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No edition edition

> Patch notes
>Where to get the latest Russian sneedware
>Arena website
>Ammo charts
>Gun Builder Website (Overswing calculator included)
>For the newfags
https://pastebin.com/a9eHz03X (embed) (embed)
>Written guide for the newfags
>Quest tracker
>All your Tarkov needs website
>Change list
/eftg/ has no discord, any discord links posted are from tranny or homo grooming servers.
SPT is an offline single player offshoot of Tarkov and completely valid

Previous Thread: >>497984874
>no cute anime girl
doomed thread
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it's so over
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>letting cultist niggers shank me multiple raids in a row
>still no fucking poison
I'm never getting this retarded quest done
>kill Oni
>other two perfectly split push and nade me
time to run another 10 raids to see them again
Just have a buddy buy the knife off the flea and stab you with it.
>you can put a REAP-IR on the desert eagle
just because you made a new thread doesnt mean delta force isnt the better looter shooter
For the sake of discussion, it actually isn't. It's more akin to warzone in the first place but the whole game is temu battlefield. It's seriously bad
Solos pulling out nades in CQC never fails to amaze me.
I love baiting people with nades though. Anyone that pushes off the sound of me pulling one out usually gets bopped while they're sprinting at me.
how da fuk do you play like that without 150% gamma hax
does repairing plates give armor skills?
>put 40 rounds of BP 5.45 into ONI's spine/head
>then a half a mag of BT
damn he's a chunky boy
sorry, like what?
you mean deepfrying my game to look like shit?
I'm just used to the games base look, my post FX have the Night vision thingy tho
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im supposed to mess with the post FX?
i always play default ...
not really, it's preference, people make shit super bright and colorful and there's the NVG settings which are actually pretty nice
>hear and see scav and a pmc pushing up on me
>ready an impact, see the head
>step a half-step forward and throw
>Oni drops to a knee and instantly jaws me before the grenade even leaves my hand
imagine getting owned by a weeb
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>go inside crack house
>fire a couple times unsuppressed
>hold the angle at the bottom of the stairs
>wait for Oni to rush in
>aim at his throat
>if he doesn't die after the first couple shots then run up the stairs before he can shoot back
>repeat at the office
By then he either dies or you die. Now you can have fun trying to find Ghost and Harbinger who for some reason don't give a shit when Oni dies.
>press through skeleton towards crackhouse to find the cultist bosses
>move into the garage near it, ONI chases my ass in
>mow him down
>open far side door, see what seems like another one of them who throws a nade at me
>shut door, post up, shut other door
>throw a few grenades out, back off, check room
>5 seconds later post up at door and lean peak
>suddenly scav with a .366 TKM EKO thoraxes me in 2 hits despite level 6 plates, didn't make a single sound on opening the door or moving
can this fucking audio get fixed before I lose it
So I just found out if you're USEC, you can pretty much just walk right into the water treatment plant and not aggro the rogues if you keep a decent distance from them.
well they are USEC rogues they are your buddies
Nobody ever told you that? and did you not see any content online of USECs on lighthouse?
It's probably the biggest reason contributing to the USEC/BEAR disparity, that and the fact they're the good guys
I still wish there was a way to align with the rogues, they're just the coolest subfaction(the lightkeeper service is like unobtainable so it's whatever)
this is adorable anon
>the fact they're the good guys
Look at this bearchud. lol!
>level 40
>1/3 flash drives for Jaeger
cock game
cock trader
cock quest
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why aren't you just crafting them?
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first interchange run bros!
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never, thats cheating
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>playing hideout manager games when you could be in raid
bros I feel like ive memorized every AI spawn from playing pve... now the magic is lost...
>raiding when you could be Arena-ing
just died to my first invisible and silent AI scav
very cool
>he doesnt have triple driver IEMs
i meant that literally. he was in the same room as me, without existing.
is this shoreline?
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First person to put one of these on the flea for 500k I'm buying it.
the fee for putting it at 500k is like 300k
was meant to be reserve
beautiful. Nikita should make this a background
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everything is predictable...boss spawns...raider spawns...lighthouse spawns....
Oh, I love Kabanime
>3 raids in a row where AI has had god aim and killed me instantly.
>First raid spawn next to AI PMC, bullets come through a tree and kill me.
>Second raid crest a hill and three rounds of BCP pen my IV plate.
>Third raid I spawn near Partisan and just fall over walking around a fence.

I wish they'd try a bit harder with the AI.
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I was almost tempted to buy the unheard edition then I realized to myself SPT and FIKA exists.
How do I find someone to penetrate me for the immunity quest? Trying to bait cultist melee attacks is suicide.
I'm sure someone in here wouldn't mind helping out. I'll do it depending on what times of day you're available
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What is the best thing BSG has done to Tarkov?
What is the worst thing BSG has done to Tarkov?
Inertia, flea bans
Arena, PVE
>buy all the esmarchs
>some fucking faggots starts doing the exact same thing
I spent 5 million over the last two days trying for GPS on labs. I got the MCC, and extracted fucking three times. Even my scavs are can't extract. What the fuck is up with US west servers?
you're playing in a post PvE tarkov
i didn't think there were that many cowards in this game.
As if labs wasn't always filled with stretched resolution sweats and cheaters
yeah but previously it was diluted a bit by retards without any business there
>loud 74UB
>four impacts
>six mags of BS
>comtac V
>scary black skull mask
>wrong ammo in my pouch
yep, it’s factory time baby
Why are people so salty about PVE?
Nothing wrong wtih noob shaming.
>dies to a rat with a pistol
why are people using this over any other one?
why are people using this over any other 5.45
i don’t think those gremlins have ever tapped me once
I clocked a guy who was running a mutant filled with bp a korund etc. with a deagle for stirrup early wipe. Never relax friend they can always get you
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>Managed to play a few raids a week ago and maybe a few raids a week before that
>Been broke the whole wipe, since I started so late into it and haven't been able to play, so every time I play it's just deathspamming to get tasks done
>Found a stimpack last time, failed to sell it and forgot to pick it up, so lost it, since the message ran out of time
>Get back home from a worktrip and boot up EFT
>Character is naked, so just slap some shit on
>Loot around in a raid, kill a few scavs and eventually get domed by another PMC who was, assumigly, just camping his ass off, since I did not hear or see anyone enter the building he was in
>100 % broke, but have spare gear, so just slap new shit on
>Go pick up a task objective, loot a little, kill another PMC and 10 minutes later get domed by another PMC in a way that wasn't predictable nor preventable in any way
No anger, just exhaustion. Maybe this is it for me? For the past few wipes I've been quitting at lower and lower levels, since I just feel like the game doesn't respect the little free time I have. Normally I've at least hit LL4 traders before quitting, but now I'm at level 28 and just don't feel like going in.

Is PvE worth it to someone who has poopsocked the game pretty hard in the past?
PVE is pretty comfy, but it still feels engaging and difficult.
You can definitely get to the stage if "figuring out" how the AI works and the lack of human unpredictably is obviously a downside.
But it definitely lets you see more of the game, and progress at your own pace. There's no wipes for PVE. The FIR requirements for flea aren't there and the economy overall is more forgiving. Your insurance comes back 99% of the time. But it's like 10x more expensive.

I think my survival for PVE is actually lower than PVP. And that's a large part just due to being able to engage with bosses and play in a more risky and fun way.

Ultimately, play PVE as you want to, I guess. It's not like you're going to "fall behind" the meta.

But if Tarkov for you is about racing that meta and competing with other players then you might not enjoy it.
but its the same shitty raider ai for pmcs? huge disappointment
Cheers. I used to enjoy PvP back when I was a full-blown poopsock. Felt like it was the only thrill the game could offer me. Nowadays, though, I just don't enjoy it. It's especially bad, since I can't make any progress and it's just me getting domed in dogshit gear while trying to get tasks done.

Maybe I could give PvE a try. AI is braindead in Tarkov, but at least it would offer me a way to progress without having to compete with people who play the game like it was their job while also suffering from the blatant hacking.
>Inertia, Recoil fix
>best thing
Fixing recoil
>worst thing
Adding bosses
Bosses would be fine if they didn't have magic bullshit like silent footsteps or the ability to tank multiple headshots.
>Bosses would be fine if they didn't have magic bullshit
Yeah but they do that's why they're objectively SHIT.
The enjoyment of PvE pretty much drops once you realize that grenade are effectively a retard switch for every AI in the game. You throw one and they stop thinking for a good 5 seconds, and tell you exactly where they are.
Why doesn't Nigkita just copy the SAIN AI and spawns mod? I hate D2 being completely empty.
Because Nikita hates PVE (rightfully so) and is going to make it as miserable as possible for PVE shitters.
Stay mad, chud.
PVElites run this general

PVPoors can fuck off
>login before work to hit a vendor reset+hideout
>now can't get a new lightkeeper quest all weekend
>/eftg/ went from mocking anyone who said anything about SPT to now being mostly filled with PVErs
What happened?
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>Decide to test PvE, since I don't really have time to commit to PvP anymore
>PMCs, but with raider AI: fighting them in the open is a literal impossibility, but they turn into a bunch of retards in CQB
>Scav AI is as retarded as always, except they have better aim now
>AI patrolling is predictable
>Everything's the same as in PvP, but other players have been replaced with brain dead AI
>Can use the same tactics against AI as in PvP, trivializing combat, since you can't fight them head on like you would against a human player
I did not expect much, but man, was I let down. How did BSG have the balls to release this mode? Initially they even made the mode exclusive to that ridiculously priced giga jew edition. They could've done SO MANY THINGS to spice this mode up, but no. A literal fucking free mod to the base game has managed to create better AI and offline shit to do.
Shitters and non-neets migrated to PvE, which caused the poopsock population of the PvP mode to concentrate into ridiculous numbers, making the PvP mode even more hostile against newfags. Using cheats is even more incentivized, since the median non-cheater's poopsock levels are much much higher now.

On top of all this, the PvE mode is pure dogwater, but people still prefer it over PvP. This speaks volumes of the current state of this game.
The icing on the cake is that PvE players are getting fucked over this event since cultist spawn rates didn't get upped on local raids.
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Honestly, if you want the PvE experience give SPT a shot. Even without the extra mods the AI mods alone and their ability to tweak the AI to your desired "difficulty" is enough to blow PvE the fuck out.
remember where you came from, CHUD
>stare at the ground but use free look to look around
>cultist won't shoot at me
heh retards
what? do they have the same Aggro mechanic as SCP-096 or something
If you stare directly at them or ADS in their direction they will either run or shoot. If you just stare at the ground they will try to sneak up on you and stab.
The one exception being the Priest who likes to suicide with a grenade
The AI behavior is really funny like that. Every ai will freak the fuck out if you aim at their head, especially while they're not looking at you. It doesn't surprise me that you can bug cultists out like that.
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Scavs are no longer best friend
I am now in a cult I guess
leave it in
start the sacrifice with it
no balls
wtf i just looked it up. red rebel is only 1.7mil now.
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I'll fuckin do it.
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i imagine a cultist crawling into the room because he cant handle the weight
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I shall keep you all updated
enjoy your default OP SKS and tarcola tomorrow
bro you are retarded, theres already a set formula
let the man cook
>the chad improvisation gambler
>the virgin spreadsheet cuckhold
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for value to trigger hideout/quest loot, yes. There are also formula's, ie. soap/awl, cultist knife, etc, etc. I wanna see what a FiR red rebel gives. I already have 12mil, lvl 55, and a RR, so why the fuck not for the meme's.
I'm betting I'll get a tank battery, a skull ring, and an MRE
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hey man, if you want to go full retard, more power to you
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some of you guys are cool dont come to customs tonight
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>Spawn nowhere near stronghold
>heavy as fuck kit with an m60 with m61/993 drum combo
>pop a sj6 and book it
>get there after everything has been blowing up nonstop
>One tap a player at skeleton
>Walk by the blue fence
>3 grenades perfectly thrown at my feet
>Oni comes charging at me ignoring the 993 and m61 shots to his head
>taps me 4 times on the chest with his m60

Just what the fuck is he made out of?
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folded armor plates 100x times
Even with nerfed loot if the spawn rates were better people would just be sweaty and farm them regardless for easy exp or something. Sadly discouraging endless farming can only be done by making the task unreliable to complete. The only way to make something unreliable when pitting players versus AI is to reduce the instances that the encounter happens in the first place. Because pve can always be min/maxed into perfect strategies that kill bosses 100% of the time. Yeah tarkov's AI is shit and exploitable but even if it was way better you'd still have autists learning how to farm with 100% reliability. Only way to prevent that is to make the spawn rates not worth the endeavor.
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>5mil for a black key card
do you make your money back from running this?
it's about 500k-1m in stims alone per use. Then add the ledx spawns
also bring 2 injectors
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>Kill this dude
>His incredible souful kit worth 50 gp coins and 150k on the gun and gay mask
>1 extra mag, no nades, 1 army bandage one AI-2 and one esmerch on his pockets
Some people are just fucking boring faggots man.
You can also see all the spawns through the windows before you go in, so you can just look to see if there's an LEDX in there before you go in.
whats the current size of the game in terms for gigabytes rn?
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Mine says 46.7gb for EFT and 31.9gb for Arena
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i really start to enjoy the PL-15 either im just getting really lucky with it or those headshots just land
Eh it's not a bad gun but the grach has a larger mag. Then there's the western 9mm handguns that have extended mags too. I really like some of the sights that the glock can get
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i'm not a SPT gamer because niggita won't enable linux support
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>nerds already running m80 filled MDRs
bro that was the case day 2 of wipe where have you been?
You're at least a month late with that observation, floor-kun.
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I hadn't ran in to many yet. Just ran in to a 3 man who were each running one.
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As the other anon said Europe has been sweat no-life (cheater) city since about a week into the wipe. With the Arena XP situation and no real content added this wipe I'm basically sitting this one out. Also how the fuck do you manage to add a worse bipod system than current day COD not to mention Red Orchestra 2 from 2011?
Also, also where the fuck is the autumn update? Niggita is aware we're mid October?
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haha how is level 5 face shields even real haha
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bros I found it
No harm, I accidently deleted my RR last week when I was speed deleting items.
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>2 slot mags in a 3 slot cell
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What's up with Girls Frontline getting posted here so much? I've seen a lot of crossover fanart, too.
Not that I'm complaining.
>why is the game where guns are portrayed as anime girls so popular in the gunporn game
i dunno
So now that the event is almost over, how much M993 and PPBS did you farm?
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>he actively plays events
theres an event going on
Halloween cultist event
cool is it fun
>completely silent bosses
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damn that shit so ass
it is fun if you do not get blocked by bilibili gang, geared people pvp is always fun
Servers shitting themselves again
everything is blinking....
PVE should go full super natural and make cultist common enemies while adding crazy shit like mutants and Stalker type shit.
and boss dungeons that drop m249
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bro this vampire event is crazy
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>killed another guy sitting on the railings in front of big window on interchange
These rat shitters are so fucking bad it's hilarious. If they don't kill you in the first burst they usually get dumpstered. Slinging 55a1 and 56a1 at me and still got clapped. Took his shit and sold it right to fucking mechanic.
bros can we put a bipod on any ak
>ass full of meds
>running through barbed wire
yep its vitality level 3 farming time
It seems almost entirely random what you can or can't put a bipod on.
gawd thats so ass
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meanwhile in insurgency
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bros why are there so many vtubers in our manly game wtf....
There's actually a ton of japanese tarkov youtubers/streamers, vtuber or otherwise.
>spawn near the oceanside lighthouse
>silent shots hitting the ground all around me
>got my t-7s out still cant see where the fuck theyre shooting from
>die from headshot
lol, lmao
Nips love military tacticool stuff, any hobby shop is half covered in Airsoft guns. To them, the peak of human experience is anime girls in tactical skirts with 1:1 perfectly modelled firearms, and they're right.
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shot this rouge twice in the head, helmets do save lives
God bless their autism. I know that the ones that are really in to airsoft spend more on them then I do on my real guns.
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yooooooooo endurance maxing
Is gym worth doing?
Yes. it's free strength and endurance exp and takes like a minute.
>shove some buckshot in a pmcs face as a scav
>wait for almost a minute before looting him
>dropped all my gear so i could quickly swap to his
>he had a fucking paca on
>before i can swap back to my kirasa his cuck runs up and shoots me
I'm not even happy about killing that guy his gear was utter dogshit. How down fucking bad are these motherfuckers that they're running pacas at nearly level 30? I can't think of any task he might've been doing.
>he doesnt 5 man scav
healing from ass imagine
Is ESP worth using?
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so cute
>supressed DVL
>black ulach
>gay mask
But dudes with black Ulachs and gay masks run black MDRs.
you'd think so but it's the only helmet combo you see nowadays
I still can't believe they nerfed ski hat with holes for eyes, shit matches so good with bear SPN but you can't fucking use it now since they removed the ability to use any headsets with it
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>but you can't fucking use it now since they removed the ability to use any headsets with it
Wasn't that already the case before this wipe? I'm more butthurt about the Chimera boonie blocking headsets.
a lot of headwear could be used with headsets, but they seemingly hard banned any non helmet headwear from using them
the weirdest combo not possible anymore is helmet and beard
here seen with TIGR
What gun is /eftg/ currently running?
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does this guy start dropping dokies as soon as he spawns?
>as soon as he spawns
lol i killed him in the middle of water treatment man was on a mission
>make sure not to login for 10+ hours
>pop on to get Lightkeeper quest
I fought all across this fuckin peninsula without doing anything else what the hell is this
It always takes me 2 runs, back to back, to get the quest
I was prepared to be deceived but I trusted you, and it did indeed work. So thanks, friend.
>pushing some PMCs down below in D2
>suddenly hear scav voiceline on top of me
>wheel around to shoot him
>head,eyes'd first tap from a scav functionally inside of me
fucker must've spawned on top of me, no way he ran down the stairs I came down 5 seconds prior without making a sound.
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Cultists don't give a fuck about red rebel
Fucking lol, gg no re
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I did it. Dunno if it was worth it but I did it.
>1-tapped by an AI again in the tiniest hurtbox the second they have vision on me in the dark
Probably going to run an LSW M4 or the m60 again today
AK12 and RDPN, although I have some stolen M4 and MCXs in my stash I need to get through.
>feels impossible to shoot through fences
Scavs are like tanks when shooting through a chainlink fence, what gives
East vs west visualized
to the AI, the fence doesn't exist. They see you, and they shoot you, with 100% accuracy and 0 MOA. Functionally the fence doesn't do anything since they're shooting you, not at you. To you, who are firing at them, a fairly large number of your shots will hit the fence, since it exists between you and the target.
>Engage with some raiders on Reserve Bunker, get my stomach and an arm deep red after killing the 4
>at no point did anything but my front face them, from a distance of 10 meters
>peek armor afterwards
how the fuck does that work?
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Wouldn't surprise me if something is fucked with AI or plates. The other day I was playing PVE, got one tapped by AI with M855, and the next day my armor returned like this. Even aramid got zeroed, this is not normal.
>18 reserves in a row with no Glukker
I just want to finish this fuuuucking quest
Can you no longer get on top of the sniper rock at the military outpost on shoreline?
nope. it got remodeled in the expansion.
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>5 years into wipe
>Rain still makes no noise
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>rain makes no noise
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I guess I'm not the only one performing extra shitty this wipe. Out of the last 5 solo PMCs I've fought and killed, who were level 50 or over, only one had proper gear on, everyone else was rocking subpar budget gear with M855 or similar with MBSS-tier backpacks.

It kinda gives me solace. Been playing for over 3000 hours solo, but this wipe has been turbo painful to play.
I've been using the 704 a bunch lately. You can get the recoil down pretty low while maintaining ergo in the high 50s. It's pretty nice.
Wasn't meant to reply to that random anon, carry on.
Huh, so PMCs can shoot each other in PVE. Came across 8 corpses on pier with empty mags and all dogtags had different names on it.
indeed; sometimes ones of similar factions will team up, but opposing factions'll always shoot each other.
used to be that youd get linered and the bullet went through your torso and niggered your back plate
I think it would be really fucking funny if the mannequin in the hideout would start moving during the halloween event
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Most of the time PvP is just a joke in this game. Killed 3 pmcs last raid and only one of them was able to even react to me shooting at him, but his death still wasn't preventable. Two of them just got shot in the back of the skull from over 100 meters by me, totally oblivious to me being where I was. The last guy entered the building I was in, so I just stayed deadsilent and domed him, when he walked to a fitting spot.

All those guys were solo players too, so after they died to bad luck, that was it for them. No squadmates to return fire or secure your gear.

Why do I play this game? PvE is giga boring, while PvP is this. Yeah, the unpredictable nature of human players keeps you on your toes, but actually dynamic PvP encounters are rare. Most of them time it's you killing the other PMC without them knowing anything about your presence or vice versa.
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thanks gacha cultists
>shoot a scav into his UN helmet
>it bounces
>he laughs
I have never been so humilated...
Can you get the MCC and GPSA from the cuntist circle?
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does your rain make noise? mine doesn't.
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rain is loud as shit uninstall your hacks
What the fuck? is my game broken then?
>does your rain make noise?
>mine doesn't.
Lucky you.
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Well now what, do I like verify/reinstall my game which is the morally right thing to do, or keep playing with muted rain sounds.
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It's funny how petty these scammers are, they are trying to outbid the other guy even if it means losing money even if someone buys your mark just so the other guy doesn't get it and which was originally most likely an outbid itself.
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You can see here too it's the same guys again except this one will actually turn a profit on the off chance someone buys it.
>wanna use the SCAR-H
>it's just a much shittier MDR for a similar price
What's the point?
It's cool
None of the maps I think are raining rn so i jumped on a offline mode with random weather
I have people on discord saying that Light rain doesn't make any noise for them and others do so idk.

W h a t.
I always thought that this was a thing affecting everyone, not only me
>push corner in reserve
>prone rat blasts me with M80
>360 and run away with 1 hp
>whip out an impact
>toss it just as he comes around the corner
>it explodes in his fucking faggot face
ahahahahahahaha they never expect the impact
Well, no, no it isn't. While everyone else is literally deafened by rain, you can just seize the opportunity and dab on people.
How was I supposed to know, i'm reinstalling the game now.
>Gorillion AI scavs start pushing me
>Roll D20 enough times until one of them just insta head, eyes me while I'm stuck in a corner
Lol, lmao even.
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>drink a tar cola
>eat a sausage
>metabolism level elite

>bleed 18l of blood in a single raid
>0.05p of vitality
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Already lost it. Accidentally killed one of Shturman's goons.
The skill system in this game is and always will be stupid.
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Some stuff is just simply overtuned and others are undertuned.

The optimal thing would be more hideout activities, the gym is a good addition just implement more stuff for the other skills.
Watch Horror movies for stress resistance, uses up the VHS item, take cold showers for immunity, requires soap and shampoo, read a fucking book for Intellect, uses up books or diaries.
Or just, y'know, remove skills because they're gay and don't fit the game?
how do they not fit the game?
what about the MMO/RPG features?
MMO as in player market
RPG as in quests
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disingenuous faggot
i actually think some of them need to be toned down. strength in particular is pretty absurd with the boost to jump height.
I would be okay with skills if they either leveled SIGNIFICANTLY faster or if they were just 1-10. As it is now you have to go out of your way to max out and even just to get certain skills up past the single digits. Sniping skill for that one quest can be a huge pain in the ass, health is another that needs to be at 7 or 8 I think it is for a quest.
I got sniping to 7 via Arena, then just bought mentor to get it to 10.
>buy a west 323 key
>get there
>door is open
>check online
>the door is always open
I have no one to blame but myself
I unironically kinda like that BSG throws in little pranks like that in the game.
There are doors which are unlocked right now in real life too.
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What the fuck? Why?
Wish Factions played a bigger role, Like USECS not having prapor unlocked whilst having PK quests, some incentive to play bear, A rogue questline that lets you side with them, with some perks at the end idk
>Get to the part where I have a ton of Lighthouse tasks
>Go there a few times
>Remember how god fucking awful that map is and how it combines all the shitty aspects of this game
Yep, it's quitting time.
I had all traders at max rep before i'd done more than 2 lighthouse quests, you can just ignore the map
True. Sadly there are a ton of important stuff locked behind those tasks.
Like what? All I can think Is M80 from revision
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I want to thank the anons who called me a retarded, I've reinstalled the game and it fixed my audio, thank you bros.
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>Therapists quest to not kill Sanitar
>daily quest to kill Sanitar twice
Daily quests aren't canon.
Is killing Shturman 25 times canon?
Shturman is not a name, its a title then.
The lore deepens.
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None of the daily quests are canon
Kappa quests are canon
Lightkeeper quests are canon except the final boss grinding quest
That's how I look at it at least
Now that I think about it, you do have to kill him twice for Kappa so you could be right.
the game's lore is trash anyway who cares about canon
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Because shitlore is kino.
>Cult that worships a EMP bomb
>A mega western PMC that has APCs and MGS inside of russia protecting it's contractor
>Vanilla Umbrella corporation
Yea It's kino alright.
>it's another random instadeath that you couldn't even see since it was raining at 1 AM

hate reruns but ok
>they moved the drone location for eagle eye
i got domed while looking at the old spot under the antenna ...
Speaking of lore

why can't we just hike out of tarkov or sail off on a boat
is there like a UN blockade around the entire region?
>only 2x scope available for my latest build doesn't have lighted red dot

it's so over
Which sight?
UN/Russian army if I recall
Hm, I just had the same issue where light rain shoreline was doing NO sound.
Restarted the game, now I have normal rain sound again.
I think it might be a memory leak issue? I've been playing for 4 hours now and the game is pretty laggy and shitty after a while.
Monstrum Tactical Compact Prism Scope 2x32

i figured it out though and it can be turned on, for some reason my keybind wasn't registering it and i had to fix it. we are so back
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>No mk-20
>Can't put bipods on the SCARs
Fucking lazy and incompetent bitches.
the dewfault rail?
Don't work.
Yea, was gunna say, the only 2x I can think of is the monstrum and you can turn the light on. It's a good sight
monstrum is based, crazy good sight for the price. try it on an SMG it actually works very well.
>gotta restart the game every 1-2 hours or the UI/Hideout takes forever to load
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>run to the BTR
>Get inside
>Somehow scavs keep shooting the btr
>Keep somehow penning the whole BTR and hitting me
>use the taxi service and the cover fire
>all hell breaks loose
>Leave the BTR and extract
>look at my plates that have been destroyed by scavs shooting me whilst inside the BTR
This was retarded to say the least.
think of how comfy it was for the guy who shot you though.
best sight in the game. Anything closer than its range can be point shot, anything beyond it's reach you don't need to engage, but pot shots might hit. It shouldn't be below LL3 trader
yeah really liking it so far
never go full retard...
try the flechette rounds bwo, they can blow through anyones face mask and one tap them
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how to get this plate?
Found in raid inside HPCs and CPCs
or you get ref lvl 3 and use 22 GPs for the cpc and get them via that.
p2w game wtffff
Free vest skill points.
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why is this fucking scope shaking so much
kek that happened to me on streets recently, was super fucking gay
Played a bit with the PKM/PKP on arena, it's a super fun gun, idk why you can't get it via barter or from the flea outright, it's not much better than the m60 normally speaking
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feels exactly the same as a m60, cept you can use 55 pen instead of 41
Ok? We just had an event where people farmed 200 rounds of m61 from a boss
The same way most people run M80 or BCP fmj the most you'd see on majority of PKMs would be PS or LPS,
sorry I just read the first half of your post and blanked the fuck out
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bros does water treatment make money? it doesnt seem like it
>playing on streets going Deagle only along with my buddy going for sniper rifle kills
>kill a scav next to Pinewood Sparja
>go poke into his corpse
>PKP+2 extra box mags on him
WTP makes too much money, you loot the rooftops of building 1 2 and 3 for high value tech stuff and ammo, then all the loose shit you find and hideout items, on top of farming supressors helmets and vests on rogues
Any idiot retard guides for reserve? I get so fucking lost in the bunker...
The magnifier still uses the old recoil for some reason and they refuse to fix it.
guide for what? just don't go underground it's sweat central
hmmmm I bet that makes a lot of sense for pvp, since selling directly to the market rather than the flea seems more profitable
Same as every other map, run it until you recognize every part of the map at a glance
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Go to practice mode and learn the entrances/exits, these are useful for flanking and finding ways around people. Also I personally think the white king entrance with the metal stairway is the worst way in, don't go unless you're the first person to the bunker. I prefer taking other entrances where you have better sightlines.
go play pve
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damn the equal number of bear and USEC pmcs are on point
based and thanospilled
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>all my shoreline tasks are in resort right now
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it's pure suffering
holy fuck the light house cultist had 300 rounds of m993 and some raider comes up and slaps my ass cheeks FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
chronicles of ryzhy is actually kino bros
if its so kino why isnt it shown in kinos
it's too kino to be shown in kinos
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fuck reserve
fuck this map
i rather play lighthouse as a bear than deal with this shit map
how do you get lost in bunker lmao it's literally a square
isn't today the last day?
>running ammo you have to headshot twice with
great map, bad extracts.
Reserve can be so stressful. D2 always has a fucking rat in it and it otherwise always feels like there's someone lurking around every corner or in every window. It has a weirdly high concentration of player scavs, too
>30 ergo
I wish the SCAR wasn't dogshit...
>want to put on a different muzzle/foregrip/stock on your gun
>sorry, you just have to search through 20+ tiny icons to find the one you need, also they're in random order every time :^)))
Fucking add a search bar to the modding screen already.
what if you snipe people with warmageddon?
>hit their armor
>no damage indicator - "i bet that dude missed"
>hit face - death
>kill all three bosses
>run in to loot them
>Oni beams be from fucking nowhere
>the person whom I killed and thought was Oni was a scav with a bike helmet on
I hate this fucker like you wouldn't believe
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>every single gun is zero'd to hit their target at 450m
sooooooooooo theres like no point in snipers rifles unless youre trying to hit the lighthouse rouges on building2 700m away?
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man I cant even get off the beach at light house without this mofo breathin down my neck
>trying to kill last of the ONI team I need for my quest
>nothing at fortress, pushed through from crackhouse
>go out near New Gas to go to ZB-011
>non-boss cultist sitting at one of the sandbags there
>no other cultists anywhere that I saw, dead or alive
erm am I suppose to feel insulted?
>only dumb assholes get in this box
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awwwwwwwww yus
Don't forget to grab his dogtag.
Nevermind it's just birdshit.
yeah knight killed me as soon as I killed him
>go to weather station
>no signs of ONI, saturated the location with the AGS from Smugglers' base
>2 Bear PMCs there, lose a leg and 2 arms fighting them but win
>patching myself up, 8~ minutes into raid
>grenade lands on top of me and blows me up
where'd this nigga and his spooks get off to that they didn't encounter the bears or die to the AGS?
>died to a Big Pipe+Knight push
well, got my last kill for the 3 event bosses so whatever
Dorms marked room worth opening or should i just sell the key?
You can find colored keycards and shit in there, but I assume it's probably super contested now that a lot of people got it from the event, on top of that it probably dropped in price too, just wait a bit until people use up their keys and the price goes up.
90% of suppressors should be FiR only. Keep the very shittiest ones on LL3-4 traders, that's it.
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can you spot the hidden bitcoins of tarkov
does boss spawnrates rise to 25% after this week?
bro event ends in like 24 hours
>spawnrates go to zero next week
Remove bosses
who gives a fuck about cheater event, i asked about normal boss rates
>Kill 5 cultists
>Immediately get deleted the moment I lay eyes on the stronghold building.
>Literally every time.
This is shit. What the fuck are you supposed to do here?
There's a blockade of UN forces in the west and Russian troops in the East. As for why each PMC can't go to their "side":
>BEAR: They were deniable assests and according to The Raid, most of those stuck in Tarkov actually ignored orders to pull back, making them rogues among the Russian Spec Ops.
>USEC: There are some clues implying the UN troops are compromised by TerraGroup, implying they will kill any USEC dumb enough to let himself get arrested.
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Pizrak is no fuckin joke...
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Damn he's good.
it was a night raid too. pitch black out.
>arena shooting range lets you take in loadouts that are over the point limit
Actually very nice QoL feature for once, lets you take in two kitted primary weapons and compare them easily.
>get at least 5th place with enforcer (6 times)
>Oh yeah...it's RDPN time...
>barely manage to scrape 4th place together because PS is underpowered for arena
>people still FEAR the found of 100 rounds prefiring their ratspot
>those moments where you hipspray like 3 people without ever letting up off the trigger

Man I fucking love this gun kek
*RPDN, I wouldn't dare misspell milady's name
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fucking cockmunching nigger cultists total cultist death
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>Finally go and do my Lighthouse tasks
>At the start of the raid countersnipe another PMC, pick his shit up and start making my way towards the villa
>Raid has been going on for a while now, so just go for the tennis yard, loot it and decide to make my way towards water treatment
>Go through the windows of the villa 100 times with my scope, so I won't get shot at by someone camping there
>All windows are clean, hear nothing, see no corpses
>Step out of the tennis yard and get fucking immediately headshot by someone camping inside the villa
It's fucking ridiculous how unlucky I am. He somehow managed to avoid detection, even though I meticulously scoped through the windows multiple times, including the one where he shot me from. Shit's fucking infuriating, Jesus Christ. What are the odds of him not being present at the window when I scope at it MULTIPLE TIMES, but the second I stop looting and move out, he moves to the window and domes me?

A video game should not make you feel this fucking shitty.
Some people have natural talent for this game. I sure as hell am not one of them.
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>game just closes without a crash report
>Next raid
>Spawn near the second villa
>Try to snipe the guy who spawns near the red mercedes
>Get shot at by someone, but don't die
>Hear someone sniping the rogues without a silencer, so sprint there to maybe fight him or something while also getting closer to my tasks
>Get shot at by someone else entirely close to water treatment, but who had a silencer on and wasn't using a bolt-action
>Kill him, but get assaulted by someone else with a pistol
>Kill the dude with the pistol
>Someone rushes my ass from behind descending from the hills and kills me with his M80 loaded DMR, while I just had a bolt-action sniper on me
It feels like a literal impossibility to survive this map, let alone get my fucking tasks done, which are located in water treatment. Even if I kill half the lobby at the start of the raid, I'll just get killed on my way to water treatment by someone camping the narrow points there and who happened to spawn closer to the place. Or you get the privilege of spawning on the beach, so you get sniped on by half the lobby populating the hills, while having no cover, no loot and only shitty options for pushing water treatment.

Ever since this map released I've tried to get to know it and play it. Sure, I can get some kills, but no other map in this game feels as unfair, unbalanced and straight up RNG, while having god awful tasks put into it too.
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>Happy that for the first time I'll get to start the LK quests
>Look again
>Forgot to do broadcast
Yea i'm retarded.
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scooby doo shit
works on my monitor
Fifth time in row today to a cheater. The scavs one shotting me is a welcomed intermission though. I have survived one scav raid in the last three hours. Wtf is going on in the west coast servers?
List all the events leading to your deaths, so we can see how many of your deaths were casued by an actual cheater instead of you going full copium.
>7 kills with a shotgun in the factory basement
>only 4 counted for the quest
The 416 is actually the shittiest fucking gun if you don't make it the 20'' meta shit, holy fuck this blows
> gets killed by 200 hour 30 kda
nuh uh, he wasnt cheating!
And that's 1/5?
I posted one of them, i can post the other three profiles i bothered to screen, but I can assure you, im not screaming cheater at every death. Im lvl 55 on my third wipe. Late night to early mornings on usa west are infested with changs. I get to bitch about cowards that avoid challenge and growth when its that many times in a row.
Can i get blessings that my 6hr cultist circle will give me two COFDMs instead of 50 Birdeye rigs?
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>vitamins have been harder to find than LEDXs
It's so disappointing. There's no reason to use it over an m4.
What's bad about it?
>t. never uses either
It just takes gorrilion of roubles for it to be as effective as a mid tier M4 with 50 extra firerate. Also you can forget about ergo if you wanna run it with large mags.
You get an extra 50 rpm for far less customization and worse recoil.
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>fall down in a hole in the roof
>break both my legs
>scav walks around the corner and blasts magnum in my eyes as I whip out my propital
Yeah on PvP it's gay, 90% chance of having a rat camp exfil
Shoot them first
That'll learn you
>current year
>still can't fold it
This wipe is a literal joke
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>looting shoreline
>find a ledx in a med crate at smugglers
>looting inside to check for overseer key
>hear shooting outside
>pmc standing out in the open looting a dead scav
>shoot him in the face
>scav comes running out screaming NO NO STOP WE WERE GUNNA TAKE CO-OP
My bad bro lmao
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i got ding dong bannud
update im not ding dong bannud
/eftg/ needs to die to me in lighthouse for assessment next week, be there or be square
luv reserve, haven't been camped at the cliff (YET)
There are so many fucking network error, they need to fix their shit
Damn I always have to run from fights on streets. Game gets so choppy when you ADS on that map, I had a brief fight with some guy where I'm sure I crippled him but I just don't feel right pushing when the game is running like ass.
If you have less than 32 gigs of ram then you can simply enjoy death. It's very frustrating.
I do have 32gb, even then it's just baaaarely enough to run. Everything is fine on that map except for the noticeable choppiness when ADS
Might need to fuck around with settings. I get FPS drops when ADSing but it's not choppy.
I've seen Tarkov use ~48GB of RAM on Streets
>you can break your arm in the gym
Is the only reason to go to Labs is to get a bunch of stims and useless treasure?
And speaking of Labs. Anyone know who has the best look run guide?
Bonus if it's for PVE
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RIP panda BEAR
bro u got killed by a lmaoooooo

3 medical bags at factory, in and out every 2 minutes brodie
the privilege of getting to report cheaters

i'm lazy okay. what else are good quick n dirty flea flip?

rn ive been buying Nightforce Magmount 30mm ring scope mounts from Jaeger for like 6.4k a pop, reselling them for over 100k ea on flea, sells nearly instantly like hot cakes. there's gotta be more like this since you can only buy so much at a time
Scav factory runs. You can do them in 10 minutes. Run in, Kill a couple PMCs. Take their gear, run to the two office safes, then run out. I just quick sell on the way out unless there's something I want to keep or sells exceptionally well on the flea. Easy $100k minimum, a good run will be $500k
i agree desu, but im just looking to flip while the scav timer resets
>touch green/black/yellow
>have a good time
>kill 5 raiders in the command bunker
how the fuck do raiders even spawn down there
i hit the switch a couple of times and nothing ever happens
Turning on the power and sometimes they're already there
>call elevator in labs
>realize I never picked up my backpack
well, I hope some bathroom rat comes across it
>on 4th run of Labs, going great
>push into stairwell to go downstairs and hit elevator switch
>sandwiched like an absolute retard between two PMCs and die
Maybe after you buy another $300 edition this poor indie studio will be able to fix issues like that.
activate ur almonds anon
>play enforcer in arena
>lose a fight because enforcer has dogshit ammo and I hit a guy 11 times and he got a lucky single 55a1 in my face shield as he wildly sprayed in my general direction
Enforcer is such a meme when scout exists.

>he had 6600 hours and a .45 AP vector, no match for the ASHY
>two retards fighting
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yeah the point is I'M the top retard
are we gonna get another week of this event? I need to farm some more m993
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>tarkov runs like shit
>get spt hoping i might escape from poor optimization
>it doesnt help
what the fuck
>CPU intensive game runs like shit
>i'll just play offline and put even more strain on my system because it also has to calculate everything server sided now
>wtf why doesn't the game run better?????
nyooooooooo the event ended
a different engine doesn't fix a fundamentally poorly designed car
water treatment plant is the easiest part of lighthouse once you know every rogue spawn and sniping position you can headshot them from
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damn breh cant kill shit without aiming for the head wid m4 nowdays
either a furry or a tranny or maybe even both
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Anon this is a PVE screenshot.
it actually doesnt matter, its still a transcoded and furrycoded player alias
How contested are the rogues on PVP? I feel like I can easily kill any of the mounted ones and run through the water treatment without any armor
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Yea I'm not doing this.
Why not?
Because you might as well not be wearing any armor at all as far as PMCs are concerned. Doing the shoreline one was bad enough and I don't need the plates because of Ref and his essentially free inventory.
just go in with a shitty starter m4, ain't nobody gonna pick that shit up and you can die as many times as you want
You can also time it with Calibration, chumming/long line/Worst Job in the World/insomnia on interchange night to max out kills with an AR
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Are they ever going to fix this thing?
I just stop doing everyquest after unlocking the m80 rounds lol
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wow is that class 6 armor for 32 gp
Does it even have plates in it? I don't think they do.
ref ruined early and mid wipe
the zhuk has no plates in, the one that does is the Zabralo and costs almost 60GP
arena integration destroyed tarkov
100% agree but niggerita is desperate for twitch views not making a good game
>6 gp for infinite class 5 plates when you get 200gp per day doing task
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Cultist circle single handedly saved early, mid and late wipe.
As if you wouldn't have those plates unlocked through tasks by the time you hit level 4 ref anyway.
the SAPI III is locked behind Insomnia
And the Granit is behind Energy Crisis

The PK one is the more annoying to get but not hard at all, specially given this event we had.
Yea, exactly. The SAPI III is the only one that's actually that annoying to unlock and that's only because it's another of the stupid "sit around on shoreline for 35 minutes waiting for everyone else to fuck off out of resort" tasks. Even energy crisis can be death ran if you're having the usual lighthouse trouble.
Oops, was thinking of the other plates. Insomnia is the stupid night killing one. Just woke up and got the tasks mixed up. Either way, it's not that hard to unlock level 5 plates. Ref and arena integration is fairly shitty but the level 5 plates from level 4 ref isn't that bad. People should probably be more irritated that you can buy m80 off him for cheap.
People just seem fixated on the armor, yes the cpc barter is dumb and it'll probably go up in price as the rewards in arena go down next wipe

Having M80 on ll3 it's probably on par to the time you should be getting Revision given to you or even later if you have an abundance of free time

I think ref should have more stuff that isn't avaliable on the traders and/or are super annoying to get but on the niche side, not like 55a1 or 7n40.
Yea ref would be more interesting if he had some more niche stuff. Arena will be nerfed next wipe anyway for sure so it's a bit of a moot point anyway.
>got the entirety of lend least part 2 from it
Its pretty funny. It's a less shitty scav case.
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No, I got the remaining items for Network provider 1 friend. This is a huge milestone
I'm saying that's what I got out of mine. Was nice not needing to look for those two virtex
>95k scav case
>Over one Million worth of rewards
Never stop gambling.
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HOLY SHIT IT DID IT! I heard the guns going off and thought I'd try my luck. It helps I didn't see another PMC or playerscav. Gunsmith 25 here I come
Ermmmm didn't last wipe last like 8 months and were only 2 months into this one?
Game will wipe in February.
This is supposedly a short wipe.
>j-just 6 more months until the next wipe guys
Gratz bro get ready to be disappointed
>Having to wait 1 to 9 hours for Network Provider 2
Now what bros, I can't play the game
How much weight should I be going into a raid with?
My usual load is like 22KG, and I feel this is very heavy.
my man my kits are always 30kg
Yeah, but my strength is only 6.
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mine is 8 im still overloaded the moment i pick up a duct tape
five bitcoin and a weapon case. I'll take it. I wonder if the black card barter is worth flipping
>Haven't survived a single raid for three days now
>Finally a good raid: two PMC kills for setup, trizip full of decent loot
>Pretty close to exfil now and the raid has been going on for a while
>See a pixel move and realize it's a squad
>They see me, so just open fire
>They circle me and gangrape my ass
At least I got those two setup kills.
>Next raid, go in with my setup gear, as always
>A dude runs into me and I sink piranha into him
>900 armor damage done, 390 flesh damage
>got head, eyed
Lads, I'm losing my sanity here.
And once again I've gone from 1 million rubles to sub 10 000 rubles by just trying to do setup, lmao. Maybe I should just stop using armor or something, since that seems to do fuck all here.
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Rogues? They like to do that. Especially if you try to take that cliffside road on the beach side.
Scav, I ran towards Lexos on streets, heard a scav yelling and just dropped dead between the railcars
This game.... is really something else
Anyone know what's the best scav case offer?
Last I heard was the 95k roubles or moonshine were the best but that was literally years ago. Dunno what it is now.
>he's using the scav case
Nigga use the circle.
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How advanced is the AI for PMCs in solo mode? I haven't played tarkov in a few years and knowing BSG it is probably just reused from raiders and they dont really move around the map.
Its just raiders, run locally even.
They act the "smartest" on streets because you still get hooked up to a BSG server due to lag issues hosting the AI locally.
They dont attack PMCs of their own faction either, except for you. Sometimes they band together and roam the map in a squad of 8 to 10
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>Finally "survive" a raid
>Been running around Customs back and forth
>Make my way to exfil finally pilgrim full of goodies
>Step into the bunker, walk towards the door
>No timer
>30 seconds left
>Realize I had started on that side of the map, ran towards big red, got into a fight, retreated back, circles around dorms, fought the guy, got into another fight, turned towards my spawn and lost direction
The best part is that I still did not break my four day shitstreak and this was 100 % on me now. BEYOND ridiculous at this point. At least this one got a tired giggle out of me, since this was such an amazing way to end my fourth day of not surviving a single raid.
I'm using both
How is fighting against them? Do they display any sort of tactics or is it just raider boss aimbotting?
They either miss or one shot you. Mostly miss.
They also spot you from the most ridiculous shit through bushes or you being visible for 8 pixels on the 3rd floor of some streets building no one would ever look at
They are basically deaf to anything but go full auto laser across the entire width of sawmill on a foggy night.
The only thing keeping them in check is unironically their shit weapons with 50 or less durability and an MOA of 30
I see, sounds pretty bad and I'm also not surprised they ignore audio. Thanks for the info, not going to check out pve.
I mean if you have the access you can do a few raids and see if you like it.
If you want PVE with actual PMC simulation you're better off in SPT
Just play spt if you want a single player experience. Get the ai mods and tune them to your preference.
"Eyes Without a Face"
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I need better bullets.
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>Frequency mode frequency mode
hopefully i can unlock LK for the first time before february
I literally asked for the same shit on the forums. NO RESPONSE FROM NIGGERKITA
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Wish it would actually tell you what got snagged.
AK12 and MCX
SR-25. I'm early into PVE and 7.62 Nato seems a good choice?
got a map of these snipings spots bwana?
I don't use .308 anything until I have regular access to m80. Though it's pve so bcp is probably fine.
I've just been doing the occasional run to USEC camp on woods for ammo.
But, yeah, it's a bit shit, especially when I didn't even have BCP.
>m60 with FLIR
>heavy sleeved armor with tier 6 plates
>pop a propital for painkill
>zagustin for bleed prevention
>eTG regen injector for health regen
>snickers bar for good measure

oh yeah, i'm thinking it's finally time to kill scavs guarding the woods plane crash site and unlock jaeger on pve
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3 mags + 100 reload rounds are not enough for a SR2-M raid on streets
What do you mean by "fix"
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Can somebody explain the balance of these two parts to me?
The magnifier continues to use the old visual recoil system and it renders the optic virtually unusable.
One looks fat chubby and cool
The other looks slim and cool
How is it heavier with better ergonomics, doesn't that counteract the benefit...?
If you want ergonomics you wouldn't be using either of those stocks to begin with.
Cause i've seen the video and i've pumped just about 1400 rounds of 5.56 into my hideout wall and I do not get that
i started watching her streams before bed a week ago i dont understand a single word but its fun, she keeps yapping in anime voice while i gradually fall asleep
Just don't even try to loot scavs on streets unless they look particularly juicy. Shoot and scoot or you'll get swarmed.
Post your own webm or you're just being a retard.
The trick is to see how much experience they give when you press F on them.
>161 exp
>check pockets
the one time you dont search a scav, it will have mullimillion ruble key on it
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I think you should stop playing at 75 FOV friend
Not him, but not being able to use certain FOVs because of shit like this is equally retarded and deserving of a fix.
boss hunting is the most boring shit ever i dont want to spend 5 raids of time just to make them spawn and even when it spawns either:

-the boss is already dead because i got the shit spawn
-killed by a cheater when i get close to the boss
-get laser beamed by the boss because i showed him a few pixels of my limbs for 0.182 seconds

please make the spawn chance at least 60%
Simply remove boss tasks from the game.
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Here's with max FOV
Why can I only screw an AK-12 supressor on the AK-12
isnt this more or less the old AK system? surely the barrel isnt some special thing only produced for the AK-12 is it now
maybe have a trigger in-game that spawns bosses. i.e. if you go into the ADIK store on Interchange with power on, increases Killa spawn by 75% in the next 5 minutes or something
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>Run up rear ramp of interchange
>See weird scav/PMC
>Scope in, shoot.
>Die immediately.

I'm not really sure how I'm supposed to kill bosses given you can't one-shot them and you don't get a second shot given how quickly they dome you...
you throw a m67, that'll make them run and you spam rounds on their head or legs if you have flesh ammo
sometimes this game just humbles you with a completely unfair inevitable death. nothing you could have done anon, you'll get it on the next one
I did, he tanked the grenade span 180 and killed me instantly.
Is PVE loot reduced?
I opened up the lexos gated area and office and the most valueable thing I found was a bear figurine.
It felt like an online raid with vacuum hackers inside.
This disproves it being broken how exactly? If it's unusable for any FOV above the minimum then it's broken. I don't play at max FOV, anyway.
Because the sight is just not broken? most you can change is the eye relief and that's it
I'm not using the minimum fov either, just not maxed out bcs it was always known to be ass in this game.
Other spots to loot besides Lexos on streets?
Back of the mall, Post office, the agency by the park, cinema, the corner building by relax room with all the filing cabinets, the factory part, and many many others.
just pick a building there's probably some good shit in it
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really? go fuck yourself BSG

wait you can get inside the thing? i thought it just a scav spawn
There's a few duffles and some toolboxes in there. The buildings around cinema also have loot.
>getting repeatedly shot around corners in arena today
I feel like the netcode has somehow gotten worse.
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You can go inside a lot of places on streets, Picrel has basically all the spots that I usually bother checking, mostly as a Scav.
man why is tarkov so expensive
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>Nervous gulp
Am I crazy for bringing an extra MPPV in my backpack on all my raids?
>you need to locate the vet clinic and the x-ran technican room in the same raid
>totally out in the open
>runs straight at boss
>stares at him for a second
>gets rightfully killed
I don't see the problem desu, the average player would have probably headtapped you even faster. That was pretty forgiving as far as boss AI goes.
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how many scav cases to do guys use?
>one for hideout/crafting stuff/quest items
>other to sell shit
>Just expect Killa to randomly be outside 30 seconds after spawning
>gitgud xd xd xd
Yes anon, I'm sure you're very cool.
Not him but given the situation you described, I personally would've fucking ran inside towards IDEA
>you spawned Power plant
>nobody can be there before you(that should already put you on fight or flight)
>knowing that killa can be anywhere in the mall
The last one is a stretch if you're new or don't play Interchange a lot so I can, it was unfortunate but probably the last time you die to killa like this tho.
bro turn back before you reach a point of never returning
>hes missing out on the 10/70 sugars they have in their pockets
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The ratchet wrench supplies are dwindling.....
The great drought.....
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>how fast it is to unlock m80s 7.62x51mm shred any armor
if I show you i;d have to compete with you bwoana....
You're so full of shit. With the 1x zoom he has killa is unidentifiable at that range at a glance.
This too but that's because half the spawns on interchange the best move is to run inside the mall as fast as possible. The last is a pretty big stretch.
if he played the real game he wouldn't just stand still and wait a full second before taking a shot at a target that could be another player that already is crouching and has a bead on him
Well yea I'm not saying it wasn't slightly retarded to try and shoot whatever might have been down range without taking some cover first but you're a retard for thinking he should've seen it was or even expected it was killa with a 1x zoom from like 60 meters away like that. Not like his death ultimately matters anyway it's pve.
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Dripped the fuck out bros, just waiting on G3 MC pants after some outrageous kill boss quest!
i only play pve so its cool
5, tagged in this wat:

>General (catchall barter items)
I wouldn't have been able to tell that's killa either, but that's not really my point. My original post called him out for running "straight at a boss" but the real problem is scoping in at seeing some guy crouched aiming at you. Yeah I can't tell it's killa but it doesn't look like a scav either. In pvp that's when you immediately nope the fuck out and start sprint/dashhop into cover because you're nanoseconds away from getting facetapped. Like I mentioned if that was a player he likely would have died before even getting that first shot off. It's just the difference between playstyle in pvp and pve.
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Anon, check out this ultra high budget rogue farming guide.
lighthouse rooftops brother. Stack high and use shit ammo for a few levels. builds character and you'll have a nest egg of many types for "must use gun X for kills" quests
i like it, thank you so much
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>go to reserve cliff
>forgot my paracord
>go down to D2 instead and get ratted
FACK that's my bad lol, didn't have very good loot anyway and my quest progress saved so we're good.
Honestly at that point you just transit to another map and run for the nearest exfil. D2 always has a fucking rat.
I've had good luck with it the last two wipes honestly, I think I've only been ratted ~20% of the time. Which is more than any other extract definitely, but not as bad as you would think. I just vibe it out and somehow know that no one is there. But this time D2 was already active so of course it was a bad move.
>Decide to do a quick scav on customs.
>Figure I'll grab some trash and extract or third party some PMC or whatever depending where I spawn.
>Spawn near the blue shed at big red.
>Open medbox.
>Never even seen one before.
>Quickly stuff it into my rig.
>Choice now to either run across the entire map to get to one of the extracts.
>Don't fancy my odds so early in the raid.
>Decide to chance it and instead transit to Interchange.
>Spawns me at Scav camp with a railway exfil and 10 minutes left in the raid.
>Easily make it without seeing anything.
Grats on your ledx. Don't sell it and enjoy your thicc case.
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you always loot duffle bags, for there is a chance you find the meaning of life inside them.
The static dead scav bodies as well.
Dead bodies you can find the latest Martian technology, a ray gun mk2, A full set of a Mjolnir mk V spartan suit, A used condom, and a half eaten box of sugar.
i woudl pirate it fi i could
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here's mine.
>finished killing a duo on chalet
>packing my mags in a room
>Hear a bush rustle outside
>Hear absolutely nothing prior and after
>Jump out window
>Partizan on a corner proceeds to magdump me.
what is the point of this fucking boss.
you cant just spoon feed him like that nyooooooooooo
should be good to do this with an SKS + FLIR scope right?
that'd be fine, I usually just used a normal scope and any decent velocity ammo.
he's a boss to punish people on the naughty list. you must have upset him in some way
The top one yes, the second one maybe not, I forgot if the flir range is 250m max or more.
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here mines bwo
I haven't heard the whistle play ever since the first days of the wipe, either the duo I killed had one
Is he insta aggro on everyone? cause If not i'll just ignore him, i thought it was a scav until i heard a laughter and a beam of BP through my chest
Got max rep with Fence and was having a hard time killing Kaban + getting a PKP
So I started just spamming scav runs into Streets and after like the third scav run, the PMCs killed Kaban and I got his PKP and special key for free.
thats a very cool story bwo, thanks for sharing with us
>defibs can bring back downed teammates
chat is this confirmed?
standard should be 20 bucks, tops
its 50$ cad
thats 2 hours of mcdonalds
>lightkeeper quest gives you a GPSA and a crafting recipe for it
I'd be impressed if you managed to get through the quest without having one already but I guess...
tried applying all the do is hire other people they know.
thats rough bro
yeah it sucks. im still looking for one but not having luck
Finally done with that
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heres mines
>Unhealthy amount of hoarding
i bet you didnt have 10 bottles of OLOLO vitamins ready eheh when you hit crisis
Yea I dont. I'm missing one.
its fucking over for you, it took me a month to find 10 of them
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any way of quickly transferring money to money cases? This is getting way too tiring...
How the fuck you do that?
alt f4 customs marked room key
What kind of loot are you selling to make that much money?
you get keycards(2mil - 8mil) and bitcoins (1mil)
had a weird alt+tab problem where my game would momentarily alt+tab, thought it was just tarkov but then realized it happens exactly at 11:40 every night. used task scheduler to find out what was running at that time, turns out it was just CCleaner sending crash reports.

hope this helps someone, i've heard others with similar alt tab issues.
So you did that like 100 times?
I just found it.
yeah every time you dont get what you want, you just alt f4 and it saves your key, you can also do this for the bloody ley room on streets, got me like 3 314 keys there
Now that you can't buy class 5-6 plates. How do I get them?
You can buy lvl 5 plates, Complete insomnia, energy crisis or get ref lvl 4/3
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>Now that you can't buy class 5-6 pl-
They got rid of the barters?
No arena. :(

oh, okay. Is there any particular one I should be working towards unlocking, or is it just rep?
Also, didn't there used to be a way to duplicate plates or some bullshit with the toilet?
>he hasn't maxed fence
its just rep bwo, I think rag man needs the highest lvl, lvl 42 he also sells this super cool armor way deep into the quest line https://escapefromtarkov.fandom.com/wiki/Supervisor
They got rid of the dupes, you use two plates and get two plates back, so just use it when you have low durability plates and want new ones.
On the topic of armor, we really need some kind of box that can store armor plates rather than having to stuff the plates into rigs or vests so they're half the stash space.

It's kinda weird we can't reuse the bag that the armor repair kit is in, as that seems to feature like 10 plates on the model and 1200pts of armor repairing.
Is there a faction on Streets that's like PMCs but friendly to scavs?
I went to the mall area(where the rust key spawn is) and there was a group of like 5 geared out AI that wouldn't be hostile to me.
I couldn't see them well because the games shit lighting but they wouldn't aggro me as I walked circles around them(I'm max fence rep if that makes a difference.)
I didn't tempt fate too much because I got a rusted key so I just extracted.
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>casual shoreline scav run
>run in to a pmc in the middle of fucking nowhere
>only have softpoint 308 in a vepr
So close. I really hope he bled out. I had a labs card in my bag and I immediately dropped it in a bush so I hope he didn't find it.
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>he didn't die
Ah yeah. There is a boss in that area. Never knew about him.
>found the rusted key
>nearly walked in to kollontay and his boys
That key is so fucking rare dude it would've sucked to lose it by getting too close to them
Oh. I got max fence rep so bosses don't aggro me thankfully.
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eeeeeeeerm anyone have stats lower than this?
I play PVE so I always max ergo
have M32s become meta or something? i never get mine back
you can trade like 30 ergo for -4 recoil
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I don't play PVE, plus this is my SAW m4 build, It has 60s instead of 30s
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>4 more months until this sweat fest is over
no one cares about pve shit bro
erm this is real life
>noooo stop having fun!!!!!
dump eet
>he doesnt know about trump tariffs coming up soon
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stop aiming at the torso bro you're hitting plates
go for the legs ur facing lvl 70 players 1 month into the wipe bro
Does heat matter?
only if you give a fuck about durability
yes bro try using a vss or asval
not if you have high luck to dodge misfires
Don't you lose your gear?
nta but local raids don't save anything if you alt f4. If I get a particularly dogshit spot like far south on lighthouse I just alt f4 and reset the raid instead of spending 10 minutes jogging north.
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I've had a fucking ai scav loot Sanitar while I was finishing off his guards and rush me with his gear.
I'm uninstalling Tarkov until I get a new PC. I'm so done with the 20 fps Streets of Tarkov experience.
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>0.15 in a nutshell
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Anyone know what's that icon on the bottom left is?
I don't remember what that's supposed to mean.
If they're duped I'd sell. I heard they're started to reset account that has duped items in them.
what, cheaters or pinoys?
Erm theyre only doing that to people have dev items like a 400 slot backpack
Scavs literally has esp when someone dies. They'll sprint from 100+ feet away straight to the body and start looting with 0 concern for their own life.
People like that would have died early in Tarkov lore so they really need to pump the brakes on getting scavs to loot dead bodies.
Post ur 21kda right fuckin now
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this is the kind of drip I'm looking for in future updates
level 10 at 8kd is the best i can do anon. i lost interest very quickly this wipe
>censors the cheaters name
lol what why bother? shitcord users are so weird
"doxxing" is probably against server rules
>Cultist tribute blesses me with a Gunslinger II backpack
>What the fuck is this.
Does anyone use these? Not just this backpack in particular, but literally any of the segmented backpacks?
Not being able to stack them just seems to make it utterly pointless, and it's not like the penalties are any softer than if you just use a monobag.
They always come back from insurance while being able to carry the same as a tri-zip or comparable backpacks
The scav spawns and aggro in SoT is fucking ridiculous:
>fighting with another PMC, whose presence I became aware of, because he killed like gorillion scavs
>ambush him and dome him really cleanly
>step out of the building I'm currently in
>a cacophony of "WON WON WON WONON CYKA" starts
>get engaged by like 5 AI scavs who fleshmeta my ass in like two seconds
I kid you not, I just fucking melted to nothing but leg and arm hits from AI scavs. The guy I killed got killed, because he couldn't shake off the AI scavs aggroing to him and I got killed after killing him, because I aggroed all the scavs. It was wishful thinking to even imply I could actually loot my PMC kill, lmao.
Streets is funny like that.
I have a ton of tasks to do there, but man, is it hard to stay alive in there. I still haven't even gotten around to learn the damn map, since it's so fucking big and cluttered, so learning it just becomes like a colossal chore.
>9 Grizzly's filling up my stash.
>Don't really want to sell them because I'm level 20 and a Grizzly is pretty nice when you're level 20.
>Don't really like taking them into raids because they're big and there's no way I'm going to use 1200 healing in a raid.

I don't really know what to do with these guys...
Sell a few and use the rest as healing items after getting killed in a raid?
Just run a blackrock or any of the other rigs with a 2x2 in em. It's what I've been doing. They sell for like 70-80k anyway you could also just throw em on the flea.
Yea streets is simultaneously one of the most fun and one of the most annoying maps. I'll like it more when it doesn't run like shit for everyone without a $3000 pc and the spawns aren't dogshit.
>--and the spawns aren't dogshit.
Anon, we are playing EFT. The spawns will never get better. BSG obviously thinks that in terms of balancing the 100 % static and predictable spawn points are the way to go.
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Quests with specific PMC kill conditions need to go ASAP.
heal with them after you die. it's free xp that healing with therapist doesn't give you.
its the comfy healer's pick
>no splints
>no bandages/caloks
>no ifak/afak/salewa
just a good old grizzly
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What the fuck just happened? I have never, throughout my 3000 hours with this game, seen such a fucking shitshow unfold inside the 2-story dormatry:
>Doing setup, so just camp to unholy amounts
>Sit inside the second floor's bathroom aiming at the ceiling in the corner
>Someone is running downstairs
>Someone is also running outside
>20 minutes of "nothing"
>suddenly autofire from two different ARs, a silenced shotguna and a silenced SMG
>Somebody gets hit and starts healing, so I burst out killing him
>At the same time hear a window break and somebody die
>Notice there's a body stuck in a window frame, but he wasn't the one who I heard dying
>Get shot at from the metal staircase
>My brain is just 100 % confused, since the guy at the door wasn't using any of the weapons I heard earlier
>See another PMC corpse on the floor
>Run downstairs and there's another dude doing setup just camping there, who manages to slug my eyeball
Like that shit just made me chuckle. Most of the fucking lobby was fighting over for that place and there I was camping inside the place, when it all started. But hey, I got one kill for setup, so that's good. There was just so much stuff going on that I was completely unable to pinpoint where everyone was, how many players are there, which routes would be safe to retreat from.
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>either a 4k ultra poopsock or a blatant chink cheater with a 15kd and 20 hours
this wipe will end and these poopsocks will hit level 40 first week into wipe again
>everyone who is more geared than me is a poopsock
>everyone with less hours than me is a cheater
I don't even believe that all your deaths are to one of those two. I've killed and been killed by all kinds of players this wipe from fresh little timmies with 20 hours to turbo sweats who got kappa within a month
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it really is.
I mean cmon, anyone who is left playing casually this late into the wipe are most likely sweats or cheaters who are bing chilling around the map. You're coping.

People who say cheating isn't a problem are just lying.
As the other anon stated, that's just a way of coping with your shitstreaks. Sure, there's a ridiculous amount of cheaters in this game, but your view is just heavily skewed. Go through all the profiles of your killers in a objective way and you'll see that it's actually normally distributed.
>inb4 he runs shit like labs exclusively
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nigga, timmies only play customs. anyother map is full of poopsock discord squads or chinks. You're one of the two which is why you're seething
I'm a non-NEET and non-poopsock "casual player", who is still doing earlyish game tasks, since I just don't have enough time to play to progress far. I seldomly run into blatant cheaters and most people I kill or get killed by are still in the 20-40 level range.

Maybe you are just a shitter, if the game is impossible for you, while a casual wagecuck like me can still progress?
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>He comes into the thread seething
>Posts epic pepes and basedjaks
>Claims people who are having a dialogue with him in a calm manner are the ones seething
Now you are just embarrasing yourself, anon. Just close the thread, close the game and go take a walk outside or something.
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>I'm a non-NEET and non-poopsock "casual player"
sure you are, bud.
That's exactly what happens on episode one of tarkov Raid.
there isn't a reasonably priced PC on the market that can run that map smoothly.
I have a 7800x3d + 7900gre and its still a stuttery mess.
>People who say cheating isn't a problem are just lying
I never said that. Post your seething strawmen elsewhere. Cheaters and no life faggots will continue to exist and ruin the games they infest but I'm 100% sure you're a dogshit player coping about his poor gameplay.
im a good player, just not a poopsock who has no job.
Is there a max amount of skill points you can earn in a raid?
I know you get reduced points eventually. But like can I go into a raid, have a W key macro and slowly level up my strength during times I'm not playing?
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i just played 8 raids just to get shturman and died to someone who was in my spot before me
So you just don't balls deep charge into the mill?
>nerf rogue spawns because people are farming them
>but also let's put in a quests that make you kill over a hundred rogues
big brains over at bsg
>rewards the same clothes you can purchase on the website for a small price of $12 plus tax
Surely just a coincedence.
I can't do the gym QTE. :(
this but irl
>last hero lobbies consist of everyone running nothing but boring ass M4s
god the playerbase is so fucking boring.
if the meta was fucking yourself in the ass with a huge dragon dildo the playerbase would fucking do it
yea, true. it's just doubly obnoxious in arena which affords you the possibility of having fun with varied loadouts and weapons you would normally never touch
I'd say it's fair that 50% of the lobby runs M4s, which is still too much. I play LH a lot and my experience has been
>50% M4s
>20% scouts with MP7 (still a braindead boring choice)
>20% m80 slingers (boring
>10% cool shit (ASH12s, shotguns, LMGs, etc.)

The funniest is when the people doing memebuilds change their loadout halfway through. Yesterday I was in a lobby with a guy running the saiga12ga and he changed off it pretty quick for some m4slop
I kind of miss the days of arena tiers where you were forced to use trash scav gear, it was shit for different reasons but the gunfights could be hilarious. I think arena could benefit from some "low budget" game modes where loadouts have severely reduced max point limits that forced you to use lower tier gear. That and they'd have to change the point value of some stuff to reflect that, some guns cost tons of points for no fucking reason.
gun game with random attachments.
>LH raid
>make my way to the rocks overwatching cottages
>stop to listen
>4 different footsteps
>Wait for the first guy to come around the corner
>doesn't come out so i throw a m67 up and it lands somewhere around them, 2 are wounded but not dead
>They run and jump around and throw back a total of 14 nades
>they fall backa
like what is the fucking point, the solo is supposed to just charge into the meal team six fags to get kills?
This would be SICK
lmfao I just watched it and it was the first 2 minute hahahaha
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>This is why I can't get asessment kills.
G28, RSASS or SR-25?

Also we need more DMRs in different calibres.
The sr25 is the cheapest out of them so it's usually what I use.
RSASS cause it's the sexiest out of them.
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finally my boys made me proud...
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wow.... im crying...
>Do 3 raids
>restart the game
>Play 3 raids
>restart game
The real experience
>Get at least 5th place as enforcer (6 times)
honestly pretty fun because I can use my RPDN
Ok that round was especially cringe, I was the ONLY one not using an M4
why couldn't this just be 14 labs extracts...
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another successful lighthouse run!
This wipe, I will simply use a stock MP133 with superperformance slugs to headshot scavs on shoreline, I'm so fucking over shotguns after doing setup
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Fit check, positively dripping
>go to Lighthouse to get a new Lightkeeper quest
>spawn north of Water Treatment
>run over
>nothing available
>run it back
>spawn above lower Chalet
>get quest this time
>go do the quest
>go to turn it in
>spawn north of water treatment
save me
really thankful for the guy in the thread letting me know about having to run 2 raids in a row for his quests to be available again, you've saved my ass.
>get in a fight with a 2 man
>wax one
>try to reload my vector
>it just doesn't?
>won't let me reload?
>get killed
wtf? being really overweight or having both arms blacked doesn't prevent reloading right? I swear I had the right mags too, wtf I could have gotten that guy
OH MY FUCKING GOD my mags were in my other rig in my stash, I had no other mags ahahaa
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What a week anon... what a week.
>another scav randomly head,jawsing me randomly through a bush from 150m away
The guy who killed me had a DMR with a thermal on it too, it was a cqb fight and he took forever to kill me while I just danced around without shooting back, I totally could have ended him, fuck
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I lost a kit well over a mil buy a pscav that had sat in a bush(somehow I didn't see him through the Reap-IR)
We all have ups and downs, just remember to put the mags on you
Doesn't help that on that raid I found TWO fucking tank batteries, the first I've seen all wipe. I should have known it was a cursed run, niggita is toying with me. Still fun though, despite this being a death-run kind of night for me.
those tank batteries are a noob death trap bwo
He needs it for a quest tho
o I never completed a mission that needs a tank bat fir
what a cute Reservelet
stay pure anon.
reserve sux
why go to reserve when lighthouse actually has good ammo
You can get good ammo on a lot of maps now. It's nice.
yeah but you can get A LOT of good ammo in one place at lighthouse
>occasionally get arena matches that feel like i'm firing blanks
God I hate the fucking netcode in this game
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awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww yes I just hit the drug threshold for max stamina, vitality soon
faceshield users of /eftg/

how the fuck do you deal with having your entire screen smeared in vaseline at all fucking time
i dont see fucking shit with this garbage on
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wat da heel
skull face
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Can I go there or am I gonna get blasted by "end of map" snipers / mines?
This area doesn't look good to me.
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you are here
Huh. Guess I'll look into that next time.
Was that there before the expansion?
Streets always runs like shit, even on my 64gb ram, so I never really learned the map.
try the low texture detail option bwo
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Somehow that was no longer enabled, guess the fresh install reset all my settings.

On a different note
wtf PVE players????
do NOT look at metal parts right now
i know all about metal parts, ive been saving up and putting them in for some good prices
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my cultists are fucking alcoholics
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holy shit fighting these fuckers across the map takes ages to spot
>cheater mass-produced thermals
I thought we were all bros here wtf...
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>scav interchange
>hear shoot, charge
>VOG a fat lvl 26 retard arenalet with 8 tons of AP ammo and several high tier plates

God, these arena rooms have spawned the most juiced loot goblins so far. They don't even know how to loot properly, they just leave behind tier 6 plates.
you can buy 7n40 from prapor retard
>4 stacks of FIR 7n40
>buying 7n40 at level 26
idk looks like you're the retard here.
>Colleagues part 1.
>Go to the pier (Sanitar spawn, PMC Spawn, 50 scavs)
>Go to Health resort (Sanitar spawn, path to it takes you past goon spawns, full of PMCs)
>Then to the cottage (Sanitar spawn, PMCs)
>And extract all in one raid.
Seems kinda excessive for a level 20 quest.
Yeah on paper it's bad but in reality the only dangerous spot is the resort, and only in the first 20 mins of raid. In 4 wipes I've never really had a problem with these quests, shoreline is always relatively dead except for action off of spawn
Play SPT with SAIN, makes PvE fun
Same, sure PvE kinda works (no streets, scav and online) but with mods SPT is really fun and the firefights aren't just who can pixel peak a headshot anymore.

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