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Pre-Halloween edition

>Demo Days
Next: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-59
Previous: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-58
Older: https://hackmd.io/LhEB6VCZSx-oBalI2cWWoA

>Halloween Jam

>AGDG resources

>Helpful links
New Threads: >>>/vg/agdg
Archive: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/subject/agdg/
Steam Games by AGDG: https://agdg-steam.netlify.app/
/agdg/ Steam Games: https://made-by-agdg.vercel.app/
Recap: https://recap.agdg.app

>How to WebM

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im still using godot
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Feels like I need to tweak these animations. I've already moved them to be closer to the damage numbers, but I feel like maybe making them less linear and more logarithmic in terms of motion/scaling woudl be an improvement? Thoughts?
they seem to fade out too quick to read
>make progress
>don't feel like working anymore
I've swapped to redot already. I am however falling victim to the making assets before programming pipeline. I'll cope by saying they're just dev art.
What should I dress up as for my office's Halloween party? I know this isn't a gamedev related question but you guys are my only friends.
Good feedback, thank you.
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maid costume
we get it, you're gay, we knew from the start
Will my sfw game be better or worse if I include both the stuff I obviously like but also stuff I typically suppress from my shadow self like fucked up or evil or shameful desires? not too much but like chainsaw man does kind of
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I was thinking Kurt Cobain for the delayed irony when I eventually kill myself after my game flops but I guess this could have the same effect.
It's sad you can tell that photo wasn't taken anywhere in the west. It's too clean.
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>You see the low reviews and low amount of players haha it's because haha
>start on a prototype
>realize how much work it is to make it playable and look good
>give up
Got a lot of work handled today

suck it niggers!
Ugh, the market is sooo crowded! I worked so hard, but my game feels like it's just another drop in an endless sea of titles... barely making anything. I wanted to make something special, but now? It's like I’m stuck grinding with zero rewards. slumps over Maybe... maybe I should just give up...
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Sending good vibes to all loli devs.
I naturally look like a skeleton so when I painted my face white and added some black around eyes, nosetip and under cheekbones for halloween a chinese gay man said "whoa" and another gay man asked me if I was sub or dom. I wish women would do that instead though since I'm not gay. Gay men flirt with me a lot I've noticed but never women
any way to reduce cpu/gpu usage in the unity editor when just idling? ~30% cpu/gpu isn't terrible, but still kind of annoying when it's just sitting there doing nothing
7 reviews... after all this time, all that work... just seven. It’s like my game never even happened. I thought people would notice, would care, but no—laughs bitterly—I can count my reviews on one hand, and half of them didn’t even leave a comment.
well you clearly enjoy soulless slop based on your ai image, so maybe you just need to fix your malfunctioning brain and try again.
I just swap over to game view when I'm not actively editing the level, CPU and GPU usage drop to 0 and I can still use all the other editor functions.
What tipped me off was the Chinese writing on the signs but I guess you have a point too
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why do you try to sell a game without a fanbase that will buy it?
Don't care + I’ve got the perfect plan for my next game! First, niche market domination—I’ll create a unique game, like a farming sim with dragons! Who wouldn’t love raising cute dragon crops, right? Next, community engagement! I’ll involve players from the start, getting their input and building hype like a true anime hero. Lastly, early access with constant updates—I’ll release the game in stages, keeping players hooked with regular new content.

No more sitting in the shadows—this time, my game will soar with success!
No professional game engine uses a custom scripting language. It is a sign you are using a toy/hobby engine. There's nothing wrong with that, but don't pretend it's anything else.
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is internet archive ever coming back up, bros? that was my main source of game dev assets...
Unreal is used by tons of big devs
a game with this feel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kuNixp-wvWM
I-I know, right mr chud?! It’s like trying to launch a rocket without any fuel! The truth is… I got so caught up in the dream of making a great game, I didn’t think about the most important part—the players! Without a fanbase, it’s like shouting into the void, hoping someone hears you... but no one’s there.

But, I’ve learned my lesson! Building a fanbase is just as important as making the game itself. If people aren’t excited before launch, they won’t care when it’s out. I should’ve spent more time building hype, creating a community, and getting people invested in my journey! You can’t just drop a game and expect instant love—it’s about creating a relationship with the players, before the game even launches.

I’ll do it right next time, might even start a devlog. No more skipping steps!
>in the west
You mean America. Don't pretend the rest of the west is a shithole like yours.
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It picks from a random assortment of static meshes, or empty "caves" (here is one such in the video). Then fills the cave in with a random 'sub-level', which is just another mesh with a handful of objects that are all together as one object. After that it samples from pre-selected spots in the cave that I placed to not overlap with any of the sub-levels meshes and rolls for a chance to fill it in or not fill it in with details to create a random assortment of rocks/crystals/stalagtites to hopefully create a decent looking unique version of that cave.

There's a lot of fine tuning I need to do to make everything look good still but its a decent start and for a while I was having fun just running through and seeing the different variations that popped up. I need to rework the sub-levels so that each one distinctly changes the path to the 'exit' door which leads to another cave.

The 'master cave controller' just randomly selects from a variety of caves, some with sublevels and some without, and places the newest one at the 'exit' point marked in the actor blueprint.
the streets are absolutely disgusting in china though
are you me? I hate asset production and with every new project I'm like oh yeah I need 500 props and 50 characters and 25 environments and it's like why even bother it would take at least 5 years to make this game
How are you even supposed to market a game? Just post stuff on twitter about it?

How did other yesdevs here market their games?
>that retard trying to make a AAA game on his own
You did this to yourself.
in a few years time it will be looked upon as one of the big mistakes in the industry

it hasn't yet dawned on people how shit unreal is
i wish i had a gamedev partner i could make a small game with
Is it happening in empty projects? Or maybe you have custom scripts that do drawing on scene view inefficiently? Also which version are you using?

Anyone switched to Unity6? I'm considering, maybe it will make me regain my excitement for continuing to dev my game
Holy ai generated paragraph
>How did other yesdevs here market their games?
I posted a free demo on itch. I got 5 browser plays.
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: The Stokers introduce themselves.
Don't ask me! I emailed a bunch of youtubers to cover my game on release sending keys 2 weeks in advance and released, that's it.

I thought that the game would stay in "new releases" for longer than it did.
same but it's never going to happen anonymously
just focus on making cool games.

Eventually you will gain fans that like your games.

It's a slow grind, most of the time.
maybe the amounts were a bit exaggerated but just about every game I'd want to make requires such an amount of assets that it makes me wanna kms just thinking about making all that

I don't have any ideas for small games
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I want to make golf game because no one makes good golf games.
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>How did other yesdevs here market their games?

ask chatgpt, it gives a lot of possibilities like just posting webms on twitter/tiktok regularly of gameplay or devlog stuff.

I know PenguinDev did a lot of funny gimmicky things on twitter and reddit etc and got a lot of success with it.
Damage number needs to linger longer then fade, font needs a thicker border.

Words need to slow and fade in sync with the damage number.
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Want to make a roguelike deckbuilder dating sim?
Twitter/Facebook/TikTok can help if you have overlapping topics. If you're making a jet fighter game hit all the tags that would attract people interested in those things, as well as piggybacking off of similar games by hashtagging those games in some posts. Also Plebbit and any other social media sites you can think of.
If you have a really eye catching game you can send out emails to Kotaku/RockPaperShotgun and all that with a press release targeting all of the main writers of those places in groups (send a press release to all writers in Kotaku, send another to all writers in RPS, etc.). This can help create a sense of urgency for one of them to cover the release, for the fear of missing out if another writer decided to write about it and 'steal' that opportunity from them.

I never finished my first prototype but that is how I managed to get Kotaku, RPS, and other big outlets to do a little write up about it when I was putting it through Steam Greenlight (when that was still a thing).
thanks cris
You can just say no niggers anon.

England, New Zealand, and Australia are equally unclean.

I feel like I've seen a lot of art for your game but no gameplay.
I dunno, it still feels to me like either Godot or Unity are the best for small 1MA-tier games. Unreal is just too heavy in most cases. Unity and Godot both have their problems, there really isn't a clear "best answer".
Unity literally has no problems
Do it, golf games are getting more and more popular. Like with that 4d golf game. Or that robot golf game.
Golf Clash is good, I played it for a year
Pretending Godot is even close to Unity is hilarious.
>my game would be perfect for a Halloween game jam or demo day
>just getting started on 3D modelling work after spending a month on planning/design doc/concept doodles
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If your game is actually good you can market it and build its audience practically forever
Dumbass retard. You have a completed game. That's not a resource that you can just dismiss and throw away right now. Either start marketing it or admit it's a shit game
I want a proper full scale golf game in the same vein as Mario Golf on the GBC and GBA. I wish I had someone to make it with. Coding is too much of a pain in the ass. I just want to do all the art and the other parts of the game but that won't get me anywhere.

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moar progress is being made
Godot mogs it for UI and inputs. And for not inducing decision paralysis on you before you even start your game since you don't have to pick which half-assed probably abandoned render pipeline to use.
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I want to just like make game but I keep having to go to the bathroom and poop, uuurrrrrggghhhh HHHHHRRRRGGGGHHHHH I DON'T WANNA POOOP I WAANNNA DEEEEEV
The multiple character controls look a bit cumbersome. I would have gone with something like Trine, unless portions of your gameplay are dependent on the characters controlled independently at the same time.

I like the ebony kitchen knife waifu.
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Marketing games isn't some scummy scam that you game by being the most duplicitous and crafty fuck on the face of the planet. If your game has any substance you just have to find a way to get it in front of the eyes of your target audience
This delusion that all the people in the world are one huge target audience is so insane that I have to wonder if you even posses any common sense. The goal isn't to try to capture some mythical "mass audience" that only cares about shiny gifs posted on facebook. Those people don't even play games. You're supposed to target a specific subgroup, otherwise you really are screaming into the void. Fucking retards
New releases category is flooded with so much shit that you can't rely on it for visibility.
The game is built with "commands" in mind but the option of controlling the kid is done in case it's easier.
What's it supposed to look like?
>Either start marketing it or admit it's a shit game
hard truths
lmao even
>says something everyone knows
>pretends to be smart by calling the rest retards
you're an idiot
If your game is any good then you'd make me want to buy it just by showing some gameplay to me, and then my friends would notice either via my discord/steam status or me talking about it.
clearly not everyone knows it
I have never even seen it mentioned
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I used to do 3d modeling and sculpting so I had initially intended it to be full 3D with anime-style graphics, but sculpting and 3d modeling are such a pain in the ass and I don't enjoy doing it so I gave that up. Nowadays I imagine it to be somewhere between Sim City 64's 3d view mixed with something like Neo Turf Masters. Having hand drawn character sprites populate low polygon cities and courses.
Just like people don't like being on the receiving end of advertising, I think marketing makes a lot of people feel scummy because it can feel like you're suddenly the one who's making people suffer from advertising.
want age 25-70 gamedev to come over and work on my game with me. unity and stuff but nothing godot... im not gay. its like pokemon but in space. then after we finish we can cuddle we can do this until 4am or until we get tired. also i have lots of imitation crab meat in my freezer that i need to get rid of so you can have a bunch when you leave. its all perfectly good we just got too much!!!
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Actually was pretty cool to learn ancient warfare and realize slingshots were actually a real weapon.
turns out a rock going at high speeds can seriously hurt a person
it sounded good until
>imitation crab meat
jesus anon ick
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LMAO no way that image is real
I was going to buy a couple of One-Armed Bandit keys to giveaway in some youtuber fag's discord but steam doesn't let you do that anymore??? what the fuck??
I don't have these people added on my friends list what are you expecting me to do? you mean I gotta stalk this person and find their steam account and force them to take it?
I'll join, but only if you can prove you've got yesdev crystal. The kind that glows when naked in proximity to other yesdevs.
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>Looks cool and smooth
Neat little model. I want to try getting back into 3D modeling, but I'll probably just end up throwing money at people.
It's hard to be like "yeah i'll program a golf game for you" when I don't know what the game would look like cause there's no art yet.
For the next 5 years or so Godot will remain the best indie engine. However, it will not have a future beyond that, so you should avoid supporting it in any way. That's when you should start looking for alternatives.
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From the Nintendo Power Final Fantasy Legend II guide iirc
i'm getting so chill lately, i dev a bit every day. ofc i see that there's still a mountain to do. but if i wouldn't have been a doomer all those years and just did a bit of work every day i'd have finished already. this time i'll just keep doing a bit day by day. and it'll grow and grow.
i really have hard regrets about not just slowly grinding it out over the last years...
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Ah, I've posted some of my art but I haven't mocked up any actual game assets since I just figured finding someone to work with would be a pipe dream. I should work on some placeholder assets just so I have something to show people.
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>perfect games don't exis---
Alright, I'm interested in your golf game.
Oh. Never mind. I don't need a mockup. If you want a golf game, you'll get a golf game.
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I have a postdev clarity
My work looks like shit
that's not really the kind of game that i would want to make... i like 3d games
just dont be a doomer, its literally that easy to yesdev. believe you can make it, believe you will earn money, believe your game will be cool, believe it's worth the effort.
if you don't believe that there's no chance your brain will give you the go to yesdev.
stop having arguments, stop thinking, just believe you gmi. it works. i worked daily on my game now for 4 weeks in a row. and before that i was a chronic nodev for over 5 years.
i changed nothing else, i only stopped being a doomer about life. that's all it took.
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>look at my work
>admire it, feel accomplished
>next day it looks like shit
>next day it looks awesome again
Well I didn't plan for it to be a lewd game but some fan service here and there is nice.

I think it would be fun to work on. A tennis game could be fun too, though tennis games are usually better when you have someone to play against so that wouldn't be quite as interesting.
>Applying the carrot and the cane to yourself in equal measure.
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How does a map that's literally made from 2 tiles have that much SOVL?
Do you share your games on social media? What are your thoughts on it??
I honestly don't care what the gameplay is at all as long as I like the art.
if the dev has soul then his game will have soul even if the graphics are nothing more than cubes
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I don't know who psyopped everyone into believing that if you just put your game on a platform that the platform itself will just send traffic to your game for no reason.

If you started a YouTube channel would you just expect to drop your first ever video with 0 subscribers and get 2 million views right off the bat? Probably not, and yet people seem to think if they just put their game on Steam it'll end up getting recommend to people. It won't. Why do people act as if it will?

Why are people happy to come here and post progress and talk about their game to the 200 or so random retards that frequent this thread, but the thought of going to other platforms and doing the same is just met with "ugh I hate the thought of self promotion" until you panic 2 weeks before release and start spamming reddit like marmo did and getting a handful of up votes.

Just post elsewhere about your game. it's the same thing as posting progress here but it might actually be seen by people. And if you do that and people fucking ignore you, then it's probably a sign that you shouldn't spend 5 years developing that game because nobody wants it, or you desperately need to upskill in some department, probably art.

I honestly idiotic behaviour and I have no sympathy at this point. Get a grip retards
i only share to friends. if my game gets good enough for me to market it, i'd share it everywhere i can. and i believe i'll know when the point has come to market it. probably when it's in a playable alpha state.
Starting to try to balance my game and stop any chance of softblock
It doesn't matter how shit it may be when people are printing money with it. You have games like palworld and throne and liberty making millions. All that matters is shipping something people will pay for.
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lolidevs i kneel
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How long should it take for me able to write my own simple code? I'm starting at 0.
ain't no way
will your game have real money auction house in it?
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damn, I wish I started at 0, I didn't pick up coding until I was 8... so many wasted years...
A week, for working code? One month. For good code? A year and lot of study. For a working game, depend of the engine.
gotta fix your diet bro
I kneel too (to get the upskirt)
Well you could give Mario Golf on the GBC a try. That's the sort of thing I imagine, just, you know, on a bigger scale and with more refined mechanics. More nuanced golfing, a more developed cast of characters and story bits, some small walkable towns with side quests, etc. If I had somenoe to work with it would be possible to pull off.

But I feel you. A game needs to wow me with its art direction these days for me to even really want to bother with it. I hardly play games anymore because it's hard for me to find new games that actually interest me.

even in the industry it's expected that a new hire is a net loss for the company until about 2 years of training
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I will, now. I've built up to it for a while but I'm swapping over to steaks/chicken breast/pork chops/fish filets/turkey burgers(really good), with side salads, and occasional bean stews, pasta, and sandwiches (mostly lefotvers of any of the previous to get rid of it.) With occasional freezer meals as treats. This is what I will e eating henceforth. I'm tired of this. I CAN DO IT!!! AND I'LL GAMEDEV TOO!!!!! I'M GONNA MAKE IT!!!!!
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Haven't been able to work on my game for about a month due to computer issues, but I'm getting back into it now.
>no rape animation after they lost
I thought artists didn't check their DMs from randoms.
I can't see the future where I make it
If you're motivated and having fun, not that long. If you aren't having fun and don't do it then never.

If you're trying to evaluate whether it's worth even starting to learn, you have to, games are software anyone here who can't code is fundamentally just an ideaguy

The time will pass whether you do it or not. Maybe you decide not to and next year the passing fancy to make a game will take you again and you'll wish you had started now
>it worked for a month so it'll work for the next 5 years
I can believe it.
>side salads, and occasional bean stews, pasta, and sandwiches (mostly lefotvers of any of the previous to get rid of it.) With occasional freezer meals as treats
don't eat this trash
also don't drink sugar or fake sugar drinks
Cruelty squad dev hadn't written a single line of code before he made that game and he coded most of it by following shitty youtube tutorials. The game is absolute spaghetti but it made him over 3 million dollars and now he's makinc a new game and, according to him, he's having a massively easier time coding harder stuff now and it's all much less spaghetti. Cruelty Squad took him a bit under 2 years to make I think.
So all in all if you have a functioning brain you should be following the tutorials that most closely match wuth what you want to do and a couple months in you should be writing your own stuff. BUT it will be spaghetti, just get over it and code anyways
have fun nodeving :) not everybody has to make games, i will, you wont. its fine.
Believe... with evidence. Too many retards are deluded, making their "dream game" and getting <20 reviews after 5 years of work because it turns out it was nobody else's dream game. Don't be a deluded yesdev
It's the one where you make a good game... Or get a job I dunno what your personal circumstances are.
>see that Unity has this cool new adaptive probe volume thing
>hey maybe I can use that to light my game
>doesn't support procedural levels at all
bros why is it so fucking difficult to get good lighting for procedural levels
In about a week you can reasonably learn about variables, loops and basic functions in Python if you apply yourself.
>I don't know who psyopped everyone into believing that if you just put your game on a platform that the platform itself will just send traffic to your game for no reason.
It does though. I shadow dropped on itch with zero announcement or fanfare. Immediately got 3 browser plays on the very first day.
nah bro you need more fibers. bean stews is a good start but make sure to eat lots of green veg, oats and whole grain wheats, bean, fruits. just make sure you balance the diet so you arent always eating one or the other, and limit red meats more than the white meats.
nothing wrong with steak and hamburger but better to have white meat most of the time and red just some of the time.
>It's the one where you make a good game
yeah that would be it but like I can't see the future where I am able to finish a game because I know I can't stick to a project

I have tried so many times and I've kept failing
Don't have lighting and give the player a flashlight, call it a horror game and get 50,000 reviews
>3 browser plays
absolutely mindblowing exposure your game is gonna be the next goty
If the game were genuinely good, those 3 browser plays would have recommended the game to their friends and the audience would have grown.

There is no such thing as a hidden gem. All good games automatically find an audience.
Wow can't wait for your GDC talk on how to make it in gamedev
>See people talking about marketing
Here my marketing nerd. https://bluesanddev.itch.io/galduen Hope you like it.
but even that would benefit from global illumination
you house will be nuked if you don't make progress in the next 2 hours
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Another cutscene in work.
Make smaller games.
Make a good game. It's really that simple (and difficult). You are always guaranteed at least a few views. If your game isn't good enough to convert those views to an audience, your game doesn't deserve to succeed.
I don't think I've ever seen a more unappealing itch page that wasn't missing screenshots entirely.
>why is it so hard to get good dynamic lighting when most graphically impressive games are baked lighting
Gee anon I sure do wonder
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We have a mouse... it's so over... I'm never going to be able to dev until that mouse is dead...
brb taking a 2 hour nap
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I'll throw a fucking parade in general on the day I am able to write a simple program without any help.
Yeah I'm playing it. Can't even discuss it without.
I don't know why I care about art. Just preference I guess.
I could start prototyping but it's your vision really.
contact info?
simple? 1 hour at most.
Can you make it however long it takes for me to fly to and find a house in Israel?
How can I download Sunvox for Android for free?

Please explain as if I were a girl.
I don't have any ideas for small games
shrinking down and going inside the bodies of cute girls is a good trope

we need more of that in video games
Make a program on your programming language of choice that prints the sentence "Hello world".
This is retarded self-sabotaging advice that serves as cope for people who simply don't want to learn or do any marketing.
with how many games use procedural generation nowadays you'd think engines would have an incentive to support lighting such games
>obsesses about the possibility the he'll fail
>eternally stuck nodev
>angry at people who tell him to just believe
just quit, find another hobby or career path. if you dont believe in it, why are you even here?
"for fun" is a horrible motivation. people are most motivated when they have BOTH fun and ambition. that's why people enjoy sports so much.
see gamedev like a sport, you train, you grow slowly, you can climb in leagues.
just playing for fun in lowest league sucks, unless you really just do it for hanging out with friends. but nobody does gamedev for hanging out with friends.
How is it self-sabotage to focus on what actually matters? Marketing isn't going to make people want to play your shit game. You need to make a good game. There is no marketing trick around that.
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a game about the painful process of creating games
I will code it with you if you show me a sample of art you'd make for this game and I vibe with it.
This but the textures are taken from actual medical autopsy footage
a game about bullying a cute anime girl
Then clone a small game as a practice project and put some kind of spin on it. Start now and have it ready to submit to demoday 60. Prove to yourself that you can finish a basic project.
rule #1. never work together with agdg anons.
rule #2. never have sex with agdg anons.
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Listen, little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments. But that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me, sugar? Perfect. Don't ever change. You deserve everything and anything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.

>mfw thinking about you hurting
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>set camera to orthogonal
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>would have recommended the game to their friends
Yeah sure everyone has friends and immediately shares every game they played with them
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i had to drop everything because my dev name was directly linked to my e621 account,
treat your game like a round of league of legends. your career doesn't depend on winning the round, it depends on improving continuously.
Nvidia will hire you for being a raytracing advocate.
uhhh, if a single league of legends round took 8 years to complete, you better win or else you wasted your life
Why come?
League of legend players don't even grasp this concept. They cry over a round and rage for no reason.
Because having a good game is just the basic price of entry. Having a good game and then doing no marketing due to. Some magical belief that people will automatically find it is a wasted opportunity.

Also how are you going to validate that you actually have a good game without showing it to people? You are probably deluded about how good your own game is.
your first game should be small enough to take less than a year
>Also how are you going to validate that you actually have a good game without showing it to people? You are probably deluded about how good your own game is.
What are you on about? Posting it online *is* showing it to people. The fact that the people who tried it out didn't recommend it further shows that my game wasn't good. I have no delusions.
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warming up muffins

i dont like how the cold icon looks, i gotta figure out something better

I love you
aaaaaa i dont understand music production at all how tf did they make midis back in the 90s
You don't need friends to post an itch link on /v/
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Does the dragon's hitbox look okay? I wanted to keep it the same regardless of which direction he's facing. (1/2)
>square hitbox
(You) reading this right now

you need to drop your game

kill yourself
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The main reason I'm worried is because in my original ugly sprite, each frame is the exact size, except for the one on the far right which has some blank space. The newer sprite looks much better, but it has a LOT of blank space.
I think APV is based on their DDGI thing

reading the documentation a bit further revealed it might be possible to use it procedurally if you do like a room per scene and build your procedural level from multiple scenes but I don't know if it actually works it might just break if you try moving the scenes around
What sort of game is this going to be? If it's going to be a proper bullet hell you'd likely want a separate smaller hitbox for bullet collisions.

The ones you have now are fine for environment collisions which you wouldn't want the player overlapping too far with (although I don't know why the wing hitbox is so far back).
Bump my thread every 30 minutes or our friendship will end, Cris.
I love this art so much.
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sometimes I can shut down the part of my brain that knows I will fail and enter the delusional state where I can be productive, but it doesn't last more than 2 weeks.
I'm here because I'm such a fuckup that I don't have any shot at succeeding any other way. Gamedev is great because it's something I can do from home and I don't have to deal with other people or stick to a daily wage slave schedule. I can't deal with any of that on a daily basis, it drives me insane. The downside is that it's entirely up to me to force myself to gamedev to make progress which isn't my strong suit. I tend to lose track of time doing other stuff.
Getting a flash of exposure for the brief period of time your game was visible in the "fresh games" feed on itch isn't exactly a robust validation of a game concept since those 3 people on itch probably clicked on it while looking for new coom games.

You're supposed to seek out and target the people who are interested in whatever type of game you're making. What you're doing is the equivalent of trying to meet your new girlfriend by randomly standing in the middle of a highway and waiting for her to come up and smack your ass. You're retarded.
The same way as now except they used a very expensive stack of physical hardware to do all the things you can emulate in your average DAW.
If you flashed Stardew Valley to 3 randoms on itch looking for coom games, it would have succeeded.

Good games succeed, bad games don't. It's that simple.
The hot muffins should have steam coming off them. Cold muffins should just look like u adorned regular muffins.
Comfy cafe simulator.
people who tell you it takes year to make an indie game for sure dont work normal 40 hour weeks on their game.
they barely do any work and therefore they believe it take 10 years to finish one.
how about you just work daily like in any other job. you'd be shocked what you can achieve in only 2-3 months.
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>Good games suc-ACK!
It's not a bullet hell, just a sidescrolling shooter. None of the enemies currently in the game shoot at the player, but I was planning to add some that do eventually. But either way, there will never be dozens and dozens of bullets on screen at once.
And chances that at least one of those 3 players is a /v/ermin?
That game is EA, so it doesn't count.
Marmoreal is not good. Just read the demo day feedback comments.
tranime tropetrash unityslop with less than 2 hours of playtime
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playtime hours is a meme retard, don't fall for it
pokemon except the pokemon capture humans and force them to fight and breed for their amusement
I'm glad you like it. I still have a long way to go. I'm very inconsistent. Some days I feel like the art just flows from my fingertips and a lot of days it feels like I've never drawn in my life. It can be frustrating, and there's still so much to learn.
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every time i do this it feels like an immense weight is lifted from my chest.
the effect is so profound that i get a new amazing game idea and the cycle repeats
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>I'm very inconsistent
that's because you are tracing AI art
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ai art looks way better
slimo-chan, those pokemon already exist
holy seething crab go back to /ic/
the thumbnail looked like a fleshlight lol, just me seeing it?
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new stat and I wrote some stable diffusion integration
>I don't have to deal with other people or stick to a daily wage slave schedule. I can't deal with any of that on a daily basis, it drives me insane.
It sure is tough not being able to wank yourself into a coma or bingewatch 20 episodes of One Piece every day. But for real if you can't even deal with the stress of a normal-ass wagie job then you're never going to make it in gamedev, especially with no dicipline or self-control. Go get a job before whatever parent you're leeching off dies suddenly.
damn she horny
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please, do not tell nintendo
can you make a safe horny version
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>say the truth
>get called crab
toxic positivity is the current cancer of the industry
what's a good minimum amount of words to write each day to develop the habit of writing?
nice ass
I swear people like you are negative IQ.
You're talking to cris, he's currently in his manic phase, in a week or two hell be in his depressed phase again giving up on his current ambitions after realising how unachievable they are. Maybe if he didn't live in the jungle he'd get some medication and settle down.
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when will thirdworlders start learning blender so i can buy custom assets at single digit prices
Go ask /lit/, this is a gamedev thread and games don't need stories.
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I hijacked the godot editor for use with my personal engine
i played lobi today, the boss is a bit too difficult for a first world IMO
a singleplayer game that plays exactly like questing solo in an MMO
2000 words.
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its the laggiest the browser client could ever get.
Healed to death but somehow worse
There's a ton of cheap as shit turd world 3d artists on Fiverr but good luck tard wrangling them lol
stop bullying yesdevs, there is a niche for it ! i hope
I understand that logically this would be a smart idea but small games don't really get me excited to work on them
all games you make should take 6mo-1yr
you are an indie dev, not rockstar or bethesda.
It was intended as good-natured banter.
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>here's your game, bro
Is there any reason why I as an indie dev should use Unreal 5 over Unreal 4? From my testing it seems like it just has worse performance across the board unless you're just dropping in raw scanned meshes all over in which case Unreal 5 wins out but I'm not looking to make asset flips.
I knew I smelled antisoul.
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>implying /lit/ writes or at least reads books at all
I've been guilty of this, the disparity in currency makes it feel like I'm a scam artist if I charge what other artists charge even though I know it's wrong. And when I undercharge I feel like I scam myself, there's no winning. Gamedev is my attempt to escape this by making a product instead of offering a service.
Jesus christ anon stop being old
prove it with a webm
This game is going to have cute furry characters, right?
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Good. You have to learn to work on your game when it's not fun anymore and how to work when you don't feel like working. That's why you project hop. Now take your medicine.
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>you control ragdoll fingers trying to play a game on a tiny controller
4-8 hours a day most days of the week in CSP.

I can try to record something I suppose. I just started drawing so it wouldn't hurt, though I do think it's humorous that the rise of AI has turned people into drooling monkeys who think that think anyone who can draw more than stick figures is using AI. I used to have a couple 5 hour long twitch streams where I did some drawing but they weren't archived.

Let me do some gesture drawings to warm up and I'll get back to you, although even if I do present a vid of me drawing there are retards who will still find a way to twist it into something it isn't.
>when you overhear people talking about ufo 50 and how minigame games are the new fad but you don't really get it
ass too big, ngmi
Writing isn't gamedev
Drawing isn't gamedev
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>tfw too smart for art
This is the midwit take. Without art is a savage civilization.
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I don't have any medicine to take maybe that's the problem
Artfags are the biggest attention whores.
It's not that big!
Post a turnaround webm or it's AI slop.
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based, you do not need to prove anything to these crabs
enginedev here

I give up its going to take too much time

I'll just use unity to make my first few million then I can quit my job and focus on my REAL game
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>codeschizos getting uppity again
reminder that when artists offers to work for free in a game he gets a hundreds replies but when a coder offers to work for free he gets 0 replies. you are nothing more than a glorified codemonkey pajeet
Ring buffer implemented.
Now I don't have to remesh the entire chunk window in order to generate chunks, I only generate the chunks which need to be generated at that precise moment.

Pay attention to the colored chunks lined up, they recur because it is in a ring buffer now.

Without a ring buffer, the chunk generation 'cascades' causing me to have to remesh every row. Now it is smoother and only generates what is necessary.

Praise be to the King Jesus Christ.
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Praise be to the King Jesus Christ indeed.
thank you for playing it, i hate easy bosses
based and realismpilled
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>crabs will call this ai slop
drew it myself one evening
Fell to my knees as soon as I saw this project used AI
I hecking love this art so much.
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>things people say before they fail
Kek really? Hope you at least had some Kino favs
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>Around a year ago I was told to try the demo for a game a friend of a friend is making
>Sure okay whatever
>Turns out its a porn game
>A lesbian futa VN
>Okay sure whatever
>So far as I could tell it wasn't bad at all
>But the plot gave me whiplash
>You play as a futa android in a world where the government hasn't given androids rights
>You escape from a labor camp into the city
>Basically running from Blade Runners and just trying to survive
>It's extremely serious
>But then you bump into some random girl and she just brings you home
>Immediately make a bunch of futa friends who don't care you're an android
>Immediately the random girl who is also a futa gets so horny she goes into a closet and masturbates
>All the new futa friends are incredibly horny
>The actual plot is figuring out why everyone has been so horny lately
>Play a little bit further, find zero characters I find appealing so I just stop
>A couple weeks ago
>Received a second hand invitation to a video game release party
>It's the lesbian futa VN
>It's this coming Saturday
I'm probably gonna go just to see if I can somehow network a bit but Jesus Christ I'm wondering if I'm just gonna end up surrounded by tranny gooners. I'm not even sure if I've ever met the dev. I've either met the dev or the dev's room mate a couple times.
happy bird made 100 billion dollars and its barely even a video game
the only reason people give more attention to art is because of its simplicity in presentation, the normal person is unwilling to spend the time to understand the deconstruction of reality through code. good modular code is able to create immersive alternate realities, and art makes it easier to digest or create more momentary views into a world not fully able to be created through our hand. both have their benefits and downsides, but measuring the worth of something just because of how much public attention it gets is quite shallow.
although tbf, my art will and always has sucked, so my words may just be a coping mechanism
No wonder it look like shit. AI would have been so much better.
yeah, but do you really need to throw this at my face again and again ?
Who in their right mind would ever host a fucking release party for such a thing. Please go and take pictures I need to see the fucking degenerate cretins that would attend such a thing
how does one learn to make such models? asking for a friend, obviously.
so, this is what cattower dev is up to ? amazin
how recent was this generated? isnt ai nowadays way better regarding overlapping line artifacts and blending at weird spots?
I generate slop (art) using AI (my $1000 drawing tablet)
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if you managed to learn programming, learning mid 2d or 3d art should be a trivial thing to do, you just need to avoid the hundreds of shit tutorials that are out there just like you did for coding
it is but you cant just throw in a prompt and expect perfect results. you need to do some inpainting and other adjustments.
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Any high-IQ overachiever who grew up with decent parents has been pushed to study in a field that promises consistently high pay. Software is one of those, but art is not, which is why /agdg/ has a shitton of professional software engineers who come here to dream about escaping the wage cage, but I don't know of a single professional artist that comes here.
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how to prevent player from slightly moving on inclines when uncrouching as seen here?
I just want a video that does a high level overview of the unity workflow without explaining what a sprite is
Air-Strip Angel?
why the fuck is the hitbox going underground when crouching, just make it smaller like everyone else
why would a professional artist come here when most of the 'programmers' here are amateurs with no real world experience. unlike art, you can't see immediately see the quality of a programmer. something could LOOK like it works, but is actually a steaming pile of unmanageable shit that will make it impossible to finish.
the game i make feels so 2014-2015
just simple indie fun that just werks
True but its because 90% of indie game programmers are jeet tier and everyone knows it. Just like an artist needs to show his art to get the attention of programmers a programmer needs to show a good prototype of a game not just a toy game engine.
if you look closer, hitbox, aka collider aka the green lines, doesn't go through the floor. the height changes. what you see going through the floor is the placeholder player model which has no collision in on itself.
>why would a professional programmer come here when ALL of the 'artists' here are amateurs with no real world experience
Why not? This is just an anonymous chinese cartoon basket weaving forum. I don't have any expectations for any of you.
what's the game about?
Because I don't post about my work on a mongolian basket weaving forum?
watch out for the trannies trying to roofie and rape you
a real software dev would be making too much money to get into game dev.
tbf i doubt most people here (including myself) have an above average IQ. also counting as a "professional" software engineer is a low bar. its all networking anyways, same with art. i visited an education for gamedev, most people and me got a job afterwards, despite clearly lacking the skills to produce anything of worth. many peoples art here mog those individuals creations.
personal biases after meeting another individual will always prevail. is my art good enough to get commissions? no. but will people you meet on servers, from art events, or through frengens ask you for them anyways? sadly yes. its just a cruel world in which skill is a multiplier, not the foundation of your worth.
Undertale is proof a game can reach massive levels of success without a good programmer or a good artist but with a good composer alone.
technique is not enough, im lacking creative intent
just invented factorio in my mind's eye
bro, I'm not even bothering to use the latest version of ue4, and I'm debating going back to the version before they added the filmic tonemapper which fuckked emmissive glow
hitbox sinks into the ground so engine compensates by pushing the collider out using the normal vector of the collision and in turn pushes the player
maybe you could fix it by pushing the player up by the height difference between crouched and uncrouched
you know what? fuck this shit, I'm done
Undertale was a massive success because it had a huge pre-existing fandom to work off. (homestuck)
There are a lot of drooling retards here, but you have to realize that the global IQ average is something like 89, so the bar for "above average" isn't very high. I think if you can get into a university, you're already at minimum in the 100-115 range, and you'd have to be at least 115+ to finish a 4-year CS or engineering degree, and I know several anons here who have and now work programming jobs.
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you know what? I'm not done. I'm more in than ever.
anyone that graduates HS can get into a state uni.
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never kill yourself
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Another day, another inch forward. Added a basic aggro system so only nearby monsters attack you.
>Added a basic aggro system so only nearby monsters attack you
just literally just 1 line aka distance formula..?
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Just finished the course of ancient warfare.

Now I'm basically done from like prehistory to up napoleonic era.

Missing Late 19 and XX century.
But has been very cool so far.
yep, something simple that works is fine with me, I can always refine it later. Better than the whole dungeon coming at me every time I test.
>the global IQ average is something like 89
When you aggro a shrubbery you should aggro every other shrubbery in the dungeon, after all, you are angering their friend.
I'll consider this when I go to add behavior. Maybe not every one in the dungeon, but maybe the closer ones. Thanks for the idea anon
After wasting a week of my life watching every Unity tutorial on YouTube in preparation for Unity 6's release, I'll just say this - don't do it bro. The tutorials are worthless. They're bikeshedding clickbait that just go over the most basic concepts over and over again. Just click around the editor and you'll figure all the same info out in 15 minutes.
tell me how I know you're an artlet
i'll give it a try. thanks!
what was your progress
maybe it just didnt have anything worth commenting about
protip: just read the official documentation

seriously, learn the components, learn the API, congrats you've learned everything there is to know aside from maybe some project configuration options? everything else is just a matter of programming and asset creation
full moon gamedeving
>congrats you've learned everything there is to know
Not at all. It's helpful to lean guides and such on best practices, optimizations and pitfalls. You should be familiar with what's happening under the hood.
which is literally just knowing the components and using the right ones for your specific problem? or you're conflating general programming knowledge with something unity-specific
you should learn how they're implemented so you can best take advantage of them. this is why people often build their own frameworks within unity to extend functionality or achieve better performance.

just knowing the api is surface level and you'll never make a great game if you dont know unity inside out.
So horror art is usually just seeing something spooky as a face?
how the fuck do i handle water in a procedurally generated world where the player can modify the terrain? it would be fucking stupid if the water was just floating when they destroy terrain next to it or make a canal but i have no clue how to make realtime water physics work especially on a massive scale. is there any cheap trick i can use to get around it?
you now understand why you are restricted to a small region instead of the whole world in dwarf fortress
procedural groundwater pockets.
Do you even have a game or are you just ideaguying?
It's too easy to make great porn inside my game. It's a permanent distraction.
is it really worth your dev time to implement this?
look at how minecraft did it. in any case, i think this is beyond your skills.
>bikeshedding clickbait
What does this mean
dad, i want match-3 gameplay, in my racing game, and... survival crafting roguelike elements?
Post socials you dork. I wanna see more drawn tiddies
and does this art translate into game dev art? can you sculpt, do texturing, animate, make sprites, draw environments, etc? drawing template anime characters isn't doing much
I'll draw pixel art for your games for just $300 a month.
cheap slut
Why would you post this without showcasing your art.
if your game isn't running on a custom engine you wrote using c++98 or earlier, your shit is pozzed and you should give up
>Roguelike racing game

Has this been done? Could it be done?
I'll pay you $300 a month to draw non-stop pixel art porn of devs I want to troll
penny racers on n64
yes I have a game. I have procedural terrain and destructible terrain, but the algorithm for generation is still being worked on and now I am thinking about water. I feel like it's almost necessary for an open world sandbox game to have it in some way.
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I've got another psychiatric appointment coming on the 28th. My psychologist agreed to send him a medical report so I can finally get the proper medication needed for me to function like a normal human being. Apparently, I'm going to get a second SSRI that will boost my Serotonin so I can finally be at peace and focus on my game.
No more losing interest in activities for me after that point on. And I'll be able to finish something, finally!
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I already mentioned in a previous post that I used to do a lot of sculpting and 3D modeling, so I'm very familiar with the process of creating 3D assets, yes, although I also said that I don't much enjoy sculpting these days so I intended the game to be sprite-based with some simple 3D environments. And yes, I do have some experience creating environment assets although it was never something I specialized in. Recently I've been doing a lot of perspective work, practicing vehicles and buildings and stuff etc.
would you think it was extremely lame if around lakes and such you just couldn't destroy the terrain that was immediately bordering it?
anon.. if no one does it, I'm doing it
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feels like this needs some blood and gore or dirt splattered on it, the bones/white parts are too clean
brother, just make pumps that pull out water from regular dirt terrain.
Any good GDC talks this place recommends?
neat,so what's the goal of this game. build a self-sustaining community for the people?
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>feels like this needs some blood and gore or dirt splattered on it, the bones/white parts are too clean
I'll paint some. I need to reinstall Substance Painter and actually learn how to use it this time.
Looks kino
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>female player character
Thanks, yeah survive from the wildlife, and make a village, and research for longer-term goals
yeah true. I could also just make all the water really shallow like bogs and marshes and puddles and skip having deep bodies of water that would flow anywhere. or maybe I can figure out some explanation for why there isn't water and tie it in to the lore and object of the game somehow since that stuff isn't defined yet
I'm going to be implementing dynamic water soon. I would probably make sure that the terrain generates before the water and have the water 'drape over' the terrain and fill it in. But, I'll cross that bridge when it soon arrives.

Nice to see a fellow dev of such a game.

Here's my game: >>498832118
Well no, the water in DF works extremely weird and actually the procedurally generated has little relevance to it.
Holy fucking kino!
add a fill layer, add a black mask to it, add a fill layer to the black mask and add some sort of grunge or noise texture and then mess with the opacity, color and roughness or other values of the original fill layer and repeat the process with more layers is like 99% of realistic texturing i feel like
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>it works

Is that you scifi kenshi, is this your new game?
is this fantasy factorio? I've always wanted that.
sag sexo
yes it's not as cool looking as the other one but im having fun with it, thanks for remembering it
gunna be more of a fantasy rimworld-like
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it works
absolutely gmi
I can see the big bosomed giantess already.
Neurons ... activated

>3D rimworld
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>Nanite tanks 30% on your FPS for no particular reason

Oh no no, unreal chads.

Juan was right.
Nanite is a meme.
proof? show me the source code snippet?
nanite? more like tranite
How much enemy variation should I have? Right now I'm thinking 3-4 should be enough
it's all 1 enemy
Good work. Keep it up.
NTA but we're working on similar-ish type games so if you're thinking of adding more complexity I'd say this post and the blog it's in are great resources for ideas related to world generation.
Note, most of this stuff isn't ideal for infgen(erosion sims are computation heavy), but there are many data structures + concepts that I've found great success implementing in my own project. God bless.
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it speaks now
Sound Ver: https://litter.catbox.moe/ehtbj6.mp4
Go play terraria.
once upon a time Unity had a great learn page but then they reworked their website and modern web design cancer ruined everything
Thank you.
God Bless.
I do want to spice things up, right now I have two, but I feel like something more complex might be beneficial
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Nobody careees nigga
this >>498844610
makes me think of embodied AI.

What do you guys think of embodied AI?
Basically, the AI doesn't need to know about the last few super bowls or how to make a quesadilla, but it is just trained within the world and the main important thing is interaction.
>download winulator, or exagear, termux windows emulator or something
>download free windows sunvox

android sunvox has weird copy protection or something lol
This game will be the next FOTM. Calling it.
The two ways I know of would be
>water plane at a certain world height (Valheim)
>some sort of voxel "water physics" (Minecraft)
Is there even a game that does something more complex than that?
>By using this tool, you're intentionally violates the Unity End User License Agreement (EULA). Use the tool at your own risk (DWYOR - Do What You Own Risk).
Even if I do release it publicly I doubt many if any would use it. You need ChatGPT+, an Elevenlabs sub and infrastructure to host a flask server and a home assistant server, which is way to much for a normal user.
You can't fix your head with drugs. They only hide the problem. If the shrink isn't helping you take action to unfuck your life then you're wasting time talking to him.
I wish there were more books that covered programming game AI. Programming Game AI by Example was good but its old and I was hoping for something that covered more modern techniques like behavior trees.
I now want to know how many rubberbands would it take to pop someone's head like a melon
you can test it out on me anon
just dont get caught dummy

Only time I'm going to entertain the crabs. The hair looks bad but I can't be bothered to redo it.
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>all technological advances to improve performance from the last decade gets brutally mogged by the usual methods of optimization
>a single blender addon that could make perfect low LODs implemented on the early development would be hundreds times more useful than all of unreal and nvidia shit
i fucking hate AAA devs
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She cute
What prompt did you use to generate this video? Just kidding, looks cute anon.
>You can't fix your head with drugs.
I quickly lose interest in every hobby after less than a month or so. The anti-psychotics aren't helping, other than preventing a second episode from happening. Talking with my shrink isn't, either. This is my last chance to actually fix my shit before it all goes down south. I just need the right meds so I can focus on working regularly and holding a job.
I can't even hold a regular job, for Christ's sake. I have to believe this SSRI will fix me..Otherwise it's over.
Yeah but nanite isn't meant to make games faster or look better its meant to make outsourcing to low skill art mills easier.
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>not recording the whole screen
the crabs won
depends. The charm of raising simulators is that you micromanage what they do instead of them doing things on their own.
Anon is automating the whole process which removes the gameplay
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What is that frame rate?
sorry, i tried to optimize it using nanite
I wish more artists would post videos like this. Bonus points if they narrate in a soothing voice like Bob Ross.

How do you plan on competing with cris music?
What is the name of the guy and game with the scrimblolike inspired by Sonic Adventure? The playable character has spiky hair. Does he post here or on /v/ or both? I don't remember. I'm making a similar game and need to ask him something about character controllers.
Crabs?! Our response?!
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What does baking a mesh do in substance painter..?
It's the latter season. Like the latter seasons of Big Bang Theory where they all had gfs and had accolades.

For us it'll be successful games.
They advertise not needing a paid license to remove the splash screen now, they don't say anywhere that you have to upgrade to Unity 6 or that you can't modify your build to remove it so it's a bit of a legal gray area.
I give it 2 weeks before this guy vanishes just like all the other artists that come in here and want coders to make games for them
umm is the mesh a cake?
you know wanting to hurt yourself and others is very common side effect of SSRIs don't you? nearly every mass shooter in the US was on that shit
bro. no. it's fucking easier than that. get sunlight an exercise. it's not a meme. you don't have to be a gym bro or fucking get a tan. just get sun in your eyeballs and go for an hour walk every day.
You do not need a PAID license, but you still need a license. What some dude says on twitter doesn't matter. What matters is the text on that document we all hit "I agree" on without reading. That said, unless you're making millions, you're not worth suing.
this game made 13k
does your pp still work after all the drugs?
Someone who can draw.. an anime girl??
Nuh uh I don't buy it
make 10 of them and you can make an average techie salary
If I was making a fantasy game I'd use this as item shop music
kiss your sister?
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>this beat marmoreal
SSRI helped me but it takes a while and you need to do legwork to be healthy like going outside, sleeping, holding regular routine, eating healthy, etc alongside it
it offers an experience you can't get anywhere else
let me guess you have a porn problem and spend most of your days scrolling tiktok or shorts or some similar garbage and probably never move your body if you don't absolutely have to
SSRI didn't help you it was the other things you listed that did it
I found my new audience to target.
My new game 'hampter sex tycoon' will sell dozens and dozens of copies.
custom engine?
stop projecting man
those people are able to be very productive
got my 2d character all rigged up for the title screen animation where shes struggling around, modelled and textured out the room and managed to get through all the little bugs that popped up with the transparency of the planes not working properly in godot. kinda pissed off though i spent an hour or so roughing out some struggling animations and when i checked i blender they were all gone except for one. i have git backups of them but im not sure the best way to bring the animations over that wont be a pain in the ass.
>Yeah but nanite isn't meant to make games faster or look better its meant to make outsourcing to low skill art mills easier.
wasn't it made because Fortnite has a shit ton of custom buildings and they can't pre-bake lighting or do other optimizations that could be done with static geometry?
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cups are in, you can even see them get filled
it's definitely both imo, it makes it easier to do the healthy stuff because it moves your bottom line up a little bit. darks are not as dark and makes you spiral less. Any way believing drugs alone will dictate your state of being is inaccurate and probably not helpful, unless the guy's brain is that fucked. it could be, i have no details
zamn this game has everything
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>Videos on new, new Twitter can only be 60 seconds
>Videos on new, new Twitter must less than 50MB
How do people take marketing seriously?
esta unity 2022 urp
if you cannot sell your game with only a 60 second clip you are ngmi
i have no idea what youre saying dude, im sorry. wish i could
You think storage is free or something?
Where the ice machine at though
Why can't I just fucking making a good game in one month?
can you make a good car or house in a month?
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man, trying to infer what's going on in a unity project from the scripts is a nightmare, there's like no control flow, everything is just a disjointed mess with 18 levels in indirection all getting called in some random order by the game engine
>all the coom accounts are now limited to 60s
forgot to mention, another thing that really helped me was saying nigga a lot. I would just repeat "pussy ass bitch nigga" in the shower. not sure why it helped but I saying words that I "shouldn't say" helped me feel better
skill issue
lol I do that shit too, only I go hard R in the shower
>noooo you can't just have a single game object that manages your entire game!
>>haha singleton goes brr
>nooooo think about the scalability!
I would say it like how lamar said it to frankklin in GTAV. like with a long drawn jovial spirit and rhythm. like nigaa~~~a. recommend for ppl suffering with depression and anxiety
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The best thing I ever did was drop benzos, it took me like eight years but when I finally quit for good my obsessive compusiveness went through the floor. Hasn't helped me make a game but that's like complaining you can only run for five minutes after your legs were surgically reattached.
>Unity 6 comes out
>doesn't feel like a big deal, or even a medium deal

Is gamedev as a hobby just less popular now than it was a few years ago?
i don't even know how the hell to add a reference without dragging and dropping it with unity
Actually in the documentation Unity recommends you do exactly that if you have a large number of gameObjects. Something about overhead when calling updates from the native code.
damn, did you replace it with anything else? that couldn't have been easy. good for you man
No, gamedev is bigger than ever. It's just technology's new gap filler is AI, not more optimized code and new algorithms. Graphics can not get any better without consumer hardware getting better. Of course if you wanted to make the best looking game ever and had a NASA computer then like there's actually nothing stopping you from doing it aside from never being able to have anyone else play it. Basically, an engine won't solve our graphical creativity problem.
really gay and german
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why just a house?
Type varName;

varName = GetComponent<Type>();
It was a draw down over that whole period, it helped that they were prescribed and not just a junkie habit but I was on them for 18 years.
I take other pills but none of them with the same side effects.
Chinese are built different, doesnt count
reminds me, I wanted to play this game:

anyone play it? any good?
Sound tends to travel in pipes so your neighbors can hear you hard Ring in the shower.
what was the last indie game you played that had you invested from start to finish?
Baldur's Gate 3
Why did the gay man erase the post... it's fine to express yourself. own up to it brobro
>it's been 80 years
>we still don't know how to make bug-less code
It's so over.
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even if my code takes 100x as long to execute on the cpu as it could, that's still 1000x faster than it needs to run to reach 60+ fps even on the shittiest computers it'll ever run on
you should be ashamed of yourself for writing crappy unoptimized code.
seeing my terrain walking away in a ring buffer seamlessly generating chunks. My game's first steps.
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Is there a public repository that generates Zelda 1 dungeons for you?
>post made at 6 AM in romania
Maybe if you slept better you'd get your serotonin naturally.
i need a name for a generic enemy guy. it will be the "goomba" of my game.
Is Mongol about to lose his creativity?
well yeah I'd think so seeing as I leave the window open to let the steam out
okay I'll weave the millions of dollars I'm going to make from my game into a rope and use it to hang myself
Mongol, you have a weird streak about you.
Do you have something more humanoid of yours that I can look at?

mongol in a month
why 60 fps when 30 fps was fine for ages
imagine having double the content and more instead of caring about an extra 30 frames you didn't see
he said a good one, not a house of cards stapled together.
What is love?
baby don't hurt me
don't hurt me
no more
baby don't hurt me
yeah this is a cool name. Looking forward to see this enemy
Princess Maker, but you raise a game dev.
>poop sock cleaning simulator
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none of us are going to make it...
cus he bomps
Crabs BTFO
Dungeon Keeper but you're a government worker who fortified a secret base after a nuclear fallout and you use the stored specimens / aliens/ monsters to fend off the wasteland miscreants.
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You could spend 14 years and not have a good game, or even a game at all
Gamedev isn't some grinding rpg where you can make the perfect game if you max out your skills, it's a dice roll as to whether it'll even work at all
did any of those engine devs who used c/c++ end up releasing a game?
>Do you have something more humanoid of yours that I can look at?
Give me a few days to fix my shit with some SSRI's and will post something more humanoid.
>Maybe if you slept better you'd get your serotonin naturally.
I wake up and 4 AM every single day. I get 8 hours of sleep per night.
>let me guess you have a porn problem and spend most of your days scrolling tiktok or shorts or some similar garbage and probably never move your body if you don't absolutely have to
I do have a porn problem, but I don't browse tiktok at all. Nor do I watch yt shorts, but I do listen to music and stare blankly at the screen for prolonged hours at a time. I spent something close to 10+ hours online, + in-between my failed jobs, on the phone or company phone, at the current job.
>SSRI helped me but it takes a while and you need to do legwork to be healthy like going outside, sleeping, holding regular routine, eating healthy, etc alongside it
I absolutely need some, to function. EVerything else should be secondary.
>does your pp still work after all the drugs?
Yes, ofc. I've got a gf, but I neglect her.
>bro. no. it's fucking easier than that. get sunlight an exercise. it's not a meme. you don't have to be a gym bro or fucking get a tan. just get sun in your eyeballs and go for an hour walk every day.
I can't exercise, I've got a condition I can't get rid of, preventing me from putting on muscle. Plus, I'm lazy.
>you know wanting to hurt yourself and others is very common side effect of SSRIs don't you? nearly every mass shooter in the US was on that shit
I'll cross that bridge when I come across it. Until then, me getting more productive is my main concern.
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I will!
lol. lmao even
yes, most game engines are written in c/c++, you've very likely played a game using such an engine without even realizing it!
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no, im talking about devs on /agdg/ that did not use unity/unreal/godot/etc and instead made a game from scratch

where are they
not sure what you're trying to get at, this makes no sense as a response to my post.
>mongol is a malfunction of a human and still makes more progress than you
i think things may not be so great agdg
>Until then, me getting more productive is my main concern.
why is this your main concern?
if (true) {
I am getting thoughts that are cool.
>why is this your main concern?
I need to take care of my mother. She's in her early sixties, needs to retire and works close to 12 hours a day, some days, at a shitty job.
She's the main breadwinner. If I become more productive, I can get a better job and take her of her.
one's been making some terrain recently, honestly crazy cuz all he could do 5 months ago was make a rotating cube
so after all these years not a single one released a finished game? hmm
God Bless. After the terrain, I will work on dynamic fluid simulation water. And the terrain is almost finished.
If your main goal was truly to help out financially, game dev is surely not be the best way forward. Maybe there are other reasons behind why you wish to be "productive".
It’s fine if the FPS are stable.
is it really going to be a morrowlike eventually?
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noticing that many of my bugs have been silly goober mistakes and not logical errors.
>terrain still not finished
see you in 2045
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>so after all these years not a single one released a finished game? hmm
No, but at least I do very little code these days. Neglecting my art skills all these years is killing me.
>If your main goal was truly to help out financially, game dev is surely not be the best way forward. Maybe there are other reasons behind why you wish to be "productive".
I suppose it's also because I like video games, working on them and because I want to be able to finish a game that's functional, makes sense, looks nice and works, and is a game, that's actually fun.
Still working on my game/engine.
I'm making 3D Dwarf Fortress and 3D Space Station 13.
damn.. coming through with the argument ender
Even if you got a job as a gamedev, which today is super unlikely already, you would take at least a year crawling to a measurable pay. Haven't you seen the news? IT jobs overall are in the shitter and gamedev is the in the shitter of that shitter respectively Don't hope you'll just win a cash prize with a game, get your shit together and secure a job first, then do stuff for fun.
It's not a meme in that it allows seamless transitions and a level of detail not possible through traditional methods, especially for things like terrain.

Unreal already has very good one click auto LOD, it takes like no time at all to generate reduced geometry meshes and it calculates the transition distances for you so that it looks seamless. I wasted days fucking around in blender and godot to make manual LOD meshes for my trees and unreal just did it instantly.

Unfortunately this is what it's going to be used for. The real reason is to allow megascans assets to be used for everything, but that means more asset slop.
that's a wonderful goal and I wish you can achieve all of that and more. No need to push yourself too hard. Take your time. Most important thing is your well being.
>IT jobs overall are in the shitter and gamedev is the in the shitter of that shitter respectively
IT's still the highest paying market in my cunt. But I get your point.
I need a better stable income for the time being and to keep my job and not get fired again.
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>16 autists from /o/ are the only people who will ever care about my game
>will probably never promote it outside 4chan
>writing an engine from scratch because fuckit its fun
>it's all open source and will always be free anyway
Please be patient I have autism.
You are comparing structural engineering: a well established field where there is a clearly defined and objective end state, to game development: a creative enterprise where "success" is entirely subjective. Yes: there is a failure state (not having game), but what is the success state? Fun: How do you define fun? Is it something that you can achieve through scientific study, the way you can through the structural tolerances of a building or the internal layout as based on human needs and behavior? There isn't even agreement on what a ``game'' even is, how can you pretend making one js in any way straigtforward? IvySly spent like six weeks and almost no money on Yomi and it made him enough to buy a house, there are people who spent years making game for a fraction of that. Were they just bad? Would Yomi have been twenty times better if it had been developed twenty times longer? Would Charge of the Light Brigade have been a better poem if it hadn't been written in fifteen minutes?
Good vibes received.
I got more than 9 realms planned for my game. One of them is heavily inspired by Hyrule.
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>no collision detection
>no car physics
>no built in editor for creating maps
>dont even have 3d models, just a series of basic planes with textures

see you in 100 years
How do I make water act like water instead of a plane mesh? How do I make rivers split or rivers join together or off a cliff like a waterfall?
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I'll be right there with you after I get this terrain done ( soon ), water is my next big feature. Going to be awesome.

Going to be fun. Enjoy.

My plan is to make it a fully dynamic fluid simulation.
Celular automata is a popular
>I don't know who psyopped everyone into believing that if you just put your game on a platform that the platform itself will just send traffic to your game for no reason.
Yeah everyone should be marketing anyway but Steam did used to give every game some level of visibility which gave unknown games a small chance of blowing up organically. Now games are hidden by default so that's not possible and they're hidden because there are so many garbage games being released that its not realistic to show them on the front page anymore.
That is fucking valve's fault though. There's no reason why turd world game mills should be allowed to flood steam with hundreds of garbage borderline scam games that no one wants. The only party who benefits from that is valve because they get a $100 a pop but it hurts small developers and it doesn't benefit the consumer.
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I just rendered my first triangle in Unity
How long do you estimate it will take you to finish your game?
I love how when Simcity 5 went tits up the Simtropolis community (est. 1999) collectively pooled together to make a game, and after a year they had gotten a square sprite to render on screen.
>I can't exercise
can you walk? because that's literally all you need to do. like I said. no need to go to the gym. just go for a walk in the sunshine.

also if you are having productivity problems do to procrastination or social media addiction, try the pomodoro method
Maximum of 4 years.
Coding patrolling is filtering me
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! The last week or so has been absolutely terrible! So many things just going wrong! Biggest one being my tooth has been such a pain for a while now with on and off pain and the dentist felt defensive about it. I'm sure I was right on the cause of it so might get a second opinion. And now I haven't worked on my game at all today besides backing up files! I'm gonna lose my streak if I don't!!!!!!!! This last week has been terrible for development just problematic and difficult to get progress in as other issues occur. I'm so tired. How's your day been aggy?

>404 not found.
I wanted to see it
The easy way is just to tell it to turn if it raycasts into a wall. The harder way is to use multiple raycasts and check for walls and openings.
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A track editor is the first thing I made. It was a useful tool in reverse engineering the original game, it's pretty complete now with lots of extra features.

The car will stick to the track by next week.
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Oh boy.
Dwarf Fortress is the Harvest Moon to my 3D Dwarf Fortress.
>those kill methods
this is disgusting.
Itch is a nice place, the people there are kind and give constructive feedback.
Well it’s probably fun if anything for all the interactive elements.
I intend to build a team btw for 3D Dwarf Fortress.

Another programmer alongside me ( most likely my little brother), More than 1 3D Artist, a 2D Artist, and a Musician.

Going to do a general call when I got more flashy stuff to show and once my YouTube gets off the ground.

And I want to dedicate each realm to each team member and they write a bunch of lore for it. Maybe the Air Realm can be the Realm of the Musician.
it's 3d so add a couple of years to that
It must be a joy to see Dwarf Fortress’s source code.
It’s pretty telling to me that I don’t even know what those words mean
Maybe I’ll kill myself
I can do better than this.
The first games were sold on Steam in 2005, that's 19 years. 19 years is the time between the Atari 2600 and the Playstation. It's the period between Rogue (the original Rogue) and Half-Life. And pretty much all 120,000 of the games released since then can just be downloaded and played, and most of the ones that don't have a YouTube tutorial that can fix it in five minutes.
When you launch a game today, you're not just competing against the other games launching today: you're competing against Steam's entire backlog. Why the hell should I play your Castlevania or Metal Gear or Tomb Raider clone when I can go and play the real thing?
I stopped caring about df when they added gay dorfs
Because you'd give me money instead of a corporation.
There was a game called Limit Theory that tried to ride the Star Citizen kickstarter hype wave. The college age dev said he thought he could make the engine in something like eighteen months and the game in a year.
He went crazy and the game was cancelled after six
Had the same problem a while back. Got to fix your camera size to match your output resolution.
in my game, the player is playing as a god who is more powerful than the other gods but less powerful than the Most High God. Kind of like a very high ranking angel. The player can basically wreak havoc or do Good and the Player chooses whether or not to fall for the illusion that he is the sole most powerful thing in existence.
You're not Toby Fox bro.
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I had a dream tonight that my game received around 6 reviews or so. 2 negative, 4 positive. It was oddly specific too, I could almost distinctly read them, one of the negative reviews was calling me a "megalomaniac dev" and the positive reviews were those one-word type ones. What does this dream mean?
why do people choose mindsets that makes them a nodev?
i can understand choosing a mindset that makes you try harder or work harder over a mindset that makes you way too optimistic. yeah. but why choose a mindset that makes you quit?
like, how is this beneficial in any way?
some will probably argue "it will make you not waste time", but then my question is: why are you even here? like why are you interested in a hobby that you are actually not interested in?
cognitive dissonance?
going to add a mandatory puzzle to my game that requires perfect pitch to solve and progress
It's usually the result of failing at life at lot. You eventually stop trying because it feels like the end result is right in front of you.
>Why the hell should I play your Castlevania or Metal Gear or Tomb Raider clone when I can go and play the real thing?
Because I've already played the real thing and now want to try something new but similar. (Or at least, that's the logic. Cloners are seeking to leach off existing fanbases rather than compete to get new fans.)
they will say the market is over-saturated, but they will never post their game to prove to you that
a) their game is actually really good and should sell
b) it still doesn't sell
>pomodoro method
what is this and how can it help me increase my gamedev work effort?

>the magnification on those glasses
regardless there is something hot about her face without glasses, a butter body
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Are there any platforms where I can livestream my gamedev while also going on racist rants?
nta but how. i fixed camera size to match output resolution and i can random tearing and distorted pixels, small amounts. idk why its even happening. literally have the camera and scaling set to 4x and accurately per unity's detailed notes on this stuff
the /agdg/ discord voice channel
All of the alt tech ones, although it's like dropping the n-word on 4chan: you might get a vacation every once in a while.
Alright I simply pulled up some art I've been working on a did some more nitpicking for the final design. Been turning on/off my timer since it feels like I'm just trying to make dev time happen for the sake of my streak kek. Minute progress at least. Feels like I'm closing in on the final design.
Orthogonal camera size is 1/2 the vertical output resolution scaled by the pixels to units you're using. So if you were doing like 256x240 resolution, 1/2 of 240 = 120, then divide that by 100 for the devault pixels-to-units and it'd be 1.2.
there is no better feel than just making a good game. my idea is so extremely boring. but you will get it, the game wont confuse you. it'll just be a normal guilty pleasure. you'll get addicted to the gameplay loop and grind and that's it.
you will just have fun. nothing more. that's all i think a game is good for.
a game is supposed to be simple, fun and challenging enough to keep trying.
Damn I had another dream about gamedev tonight and it gave me a really good idea for a VR game. Too bad I don't have the money for a vr headset because it would be an instant classic.

Must keep devving until I have the money to get into this niche.
limiting belief
humans are imperfect and so is AI
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the 3d dwarf fortress game looks like THAT????
30fps was never fine in 3d games
60fps is old news now you want variable refresh rate around the peak hz of your monitor but not exceeding it unless you're doing multiple times the hz count like in CS but variable refresh rate tech is key it makes the experience so much better
bro you been working on this for like 10 years

Ok, enough shitposting, time to get back to work.
i keep deving daily just as an experiment to see what my game will be like in 365 days. i'm on day 12 now. so 353 more days to see the final result.
i dont even work that much, but i already achieved a lot. i can't even comprehend what the game will be like at the end. so many days man.
>30fps was never fine in 3d games
uhh, there was a time when 15fps was fine in 3d games
i need another tv show like lost... i can't function without having a tv show i can keep watching on the side... maybe i should just rewatch once again.
Damn, this looks really good.
This is Castella dev, right? Did you cancel your other game?
she cute
you are literally one of the last hopes for the indie gaming industry and you aren't even realizing it... just look at all the indie trash and how casual it is and how incapable those programmers are to make any cool games beyond "talk to that npc and cook a cozy meal"
And? Did I not write "all these years"?
Yep, the 2nd indie renaissance comes out of /agdg/.
do you think if this guy showed his bumble match his game she'd respond?
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Hey Paperdev here,

Do you want me back?
... and that's my signal to go to bed.
so a scriptableobject is basically just a json or something in object form?
>"talk to that npc and cook a cozy meal"
literally my life desu
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Is there any part of the engine you're using that you really enjoy? I think Godot's Node system is pretty intuitive, and I love the "remote debugging" tool where you can inspect the node tree of your currently running game.
/agdg/ shitted on me for using AI, so now I'm making my game only for myself.
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>how I (non-musician) think a daw should work
>>this is my piano track and here are its notes, this is my guitar track and here are its notes
>how daws actually work
let me think here since i don't remember everything off the top of my head
>vertical output resolution:
1080 pixel (half is 540 pixels)
>actual vertical resolution before scaling up:
360 pixels (half is 180 pixels)
>pixels per unit:
16 pixels

according to yours that is 33.75 if I use 540 pixels, that doesn't sound right everything is far too small. did i screw up on something? 11.25 if i use 180 pixels which is actually what i was using and am encountering the issue at
im using ai too. perfect to prototype my whole game. and i can either just keep the art in or replace it with manmade art when i realize decided to keep the asset it.
absolutely fun workflow.
i just hope the models get quicker, cheaper and better over the next 1-2 years.
yeah kinda
>that art style
Is that you Castella anon? What happened to the Kenshi like? This looks neat though.
not any of those anons but the one anon who said your last game was amongst the few i think are gmi. this game also looks like it's gmi and seems much more feasible to accomplish or at least with what i assume it will be. reeeeeeeee why can't i be this good!!! spill it anon, how many years of 3d art experience have you had? coding experience?
Have you watched From? It has a similar vibe.
yeah, already binged it. sadly newer episodes all feel like written by chatgpt.
i'm trying The 100 now.
>proper medication needed for me to function like a normal human being. Apparently, I'm going to get a second SSRI that will boost my Serotonin so I can finally be at peace and focus on my game.
>finally be at peace
what do you mean by this part? do you get neetbux at least? it'd make it easier i'd say, idk if you qualify.
it wasn't fine we just suffered through it because that was all we had
11.25 sounds like it should be right. Is that 360 actually getting scaled to 1080 correctly? Also watch out for texture compression artifacts, those can kind of look like scaling issues.

Filling the entire draw area with a checkboard texture that alternates colors every pixel can help you see what's really going on too.
fuck off
uhh, I don't think anybody considered those games suffering, and people knew what high fps looked like, crt monitors could pull off 120fps in 640x480 mode

check out king's field 2, it's capped at 15fps and is extremely playable
Post it
yeah... it was too big of a project for me to handle
thanks for remembering!
thanks, the other project was cool looking but it was mega ambitious was glued together with really bad code. Watched too many cool twitter videos and got hooked on making it LOOK awesome. This one has more gameplay based foundation. Gonna stay humble and chug it along this time.
thanks, worked as an art director in advertising for 3 yrs, been learning coding for about 2 yrs.
godot regularly crashes in the background when i'm using its LSP server from any external text editor, which means a feature from 3.2 is still not stable.
The closer I get to release the more of a doomer I become.
Sanyk the Porcupine
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sometimes when I'm working on my game I just zone out and when I come back hours have passed and I've made no progress
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You activated me.. Bip BOOP
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Damn, the official Unity example projects are really thorough...
>Is that 360 actually getting scaled to 1080 correctly?
What do you mean by this, anything I should look out for that results in it not scaling correctly?
>Also watch out for texture compression artifacts, those can kind of look like scaling issues.
It's pixel art I don't think there's any sort of texture compression. Although the pixel art files are compressed before importing into Unity but I doubt you mean that.

>Filling the entire draw area with a checkboard texture that alternates colors every pixel can help you see what's really going on too.
Sounds like a neat idea on seeing how the camera is handling it all. Not sure how I can make use of the info but it might give a clue or something.
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>do you get neetbux at least?
85 bucks per month. It ain't much. And free public transportation. But most employees scoff at people with disabilities, getting a job is pretty hard as it is.

I've got:

And I'm about to get another one (diagnosis) because I've got other problems, such as severe obsessions and a hard time focusing on work.
this would have made me give up learning. my mind goes blank...
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is this art for your game?
Of course, anon.
this is why ill never go check myself up, when i was once forced to visit a mental hospital, the guy wanted to give me a shitton that is unreasonable, as soon as you slightly deviate from the norm, its counted as an illness. oh you cut? must be depressed. oh your bmi is 15.5? you must have anorexia nervosa. you take 12 medications a day without prescription? clear substance abuse and so on.. its just annoying.
Not saying it isnt the case for you, and i do hope you get help and feel better afterwards. i just dislike seeing these stacked lists, as i can imagine it not helping the mind to have been catogerized like this.
>yes yes this ai generated slop is totally my art bro! i drew it all myself!
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what are we "progressing" towards?
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No art in my game is AI generated, anon. Please refrain from making such baseless claims.
I love this image
>image filled with AI artifacts
Why do AIniggers think they can fool anyone?
B-But my game is about talking to NPC and cooking cozy meal...
don't listen to the crab he's literally just jealous cause you bagged a good artist
>mental hospital
Yeah, I've been in a psychiatrics ward for 44 consecutive days, then a week, another one, three days, one day and now it's an annual check. Got beaten once there and there were a lot of bad and violent people I had some serious bad encounters with. The nurses were kind of abusive and didn't seem to give much of a shit about what was going on in there. Some of the patients were beaten by the security as well.
>its just annoying.
I don't know how the health system works in other European countries or in the States but here, it's just dogshit.
>Not saying it isnt the case for you, and i do hope you get help and feel better afterwards. i just dislike seeing these stacked lists, as i can imagine it not helping the mind to have been catogerized like this.
Yeah, it's rather annoying. I just want to like make game but I can't focus and as a coping mechanism, I project hopped like a fucking retard and ruined everything. So there's clearly something wrong and I'm not medicated properly. They haven't found my issue yet. But I'm sure they will, I just need time.
After that, I'll be able to learn how to make art properly, and will learn better programming and make my own music and will finally be able to finish my game! I've got hope in the system.
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>image filled with AI artifacts
I don't know what that means, and I doubt my artist does either. Could you please further iterate your thoughts?
Still, I'd like to hear his reasoning. I don't understand what about the first image I posted implies AI art. The engine, perhaps?
there's no reasoning, he's trolling
>translates from Romanian
I don't know what all that means but I hope the Lord fixes all your issues.
That's rather low, doesn't feel like it'd pay for much according to the info I looked up regarding Romania. Do they have any other programs there that get you free money or even one of those things that helps you get a job? Not a fan of temp agencies but in the US they seem to help in getting a job though you gotta be careful where they send you since some places imho are places not worth waging at. I think the government over here might also have some program that helps you get a job. Not sure how it is in your country though but maybe an idea to look out for.

>thanks, the other project was cool looking but it was mega ambitious was glued together with really bad code. Watched too many cool twitter videos and got hooked on making it LOOK awesome. This one has more gameplay based foundation. Gonna stay humble and chug it along this time.
Yeah ambitious for sure lol. Of all the games with make it written all over it, it also appeared to be the most difficult to pull off, I doubt you'd have many if any copy cats with that size of game.
>thanks, worked as an art director in advertising for 3 yrs, been learning coding for about 2 yrs.
Less coding experience then me and you already feel better than me ;_; my only excuse is that I'm learning as I go. I should've done what Gobario and Glorb anon's did. I think I would've learned a lot more stuff and at higher speed by doing that method of learning. Might bail on the idea of making another commercial game next and focus on copying a few existing games just to learn how certain stuff is done rather than bolting it onto a spaghetti mess of existing code.
the engine is super well rendered and it even makes me butthurt. so I get why he's trolling
Is there something like this 3d tile tool for Unity? Like something where you can make a 3d tileset from assets and then paint it in the scene. Seems like it would be really handy.
that game with the nice anime ass???
And what's your game? Any social?
it's for people who have problems with adhd or social media addiction. you set a timer for 25 minutes and you work on your game until the timer is over then you get a 5 minute break and repeat
yeah the gobario method seems great for learning, ppl in the thread love it too :) My stuff actually isn't that good at all, it's super rough with plenty of spaghetti. And I bet you're better than you give credit for.
>I don't know what all that means but I hope the Lord fixes all your issues.
F32.20 Severe depressive episode without psychotic symptoms, unspecified as occurring in the postnatal period.
F23.2 Acute psychotic disorder resembling schizophrenia.
F50.8 Other appetite disorders.
F60.1 Schizoid personality disorder.
G21.1 Other drug-induced secondary parkinsonism.
G47.0 Insomnia.
F15.1 Other stimulant abuse.
My bad, I should've translated them.
>That's rather low, doesn't feel like it'd pay for much according to the info I looked up regarding Romania.
Yeah, disability checks aren't enough to cover for my expenses. It's why I live with my mum and work jobs "under the table". Even though I can't keep one more than a few months.
>Do they have any other programs there that get you free money or even one of those things that helps you get a job?
Yes, minimum wage, which is kind of sad because I've got two post grad degrees. They're meme degrees, one in game design (MA) and one in political science.
My dream job is to work as a game dev for a big or at the very least indie game company. But I need to fix my shit first.
this shit is the problem with trying to search for any topic on unity, you have to dig through literal mountains of actual toddler crap
I was a high-IQ overachiever, now I'm at the bottom of the totem pole. I was on my own for deciding where to go, I made the wrong choice in college degrees. Now I'm 30+, a neet, and have only low paying job prospects. Gamedev is unironically one of my best chances of escaping the wage cage.

I too would like to know this but for 2D as well.
fuck off fygoon
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Cheer up Marmo
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Did enough art, it's time for writing.
this shit fucked up frfr. disregard my previous attempt at advice and swallow ur happy pills on time

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