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Previous Thread: >>498810192

>Guides, Resources and useful links:
>4koma, Manga, Side Content, PVs & Shorts

>10/16 (Wed) 11:00 - 10/23 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Yukari (3* - Rerun)
Renge (3* - Rerun)
Kikyou (3* - Rerun)

Autumn Livestream: https://www.youtube.com/live/NG45fvLswco - 10/20 (Sun) 19:00 (JST)
SCHALE Settlement Task with General Student Council - 10/10 (Thu) After Maint - 10/23 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Grand Assault: Kurokage (Urban - Torment w/Purple Armor) - 10/16 (Wed) 11:00 - 10/23 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 9/26 (Thu) 11:00 - 10/23 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Normals/Scrimmages - 10/16 (Wed) 4:00 - 10/23 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)

>10/15 (Tue) 2:00 (UTC) - 10/22 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Toki (3* - Limited - Rerun)
Nagisa (3* - Limited - Rerun)
Koyuki (3* - Rerun)

Event Pre-Registration, Roadmap, and Livestream: https://bluearchive.nexon.com/events/2024/10/3rd
Patch notes: https://forum.nexon.com/bluearchive-en/board_view?thread=2658579
3rd Anniversary Special Livestream: https://youtube.com/live/s9tLTZVTGuM - 10/18 (Fri) 9:00 (UTC)
Balancing Schale's Books with the General Student Council - 10/8 (Tue) After Maint - 10/22 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Grand Assault: Gregorius (Indoors - Torment w/Heavy Armor) - 10/15 (Tue) 2:00 - 10/21 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 9/25 (Wed) 2:00 - 10/21 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Hards/Commissions - 10/14 (Mon) 19:00 - 10/21 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
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we need more Haine
Did anything interesting happen on the global stream?
Mika should die
>Poteto Crisps
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Mika love
Momoi = Mario
Midori = Luigi

Hikari = Wario
Nozomi = Waluigi
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it's up
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Shiroko's flat ass
also -1 image slot
no one here has a time machine
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Hmm ok
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The definitive canon wife
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Kosaka Wakamo
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My canon wife Fuuka...
What is consider a good thread /bag/ ?
Imagine /bag/ but good...
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Dead Hina
#6546 for the first half, before schizos appeared
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We know Sensei!
I swear this raid requires the most precise execution in terms of timing and aim. Be off by 0.1 seconds or 5 pixels when aiming for an optimal clear and you have to reset.
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They announced that they're deleting all overtly pro-DEI students like Karin, Iori, and Kasumi and are replacing them with more mono-ethnic-compliant designs.
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Suzumi alt when
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Need more of this in my life.
Kaya did nothing wrong.
Looks like got a shit roll again
man I have to like, learn how to play the game to clear greg... I hate this...
I'm gonna post fanart of them with 0.00001% lighter skin tones on twitter as protest.
this game is fucking DEAD
I didn't see it in the OP, so I thought it was in the past.
Hyperborean halo and all?
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take your retarded pol shit somewhere else retard I don't care if you're being ironic.
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Oh noooooooooooooooooooo
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My precious desert rose.
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Question for /bag/, what direction do you see BA in 2025 after losing some of their best people?
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How would YOU improve the thread then?
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Momoka's FAT fucking tail
It is pretty easy if you do this raid as Richard Garfield intended (summer rabbits + makoto/minori).
>pro-DEI students like Karin, Iori, and Kasumi
This shit is too new for BA
one that i approve of
Blue Archive is absolutely a DEI game though.
>POC students
Karin, Iori
>body positive students
Kotori, Izumi
>un-able bodied students
>LGBT students
Koharu, Hanako
>trans students
I hope it doesn't go down as bad as /bag/
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DEI goes as far back as legacy Halo when they made the human population at the 2500's improbably diverse. A space elevator in Africa is some top tier DEI bullshit. A black sergeant too.
Don't think that BA is exempt just because it released three years ago.
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More images of Nagisa
BA has 1:1 followed FGO's footsteps since launch so exactly like that
Why Kasumi?
Right now it's impossible, shit hours start every day at the same time
I'm not familiar with FGO. What does that mean for BA?
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What book is she reading?
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Make it happen
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>trans student
This made me laugh so hard that I think I'm gonna roll with this from now on
RG Hi-Nu assembly manual
There's little leeway in aiming AOEs to hit the maximum number of targets, especially with Koharu but even more when you need to turn the organ. The last phase also requires you to spam skills as fast as possible and even in slow motion if you take too much time aiming you are losing out on lots of damage.
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Noa love
What happened then?
Don't use my stoat to shitpost.
>rolling with calling students trannies
behavior no different from hoshino secondary fans
She's german
Based Gundam choice
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nom nom
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Literal tranny voice
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Have you confessed yet?
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I'm concerned about the absolute state of /bag/
Damn lewd student...
Nice thread guys
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What do you mean, /bag/ is clearly chill now am I right?
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I can't beat yellow Greg with this, I have the exact same shit but students die at random and positioning Mine is a fucking pain in the ass
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Not gonna post gookako in this garbage thread.
It's about Cherino who nobody likes so it's okay.
It's not our fault this is when Mikaposters are the most active...
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>just found out BA is getting a sequel
Glad I dropped the game.
>SEA hours
checks out
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Are you excited for the upcoming global stream?
She's just a chain smoker.
record a run
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I hate DIY
kill yourself
>she speaks like an aunt of mine
she may be annoying but she is no troon
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Use Makoto
Reisa would love that since she's a vigilante.
Go to sleep
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Is she DEI?
Dev talk is gonna be really fucking awkward knowing what went down the past 2 or so months
>but not Saori, Kanna, or Neru
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Is this your new strat?
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Whoops didn't see you hiding Miyu...
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>Wasn't even mentioned by the /pol/fag
Mine is specifically positioned with her EX to be AoE healed by Koharu, but for me my 3* Mine dies somewhere after the 2:30 Yellow AoE even after being full healed, so I included an extra Koharu heal that's not in that video to be consistent. Doesn't throw off timing that much.
Otherwise I don't really know what else to say
you missed a few
>Reading Kazusa porn
>Reisa shows up
>Stop reading Kazusa porn
You're wide
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>attracted the most retarded posts when she was revealed
>unbearable threads
>looks like shit
the same degree of autism an actual DEI character would cause, kinda like Mika, except Mika doesnt look bad
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You niggas are dumb.
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there is no way you are having trouble with INS
>>attracted the most retarded posts when she was revealed
>>unbearable threads
>>looks like shit
Literally Mika kek
if Koharu's NS heals the wrong person because someone decided to soak more damage than usual for one run, then yeah someone's probably gonna die
Your what?
I was reading this doujin just yesterday
>not reading Kazusa porn
>Reisa shows up
>Start reading Reisa porn
someday we will reunite
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you're right on the first two, the third if you count the scatfag as looking like literal shit. But as much as I dislike Mika, she doesnt look bad at all, she reads like it and acts like it
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Which staff members do you think will be featured in the dev talk on the global stream? Mx2J and DoReMi?
Not really. The people who were sabotaging the game are finally gone, so the devs must feel relieved now.
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oh boy I could write a fucking thesis on it but simply put the game got too big for its own good and corporate greed killed it
>flopped on launch
>gained steam a year later once the story picked up
>grew in popularity enough to overtake 2hu at comiket and have significantly higher circle space than any other title, doujins galore
>continued to grow until peaking at the end of the main story
>new story comes out and is good but not as good as the last
>main writer barely touches it anymore because he's focused on other projects he actually likes
>story quality drop is immediately noticeable when the main author isn't writing it
>dead periods go from weeks to months to 1.5 years at one point
>game is currently in maintenance mode releasing bare minimum content and subsisting solely on whale money
sound familiar?
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Once again any post containing "DEI" in it its contents has never contributed anything good to this general yet people still reply to them anyway
Hinajanny will save us
Asuna (Halloween) next!
Lots of /gig/homos here recently.
Sounds like an FGO tranny talking about his abusive ex, yes.
scatfag's kinda broken, yet still managed to pull some old shit to get (You)s
Never; too plump and juicy.
Talk about the game, not the posters.
This brings back memories of a westard on twitter who tried to argue that Mimori and Hoshino were trans cuz of their colours scheme. Completely insane argument and got shoutted with slurs. Gave me a good chuckle.
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where is the bingo for the global stream?
I fucking hate Greg.
i ate it
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Right here.
no bingos after the 'cord controversy
lmao you couldn't be more wrong if you tried, both in regards to FGO and the BA parallel
t. day 1 FGO player
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Blue Archive sucks
why do you fucking keep asking EVERY STREAM it doesn't get posted until the stream starts because of the discord shit earlier this year
>spam muh boogeyman SEA like they rent free on your head and seething for 4 hours straight
>same schizo who is concerned about thread and keep spamming concernposts
whoa , schizos can"t self reflect
Where is hinajanny? Talk about the game and not your xfags boogeyman
Not happening because someone decided to use a non-Seia stamp last time
That would spook my dick so I hope it doesnt happen
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You guys got any good demos from the fest? This fest looks like shit
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No, not really.
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Literally posted yesterday. Lazy sleepfag gets the rope.
Which is fitting I guess cause it's Seia.
>they made the human population at the 2500's improbably diverse
Given current populations, birth rates, and life expectancies, most of the human race by 2500s would be pajeets.
Fuck this thread.
Sorry, you’re not my type
I don't think we have a bingo for the global stream tho, only for the JP stream
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mind catching me up what this controversy is?
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>bingo for the global stream
But they never get bingos...
you aren't even trying bro
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Ii kaado da ne. Omedetou!
well yeah because the game was great until it wasn't. same shit happened to BA but thanks to that experience I was able to notice and quit much sooner than before

post your day 1 mashu fag. I haven't played in years so obviously I won't remember specifics but that's a fairly accurate summary for sure
someone lurking here stole it and posted it on the official BA discord and then mods claimed it was made for the discord community when some /bag/ sperg went in there complaining that they stole it
that's it
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Tacticool Hifumi
Trying what?
Ah I see, thought it was something bigger than that
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Every student should get a tacticool alt.
They even edited out the "explicit" bingo slots, totally disrespectful.
correct, I hate them, now fuck off
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> Quit much sooner
And yet you are still here? Fucking FGO tranny, you're just as much as a trendhopper like all the seaniggers.
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Don't forget to be patted by your students, bag
Let them cheer you up
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How many rats did that gook get spooked by?
There was also the autism of implementing anti discord measures, like putting porn or a nigger nigger nigger watermark.
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Are you prepared to defeat red Set?
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I wonder if its gone up since then...
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And once again its "my fault"...
Miyu should be lovingly raped instead of being stomped on
Please don't post Hifumi, I've just showered.
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Can you post that?
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you are the town bicycle and it shall stay that way.
There's nothing explicit showing, you dumb bird
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out of the decagrammaton trio i like ohr's appearance the most
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The worst part is that all of this is self-inflicted by nexon.
One detail that got lost in the controversy shitshow from a month back was that an insider from <company that shall not be named> (the same one KR trusts after he showed his business cards) posted that the primary reason they all left was because nexon blocked them from having any input from project RX, which is the BA sequel in development in all but name, by nexon, not MX Studio, the actual BA devs.
Which is fucking retarded and is how you get a repeat of Maplestory 2. That shit died hard, fucking Maplestory 1, the original, outlived it. But knowing how the rest of nexon is outside of the team that makes BA, that's not really surprising.

Every BA community outside of /bag/ acknowledges this BTW, even the fucking BA discord, where you'd expect the biggest BA dicksuckers to congregate. No, even they admit BA is stagnating and headed towards decline now that nexon is at the reigns instead of the old guard. But general threads are echochambers by their very nature, so that's not surprising either that information doesn't get filtered down here.
It should be easier than blue set
Which game will replace BA then?
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You don't care that's ai?
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>some /bag/gots are in the "official discord"
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I'm not the town bicycle...
I have rights and feelings...
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What the hell anon I said please.
Only on concern'o'clock desu
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Ohr butt.
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My adorable daughterwife Azusa.
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It's only easier because of Hoshino. Other than that good luck getting a UE50 B.Yosh borrow.
It's only technically easier.
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[Chair clatterring]
This basically confirms that RX is the successor to BA, and that once RX is out, BA will effectively be dead.
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Seiaposters what do we think of this concerning thread
Desperate and concerned
Stop posting yoghurt Aris it's not funny!
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VERY concerning
which reddit are these posts being copied from?
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Ohr crotch
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Your lack of Seia image is even more concerning right now
Thanks for admitting that you love to shitting up the thread with your usual spam
I think you and the rest of the cultists who infest /bag/ today have ruined what used to be a decent general that wasn't afraid to talk about this kind of stuff. Nowadays you're no different from being the unpaid mouthpiece of nexon's pr department because you're too fucking chickenshit to even admit that BA has any flaws whatsoever.
>SEA hours
>sudden concernposts
yeah, the thread is chill...
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My image got eaten
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I am going to cum on your adorable daughterwife's belly.
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Fatefags aren't event trying anymore.
Remember this banger? That's your concernposters.
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That's concerning...
It was supposed to be BA with swords, it was even made by the original creators of BA.
But BA fans weren't having any of that so it got canceled
>complains about this while not complaining about the other obvious shit
fuck off
(Gotta love the self report as tourist with you trying to claim that the BA discord is filled with the most dicksuckers when that place has the most tourists and faggots out of any social media site.)
Nexon slowly taking more and more control of BA was an obvious sign. They have a proven track record of destroying every title they're involved in yet somehow people keep pretending they're good or that they'll ever improve.

It's not out yet. We're in the transitionary period where fags are aggregating back to their usual shit and are waiting for the next big thing.
You post Seia, my feelings get hurt. Simple
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New thread?
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If the JP stream doesn't give us Seia I will be concerned.
Twitter is dying and all the artists are jumping to different platforms. How fucked are D1 now that they have to hire a proper marketing team now instead of just spamming art in twitter?
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Even this?
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Today was too hot
The BA discord was an outlier in that it did not at all reflect the typical userbase inhabiting the platform, even among typical weeaboos.
The difference is that unlike /bag/ they were willing to criticize BA when it fucked up, and this year has been almost nothing but fuckups. Common sentiment over there is that BA peaked too early with eden treaty, and post volume F it's been a slow decline that has been accelerating since this year.
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look at this cool image of yuuka i found
bro, your new wave of Seia fanart?
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> Twitter is dying! FOR REAL THIS TIME!
Once Misskey or whatever site the japs are migrating to update the TOS and use the images for AI training, then what?
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judging from the big pictures of these prophets >>498830770 >>498830996 here who clearly cannot be wrong I'd say we're eosing real soon.
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I admit I lied, I'm merely a year 1 player rather than a day 1 player. However, as someone who actually still keeps up with this godforsaken game because I want to see the story end, you're still wrong. Let me count the ways.

>>in relation to FGO
>flopped on launch
>gained steam a year later once the story picked up
FGO started off strong and became a titan later on.
>grew in popularity enough to overtake 2hu at comiket and have significantly higher circle space than any other title, doujins galore
OK but Fate was always popular with a solid presence in comiket
>continued to grow until peaking at the end of the main story
lmao if you think Solomon was the peak of FGO's popularity and/or quality
>new story comes out and is good but not as good as the last
While it still has plenty of rough spots Lostbelts are almost universally agreed to be significantly better than average compared to part 1, FGO's story is dogshit until Camelot
>main writer barely touches it anymore because he's focused on other projects he actually likes
And yet Avalon was one of the best things he's ever written
>story quality drop is immediately noticeable when the main author isn't writing it
Don't let Avalon being excellent distract you from the times another writer also strikes gold, see Higaside with Atlantis. This is almost entirely a Sakurai issue.
>dead periods go from weeks to months to 1.5 years at one point
>game is currently in maintenance mode releasing bare minimum content and subsisting solely on whale money
This is true I guess
I mean I called it last month. Ever since that sperg out with the dupe posts /bag/ hasn't recovered and probably never will. Seiaposters unironically killed /bag/ but I guess that's what they always wanted anyways.
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Extremely concerning /bag/ will never recover EoS soon
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People like you killed this general with thought-terminating posts like these.
But it's okay, you'll get a taste of your own medicine when nexon inevitably shits the bed as they have done for 20+ years now and counting. If the existence of Maplestory 2 won't convince you, then nexon shitcanning BA in favor of BA 2 will compel you to.
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>RX will be another city/dimension with males
>It will be a genshin clone and draw in the worst of genshins fanbase
>epic crossovers will happen and your studentwife will giggle and flirt with the new males
Isakusan tried to stop this...
You're supposed to take my concernposts seriously...
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What if we posted normal Seias for a change instead of silly Seias.
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Real concerning isn't it?
thanks for outing yourself as a doomfaggot again by saying no one here critcises BA. Try mentioning vol 1 ch 3 and see what happens though if you actually talked here that wouldn't even have to be asked.
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here you go
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The resolution of this Seia is concerning.
Millennium will fall.
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Give me the gookFubuki folder.
Gook Students must grow larger.
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B-but it's o-okay, Daddy N-nexon will kill ur shiddy gaym!!111!!!!!11
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>the general has been killed because not enough anons are concernposting like me
bait used to be somewhat convincing
>complains about anti-SEA posts
>doesnt complain about the self reporting discord tourists and concern shitposts
you really couldnt make this any more obvious, Nguyen...
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Retard, Isakusan wanted to add male characters from the start, but Kim Yong-ha didn't allow him to do so.
I really think Seia is releasing soon. She's guaranteed to be a special so while she may warrant a limited banner, she will never be a bluefes student.
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Yeah forgot what the other guys said
What "happened to" FGO is
>First year: Seven chapters come out in one year
>Second year: four chapters in one year
>Third year: Two chapters a year
>Fourth year: one chapter a year
>From that point onward: Maybe one chapter a year if you're lucky

When a mobage realizes it can give an audience less, less, and less and they still throw money at you, the game stops giving a shit and it gives you as little as possible

You see the same trend with the number of characters per year; the trend is lower, lower, and lower every year. They stop listening to the audience over time, the game is a zombie, they stop giving a shit. Its the fate of most mobage when the passion starts to leave.

It isn't because the second story isn't as good, the first arc of FGO was shit. A single chapter from arc 2 could be better than all of part 1; but the difference is you NOTICE the writing quality a lot more when its one chapter every two years. When its one chapter every two moths you don't give a shit about the quality as much. The quality of later chapters is better, but it doesn't fucking matter when its one 30 hour chapter a year; instead of four 5 hour chapters a year.
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We're getting her this time, right?
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>noo you must respond to my shitpost seriously
kek get fucked shitskin
Does anyone know how long global's streams usually are?
We can only hope.
God I hate Sakurai so much for Olympus after Atlantis was so good
vol1ch3 is an "acceptable target" because it was written by /bag/'s equivalent of Emmanuel Goldstein. when nexon runs out of material left by the former founders in a few months, and has to rely on entirely new output by an unproven staff- that's when it's gonna get even uglier.
what I wonder is if people like you will have the heart to be honest and critique, or if you'll continue juggling that cognitive dissonance in your head.
Damn, I didn't know boycotting the game itself in the general intended for the game is the hip thing to do nowadays
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You have to dump all of your pyros on her banner if she gets announced
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We had a Serika thread yesterday can we have a Seia thread today?
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>this example doesn't count because I said so!
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thanks Nagi
I mean it worked for Mihoyo.
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change the color of the text I can barely read it
These shitposting waves usually happen 6 hours earler. What happened?
>and they still throw money at you
this works for f/go, it doesn't work for BA. already revenue has taken a huge hit compared to last year. so what's BA's excuse?
sex with a cop
>>in relation to BA
>flopped on launch
>gained steam a year later once the story picked up
It was hard carried by bunny chasers and other things but okay believe what you want
>grew in popularity enough to overtake 2hu at comiket and have significantly higher circle space than any other title, doujins galore
True, but so what?
>continued to grow until peaking at the end of the main story
If you're talking about popularity, BA objectively peaked this last year so far
>new story comes out and is good but not as good as the last
Jury's still out on that one desu
>main writer barely touches it anymore because he's focused on other projects he actually likes
Yet he wrote at least 60% of all main story content we've gotten since volume F
>story quality drop is immediately noticeable when the main author isn't writing it
But I thought everyone's main issue with the story was V1C3? The thing written almost entirely by isakusan? And V5C1 was agreed to be decent?
>dead periods go from weeks to months to 1.5 years at one point
>game is currently in maintenance mode releasing bare minimum content and subsisting solely on whale money
Point out when was the last time BA went a whole month without a single new thing. Or how the pace has been any different in the last 2 years, aside from the grand event that was volume F.

>the primary reason they all left was because nexon blocked them from having any input from project RX, which is the BA sequel in development in all but name, by nexon, not MX Studio, the actual BA devs.
No, the whistleblowers said the reasons for leaving were
>weird collabs
>Yostar interfering in the story
>not being paid enough bonus/compensation (which we all know turned out to be bullshit)
Those same whistleblowers also said nobody from the BA team wanted to work on RX because they wouldn't be getting any bonuses

Tourists aren't sending their best
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just report and [-]
You might wanna quit fgo instead of projecting your stockholm syndrome onto this general /alter/fag.
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Usually about 2-3 hours, there's no exact time range.
With that said, considering Samsung also have a hand in this stream, maybe it will be longer for more merch or pack shilling.
Which is a good thing, give me those fucking discount.
I wonder if you'll stay long in this general until then and just prefer to talk about future possibilities that we can't even talk about right now
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Okay cowboy pleasure mah butt
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Look, I get where you're coming from with wanting to be able to criticize BA here in /bag/. And there can be some valid criticisms in what you said. Hell I'm pretty sure everyone here agrees that Nexon is a piece of shit and BA is nothing short of a miracle to come out of Nexon of all the companies. But your ilk has also been known to only post this kind of shit for the purposes of stirring shit. Once anyone comes up with any kind of rebuttals against your points you ignore them and continue regurgitating the same points the next day or even until the next few weeks.
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I'm going to let them bump the threads until the stream starts.
BA plays best on iphones. Sorry poodroids.
Our last Anniversary stream was 4 hours so this one might be 3-4.
>the BA dicksword is actually full of the good guys bros, please join us there instead!
>the primary reason they all left was because nexon blocked them from having any input from project RX, which is the BA sequel in development in all but name, by nexon, not MX Studio, the actual BA devs.
I read the namu wiki article which didn't state that at all.

The only mention of RX was in regards to money (e.g. incentives to work on BA running out after 3 years)
>I want to see the story end
It won’t
they are probably scared because the chinese overlords behind it lost a few millions out of the billions they make, heard their dumbass CEO even went out and cried about it
Stream isn't for another 7 hours I think you're a bit early...
did any of the supposed western boycotts work? afaik they only really listen when it's the chinks that sperg out
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Would you actually roll for Seia?
A lot of BA's success came from Kim Yongha being well respected in the industry enough to not be subject to Nexon meddling. He's also the guy who assembled the team in the first place.
Reminder that every time a stream is coming up, there will be tourists trying to flood the general with doomposting to drag down the mood of those who actually play the game.
>FGO started off strong and became a titan later on
It really didn't. The first half-year at the very least was pretty mediocre and it really only started to rapidly gain steam after babylon.
>OK but Fate was always popular with a solid presence in comiket
I meant FGO specifically. FGO and FSN/Zero etc were a completely different deal
>lmao if you think Solomon was the peak of FGO's popularity and/or quality
>While it still has plenty of rough spots Lostbelts are almost universally agreed to be significantly better than average compared to part 1, FGO's story is dogshit until Camelot
babylon, camelot, solomon together were peak main story. everything before it was forgettable. remnants were good, lost belts were shit, atlantis was good. olympus was dreadful and that's around the time I quit. peak FGO was CCC.
>Don't let Avalon being excellent distract you from the times another writer also strikes gold, see Higaside with Atlantis. This is almost entirely a Sakurai issue.
never read it but doubt. nasu's stories were the most interesting and enjoyable to read by far. higashide good at times and sakurai is mostly shit desu
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You rolled for me right, Sensei?
The source is already long deleted
BA has always been a Nexon game, I dunno why they keep trying to revise history. The first year was utterly garbage because the CEO was a retard.

Yes? There's no reason to not roll for her. Special is just a cope, Kisaki is pure sex.
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oh damn, you're right
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rapid piston pounding fubuki's vagina while tonguekissing kirino and fingerbanging and breast massaging kanna
Half the devs left randomly, and they're putting on a brave face, and they obviously can recover, but they're probably scrambling to hire new talent and train them behind the scenes. The biggest issue they could face is the "feeling" of the lore and narrative shifting if they bring in the wrong new writers or artists. They need to train artists and writers "All girls need guns or weapons in their art, you cannot just draw normal boring girl, she needs to have a gun or something in her art, guns must always be part of the feeling of the world, but in a slice of life way, not in a millitary way, it has to be life as war sort of feeling, not war is hell sort of feeling" and "The story needs to be a hopeful upbeat caribbean sort of music SoL sort of feeling, where things work out at the end of the day, drama happens but ultimately drama is beaten back by a story of hope in the end, don't write edgeshit"

In the meantime they need to put on a strong face and keep throwing things the audience wants at the audience to distract them. Make the audience think things are going fine by throwing popular shit at them for a few months while you get your shit together.
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Yes, I believe that tourists are retarded enough to show up here 7 hours early and try to post here until then.
>yostar interfering
no way this is true, I mean, I've hated Yostar since AL but, this can't be true. Or can this be fixed at least? I know nexon is some filthy corrupt corpo but there is no way they are letting the chinese take over
>Once anyone comes up with any kind of rebuttals against your points you ignore them and continue regurgitating the same points the next day or even until the next few weeks.
I am starting to get concerned
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Oh... you're probably right.
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Are we arguing about steaks?
yeah, a single x10 and got her, thanks Arona, I will give you as many babies as you want
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the insider also posted reasons as to why they formed a new company in the first place.

1. Project RX was started by Nexon internally as the next part of Blue Archive.
2. The core staff of BA weren’t allowed to join this project, executives saying that they should focus on BA first and foremost. They speculate the truth is that executives didn’t want the people working on BA to have a bigger piece of a half guaranteed success.
3. Factions developed between the team and the department hurt the most was mx2j and the art team.
4. The bonuses given to Isakusan wasn’t for work done, but rather an incentive to keep him in the company even after problems kept growing.
4. He left after the internal fighting became intense and he couldn’t handle it anymore.
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how can you even do all of that at the same time?
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I only have that one... NMGooK creators are too lazy to draw more.
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The Mahjong Soul collab was a Yostar move.

The anime was pushed by Yostar and their studio which also contributed to the weird scheduling of Volume 1. Hell, Yostar provided majority funding if not all.
Fried rice works too, I guess
we are so dead bros
I already have her
But Toki said Millennium is fine.
Looking back, I notice that everything I hate about this year came from the people that left so I'm happy.
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>not to be subject to Nexon meddling
>the first year was utterly garbage because the CEO was a retard
Which is it?
>dunno why they keep trying to revise history
No one is doing that. Like I said, everyone acknowledges Nexon is a piece of shit. A lot of /bag/gots have said over the years that it's a surprise something like Blue Archive came out and operated the way it did under Nexon.
>Kim Yongha being well respected in the industry enough to not be subject to Nexon meddling
I know he's somewhat of a big shot even before BA, but what games/media has he done or been involved with before?
Getting solicited for sex by Saya 28 times...
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>vol1ch3 is an "acceptable target" because it was written by /bag/'s equivalent of Emmanuel Goldstein
lmao retard people were shitting on V1C3 even as the updates were being dropped and long before anyone knew isakusan was leaving

Here's something nobody seems to consider when this banal revenue discussion happens: nobody aggressively rolls for meta in BA outside of bluefes. Year 1 raids can still be comfortably cleared with characters and strats from over a year ago. The lack of new raids means you don't need to retool your student pool to tackle new challenges, just minmax your existing options at best. And the reason why everyone plays BA - the story - is not challenging at all unless you're a complete newfag. FGO's main story nodes can be absolutely brutal, you have to pull for some of the newer meta servants to have an easy time for an example.
We know from sensortower (the same source that reports that the funny money numbers are supposedly going down) that the active playerbase has never decreased on average being stable at worst, so if you're not earning as much money despite have more/the same amount of players, then it likely means you're not milking your playerbase effectively.
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I have 5 arms.
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ohhhh holy fuck hanako I'mg going tocum hanako holy shit keep fucking my cock between your big round squishy boobers ohhhh yeah keep moving hanako oh my god ohhhh yesssss fuck im close already oh god im gonna cum hanako imgonna impregnateyour tits your h cup spherical knockers ohhhhh yeaaahh take it all hanako take it all
now get that big butt right in front of me i wanna suck all of your jikan juices fuck yes you love it dont you hanako what a bitch that you are holy shit i cant wait no longer here's your reward you pink slut! plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap
get pregnant hanako!!
concieve 20 children of mine! i'm cumming!!!!
guh... phew... that was a good correction...
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>The ACAB entering my body as soon as I get sexually assaulted by a cop
>surprised /bag/ is fast
>it's just some mentally ill tourists having seizures again
C-calm down bro
she makes me say wee oh wee oh wee
like a cop car
>BA has always been a Nexon game
Maybe you and the cocksucking execs at Nexon will insist it in the same way that loonies will insist that the earth is flat, but this blatant revisionism has never been the case. It's the brainchild of people like isakusan and hwansang, no matter how much this general will try to deny it. Not some faceless corpo that doesn't even understand what BA is outside of seeing it in quarterly reports.
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This type of post is acceptable.
I don't care, Fate The Adventures of the 1200 saberfaces is shit.
Tsukihime was better.
>never read it but doubt
Avalon is a sacred cow. It feels like something Nasu always wanted to write. It's worth reading desu.
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Post Wakamo.
I live in an eternal Chipi Chapa
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Old ass song
>It was hard carried by bunny chasers and other things but okay believe what you want
because it was doing great before bunnies right?
>True, but so what?
doujin + circle count = popularity among otaku. fan content is what keeps franchises alive
>If you're talking about popularity, BA objectively peaked this last year so far
BA peaked at F. There's been good stuff here and there since but that's the highest quality the story ever was. popularity after F is arguable
>Jury's still out on that one desu
kisaki's event was decent but the quality was mildly/noticeably worse. most likely due to new or junior writers but still present
>Yet he wrote at least 60% of all main story content we've gotten since volume F
>But I thought everyone's main issue with the story was V1C3? The thing written almost entirely by isakusan? And V5C1 was agreed to be decent?
what about the rest that wasn't written by isakusan? v1c3 was horrendous because isakusan gave up and actively sabotaged before leaving. v5c1 came before that and was alright for a vol1 chapter
dubi dubi daba daba?
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Most of my Wakamo folder would get me banned.
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both of my hands are focused on stimulating kanna. my face is with kirino. i only need to move my hips to pound at fubuki. if i need stability kanna and kirino can hold down fubuki's hips for me so i can just keep thrusting
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I'm considering having a nap before the stream but I'm pretty sure I'll just sleep through it if I do that

time consuming video game will save me...
>The anime was pushed by Yostar
with Kim YongHa's full blessing, btw.
It takes two to tango, yet only yostar gets all the blame.
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Next thread will be Chilli's
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Post your JP login streak.
Post big Saori
I think it's best to just ignore the doomposter for now, he's getting a lot of facts wrong I noticed.
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Is red Set supposed to be easier or harder?
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>jikan juices
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what better time to leave the thread and prepare for my interview
no one asked -1 to image limit no contribution
It has almost double the HP what do you think
mi dubi dubi
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isaacq, the retard who managed the first year, who also had a bunch of dead games under his wing.
> No one is doing that. Like I said, everyone acknowledges Nexon is a piece of shit. A lot of /bag/gots have said over the years that it's a surprise something like Blue Archive came out and operated the way it did under Nexon.
And I don't get why people think Nexon is a singular mass entity who decided everything. Yes Nexon is a piece of shit, but at the end of the day the people who managed each project also is also responsible for the game. Maple story has one, DFO has one, and even BA has one.
But the thing is, the first year was fucking garbage. You can't blame an entity like Nexon when it was the Project Manager who shitted it up. aka isaacq.
>trying to paint pikachuman and co as victims
well that's a new one, and i thought i seen the worst when insider tried to drag kim yongha down during the drama by saying he retweet lewd ba arts on his personal account
I've heard bYosh is a beast compared to Sakurako. I've seen a clear with 71 seconds left.
Vol1 Ch3 could be a great chapter if they just tweaked a few things. Maybe get rid of hina, focus on Hoshino and Shiroko more, when abydos confronts hoshino and gets pushed back instead of immediately having shiroko fight her again, have hoshino run off and shiroko chase after her alone, maybe Shiroko awakens to her mystic a bit but as she does it she gets closer to the chroma that allows her to try to reach Hoshino, but Shiroko terror stops her before she goes all the way, its a more personal development than throwing in the pet wank character, actually develop Suou's role rather than fucking it over offscreen, have Suou reveal at the end she was working on someone elses side all along and she got what she really wanted to build her up more for later, give Nonomi an actual role rather than wasting all of her development, leave a small window for Yume coming back rather than making the entire chapter about how its impossible, i'm not saying to do it but at least leave some window room there for later, have Prana seal away basement man with him swearing to come back one day instead of traumatizing him into being gone forever so that he basically can't come back now, the story was probably one or two rewrites away from being fairly decent.
>I read the namu wiki article which didn't state that at all.
You very obviously will not find that kind of info from namuwiki. They've made their biases especially clear and will not host information that puts nexon in a bad light in the controversy.
I couldn't even if I wanted to, which I don't. I deleted my account to break free of the FGO moratory years ago desu.
you could say he's... desperate.
I mean, I knew about both but interfering with the game's story, thats something else. Fuck, bugs and their soulless garbage ruin everything, hope the ones remaining see it and fucking keep Yostar as far away as possible from it, nothing good ever comes out of that fucking company, zero
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I think Seiaposting is obnoxiously garbage but the whole KV/RX shit is surrounded in pure hearsay.
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KYH sounded visibly upset when talking about the anime once it was over
It was also his (or at least nexon's) idea to force a male sensei into the show, rather than a female sensei/no sensei like yostar wanted
Good luck. Hopefully, you get the job so you can buy the pakeji.
h-he's a visionary, he's already migrated to bluesky!
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>Maybe get rid of hina
Boom boom boom boom
death to yostar, why did the chinese not complain about that dogshit company instead ffs
Halloween Asuna Soon
Literally the only people who DON'T see them as victims are /bag/ and KR community. That's literally it. JP, the rest of the english-speaking 'net, etc. are not as viciously anal about them being backstabbers or whatever as KR is.
Anyone got the links to pianobro cosplaying as Greg? I need him in my hardest of times...
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I love it when people argue over the unverifiable whistleblower info they've gotten their hands on and battling each other with these supposed "facts"
I think Seiaposting is ultimately what will save BA.
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this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gr0fcB1B-qA
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I'm thinking Mika sex
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Seia Status?
he literally posted his business cards.
even KR pretty much accepts it as fact at this point.
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how many babies will Seia want before she stops shitposting?
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I think you should all just kill yourselves for bringing in stupid corporate drama on what is supposed to be just a cute girl mobage.
The art team and the grunt workers I do see as victims. isaacq is unquestionably a snake and I also have my doubts about isakusan, you don't write something like "that halo is proof of your ignorance, break through it" on a PV for a game suspiciously aesthetically and thematically similar to BA without some meaning behind it
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Also properly show clockschizos powers at work.
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I think Nagisa is really pretty
Was that statistic about KV being worse than some terrorist attack JP or KR?
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why is Kanna mad at me
Maybe you should kill all the fatenigging tourist first you retard.

> Grunt
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night bros I'll see you when the stream is up
Maybe help seiapost next time and annoy the doomfaggots out of the general faster.
I think it's funny that Isakusan doesn't have faith in anything he makes that isn't Blue Archive-adjacent. He can go back to making that yuri vampire tsukihime ripoff.
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>you don't write something like "that halo is proof of your ignorance, break through it" on a PV for a game suspiciously aesthetically and thematically similar to BA without some meaning behind it
i never saw the translation for the KV trailer but holy shit that's pretty vile kek
>interfering with the game's story
It's worth noting that the only part of the story that was reportedly interfered with was V1C3, and that's because Yostar thought it was going off the rails
Wait until you hear about the comiket circle name.
You're profoundly retarded if you think this "stupid corporate drama" won't have knock-on effects towards BA's future development. Especially when BA has done a lot worse this year compared to last year.
either way, I'd never trust them, no matter what
what was the name again?
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Why does the doomposter never respond when I tell them to post their login streak?
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I wish I was bald so I didn't have to pay for haircuts. I have too much hair.
The Dialectical Pathos of the Black Rats or something like that
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they play the game bro trust them
lmao. Rats.
takes too much effort to steal an image off of google images and crop it
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haute couture!
Something something black rats that bring harm to their masters. It's the petty pretentious shit that makes me believe isakusan is the asshole behind all of this.
>when BA has done a lot worse this year compared to last year.
no shit, they blew it all on Volume 3 and Volume F
Pretty hard to top it off from there, especially if you consider that it probably took years in the making
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/bag/ said anti-spam would make the thread better
mine alt
wappi alt
i came in a dream
>p-post login streak
most oldfags from year 1 of BA have already quit/deleted their accounts, you know.
common opinion is that BA peaked too early with eden treaty
oh and they do this sort of mental gymnastics to avoid it >>498835043 lol
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Platform shoes to make Momoi taller than Midori.
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I'd post my login streak but then /bag/ would make fun of me for having 159 students.
Sure, but then nexon then decided to drive away all the people involved who made volume 3 and volume F huge successes. Basically turning a precarious situation into something even worse.
This post killed the tourists.
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Imagine your father finding your Ryan Gosling folder and asking why you have 300 images of some random dude on your computer.
I can easily tell when a shitposter is from another general because they don't know that maintaining a ba account is just one piss break's worth of time a day.
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Any good will that the 'exiles' had died when Project KV had their big reveal. It really was just too much on the fucking nose a BA but with swords concept.
hahaha momoi is racist so funny
Kirino is great
lmao you were better off ignoring that post than completely outing yourself as a tourist.
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You mean the same post that would kill the pro-nexon side because it would reveal they're also post-volume F tourists?
notice how none of the nexonslurpers are posting their login streaks either, i wonder why :^) >>498835239 >>498835283
Is that too little or too much? I have 139, week 1 player.
>shifting to the 'n-n-no u' tactic
It keeps getting better.
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What is DEI? Also don't DEIZ NUTS me.
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Worse, he found out you like Misaki.
Meanwhile dad has bond 100 Ako.
cheap hair trimmers are pretty good now
It is always morally correct to point out blatant hypocrisy, yes.
Why are people replying to concernposts?
it'll take a while till baggots get used to not replying to scat
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How does it feel to lose? I have never lost before so I wouldn't know.
No content
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Hmm... nyooo...
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I once found this USB on the floor back in Highschool, copied its contents to my laptop in case someone wants it back and used it. Months laters my parents ask me why do I have a bunch of images of some random dude on my computer.
I mean I got screenshots of rolls, story shit, cafe, UEs, bond and whatever else but no login and I won't reinstall to take a screenshot only for you to pretend everything is fake anyways. I don't know about the others guys you're all quoting but I already stopped playing a while ago.
>t. doomposter #5
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He'll probably relate to this one
Reminder that it's prime time for the American east coast.
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> Copy shit from a suspicious USB onto his computer.
Holy shit you're a dumb nigger!
It's past 10 at night here
>the primary reason they all left was because nexon blocked them from having any input from project RX
Weird how /bag/ chooses to ignore this
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>not even 24 hours later artists already stopped caring about that "any art you post here we have full rights to use it to train our AI model" shit and things are back to as if that never happened
lol that was quick
No one knows what RX is and anyone that pretends to is a fucking seanigger.
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/bag/ won.
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Because it was a literally nothing burger. How is it any different than all the booru sites doing the same shit?
You were asked to provide sources but didn’t lol
X won
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Post your favorite image of Toki.
Will they reveal any new students at the global stream, or is that reserved for the JP streams only?
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Honestly it feels like AI art is regressing at times.
JP only, at best you'll get beta designs like Churro.
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Pretty close, yeah. I remember him doing this again and making a joke at the end about that only being INS. I hope pianobro delivers for TOR.
> Global stream
You literally answered your own question. When was the last time they release a new character during global stream?
Oh right, none of them.
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isnt that the full version of JK
I really don't know how some artists can remain ignorant to boorus existing
There's literally an AI model for SD that prides itself on being trained exclusively on danbooru
JP only, you'll get info for the upcoming Global event, Global stats, and maybe some dev talk
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Guh... phew
What a day.
But the dev left
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I like how shitposters are still hang up on this corporate drama saying how /bag/ is the only one defending it and it’s different outside of here pretending people still give a shit when it’s already forgotten and nobody gives a shit anymore like that one sword game
That was some great sex
Can we wait until after the JP stream for the doomposting (ironic) and doomposting (unironic)?
horny and stupid
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Okay, then what's the point of watching it?
what do you mean? they found out that leaving big platforms for irrelevant ones decreasing their overall engagement on their art lessens the likelihood of people putting their stuff on boorus lol
Doomposters are worried that people will be too happy after the streams. That's why they're putting in their work now.
Isn’t one of the problems the deserters faced is that they didn’t have any devs. It was so bad that they couldn’t even make a website for mobile game to run on mobile.
it's joshi kosei
I just want to see the 100 affection list to see how it compares to JP
the stats are usually interesting
Someone post boobie Churro
The dev talk segment is cool.
D1 has 1 writer and a fuck ton of artists. Gooks are meming them as an animation studio rather than a gamedev studio.
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dev talk and possibly a DJ segment
people say they're gonna announce 3rd anniversary stats like bond 100s or whatever where what's more likely to happen is that they're just gonna shove it into pic related on the website like they did last year and just shill merch
All artists are fart sniffing retards.
If they don't want their style to be learned by an AI, the only way to do it is to not posting it on the internet, at all. Misskey doesn't change shit, cause someone can just download the image there and feed it to the AI.
death to all seiafags

also, stream when ?
Diversity, equity, and inclusion; in video games it basically means blackrock gives you 10 billion dollars to make every character black, trans, gay, and ugly. Which is why American games look like shit in the last decade. Also if you don't agree to take the money then they have their paid journalists write hit pieces about you, which is what happened to Black Wukong before it came out. Every single American game journalist in the industry wrote articles about how it was a terrible game or sexist as soon as it came out because they're all in it together, if you don't take the blackrock money it means you're the enemy to be destroyed.
> what's more likely to happen is that they're just gonna shove it into pic related on the website like they did last year and just shill merch
delete this I don't want to know the truth I want to remain ignorant
the "dev" talk was mostly artist talk and you and everyone else knows that.
nobody gave a flying fuck about how the programmers were able to include particle effects and lighting calculations or whatever, they cared about unreleased concept art and character notes.
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Girls are at their most beautiful when they're almost dead
>I really don't know how some artists can remain ignorant to boorus existing
Nigga they literally send danbooru messages to have their galleries removed from the site (they only make them hidden unless you have danbooru gold).
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these childs need proper guidance
i will take them to my private study and personally teach them
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I only have erotic churro.
I did that.
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Reminder /bag/ can't do push-ups
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>pretending people still give a shit
They don't, they've long moved on from BA after it turned out to be mid for more than a year now as of today.
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They also show never-before seen artworks and talk about the art processes behind some characters
Holy shit Eimi gonna die
Huh, that's an original way to spin the "don't draw, consume slop and don't be a luddite" shillpost.
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And you can't do plank.
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pachi pachi pachi pachi is good background noise and means I can safely distract myself with other tasks between relevant bits of information
Last year, the EN stream had the casters go through the website stats reading them aloud since that's all they could work with while KR did merch shilling exclusive to Korea, so the thread will still sort of have a live reaction to it.
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It may not seem like it but this is a Hasumi general.
>There's literally an AI model for SD that prides itself on being trained exclusively on danbooru
it's not like danbooru owns those artworks either. i'd like to know if they got danbooru's explicit permission to scrape before, but i'd also like to know if danbooru said anything about getting permissions from the artists whose works got uploaded to the boorus.
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>Himari cosplaying best girl
Perfect casting
Puffy areola.
>They also show never-before seen artworks and talk about the art processes behind some characters
We've been getting less and less of those ever since the artists bailed and consequently you can't get them on stream to explain why, straight from the horse's mouth. I remember one stream was just them talking for like 10 fucking minutes about how they designed the in-game background art. Like who the fuck cares show me the goddamn character art already
>i'd like to know if they got danbooru's explicit permission to scrape before
they didn't + danbooru mods saw no issue with it lol
What are they gonna talk about in the dev portion?
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What was your dinner tonight?
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Garbage thread.
New JP content?
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Why does /bag/ hate her?
She's such a sweet girl.
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This is what I literally look like though? Of course I would have photos of myself on my computer!
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24 hours until halloween event reveal
The usual delicious scrumptious food I love to eat so much yum
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I'm sure all artists have stopped drawing because AI exists, right? Both the pro-Ai and anti-AI niggers must consume only slop if that's the only response you can gave me.
Bginga, Soso, reel, asayuki, etc etc are still drawing more and more arts everyday, why are you fags being so butthurt about AI?
Kim Yong-ha will appear on stage to decapitate the traitors that tried to come back
Shupogaki train derailment hopefully.
kek, at the very least i would've expected some fuss over the bandwidth consumed by scraping at least a million images and their tags.
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Just wanted to let you know, I will genuinely enjoy watching you suffer when BA inevitably shits the bed within a year.
They talked about the Dress Hina event 2 months ago, so I do expect them to talk about 0068 from Opera with Love at the very least even if it's like a 2 minute segment
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whats the difference between the en and jp streams?
>We're about to see Shupogakis variant
Oh boy...
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>I know he's somewhat of a big shot even before BA, but what games/media has he done or been involved with before?

>Shining Lore
>Kingdom Under Fire
>Qurare: Magic Library
>Mabinogi (and Maginogi Heroes)
>Project B6 / Rene
plus 3(?) other unnamed projects at the very least
Also according to https://thisisgame.com/webzine/special/nboard/5/?n=191078, BA has the full support of Nexon Games's CEO.
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Neru should have finished the job
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Gookakobros not a good look...
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shupo mentioned
>BA has the full support of Nexon Games's CEO
But not the rest of Nexon (which Nexon Games is subordinate to), evidently, given how mismanaged MX Studio became at their behest.
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wheres everyone going? the 3rd anniversary stream is in 6 hours
oh god it's baz-
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Is KR having a live event? I'm assuming so since it's Global's anniversary.
If so then we're gonna be FUCKING PARTYING with the DJ party again
I'm back are threads better?
The language, cheese-say
Come back in a few hours.
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Define "better"?
>Shupogaki train derailment hopefully.
If they bring up the highlander twins without CHILD being on stream to talk about his own characters he created, that will be 100% confirmation that he's no longer at nexon. And that would bum me out.
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Lock her up
Last thread had Mika in the OP what do you think?
miyu sex
>Actual dev talk
So hours of awkward silence and coughing while trying desperately to avoid the Isaacq Heresy topic?
Count me in. Sounds cringekino.
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>Log in
>Do lessons by headpatting Nagisa and Akane in every school
>Go into club
>Send the "Are you Okay?" serina sticker
>Go into Crafting chamber
>3 gift crafts if possible, get mad when it doesn't happen
>Go into Shop, smooch Sora in the forehead
>Buy every report, equipment sphere and artifact I see
>Go into bounties
>x2 on each level
>Go into hards
>Spend all AP
>Go to the Cafe
>Headpat all my students
>Pick up AP
>Spend it all on commissions
>Read 1 momotalk
>Log out
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>possible concepts for Dress 68
god I hope they show all the Mutsukis they came up with
wait was he at Phantagram? The Crusaders was one of the most unique xbox games and very dear to my heart.
it's so fucking obvious in hindsight how awkward the mood was last global stream, before it became public knowledge that they all officially left
like a full half-hour of them talking about Doremi's characters for a event featuring largely Doremi charcters, without doremi himself to explain it
sex with brat
Microwave burritos
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Posting another one because why not
I hope her volume F appearance sets a precedent for her getting torn to shreds whenever the scent of steaks is in the air
en stream gook speaking english
jp stream jap speaking jap
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Ehh, it's pre-recorded so unless whoever edited/filmed it is a retard it shouldn't be that awkward
you can't even stop talking about scat when you can't post images of it, monkey. get some help
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I hope they introduce the new artists.
Shh ignore the seanigger replying to himself
>tfw this was the last time we ever saw them officially on a BA stream
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The only piece of Shupogaki news I'll be happy about is if Hikari's L2D is creampie sex, and the extra interaction animation is thrusting into her, and the headpat is changed to tongue kissing her.
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me on the right release me from my chains
Everyone I don't like is the scatschizo: A child's guide to internet discourse
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I don't think you can put that in game
>Girl way above your power-level gets badly injured to save you.
I love shit like this.
So is the stream coming up going to hint towards or show a new event coming up, maybe a new story chapter coming up

or is it just rehashing old stuff?
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there are two streams coming up
Why not? Just make sure the penetration area is hidden.
It's not sex if no pp or vagina is visible.
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>Go into club
>Send the "Are you Okay?" serina sticker
You should actually try starting conversation with your guild mates.
between the actual presenters themselves of course it won't be awkward.
but it doesn't change the fact that they're basically tiptoe'ing around the issue which is awkward in itself.
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>having an ahoge implies you are a silly idiot in a show
>almost every character in BA has one
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CG viewer when?
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Blue Archive and /bag/ bring joy into my life.
>Global stream
>JP stream
Vol 5 Ch 2 is being speculated based on the current JP banners being randomly reran
JP = yes.
Global = lol.
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Azusa, kill Seia.
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Is that...?
why did things turn out this way
BA was eating good in its 2nd year
dev talk on global stream
upcoming events on JP stream
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When BA 2 releases, will you drop BA for its sequel? Or will that be the end of the line for you?
Why would I care about global stream? I checked out a global stream once and it was some American girl wearing arona's skin like a skinwalker while trying to be a vtuber. I assume that's what every global stream is.
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That's beta Shuro.
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What about this one
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No I said joy into my life.
Tip toeing what, retard? The people who left already announced that they left, there's nothing worth talking about it.
Miria doesn’t look bad but it looks like a halloween alt instead of a base of a student
None of you even speak Korean. Why would you watch a global stream?
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By the end of 2025 we will have the full answer. Depending on what state BA is in, either Nexon's full of shit, or isaacq's full of shit.
Blue Archive survived worse.
If this game is still around after it's disastrous launch it will survive this faggotry and people will still be claiming EOS is around the corner some 5 years from now.
spending your free time posting in a general of a game you hate purely out of spite for other players is schizo behavior period
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>650 posts
>275 images
who killed the hype?
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Hey Sexy Lady
Oppa Gangnam Style
Whatever you say tourist
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cry more
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Ibuki and Makoto killed the hype
You didn't specify which stream. There's two upcoming livestreams, JP and Global, and no I'm not talking about that archie or whatever that thing's name for Global.
I'd say it looks wider in this image but not as fat as the other one. Might be because of the angle though
To hang out with ourguy Chobra. You wouldn't know tourist.
You don't think there's any worth talking about how almost all of your creative heads that made BA what it is today suddenly jumped ship at around the same time. Really now.
BA survived worse back when it still had its original visionaries in charge. Now it doesn't and has to rely on nexon to steer the ship. Do you trust nexon to do so, knowing their previous history of failed attempts?
>he doesn't know we have a live English translator and subtitles for video portion
try harder tourist
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Korean devs
Korean game
It's fine, if AL can survive this long through coomerbaiting, BA can
>b-but BA is not coomerbait
Fuck off
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Back to work monkey
touring kokona's vagina and spilling my semen all over her vaginal walls like a chinese tourist shitting up the places they visit by leaving garbage everywhere
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Yuuka bunda.
Back to sucking nexon cock, zoomer faggot.
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I thought Kim Yongha is still there to reel the corporate in and let them know their boundaries?
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You're supposed to cum directly inside the womb.
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>he's literally just copy pasting his old post to concernpost
KV dying in a week really broke some people huh?
I really think it's crazy how half a year's worth of work went up to smoke in a week.
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If you haven't practiced your Korean already you will not be granted citizenship for the great Unified Democratic Kpop Empire of Korea (led by the Nexon-Samsung party)
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All people wishing for BA's EOS means BA is probably gonna survive still
>dies in 3 days
What the fuck was that even about?
Are you saying the KVshitters came back to life when they heard about the stream?
>Gacha sequels
lol. lmao.
The very concept of "gacha sequels" is a meme at this point with the industry's horrid track record.
Dumb pink, why would I want to fucking live in that shit hole?
Kim Yongha has managers he has to answer to above him, you know. /bag/ likes to pretend he's in full control of every decision BA related but he does whatever nexon tells him to do at best.
It wasn't he who decided by himself to move away from MX Studio to work on Project RX, that was higher ups at nexon. It wasn't he who decided by himself to move away from Project RX back to MX Studio, that was also nexon.
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Reminder bag can't do this
sensei's canon wife
>bite the bait and check on official discord
>no trace of KVshitposting or concernposting anywhere
i'm beginning to notice
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This guy is acting up again?
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Imagine being ugly in real life.
The ones who hopped on KV because they hated BA, haven't seen the futafags back yet thankfully
I can't even find the stream greg 2 happened in, please help me out I can't type samsung
I mean what do they expect for doing something that's obviously dumb?
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Ako, you retarded fucking cowtit vent-having secretary of mine who makes average coffee, you're not supposed to cum directly inside the womb. You're not even supposed to penetrate the cervix.
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I don't need to imagine
I know like 5 words in Korean and I used to play Elsword. That should be enough.
To be fair if he doesn’t talk about KV and it’s people here then it’s gonna be forgotten since it’s already forgotten everywhere else.
Damn...hope he's getting paid at least
Friendly reminder that kivotos is full of geniuses that can function entirely normally and don't look down on all their peers for not being as "smart" as them
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>BA is probably gonna survive still
you sure about that? screencap taken today btw
>another southamerican shitter
why can't they leave us alone
globalization was a mistake
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Couldn't be me
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Global internet access was a mistake.
I can and I did that in front of Kim sama himself
this or just make it suggestive enough that something happening but can be misunderstood
Who are you, the womb-ejaculation expert? Fuck you, Sensei don't even like Hina.

> Elsword
Why do you hate yourself?
most KV supporters were BA JP oldheads from 2021
My niece likes me at least, I don't need anyone else.
I'm from SEA but I wouldn't mind a rangeban... seems like the benefits outweigh the risks at this point.
What about grand chase?
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>resorted to revenue posting
oh no they're desperate, it's not even a new month yet lol
Weird way to say priconnefags but okay
it's almost as if day 1 players are also infested with trend chasers
>yet another general that has an argentinian known to shitup the place
wtf happened in that country
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You would think someone who is terminally online would be better at this.
It was fun when I was like 14.
Why do priconnefags act like such niggers anyways?
the record is broken
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I do not associate or condone any behavior or persons while browsing this website. I do not actively search nor expect this kind of content and was an unwilling participant in this interaction. I do not know these people and do not share the views of any post within this thread or site
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I've never played Grand Chase, at the same time I don't like how much they tried to shill Elesis in a game about her brother.
SEA is just a scapegoat at this point. I'll bet my left foot on it being some bored loser from Austin or Chicago or god forbid San Francisco in at keast 70% of the cases.
At least Elesis was hot
Middle child syndrome. It never hit the peak success of granblue and uma plus the global version got canned.
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>deflecting and seething about priconne again
funny how nobody here ever responded to this, considering it outlines basically the entire reason why the whole issue blew up in the first place.
It's shitposting or dying of hunger in their shithole
You mean Arme
loud noisy arrogant flatchested bitch deserves to be corrected
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All of you would Ibuki, no need to lie
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Mutsuki makes me feel like a bad sensei
I’d be mad too if people started upping the price of digital goods because people abusing the argentinian currency with vpn
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Cause you're a bad sensei.
Stop trying to have sex with your student, while wearing a condom.
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I prefer Ibuki's mother
i've worked as a full-time professional shitposter for 20 years and no pay!
My ass in elementary school couldn’t comprehend on how to fight Arme that’s spamming fire bolt….
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>대충 소설 한 편 봤다고 생각하는게 편할듯. 확실한 정황이나 증거 관련 없고 표정이나 기분으로 맞추는 식이라
>It would be easier to think of it as reading a novel. It's not related to any concrete circumstances or evidence, but rather to guess based on facial expressions or feelings.
Wow, it's fucking nothing
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I played Grand Chase for like a week because a friend invited me because it came out on steam. It was fun for a bit, I like the cute girls, but I can see how it gets grindy or p2w easily.
pat pat spank
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Hmmm that doesn't sound right
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how long until the stream?
also how was the nip stream? anything worthwhile?
>quoting some random ass user instead of the actual whistleblower
Motherfucker, his business card is shown in the goddamn image
Global stream is in 6 hours, JP stream is on the 19th/20th(?)
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>Go into club
>Post ᓀ‸ᓂ
>Refuse to elaborate
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BA is doing great
Source: my bank account
Sure seaniggy
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FUCK your students
No clue. My time machine is in the shop.
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Stay here until we hit image limit
Shes a nyagger
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You're a fucking retard. The same majority of KRfags you worship even say as much themselves that it's legit, yet now you're suddenly doubting them. If you're gonna spew shit at least get your narrative set straight.
I was told in /kvg/ that business cards mean nothing because they can just be made or gotten from the offices without needing to work there
>nip stream after global
the hell happened?
...I wonder if their wings is strong enough as a "handle"
What if I refuse?
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but why
Now type that again without tears running down your face.
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do you want to dedbag erpers to use them then?
>5 secs
Chill fags.
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Every part of Hina is made for sensex
but no one would ever do that... trust me bro.
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Stop trying to reason with the seanigger. I remember that shit being posted last month and the gook consensus was that D1 was too young a company and that card couldn't be authenticated.
Nobody has been able to confirm where their office was exactly so all evidence points to it being from an insider. KRfags tried but only managed to find their address supposedly within a rented out space from the same building LINE was located at, but didn't find any of them there.
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fuck thats hot
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Imeji... rare....
How is that general going along
shh they surround us..
Oh no, a rerun banner with three mid units isn't selling like hotcakes when there's a stream announcing new, possibly limited units this very weekend, whatever shall we do
It lasted 10 threads, which is pretty good for a "game" with no content outside of like 20 images
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there was a separate post from a separate user relatively quickly that also posted his card that went into a long spiel in detail. It's more likely it's legit than not.

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