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quest for revenge (this time for sure) edition

Previous Thread: >>498672408

2D Hentai games (Hentai RPG, Violated Heroine, H-Action Games) General /hgg2d/ former /vhg/




>/hgg2d/ Game Archive - IPFS Edition



>Nifty translation tool by Anon:

>RJ Gallery SCRIPT

VH FAQ/Links

>Fetish discussion outside of the context of video games:>>>/h/
>Visual novels:>>>/vg/vn/ or >>>/vg/vng
>Non-Japanese games:>>>/aco/weg/ or >>>/aco/weg2d/
>3D games:>>>/h/hgg/

Please wait for page 10 before making a new thread.
Best boy, Kuuem Hachi
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Will he be the only one fucking the wife or will there be more guys?
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I cannot be destroyed.
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If you haven't yet, please vote in the VGL roster poll:


We're nearing the weekend, when the poll will close.
Asgar should forever be the gk, there is no one else more fitting, besides he is pretty much hgg2d culture
Better than real one because maybe the archer at least gets fucked unlike the main character party where you cant fuck any of the girls
>himecut supremacy / Rio
Woah, I wonder who made this poll fucking nigger
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what if a blob gets stabbed by the angel halo
I closed the survey when I saw "ge"
Blobs are a higher tier than shitty monsters so it does nothing.
Take that shit outta there
>being filtered by surveyge
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You retards actually encourage the ritual shitposters
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Have you contributed?
Any city building hentai games you guys would recommend for an eop? Make Me Lover kinda game with actual buildings and such. Even sfw games modded for nsfw, but with actual images and scenes not just text.
I'm realizing the lack of this genre in hentai games, maybe too niche...
xx na Kanojo no Tsukurikata 2
>implying it's shitposting
Nothing that will tick all your boxes.
At best there are rpgmaker games where you're creating a village but not exactly in a city-building style (more of "unlocking more building" for your village scenario) and the 3 games from Irisfield.
Your 2nd best bet is dungeon building instead of city, stuff like
If this is fine then there are plenty.
Played it back in the days when UI patch came out
I already played quite the number of dungeon builders (including this one), but yeah... I was looking for city building games specifically. Maybe even base builders since I enjoyed Mad Island recently.
This stuff is really hard to find...
I wish Minwa would post a free demo already.
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>successful businessman
>very intelligent
>well versed in magical contracts
>can draw well
>can sew and made pic related by himself
The girl should just marry him since he's clearly a way better catch than the cuck.
Will he share her with his customers?
i will now play your game
What's your favourite 2D Hentai Game anons?
Ruins of Luxoria
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Drop Factory 2 doko
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Piracy are killing the industry!
Please support the creator you likes!
westoids cant buy their products anyway so what does it matter if they pirate them?
Why would they care if EOP pirate games that are only in japanese?
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I can't even view dlsite without VPN.
Piracy is a service problem.
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Another cute boy from Minwa
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It's Friday.
Have you tried dns?
That's a girl.
>girl pitching a huge tent
I wish I was gay.
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>Piracy is a service problem.
Leave the middle one to me
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That's the Male MC
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gross a dog!
She will never blob
is potatodev done with this?
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Ding dong dong, please give the best ten teams for Frontier, to tackle Niddhog B4 pretty pretty please.
Soon, in elf years
When's agnisdev's new game coming out again? The demo was decent, hopefully AI TLs gets OCR built in soon.
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shut the FUCK up
Yes it's country ip range blocked from dlsite's side

I am a buyfag with over 500 works on DLsite
>literally just hakunen with different clothes and hair
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I already celebrated
Your government wants you to consume local pedoge and scat videos, kraut.
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That's not a bad thing
why did she do it?
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RJ01072476's Steam version released yesterday. CGs/animated scenes all look uncensored, but how's the translation?
I asked nicely.
I can tell at glance this is garbage.
>Dire's "half"
This faggot is slowly growing on me. The conversations you three have in colony are also great
you didn't plap her good enough
Been thinking alot of an old game I played called Agarest: Generations of War where the heroines you marry will eventually bear you a child whom you can continue playing and marry another set of heroine and repeat up till the final generation where the game ends. It's not a H-game, more like a mix of an RPG and Visual Novel with alot of fanservice. Is there a H-game similar to this? Specifically the part on marrying heroines to play as the next generation of heroes.
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10/10 art
0/10 gameplay
Game name?
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Happy it's doing well, I'm also happy that TMHS sold over 10k on steam
I only played normal and hard.
Small penis.
James Bond
Its fine if your wife has the big penis herself.
>10/10 art
>0/10 gameplay
And 10/10 KINO.
So your wife played above normal and hard.
There's that FeMC game where she's trapped in isolated island, "blessed" by a goddess with immortal body and enhanced fertility, and she need to breed with multiple generation of her monster children until you can finally clear the game.
Kill him.
his games are about straight sex
so why are his mc(s) cute fuckable femboys?
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SEX with Alcy everyday!
Kill yourself.
Monk blob when doko
The game had like 6 unique scenes in total. Gameplay wasn't bad but it's just incredibly shallow and short
Wheres the line between girlpenis and gay?
Its not gay to give your girlfriend a handjob haha right?
Its not gay haha if she sticks her erect girldick near your butt right?
Did Hypno/Hollow ever do this girl penis growth "joke"?
Giving your wife/gf a blowjob is the manliest thing a man can do.
you will come up with any excuse to suck cock, won't you?
The best part is that you can test Carmilla by asking Vanilla about it.
Poor slutty Carmilla.
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I actually felt bad for him at the very start of colony, I think that was proof enough that hakika did well with him. I have a feeling he’ll show up again too, he’s mentioned at the start of thirst
Guys managed to resurrect a 3TB Seagate external HDD that was dead for about 7 years at this point. Disk Sentinel is saying that it has 4496 bad sectors. How fucked am I? Can I hope to get most of my stuff out of it?
The data you could lose would be more valuable than the drive itself.
Maybe go ask on /g/?
From my experience once anything is deleted or fucked it's almost impossible to get back uncorrupted.
I genuinely dont understand how big corpos manage, but they probably also only look for documents and code.
good morning fumikas :)
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Good morning saar
I think I did very hard, but didn't bother with anything else, mainly because Frontier is the last one I played and it feels pretty cumbersome after Hollow and Gaia
>Wheres the line between girlpenis and gay?
There isn't one, if you like the penis you are gay. Shame Carmilla was the dedicated futa, but at least it made me appreciate Vanilla and Teria more
How was Gain at it's hardest?
Meanwhile in the post game scene, the giant bug call her a flat is justice character.
Really weird scene all in all.
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I only play lolige!
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Any games that you're looking forward to?
RJ01171084 for this late october
I don't do hardest difficulty + berserk, but I did full combat mode in despair difficulty. I don't remember it being too bad, worst part is probably how a fast squad can run through multiple floors of the dungeons. Dealing with runners takes a lot of manipulation and fake stairs even without berserk.
For the fights, see if you can do despair mythic farce, if you can you are better than me at the game and can probably do despair +5
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Contribute to eraMegaten.
I honestly have zero idea of how to deal with the labyrinth. One jap's strategy is apparently to ignore evey floors up to B4..

>despair mythic farce
Fucking kill me. What a fucking pain it is holy shit, what did they smoke.
Pickfag found missing.
Princess Reconquista
Salvation 2
Above a Damage Tile's new [ACT]
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Futaken Valley
Man I wish there are more sex ninja games that aren't fmc
The first word start with V.
The second word start with B.
The third word start R.
The fourth word start with I.
Any good shota trapge?
or femdom with shota and pegging??
The previews looked so hot, I hope he doesn't delay it again
Isn't he planning on doing a big update after it's out? I'd rather wait until the game is finished first.
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>24 hours article ranking doing that thing again where it only shows Sharkdev articles
God dammit.
Is The Three Charms shota enough for you?
Sharkdev supremacy. His article likes beat even unouno1
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The append...
Look how flat this retard is. OMG
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To be fair, 111 has never made a good game.
Wanna know what's annoying? He actually could make a good game if he wasn't so stupid.
That applies to most devs
blobs for this feel?
There's the kind of devs who are just stupid, so they never do anything right.
Then there's the kind of devs who are can do things right, but cannot make them feel right because they are shit at managing things.
Does anyone here actually pay for games on DLsite after they tried it and liked the games?
Why is it such a pain to buy shit there? How come they don't just have paypal?
Huh? Whaddya mean? We need generic rpgmaker combat fights with rape on loss. How else can you access corruption AT ALL? By just letting a character get groped? Nonsense! She needs to be groped 12,000 times to be able to consent to part-time jobs!
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Rude people like you...
Modest-looking women in plain clothes...エロ...
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Casual clothes... doko...?
didn't think her chat would be that big?
"Just chatting" is like the largest or second-largest category on Twitch, and it's all women in tight or loose tops.
canela lost
seethe and cope
Why you gotta drag Canela into this?
IT IS OFFTOPIC because he's posting koikatsu screenshots, retard
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Midcca lost
Blue robot lost
Canela won bigly
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MangaParty has good TLs
Some of their releases are buggy as shit though and uploaders don't usually going to back to post updates for steam releases
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kek it's true, wtf
So posting fanart of a hgame MC is off-topic?
>Does anyone here actually pay for games on DLsite after they tried it and liked the games?
Depending on the price yes, playing out of date versions really tick me off so sometimes I cave and buyfag
Dragon Princess is Hungry
RJ01102919 (you can play it even if you don't know japanese)
Innocent Rules
Three Charms series
Pandora’s Forest
dev bought off the website
LMAO even
No slop update today, he's crunching, getting ready to release the trial. I can't wait to confirm what a blatant copy-paste of Celes it is.
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you wouldn't
>what a blatant copy-paste of Celes it is.
Exactly what I want
You're still at it, I see.
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He’s worse than Frabi but he did grow on me. I still rank them Frabi > Clar > Kuu though.
>12,000 times
The sad part is that it's not even that much of an exaggeration.
>I can't wait to confirm what a blatant copy-paste of Celes it is.
That's literally what people want. Celesphonia is so close to being perfect, it just needs some lore changes and then integrate the porn better.
I would, for the naizuri.
I don't think scales would feel good desu.
Is that some tasteful magenta leopard print...
An earlier cien image had her shown with all of her white tops wet and transparent. Don't feel like searching for it, but it showed her slutty bra off clearer.
use lube
Damn, wish I could have seen it.
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Fine, but only because you whined limply.
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Games with this premise?
Don't get your hopes up. Some of your stuff is corrupted, and the drive probably won't last long, so get what you can off of it ASAP.
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Ruins of Luxoria
I appreciate it anon, since a quick search wasn't leading me anywhere. That is indeed the kind of slutty wear that I like.
Versa's roast beef cunny.
He is, but if you plan on buying it I'd advise getting it before the update comes out since he'll raise the price at that point IIRC.
Versa blob
Versablob's roast beef underblob.
>no combat in screenshots and videos
No ricca kino??
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>find a game with sexy characters and good art
>the actual h-scenes and positions are bad and unfappable
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You play any VTuberge lately?
If you have ever touched a snake you'd know that the scales feel very good
Urge to replay BS2. Not even to fap.
Nobody gets the urge to play BS2 to fap
Good for you, slop enjoyer.

Not what I want. Celes was a downgrade from Ambro, but neither were all that great in hindsight. He's what Clymeme would've been if he put more effort into the combat. They have a very similar approach to porn, focusing on fetish diversity.
that's what I want! He's the gold standard for HRPGM
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Any vanilla games where the girl can actually act depraved during sex or with "ntr body" that people meme?
I mean something like Absolute Obedience Crisis & Gran Ende 2.
AoC had the girl going along with whatever MC wants.
GE2 had the girl gradually become addicted to cock (You)rs.
As for "ntr body" I mean like Avantgarde's art. Where 1 out of the 10 NTR games they made was vanilla and still had the girls going full ahegao slut, again, for (You).
And what a sad state of affairs that is, when ever years after other competent devs released properly structured games such as Ariadne and Virgin Island, other devs can't take a hint, either refuse or for whatever other reason don't play other games to understand the situation, and keep on reinventing the wheel in a myriad of stupid ways. There are very few rare exceptions that put more effort into their work. Most seem to follow the western cash grab role model and make games not as a form of art and expression, but to make money. They see them as vehicles for making it in life. And while money is very important, the methodology should be reversed if it mattered and if people had standards and refused to play slop, not to promote these practices.
So you just want vanilla heart eyes and total debauchery? Try Tapioca-chan's game.
Fair enough. Go with Encode instead.
Once-beloved dev is turning into the new Acerola and anons are cheering...
It's why we have so much garbage. It's a multi-layered problem. For one, inept game devs who are unwilling to play other games to learn from them what's good and what's bad. The other main reason is people mindlessly consuming products, additionally spurred on by retailers such as DLsite and their various promotions, discounts and other offers, cause as a retailer they exist to sell product. People are getting dumber and dumber, is all. Critical thinking has left the lobby.
>gold standard
Did your mom slammed you against a wall when your were a baby?
Are we getting raided or something?
Sequel is similar to Gran Ende 2
What flavor of "main" ojisan that she can succumb to will she get?

Earlier games already covered the bases of Priest and PE Teacher.
yes that should be enough for rpg maker games
>bin didnt update
I hope he updates soon, just so I can see that pumpkin fumika he used last year for halloween.
Does anyone have that pic? It caught me offguard and made me laugh.
I wouldn't mind PE Teacher again, honestly.
But make him a chad this time, instead of some oneitis incel.
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>Look at latest ci-en post for Mad Island dev
>See this
What the fuck is even going on in this game anymore.
>But make him a chad this time
The playboy is the most boring option you can pick. Hell, Red hair adventurer dude was the most boring candidate dick in Enisha's game.
This time, maybe have some Corporate Middle Manager that she'll meet through prostitution, become her sugar daddy until she gets broken in by him. I mean shit, why stop at middle manager. Make him some rich corrupt CEO while you're at it too.
>homo pandering
No, not a playboy. Just some tall, buff, handsome older man that the schoolgirls oggle over.
No, you're just a NPC with groupthink enabled. Critiques and opposite views are forbidden in your opinion. And that opinion probably isn't even yours to begin with, but something that you adopted from the mainstream in order to better fit in. Remember to question nothing and eat your slop.
Just play Persona 5
games for this feel?
I'm looking for a game which was on ryuugames websites (I forgot the name), it happens to be a rpg game (not translated) where a city (modern kind) is run over by demons and people are filled with lust the MC and his sister must fight demons and avoid falling to temptations (lewd things) anyone knows this game?
it's a japanese game btw and the mc sister has blond hair I think
No, he was a lanklet and a sleezebag that had a reputation for creeping on every girl in school.
We already had that in Celesphonia. Give me a respectable gym teacher who Shizuha accidentally calls "daddy."
i'm about to pay a tiktok witch to resurrect clymenia. he can't be gone bros....
Pay her to cosplay Canela while doing so, please.
But then she'd be useless.
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New yuri futage... when?
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if the guy fucking the femc is not;
>all-around evil
>low value
then it's not corruption
Kimoi. Papa or bust.
>download Sylphie's game from Fag95
Guess I get what I fucking deserve.
You sure it's not just a false positive? You can run it through virustotal, I don't know how it could be a virus easily if it's just an RPGM game.
It's not really that hard to cook up a pozzed exe, but you aren't wrong that it's probably a false positive. Especially if he is just using defender's auto scan or something.
>not getting a raw version from nyaa and applying the patch from /h/
99% of titles
>contemporary setting
extremely common
literally every other game
>hypnosis/lust magic
just about everyone does this
>incest/ntr? + blonde hair
also extremely common

You need to try better than that.

>2d or 3d?
>what style (pixels, ordinary cgs, cartoony or lifelike)?
>do you play as mc, femc or both in the same party, maybe swapping perspectives?
>does mc have a thing for his sister, is this ntr?
>how exactly do they fight against demons? do they use guns, magical powers, something else?
>are the demons succubi or incubi or random monsters like tentacles and beasts and goblins?
>how does the sex happen? is it on defeat or by choice?
>is ntr a thing? does mc have sex or is it all about the sister?
>any other party members?
>approximate game duration?
>does it take long for the sex to happen or is there a lot of padding and story?
>animated or voiced?
>what's the game engine: rpgmaker, tyrano, wolf, unity?
>when did you last see or play it?
>do you know if the dev released other games, are they known for something specific?
>is the girl a loli, teen or adult?
>does she have massive tits, is she flat or just average?
>does she dress in a specific way?
>prior to the demons doing their thing, what did the protagonists do? are they of school age or do they have jobs?
>day/night cycle?
>do they live together?
I could go on, but this should suffice for now.
Whatever you say, self inserter
>Late Jun. 2025
Kino next year!
you will subconciously self-insert as maleMC in cuckshitges and you will LIKE it
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The girl looks very cute.
"Papa" is for her actual dad.
"Daddy" is for a fake dad.
Been waiting on this otomege for a while.
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>villain's name is "fire dragon cock"
Dev doesn't like making more hscenes/animations

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