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/ggg/: NONE
NA/EMEA weeklies/monthlies: https://x.com/nafgcto

Paris Games Week | Oct. 23 - Oct. 27
Queen Dizzy and Major Balance Patch | Oct. 31
Team of 3 Open Beta #2 | Nov. 8 - ???
Arc World Tour 2024: https://www.arcsystemworks.jp/awt2024/

Main wiki with frame Data and information about system mechanics: https://www.dustloop.com/w/GGST
Player Glicko-2 ratings: http://puddle.farm/top/all
Fighting game glossary: https://glossary.infil.net/
Deflect Shield OS tech: https://twitter.com/Precho6055/status/1778514309015826445

>Replay Uploaders

>/ggg/ APPROVED Strive mods
Potato Mod
Frame Data Display
https://github.com/Chitaso/StriveFrameViewer/releases (1.08/Pre Season 4)

>Nintendo Switch Edition Trailer

>Season 4 Teaser Trailer

>Newest DLC: Slayer, May 30th

>Latest Dev Backyard (17th Volume, June 28th)

>Latest Patch 1.38 (July 22nd)

>Current Balance Patch 1.38 (July 22nd)

>Xrd/+R/#R Stuff:

>Guilty Gear Soundtracks

State platform and region when making lobbies for the thread and announce in the thread when you close them. You ft10 anyone you make the lobby. Keep training and keep on rockin'!

SLASHED: >>498551334
All I ask is for a separate input for May's FB dolphins
What's an FB dolphin?
only point ill give to strive is beating smash trannies with nothing but normal canceled into dolphin is some of the most fun ive had with fitans
is nago fun
QRD on the Umisho situation?
hes a tranny faggot
so is razzo and hotashi is gay too
Every single trans woman is a hypersexual porn addict that can't keep it on their pants and is incapable of feeling love.
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this nigger's drop rate needs to be cut in half
Hit the fake sexual allegations into getting exposed as abusive true combo
Strive or Smash? Which scene has more predators?
narcissistic nympho retard was hoist by his own petard
smash had legacy predators but strive is packed with the worst of both effgeecee and smash.
No doubt trannies protect their own with this shit as well, they probably have much more going on behind the scenes
I don't think Strive has many honest-to-God kiddy diddlers the way Smash does/did
It's just the top of the NA scene is a toxic tranny clique
>they're both manipulative narcissists
razzo sure, he groomed umisho afterall, but umisho i think is just a bad person, he doesn't seem smart enough to manipulate anything
a scene packed with trannies is a scene packed with kiddy diddlers by default. Should be common sense
publicly making false sexual assault allegations in an attempt to ruin an ex's life seems pretty manipulative to me
I don't think it's really that 1 to 1
Smash's predation problem was in part because it was a Nintendo kid's game.
sure, but it wasn't some grand plan, he just thought he could say whatever and get away with it. the fact that he's going down, and razzo is still around, shows who is actually capable of manipulating anything.
I dont think youre aware of the crossover in fanbases. More smash players play strive than any other fighting game.
Even a small fraction of smashes playerbase eclipses most fitans that arent called "street fighter"
most of them suck ass and barely participate outside of posting about molesting bridget but theyre loud
not all manipulators are good at it
Her single most important move in +R
>2k 2d servant pull
damn i'm nice
If I wanted to boot up AC+R, how is Ky
low tier but unusually saucy for ky
good set of tools but low average damage and meter reliant in a game where the best characters have even stronger shit and do twice as much per touch
no one in +r is that bad and ky has his own strengths but he's not the straightforward "just do the simple shit right and win" character he is in the other games.
Why do Smash 4, Smash Ultimate, and Strive have a constant spew of tranny drama, but +R, Xrd, and Melee are mostly fine?
old good new bad
because no one plays xrd or +r lmaoooooooo
I played smash ultimate before i played strive
That wasn’t very wholesome, sis
cause strive is the new smash bros.
mama mia
Ok thanks and one last question how is aba. is she hard to learn?
lets not delude ourselves, if any series was going to troon out, my bet would have been on the one where the main character is named after a famous faggot.
Melee may not be as loudly out there but its still spearheaded by a bunch of socialist fags who want to suck off hasan piker.
More and more are trooning out each day. Drama is only a matter of time with these people.
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Ky's damage is low and his attacks are weak to low profile moves (projectiles, DP, and pokes are all weak to them), but his excellent neutral will still win you a lot of games and having a DP helps lessen the learning curve on defense. Greed sever is also a bastard of a move in both +R and Xrd. People will insist it's reactable, but then proceed to choke and eat five in a row over the course of an online set even with rollback netcode.

Honestly, there isn't a single bad character in +R. Even the "low tier" characters, like Ky, are absolutely playable at high level. As far as ladder play goes, ignore the tier list aside from "Testament and Zappa busted". There's plenty of good Kys on ladder since he's so easy to pick up and play.
that key gonna murder johnathan
I haven't played since release. Is the president playable yet?
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Posting biker Ragna to remind you that he should've been announced for strive instead of Lucy
Why is Velvet Crowe a man?
Who are the best ky's to watch in AC+R.
I thought that's Testament desu
Pad user, what do you use?
I don't know if I should go with Dualsense or Hori pad octa.
There were some pretty good japs but the best American Ky would be this guy
The hairtie and bandages are pretty hard to miss, but the artist clearly wanted to draw attention the chest, or lack of thereof. That's definitely a tranny Velvet.
holy fuck this ky is good
Actually that Ky sucks ass
of course its clayton the lord chapman
I just use the DS4.
Does YWNBAW still play?
He was UMISHO all along
would prefer japanese ky's.
Ain has like hours of footage of his arcade gameplay on youtube
Thank you. I'll get to reinstalling +r rn
Isn't this the guy who faked illnesses to try and get pity points in the +R Discord after people found out he faked his combos?
Also if he's a good player how come he doesn't play? Where are his results?
Clayton has schizophrenia
don't think his combos were ever exposed as fake they even try to do them in there, but he is schizophrenic.
No she is not, you just have to learn some basic shit and you're pretty golden
>mostly fine
Isn't this the loser that cries non-stop to no one about nothing and shits up /fgg/ all the time
it would seem he is schizophrenic
Think about what Tempest told LastCody and Aneema, that neither of them brought up. Despite being unpersoned, they refused to share that secret. Is it being a bigger person, or something more sinister?
And then if Tempest was sharing that secret so freely, think about how many pro players knew.
I believe his illness is real but he's also incapable of letting shit go and is obsessed with the past so it's kinda aggravating listening to him complain about the same shit ad nauseam.
I think the artist is just bad at drawing chest and hips.
this is ADVANCED flat chest
+R trannies are supremely obnoxious, entitled, self centered and insufferable but at least they are relatively benign compared to Soive Sex Pests
The only +R tranny I see anything about is the annoying Kliff player
Who's the Wario of Guilty Gear?
I wouldn't say that any character is really the opposite of Sol, Ky isn't that kinda rival
Goldlewis is fat though so
I'll pick Leo then

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