content
/sfg/, /snap/, when the marvel rivals gen comes back thats gonna be my main home, /esg/ over on /xs/, and /wip/ over on /tg/
I'll dumb it down for you
tank meta = adc good
>more unrelated yapping.
I'll miss you too babe
I kneel
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im about to first time yone in a ram___
level order pls?
feel free to fuck off with him faggot
the swain poster is here
one of the reasons ornn supports trigger me but at least vex rhymes with rex

just shitlo things
want to duo
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wasnt that bad
another cheater if anyone cares
cool story babe
go make me a sammich
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>someone dodges lobby
>work on runes and an item set during queue
>realize my queue is wrong, lobby pops, i decline
>HUR DA FUCKING DURR DIDJA KNOW YOU STUPID FAGGOT THAT DECLINING A MATCH RUINS EVERYONE'S EXPERIENCE AND (nevermind the fact this shitass company blatantly admits to algorithm-rigging games on the daily) SO HURPA DURPA DON'T FUCKING DECLINE TOO MANY IN A ROW
>someone dodges next lobby
>someone dodges next lobby
>finally get into a game
>someone dodges next lobby

Okay so...what the fuck is going on?
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/srg/ - surprisingly enough, people HATE when you decide to not be a coomer...
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>wake up
>thread is full of fish
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Good morning, /lolg/!

I feel better today! I think I'll try to read some more champion lore articles on the universe website. I like worldbuilding in stories and writing, so I'm thinking I'll probably read up on the Void champions - Bel'veth and so on. Hopefully they're at least decent!
good morning, sweetheart.
would you rather it be full of erp?
cool story babe
now go make me a sammich
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I'm going to main Tristana and Twitch while queueing Bottom + Middle.

What am I in for?
>bonus objective: what am I not in for?
>What am I in for?
>What am I not in for?
Good games.
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I might just stay now
retarded supports
mage faggots
retarded mid, jng, top
slow farming
stupid unbalanced, no skill comps.
I'm actually not sure what I want /loligee/ to look like. On one hand it's sort of funny to see how the same people after a decade are still posting the same slop. On the other hand I'd like for us to circlejerk a bit more about the game itself and not LMAO SMEXY FEESH.
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You'll probably get flamed alot, both by your own team and the enemy team. Tristana and Twitch are two of the most complained about ADCs. Consider muting all at the start of the game. Good luck!
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>circlejerk about the game
idk what there is to say
I want a better Zoe skin?
Twitch is great into pisslow players because they cant respect the invis. You'll have a good time
I'm 31 I have been playing for 15 years and I still blame my soloq teammates for everything also I'm balding and I have done nothing with my life since I dropped highschool
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There's no game to circlejerk about, anon. There's only the slowly-stilling death throes of Riot Games as a company, and ergo League of Legends itself.
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I like Vex
we know [insert namefag here]
I am the Legend of League.
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Serious question.
Is the MMO even worth thinking about at this point? The company has admitted to literally scrapping everything and starting over, meaning Ghostcrawler's influence is eradicated from the project; he was the last saving grace of the franchise.

Obviously this was orchestrated, heaven forbid a balding white man with some actual expertise have any influence over a project as lucrative as an MMO, god fucking forbid, but now that sort of killed any hope for the future.

There is no LoL2, they admitted this a few years ago. There's also no "end game" or "mission statement" in terms of what they WANT LoL to be, therefore you have a directionless team of danger hairs acting like the faggots they are slapping at their keyboards every day to put out a mediocre product full of bullshit.

I have serious doubts for the fighting game as well.
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we all do
play well but enemy jungle every time you shove wave into tower
ganked 5 times but was still up in gold from plates and cs as well as exp
killed them under their tower but I "lost lane" according to op.gg because I was 1/4/1 while I was fisting him under tower instead of 2/0 because I was ganked 5 TIMES of which only 3 succeeded (1 of them was me trying to proxy and getting the wave while nearly winning 1v2)
Game is rigged, duo to Masters or stew in the bullshit LE FORCED FIFTAY algorithm.
It sucks.
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Don't give any attention or mind to the online sites. They *liderally* think that you should be able to get 7cs a wave AND be at teamfights AND do the most damage AND survive every gank AND take the most objectives AND have a gold advantage 70% of the time AND use a pink ward once every 2 seconds AND have a positive K/D/A at all times.

I once had "teamfight master" and "lone wolf" tag on my profile for a while. Like what the fuck?
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please just dont cuck me tomorrow so i can get a proper gold 4
the fighting game is ass and the MMO is never seeing the light of day
there is no champ in the game that is there for me as much as vex. SHE DOESNT EVEN TRY but she's so good at it
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As it should be.
i require professional, high elo advice please.

is it best to fap before playing a game with a champ in a role outside of one's comfort zone or after?

serious answers only please
>add one
fucking why.
I never get this

>shitter AD play like shit
>leave lane because supporting our 5/0 top laner is just better than supporting 0/5 ad
>shitter AD MAD AS FUCK
>we win game, AD adds me
>ignore and go to next game, let him wallow in his rage
how did you feel that game? i want an honest review of how you think that game went down please
Before,During and After.
One hand on the mouse and one hand on the meat.
No. No way during. Sorry. I think you are on to something with doing it both before and after, however.
If your impulses are getting in the way of focusing on the game then just do it before playing the game and play with a clear head.
got roamed on by enemy mid at 4 minutes
dude if they are missing assume that they are roaming on you before first base XD
get outplayed man get outplayed
my lee misses q twice during a dive and the second tower shot i tanked kills me by 5 hp, 5 hp exactly
enemy jungler is 10/0 before 18 while mine is 0/6
its just XD its an XD moment XD deluxe moment getting with every one of our lanes being camped while our jungler is losing in cs kp and objectives
my ezreal gave up and let the super minions have the tower at one point
he just walked away mid while nothing was happening and i had to tp down, i could get him banned for that
sweat your ass off for lp and then lose it right after because of shit like this
this entire split has been so cancer it just never ends
ah, to be 14 again
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Why fap when you lose your mental edge ? Seems kind of counter productive when playing and learning new things.
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I love that song.
>Why fap when you lose your mental edge ?
true, that's why I edge all the time.
yeah this is the reason I hesitate and made the question. Already have fried receptors as it is from recently recent so since it's not planned to go on break any time soon, I figure, so why not fish for possible benefits. Wanted to see if people think it would be good or bad for learning things, optimal performance, etc.
>i require professional, high elo advice please.
>serious answers only please

add me ign Im Them
Powerful. The choice is clear.
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>No. No way during.
I do it all the time with Vex, lewd skin included.

Of course, you can't JUST play league with one hand, but nothing says you can't get off during laning phase, or between deaths, or whatever.

>Why fap when you lose your mental edge?
Incorrect. Abuse post-nut clarity and/or immense lust over your champion to play out of your mind.

You focus so hard on staring at her ass that your positioning becomes godlike as to not interrupt your view. Your combos become second nature, because the less time and brainpower you have to commit to it, the more time you can spend trying to bust. You adapt quickly to the extreme of your champion- either hyper-passively farming under turret to stare more, or hyper-aggressive, so they get the FUCK out of your way.

Should you do this in Ranked? Probably not. Norms, though? Go nut(s).

>picrel: live /loligee/ reaction, probably.
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that was literally mfw. Bravo
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I do what I can.

To be honest, it's my own reaction to it too. But it's also genuine, since it's how I got comfortable on Vex.
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You can double down by: Not eating, and not cooming. This gives your brain full capacity to do whatever you want and leaves you out of mental fogginess, and whatnot.
im gona coom
>play ranked
>forced to play with people tiers below my skill level
>get randomly flamed cause teammate doesn't have any clue how the game fucking works
>realize i have 1 match this split and it resets in a couple weeks so i'd need to grind hard
>have zero motivation

it's over for me, i literally cannot justify playing this game anymore
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what items do i build on ahri
Cute dress?
shooping list:
teal booties if behind, purple booties standard, deep purple booties if team is shit, blue booties if my boobs are bouncing too much or too slowly
stormsurge or shadowflame
abyssal mask or your choice of survival item
game is usually over before i buy more things obviously
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The only thing that would bring me back in the game is a cool monster champ that they go all in on. Something like a cool Hydra champion that as it levels up gets new heads, you start of with one and then on lvl3-6-9-12-15 get a new head, you get to choose which one you start with and which one you evolve into as the game goes on. Each head giving you a new ability, so at lvl1 you only have a single ability, the head you chose, and by lvl 15 you have 6 (on top of an ultimate). You can also give it The Kled mechanic where the heads give extra hp and can be killed off one so you can lose abilities as the fight progresses. Just go all in on the design even if fails in terms of balance. I know this is never going to happen and they will continue to just design anime girls and niggers but still one can hope.

>>realize i have 1 match this split and it resets in a couple weeks
nigga what
how do i find someone to erp with in this game
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To whom?
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i didn't know lux worked at riot
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gambling SUCKS
well that makes it official. That's her best skin and I knew it all along.
Hej that's not a bad skin !
Supportniggers really think a 5/0 toplaners needs them leeching exp or that ADC that's behind getting dived is a good thing

God you're so bad kys
skin niggers defend urself
uve spent like 100 dollars on skins for one character
hello valid sissy queens of lolg
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ugh better pack it up. its over. nothing but trash from oh 10 orbs now? shouldve just bought purple zeri even though i have new green zeri

i will never play him so i sharded it immediately. Chad Rakan collection, though. Respect.
hi daddy
*pets u*
love you babygirl
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>You should baby the 0/5 ADChud and not continue to win more with the 5/0 Top
In what delusional world do you live in ?
I only bought 4 of those skins with RP - Dragonmancer, Elderwoodk, Sweetheart, and Broken Covenant. The Prestige and Redeemed were through ME, the rest rolled.
You're conflicting what's good for your team and what feels nicer to play. Typical support maggot behaviour, it's easy = it's winning
almost died yesterday made me think that despite all the troubles i'm facing, life is worth living!
Kali sexo,league ofe legendo
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t. adc main.

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