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Previous Thread: >>498947275

>Guides, Resources and useful links:
>4koma, Manga, Side Content, PVs & Shorts

>10/16 (Wed) 11:00 - 10/23 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Yukari (3* - Rerun)
Renge (3* - Rerun)
Kikyou (3* - Rerun)

Autumn Livestream: https://www.youtube.com/live/NG45fvLswco - 10/20 (Sun) 19:00 (JST)
SCHALE Settlement Task with General Student Council - 10/10 (Thu) After Maint - 10/23 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Grand Assault: Kurokage (Urban - Torment w/Purple Armor) - 10/16 (Wed) 11:00 - 10/23 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 9/26 (Thu) 11:00 - 10/23 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Normals/Scrimmages - 10/16 (Wed) 4:00 - 10/23 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)

>10/15 (Tue) 2:00 (UTC) - 10/22 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Toki (3* - Limited - Rerun)
Nagisa (3* - Limited - Rerun)
Koyuki (3* - Rerun)

Event Pre-Registration, Roadmap, and Livestream: https://bluearchive.nexon.com/events/2024/10/3rd
Patch notes: https://forum.nexon.com/bluearchive-en/board_view?thread=2658579
3rd Anniversary Special Livestream: https://youtube.com/live/s9tLTZVTGuM - 10/18 (Fri) 9:00 (UTC)
Balancing Schale's Books with the General Student Council - 10/8 (Tue) After Maint - 10/22 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Grand Assault: Gregorius (Indoors - Torment w/Heavy Armor) - 10/15 (Tue) 2:00 - 10/21 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 9/25 (Wed) 2:00 - 10/21 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Hards/Commissions - 10/14 (Mon) 19:00 - 10/21 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
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This is so funny because of how petty the Koreans are over the Amazon music """"controversy"""". Asians have the thinnest skin, getting upset over literal nothing burgers all the time.
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For Nagi-chan!
Guh, phew.... that was a good foursome session
I'm going to breed every white haired girl except Miyako, she isn't attractive
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Hina love!
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extra tight today, ibuki
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They don't live very fulfilling lives, please understand.
Super saiyan Serika!
What was the drama here?
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Post Churro
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My nigga Desert Rose is balling
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This is the boomer free zone, get better taste grandpa cause holy shit.
glass cannons
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>You look lonely, I can fix that
They're finally going to give us Trinity Festival event soon, you just gotta believe.
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whats his fucking problem?
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Can you really auto floor 100 with Kuroko or am I getting my chain yanked?
nom nom
millenium mob sex
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Good night /bag/
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I have Sharin no Kuni and Robotics;Notes pirated for a while now but I can't find the time to read visual novels anymore...
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>purple hue
>Yuuka staring at me in the middle of the street
Is this the real goslingcore?
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>don't care about current or next banners
>Grand Assault 10rolls expiring
What do
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I have no idea what you're talking about, but to support whatever you're yapping about with Amazon Music here's KR's announced platforms also not having it
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So now we know that the students are aware of their halos but not aware of their design, which one do you think fits the most when students see each other?
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I came gallons to Hina, Dress Hina to be more specific. Hina with hair tied up like that gives me the hugest boner but when it becomes undone due to the rough sex, my boner softens.
How do i defeat Brian
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You spin me right 'round, bye bye
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Ako or B.Yosh.
It's not like there are any other banners.
kim said design and colors, not just design
Sorry I'm too focused on the zoos faces, were we supposed to be paying attention to the halos in your image?
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>"You look like a bitch, no one can fix that"
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same been wanting to read sakura no toki since last year but never got around to it
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Just 3 hours. Just gotta work 3 more hours, then I can finally show these white women how to REALLY fuck a dog!
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Ah I get it. Well on any case, I thank you and all the other anons that replied in earnest.

Like I said before, I'm testing the waters and reading about stuff before starting the game.
I like the girls, and I like guns, so BA seems like an obvious choice, but I was concerned with the talent migration.
I was also considering Nikke since it's also guns and girls, but that game gives me a "cash grab" or shady vibe.
I also have heard really bad things about Nexon as a whole though.
It doesn't mean they're black and white, it just means they don't see them as RGB gamer halos

They're probably all rings of light.
Find a playthru and watch them while working?
God I want Saki
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Mom and daughter.
Kill yourself tourist
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Who is the bigger faggot? The man that posts bait, or the man that earnestly responds to bait?
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Now why the fuck would I do that with a visual novel with either japanese voices or no voicework at all? This is a bit different from audiobooks.
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don't open. i'm serious.
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Bullshit, my mom only play Bejeweled on her phone.
Neru has retarded uncle energy
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>BA is basically a nice version of saya no uta
>Only sensei sees them as innocent school girls
>Everyone else keeps warning him
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Nuh uh
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>Neru is 17 years old
I forgot she's a hag.
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My Lovely StudentWife Noa
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It won't be Trinity Festival.
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What's that one Shimiko JP superfan's reaction to this doujin?
>everyone else
you mean a bunch of cultists that hide behind masks and keep hidden from everyone else and turned one of your precious students into a mass murdering hobo with woohoo Outsider magic?
wouldnt it be funny if saya pumped senseis office full of sleeping gas and raped him haha
> No glasses
> Whore outfit
Hopefully seething.
shut up *cums inside*
Makoto posters
Where's Aru's? legs
It may not seem like it but this is a Hasumi general.
wife and onahole
I don't think Gematria see them as school girls either
Although Gematria are also lacking in morals a bit
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Lewd quota filled for the night. https://files.catbox.moe/d6n6qv.jpg
Last puzzle
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>Shimiko reduced from rare cute student to a cheap whore
Someone post Kasumi chibi spin. I meant the gif by the way, don't Chisepost me.
That's a ridiculously massive 1911
lost media
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Shit and piss
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Once again, I'm not a tourist.

I readed today a BA doujin where a miko girl with bear ears has anal sleep sex with the sensei guy.
I don't know her name, but probably you figure out who I'm talking about from the description-

Ergo, I consumed BA products.
Ergo, I'm not a tourist.
Ergo, your characterization doesn't work.
Now I remember I never finished reading that one...
If he's an actual fan he's probably seething really hard
to turn them into cute priestesses
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>not even the og gif from /tv/
We need to add 15 min to the timer.
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> Pumped office full of sleeping gas
> Having to wait for the gas to thin out before doing the deed
Sir that's retarded. What is she gonna do, rape me while wearing a gas mask?
> The gas only affect Sensei
Then just ASK me you dumb rat.
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>Still seething over being called what he is
You're so fucking pathetic
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Do Trinity students lay eggs?
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fine, here's the source
now leave me alone
It's about a guy with a brain defect after getting into a car accident, so he sees everything normal as twisted and evil, and everything twisted and evil as normal. As his morals entirely break down over time when everything he sees and feels is backwards or warped.

By chance he comes across a monster one night and thinks she's a normal girl and decides to sleep with her
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What the fuck is wrong with Yuuka?
this shit's is hilarious to me because she looks like a floating pick up item
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One last divegrass poll to tiebreak Black Suit vs Yuuka for the last silver medal. Only gave it 24 hours since >>498950229

>What is she gonna do, rape me while wearing a gas mask?
sounds hot
You're an attention whoring faggot who is intentionally proclaiming what a massive newfag you are, knowing what the response will be
I don't understand what should I be concerned about so that I can ask for seia status?
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She's just wants to be a stay-at-home mom
If he's like me, mad at her for removing the glasses and head wings. Personally I also don't like the swimsuit
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>I'm not a tourist I "readed" two doujins
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Where my Dress Kayoko art panel...?
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Do you have any idea how irritating it would be if she rides you? The mask would slip off and both will fall asleep while your dick is in her.
Oh and no ejaculation either.
she's suffocating...
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I don't follow politics.
Can someone explain to me, like I'm a baby, why people were seething at this?
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I disagree

Do you expect someone to go like

>Hey fellow /baggers/, I'm a day 1 player

>Let me ask you questions that only a new player would ask

>But let me remind you, I'm a fellow boomer oldfag

>I served in the meme wars of 2016

>I also I'm part of the /bag/ guild, here's my falsified passport

>So please answer my questions I'm totally asking just because
I remember stopping when you're given a choice to snitch on that guy or not (one of his friend PoV). How far would that be from one of the endings?
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that's what the zippers are for
it's like if hamburger got upset whenever you referred to pop and fries instead of calling them the "super $8.99 value meal"
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The shimmy chicken wings...
oh it's the hiyori doujin artist, thanks.
Atsuko just rimmed me
Chinks seethe because they believe Taiwan and Hong Kong isn't separate from China
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>Republic of Korea
It's very simple.
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I think you genuinely have autism if you think concocting an even more retarded hypothetical somehow vindicates your own approach, but in all likelihood you're probably just another derailing shitposter
rok != drok
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value meals cost 8.99 now????
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Why are you retards responding to the most obvious bait?
Glasses stay on during sex, yay or nay?
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Updated event writers chart from the gooks since they understand the dev talk.

Additions from the 3rd anniversary dev talk:
>Dragon & Tortoise
>A Pair's Final Adventure
>From Opera 0068 with Love
>Rowdy and Cheery
>-ive aLIVE

Prenguin is probably also responsible for Say-Bing and Sheside Outside.
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because FUCK you
I used to get a burger occasionally because I work odd hours and those would be the only convenient places open
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False, the value menu currently costs $13.99
The jew must be named
On but they fall off halfway through before a deep kiss
For any anons trying to get Rinny, the easiest eay is to fuse a Yuuka with at least 50 affection (and maxed bond gear) to a Chinatsu. Just keep in mind it has to be the base forms, alts will give you different evos.
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Why do they always pick the most whack-ass name possible?
> Prenguin
So he's responsible for the Kisaki sex talk scene from the chink event?
Anyone got a link of his AOE3 account?
none of them are bad but POIst and Prenguin are the best event writers in my eyes

I'd be curious to see who was actually responsible for BING BING BING and outside though.
Since when do we know the writer for each event?
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She is my daughter.
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Where Ogogee banner
Avoiding a potential lawsuit from WB
I wanted to make the food analogy because they make me laugh.
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bing sheside then goon
Someone post the Junko one please, I forgot to save it
I am going to fuck your daughter.
I have zero tolerance for FGOtumors
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Because I am bored and fuck you retards
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> Swords
Swords are shit.
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>somehow vindicates your own approach

There was nothing wrong with my initial approach though.

It was polite and concise:

>Hey anons, I have this question about the game.
>I want to know if someone that is familiar with the topic can answer.
>As a point of reference, I'm familiar with this other franchise.
>So what happened in BA would be like if X happened on Y?

However the visceral reaction and anons claiming you can't ask some things because they are
>sensitive topics
Is bluffing and puzzling and makes me doubt were all guys here
>whoisshe didn't retweet it
>he hasn't retweeted Haruna fanart in weeks
It's over...
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You will do no such thing.
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Should I roll for Ako or save some more pyros for wolfseggs (forma de traje de baño)?
Running a little low after pulling for Nagi atm.
oh great here comes the key sexo posters
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just b urself
There is nothing wrong with Yuuka though?
Christ, I can't imagine being autistic and an ESL. How does this guy even live outside the internet?
the who
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That's it. I'm fucking the janitor.
There's a good chance he was one of the other 20+ artists that walked out, along with 7peach, yutokamizu, and Child. Sad, but it is what it is.
Pina sex
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They should fire GrimGreen
pregnant penguin-sama i kneel... thanks for the train kino
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You can buy a selector for S.Shiroko on the next Bluefes, so maybe just get her from that instead?
What's your current stash status?
What drives a man to do this?
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My Girls
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*sigh* Fiiine...
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Unpost this.
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The best
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You won't fool me, those are Kotori's glasses
Anon those men are veterans. They suffer from PTSD, Stockholm syndrome, battered wife syndrome, sunk cost, gambling addiction and so much more. They have seen hell, and for all intents and purposes are entering an even worse hell.
Pity them, pity them and pray you never become the same.
thoughts on kanna short for this week? she invaded my personal space and didn't even realize it because she was into her detective book
imagine how good it must feel to pat and run your fingers through her jungy hair without the horns...
first year hoshino erotic
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...good enough I guess
5.3k taking next week's pyro reward into account.
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> Veterans
It's a fucking visual novel disguised as a gacha game. You want to see actual hell? Go play grub for an actual time waster.
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>*splurt* *splurt* *splurt*
>*gulp* "pwaaahh"
guh...phew... thanks for the suck, sukeban_(smg)_(blue_archive)
Well they should get therapy somewhere else instead of crying about their game here every other thread.
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>Pity them, pity them and

After 8 years FGO finally has a pity system though.
Your mockery doesn't work anymore since events like pic related doesn't happen anymore.
Embarrassing cope post
Ako is more important due to Kisaki and Himari competing with SShiroko
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Everytime I see blowjobs faces I now think of that one meme.
Young Hoshino's vagina...
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The definitive canon wife
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Donatsu <3
it still works (for 4*)
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The original idea was that edits would get progressively weirder, death bardo style, but it never ended up going there.
Pay no mind to the unnecessary "s".
What about MG and SR Sukeban?
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The most I can do is to share that POIst wrote the picrel LN series.
Most of the information are from the dev talks or official artbooks.
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### ### ####
Then save up for S.Shiroko and use the selector on Ako.
5.3k ain't gonna help shit, unless you are a massive luckfag.
so what are we going to be concerned about until the jp stream?
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Suzumi alt when?
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stop being concerned
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where the fuck do people buy the fried shrimp outfits for chocopunis
Ako if you don't have her
bKazoos for easy set
they can watch
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I'm thinking the c word and you can't stop me
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Thanks for playing!
i don't like this blowjob style of a drawing
also those lips are gross
ponytail is my favorite one too how unfortunate
I'm concerned that Akane stole someone else's gun.
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i am certainly thinking about child pussy right now
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Koksando said it that means it's canon
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Most breedable student?
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>Don't worry /bag/, the Princess has been secured and is ready to commence the autumn events! Big Sis 'nomi's family train came all the way to South Trinity Bay, its so sick!! Rugichan and Mashiro are here too! Next stop, the House of Suzumi!.. what? It's a House of Blues reference!
Knowing that fgo has not changed in any significant manner over the past 8 years and seeing these fuckers still waste their money on this shit yields not an inch of pity from me. It just makes me laugh.
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Cause it's funny.
It's like dressing up your cat in a stupid outfit.
Where's the BINGo?
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My precious desert rose.
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>Kaede's artist is still around

Another victory for the fans
>elf ears
stream isn't for 30 hours
why ask for bingo now
can't blame her for wanting to replace that piece of shit bolt action pipe gun
gehenna jk mob sex
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>When attacked or being aggressive, the stoat secretes the contents of its anal glands, giving rise to a strong, musky odour produced by several sulphuric compounds.
>Female stoats are usually only in heat for a brief period, which is triggered by changes in day length. Copulation can last as long as 1 hour.
>adult female stoats spend almost all their lives either pregnant or in heat.
You can't post that here.
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>he hasn't heard
Anon... the number of appends... has been increased...
The coins needed... require NP6...
he asked WHERE
why would nexon shot a man before throwing him in prision?
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Loli Mika love
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Welrod haters are not welcome
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140 rolls in I finally got Nagisa bros... I'm so happy
Uhh, so I can post it on Discord and Reddit for that epic karma brah
No that's Mx2j.
He's sent to the Hellraiser dimension now.
i think the fry meme SUCKS
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>why would nexon shot a man before throwing him in prision?
At least you can talk
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didn't ask, buddy
I love Child Pussy
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Just check Aliexpress, I'm sure Japan has their local stores with that outfit as well.
Kokosando abandoned his daughter (Kaede). He's deaf to me
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>fgo has not changed in any significant manner over the past 8 years

That's unironically a good thing though.
I like FGO because it's a Visual Novel with the best story of any gacha game, alongside a complex turn based combat
Like an JPRG of the older days.

After 8 years I don't want my game to suddenly scrap the 2D sprites and use 3D chibis.
Or drop the turn based combat and become a 3D open world action combat game like Genshin.

I assume most anons would complain if BA suddenly was turned into a Genshin clone.
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granblue is very amateur in terms of grind and rates compared to other shittier gachas of the past
Complete the spark for your perfect maid
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why dis nigga still here bro.
oh no he is deaf
Instead a spark comes at the cheap cost of 310 rolls, or 930 SQ
Which is about as much as you get in a year
Kokosando stayed with Kanna
he's my hero
Tell me about Atsuko. Why does she wear the mask?
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>best story of any gacha game
>reddit spacing
Go back niggerfaggot
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FGObait hours kinda suck and we have to wait an hour and a half for pvp hours
no more kaedeposting from now on
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It's the same guy bitching about being called a tourist, those retarded anons welcomed him in
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He will be back.
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Taller than you think club
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I want Yukari to get an alt soon-ish so we can see just how big her Midomos are
I have a feeling they're some of the ripest in the game
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That's not an issue if you're not poor though.
Also by definition, all gachas are not what anyone would call "cheap".

How much does it costs to roll a single SSR in BA?
$500? $600? $700?
That's the standard cost across the market.
>not including the 173cm abomination that is Airi
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im excited for the stream
No way they're giving Midori the Hiyori treatment that easily
You have to get very lucky to get the Hiyori treatment
173cm is short
What killed the hype?
>calling normal height people abominations
anon your height is showing
The watch together stream from Sound Archive band member is still exist. https://www.youtube.com/live/tCz2znlIkYk
Aru's legs around 1:33:15.
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/bag/ loves Miyako the most
her domos wont ever be the same after the unwidening
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Someone post the sound post of this
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Hi hinajanny
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That’s perfectly fine if thats your taste, but seeing how many people still expect some form of meaningful change and saying how they’ll quit or whatever then coming back to it anyway is hilarious.
We got gorilla over here
I think he drew a grave in the last aggie he participated, he's literally dead.
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i can't wait for Seia to lose for the 142252274th time
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I'm shorter than Airi by 1cm
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>assuming I get one of sKanna, bHosh or Kuroko early I'll be safe for all my rolling plans up until Reijo
>probably not even going to need that insurance since the planner underestimates pyro growth a fair bit
I'm quite happy
Need a soundpost of this as well

Fgo’s worldbuilding is a complete snorefest.
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where's the halloween art
Miyako did.
soundposts are dead
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What's with all the manlets? You should be taller than all your students
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Freaky chibi
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Wanna try saying that to my face cath paligger? Didn't think so
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>That whole image set
I'm a Kirinofan
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Any woman higher than 160cm is a genetic freak
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are the amount of gems that's being gifted in this game normal for a gacha game? Mind you BA is my first gacha, i just think that every month the devs have an excuse to give us some pyros.
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Spending my cold Halloween night fucking Kasumi in the onsen
Your students still love you no matter what your height is
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drilling deep with kasoom
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You can't say that
Rat desire
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You can't say that
The difference is the average number of pyros a f2p gets monthly in BA from just playing the game is much, much higher than what an fgo player gets. In BA you can have a spark ready withing 3 months of not rolling, in FGO 3 months of not rolling get you jack shit.

And don't forget
>pity disabled the second you get the featured SSR, even if it's 1 roll away from pity
>only once per banner too
>pity is banner-exclusive and cannot be transfered
>cost of pity was SRs no longer having split banners
>no SR pity, effectively making some of them harder to obtain than the SSR
>no counter, you have to keep track of all the numbers yourself
FGO pity is mostly for whales, for a regular player it's just an illusion of safety.
damn, those are some wide hips for a...
how old is she again
how is the carrot standing like that
luckshitting is how I got both Toki and Nagi in 9 pulls and in the same banner, but I'll go ahead and take your advice.
old enough
We can't get halloween stuff now because it's the gook 9/11
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Carrot vagina...
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stop being horny /bag/
Uhh my wife Kasumi should be bra-less
Airi is 160cm
I NEED to impregnate this cop
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Anyone have a Mine/Iori/Koharu/S.Miyako run of Gregorious? All the runs I find use Reisa.
Depends on the gaccha but honestly it should be more. I don't give a fuck if it goes against the math, whales will whale no matter what so might as well throw the f2ps a bone.
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I can upload my run. Give me a minute.
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Reminder that Yuuka is being set up to be the next Millennium President.
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>8 hours 30 minutes
I guess no broadcast?
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Is your SMiyako UE40?
What's this now?
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Fat chibisex
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Hanako love
my beautiful wife Kinugawa Kasumi
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It should be Koyuki instead
I'm guessing it's the rave/music festival
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You niggers said the old events were bad, but they're unironically funny.
Doesn't that say it starts 10/31/2024?
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Most of these points are outdated, taken out of context or blatantly outdated though.

Also, you have to keep in mind that SSRs in FGO offer a much bigger value than 99% of the units in every other gacha games.
Someone like Castoria, Morgan or Oberon are eternal servants that since their release are in the top of the meta, and never stopped being good, and you only need ONE copy of them.

Instead in other gacha games you HAVE TO roll to keep with the powercreep and you HAVE TO roll several copies as well to make the unit good.

Is there someone in BA that is still the queen of meta after 9 years in the game, like Castoria? I don't think so
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She's actually going to be the next head of the GSC after Rin and I get married and she retires.
The spinning shupos are lost media...
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Love my comfy wife and rowdy daughter
there's only like, two bad events
Drinking Peebuki's Ibupee
I'm planning to spend eligma on her if she can't cut it at 4*.
There's only one event I'd say is actually bad, and it's not that one
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What's ligma
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More like the next pig in scent.
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Real-life events like the 2.5 Anniversary. For now, they just reveal it's the usual Sound Archive band member performing. Some gooks say Nexon also invite Younha, but I still can't find official statement.
The ticket sale starts at that.
>99% of SSRs in FGO that don’t have NP battery, card buff and np dmg up all in their kit are useless
>completely ignores the dps powercreep and the fact that not only do they need several copies
>ignores the shit gacha rates that may not even allow you to get even one copy of these “eternal servants”
>compares 9 year old gacha to 1-3 year old ones
See anon this is why we don’t like newfags, tourists and definitely not fatefags here.
Sniffing or humping Janny butt
The most important part is using Iori at 1:31.5 to groggy the final yellow wave.
shunny is very flexible
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Vote Hayase Yuuka
post cute potatories while i go outside /bag/
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I like my chicken medium-well.
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This is great
Insaid Cherino sucks
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I like my meat inside Fuuka's pussy walls
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A minor correction since the dev talk apparently also mentioned that Prenguin also wrote the Bunny Chaser event. The gooks seem to be pretty impressed with him.
Fix uploaded on catbox to avoid wasting slots.
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Alt coming soon I can feel it in my bones
Leisa (h'ween) and Suzumi (Dress) will save /bag/!
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Is BA CN dead yet?
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Thank you for the image slot mister!
Any prediction of when the VODs will be back up? I'm assuming they're just trimming out the parts with Taiwan in it and then issue the apology/gibs once it's all done
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I'll take note of the groggy bar. Thanks man.
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So who wrote the summer Gehennoid event from the first year? Trinity Summer 1 too.
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Ah. It's announced during Kivotos Live. They will also give this cheering stick to visitors.
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Sorry Gehennigs but Shanhaijing invented pasta
so when's the translated dev talk going to be released.
Not a single one of those points is out of context or outdated, that is the current situation of rolling in FGO today, and it is significantly worse than rolling in BA or in many other gacchas.
>eternal servants
Having "eternal" turbometa supports doesn't mean much when the meta starts being made with the assumption you have all of them, meaning if you don't you're shit out of luck. Imagine if Greg came back next year but now he has 10x more hp because the devs determined you have too many good students so you ahould be able to handle it, that's what FGO has become. And obviously the meta supports everyone needs get 1 regular banner a year, 2 if they're feeling very generous, with any others being paid gaccha banners with no guarantee, and with all of them being impossible to obtain in any other way.
Then you remember you need solid dps on top of the support and for dps you need at least np2 or your numbers are shit, without even factoring in the CE gaccha for shit like kaleido or BG.

Meanwhile in BA half the meta units are farmable, equipment is farmable and if you only manage to get 1 copy of a meta unit you can use eligma to max them out instead of having to wait 6 months.
There is absolutely no comparison, don't even try.
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> Shanhajing are italians
I hate Shanhajings now.
guys, do you think Iboogi would let me have some alone time with panpan...
Now faps.
the fuck did i just watch
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Don't know but they might actually mention it in the future if they keep on doing more live dev talks.
childs vaginas
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Draw dickbutt in it.
so who killed her? or did she anhero?
>Muricans can no longer subsist on fast food
Sad. Guess the https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7ANZ8Osnz4&pp=ygURd2hvcHBlciBhbmQgYSA0MCA%3D lifestyle is no longer feasible.
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Buy Mika nendo
Where's the rest? Saucenao fails.
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No touchie.
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Why did Hina drive on the train track?
Is she stupid?
Good morning bag. Why are burgers angry again?
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But why
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A bit late but don't forget to pat your students, bag
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Ok but seriously where's the rest of the stream
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Taiwanese Arona is up to something again.
POIst and Prenguin twitter if you guys interested.
POIst: https://x.com/osori312
Prenguin: https://x.com/preesoul
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what the fuck is a bananabird supposed to be
it looks stupid
I had fun, seeing everyone shitting on Cherino was funny.
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>pulled kikyou
>read her first momotalk
>her anta is making my penis all weird
It was supposed to be derogatory but
Thought on the new DevTalk style?
I don't care about Kokona's pussy.
I care about her developing chest.
What was the body part of Osiris that was missing?
Memes aside I'm guessing then-goon left a while ago. Shame since I really liked the ninjas & pandemonium event.
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deez nuts in your mouth
Blue archive is incredibly generous, some would say too much, at least for revenue. Expect half in any other gacha. They probably sell gallons of merch anyways to offset.
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Someone is getting too cocky
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Just finished Vol.4 chap.2
Kaya is such a fucking idiot bros......
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>Someone used my Haruka in Conquest
wut da hell
More like Then-Gone haha...
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You are finally developing good taste in cats
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Poist good
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yume is alive
Omg, clockbro!
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Superhuman status?
I don't want to do set...
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>decide to kick Greg extreme across the board
>get plat
...the fuck?
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POIst and Prenguin-written events have been consistently fun. Then-goon's events are fun to read too but they aren't as memorable as the first two.
GrimGreen's are a mixed bag.
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It's a GA, people wait for the weekend like always.
Also Greg is a nigger is nobody likes this raid.
GA is absolutely kekd, nobody cares about it.
Then-goon shows up in the credits for pv 4.5 and 5 but some of the gooks THINK that he's mostly responsible for Hyakkiyako content (and vol 5) because of the events he wrote.
He also wrote v2c2 so he could be working on vol 2 if they didn't shift around writers for it again.
90% of the playerbase does their GA runs on the last day
el great filtro
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I thought it was LEGO.
I wish they have proper channel for thier merch. JP shipping is a pain in the ass
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this is why sensei keeps getting raped
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>boss pulled me aside and called me a "stupid obese fuck that shouldn't be in the Force"
Guess it's time lose weight for my students!
Lego would never make Blue Archive sets
Kikyou made me into a footfag..
kikyou is objectively the worst cat
doesn't even have her own short series
at least she's better than a unvoiced cat though
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And thus, you became a canon Sensei
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>kikyou is objectively the worst cat
Can't be when she is the best cat. Simple as. She's also the MOST cat-like cat student. The rest are posers at best
cat girls should have tails
thus Kikyou and Akira are valid
end of discussion
Unironically Kikyou is the most popular cat
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>ten years later
>walk into KFC
>see pic related as the morning shift manager, cooking Zingers
Wat do?
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Slap her tits and run.
no matter how much you shill kfc I am not buying any
zingers a shit
blue not archive
Is the rhythm browser game out yet? For global ASS event
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>Having "eternal" turbometa supports doesn't mean much when the meta starts being made with the assumption you have all of them

I don't see why that's an issue.
Expecting the players to play and keep up with the game should be obvious.
Also new players can literally buy an account, get ALL the meta supports, a DPS of their choice, BG and thousand of quartz for less than $20.
Having the meta supports is something to be expected and a non-issue thanks to the healthy market.

>Imagine if Greg came back next year but now he has 10x more hp because the devs determined you have too many good students so you ahould be able to handle it,

I don't see how that's an issue either since you can't expect the game and the player accounts to not grow.
Expecting that players should be stronger than in 2015 and updating the content in relation to the powerlevel is literally game design 101.
Hit on her and try to get her number.
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My lovely girlfriend Kazusa.
Kei marriage
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Get your PVP coins, /bag/!
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Eat some flan my dude
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Kikyou's feet on my dick
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I love my cute fox daughterwife Izuna!
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Only place I've seen flan at was Courage the Cowardly Dog
CN server status?
a place like mcdonalds still has their dollar menu but nothing actually costs less than even $1.99 usd now, let alone closer to $1.
my... key sex...
They should make TA sweeps last across the week, so that you don't need to to it more than once for any difficulty.
At least good smile company, and maybe schalestore have decent global shipping. Especially gsc. The sheer amount of collabs is annoying to see as a westerner. If you look at the korean stream, 2nd half is all merch, and collabs.
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I deserve foxwife missionary lovemaking
Zingers are the best chicken sandwich.
Holy shit I can finally read it.
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Why are chinks so insufferable?
Also, need more Reijo fat thighs, someone please, post Reijo thighs.
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I want to touch her horns.
you better have some free time cuz it is long and it's so worth it
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Gamer cat...
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just four u
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Ho would your student's favorite Ultraman be?
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POIst needs to write more events.
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I can't read moonrunes...
I'm sorry. the artist likes doing 4komas that end with sensei rizzing unintentionally (?) and I like them
Would losing China even be an issue for BA

Hasn't it never made much money, and the Chinese are always angry at it?
Where is everybody
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Kamen rider here to save Mika
Crack-addict sensei needs to not dress like a moron
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Yuuka bunda.
The bigger problem than sweeping after you clear, is not being able to save up tickets, so you lose them if you don't clear every day including the much-shorter first day.
But since rank actually matters for rewards, being able to save up tickets like you can for a GA would make it a clusterfuck of people trying to do the runs at the last minute to be more certain of their final rank.
you're in for a rip off of yugioh 5d's
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They populate the other servers espiecially jp. If nexon doesn't kowtow expect revenue to take a massive hit, we'd never see the end of doomposting.
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The pain of not having an Ako, I borrowed a Koharu
I have plenty of time on the weekend. Throughout the rest of a week not so much.
I haven't seen YGO since I was 7yo.
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What would Sensei and GDC's favorite SRW game be?
I'm not so sure about that claim.
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Pitysex with
The only thing to be sad about really is we don't get anymore CN exclusive PVs
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Sexy Seia Tenga
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Did someone say bunda?
Good. Those are shit.
I hate Francis.
Good thing clockbro killed him.
At least you have Mine and S.Hanako. I can only borrow one of them.
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I'm pretty sure someone said bunda.
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Would they team up like that canonically?
I think what really gets me about the China/Taiwan thing every time is that often it's a literal mistake driven by the fact that this is how analytics are given to people/companies. It's an "ignorant" mistake, but also these people are hardly ever from China or Taiwan.

In other words, the reasonable reaction would be "Hey, just so you know, this is a sensitive issue and China considers Taiwan still a part of it."
Instead it's a massive whining shit spiral. I guess the reason "it works" is literally just because people fear losing money, but I get the feeling you wouldn't need to cry, scream, piss and shit to get people to back down and apologize for the mistake.
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so i cant watch my stream???
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>wanted to feel cool so used a VPN to join NA server instead of ASIA
>Finds out that ASIA server are more slack on doing raids and i might got plat instead of gold in the last TA if i just accepted my ancestry

Not sure if this is ragebait or whatever but their pretty good.
What humiliation ritual would you pick for the BA developers
>5/5, I got to use Akane, and Sumire did the EX match to murder Iori mid-EX again
today is pretty good
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Depends. What are your thoughts on the One China Policy?
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Student for this feel?
100 lashes on each of their backs
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I'm gonna filter china taiwan for a week if you try to evade you are a faggot
fwiw the billibilli gaming rating is still at 7.4
And again, they'll probably lay off the heat if nexon just kowtow
Chi- wait sorry >>498974190
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>i might got
yeah, you're definitely SEA
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I'm gonna waah babzoos for a week waah waah babzoos evade babzoos waah waahs
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GOHAN(Gallon of Hina a Day)
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Too melodramatic or cringy. I have no idea what the fuck the though process behind Saori PV or Noa PV were, but I want whoever made them to rethink them.
You get to fuck a student but that student has to be babusa. >>498974309
Do you accept, /bag/?
>OP image is gehennoids
And that's how I know the thread is shit before even reading it.
what is the downside?
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I miss cute Azusa... she's just angry all the time now...
>don't care about nonomi
>really like the stupid ass plushie picture
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Just admit you want to fuck the plushie and spare everyone your fetish.
Adult Kayo pussy
Totally legal
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Who was your Role Model as a kid, Sensei?
I have most of my units' skills almost maxed out, but I still don't have nearly enough damage. The unit requirements for this raid is insane.
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>having a cute moment with Saori and Noa was cringe
ok then i guess.
Tom Brady
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>alts alts alts
>stories running in circles of status quo
>raids keep getting more annoying
>level/equipment progression grinded to a halt
>powercreep with better alts instead
Im fucking done
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>John Cena
>Johnny Knoxville
>John Harambe
>Johnny Sins
>The Undertaker
>Bam Margera
Just to name a few...
I thought I had done well getting Extreme clears of about 1:45, but then I see people talking about sub-minute speedruns and it's completely incomprehensible to me that that's possible.
TAS Batman.
Executing Marina in the middle of the artillery barrage is very cool
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Optimus Prime!
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Fox Mulder
>move cities
>old gym is taking money out my account
>call them to cancel
>have to mail them a hand written letter
Make sure your students handle affairs before moving
Now with a Seai image!
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this dumb aris skin makes shit hard to hit lmao
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>alts alts alts but none of seia
>stories keep ignoring seia
>raids keep getting more annoying without seia
>have to level/equip seia
>seia already powercrept and she's not even released
I'm fucking concerned.
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Plushies are cringe
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Must be the DHina, Nagisa, and SHoshino team.

Sumire Kakkoiii
Fat chink butt
How's MS World after global release?
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Holy shit, Reijo's vagina this close to my face...
She stares right into my soul.
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can't tell ya. i literally just started playing on this server.
Tony Hawk's better
she is very cool
Adolf Hitler
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Unironically this guy
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I'm a simple man. I see Reijo, I cum.
Her range is bigger than I remembered
Atsuko Hate...
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Yeah. What the fuck kind of gay ass scenario wouldn't involve her going in with a gas mask and doing the rape?
Go eat a salad, tubby
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Aside from my father, no one really comes to mind. I did pick characteristics I want to have from various characters, but no one character or person comes to mind except for my father.
>Regular devs
Catgirl cosplay on stream
>Traitor devs
Naked dogeza then Brazen Bull.
The first two shots are relatively close together, but the last one has very long reach. Normally not that relevant but it does mean yellow backliners just evaporate.

Atsuko got fished later it's fine
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I thought the nips were respectful toward their neighbors...
Have fun. The gooks seem to really enjoy it.
> Catgirl
> Instead of Iori cosplay
Shamefur dispray from you.
We literally had one dev wearing Kirara costume from yesterday stream.
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Recognizing Taiwan as an independent entity from China and not apologizing
Rick Sanchez
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Very wholesome response, Arisbro. I'm sure your father would be very happy if he heard this.
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Good morning fellow Mika enjoyers
Good morning
>He doesn't realize they specifically make it almost impossible to quit a gym because that's their entire racket, it's easy to join, impossible to quit
There have been TV episodes about this very thing since it's well known
Contact your bank instead
WTF, wasn’t Yu-Gi-Oh about card games?
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Good night, /bag/
I wanted to be an astronaut.
Later on I began reading sci-fi and I started to idolize Lem.
Fast forward to present and my role model is Aniki.
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Ten inches of thick black Fuuka horns
Good night
Sumire cheated
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Don't weigh your students
Big words.
gn anon
maybe Iori shouldn't try to show off
What was the answer to that horn, tail, and wing question anyway?
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Ohayo desu
wouldn't kuroko being able to wear shiroko riding's jersey mean nonomi still has bigger breasts?
that doesn't add app, kuroko's taller and her sprite has bigger breasts than nonomi
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this is the majority of the playerbase now, sad to see
Bet hes an indog too
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Had to spark for Nagisa and summer Nonomi showed up on the final roll just to spite me
This is why you home gym
But isn’t this game made by Koreans?
>have to mail them a hand written letter
lol Gyms always do this shit.
Usually they'll only allow you to cancel in-person so that a meticulously trained sales rep can bother you for an hour about how good their service is and how fat you still are before they allow you to cancel.
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This is just the same webm you phony.
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Just look at S.Nonomi and tell me that Kuroko is still bigger.
Does Nexon use any AI to make the artwork for BA?
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Your gyms do not use apps for everything?
I have never met a single staff
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Based Makoto strengthening Gehenna-Hyakkiyako relations
Mx2j's tendency to add breast cups when he draws a girl, well except ASS club
Anyway, Nonomi has the same body as Hanako
Just imagine S.Hanako but blonde, you get Mx2j'd Nonomi
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Optimus Prime.
actually ignoring the slight differences in EX order Iori got all three shots off in the first webm but failed to do the third shot in the second.

not going to webm this one since it was just a standard flank but Akane did live through this and outdamage the entire enemy team by hitting Yuuka with her EX
Who the fuck is this?
I guess we're getting new momoi content soon, she got rehired for boat game by yostar
i dont remember anything about my childhood
Not meeting fellow humans is something to brag about? Holy shit kys yourself zoomer.
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>Nonomi has the same body as Hanako
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Nutting in Natsu
Normalfags aren't human. Everyone but me is a normalfag.
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YWNBAJ Maurizio. That being said
>Starts wars of aggression for no reason
>Almost eliminates it's own able bodied population during Sengoku
>Maintains the most niggardly behavior before picking a fight with the US, which is the equivalent of messing with a nigga bigger than you
The more you read about Japanese history, the more you realize they are the niggers of asia.
>1 day left to do all these draws
It's over for me
>and her sprite has bigger breasts than nonomi
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> Doesn't just flip everything
What are you, gay?
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hey that's Chise
hi Chise
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One of my Greg mocks managed 15.2M while just winging it, and I can't figure out how to replicate that run with actual planning.
I keep capping out at 15.192M.
Watch this guy brick the ASS band minigame.
Where BAkane
I don't see anyone running that specific team anymore, I guess me flanking a few people who did it turned them off from ever doing it again.
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Carl Sagen
Billy Mays
I legitimately believe that mock battles are balanced to be easier than the real battle.
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NYJunko with the big 230k crit!
Does monthly pyroxene and half monthly pyroxene packs stack? Will I get 15 bounty tickets?
>Fucked up my 1st Blue GA Insane
>3 million HP left
>NY Mutsuki easily mop the floor
still pale in comparison to china
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I love her.
>eliminates it is own
i am going to crawl back into hina's womb
Stop asking stupid questions.
Surely they brought new riding suits by now
That comic was what, 2 years ago?
>image limit
No... I was gonna post another dumb PVP webm.
> Thinking that fat fuck Nonomi would join
Fuck you /bag/
my cute students using their vibrators
No, fuck you, haterman!
it's only him who does it so I imagine most people don't know the counter to it or don't bother. But thanks to that it was a free 1st place 5/5 finish today. The only recent comp change is the really boring guy who used to run yuuka/atsuko/tsubaki/iori switched over to a weird nyMutsuki defense that I still brute forced in a blind attack with Sumire/Saori

Ii kaado da ne! Omedetou!
>your student
>video game you're currently playing aside from blue archive
Key but fat
crit harder
I will make Key fat with triplets.
Stop lusting for evil women
Metaphor (cracked), FF7 Debirth
Nonomi could fold you like an empty cardboard box
hmmm nyo
Beatmania IIDX
I got 8th dan
>your student
>what do you think of reisa
Lmao why does everyone play the cracked version?

I can run faster than Nonomi.
Her tits will be obstructed by the air.
I'm going to the exercise house so please don't die until after I get back
>why does everyone play the cracked version?
Denuvo fucking sucks balls

I fucking hate her
Why no red?
>Students not strong enough to just follow a clear video
>I'll have to use my brain and think
Life is kuyashi
Disappointing character
Death Road to Canada
armored core on PSX
Stardew valley
autistic daughtercore
where is even the repack for Metaphor :)
I dont
Rune Factory and Story of Seasons

Cath Palug
She is retarded
sam and max because of work? i think?
how many times can you pat students before the cafe resets?
Get back here we're dying
Why u guys take imej
Does Ibuki wear panties in bloomers?
>tired and sick
>get into bed
>can't sleep
>2hours pass
>fully awake
I hate being sick so much
blue archive
i was hungry
what killed the hype?
Imeji killed blue archive.

Hey, double redheads.
I didn't study for this question
Miyako is for ___
4, 5 if she gets summoned by her furniture and you invite her to the other floor.
normal teacher-student relationships
turning into a sex slave
Rune Factory 3, FM24, and Bandori
i have been summoning swimsuit tsurugi and giving her a tap every day for like three weeks and she is still rank 10
she needs to be 3* or higher
You can't go past 10 at 2*
Ligma her up to 3* to raise the max to 20 and 5* to uncap
Civ 5 Vox Populi, Kamidori (fuck those bastards for not having route with the 3 main heroines)
Snow VN and EO untold 2 and touhou DRPG
EO untold 3 when????

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