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Previous Thread: >>499043446

>Guides, Resources and useful links:
>4koma, Manga, Side Content, PVs & Shorts

>10/16 (Wed) 11:00 - 10/23 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Yukari (3* - Rerun)
Renge (3* - Rerun)
Kikyou (3* - Rerun)

Autumn Livestream: https://www.youtube.com/live/NG45fvLswco - 10/20 (Sun) 19:00 (JST)
SCHALE Settlement Task with General Student Council - 10/10 (Thu) After Maint - 10/23 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Grand Assault: Kurokage (Urban - Torment w/Purple Armor) - 10/16 (Wed) 11:00 - 10/23 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 9/26 (Thu) 11:00 - 10/23 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Normals/Scrimmages - 10/16 (Wed) 4:00 - 10/23 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)

>10/15 (Tue) 2:00 (UTC) - 10/22 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Toki (3* - Limited - Rerun)
Nagisa (3* - Limited - Rerun)
Koyuki (3* - Rerun)

Event Pre-Registration, Roadmap, and Livestream: https://bluearchive.nexon.com/events/2024/10/3rd
Patch notes: https://forum.nexon.com/bluearchive-en/board_view?thread=2658579
3rd Anniversary Special Livestream: https://youtube.com/live/s9tLTZVTGuM - 10/18 (Fri) 9:00 (UTC)
Balancing Schale's Books with the General Student Council - 10/8 (Tue) After Maint - 10/22 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Grand Assault: Gregorius (Indoors - Torment w/Heavy Armor) - 10/15 (Tue) 2:00 - 10/21 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 9/25 (Wed) 2:00 - 10/21 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Hards/Commissions - 10/14 (Mon) 19:00 - 10/21 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
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It's not even remotely close.
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One last divegrass poll to tiebreak Black Suit vs Yuuka for the last silver medal. Only gave it 24 hours since >>498950229

2 hours left.

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Gourmets Love
Lunch Club Love


Literally nobody here is a Izumifag
Mika should die
Fuuka and jumbo, basically twins
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The secretariat ran a popularity poll and once again Cherino won.
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waah this isnt a babzoos thread waah waah
Glowing dino toys get me every time
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i love her so much
Don't say the T word
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Iroha sends her regards.
>Seia is too overpow—
>mods implemented the antispam measures on /v/
i know /vg/ got them recently but like
was there even any effect? /bag/ more or less looks the same to me, warts and all
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It may not seem like it but this is a Kasumi general
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Pretty sure one of our Akarifags doubles as an Izumifag, like how we have a Fuukafag that is also a Jurifag.
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chances of getting pie rocks eens for taiwan/hong kong?
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I don't see literal shit being posted every thread now, so yeah I'd say it worked
I actually unironically like Cherino a lot whenever she interacts with anyone it's always incredibly hilarious. Her interactions with Kaya, Makoto and Kisaki are funny as hell. And I also liked how she straight up implies she wants your kids.
It's mostly there to prevent spamming of certain images via IP switching.
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Post it 3 billion times I'm sure it will kill BA this time finally
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>was there even any effect?
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Say something good about Momoi.
It's this or having chinks endlessly spamming you on every front for the rest of your life
Sometimes it's best to just deal with the problem child early and move on
It only affects ban evaders and phone niggers.
>Sent from my iPhone
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There was an effect
She's racist
It broke scat fag proxies for now until he finds someone not retarded to fix them for him so yes.
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The definitive canon wife
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what's a gweilo
She's got a sexy sister.
I'm racist
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oh yeah true, honestly i mentally blocked it out a while ago so I kinda forgot about it.
though I just checked /v/ and it doesn't seem like it's working, check who's back kek https://arch.b4k.co/v/search/text/spam/type/op/page/1/
Carries me in every Chesed Raid unlike her useless sister
Sexier than her sister
Best member of the Gamers while her sister is the worst
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>Don't worry /bag/, the Princess has been secured and is ready to commence the autumn events! Kayoko and Suzumi ran off to the nearby hardware store and the others are on their way!! Let's fire up the skillet and get started on these birthday crepes before Juri gets here! This party is gonna kick butt!
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Sexy Momoi
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looks like free fanart to me
You know this makes me wonder
I remember other generals having schizo issues that spammed nsfw images on cd
Is it better these days?
Why our glorious leader Cherino Beautifier of Lands, Scriber of Minutes, Athletics Club Captain, Chief of Sanitation, Head of All Prefects, Maven of Meal Service, This Years MVP, This Week's MVP and Todays MVP of course. Why do you ask?
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Makes it so that ban evading shitposters can only make one post every 15 minutes instead of one post every 15 seconds
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It's not implemented for /v/, only /vg/.
Damn those are some really saggy titties
I hope you guys realize that most of the EN guide makers dalao's are Chinese.
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Post your favorite image of Mika.
>It's not implemented for /v/
anon... >>>/v/692313952
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any assers
I'm genuinely excited for the upcoming stream. It's gonna be so fun. Blue Archive is in good hands, the future is bright.
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>Fucking Shigure
>When Nodoka is in love with (You) and her friend

If you do that you will break her heart
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I like Izumi a lot actually, she's my favourite Gourmet by a long shot and was an absolute cutie in the Trinity Summer event. Once they lower the price of welfare ligma from the permit shop I'm maxing her out
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Gonna fuck both.
Oh, well I guess our resident spammer is just too stupid to bypass it unlike the vidya butts guy
Who cares
She's bad at games like me
Kek. VB too strong.
i really hope we dont get seia. She will get shelved into irrelevancy and our best meme will die just like it happened to everyone else who got released.
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my favorite princess
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Sexy Midori
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image spam got curtailed since proxies aren't a free pass, that's about it. The text shitposting is a funny side-effect.
Nah just filter 1847716045647466697 since you can change the username in twitter links
Every time I sit down and learn regex I then forgot about it within 2 weeks.
Don't care, if they bug out over Taiwan I wish them death
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>Once they lower the price of welfare ligma from the permit shop
They ain't gonna. Ever.
Cough it up or you don't love her.
I love Shiggy
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Now I remembered why I opened the thread

I'm angry that people think anything with long ears is automatically an elf, even if they have horns, a tail, wings, or other extra body parts. An elf isn't just the ears, demonkin also have knife ears, there are certain species variations that have pointed ears other than elves. If it has anything other than pointed ears, like wings or a tail, it's not an elf. I know about elves, I am angry about elves
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This Anon gets it.
nom nom
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As much as I like that artist, he always makes her wings too damn small.
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Niya tomorrow please
I want to believe
No more scat spam
Man you guys weren't kidding when you said that Sensei was a non-factor in Vol 2.
Aside from opening the door to Aris, I don't think he's spoken or even been acknowledged in, like... 15 stories. I assume he's still around, but yeah.
Also, I always thought the Alice -> Aris translation was just the translators being dumb. But the name apparently came from the letters AR-1S being on her. So, then I imagine in JP, they also had numbers as well (like AL-1C3 or something), so there's no way a translator could've made that simple a mistake. Why did they change it?
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What killed the, "What killed the hype?" posters?
It's like 10 times better
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Can we stop harassing Chinese players? And while we're at it, /bag/ needs to stop harassing Dr. Disrespect. I see you guys posting /bag/ memes in his chat.
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More Nodoka my beloved for me.
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It feels being able to post her now without the thread devolving into a (literal) shitfest.
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Big or small Rumi?
Is it better to have them draw tiny ass wings or no wings at all?
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Never forget that Nagisa was planning to kick out Hifumi.
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Tiny ass wings, obviously.
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Sweaty Janny
my shigga
I was heavily considering it cuz I barely use tYuuka anyway and I wanna start stockpiling sIzumi sAyane and nmgk ligma. Might stop buying hers and Nonomi till i can get those girls to 5 stars and actually give sIzumi a shot in pvp
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This image is funny every time I see it
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How come we don't have a gold bond Momoifag on bag?
How do we feel about Shigure's ridiculously hairy bush?
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My canon wife Fuuka...
>he doesn't know
You guys only like Mika for her body
stfu Milkman
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need now
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sexy, cute, erotic, comfy
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Cute newcutie, yeah one of major reason why vol 2 is the least liked is because the power of friendship at the end and you could remove sensei from vol 2 and it wouldn't affect the story.
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Something to note, Alice/alis is written the exact same in Japanese, which is why Japan isn't confused about this sort of thing, but it doesn't translate very well

アリス is how you would spell Alice in JP
Her original "name" is AL-15, she's a robot, but Momoi misunderstands and reads it like a name
In Japanese it's read the same as Alice but for the joke to work in English they have to spell it slightly different
Or something like that
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shigger cunnilingus
>Rumi also can cook (and is willing to cook for Sensei) while also having a significantly curvier body

Fuukabros, our response?
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coom in doom
good night /bag/
seeya tomorrow for the stream
it's also AL-1S on /jp/.
>Why did they change it?
It's an Artoria <-> Altria situation.
People say it's because of Scott, our former, now deceased (literally, dude fucking died like 2 years ago) EN localizer, but my money's on some stubborn asshole over at nexon insisting that 아리스 should be read as 'Aris' instead of 'Alice'. JP of course didn't have this problem because their language works differently from english so 아리스 -> アリス was cleaner.
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I'm assing
but people liked v1c3
GN, Anon.
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It should be even hairier.
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>actually give sIzumi a shot in pvp
She can work if you're not too fussed about your rank, just be warned that her accuracy is so bad she can miss Shun. Doesn't happen here though.
As long as she lets me trim them with my teeth I have no complaints
Alice is spelled as ARISU so AR-1S still fits
The best solution to this problem is to make Vol 6 about Eden treaty part 2 but with Hyakkiyako and Shangbingchilling
Gn Seiaya
Volume 2 is the lowest rated chapter, but at least no one hates Millenium itself
The issue is mostly that sensei was a non character and the writer doesn't even try to give the MC group a real argument even though it would have been easy and Rio was shit
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I prefer XD version
>there's no way a translator could've made that simple a mistake. Why did they change it?
For the record, people complained so much that they made an official statement on twitter saying that Aris is correct.
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How about you wake up.
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Takane is also competitor along Marina
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It's on her gun. Scott's retarded.
>Volume 2 is the lowest rated chapter
Was. Now Volume 1 Chapter 3 is the lowest rated.
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It's Alice.
They actually blamed the translation on Momoi
>seeya tomorrow for the stream
I see what you did there
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Rio is the worst written character in the entire game. Hopefully with mx2j gone she will never be released.
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>Picking a fight with a gehenner
They only know the language of violence
who cares she's a stupid roomba
>t. Himari
i liked vol 3 and vol 1 chapter 3 more than any other story in the game
where did you get this photo of my dick?
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>v2 shitposting rerun
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I wouldn't say "blame"...
Rio did nothing wrong
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As much as I found that asshole annoying, this one is most likely not on him, but on Nexon. Internally in the game's files, her name in english was written also as "aris" LONG before global even entered the picture.
Also nexon doubled down and released pic related in response to questions they were getting about her name.
Lastly, I'm pretty sure "Aris" was also displayed on some early JP merch.
They did the right thing in apologizing to China. Don't worry I'm not sent by China, I love China
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I want more Senseiwank.
Are you retarded or just blind?
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"Aris" lets you spot newfags, you're welcome.
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komga kinda suck, is there any better alternatives bros
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What's her endgame?
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>"But what about this student!"
Don't care, Fuuka is, and always will be my canon wife.
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make sensei a sex slave
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I run pic related in current pvp, which is such a joke anyway that I give no shits about my rank. I prefer to stay in comfy top500 and collect easy defence wins in this JP season since people really underestimate my team
total kivotos genocide
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just post the vol F ending credits
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Why not just call her Arice then?
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Rio would have been better if they had not tried to redeem her and they kept up with the anti Alice schtickt
It's romanized as Aris in the Alabaster Calling Card PV. Don't know if this was influenced by our translation or if it's just how it was meant to be though.
Why don't I just call Momoi a bitch ass nigga?
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Key losing control over Aris at the end doesn't make sense, the writer could expand the story by making veritas slowly hacking Alice's mind and after getting defeated, Aris would return to normal and Key would see that Aris prefer to be with her friends instead of world domination.
Post INTJ Yuzu
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Huggable and Fuggable
What about Mimori?
That's wacist
He would work great as a tied-up commentator with his own hologram sitting next to Rios when she calls in to mock everyone for trying to stop her from extrajudicial executioning their friend
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If we didn't get apologems for the pinch thing why would we get them for Taiwan
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Found it
Okay Himari.
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Glad I rolled for Koyuki, she is top cute.
>Don't know if this was influenced by our translation or if it's just how it was meant to be though.
I'm gonna say it's just how it was meant to be. Begrudgingly.
Post was written on 25 March 2021.
Global wasn't even greenlit until much, much later.
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Get a really strong vibrator and make her cum non stop instead.
Bets on V2 shitposter being the scattroon?
Putting anything marginally 'weird' in the first slot really just makes you a magnet for attacks. I do that a lot, there's something kind of funny about weird/dumb defenses actually working.
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Jumby my beloved...
Volume 2 has always been unpopular here.
EN Player here, what makes Battle Hoshino good for PvP?
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I would like that
You have to let him go.
Volume 4 had more likeable antagonists (Kanna, Niya, Rin (stupid elf bitch keeps giving me more work!)) than its protagonist (Miyako)
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Biggest thing about the translation of this game you can't stop noticing once you notice it the first time is the localizers decided early on to rewrite every single laugh in this game as "heehee" and it becomes unimaginably annoying at a certain point. Even if a character having a different or strange laugh is a plot point, even if a character being recognized for their laugh is a plot point, they still change it to heehee.

It's become something of a running meme by now
You only understand how bad this is when you learn each character has their own laughs in the original text, sometimes it's very crucial for their character, sometimes it adds a lot to their personality, but every time the localizers remove it

There's like three or four characters in the game so far that are so powerful the localizers couldn't erase their unique laugh. Also there's a thing on their website where you can report bad translations and bad localizations, BA is the only mobage to ever exist where they are receptive to fixing the translation and even removing bad localization as long as enough people complain. We've had some success in the past.
Kaya stop posting
localizers are shit but they weren't the ones responsible for the 'aris' change. blame KR for enforcing that
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JP stream is going to be a shitshow in the chat tonight. I look forward to the chaos lel
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Translation when?
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What's funnier is hearing them laugh and it still isn't the unique text.
Big Rumi for me
I'm too addicted to her boob sweat
She can absolutely tear up the backline but she's a frontliner bag user with barely any HP so she gets torn in half just as fast.
Usable, but not top tier.
There won't be any chaos. Yostar and Nexon already apologized.
it's like a warm nostalgic blanket

Rio STUNS pathetic SCHALE sensei by explaining Trolley Problem in unrelated situation
How does the thing with not seeing the haloes work sine they talked about how Seia's was nearly shattered, and Hoshino said that if the Abydos students would face her on the battlefield they should aim for her halo when she left the school
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i just want /bag/ to be happy
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Do we have any girls who aren't retarded at Hyakkiyako yet?
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You only like Momoi for her body.
>Is the perfect wife-in-training
>Not that popular

What went wrong with Mimori?
Holy shit I had no idea she was so prolific
Do I need to beat INS for plat? These clears I'm seeing on Youtube really don't look comfy.
>It doesn't make sense
Key never actually had "control" over Alice
Key isn't the true Alice, key is literally a key command programmed into Alice that's meant to wake up the true Alice once the time is right
But key is subservient to Alice
The only reason key could take control is because Rio sent Alice into such a depression spiral that she retreated back into the recesses of her own mind, so Key could take command if Alice wasn't going to use her body. Rio fully convinced Alice that as long as Alice existed everyone would die, which ironically created the situation that would have caused such a thing
As long as Alice is self aware of herself and what she is, key is subservient to her. Key is just a servant for Alice meant to awaken her when it's time, but if Alice chooses to remain as the current Alice then key has to go along with it

>Then how did she take control originally
Because Alice was unaware of her true nature of what she was, even that she was a robot. This ignorance gave key a chance to take control when Alice connected with the forgotten priest machines
Just be yourself
anyone in hyakkiyako has drank the tainted water supply already
it's extremely rare to find a non-retard
Gold is fine
I love these fucking retarded comics
post body
895782769 cumshots inside Daphne's mouth
Imagine super hot and steamy hotsprings sex with Shigure with her fluffy tail flicking against your nose, giggling at you as you try to bat it away.
And this is why Mika will never have a Monday special series. Too expensive.

They should have chosen a cheaper VA for her instead.
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>we'll be enemies, so don't feel bad about taking me out guys
>no not on a date are you a fucking moron?
Always found this Hina disturbingly cute.
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Will BA ever top its 2nd anniversary?
No one wants Mimori to read their minds
sexy momoi
They never said they couldn't see the halos, no matter how many times this gets explained people still go "so you're saying they can't see the halos at all??"

No they just can't recognize them, for the students all the halos look about the same. They understand on some level halos look different but they don't look all unique with unique colors to other students. For students all halos just look generic or normal. Only sensei or the player sees the halos as unique
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Unironically not mentally ill enough.
Look at the most popular students in the game by fanart count
>Yuuka - obsessive compulsive disorder
>Hoshino - depression / psychosis
>Asuna - dementia
>Shiroko - multiple personality disorder
>Hina - narcissism
>Mika - narcissism
>Alice - multiple personality disorder
No. We peaked too early.
Ah I see, thanks for the explanation.
she reads my mind
Only your top 3 are correct. Retard
I'm thinking extreme for greg
>Recognise a bunch of these characters
>Never guessed they were voiced by the same person.
>Not only Kongou but the rest of the ships in her division
Ok that's just showing off.
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Do people actually believe Seia is tomorrow?
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>Hina - narcissism
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>Hmm, its gregorius? I can finally use my UE50 Toki!
Why do they fucking hate her?
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Shiroko walks around with pads and hair extensions and says she's from another world and that's apparently not multiple personality disorder?
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I want to eat Alice out.
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I just want something more than Trinityfes and a bunch of alts.
You will die from motor oil intake
So, on Weibo, the chinks are planning a massive hate raid for tonights JP stream. Expect to see chinese spam non-stop. JP users will ignore it but English speakers will be sure to enage with them

TLDR ignore chat for the JP stream
early KC tended to do that, having the sister ships voiced by the same person. it's not restricted to the Kongou-class alone
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>tap kaede
>lvl up screen loads
>oh, a new level?
>actually tapped on another student with my palm
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But we get Rabu+Seia+Akira
Just read this for the full context






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>smashing your entire hand onto the screen
Bet you wouldn't be complaining if it was an Azusa alt
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Win win
I'll wait for the AI generated chat summary for some laughs then close the chat like I always do for any sort of announcement stream no matter the game, but thanks
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Lay off the burgers Hiyori.
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I can post other students too, what now?
Which student is the most retarded canonically
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Bet you wouldn't be complaining if it was a Hifumi alt
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Rabu Akira banner would be great but I don't want that because I'd have to either get lucky or spend money
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how does she do that
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Glowing dinos? That shit's for kids, where's the Pink Floyd albums
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Depends on what type of retard you mean
Mine is sucking my wallet dry
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People will say Cheese
Which I sadly agree with
But it's not her fault
What round are you in for Aoi's minigame?
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Students for this feel?
where the student boobies at
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I cropped it.
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I love her anyway
I rename every danbooru file so that it reads
instead of
idk.. out of all the localization issues, how they write out the laughs is not a high priority for me. I mean you know how the students laugh because they have VAs. what's far more important is how they try to remove any line that implies a bit of intimacy between sensei and a student. Tsubaki being the latest example
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He hwat?
I sometimes envy Chinese nationalism. Hardly anyone in my country is patriotic these days, and if they are, people label them as right-wingers. Nexon should've have forseen this when they showed Taiwan stats.
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Are you ready to see Airi all grown up?
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dont sleep on the greg GA do at least one of each color even in the easiest difficulty. Otherwise no ten roll for you
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Did you add Nagi to your curriculum, fellow /bag/gers?
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that's right I did it, I called it in to John Nexon so I could save some pyros because there's going to be a bigshot Millennium banner afterwards
why did they give her the sex eyes
I know this can be handwaved as "anime lol" but how does the Gournet and ASS club manage to avoid gaining weight while Hiyori is a fatass?
she has been in my academy for a long time actually,
Laughs are core to the character the laughs are part of the intimacy and feeling of the character. It's a core aspect which creates the feeling of the character in the original language

Hoshino gives you the Uhee~
Mutsuki gives you the kufufu
Kisaki gives you the kufufu
Ako gives you a regular fufu
A character gives you a gyehehe
A character gives you the old Kehehe
That creates the feeling, it's not the same without it
That is a core feeling of the character

It's not the same when Kisaki goes "teehee heeheehee"
It's fucking shit, it's a horrible localization practice
Cringe AF
One of the few cases I wish they'd change her OG art to match her alt.
The other is Eimi.
I don't like reading the chat anyways. The zoomer emoji spammers are to embarrassing to watch.
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just dont gain weight retard lmao
11 i think
She kind of explains this in her momotalks.
also i've been secretly feeding hiroy some fatty foods whenever she's around
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>that faint stained spot on the panties
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There's something called exercise
As long as you use more calories than you take in, you're fine
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I tend to get pretty good defence games with this setup and the only character my team really dies to is sHanako, even nyHaruna teams can't seem to beat me without having sHanako on their team

bHosh feels weak in pvp since she's ultra squishy and her only redeeming factor is the big reach on her EX. Reisa periodically kills her if hosh doesn't use her EX first. She's being used like a cope sHanako in my bracket, but I think people are overestimating her since sHanako already extremely dominates alongside the cancerous sShiroko/Shun/metaPVPdps combo
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>he wouldnt fuck his daughter
whats the point of her then?
That is the last thing you should be looking at on that image you weirdo
Thinking about Nozomi paizuri again

Nope, got Toki at 190 rolls and then went for another roll and ended up sparking Koyuki, ended up getting Aru (dress), Kasumi, Ako and Rumi during the rolls
>Airi got a big boost in popularity from her welfare alt
>Same deal with Kirino
>Same deal with Hibiki
>Same deal with Hatsumi
>Izumi and Junko didn't get much in comparaison

What went wrong with the Gourmet?
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congrats on Ako and striker Ako
Izumi is just ugly while Junko is annoying to listen to
I read that as Nonomi and now I'm a little disappointed.
Naizuri is the best
NY alts aren't sexy.
Rumi makes crotch rice and feeds it to Sensei.
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>So this is what the top ranked people are doing to clear insane greg huh, let me try it out
>3 of my students die 10 seconds into the fight
Yep, extreme greg.
>Rank ~8000 plat for beating Gregorius extreme in all three colours
Surely this gets stolen from me soon? Are the indogs I share a server with THIS retarded? Holy shit I love Gregorius
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what is crotch rice?
She's a child.
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Is oChinatsu necessary to make mMomoi work on Purple SRKR?
I really don't like these chibi comparisons
I don't like change

I had a dream where Junko was flirting with me, she went from a student I was indifferent on to one of my favourites.
Because neither Izumi nor Junko got to play a major role in the events they featured in.
SIzumi got a short appearance in Trinity Summer and was just lumped with the rest of the Gourmets in Gehenna Summer (the event she actually got made playable).
NY Gourmets was basically just a Haruna+Fuuka event, with Juri playing a minor role. The other 3 were just background characters.
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Ibuki manga

Murder & Homicide
Probation Violations
Tax Fraud
Theft Crimes
Violent Crimes

Akari idk, she's not super appealing (although her NY alt was very sex)
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Haruna should transfer
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>1 INS clear and 2 EX clears is top 800 in EU
Nice, I guess I'm done.
What would Mari do if sensei walked in on her sniffing his sweaty underwear?
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>google this
>Taiwan Surface Mounting Technology
You can't say that
Why does Haruna only have one wing? Did she get the other caught in a car door when she was younger or something?
no one is arguing that. I'm just saying that you already know the laugh of the student from the voice of the VA so you can easily insert it in your head when they're laughing in text form. you do not know when they decide to remove intimacy in the EN script without having to do research prior
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>probation violations
she doesnt believe in the law therefore it does not apply to her
>tax fraud
merely borrowing
>violent crimes
describe violent by kivotos standards
>fuck junko
is it just me, or did her legs get chubbier?
Gourmet NY was fucking terrible just more Harunawank even though everything with the Gourmets is already Harunawank
The other 3 basically dont even fucking exist, it's literally like the club is Haruna and 3 Chinatsus
That's how bad it is
Team Stalder Muay Thai
Teenage Sutant Minja Turtles
post the next part
It's an accessory, not a real wing
Imagine doing 1+ insane greg
Couldn't be me
>Realise I now own all three Harunas

Does that makes me an Harunafag?
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Takes a lot of digging to find the good stuff




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>it's literally like the club is Haruna and 3 Chinatsus
I like this image
Alright you win.
And I eat it happily
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if you read Haruna's momotalks and realize everything she said and did was justified including the reasons why she blew up restaurants then yeah
>The Prefect exist to wank Hina
>Nobody has an issue with this
>The Gourmet exist to want Haruna
>Suddenly controversy

What gives?
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Guyo cute
this one is good
But Shizuko is smart, she is just a bit weird.
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Yeah, sure
Next you'll say Hina's horns are fake too
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but its those little chicken legs that get me hard as diamonds, what am i supposed to do
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>Retard answer
>Real answer
What's the easiest color to clear INS greg? I have basically all of the meta students.
They're not, but they can change size and glow
Red is a joke with DHina.
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to the anons from earlier, I was able to clear Greg with the updated BlueStacks and didn't even get interrupted by ads (yet). Struggling with yellow ins though, not sure if I can make it
Red because lol dHina hyperbuffing
Yume bros...
stop killing hinahaters. They are real, they exist
>Everyone on /bag/ has Mika except for me

How do I cope bros?
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Kaho is pretty cute
t. just did her 3'rd momotalk
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I feel like Ako and Iori actually get given some characterization despite Hina being around. Ako also got to appear in Sportsfes, Iori got to appear in TTT, Chinatsu did appear in the Onsen event but that was hardly a role.
Meanwhile Gourmets, Izumi got to appear in Trinity Summer, both Akari and Junko haven't ever really gotten content away from Haruna.
Whenever Haruna is on screen, the other 3 basically exist just to prop her up and agree with her, similar to Prefects but at least the Prefects get to do stuff without Hina, the Gourmets don't get to do anything without Haruna.
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I'm going to teach that bnuy how to act like a proper lady (in bed)
Paizuri marathons from Hanako
Paizuri marathons from Nonomi
Ako and Iori are both more popular than any of the Gourmet Club
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By saving for bluefes now because her banner is in somewhere around 90 days
I thought blue was easier than red even though I have a maxed dhina
in my case koharu just didn't want to collaborate and turn the organ around
>Nobody has an issue with this
>Nobody has an issue with this
>Nobody has an issue with this
Wake me up when Sensei calls Haruna for help ruining a volume.
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anxious and slightly dense ninja bnuy love
thank god Hinawank is over and we're going to enter NAGUSAWANK
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She literally punched a cat.
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itai desu yo
For the amount of content Gourmets get it's kind of fucking pathetic how little of it really went to others that weren't Haruna
Actual joke of a club
Anybody who likes a gourmet other than Haruna must be a fucking retard lmao
The others are basically just a cheerleader mob as far as I'm concerned
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Muh Hinawank
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momoi sharded
this artist blows dick
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woah ffxiv crossover
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Makoto-sama once agains wins by doing absolutetly nothing.
God i want to have sex with Makoto
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Damn /bag/ dislike THIS?!
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B-but Hina wank is real!
i don't have strong feelings about her either way. she's a good unit but her character just feels really generic in a game with a lot of interesting types.
I hate ketchup.
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okay. heehee! heeheehee!
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bros i had coconut rum flavored coffee like 6 hours ago and i keep burping up rotten egg flavor am i dying
I dislike her for stealing all the screentime from the other gourmets, and Juri, arguably Fuuka as well because it's not like she does much half the time.
None of them get to actually be their own character because of Haruna.
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Nagusa wank will never happen. Literally no one cares about her.
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Glad someone called that out.
God I want to cover Ibuki if you catch my drift
She draws just as good as an AI
Big Seia best Seia.
I liked this Aris video
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Post the next part
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/bag/ loves forehead the most
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I don't want to start shit but she is literally a dev pet. Blue Archive was going to be about Trinity vs Gehenna from the Gourmet's point of view (with the eventual Arius surprise).
Usagi Flap is such a banger
>level 89, 24849/26770 Exp
The last 10k before the cap feels slower than the entire period from 88 to 89.
Feet? I love them
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just dont think about it
its how i cope
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Ayame... would've been wanked
There's next part?
oh so that's the whole animation... I kinda wish she just faded away after the steering wheel popped out desu
It definitely feels like they get a lot of undue love in the story for whatever reason, but they are just not interesting whatsoever as a club so I've never had it in me to care much. Akari is probably my favorite of the bunch just because she's a useful unit.
I dislike her for basically committing worse crimes than the majority of the game's antagonists and yet never receiving any repercussions from it. Not even a mild scolding from Sensei. She makes Kaya look like a harmless angel but the plot treats it like it's no big deal.
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send ticket please sir
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Gun to the head, if you had to choose between Hoshinowank, Hinawank and Harunawank which one will it be?
The gun.
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Hope you're ready for more once we get Hina in V1C3 in global.
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Harunawank at least has a sex voice
That's a hag
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oh i wouldnt know about any next part
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>Not fat
Hoshinowank but only if it's modern day not the younger form
I think Akari is prettier than Haruna.
Hoshinowank because even if I dislike her at the end of the day she's an actual character as opposed to the other two
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>wah i am sad and depressed
>wah i am overworked and perfect
>lol i am the fucking best fuck you all
I'm gonna go with Haruna
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heehee heeheehee
the goose will eventually be loose and you'll have to say you always liked her
Are the 10 student raid rewards worth it?
Who should be wanked next?
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Hina. Hoshino is okay but Haruna is my least favorite GRS.
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Riddle me this: if Haruna is so bad, why is she so sex?
thats how calories work, yes
Me. I should be wanked.
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I will be Hina's Strongest soldier.
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is there one for kazoos?
Haruna wanking me.
you WILL have sex with stoat
Was expecting this post.
Thank you.
Nonomi/Ayane/Serika, Chinatsu/Iori/Iroha/Makoto/Ibuki/Satsuki/Chiaki/Kasumi, Akari/Izumi/Junko/Fuuka/Juri.
The students who get neglected due to the wankers.
Hoshinowank will invariably lead to Hinawank
getting a feeling about gregg. donatsu?
She literally just got an alt
Makoto wank soon
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Shit happens
bwos im eepy
but only if her tits are the correct size
Nodokabros, our response?
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the full art:
Hoshino, easy. I'm sick of Hina and I like Akari and Junko more than Haruna even if they're joke characters.
M-my rights...
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what the fuck even is the excuse in this one
would making the laugh from heehee to ehe hehehe or god forbid hihi make the translation niggers break down and commit suicide on the spot?
ngl i was locked onto the armpits, but this stoat is a bit big
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>get tired of malding Insane
>do 3 Extremes
>Instant Plat on EU
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>have to do this for five hours instead of sleeping
I'd die.
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The number one easiest way to make a character forgivable is to make them a sensei fag
People will forgive as long as they love sensei

Haruna loves sensei so she can get away with whatever
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good news!
>Iroha, Fuuka, Kasumi, and Ibuki
I feel like they've been decently appreciated no? Arguably Makoto too (since she's a bit/meme character)
The rest I agree with though
They probably don't even listen to the thing and work from a script and do whatever the fuck they want.
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God I love this
Very small tits affected by gravity like this
It's a miracle
*tucks you in*
Good night, sleep tight
>The number one easiest way to make a character forgivable is to make them a sensei fag
There are a single digit number of character who wouldn't be considered senseifags, and most of them aren't playable.
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Her Sister
Should I roll for Nagisa?
I got toki last time and there doesnt seem to be anything interesting until Bluefes
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I just want more content of them but you're right.
Wouldn't mind getting something with Fuuka that doesn't have Haruna attached to it though.
>removed laughts
skill issue, just mentally put it back
>removed intimacy
skill issue, just mentally put it back
>removed the text completely
skill issue, just mentally put it back
Do you like her? Do you want to see her momos?
>was 1500 at restart
>currently 1650
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Good night
Oh no she has covid
Its fucking over
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The stream is live /bag/
it's all me, I have more accounts to do still
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Did she at least invite me to dinner first?
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-ive aLIVE
Not really. Really powercrept. Depends on who you already have.
There's a difference between casual sensei fag and true sensei fags
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I got two purple gifts for the first time in a long time please praise me
Good night
I'd argue yes, especially because there's nothing too amazing coming up
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Say Bing is a word play of Saving, because it's an event about lifeguards
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We've always had Bluefes but when's Archivefes?
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that's stupid
Congrats anon
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>want to make curry
>Not actually hungry yet
This really is a blue archive
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i dont get it
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It's Alice because of Alicesoft.
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She's just strong, but at least the story makes no attempt to hide how mentally ill she is. Her winning all fights and everyone sucking her off gets old but is palatable since her wanking is all in the context of combat prowess.
Feels like the story is warping itself and making every other character dumber just to prop up Hina. You really expect me to believe the strongest girl in Gehenna who is overworked to the bone can't delegate menial tasks like finding cats or cleaning up classrooms to other students, to anyone from the whole group she happens to lead? That everyone else in Gehenna is so incompetent that they don't notice this and call her out on it for doing their jobs for them?
Her wanking is being the dev pet and forcing her to show up events way more than she has any right to be, considering she just does her one note gimmick of food tourism or capturing Fuuka over and over again. It just gets old after the 2nd time and they've done absolutely nothing to try and spice things up.

I pick Hoshino.
Give them to me
That Nodoka line is
>으헤, 으헤헤
A literal translation from gook would be "euhe, euhehe", 'eu' is a bit weird so even ehehe would be fine. But the translators/localizers are retarded and refuse to even use "hehe" for laughs that are clearly 'hehe' and instead opt to use "heehee" for every laugh.
It's fucking aggravating.
Haruna is a turbostacy with an incredible voice that can give tailjobs so I will go with that
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Congrats! ...can I have them?
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Hina is my wife, but the next time she appears in the story I want it to be like with the gamers and the rabbits, where she didn't stand out so much and felt more like a part of a team, so no wank.
Haruna is fine, but I prefer more Hoshwank.
>muh key sexo
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Consider this:
counterpoint: I don't care how exactly she's laughing, it doesn't matter
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say nig
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Where can I get Otogi gf
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Mika love
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They're just hiding it.
>rin has had zero relevance since vol F
It's not fucking fair.
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This is what Chise is going to do to all of you
Akari is the real mystery.
Izumi is fat, both Junko and Haruna don't each much.
Why is Natsu such a fatass
Join the club.
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2025 will be the Millennium's year
>Millennium pajama party to usher us into the New Year
>New story chapters
>Rio, Key and Rei will be released
>Camp Maki in her rerun event
>There will be a Himari alt
>Millennium is overdue a swimsuit event so they're finally gonna get one
>Toki will receive a buff and Abi-Eshuh mode will be permanent after activation
>Another member of The Seven Prisoners is revealed and she was a Millennium student. She will be a reference to Dr. Robotnik and Dr. Wily.
>Black Suit makes his triumphant return and is now targeting Millennium mystics
>Nameless Priests will make their appearance again in the new Millennium story chapters
>Decagrammaton stuff continues and we will fight Malkuth for the first time
>We will also get a glimpse of Eimi's secret past
>Sumire will be relevant
Which students would share Sensei?
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>to share
chocomint is WAY tall. Garbage picture, shes the tallest.
>Akari is the real mystery.
A lot of competitive eaters have insane metabolisms, people like Kobayashi or Joey Chestnut or Matt Stonie aren't fat and they put away insane amounts. Akari's stories show her to be on that level of consumption.
Wait a minute: if everyone is a Senseifag and said everyone is part of a club (except Sena who's alone) then does that mean someone in a club managing to get into a relationship with Sensei cause the other members to get cucked?
I love Chiseposting
Just like how 2024 was Gehenna's year and 2023 was Trinity's year, right?

They're all named after eroge companies
Super Nintendo Alice
Everything is a reference
Akari gets enough exercise by raping Sensei (me) every night
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Don't those competitive eaters like... exercise or fast to keep their weight in check? Where does it all go?
there are clubs that are full package deals and there are clubs that have selfish people
that's for you to decide which club is which
Sumire is also alone until they release that baseball redhead.
Hoshino is a flawed character despite her strength
Hina Sue isn't
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Is there anything that makes the chinks seethe more than Taiwan?
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I'm sorry, Chise, but poop
I don’t care for Hoshino
Orcsoft...nitroplus ..leaf doko?
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Calling Haruna anything wank is retarded, she is like a gag character outside of her momos.
Both Hoshino and Hina have proper wank by the story making them both extremely great and good and strong and whatever other shit they come up with, and it's fucking boring after they have done it in every single event and story, and it's even more boring that dHina and sHoshino and bHoshino are stupidly meta characters.
Tell me the logic of translating Koyuki's Nihaha, literally the most iconic laugh in the game it's the only thing anyone knows about her character, as yahaha
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they purge
This year has been surprisingly evenly spread honestly. I feel like Millennium is the only one who isn't getting any content but they're probably getting Pajamas for NY.
If we get Trinity Festival with this stream though the scales will tip and it's gonna be a Trinity year (again).
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These relate to the Saibas? I don't get it.
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Where's Key?
she is being reclassified as a pirate as we speak sensei
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good enough
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>how can I make this about pina
Counterpoint; the reason shit never gets fixed is because any time people bring up issues someone goes "umm, this really isn't even an actual problem in the grand scheme of things, I don't even care, no one should care" and undercuts it.
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It's peekza for me again
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>havent gotten to my target floor in Set
>havent read the new story chapter
>havent done my GA fights yet
Im so fucking lazy this week holy shit
complaining about this shit on 4chan won't get it fixed though
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where kannawank
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this is my first 2x drop in weeks I'm not handing it over

my other drop was 1 purple report off a radiant I hate it
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Pizza time.
>there are clubs that are full package deals

Proof that Kivotos is pro-polygamy?
>surprisingly even
>literally 6 months of non stop Abydos shilling
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We are gonna laught at seia fags again today
I wish I had money for Honashi's fanbox
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When stream
Fuck it, Nexon needs to make what if story where Key won
My headcanon said so
All members appear to be references to prominent Japanese eroge companies:
Aris - Alicesoft
Yuzu - Yuzusoft
Midori - WendyBell due to the company being green themed and a subsidiary of Cyberworks (Saiba)
Momoi - TinkerBell due to the company being pink themed and a subsidiary of Cyberworks (Saiba)
I can confirm that I, John Nexon, ignore all translation tickets if someone in this taiwanese chicken soup forum undermines it.
Post Hoshino wife
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We have people who send tickets. Wanna help right now? Submit this and tell them they're mistranslating all of Ibuki's lines wrong by not having her speak in third person.
>He doesn't know
If you care about accuracy this much why don't you play it in the language it originally was released in?
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I can't contain my excitement. I'm having a panic attack.
cyberworks tinkerbell is pink
cyberwokrs wendybell is green
Thing is, whenever Trinity gets wanked it's usually never wanking just the popular girls. Otherwise we would have had a Mika alt by now instead she's completely absent. They just kinda wank whoever, I mean Azusa and Hifumi haven't showed up in literal years now. It's not like Abydos where all the attention goes to Hoshino or like Gehenna where all the attention goes to Hina. When Hanako was revealed as the Bluefes for 2.5 it was genuinely surprising because she wasnt really popular at all at the time.
Posting Rio every day until she gets added Day 274
I kinda prefer it that way anon, what kinda 9 year old speaks in 3rd person
People don't realize when they're not the target audience of translations desu
what's up?
yeah I know about vol 4, vol F, summer valk event, and the shorts
but I'm greedy and I want more
Rate the VN
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And this. This is just the tip of the iceberg considering her Momotalks and 3rd Anniversary event lines. Weirdly, her L2D is half translated properly.
Are you a localizer?
>I kinda prefer it that way
The fuck
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im having an auto attack
Hello there.
They can't make a Mika alt because it would break another color to give a second unit most of her buffs.
I still can't tell if /bag/ shitting on Miyako (especially when she appear as a spook) is in jest or genuine. Am I autistic?
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Sexy Tinker?
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>He lacks the knowledge
chise saves me every time she bings.
>/bag/ defending localizers
It's over
Miyako is the canon wife of the game, it’s all jokes
Today we will say goodbye to one of our long-time ritualpost
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why are you excited? it's not going to be a Millennium banner
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Actually that's the only one various things have been fixed lately
It's exactly because we complained about it here that Kikyo, Aru, Tsubaki, and various other lines have slowly been fixed
People complain here, the fire rises unless someone splashes water on it, and everyone sends in tickets

Within the last three months we've had twenty or so lines fixed and changed to remove incorrect translations. We spread the message here, and from here it spreads to Twitter and reddit and then it keeps going
You can't assume that we have no impact when we've seen impact happen. It was only this year someone discovered half of Mutsuki 's valentine's was never added to the English version of the game due to localizers removing a large chunk of dialogue they didn't like
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alicesoft yuzusoft
I learned Japanese to play my weebshit more accurately, why can't you learn Korean?
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I need purple gifts to feed my family, please.
Miyako might be the worst student in the game, insanely uninteresting
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Whoever student banner get announced on stream and it kit revealed, it will still be dogshit as usual after a meta banner.
Okay then, carry on anon
Based. I feel more and more art is coming out with Shigure's tits being massive for no reason. She's big, but she's not that big
>he doesn't know
It'll be Rio
Cope seia is not going to be released
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key sexo
>insanely uninteresting
Wakamo is right there.
Haruna because she's the only one who has a woman's body while the other two look like 7-year-olds. Also, both of them have a deformed head, especially Hina, she looks like a fucking alien
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I can't donate my terrible luck until after I get to 100. Then I'll give you all my weapon parts and furniture and reports and OOParts.
I think that Mutsuki Valentines was a legitimate error considering they actually announced it in a patch note instead of just quietly fixing it next update, the translator must have fucked up and overwritten some code or something.
Seia should release her piss in my mouth
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I hate students like Miyako the most.
I legitimately don't get why Yukari isn't THAT popular (500 posts on Booru, which is smaller than Chihiro of all student) when she has everything (good body/personality/kit)
Good, ritualposters are cancer. I like Suz*mi but her 2 ritualfaggots are annoying.
Why are you defending localizers
Mimonel is a bit inconsistent at times but I forgive him because his art makes my peepee hard
I'm shitposting because the ◕‸◕ face is funny
Wouldn't mind a Mutsuki sex SP as JP new unit
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translators don't get access to code usually, translatable text is extracted into an excel and they process it into some translation tool like memoq
i would assume version control was responsible for this issue but i guess we'll never know for sure
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Nagusa fucking when
Rance onthology
Why can't you learn the original language of the dialogue that has all these nuances you claim to love? I don't think the BA localization is good but it's just funny that you care this much about the original intent but you're still playing a translated version.
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We love Miyako here
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/bag/ loves Miyako the most
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surprise FOX banner FOR SURE this time
>I like localizers making up and changing lines however they please because in this case I think it's better
Just as bad as redditers who defend memes in translations because they think it's "better"

There's only one question when it comes to translation, is it accurate or not
It's either all the way or it's nothing, as accurate as possible. If you aren't using that as the measuring tool then you end up the same as the redditor who will defend fake translation because "well ris funnier this way"
Whether you like it doesn't matter, what matters is accuracy. If you're removing a character quirk entirely then you specifically aren't being accurate, you're just deciding shit for yourself on a whim.
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So you like Miyako?
this but ako
So youre defending localizers
how gold am i, izuna?
Volume 5 as a whole just wasn't that popular in Japan. It was even less popular than V4C2 which is saying a lot because that wasn't popular either.
>Trinity tomorrow
>It's actually the mythical Suzumi content

How would you react?
JP players didn't gel with Chapter 5 at all, plus all the art that would have been made got funneled towards Kikyou instead
She said she hates adults like me the most and I will take that to my grave
You're still in plat because you're on the Asia server, right?
i like this picture
Is it wrong to want them to do a better job?
If you're too lazy to learn Korean, or even Japanese, you don't get to complain about missing something in translation. Something is always "lost in translation", that's the nature of language. You're perfectly willing to lose a certain amount of nuance but are pretending you're some textual loyalist. It's quite funny.
Sounds like you're defending localizers to me
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How's your Saturday night going?
Demographics of these threads are changing fast
We now have full on localization defenders using the usual localization defense phrases in here now telling people to eat shit and not complain, "go read it in Japanese if you want accurate you should never expect accurate translation"
It's like people here are actually angry that we've had some success fixing the translation slowly and they want it to stop
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but sensei....
How do you accurately translate a kanji pun which has no equivalent in the English language?
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C'mon, this is pathetic samefagging.
5 minutes left
100%. Around 8k is my estimate.
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>made a chapter specifically for nipwank
>they didn't like it
Is it the Korean blood?
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It's called being a human being, chud.
You are a lazy hypocrite. Say whatever else you like about it, it won't change that.
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Would you have sex with a dying student?
Okay localizer
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Played vidya all day.
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>Yukishiro first to "TL" this
I hate this faggot so much
I'm not the one playing a bastardized version of the game, my sad little friend.
it's going but I should probably stop procrastinating
not everything translates well into different languages and cultures which is why localizers sometimes have to decide to change a thing here and there, hopefully for good reason and usually with the original writer's consent. I don't speak either Korean or Japanese so I can't talk about the specific examples here
I just don't think localizers deserve to be so vilified all the time when they're (often) just trying to make everything make sense in a different language
if they are changing things for no reason other than imposing their world view fuck 'em tho
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I feel bad thinking often about how much I want to rape Alice considering how absolutely cute she is. The temptation is too strong
Post your JP login streak
Miyako is just boring compared to her squadmates.
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NY event proved she can be interesting paired up with Fuuko when they're not forcing the jokes. It helps that her club has more of a team rocket vibe.
Hoshino at least has a tragic backstory to make her interesting.
Hina is a good person but it's hard to not notice how the rest of Gehenna orbits her. If they cut that bullshit out she'd be fine.
key sex
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Tourist hours starting early I see
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found the nameless priest
>localizer bootlickers in this thread
what a sad existence
Sounds like you're going to complain about localizers for the rest of your life. Localization practices in their current state have been going on for the better part of 1-2 decades already. Where were you when the important gatekeeping had to happen back then? Everything's only as bad as it is because all the normalfaggots enabling this shit became the majority.

Learning the original language is ironically more relevant now than it was back in the fansub days.
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>how the rest of Gehenna orbits her
I mean Haruna has her own three orbiters...
imagine drinking the bathwater on the left haha
>localizer bootlickers
is this a discord raid?
Black Suit wins by just 2 votes
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Use imeji, /bag/
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I would have sex with Millennium Mob B
Stop defending localizers
Haruna was insufferable in the NY event, what do you mean?
The scatschizo just uses a new tactic every other day because he can't scatpost anymore.
>Even /bag/'s starting to get plagued with normalfaggotry ironic weebs
Blue Archive may not be over yet, but /bag/ might be before long if this keeps up.
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Drink both, don't waste water.
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Bros before hoes.
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Is the Mutsuki valentine completely fixed already i forgot
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All is right with the world.
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Yeah it got fixed.
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You're actually the one defending them since you rely on their work to play/read the game. You're the ones keeping them in a job. If anything, spending all this time filing complaints about their work more likely gets them to double down in being defensive about their genius writing
yeah bro they fixed it after the event ended
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Haruna has three, five if you stretch to the lunch club.
Hina has GEHENNA, including the beforementioned clubs.
To each their own, I liked her in it.
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It's bepis
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Going to make curry
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Stop defending localizers bro
Don't forget me, /bag/...
Going to make Kaede into a mother
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good hair good uniform big sleeves also pantyhose she's perfect
>Nooooo eat what you're given or shut up, you aren't allowed to make it better
Why are you talking in third person?
maybe next year seia.... maybe next year...
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Don't give this retard yous
>we hit post limit before image limit
Three is still three too many. She's still the lesser evil when you compare her to Hina but I want to see her orbiters get their own content for a change.
The NYGourmet event should have been for one of them, not Haruna, she already gets so much.
she's not a proper lady yet is this the future you want for your children
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why did youtube change the seekbar to go from red to pink instead of solid red it made me think my monitor was broken
>If you want to stick it to localizer just learn a (or in BA's case 2) different language(s) bro

What drives someone to argue this?
Learn Korean bro
Yeah that fucked with me the other day too. Change for the sake of change I guess, fucking youtube.
We're coming on 3 years (+1 Scott death) and we're still submitting tickets for the same types of issues. It hasn't gotten better
Hey, can you make sure you reply in your whiny arguments next time? It makes it easier for me to filter this.
Shit gets fixed if you complain.
Want things to get WORSE? Stop complaining.
/bag/ used to love the "learn Japanese, bro" posts...
>your complaints will never fix things
>just do nothing
pathetic attitude
just bake the new bread already and leave these retards to argue here
Don't make any more threads
And you have to thank the people who take it to twitter and reddit for that. Complaining about heehees for the millionth time here won't do anything. I bet there are tickets they automatically ignore, considering there are lines that I didn't even knew people complained about that got fixed inmediately.
This is the end
My friend, the end
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sex with kaya
BA will be dead by the time I learn Japanese...
Hold your breath and count to 10
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/bag/ used to love
Project RX soon
D1's not-KV soon
long live the cakes
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You definitely fucking can't post that
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there's a penis you can't just post that
I'm surprised Thai got another video.
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That's a goofy looking iboogie
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that's not eboog
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man she's so cute bros
just wanted to drop by and say that
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she do be
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