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#6272 - Maliss lost... edition

Previous: >>498859824

>Recommended Simulators
●EDOPro (PC/Android): https://projectignis.github.io/download.html
●Master Duel (Multi-platform): https://store.steampowered.com/app/1449850/YuGiOh_Master_Duel
●Duelingbook (online): https://www.duelingbook.com
Hosts, use the tag “/dng/” and the password “vidya”; on EDOPro, specify the server.

>Useful Links
Rulebook: https://img.yugioh-card.com/en/downloads/rulebook/SD_RuleBook_EN_10.pdf
Wiki: https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Yugipedia
Probability Calculator: https://yugioh.party
Stock Market: https://yugiohprices.com
Database: https://www.db.yugioh-card.com
Misc Info: https://www.formatlibrary.com/formats/

TCG: https://www.yugioh-card.com/en/limited/list_2024-09-02/ (Sep 2/Next Banlist: SOME MONTHS FROM NOW)
OCG: https://yu-gi-oh.jp/news_detail.php?page=details&id=2055 (Oct 1st/Next Banlist: Jan 1st)

OCG: https://roadoftheking.com https://tonamel.com/competitions?game=yugioh_ocg
TCG: https://ygoprodeck.com/category/decks/tournament-meta-decks
https://yugiohtopdecks.com (ONLY GOOD FOR OLD FORMATS)

JP: https://yugioh-starlight.com
EN: https://ygorganization.com

>Upcoming Releases
●Supreme Darkness (Oct 26)
●Terminal World 2 (Nov 23)
●Premium Pack 2025 (TBA, probably December given the release date of all previous Premium Packs)
●Quarter Century Trinity Box (Dec 21)
●Alliance Insight (Jan 25)
●Quarter Century Art Collection (Feb 22)

●Quarter Century Bonanza (Nov 7)
●Crossover Breakers (Dec 6)
●Supreme Darkness (Jan 23)
●Structure Deck: Blue Eyes White Destiny (Feb 7)
●Maze of the Master (Feb 21)

●AMC Cup 11 (Nov 3, 1930 UTC):
Banlist: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1VL_NLd-Sh2hVgvIzf11PzsZO-kq9ZNkp
>indirect Ryzeal support
we need called by the grave 2/3/4 to deal with these dumb cards
Must sell new thing
>from GY/banishment
Lol who's gonna run this shit over Fuwa or even Purulia
You will pay $300 for another set of obnoxious handtraps
>>indirect Ryzeal support
Are you fucking stupid? Decks, on average, special summon from GY far more times than they do from hand.
This nigga finna carry this set so goddamn hard lmao
I don't know if I want the FIRE Multcharmy to either draw every time your opponent sets to cuck le set 5 stun decks or draws every time your opponent summons a monster via a card effect so I don't have to see SHITurion's dumb ugly mug because it plays around the existing Multcharmies
every new handtrap is indirect support to decks like ryzeal that can fit in 18 handtraps
Cry about it
If you can win the die roll I can get a couple of draws
All of them besides the one that fucks ED/Deck are situational depending on format. We also happen to be in a format in which the second best deck specials from banish zone.
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>we have Mew at home
Decks like what, exactly?
We are going to do things to Maliss that have never been done before.
I think it's comparable to purulia, though which one is better will depend on the format
Pretty sure they took Bystial's dragon dick every day
Not sure if your metal dick can suffice
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>Decks like what, exactly?
How about the second-most represented deck in the format? Are you being a serious person right now or are you just saying stupid shit so I’ll talk to you?
So I guess the question now is if the FIRE Multcharmy will be a Pyro to mirror Purulia or another animal-based type given the existing Multcharmies are all based on animals
>Will Mulcharmy be searchable by one of the best deck
>Limited Bonfire search Multcharmy pass
Searchable Mulcharmys don’t matter because what are you gonna do with it? Wait for your opponent to break your entire board and THEN drop the Mulcharmy? It’s not like Spright “searching” Maxx ‘C’
The only things left are summoning from Spell/Trap Zone (Centurion, Millennium, Trap Monster) and summoning by card effects (like token, fusion spell, ritual spell)
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We got another battle phase 2 card and maxx c 4 on the same week
Ummm, Tenpai can make Seals pass and activate the Multcharmy after tributing Seals or something
Konami gave up on Dominus cards because they hate Vanquish Soul that much and continuing them would eventually result in a FIRE/EARTH/DARK Dominus
Maliss is dogshit carried hard by horny waifufags, either post actual representation in top cut or try again
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Bro they didn't make any more Dominus cards because they already hit all six main attributes and a Divine lock would be meaningless
It wouldn’t even be good because VS wants handtraps that are monsters AND the right attributes.
>d-doesn’t count!
Alright, I guess you were just lonely. So how are things going, anon?
Orcust bros... this doesn't look good for us...
Orcust doesn't really summon that much from the GY/banishment
NTA but if the replays I’ve seen with the new cards are any indication, they actually summon from GY quite a few times to set up their turn 1.
Fuwa > Nya > Puru
I'm sure they mostly just use the new Girsu to recycle their counter trap
Imagine if the Multcharmies had all debuted in the same set
They now do since Galatea AI exist and made the deck more consistent.
Things are nice, I just finished packing for my flight home and am just sitting around
They'd be even better if you didn't pussy out of showing just how shit Maliss is at converting from entry to top cut
That would make the set too profitable (for players) to open boxes of in the TCG.
If the last Multcharmies is Active/Set Spell/Trap, i'm going to kill someone
On average, you stupid
You know they will do it
That's the last piece of Maxx C's power
Horuskeks it's so over...
Baaaaw won't somebody think of the poor Runickniggers and Labtrannies?!
>Each time your opponent special summons a monster by a card or effect, or sets a card in their spell & trap zone: Draw a card
>Naturia Horus petdeck is literally just fucking dead until this piece of shit gets banned
I quit.
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>NINE (9) copies of Mulcharmy
>still cannot compare to the roach's power since tokens and Centurion can still bypass the Mulcharmies
>Kill Odion deck before even release
Would be hilarious
It'll be Special Summoning (moving) Trap Monsters from S/T to monster zone
Coming to pay respects for hex digits.
Should I start going to locals with Sky Striker, anons?
and Continuous Spell monsters
and Tokens
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A post like this alters the entire timeline
Checking this first before a gachanigger does.
How does Sattelite Cannon Falcon work with Rise Rank Up Magic Raidraptor's Force? On summon attempting to activate the effect, the only effect it's allowing I use is the ATK reduction, not the Feather Duster. Is this because Raidraptor's Force does not state it is a summon using Raidraptors as material, but an Xyz summon with no material that attaches Raidraptors by card effect? Rising Rebellion is specifically worded to check what is attached to it at summon, not what it's materials are, to avoid that, presuming that's how it works, which would makes sense.
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I'm from /xivg/ put me in the screen cap
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Check em
>buy suda prease
thanks konami
You side this and have 6 maxx c depending on match up
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The post that cursed Labyrinth
/dng/ got a hex
but at what cost
>same odds as all other posts
So this is how they kill stun.
Probably should have used these sextuples for support for archetypes I like, oh well totally worth it
please do it koonami
This game is fucking finished
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>Game became unwinable turns ago
>Refused to surrender and keeps playing
To all branded players: You guy should surrender whenever you go second or don't open puppet lock going first. Puppet lock is the only way for your deck to win. Stop wasting everyone time
Rise Rank Up summons from extra deck then attaches all targeted to it as material.
It's different from usual Rank-up as use a specific monster then overlay onto it.
If you do in simulator, Rise RUM needs separate monster zone to summon while other RUM can use the same monster zone to rank-up.
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Get fucked.
Don't play if you aren't willing to see the game through just because it's pre-determined.
File deleted.
Fuwaloss works well in Raidraptor since it's another Winged Beast so Simorgh can turn it into a starter
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>>499001612 (Me)
forgot to remove the ROTA from my previous build
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outstanding post
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Mulcharmy for Flip Summoning when
Puppet lock is for pussies
Real men either grind it out or go down after a fight to the death
What next
Mimighoul already gets raped by Purulia and Fuwaros
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fairy tail support...
And Impulse
dog or dragon
Mimighoul gets raped by anything
>searchable by magnamhut
They don't get raped by Imperm
Fuwaloos is already searchable
The only time searching a Mulcharmy might be good is if you do it on your opponent’s turn 1 AND they’re playing a deck where you can drop the Mulcharmy during your Draw Phase for free draws if your opponent interacts (activating Purulia during your DP vs. Floo, for example)
Each time your opponent Special Summons a monster(s), your opponent immediately draws 1 card.
Your opponent must excavate cards until an Insect is excavated and place it on top of their deck as cost to draw a card by this effect.
Until the end of the turn, Insect monsters cannot be used as material for a Fusion, Synchro, Xyz or Link summon, except for the summon of an Insect monster
a reptile or something
We’re NOT playing Insect pile.dek, bro.
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they are going to print a mulcharmy that searches the other mulcharmies during opp turn, mark my words
hence the only 1 other charmy effect per turn
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22 players:

1st. Snake-Eye
2nd. Exosister
Top4. Snake-Eye
Top4. Runick
Top8. Maliss - https://i.imgur.com/5k748KF.png
>2nd. Exosister
what the hell
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>real men go into time so often he could never make it into the top cut
It's basically garbage that copes with handtraps, look at non engine vs engine lmao.
Personally, the more bleak thing is seeing SE have to resort to Formud Skipler into Parallel Exsneed to get to their starters
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Made for rape
yes exactly
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24 players:

1st. Ryzeal
2nd. Ryzeal
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18 players:

1st. Maliss
2nd. Runick
I hope Konami doesnt the Mulcharmy that draws everytime i summon from the deck
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Modern Parasite Paracide support would be fun. A boss monster that, if your opponent would draw/search/summon from deck, switches it out with Parasite Paracide once per turn, Phantom of Yubel style. Add some kind of lock so it can't be linked away and you're golden. Maybe give it an Iblee like effect and prevent Summons that do not use Paracide as material while it's on the field, but take control of what it is used as material for, it becomes an Insect, like the original artwork.
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>The Mulcharmy that draws every time you breathe
Response, /dng/?
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Each time your opponent adds a card from their deck to their hand, add a card from your deck to your hand.
I will simply hold my breath till the end phase.
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Activate gamma
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I chain the same card and summon Stratos.
are we getting another dominus card too?
>look at non engine vs engine
It's 50:50.
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If you don't play to fight to the end, just put on a skirt and get back to the kitchen lmao
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The Dominus cards are most likely over since they've covered all Attributes (DIVINE is a meme), the only thing they could've done to continue it is if they kept remixing the Attributes they'd lock out of.
They still had parts of Maxx C unadapated, but if you ask me I hope they end it here as well (unless they give them like a member that can search the others).
I will put my hand on that thighgap and fingerblast her until she climaxes at least 5 times.
>if they kept remixing the Attributes they'd lock out of.
So they will continue.
>dominus is the add from deck
>impulse is the summon from deck
the dump effect is the next one
>Purge doesn't even stop any add regardless of location so all it does is basically act as three more copies of Ash against "C"
This card is very nice.
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A few reactions from our friends on Starlight to Catt "C".
>Maliss's high leg swimsuits are the target
Hot, just put your finger and move aside the leotard and stuff white rabbit with all the multcharmies up her cooch until she is as bloated as 8 months of pregnancy.
I told everyone that Maxx was going to 2 in OCG since the Tactical Try decks only had 2 copies of it, glad that Anonymous Starlight 6 also noticed this.
Ash to 2 will happen as well for the same reason, only 2 are in the TTDs.
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Not in the TCG you won't.
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It sucks how we'll probably never get Horakhty/Holactie in the TCG since it's a Kaz art so only Studio Dice has the copyright to it.
It's frankly embarrassing how we only get Kaz's art under the lost art promotion. It should be front and center everywhere.
TCG Maliss only needs wedgie correction, grab the thing from behind and pull it as high as it goes (harming white rabbit in the process) then the front is ready to be moved aside
tewart fears this
I feel like it's more like the last Charmy will be something that draws when something is summoned from the backrow or just a searcher. I doubt they're going to make something that hits setting since setting from deck is a loophole Konami's still riding the high of.
If Tewart hates Ankhs and ancient egypt so much since he still takes psychic damage from his hebrew ancestors being slaves to Egypt, why hasn't he made a TCG Exclusive deck based around Noah and the plagues of Egypt?
TCG is a joke
tewart jumpscare
Tewart is a disgusting Zionist, that's why we can't have this. Someone please kill him and replace him, also take away any rules and bullshit he put cause the sooner his influence and shit gets away from this game, the better.
What was lil bro even running?
So what's the one point where Yugioh's power creep became completely unsalvagable in your opinion?

For me it was Shaddoll Fusion
the classic "run every card you ever pulled" deck
prank-kids, then swordsoul
the first step towards modernity

end of series 10, game was still fixable, it's too late now
Does anyone else dislike the art style on the Mulcharmies? As the new face of Yugioh, they're just circles with a smiley face, not the iconic edgy demonic creatures, or exposed tummy erotic Japanese girls to bring the audience in. Who is the target audience? Imagine if Magic re-released a more balanced Dark Lotus but the art was based on Spot the Dog or Mr Men or something. It's just a bad look.
>Without anime, Konami ramping up the power creep
Look me in the eye and tell me honestly that Ash Blossom (and Maxx C) did not single-handedly distort card design around themselves to the point that they somehow simultaneously don't kill the decks they're supposed to (bullying petdecks but anything Konami wants to force will play right through or dodge them with shit like "set from deck") and at the same time are "load-bearing" cards that will make everything even worse than it already is in the exceedingly unlikely scenario Konami wakes up and realizes the damage.
Bit too late to complain about that when Ash and friends have been the face of yugayoh for years now.
>Performalpal/HERO pack filler was trying to save us
The Jap cant design, or balancing game for shit
Name 1 jap game that balancing well
PePe was when it went past the point of no return
my nigga so angry he had two strokes mid post
Sure they can, it's just more profitable not to do that
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>Luna.dek is real
No way
Ghotibros...Ogdoadicbros...it never even began...
Balanced card design isn't good for profits so why do it?
Eh it’s probably gonna be terrible.
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the squad
magistus is real close to being actually playable
i hope the support is good
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Didn't realize vampirelily played MD
just let this game die konami
Sanrio-esque characters are peak character design.
Ash is eerie and has an ominous horror movie-like aura, like Sadako from Ring. It's a timeless design.
The fuwas are literally smiley faces. You don't have to play Purrley if you're not into widdle snuggly puppies awawa :3 but Yugioh's top card is now Maxx :D
Mulcharmy gods...
>Fire Pyro
>When you opponent Flip/Gemini Summons draw 1 card
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wouldn't people just not set 5 at the sight of that Multcharmy tho
I doubt the Lunafag cares, his meme came true
... I mean eventually manga Luna deck will getting printed in PP
The well is going to dry soon anyway
Then they'd lose.
Why did yugioh die? Another event and another record low attendence.
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The game right now is too stressful
No anime to maintain a sense of "forward momentum". The cynical realization that they could've made all those unreleased anime cards like Colorless Chaos King of Dark World at any time and are only bothering because they don't have NEW ANIME product to hawk.

The weight of Konami's arrogance of the physical paywall that is Master Rule 4 having lasting consequences on card design.

No COVID lockdown to force people losing their minds from undersocialization to play the game even if they don't want to.

Konami dropping pretenses of banning for any reason besides killing old decks to prop up new ones in a manner that even the mos complacent normalfag cannot ignore.
why you always lyin
Ask anyone in starlight
They would say the same
kek wasn't exodia supposed to be this unique set of cards nobody except yugi had?
No it isnt
Its just drawing 5 card without draw power is almost impossible
The rush anime is supposedly ending, and with Animation Chronicle showing off card stories, I can imagine that's the next project. Just adapt the storyline directly like Blue Archive and the other big moneymakers. The extra layer of kid plays the game based on the characters has fallen out of popularity.
It was rare enough that the Rare Hunter had to use fake copies to run a playset, but they weren't one-of-a-kind or Blue-Eyes level rare.
Kid wanted to flex that he pulled an Exodia piece even though he probably didn't have the other pieces.
No one is going to play Lorcana. Why don't you go back to doing what you do best Lola and find someone's diaper to sniff.
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Premium Pack 2025 will be ___
I guess the mulcharmy searcher is now the only one missing
No way they're not releasing it
>Luna cards
Bro why is Konami feeding diaperfags?
white woods support
Even more disappointing than PP2024 and PP2023
I wonder how they are going to do the Forest cards, because they can't just have "Forest" because then it will be White Forest support and more.
I guess the only real option is to go full Beast support or something
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>Hey mister you better not move any card out of the graveyard or I'll have to get rough with you.
Your reply?
Unless you are tier 0, i dont give a fuck
Card with "Ancient Forest" in it text
>the Rare Hunter had to use fake copies to run a playset
He had three playsets, all fake.
Rape. Always rape. There is literally never a time when the answer is not rape.
You have spammed these sorts of posts for over a year and almost universally have gotten 0-1 replies for it. What is wrong with you?
The Forest cards are more associated with the Fairy Tale cards
nyalus or purulia?
I like Nyalus because nyaa~ :3c
both obviously
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>No one is going to play Lorcana. Why don't you go back to doing what you do best Lola and find someone's diaper to sniff.
Flip her dress, squish her diaper till she cums and then fuck her
>with Animation Chronicle showing off card stories
Wrong anon. The OCG Stories cards are from the Premium Packs which have always been manga focusrd.
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how did you get this video of me?
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>the diaper tranny is the indian schizo poster
Why is there always a fucking overlap
some ocg lists

>indian schizo poster
Don't know if you noticed but Indians have become the punching bag of the internet, a mix of subcontinentals flooding both the internet and most first world nations have made them hated even by leftist normalfags.
They deserve to be locked tbf but this just confirms the Euro diaper tranny is a MD tourist.
I appreciate these posts. A real light in the dark in these threads.

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