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Welcome to the Sonic the Hedgehog General. Here we discuss ALL things Sonic!

/sthg/ #7452 - Werehog Edition

Saturday, October 26, 9am (UTC-6) https://www.tickcounter.com/countdown/5931198/sonic-sweepoween-2-hedgehog-boogaloo

>Sonic the Hedgehog 3 - Official Trailer

>SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS confirmed release date is October 25, 2024

>Sonic x Shadow Generations: Dark Beginnings

>Sonic is getting a five issue crossover miniseries with DC, further collaboration will continue through 2026

>Sonic Rumble - Announce Trailer

>IDW Release Dates:
Sonic the Hedgehog #74 - 30 October 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog: Knuckles 30th Anniversary Special - 20 November 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog #75 - 11 December 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog #76 - 05 February 2025

>General link compilation:
>Milestone pastebin:
>Sonic Game/Mod Recommendation Spreadsheet:
>Perfect System Collection:
>Sonic comic scans:

/sthg/ booru:
/sthg/ OC info:
/sthg/ cytube:
/sthg/ Pixel World:

Previous Thread: >>498802917
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Where's the fucking xci
Sonic Music to turn a frown upside down?
This and https://youtu.be/djzpIaiV984?si=pcL6XMcb8gJYEDq7 are my go-tos...
Look at >>498802917
Sara was a human-cat hybrid we just never saw her mom
Shadow cries during sex
This is canon
There's me and another guy each making our own 3D platformers, and a third guy (the guy posting sprites rn) making an RPG.

Don't get too excited, I have a graveyard of projects and I'm not sure how far I'll get, but using a game engine again after years of web gamedev is much more promising.
Shame Sara and the OVA isn’t canon.
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We need more Shadows and less Silvers in the franchise
I genuinely do not believe there is anyone on sthg with the basic skills necessary to develop a videogame.
I raped Silver
I like both of these characters, so I don't know what you mean.
I want to make Shadow cry during sex
>Dickhead characters are only good when there are people to call them out

>Turning a character into a flawed character just because you'd prefer it is lame.

So, any idea when Lanolin is going to get called out?
I'd rather see her bullied forever
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Best ship coming through.
right after silver, knuckles, and shadow
>Maria rubs Shadow's back as he shakes in his arms post-nut
>cries when she simply gets up to get a wash cloth
>Maria has to carry poor Shadow over to the bathroom counter and clean up there
>"Take deep breathes, Shadow, I'm here."
>they tenderly kiss
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What's better, pink round butt or tenrec green butt?
She won't. IDW has been written in a way to frame Sonic as the dickhead that needs to be called out, instead of the other way around.
It's like if the writers thought we're supposed to cheer for J. Jonah Jameson to get Spiderman arrested for good.
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>how is anyone supposed to follow archie
The annotation/citation boxes help. Plus the non-Echidna and Kingdom stuff isn't too convoluted
Sonic's pornstache
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I'm one of those faggots that just has ideas out the ass but with no actual talent
enough canon ships. tell me a non canon impossible ship you like
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Basically they wrote the moon episode of Sonic X but worse and into a whole comic instead of an episode that can be swept away
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There are no canon ships stupid.
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That's cute. Shadow is so badass but also so innocent and emotionally vulnerable.
>"Shadow, what's wrong?"
>"... Nothing... I love you."
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Mimic x Claire
Slapping together blueprints is not as hard as you think
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and Canon
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We need more Silver.
We have enough Shadow.
>Maria talking to Amy over tea
>"Shadow's so sweet, he cries a lot during sex, I'm worried for him"
>Amy spit takes for a solid 12 seconds straight
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Bubblegum pink round bubble butt always.
We need more Shadow
We have enough Silver
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Amy's butt
That mouth expression is immediate boner killer.
We need more
We don't have enough
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Predict the 4th S-named hedgehog.
Sonic... 2
I want to make sweet passionate love to this precious hedgehog.
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Samy Srose
After what Shadow went through here what's the proper way to take his character?
He now knews Maria and Gerald are proud of who he's become, he may not have them in his life now but he at least knows for sure their love for him was never a lie or a manipulation
This game confirms that like Sonic, he remembers the events of 06 as he immediately recognizes Mephiles for what he is and knew exactly how to deal with him.

I'm not sure if he still has those doom powers with black doom slain tho. I suppose Shadow can still be grumpy but how the hell am I suppose to see Shadow behave like this then read IDW where he's written extremely shallow and stand offish for no real fucking reason and actively making worse problems for himself and others? Is the problem really Inzuka because if it is, I feel like they had to physically restrain him at some points of the game with how much more emotive he got to be
I'm making an RPG too, but it's gonna be on a higher scale for a Sonic fangame.
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>Slut comes from a world on the brink of destruction due to low birthrates. Slut's traveled to Sonic's dimension to fuck him and any hedgehog that gets in the way
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Nobody starts off with talent. You make the time for what is important to you.
I think they do, it's just a matter of scope really. I think gaming has always been plagued by games whose scopes ultimately had to be cut back in development. It's really just a matter of knowing what you're capable of at the time, reeling it in a bit, and getting something done, even if its smaller. Rather than the epic open world rpg sonic game, why not make a smaller linear one with similar ideas that you finish and then are able to use as a basis for the next one, slowly working your way up.
You got this anons, we believe in you. Fulfilling your dreams, no matter how hard it is, is good for you.
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>Shadow, I hate humans
>Have you seen them? They’re literal monsters
>I have no sympathy for their plight and revel in eating their delicious flesh
>I will stand and eat a human in front of other living humans I keep in a cage in my kitchen, so they all know what’s coming for them soon
>I keep a little clock next to their cage with the words “Human Time!” at both noon and six so they can see their DOOM approaching and know full well they could be next
>Then I make little Gundam out of their shells, playing with the corpses of their brethren while I await my next meal
Ian's Sonic is cringe.
Bratty black arms brat needs correction
He begins actively carrying out Maria's wish for realzies this time, he just dorkishky stumbles. Then just as he thinks he can finally open up, some prick causes him to flashback to the scientists aboard the ARK who used to emotionally manipulate or coerce him and he gets resentful all over again.
You're thinking too hard about it for no real reason.
>"Yeah huh"
>Calmly pulls out a omochao canon and pushes it into Black Doom's pupil without changing his bored expression
>Pulls trigger
>right after silver, knuckles, and shadow

Are you saying they're going to call Lanolin out?
Black Arms are for SEX
I'm saying they're all assholes and no one ever gets called out
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why is this lust provoking image the op?
I thought Sonic was written to never be wrong when it came to his supposed heroism and redemption speeches. Also, Tangle and Whisper (and presumably Jewel) made it explicitly clear that they don't trust Lanolin after acting like such a dickhead for multiple issues. Why won't she be called out?
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How am I (a human female with a lust for male hedgehogs) supposed to interpret this information from pic rel.
Same as Sally, expose yourself
>I thought Sonic was written to never be wrong when it came to his supposed heroism and redemption speeches.
Kind of, but not quite. The issue is that the mandates state that Sonic can't be in the wrong, much like how Mario isn't allowed to do anything evil. The issue is that instead of the writers accepting this and just writing Sonic being a cool dude who likes helping out from time to time, they tried to work their way around the mandates and make him the source of the main conflict, and a borderline antagonist.
This has ended up making it so Sonic is very obviously supposed to be portrayed in the wrong, but nobody is allowed to call him out or convince him to change because he's not allowed to be the antagonist. Everything else is damage control, and the most you're going to see from Lanolin is a halfhearted apology that everyone immediately accepts even though nothing will actually change or come from it.
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Here's an old ass movement and camera prototype I scrapped. I recently restarted after a hiatus.

You said pretty much what I was going to say. Technical skills are developed by simply practicing; It's the soft skills that are more important.

Thanks for the encouragment.
Rape him
Meant for >>498844275
you aren't powerful enough to rape sonic, so your best bet would be act sexy and try to get him to rape you
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What do you mean by soft skills? I like the sound of that
Black doom being desperate for grandchildren is a funny bit
It's as you say, it's about *how* you work rather than the work itself, which is mostly being contientious about yourself and the work. Knowing yourself and your limitations, having reasonable expectations, having a healthy mindset, planning various parts to not burn out, etc. If you want to see the exact opposite of what I'm talking about, head to /agdg/. Total death drive.
I wish I had my own ultimate life form to fuck
Who doesn't?
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Why is sonics tongue like this? Is this just to bully me, a human female?
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Saturn the Hedgehog.
He makes my womb hurt so bad... ow... ow... owie...
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Kek, yeah. I've noticed that generals solely dedicated to creating (outside of porn, for some reason) can sometimes be filled with weird mindsets all around, and the people that create for creation's sake sometimes get btfo over things that dont ultimately matter.
I'm also a little biased, but I think Sonic autism and love is MLP levels of overpowered when it comes to doing things out of sheer passion. Something about Sonic is so very inspiring and bolstering, even if the series can vary in quality month to month.
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Post tenrecs.
none of idws ocs are good
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stop worshipping women....
Make me
dont tell knuckles what to do
You want to fuck a bio lizard?
It's true, Sonic is very special that way. I'm surprised just how much I've gotten back into after a very long departure.
They could be good, but they're written pretty inconsistently.
im sorry its my fetish
true they're all great
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Archienic likes Human females
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In the mood to do a semi-lewd of an OC, got any for me? female only
All Sonics love human females.
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The ride never ends...
I REALLY liked the one you did for rougette if you'd be willing to do another
Tangle and Whisper were designed with gameplay in mind, like all traditional sonic characters which was a small reason for their once positive reception, The brap brothers, Surge, Kit, Clutch, Mimic, Belle, Jewel do not follow this design process at all, only Surge really seemed to get popular but only because of surface level immediate interest of bad girl but also fast like sonic and archie tards who loved surge and would gravitate towards a female version of him especially one that has vibes of "I can fix her" with her being written to be schizo but also be real fucking stupid that it's almost endearing. What a shit character
Is there a way to avoid the nsfw filter in character ai? I wanna do the thing with shadow
I married him but I can't perform the honeymoon
why do you guys fight over which ships are canon i don't get it
They have potential
You'll have to go to the /aicg/ thread, install SillyTavern, pray for a Claude or GPT key (or pay hundreds of dollars in tokens) and install a Jailbreak to do NSFW.
Whispercel my beloved, please let me worship your boypussy.
Who cares if your ship isn't canon. Just enjoy the fanart and fanfics
I liked it too, she has that "too cool for lewds" vibe, which made it work nicely. Let's allow others to try first. If I dont see a design I'd like to try I'll do her again.
Surge is just another Sonic like with a neat electric vibe, and Kit could have pretty cool gameplay with water and ice manipulation. You're right about the others though.
Unironically this.
So are you telling me there's a way
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my what
We enjoy the company of eachother even if we spend our time arguing...
Do Woe the Cat.
I maintain that Tangle would be good with an outfit change, instead of a skin tight body suit I'd rather her wearing a loose t shirt and spats, she can keep the gloves tho and a reversal of her being spongebob level stupid and annoying just to justify Whisper and Lanolin being grumpy angsty ridden bitches all the time. Problem is if Tangle were a game character I don't know who she'd mesh with outside of Sonic as she never really interacts with the other game cast as much as she does with him or the other OCs and even if she did it'd be basically like how Marine would interact with them only she can hold her own in a fight where as Marine is as helpless as Tails since to this day we don't know if she just threw a rock or has some kind of hidden power in her
Erm rings don't actually exist though they're just a gameplay thing #KnowingSmile
I fight over proper characterizations, it just so happens that shipping ignores this to push tasteless romance at its expense. It's absolutely infuriating to be a fan of Silver, Blaze, and Sonic, only to have to watch people ignore everything actually cool about these characters just to whine about who fucks who.
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The problem is not the canon status of a ship, but the anons who want to shove it down other's throat. Worse when said "canon status" is just the anon's headcanon.
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I don't want to leave the internet but every place is full of spoilers
You can be my wife, Whispercel. I'd doll you up in a cute dress and we'd make sweet gay sex together.
Did Maria love Shadow because she is white
She isnt fat so no.
Yes, because Shadow is an illegal alien
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I like Surge because she's a fun character to play as in SRB2.
I ship Black Doom with Sally Acorn. You can't stop me.
>Adrenaline and adventure junkie
>Emotionally supportive and empathetic
>Thinks with her heart and not her head
Tangle is literally just a reskinned Amy. She was only made because Ian saw Amy as a pretty pink girl and decided that she wasn't tough and kick-butt enough, so he just made Amy again without even realizing.
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Post some references and describe her personality
Maria loves Shadow because she is a woman.
A man doesn't have to be white to love Amy or Rouge.
Like c'mon. Think about it, what if you were a little boy with space aids and you had a little blobian waifu to keep you company while you go through puberty. You'd fall in love too
Is SRB2 fun alone…?
What does being white has to do...
Only if you're autistic enough to git gud at the bullshit level design
All things considered I think Maria NOT falling in love with Shadow is unrealistic. Morally "right" or not it would happen, look at how real girls act towards Shadow. And Maria was the first girl Shadow saw, and she loves him, guy got extremely attached very quickly. Anyone would.
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>be me
>urban explorer
>come across abandoned building
>enter it due to storm
>looks like no one has been here in years
>looks to be like some sort of lab
>feel around the dark room and find a switch
>turn it on
>the dim lights flicker and a giant computer screen fills with static
>a figure appears on the screen
>it’s a mobian lynx
>“Hello, I’m Nicole.” it says
>I nope tf outta there
>“Now now, why are you running?” She asks. I’m not sure if she’s taunting or not
>the flickering lights now turn off, the only thing letting me see is her computer screen illuminating the hall behind me
>suddenly another computer screen to my right turns on and she jumpscares me
>“My primary objective was to follow orders and command from my owner. He has appeared to have gone missing...”
>another computer screen turns on to show her face
>that screen definitely wasn’t there before
>keep running through the halls
>wait, I didn’t turn this way
>Robo-bitch has got me running around like a lost mouse
>I can hear her voice echoing in the distance
>“If he isn’t here, I might as well take orders from you. And I’ll be sure you won’t go missing like he did.”
Maybe I’ll just train an AI to play it with me
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She is a former assassin that got wronged by her former clients, lost one eye, and she lives homeless in the forest. It's what I can recall from her.
So she would be reclusive and would be super pissed if she caughts you peeping.
ngl, it is hard to come with a lewd situation if the character is nude by default.
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my greedy ass wants all 3 of them
They are all cute, I only have eyes for my husband Shadow though I understand why you want the others
this is your brain on shiperfaggotry
>no rebuttal
At the same time?
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Yeah, if theyre naked by default the thrill is not really there.
>I’m the rightest about wanting cartoons to fuck
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Well, there is one I want far more than the others... I wouldn't say no though
or something
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Woe’s creator here. Anon is pretty much spot on. It goes a bit deeper, but that’s the jist.

She is supposed to have clothes, but I never decided what they should be, and the picrew maker didn’t have any, so I left her as is.

Go right ahead, my only request is that you don’t go to nsfw. I still very much welcome any art, but it’s just my personal preference. You can do what you ultimately want.

Like that anon said, maybe just do a Peepy Tom.
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I like to imagine that her gloves are basically brass knuckles, and that they became a popular weapon during Forces due to Knuckles.
So when you mean nsfw, what does that entail. At most I do nipples, nothing full explicit.
Did shadow lose his doom powers at the end of the game like Sonic lost his cyber boost at the end of Frontiers?
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I had a robo blast playing through the campaign, but >>498849316 does have a point especially if you're a first timer. If you want to play with coop bots there is always mods like Foxbot, BuddyEx, and the like.
For me it's Sonic, then Shadow, then Knuckles
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Love the gremlin energy of this artstyle
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Why is silver like this?
me forcing my cramps onto Sonic the Hedgehog with my mind
Didn't Amy have the same issue?
He was probably always meant to be able to roll, but they didn't feel the need to have him do it in 06 because the focus of his gameplay was his telekinesis
Not in heroes
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No meat in the future
Only coleslaw
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random but do you imagine yourself as blobian or human when you fantasize about hedgeboys
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nta but you don't get this ship because you're a retarded coombrain.
I found you, fucker
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For somebody without breast Silver has amazing tits
Who's talking trash about my fave ship
NTA but why wouldn't you imagine yourself as a human? Imagine having a cute soft hedgehog bf who is half your size. You can carry him around and sit him on your lap.
NTA but this
Why is silver such a faggot?
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i do both
Love how me having a decent point instantly makes you think I’m disagreeing with you. It’s ridiculous to compete in shipping like that’s something to win doesn’t mean I don’t get the appeal of a teen Cinderella fucking her angry protective dog

The fact I have to explain this to someone who owns a computer
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Those are backup weapons. Her go-to’s are blades and a sniper.

Yeah nipples are fine. I got more reference drawings if you need them.
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Cause he makes it look good
Sure, I'll draw her then. Post what you got.
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either desu, I'm redoing my sona, generally I lean more strongly towards Shadow thats why I call him husbnd!!! , and with my normal-ass human form I imagine him a bit more annoyed by me but would imagine he'd tolerate my sona more- idk man

FUCKER? I think you're the sex-haver around here! You're comparing yourself to me? Hah! You're not even good enough to get fu-
what would the sonic version of this be
What is hardlight supposed to be?
a mobile division
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Fucked you! Founder! (Of the restoration)
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Who pulls it off best
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A temporary physical object, basically a mobile forcefield.
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Thank the Americans (for all the contributions we've made to the Sonic franchise)
yeah i feel the same
i have a sona who is pretty ambiguous right now. i just know shes mainly pink
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Why did Ian Flynn write this?
>for all the contributions we've made to the Sonic franchise
For ruining this fucking franchise you mean.
But Americans didn't make 06
Hell it was the first Sonic game in a while to not be made on American soil
Snigger the sneedhog
Once again Sonic is a goddamn homo
He needed to smile
I like the Sonally romantic dynamic, I just don't like Sonic being in it. Does that make sense? I wish there was a character that fit that profile for that dynamic, but I don't want it to be Sonic because that's not who he is.
How do you imagine Whispercel is like?
Someone make a list of all American contributions to the franchise.
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How would you feel if the next Sonic game opened with Super Sonic falling to his knees as a stranger approaches him and Sonic out breathing heavily says "H-how could I..." and he faints dropping out of super form and instead of the chaos emeralds scattering they drop next to him blackened powerless gems and the stranger who we can't see fully says "I promise.I WILL save you", as they reach towards Sonic and the chaos emeralds the screen cuts out and the release window comes up, no title.

Would you be excited or would you be angry?
>if the next Sonic game opened with
Do you mean ended with? The way you worded this makes it sound like the game is exactly 30 seconds of this one cutscene, and then the release date of the next one.
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Pink and green are best, but maybe I'm just biased because I still wanna have a threesome with them
I can't decide on an animal so I was thinking maybe a Mobian Chao so I can change animals on the fly (hey I made a joke!) but idk if that'd be super Mary Sue or not. Maybe just pick an animal and then have her wear various animal ear/tail accessories for when I wanna change it up ^^;; no clue

took this lovely pic when the avi was still up
What movies should I watch at work?
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I like Sonally because in the Archie-verse, Sonic despite being cocky and reckless, is willing to slow down a bit for her, the woman he loves. That's commitment, and I accept and endorse it.
Treasure Planet
Based and agreed.
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dead thread
A good fuck for sure.
Is that long hair + ponytail? Having trouble making sense of it. Also would her nipples be pink or darker gray
sthg i feel lonely tonight
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Me too
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Are you not entertained?
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I don't want to be alone...
Nope, the game starts that way not only has Sonic disappeared with the chaos emeralds but so has Dr.Eggman the story is to be told through 5 characters separately coming across clues that explain their disappearance and the mysterious person.
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Me too. I've been getting drunk and high so I stop sobbing
whos your favorite sonic character bro
I don't care fucking retard, keep your blog for yourself.
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Would a "Next generation" Sonic work? As a spinoff of course, not a canon thing but a strictly non-canon spinoff like boom.
In Shonen, most next generation characters only really exist to complement the parents. To confirm that they married. They often have very derivitive names (Boruto, Gohan, Goten, Shikadai) and character designs because they aren't created with the intent of carrying a plot but of confirming an endgame.

But when they do carry a plot, they quickly start repeating old ground (Boruto) or run the risk of being delegated back into the backseat (Gohan). So I'm curious if this sort of thing could work for Sonic. Archie seemed to toy with the idea just a little.
I like a lot of them, so I'm just gonna say Amy for now
Sending hugs anon
Imagine being so weak you have to resort to drugs to feel better
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There's no such thing as a "good" next generation thing
Not even in shonen
Oh. Well in that case that's pretty cool, and would genuinely be a neat idea if written well.
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Why do so many people fight with Shadria shippers? I have seen someone point out to them at least ten times in the last month that Maria is dead. They know that Maria is dead. The entire core of her character is being dead. Maria isn't a threat to your non canon ships because Maria is dead. They don't need a reminder.
Very little of it is actually genuine, just people wanting to shitpost.
I like the idea but I have literally never seen it work.
Every single time they give a spotlight on the next gen it gets annoying fast.
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child should have been a warning.
Next Gen families should just be epilogue things and that's it.
Absolutely not.
i care
amy is my favorite girl character
Would you fuck your dog or cat? Shadria shippers are zoophilic and mentally ill.
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Didn't ask retard.
Shadow isn't a dog you racist, he's a cute alien.
That's kinda gay bro
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whos talking to you, drippy?
The reason fucking a dog or cat is wrong is because dogs and cats are mentally no more intelligent than a 4 year old child, not just because they're different species.
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Just long, bushy hair. She hasn’t cut it in months and doesn’t use shampoo or conditioner since there isn’t any in the forest. Nipples are a darker gray.
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I think I might be too much of a newfag, but is the constant posting of SonKnux art a regular thing?
What is love?
Baby don't hurt me
Don't hurt me
No more
only started this year. younger than tangposting.
The people who dehumanize Shadow as nothing but a lab dog are portrayed as the bad guys of his story for a reason btw
Interesting... any reason for it?
It happens every now and then. I doubt it's the same person each time, but we've had someone pop in to dump Sonknux stuff for a bit, then bail. The Cream milestone got drowned out by Sonknux spam. It was pretty funny.
>t. newfag
She's one of my faves too
Goddamn it sthg I feel like such a fucking mess on the inside, I'm gonna go back to drawing to escape it all
>"i should try a porn game ive never done that before"
>instantly get more engrossed in the mechanics and story
>there's enough not-horny stuff that the sex scenes are usually just more annoying than anything when they pop up
>play for ~5-7 hours over 2 sessions, get a half chub like 3 times
>miss the good ending (pretty narrowly it feels)
well dammit now i have to go into ng+
it would seriously just be better if every instance of 'wanna fuck' was replaced with 'wanna kiss' and it wasn't even a porn game
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video games
Which Sonic character would write this post? I am thinking Tails
>Would a "Next generation" Sonic work?
Yes, but it requires them to not fall into the nostalgia trap of being too enamored with what came before to confidently go forward with what's new.
ew why is he a black
>not fall into the nostalgia trap of being too enamored with what came before

lol that's quite the obstacle
i have literally never seen a nextgen story that wasn't

>the consequences of the parents mistakes in the previous entry
>The parents having to be nerfed because otherwise they would save the day
>A nostalgia fest where the new characters act like everything the old characters did was a godly legend
>an attempt to stretch a finished story past its ending
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I have so much self doubt.... uuu...
>that pic
They took his J’s he took his own life
Gotcha! Im roughly halfway done, hold there just a bit.
No. Next gens work better as one and done elseworlds because we're only here for their connection to characters we already care about and that leads to them always living in the shadow of the old guard, or flopping when their nepo training wheels come off with the previous gen leaving. And if they're successful by themselves, you were better off making them something separate.
Only Jojo pulled it off.
Yeah, that's why you got the negative posts immediately. Next generations can work just fine if there's feasible ground to try something new or to tell a story that properly builds on what came before.

You'll get people who will groan because they miss the old thing, but they shouldn't deter anything much.

That's because those are the easier stories to drum up. That last one is incredibly common because creators can no longer tell the story they want to tell and then move on, especially if it becomes popular.
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Practicing my routes in Shadow 05 for a race thats technically later today. Allowing chat and mic this time, don't make me regret it


I hope you feel better soon!!!
>Only Jojo pulled it off.
That's because it never feels like they're passing the torch, it's just a whole new story that happens to take place in the same world.
I think that's why "Next Generation" shit is doomed to either fail or just be mediocre, it's too obsessed with following in the shadow of what came before to be its own thing.
I'd like if Sega made one just to piss of the shippers by erasing the ambiguous future where any pair can happen.
Me too, but I would need it to be made up of ships that are like "why the fuck are these characters paired?" just like Digimon.
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Sleeping with blobians
Man if my dog had the same cognitive abilities as Shadow I'd probably wouldn't be able to own it.
Bro this is the sonic franchise. We're stuck recycling stuff from past material for stage themes, level design and now even dialog.
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most fanfic/fankid stuff is cute to me but it would be an instant fandom disaster if sega themselves published it.
I think we are lucky that Archie strictly paired the game characters with OCs. We would never hear the end of it if Tails ended up wit Amy instead of Mina Mongoose.
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Goodnight. I (Espio's human wife) love my cute chameleon husband.
im not convinced
Impregnate Shadow
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Ultimate wifeform
He is a dude
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Here's the Woe
Sex with Wave
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vile demon.... die....
i was trying earlier but i feel like everything i do looks like ass lately
damn nice
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Playing with Shadows boy nipples
I agree
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Feel free to draw her whenever you want! And let me know if you do.
this isn't even porn and sally's hips look hot
I don't don't have it in me to give her definitionless stick-hips/thighs.
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Sonic Jump aside, Spin Battle doesn't sound "gamey".
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Next gen casts are always funny to me because they're always are so close in age that it seems everyone had a pact to conceive at the same time.
Sonic and Amy definitely would have kids after everyone else.
Tails would have them second to last (and maybe that influenced Sonic into parenthood).
Knuckles would be the first of the three to have kids because he feels he has a duty as the last echidna.
But before all of them, Shadow found out he cannot use regular "birth control" the hard way (Black Doom really should've been one to give him the talk).
And Eggman, we already know.
I think Naruto is probably the worst example Everyone's kid was born in the same year. What a crock of bullshit.
Archie was pretty unique in having Tails's kids be OLDER than Sonic's kids.
That and all the kids are just straight up clones of their parents.
Sure, I'll keep that in mind. Nude and hobo in the forest would lead to a lot of topless hijinks.
Anybody else got any other OCs?
I can't think of a time where this isn't the case. There's some unspoken rule in fiction that every kid must be one of the parents with a slightly different hairstyle.
Trunks might be one of the biggest exceptions in media, only because of a coloring error.
you're not wrong, but Boruto is a particularly egregious example of it.
You did crazy good on this one
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I doubt I will but thank you
kinda hate the suicidal thoughts are coming back, feels weird to have them again
>everything i do looks like ass lately
Felt, we all have those moments but the best we can do is keep up the grind so they happen less and less
Bitch, the sun it's not even out yet
No breakfast for now
Go back to bed
I can't even imagine Sally loving Sonic anymore thanks to you people
Sorry about that, but I gotta feed my own interests.
I think Sally would actually get along better with Shadow than she would with Sonic
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NANI?!?!! B-Black Doom, you're telling me that you'll make EVERY black creature impregnate Maria with alien sperm? You mean to say that since I am the CHOSEN ONE, you will REVIVE every black creature that's ever existed in the UNIVERSE with the Time Eater in order to FILL my lovely Maria with WRETCHED PULSATING ALIEN EGGS?!? *Gulp* By the Gods, she will be BROKEN!! But wait, you're telling me that since I am TRAPPED in White Space, I will be WAKING UP to the sounds of Maria DEEPTHROATING ALIEN COCK every day?!?!!!?? You will TARNISH and DESTROY my Maria until she is ALMOST DEAD again!??!!!??? And you'll link up my BRAIN together with your ALIEN HIVEMIND so that I can feel every sensation of it EXCEPT for the PLEASURE?!?!!!??
shadow is literally a sonic who doesn't do any of the things that make her mad
Sonally was never really about Sonic and Sally "getting along", most of the time they were arguing and butting heads over just about everything. Truth is Sally might have loved Sonic as a hero, but she couldn't stand him as a person.
Shadally general
Hey I don't mind Shadally, but I refuse to believe for a second Sally wouldn't call Shadow out on his crawling-in-my-skin act.
The actual rape ship.
There is no chemistry outside fanart porn.
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Tbf this is with a grossly different Shadow from any other incarnation. Sit her next to Primedow.
Is there supposed to be? It's a crackship for a reason.

Also, King Shadow is not the Shadow we know. Even without factoring the Sally part into things he's literally a tyrannical dictator, something that main-Shadow very much isn't.
King Shadow is crazy ooc, so I don't blame them
They both look miserable, is this really what Shadallytards like?
Shadow the Hedgehog isn't in that picture. .
Are you legit aware of what that situation's about, or are you just shitposting?
They married each other for political purposes. Horrid ship
It's literally an evil shadow who acts less like Shadow than boomdow.
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Would it be bad to admit that I picked Shadally because I thought it was silly and impossible?
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I'll prob draw her again next.
Question is what pose/outfit/etc though?
Hair down too?
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No, and I can't really blame you
It's an odd reason to invest in a ship, but whatever makes you happy.
It was going to be Shadamy. Then I figured I would be causing an unnecessary ruckus. I like Shadow and Sally's respective character lore and thought it would make a fun mashup.
I don't ship Shadow with anyone, personally. Not even Rouge or Maria.
>Spend all your time on a ship you dont ship
His doodles stop being about shadally around five pages in.
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>In an alternate timeline, we would have gotten a squid hedgehog
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Rabbit shipping
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This outfit could be nice, maybe have her sitting down and pulling up the bottom of her shirt while looking away all embarrassed? I like her hair up or down, so I'm good with either.
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My Hero would never fucking do this. You son of a bitch, I hope whoever draw this burns in hell
Still messed up that scribbles basically predicted this
Never drawn a ship I could take seriously. If anything I'm more interested if I think they aren't compatible or if their character backgrounds would cause trouble for each other.

yeah... sorry about that. I don't think I have it in me to do genuine romance stuff so it mostly ended up being about fighting.
The Ultimate Life form needs the Ultimate seeds(Sonic's)
Based shounen enthusiast
What a sweet smile on him.
>I don't think I have it in me to do genuine romance stuff

We've got Hyoumaru for that. Kinda.
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When was the last time we see him smile like this? Even Forces is more of a smirk.
Emi pinkie butt.
Since when did Knuckles have healing powers?
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Shadow boy nipples are for love and sucking
One word of helpful advice
Diet and exercise
Speedy Rose
Do blobian hedgehogs purr?
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They all technically do since Battle. Although it's not a stretch to say Chaos powers can heal outside of that.
Sounds like a great idea. Big badonkas dropping down.
>archiedow canonized
FlynnChads, we fucking Won
Meant to reply this >>498860659
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Olympic Games openings, particularly Winter Games.
I think that kind of helps. The fact that he doesn't ship it means it works on Dragonball logic where their kid just magically poofs into existence after the arc is done. This is the only way I can imagine romance working in Sonic.
Wonder if he'd like them to be touched?
I mean I've heard boys feel it ticklish
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i just want to fuck this raat
Honestly, how can you not ship Shadria?
I don't not-ship it but I just don't really think about it all that much. Just not invested in Shadow's love life.
Mentally ill people hate straight love that's why they despise Shadria the superior ship
Sonic and Amy would be like Goku and Chi-chi, but like if Chi-chi was also entirely on board to help train Gohan.
I simply prefer other Shadow ships.
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I'm not a pedo
Because Maria is dead.
Because they hate true love
Post more boy nipple...
Wonder if guys realize how much we love that part of their bodies
Scribbles is being nice. He pairs Shadow and Sally because he likes watching them suffer. He's an evil monster.
I dont know but I want to bully Shadows nipples until they poke through his fur
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>kill the faggots
is it time to bring back bellyposting
I'm gonna suck Shadow's boy nipples so hard until milk comes out
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Shadow has no nipples.
>the maria resurgence
Where is the challenge?
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I do like watching them suffer.
Shut up Iizuka you know no shit
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Post the on-model version
Thats a Sonic level alright
Now draw them having SEX.
Post better OCs!
Off model. Maria doesn't wear a fuku.
shadow's black arms dna represses his mammalian side's ability to lactate
he requires much more frequent sucking and teasing to induce lactation than the average male
I'd rather have a fuku than an obese blob
Shadow is a permavirgin, he'd never.
He also doesn't have a Dick. Doom gave it to BLACK BULL only.
Cute marias
i thought you said blade was the only good one aside from bump and sage
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your game sonicbabs
Looks mid and generic. Fix your AI first
I've seen better ai Marias..don't be a lazy fuck
I'm gonna make your mom be off model by getting her pregnant
>t. shiny artist
How tf is the original pic obese?
So the whole game is just boostshit again?
so actually I'll take 20 of these pls
take your own advice
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My mom's fat as hell, so that wouldn't even work!
Your point?
>So the whole game is just boostshit again?

Did you seriously expect otherwise?
Working on it
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Hmmm lactating Shadow
>thinks only artists have issue with it
Aifags sure are snowflakes.
>tfw u put shiny_artist as a temporary tag but then everyone just uses it permanently
my power is immeasurable
ok shiny artist.
>Shadally doesn't ship Shadally
fuck this gay earth
Don't tell me Espioyume isn't actually in love with Espio.
Not even an artist lazy fuck. Just giving you some criticism. Are you that delicate?
You should bring better ai works not more aislops
>That slow as fuck looping
>Zero planes throwing bombs at you
>That color palette and lighting
Imagine being mogged by the 3DS version holy shit
sure thing shiny dude.
Imagine worshipping Shadows nipples so much he starts to lactate
Imagine Shadow wearing a vest so people cant see all the hickeys on his chest
Imagine squeezing Shadows milk straight into your coffee as creamer
Put some effort. Is stable diffusion that hard?
Huh. I didn't make that one and I don't care for Ai.
I'm not a luddite, you do whatever you want, buddy.
This one is pretty cute too. That haircut is pristine.
>Imagine squeezing Shadows milk straight into your coffee as creamer

Breastmilk is in no way similar to dairy or faux-dairy products, it's like mixing water and oil.
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CusTard my beloved
put effort into drawing Maria on-model
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Having hot shadow milk in the mornings direct from the nipple
Doing that would boost my immune system
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Kay, here's on-model Maria.
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I'm not even the artist who drew that Maria pic
Just a random guy who tells you to put some extra effort and stop being a lazy fuck
Sex with Custard's dad
Or mom, you can never be sure on /sthg/
fix the ugly fat Maria with your artistic skills then.
Why is AI fag so susceptible to criticism
Is he crying or something now
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Oh my god shut up
Shadows alien DNA makes it work like coffee creamer okay
susceptible would imply that he takes the criticism
>Evading the suggestion
Man. You're such a baby
A very lazy baby
Shadow isn't that hot
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>boy breastmilk
You all gay haha
fix the ugly chubby Maria and I'll remove the fuku lol
Blobians lactate like fuckin COWS
Krack. You're going to need to get off everyone's case right now.
Go fucking kill yourself right now holy shit
He's just trying to derail the thread because he's bored. He probably isn't even the guy who made the pic, might even be samefagging too.
drawfags put more effort into shitposting than drawing actual good art
What did I do
sex with drawfags
Don't bother with the drawschizo, he's so incredibly mentally ill that he's made up his mind that every single person that disagrees with him is 'le heckin triggered drawcel!!'
It's so sad yet hilarious to see how he goes from saying 'KYS NGMI SHIT SCRIBBLER!1!' but then starts crying and shits his pants over WAY less than what he tells the drawfags, got forbid someone said as equally insulting as he did to the drawfags, I think he'd actually neck himself
Yes, it all comes from a place of deep insecurity and hatred because he was bullied by a few art students once
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this emi doodle is for you anon i hope it makes you a little happy
Makes sense..he types like a minor trying to sound tough guy
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the good ones only, the rest can go die
Sorry, you only get to have sex with aifags
I don't make the rules.
I'm actually married in real life
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>Words words
why don't you just fix your art and accept that chubby Maria is ugly and off-model. I can taste the tears from here.
would you slap her for 50 cent
That ESL sure typed a lot
Can the ai incel shut up. Thank you
I'm gonna lactate Shadow like there's no tomorrow
i am emotionally distraught that the provider for my otp doesn't ship it. this is like finding out ash and pikachu's voice actor's don't like each other.
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n-n-n-nnn..n.nnnnnnnnn....ooooo.......anon my nipples hurt.........stop.........
only the best genes for my drawchildren
>shut up ai incel
>proceeds to engage in high quality discussion
Straight from the nipple

Man I love boy nipples
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>This fucking assblasted
Holy shit this is so fucking pathetic, I'm not even the anon you were originally talking to
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>Look at my nipples.

They're hidden under the fur >:3
Honorable shadow poster. Do you also have sonic showing his boy nipples?
wow you showed him bud
showed him his nipples?
I can't quite see them, mind giving me a closer look?
which blobians produce the most milk?
I'm wet by just thinking of male hedgehog nipples
They need to be sucked, licked and nibbled!
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Daily reminder that off-model drawings are trash, just as bad as shitty incomplete sketches. I need to update my collage.
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Shadow falling in love with anon
Shadow getting his nipples bullied by anon
Shadow completely unable to say no to anon
What did Shiny artist do?
Penis milk and nipple milk
why did you edit this
it was krack's finest work
>need to update my collage.
You needed to do that long ago. Your work looks so generic. Take it as good criticism
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قم بالرد على هذا المنشور وإلا ستموت والدتك أثناء نومها
Me too, except I wanna do it to an irl dude but I can't find any
uuuuu it makes my womb hurt
i just want to suckle shadows nipples until hes hard
making shadow cum just from touching his nipples and telling him hes a good boy

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