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Previous: >>498803027

>[Event] Halloween Rebellion of 108! A Dragon Girl's Water Margin
2024-10-11 01:00 - 10-31 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Halloween Rebellion of 108! Huyan Zhuo Pickup Summon
2024-10-11 01:00 - 10-31 20:59 PDT

>[Campaign] "Main Interlude: Great Void Sea Battle, Imaginary Scramble - To the Surface, Nautilus!"
2024-10-07 21:00 - 10-31 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] "Main Interlude: Great Void Sea Battle" Release Celebration Pickup Summon
2024-10-07 21:00 - 10-18 20:59 PDT

>[Campaign] "Halloween Rebellion of 108! A Dragon Girl's Water Margin" Pre-Release Campaign
2024-10-07 21:00 - 10-27 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/puv2s2.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

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Lip love!
I don't see Huhan in that image
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She's lizard's best friend
Liz sex
dumbass dog the bread has to be humid
a sandwich of that size will dry up like the Sahara before the third bite
I got two 5 star CE. What happens if I mix them together?
I think this event has a higher chance than usual. Probably because there's 3 different ones idk
Mustard gas
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stop urinating in public sis
yeah start pissing on me instead
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there's definitely an increased rate
I've spent some apples and already gotten like 8 drops
Is oberon anon here?
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Take it easy kyodai, no need to rush the event!
Fuck you guys
I play on two different accounts and I got zero drops so far...
It's not a lotto anyway, the gains aren't even that big.

>I play on two different accounts
Why tf do you play two accounts
I guess I can cast gandr. Now you'll all be sorry
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I could be 6ceing this node with another shuten ce drop
I made an alt to replay through the story.
The gains are way better than Morganfest's shitter drops though
I'm dumping apples here and coasting by till Illyafest
i love your guides on youtube liz, your atlantis and olympus comps really helped me, keep it up
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Do it again, I'm trying to sleep but my neighbors are being loud as shit.
you know you can just read it in the My Room materials, right?

or do you mean you actually wanted to play play it?
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Okay this actually kinda soul
wow this liz is very nice
Damn you!
My balls are fine tho
>Huyan has no interludes or strenghenings to this day in JP
>complete the story
>tear up at Liz recreating Mt. Liang in the simulator and awaiting new outlaws
Bros, should I kill myself?
Everyone knows play playing it is way better. What's the point in reading if you don't get to kick Goetia or Kirsch's shit in?
She's been making a come back last year slightly
>going through part 1 again
what a degenerate
Nobody has had an interlude in the last 2 years
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At least in terms of pure story content, interludes can be misleading since servants can have a decent sized role in others (like Martha in Gogh's second one or whatever). I'm more curious about appearances in general, but I assume Huyan isn't doing great in that either
I didn't cry but I def felt a twinge of sadness which is more than I've felt towards an event story since, idk, CCC?
There's actually five more interludes but go on misinfo king
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Seek the lord
I know she gets a big role next summer but that's it
Doesn't help that this year in JP is ALL collabs so FGO originals are getting shafted hard
I'll be honest, I skipped all the story up to London.
I wanted to redo boss fights using low rarity servants. I'm having fun desu.
Okay, you know what? Fair enough. If you're having fun, that's what counts.
What do you want? She's a quick servant with a niche who can 6ce loop, that's more than 90% of them
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>/alter/sisters are now resorting to witchcraft
What's the easiest way to do the 90++ node?
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Bobby Sith (BG), Morgan Hill, Peggy S.Sadki, and Daleron.
He's not wrong, we went two years without interludes. Its only very recently they finally decided to add one or two more.
Post-America part 1 is great
Most servants didn't. We have had a huge interlude hiatus that was broken only recently in JP.
They're old crones to start with. That's why they're here.

The shuten CE doesn't need to be lv100. Mine is lv 25 and liz clears fine. Also, the append charge doesn't need to lv9 either. You just need a total of 30% charge.
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>Third ascension Bob
>new /soc/alter thread
>everyone still too afraid to meet up
Why is this general so autistic compared to any on /vg/?
I liked this liz a lot more than I expected. She was super fun.
getting serious about those summoning catalysts now
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>but I assume Huyan isn't doing great in that either
She's niche popular but she's not unpopular
Last summer, and that one radio thing gave her some real shilling. Its clear from fan reaction she's a character who could easily be popular if her writer gave more of a shit, her small scene in fairy summer made her one of the more popular characters that summer.
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Umm Lizkeks? I thought you loved her?
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I'm conducting a survey
On a scale from 1 to 10, 10 being the flattest, just how flat do you like your girls?

Ain't nobody made the Bobby Sith meme real, so she stays in 3rd.
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10 out of 10
10. This might also have something to do with why I like traps and femboys.
the perfect breast is your lover's breast bro
Billy, Liz, Dumb Skadi, Oberon.

Billy doesn't even need MLB BG.
>everyone still too afraid to meet up
Why do you keep using this cope? There have been people interacting with each other trading discord details and there have been people who talked about meeting up for those in the same country/ region.
Maybe people just didn't want to meet you specifically.
A. We just got a batch like a month ago in NA
B. We still get Sheba in November
C. They've done two more batches of interludes in JP as of today which are factually in less than 2 years
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>the perfect breast doesn't exist
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I added the people that posted their Discord info last time and they were all incredibly boring and uninteresting, it's not worth going into those threads
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I like 10s, 9s, 8s, 7s, 6s, 5s, 4s, 3s, 2s, 1s and 0s.
I also like big areola, small areola, big nipples, small nipples, inverted nipples, puffies, saggers, real or fake.
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0 because why not, but breast size isn't a dealbreaker for me
link it
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A woman has to have some level of chest or I completely disregard them
It can be a modest chest but it cannot be a washboard. Those are my terms
Mine is 54 and Liz clears fine in the Billy setup, I was raising it to see if I could get a clean clear using Kuro and Castoria but decided to just switch to Billy and Summer Skadi instead, the latter is better at buffing Buster (Liz) than Castoria is.
Sorry for not being a clown for you anon.
1 or 10 and nothing in between
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Looks like witches are real, time to get myself a Virgilia gf.
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>why do anonymous posters on an anonymous image board want to remain anonymous
Gee, I wonder why...
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Whatever number this is
Why go to a meetup thread if you don't want to meetup?
I don't browse /soc/, sis.
>having interests outside of anime and video games makes you a clown
lol lmao even
>having interests outside of anime and video games makes you a clown
Well? Share them
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Did you guys know it's possible to summon Apoc Jack in real life? In Thai black magic, there's this thing called Kuman thong where you basically make use of part of a dead baby/aborted fetus to summon its spirit to be your familiar. In Indonesian black magic, it's called a tuyul, similar deal, a child spirit that acts as your familiar. So easy, don't even need to conduct a grail war to do so! You guys should try it. I heard the Jackfag's success in life is attributed to having summoned several Jacks.
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It's amazing how there are characters who are no bad at all, yet they never receive any attention from fgo writers.
At least it's not balloons I guess
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0. Massive milkers all the way.
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Bros... Our cat ladies are actually insane.
Haven't seen lotto fairy in a bit
Huyan Zhou is utter shit though.
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I can fix them.
0 is Passionlip
Pretty sure Ati shared some 90++ comps earlier today.
That's just women in general
She's an okay looper.

That's it.
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>we live in a world with 3D shuten
maybe things aren't that bad bros
>Chaldea brings a clump of evil spirits back because they have to watch over them
How do none of them think this is a bad idea
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>/alter/ posters are insane
Thanks for the deduction, Lizlock Holmes.
He's fast asleep by now bro
its ok, we got a bunch of good spirits keeping them on watch
I don't understand it... I liked the story, during my first year playing FGO, I did find it retarded that part about Boudica and Nero when I read about the manga, a while later, but honestly other than that I don't remember any other part that felt as bad as I've read people complaining.

Has anyone have any other example of "bad parts" in part 1?
The fact that EVERYONE is keeping an eye on them.
These guys are small potatoes compared to the actual beasts running around
She is gonna peg him
halloween events aren't canon, who cares
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liz and her mighty lizard bellow
They're just small time corrupt bureaucrats. We've had serial killers and bona fide wraths like Jack in our chaldea since like year 1. Then we also have figures with ties to edlritch entities among other things.
i can take completely flat but i like chippai
something like the stuff sugofire makes
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I'll take that too. Bigger the the better, but I'm happy if they're just big.
0 Absolute ginormous mamaries is a must.
animation update when...
Too flat is just a man's chest
Too big is just an obese woman
i dont know
from jack (she has small breasts) / shuten size to large but not saggy and gross and full of veins size (something like maybe boudica)
you go and put that in numbers
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I like mine
when will this shit gachq die after ruining the fate series DIE DIE DIE DIE FUCKING DIE DIE ALREADY DIE DIE
I found her trying to sing the Niggerman pancake cute.
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sorry we killed your general bro
(not really LMAO)
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They are so fucking weak even the weakest servant in Chaldea could solo them.
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she is very large therefore she is very spooky yes
Anytime is a good time.
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>This thread
Where is the amakuso fags with his Dark Jesuit sorcery screencap?
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This isn't dark jesuit sorcery, this is just crazy cat ladies larping and chasing after their teenage goth days
well it's halloween so it fits?
Great game Fate Grand Order
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like a 2 or 3. there is such a thing as too big. Okita anri at the end of her JAV career was the optimal size. After she had a kid they gew to be too much for me personally.
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It has cute girls whom I like to look at
Why does this guy make shuten's boobs so big
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She's got modest pokies
Hard to express that with a 3D model without it looking flat I think
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how do you farm the last map from the dragon liz event?
I suck at trying to farm there
Or tell me which map would be the best to farm the stuff to buy things at the shop, and also what team/strategy would be the best to finish it faster.
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Just use liz
If it's gotta be c cups or flat give me flat
but who else would be good to party/support her?
up till now I just used double castoria and berserker musashi to breeze it all (sometimes also added a lady avalon for the extra arts bonus)
Billy + Pretender Liz + Summer Skadi + Oberon
a liz is fine too...
Kuro (MLB BG) + P.Liz + Castoria + Oberon
any order of attacks/NP/skills to be used there?
why billy thou?
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thanks, this sounds feasible
my liz skill is just 6, I hope it also works with that
>new event
>think about all the biiiig bond points I'll be getting
>give it 2 seconds of thought and realize the 90++ is at best 5% more AP efficient than just running 2 855s
>become sad
>repeat forever
Billy (append unlocked, leveled to 4), Liz (MLB NP charge CE), Summer Skadi, Oberon
>Skadi drops all buffs to Billy, plugsuit to Oberon, Oberon uses 1st skill, Liz uses 1st and 2nd skill
>Billy NP
>Liz 3rd skill
>Liz NP
>Billy NP charge, Oberon 2nd skill, Oberon 3rd skill, MC buff
>Billy NP

Guaranteed clear even without a MLB BG.
>why billy thou?
Because it werks
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also thank you
but sadly I haven't leveled my billy yet
I'm the kind of idiot which normally ignores 3 stars and under (except my favorites).
>why billy
Do you want to use an English fairy whore, or ALL-AMERICAN FIREPOWER OF FREEDOM?
like a 3
You should level all servants, even the garbage ones, just for the SQ
mosquito bites
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He's easy to raise, you should do it.
Kuro is only 1/3 of those things though
She doesn't charge
She has the same charge as Billy.
50% mana transfer bruv
Replace Kuro with Heph and that's what I've settled on, with Zenobia and Molay eating up free bond
I'm only running the red bonus CE since I don't have any need for QP or embers
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The real value of 90++ is the new mats farming
No, she's doesn't charge money for sex, she's not a whore, she's a slut
Oh right. Carry on then
kek and based sluts
She charges magical energy not money
Bob did the same thing since there's no currency system in LB6
They are the same
a lot of artist get filtered by melu and her
Do you like to eat Mackerel everyday bro?
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she filters my dick
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Ok I'm here
She doesn't charge. She just takes it
So does the government
It's still listed as a charge
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my cock goes inside miyu
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holy sex
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Comfy mother and daughter 90++ gaming
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I'm on my way.
lmao based
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peak eroticism
holy shit lol
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Please don't post ooc fanart
Where do you even find girls like this?
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let her cook
What's ooc about it?
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>Proverbs 18 and 19
>May your fountain be blessed, and may you rejoice in the wife of your youth.
>A loving doe, a graceful deer— may her breasts satisfy you always, may you ever be intoxicated with her love.
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Choices are hard
Which of the lostbelts had the darkest history in your opinion?
For me, lb6 because obviously there are the fairies who are totally inhuman beings.
Smelling Jalter's sweaty boobs.
LB1 because everyone turned into furries.
not gonna pick LB6 since thats a cheat answer and it looked happy and nice to be in on the surface. would go with LB1 cause of the permanent ice age weather being super shitty and everyone hating living in the lostbelt
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Found a 5CE 90++ comp that avoids using a meta support of your own if you're one of those autistic bond savers
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Jacking to Jack
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>A loving doe
>Guda is “Reindeer” to Lily
Neck yourself pedoshitter
holy based
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Fuck fanart police, post whatever you like
This is just out of curiosity, how does the Fifth Singilarity, E Pluribus Unum, have a Humanity Foundational Rank of A+? That implies it's really important to the overall improvement of ALL of humanity, but really it was just the Civil War in North America. So how does a nation's Civil War account as being for the progression of the whole world?
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Just woke up, what did I miss?
The wonderful world of magic
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On singularity 7 and this fucking underworld quest is dragging on and on
global logistics and significance leading up to america's computing dominance
The task farming also brings value to it as well.
The founding of America is supremely important for the world, much to Nasu's annoyance.
Summer Skadi is a meta support
you dodged getting hexed by crazy cat ladys
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she thinks its awesome
Zenobia's digestive process is still undergoing even as a servant bros
Nasu seethes and copes about America.
Don't worry, you are safe.
Be careful on that Molay command code quest bros, those dolls will fuck you up if you go in blind
I went in blind and it was fine.
Quick is its own way of playing the game and its own archetype, therefore it is meta. It is working for this 90++, so it's meta within the confines of this event and also enables efficient 6CE farming outside events as well, including 90++ lotteries. It is not the strongest card play style meta, but it is part of the game's metagame.
Just 3turned it with Bob. Vritra quest for the lore is much more dangerous if you go in blind.
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Your favorite has a command code, right? Even this guy has one.
I've been running double goghs + yang for all those quests. Just crit everything, including the CQ
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Kinda ye
This but with Voyager, Goho is simply the best...
Martha has two related to her, technically.
Speaking of Molay, what was she talking about with Moriarty? He mentioned a “Jinhuan Sanjie” but she didn’t know who that was.
Apparently some three kingdoms guy
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what the FUCK is a command code
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thats a lady
who the fuck is that
surprisingly no
but my second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and so on all do
The new 4* from this event we’re having right now.
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Goodnight alter
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Who can you tell if a compliment is real?
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You put that on your Eresh, right?
hey nice typing bro
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Literal retard
Think about it
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Night night
how can you think what a tell compliment really was? truly a beginning thought huh?
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Check out the line-up!
Pretty cool family.
Cute latelet
A tin of packed fish in my pantry is rumbling right now
At a certain point you kind of just have to know whether or not whatever is being complimented is actually noteworthy, right? It's probably a mix of that and discerning tone.
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You can’t say the truth in earnest even if your reward for doing so was reuniting with Titania!
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Of course I did.
Three if you count the tarasque one
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I can't believe I saw someone grail this guy before I saw a grailed Liz or Huyan
>2nd ascension Hijikata
Fucking weird, it’s like a 1st ascension DUDE
What three? There's just the staff and Tarasque right?
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Soon™ it will be here and her new CE.
>still no Ban servant
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On a scale of 1-10, how retarded am I for wanting this? It will see use.
You do you man, there’s people here who buyfag loli figurines and dakis
Not at all. I'd be interested in buying one as well. those circular parts on the hilt look a little off though.
As long as the quality is sound, why not? Cool piece to display or use for cosplay.
Cool sword desu
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One day we may...
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>ban servant
sir, your Kama?
I wouldn't buy it unless it was a full tang. Half tang is way too likely to break.
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5ce zako.
I have a NP3 Bob that's at 9/9/9 from my Oberon rolls, can that 6CE?
Hi bob, what’s up?
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Actually it's 6CE.
>10 turns
Based. /alter/ is 6ce only general.
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I think we can agree here
>10 turns
Take your time lmao
Will it hurt your savings?
If not then go for it. I would recommend doing it yourself but that would end up being more expensive
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Thankfully I have a BobGOD on my friends list with a fully maxed out Bob, allowing me to 6CE.
Why should he be doing 6CE?
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Well, I'll at least ask for some measurements. Bought a foam prop sword before and it was MUCH smaller than I thought it would be.
Ask about the tang too.
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good morning
Thanks, I'll ask about that too
I know you know, but on the off chance anyone doesn't know
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>done with the story
>done with cq
>2 weeks of automata the same node
I can't remember the last mission based event we had, or the last fun raid for that matter. Case Files doesn't count, that was a re-run.
jalter isn't from fate stay night
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good moming
Basedman showing how it's done. Plebs will never understand the pleasure of unga-bunga'ing with your faves.
yes, BUT
from tthe front or back?

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