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Previous: >>498569486

>Current & Upcoming Rate Up Banners:
[10/18-10/28] Wurm (Perma)

>Ongoing and Upcoming Events:
[10/9-10/26] VH x2
[10/10] TS.Kyaru/TS.Suzuna UEs Added
[10/10-10/18] Platinum Gacha With Masterpiece
[10/15] Ultimate Refining Added
[10/15] Battlefield of Memories Added
[10/15] Main Story Update (Area 72, Level Cap Increase to 322, UE cap increased to 330, Pirate Anna added to shop, Master Shop updated, Guildhouse furniture level increase)
[10/15-10/20] Normal x3
[10/15-10/31] Dungeon x2
[10/20-10/26] Hard x2
[10/16] Story Event Rerun: "Wizarding Youth Days"
[10/17 Luna Tower (No New Floors)
[10/23] H.Kyoka/H.Mimi/H.Misogi UE2 Added
[10/26-10/30] Clan Battle

>New Player Guide by /pcrg/
>/pcrg/ Resources/Clans
>Kotposter Resources
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Why are there two threads?
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>two threads
>OP updated
this is the one
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Because *that guy* wants attention
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No I just wanted to use officially released material for an OP, but I guess you all have to be this annoying for no reason even when I did nothing wrong.
I forgot that we need an OP mafia for no reason.
You started the OP war.
>new character gets released
>noooo we have to use my comfort character in the op
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I haven't made OPs ever since I Wish, mostly because there's someone who makes them on 750 and I don't care to fight over something so petty.
But good to know times passes and you're all still the same manchildren who'll never grow out of stupid grudges.
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>he's talking about being everyone else being annoying
Oh Lord, have mercy.
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This is from today.
You're only mad because its Yui. All the other official art got posted as OPs normally before, suddenly it's an issue. Drop the act.
Yui is shit and game is shit and you can't do nothing about it
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ignore the Ayumisturd
Just leave it to someone who knows what they're doing
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There shouldn't be an OP mafia in the first place and me doing an OP that has nothing wrong with it shouldn't be an issue to suddenly start having the usual meltdown over nothing.
2 years later and some people in here are still mad I called their retarded discords the reason this general's dead, it's so fucking tiring to be the adult in here and let things go all the time.
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Would dog that dog.
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You literally killed the general yourself and I can outline exactly how it happened but I won't because it's off-topic, much like your melty at the moment.
He wouldn't understand it anyway.
Why is discord here today?
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Sorry, keep posting your projections that are totally on topic on how making a normal OP is somehow a cardinal sin.
I'm sure those are better than an explanation that doesn't exist since I killed nothing at all.
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death to ayushitcord
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His wife Pecorine.
uh-oh yuiturd melty
You won't because you can't.
I choose this one
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I'm being as polite as I can be, despite none of you deserving it at this point. I made an on-topic OP with something official released today, I'm not in the wrong.
You didn't even update the OP and proceeded to be upset that people didn't pick your thread.
You have never been polite. You were always rude and self-centered.
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>proceeded to be upset that people didn't pick your thread
That's not why I'm "upset".
You immediatly jumped the gun and said it was because "I wanted attention".
Apparently I can't be happy and want to post an OP with something released today, that's asking too much from the "/pcrg/" visionaries that come out to advocate their year long grudge for the pettiest of reasons
I've been more polite than you deserve. People who costantly blame any posting in here on me, call me random nationalities and make up fuss out of nowhere as I literally just post Priconne art in here and share my opinions in the game.
We're not in 2022 anymore.
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clan for this feel?
>I'm being as polite as I can be
not if someone says anything negative about the game
Ayumisters is a casual clan.
or disagrees with him about anything in general
Ayumisturds a shit
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>noooo we have to use my comfort character in the op
but I wanted the kot in the OP...
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>Not if [random projection on posters that 9/10 times weren't me]
Okay, any better argument rooted on something that's not your enlightened headcanon that thinks you're always right in both your critics and detective work?
At some point you have to be able to expect him to understand that if the mood gets bad as soon as he shows up, that he might be to blame and not everyone else.
I think the kotturds are the ones responsible for every evil in this thread.
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What am I blaming you of exactly? For the "mood" of this general?
Let me confess something, a kotpost every 50 mins isn't a "mood". This general doesn't see discussion of any kind if it's not for you to vent stupid grudges like you're doing now.
We all know why and you'll never admit to it so as I said years ago, it's pointless to argue about because you'll never be genuine and come clean with the objective fact moving discussions away from here will kill discussions in here as a result.
I'm with him, the kotposters are to blame
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Kotposting isn't an issue, it just exists but it doesn't create anything.
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I want to French kiss Clear's arsehole and push my tongue right in.
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Finally a good post
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If you want a "soul" defense then go for full Teogonia.
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So beautiful.
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I like the Yui gif but new characters get priority and it's worth making it clear to other generals that this game still releases cute lolis.
See >>499024947
I don't mind the OP, it's something stupid to make wars over to begin with.
>yuiturd eating shit
you love to see it
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I just got a HQ official animation out of nowhere for my favorite girl, I'm being treated royally as always.
I was in one of those /pcrg/ discords. They posted B*** Archive more than Priconne and never talked about new characters or events. What a fucking joke.
Loopcord or Ayumiscord?
My girl gets more cuck art every day.
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I don't really care anymore.
I'm just glad I didn't fell for the bait that they were needed for CB and remained pure to the /pcrg/ spirit even after all those years.
That they post the bootleg game just goes to show how shallow the interest of some people for this game is in here.
you don't even play CB
>and remained pure to the /pcrg/ spirit
You came to /pcrg/ last year, don't act like you're some honored veteran
Keep seething.
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I do, but not the point I was making
I didn't, I was in /pcrg/ ever since 2020.
Not that it matters, you're always just going to believe your wild and random headcanons.
That shadow looks like Batman
Ameth is so sexy it's unreal
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Believe it or not until the 3 star art released people shitposted her swimsuit.
S clan when?
We have one already
just do 6 kills on stage 3, since no one else wants to do that
which girl is the hairiest?
you can't say that
Makoto by a margin.
no one in them talks about BA btw, if you believe that anon's post you're doing pretty much the same as the people who believe random bullshit about you just because someone posted a lie
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Nyagger thinks his lies are believable when puts them in spoilers
baggots will kys themselves now that the chinks turned on them so we don't have to worry anymore
it was me who asked that question, so it's definitely ayumisters.
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Okay I'll believe you then, the first part of the post is all you needed to read to know how I feel about it.
Leak the discord, expose the baggots
sp* is one of them
I'm not lying. They weren't really "talking" about BA but they were posting memes and art from it more than they were posting anything related to Priconne. Unfortunately I left the place because it was a waste of time so I have no screenshots.
>this thing really happened bros, trust me, I am not lying
go die shitcord turd
i thought you didn't use discord?
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who's the longest without an alt?
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Ayumi (Autumn) next month, I can feel it.
it was always a lie
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>/pcrg/ is built upon lies and deception
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I suppose you're trying to imply a random anon is me again, that's not me. I don't use discord. I don't care what you do in it.
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what an awful day this was
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I used to rule the world
Kotties would rise when I gave the word…
squeeze it
Finally beat Dark 4-10...probably could have beaten it a while back too but those element tree and nodes requirements were a bit too ahead of my current build and that prevented me from trying those comps lol
the element system is fine, just skill issue bwo
stats don't matter for deep quests
How is this bad? Talk about BA on trannycord and then talk about priconne here. Is that the perfect way to do it? or do you want people to discuss priconne there and just shitpost here?
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Good job bro
I want to sniff Inori's used shorts
Carlcord isn't a /pcrg/ server.
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This thread is doodoo
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I can finally begin reading last month's story update because I don't remember what I was spoiled on
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Yuni love.
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Any roll now.
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I really hope she gets her 6* next year.
What's the point of mana at this point? Just make all mana items free.
New player hurdle maybe? Not sure how the situation is for them.
Buying refinement crystals and XP pots, mostly refinement crystals since you can still run out of those more often.
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Poor Mifuyu...
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Poor Chieru...
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Poor Lima...
I mean shit like rima/mahiru makes sense but aren't Io and Chika decently popular?
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Christmas or New Years Laby?
That kurumi is farmable. You should already have her by now
Comfy top 30
Imagine the taste...
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let me in
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Join つるぺったん instead
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I don't wanna join a tryhard clan, and my PK rank is low anyway.
If it's over 130 then you're fine.
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It's 126
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That's not fine, but I'm willing to take you anyway.
Join Fun Island instead
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I don't know what to do anymore, my farm animals keep dying and dying by the minute and its making me feel like shit, i haven't felt like this in a long time, and i mean in a long time. This morning my baby goat died, and it also marks a month since my baby chicken died (sin lengua) its like we can't keep them alive! My grandma keeps working hard with animals making sure they have food and water and shade and everything they need and i try after school and im so busy with homework and that and im forgetting to do other things and I just feel like i cant do anything anymore, its already the 4th animal this year and they're young too! They aren't old, my first five chickens are only a year and the rest of my chickens are 8-7 months and my goats are at least 5 months, the baby goat was only 2 months...
I value my animals a lot, and I mean a lot. I get it if they're just animals but i love and cherish them so much, it hurts for one of them to go and it's been shit for me. Ever since july when my other goat died, it hasn't been great for me. I just feel like this is the only place to actually vent without people making jokes or thinking im pathetic because I'm taking this so deeply but I can't help it, i do. i cant even focus well much and there's so much on my mind and i just feel like I'm going to just explode soon. I just hope another one doesn't die anytime soon because this is way too much.
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Tell me about this 12sai
She would probably be ok with being your onahole as long as you provide her with some comfort.
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say something...
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Where have all the good kots gone?
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and where are all the gods?
I've become mostly indifferent to this game now. Login in and doing dailies is just routine at this point. It won't get better and never will.
I ate food after 8 pm and now my tummy is irritated.
we need another thread to be used as the kotposters container
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Thyis place would be dyead without us
I mean, it's like an analogy of the queer community:
>first kotposters was vilified and banned
>then there were the kotturd war and they got "rights"
>after that, kotposters were tolerated
>now... they are even encouraged (just look at the OP, it even has "kotposters resources)
what if they infect newcuties?
who will protect them from this evil?
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>what if they infect newcuties?
Happened to me. When I was new here I saw a lot of kotposting and saw someone posted a link to the kot resources. The rest is history.
which map drops her pieces?
>>first kotposters was vilified and banned
>>then there were the kotturd war and they got "rights"
can't believe the chilean sucked off the mods to let it happen tbdesu
Main quest hard 69-3. You can just search them btw.
sadly I haven't beaten those maps yet
I wish I hadn't opened this...
Cute. Wish there were more pegging art.
i recently watched re zero but i didn't read the collab event (don't know moonrunes) did echidna try to make a contract with (you)ki? if she did what did she want from him?
to bed
Echidna spent most of her time in the event chatting with Ameth. When she met (babified) KSKN, all she did was spoonfeed him some food alongside Misato and Ranpha.
I heard more things happen in her bond story, but I haven't read that myself.
>what did she want from him?
the same thing all the other girls want too.
I didn't read the event but did read her bond stories. She tries to form a contract with (You), my guess was you'd have become something like a terminal to her, similar to what Sheffy was to Eris. She'd be able to see and possibly influence what goes on in Astrum from her own world. Worst case scenario, she'd own your soul.
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>did echidna try to make a contract with (you)ki?
Yes, she confessed and then proposed it since she felt she had to return to her world soon.
>if she did what did she want from him?
She wanted to create a material form of your bond, Ameth enters the scene and suspects she just wanted to be able to watch over Astrum from her world but (You) reject the idea Echidna is mean spirited which makes Ameth mad and her happy.
Albeit you can choose whether to be more suspicious or not towards Echidna.
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Echidna sucks, I wish we got Betty instead I suppose.
huh there is no clear downside here to making a contract unlike the anime, guess they wanted to make her less selfish
ngl after rewatching the anime i feel ROBBED about not getting beako, echidna is fine but we didn't need another rem (or emilia, but main girl privileges i suppose)
>no downside
>selling your soul to a piss-witch when we know souls are very much real in this setting
What if you try to log out and she yoinks you back?
That's the thing for me too, even Rem/Ram don't have as much presence as Beako anymore, S2 and now S3 have much more betty and she is a very cute character
How is your Little Lyrical pure memory piece grind going?
I got all three above 100.
just tell her about checking out the real world, bitchs' curiosity would make her want to know about that too
i'm a ramfag so i did want another one but if my girl gets removed, "who" girl should've been removed too
echidna, betty and frederica/petra(with turbo buffer skills ig) would've been nice for me but guess it wouldn't work without the main girl
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150 for the bunny mummy, fuck-all for the other two.
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Good choice.
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enough to max out kyouka
some for mimi
almost nothing for misogi since I don't even have her at 6* anyway
I can't believe Mimi is 10 and is also a 10.
out of 10!
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You just know KMR was behind that design choice
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Did me snipes.
Got hit in parena for the first time in weeks, not just once, but 7 times. Climbed back immediately but was eventually sniped because I was slow with changing my defence.
Barena went well at least.
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Sunday... comfy
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>random animation immediately gets art
gyame gyood?
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Always has been.
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I just can't run it.
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Priconnes who definitely have bush
>skip 2 permanents
>unable to do fire comps for 2 years unless lucky
Maybe Chris and Jun too.
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>still not accepted
Thanks for the offer, but I just don't wanna tryhard krabat.
how far from the next tier were pooplets last cb?
Like one hitter away
join Chorrycope instead
can't they grab yuiturd for one cb to break that barrier?
Like a couple billion, the leechiest leech could have made all the difference.
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I don't think he's worth one hitter, judging by the comps he shares here
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this but i also don't trust turkish jews
spoke the french jew
mexican actually
my condolences
That's actually not as bad.
Do you like Dragonball? Is it true that cartel activity over there decreases whenever something Dragonball comes out?
Everyone here likes Dragonball.
yes. no, that's some myth that spread for whatever reason. if you fucked with the wrong people, you're fucked and goku won't save you.
do you actually sacrifice your firstborns to the ghosts of the wastelands?
More like 3 hits away
I used her today
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Do you do your hits on CB?
He does 3 hits on the first day
>lazy kot
>3 hits
>a little
Checks out.
so penetration is better than atk right? also do I bother with crit? I keep rolling max crit for some reason
Good thing I'm neither
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The kot did not save us
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who will not save us next?
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My girlfriend.
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God I wish
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Nighty night /pcrg/
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follow the discord guide bro, don't expect pcrg to give you good advice
what discord guide
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pleasure a dick
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I'm not up for "grabbing".
I'll never do hits without Yui, what's the point of having a Priconne waifu if you never go with her to battle?
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wait how do i get 5 weapons?
i only have 3 weapons
We all have 3, you buy them off the shop when you have enough coins.
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I have 4.
You get them from weekly bosses. You're not a lucklet, are you?
>It won't hurt for the most part, but scenarios where you NEED XYZ will be few and far between and you will be giving up any marginal benefits from using the 5EX gear in PVP in the meantime. Your call really
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>it's only a 150k loss
i need a ptsd kot
Ah I see then we'll get some more tomorrow
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My plan is to get a weapon for every Yui ( Eris included), then Misora, then Saren and then prepare Louise Marie weapon by giving it to Kasumi(s).
Yui a shit
Me me me my mine
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Yui a best.
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Rino (Summer) when?
oh, you can buy a whale pack for a weapon too of course
I will only need Furumu borrowed at least.
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Please let Nozosniffa be core this CB, I spent a lot of jims.
I wish I rolled. I could've afforded her if I knew there would be permas back to back
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I'm glad I didn't roll.
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I'm glad I did roll.
show rear?
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I'm scared for what's in November, if there's no stream we'll know in a matter of days.
Now I want a burger, but it's already 10pm
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My bad I forgot to rear back and see your message. No rear as usual this time.
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Finally! Now the grind for her NY UE2 begins.
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Need 2 more pure shards to max her, then I'll be saving for her New Year's version the same.
>saren is okay with ntr
now that's what i'm here for
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found this in my folder
Your standards are shit because that vagina anatomy is horrendous
ancient times
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Like tears in the rain
>Your standards are shit
wyell nyes i'm in looplets how could you tell?
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Who will you be rolling for this halloween?
Kyoka and Misaki.
not enough jewels so most likely no one, but if i could i would go for kyoka
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I'll ticket Kyouka if she's good
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I have them all except Kaori, so no one
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Definitely Shinobu. Not sure if I'm going to bother with Tomo.
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I don't have jims for any of them
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I love kyoka so much.
it's over
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for Wurm's hymen.
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we should use this for the next OP
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What's she doing
Holding it in
Will Tomo ticketable next year?
It'll be a kot thread if ya know what's good for ya
I want Tsumugi but I don't think I'll have enough jims unfortunately
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It's not about what she is doing it's about what she is trying not to do.
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/pcrg/ seems extra dead whenever I go to sleep. I don't even post that much though
those reset today, right?
I can't get the lv5 Kaiser team to work, I timeout with around 6m left.
>4M short on Kaiser
it's nyover...
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Time to do this!
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I haven't rolled anything above yellow since I locked the other two.
Is there some limit to how well stats can roll in sum?
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Nyope, you can get lucky like me
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Wide Hips has 1 spot open
If only cygames still cares about Halloween
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Probably none of them. The only one I have is Kaori who I got from a scamcha. Saving for Louise and Grace, and it'll be Christmas/New Year's before you know it.
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Don't forget to skip your Kaiser/Zane battles.
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I'm so sorry about your loss bwo
it's all so tiring...
But I haven't managed to beat lvl5 Kaiser yet...
Just buy a second staff, get purple m.atk on it, and equip it on your Echidna
I will ring my pisswitch and djeeta first and check if that gets me the last couple hundred k with crit fishing.
>Didn't ring them yet
TL for Mana.
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I'm sorry danchou...
I guess it's over for me...
I like this new eroge update
You're going to trigger Flatchests mister
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I bricked my account
I did the same thing
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Did my snipe.
He's dead jim.
Nah, he's in tsurupettan now.
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>flat and smooth
reonmaru liked the name
>eceleb said my name!
Wholesome and cute
Mister... I can't show this to my coworkers while on a meeting saying look at how wholesome and cute this is.
what's stopping you?
I don't think they'll appreciate seeing a naked 11 yr old
Just tell them she's your wife
Just tell them she's your daughter
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