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Previous: >>498841661

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.6 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20241011version-yjlwks/index.html

>Version 2.6 Trailer — "Annals of Pinecany's Mappou Age"
>Lingsha Trailer — "Burning Scent of Home"
>Animated Short: "Cosmic Ninjutsu Inscriptions — Havoc Exorcism: Lunar Vileslayer Scroll"

>Current Character Banners: (Lingsha, Topaz + Misha, Natasha, Guinaifen) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/33777781
>Current Light Cone Banners: Scent Alone Stays True (Abundance), Worrisome, Blissful (The Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/33777892

>New Drip Marketing:
>Sunday (5* Imaginary Harmony) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/34043097
>Fugue (5* Fire Nihility) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/34135018

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift

>/hsrg/ Tools & Resources

>/hsrg/ Thread Template
Firefly love!
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We all love Miss Sparkle here
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Hotaru rabu
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this ain't Xueyi...
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Topaz is also the sexiest. She's so sexy the Strategic Investment Department's name should be changed to Sex Investment Department.
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I hate this dyke slut
>someone unironically asked what the important issue is with the game at the moment
As goes the game so goes the general. The darkening of /hsrg/
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Come back to our game, Miss Sparkle.
I have been asking for trail teams in story content for over a year now. And ZZZ launched with that feature. Probably just a coincidence, but I'm going to pretend it was my suggestion that made them implement it into ZZZ. And I now keep asking for it in the hope that they will port it back into HSR.
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Did they get trigger to work on that trailer or are they just blatantly ripping them off now?
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I'm actually surprised they included this in the questionnaire
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I love this straight maiden
cum in clara
Why? It's just as relevant as the rest of the story.
Rape Rappa.
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I hope Fu Xuan reruns in 2.7 desu
There will no NO clara intercourse.
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Miss Sparkle is ambassador of heterosexuality though. She was a wingwoman for your wife Firefly
I don't think so or at least it doesn't seem to say because if Trigger did work on it I feel like they would've blatantly advertised that.
Is there really a big issue with the game right now? I have some gripes here and there but there's not like one huge thing that's making me not enjoy the game or something.
>Lingsha banner flops
answer "unsatisfied" on every Lingsha related question, yep I did good.
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Ok I'll take one YUNLISNACK instead, then.
It's a fact.
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It's tims
The insane amount of filler.
The noticeable lack of effort.
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Feet sex
I was more surprised at the fact that they dedicated story-related questions like pic related at all.
Kinda disappointed I only got questions about the Wardance and not about the story. Guess it was because I clicked very unsatisfactory on the overall feeling on the story, what did you answer?
Not for you, keep bobbing your head to those beats.
i hope this brick gets salvaged in some way
We literally got another but puzzles for an entire second half of a patch and you don't see that as a "big issue"? Kek. Last patch we got fucking Pokemon Snap. This game has zero effort put into it.
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>just as relevant as the rest of the story
>random ass dragon guy that we've never seen or interacted before at literally the very end of everything in the story shows up
>guy goes "IT WAS ME, DAN HENG" and proceeds to go into shitty chink dragon politics no one cares about
>subplot is immediately solved and treated like nothing happened afterwards
I literally fucking forgot this shit was going on until it suddenly cut back to Dan and Lingshart. This entire subplot could've not existed and nothing would change.
I didn't get those questions too and I did answer neutral or unsatisfactory on a good number of questions.
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I ticked the unsatisfsctory option
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I hope we get the Seele, Silver Wolf, Fu Xuan triple brick rerun banner of hell.
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ackchually since the entire plot is all about Juan cleaning house this deals with the vidyadhara angle, solves any issues Lingsha has, ties into the rest of his plan to consolidate his position and leaves no thread hanging.
I want to fuck them so bad
I complained about not enough Hexanexus puzzles in my survey
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>even when the plot isn't about Jing Yuan it's still about Jing Yuan somehow
It really is HIS game.
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I hope Lingsha is the last iteration of female chink outfit #6257
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I want to creampie Guinaifen
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You guys said the 1.5 event was great but I found it boring as shit and it ends with even more jing yuan shilling. Who could like this?
He's the most popular character amongst the players. It's just Hoyo pandering to the audience.
I wonder if it was originally planned for Mori voice Rappa, but her acting was so bad they were forced to get a replacement.
What's the problem if it's fun? You'd rather queue with randoms in unfun laggy minigames like in Genshin?
Or run over all the world taking random photos of random things with specific characters needing to wait forever because an IDLE pose is needed, like in Genshin?

I mean, just go right there then. But I take trashcan snap and puzzles over any of that. The only thing I hated about this event was the tournament. It was just terrible, game-design wise. All battles were staged, the story was shit, March forgotten. But last patch I had no issues.
File deleted.
Genius Society member #55 Yu Qingtu at your service.
Get in line
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Oh, you're right. I double checked and the Opal leak didn't mention anything about him being in 3.1. I concede. However, the reason I say Opal has a "pink theme" is cause of the Ten Stonehearts trailer.
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You don't know how good you have it if this seems like zero effort to you
is rappa as bricked as people are saying?
Guess it is just random then? Because I did get a lot of questions about the wardance, like they even asked about the small sidequests with the knockout matches.
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That's just huohuofag propaganda 1.5 is the worst patch so far
I'm not mentally ill so I like jing yuan
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Impregnating Yunli with my bat
She's a Erudition unit so if you don't have Jade, Himeko or a built Herta for PF then she's fine.
about as bricked as firefly
Yea, couldn't make one since we got a new trailer
Game-killing character and patch desu. We might dip into 7 figures.
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Kissing while shooting lots of spunk inside her underdeveloped womb
If she's the cutest the rest of them must be ugly as shit.
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Any and all event on the Luofu must proclaim the glorious grandeur of Jing Yuan
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taking photos of scenarios and dumb photos with characters in Genshin is absolute soul and want that shit in HSR too
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that's actually good to hear that they used a CRD in the survey. Making the survey completely randomized will somewhat eliminate any potential bias from the final data.
this Yunli girl is kinda cute ngl
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They did kinda set up TB visiting other ships with that small sidequest where you said goodbye to everyone. So that should mean different styles of outfits, like Yunli. But visiting other ships have been set up since 1.2, so they could still decide to have 3.4 and 3.5 take place on the Luofu again with a never before seen but very important character.
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She's asking for it
Many people are getting fired soon, I wouldn't hold out hope for any road map you might expect.
its time to come back and play for your tingyunes/sunday!



onegai shimasu.
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Guys I suggest we spam this!
I liked the slice of life aspect, some nice lower stakes to develop some characters. The dynamics with the ghost hunting squad was fun, you had some playable characters getting involved, and even the NPCs had some interesting stories. Like the guy and the heliobo that pretended she was his wife. There is actually some moral questioning involved in that. Yeah it ended up being Jing Yuan's plan, but that was a relative minor thing since he just let TB and the rest of the squad do their job. And the ending scene of him succeeding the previous general I found kinda nice, just how I liked it in this patch when JY sent a small wish to Belobog. I do get why people could find it boring, since it is just mostly dialogue.
brb asking for a male quantum character and for Mr Reca to be 5*
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wtf is that
tbf we are overdue for a male quantum
What makes you say that?
Sparkle is being sent to Impact, she's too Asian for the big games. We are getting proper American characters going forward, with a few Arabs and South Americans too.
Yeah now that I think about it, that is a better system than just doing it based on answers. As long as they get enough responses that are serious, but that should be considering the player base. And I did like being able to go into detail about the wardance, since there some aspects I disliked and others I liked. Whereas the story was mostly very unsatisfactory to me.
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what the fuck is wrong with his head
you aren't owed anything homo
Executive who set the current overall direction in art-style (this includes music and video as well) is getting fired, a lot of people from various teams are going with him.
Nobody will probably care, but I finally got her today. Fucking bitch made me go to 80+ pity twice for her, had to do random hard mode story missions just to get enough pulls. I kinda liked big titty office worker lady, but doubt I will have enough pulls now.
On the star rail team? Where did you get this information?
No, overall at Mihoyo. High-level executive.
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deep kissing guinaifen while thrusting into her cervix as i bust a fat, thick nut right into her womb while we're holding hands with intertwined fingers
Constance is going to be quantum destruction dps I trust the plan Dawei!
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My girlfriend is so cute
another win for the white girl
Yanqing is one lucky guy
I'm literally Sparkle.
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which hours are these?
>everyone who doesn't like a character I like is mentally ill
I dunno chief that sounds like something a mentally ill person would say.
Grats gro, shes pretty fun too, im probably skipping yanagi too
are you going to provide the source?
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Suzie, no! That's volatile!
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My girlfriend is cuter
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Is there art of them fucking yet?
Thanks bros, am pretty happy with her. And even though I lost the 50/50, I at least got Soldier 11 which I kinda wanted. Winning the 50/50 would have been better, but at least I can try a mono-fire team with her and Burnice. And spin to win Piper is also pretty funny.
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My proxy name in ZZZ is Sparkle...
Looks like Yuluer stuff
I am saving
and saving more
for herter
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It's time to post THAT
This is the closest that I've seen.
is there some seamonkey (indonesian or philippino in particular) or gook having a melty?
Sparkle got tons of art, i hope we get more
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>he made vanilla Sparkle animation
Lingsha living my dreaming of smelling little girls without consequences
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The new years photo aiiiieeeeeeee
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Damn why is Yunli showing her bra to people like a slut. Is this a zhuming norms
I dont want to coom anymore
I just want to be happy with my hsr friends
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Don't call my onahole a slut...
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I love quantum hebes so much, I wish I could make a team with all of them
thats a man
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>beta starts in 4 days
>zero leaks about the first half character
i thought they have a big tongue or tentacle coming out of their ass
u rike?
The only 'leaks' that matter happen in the beta though. Everything else is questionable at best.
did i miss the QQ legs??
Squeezing her childlike breasts and greedily drinking all of the milk while continuing to pump thick semen in her pregnant womb!
Leakers pissed off mihoyo by leaking Penacony, so now mihoyo is genociding every leaker they can find. Most leaks have been plugged, and even if there was one, why risk it when you can get sued to death.
No one cares about pagday
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>using the same Panty and Stocking artstyle for the Rappa animation like they use in ZZZ
She really is a ZZZ reject lmao
whos gonna risk being sued to leak wormday?
which is good, fuck leaks, you get a single hour of hype by seeing all content, and then get bored for the next 2 months
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My wife is a dignified young lady!
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Okay, this scene is pretty funny
I only care about animations plus leaktroons are already on thin ice with Hoyo.
they leaked Pagsha but not Feixiao
I enjoyed this part but then it got to the fake news thing and I tuned out super hard.
I always look at the showcases and then by the time the character releases im already bored of the animations. I'm just not gonna look at the 2.7 ones
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>already flopgotten
No one cared about fatxiao outside of her dps capabilities either
I just said relic farming is bullshit and to make it less stingy.
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>Caelus can "train" with her every night.
So lucky
Not if you play with Stelle. She’s more like a bisexual wing woman.
Even less people care about lingshart chudbeit
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I love my wife.
Yeah, I don't mind the character leaks or pre-beta kits, since at least it is good to have an idea of what is coming. And it does give something to discuss in these threads. But the story leaks were shit, both if they are true or the disappointment that people have when they are false. They just ruin the hype, since you are seeing it without context. And idiots in these threads can't use spoilers, so you can't avoid it. So good that mihoyo have cleaned up, way more fun now.
She will help Stelle get a boyfriend in 3.0
I regret skipping Yunli
Sex with coworkers...
We know, moze/jiaoqiu
And even she got leaks so what does that say about wormday lmao
Yeah the fake news thing really sucked. Felt like they tried to make some statement on fake news bad, but it just didn't really hit for me. And Luka getting sad about online comments felt stupid, he is an underground cage fighter so he should have already dealt with this type of stuff. Plus they didn't really explain why Luka got that mentally shaken, only the section with Tail did it start to make sense. At least the Borisin part was really good, actually interesting lore plus allowed the Luofu to look bad for once.
yeah Lingsha is a fan favourite
Bro, she is a counter specialist. If people wouldn't go on her, she'd deal 0 dps.

Her cone further amplifies this, making her permanently radiate a certain pheromone making everyone extremely horny going at her.
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Why did the last Anon not post the full version?
I needed that.
Unreliable leak. She already has Sam.
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Is it just me or does Rappa look like a massive slut...
I think he posted a cropped nsfw version
It probably doesn't even show her pussy or nipples so idk why he cropped it
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Back to /hig/

HSR ONLY characters allowed here
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fox love!
From all the europoor countries, they picked the poorest to visit next (Grease)
Welt bros...
co-sexers perchance?
>unreliable leak
Considering it's coming from the same guy who said that 2.2 will be Robin and galaxy ranger named Boothill when literally every other "leak source" claimed it will be Firefly instead, nope. I consider this dude more reliable on sole fact that he is yet to be wrong.
>was correct about 2.2
>was correct about Robin's actual kit (how it will be FUA related) as well
Dressing like a slut is part of punklorde culture
Wtf english trailer i thought this was jp game now
you realize it’s ancient greece
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Feels like space Greece has been on the table since we got Ratio so there's that at least.
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Ackshually the poorest European country is Albania
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Silver Slut...
My nigger Scampo is HSR only wtf bro
Wait so can we get a second Tutorial in 2.6 if we already got the event one?
you don't know what poor even means retard
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>ZZZ 1.2: Kino
>HSR 2.5: Kino
>Genshin 5.1: Kino
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>the poorest
Bulgegayria bros we can't even win at being the worst anymore...
The red bands look awful, whats holding them up?
no. the shop will lock it out if you have s5
Shampoo is male. He will never be dyke core even if Da Wei tainted him by getting him in that shitty dead game.
her hip bones?
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Brickle was tainted by dykes, but leave my scamming ass nigga out of this.
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Vita is a member of the masked fools so that makes her an honorary hsr character
What do you even need more than one copy for
Unless she's the boniest fucker alive thats not how hip bones work. They look taped onto her sides, its distractingly ugly.
sex with topaz while aven watches!
Look closely, its spray paint.
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Rappa's thong is showing
One for Silverwolf one for Jiaoqui, but tbf I never use SW anymore...
I came to her 5 times already I'm getting weaker
Why do bad women do this
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He'd probably be into that because of his low self esteem and schizophrenia. You lost. He won.
I said HSR only
He is no longer HSR only
Hurr durf git 'im out of my general

What a shitty design.
I've seen more inspired looking npcs in ZZZ than this.
Hmm, looks like the full set is patreon only.
Then they should add her in the game so I can fuck her
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Bad taste schizo
He just has dissociative episodes. The Harmony aids thing doesn't count because that was all Xipe.
does hoyo have 500 variations of the cocolia outfit just hanging around
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>He just has dissociative episodes.
Just like me...
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>open /g/
>search for /hsrg/
>open /vg/
>search for /spg/
it's all so tiresome...
me in the middle
Your bookmarks bro?

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>forced to be in Hi3 the shittiest Hoyo gayme of all time
>forced to be punching bag there for bunch of dykes and their mentally ill troon fags
>shipshitted in latest stream with mc aka the worst fate character can have in any game
>both cn and nip fags consider him the prime suspect for "spicy" character if these rumors are true (especially after stream) aka if true he will suffer Firefly fate of being fempag bait (stream already is making him into one)
>meanwhile Aven is getting saved from that fate as each day passes and fempags fuck off to their new toy
Scampo bros lost bigly
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Stelle's boyfriend will be Shitlio or Manlet Lloyd or literal pepshi known as Opal. My scamming ass nigger shall not suffer that fate.
Should I convert from Luochad to Sigger if I manage to pull him?
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Just use both blond men to your heart's content.
As sigger fag, I'm fucking glad that he is slowly starting to be freed from Stelle troons. My condolences to any dude that ends up being stuck with it though.
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Chinese sluts
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Why are people so mad at honkai impact and yuri shippers ?
I dont know when internet got this brain rot to get mad at two girls kissing eachother back in a day that was accepted as a cute thing bettwen characters and only added to the appeal but not everyone got /pol/ mental breakdown and think two girl being together is some attack on them personaly wich is quite silly.
>he is slowly starting to be freed from Stelle troons
>before his train lines come out
Hmmm nyo
weird take when sigga is getting expy'd to ZZZ and will be equally as ruined
I just hate women trying to muscle their way into my lesbian fetish.
It's not hip hop
Very curious why we don't have skins in HSR yet. They're 100% holding them back for a reason at this point
I thought both his expies were just NPCs
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>it's much better to be left as fujo bait with Ratio over yume one
Sigger bros... You do know which crowd will be the only one left if Stelle yumes fuck off from you completely?
Avenpaz sisters were there before Ratio and before fujos so they'll never leave.
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Besides Jingliu who even wants the full set? But 2p effect overall is pretty great generic effect and should be much better than just stacking 12% atk 2p sets.
>homdgcat has been dying the whole week
no, hugo vlad is confirmed to be playable just no idea when
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Nobody really cares about his ship with Stelle though? The autistic wars have always been Aventurine's fujoshit vs shipshit and that's probably how it'll always be. Unless his ship with Sunday kicks off again in 2.7
Wait, what happened on stream to make our scammer into you bait? I don't watch this.
Im not a whore.
Luocha is pretty outdated.
I think Sigger selfinserting would fly better with the ladies.
I haven't even looked at kit leaks but it seems obvious this is for 5* Herta
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>look him up
wtf sigga's a vampire now
emergency button
Nta but Owelbert basically says how Scampo would never trick TB like others and the rest of the crowd goes "ooooh" and starts giggling in the same manner bunch of school girls would do when they tease someone about their crush.
>sunday, fugue and THE herta back to back
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I definitely think Aventurine is better but sustains aren't that necessary of an upgrade. Up to you anon.
Your guys ARE getting the Rappa keyboard right?
Unironically Hook set.
Won't ever see them now.
Ratio also pointed out that Sampo shows favoritism for TB on stream. I guess he really might be the designated yumebait in the future, since TB is already so tsundere to him.
Good luck with Ratio, Sugilite and possible Sunday fujos then. Truly much better fate than enduring bunch of self-insert chicks that want to fuck you.
Because yurifags are the most cancerous fanbase there is, to the point people started to hate yuri just because of them.
>implying most yumes care about the sigger
Smelle has more fanart and doujins with dickless Dan then the sigger. He has barely any connection or interactions with TB and he's only your "friend" out of convenience. Majority of his art is either fujoshit with Ratio or shipshit with Topig.
Isnt this shit good on Ack as well?
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Are there any other viable builds for E0S0 SW? I haven't touched her in a long while and I nobody to build so I wanna change her brick effect build to something nice.
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Just one slut in that image
>yumebait is the dude that we are FORCED to be only antagonistic to
Is this nigger Sampo a fucking masochist?
hook would rather go break now since her scaling is so low for this hp bloated content
>5* Herta
There you go
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>I haven't touched her in a long while
No one wants to touch Silver Wolf
I don't want Xi Jinping reading my texts and 4chud posts. I'll stick to gboard, they deserve my data more than the chinks.
My trust in China does not extend to giving them access to everything I type on my phone
No. Her current set gives 8% crit rate, 12% dmg and 24% crit damage. New set is just 8% crit rate and 20% dmg. Higher dmg% for skill after ult is non factor because she is all about her ult.
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Silver Wolf touches ME
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Liking Aventurine at all means accepting his fujobait, potential or otherwise. But that pretty much goes for any male in this game because that's all most women playing this game care about - homoshit. I doubt there will ever be another female character he'll get shipbaited with like Topaz so what else is there to chew on tbqh
>literally has fantasy about being hurt by Bronya
What the fuck do you think as such?
he is doing a bit retardbro, can you not play along?
to be honest I feel like this is more tourists than average yurifags
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You just get 120% EHR and 161 speed in stats and make her Acheron debuff bot if you don't have Juaoqiu. She has no other uses.
Is Firefly the next banner?
no, it’s crappa and dhil
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She shits and pisses...
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Yeah, in your dreams, loser, lol.
No, Firefly is almost guaranteed to be on Tingyun’s banner.
Isn't his line about Bronya literally of how he would do anything to just be in her presence once. Even if that encounter is to be a painful one? kek
Hilarious that Gepard ended up being his prime ship shit when he says shit like this about chicks only. I even recall him hitting on Swan, calling her beautiful.
She can't. Break isn't a universal solution to unbrick chars. The only chars able to cope with it are those with break mechanics in the kit already, like Sushang with her break effect boost on e4, HIGH speed and 100% action advance on ult.

Hook is slow, has no good toughness damage and in general offers 0 help to make her work in break. Giving her big steroids is all you can do.
glowworm is most likely getting a rerun alongside Fyoog just before new year's
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Damn, I wanted to boost my E1 Firefly to E2S1 but I love Tingyun much more
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I did my part.
Its mostly tourists and flase flags iv seen mroe anti yuri shitposting then the actual bad yuri fans
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It's 4 am
>Stelle's possible bf dreams about other women
Stelle sisters...
Isn't this optimal for you then?
You get to roll Tingyun first, see the outcome, then use the rest for Firefly if you want?
Well yeah but she performs better in break teams for me, although it's mostly because the other members of the team also deal damage
>they don't like space china dawei
>okay give them the urban and rap patches
We Won
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>thinking chinks will read westernoids complaints
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Huh I guess so
I a dumb lil sigga wish to express my utmost apology to Penacony, I was way too harsh on you and i'm truly sorry for all my shitposting i was simply in the wrong Honkai star rail™ peaked at Penacony i have nothing bad to say about ir or it's character yes including him.
Black swan lovu
This. /u/fags are just as bad as fujoshits in their delusions, forgetting that it's just a fetish tailored made for 3P
>Black swan lovu
Yumes unironically don't mind cuckshit
Despite that Sushang works better in Robin, March comp with crit build than as superbreak dps. But that's because Robin is just retarded strong for character who acts so much.
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Can't wait to be home in about an hour and a half and do some slopping of my own...
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/hsrg/ and /hig/ will fuse into /honkai/ just like in my heckin dragon ball z
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Progressing multiple parts of the mainstory in the Luofo:

Bananas, Rap and monkeys in a school that happens to be in Penacony:
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do you have some clara sloppa?
>I even recall him hitting on Swan, calling her beautiful.
Just like when Sigga called a girl beautiful, this doesn't count because she's a lesbian and he's a gay man or something something
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only this one I've saved on my phone
Remember to spend your herta bonds on solitary healing, it'll be Stinkyun's BiS behind her sig
Your main concern right now should be whether or not he'll ever show up again. Sigga is only relevant to an irrelevant plotline, and he's not a Space China character so they are unlikely to waste time on him.
God I want to fuck Clara so bad
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Well, nyes.
Chinaslop stay flop
/hsrg/ is known to be biased
or rather, some people obviously spam the same opinion over and over again so it looks like /hsrg/ hates china when ut's obviously a loud minority
>holding hands
it's over... sparklebros are cucked...
America Won retard
They unironically do if they are the ones being cucked.
Not even chinks enjoy space china retard.
me and my wife getting it on!
Im already starting my Sigga folder, sensei..
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KING Yuan is the most popular character over there chudbait?
>Took the survey just to shit on Yanqing and the event story
I will always be a hater.
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good,good i am pleased.
After finally getting Lingsha and trying her with E0 FF I'd say the SP issue was massively overstated and it only starts showing a bit in long fights. I bet Fugue will be SP positive and it will become non issue at all with her instead of HMC.
What hours are these?
Bwo that's the wrong hole
They like Jing Yuan they don't like the story he's involved in.
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Queen of yuritroons already demonstrated how cancerous they really are
Dozing general > Lacking general
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Not him, but that still doesn't change the fact that his line about Bronya is "spicier" than anything he ever said about anyone else. Hell, he even wanks Sparkle a lot during her stream going on and on about her and how amazing she is (unlike how he acts when she is in his presence), not being aware that she is listening to all this.
You can argue that that both Bronya and Sparkle are dykebaits, as well as Swan, but that doesn't change the fact that he only ever said such things about female characters only.
The only "male" he might be "spicy" for is (You) if you are male TB. Him and Giovanni are less random fujo ship than him and Gepard on sole fact that he and Giovanni do have some form of friendly relationship. He couldn't care less about Gepard specifically, and the same goes for Gepard. Former only cares about him in sense of messing with him/silvermane in general, while latter cares about him as any cop would do about any form of fugitive, yet fujos die swearing that these two are le canon.
>chinks like the epitome of muh national pride
No fucking shit. They still think space china sucks thoughever
Source: your ass
I would bet my left nut that they just found some contrarian retard on a chink forum and signal blasted it.
She behaved like the average Caelus self inserter over here
Old fart general solos
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This is true and something that is quite possible given how poorly they've treated Kafka ingame since her initial arc. We don't know how these devs move. Much like Acheron, I honestly don't expect to see Aventurine for a while. Unlike Topaz, he doesn't seem to get event privileges either.
Eh it wasnt that bad it makes totals sense to be mad that yourself self insert wasnt included.
Tectone does worse shit daily
Finally off the chink-slop, ready to enjoy some pena-KINO
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Did the Destruction turn Tingyun into some sort of slut?
Yaoguang (the hebe general) > the other generals already just by hearing her voice
she doesn’t have a dot as per the latest leaks
Also i gotta be honest ever since she slept with Robins Va she kinda have been avoiding trying to talk about Yuri wich is kinda sad she was bullied out of it lol the new queen of yuri would be zkoda i guess
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I remember writing a bad review on their survey with how Da Wei's crying will not improve the game and he should stick 60 niggers cock on his ass (60NCIDW). I didn't get the rewards of that survey kek
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They think they can shaft characters that have the most loyal fans and that's fucking sad.
Caelus boyfriend* you mean? Whichever guy ends up being mc's shipbait, fujos will be way louder than yumes about it. It will be Xiao/Aether all over again despite him being made way more with Loom in mind.
Ironically, Scaramouche is more Loom core even though he isn't as yume bait as Xiao. He still has (you) bait, but I find it funny that when it comes to self-insert fags, he is more popular with Loom than Aether, unlike Xiao.
Can this set save Brickliu thou?
Is the lacking general even popular?
no but sunday can
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There is at least 2 of us here.
>/hsrg/ is full of unironic youtube watchers
Rappa will be the most popular character of all time here. Sadly, the extreme pareto principle of youtube "creators" and their audiences ensures that she will be the worst performing banner of all time.
That's true, nobody but deluded fujos perceive Sampo as fujobait to begin with. Sampo x Gepard is a huge fucking meme and Sampo has more affiliation with women. But you can't change the minds of the deluded. I think him being for (You) wouldn't be the worse fate he gets if it happens given more men in this game inexplicitly going to be fujobait or shipbait or both otherwise
Thing is Kafka can always show up whenever because of Elio's script. Because she is relevant to the MC she always has a chance of showing up. Acheron likely won't show up until we deal with IX. The Sigga though, is in a worse position than both of them. And to make matters worse for the Sigga they are more likely to use Topaz as an introduction point to the other Stonehearts than the Sigga.

Its ironic Ratio and Topaz got screentime in Penacony because of the Sigga, but he can't get any screentime because of them.
Dmc, Dan heng, hook, herta, serval, sushang, himeko, jingliu, yan qing, argenti, seele
hsr ccs get like 20 - 30k views if that. 99% of players don’t watch them. you’re full of shit
How fucking old is Sparkle jesus or does she have time powers
I love her she's my wife
I doubt it's better than quantum set.
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shan't be rolling for the horesfucker
Kafka was turbofucked the moment Hoyo introduced Firefly, can't have two characters from the same group compete for the same guy, she got relegated to being "too busy"
Acheron will probably never be seen ever again until Hoyo revisits the IX plotline, if ever
>unironic youtube watcher ignorantly and indignantly misunderstands and responds nonsensically
So this is the power of the poor...
>Acheron will probably never be seen ever again until Hoyo revisits the IX plotline, if ever
We have to get the Nihility path so we are likely to revisit it.
Just increasing her damage by 10% would not fix her issues.
The IPC can show up anywhere whenever they want, and it'd be retarded to keep using Topaz for every single IPC encounter when Jade and Aventurine are also available.
>And to make matters worse for the Sigga they are more likely to use Topaz as an introduction point to the other Stonehearts than the Sigga.
Opal is way more affiliated with Aventurine and Jade than Topaz, so that's just not true. He's in both of their character stories and also associated with SW, the most shilled SH. Topaz is only affiliated with Aventurine and Jade, but I can see her ushering in Pearl eventually.
i love mom more than firefly
>will be Xiao/Aether all over again despite him being made way more with Loom in mind.
Xiao/Aether started out as more popular in the beginning but then fujos dropped it because they didn't look good together.
>ever since she slept with Robins Va
She did WHAT?
Huh? You love Firefly more than Mom? Well we'll delete her from the game
The Lacking General's lack of good smell
So was Jade and yet Topaz was used to introduce her to us. Hell you're assuming that Opal will even be playable.
>youtube watchers
Lmfao who cares? Yeah they’re inaccurate most of the time but they can be fun to watch. You don’t need to take everything someone says seriously to enjoy watching a streamer or YouTuber.

Unless it’s Asmongold because he’s a super AI in a bald homeless looking man’s body and everything he says is correct.
t. skibidi zoomer
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The CCs are already beginning their shill campaign, I don't think you even understand how they work.
I hate this powercreep ridden game so much...
You give them too much credit. Besides Aventurine and Jade weren't even invited to the Express.
I already did, too bad she'll have to share it with Jiaoqiu every time a new PF is out
Is this supposed to be a joke? It's October.
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I'll never understand when did this influx and obsession with gay shit became this big to the point of it being a norm?
Sure. You had bl and yuri fans since forever, but never to this degree that they overtake mainstream social medias and screech about how their delusions are remotely canon.
Most of them just fuck off in their own corner with likeminded fags and enjoyed their crack homo ships in peace. Without harassing general public about them, or trying to force it as something that is canon.

I constantly see fujos/yuri fags claim how heterosexual content is over oversaturated, yet one struggles to find any at all at this point. If some does exist, then it's deemed problematic because [x] character is "canonically" gay (no, they aren't, but you get the point).
If first you say that you want to have cute dates with her and then you say that it reduce her character just because it's with male then you're a hypocrite
Zoomers aren't the skibidi ones, that's gen alpha. Zoomers are in their 20s and studying or working in IT. Some are even balding.
>unironic youtube watchers confounded by the English language, leaping to their first thought instead of comprehending or asking for clarification
So this is the power of the poor...
>So was Jade and yet Topaz was used to introduce her to us.
Jade's first appearance was in Aventurine's 2.1 sobstory flashback. Her first physical appearance was meeting Topaz, but the three of them are interconnected and marketed as a "trio" so it's not like there's anything wrong with that. Especially when Aventurine was bedridden.

>Hell you're assuming that Opal will even be playable.
Do we have any reason to believe he won't be? Regardless, as of now, we have zero reason to believe Topaz will be involved with his intro compared to Aventurine or Jade. Keeping Up with Star Rails also only use a character once, so it's gonna be one of those two who introduce him if he is playable.
Nah bro I’m 27, born in 1996. I’m a millennial.
Tl;dr: Death of Tumblr was the death of Twitter and the rest of the internet
Is this a bot? Why is 'you're poor' the only response it can produce regardless of what it's replying to?
Any leaked planars that could be Blade's new BiS?
Fujoshit and /u/shit became mainstream and trendy. Being homosexual became le cool and trendy and being straight became le cringe. That's literally all it comes down to.

Also the great tumblr migration to twitter....
Aethers design is twinky as hell thats why
Caelus barely has any fujo art because he just looks like a regular dude, its why art with him exploded when Firefly came out
Having more art is irrelevant btw, look at how well Love and Deepspace is doing commercially lol
>I'll never understand when did this influx and obsession with gay shit became this big to the point of it being a norm?
The LGBT movement?
Tingyun is the first Luofu chararcter (Chinese) you meet on the Luofu (China) in a Chinese game made predominantly for the Chinese.
She might also be the last Luofu character we will get in a while.
They will somehow make her more than just a break slut.
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>skibidi zoomer
he has already salsotto and rutilant, why would you want more?
propaganda in the west
This. Oldschool fujos and yuri fags mostly kept to themselves and knew that their ships were just ships. Not something that is real or that ever will be real.
This new gen of fujo shitters and yuri tards on another hand is the complete opposite.
>unironic youtube watcher cannot comprehend basic English even after the point is supplied to him twice
This is truly the power of the poor.
Need some advice. I recently saw someone leveling up Misha because they needed an ice DPS. Dunno if he had to because he never got Yanqing, but is Misha worth leveling over the King if you really REALLY need an ice DPS unit?
yurislop should only be allowed on /u/ desu, same with yaoishit on /y/. make them containment boards.
Tumblr taught them how to be so loud then when the echo chamber died they became everyone else's problem. Funny thing is most people don't care for bl or yuri shit and it used to be that when they went crazy but because of the LGBT movement it became politically incorrect to do so.
Only relic sets come out next patch and they're worse than his current set.
Why would you ever need an ice DPS? If its PF you just use Herta.
you do not need an ice DPS, ice hasn't been shilled in almost a year now
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You know what I don't fucking care. I got my primos and that's all that matters.
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They'll save Aventurine's introduction for Sugillite's intro for maximum fujo bucks
That's mostly because the community didn't tolerate their bs. They way how the L&D community treats them is actually how most communities used to treat them.
Both are trash. Only Jingliu is good general ice dps in the game but no one uses her anyway.
Sure, he can use those, but they feel like his BiS at all
I meant something like Fexiao with Duran
What are primos?
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Most likely......... see you in 2 years
yea they did mutiple video together irl and slept in the same hotel room multiple nights, wich normaly would not be crazy but they are them so its pretty clear
It always seems to come down to not gate keeping enough or people who would normally be gate kept had communities big enough and it overshadowed the original.
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Just switch around your team anon
They are a part of a group called the Stonehearts, they can easily bullshit a relationship.

>Do we have any reason to believe he won't be?
playable child male model does not exist.
Nta, but it's nice to have for remembrance path
Star Rail is their one game that is stable, so of course its time to change things there. Who cares if its completely against the normal art style of the shorts?
The small worm model is just a reporpused loli model since they have literally the same bodytype.
There would be bigger shit show if it was a female mc male enjoyers would react same if not worse honestly they should have just done the wuwa thing.
Pepeshi model does though
Say that to Genshin.
it'll be some minor increase anyway, duran is like 2-3% better than salsotto or izumo for feixiao
what blade need is some support, which might happen considering the leaks
>The exact same argument over 12 hours later
Please seek therapy
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Since they'll probably keep the interactions the same then shipping whichever for (you) dude with Caelus wouldn't be any different than shipping it with Stelle, I dunno which moral high ground you people think you operate on but you are willingly playing a game with gay shit in it
just use Gepardo
HSR and Genshin have different teams. They could do it. It's either that or giving Opal the Yanqing model because we already know he's coming in 3.x
>all certified fujo aven account screeched about Jade 24/7 and tried to push slaver bs on her
>they instantly change their tune and simp for the same dude who literally voted for aven's execution
>bonus points: most of them were also Hoolay simps despite him being ACTUAL slaver
Jade fiasco and hypocrisy about it will never not be funny to me. Especially because she wasn't even hated for the things she did do, but the things these mentally ill fujos claimed she did (that she was a slaver).
stoneflops goddamn flopped
Or they'll simply just not make him playable.
Because this game openly panders to them by not locking pseudo romantic interactions behind gender. They kinda did this with Firefly by exclusively putting the male MC but they should have not given the female MC anything
You are playing a game that has had unironic LGBT consultants in its ranks
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I'm just enjoying the current filler patch. How about thee?
Would they really make a HP scaler that strong though? Would they consider the durability of the character as a reason to keep their DPS below the competition.
>but you are willingly playing a game with gay shit in it
Where? Headcanons and fanart do not count. Show me a canonically confirmed homosexual relationship in the game.
I tried that, but Gallagher can't heal enough to prevent Hoolay from raping at least one member of the team.
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A reliable leaker already said he's coming. It makes sense too because he got the spotlight in the stonehearts video. Give up bro.
Rules...are made to be broken
Graffiti is so rebellious when it has already been sucked off by the modern "fine art" institutions
>HSR and Genshin have different teams.
and which team did a year full of homos?
Should've rolled fofo
Do you at least have Godpard? I think he fares better
This is Mihoyo, yuri is their bread and butter they are more likely to gender lock the girls so that they only show interest in Stelle.
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Most of Firefly's "romantic" marketing is outside of the game and with Caelus, so not... really? It's also officially described as friendship so anyone getting kneejerk "ew dykes!" interactions can feel safe.
Enjoying Metaphor and waiting for Factorio DLC.
Where's the datamine for this dumbface?
just make them a counter character to justify the hp scaling
blade would have been way better if he had taunt in his kit like yunli
You yuritrannies are so funny sometimes
>HSR and Genshin have different teams
All the games are made by 10 people largely. Hence why the exact same stuff is cycled around all 3 constantly.
I decided to uninstall after seeing the recent short. There is no recovery after that
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It doesn't just end with Jing Yuan shilling. It permanently adds Jing Yuan shilling to a planet where there previously was none. This is his game. You're just playing it.
Caelus got her character trailer, and White Night OP but for the other cms and shit they mostly used Stelle.
Shit, really? I do have a built Gepard from back when he was my only preservation character. I guess I'll slap universal market on him and see how it goes.
Not talking about that. Just how fujos (Hoyotards in particular) operate in general.
Girl exists? She is canonically lesbian because they said so.
Male exists? Canonically gay because they said so.
Someone dares to pair girl and guy together? HARAM!
Even when you do look at (you) baits, you still have Mina-like fiasco with Firefly. Her and Stella? The way it's meant to be. Her and Caelus? Gooner bait and it's reducing Firefly to a mere waifu bait.
Almost finished Shorekeeper arc in WW.
Kuro did better pandering
Mina fucking hates her with Stelle though, she wanted FF to fuck Robin.
If you don't have Gepard build, just forget it, it's not worth your sanity
just wait for better sustain
or try switching your Lingsha and Gallagher around
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>they are them
kek this was funnier than it should've been
Since all Firefly romantic interactions are outside the game and not canon does it mean people that ship it are just like the gay shippers they whine about all day?
off-topic ig but i remember how those lgbtards went on about how caesar in zzz is "the only confirmed straight girl in a mihoyo game". those freaks genuinely think something like being straight has to be proven, as if it's not the norm
Literally any other game did pandering better, this is a homoverse game after all
why is the thread so shit today, is it because of monkeys in the trailer
how do you die on a team comprised of four fucking tanks? did you forget to put on a light cone or relics?
Because they are retarded, and it's how tumblr taught them to think.
>Black Swan
What the fuck are you smoking
Iirc the reason it's better is because of the crit rate and not because the 4pc is actually better. Seele is also often used off element in pure fiction.
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Sampo always wins
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You are blaming a bunch of anonymous people over your bad twitter interactions
if you don't do anything in real life and hang around reddits, twitter or discords where everyone talks about degeneracy, of course you'd forget that being heterosexual is the default.
Aventurd is one of the faggiest characters ever and his design makes me puke but it looks like I will have to roll on his rerun because shields will enable my favorite characters to actually do the work instead of getting one tapped.
I will mod him to look like something else.
what's wrong with the last short?
>thinking that fujobucks is real
get a load of this faggot.
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I just got unbanned
I just learned that you get heavy discounts monthly if you use the Galaxy Store for Star Rail. Is that true? If yes, how do you do it?
Cousins in spanish
There's a mod to make him look like Skott or an IPC NPC.
i didn't even think that it's about fire shilling puppets on side 1
do you have levelled gui or something? breaking the boss is priority, swan kind of a meme here
also, if you already cleared with 10 cycles or less, you can now clear in 30 cycles with no deaths and it will give you the jades
Unironic skill issue. I clear everything super comfortably with Fu Xuan, Gallagher and Lingsha.
do chinks steal literally everything not nailed down? are they incapable to develop their own style?
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Unironically skill issue
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At the end of the day everyone kneel to the worm
US/EU only iirc, just download HSR from the galaxy store and you'll get the offers
Well to be fair Japan stole it first.
this is missing the spade on his chest and his SLAVE neck tattoo
.. nvm just realized that you did get 36 with that strat kek
>Crappa animation is just some American cartoon shit is considered le kino!!!!11!1!

Yeah sorry but this shows they don't even care about her anymore

Unfortunately because 4chan is contrarian they will do the opposite by praising shit trailer

You already know it but because your pride and ego is through the roof right now, you will disagree even if you agree with me on the inside
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>but you are willingly playing a game with gay shit in it
I don't play Hi3 though and I'm yet to see CANON homo shit in this game that isn't just your delusions or headcanons.
>Dan - literally gives no fuck for Blade and even tells him to fuck off (nice gay relationship you got there as such)
>Blade - literally wants to kill Dan and is still not over foxian pussy, something that even Jingliu tells him to just get over it (nice gay relationship you got there as such pt 2)
>Seele - EN lolcow team literally had to make her antagonistic to Luka because they felt their imaginary dyke ship with Bronya was in danger because Seele dared to be friendly to a man
>Bronya - she has shipshit with everyone from Seele to Topaz to yourself aka all headcanons and nothing confirmed
>Scampo - only ever hits on women and implied in stream to crush on you, so, sure, he is as gay as Firefly then depending on your TB
>Gepard - only gives a fuck about his sisters
>Welt - literally married
>Kafka - again depends on you
>SW - once more... DEPENDS ON YOU!
>Jimmy Chungus - all headcanons and nothing canon
>KING - Jingliu'd
>Jingliu - on blonde man's cock
>blonde man - always was straight in EVERY Hoyo game that had him
>Robin - only for her brother and you
>Schizoday - siscon
>Aventurine - only acts like flaming faggot in EN version due to his EN VA projecting it on him
>Acheron - literally a fucking (You) bait you even get Mei/Kiana parallels with her when she saves you
>Swan+Sparkle - just whores that have baits with everyone they ever interacted with
I could go on and on, but long story short: No homos confirmed outside of your own head
I didnt like it either stellebro
>US/EU only iirc
Partially true. In EU we only get cucked offers like "50% off on purchases up to 17 euro". Useful for cheap Express Pass, I guess.
at least some time they actually innovate, i still have not seen something originally innovative from china
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Wins what? Smelliest gf in the world? Scampo bros...
Wait so I have to redownload HSR? I got it from the Google play store that's why I'm asking.
You weren't supposed to point that out.
The only unironic gay shit in this game was Seele/Bronya everything else is headcanon
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Since we are gonna operate under the "nothing is confirmed" logic then people that ship for (you) arent any better than gay shippers
This. Don't play that shit as well, but /hig/ fags themselves came to talk about that ebin parallel.
Yeah, the Galaxy Store wouldn't detect that you've downloaded HSR if you got it from Google Play and won't send you the offers
It always comes down to this. Self-insert faggots keep pretending shippers are everything bad in this world, meanwhile self-insert faggots are just shippers but only do it for one character, and are infinitely more delusional about any interaction involving that character.
How long ago does the collab take place?
This is true but the dead yuri game still projects a long shadow sadly
Dan/Blade is funniest. Even if we are to go with narrative that Blade is homo for Dan, Dan wants nothing to do with him. Not only did he tell him to fuck off back then, but the only interaction he has with Blade if paired together is that he will fucking kill him if he dares to harm any of his friends.
wouldn't say they are the same, but yes, I find (you) shippers to be annoying also.
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There is a middle ground. I don't care about your ships or your self-insert.
This. I just want cute girls and I don't care at all about dumb relationship shit.
ok but all girls are for (you) though
don't care about the homos
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>space scifi game
>could make all sorts of fantastical settings for us to visit
>uhhhhh ice planet with russians
>uuuuuuuhhh space china
>uuuuuuuhhhhhhh disneyland
>uuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh ancient rome i guess
Well I just learned today that Firefly in game interactions arent supposed to be seen as romantic and if you think so you are a delusional obnoxious shipper, but I guess since it isnt literally confirmed thats fair.
Oh okay my hombray el omigo!
This tiktok screen reminds me that the western marketing is wayyy different from eastern marketing too, so that’s another reason western xeetroons get uppity about character sexuality. These western social media sponsors feed into what they like, retweeting ship edits and irrelevant garbage to make them feel validated. Meanwhile chink account is pairing up male and female characters in their CN only commercials and collabs. It’s pretty devilish work.
Blade got addicted to foxian pheromones...
I think it's two separate things
There's a difference between
>I want these two people to bang
>I want to bang that person
huh, this might be not so bad
Since MC is a literal character in-game I think its a fair comparison
who is rappa? anyone remember her?
Fujos literally memory-holed it they now claim that Dan said that he's be with Blade always.
I dunno, couldn't they use that money to get better writers?
No there really isn't.
Well, you have a new wall of delusion in this thread especifically because Caeluspags are more interested in rejecting that Stellefags have the same relationships as their character, so they come up with insanity like "canon Firefly is only romantically interested in Calues and not Stelle" and other complete schizo babble.
he's pretty much blank self-insert
Delusional shiptranny.
Obviously, but you can’t expect either faction to have self awareness. Waifufags won’t even accept that they make up headcanons about Firefly like some weirdo 12 year old, knowing she’s just a friend in canon kek
the futuristic ancient rome motif is taken from a Star Trek episode
He isn't. Yumes use their own characters to self insert instead of Stelle so that tells you the TB has enough characterization to be their own character outside of "he's literally me!"
Just keep being based. Most people don't.
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It got to him when he was just a child. He had no chance.
>that discord is raiding us again
oh, thats why the thread quality dropped
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Bronya RABU!
gm bwos
seems like a woman problem, everyone male can self-insert into Caelus just fine
FSN Collab
Anon, these threads haven't seen quality in this entire year. 2.0 completely killed off last comfy feel that this general had and it only got worse since then.
how long does this wardance event take?
maybe they weren't amazing but early in chinkslop patch we had some ok threads
I'm a older guy and I can't self-insert into generic teenage guy, no. Especially when he acts like a little bitch every other cutscene, like when Aventurine is cornering him in the first penacony patch, or the final firefly scene, or the space station bug corridor.
I did it in like 3-4 hours
>American cartoon shit
Begone ye ignorant beast of low culture
I can selfinsert just fine tho
Having characterization is not a demerit for that
It just excludes those that don't vibe with the character
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The shipperfag is from /gig/ hence the thread was getting shittier than ever. I don't blame them though since they're social rejects and society doesn't accept their headcannons so they will have to cope by spamming on one of these boards of their ships and self-insert (I self-insert as Sampo).
>no Ratio
I’m glad you realize he’s an actual faggot who takes it up the ass from robot men to get by
I remember a while back that Korea and China's hsr cm has Dan and Stelle kissing and flirting in public.
idk like current honkai plot era 2024
but there may or may not be Sparkle being a god and time travel involved idk or it was just aha letting her troll its complicated
Like 4 hrs if you mash spacebar during yapping and auto every actual fight
>I'm a older guy
Sorry to hear that you are still playing gacha slop at that age, I didn't think it would be very appealing for oldfags
SEA hours
Was Dan a flop?
No they don't,
>b-but this one yume
Isn't a yume
He sold well but had a shill campaign
Mina is a retard and so are those “Robin is a lesbian” SJWs. Firefly is heavily implied to be into both MCs. Silver Wolf reacts to it in game the same way no matter whether it’s Stelle or Caelus.
>popular with fujos
>popular with yumes
>sold well
No but he’s bland
No but his character sucks
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Are you hyped for Rappa's trailer now?
Hilariously enough, no. He sold well enough for the time period.
>Silver Wolf reacts to it in game the same way no matter whether it’s Stelle or Caelus.
nooooooooooooooooooo she's only for caelus!?????
>talks about cross posters
>posting hi3 character
thats not too bad than thanks
Pretty good
>Story and lore
Empty husks
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How bricked am I if skip Lingsha?
>How fucking old is Sparkle jesus or does she have time powers
Anon it's just an illustration
Sorry anon but Firefly in game interactions are not romantic I dont care how you interpret them
So it's just going to be some Vocaloid Music with some rap in it?
this, it was a friendly date
“Heavily implied” is the same cope shippers use kek. It either is or isn’t. She’s just your friend just like everyone else in the game.
Post your roster
Nice try, but you forgot screwllum x ratio and jiaoqiu x moze.
One day there's going to be one character with interactions with TB actually being romantic in nature while being in the actual game, and everyone on all sides will collectively lose their shit
Very bricked if you don't have 2 limited sustains
all this shipbait shit would be fixed if we just had same date mechanic as ZZZ
And then you wake up and remember this is a Hoyoslop game
Hoyo dosnt have the balls
But that's already FF
which girls can I make pregnant?
The character would have to be opposite gender of mc or mr. Ping will throw a fit
He literally said he can go on and on bro
Nobody is going to mention every shipshit in the book because we would be here forever listing it. He clearly went for more "infamous" gay ships there that Twitter troons claim to be canon. That ship with Ratio is far less popular than with sigga and while the other is popular in its category, at the same time nobody cares too much about these two niggers too hard.
Depends if you already have 2 sustains and/or intend to replace Gallagher
If you really need the rolls for Fugue/3.x unit then just get Lingsha on rerun
Didn't you improve your sleep schedule recently? What happened?
They never did this in their literal otome game kek (cards are the closest things to it)
Firefly and recent Scampo teasing in last stream is as close to (you) pandering as you will get. Aka expect shit to be more explicit in game, while they will ship bait it hard outside of it with implications of these characters liking you in that way.
Silver Wolf mentions that FF is only interested in playing games with the TB, and when TB gives FF her bird, after listening to FF’s reaction she says that TB must be good at romance games. FF then asked if they could teach her how to play romance games. This is all in game.
>falling for false advertising and noncommittal pandering
Bro they littlery fuck in their otome game
I had to catch a flight early
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Since its not literally confirmed its shipper headcanon I dont make the rules anon
>Canon love interest
>In mhy game
That's not what my sister told me. She said any actual pandering is card shit only while main story is dry as fuck.
I love my genki pawg wife
Go back
Sold well
Boring as Fuck. You think they decided to shill Yanking for no reason?
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Hanabi love is my (head)canon
So more “implied” cope aka shipping headcanon that won’t ever go anywhere. Come back when she actually confesses like actual galges do
If I were in charge of HSR I would do it, if only to force on everyone that MY waifu is fucking canon. Best time to do it would be once I had an EoS date ofc
Blade literally cursed himself with eternal life because he was so down bad for Baiheng, how the FUCK did fujos even think he was homo for Dan lmao
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I love my goth robot wife.
It's canon anyways. She even said she's making a mask for TB!
And the confession must be "I love you romantically" because just "I love you" can also means she loves you as a friend
idk i dont play it i just saw them fucking in a car and there was that
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*buys you food*
1000 year old hag trying to groom TB...
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Very true.
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danke für das Essen
Anon shes in honkai impact that game has a male protag that she will interact with....it even has affnity system...
Is there even any modern gacha games that do that?
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This was already pretty romantic bro, especially if you take into account the song playing during it. If this happened between two characters that weren't TB shippers would have gone insane.
>reading anything but their fanfics
Nice joke - I bet half of them don't even play this game.
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I thought that was a dyke game, you people lied to me.
Pgr there is even a kiss and character admit their love to you on regular
>it even has affnity system
why do we still not have one
Why would you be concerned about that in HI3, where the protagonist is actually a player standin, and not in HSR, where the protagonist is their own character with a personality
Self inserters already went insane. Doesn't mean it's gonna ever be canon or amount to anything. That will alienate a big bunch of their audience.
I dont see them exchanging bodily fluids, shipper headcanon.
>HSR, where the protagonist is their own character with a personality
Not playing that EoSbait, does WW share the same principle though?
It has two worlds player is a captain(you) in his own verse and then there is the the canon yuri verse where main story happens.
Captain verse is when you interact with characters in your screen menu so yea there is a male mc technicly then again captain verse also has a canon wife so
Dan made even less sense because his literal interaction with Blade was him telling him that he doesn't care and that he can go fuck himself. That was the end of it as Dan hasn't cared about Blade's whole existence since. I dare saying that Luochud would be more valid gay bait with Dan than Blade. That's how random whole Blade x Dan thing is.
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In game it's still pass as very good friends. It's trailers and ads with Caelus that made whole thing into "canon wife" talk
So it might not have been that long ago, Sparkle could still just be in her 20s.
Thank you. I won't ask what's in here.
lmao even
>It has two worlds player is a captain(you) in his own verse and then there is the the canon yuri verse where main story happens.
I was going to pick up HI3 but that sounds fucking retarded
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>1000 years old
Clearly the tampering of a History Fictionologist, there's no way Yunli is an 1000 year old groomer. Now stop thinking about it so hard.
Aight thanks kuro intern, I'll be checking your game
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holy shit we got Reol for star rail
You can be certain of that. Back in the day, when Genshin was fresh and had the most schizophrenic shiptards possible, the ongoing joke about them was that majority of them didn't play the game. It wasn't even the joke because majority of these shippers self-reported themselves by admitting to not play the game. They just find certain characters good with each other on looks alone and ran with it. It wouldn't be a problem if they didn't make it everyone else's problem by attacking everyone who didn't ship the same thing.
It's like FF7's fujos who never played the game but ship Cloud and Sephiroth. Difference is that those fujos are still chill and keep to themselves up to this date. A very rare thing nowadays desu
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It would be cute if she was though
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No worries hsrbwo.
So true, I usually hold hands with my friends as we're falling through fireworks while a song about our love is playing in the background.
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Yea it looks something like this
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Non canon garbage
better than nothing
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*Kisses you*
FF7 fujos are old school ones and FF7 fanbase will be quick to put delusional fujo in check if they dared to claim that their ship is remotely canon. Aka if they tried to push Cloud as canon gay man in love with Sephiroth, a man who killed his mother and was responsible for destroying his hometown.
You see this mental illness in Hoyo and other anime fanbases (mostly modern shounen) to spread because it was allowed.
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Is this achievable natty
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She is very famous or what
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NTA but Captainverse was its own story separated from the main story, it already ended a while ago with Captain getting with his vampire gf.
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Yeah bwo
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Any anons here that have built Welt? Any endgame content where he excels in? I got his E2 recently and was wondering if it's finally worth investing in him.
>Caeluspags fell for the marketing
Holy kek
Good, that’s why TB called their relationship friendship after this scene ended when you go to the rooftop, kek.

This is true
It is
The captain shit is also limited to gag events and jokes
None of the girls people actually care about are involved either
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I've covered every corner in Penacony looking for treasures and I'm fucking stuck at level 44 on the Clockie Studios where the fuck else am I supposed to get those clockie credits????
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>male hand

You people lied to me you told me it is a dyke game for dykes my yurifag hands are never touching this
nigger, really?
Welt is awkward in a sense that he really wants to be the main dps of the team but his kit screams debuffer
New relic set is like 10% more damage. It won't make Jingpoo much more relevant unless they start shilling ice again
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>Somehow I got a perfect chest piece before I got a perfect head piece
Wonder if I'll get perfect boots too, that'd be cool.
You done your quests yet, those rewards you cock credits
Dykes don’t exist, including the two cockglobbers in your fanart who suck off Diamond and Aventurine
>still cucked by lack of good supports and shitty 1.x dps multipliers

>relic shit
>insane buffs
Her only hope is literally Sunday and only Sunday
Aventurine is a gay man
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>10 years ago
Who fucks women…
Bold of you to assume that fujos play the game. They read fanfic and sometimes watch a playthrough on youtube. That's why they tend to make up shit.

This. And it's literally the same people that ship in hsr. I remember that DanMarchfag that insisted that they were "always together" because the game said so (it didn't) and then had a started coping when she realized that it wasn't true. And those fujos that insisted that Baiheng was never mentioned in the game before 2.4.
>t. Camden
This may shock you, but just because you like sucking cocks, it doesn't mean that the character that you voice does too. No matter how hard you try to project it onto him and even invent lines to make him seem homo.
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>hourly kakaurine melty
/hsrg/ has never been the same after 2.0
Jingliu isn't a hypercarry though. SP efficiency always implies you are better in dual carry scenarios. For hypercarry she already has extremely good supports that nothing will beat.
She lacks damage multiplier, but if they start to hand that out, you won't see her stocks rising, but FUA becoming even more retarded. Robin not having that, and shitty additional damage instead, is already for that reason.
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Stop saying he's gay
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So when are we going to get another Kino trailer?
Captainverse was basically for the original fans of HI3 who actually played the game when it was otaku pandering. They ended it alongside part 1 to go full yuritroon pandering with predictable results.
CN Aventurine is an unironic rich sleezebag built for yumejo appeal, it’s so funny finding out ENG made him a flaming faggot
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Absolute mhy shill lmao
Yea, and Seele hates being paired with Luka. Oh, wait...
Brain dead Hi3 was always yuri troon pandering since the manga. Captain verse was there to people that wanted the pandering. It was always like this
He's the same in jp and Kris too. Him being homo is really an eng only thing.
>Captain still mindbreaking yuritroons to this day
You love to see it
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Good thing I play JP so I can skip all the ENGtroon fanfiction
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Sure thing. Just like how Seele absolutely hates Luka too. At this point I'm only surprised that ENG troons allowed Sampo to be flirty with women like Swan. One would think they would make special invented lines for him too because nothing remotely straight is allowed to fly in ENG troon localization.
It also doesn't help that ENG voice actor for sigger is actual homo who is literally projecting said thing onto sigger. Hence why ENG Aventurine is such flaming faggot while no other language follows it.
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Hey, you got any virgin shotas around here?
>they unironically wasted an animated trailer on Crappa
But why
I heard they decanonized all yuri ships and tried introducing a male self insert MC I dunno if yurifags would be interested in the game after that
overestimated her appeal.
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>ripping off trigger in HSR is a thing now too
Kill whoever's behind this.
>Hence why ENG Aventurine is such flaming faggot while no other language follows it
Change the dub all you want, he has a spade on his chest and SLAVE tattooed on his neck
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Sometimes I questioned myself on why I pulled for E0 Sparkle and signature lightcone during her last rerun... I even used up my 100 tickets, which I could have used to pull Feixiao or Lingsha.
you lost anti-triggerschizo
They killed off the male self insert entirely so there’s that
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Aventurine broke you
While I never gave too much fuck for Boothill, it's hilarious they will waste money on trash like this while character like Boothill actually had good material for animated story. Like watching his home planet blown up by IPC and him finding the corpse of his daughter. Yet, he got shit.
her best teams are hyper
>SP efficiency
can also imply that the character is meant to use sp intensive supports
>damage multiplier
is not the problem (why do redditards keep repeating this meme? danhomo has 500% heckin multiplier and he's just as cope as jingpoo)
tingyun effectively increases the base dmg multiplier btw
That's literally just how t heir rich playboys dress.
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At this point it’s safe to assume /hsrg/ wants Aventurine to be a gay raped slave so that they have a chance with him. It’s genius…
While Seele doesnt outright hate Luka she does find him annoying, not in a tsundere way mind you
he broke my womb
The ongoing cope about Boothill thing is that they are saving it for later on or whatever.
Ah okay, then it is good. Was worried you regressed again.
cocoball sama please share the sauce of that firewife pic
lov u anon
I meant Adam
They went back and added Aventurine calling Topaz beautiful in the next patch si if you bitch enough they might silently change somethings, if they’re unvoiced anyway.
Watch Boothill's revenge be completely sidelined when Oswaldo appears just like how whole Dan and Blade thing turned out to be a huge nothing burger.
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I like trigger that's why I hate homoverse shamelessly ripping them off.
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But at the same time CN emphasize his appearance as why fat old man pay good money for him so there's that
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>could've ripped off ninja slayer
>did this instead
Rappa is just a bundle of failures everywhere.
Fucked up because APHO was way more interesting than whatever the fuck part 2 is supposed to be.
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Good stuff. Trying to improve mine too, but it really starts getting harder now.
Bonus points if he teams up with Oswaldo to beat up IPC's Yanqing and then they fuck off on somewhat friendly terms.
Zephyro is gonna be Hagfly bro trust the plan
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APHO was peak
His appearance being that he’s a scrawny twink who doesn’t look like he’d win the fight, ranking the betters more money. Context is key anon… He’s a gladiator who killed other slaves
Sure, I dont see why yurifags would be flocking to that game after APHO royally fucked them over though
That's not what having flawless skin means to chinese anon.
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Rappa keeps your primos safe
Because he’s not saying “good skin”, he’s saying “nice face” MTL shitposter
Knowing Mihoyo and their track record when it comes to things like these, expect this 100%.
>le Otto is a bad guy who experimented/killed all you ever loved
>le Fatui are bad guys
>Raiden killed Kazuha's friend so-
>he doesn't care and wanks her
>Scaramouche surely will pay some fucking price for all he d-
>ok but Blade and Dan will battle surely and-
>they team up to beat a kid and completely forget about each after that
Wtf is an APHO? Explain in HSR terms
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>one "Yunli" flavor please
I hope that isn't her because I doubt we'll get any playable lord ravagers
And what nice face have to do with being gladiator retard? There's nothing about him twink=can easily win a fight. It's literally preference thing
shit mode that almost killed the game and was only interesting to secondaries that got into it thinking hi3 would turn into self-insert pandering kusoge
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Holy shit i didnt know EN fucked the characterisations up that much. A shame because some of the voices are actually good
Switching to JP i guess
>blackpilled version of Firefly
Would be kino
Imagine if there was a completely separate game mode (no gacha) set a few amber eras after the game's story (even though it's still going on) and instead of having 3 buttons it was attempting to look like a full-fledged RPG with defend, wait and item commands. That's APHO.
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>and instead of having 3 buttons it was attempting to look like a full-fledged RPG
bro shut the fuck up, the "aerial" combat was barebones and barely added anything to it, and was also very braindead so people like you could pull it off.
How can this general talk about 2.1 7000xs and still not understand what the fuck happens in it? This scene happens moments before he bets 30 cents that he’ll kill the slave his master is pitting him up against. He’s not being sex trafficked you retard
APHO sucked ass though. The gameplay was REALLY bad.
They do this a lot with characters the ENG localization decided are gay. Just compare this Topaz line too
NTA but my friend keep bitching about how much worse EN is in characterisation and conveying context of scenes in comparison to JP - it isn't even about which one is closer to CN, as much as EN being simply badly writen. And don't even let me start about "le wacky memes xd" which surely gonna age up well.
Seele and Luka fiasco is the most infamous case of en literally making shit up.
In every other language Seele is happy to be paired with Luka. Joking and being happy that they are going to fight together again. In en version on another hand she absolutely hates the mere idea of it.
It isn't even the only case. Aventurine suffers from same syndrome as Luka. Topaz is also more friendly to being paired with sigger while en makes her sound more annoyed and tired at the idea of him.
Lastly, about the thing anon was saying when it comes to sigger's en va: Yes. His en va even was proud of his "improvisations" (aka making Aven gay as fuck) because he "sees himself" in sigger. Hence why sigger sounds so fruity in en version and even says gay shit that he never says in any other language.

Only o.k. en voice actors are pretty much Bronya and Sampo who refuse to even get involved with social media. Blade's own va is fine despite being a massive homo irl on sole fact that he doesn't project that onto his characters, nor does he expects his characters to be like him unlike sigger's va.
>ENfags trying to force the "sigga is gay" headcanon this hard
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didn't ask you niggers
they fucked up Topaz's trailer which was supposed to have a Raiden Mei reference but they changed it to a Team Rocket reference instead
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I wish they gave Stelle sex appeal (canon)
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I was wondering what the fuck kind of beef Seele had with Luka and the story never alluded to Luka being a dick. That shit was EN faggotry?
And here's the secondary retard that it pandered to.
You don't understand, en va and translators have a VISION of how the story and characters should be. They are the only ones who truly understand the story.
It’s one seafag obsessed with Sigga slave rape. I genuinely believe he has to be a rape victim projecting
>when no other language has certain lines that en sigger has
>when en va himself talked openly about this and being proud about his own projecting onto sigger
>there needed to some sort of backlash to add a simple line of Aventurine calling Topaz beautiful because en was the only language to leave that out while they had no problem INVENTING lines for Aventurine when it comes to every men in his radius
Sure thing troon
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/hsrg/ is the only bastion left standing trying to defend Aventurine's heterosexuality.
i don't like early threads
It's impressive how strong the correlation is between the thread being terrible and someone posting an early followup with Firefly in the OP
Nta but yes. Seele acts completely friendly to Luka in every single language that HSR has. Laughing and being happy that they get to fight together once more.
EN is the only version in which she acts annoyed with him.
herta schizo falseflagging >>498876757
so you can use his thread >>498876757
Yes and it’s made worse because unlike JP, which did go back to add in Topaz’s line to be friendlier - ENG keeps their shitty ooc lines in forever and it makes people unironically believe these characters despise each other for no reason
>two replies one minute after each other
Stop bumping your own thread
Pagfly fags aren't beating the allegations
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an asta thread could be made but i don't know how

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