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>What is /feg/?
/feg/ is the general dedicated to the discussion of games from the Fire Emblem franchise.

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Previous: >>498710193
HAGs are inevitable!
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She saved the game
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and yet, not a single +10 was posted
There was one in the other thread THOUGH
Still mad dorothea was carrying the banner as a demote huh?
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How many you rolled for this whore?
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I didn't roll on this banner.
snagged two copies to +1 and then dipped to save orbs. She will be my next build project.
I will post my +10 Attuned Peony in about a week (hopefully!), stay tuned
Put your tin foil hats on
I remember when a retard was saying a new heroes banner with an OC was actually better than if the banner was completely filled with that specific game. Like how reginn took a spot on the sacred sneeds banner but we got an instant non banner demote for in return, making a total of 6 new heroes including the ghb instead of the usual 5.
But we're actually getting 1 unit absolutely nobody wants, which is the OC. And, instead of another 5* with an interesting kit, we get an unusable 3* unit with literally no skills of any worth and that is impossible to merge quickly. If you're the poor sap who likes casper or any other unbanners, you need to waste thousands of rolls for just 1 +10. OC infiltrated banners are genuinely the worst.
No, you're the worst.
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Ten words or less
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>had an idea for a Chloé story I want to write it's sizefag stuff
>remember this one story I read nearly a decade plus ago I wanted to reread for a similar tone
>can't find said story anymore
>also been shellacked with Fall chores and work to write
How're your FE fanfics going, guys?
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>How're your FE fanfics going, guys?
I had one going for a while as daydreams before falling asleep. Had a really good story and tied it up with a nice neat bow, but then thought of a cool concept for another chapter. It was going well for half the chapter but I can't think of a good conclusion. It's a Male Robin reader x Aversa x Morgan x Fallen Morgan incest harem fic
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How far back are voice lines recorded?
Minimum 6 months in advance (per CYL). Outside of that, we don't know.
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A lot of game companies can work on stuff a year or more in advance.
IIRC companies like Blizzard and Riot had admitted to working on Xpacs for WoW/champions 3-5 years before release, sometimes even longer because they might suddenly decide they don't like how it turned out and then restart.
IS is probably working on stuff at minimum a year in advance. Odds are the next year's banners/heroes are already developed and waiting to come out.
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Every thread until you die
At least a year, since Niime was recorded at least one year before her EN VA's death. And that assumes she recorded it the day she died.
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Seidr...my wife...
What happened to Fire Emblem? We used to have multiple threads a day. Now it's multiple threads a week. The franchise has fallen. What went wrong?
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Love and appreciate Tiki
The Flop Houses banner.
Bottom line is Engage was too gay for a casual audience
3H had a lot of faggotry too but the characters for the most part look normal so normies liked them
Engage looks like a straight up pride parade, they are SWEET AS a sugar plum if you get what I mean
post the really sexy tiki where she's in a bandage wrap type bra with decently sized tits and I will
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This? There is a topless ver out there somewhere
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Considering the release schedule of all the Dorothea alts, the Academy alt could've been done during the same session of the Winter alt so perhaps the beginning of 2022. Or god forbid, Academy Dorothea was done during the same session as her Summer and Plegian alts meaning IS has been sitting on those voice lines for over five years.
The latter feels unlikely considering Billy Kametz didn't voice Ferdinand's Teatime alt unless Billy did voice a Summer Ferdinand but we'll never know until he shows up to the beach
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Thinking about the ongoing discussion on how Engage took like 6 years to make, I think I figured out why.
It's the engine.
Almost all Nintendo studios use proprietary engines to run their games. But for some inexplicable reason Engage runs on Unity...
I think the project was so broken at one point that they just started over on a new engine after theirs failed spectacularly.
Considring the lack of color and worse face, I would assume Base was drawn before Plegian.
If Rearmed Alfred was anything to go by, she was at least ready for Houses' launch in 2019. Possibly earlier, but specifically Dorothea's existence was up in the air during development.
Is feh dead?
Engage did not take 6 years to develop. Where did you get that from?
Engage was in development at the same time as Three Houses. It was confirmed by the leaker.
Engage was finished in 2021.
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FEH lost a lot of people playing the game around Book V to VI. People just got sick of the power creep.
3 Houses discussion had been exhausted.
People thought Engage was an out of season April Fool's joke and then realised it wasn't. When it came out it didn't exactly roar with success liks 3 Houses did.

And then there's just been cricket's chirping from Nintendo/IS ever since.
*suddenly my dick is stuck inside her huge ass*
*She rapes se so long that i got dried out dry with no sperm left.
I fainted
Powercreep aint bad.
Most people are just to lazy to read effects and are mad that they cant auto win anymore.
And engage is one of the best fe games gameplay wise so really it was a success
Pissgayge killed your franchise
what's this kid talking about? did he forget that marianne won CYL while dorothea hasn't ever come close?
>Powercreep aint bad.
Not him, but Book 5's creep was pretty bad. Canto, FEdel, and LSigurd right off the bat.
Your shitty game flopped engayge bab
>The latter feels unlikely considering Billy Kametz didn't voice Ferdinand's Teatime alt unless Billy did voice a Summer Ferdinand but we'll never know until he shows up to the beach
Have we EVER had an alt of a unit with their original VA released after a different alt of them with a recast VA?
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lucina is for owain lissa is for me
+10'd day one. No Euphoria or Def/Res ploy fodder, sadly.
>Powercreep aint bad.
Duo Lyon killed literally everything in the game on release. You couldn't even cheese him unlike Celica with bowbreaker+TA for Reinhardt and BLyn back in the day.

Then Emblem Ike came out and (with some support) could tank literally every single unit in the game, Lyon included. It wasn't even a brave ike situation where you can let him attack into you because he'd still murder you. You needed hardy bearing and even then that only really works for newer units.

FEH never recovered and it's been a death spiral since, with the most recent revenue numbers a reflection of that.
why does fire emblem have so many pink haired twintailed girls?
now if he did full nude
FEdel got smacked by othertop tier units.
Lsigurd just gave movement and EVERY unit got advantege from that.
Again. Most players were just to lazy
Maybe Lucina? Probably not, but maybe.
Emblem Ike is STILL an absolute menace, sometimes even if you have the tools to deal with him. Especially well built ones. Fuck you if you run Fortifications and Celica in him.
She not only drained my cum but also my Orbs.
I even buyyed orbs to +10 her.
Currently on +6 or 7
>FEdel got smacked by othertop tier units.
I'm one sentence into your post, and I can already tell you either weren't here for her launch, or are just lying.
FEdel didn't have a counter at release. The counter was your own, supported FEdel. Even LManleth wasn't released for another two months.
>Buying orbs to +10 a demote
You just blow in from stupidtown?
Lmao Duo Lyon was super easy to deal with.
He dies to literally everything.
I swear you guys cry like retards
He could be the best nuke in the game and it wouldnt have mattered. You guys just didnt know how to deal with him.
Niggas are to stupid to realize how Fedelgard gets destroyed by a my budget Lillina back in the day.
I swear they are just crying losers becase their gen 1 shitter cant kill the entire cast.
I spent a lot of orbs for Emblem Sigurd so i needed to spent money.
NTA but IS made the safety fence JUST for LSigurd.
Most player probaly didnt even try to counter her.
They threw in their unit and saw that she killed them and then just gave up.
>He dies to literally everything.
He factually didn't because he has sweep built in. So even if you tank him you're left with 1HP most of the time.
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Ninja Camilla
Your own units benefitted from him so Lsigurd was never a problem.
Great Lyon sits there his actions are used and niw he is cucked by everyone else to kill him now.
He got like 1 nuke and dies immediatly.
Like bruh he is only really good at nuking.
Todays Feh poercreep is way more fun then back in the day. So many cool and OP options then back in the day.
Engage, ironically enough, didn't actually engage with people.
Neither the characters or even the gameplay really pulled people in. I would wager most people never actually finished the game.

It may not equal Elden Ring's length but it's still longer than Final Fantasy games, most Zelda games and so on. I saw 3H fans who played all 4 routes having to force themselves just to finish Engage's story. Engage is actually too long as well as being boring.
Remember Lyn's route in FE7? It took me forever to get into the series because the real story doesn't even hit until the Dread Isle around chapter 16. Engage is like this on steroids. It actually gets more tiresome in the lategame instead of heating up and your characters hit a plateau and won't get much stronger. Long game, lame cast, numerous strategy mechanics with older game characters you never heard of... no newfag is going to get into the series with this,
If they actually wanted to "engage" with a new generation of fans they would've been better to make a more standard 20 hour SRPG, akin to GBA era to Path of Radiance. this is the perfect compliment for 3H which can remain the fucking long ass story game. Instead they threw cash down the drain on Somniel shit, tried to replicate Awakening's success, and bloated the game up with way too many gaidens and Hounds fights. The budget must've been multiple times higher than Three Houses and a lot of that money probably made the game worse than adding nothing at all.
lil bro you don't even play the game to know he end turns your team.
I've been playing since launch and at this point in time the only unit I have in my barracks that can kill Emblem Ike is my own Emblem Ike. If I come up against one in the arena or AR I immediately exit out. While he is the most egregious they have been in a powercreep freefall for a couple years now, every banner or every other banner brings gamebreaking units that defy all previous notions of balance, damage types, or even the weapon triangle entirely.

For a long time I abused Brave Hector for end turn shenanigans, nowadays he gets 1 turned by nearly every single new unit they add regardless of weapon or color.
>attack a 50-res cav
>with units that can't move because he endturns 3+ units every turn
lmao, you the same retard that claimed there were units that could kill FEdel?
>Nor the gameplay
Bruh the gameplay was probaly the 2nd best right behind conquest.
Even /feg/ jerked the game off
>Nigga appareantly forgot that pshysical units exist.
>Nigga also thinks he is a smartass.
The delusions of some of you bastards.
No wonder you cant kill of a frail as typical cav nuke if youre this braindamaged.
I always sweep him before he even gets to me but i guess youre to retarded to kno how to strateize in a strategy game
I mean I get wanting to defend against the doomposting of the game, but picking VLyon as the hill to die on is just weird. Every single whale, content creator, and front page player admitted he was broken. He had a 98%+ pick rate in summoner duels and was literally in every single T38 match in AR. It got to the point where if most people saw him they'd literally just concede. Not even FEdel or BHector was this disgusting. He was THAT bad for the game.
Back in the day the strongest units were generally 1 dimensional or had obvious (but boring) counters. Units like Tinyhands or HorseLyn were offensive powerhouses but would die to being attacked by literally anything, even a F2P player had basic options they could use to counter them in a defensive manner. Another thing is that in most cases these units were freely or easily available to everyone, you weren't forced to roll for them or roll for multiple other rare units to beef them up with skills.
>Whines that his old ass hector cant end turn everyone anymore

>Emblem Ike to good
LOL i throw my Veyle and F!Brave Robin at him and nuke him in SD you faggots.
>when your entire argument relies on "You have to go first and be ultra-ready for him in order to win!"
Dude has like 50 Def by default too, since he has 26 def and then his prfs give him like 23, plus his flowers.
Engage was very bad PR, to put it bluntly. it's a solid enough game, some people even love it gameplay-wise, but it was a massive turn off for many other reasons for a lot of people, both casual and hardcore.
FEH getting old, and combined with it's very daunting textcreep and usually very poor story caused people to drop it. a large part of this drop off is expected as time goes on.
the next FE game will probably rekindle a lot of interest as long as it doesn't repeat engage's visual mistakes. Getting through the door is the hardest part for selling any product and Engage went a niche direction.
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Reminder the shitposter you're arguing with didn't even know VLyon had an end turn mechanic.
Every nigga can get premium units with sparking anyway. People are somehowstill in denial as of how many orbs the game gives you.
Since you couldn't pick up on what I was saying I'll be blunt.

I pointed out Brave Hector because despite him being a near invincible wall he had a MAJOR weakness and that was his offense, if you let HIM hit YOU he was a little baby kitten and anyone could handle him. This meant that despite him being incredibly strong he had a glaring and easily exploitable weakness.

Furthermore if we look at him today, even taking your comment into account, he fucking sucks. The simple fact that even you consider him old and garbage should tell you just how bad the powercreep has gotten. A unit that strong and immovable is now a tissue paper hanging in front of the freight train that is modern FEH units.
>26 DEF
Mfer completly ignores the fact that every unit gets like at least +20 Attack somehow and also a special to beat his ass for free.
Nice try for cherrypicking.
>Every nigga can get premium units with sparking anyway.
Only on NH and now revivals. Seasonals and 8%s are still FEH Pass only.
can't spark every banner
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There's an easy solution to that problem, Anon.
>Mfer completly ignores the fact that every unit gets like at least +20 Attack somehow and also a special to beat his ass for free.
One, no, he disables that shit. Two, no, now you bring in the paradox of support units.
Three, no, that's not cherrypicking. I literally just read the one unit's skills. That's the opposite of cherrypicking.
Please, go on and explain to us this point again >>498947703
>FEdel got smacked by othertop tier units.
I REALLY want to know who those "othertop tier units" were that could kill FEdel on release. I'm in suspense here. You've been running for 30 minutes.
Bruh my female Brave roin can tank Emblem ike with ease.
There is like a billion skills in this game and youre really here coping that he is magically immune to everything?
Including Hush spectrum which kills his offensive capeabilites.
And his Low spd makes it easy fo opponents to tank him with DR.

>Duo Seidr is there
>"ITS TOTALLY VLyon guys"
Chud didnt realize that it was anothe unit this entire time
I was lowkey kinda in awe when my +0 BFelix rammed through a +10 pavise BHector with 0 issues a few weeks ago.
Duo Seidr can lock the entire enemy team in a 6x6 area? Damn where do I get this version of FEH you're playing?
She was the first unit that caused legitimate problems for my Bector, even if he couldn't kill something he could at least stonewall it and not let it past but with her it was always a gamble to leave him in her path. I always wanted to try and roll for more to merge her up but I guess that's not really a good idea at this point.

I mostly used 2-3 copies of her to auto battle tempest trials, easiest points of my life
not him, I distinctly remember people mentioning using custom Selena, and Tobin of all characters to kill Fedel with Armor slaying or something.
IMO the biggest issue with Fedel is it felt like you needed a dedicated Fedel killer, which wasn't very fun to play around.
1.I killed him every single time i get to attack. Just use someone phsycal or are you to stupid.
2. Every nigga on SD complains about every unit.
Them complaining about anyone is worth nothing.
3.Already said one unit as an example Thanks for admitting to not read and act like a smartss who is the one bringing arguments you wanna be nerd.
Chud is still crying that his Bector isnt a god in this game anymore.
Admit to us all that youre spitefull for wasting your orbs for a now worthless nigga.
If people cared about gameplay, Awakening, SoV, and 3H wouldn't be at the top of every casual's top 3 FE games list.
Compared to other units in the game yes, he is magically immune to far far more than any other unit currently in the game even as a +0 with his base kit.
>Bruh my female Brave roin can tank Emblem ike with ease
The unit designed to counter the unit do be tanking and killing the unit
FEdel is immune to armorslayers. She was only affected by beastslayers, which at the time there were legit only like three of.
I know this, because you're probably talking about my Selena, who was heavily invested with things like Atk/Def Unity, Spurn 3, and Ruptured Sky. But she's not a "top tier unit" like he said. FEdel was an equalizer that fucked the entire meta at the time. The only counter for two months was raw heavy investment.

>1.I killed him every single time i get to attack. Just use someone phsycal or are you to stupid.
I don't have trouble with him, but denying that a full-team freezer gave people trouble is assinine and disingenuous.
>2. Every nigga on SD complains about every unit.
Everyone playing SD has brain damage, you especially.
>3.Already said one unit as an example
You must be new here, when replying to a post you want to click the number located on the right side of the post header before typing in your reply, it helps everyone keep track of conversations.
1. Not Vlyon.
2,You just admitted that they are brain damaged yet you claim they take them as examples?
3. Did, cant you read?
>1. Not Vlyon.
And yet they released multiple counters to him because he was a problem. Curious.
>2,You just admitted that they are brain damaged yet you claim they take them as examples?
I don't play SD. I wonder where you got that idea from? Certainly not my post.
>3. Did, cant you read?
See the point above.
Engage unironically killed the series. It's like how FE became a ghost town after Fates, a game people loved (Awakening/3H) being followed up with a game that people hated (Fates/Engage) and disappointing the fanbase so hard they evaporate until the next main entry.
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1.Natural Powercreep
2.So you admit that you dont know shit to begin with?Nice concession.
3.Ah, you cant read okay
>1.Natural Powercreep
It wouldn't need creeping if it wasn't meta.
>2.So you admit that you dont know shit to begin with?Nice concession.
Weird how you went from "You play SD, your point is invalid" to "You don't play SD, your point is invalid." Almost like you jump at the chance to claim any counterpoint is illegal, since you can't form an argument.
>3.Ah, you cant read okay
Just link it, bro. You won't, because if you did, you could have won the argument. There's no good reason for someone to WITHHOLD a winning argument, surely. So you wouldn't have played that card by now if you had it.
Go back to crying that Timerra has a good design, faggot.
1.It needs it to sell new banners. Guess you dont know how economics work
2. Nice try for lying bro.
Now proving that youre indeed full of shit
4. Timerra? ...Ahhh i get it, i am your projection for your own retardation
>It wouldn't need creeping if it wasn't meta
NFU killed Breaker skills, but they were far from meta.
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As long as we're talking about powercreep I miss this little nigga like you wouldn't believe.
Let me put refined Urvan on my Titania, it wouldn't even be good anymore.
>tfw I've been dangling at +9 for what feels like 2 years and before that at +8 for an eternity
I've seen people trying heavy speed investment builds but at this point I just want to see that +10 so I can move on
The fact they went silent is probably just because they don't have any other option. Unless they have even more outsourced titles being worked on by other studios (like with KT), they can't do anything right now about people not liking Engage. The most we would expect is an Engage Warriors if it had done well anyway. A console generation's worth of resources got thrown into this.

It'd be funny if they actually had to change engine mid development and spent even more.
Properly invest into him.
And then come back and say he sucks.
Schizo Blast
Who are you replying to? Do you not know how to reply to posts anon?
He stopped replying directly to posts because he's scared of people proving him wrong again.
I was going to say, generally when someone stops linking their replies it means they've lost the argument and are in denial mode, I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt but no he's just retarded.
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are you ok?
so that means your next shitty game will take quite some time to make kekarooooooooo
nuh uh
casualfag here is Marianne worth pulling. She's around 8th on the 3H plap order.
Bruh got mad that i linked the post thus prving him wrong and now youre trying to hold on every last drop you can get instead of being a man admitting defeat.

Also its a samefagger considering he just posted after his cooldown was oveer
If you like her sure why not, bonus points for being able to inherit her weapon to someone else and not lose her.
she's a terrible unit with bad fodder but has nice art so it's up to you really
No one even knows what you are talking about because you aren't linking who the fuck you are vaguepost replying to.
Imagine crying over so hard becase you dont get the (yous) you think you deserve
What the fuck are you even going on about, you are a schizo through and through.
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Fates had the excuse of coming out right after Awakening. Fanservice, marriage and maid classes and so on all got carried over from Awakening.
Problem with Engage is we literally moved on from that style of game years ago with Echoes, 3H and Hopes.
Engage is a borderline throwback title. A throwback to slop stories from LITERALLY A DECADE AGO NOW. At least Fates was a follow up.
Prfs from Version 5 and below should be allowed to be inherited onto all units from Version 5 and below.
>Crying noises
Keep screaming
Are you ready for Engage 2? The ending hints at the descendant of Alear uniting the continent after all.
Nah the next game is the Fe4 Remake ith an Avatar fuking Deidre and the story is about Sigurd coming with terms with Poylgarmy and that Deirdre likes the Avatar as well.
You want FE to be Nintendo's Game of Thrones so bad.
Yeah I don't know, anyway.

I'd take that, it's hilarious looking at some of the early refines and comparing them even to what we get today. Those units are forever fucked at least let us have fun.
Weird post.
Imaine making 3H an intresting and ambitious game to a then release a boring uninspired slop that is engag
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Instead its the rings of power kekaroo
You can't even spell.
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>Bruh got mad that i linked the post thus prving him wrong
Are you talking about this post >>498952758 that wasn't in reply to anyone, and whose "evidence" was a random non-reply that everyone was psychically supposed to know was your post?
And in it, your argument is that "A" Lilina, not even saying which one, was meta?
>Also its a samefagger
Fucking kek.
Who are your top 10 on the 3H plap ranking?
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Playing Shadow Dragon again. Gonna use Tiki again.
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You can't even smell
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Go Tiki go!
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FE will never be Game of Thrones.
You will never get a 3H 2.
Sorry 3H made you think the entire series was like that but you need to go back.
"UnItS aRe FuCk FoReVeR"
Nigga never heard of Rearmed heroes.
And he is the same Nigga who wanted to lecture me
No one mentioned Game of Thrones but you however.
>3H made you think the entire series was like that
Like what? The series certainly doesn't resemble Engage, does it retard? Or do you even play other games?
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Do you?
I would have made a draft race with you
I mean, 3H was just Genealogy 3. We could get a 4th.
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3H sisters, I'm not feeling so good....
Edelgard for the mindbreak of stuffy regal bitch
new nigga here
why can't i get marni with heroic grails?
do i need to unlock her somewhere else?
Don't ever compare slop to Kaga Kino ever again bitch
You're self-reporting if you think 3H was the first darker, story-heavy FE game.
>zoomer pretends to know about the series tone
disingenuous post
>Le Engage is for the old fans meme
We literally have the Engage developers ON FUCKING RECORD saying 3H was aimed at older fans who wanted a return to the older style of stories while Engage was for new fans.

This isn't even disputable at this point, the people who made the game don't even agree with you.
you lost. you got mating pressed by facts and logic
Awakenigs played it as their first FE and haven’t played it since, yet they say it’s good because all they remember about it is being able to S support their waifu/husbando.
You basically have to wait for the next GHB to come out.
>its a newfag pretends to be an oldfag and tries to claim engage is more like the older games than 3H episode
Why did he randomly bring up Awakening? Schizo?
All you have is one multicolored hair character to try and claim Engage is the "real FE"
It's always 2 months after their debut, so Marni will be added to the Grail Shop in November.
Because these """Oldfag""" larpers are just Fatestards who thought Fateswakening was "the norm" for FE. They don't play old FE games and if they do it's exclusively the GBA ones which had brighter colours by necessity like all GBA titles because the system had no backlight.
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Engage is real FE in the classic old school 3DS style which you don't know about you fucking 3H persona chud
The return to form thing started out as people saying that the gameplay won’t be as shit as 3H’s since it actually has more then a dozen maps to play on, I don’t know why people started saying that the story was like old FE, it’s mostly just paint by the numbers Komuraslop.
Post your:
physical copies of FE4 and FE5
save files
birth certificate
and proof that you speak japanese
If you can't you need to put your teeth on the curb
3H is fun
Engage is fun
Simple as
got it
thank you
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Oh no no no..... Not like this.... Not like this.....
AES is losing his marbles
I had to pity her. Oh well.
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I don't know if its just one guy or do people actually believe GBA games were meant to be quirky anime in the setting? Because those games literally looked like the SNES titles on the actual system. This is probably why FE8 is visually darker because by that late in the GBAs lifecycle everyone had a light already.
Even on gameplay terms "return to form" made no sense because it's not like Fates or Engage play anything like 95% of the series.

Somehow, and I don't know how the fuck is happened, but despite Awakening and Fates being an obvious departure from the rest of the series that everybody identified at the time, we now have people insisting they're the "norm" for FE when they very clearly are fucking not and everybody back then knew this.
You HAVE to assume it's newfags from the 3DS era who still don't play FE games.
Only if I’m doing something like listening to a podcast or some shit while I do my stupid Purseowner monastery shit that I hate, FUCK I hate it so much.
I think Engage is actually less fun then 3H for on average even if it’s maps are straight up better (since it actually has a suitable amount of maps). The low deployment slots and my immense hatred for the rings from a mechanical point of view (hurr lets make pair up and gambits but even lamer) just makes the game unfun for me.
>one of the stupidest fates characters
Case closed
barely anyone has played the GBA titles outside of emulators and if you play them in most emulators they're extremely oversaturated like engage is
this then leads to them arguing engage is supposed to look like the gba games even though on there system the gba games looked nothing like engage and it's just a quirk of the hardware
>That one doesn't count because.... Well, because it just doesn't, okay??
Didn't like Engage? Oh, so you can't handle the traditional style of a real FE?
>Higuchi: The last game, Three Houses, was planned with the idea of making an adult war chronicle. On the other hand, Engage was made with the idea of broadening our audience, such that even people who have never tried FE would want to pick it up. It’s been over 10 years since Awakening, so we also thought of making another FE that would appeal to a wide audience.

Game over
3H -> for adult fans
Engage -> for children and new players
3H -> for lgbt fans
Anon I was talking about map design, 3H was just a bunch of empty fields and buildings like Gaiden/Echoes, the “return to form” is the proper maps.
And Fates and Engage do still play like FE (even if I don’t like the latter), don’t tell me you’re one of those fags that think Skills shouldn’t exist.
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More like "transitional."
>It’s been over 10 years since Awakening, so we also thought of making another FE that would appeal to a wide audience.
They really said "we made slop on purpose"
Most based post and highest test anons ITT
why is 3h full of lgbt and grooming propaganda?
Engage was an outdated 3DS style of fe which felt like a regression after 3H seemingly put the franchise to a new highs.
It had its flaws for sure but it really felt next gen and interesting.
Engage just feels like, i had played the game like 3 times before.
Not him, but no. Engage and Fates only play like eachother. I would argue that they play better, but it's a lie to say that they play "like FE." They both overhaul so much that, if you told someone they were some new FE ripoff series similar to FFT or TO, they would believe you.
Also, 3H's maps aren't nearly as bad as Gaiden's. It copypastes maps yes, but few are like the maps from Gaiden and Echoes.
Roy is a shonen protagonist
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muh bright anime style
*Lyn critical hits you by disappearing and slashing you multiple times*
Is this the result of someone learning to speak english via the internet and not through schooling or a tutor?

Yeah, some units are fucked forever, they will never receive any sort of boost to todays standards of weapon and skill design because they've already received a PRF and refine to it. Arcane weapons are a nice gesture but you aren't going to save a version 1-4 unit with one, hell even free units like Marni get a PRF that would make players from back in the day cry and shit themselves. This is of course assuming we will never see a re-refine, we have seen in specific cases a unit gain access to a different weapon another version of said unit has, but nothing along the lines of a unit that already has an old shit refine getting an updated one.
>And Fates and Engage do still play like FE
They literally don't. The only other FE game that comes close to being that same style of game with heavy layers of gimmicks is Thracia. Granted it's not as noticeable with Fates but stuff like Break, Emblems and Chain Attacks make Engage an entirely different style of SRPG to anything prior to Awakening. At a certain point the core gameplay becomes so altered by gimmicks that its barely recognisable. Just on a design ethos level Engage stands alone in that it encourages a highly aggressive playstyle because of offensive supermoves and placing heavy emphasis on positioning for chaining, whilst also removing the weapon triangle in favour of break which only applies on initiating combat. For all people complained about 3H "removing" the weapon triangle by making them skills it actually has it in a truer form than Engage does, in Engage it's solely a player phase only vehicle for stunning enemies, damage boosts and accuracy fall by the wayside entirely.
Even excusing the game being bad its like they dug up an unreleased title from a decade ago. Awakening is over a decade old, no one but diehard Awakeningfags wanted another game that felt like that.
I can tell your bad at games
You just dont know how to preoperly utilize older units.
You dont see the value of Rearmed and Premium Skills and insane amount of dragonflowers.
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muh colorful anime aesthetic is just like Engage
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Charge your SP
I can tell your have shit taste in games
I didn't say it was bad, I'm saying that it objectively does not play like and is not designed like most of the series is. It doesn't play like old FE, for better or for worse.
>but it's a lie to say that they play "like FE."
No it isn’t, are you stupid or something? You could take this retarded argument and apply it to any of the games that have different mechanics.
>FE4 and 5 aren’t real FE because they have skills
>FE3 and the GBA games aren’t real FE because they have Rescue
>FE9 and 10 aren’t FE because they have Biorhythm
It’s No True Scotsman kind of shit. At their core, all of these games are recognizably FE.
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this thread is fucking gay
itll be flat again after another year of being in the closet since I only got it out to meme on engaygies
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Again, the problem is very few people actually know what the GBA games look like on the original hardware. They see the oversaturation and think it was intentional and not because if the colours weren't extremely bright they would instead look dark and murky on a backlightless system. Very few people who have played the GBA games have seen what the GBA characters are supposed to look like.

For some reason they never question why the game on an emulator doesn't match the colour aesthetic that the game has in its official character artwork, which look like what the game ACTUALLY looks like on the original GBA.
Engage aesthetically is like no other FE though, even Fates had two medieval kingdoms going at it first before throwing in all the other weird shit. Engage is probably closer to Genshin Impact than Fates. And Fates is still the furthest game from "standard" looking in the series.
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The average normalfag can’t even figure out how to use an emulator, let alone have the wherewithal to figure out how to use shaders to make the games look like they on their actual hardware, anon.
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>Engage aesthetically is like no other FE though
3h aesthetics looks very lgbt though
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DAYUMN this nigga's colour POPS! Just like Alear and Timerra!
>"A-ACTUALLY!!!!! If you c-consider it on actual hardware."
Shut up nerd, stop coping around
I was talking about the gameplay, not the aesthetics, but I agree with that.
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That's my point. It's why it's such a common misunderstanding. You would only know that it isn't supposed to look that way if you had played it on the original hardware which barely any modern fans have.

>stop coping around
Open your eyes retard >>498957042
You are wrong, it's even been explained to you on a hardware specific level why the game looks different on the system it was made for.
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This is a false equivalence, because most of your examples are features brought into and carried across more games in the series, except Biorhythm. In many of those cases, we're talking 4+ games.
Break, Chain Guard, Chain Attacks, Emblems, subclasses, etc. only exist in Engage. No other game plays like that.
Do you think they’ll try to course correct with the next game, or will they double down and shovel more slop into the trough?
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>Engagefags were boasting that Engage brings back the weapon triangle
>...It literally didn't
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Anon you said that it plays nothing like FE because it added new mechanics (a lot of which I didn’t like, but that’s besides the point).
It still plays like FE, even if it is different. It plays nothing like FFT, your original post is retarded.
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it had it in the same "sure we have the weapon triangle! ...in a way!" way three houses did
the thing is, I wouldn't be surprised if they're moving away from the jugdral/gba style weapon triangle in general because in a lot of those games it barely mattered
fates completely transformed it and tried to rebalance it with new weapon types, three houses did weird skill shit, valentia snapped it completely because gaiden didn't have it, engage throws it out and replaces it with break that functions in a slightly similar way except it's to apply a stun mechanic rather than to effect damage/accuracy and only applies if you're the offensive unit

I think they're probably torn on what exactly to do with it
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Maybe. Fates was blatantly Awakening 2.0, because Awakening was a smash hit.
3H being an even bigger hit should point them in the right direction, but I doubt nu-IS can write anything on 3H's level.
Is this PenisMaster's account?
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>Anon you said that it plays nothing like FE
I never said that at all. Quote where my post said that.
>It plays nothing like FFT, your original post is retarded.
Have you never played FFT? The only thing it's really missing is height, which was actually a gimmick back in Tellius.
3H's level is doggy doo tho
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which should tell you how bad nuIS's is
>Loses argument
>Spams images

Why is this so common? Even /v/ has resident thread schizoids that do it.
>it had it in the same "sure we have the weapon triangle! ...in a way!" way three houses did
Nah, Houses' Breaker skills actually relied on properly fulfilling the triangle. A sword HAS to attack an axe, etc.
Because of how Smash works, Break can be inflicted even without WTA. Also Fracture staffs, and a few other sources. The vast majority of ways to Break an enemy has nothing to do with attacking an enemy with an advantageous weapon. Break fundamentally isn't Weapon Triangle.
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Theres a lot of old games that have this kind of thing going on in the original hardware.For GBA games its usually just colors, but with some console games the actual image looks different. Pic related is kinda nuts.
engagefags made up a lot of shit to excuse their game
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Cool it with the gay
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Cope lol
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I wonder to what extent FEH artists use the sprites and to what extent they use the official art to decide how to colour GBA characters.
Because for Priscilla it's very clear they coloured matched the artwork/OG sprite and not the emulator version of the sprite.
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does he know his stuff is filtered or what, why go through the effort to manually spam stuff no one is seeing
Think about it
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It depends on the whim of the artist, probably. The Julian/Vyland/Castor artist has done a few for Archanea characters and the art is supposed to be very similar to the FE3 portraits/art. IS is supposedly very loose with artists. IIRC the pirate Surtr artist was given pretty much free reign to do whatever but IS just said "add a shark", on the other hand, the artbooks seem to have inhouse designs for outfits for various hero alts.
It could be they design the outfit, and then tell the artist just to draw it however in the style they want, and just accept whatever the artists submits.
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You really think most of the people here know how to use filters? That's funny.
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Whats with all the gay
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I mean they probably just look at the original art. Id assume artists know a lot about color too, they all have a defined style already. IS gives them what to draw, sends some concept art. We know Kozaki sometimes draws alternate costumes first. They aren't going to look at an emulator thats saturated to shit and think to adjust their style. Some characters like Myrrh did end up more colorful even than a GBA emulator, just depends on the artist.
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Reminder he stopped making /feh/ because he was mad his Nowi spam in /feg/ was going unseen after he killed that place.
remember that one guy that liked rosado and refused to admit its a dude until the game came out
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wow that nonofag really hurt you huh?
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They already did, they shat out Hopes in a year and delayed Engage further and further. Question is what now? More 3H shilling?
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>3H being an even bigger hit should point them in the right direction
Enjoy Komuro's attempt at a clone of Fodlan!
How hasn't S/R Far Trace 3 been put on a main pool unit yet
I want to use my Rearmed Reinhardt already ffs
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return to form
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One of the Tellius games had WT disabled on higher difficulties. I think it was RD.
Engage should have had the inverse. No WT on Normal, but enable it on Hard.
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Why did she do it? her war to unite everything?
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You weren't supposed to point that out
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Because she wanted to rule the world. She says it herself.
If Komuro writes for the next game and it flops again because of the story and characters being dogshit and she STILL isn’t demoted from being the head writer, then she really must have a lot of dirt on the higher ups in IS.
You passed!
damn Engage is just like FE4
>Engage should have had the inverse. No WT on Normal, but enable it on Hard.
it would make the game easier because avoid and damage benefits if you have the wt advantage would make turtling far easier
Edelgard is evil.
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What are you talking about, stupid head?
she is sucking their cocks or something, how else did she get hired with no credentials?
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ackshully she stepped down after uniting the generals, leaving a new golden age
Better than*
Reminder to put /feh/ in the next OP title as well
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She can't be evil, look how cute she is.
I genuinely believe she gives Maeda blowjobs.
No, I don't care if it's a mean thing to say. There's no way to justify her resume otherwise without her going to even more illegal tactics.
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What's even the point on these fortunes?
>>498960850 is based on the actual support progress of the unit, but I'm pretty sure the thinking of is random.
Blatent dev favorite
you would not survive the attempt.
you didn't even finish the game yet John
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Consider: Mystics exist as a subclass to ignore terrain bonuses.
Just give one of the subclasses (maybe Cavalry, since they get nothing) something that fucks with the WT. As an example, say "Cavalry get to ignore WT disadvantage if they initiate combat." That would disable the benefits on turtles.
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Diss engage irl and not online and see what happens
you dont even fitness between chapters or irl thats why you hate engage, too scared to fight?
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wtf I love engayge now
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Do you even carry? Lmao, sit down kid
Engage returns to the bright color of FE1
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kek clapped his ass
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Engage was a return to flop
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I love my wife Shamir so much
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Yet your image uses words and pictures to express an opinion. And you typed “kek clapped his ass”.
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the church has committed unspeakable acts by dropping javelins of gay on the general
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ok but
>kills your army
>dragon burns your city
now you cant speak and I control the continent kek
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How to save the yearly desert banner from it's decline

Give my wife an alt on it
Erm but I beheaded you?? Stupid Edelshart.
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Nobody likes you kek
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shot through the heart
the church is to blame
the dragon set
your capital on flame
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I'm confident about the future of FE.
They said they made 3H and Engage as unalike as possible to see what direction they would go, and 3H crushed it in sales and had a far more positive reception. If anything it means they'll try to imitate the positives of 3H with an in-house gameplay team that is actually competent.
Holy shit they need to ban that green haired metal horse faggot from Forging Bonds.
Pure Cancer.
Summer banner 2025, she'll be on it
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I wish I was this optimistic.
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doesnt matter
they cant fix it without better writers. fates had an amazing setup that was squandered.
Just stay out of his range and kill him first, silly
Why would they double down on a tone and art direction that people didn't like?
Who? I'm drawing a blank
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for the same reason they doubled down on Karla and Nailah banners
Stupidity, stubbornness.
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Do you even want them to copy 3H? See >>498962530
The sick nigga from Reginn's TT story
Troll hair? Ah yeah, I guess he's insta AOE shit is annoying
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I don't, which was the point of my post.
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So posting AI slop is the tripcuck's latest gimmick?
The last Karla was over a yeah ago
The last Nailah was almost 3 years ago
I think you're overblowing this
I think the only issue with trying to pursue a 3H-like game is that IS would have to crawl back to Koei and I'm not sure they'd be willing to do so.
As long as Komuro’s calling the shots we’re fucked.
I can’t wait for the older sister/mother figure to die again!!!
Nah, it's just that TMS has 0 art so he has to gen it.
Mom will die. Dad will be the leader of the evil cult. There will be some half-sister/cousin too, but they won't really matter.
i can't wait to fuck the older sister / mother figure again
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I liked Mamori
Kek, true. Guess he maxed out abuela's credit card so he can't commission slop
How long is the cutscene this time?
Don't forget treehouse forcing their DEI propaganda too :)
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I do too
Ok anyway, back to talking about FEH since that's all this thread is about.
After everyone else started liking her you backpacked
What went wrong?
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>so bad it's not even worth making fun of
Return to Tellius. Overbudget games, trannies and bad sales.
Shit writing, no regard for game balance, no coop mode, not enough naked children
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This character exists solely as a Revolverwing OC now.
Change my mind.
IS is too retarded to take what made a game good and build on it, unfortunately. I'd love to see something like that.
She needs to be raped more
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What about this semen demon?
Nah, rape doesn't fit her aesthetic.
She does it for money and publicity.
FE has been getting raped by those kinds of people since Awakening.
Kill yourself Raul
Ugly shit
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You gonna tell me this isn’t cool as fuck?
(literal shittiest thing ever)
Pigzig nobody but you and the other retard likes this bitch
who do you like then fag
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cmon guys, she was a qt
I'm not telling you bitch
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You're disgusting
Is TMS really that bad or is it just a meme/was it just a game nobody wanted?
If I liked FE and Persona would I like it?
I like Persona but it seems like TMS veers so hard into otakushit that it's totally unpalatable unless you are the hardcore-est of otaku. Judging by low sales it was too much even for JP otaku?
Ugly disproportionate rat faced bitch
It’s kinda meh, I think the gameplay was a bit of a mess. Just play one of the many other SMT spinoffs
What we can expect:
>a butchered localization that isn’t as bad as Engage’s but is still terrible (like 3H)
>a shit story that tries and fails to be mature and grand
>passable gameplay, hopefully, unless they go full retard and try to copy 3H on that front and give us a bunch of empty maps
>more grounded character designs
>probably multiple routes again
well you’re gay lol
There is nothing FE about it save the characters and some weapon names. If you don't like jPop or want a half decent story then I got bad news for you.
Only Fehcord faggots like this shit
It’s kinda like Engage actually
it revolves around idolshit
fire emblem and persona are entry level weebshit, tms is something else entirely
it doesn't help that it's also just an extremely average game, weaker gameplay than persona with none of the character stuff to make up for it

tms is essentially a bad persona game with a demographic focus so tight (hardcore otaku who are obsessed with idol culture AND also like medieval fantasy and shin megami tensei) that it never could have been successful
the people who like entry level weeb shit or a japanese take on western medieval fantasy just don't overlap with the demographic tms was aimed at
Is Mamori this shittiest loli in the entire series? I can hardly consider her a loli with how nasty she looks.
She looks best when she's tall, has thick thighs, wide hips, and huge tits
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To put it mildly, it was INCREDIBLY fucking disappointing considering how much promise a FE and SMT crossover spinoff had. It’s more of it’s own thing then either of the franchises really, it borrows some things from both but that’s about it. And it’s really mediocre in general as a game (and like you said, it’s retarded otaku pandering shit).
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>She looks the best when she looks nothing like herself
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Obligatory spic is a pedophile in denial post
I'll try and describe it simply:

TMS IS what Persona is thought of to be like by people who boogeyman post about Persona but haven't actually played it.
People were hoping that game was like devil survivor but they went idolshit instead kek
Fuck off with the tumorshit, it’s gross man. I can live with the rest but she is not a titcow like your nasty comms
We been knew
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I mean if you're a weirdo who gets off to Fae then it's understandable you wouldn't like her

Pokegirl artists do it all the time, it's all good

Yeah, they're really known for liking huge tits

Hey it's what she wants to grow up to be
What do you hate so much? She has like 3 costumes, not all are bad.
Mind broken by Yuji
Gtfo Mamori you don’t even like flat chests
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Fire Emblem?
I really wish you'd fall down some stairs and break your neck
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Still a pedophile for wanting to fuck a minor
Raul is the quintessential gooner
They combined a western-inspired fantasy series (remember most of FE's lore and character names come straight from western mythology) with a more japanese-inspired fantasy series even MORE focused on mythology, religion, demons and monsters...

And somehow created a game about idol culture and the idol industry.
It isn't even like Persona because Persona ignores that shit.

It's not just Raul bullying, it genuinely is a weird game that somehow manages to miss both fanbases and ended up being something totally unrelated to either of them.

It's like if they announced a Pokemon and Fire Emblem crossover and it ended up being a sci-fi first person shooter.
Most of all though, it's just extremely poor. If it was an amazing game it could have had a cult following despite missing both demographics. It isn't what either fanbase wanted and it isn't good enough to be its own thing.
I've heard people say it's a solid game in its own right, but it's just not what people asked for or hoped for at all.
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I could show her the world
The only people that say that are schizos like the spic
>They're going to skip Sindri/OG!Eitri
Fitness=Schoolgirl=Swimsuit>her kimonos>renchin idol>carnage form

Damn right I am, she looks way different from what she's supposed to be. If me liking her with big tits makes her off model/completely different than the shit we got in Heroes is the same

Her chest isn't flat

Nah man it's her 18+ self
Chrom fucking Tharja HARD
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It’s overhated because of him, some of the dungeons were fun. And it gave us more Chiki
>coping with sales
It feels fucking great not to be a salesfag and to enjoy things I played because I thought they were fun
In other words it's your coping fantasy trying to convince you that you're not a sick pedophile freak that should be hanged, got it.
See I don't know if I believe this because if that were true it would have a better reputation. I only hear that opinion from random individuals and most of them are weirdos like Raul.
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Post +9s.
Bonus points for units you were even trying to merge up but ended getting so many copies of them.
I want to be friends with Nerthuz
TMS was a fun JRPG that takes itself sincerely. You can feel the soul everyone who worked on it put into the game, and we don't get many games like that. If you aren't, at most, neutral on idolshit then you won't like it at all.
The only +9 I have is Panette. I'm just going to wait for her rerun, as I have a lot of units I want to build and not enough feathers to go around.
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>You can feel the soul everyone who worked on it put into the game, and we don't get many games like that
Don’t play it and just fap to mamori anyway
It was literally a poor man's Persona clone thoughbeit.
Why didn't IS release a second TMS banner featuring TMS Tiki if they love Young Tiki so much?
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Tiki dressed as Tiki
>If you aren't, at most, neutral on idolshit then you won't like it at all.
it's more like if you don't actively like idolshit you won't care about it at all, liking idolshit is a prerequisite to liking tms which was a weird thing to do because that's not an assumption you should make about the fanbase of persona or fire emblem
Because they are saving her to be a TMS Mythic
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RoyHoenheim has like 10,000 hours in TMS.
What the fuck do you even do in that game to play it that much? Is it advanced autism? I don't think the spic has a fraction of that time in it.
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>10k hours
Going to need source on that one, boss
So it's like when the Engage devs assumed bright colourvomit otakubait would appeal to a fanbase whose most successful games were either greyscale (Fates) or shit brown (Three Houses)
+8 close enough?
I know some of the trophy things were hard to get but this is weird I agree
If that’s true, he has brain damage.
Maybe I will comm mamori after the next sanaki
he has more hours in a jrpg with 30 hours of content than I have in paradox games kek
Forgot pic
With big tits please
I have Malice at +9.
I would rather comm gay porn than your tumor preference
I am neutral towards idolshit and I thoroughly enjoyed TMS. I'm a weeb, but I've never gone out of my way to watch any idol anime.
The special edition art book has a lot of cool designer testimonies and the thought processes behind the songs and stuff like that. There was a lot of love poured into the game and it shows. It's just a shame they went a route literally no one asked for.
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Raul is a stunning and brave transwoman.
I can't find the image I saved and I'm not in the Fagcord anymore to pull it up so someone from there like Pigzig is going to have to post it. But RoyHoenheim and FehOwl have no life so they're undoubtedly lurking right now kekapalooza
You joke but thats probably on the horizon for him
And I thought my 2,2k hours in ck3 was already degenerate
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I don’t mind more TMS banners. the characters were better than Engayge acstuslly. If I had a choice between rosado and tms I would roll TMS
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You can't even spell ESL tardo
Cringe and gay
Based and hetero
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At least I’m not rolling a fag character like rosado you can enjoy your troons if you want but you will never be a woman
TMS was straight though
Why did that idiot assume I like rosado?
Maybe you should read the post before accusing others of being the ESL kek
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I always refer to TMS as "Bootleg Persona" for aesthetically looking more like Persona than SMT. Though I'm sure anyone who's actually played both games could point out how far off I am. But on the surface level, that's what it looked like to me.
And when SMT x FE was finally revealed to be idolshit, I was completely put off by it. My knowledge of idolshit at the time was only Love Live and Idolmaster. So why consume TMS for idolshit when Love Live and Idolmaster were good enough? Not to mention those franchise have like dozens of artists drawing all the girls and you can among them artists dedicated to drawing one girl whereas TMS's only dedicated artist is apparently RevolverWing.
Idiot motherfucker
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Engaygie are you ok? Are you ok Engaygie?
retarded cocksucker
Respect. HER. pronouns.
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Engaygies are SHOOK being compared to TMS
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You ask yourself, “why did Raul switch from Tharja to Shamir? Shamir’s a dyke!”
Well, it’s because SHE actually self inserts as Shamir (she’s more mannish so it’s easier), and HER old self insert is her dream boy.
Both fun games
Wait, are you calling Shamir a bitch or are you frustrated by BK's armor movement?
Um you’re not allowed that opinion here
The only good thing about Engage is how cute FAlear is.
I also enjoyed 3H, Fates, Awakening, SoV, the Tellius games, SD and NM, the GBA games, and the SNES games. Gaiden blows, tho, only FE game I ever put down without finishing.
I'm Haitian, AMA
For me it’s loli anna
Made for domestic abuse
What the hell is a haitian
Fuck off Hilda.
We get it Pigzig you like little girls
Why do you eat pets?
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Eww gay
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Post units that only you have
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I tried joining it the last time he did this and he had all the channels hidden. Like what was the point? Seems retarded methinks.
check the server again.
Maybe later
This mental server is still a thing?
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Dumb Dwagon playing the real Switch Strategy Game
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I also have a Nagi at +8. She would be at +10, but I've used her as fodder twice.
I've had LMarth at +9 since late 2019.
I have never rolled for him. I rolled for one Sothis and then one Altina.
I have a +9 Colm because I'm still waiting for a +spd one
I don't even use him, it's just autism
Why is Cyril sleeping with my wife?
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Really hoping to pull Eliwood/Dimitri/Veronica from the arena tickets.
I got 2 more Lapis when I was rolling for Marianne, but I still need one more.
Also waiting on the Zephia rerun.
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Mocktails. Mixers. Ice.
The snacks are real nice.
Soda. Sour mix. Dry.
I'm lit you can't deny.
why is ivy eating hortensia's pegasus?
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Is she bigger than Gullveig
no that's an edit
Great taste.
said nobody ever
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They're comparable, but I think S!Gullveig is bigger. It might just be the angle and lack of clothing.
>arguing over who has the biggest tits in Heroes
Guys, I’d get it if it was in any other game, but come on. Heroes’ boob sizes are anything but consistent.
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over rated tumblr tier artist
I need to +10 new legendary heroes. All of mine are now old and busted both in score and utility. Are we getting a new one this month or next?
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Cord is the most based Axe Fighter
it's hard to say. this month is a mythic, but next month is usually a double mythic or mythic+lego.
When does Ninja Snacki get rerun
*grabs her tit forcefully*
Give me milk you fucking whore
November (no spark)
I don't have a pass anyway
Alright then, which character/alt has your favorite boob shape?
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Mythic Loki's art is great coom.
She's such a tease.
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A growing young Summoner needs his MILK.
Finally a constructive post from you.
More like this please.
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Seething Poorfag.
not a seasonal demote. just some trash clogging up the summoning pool
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If Dorothea is your favorite she is worth every penny.
I hope she survives the story, for you.
They're all technically dead
You know what I mean.
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Thanks. She or Hres are probably going to be this month's mythic, which is nice.
>sex with lex hasn't played Heroes in over 2 weeks
everyone is leaving.........
Lex still doesn't have an alt...
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Choco Snake Pussy for Summer 2024 would be nice.
two weeks is nothing.
I have friends on my list who have been away for at least two to three months at a time.
They're 100% getting there souls back. Remember in the mid movie Ratatoskr loses hers too. When we kill him he'll pull a Freyja and save his kids out of remorse.
Mozu is cute.
This is gonna be the worst performing banner ever. Unless they add a godlike lineup from 3h
like who? Anyone relevant from 3H already has a summer alt
I had to extend an emergency loan of nearly a thousand dollars to a family member so now I can’t afford to commission the r63 Raul pic (Raquel being fucked by a strap-on wearing Catherine while Shamir fingers herself) that I was gonna buy myself for my birthday ToT
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yeah, well, you're ugly.
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Fucking hell I thought reaching 10k meant I was close to all of the Veronica accessories. When did they add this new powercrelt Veronica and Sharena one?
that was added ages ago. I think it was either 2023 or 2024 anniversary.
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Which one of these would you say are my 3 best dancers? Im trying to make a player phase + 3 dancers team
I guess you could compare them on the chibi models.
Ingrid Brandl Galatea
Duo Peony, Attuned Peony, Legendary/Harmonic Azura are probably the best without knowing who you're running them with.
Fallen Ninian and Harmonic Dorothea might also be good.
Another option is to go Duo Peony with both Legendary and Harmonic Azura for the duo button
Attuned Peony, Triandra, Harmonic Azura are very good but this feels like a decision that should be based of of personal preference.
is my personal comfort woman.
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I'm pretty sure it was released in 2022. I had the previous veronica's on my 2 Lissa's, and when the third Lissa was released in version 6.2 so did a third vero accessory.
I hope we're getting an emblem vero accessory soon
Let's enjoy it.
Ok thank you bros
Like who? Marianne? KEEEEEEEEEK
Who cares about that garbage?
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what do we think about Cord
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the ketecord or just cord?
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i dont know what the ketecord is I just like cord fire emblem
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FE games for this kind of design?
FE 20
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Whoa it's tiki
Engage is the Concord of Nintendo
Timerra is our Bazz
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Upgrade at being shit
He's still doing the concord thing huh?
Message Fishiwishi he'd probably let you in
It is a fact that Engage is the Concord of Nintendo, engaygie
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its a rings of power
On player phase teams your main priority should generally be action economy and mobility, so duo azura, duo peony, LAzura and galeforce dancers would be my preference.
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I don't know how id go about that but if it's a server about manaketes I may be interested
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sweet chikker
I doubt IntSys lost money on Engage
they spent 8 years making this game, it definitely did lose money.
What logic is that lol
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So who's gonna be on the AHR 2025 banner? I think we can all agree it won't have fucking Timerra right?
Engage Derangement Syndrome. Stop giving them (You)s and let them become like the schizos that repost these >>498936039 >>498941173
every thread but everyone else ignores
>they spent 8 years making this game
[Citation Needed]
It'll be the most recent Emblem units at that point. So we're looking at Sigurd, Celica, the December Emblem, and then maybe some really good fodder factory that's also a good unit like Micaiah.
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Really enjoying that Bells of Byelen hack.
probably just emblems and units with X skills
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I like this part
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for me, its this part
you can see where she tucked it in
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and this part
Still mad about dorothea? Seethe more about your literal who
i can tell youve never seen a vagina
Yes I have, here >>499003613
you should learn how vaginas work sometime
I don't know. Remember, she does have great fodder that instantly brings most units up to modern standards.
Even if people don't like Timerra AHR is more about esports anyway.
Hags are inevitable
Flop is inevitable
Coincidence? I think not
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Cutting it a bit close
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Would you let a princess dress like this?
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Post units you gave AIDS to.
>AHR is more about esports anyway.
*Esports units whom people like.
Why vote Timerra when you can vote Ike or Goldmary?
>3 mariannes and 2 dagrs
based luckstacy
Warrior or Gryphon Knight Louis?
>someone fell for my black knight rally trap defence
it's the little things
Great Knight
If everyone who ran Celica Emblem Ike died right now, what sector of society would suffer?
>shrunk her thighs
ISIS wanted her to fail
>Attacked Speed Finish 4
>Laguz Friend 4
>Attack Wave 4
>has both Goldmary and Bernadetta, so anyone that got put off by rolling on a seasonal could get them for free or as a spark
Timerra has no value because she can't be Engaged like Ike can. "Fodder?" From an Attuned nobody wants a second copy of to merge? Worthless. You can't even get everything from Timerra in one go, so you might as well just get someone else who you like more.
Barst is better
The bara fags
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nigga you blind?
More like Gunk Knight lol.
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She'll do anything you want if you're willing to pay
Yes, shrunk
What does this mean
Would she file my taxes?
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I bought Engage; watched some faggots on jewtube shilling it, saying that Engage was made for the hardcore fans, for those who had play it since GBA and shit.
But it is gay and cringe as fuck.
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How far did you get?
namsisters....it's fucking over
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he still shows up.
He gets like 1 post in every 10 minutes and banned half the time anyways so who cares kek
Since we already have Ivy, Goldmary, and Alear, I think this is the only Engage Summer unit left I'm looking forward to.
And that's only if they keep the twintails from the manga.
Huh I knew something looked familiar. Kozaki did draw for Wizardry Daphne after all.

Lulunarde, my beloved Lucina expy.
about to take an explosive petra

wish me luck
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Oh boy.
That doesn't sound healthy.
> Awakening is now a grandpa game, only remembered for smash
> Only time Fates is even remembered is for it's shitty localization, Camilla or if better/worse than engage
> SoV's honeymoon phase is over
> 3H peaked when it was released. Later it ruined how casuals perceived FE, vets realize how much of a slog it is to play. More people seen fan art than actually played the game
>3 hopes was a disaster all cause IS and KT were afraid of Bylethfags who likely were never going to play a musou game
> Engage filtered casuals who's first game was 3H, vets who wanted a good story, and people who think FE is something more than medieval fantasy slop, which is 90% of the playerbase
> Cipher dead
> FEH is dying cause IS realize they have nothing left to lose
> FE4 remake rumors dead
> Barely any content or merchandise
> No one even cares for games inspired by FE, even Kaga's totally not FE slop

We're witnessing the death of Fire Emblem live. We know the next title will at best be said as "Better than Engage but still not 3H". Where will you be when it goes the way of other nintendo IPs under the plumber's dirty boot
ten words or less, geek
ten words would probably still be too much for you
My ten inches was too much for your mom
Wake me up when there's a RD into SD tier flop. This series is far from dead, especially with FEH still raking in millions per month.
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who do you think is going to be on the ninja banner?
It will 100% have Emblem Ike in a slot and you're a fool if you think otherwise.
>3H was a disaster because bylethfags
This just proves that the only reason people wanted to play 3Hopes was because of waifus and nothing else, which means it's a shit game to begin with.
The only thing people even bring up about it anymore are Shezfags trying to hype Shez up and ship them with some form of byleth. It's basically just waifufags and self-insert fags getting upset that their preferred self-insert is mistreated in their eyes.
Emblem Ike, Emblem Celica, Emblem Sigurd and whatever Emblem they release on December are 100% guaranteed.
You give this playerbase way too much credit for not being complete retards
>Engage characters are disliked so nobody rolls just to have them
>Engage emblems killed the meta by making it too broken
Engage is a curse upon this franchise. Even Concord wasn't this much of a failure because it didn't kill a beloved award winning franchise like FE.
I don't think you actually know why Concord was a failure
Hortensia and Ivy duo.
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting
It's a shitpost. Just ignore it. Dude has been fuming over Engage for almost 2 years now.
I like Lumera.
Never played Engage tho.
Timerra is such a funny unit, taking 0 damage from everything, dropping 200 damage bombs on niggas, jesus christ
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Yeah it's kind of sad how IS is trying to make Engage characters broken because they don't sell otherwise, but it just turns people off the games more. Similar to how Lyon was always unpopular then they made Valentines Lyon and the entire fanbase turned on him. Good short term profits, extremely stupid long term thinking.
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I just did her chapter again, and am reminded she wasn't playable.
But I also didn't realize before that I could kill one of her adjacent Qi Adepts from afar, then place a Great Aether Ike user on the heal tile. That was funny.
goes back to what this guy was saying. Dying franchise is dying before our eyes
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A Heroes-based Gullveig-focused spin-off will save the franchise.
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It really depends. But at the very least, rendering her in a 3d game and flashing her in a Nintendo Direct would spur interest.
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You guys really seem to want FE to die with how dramatic you all get about it.
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The franchise needs to evolve, tactical RPGs just aren't popular enough.
A game without Nami Komuro and tranny localizers will save the franchise (this won’t happen).
I want the current leadership to be replaced with better people. I want IS to die, not FE.
Honestly just make Book 9 another Yoshiku book.
Who do you even get as the third bad bitch with giant tits and hips?
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it's time to play fire emblem. i have to buy a fucking remote to fix up the overscan and get video 2 out of the way so i gotta wait a few days for that to arrive now
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>FE shouldn’t be FE, we need to make it brainless slop to get more of the unwashed masses to play it
>finished another Engage run
Finally, I can move on to FE3.
Yeah, 3H shows that it sells
3H is still a SRPG, it just has boring maps.
At least it will never be TMS 2
Who else quit Heroes because of Engayge?
Only good thing about this book is Hraesvelgr and Nidhogg becoming scared, lost girls not sure what to do with themselves, but finding safety and comfort in Kiran
I quit the moment Summoner duel's became a whale's paradise and they tripled down on a game mode no one plays
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Titania is going to be the TT reward 100%
>Girl TT
>getting content
Enjoy your fifth Ilyana.
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IS will change its strategy. I believe in them.
>IS will change its strategy.
Bro, they just made Dorothea a demote and Timerra and attuned. We're fucked.
I now understand why everyone says to immediately give Minerva the Speed Ring in FE1
Holy shit
so what?
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I'm sorry, Anon. But Lord ISIS has instructed me to not release any female TT units this year. But don't worry. You're gonna love Ninja Hinata! I just know it! FEEEEEEEEEEEH!
all i fucking want is a hot or cute girl bow armor for christmas
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>Wizardry Daphne
His style looks way more tolerable here than in Fire Emblem Heroes.
Christmas Etie coming right up from the Engaygie mines!
Do you think they're gonna shill some tertiary like Titania, when they already didn't on the Young banner?
No, we're about to get Kagetsu as the TT and Ilyana as the demote.
wouldn't be bad
Yes but I'm certain IS has finally learned from their mistakes and is going to course correct!
>We're witnessing the death of Fire Emblem live.
It no matter where I go on the internet you Anti-Fire Emblem fags crawl out of the woods to spew your hatred of Fire Emblem
It looks like he actually tried.
Fire Emblem is dying bro.
It's death blow will be at the announcement of the next Smash, where every Fe character gets cut off from the roster.
This downfall was all caused by Engayge btw
I can tell you stink
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>It looks like he actually tried.
Nintendo is paying him good money to keep him around. So at least he should try to put more effort into Fire Emblem Heroes instead of phoning it in every other book since he getting a consistent check.
This. Gacha tards will eat up anything if it has big enough tits
>next Smash
>every Fe character gets cut off from the roster.
Smashfags biggest wet dream
Nobody would cry about FE characters in Smash if Hackurai didn’t make all of them play so similarly.
how would you make 20 sword faggots play differently anyway?
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Delicious CHOCOLATE sorceress!
We need more of it in Fire Emblem Heroes.
>Gullveig, but brown
No, not by Kozaki.
you CANT, which is why smash 6 needs to drop to brawl size
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Kozaki is a better artist than Yoshipoo
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Still mad that we never got summer ash
disgusting dog on the left alert
Yeah but he doesn't draw coom art
Sorry, we really needed Summer Clanne, anon.
The Cow wouldn't wear a swimsuit.
too EARLY faggot
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Let's wrap this up shall we!
>You're gonna love Ninja Hinata! I just know it!
Holy shit, yes please
A woman! Get her!
I hope you get what you want, Anon.
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I kinda want to start a thread war
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literally sent here indirectly by Askr for Alfonse.
Not a woman, just an appreciator of some of the cool guys.
>tfw game won't give me Brave Dimitris or Kagetsus
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Thank you for participating in today's conversation about Fire Emblem Heroes™! Let us continue to pontificate new ways to enjoy discussing about our favorite Fire Emblems in the next thread.
Explain yourself.
Seriously, I don't get the draw to that guy. In early supports, He and Felix just both seemed like massive retards and dicks for nonsensical reasons in 3H so I dismissed them.
Hubert's a creep and a simp, but even he had his moments.

Engage is/was underrated as a disaster.
Engage is to the Fire Emblem franchise what Wario Master of Desguise on DS was to the Warioland franchise.
Nintendo needs the next Fire Emblem game to be a success like Awakening-Fates-3 Houses or the Franchise could get dead, like Warioland or Advance Wars.
>childhood friends with the lord
>connected to the main story of part 1 through his brother, even talks back to Rhea if you choose to keep the Lance of Ruin and he's in your class
>womanizer, and his womanizing at least has relevance to the world at large
>looks cool
>has an auto recruit condition if you're a woman
I was sad he didn't end up having any relevance in Part 2, but he's one of the objectively "shitty" characters in the series. He's not really a goody-two-shoes, he knows he's being unfair to women and, until most A supports with women, he unapologetically doesn't give a fuck. We don't get enough characters that are actually douchebags, and Sylvain is a textbook, card carrying, trust fund frat bro.
Felix I thought he was cool for similar edgy reasons, but when Dimitri actually boar'd out, my first thought was "Holy shit this is awesome" and my second thought was "Holy shit Felix was RIGHT".
Based take, he also shits on a crossdresser in his Ingrid B support but the localizers censored that and made it about a scarecrow or some shit instead.
deleted, give me the archive

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