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Previous Thread: >>498991171

>Guides, Resources and useful links:
>4koma, Manga, Side Content, PVs & Shorts

>10/16 (Wed) 11:00 - 10/23 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Yukari (3* - Rerun)
Renge (3* - Rerun)
Kikyou (3* - Rerun)

Autumn Livestream: https://www.youtube.com/live/NG45fvLswco - 10/20 (Sun) 19:00 (JST)
SCHALE Settlement Task with General Student Council - 10/10 (Thu) After Maint - 10/23 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Grand Assault: Kurokage (Urban - Torment w/Purple Armor) - 10/16 (Wed) 11:00 - 10/23 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 9/26 (Thu) 11:00 - 10/23 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Normals/Scrimmages - 10/16 (Wed) 4:00 - 10/23 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)

>10/15 (Tue) 2:00 (UTC) - 10/22 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Toki (3* - Limited - Rerun)
Nagisa (3* - Limited - Rerun)
Koyuki (3* - Rerun)

Event Pre-Registration, Roadmap, and Livestream: https://bluearchive.nexon.com/events/2024/10/3rd
Patch notes: https://forum.nexon.com/bluearchive-en/board_view?thread=2658579
3rd Anniversary Special Livestream: https://youtube.com/live/s9tLTZVTGuM - 10/18 (Fri) 9:00 (UTC)
Balancing Schale's Books with the General Student Council - 10/8 (Tue) After Maint - 10/22 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Grand Assault: Gregorius (Indoors - Torment w/Heavy Armor) - 10/15 (Tue) 2:00 - 10/21 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 9/25 (Wed) 2:00 - 10/21 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Hards/Commissions - 10/14 (Mon) 19:00 - 10/21 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
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Kill Reisa.
Behead Reisa.
Roundhouse kick Reisa into the concrete.
Slam dunk Reisa into the trashcan.
Crucify Reisa.
Defecate in Reisa's boots
Launch Reisa into sun.
Stir fry Reisa's face in acid.
Toss Reisa into active volcano.
Urinate onto Reisa's clothes.
Judo throw Reisa into a wood chipper.
Twist Reisa's stupid head off.
Chop Reisa in half with axe.
Curb stomp Reisa.
Trap Reisa in quicksand.
Crush Reisa under trebuchet.
Liquefy Reisa in a vat of acid.
Eat Reisa.
Dissect Reisa.
Exterminate Reisa in the colosseum.
Stomp Reisa skull with steel toed boots.
Cremate Reisa in the kiln.
Lobotomize Reisa.
Mandatory rocks throwing at Reisa.
Grind Reisa in a mortar.
Rape and dissect Reisa.
Drown Reisa in liquid gold.
Incinerate Reisa with fire.
Kick Reisa off a cliff.
Gas Reisa.
Feed Reisa to the lions.
Slice Reisa's throat open.
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Maki sex thread
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Wake up and face me
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That's my son in the OP!
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>have to wait for Camp Maki
>have to wait for Band Natsu
Feels bad
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coom in foom
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My precious desert rose.
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Good night /bag/
Good night
that's based
Who to use for Blue and Yellow Greg?
sHanako or nyMutsuko
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Suzumi alt when
Hina should transfer
when is Maki going to get the spotlight again
Post a cute pic of Saori and Sensei
I just finished Eden Treaty and i want to see Saori happy
to schale for nonstop sex with sensei
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what would Hifumi in love be like?
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She fucking shot me
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What about for dealing statuses?
What happens moments later?
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>fall asleep while reading a book
>Wake up
>Wtf why is my heartbeat so fast
>Can literally hear it in my head & pulsing in my ears
>After a minute I realize that some roastie asmr turned on while i was sleeping & she just pressed her mic to get her chest.
It was quite fast. I bet she's fat irl.
Also I dreamt about saying that I'll make a new bread but then went to the kitchen & met Ozzy Osbourne who made the devil horns gesture with his hands & pointed at me which made me excited & when I returned back to my PC after some time had passed, /bag/ was still waiting for me to make a new thread.
Mika should die
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>Maki hours
I approve.
She made a mistake, everyone makes mistakes and Beatrice is a fucking bitch that forced her to do evil.
She is my precious student too
Nonomi Paizuri
Although Idk why he made Nonomi look evil
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Update your windows
Saori owes me sex
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>have to wait for SMisaki
I know that feel, bro.
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lots of hugs and kisses from sensei
misread that as Nozomi for a second and got excited for nothing
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Maki on the telly
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Mika and Hina do this front of you. What do you do?
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I'd post a happy Saori but my Arius folder is mostly Depressed Miku.
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>he forgive
>hate Beatrice
>said the P word
Congrats, you passed the test. Welcome aboard. Now continue onward, you just have to get through v4c1 and then you'll experience true kino.
She is a ticking time bomb
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Jumby my beloved...
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Next year is gonna be a real wallet test for me.
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There is an odd number of otherwise young fit healthy people dropping dead for no reason. I can’t believe climate change is doing this.
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My adorable daughterwife Azusa.
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My canon wife Fuuka...
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>ドレミ reposted
HIS game
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Reminiscing over the good times...
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Does /bag/ like NTR?
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It's called obesity.
Lay off those fast food and sugary drink, fatass.
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Sena alt anytime
chinatsu numba wan
vani vani
I plap this
NTR'ing giant worms is still NTR
My canon wife Haruna...
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This whole T-word isn't a country is getting out of hand. Mods even locked the thread.
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Is this Iori team crit malding too or something?
I see similar teams used in Torment, but I'm somehow find myself 16M+ short after some time compared the video in Insane.
The joke is that himaris VA is C2
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Maki is pure and should never be lewded
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so uuuuh do we pre-register or not
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yeah we like to watch /here/ specially seia posters
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the cutest kot
kuromi serika
don't really see why you shouldn't it's either they do distribute it to emails only, or they give it to everyone
better safe than sorry
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I'm hyped
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Funny enough, her EX being a guaranteed crit means she would kill all of them.
PVP is funni.
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She deserves Sensex the same as any other student.
starting to get real sick of potatoes
I can't believe Maki cucked Binah
>t. Irish
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the livestream exist in parts now and they didn't even bother to remove it. EoS for CN and Yostar contract will end anytime soon.
they give it to everyone
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Hina got mogged by Saori
Hina mogged Hoshino
Therefore Saori wins
In my experience with red and blue even the "easy" clears really depend on crits and yellow is more difficult in general because it goes into the final phase and cuts it close in terms of timing.
Personally I'm not gonna bother trying yellow insane because my Iori is only UE40 and the other 2 were annoying enough already so it's not worth it
idk why people keep pointing out the stream vod being deleted when the literal website that they were looking at in the first place has had it up this entire time since the stream ended
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Brother, you're asking this of a country that makes and sells WATER ENHANCERS successfully
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>Hina mogged Hoshino
Is it shit pot stirring hours?
So who won?
>One day Sensei free pass
Uh, did I approve this?
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coom in doom
those are for my mouth
I still remember seeing Kokosando left despite nothing saying he has anything to do with KV
Even if Doremi is involved that doesn't necessarily mean he left
death to all seiafags
Hoshino lost
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>Uh, did I approve this?
Who cares? Its your fault they are so thirsty for you, take responsibility.
The plat cutoff seems really low this time (now wonder, it's fucking Greg), but I feel like at this point I should be able to clear Insane raids more or less comfortably, even GA. SOMEHOW debuff management of the yellow team seems trickier, despite it having the same debuffer.
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this is an old man.
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Very cute
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seeing where? /bag/? that stupid SEAfag wiki?
he has clearly been stuck making NPCs since his last character release
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Νο,it's just me hyping up Saori and being biased.
She still wins
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They couldn't settle on a winner so they decided to have a race instead.
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Greg is one of the hardest raids don't beat yourself up over it not being comfy like the other raids
Hell, plat cutoff is something like 2x EX 1x HC right now on some of the servers
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>reading something
>see cracked egg
>think about breaking a certain rabbit's egg
Why am I like this? I am a bad Sensei for lusting after Miyu
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Who is the dick dastardly of kivotos?
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>the students of Kivotos will look at this and think god I want to bear his students
>ctrl + f "coom in doom"
>0 replies
godamn he fell off, i guess its truly fomo
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To be fair that doujin is pretty hot.
Unlike that one doujin where Sensei and Shunny fucked off from their responsibilities, which was fucking stupid and retarded.
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Cherinos goofy ass.
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You wouldn't Izumi would you /bag/?
the equivalent of putting a vacuum hose on my penis
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I would.
I would.
I only fuck girls with chest sizes lower than B
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>I am a bad Sensei for lusting after Miyu
I'd think there was something wrong with you if you weren't.
There is 90% of the possibility she bites your dick during a blowjob
BITCHmi hate
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I would while watching her belly jiggle.
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reminder that yuuka is canonically GDD's mom
Makoto is DIck Dastardly and Iroha is Muttley.
I am going to cum on your adorable daughterwife's belly.
too old

Reijo sex
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It wasn't on the first run, that's for sure, but we've got fucking D.Hina since then, so red Insane was pretty comfy. Although, I guess, it is the first for other colors, since it's GA. Anyway, just got a mock clear on yellow, so I should be fine.
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>he hasn't read all of Miyus best doujins
Slacker. https://exhentai.org/g/2647399/dfe7c4aa6d/
So does Himari love sewers or not?
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>It's your fault!
Tired of these disrespectful students...
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chubby girls were made for plapping
Pretend this post contains nip slip.
Post your Koharus
>wearing thick jacket and scarf but short skirt on winter setting
why is alice retarded
you didn't even post a spoilered image. you can do better than this
but it is your fault
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She is a robot.
>gets bullied
>turns around
>does nothing
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I refuse to post Koharu reaction image.
I want to fuck my student.
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Himari only wants to be sensei's sewer.
I don't remember which one is which. Thanks
meant for >>499006278
Pissing on Himari
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With Ibuki.
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Want to roll BYosh...
More like the whole Millennium. Millennium wouldn't function properly without Yuuka. Yuuka is Millennium Big Mom.
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We need more healthy girls.
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I've been single since birth and I still wouldn't go with Izumi.
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licking Koharu's feet
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So you're all ready for the Rabu-release, right?
She' 11.
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Alright boys rate the girls from GDD
For me it is
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out of 10.
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> Rabu
> But limited
You sure about that?
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i was only able to clear hardcore this time...
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bitch i didn't reply to him
I love that dress
Out of ten!
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Rabu is a highly desired character.
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I'm seeing a reply.
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Why is Ibuki like this
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Why is she like this?
Bad parenting.
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She's a jobber though.
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>6 month wait
No one to oppose her now with Rio out of the picture
Stop trying to fuck your teacher, dumb kids
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Good morning my Miggas!
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So is Iori and she's plappable.
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Why are "fat" chicks okay in anime? Because in an idealized world like anime, fat can only gather in areas that would make them look attractive: tits, thighs, ass, and the belly to some extent and within a certain form. And fat distribution would be more ideal to make the body look attractive. In real life however, fat would be distributed across the body more evenly, leading to uglier form. Fat would also gather where you typically don't want it to, such as the chin, the cheeks, and under the chin/jaw. Take >>499007082 for example. Izumi in that depiction undoubtedly has a "fat" belly. "Fat" thighs and "fat" tits too. However, her face doesn't look fat, and neither do her arms. Her belly also isn't bigger than her tits. Fat is distributed such that it only results in a better appearance.
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I am ready.
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I'm physically in pain right now
thank you for the pic anon
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But you see, acceleration is bad.
>In real life however
Didn't read the rest
big churungus
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Did elon fix something? My "For you" tab is normal now
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She likes dogs. A lot.
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Good morning
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this is why 3d is pig disgusting anon
Does Shuro use keigo? Especially to her lowly enemies?
Disregard band Kazusa and roll for Toki.
Green has no fans. You're just a Momoi hater.
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Imagine not liking this
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UZ > Alice > Momoi > Midori
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It's saturday and I'm still thinking about vaginas...
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my wife Mika
There was supposed to be an image.
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How do we fix the Ui problem?
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Hanako's vagina...
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until i started it. you can thank me bitch
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Remember that one student?
What was her name?
WHOsaka WHOkamo or whatever.
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I like the idea of using student horns as sex handles. Wings and tails look too weak for that, except of course Momoka's fat tail, that one is fine.
I rolled for Nagisa and Toki and I will roll for band
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Mari is a sexier fox than Seia.
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Total Migga XD domination!
i think you can grab their halos too, depending on their shape
Seeing ebook and shupogakis tails getting pulled makes me cringe.
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Akira is my most precious student
Mari is a cat.
Bit of an acquired taste I have is when you break off their horns while railing them and they turn into nymphos.
>not voiced
>no Valentines
>stuck to an event so newcuties will never know her
>no raid
>no alt
>can't receive head pats daily
Who the fuck is YOU
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realistically, what would be bad about acceleration? just make events last half as long with half ap costs and just make all the banners overlap
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Wappi roads
Take me home
To the Wappi
I belong
8 months of prep time is all that's stopping 100% of F2P metaniggers either dropping cash or dropping rank
Poor potato Salri, she's cute and deserves better. Although I'm not sure she'd lose that easily.
Sensei is the type of guy who smokes while pondering on why Sunhoara Kokona's hips are so wide for an 11 year old
do better
Overlap raids/grand assaults/JFDs too? Overlap bonus drop weeks? Aoi events? Shop resets?

Accelerating to catch up in any reasonable timeframe costs global players a lot in terms of resources, and not just pyros. Accelerating content in a bonsaige also puts more pressure on players to keep up with it and will almost certainly cause people to quit.
smoking is bad for him
I do that, yes
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Yes despite that she’s still a sexier fox than Seia.
That's my best doctor
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Let them know brother
Mari is a cat
They had their chance when we were in Rerun Archive days. They waited too long.
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Mari is a pussy
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Nothing a little compensation wont fix. Not like this posg is getting any harder.
me but at 2x speed
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Why is it always like this...
Why is Makoto-sama so cool?
well, girls puberty starts at around that age so it's actually pretty realistic for some.
Gehenniggers are never cool.
It's literally never like this, this doesn't happen in the game
It's that easy
out of 10
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Don't spoil me on vol 5 yet, why are all the Hyakkiyako resolution council students sonic attackers?
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Sensei scold me for smoking once but he regularly smokes in secret with nun cat student what the fuck?
Because gotta go fast
Pounding Sunohara Kokona's hips
to justify the existence of sHanako
I need her. I can fix her. It will be different this time.
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I want to fill Mari’s pussy…
apparently they're supposed to be mystic but there's already a fuck ton of mystic units, and almost no sonic at all at that time
Don't be silly; there are no nun cat students
I, Sensei, don't smoke. I ain't no sissy faggot.
All cats are just BAD students!

Serika? A noisy tsundere!
Mari? Literally a succubus!
Kazusa? blames you for everything!
Kikyou? A turbo bitch!
Akira? A criminal!

Never trust cats!
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You said the same thing last time. All you can do is craft more teddy bears
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I find many Hifumi fanarts to be arousing but her in-game sprite doesn’t do it for me
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because they're supposed to be kurokage units
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It doesn't?
>don't spoil me
>asks for spoilers
this. smoking is gay.
Sorry I meant her school uniform specifically.
Her swimsuit is very erotic
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Smoking is cool!
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This but foxes
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it's supposed to be a wholesome game. please understando
so erotic
I corrected them and now they love me, nothing to hate about my cat students.
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does it always have it be sex?
precocious puberty
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The nature of man cannot be changed.
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Student chilling
Students for this feel?
If you're playing on dating Hifumi try to be a good sensei. She doesn't have the ability to fix your bad habits, actually, you'll drag her with you
What are the chances that we will get anything else that another alts next event?
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So tell me Anon, how does this image make you feel?
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Is it Juri's birthday yet?
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I'm always a good sensei
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One last divegrass poll to tiebreak Black Suit vs Yuuka for the last silver medal. Only gave it 24 hours since >>498950229

Some 9 hours and some change left.

ovaries, womb, vagina
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Anons, does anyone have a UE50 Mine (for Greg) and Sakurako (for Set) on EU? I'm desperate here.
i only have a 3* mine and ue 40 sakurako
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sup bros
this is still the most beautiful l2d in existence
that is all
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agreed, if it pertains a certain retarded doomfox
I tried it with a UE30 Sakurako borrow and just can't clear fast enough with my team so I'm looking for a UE50 specifically to see if it helps more. Not having Kokona on top of it is pain but I can cope.
i dont want to vote but black suit should be the medal cause he's my friend
Why is Shizuko's ass so FAT!
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You will vote.
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Cause Sensei likes big butt and he cannot lie.
holy sex
I have sex with my students
Kivotos' worst-kept secret is revealed...
I like her dress L2D more
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that doesn't look like a 17yo body
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Kuzonoha, what the fuck are you doing here?
And Seia is a horse, not a fox.
Mari's not a cat
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It isn't
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for anal
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I dropped out of top 200.. it's so over.
I am attracted to Hina's fully developed body
>has a growth hormone disorder
maybe she's not a good wife material...
Seia is a fennec
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Damn. What else that mouth can gobble up?
A lot of people don't know this but Seia is actually the bird. The blonde girl is some random npc.
Why wouldn't you want more kids like her
i voted
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Reisa is a pussy.
When's the Millennium pajama party event
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It is really quite a shame Mika didn't get expelled from Trinity. I would have brought her to Schale and made her my maid.
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Students for this feel?
It makes a lot of sense that sensei falls for these repeatedly. If hes going to be raped anyway might as well take the chance that he might find an actual animal cafe
probably a new year event to capture another way someone might spend the new year
>another millennium new year
yeah that's why I have doubts with it
I don't wanna fight Greg, lads
Just do it.
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Hasumi admiral
Hifumi cause she's kinky like that.
Or Azusa cause she's stupid.
Students who don't partake in sensei-sex are outcasts
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you're onto something.
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It'll be Bluefes.
>Millennium still hasn't had a bluefes
>Yuuka is in the top 3 of most popular characters and hasn't had screentime in awhile
>Nexon is desparate for money after the previous anniversary flopped and recent banners have been showing poor profitability
Therefore, Yuuka Bluefes.
Sex education is important
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Why did someone as cool as Suzumi let a loser like Reisa be a part of Vigilantes?
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I don't think Seia is sexy
What's the site?
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Man Greg is so fucking ass compared to what was a comfy Peroro Insane clear that I'm considering just doing Extreme on all colors just to not deal with this shit, plus I still need to managed to do at least Set Floor 77 since i can't do 87
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> Nexon
> Desperate for money
Funnies thing I've ever heard of tonight.
That's like saying EA is desperate for money.
we know beatrice
my favorite panty color
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They are literally only considering accelerating Global for the sake of more money.
i want to cum inside key
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key int real
If they really want money then it'll be a Mika alt.
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> int
Fuck you codemonkey, programming is satanic.
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These are very concerning times anon
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hush...that's a secret only hifumifags know.
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If Nexon wanted money they would have introduced battlepasses and skins months ago
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That's not desperation, just greed
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>feat. Akon
Pink and white stripes!
niyaniya probably smells nice
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I do believe we're overdue for another Haruna Alt.
what does he mean by that
why did they think copy pasting fuuka's kit was a good idea for the last one
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Cause filler banner.
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What's the fucking site?
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>try to do permanent event with wakamo
>my entire team keeps burning to death in that fucking chink district mission because all enemies leave giant patches of fire and my genius squad enters them at every opportunity
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Hifumi can be kinky, but always meek and shy about it, MAYBE a bit cheeky and playful. NEVER smug and slutty
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Fuuka isn't your canon wife
Hoshino isn't precious and much less a desert rose
Hina shouldn't transfer
Mika shouldn't die
Mika isn't your wife
Saori doesn't owe you sex
Junko isn't your beloved
Azusa isn't adorable or your daughterwife
Mari is a fox
Seia is a fox too
Doom in Coom
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Cat Archive
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18 hours until BA is saved
>heart-pattern panties
Is Miyu secretly a slut?
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Then why does she keep showing her ass to me?
And being in that tank means her bottom is steamy all the time.
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Is it normal that both me(taking the picture) and my wife(right) fucks the family dog right(left)?
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>page 3
Peroro is such a fun raid. you can use nearly the entire strength of your roster. there's multiple ways to deal with every single aspect of the battle. no one is irreplaceable.
meanwhile with Greg you have like three units you can pick from that you just MUST have. want to build a second team if you have none? tough luck, there's just not enough debuffs, period. and if you manage to gather and assemble a team with enough debuffers anyway, there's not going to be any slots remaining.
it's annoying.
I don't know what I am doing wrong, when I do Mine's second jump, I don't get the 5 debuffs, I can see that the second evade debuff is not applying.
Do you have to jump on a specific place or something?
>Then why does she keep showing her ass to me?
It's not about her true intentions, is about her body language. See how embarrased she looks in your pic?
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https://twitter.com/_Itsuka_A/status/1847659069831807388 an actual Jurifan?
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She was afraid that you wouldn't use the lube, not because she was embarrassed.
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>It's been a little over three years since I met Juri-chan
Jesus, three years to reach bond 100
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I wasted 6k biros trying to get Nagisa and now I'm mad and don't wanna keep playing
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bro, nows not the time to post this. were about to pump. shes fuckin pent up, ready to go
pic also related
Why nobody told me that the revision was up
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Juri bros...
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> Media tab is nothing but Juri
Now that's what I called dedication.
Your excuses?
Me in every gacha
Kinda based, not gonna lie
>rolling without 24k
your fault.
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I had to wage and missed the stream, any relevant news?
Also what's the drama around it?
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Why do I always need High Purity WolfseggS teel I swear
44:50 for the graphic
Iroha's vagina...
I have been thinking a lot about sex with Kirifuji Nagisa
I bet she smells so good
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Kokosando showed up wearing funny glasses and said concern
>vods are back up
>the bit with Taiwan in it is untouched
>afaik there was no official apology/statement to the chinks either
Huh? Are they really just gonna risk losing China?
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What drama there was no drama nothing happened
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Do you think he held back from adding Seia to the game because he wants Seia to be as busted as possible?
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I can't wait to see her again
I'm scared to do Greg, bros...
Pikaman struck back, this time with the help of the China men.
NTRing Iroha with every single member of the Pandemonium Society after she lightly teased me for having my tie a bit crooked
She's a pair of floppy ears away from looking like a real life Tsukuyo.
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I still can't believe Plana is that sexy, yet my lust for her tells me all I need to know.
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Shit like this is why the Japanese don't reproduce. Stop it!
>greg is up
>no real life greg memes
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Just do extreme and sweep. Insane and above only when you are willing to learn the mechanic (of which I didn't).
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What the fuck I looked at Hod teams and there's no way I can torment but also insane 1pan is mandatory S.Chised what the fuck, worse than Greg..
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what a nice girl
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Momiji pic out of fucking nowhere
is this the cosplayer that broke /bag/?
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pretty sure it is not. and you're probably just looking at a few results
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a bit temperamental, but cute
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Just build Kayoko.
S.Chise only makes Insane consistent, not required.
Just be yourself
Ako if she was good
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Someone should post that Ibuki pic
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If she's an actually nice person and not a bitch, I highly doubt she will be as popular as she is now
I have Gold at level 44 and only beating Hard
This guy sucks, no one is fighting him
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No, I think this is a Chris Redfield type situation where Kokosando is desperate to send off his daughter so he tries to appeal to (You) by dressing her in erotic outfits and get your attention so that (You) keep begging Nexon to release her. It's all part of his master plan to avoid her becoming a friendless shut in, she already has one bird eventually she'll turn into a bird lady so he needs her out as soon as possible. Please Sensei you're the only hope you have to do it, you have to keep pestering Nexon to release her.
>can't even do Ins because my S.Hoshino is just 4*
Extreme sounds better anyway
Shuro is an imp
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must.. hug.. the kot...
based move?
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Is the eden treaty currently in effect or not
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China status?
I've UE40 my Kayoko and my Fubuki in preparation.
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I'm gonna feed both her and her bird cum.
Growing larger
I'm just gonna say it: the more childish girls are cuter and way more erotic than the ones trying to be mature
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>put on the pants i usually wear after not going outside for a few weeks
>it feels tighter than i remember
It's over... I'll resume my jogging routine...
Now that I think about it, did Hod ever get a second terrain?
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Welcome to the Juri General
Hope you enjoy the stay.
it crushed and burned
did they redub the 2 mooks to say server/region instead of country?
It's a pretty stupid one even if based. Even just going "guys we didn't mean country, we meant geographical region, it was a misunderstanding but sorry anyway just in case" would probably suffice
I just hope the game doesn't suffer
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inserting my penis in and out of kokona's vagina like a sewing machine needle going through cloth
tongue kissing kisaki like i was a parched man who just crossed a desert and her tongue is the first source of water i see
fingerbanging rumi like i'm mixing dough with my hands
shun tonguing my asshole like she's trying to see how many licks it'll take to get to the center of a lollipop
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Seething with Kaiwan
uh oh, he's koconcerndo
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why are you a sewing machine needle
why are you a parched man
why are you mixing dough
why are you a lollipop
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>barely any new arts
>meanwhile kisaki got 10 new arts daily
its doggy dog world out there
who here even plays the cn servers? Weren't people here laughing at the revenue too? We'll be fine. The only thing we have to lose is the cn student pvs. Their the only exclusively good thing from cn.
>print a Fuuka rival on Mimori
>print a seductive alt to boost her popularity
>print a Fuuka rival on Rumi
>also forgotten
>print Runny so maybe she can get anything as a popularity boost
>only a couple cunny arts then forgotten again
Fuuka wins again by doing absolutely nothing

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