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Previous Thread: >>499127225

>Guides, Resources and useful links:
>4koma, Manga, Side Content, PVs & Shorts

>10/16 (Wed) 11:00 - 10/23 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Yukari (3* - Rerun)
Renge (3* - Rerun)
Kikyou (3* - Rerun)

Autumn Livestream: https://www.youtube.com/live/NG45fvLswco - 10/20 (Sun) 19:00 (JST)
SCHALE Settlement Task with General Student Council - 10/10 (Thu) After Maint - 10/23 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Grand Assault: Kurokage (Urban - Torment w/Purple Armor) - 10/16 (Wed) 11:00 - 10/23 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 9/26 (Thu) 11:00 - 10/23 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Normals/Scrimmages - 10/16 (Wed) 4:00 - 10/23 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)

>10/15 (Tue) 2:00 (UTC) - 10/22 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Toki (3* - Limited - Rerun)
Nagisa (3* - Limited - Rerun)
Koyuki (3* - Rerun)

Event Pre-Registration, Roadmap, and Livestream: https://bluearchive.nexon.com/events/2024/10/3rd
Patch notes: https://forum.nexon.com/bluearchive-en/board_view?thread=2658579
3rd Anniversary Special Livestream: https://youtube.com/live/s9tLTZVTGuM - 10/18 (Fri) 9:00 (UTC)
Balancing Schale's Books with the General Student Council - 10/8 (Tue) After Maint - 10/22 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Grand Assault: Gregorius (Indoors - Torment w/Heavy Armor) - 10/15 (Tue) 2:00 - 10/21 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 9/25 (Wed) 2:00 - 10/21 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Hards/Commissions - 10/14 (Mon) 19:00 - 10/21 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
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miyako sex
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Finally. Ears to rival Niko's.
I like Miyako.
I don't feel like recycling
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me neither
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Kill Reisa.
Behead Reisa.
Roundhouse kick Reisa into the concrete.
Slam dunk Reisa into the trashcan.
Crucify Reisa.
Defecate in Reisa's boots
Launch Reisa into sun.
Stir fry Reisa's face in acid.
Toss Reisa into active volcano.
Urinate onto Reisa's clothes.
Judo throw Reisa into a wood chipper.
Twist Reisa's stupid head off.
Chop Reisa in half with axe.
Curb stomp Reisa.
Trap Reisa in quicksand.
Crush Reisa under trebuchet.
Liquefy Reisa in a vat of acid.
Eat Reisa.
Dissect Reisa.
Exterminate Reisa in the colosseum.
Stomp Reisa skull with steel toed boots.
Cremate Reisa in the kiln.
Lobotomize Reisa.
Mandatory rocks throwing at Reisa.
Grind Reisa in a mortar.
Rape and dissect Reisa.
Drown Reisa in liquid gold.
Incinerate Reisa with fire.
Kick Reisa off a cliff.
Gas Reisa.
Feed Reisa to the lions.
Slice Reisa's throat open.
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not even close
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Make a fubuki thread retards
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It's getting pretty tiresome...
i already marked this place with my smell. my students will find me no matter what
but im lazy...
>just went 5/5 with a triple tank Sumire Nagisa comp
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What do you think?
assert board dominance and make another thread
you make it retard
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choke mah?
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Pikachu status?
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Gato sexo
fuck off and die already thread wars tranny
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I actually am the property owner of this thread.
Do you have permission to re locate here?
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nobody cares about catalog
Seia killed herself!
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Bocchi was a 7/10 anime but I'd still enjoy a collab as long as it doesn't attract undesirables
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Marina a cute!!! A CUTE!!!
Imagine being actually concerned about that. Pathetic.
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this is my safe space
f-friendly fire!
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Why does she always get the worst hair style?
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how could I do this to myself?
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There can only be one sexy fox poster in this thread
They could atleast jailbreak one NPC per event...
I mean come on...
you're gay
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Finally reached 1 billion credits
>Fubuki happily doing a idol pose
What the fuck happened
Thread #6582
Old: >>499134663
go back to your scatcord shithole if you want to shit a place up
hair loops are magical
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>jailbreak one NPC
Let's get her out of jail
leave the fox girls behind
I just......................... to Hifumi...
She's a woman of many talents.
Non-Recycled Thread
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S-Seiabros.. our stocks? 4th anniversary?
>NagisaGODs are rich
Let's recycle this one next time, okay?
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of course
Could you give me some of those pyroxs?
Bocchi is not compatible with BA. A fandom who believes that the 4 girls are dykes wont appreciate the interactions with Sensei.
Nagisa sends them her paycheck so they won't leave her. Sad!
>Girl who is an anniversary student with less screen time and plot relevance than any other anniversary student and some non-anniversary students
Hee hee.
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Imagine being so autistic you have a problem with people reusing threads
sorry, but i love used goods
sorry you only get a few posts every recycle those are the rules
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>Mari and Sakurako both became idol whores while Hinata didn't
You know, I'm starting to actually believe the "Hinata is the most pure nun" memes more and more...
It literally doesn't matter at all but some anons are very autistic about it
Only if you are Hifumi.
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It's not a meme though... it's true
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>t. Tourist
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My guy have you seen the fanart and porn of bocchifags? It'll be tourist hell if we get a collab with them.
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>After the spam of chinese dresses now we are going to get idol shit

from the pan to frayer aren't we?
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I feel it in my heart and soul
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>Event - Serenade Promenade (Trinity Idol Event)
>Mari (Idol) (3* - Limited)
>Sakurako (Idol) (3* - Limited)
>Mine (Idol) (1* - Welfare)
>QoL - Friend list cap going from 30 to 50
>QoL - Currently active buff/debuff icons for each student are now in the pause menu
>QoL - When using a buff/heal EX skill, while selecting a student (or students if it's an AoE EX) for that buff/heal, an icon of the currently selected student(s) will appear above their head when highlighted. This makes it easier to distinguish who is selected compared to the currently exisiting, barely visible highlighting.
>New Furniture Set: Hyakkiyako
>New Story Volume - "Vol EX: Decagrammaton" (aka Deca is part of the main story)
>New Limit Break Raid - Decagrammaton: Chokmah (DoT & Cover focused)
>Event - Tree of Sephiroth (New Decagrammaton event after the idol event)
who is chokmah?
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Mari performing on stage with my semen dripping down her leg
New Deca robot. Transformer kaiju.
>yurischizo having a metldown about a nonexistent boogeyman again
you also had a very schizophrenic moment about a supposed "mikoto x misaki fandom" for railgun collab and literally nothing happened, drink bleach and die already
chok on mah dick lmao
bad answer
good answer
Mari is a cat perpetually in heat, a natural sensei killer
Sakurako is an autistic virgin who can only dream of sensei sex
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Sorry bro, but the truth is: all idols are whores. You literally can't make it in the music business without fucking some producer (sensei) for funding.
fuck you
I'm using the Seia thread.
Fuck you.
Railgun has male characters that matter and a pretty sizeable self-inserting fandom. Bocchi has no males and attracted twitter yurifags pretty heavily when it came out. Its thread on /a/ is basically a /u/ colony.
I really don't care which thread is used
I was gonna move to the other thread but the autism and spam is a bit much
The more they tell me to move, the more I want to stay here.
Kill yourself cucknigger
He's just taking advantage of the fact this board has like 0 moderation
Brian sensei kicked me out of plat...
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What is your favorite thing about Hifumi?
Doing my greg runs only now. Holy fuck this raid is aids, need to take a break before doing my last color.
That's funny "oldfagbro", I've been here for over 2.5 years and I don't recall ever agreeing that we never should recycle threads
Her tummy
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Do not wear Kazoos' jacket.
Now that the nuns are confirmed whores.
What's next for Trinity?
seiafags eternally btfo
Next time for sure, Seiabros
you cant defeat the doom. you can only delay it
>ignore birthday threads
Sure anon.
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I imagine the number in the subject causes some autism
Hot take but I don't think a character should be entitled to a thread just because it is their birthday
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Today is stream day, newfag-kun
Now that Juri's birthday is over, I think School Lunch Club is STUPID!
I don't like thread wars. My old general always had them.
Only Mari and Sakurako are whores. Hinata is pure but dresses loosely to avoid sweating...Howdo we corrupt Hinata?
Yuzu wouldn't wear that
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>Le number autism
>Birthday threads should be a thing
Still have tourist today I see.
Fubuki's birthday is today tourist-chan
the shitposters have won. /bag/ has fallen
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The ultimate joke of nature.
A white woman who's also a dog.
in short it's just one guy very obsessed with his forced fubuki meme trying to force this shit
i doubt he would be doing the same thing if it were any other girl
You're acting psychotic.
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Should have made the thread earlier then you dumb niggeroid
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Who would look the best in this outfit?
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Death to Seiafags!
Her space buns are one of the cutest hairstyles in the game what the fuck are you talking about
Toothpaste girl.
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I want this thread to live
I need to remember to wait on rolling for the band alts to get the extra 10 roll from GA this time. I hate how long it takes to give you it.
she'd wear whatever you told her to
don't wapp
>replying to yourself
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>that foot
What was he thinking?
>pays Hifumi a friend fee
>pays Sensei a teacher fee
>hehehe.... KVSTONKS!! KV TO THE MOON!!!!
About his own one foot out of the door
It’s amazing how far he fell compared to just two years ago.
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I just had so much rough, wild, animalistic sex on the gehenna campus please please PLEASE don't tell Iori guys
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i -do not- want to do set!
this but also yellow greg
this but all gregs
why is this still up
skipping set
skipping chokema
skipping all limit raids
simple as
it's over
seia lost
it truly is
stop making so many threads niggers I can't never post in the right thread fuck you
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In GA, do you get one borrow for each armor type or are you limited to one borrow per day?
Use the current thread and stop trying to res this
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Delete this dogshit doom thread already. We're hopebros now.
>seia thread still up
BASED! 4th anniversary will be a Seia sweep! Seia, Seia alt, and Seia second alt releases!
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>its shit
but ofc

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