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Previous: >>498747346

>Faerie Sugoroku: Insect Cage Game - For a Yet Unseen Perfect You:
●Event period: October 16 ~ November 6 JST (3 weeks).
▶Requirement: Clear Lostbelt 4 Yuga Kshetra.
▶Complete missions to advance in the story.
▶Stormpods quests they will have their ap consumption halved.
▶RT Campaign: 14 SQ.
▶Strengthening for 4*Archer Emiya, 4*Saber Yagyū Munenori and 3*Caster Geronimo.
▶Spiritron Dress for: 5*Alter Ego Kazuradrop.
▶The summoning probability of 4*Moon Cancer Kishinami Hakuno will be three times higher than in a normal Friend Point Summon.
-This gacha will be separate from the normal friend points summon and no other 4*Servant will be summonable.

>Fairy Sugoroku Kazuradrop PU summon:
●October 16 ~ November 6 JST.
5*Alter Ego Kazuradrop (limited)
4*Saber Yagyū Munenori (story locked)
4*Archer Emiya (permanent)
3*Caster Geronimo (permanent)

>Fairy Sugoroku Insect Cage Game pre-campaign:
●October 9 ~ 23 JST.
▶Login Bonus: 3 SQ, 7 Spiritvein Stones, 10 3*Fou-kun (5ATK, 5HP) and 2M QP.
▶The interludes for bonus servants will be open to all players and the AP cost will be halved.
▶The AP cost for strengthening quest for bonus servants will be halved.
▶The chances of obtaining a great/super success when strengthening a bonus servant will be double.
▶Bonus servants will have bond gain increased by 20% (~Oct 16).

>30 Million Downloads Celebration Campaign:
●October 4 ~ November 30 JST.
See OP >>497212067

>Rerun of previous Milestone Campaigns PU Summon:
●October 6 ~ November 1 JST.
▶Each servant will rotate every day. For the full schedule, see the link below.

>Lostbelt No.5 Clear Support Campaign:
●October 1~31 JST.
See OP >>496833712

>Pastebin for utility links:
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underdeveloped tiddies turns me into a beast
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I have yet to play this event, has any of them appeared?
For her size she's kinda developed
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today is the day
+1200sq for 3 copies
This is for Winterfest anon, nothing to do with the current event

meltbros...its over
good luck Abbybro
Good luck!
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Good luck bro
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Kazura is easily my favorite servant released in 2024. This is the reason I am unable to roll more than 1 copy of her.
Good luck.
>Character who's whole deal is stealing from her sisters steal moves from her sisters
There was no way of knowing this could have happened.
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bestboy is so cute
I can't tell if that's clever or lazy.
Oh wait. Of course I know.
It makes logical sense, and it's not like they could just copy the animation with the size difference. They'd have to do it all by hand either way.
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You've also yet to learn katakana apparently
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silly shishou
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Where the fuck is Melt!?
Devoured by Kazura.
Dodging the story clearly.
hope you get fucked
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The reason why Andromeda exists in the first place. It is inevitable.
Tonight Oberon will make us lose right?
If you get all your copies of Abby early do you plan on blowing any of it on Kazuradrop cunnychad?
Next year is our year Protobros (repeated for the 9th time)
for me? it's Enkidu
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most likely or maybe a copy of melusine (she's np2)
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>using the pregnant Purin fanart for the CE
But seriously, I want this collab. Give us Moses too.
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Good luck Abbybro. Can I add you as friend?
Sure, bro!
send me your code
abby np3 120 on all
No matching user found...
Oh my bad, I thought this was /alter/ jajaja
>GAR get a skill interlude
>on his evade
>didn't change it to raw ass and buff it into anti-purge
Missed the opportunity so badly that I almost puked
>got 60 sq
>didn't get Kazuhadrop
I don't know what I was expecting
7 mb update on just a tips news.
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Give us Big Ajax you cowards
u have fallen to his shit neither na have this code
That's not a tip, that's an entire shaft.
how big
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I'm thinking it's gotta be mai foggsu~
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i'm just a girl
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I'm more of a dog person myself.
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How strong is her pussy smell?
I'm not sure what I want to PEROPEROPEROPERO first her pits, face, chest, or thighs.
>Rinfags get a generic arts looper after 4 years
>Sakurafags get a generic arts looper followed by a unique quick support/AOE DPS
It's just not fair...
What are you even complaining about?
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Gains 3 critical stars.
If self has Lawful Alignment, increases own critical damage by 10%
If self has Chaotic Alignment, increases own NP generation rate by 5%.
Which alignment servant will you pick?
You let him hit it raw
You didn't have second thoughts
Now you're a single mom~
Now you're a single mom~
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I love Okita and her cute butt
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My daughter is to talanted!
That's a child! Would you do that to a child!?
Evil rapist
As opposed to a good rapist?
The only thing that can take down a bad rapist is a good rapist, anon. Someone who provides proper, home-grown artisanal rape.
but Nasu hates her...
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Nobu was right, Okita did seduce me with her thighs (and butt)
I can't take her seriously after the last Gudaguda anymore. Not complaining though.
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Forgot pic related
Redline Okita is so sexxo
she has always been a comic relief character
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Do you think we could have fixed every a team member eventually? Even beryl?
This needs an anime
Shitty event
Shitty general
>Magic Resistance: EX
>In the future, the arcane has been elucidated and there's nothing left to disclose. Her anti-magecraft protections are perfect.
So does this mean that no Magecraft (including from the likes of Solomon, Morgan or Merlin) could do anything to her? Could she tank Morgan's Rhongo since it's made out of Magecraft?
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my husband
>Do you think we could have fixed every a team member eventually?
No. Stop being so conflict averse. Besides, you doomed entire timelines each time you killed a LB. There's no point in the Crypter surviving that when you've just erased a civilization.
I like to think so. Most of them just needed a friend, or at the very least, someone that wouldn't make them put up walls. Not to mention Kirsch and Daybit already saw you as an equal, so the seeds were there.
Though I'm doubtful of Beryl. He has no interest in being better but maybe with enough manhandling and being kept on a short leash might make him learn to yield once in a while.
Yeah, BB practically shits on every Magi who doesn't have big energy beams
That depends on how Nasu feels to wank her on that day
After ruler ordeal call:
You want to save A-team? Lmao, how about NOPE?
The best thing I can do is let A-team show up in the final battle for a short period of time.
They will say their farewell and disappear.
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Beryl will be corrected by being obsessed with (You) instead of Mashu
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selfcest is so hot
Is it Gudaguda yet?
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>literally the ending of last year April Fools where they're all saying goodbye
Isn't Daybit still alive?
He's dead but not really. Resting in the afterlife of his husband.
Daybits is stuck at Mictlan.

After he's rested, I'll have him get back into battle.
Basically just a stop off on the road, this place.
One to prepare you for the next battle, yeah?
>we got ciel/aoko/kazuradrop/summer ereshkigal in one year
Is it me or are they just throwing out the most wanted servants before EoS?
A lot of people already pointed out they're pumping the hell out of never evers and collabs this year because part 2 is ending soon.
So you've finally noticed
U-Olga this New Years
>tfw he's the only Crypter without wounded sprite as for now
S-surely he'll be okay right...???
that means no part 3 right?
Otherwise they'd have no reason to do that
To be fair KD and Violet were datamined almost a decade ago. They just didn't know where to put them.
I would prefer Atlas Kirschtaria over U Olga
>the most wanted
We're not done with the Olga filler quests
Kirschtaria is never getting playable so Olga it is
>S-surely he'll be okay right...???
Daybits: Sit and stare at the campfire and do nothing.
Final battle, IT'S DAYBITS.
Daybits: Shoot or purely punch the final boss.
The remaining A-team: ...
who's more wanted aside from solomon
Personally I want to see Daybit doing something like Capoeira style fight but his body looks too stiff to do it
Solomon isn't wanted in the first place
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I'd rather see more historical figures than Nasu's OC's.
>historical figures
We don't do that here
Dad!! When am I going to collect the third Baby U olga-shattered cookie quest?
ok bro, here is your obscure japanese writer again, hope you like it
Abe no Seimei
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Abe no Seitoria... see?
It's Merlin and he's been playable since 2016
Rabu, you're just cosplaying.
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9 years later and mission based events still don't let you claim all at once and you're stuck waiting for new thing to load after each claim.
Please understand this is only the 4th mission based event this year, Lasengle needs more time
Bros there are ayylmaos in front of my neighbor's house
shoot them
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honestly i'd love an assassin boudica. it's the only slot i don't have planned to max yet.
with your
Most of this shit is Nasu related, and I think that Part 3 or not he wants to at least ties his own loose ends before that.
We still know fuck all about what will happen beyond ending part 2 in 2025. In a normal situation, you'd think a company would be rushing to let its customers know that they're planning a next big arc. This radio silence (relatively speaking) makes it seem like they either have no plan at all or really intend to call it quits with part 2 by next year.
I'm expecting maintenance mode for a year then eos
They already said that there's going to be a 11th anniversary so they're not going to end the game before 2027, I guess.
>next big arc
What enemies do we even have left after this
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why is he half naked
true daemons
The ayys who built the moon cell
The ayys' headquarters that the greek gods hailed from
Apparently the chinese gods pantheons are also robots, so we can fight those too
Kissing Kadoc's moles!
So... half naked Gordy next?
Kadoc honestly looks hotter than guda, no wonder people prefer him
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Nah, he's got those old-fashioned onesies on
He has the advantage of not being drawn by takeuchi
Half-naked Crypters...
He's like those shy fat kids at the pool that wears a shirt. Cute
I think Kazuradrop real goal was to give us summer Kadoc all along after plenty bitched about his absence. what a fucking bro, that Sakuraface.
I want to see Daybit in this outfits
His artist is really good.
Had a hot Goetia/Solomon yaoi before being officially hired.
he's lowkey serving Megaman...
Nobody gives a shit about Brolga bro. Give it a rest. Solomon trends every new year and anniversary for a reason.
>game to be a 'dad'
>instead is an extensive vacation with activities with Kadoc with Gordolf and Oberon (feat)
>Solomon trends [Headcanon]
Who? You?
Why did we go to a sauna?
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News doko?
Newfag. There'sa reason why nobody even remembers Olga. She's a meme only pushed by Trashu. Not even with megashilling her people give a fuck about her clownish ways. I'm sure she'll be just a freebie rolled in the fp gacha.
Why not? Saunas are based.
I'm wondering the correlation this has with being a 'dad'.
that's definitely a dadlike thing to do
A good dad is patient!
Here I would like to show you how patiently dad endures the hot sauna.
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>dangerous driving kadoc
>apron kadoc
>swimsuit kadoc sweaty in the sauna
Sisters we dodged a bullet of having him around that shitty summer event shared with a pool of boring as fuck Servants to get prime food with him with a very small cast
Daybit has 3 dads???
>nip artists I'm following freaking out about kadoc's moles
I see
feels like muryan wants the 'dads' to fuck each other. next test will be showing their sexual prowess by sucking each other's dicks.
Kadoc, no...
Ty Zura. Just one more step and Kadoc will
what about his moles?
This alien brat need platonic bond correction
Erotic or whatever
>mfw this is just like Osakabehime's doujins!
can you skip the kadoc stuff if you're male or is it for both masters
Kadoc will WHAT. Finish that sentence.
You're the one who brought up Brolga, I just said Solomon was not anticipated.
You're gonna look at Kadoc's body and you're going to like it.
Nice event fujo niggers
You're wrong. Solomon has been anticipated since the double Koyan year. Like trended over her before she was revealed twice. You have to be fucking retarded to think he's not. Ever since then he trends in every anniversary and new years.
This scene is definitely getting a lot of fanart in a specific way.
>everyone comments how (you) and Kadoc have a perfect personality match
BBbros? Wasn't this our "shipping" event?
>even more headcanons
>Kazura was chilling with a barrier as Kadoc and (You) get steamed like veggies
Lil turd
Muryan is going to be cast as a shipper for sure. Trying to make her dolls kiss. I've seen a couple of this placing them in a toy car.
Nope, you still end up in the sauna with them since you all wear swimsuits
Ignore the shitposter from alter.
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Please consider sex with the banana
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It's a test. "Papa has super endurance." So everyone goes to the sauna. Oberon's sucking his popsicle inside, by the way. Very kind of Kazuradrop to supply him that and swimsuits for everyone.
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The true banana
Stop samefagging

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