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Chogorian Shave Edition

>Latest patch

>September community update:

>First developer Q&A:


>Where to get the game:

>Lore Stuff:

>For jolly cooperation with your battle brothers (Can also post codes for jolly coop/PvP. Edit Squad -> Invite Menu):

>Workaround with matchmaking (not finding players, only 2/3):
Back out to the main menu and re-enter battle barge.

>/sm2g/ Dude Wall - compilation of Dudes and information on how to submit them
What's the best way to level classes? I don't really wanna play through the same 7 missions over and over for like a day straight just to level one class and a couple weapons.
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It is happening again.
>new patch has lots of nerfs on PVE and no buffs on the actual problems
>Space Marine 2 is just another Helldivers 2 scenario
When will devs even learn?
Anyone else notice there is a odd blinking light in one of the cave tunnels? There is even a strange sound effect that it emits too. I sense that there might be something more to this or I am just being schitzo
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>Iceborne is happening again
Bro I fucking wish
Sorry, this is about the new op/map, if that wasn't obvious.
Nah just the worst part about it. Update is great except for this one feature that completely ruins it.
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>Fixed Power Fist in PvP dealing too much damage with short charged attacks.
I call bullshit, pictured: fully charged attack, doing the exact same damage as short charged now.
We are back to the original state, no more one shots even with fully charged attack.
To any masochist who will stick to power fist no matter what like me - you are better off charging 2 short attacks, first will stagger enemy enough for a followup
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Lethal, Termination, 2/3
To the bros I just finished lethal Inferno with, the game crashed :(
i got disconnected "due to server stability issues"
so far I haven't seen four zoanthropes. I assume each extremis has a specific limit, zoanthropes still being limited to two, lictors also being limited to two, and raveners now allowed to spawn in trios.
ooof that is rough I was going crazy with the short charge one shot power fist. I was carrying games utterly with it
I've had 3 Lictors.
lictors can spawn trio too. terminators can also spawn trio. I have seen double sorcerer but not triple yet.
How the hell do you even do well in pvp with melee? For the life of me no combo I do works or comes out fast enough regardless of weapon used.
The game spawns 3 instances of an extremis
Zoanthropes can come in 2 or just one
To get 4 zoanthropes you need to get one of the spawns to be 2 zoanthropes, and then the other 2 spawns to also be zoanthropes
This theoretically means it would be possible to get 6 zoanthropes.
At that point we're running.
autism and anger issues are quintessential ingredients
Lethal gaming
Idk. Hopefully saber ignores all the retarded fucks on reddit who ruined helldiver's by seething and crying 24/7 as well.
>Game is literal cakewalk pre-nerf as long as you are remotely competent
>Can even hard carry your other two teammates because it was near impossible to die
>Devs change this (only on the hardest difficulty)
>Entire community shits their pants
When did games start getting made for room temp IQ people
God damn thats rough I guess back to the power sword on bulwark now, a lot of people werent even using the power fist in pvp either with the bug
40k fans are dumb please understand everything needs to follow a lore power fantasy they made up in their heads
Did they kind of mess up performance with this patch? Its not major but something is odd
Squad cohesion is garbage and no amount of baby-tier 'git gud' reverse psychology is going to get people to like it. It's a rushed, poorly implemented idea and the only difficulty comes from having to keep track of your teammates at all times.
Cohesion is a garbage mechanic

It's good that even Steam forums despise it along with limited ammo
E9IMN I’m playing assault
Lethal for real this time (it reset to ruthless after i crashed)
Lol, you lot are actually too retarded for video games.
What map?
>first he goes "git gud"
>now he shits on the ones that "git gud" enough to play solo
Actually mentally deficient.
Why is it bad? Can you actually define any kind of objective, or even subjective reasoning beyond the fact you're not allowed to run the fuck off in the middle of nowhere and Rambo the whole level?
They really need to buff most of the primary bolters, as is the default bolt pistol is superior in most situations and does better dps.
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can someone explain the logic of melee weapon balancing
the balancing between balanced/fencing/block and stats seems like.. random
Pretty sure the dark angel cosmetic patch will be the reset that’s why it’s divided
sorry for sucking
JV6BY sorry it crashed my lobby after we took the L
I think the base idea was that melee weapon were meant to be either offensive, defensive or balanced
But during development the "parry" feature became a huge fucking feature of all combat and now block is basically a huge noob trap
Balanced seem a lot better now atleast

assault and heavy taken
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>having enough fun to play the game for 4 hours almost every single day over 10 days straight
>this patch
Did they hire the balancing manager for helldivers?
>the reset
The what now?
The reset?
The best part of this update was liberator gold in the main colours.
Cohesion sucks and limiting ammo when half the game's weapons are inefficient trash that need a full refill after every enemy wave is not the good kind of difficulty.
You can say that Darktide has a Cohesion mechanic, and it does- but it's also quite generous with the boundaries of the mechanic. It has to be when you consider how not every player will be running a melee focused build or vice versa. Plus there were talents that give allies in coherency buffs when certain conditions are met, which is a positive reinforcement of the mechanic.
Sorry guys, got rekt by spores and Nidder sniper
After playing some games on lethal the ammo crates haven't been an issue whatsoever.
You cannot train the playerbase to respect the cohesion mechanic. Lethal is full of people running around at full speed, not respecting it all, it's rapidly becoming the meta to just let people die and race to the assemble point. They're gonna walk this back in the next patch or the game is dead.
>Solo Bulwark
>Zo*ntropes appear
>run ruined
The ammo box nerf is a nothing burger, no issue playing sniper or heavy on Lethal. You still get plenty, if you need to fully refill more than 4 times you are doing something wrong.
I disagree. If people are refusing to work together then they deserve to lose. That isn't the fault of the game, that's the playerbase.
I think it mostly works
it just needs some fine tuning
>once again this feature literally doesnt punish a good burst weapon so theres even more of a reason to use nade launcher/plasma/melta
>the teammate-range bar is way too binary, give me a smoother range and not this arbitrary yes/no bullshit
>assault should have a longer tether range
>armor should have linear damage taken at all difficulties, its a bit silly to have armor feel like pre-3.0 levels of damage taken vs ranged enemies, when it should just perform similarly on all difficulties
>give a lingering buff, dont have it be literally on/off since it's a little difficult to be/maintain range depending on how awful your team is, so as a result every mission on lethal fills like the retardation of quickplay atreus/reliquary, because stupid people make this difficulty unfun
>theres literally no reason to up armor regain time out of combat
>ranged horde on lethal
>multiple shotgun nidders

Yo this is kind of cancer. Makes cohesion feel so much more ass
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>blaying bulwark normally
>suddenly flying purple sperm
> no ammo crate
>have to literally just stand and watch while waiting for the sperm to trip and fall over
Genuinely and unironically, who the fuck designed the ammo system in this game? This was before the patch btw, I can't even imagine how it'd be now, and even worse if it were the twin tadpoles with le balanced shield of health regen.
Good luck convincing people of that. Devs either walk back or lose their playerbase and thus their money.
And besides, people aren't wrong. Cohesion is dumb.
>that's the playerbase.
As a developer you shouldn't put systems on a coop game where a single player can grief the rest of the team
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Maybe I will reinstall in 2 years when its playable again.
>be Assault, respawn
>squad mates are getting hammered by ranged nids, including two venom cannons and two devourerers
>spawn behind the ranged nids
>figure I'll fly in and fuck their shit up
>Oh wait! You're outside cohesion range so now you die immediately to focus fire even as you parry and gunstrike!
Unironically shit.
>Just work together!
In the actual game that's gonna translate to spamming a meta comp centered around Tactical blasting everything with a GL
I think squad cohesion isnt a bad idea honestly, but to see no problem with the current implementation you'd have to be retarded
>not just playing on ruthless like before
nt but I haven't had a chance to test Ruthless
How is it? Spawn rates better? I know ammo isn't an issue since it hasn't been on lethal, but how's the spawn rates.
Because its warframe-tier easy.
>game is too hard now because of cohesion
You shitters would be collapsing regardless desu. Same when you shitters cried about ruthless being too hard pre nerf.
honeymoon phase already over?
>first match of the night
>join level 5 bulwark and assault doing literally nothing on ruthless
>join another game
>tactical with semi auto bolt rifle and heavy with plasma in room 2 of inferno both on last life
>don't leave
>get kicked on obs platform
>next match
>join game
>spawn in
>get absolutely gangraped by whip warriors instantly
>get kicked
>next match
>level 11 assault with tac ai bot as heavy
>ai bot ends up doing more melee and has more kills than player
my group quit because there was nothing to do
please kill me
damn shame
>ruthless was fun prenerf
and i distinctly remember telling people in this thread how bulwark was fantastic at staying with the team and how important in general it was to move correctly and i was mocked for
>being a tacticool navy seal
now lethal rolls around and people are bleeding out of their asses over game sense they never bothered to pick up
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Lethal helmet is neat but not exactly flashy. Fall of Atreus ended up being the most difficult because there always has to be a guy up on the control platform when the battery charges. Many examples of gameplay mechanics forcing people to split up, which wrecks squad cohesion.

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